HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-03-15, Page 70 �
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— — — I - _"W" 0 1 -.11, _.____ --WON" "; 1
TINUIRMAY. MARCH 1604 on . ,
aftw� - - — __� __ - - � TM GODS a" "I
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! 0 seaeono"o"oaasowaao"oaKwasamosseemen 4------ I � I 1"4;.� f - !!! "_Z_ - - MENOW."..Mb — - -
IND Mff If 1r,04 ��
10um — I � .. I *, ft� so N
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Huff a" Ne—i"" i Sunday olfternoon f � I It P'l I
,WME So SAD 31% 116 . I .11
I 14, __ I I :�
11 T, .
I's 11AMILTON, Godwirk Od. 'd ! "I
Mr. John X. Xavetoohy, ffUWbi)l,J(, , ill: . . I 1
64a," 1 .�&_r_#_L
auk., wriw- "I butefea With ray .11 , .J,1611�.,,�
heart &nil uOrvels **A was *) baa I 0 Thou who came,if fro. -u above � ru.mb-rs and IK-�,ome th�, Chur,ch on � I oft"ftlio"Va" Bow I .'� I �_..
""I, I t'qW*!J RFD f M$T
1 -
. The Pure, cele5tial Are to imparc, tartly. I .1� A I %Ww I .
rsald Ilot ideepvjfor the 044ille" ill sly Kindle a name of allctfd love Feb. Ilyth-Two Miracles of rawer.� - __ -01ki *OOONNNIM . . . . . I - k 0 qW
tor Wind to woor mees of size tj4reo ,
licail, My 0* Was in a whill, slid I On the mean altsir vt nly hi -art, I 4 a r k 4:33-41 ; 6:15.1t. Vol- mty 1101rus and four, while today they wear I
, " I w
was *Q nervi"us, at tialev, I djil not � . 1"V. ad six#* anti larger. IIX6 IlLjg sgoodted
� Jesus, confirm my heart's de%irer dm Tto-Mlork #:41. AVA L bite You wcrk aud pNy dytil a
To work �
L -1101V v1st to do.- The, and speak, anti think for 4 Jesus. being Nvearitil with hig da,, 's � wl;lle you plav;�' Ls an adaX43 wi,iol " some peovie to lh%eve tlla� wont. I IFWJW
� ,
"I M-28 w"U'li'd,aver iu��, W611, whiell , 0 . - -hell they were 1i has sfwno prfay gp-A sell -de, bavi" 41 rea's feet are, gr�)%inw larger. Btan,
�3till ; Work, fell alleep, 'A � I
I let r
. de gliard tboholy fire, . lvrop.si .A. terrifie storli'l �, it. ft might continue t(k $AV, "Alij llfileturers tell mA'that this is not .so 0 RQ Rose Onqe Pek is ge fm -est
vfis� ne,-�?f�,,u.l lve-nuft I eodla not do And still stir up Thy gift in uw, arose, ofut'hieJulls"e-SItlit on. His uii,, j play fttquvmlly� XIKI ivg4iArly.", much tru*. lid tb3t, ill tho oldor day. .- --ft _1
- 0, its ar'll th!,s tegalicr W;tlk" the liail�s . -Vilarlts Wesley. i eiples became so alarmed that they:� ifaving no whistle blow At sit. O%Awk wordell upkil to squeeze their feot ii..
. k ,t
�� .4e, r I Ia
av 1. .-�F� viwjw, A,.vcty ol,-q� , j. _ _ � PRATIEP I rou" Jesus and said -to bin], 11.mas. 1 the housewire is likely ta go on 011"I to *Xhook -a sixe or 11vo too small far I lea ia the best padage�.Akahm
. I— � � 11 I ter; varost tholl. not that we pe;ijll.,, �; 011I never kDOWilig Whe'l W 41%14� -by to tiz, .
� I (3od, ,our - I I - - - _�
' I 1y I-eluolly Jesus stilled both the wind and the'i is not at ull like the %vorkinan who buidons. 'bul ing bow -s z _" _��_ - � � !.��
� I "I tv_W41 all EW4 of maielve" litit of Almighty Slit, thon, and they 1UR for it r . _=M�__ . � I
330 avvll, cia 1, cornilted a rlv,�Ieklq, I Father, we thank Thee for Peat y g Ind uhlin. ��,- _!M" - - -_ . vn-
* I Word gir,on tQ W ' 3 light 1100 our inaves and then rebuked the dis�-iple,j'(` sued his vmnlqti�r for- damaxe,t W.. Today they give their toes and f&it J11'". .. 0=0=====0=*x====0 =ON==*= .
I . but utis jw,g, wr Ii. -A Q-3 Mr. . �, Path to gulde us unto Thyself. , Orpat for tbeir'fear and lack, of faith. � Qatne h(L.ruihCZl Ills foot in Ills tile. WOM to W Rethe and graceful zmd *
. I � � that We '013Y do our part in tile I 0wreoehing the castcoast. whither j tory. You see it was like this, j.e 000, -we the comforkable 5Uoos. Q I
, , �
"Finellv I recriveil ime OR your ,11 blis'i'lig, -�or T y hingdom tipo I thep wero boun,l, a demon.pa,-,s,1z�Qeol 4,0,d%ed. The ,whistlo b1(,,%%, v;hell h,- The . same thing has happened tp a
Ulnia=.-4 Intl rea,) lkolw ., , -a , ,,� � n - , 10m `,.,arV.0h*�--,,F-'%.%uvV Piece of iven frlove�q '.Ind Corsets. if any. We no, 0 .
. ,31_.,. T ou'p ,in to meet Jeswi'and fell &�zal �
,. . I .11 J,.sus Cbrist our nian r, � , 0 1
� . �knlen ?J;Iny ad , d Oijbig, It s4 4astlly, it *11 �jl longer ermn ourselvve -into tile $nl, 11 .
. N I �
S I _ , rDO, YOU, KNOW -0
I . I old bo:1-orio him. . 11, tried to andI r
I .
. I i ,og i itame Mill but ill i�aln. Jesus &.)ve��,IIIS fOOt. I , 1,4ze and thon bulp over In unsightly Magill milli I - � I I
I 1, 141M - . S. S. LESSOI,V r -I.' ,j R. 25tb, 1928, out tile evil sylirit, and tito mau be -1 The housewife is embitioui, ancl rolls ofght abx�Nand Wlmv'the * P L=4= 11 : 1==:==0=031:M:t=0=
'i . . LcEeen Title_RPATiew: jq:ws- Pro , wants to nq�ompljsh so much. Put k!,Qt. '-Nor (h) Wo rub our It vor- . , � � *=�, . .
U . I I came as. iitlwr 111(1,11. Fear took pw-_ �. ands int�) I 'ZhA,� �L'. - .
claims The !JIngdony of ,God, . 1(,ollyr) _11C)"'4 V qyilz ('�,§Iljt�,,)
I ,�. - . __ __ - _ . session, of tb,-, in"ople and thov bo. i sbc. does not realize that Rim win '.10- I 0aves .which --VLE�-.-,MeYDP--.-21,1,�qnj,-�*.-:—�,--..'I 1_-______..__-___1_-_. - - � , I 1. I I ".._._______ _. -.---. I"....- - - ____ ___
. .
. - . ____1 11iII11111HP-12 - I-- _ -- - ; _404&t. O.O.P. I t�v�"14,1111ulijklsus to i0ave their comury vumlousli aiarQ Pit(i no it unter ang cover ninaki Or oux, sm,e. We bav-e, 2"i'l.- Avhat i'l ',%'Qlv Tortes *.(,rj��,t r. ... ,% 1141valkwam wal JW-
.. I , . Jan. Ist-John. The Bapt!st And e e did. TbA man. fille(I witi, bave moro 'happiness dolop, it. not appreviably grPWn, qW. 'not ri�ally I -, r�yrlkrciu ca,,h 'wook, pertlinkft O.-.
L� 14 , . I it ;Ake " White Way'."' I ('ammoo Tbiagp_ltow 1hey Wapjl�, I
VF . I Jesus -Mark 1:1.u. Golotell gratitude, begged JT2sus to lot -,kiln fgO workt regularly. and then stowi reg. bikker and, Wttor," but =roly morLi � �
� I 7 . -with him. Jesus ,-omnyandcd him �p I I Wbat Thq Are 31t;42, 1 if; .
'I - Tvxt;�Jobp 4:30. r lularly and indulgop in recreation. conifortnble and free. Electric ,,��Ol.v of Th . 0 stars. the R"114
s 'ta . 234. Size ;3n4l Volue, of it,q
, V Wber,e 11(l had. IIv#1d:L US a del .
, _
John, after'a season of siaparx4on lion f. Uccrattion is what It C-ays, -W-elv,l- . . IV000,11ASNET I - sig"81i). I .
:1 . I I from 104 fellow�meyi, sudoleyll�, an- 110d ti'll w1lat Preat thine had.Wen tion. It rebuild worn eylerg!Qs. M, Life, X�leclrgcity, Itadip"
. � , s w Pat woodbashets, foney - I
alley I . hil hif " %Iengi. (400grIP14. keout
, Vearvd Ill the Jordan V, Mlaca. dctpe�, for him. 11-� JVAa to be a 1101110 t The haw which is aluayo-r,trung, -ed r ef R' - Vie, farthest Xorill, vhur�h an , �Wtll. ,
. Weavo Qnd 11;kInt and wl ,oil . Manners. 018tv*.%;�
Ilad rolievea E0 Wally people of the lnf� and baptiziu,-. Ills calImp, of inl8slDnary- I 10-9 its 4aztMty. handles, are 'tbo Pxponslv6 for milli-\ - tht, Ivesteru Heralspiteve '.� Xan. Atilmalq.. Wids. plilat
Um -o trouble, W I immediately eent all men to repent of their sips areas. Ftly. 26th-0ther 311gltt�r Works of The officlou; heuaewifoi. the mastOr of those %Vho VeQd tomothine of tiior g3q; I .
" I . I rest alid great multi., . Jesus. I burilloos man"anes tat keop Qverlac�t 110AV High In the Air Ila . Life; Ni'T01talleous. .
I I for some, and I was really su d . Wool to FerV3 near the fireplQQ0 or , - - -1 . —�� �
� "Pri"'d to' tn es 110eked to, heir hilti.' Amon- -Mark 5-.22-27, 32-30, 41, 4;!. Ingly at Itk, ,with his , *aose, to th'e stove. An old-fasliforud clot Sminds Reach? - I .
-a* . _� i lies bus- - kRFVT V%$483414 (;JV*N� :
ir I w, ined. lily health. It ;
see, 1101�.l -Jesus Od Presented Id.m. * .1, , stone. �mall, ;and ,made of stronT -wil" cult I
, up. 0. them ealnO _51ark 5:3 grinds His laintl is not always �
mllhlirn�a .. Then it was that . ow a. director.4' nivethir. how Tin can , 1* 257. Tho 51any Vseg. or rq4etricity .qj,r, 1. -NX0AiT` I WUM . .
When Jwms r4ji-iied to caper. I"It" 0. If I ,;)r..
neart and Nxerve PiNs. are self for baptism - , low; is -Ali attractive substittit' � r Inally you eaL tin_,�Wrr r�z .
wol him to be the Xe� put over a deali alld�how be will an- one V,Ishes. it may be liallited darL I that tfnlo.
. 5C,-� a box at all 44oro, Vqr mailed God nknowledg, s. naum-from the tountry of tile Gadae- siwer that bilsino&s 14,ttoi�. Instend. green or $talned maho On tile Va, mI I I . .
-silh, His beloved Son .and caused the One$ he Was met by a ruler of the , I,e 0 vany to hot,- 2,-8 HOW
I ..upon him and AYDAV,Oguo whose little dauglotior wns - . st ,),s� -orl, at riltiver IiAuw, ixr- I . Is Farixt rse of r., cc -tel. tQIq
I aireef'on rcqelpt of- price b.v The T. Holy Spirit to descend' ., . Tht,3: will embrace till. fu3ikimiW,
wonizo with the furniallin "y , of tl I a libt.ral Qducat_,01��Gtt
. Milbotli`� C,cr,' X-Imitc.dI Toronto, Out. - - thus equip him f4r Ills office of Sav- diring'. Jesus wont witi, Inur'but or, 114P& Wort-, linvil $or ratlier sliturt, room, althtmoh the, natural 00101. lie i city Vrogr",siag4 - , , of , A% .
� - - ..�-- ===� tour. . . I �, , hours. conflues Til- work od eareq to A , . .. sl,MP b4fil'. Oad &WD for AltUMIxt0:�_
.4 l - ____ I I � Ple MY he was delayed by a woman not- unattractive if Ono, IllaR Me. .�
� - - . I . "I .. .. I Jan. � sth-Jes � ,to those alone, ard theo . "s up 'hiq 259. 'Tile 1'rincipal ft,ta . I
,t 0 0 rq , I �
. I no And; the SW,_.NIarL- in the throng. $110 sloeNtly touched loc t (- oor and goos out and, plays mind to recognize'ita humble ortgIn. elvs to ,d - ;nvitfl eolmtructire .�. , . ,
I � . 1:21-34. G 0 Idon Ti"it;.-Slitric him. He stopped",called.attention to . -I Form Electrification ? (NV 1_1.wa� .
: � . " SOUFFIX I doneo, or. rritivismvx. , �
. .. I MI � If yo are igetting nervous an-, " VEGETABILL . � �
1� I � T. SWARTS' . . T-37. . I . I . . . I 94 I L . � . . . .
. I . I . . viltuo' � having tone out Of Hir" to I �kj v " and bawi all erratic swily. ,. MIX two cups caulled corn, Ono e,v.1 ,,, ' . I .
" - , . � Aft6 the imprisonment of jolln 1, some 01% .8ho then treniblingly I I .0 vad grombs � one cun calln..-I +., 1 -4. NOW WaY to Leam One Worth While Thhm'Everydo I
� . , �,I. 1111, I I .
� . I 01 . �iitl Wine play ore bi . qy �
. .
1 toe Raptist join$ began his public
�minlstry. Aft( w talling four men to
t cal"o 4.0 Rini and, Re C,4At 14230* aNva-V
cured. in body I-nd happy in - #, 1.
. . 0,41
. I . I . .1
I immsp APV,Z%, AS, L.
# .1 I ..-
toes and two tablesrnolis melted but.
� I
ter. Season no"Dor
��--�- _�;-___,�,.,4 .1 '. � I �1�11__1111 I " I
, __'�_ ' ' - I 1
. I 'I,- . , .
Itc, .,
be bis disciples
C i he and they � wont to
RVervAitlm and on the first Sabbath
Th eh'Te,§UWing his journey With Jalir-
us to whom word
111P bad come that death
I . 13AVF
. IUS -
If gct the habit news.
vVith talt, anti a
poll -of � suizar. Add three ivell -
, I.. L I . .
� � 1. .. I � . . I I . . I
� I . ."
'Rick'stables, I
. I . -
. .
. .1 � 1, Montreal ,
thereafter he, taught in the sy
. . n;A-
� re,,was
gogno. -The
(I eoome� to *hIs house, Josus assar-
ed the father that all wollid be well
I you of using
pullers to catch unusual clutter, you
can savp, yourself much w ork,
eirgs and bahe Ill a moderat
- �Q, tell, a)1,w, ,.
Over until firin in_* 11T, e
.... EL ,I
.11 . . I I -
I e. lifuncy Value of a ituman .such. rfWts aq appeal to �411% V:ltt_,-,�,L�. , �
246i TI � N . I
, 4 . I �
J� . � I I
'Um 311voill0i'A I
1, I ' � ' just offibe 69,uayt .;. . ,
� ,,. � , 4rt .;
� � 1, . I 11,
� . 1. A&S-01AW . I
I � I
. present a,
, , poasesAed of r,.'d ntan
evil and him, losus
livala 'This inade a great talk ona
hl'� 4! T. I
T he:would o1jiv lieliove;', The mourn-
�rs ,
. were alreadv.
- Making A 97cat ado
lint, -Testis put +1 - 4. 5 I_
. ,M-ly
; (Iowa a nowsnaper,whon Ali are cut.
ting bleat, fish Tor fowl,- and lot -it
a half hour., . .
, I
Xvu - 4- � X� I
. � . I
,� L 150 million 407_-Rsc�. q I
- One of our laxge inp,unincz 1!4yr_ nuallY, 00 million from -marino �*A:.-#,. I .. I ..
. , ;, I
patios estimates that it V anco unit the relualaoltn' fro ". afti��:�. t I
+ ostfi 971,U06
. . I SIVZRAI. FIRZCLASS . AUT uAily alrer OQUITM w 0-slottact. He I .11. 111A , 410, Pq MCt t,JIU mu1.9R' ,ZJQ J;Aq lite raing- it st I A.V V A M444 0 11(lit. let to raise a child whore the faitilli, I,,.. every onceivable 'tind Of L,=M*,�,�
FOR SERVICE -GET YOU ANYWORpg � 'elpful ministry - Wifnesses with him, he Nvent in when v * , alid ; - .
� .did. not confine his 1911 fiv, - on are paring vegetables . . rd air for all hour 01. iNvo come over.
. . , . 11 it or potottles. ,rho befol- mvinei, TUIS, will. tak niv..q', . ages $22,500; frolli 2,,,) *�ntil eU(Tt life, I . I
, . ANDVIIEN YOU WANT TO GET TIIERR tO'Ahe Public for oil eiitoiring� Lite 4nd ralled tlif- dea& to, life., Great or. neeling f-ril "" , w. .. . 0 . deatil the Isiah -who earn"J."kich, till ill. 250. What Does Lloyd!s' Usurp,?
.� I , "Osiles Mee�,dll Tr000s and home of Simon 'he bealoid IRS, wife's �Vas t le astori,zhmort when tht-Ty smiw Tottise e6i easily, b,o rolled up in'the, pie -stalo. taste. 1. �� ': ''. . . come will earn, $31,000 above . .
. � I
I . . 11 mother. Sbo was Tca�cd in �hv ,, unr niaidein in berfc,�t,', health 1, "Au-stirwer and burnizil -in tile fo ace .1, . I rou You .1 .. , tt,1h1q tc!Ost � LION10 Will give 'you, Was ttl% =�% ,
. .. I stantry, ngaill� I . . , tn, . , . , of -48 Wor 1. .
I .. . I . posse"gor0olato - and showed the extent of her roi�,ov- They would kyre mati .� r incilleratoi. I - � . I .. Ills Own, living 'At aoytlihig. Their judgment Is hiavr.j � �
I � IT. I., posse"Iters Called tor,in any , liublie denionstratimt.of borov.�t e a 0 . � A. million people aro:� work-ing ior )line" to tile cOlit"nullit3', A $5,000- on -the doilklidaW, In , xv Of 6v
. crST by' Immod.14tely - ministeri a tile - I . ,
ng� to a Spread bewspapers down when you . .1 YOU . . I . . MVOX76 , I
; I . . � .�. . part -of the 10%vo, far� 01; thos6 Twho were in her hou,se. . Jesus Mat . color �but Jesus fofbaid it., ,p -c 4(vire- anv Airt-v woik. t4 eit0i In olruaiiery'-drear, a I A�Year Xuall Ot 32 is worth $40.100, and thok uisua)ly Twill. Pmcre*��-2- I ..
I I 11 .. I I fo� and perit, On such a basis the average Person, -InsUred his fingen
. �, 061110*006T.R. orc�p."k I . to're.st for great crowds I.' Morch Sift and Thei Twelvo. tile clutter: lindor the baby% chair On,silip and train* 1, taking, all age Xudvr%tv�kl
.. . . I Depots., , I 110, 'to Iline . .T spit and, rain, 8 together,, Is worth Gonee, the dancer, ber, toes., ia-z�u,2% -
. I I Surrounded 4'i4_rk'o3:1$-15;, 6�7.13. � �when you glv,(.�, him a piege of.brQad, In the sea-,. the�air lind iheg,rollrd� about $13,000 to tile k,orlinualty Ap -
tile house and lic, hQed ". 4 1 . - I . , -
I 'Orhot. $0i%r(C;e a9d , them all and cast out evil spirits as - _ � 1 or an your Ian wIlph Peelini,- prane. , . - ro ,-, - . .
a , insured atr,311111t sorL th at,
: �-' "' VI Mark 16.*14- . � - They mveat and sufFer.and die that Vhole- Even from. a selfish stand. in gvo
T, . � ,4' V_r, � .
i 0 � � I slot." 11 , . I
� . YOIX 11 Mat this should prompt. us to, tb(v players their throwing. zirm. . ws�,�4
., . I Careful Aittel`14�%ic t fruit, ,orat'jour feet to catch . . sure their Voice, rrofes
. - , , ,e, - ""' "is 7)"wer.was supreme, in ' Zf6nsxalled His, disciples unto 1-11in I
�. .. I . � , both Physical and ipiritual regions.- and eli6se'twelve to be apostles. ire i fliran,1- w1van vou rl,6 on it o-arwent. May* II.V6 secure in lience; . * duty ofAding everything possjl�l, to rain insuralacc, is taheit out, CC ,
. . �; � - .. . . .., I 4wolft�l - J -n. 15th--4ftyis. And- S'Inners - sent them out two bv, two: told tilcm, or under tho - stovo %v13( -i% �Vll k0n)OVO They tug anti ,,,train, th,-y acho in. f lessen tho large number of deatli� ly , -.,0WC2A*, , .
� , .. - . .. Oar- Livery stid Hatk i -service AOI Alark� 2,3-12, 15-17. Clot& what provision they, were !'jW at,�� I tile. asbon� . Spread on thi floor,nows I I � . ; I. to cover outdoor 4yrai,iwi!W_, ..
. � ., . In ill -the: -.-rum, or- -the pain' * . . I . due entirely to pvc.vLintibloi eguse.q. I a W -L* cc . I
I 1W -to-date . .j �; Toxt�-Xark 2:17.-' , I for tile - mIll - papers. to protect -: . I th0atrioal performapees. t 4i�_ ,!!.�.,.
I I I I I th , 0 1 � � ,� .
re", � 'SinloWS house was full and, ped'them *Ith.volver and an QAt � ne�vly Opaned li,101'eton, " - ,- . and wa�p, , � I ' '* , 1.
lit be found up � , suprIv of their wants� . They go without ,_,4_lf6.' p, they 4uff'cr 247.� 'How Long Can 31an Undure temtli, filildi, ,etc. The, Inarw 'I,
. .. 0 'Tn ev�ry res � . - . � ' J- I _;, . � �
. , . I I .. . . . illarly . liniligIntliH garbarp Thil '� �nd case Hunger ,,)., .. ,. 11, 11 , 11 ..placed ontirely by brokers, vU i=mi .
I I doNidtid ' ' Over iln6lear� -sfflrftS,t :and'. toird t 0, �., A., j- - .. ' �
. - ,%-0,%- , round the doQr so that; .1 ' .- you May bar- . .- __.____ -11r11sHtV-amOnr--thv-
. * "r"cn . � fl, -LUT, n � _ --,-- H drou -,-, ta ffn-ox-, - ru , -' va rl trow i W, &-I:*- f:4f'; - '- ": - - - - - - -
-in Ir x Atui-val3�lp.-�at,h�-tit)14�r'-tlle.- cayv-r�- -_7 . . .- - ,. -�Mti A ,
___ . - . =9 I Q 1111,11'.. Am no ell(, ore liullffce. Aa ers,'eavIl sfiWeribing his, varjo cf,r,�,
. I . I "W"_bLra_,V'frTt,"' (id. ffoi,also warned s ell A��Ps tba � . uke lq ix oluoftition out of - Iont as adults, Who can hold out tAul�.
� �-.--Vour. Potr6;N%k",44Clted-. I . Gur-men-,broujilt - -,0ht;t"_ o ,NVhj* fIlldiod.,keelis It elosin ,qnd odorles%, 1fEvc%i,y 110 I
. : . I � sick of tho,palsy they had to..go .tip.. 11-ne A. nojvgt)aOei- al,j-endt in - the, J,nttollj, (jO I . amount. he'will -talv.- or %o�?ervxlulli.4
1. . .1, . T. "SWARTS, - � On to the Voof* and break open a way their punislimplit ift tile dav of ilidg I . Ot foreatq and inines wid, stone qwre ing a fast Of 8 to 10 days, and mileii i uy�tll the to.tAl id complete, I. I , . �
I I I .
. .. . I �
.i� , I , rq*t 11 .. � I t would' be greater -flian thai � the. waste bAsket* Lee,)'.-, th� ' 1110't,"l rT Ovyl overv- iiian IQ;, 0 - nuototitin Itln�tlr if wAtOr'be tat -oil, tn corWin I I . , �
, 11 0 ' ' ' ' 9 ' ' to let hilA dol�n before Jesus So tn n 'I li,lsket fi4i ri�st if ArNtIti,ig Nvet is fro�i ail his. ayioestors."-Fmersnn.� - In'tAl troubles esPevially 'melanelm. 2351; A Brief 11(story of L10SX70, - " ,
Phone 1 7 41001real .0
. . , .
I � . .�, I 0eat was their faith and that'of the Meted out to Pu6b wicked ritios As i I . . lim I 1.11 .
I I � 4%^^-.%.O%O%Mho%o%oqko-kkololk,o , sick. ftl�n that Jesus first of Sodom and , Gomorrah for tholr i�nn,#_ � drnnped irto - it, ('I'll nlA,rl,'now,qJv-1_ . I I. .1 .. lih. when. food I I . _. I . I I I
. I I � � . I I � �� all -said I ill . . , , SAMPIS - � $ Often' refused,.Ille I , Orth-inally, a "buMnsivs W_,�a r,�-A
I . ... .. � I I :1 li It 1: , — -tn. "Son, �thy� shis Are for- ledgii end privileges were'R L � I r -q ar-i .)%QPfi%I fo,%,_n611q1i51lr.f flll�� I sufferer MRY last *30 to 40 dayi4. o ,��
I , I , . - ti`-ltP1 P fav,* ,11* fhVrcPts-,xnd th , , end you ol lye, ptbv�litis?,' f merchants otl�tp ;;v - ,
��� I - .. -,..,-- - _ klven.' 'This Caused tbA scribes ixn4 Mar NJ I � - , '" , he $ illy 11110 Tanner in. his faulting fast more, tl,,,Iil �oxise of Edward VoyA 'in_ .
. 11 t(I the in I . reater.
- , �"� - , . - I I th-T-4esus F�eds: The . u ti-, ' .
� . � . . I ", 11 :: . � . . Y -'-,,,q of, the -window,,;., auto, or lamp � . I W=t,*
.. I , . I ... . 14 , Pharisees to criticize � hill, ill ,� b e, i r . tudes. , I . -,r�""I% I , � 11 . � . - w a generation agor, partOok Of no filti(I 8troet. London, t1ho first iyoltl-w r.1 '�,t. -
. . I � I I hiblds, accu,41ligr hirl 0 ,Mvark 6:31-44. - .. ell . . I � I with 11P ers, anti for 40 days.- the'Itallan �
I . � f claimbig I 3VrAllroil abntl+.-st lioaa 0 V it" . .
o"'11"ati')�,lao, g
11110's Sal
I . .
. . I I . . I I � I � I .! I . pointer 510r. Mug in the London GIr-W,--o- :,
I I I . power, that belonged to God .�-John 6:35. , �. . I � h� stutters.-IVIZ, .. lattl fOr 50 days-althougli, �bqth - "IS01,19, 1005 (937 years. ag,p). C-*, .
1. I otolo,q "', . I — ..
R%l 1. I : , . To tl.,i6tv,:Aht,n��.IIQ-,.Wo�..,O�iu,iU t Jesus )ylthdrew , *Ith J q� disciples � " "I" - * , t drank freeIV. -of wAter, Even *et. - institution remove,3 #
.: I . .. tilooc� "I "1161,11 40tt-ft. or,ont Feb.
' � L.:- � � 0 , Vhv, Aiuht� - Dinah, Vom havoh't I . 1, tho
I , lit, r rut. I t! I
.�: ��'. P1, 1 W ' 11L - �!-:__15,4'77-)_,�U0, lip"4-4 vlft�*1,011 0, , 1774,
. . I wliio� lr�rlghtly� -bv" to a d6eftlilace for a rn5 the still wlth� $a 4kl -
. - , . , longed to -him . he . oiwet rime but' wa6 warrlea-agaill, have you ?4 #9 It %vilterT is b0t- Royal Exchange. Ili Its O.,".7 -$�M-5g,
. . I I : . .. . ! tolory -dapil yll-apar,,il tA so,rt- I I , lClal I 1.
_7 I 11 � . heated the sick man, Who hilmadiatL.' tbs crowd followed.. His great. heart "Yes. honev, , I hn& Xes I a S ftvlt to $1110-wrock0d .Wlors, wili) I,Iov-d!s has ilever failed tO r�i��. r. .
. . I . I ivill kAep fho"I fit'-sii., If 'tToTA *14'el Illave survived for as lonir. as f .
I I . . . I I I ly carried away thittapon which be no f �,q r� . , ent out to tho. ok,,. I +4 keeh .R. iv,+. . - Io". I as the Lawd 'taltes lelly, so.will I"" , or PAY-nionto Each ur4(-rwri*7.V,1 uliewl- .
.. . I ,,t ii,passion w (0011 11- fni . . ., weeks and entonub�d Aepo ',
. . . I . bad been bi 1601f ,carriect, Another . reople'And lie turned hir, al, � "'..,, - - � . miners 'O .
. A . * i. T.. � ., . � ( fly"A. niv 0 enlol 6r.0 Polil. '117f,4+, r, . .", -, .� � . t:::4� about �a I I - tor bct�_ia requVmd to , ,nit �E�,�.,%"�, . . . .
. I - � timP t710, so:2,tos,4rd! Pbairise R eria.; t--ation frxi,vt bi-, dfTplps,� tp thom..' I .� . . - . . _o� I a lol P% I I I I I I , Aw� , , " I I
.... e � I oi,-(l ti,�.14., vi�� ;-A. Ift".1p rofv(-llf�elo. to the Value of $2115,000,m), mmm .3
, i . Lo T '
I'll timpol -testis for eafing with publicaliq Tn-Ards -?light the fiis�lnleg became 0-.4 V06-1-11 ti(P,'h+. 0�7A..'ICZ" "-%V'4- Me
�� 7 tj� , . , I 11M. Can 4knin " ; "I', -
. . . , u.11s Go fruara 0 of his eligilyown _� .
1-' - I . Tiy It, Uurself _ -'48- "low , ,,e .
. . . . I and Mfilyera and Jetus told them- it -A-nx1nu,4 as to how thertrowd *.qs -to I �%,,; nA.p,i0dr�-! "nirrify tli-� 1"liow. dioll. , � Without Food ? . I . is held responsible T6r"Mn,3x;�;,-: ttp �, , �
.. I � �1 I . wgs'6 irinlater to such that was, pal -t 1- .fo& Tbey suggested to - Je,w 14 "' � .. � - 1 ..4 . � .. .. ., - The.- �ayuel: - c V. 1%,worldisr �
� 1� . " � AAK W01XKX LAW ABIDI!4 ? at our rl I I an go without I qt,. the $nil ext.ent Of Ili It
I I Bithe- In minoix-a,* im � - - I Tibex . G, ' I 'The qstem, 13 CIO. priww*
. , of hig im'I'Mor, lit li�Le,,' ,'.I, came not to t"It he 96m) 'a away but,be P qUed. � " C and le'"�M 44 thous'"(1-i fOr.W00ks,* the. giant $iiakes with,ut slono. .
I ' * 11. -Are M4 =.,M
. - otill tho -Ighteotir IrrerS to rti Some. have said that woute Ilave, that INT sybIlla. Spahr - �,"-
I xtrw, wator,; WR - ", . 1 , I , bilt !J' , about Pro-Nions ard,� finding fhorn I - � 1 -4 T111"' food for more thtirt avear: mammola 'I dividtid). -uyyderwrlu2r �
W ,rubbl ` �L ,�, , ,.11 , , ,:. 7 . ,,, w- a f: L mor4'illdividualistic thun iren, tilat silit1q, treatt; Stirii,, Throats, Quinsy, that no, a ,��;
� t I � I pentanct . -fit suillily, of brAnd'ord figh I I fast for month,; without food 01. more thon $750 oft - nily onc, vtts"Ji,
heeolUt* ninlatlIC." . " ' . they.will not actlis .1 group ,is well C`Voup, , Cough, Brollo;khitis, Coltni'l ing, their wintev,. hibern , .1. There. aro Other gillillar 1-tre,�,14-,50-i
10 ,, Ja ..' ' wi �hnlid he Itve ;rders fl f thov lie � '11, drink dul . - -,,".- �
- n 21 and The Law- j,,.t�,t ,,, tl,,�. ariil' will itot -each Brotichial Ar,flyinfk anif-Tonsill Tr(Pu. tion, durinx which time, their vitalltv one being tile North 'Go-ol"In . V!��,I
. 1 - , "I"' us .2, 3-1.& iUolden :j,,, gr 14., "
aching loves with th6 I . lark 2M. .qQ1 PhN ll-einp �, wants to .be a Obey ItLV$� I'lat,
. . . :". �, . I I I I be bl-ssod the fti-d"'WoRk'A it and lsiw unto. herself., We bles Auqcessfull.,�. I . 1. . Is extremely low.. Snalla key)t lit,11 of arenle.q. .
. filagor tips.. . i Tvxt�"illttt. zal. . ': �k i 'have ,all beard the" women will __ I , . . . . I . .
. : : I . sus, in oWer to matm, P . m"Ve to "he"(109emles t6 distribute -'to iteep, in line ,at the bank window, but . __ __ box for 1% yeni.% wben "Iflee(I in it 252. The Importance lif the ,Ppj4tp, .
, , Je. 11 .. 4 .� a I th- oeople. SO,'. frrept -tn,;. tll(% in- i T - - . . - I -vessel of '�aicr left thElf"'. sholls and - . Ciop 2 � - � . �
minord's U &Isq splen. John, the l3glytist's dis 1 e , ,w ..' is evogsp. that, t,�v,pfvp 1,,,Acets full bf,000et- special favors: that tbey -%Vill � ^ " , - I
� I C, I - I crawled .about. Oats, bOrses tislol The potato ray1s"he , ut tot frw ltvr�. I
or] 3
as hey I
I arldw*4i�d ligament* 62 itisciples of the Pharlse , � "nt keer. on their own side of the ,*; flu -4— I I
I . I 4id for sprains, bruises Oisciples did not JaSt t an the f-MeTntplits; *--p, talco" up. I i Trulis can go W101out foold for, tbre',
� I . I es, did, illug� * 1 highway or go around the- xetiter � ,for . I wiii ials: as a, foot crop, and ]a. t1J,.r,1 jtL tjo . .1
''. � trated to' tbeii Ili ,threq ways til, N -1.1r. I 84- yopqjm TA.l�110S sincerity, " light tit the corlier. As w6mon warlt . - nuinw). Or calories that canh,-:? grca-zi
. � . - - I I I I ,it . _TTr*fnrk , I i week -N' dogs and wolves for ,41x
. � theY Shiluldobserve a 1.11-131 , - more ,lit community. .1ife. , Choice Cat Flaiv'ers, " weeks; rabbits two 01. three We0m; on nn ticre of land, corn r6yj�ajret-2--, . . ,
W 10 I fitness and pru.., . _pro,,. 4.23. . fnveth�)
I . priety. in'.things. .Fasting wa$ only I ith b(I-6. guilleiv Piga and rat'R about tine and,gweft potatoes �.
I . I . -The Pharisees complained:to the.1 liv will better accept the rules of , Wedding Hunches, . I I" __ myla. Tho M- I
.. I 1�' 4w
I . , Iseein1v in times of soxi�ow"wa, gople. not,%volliell are not thik . 1,0"k ,Iold II16&�d vertebraws, e,Lu� tato) is ill(, most in, se(
11 . be Rbiemod ' . 'i that" disciples tha�' %boy were not, observ- , sole qfeenrierg. 'The other ,dav '�ftt , ' I . _ C141 n;p a (living, loith "k nortant vc-t%U100
0 � upon them; also 'that - � ill �, I a, Floral Work, etc., � laly� ay 41 4 hj� "4 ( Ot oWu lit The 1,T,8,.'g:yd �-� ;1,,i,o�,, ea -
rd in "
I Will # . , !4terl ,I,r P
, ' Ills new doctrilies . could llot be at- � 111F IQ tritilitiOns Of the Jews 0111� � women's club tonvetition, a long line IjV (Intl roptiler call 1110 all cron, .
..." EAM I (draing, � washing before t, � on short notice I er.! , -. e list (if , s In pr4%t ;�,r lc>;,
. . I . .1 tuebed tn the old Ph4raisatcal-,on I ng.for tholf. Innil , without food , for it year (or lon17- I till value +
I . . � � " 'a 'lig . 1, Tit(, average -%-r cg5�, 1.
� . I e" I Jesus took occasion to showt thpin' 'of women were wait' + I I � ,. . ia
. I ta+ tho postoffice window. and In, walh- , - c '&V,,�'
, _; 1, � � consumption 1F.1 '10 to 4 At -Z t�, "
a were ever on tilt � .
Tbo Pharisee, I
� �
I . ..... , . I lolok-out for something. for which to - that they were Putting the doctrines i cot A man"Lord -of C,reatloil-and . '. ' � 24% What is "Lloyd -W, of London ? average, acrcn t-
. . ... . of -ineik before the - commandments of d all that long line of Ia. � WA- , ge 4 milli'an. C�Wz" +
. . � .V Antl'fault Witli4estis, 'so whenathey " 11T The greatest oMapi?,ation in Ili(, produet�oll ilearIv 400, mill". -J. .,o,
- .1 Godi They regarded ,external puril,y ' " p " laud voice spolte up.to . ,_,_ .
. I I I . �� I -noticed a man. with a witherPol litind us: of intire, im�ortaylce than purity of dics`pno ol it'i a GEO. 9TE 'Atst-florist . 'IV I ill connection with eomnierr�c, Ms. or 100�41unlit"Is yycr at'lle. . A�Vlzr_l .
. I __ , In, fho i�nagqjruo thev watched to see , �U. cl".k ,P,l de,iiat-do(thismail. Rol PhOnO 105 Or WeStr,eet 111.1rkleat Britain's outganding mrr, value
� . . � . . 'heart. His plain apeaking- angered use, re . � I , ot crop about �,".',vw�qftqc;�,
"I - I If Jesus would heal hito :,on: tho Sal,- got aWaY With 'it, too, be0a tho 11 11 ine , insurance Agency, shipping The largj�nt potatO, j�*vowjn,,� r�j,;Oe_. .
� . W 0 I— I �, I I .
. I I the Pharisees *but Jesus, said th: I wav no woman thorn so unladyllike .__-Zo-�7--= : ___ ___ _ .. - club�. Ail aq,4O. rank as fr))IotvA: . ,%v N'4#,9q , .
. I .. - . .1 I bath day. Jesus asked. them whetht-p evefy doctrine fliat IV ta � -agency ,Ind bettins; - Ve xt-y,
ok . _*I %0.t conle., ag to df " I
. us E 1. it were, better for hill% havi is . V?to -4fit'll him, r I ".
. - . r ,,% ', I . m r 11 elation, 'of : Merchants, shipOwn*11114 '"(1sotu, Wirc(vwin. Unine. 11'-�h,�I,-O��. .
I , *"to,j 1. I , - � y- .
, I . ". i0 tl" from God,would be Aeatroyed. VI I �,X _' .1 �� __ � loul . I 'underwriters and insurance lw-iem ,".., PonovIvonia. .
. � . � POW01' to bc�l this mail, to' do It, ni, , . . '' � I TAXINS, PROM TOMATOES M -
� l I I. I � . I
. ,-IN -
. I
� I
I .
. I 1, I to fluffer him r attlyi ill thiL; r I — . 1�11 `4. � " �, I . ; IT, ` I ", I 1, . . ", I
'i � �
" "' , "
, -et .pr., When Irtilts and ve 0otablea are g .... I _1�1 I . . ')as 11000, aCtJV0 11101pborg, .&�o ajqsn. , - . . . ! I .
1 firing r,ondition. TheY did' not, at,;., ' Xq ,need to, suffer with corns, or%o! .," , "I .-*� . .
04W f , , . 1- , 1. .1 I I
. HY090 ELEURIC I fresh, It is no trouble at all for the - . ."', .elate members. (muldr, sub, I .. I I
, -un thq risk of paring the..., Ite... 1. LT,'; -- 11 , 1.:11 ,1er1bf.l,q, . . _.� I
10 I i me 4 " �, . I., . ,_ I I and' agents Se4ttered more or lep,-, - corns . rrily I � til < - . I :
. them surely and painlessly with lJol- .: ". - '. tnnl_!5� ,
t norrowful1v -vet with ati'ver bpeau-,* family, but when they are -out o _Ik� I I
THE PEOPLE'S STORE , I 1; . . over the, entire world; bendqutl,.t(,;.� %valkinto, �t to.rture, yet surc� ?(_.?,k9 . I .
'� " I I I tip - in& -Ad keelings� On hig . , ,� � , �,
. Is � i swer and Jobus � lbaketi upon tileyll lbomemaker to supply them to lici- 11" , . P 4, C, f,et ..a3
I. . I .. � _ � of loway's Corn xtemiovet_ � 4 son, she trust give narti�ulqr cairp"-t-0 1 1 " 'S . i:"a
. . _ - � heall it _ - _ I -,- ..-. . in ROY41 Exchange"Londom, %acl)!the Shape of lifillot"ay c4n) Zo. t I
. 'n� , I , individuall talging ��
. _ - - I _. I I - ��! )
� I dt I . 1. . 11 tbot man, thev_ wont out and _.1. 11 . , � - . r , _ --- - i it, or tile houkohold will ,live O�l A I ... I - - _I�LU member act.9 ,I MoVer fawithin rooch of 01. � ..
, . , I i � .
I . 1. . 001 I 11' . - 1 diet. of life-lesn food I . I I -T_ � -:::; . I I Y, . 01-1111 ill I - — - . ; i , 4.
. ,
__ �_ 'sought ho*� ,ille,rylll�llt Itill bil I elementi shot , � 11�_ "!9I!,!�jr! . - -M__-_ - . -*P""� - , ''
. 11 I � . . : - � I I �. � --- -
. � , Ian. 2qtb-�4%#'1`(.k"Will4 'Panlo , of . I AvIll come to slyring -weak and .11tirod" . 1
� i I .1491"q-116-ele' 3* - Aft ah, i and et. , The Vit- I V - om i I I -Maul - I i
, I '', . � 7-12; 6:52-54 . MMM-Namm . 9 . � . --- i �
I. I , . ,37. � .
1. . �'p I Fr.WW I
I . � . . . Mark 11. Ke'e . amin is the food element whiell will �
I . I . :
. r. : "I& . - ,. I . �9 .; .. ., , " , , , . - P vent thiq unhappy state, of,aftaira. - . � . . You P .9 r . I . � , I
I/ . f . . c I
! " I 1 40 A I
C" , � �4
. . � " '. I 11 I x 9 lorw V I
" � Ills oral M .
, . 1"Ith Isig-11raling, lwiviDr.: " Tht�y I , '1116 .. ,ave reps qPd - , �
I I , � ?
. il, ` I I
. I . Grqttter alld �gredtmer, prowdr4 follor�, &b.wk. Ills a Juice is Well Teeo-maJEM by , ; �
0 " '), `�- ns 4 vitamin -rich food anti � ,
(1d 'Irsils ,ppoking to tonio, in tol0i , F . , VAM
!f Om Cow -.1,tir H ,
- I 1 � , , . towe 11 * - we juice liar] been 'Q I . � : I
� �---! .,*am4Ar_ it V.- . lid --X A a A-3.111&-Jupi��Z4,f,.�-nnh,if-.:enr--. 41_-___-1_-___._____ � __ . � .
__11 _ 9 AW_d.y..j_#ItW_wq_. .__T_0_rA&1_q1__A-1xA_Xx1),r.1.' ._rA"1un_�0"1J,_L 1,�4, I � I �
- �
* I U1011, SWIC Ones In tile atroots t1lat . -orangea a ' hoinetimen vxpenat t le joy of thft L - -T
I, - Add to I -----
� colds,.&ipppand brim' ,,, But ro V13 1901.
. I I thoy Plight be ill, bio way :Iq'he lilts. . . . - and hard to get. The - Juice of car. I '" 400to road. this pleasure. r�! �
.. fsed. It was not Ills teaellinix t1ley ohitis, there is tio'diing . I I
I . . . . . . . . * . . , tied, tomattion may he used aria uub.�, N giving refreshment, _ I
I 11 -1 �111 - . sought but - his bealing tif -bodiv -wid , better thall a cotarse of' � , stPute. I ; A sugavcoated SUM. that F,,�� �
� . . .. �4 A i "lilld ,ftllil lliv4 frov as told.-hed 111 U . . . Toniattle -a one veire I
, I I .' i MUL! a .at tOble which .'Io� '
, weio made whole.'� , . ANGIER'$ )G 410N. , I,p 0 #A r
., . � I � se t1leir vitomina'by Ueipf,- .flt ffordt Jquhle vatut. pe. i
- . I I I � . hig and tonic do not, lo. atolpg are' rieli PtI00109 dAvorits " sallar k"'i I
- . I, eb. '1*1i'led"s 3lisullder.066d A.hd Its sweng.thent I vooked. (11anlied toin. � ,
I *1 . ; V . I I all the 1W 60tingandpeppermlat I I "
. � .. 'Opposed., .. i ti 11 tle 11 C e Vt 1) () 11 '� ity viffandins; and ohould be , um -d filivoted * 1-; I
. I ' 'ubrundantly -by everY familY ut thii
. I 8 . e ribei; ' frora Jerusalem were 110cii1y, f,111jeflo.11.1 liial�e . , I J1. IftifolO. " ,I-
f time of the year. With tile additioll . i
. I . . . lalllott�st thonre *who went Intti f.1aI1I#A,A . Angier's k'fnt11'ii011 -'I 111"it: � of P,lt. thov xylpy be servedvold !unt ".. "I I I ..
Cook' to iion n,jd livar J6us. Tlit-Ir roal usertil Incilicille rot- t1le lve- ' I - M ,
, kv Electricity OVItiet, �o*aver, -wan to - voisott thiti vach,plaeo in.,daintv sberbet elari.q05, 1 � . � .
. vention of the.qe dangerous I �a.q ;ilp%, co;�e 4ryT.Jm thik ('411. .get at M' � ' I , - I
JV48h by laft.tlieity Iminds of fourlov typoole Mid the , I: 0 111.1 . L "I 4
. country Levilir- ,inqt_hhq Aut-tvine. winterills. ffav(ytighorcoU 'thev lnqy fill tit'% P"" of ('(ge f 'I - r�'4 0
� Iron . I * I . I u curt4in raiser for the nleat Warta. BMW"
NY ""'triclity 'Thov aeouned bhs� - " ,1qntInir out ilev- Jim% ,alre.idy coinnienced, - �,(T. tl ev are very weloome with toas P#j
11 f slit". I .
I I "
� I
. Ills I)v tbe powov '-f �;htan. Items for lunelleon or sunpor. A caw- of 4111 I let # - 'a,
d I 11 Ital-t taking ApPer"s , 'd I
I CONVEINEXONTO , ., ,, , �,4811led,tl,wihL,tk)-iiii�k,i�siff, rva4tilyv wittk . 01'. 4, _, -%1. "j 4 tr)MOt.;;to - -0 Arm A*411, help,, 14�-,iki�pl - � It -X- - 0 IN -a, ;n 4 11
0 i)uvpoqt" I ,1i;W;i6f1,kf a I . � , �Ahe doctor awr �1 , , ,;
. V,L]RAX, 1C,K � After a time .Te."q V. It to hin �
., . QU . 'thom Gi to n once* �
I I . Bting ail e11101,1011 ofispecially Puri, � A .11AXINI(r* AID. . - * � -__
� '
Cheaper thaa " or I home towA again bll� -, rrov,,41-1 fled wrolleunt ANGIE103 ei�rtr. a f, A Wire bas G&ANNADIANNAIM
I � *xwted Win as in oftice plaeeq. Ift' ' I I ket, ouch an la,used in T1ftNAL 101"Ve
1yow ,� wont- into, the avna,,;o,-u,�- and preavlo- , 811')t lit", 1, Iaxativ4. action that � ail Office for lett(�,ra, in a tiaeftil ar.
. I I t le 1)(lives in tile norinal I
,I t,d. Vivy li4onod ayid were aninpod lice )�i , 0 ticle In the hitehou. When you bal't
I An Neettle voicuttill. 'Clean't I nolitioll so ennentias in � i;�tatoes. Pat thr-m in the,wire bay.ked TRAIN SERVICE to TORONTO
. romoves tht dust; a brooni, I that olip of Ifin ls�wb� bifeth sliaidol 113 hea dly.cax A V
. � nally 19*640t *on
vi,40 V-1141 they ,w�10,1 billi. , thc lint.vention of eoldq, COU86, 'i and sbovo the bastet into the ovell. 0 O*y
Jt"t moves the dott- i so V � Thi% fiavfo beat aq it requir,os leno , I
, i3rswj ,Anctmot tbeir ur-lio-tcom.. na.p. and othee -V� -WC ailments. , 'OdO1401, 6.204 in. 2.20 p.na
Wo guarantee all -Hydro, fampg 1, time to Put tho patatlies in, and it Gv6- G
� for I,W hoorg. ! ii0r, "'A oropliet iq vot. %4S,i' ut lionow - I " clintoli (" 23 ft.nl, Er I
.� - n, &NG"IMS has beeft recomlfteil- , )2 1)xu.
I 1�it in bb own eauvfr�. -s; whon, -rlW bYthe 3tedl- "lay sAve ,burned Lands, r3%15euTa0v,R of 1401fortil V).4194.11l. ,1.12 1
-1VUk in and ,,ows-, dit4pltty at !,$,%!-3 own Ido. and in 116 O, -- 1101ne" de4 and Presc "WO Ou tnhw M6 ItatMoon Ott , �M, I
I T'i( 5 1-1 .. mittilen 7-41 ZZ. " ,
I kin�,,- Vill ftsfessioll of 64. 11ritaln *I4 , _� ay be baked ill
. i Fob. 114---jetliq Pictore-4 Th - C, rounch )w w2 ly.w
M2 2,64.11. . 4;saAda for over 33yeotra. - L .4 of . I
ell.'re, , f dom of G04 -Marti t*' .. . ' the wirn lyankot,, and Af y-bu I11vv1,'%1'1'- fib 1000 7-30 ft,iu. 4.16 imb,
I I 1! 'AJ#ri1t^S!d Aqe"9ar*r*1**., 11111""Otlit? " Clll),14 Of tMtard, 010.t7 W 1111101 M070 06 L�w. I 5-20 ]),m
th flyd NO I" Mtcb�enor,q_ 1,
ri of bftm. lite baAwt and am Tops likely t4i, 4-,. , * TC * I
11 GolAtts Text-lhdt 6:11"' r-morl'ATIVS 04 WiNg"t hf" "kind - -an' , �
, .1 r� Antlior'& Eftutfun, a* lltnd'4 &.0koVeol. ,� rft�jjl,V p1st in tjae OV4021 b�V Mr .4 (1f," (;U6JpIl I
. I I 10 � I -,0WA0.MW".***.W0"h0 I 14.1 r# P, m 5.40 Imu.
!_t�_-!! P;7,�W�! �'!!! !!!- '�-"!!�dm� �- � ', 6� his fonvyliv:vT tca'. -'r-pa, Is. -It 6,�!90 ond �Mrss#",Afa ,2,0.
W M.qfnod) --AC& p upgnt if pftanding in the bx;kett. lite I I .
nrt� to m0c,ty bia -dw-t0no ef' tile I Acbs M 10,23 ft,fo. 7.'w p.m. I
43ineiple--, ro Im-111 ," 4vire barkot 0. a convopiplit receptacle A Ze""I nhlr,��Le,.,�Vi3 TT6�6"tco 7.55 M,1�%, ,
' "m L d j3T."tbAti, Inc,01.0-1 ""f iwiftre- '; tit which to nue doss;i Puts to dyala I 1003 val). an.3 r"1* 1�,' I
- 9% a �� Wh
(`;6 A S T 0 R, I A `:"NA",Ild�" 111"till `0 hi" ANGIE" I 1.01(111 thm, 0110 renlovtA from tho Toot 1"Arler Cafe icale. GWj!JiC.I% for. Taf.
For bftnts asd Clofter The ti"Olf-0, ,etl , w4k �r th,'� Ulvl� ,- 1, , lKS.('35!0, if VA)U '%'Jp:� tO rC4(��'i-�t) I CV0, ,01% m0r`n�r,n tra!vf, OrJaTaronto
f-wil )-r-iwf;PW,nt!'J K"6,- ?-Anf-1�1��)4��. .%� '-� IcAprix ov, warni ban'l W, fi��, -a m 003, '14 Gedet-kh 6.05 'P2, ". �Irsjjn,
W ION �,;ilp h'lqkot i'l k0for th,16 0 van fral I
In U" Forftw"Yaws- �t sn'-L" fm ",l , "r�!' t)-61 t�:""` � ""-( �, EMULS 11 1hrough coach Goof. "j.( it to Tr,r. O,hto 5
F0 W,404 *%�, f41011 h�l 10tlfr?'� �7, r-,11! 116414& tkrnl. Dq it V,^J%,alion tIzo he"Ic " �
, , , - I 'WREN't'it it
Alvw�t bt0r% . F -l" jq,�f,��;014. ig. J!prt� " ,.,%',,a lx"5; " , � "J" A 6-ir *sws,txkL -at ondiAiviset � to pArv,4s,.afv anklAv tc� rill FlAca, j F. V. I.- - ,, , S,f)�Vs i,
I t1m, ?.__'�,- _ ? I - , I
�,T,�4�', ,.4,%4!1f,)A J,T,p%- , .� V,-,J'� .1 I F111TVIV; OV11081NIF.114 " town passvlix#'� op's lirlieft Assatit'
. � . . -1 I 1 L I 1 1 .64 111 i 0 0100001 L-1 f-;,-a:_01_-�10z';:(q,A, dov `2 ,�,Z:.l U, L, 3"" , el,N~ * �
I � ,., --------I----- r/ . 4 I . 11
Kwas!�nxt Of 4444zt T K� �,'tv�, %% lsf� b0;ev( d in N - I �-,�",Lv &I, I
. .1
I 1 1 �
1 : r
r .
Long' Cold Winter ?i
. :
I i
. �
' ' '
I 2 . As
14, By filling your coal bins witil the best H9,4ri 1.
� I .
, .. I I I f,
- I
and Soft Coal and Colte that can be bonghL
� I I
I �
." A
Ml our coal it weiglied on your own,.zettle, tj�e
. � . . .
market scale) � . .
Ileating 1)1, r
2nd, Havo you had your Iced over.
,tnt 100
..# .r I , I
if llot"w'e have -compotent men for that -
,_ 1!4�
,. r .
�1 .
1. ......"11-J,--
. .".. 4, 4 " _._1 I I I � I I
.11080. .
3rd, If you require any Lunil)el-, Wit, Doors, vaid
. 11 I
.1 I
Door- Frameo, Window Saah witi, Glaqg amad
- . T., L
.1 Window Frames Hardwood, 0 ,tdl,t.
t, It_
Fir '01!jIll,
tors, Etc., have
,.v : �
, �
% ,
. � I .
Ive stift some left ,.040h canie
out of the O'cean,House. .
I .. I
Ah, We carry a 1)eavy st0ek of both Shelf '-ad
, � 41 .
1-reavy Hardware, 111ullibing tand Swam nt-
ting and Eleettic Wiring 1,1.,
,tter1iql. 1,vt- %5
. I
6 .
figpre on your Plumbing, 11e.atjilr0,,-,1ni1 p It -c-
, * �
We Wirinp, S,aflsbeflon fy I
,tjjar,,� 11tc,ed.
, .
- I
I � I
I t
; ii
"��""�*_"_O.Q-�tomi �, . � __ r '_ - *Mfttlj�",
The Hardware StOre at the 11ar'bor
. . r I
More llfh6nt 22. rC1t,-#,1*,-" lit,