HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-03-15, Page 59•0
TlitlitS101.1 . MARCH 16th, lids
***110.1.•• .mm0, 411....
Free Samples
with each purchase of any Nalco Household
Protects Thursday, Friday and Saturday of
this week
• FOR SABBATH. READING creed. neither that It should ever be -
AND ALL THE WEEK, game a, feature in our financial mar-
, kets, both. of which ere lowering it
soul unlitting qualities to, degrad.
(Ey N. Baer) v4 and earthly level.
There ewe no y differences', among
Christians; differetit eames. floe.
--tellies, creeds-, forms, audemethode
eovernment divide them; but they
mostly agree, in one er a few things,
at in the divine inspiratiou, author-
ity and absolute importance. of the
Word of God Wile- then ebould not
Christians lay aside a whale lot of
other smaller, lees impoetnnt *miles
of little value to a Christian, and of
no value at all to God end 'heaven
And, by followine the leaditers a the
Holy Ghost, hold out to 'famishing -
stonier preserve, polish and emplia.
size. eves.% forwerd the thouelit and
work in whiell they eeemingle ,quite
411( :Laugulige is quite exhausted in
Holy Wert). It is -."The word of
expressing the ea:wile:roles of that
life," "The 'word of grace," "The
word of truth," "The word of ealva-
Voir"-iy it. end througlreit, meet
are begotten into a new life.
Through its irilueriseet
made stronger in faith. oiet more
thoroughly fitted fer envier,.
• It is the usemeel of the seirit," lr
'which and with Willa. men mid
women ovememe their esellel moose.
les. Its diviee energy ouickeris dead
eou end elves sttength and powet
to those that are weary and fillet.
It.. is older than ail creeds and con-
• fessioes. • ,
It Will live yhen all of men's systerne
And when "heaven and earth
Word shall not pose away.
But shall judge men at tie last day.
Why then should, not Christiane
• lay aside their netts,' strifes? Sink
their inattereeff-dieputie out ofeithhtl
Lift up their voices. and testify to
the "grace of God" and bear witness
of the power of that word. which liy-
etle and alideth forever? "Preach
hewarel- regardlese of .our
able. rotten creeds. For if the real
word ais peeached, the creeds will
scion be lest for. ever. Heaven asks
• it,. Heaven demands 'it and Heaven
never intended, designed nor de-
creed, that this Holy Gospel should
become mellowed up in the dcean of
Faith, Flom', end Chrity,
These, the "Christian graces"
Implanted ie the ininiciiiiiren-ste--:
In o , th t heatt, ,he
soul possessed,
Will fit rt. man to live, -
Berne out in Christian character.
As fruits of Gore oven plenting.
?Iv* •
Fit to ens of our Jesus' power
To save degraded mate •
ratth is the grace that hangs
On the Eternal Word,
That•grasps with a determthed
grasp, •
The living Son of God.
That loosens not, nor feils-
Though clouds of blackest dareoets
rise --
To hide the ;sunlight from our eyes'
Though all hell's powers with. earth'e
uncle +110 graspraret4ith-11014-al
Hone doth ever wait,
ealm exnectancY,
,In petience lives the hours stymy.
That Heaven allots ire here to stay.
Assured of met beyond.
s Of heavenly mensions, Hope elm
Of joys eternal, rest from sin.
Of uleise forever rscribed to Him,
Who gave this leo° to men.
Then too there is Charity, •
The greittiiteof the three;
• But whylethis Grace the meatett
• PerhaDel-bcwauee it still shall live
• When Faith, aria Hope cease.
For some <jay Faith will lose in. snrhe
And what we "Hope" for renReed
But "Charity"must eie
, "While Cored Iiimself shall Net• ,
On that' le Prime! Everywhere.
--Dr. Thomas' Ecleetrie Oil wits put
•mien the market witheut any•flour.
• ish over fifty= years ago, It 'Was put
Ail-te--MeetAbe-wants-ef-a siv4,11 c.2
Uu" snOn it S TIVIrlts beteurse
keroyee it htd a whole contineet fel"
a�'14. ana it is now ktionvit and pitt-
ed the enefinnt teis i•ontitimit, There
is nothing equal to it: •
. ••••‘••
Red Rose ,0e..,.....,„,pekoo Would 13e a God -Send e to Thousands
eoqies `as near trarleition - 'svs4)".. Ing*,* hnnse"
. i e to
at. as, any tea can. Everything
that tea experts tan do to . The question of the proposed cold.
make Rod Rose Orange Pekoe age pension is. of .general .interest
and we prestune no en-ir -Would doer
superior, in quality, flavor that coacn . a....provision would le et
and value is done in the great great advantage to nanny thousands,
Red Rose blending. rooms. lied who can tell but he might him. -
Try it to -day. Put up in the self be one to find such a provision a
welt.- dean aluminum silver lining eo the clouds tie our
packnoeS, , : correspondent suggests in the 1 +
. ,.....1.........te.S discussed
,The'emestiort was!' infernttig
. at the last meeting of the would no doubt chanee your onthien
town 'council, toming up in the thrm and show the people ef Goderielt.
Model Theatre Toronto Star, of which The Mayor at least some icirdnees in Your beset
received a copy, and while eeveral toward your fellownu•n, ineteed of
of a questionnaire sent out by The when, you rereesent. that e-ou have
. points of view were expressed. we eXpressing Your opinion against ems
WEEK 0.1v MARCH 19 to 24 ' take it that all recognized the force of the irot humane' nets over pnp,,
i in each statement and that Mayor sect for the benefit of humototee
Maceleveri and Councillor Munnings Thenking You. Mr. Editor. for
would be quite as quick as anyone to 'your kindly:Is ea inotertine the above.
recognize the force of what niter- - Your' tree,.
ested" has to say in the letter pub. INTERESTED.
lished below. As a matter of fact
ARE PALE PEOPLE'WELL' ? today. Metelt 3eci, Rev. A. .1,,
Son* path* people Art wtita OfiktalaIrtr. frhie inttej04,0t thiti
lontty gi,„,w11,4. means taw M. 0 1 v ort Cemitery. Inesteseeir
tIIi Mot, When. el udeitoon you are 1' ViindLia4" V'hC/P.1%.4*."....:"ar* "14•
ehovt of ereeth, pod pitir two._ , was wen at ecirt etlecri. are wee a.
tides after *light exercise and you ' stadent ea the tioderich High $heol
, leer hap; show ity.uptems of todoece- hef"re mevi"g le`
tion uId nervounnttre i,, Mich, tooling t.wo yeure in the ruc• •
11 al school* there. lie enteret t'se
doubt about it. Atm ere in an ensee.
Northern Indenut Norinal 1 eke,. et
1, tone condition.
•Dr. lotilliams" rink Pale tire the COMPletinit,
logieut remedy for engem-jut tee ihey ',end scientifie eitursee etney. re_
begin at owe to haild un the thin ee
.teiviele the degree of 0. The
etreugthen the nervest. inerceere +i"et Yellt$ he 'was IninciPat of the
th:•nazpvietaiitte. iWndhiisteintnivadite titTr-ilnit4ghlrhohitahent3tclIZ4
returned, to college, Dues:link
' stealthy and dangerous fee. eal StUdieS. and received tTet deerre:"4,
If soet willmoue Your name and ed.,
dress to Th., willintotos litetucitto ,of B.A. He Spinit three terms at the •
Ii- -• of bulimia, teking speeial
Co.. Breekville. Ont., tbev laud h111 t'naa.II
totio: turvig-0111,,,tiermiadoo!rmletisia. utitaatsittdinelleitttociT
1889. Ile thught • several yee,,,tdie
;few to Ent." both Cif which will he t‘h
fecueffvery useful, hi the. hetet%
mega hueiness eoliege. 'Previeue
• . ,09 .-..9991•90011.0
38 -Inch Crepe -de -Chine, in about
2tw eltakieS, 1.5re per
e •
.Y;k; FtlF4 *
,people unable to thke ear a them, retimment front aetive teal:Lino
eelves. two years ego he was Dean of the
Regarding the first statement, the Department af Commercial Educate
Mayor lima eurely know that WIC ion in • I.unier University, Athirota,
trovernment of t anada has already Ga. He ts survived by his w.fe. hire.
adulated much parental legiseateon. Ruth Bacon Hawkins, one dateibter.
Our government provides penseme • Mrs, Albert 'Coleman, of re.nneston„
for ervileservantseerudgeee maw 01.11e-VTAIA; sister, Itirs. A. Allep, cif Win.
employees when they recieh the re- tape* Marie and three brothers,
tiring', age. Frederick. 14 Orinsbee Vtle.; el. Al -
In many eases the person to re- len. ef Jamestown. N. Ye tand .1. Be
eeive this pension hue been empioevd of F,dmonton. Alta, WW1
at a salary of se-verai thoueand del. her of tlie Enieeopal ehurelt laud of
lars per e -ear, and when he retires the Masonic Fraternity,
our generous Government gives him
peusion of a few more alone:LW WHAT OTHERS SAY
01 Mea per yew.. The Lay of the Golden Egg
Now if these people need pensioue,
how' much Mere SIMUld the average (Siencoe Reformat)
citizen eeed one. Them ie to he no increase 'in the
• We cannot all rearh the.high pose. tax on gasoline this year. Teat
eons' and 'souse must be the laborera goose is laying a pretty de-ene egg
and should be treated lid% the egene as it ie and perhaps it was tbk)Ugat
eonsideration as those who are for- wiser not to kill it. .
innate enough to be employed by the ?Modern "Yellow Backs"' ' ' .
Governetient. • (Kitchener Record). dred million of railway advaneee ite
ment I would point out thea4240 per ,,,,,„,,,„ r,FI., „,,,„,„ + n. tion-ectie-e tieset. but it is doubtful '
Anawertng llre iVftulaiege' Srat(':" If a lot of modern. hooks lia4 lieee
year does' tilt look very much -fie -1r ---'''''' -11woo.% if a governtrient would roneider only
t ._
person who is able to work and those have had yellow bares, would- !neve prezent advtinees-te" the Cantniese
Peen scud for tett vents, ana kids Natioual Railways as so much money
Who have Plenty, but suo Der year given and better forgotten. Teere I
Will look like a silver, lining in the 4,w,..T14.4,1_11wiave !teen walloped eor Tend. .
ed the age ef 65 or 70 and who is iir- le Gasoline Tax 'Ultra 'west V. it !Xi 1 1 1
is no conceahnent in the preeent me, ,
thod. The government choones to
dark clouds th anyone tvho has reach. ""le --•"""
the kindness of
relatives ea. friends.). recent ,borrowiege of the °amnia
Serail ••0 8 OVII rrew nes lies s le
able to work and has to depend upon, (V/nano/al Post)
AI t •
per year, ari old Iverson Would hay.
to have $8,000 in the Savings Bank
at 8 per tent. interest,- or 86.000 or
$6,000 invested in bonds or other ee-
euritiet. Many old people would
fall far short of having thisnimount.
Laziness is not the only thing to
'cause penniless •old age. There are
many ether thineus. such as sieknees. ta'el on the other hand, is one wipe%
the Federal Government would glad.
investments that looked good and ly take over, since it would be rate:It One method of beekeeping may be
turned out bad, cellapse of banks.
sur4. ne the Relnle /altki ull-elePleY- come 't i'. Undoubtedly the.neeit iew lu
-molt, ete. •• years will see a readjustment in tax- In, the ert•oeasilicoptiond4. oncist :mother. i
present diemession is that the '
polut that la riliqed .
easier of enfercement thee the in- ,
The Ell'es'e et Refuel' ere "leg,' '1 tion as betwene the federal goverew I Pre'ent 414 4c et heek-heePing is
good 'work, but they only- teeth n fee• merit and the provireees. • I neither wbolly one nor the other of
senaratinge a hatband and wife in U. p. G. 'winos The U. , of whieh might be correct. The Do.
-old age-when-thee•Fetitoukt-be--totwye---oe-Farnteree-$tart------ t minion goverement-inciiirteeese In Its t
big each. other% company. It ie il The absence of. resolutions on old debt'renny millions of dollers spent
tread thing that many tlf. us die he- age pensions and township school en rnewaye mid on ecivenees to the
fore we reatli the age 'of 70 or, under boards was a noteworthy 'feature of Canadian National Railways: soone
present conditions, we would reed a the list of . those prisented to the • of +he ielerieees representing ur
House of Refuge on each street cote Provincial Government by the V.r.O. onultr in theline beeouse the money
ner. Legisle,tiv$ Committee -last week. WAS spent on eaDital aeeount toed
Now, Mr. Mayor and Mr, rclun- This for no other 'reason= than that some of it vepreseeting no tweets:
flings,. you gentlemen are probably' the United. rarrnerS in•" convention ^ -whetever. bee•mse the menet+ was
• e
36.1nelt Heavy Elmock• Duette• **
SaeoSial rake:. eat ree-leeetsie
• • •,• • 0,9 9% • 0 IS • • $$$$$
Supersills Hose, in Black only, reg. twat' Silk owl Wool Hose, VOWS
S 1 .30 pair. ., Friday and 1 19
ttettirelay pair.. .. ...... $ up tat sl. i() NY' pAr. Mar-
* • • • r • • r • ..... ••* •
ina at per paie .... .... • 9
Ha yew et:ea the erew Weollea Material, far. Stied wear.. ."AllenIr
Gttiped om,3
E. HIBBERT THsTrlAgsH•1•1.***11*Ir
The gasoline tax has recently National Railwaye just as a eoluilen:i*t
°°' ° neewe ine°111° °t $:41° been xhallenged in the eleerts and it might eleekk that instrud of it it•
is understood that the neor officers et toeing consolidate Iminnee sweet of
ion tehr6arnithwavilel ealliPtiztesreedertilltienl;Pitille-4.eltulte(arelinecZuittrWell4eunid:i til:P6tlse°
ruled by the -courts to he ultra vivo: =We Sheet ehowing the ni silicon. of
of provincial legislatures, This the parent company with the equity s
would seriously Impair the revenues in its junior' compaow indicated ,
of all the provinces. The gasoline Atiniznig.taitsaansisoentgs and s wiltihabotAtitiaensy ionit
debts of the subeidiary eompanee
and are very often the means of the two eyeteeth indicater. either one
manor( 1+ we o clod think that have failed to arrive et any,decision
course, if that is the case von need of the day. Time it is eve..tinil 1)40141-
notwill never need. a pension.. Of on two of the &tit peelitt questions
not annly for one, as it would not be • Inca members of the organivation
°Red to nee interest oe te nieet eerie
&tee: deficite. Onenests it these ••
slide to iud,oe, from, tlee balances ehee+
a no n011)illiOn n4 rilriadn of
conmpletore fer a rerson to accent a stumping the Province in' the'inter- its debt ie respessoeted 13v water tlisi
pension, but do not lose sight of the ests of the township; ethoolbooed hos eerie over the clam end what of it
fact that although you may how plan while others vehementlY de. eat/ moods+ be ebereee agoinst sew
plenty there are teousands of old nounce it. So, too, we find the U.F. teeestmont le the Canudian National
people in Canada to whom the O. group in the LegylatUVe SuppOrt- Railtvavs.
age peneioe -would he a God-send.If ing the old age pension scheme While The valance sheet of the Canadian
you will jest tette time. to thinictsof the official organ of the elevemellt 1 National Railways is equallo • unll-
the jov and ecrinfort this !tension (al. sees no virtue in it. It is a Inutile,-
'ruminating. The Canadian National
thOUgll 4.1mal1) would bring to feto
e ting eonfession to have to make, but Woilwars show (Mete of 82,1 15..
old people of this fair country, yoU
and a capable east of thousands pro:
sent a• wohderfut heart throbbing'
the need,of assistance such us tvould OBITUARY
be provided by an old age pension is .
dranut based on the welt known Scot -
'Bell romance. Thet bonnie inssien not elwavtteternfted 1y the the spec4.•"e II U S TON. --Following a stroke
age to ev ic one as at tuned. „. 13. -which he etiffered on Monday Mi.
and rugged bills of auld Seotland are'
i matter of relief in ease of need is a Robt. Huston paeeed away at hie re -
'truly shown in . • duty of the public, whether perform. sidenee on Nelson street on Tuesday.
ANNIE liAl.TRIE" •• ed by federal, provincial or municipal Mr. Huston was 'born at Port Credit
MAX DAVIDSON COMEDY 1 authorities., or a combination ef all ned spent his early year:; there. Sub-
.«II'UL' CALL OP THE CUCtirt()".4i three.
. Just what measures are the zequently he live for many yeare in
• best in the discharge of that duty is Colborne township, being a suceessful
WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY open• to discussion and we welcome farmer, retiring to Goderich sonw
, the following eontribution to the dis. years ago. Ile was in loili 80th year.
, ZANE GREY 1 cuseion from "Interested" : the • funerei took Ocoee this (Thurs.
file, 'has'produced the ultimate in vveatern To the Editor. of the Goderich Stur. sleeve to Colborne cemetery, with ewe
•Goderich, Ont., March 14th. .5 9!i. day) afternoon from his late resi.
• • thrillodrama. A gripping atory of .
Dear 1111 --1 would esteem it a vice at St, co "0' church, of 'Which
• the eolorful Navajo braves, taken on levier if you would kindly' publish the the deceased' Was a member. lie
the author's exact locale. Well following in your velem(' paper. Was also a Mason and the member:
known eeet, -
e,„e„... s Reading the town council IMWA in '.1' Maitland Lodge turned out in a
ftintiLTMS OP 'AIM DESztee your 'Issue °of March 811, •I notiesod body and, after eondacting part of
MEIthIAID polvIEVY - ,that the eotincil were naked to give their sereiee at. the house, attended
_elejeljatHeD,Veletete. their opinions regarding the old ;fee the ethreeh :4.1.0(.0, eorodurted ree the
,.. ,..,.__ i)ontion.„.......--... -............„--ale,„-------ereetere-Rer-eLeXe.II-sraki,And-tbe
euite a Duiriber of thO touneillors ebureh 'and tiasonie nervices were
t : tomeared to be in favor of the per- eempleted at tho• grave. Mr. irtuiton
TOM TYLER sioro. However I was struck by tea in surviveol by his Wife Wild one
and his pale in another dingstione ad- exceptions ag fellows. 1 dauehter, Margaret.
venture romance.' -The 'four intlii:. No. 1. Our mayor, Mr, MecEwan. ' Do c ICHAm......urs. John molt
eteera of toittla antt gallatitYy-eTyler, Dahl that tido was a young country ham's-, illness terminated flit:illy on
the kid, thee home =and the Aloe in a to be adopting too much parental
ng weStern.
"THE "COWBOY ..3111SKETEr..0" ' legilisnift.n•cocanctuor manoinge taid had been. laid aside frem her wonted
Wednesday morning laot after Fthe
interest in many Activities for a per.
PelOO. COMP,DY that the amount of •8240 per eon 504! of about three months. hire,
. "THREE "WISE GOOFS" would not go very fat, and he WM% MAI= was ablative of Cambridge,
eettefied that in our county 11eille4 Wo
•Englaud, but eairao to this eountey
. Alatinee Sat. at :1.00 lent. • were maltieg good provision foe. 41 witiehee parents, being one of a thee-
-• eeeseeerosont-',..- iiy of seveore when she with a child.
The family came to Goderiela but
Weir lived in both Colborne and
Goderich townehipo„ 1 ('turning. Peter
Amide Refrigeration KTeps Our
Foods Right for You
Shop Here. for Your Own Protection
Telephone 146 We Deliver in Town,
to. Goderiele where tiro. Ithethant
year or ao. wee nee lee remote then merit bent:era and, its b,ondo 'Ire would have heell reocieitalieed Nag'
the fact, is that recent annual cot.
ventions 0 the United Farmers have
been so oecupied with inthrnal hick-
eringa tbat th real nu ogee fer
405467. most of it included under the
item of investmente in void and
equipment. Its liohilities; include ite
wiech eateventioes are lad la debt, renreeented 'by bon& -in the
beet shamefully overlooked. Item
heee 'bends ef the ieublie. ereomatme ois
action° if the amnia convention fails; also include +too nebnions. meanine..
to $835 000.000. They
an there be unity of thought %and sem, sleeve,
to take a eland on such vital clues. 1"s ifmn nt SI.1125.000,000 due to the
tions ? Dominion trovernmerse
He would be foolishly oDtbuist•is
who ever expected the Canadian Noi.
N. R. risjorciNc: tionol Railwatoe to nay back to the
AND C. Domielon of Canado in surplus Q:1171-
(Irinuo::ial Post) hum that 'billion arod a quarter. It; ie
Me. Rohl) • claimed a surPlue of unfair to expect the industries taut
e54.81 5 000 for the ourront tisoi Produeers of Canada to bear a bur.
vear when he prosented hio budget. thin of railway rates that would even
hem reduced be S41.000,000 in. the eilus the intereot ' nn the additionel
PaY interest on such rt lame sum
Re claimed that the net debt bad
ve"r to March fit last. and wduld be slime that must leellorrowed to moire
eedoeed hy windier $39.0:10,000 dur- thin the Cenadinto Notional Railwaea
ine the preeeet yeer... All told. the at the peak of efileonicy.
mit decreeee of debt for the file.- So long lee the linlatiee sheet of
erationel Railwane
vow Period +o Melees ei, 1028, woulil the Can:lathe
ineane notleele it will he dillieult. if
14::notitti;,:rtolliSaluillin.;00i001.0.0c.ertirablino Irvegteee. rao inmeseible. to judge of the• real
offe wroed reetotteary. e Itte can go on borrowing mooey for
extent of the peogreoa of the eystem.
;mg oltnehoeflieD)a°01-21sy8ititirndi4Todtnel:ietnillair•opeoesiet'et: iinftt ttithr%egl.hallrl:leY111)°11ibilert:11 (16i7ve°1/1Y41e6nzt*
but we will not know whetlaer or not
,t,loi-eltintetleitteldAlledattairalfibecnbliitaatil:reinT- the toile:Aye earning actualle jactitY
the hmoowing or uot. Aead that saf-
e... itself fiv One government undor ter all hi the real tent of whethe or
toot our railway l• errevrings add to
whose reeinie euch an accompliele
meet had been ochiored, •
04,044 eovernmentel enthuniotens men
rte.• nmenretat deht reduetion. OP-
emeitlon 4pookors in the budget de
;hate in the Muse: Of Commons take
The Wrigley Satin/ming Marathon Trophy is u perp-et'uel tropbo '
be competed for each year. The first Wrigley Alaratlainv was 040
Catalble Island, and won by George Young, of Toronto. 14.110 vac
Wrigley Alarathort was held at Toronto and Was wen by
Vierkoetter, a Berlin, Connally, The third 'Wrigley lqttrathca
be held in 1928, either in Canada or the United Stncer. The Wrigley
Trophy is a reproduction in sterling silver of the latnew"Flyinglkir.,
cure modeled by Giovanni da Bologna. The position of theligure
changed.to show IvIerour,y presenting to Father Neptune n "neat.
Neptune with his trident, dolphins and water surrounding ans
bronze. The figure IVIcroury contains over 1,000 ounces of silva,
addition to tile big trophy there Will be provided annuallY'e repaleci
in sterling silver and bronze, to be -presented to the city wLere ib
Maratho,a is held.
our nubile debt, If the botrowinge
-aree-fiereproduetive -'4)apitaU.
mento that will pav their wAy there
its too need to conaidtor them an midi.
Ilona' burden upon thelaxpayea le ,
they are for unproduetive purpotes -
love, with the accountitio seetem then the country should Lnow.
that enables euch a reduction in sle Sir "Yeeelfh Pleyelle he° ew°111 I
debt to be shown. They !mint out that the eapital structure of the Na.
that, while debt of the Dominion tional Railways be wivaMned 4m. 'the
d''enbvternofinetiniet ICInasnbroellitling(Ninatiodn(71 Thornton has :urged (hie. The Sen -
of earning power. Sir Henry
twerone btre breerinna'gdoititnng Nati,;flab 12:451. pntreensCenalu atusititneritaurlivlevit.lwaYe 11°3 e'''•1
ways needed money the Catiadian Any Private company with' a de-
troveriene»t borrowed it. added the_ licit in its leilaine Kite° of 8400,0000
money to its debt mid adraneed it to 000 and witlwa debt n billion and
the Canedine Nntionel Railways'. I a nuarter to a eft ditor who itad men -
Now the Canadian National Rail. tally, if net aettialle. written nraetir
• Aial•SaCrop,o1.41,11
was married. Mr. Duckhare died a wart hone= directly from inveatel eany the mine slim io s
iresided in Buffalo and Chicago and vuoranteed by the Dominion , ago.
a numbea Card past had lived ,inent. Tile bon& tomcat* in the mew I If the Canadian National, Rafter
for r I.
in Goderich, 'with hey nephew, met paile'i3 balance sheet as its own dire: teem recapitalized and darted. off I
Gerald Newton. She ia survived 'by
One brother, Mr. G. A. Newton, of
Toronto, who hae been here during
the pad week. Miss ley Newton, of
' Vironto, Et niece irf the deceased, and
pet obligation:4 and not as advancer; svith a fair balance "hoot that rowel
from the Dominion goverineent.f eented teuly the prownt situation of;
Th3r do not appear in the Dominion i the line, was required to do its own'
gave:mum* balance dicer nt financino and to earn the fixed elocir-,
The Ian mutual report of the Ono. 4; fres on all additimiat Mime borrow:Joh!
dian Natioeal Pawnee, dated Dee- the execativeei of the line eould be
1 Mr. J. IL Merliereon, of Dettoit, a ,,,,,, . ,., inee ,,,,,,,,„,„,a, „,„ ee.,,,,, „ea.,. e e i
&phew. alto, vcre here for the fun, twee., ea A •,,A.,0 LIJIVW.,.• it av.k. vt.e.4. jOuget, upon the eeseete romaiej in i
debts to the Dominion i the sur.egnive belens e theete. And;
tt'erraiil'oewnbilealisttoforkortiatthee ornesiilekinneYgovere aot ; debt and St3
nment eeparately na follow , there would be no [bickering ste to '
Funded debt, Se53,1:83,10% !whether oi, not a eertain railvtae
Notth fitted, the 8fIrii-.1 being con.
dueted by Rev. C. F. larkepaeter
I./minket of Canada account, 01,- 10:144 nn11'14 to be charged agalnet 1110
of 'North street United thumb, of 225A463'73 6.* I 2 . net dile of the ecountey or °thore!
which deceased note a 1i:ruttier. The the" dtier7urltsiot340oftletlise lit1:01tngeeertvectiftitilerraiieletv.rsylVetc4,wrootidIodincknaonwd ,•‘..villziaaitt tlolti.yri
pall -beaters were Mecers. Wino (2-26ntg, 1
A. Smith. II. Hero and A. Mr Itch-, tipponition but the important pre- were not doing.
Item, enteral, -,t, wan ,tvadc, io Mem 111130t cetnetly tho question that . .- ------,.....-------,
Maitland eeteeteee,
11AWKINS.--e-We4 e•,•) ken, ire,
erierd cencetning etc, death of 0, A.
• Ilatetene. oaf Atlanei, Gra. r:en 4 Mr.
nee Mee, (Iteesee lineeleiros, at {-me
rc?ifient,s +4f (clif•i•-icbc, tvbiela
tfiak 1)18Ce An4104.nly 011 3.T11veli Ono% at
'Neetiville. Tree., (0. tkt: INTif" of bin
J j., S11,1 tef' ace/. 1.3,aleory
itteoeue 1"tos• f .1.1 was Telot
they taira,... If the Ilteninion vain-,aU minces, worm ypOtoprs arc, con,,
m- money directly awl advanced itipicte eeenieeetett Te.e.y nee only 1
to the Catadiant`t•eitirootel, Itailtrav•ia'ereet wourn freei the nyotan, but"
• it would torobahly f4A 1watt:qui in 41o.lirelmsir tito damage •i!"•kt w„7829 cntrc..
duct3IM no amount' of t310 ad.,,Koncesionfl the. comtitution
itzm .grenrJa ucht, hiP ltlAttaal It -that it rvcraily th..•
alnetet active 5c10t5 and file Itet i'0P411:taii4eva tte 1liirestcca that ove
tat to tIto rAt °At %v'..4d• tic? .titr, 4.'(U14.'(U1 et tik
te Itor
4I c4' oi? Lu l• ty-?.3 reit.bw tttat,:,
Fleirisett. • Telegraph Delivery
F. T. 11
We can have Flowers delivered in the following counties:
Canada, United States, England, Guern, Ireiwal;
Scotland, •Wales, Argentine, Australia, Austria, Elainuna
lands, • Belgium, Bermuda, Brazil, Chile, China, Costa Rica„
Cuba, Czecho.Slovakia, Denmark, Lig,ypt, Fittlan4. Run?
Germany, -Greece, Hawaii, Holland, • Hungary, India, :tal54,
Japan, Java, Mexico, New 'Leland,. Norway, Panama.
South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Urugua,y,
• 'Phone 105 •
• ..
APRIL 1st.