HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-03-15, Page 3___ __ - - __ - . . I I . :,� ,
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__ "I
THURSDAY, KARM 1W IM � 4 1� Ill.$ . , -----.------ __ — - - — — .. - - - 41
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- —oll—�.sl e .- � . — f
Doe"'t Know 0 1 .1 b" t - . .- - _.
~ a 16aftc Wh
*0 Ne.--0-borhood News Nqgets * I , �
Is I** , I . . t ..i
iff's. U, Saydor. Vib&4, $Lsk�, Special Prices - - �
Wilke. -".1 W" 1*40rw Ivith Jw"ftj - Picked From Our Exchanes �
%dadwhN for swoul youg ikud trW I -1 � � � AT i 1
14"y d4elIltt roftwdi,�.', Wt tj Im', . ) ����_
.. �
Akifoet. , .
, low &Y a fdow tola Ufa xbvut P*r8oxi-l'a"wo-C lliggidas; .Minuie stmet. Winftb4al, I �P;;;0_6 ..
I— "qq A (Juict. but pret�y Wedding t�v&7 gathpried at their hi'me tq C061-aite I MdEWENS
L pl,�ce at the james t�t, ITnitcd r.ar�,�11, the sixty-eighth birthday of thvir 1 1 , I i
k � 1 W I
11RDOUx 1 ,R��. 1,xator. ,,n i, as—r4py, - Win h 1711"thcr- Mrs. Higgins wus Writ in il IN
� I Ttb* at two 0`114wk when ss Jenll;li Ireland, February ,,'�4, 18w, lJor �1' _ .
I ssmore, diught_,l of Air. t�,N-711 b.11�1'er, IVM- bL�Michae?, re, � . 1. ��l Boom
) R , Me. Tbe evelling was I ,���, I eas I
� ard Mrs. Win. pa%aw.vog was uz�jt,�q dole�3 it, luev Groceries
Ailfvn I"
� '
I in wan'Zigo to Mr. !,lo. -A Paroww f'Pcnt in ZUTRV3, W41510 011d SiXial en- . .
� $on Of Mr. and � Mrs, SalauA P.arSq;1;, 2)oytnent. I .
� lvlll� i , Ns ftvwth- 6WWV"V0*W*feJ-J,
1'�`11"111%1 wim perforinca �y Victim of Accident Improvior - I
! Rev. D., MeTavish. I mlsg D. F. Ward, clinton, who Was I
o ' An Areas hir Luclifti(Mv valleoltollierbolue at Raekville, Md.. � -broken 096 3611 004 Stir Tobacco Dry Goods
W ; 4"t1WN00Vft9 .
R S __AJ At a. meeting (,if th,3 1.,uQL.n0-%v r.ire ,.3 few,weets ago owlan to, the sudden 0NAU0WW1X*NMtkA@k04W. saftands"'Ve. 11 '.
,F1 BITTE ,a Company, lield ou'Noinda,f evening, her roather. voturned-Tues, . rly 9 ^* . . " T10,11 I �
. __.11A " Wftb MM *V W*aM- XNAY IN 1tW0 MWUtet- I
March 5th, the Company pledged, day. ovening. Miss Ward susta:npd 00 to,htna iiinner W ear
. aild after I hid t4om thm'bottles tb0ms0Ivi2s to, start off the subscrip- an injury totter kn" Wheh TetUrnln�v . .
I Aund it bad done maol a world ,of tion list with a donation of $1,000 to� from Rockville at the beginning of * MADE AT NIAGARA IFALLS.-q�. I . I
. I . I
9tX4,1111kid now I don't kn(kw what A wards the ore(.tJo;A of -a mnv ariana for a tho` new '%'eav urd wRs still sulfferilIT - � �., � -0***-"*--- - --�� I
IoMdlehe Is like. I'Vezt4iuly bav, I I from the Orects of it whou � � I . . .
. ,
f4ith, in R.B.B.'i., , . I great Lucknow. . � 1, ,8;,-"r],e,rT :r,r her holue a few weeks credit. In the WAY I in will . ell they l.eptl Don't say "the Call in and loole th :
'Put up Ankly by The T. Mlb.arA Cop,, Bagagement Announced ONPLIVIniont ,ov,1,s � � I . �
oget. hut she has Improved very tauell the fire in control. Mr. Stubbs haa quite satisfactory" to express "fair. . . . . . .
umiteol, Toronto, Out. , Mr. and Mrs. Harvey, nam, Forf.us, - ,und It is hoped will soon be quite All not decided whotLerlle will. rebuilds 4- Sat-ifftl�l�!tar, -F
:and formerly of. Brussels, annoinAce, right ',gain. . I—, _ , , V.'!�__'!QAljt0-*X0;1;s- - -!��-!�� . � ------- _ __ " __-___ _"ir�_"_ I
==Z== - . - ---..-.-- I � ...... I -,- _ - ___ ___." 6molotely, or wholly. .. . _______.'___ .-,--. _ I.-, I— ___ I 11, � , � 11 - I .- _. . . I I .
. , ._ _ ____ -..t! � -..-,.. daugb� , 31AER THE GARORN PAY Don't say �11'ldrunit three cup"I of �
- I I * - XV31C_,_,_1_0_ t, the engagement of their only , ----Deuifrof'-Nt�i.-'L.-,-C-r"i,c",b. Clilltort
- , b, - UU4 MIkJWU;tW Rar- it
er, . -_ � coftee."l "ProuLl' is the post fence.
on,� 17 a' V"t" I Tl* death occurred lVednesday, 111ustrited Handbook bsued by Hkink Dolet 11 v v -EN
� 111 ` ------- I _"'_ACKS0.N- �A.T. C. M. ;,Iord son of Mrs. And the late . ' I J* McEw
ZRA 4 r.esj L 144Y "I have a 9 alleman J
� FA March 7 ith, "t the bouto of her dalteh. 1 of AloAtre4l for Farinera and 44 1
. Instruction given lit Piano. Resid , Pritchard, formerly of �ter. Mr.q. jaroos �tanni,lg. aintolu, . Others friefid.11 Say "'man friend,", or ,,.% THE SQUARE . ,. , 000MCH I
ast eorber ot k*Kld Am Zci! Harriston. I
. place e the marriage to . tahe - all Xll?,I. . .. ce." . �
nftai� At hinf* ffluess". of 89V .
"oll , . I . . I I I i
t4ou'lle Road. . . arly in April. . -bsth Nott. wtolow of the into I -_ Words Often Misprononuce4 I
- ' , ,(ANvis A ,booklet on gardening NVrItteu I I I -
. I �
. . . � I Anuounc.ement . irrioh, hf Tuet-orainith. 1$r% lato especially from the farmers point of Doebsurld. Pronounce dat-s-Illint, I I ___ .
LROAL CAROB , Mr. And 'Mrs. Wm., X I -.i.1-1 - - -_
. orr, - Ntelgillov, Mr�.. C-101 'was'n tintWq of Tuel;�Jr. view, avid dealing,with a 4s in ofilther," us as in *Tull," t%c;- r',__ ,� ;,_��- I
. the spedal � -_ � -, . �--'.'�-��-�,T7t7��".,T-,-���-�-:7n",-- �:!�,,��--�!-�. ., ;,
I I . i Announce the ,engagement of,their ninith he 104.0 conditions,to be to4lid both in East. cent first syllable. � Wbole;oiie, le� Collegiate; ia. . answered him demurely.11 q
� F. B. DARROW. I only daughter, Esther Helen, to Mr, .r,p�=- Nrift. of f,bqt tnw.tishm. At. ern Canado, and on the Prairies ,'a Ban de tologue. Pronounce oAt.l.- , � :
, Vearge R, CanlpUtf, only.son of ithe ter 'her luarripeo, to,the ' -iis in I%%" o unstvem. I . Synoinxims, HUMIDITY; damp)i�ss; moisturt...
I � , late Mr. now Wing -distributed by the DaIX. kojoii,, all O's . � "The lulmldit�' of tile atmosphero; . I
. flarrlster�, S0101tor, NONry Public, tt�0- late J- U. CamOboll and Mrs. James Cr -h sb(- coritinund to r4�sidp tAlere *of Atontreal to, its ,customers And aed, accent ion last syllable, . peoples persons, public, folk, coul. Iva$ 0 ressive 10 . � . I
I . SOMmor to 1. 1,4. Killorin 130r0n, tile ,roarringe to toke:placel untIL owi"- to failinst health, she friends, ' - , . I I Backslider, Accent after the Al, munity, population, coinimonwealth. I �
Pllona9.7 '0111ce, The 8varei uiverith e rly injWarch; LAN -811 (0,
. ,a 41); profuq,e; vxtrama-
11 ,. . .. moved to C-111"ton to hor.4aughter. . Like - the previous booklets on not after the It. Fragrances 0'raultit perfunio, xedol- gant, 4110 Was Very laviall'ovith I'll .
.13 X. LBJ-1,. I I I 11allim-Grammett farming subjects issued by tile Bank, Abeyance. Pronoi4nee the second ence, Agreeable odor., - gilt 4 .
3 � 4ST. I D16a In Dakota, I . I � 6.1$� �- . .
'ERN . . I The funeral ,of Miss Mai"'aret Ahi� bookI4 tolvera every Phase Of sA . . ,, glitter, sparkle, Cleam, I 'aluoulf.-Though .
_ g. A protty wedding w�� solemv* .bble as "bay,"' not As "be," ftlue, gloW
iiafld lounce ba�sibl. 4 un. . An Oil that is 1,
,. ter 'I'And, soffollor Scott Q(ivinlock; wh6 passed, away in in St. Thomas, ebureb, 'Sonforth, 'nu DA01% Pro) , scintillate, blaze, radiate. , Eluce of, Dr.
4, . Barris the subject in strotile language, and Canada Won, not,the b.ivtl�
, ! IQ. Mug street 'East, Toronto, 2 'Grofton. North' Oakota, on Friday, Watint,milay t"oroing. M�Arch 7th. yet -'gives the inetiods, and results stressed, irst 1 as in "Ill," lost 1 as ill Visibility, , Perceptibility, appear. 11liomas" Velectxie off, it s tile home . 7 I
, 44 ' A L t second syllable. , once, manifestation, ovideutle, I � .
� . March 2fid. was held from the horpe wb,ir, proveol by scientirk experiment alld ', l , of that famous compound. From, I .
4 . Teli*Oxones VIgIn 811,61847 1 . Mew'- P,milv.-davAchter of Mr. a rl et. on6un to hati-ri-o4a, 7 - Negl4lit, n6g le"Dw here its good name was spread te .
. I . ___._.--- of 'her brother. Mr. Sohn R. Goven- And Mrs.. v)aulpf rJ."vnuAett.. oCT-Jar' research to be the.most profitable. � leetfrL keed '.
I I I : I I lock. North M!iin st;'eot, Sonfortit. on ' The value of Ole katruction given is t at syll e as "cab," 1 as in "it," o careless, thoughtless, reriliss, uu- e4ntral ana South Aiiierica, the West i
. ' - "Ilr�Pv- %Vaq vinitod. in marptagil to . .
0 -4 Immensely enhanced by %eprodue. , . : Indies, All 4111A alld New zealalld� :
Dul)Lr,y r- 110""'Es. Wednesday Oftel:1100w M00rch 7th, Mr. William 'JTAnry poin. the last syllabl� As I'lay," ric. mindful, perfunctory. str
I .1� . orrister, SnIle4or, Notary. Ayhen n �Nlajt. _6ny u,kl,,,, 1,arfo1.W_ ('"�- I s , table. . Xudgment, coutbislon, 6ductiont That is far afield enough to attest ita . . I
I . . poll is cent not I � I
. 'It'- landbank c6nieter iv tho r3otor. and diagrams" . Words Often Mispelled I �
% Conveyancer. r �� I tions of close u 0 -pboitogmpha � .
PHO I .18 10.7 . Publit ITWAIIIAON STREET' y, , � Rev. T. If. Rrown. After the, N.TP. - Inference, decision. I eXc011enee, for Inooll these countrie., ��
. I � I
I Word Study - ' It is on fialo and In demand. - .
__ _,.=.��===-���;,' . �i � . ":V�*_.77:�Z.-_"_-- '"'o" "' 'W""di"a' 'Im" . or "'As served trooluction, ,o,ught to liav� At least ,Duc, or tv,ack). , Tingelng; note the o of-, � "Use a word 'three ti .1 - ;;l� I
__ � . Eligarement Announced Every farm, It is stated in the in. ,Qoarse (iiiii flne),'course (a, patli .
. .. I .
'. I . I I I SPSCIALIft � . . . Xi'-� and MV& - Edward Grigg.- Qf S,+ t�o hol,�A of tho bridele, porontn' acre Of the veil best $oil on the place ter Vicinity., thr-P N. Wo%te lues and it in I . �
� . 004044 'township, ahnounLv the en� thA imillediata rol4tives vndlftf-�".Iq , Let us increase our voctibu- �
. .1 . I . I . 94geMellt of their dautriltor, Edna b4me 'rTiosetit. Mr. �i '. devoted to growing the hollit; supply (to &.s:trok),L,"-WaiA (of the body). " 'by mastering one word eiWr , NOLOMM . I w
. Adella, to Mr. Charlie Raymond 'It , "d "%'"' Poll" I I '� � I I
. . DR- F, J, 'k. "ORSTF."t. v4 "As,01% on' tho ,mroorp$% fol'�n ion of fruits and vegetAbles. Tbefarx . I Words for this lesson, . I I AFAILUIM
,. Itho fourth tollcession of.mexillop, garden sb6ald not be ero,Lided Into a 'daa y7 * "
. . . . - ' ' � Cooper. younizest son of Mr. and 1. REPRESS; to ellock or iTestrain .16
. BY0, BAR, NOSE. THROAT XV5. Uporgo tucked -up. patch near the bous 0 � I I
. I - , , e, .but .0 :* I Ukt000tlasas
I 0 "He tried, but could not rep IflussakimVionalor-
- "Ouse Sn"4604 Now- T'ark OPh" the InArri9clo to take; plate about the . . r . I I � � . W1 "irme'lu 11*- I
. Late 00oww'.0f G04erlevcli,, Presentation to, Mrs and Mrs. U. should he planted in long straight ., I . ress tll� ,
thalmia and Aural llospitit, assistant at I Millet, . � oi�va far enough apart to tultivAte . groa a." I . Oft*ll I
- I I
. . I I . Moorefield* Bye , flospital and Golden m rell. � . A very enjoyable time was bent with a team' and field- -eultivator.t . 0SUMPTION'. t . lie .act of taklup � , =* WithOUt 0 t61116 � .
: I ,, P.4"W Its 41ftorent - AV*
. up again,' after interruption, "Thi ' Sewphill TralnRl
. John Mel9wen ' Then -overy,time. v . ...
. ..Ssuars Throat Hospital. London,41:rlg. Sells D.Jiry. Interests of th", b011119 of Mr, and Mrs. -.Elliott . on hitch. up .,-a I VIAM4
, . 53 Waterloo St, S . Stratford. Tdo- JAn Mef,w-er. of � Winocliam, re- Miller, Lucknow, on(.- ,Pvening recent, team Ad ,dultivato the grain or the - 0 0, " 'a resumption of his dutlen began laa� cila%*, t � -- I
phone 267, . . . . . I 0 * Monday." . � .
I cently, sold filin da$ry business �a Ai. Iv. when they ,entertained over thir. potatoes, go through the g4rdein. I . , � .
M Roth Deorpra, GOderl.,h, ,on the bort Foxtoa of Morris. who ,wnts nos. ty of theii frlend$. . XINUT'E.; (tkdj,Y .exceeding at ..
evPnIng. of thlril '11onday MI each nionth After a few give it a good oultivatimi. It will . � dy � 0 . .
... . � : .
I � , _'T . ... oudlio I �"
, 1: I . small; precise, "He went into inin. e t
I � LIR the 10110WIng day, T.OeSd4y, at I session in about a w4%ek. Mr. FoN- hours - spent pleasantly with cards take only a few minutes,and mother .. � 1p I Jk 411 uto details and 'explained every. * t 1011 k 0 . I . I
� '' I . tO-A i's bilvi"g an auctilo" sal- of bis And darcinp a delicious lunch wag won't have, to break her back ,K) I 9 a
. pulling . . . . . su . I tilat r A
P,m. . I . .. . � � , thing." . .... . pow ope .
. . Obfive stock. otc.', on Tuesdav, the Served: by -tho. hostqqq. When all 'woleds. and the boys won't havo to � , I ,
I � :;:;:::::= , 1. - I 11 . I . h. ... I .11 . � . I. baviniv n. a . I ophill, Trade Schbals, thiltAki
90th Inst., before talcing over the bad dObP j"fke to this �vin�addrosq Stav ouln. on Saturday 'Afternooll. , . . , I I . I DEMURE; Mate Or "" .
. I I . CHIRON . , , . . W #
I . .
. I business. . 1. Wits )tend bv Mr, Jack Mapfttv, ann,th. . . . 11 modest. Aemeanor- -�%e- blushed it _441XIns""66%, Ott I- 0 Tomaw ... �� ...
. yre� siljd alld..�ioo,,wl ey--ought t6 go Ash I � �
__.1_____ift � 1- ___ - X _.___ _-Aiv - - I . . . . 1. 1� 11 - " I , I .1 ;_ �. --_11L , ..-FOR ., I �
, . I Pl`tAGTITl0XrM. - - 7 - Hia-s-Wb�-Cbntraci for Pi , thifi MoeKly.noin,mpde the ore- -Ifij��" . : , awl xxtra . . I _t_ '! T I , I -1
I I . -_ --- , . I I .- . . . � Ilk -
I � .
. I . , , ., � lon; in the boolt �al.o to . . I . I ____ "I � I
� DR'GLU,Q�� � . sentatior of a hand.,;omq Plectric floor eti . 11 I
. � . .. � _ � I George Apderqo�. of Luelmow. will lamp and out ,electric table lamp� do With the Inving out. of the ik4rden, I W in -7 . A ,
DR. A� N. .&TKINSO'M , , be, erowne'd,the "Flax King" of. the I � ev, pi , Iseftoolft ? I I I I . I � �
0111iroproet4it ant) Druyloqi Tbekl4plsf PlOvince of Ontario, He h-ist r6eoh I I A Serious. Accident I the P-00 -epariation. of,tbp, wil. I I MI. L ,,A6*JM'S. - � I 11 �
. . . . � I I , the thnito ,of various varieties of n wl -flbor ' � . " W 0 . �
, � . Goderich: Et PQXI rac, nr rk Lieut-�Cbl. I Z %& -Cooper, brother I The' . W10 � . Vs...: , I I ,
I . A 4 firm itt , VOPO�ftbles to Ault copolitionq of voil � tha . I .. . . . �
to e his crflr0i er ' of t�vpstai", thre-rooft' I -- - - �_____� - � 4, ,-,
, ,W not re
- , of a= . I
______,0hrW0.A"r 4!1!!!.�,�pq.LNP-Otqt"*;-IDJ!Ltt"e.o Ak,-A-,-T,-Cooppx.-O�-fbm--MAt.- , _c _ _
I I cti-my-nimeam- od?._L. . �.. w6k6i U. -Id US 6"Ovy"4116ft"A091011WOR10" .1 ". . . I ,
Rquipped with �DialhOrmy; 'EloctPol ree vaors. Wa WIMIA4.1r: - , Ill V'RE a most Tegro-tt4ble ace-i0elit "r of needs, the raising of voung � pIAO' � With barfto . . I "01"EsTolkelt"00 ILD NORVAL "My". � I I . . 4.1
Nlagnotia Ratbs,. Efee-trote Ficetrie ba * . I . I .
! . .i,o 4 . 0 aero,;, und'e� c 1. IVA, owl. Regina on Sunday, .evening, March I . . - I . . . . . I I . � ,. I ... . � I .
. . . . .
� . .
Treatmeots. And ChIrophiptioi, -nd ,"ow-c6ntroJ4 4 , door olantinoi ,eultiva. Nd N -r1C8-0LlCA86NT,JA I � � I I .
I . . I avlan . it in 4th, when be bad his footqushed by tion and irrigpfio-A.Anseet oests. aud' .9, 4 GA � , "
. � . .. Office hqurs�-12tq 3'and 7 to 9 p.m. the pravulce, . . . .. �, I a. train, netes I - You can wa�e it Won- . I 6A,C_0 . .11. U .1 A" . I .. I .. . .
� . *epling, ', , I iiitatin:r the Amputation sforave. 'Practically overy vqrlotv . � !V�t�!�=:!�-*= in!!! I � = M _!, � Y.
I fing Ig *ppolutment. ox, %londay Richnrof Rold , .. of a part of M Col. Cooper and a .- , s cov;r,sd ill the b"It.-I � . I I * . . __ �. I I .1
. � &lid ursdaY afteraoins -tod ilvenfligg., .. Death of lot *( -tablo L d6ifully 4ttraCtive -and , 10 -- . . - - I .
I friend bad 'left, the train, which was al;A the, ,- __,-;-__ -------- __-_,w� ,, . .
of'Reo houro-2 to 5 and .7 1 10 9 P,.rn. -� ! I elk. - an I I . I . t. . . .. I' "
"Illy. , � I of 'Refuge. 'Clinton, rin isaturday. wi0i: oniall ftnits. , ,
� � T)io.�death oveurreclin tho House stopping at, Regina for twenty mlo. rp bq .q seetion also Al I . Ino cotilfoita,We, i d it will I .
- +I,ady In Attendances I I utes or so. sm'd on re . - �Cost -you -so IWO I T..; t I" : -
. March 3rd. of Mr. Riobovd :Raid. I turning found While ,,vrlt+en orip-mvil.v f0v 0. I . - . I . , 1: . 1*
Resldonpe and 0frite-CoAratr of 1�6`nlllj Mr. Reid was born in F-I�Iand. but the trobt,on tliq move. TbeN--rin`t(i f4rwor. the� Iinoklot is voltiable * I i I .
.4qt. "kna Briloollitt Jtoa& - . � ,arivv. to Ca��il,% a�'O- settled -in 'clatell it'.."ach talcingr a d!6�ent ves. ., Let , . I.; I. - A � I . . .
I . . I I sa.0. W."t-ur LmrAoli �vero�v-fiprq. ivi US ShOW YOU SamploS, I .
� - 00 - -, � I I forth Ili 1975, Alwava cbeerfuli tibule. The one Col. Cooper juinbed "01"i ( v . . � I � . . I
, ...
. " iN r G . .. I 'f�rwps 0ooed ard it is. suppriseil that both town nud ehuntry. Cop!" irq � I and give you an estimate, �, ;, � I I i . . -
AUCTI[OINVE, R 10*�e,st And indt-trians. li- P,ainod thoi, . I I I
-teem drid &ood Will of On c ., when be surqr4r to the stcp he struck ho r4litolned. ltvltb�%nt cbi&-,*� at.flie base4 o " al measure, . �� I *4 iff A !
. :� --�-- I . _� , "; �,�b'_ the door *1liell:,tbrew him haek andtlocal. office of tho 13"Ift'k of.Montitnt. I . . q�ptu I I . ,; I �_ ,
I . 1tv A I � . ?
. 0 I - wl-r6 bn was a familiar ur - AtP 'PYTI�(*%N .- I I � . I 1. I . �
. ing his foot sl�lpped ull6ek the 'STATISTWIq � . I 0 �, ..
. in falli ments, . I
. 71 NAS ou-N"'Ry- : � for half n.cen*%mv. � .i . . - . I I CANAW S . � if -
'eiter. .: non. -William 1.910PIA , '49 I . . i 1. I �
. Live Stook aud-6 41 Atiollooeet, . . movi *lleel�, -:,,� - , � 1. � . PRESSYTERY (UNITED) Goderich Pl"4 M31s, Ltd.. . INFST i, I . 'r 1,
I 11 . I � � . Lions Aleat. I I � 114t4n *Presbya. 1.1- . . � � � . 1.
Hamilton Streeli Coderith , -V�e - by *rsj 'NTa " The 'genii -mo' . Tile- Secretary of . 109&rWh - � I
. Wont .1 lleceived . 11 -i SODAS I . -
- Sates made everyWhere and All efforto in street, SeAfortb. of Seiforth ntbly meeting of the tery hog completed. tile statistical vp.w ____ _ I I � :
. -made to�plve i,ou safle,64,4w . 1, , Club was one of the most -cord of the PreaWtery.foithe.'11inef : --- I
. lzrr;�-qtp,, -,N1,,h,, ."^ohew; Ron. '%Vil� - 1, .. - - I I - I P
� � � pofterol sale notes discoonIP4. liam sloar, on 'Pridqv P-sorni"o. 1-Jor. successful 'hold to dato� not only months ending Dee. 31st, 1-92T. i THE BEST THAT*S MADE I! I � 1 .4, ,: . .
. .1 .1. . I I � I
. I from the poinf of view .ot attclulauce, - The Presbyttry has Vnder its core '� IN EVERY GRADE" . I I .1 .. �
- PI�ORFRT RODERTS0N. I Pi lit St. Joscnh1s hospital. V'otoirla$ but.also bocause Pf the: fact that"t1lo 39 charges, comprising 75 Mpgrega. ' . I I I
. ---, , I 13.C.�' 2'TPfi ,91 yearq, following. a Lions 1. - - __._________ __--i i � 1! ;
I .1 � are initiating softiethi,ax to tions. � I I . . . . � I , I . . J 0 !I 1
� Ali tionver. Eldon M.. Goderleh Ornt- -,vh;-h h6 -milfered -while -nt. bet - M!t!tn!tv!�� z! :,,.t,t=_ ___. I : I ;
I c ol* �*ven. ter cconomi`e conditi�is in. the -There aie 18,406 persqns under the I �&p 410- I I
I wit nduet - nail -arrango -any �salo 011 terldiriw a theatre the previous . ' I I 6 � I I
the1ittest Metbods tij gA best results. ing. Up ,hp(l jotend-d the afterktion town Lion C. �P. Sills occupied the pastoral'oversight of the Pre6ytery; Works Hard., Dances, � . I ____1____1-_1.______ 'I I
See film. An, drop a card nnd bn 'will .. chair and in bringing the me6ting t6 �of_thbsa 12.04ir site' memberi'tif the � V
, �
lato -altent.loin. F(Arm session of the Legislature. order gave an Address, "Okie Holne pb,.� The W. ' M. & Societies .. ' MCC
�Qqie.4 a slipelalty. .1 .� " Do0h of'Vormer � Clinton ROYO-f Tovin.)t which was very well yoceiv- 64 And theg raised $14,657. &1"ns-Abs- Week I . AW 11.
. I 6 -r . '
" I * illit , I `
. .
. , The 4eAth 0".urred on, $undmr. led. The motion of Lions Frank Sillg There are 8,001 members of ,the I � - . I
NOTARY PUBLIP1. P'TC. � February 26. At bitt 110'60' 143 Nortil" and Wilt. HartrY askin,w as it (lid, Sunday schools. and 1,407 members I .111 work hard, 4atice anti have gaiii.. I . . 11. . " ': . i �
I ' . .1 q... � I 1!
. . ,
� i � I Poll-Ris qvenucs, Sarnla..'oif Ge,irge that tbloi'tivie committes for better, of Young People's ,Societies. : ed 3 pounds a week since taking - � � - . � I. �
. . -,%Ytvf. HAILIE. . — : I . w0glov l3arg6. DQc0aeM was born ment of the to*Ws condition, att There were 130 maMages,cele,bra- Vihol, My nervousness is alrdwlt - . . ove 10st � I , I . I � ,,.
. . "t '1int($;'- 0'attililti4 Whertw fln- 0 lWith .All possible speed and 4o-oiperate .tod, 206 passed, on befort-.-- iall gonc."�-Mrs, F.'Lang. :. - . I . �. : I I . � ,
,, . XOTARY PV01:16 I r1imbo- 0 vearq 'he was ^omtecterl,wilh anv organization in .8eaforth, Fine new churches were built ntf Vinol is a delicioup conitiou J *of . �
6CPeV"l r1011A*0y3nPJftb. jo'�'�' . -1th 010 *Ir- oP Jar'-qon Brog. P-arl rjuniciPAI iw otherwiseo wn6 dobhtjA t' I . r . . . . . . I
raP4 1134"d o-d:Po4-er'a Rill. while cod liver.ptlotone, iron, etc. Nerv- JERSff .CREAM SODAS . �
I flood Compaoleo 11olon*44,infe-1 � 'A�ol"qb .14 Crooltq, Mr. lgal.0 O�hd fully and-fitially paosed unanimously, the thurth atilleinniller has . � ;
I phone 1$6.,. "A. � 0, r1odor..'eh, (Ant Wq fpvailv I ' b0n ell- -ouo, coolly tired, 4'naemic peop!e are � � . -I I _1 I _... . . I I
__ novM, to Sarnia- in 1912. 'Sh�it oveecha,4 were Oven bv Lions larved -and beAutified. I surprised how Vlool. -gives new rep, ..-- - � �_ I . .- � .- . . 1
, . . .
. I ---�-�� 'Por ele"A", Y-ars he Was TAIRnatter ne. Frank lq;llo. Wm. Hartry. W'. J. Dun- The receipts for the Mainteflaw!c, s6itfid , sleep' and a BIG apr,etitv, � . I %. . .1 I I I - . .1 . .. . I
.� ' " iRSURA CE � I Lyons ToilovWg Company in..Sarnia,, vAin. tt. F, Daly. W, J. Poattip. Jame4 nlid Extension r, und amount to $40,- The very first bottle ofton adds ny- . . I I
. ,...^,".,_�_,1-A_ % .
., Rob,?rt V^"boo., o I I �
r Voin§ill Died XvIleti. Dr. Purvows. Fred Sarqi-Ti��'.104. 1190000 *ivoq rnised for all eral pounds wiDigbt to thin children , . i I
- Arlaraiop sluutii, FIRF. msull. I I Suddenly oo. March I . and 14arry ISto-tArt. r,r-qtn 0 t1ha 41 nurpriaoii durimr tile nine months of or adults, Tastes delicious. . . I . 0 1
� *09 011IM44Y. , .�
. AN I -0 e * Tile prop-t-tv in r ' CAj�JPDF ___ I .1 . i
r . ,W8 DRUCI �RTOV 1'. . #]Z&7!J I
1. � . ---:. r � Tiler funerpi of tho Into 11ohn-14 lj%l,jr. 10VOri](19 WPP6 MaNl� ,?)Idin�o ]%,�-itl- the finaresint vear. . I �, 11 . � I
I jAnNt AND 1140LATP.0 tOWN Pf1()IP-J-r1qor who Afed Puddelitv o -n Thu-,. I UneLeon, Mili,p *10nnfs, Plid Earl 0p PreSbytery valued at $1,�611. ., . ........... .1._...._,i - t, 2 , , , 1. � 1-1 � I! 1 ,J_tUrtr I � .1 I I
1. . .. r'.11TV I.NSVIIED. . I dnv. Movoh1st. took plac- fro'u'llin V,%�%�frw�-,! ,"11� '11%�%�;"- +U� ,e.�- 500.� . I I I . I - . r . . 11 � I .1
� . .
I � . . 1151;:* - Z 7, 4~J I . . .
, vatup Of proartv in,411red tip to .11111. Iota "idorwp, ill T101'still. V "b '11-4. of the evenifiS Milne Ronnie added v 1-,'ver� Aiinigtor' belorgintr 'to the + ertl � W t U, � 1, . I
, ,r . I . 1.
. Mnxe� by rJJ - Is P1.41. 1 . A " - . _..,....., r , r .
ary, *it , *,4n wat; otto of the v -44y 'r
0 Ha. 13. 8.975.001 M-. Morr- to fbe aly0elftq9 rf the mec, Prosby-tery desiring a ebarzr . E . . . 'r .
,, - ", . 1
4,1 . ON110FIAS-XamPs.- Connolly. Presl- -4ftloj�,q l3orit on A farm near well voriderM soit(�. - . I vided for. ond. every ,ebnrv,- i's under + I ' r , . . ,". " . , , 1. , Q . �
I 11. .1 I � .., : ; .
�Jh � `Pr"l Prnrl�vtllm. Anforin. �- iw- 1,T) %O,e" trusseis otigoin Drops.Dead the care *np I * I , I',' . .
rg', do,nt, ajylefleh: J,fig, P,yfiY14, Viet , . of tr" nr(W A -1111ster. I . I r .14 I -_ . W. . _ � —, " � � ; . I
I dmt, Beechwoon; T, V. flays, ,See,- abont. twputv.olvi vear$ of ,h&- gil.1 A fir6m1herlt; citizen oi IU miles. ' . . �11 I � + . �0
� r
. Choi" I . .
, Arexillop. . � 100"IL r I y"Vaporated � . . � ,
Teens.. qpaforth. settled oil a Well form in 8outh 'of Brussella In the person of MUNICIPAL COUNCIW GO DERICH " . �
DIRECIT010% t F. .1treQuagor. Sea- r * - 40ha""Ay'r r I . I
toMr; J, - G. rieve. Witithrop; Win, I*v" yvitr 0-0,41 William n4nds, dropped dead oil Sun- .
I Godertch IrtiNvils.101i ruts 4"t ink* you )
. ,.-Wrtn,! Constanco., aeor,Oo, MPP.hrtney. ni, 'P��'h,miary Ow.l, tl,^ .0 -til .. ..... I day m He wuo, In his _16W I r $# . 00111�� . I . � A.
01,1111, 6ullell , luet in Holmesville, On . 1.07� 21C ]PIRAC1128 : . i . I
HeIrf, 2.0r. 31ZO I 9C 1b. I 11 . . I ,
. . . .1 of � his demise. He leaves to nidur
lobt Reonewlse. llroadbagan,, Nunn' "(1 Mrs..r E'll !!ib YeAr. %tonday, lifareb'ftll, A letter from -
T-ackerstnitti, John POW% llarlock4grandebildren of Mir failure wat; the eauie 'T . 11
I . 7 . .. . , - I—. L,; 1, i r '' n tile Ontarlo Trustees' hod Ratepay. . . . � . . .
Gibson, 13tucedelol. . ___ - __ i. _60A.-0 ' . "'O his loaa )its widow, one. roll# A 011, orn', V * . r . . . . r 40 i -or. Jar r, I . . -1 I -1 - � is �
.. 6 . .. 'of the 12th ,concession; Mrs. StUnle -on _ I . - -SPe6k1_---1 . ---_-r_ L . I _ - .
.. A0F,NVS-J- W. Y06. GoderiM; .Sandy At .1 ' Association was rood, No At- . . , ____J 1
Leitch, Clinton: Wm. cllpsti,v.. So%- --M- __4 . , . � I - r k . . ....". �
-1tIflM*y-Fciirbrih * ---_�- r ,.,r .. , I S& I �
tortla1t. atterso wrote aq1ting council to le -
I or" it. ,P q1str-1".0pr0s0ntkAtIv0�Xfi-4j � , - IF, .1
—1 GrItTleff-Th 0--- -wheeleri-aver-towtMItiv, . m. . .. , Z k is t .
.. ' " . . I I
.. . PalieFltoldpis V.ui, osy tKeir a,,%Pr,s- ' old Sanderson, T*ronto, and iss Lt. n _s0ti WHO, Tdr�CJI . . � F "a itrawbe . . - I
at'home. I. . . I assist the Clinton Stock Falrbyv mak- H . � � i t � I
1. Intrs [store, 'f.ioderich* I I Your'Skinn .,Friend lo.'� I "Thr I I I � � 2Y.— , .el,
. VAesita at a. 14.4, . . .1 -1 y . . Firq -at Myth. . .ing their upual grant, bouneil Ji 11.0 C -. jAK IN _Z MUD . Isr 1�ikwlck . I i I
A. J.'Norrioll's notilng'Stbre,' ClInlout I - I I oranted $25.00, Bylaw No. 6 amend- Keilkorls OU0960 Ready Cut . . I .�
. I
or J. H. fteld's. Tillyffellf. I 11 TOI him that the quikk easy way On Friday afternoon the large liv� ink Bylaw -No. I and setting salary of r�og ^ .�,vaam �% wax om- . . islordlues . � I
_t't-jr�� _._ _ ;. - ery barns -and garage belonging to .road eupOilitendent at '310 cents per HAD N0,14ING N T14151 -' . . . mariftalsido - . . .�
I r1stir ' ". to put pounds of solid flesh ,on Ill,; 4,18625C Maearoul I
b'I r , INSVitAr4CI!�r bones is to take McO)y1a Cod Liver 'Orton Stubbs, Blythp wag totally do. hour ww�read and passed. At laot Hl:--h*r rOUKS. - '14r THIL Arl4r," 1"s,816"Jor . #.Jr.'J,Co,j.. . . I 1, r
. stroyed b� fire. The fire was firot meeting thc SuPetint0h&tlt winliesl ;4AT--%g*, OF cyour"'AtH 44"far titlet 330 Aunt -Dinah I
114ve it atten4ed to oy tlkC 11 - r. o. 0VKC6..MNG .. I
111 . E.xtract Tablets. . . noticed In the office wherd an over- to be relieved of the cletkal wptic of THt,: r', J.s st . 01V, . L witk coupon . Molasses. tit ,4".19C � .
- . 08V WAVIANIN NUTUAL1119 INSURANOE CO Tell him that bealdea helping bin% heated stove bA4 caused the �v I ,,, his depar-twok. The council ap. , .111011016lf � 2 e IA"e tift Ift A . 4he : 3 . .
. . . I L' ' L
; 11 — �
. I ; it' I C�A . : ' .
Bstablisliod 1818 to fill out his flat Oiest and sahkou etg., to Ignite. it jva,j with Olt pointed It. 6, Thompson to assint him I 5S - or- DA r L �
. I r . TH 91 I I . . . . . �
. ;;�., * .
. I
_ I checks and neck Mctoy�q will make difficulty that the bors6 and a mml- by paying all tile road accounts anti we- A ., AIM I .
, . 11e9A O*ft T. - fthtfin"O"i Oat. him strong and vigorous and give bor of piga were taken out.. All the ]ZOOPIAI(O file ledgel? in the manner 10 C I 'L . I f k1 r r I L . , r .
Wft X nomilson., Auburn, Pres.; hi"I loore ambition. boggles, two cari. sorde cutters 'and ur6oerlbed by tho."Department ofpdh. �. _'T . L Aylmer Beans with Pork 31111029C . 0,
Wria. Watson, Vlee Press: James Cir. Mism Alberta Rogergo thin and run- a great &al of equipmeTit -v4erc lie Ifight-urays. %A rodolution tvas oaq. �. " I ) .. * . N4. 2 tin ,
tin, Hm. Director,, Directors-1Vni. . ;�'L � ,00 - , I I _ LL I
breQuillan, St. Helens;' W. P. Iteed, i onvit gained 15 pounds in six woelts. burntol. Otving to the high wind 5ied authorivinir the ret�vo and clerk . . �-4 , '%I . � � I r ft ti. "Ortioa � .
and stornt which was raging at tile tw aian and oubmit tho tehodule.4 of I .11, � , . . Alloser Broad t L ftodueft I .. I I
IL P. No. 2, Lwknow; Harry L. Sol. McCor takes all tile risk -Read time it ,Was with difficulty thitt tile , Mr-endifftos inn toWnshlo r6:144 4ul'- . I I . � _!_ . .
keld, Goderieb; Alev. Nicholson, twit. 'this ironelad ,guarantee. If oftee fire W49 confined to tile on(, building's inc .127, total exInnoliture 91131,11R.23 4 *-1-1 .1� 01 . J Aopll-b 15c- 'TAS-TY112road NVAN J* powdort .
n6w, Tim Griffin, R. It. ,Va. 7, Lue'k. I ,� 11 ij .0 , W satto-0 tin wtoppod �
no** all. L 'tt, Rilleardin taking 4 sixt,V ectit boxes Of McCoy's The residence adjoining eaught fire to the- department of public high. � ) —to"Ikuld"t 0 3 Ur 2150 , .1
. -r -
D I Ono 11941AIlon. e; Italit. Cod Liver Bxtract Tablets or 9 One several times but, Was ettinguisbed wayg and anking tbo rAstutory Ireant , '_11 ' �' - 1�, �- 1�_ �:__ ' " '004 * 0414to trodlot
.1 thouth the hoi ' thePe011-, 1110- f(All6tvint? ACC61109 P *' `-'E�,i je� � V . 116"s JVq8 L
Dollar boxet; ally 61% auderwAght Ise ivag damaged in. !� _. .016 WA 9 leaf Custard
, .... 24 .00 er thoustand. man or *6man doesn't gain at least 5 sido by smoke and water. . Tile lo,_)a 10re Damed, Godorich Stor, print. . 41110-m. �1
H ItS, T. G. ATIR24, Joel 'Completoly SatlSf I is PArtially foVered Y �jfiSklj'an�e. ing. $14 . , 10C
.) poundg aud 'e, b -. Vrod Thov=,on, �hpep Queen Tgi2a;ieth never know what Q11C.1;An0 I
SO. 'r I secret"y. inf: I I OF A -M aft Loaf —""I'"n - " I
L%, with the marked huprovoment in, The firemen are deserving: o; great 91,0; nobt. Malts valu comfort was ! � Ayll"tr �
� . v��� �.�� � 11113�ml ft: vond sunt.. payL ,colic'ller On cold likornift!!0, [4he W.11604,6 or N616m, - . rap 11kos* 4PI64o
. L '" L licalth your druggint is authorized to * . .-t�A."" 9110 couldWt vet 116poolsaroAa. I
t , ri-,., $too. coullpil Opn,nolloilrilool out Of IK -d ii's warm room-lient. chocohkte Bar$ r1hio togkj Spinaeb �
.11 return the liumbaue price. .w--7- � -------w'.M fo raeot on Monday, April ftd. at ed,by 4D"r to&t_-_-xn4 oat a delicioivi 3 for 14c 4.90,*400001V 16sr, 15C I;n , I I
Ask It. (%' Dunlop, Campbell's or .F� . �. %\"... 0 ,�,' r 14*
000,-" N, 00 P.m. breakfast--tooked by our coal. I- -...'r."'. I.. I
, ally.good drugglat. . , ' T " - It. G, TtTOMPSON, Cl!0r, I ' I , r r I r - -_ I
L .. ,-....rr - - - =�_ - I � __ "-,--- _., I
. 4, I ' _ . )S. , , 'O * " She had to take her had A"
Drop Bros I , I— T, 4 I 0. 8ftall too SO sami'l 3 fil;�61
C" F.:- 1) o 1) I " "I Z1424 just Olt it taille. " �
--- --- �
. �� ON A 0i A ok %^O%O%w ( 1, ,
I 11 y I � - llat yett can know what comfort ig, Law 23C Ind aoali�-166 rasst L I
�. ' I if YOU will. Call 98 for an ord.. I . �.6�— -_ --- L
I . r _____ , I - F -T!_ I
. It I ,-*' 1 __----.1 .
14r$ !. � -; K I 0 N Em .-' I i Our Weekly of wir D. L. & W. ceal. and weli � '901%
1. "',
so I J. A.Meeler '/. _- I i C cornealled '.." 25r,
� fttftd YOU A 1004 of warmth ond - fin *#3 ��
Orders Carefully tteoft,JA to - . . / I Let,^ans iU E,ngfigll C-Amfort Cat for arty'(ple-eil ! IV Clark's I � I
A, at All hotvrx�night or day. b 1 Funeral Divedor and :'/ PIL LS --�--*s' By W. 1L. 6mum I I . CALL Tur, offe 16C Tea I
%" the fftspwors of A"Atonly in 13 I � Q i�. - � * - Chicken So FCrJh*e_-a4UP
,anftty of Ifft i .� I � r, ,, \ :-�15 RiChN99610011 .." . kif 1,04k we
- � - --: fity --'L—..-.-----,— �� I .
a*i for the rC _0% ,( Embalmer 4 ,, I S., - , &==� r--- A Moll joaa6eftlNo LJ HE
. Store 120-, JtL,51dtftC.e . � . , �-
n-lon". I .! 0.81. Bulk �r
141t1t. , '�, I , I Spap
r i I- i,f ! f % C1, 11 . I Worda ,Often Ntsu!w-d I ivltv MIX "a I 1b. on 59C - chigs
= �11�,;& I
� Goderith, onftirlo . . 1.) , L V ,;-w . . � . �4 lb. kilo I 11for'd .
I— If I I I - ! '*,, .. 7I ,V , I Al I i ljoiet'=7 "thC tV;O OhtCTO TOW, 0441 11 ,a t%0 sad �Ajr .
_ - . - . -__ L' � -I - . .. .... 1,11, k. 1?1, 1''. vt�(", � � �.,, , � I ""' Palmolive .111� 2L
__.- .- � ---. I 11 'A Atother. .0'ay "cacti othtle, whon Tv, 11 .
.. -1. I - __ .- .0 �14 I a��u ft
I All (:tllo proaaptiy att'311 C111 & . 'J� to r t,,,,. For nocAl Clean O)At d I
3 ` L ", . I I � sperchd "It
,4V4*A6*#W*03W%JL. . � P4 f. ,,� ... , �! als uoo 111-041" to"g m,,,;;.,C�'.'.1 r4c .A,ft , Fam�p lalsc I
- , rJ4, Demato W% a
& Ift ft%*ft*Wn%" I , , ob!, ow nEght, . " __ L , r, i., I 130 W Kice P;
"M i ,
I �
. I
B EAT - — I I I
1, , , 0
1, � _____
I IL7 t]",
W�_ �
I I 11
.1 I L
ION C, Po"
. t
I I' ,
I d% I
�t I I A sunalpt""I ok, "a balmol, 01 mcy�arxv. ,%JC Qaiilay
'-'-w '"' W04 11"olled;, storo:'I I., Hou" I . "Itr ";! , 5 I "" . I 59CIA1. !
"VS11 I Rk, M04"OARD ' vtl�,& -1
, * r , � COMPANY ..- -11, 1- .. L�
.,,at . 4e;#� L* I 0 It I Van!t cay "I vi i,,,_cJ a vluonwl In
- --I----- I .
\ . 7 I the ,,,-,W,tF,,," 'r -k*, 1-pwr,zn('JL' rhoo-C 96 - GO&Y" . ! I 1 � i 19, I 1: , i I "A_1XXXXX_1UKX-X='
� A 4- )
I . — - -
i. - __ - __ __ 11 k - 4 . � . I .
- __ I — .11.1111 i I . I . ,*M-
1111111114 ���Iii,������,������������cimbiow I 77 ,-,: —."-V __ - __ — .1