HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-03-08, Page 8'
,the Key.Nnte to Intetiot
Uv e you ;veer* ournew
Spting Patterns? *
We will be pleased to
Show vx.t.i or 11)holle
pits a Simple pooh
fin Yorirgliope.
Nei obligatiop toy.
Cole's Book Store
ile,teo.iol for licit Wedding bells siri• kirtgieg,
fonlitt, 4,4 44.4 b.kewk-1nd at hr none ,
lite.5-3. kola t3notier sr. Ni,. Flora Awoken; locn'e,
.of Hr. Neil Ittedr,miiiki,
oeeet a elk.; 1QY'.wkwider' tto pat, held 'WV lItt Fri4kly to fay to kis
Mr. and Mi.3. Albert 1i11;14,ilaW 02-
teitained their Wends to a dinico en
Merday cvering.
Mro, 0133, Itobericon lias rette'neil
home ,aftev a pleasant lino> wootio4
sictwithfrit:1413 in Toronto.
Mro, pdt, 414 I3014u.y iherc ever 14c;:ci)t•
y v tat. In. the evening he
gave a *tiara' anti fiance, tc;
voho had hylped thi.) aftcrioni",,.
The inentlity meeting of the
(tee inatitate was held ;it tho.
of Mee. PAWN"! Marityro cu Tliur3;"
old, Goderleb, apoet kr-A Tharaiay '4'93 a ve44' PAP.= wav
the fo*.mero parent:4 oml
M Ja. Volga% Hr.
Mr. Thos. 1•Vileora elaipp.cd livestock
on Monday and Mr. N. Peamou on
Wedneaday. all frorn McGarr Statioo.
McGee/ ia elwayo a busy piece.
CODERI(1.1 wwNSIflp
Ztr. J. E. Tann!, P. S, paid a vinit
to ttnion Mama, tail week.
Lena I Did Morel; come in like a lion ?
Lit on
Sday yoo would taints
David Alter. of,' Luchnow, rdnn5:Tec 001 et.. the
pent a.eowniOya ri,Ith Lisa son, Elitee.1- Ilin on
iroau, Tent tbe
lis%teen-end with= nor
5a Mete Pairika opent the week- friend, !tea Marion Porter.
Tho pone, people of Grace *Gutted
church, Porteria hII, are Intly prac.
tieing for the play, "1.;is of Leve."
'Watch for particiearn bte.r.
Ileat Sunday the eervice will be
held an _111111;31,in, Union-churelk ;at -3.
p.m, Sunday echo1 at if p.m. `I'he
pastor, Roe,. In. C. Parr, will occupy
the pulpit.
Don't forget the $t. Petrick. social
to be held on Friday evening,cMarcb
^ cad with leer pareute neer St Hel.
lidra. Sam, Shamed arid rain, jhu.
spent Theroday with. Mrs. Les. Rit.;
elite, Zion,.
Mr. onti 57ra. Roy Irtvin And
daughter. Ruth,- aro-- visiting -with
Mrs, brief tit present. .
,Mr. and Uwe. Richard TWAMIOY, of
rehillgi spent .Wearieuelay with
, r. And -Me. Snalliiel Sherwood.
Mrs. tra11108 Hackett is epetitling A
'OtIplO of weeks 111 ilild0V With bite.
Will Lane, who has teen eritimdly II
teat is improving eornewla
Mr. and tfro, )'lord Campbell,
ZiOflp-.end Mrs. • Ira Campbell, of
Cueitirow.' spent TituestbY •eleettire
feltli Mr: And ints. ,Jolin
.Gem Atkinson arrived it
'week from Detroit ,to Start °per*.
Aions in ilialelainrup their .beaptiful
!marrow), .resideneo ell Vie Terrace.
•Mr, and John Polleek, having
'.-lent three months Visiting Mr, And
Mrs. Jobn Stewart. At IfttellItou, re.
turned, home tbi.. week both tool:lug
hale aud'heorty. I
,Word Was received lastWeek "of the '
deeth of Urs. David Robinsori. of
Sault Ste. Atarie, Ont., *tor of Xii3a
'artily °soloed. And Mr. 'William Os.
,Mondo.of our villa0. unerot took
place on Vridoy• last 'at Sinalt 'Ste.
Mario, •
The tomeily tivanla,. "'Cranberry
t.oreeteeo Wbleil %Nati pte801004 by St.
Androwts United thureli ehoir tile 1
'town boll ,Ion -Tuesday leVelline was
4eCide4 enceeSS, ,04011. And CVO**, a
gem, At the ch).70 of tbt,
a dainty lunch wa3
Now is the time to have
Sewing Machine
Nits. Oas. Belts, Needles. etc.
Eechenee Sleek
sankicl scao 40z IVri. W. rt,. Weil visited friemb in
doe last was well attended orad prov. Dungrann.on on ii. ih
.(1-a good sIiee-.eas, both ateck tout lin. Miss Bessie Dere_, of the G. C.,
rim -mats realiling good prices. was borne hist week owing to illness.
The Rosal Scarlet Chapter of the I Mi.. flarlotte geld) returned, ie.
'Diarift upal Grange Ledge will eently from adaiting telatives
meet in the 'Ibirgaunon Orange balll friends in the vieniitv ,of
on the Idth inst. at pan. It is ex. t tine,
peeted there, will be" somo advance.'
inenta. to that- oublime degree. - -
The INile'Olad -Ghia' Guild will pet
on their play .and entertainment ilil
Friday night'orothio Ive01; at St. Hob.
Mi?. J. of Goderielo visit-
ed his mother, liars. Charlotte Smith,
and .other relatives for a feW dar.3
bSt Wea.
Mi. Lorne Mcfs.enzie made a busi-
ons. Thie getting• to be a Palatial.' nese trip to London over the week.
play. It ia 4a:claw/et' the Guild will; eud and visited with Motives in the
nut it on at Port .Albert oleo eome eity. while there.
time civil,
St; rutriertr neeint -YelTiute ear• ;Goderielo attended the funeral of
. .
InvC.cd to' celebrate St. rat- their eider, the late Mrs. Fred Alt. -
trick'a Day in the tweahle7 with the ale, on Ilford:ay. rowed hie father's gun for the Pair. stock, where he was employed as A Hear a comical record, "Sweet
CASHMERE PRINTS OR KIDDY CLOTHS, new and &amber; fda ecilor.l. gay
little. patterns Oil a soft weave cloth, ideal for Seim -Her Wash Drew, Ciaild
1-403SeS„ Srticleks and so on, colois are fac,t, guaranteed, flowerets. a
Sprig, and neat little figure') width, 32 Yard.. • .......... • •
SILK BROADCLOTH lit 20 new shades, exfithite quality a purest all Silk, "Pagot
inAes. Yard
da" brand, for Drss, Slit*, Waists, Slips, Negligs_teq, etc., width about 30 Uat;
••••0• 4
DUCHESS SILIC.,-..Yar4 wide, imported Black DUChOSS Silk, lio
deepeSt raven shade. woven Ilorder of Green, Blue, Came.
• • . • ... •
LEARANCE OF RIBBONS-4)dd lines DueheS Satin,
Shades, CuAlulls, Sashes, 'Millinery, r Olors, Reds.
Orange, etc. Special per yard
. .
• quality and of 95c
k.Sale ,per yard
Plain Moire. for Lam 10
Greens, Hose, Ash, SkY. C
KW folk in the ochool room tbe
:011.114:ecslit.Tittu:hd,dyz,ILV. ployed with Dlr. lir. A. Culbert. of On the evening in question, leaving steak ,that he was married te. Mies oAmpilHLL'S DRUG SPORE.
Mr. Mervis, who Ives formerly em;; Peso of Pickling ;tlio piece or them; farm. boutt# ',wee while at Weed- Ram aed Pad Bill in. leew York."
Aslifield, has rented the farm of Mro. seen ono on the fence,. he had loaderi F.lizabetir :Johnston, 'wbo for Some
In in Union elAirch -under the oust Admission 25,cents.
! pfteo <of tile Ii. Y. P. .1. A geed pro. A ia ti el ;
go 1 io wea lei we e o w as - - a t
.., t ill 1 t Mien •Cluir„.. and with Mrs. lYierris is his gun and gone OUt IA An endeavoe forty.orieyears bas Jain in the.chureh nu •
Sunday' and the ;attendance was emelt • t
tiow demacued theft to shoot it, but, fatting to do so, he yard ot Zion 'church, Ashfield. In • 1 f 0 " # '14
Ell IF...(20/. ROIr
Mnster Willie Wiggino. who had tame into. the house with the gun , 1854, ahout ten years after his ar. ifte eh E .
111)t Weather, We look for a gooft • Miss levy „SerlingeOrtr, retureled' cnt, a,.‘ii/ait .the return of tile equirrel, era, took un land covered with groat .t."^'-..."="-P-----",--i•-•"""-
d I be
g pa °Imre .
Mi. John 'Abbott received wovd ell
Tuesday, Feb, 1.1fith. of the death of
his older, airs. James Wilson. of ;Big
rorhs.. Algellia. 'Do deceased ',lady
woe, nefore lier marriage, Miss Mer.
tha ,Tebblitt, being a daughter 4/4 the"
late Walg.ate Telbutt.
at. both fiundaY school and the even-
ing rervice. iThia is three Suudays sPent the l'el71011$ wOok 111 Ceder.leit lot ,c1 bCanada, e.it 0 h
still loaded. ' Placing it acmes his- rival in me t e wn.
in "egession that, Ivo halm bad stn. AS a rest with ,Mr. Seriangeour, end coo: be sat Awn Y the window to ship of Ashneki, ruin Ilk: manytoth. CASTORIA
Attomionce 11IeXt SUnday It t& ns11111 *
. priday to ins-holno near Dung 121'100 ,c14 en 34 MIR Manner e gun is. t in r, And carved out of the wale-
eltgrrieete SattutY .vehaal 4. t 2.1Nle, And saMtaltd8say'Axitietar' :131';1,04 :a'entrfoel,111:41:.: IN. She woe seated by the stove and family„ and r4anama 0110 of ,thase
charged,. killing Mre. Ritchie lust:int. erness a forest, .a. home for himself
reading to the younger little boy and sturdy hard-working clean -living
- A box social and dance 6 Itiq01."? The 13114(1011 And "MT aad death Of ti et , WAS • 0111V a few feet from her Os.; sons oi toil, ,Who balre 'been the back
viol *lath relative in . IChreardi le. .
stop. band was Soecessf011y bold at' Mrs. Ritchie, of Ashflold (forme* n x Inn 8 e x'as °"°111Vglue band At the time of the Accident. bone of ,Caoada. Ile settled On the
r erter`o }till hall, on VIthlaYt March i Miss Addle Smith), has cast a gloom ,),?7,her br.ottlers ?1..tr; Orland Bore, wbo Medieal eta was it once summoned. fOrla . 411. the 12tb, coneession of Ash-
otird, there being a big crowd and ail over this. community, wheee she 4141,0011.:c. tee 11111 (1 tbeVe. .. -hat life' WAS pronounced. eittinct: The 'field, which has eontinued to be Ide
etc.r.; delighted with the progrem put spent part of her yeung life, loth in Alias 31. 34 Dareln reOurned' tier late Ure, Ititehie. who, 'before her home. for .seventy.four years, al .1'
1." 6 Ur; Xerkeer of Auburn, and the day..school and the einarcle.biSing duties ae teikelkOror on Monday) after
ether home talent, after which.' the very much beloved by all. Our.syto., ePerldiitg. Abe, .Previelle week nt the oral daughter; of Mr. one Mrs. Jamea brother, Thomas Barnby, settled on
uriri gee'vras Adelaide Smith, set. thave.quarters of A Century. His
boxes were auctioned off at good pathies go out to the now bereeved'heme of het: Parelltoi 11;fr• and ' Mrs. Ve. Smith, wile 'now reside one -quer. the 00,,riere farm jost-east of hin1.
prices by the popular auctioneer of bueband and little children in their 'tittles .Durrent of ht. Xielenot where ter mile west of Dungannon, on the AproSs the road Alexander WU:in.
reit ef the night liras eperat In 'thole. , -----"""'''''''""""°"`"...._ _
Clint n Mi-.,Gtorge Elliott "I'l trouble and very sad atiliction she woe coovalestent after all Attaelt „pm, eoeoegoton of oeheerdowas mar. who is still living, and is in, his ogkd
Mg until %line to RA home. Mlle pro. . „A tilit111.,N of larYttglOs.. IV/so IIA Brown sue, vied to her now bereft husband up. year, bad been settled for sonic) live
toads .ainotinted to around $05. etituted yell' aceePtabir in her itDY words, of five years ego, and she Ives years previous, and it ,was from him,
Tbe death' °relived. et a. The Rev. IV.'„ T. 'Goodwilespent this ISQ.°4: regr'et to. report tho sekiell8 in. ,..trweaty.seveatb „mar. she lees ,,,,,,,, •
at the time At her death. only in her on October 4th, 7864*.that Me. Barn.
tile late Sarguel BeeVers on Thurs. ye° with hlo :rentlIS' in Taraata
MiSs Dottie Lawlor spent the wtek. suit of a Pla'alytie
nese :of. Mr., WilliAM Ryan, as the re. very . pleasaut disposition, and ber
doy, -Februaty 2:liel, 1328. The de-
stroke.suffered laY pleasing' Personality eedeared her to
0001e4 .WAS ,born in -Manahan). toW`n. .91c1 Asiting rehttves.111.00deriee, him about 1 a.m. on Monday, k lie • all. She wail gift:oil with a sweet
ship and Moved to this tolvhip Aliso ' Aline 'Yungblut is down to remains in an uneonscious vondition* soptario voiee, and many. times was
about forty years ago. Ile took up Ilealieter Vlsiting.frienda"thia Week. erer sine°. . Nurse Free is Ira attend- it raised in the service -of praise both
Arn1111R OA 'tile Hayfield Hood metal Mrs. Ben is in leineardjrle. this. nue° ulron. hho, while Miss lietli in Zion United 'church, and -also :tit
xe unwed to Goderich a few years week on a vistt to 1101' 5011, wet, was, Inaoe is-, assisting in the Immo. . Dunganuon and Nileowhere she ifor.
go, from where he went. to Clinton. married .reeeotly, ' Rev.' W. E. Petry, wile, owing to mealy resided- Besides . lier grief-,
part beiug taken 'with nveat eredit toll
all. The wrOteeds Of tile evening. h
le Wee neurrled to Jonah she Mre. 'Jerry Taylor went to the Overture of lnow on the road eras stricken husband and two .small eons,.
giving Pren„eeeas,ed hint; Tho re, ricb. last Saturday and Spent Su forced Ie. leave his tar A few miles UnaSen* aged three) And '101th, not
bolos ;went oroogut to Goaerich and wikiefolends then, sotath . Of -Clinton, whop returning quite two years old,' elle is eurvived
he funeral was held ma Saturday af. eit
T II del' d h irent 4.40don• same weeks was hY ber parents', Mr4 and Mrs lollies
were :trona $80. *Pie Owaten or-
elteatra WO attendanee Alid de. t
livered speeifil inusic for the (we- t
ion. ; •
Free 'Estiestes Cei
Over 10, Molt:air and.
Tapestry SoutiPle.s to
• ;choose from
; Polishing
1 11
as done by Valentin, world
faineas Parisian Haireltesser.
Mr. Valentin. 'waft forinerlY
Hairdresser" to the Royal
Fairiilies of Europe mid was
brought out to America by
one of New York's leading
hote le to introduce the
Shiner° Rob to this voila**.
Yon ean get YOUr PersOnal-
ity cut at the.
oilerich Barber aW Beatty Shop
Opposite Post Office
r appointments phone 'le.
ertoon from Brophey's undertaking s
air4 0 wore t
Valor to 5Iottland eenfetery, Rev. record, load of wood the -village; able ,laitgeeeek-' to' brie; it 'home. W. Smith, of DuegAinioro_tvvolaistere.
I t' f th el of id in While thereis stillnincia snow on the 5Us. David ;slims of West Wavett.
.Q Elliott, of Goderiele conducted, "walladB 111' a reed hi placee.etene of the roads are nosh, land •Mahel At home also two
Messrs. Geo. Johnston, Geo.naid Reg. Mi'e• Gotge g4milleu sPent the 111
the service. The' pallbearers were open for teollie and'inotor care brothert Oliver' and Lesia Smith, of
c k It • siaLlIne,_ the loving s mpethi.of :AL
SowerbY and It bt t week- nd
o * $ ee. e th her son, l'homa$ and '4 Ot't14g1 aole 11/".. Samuel 'GOtlerici, to all of reborn is extended
1 (111 Itt,,nday.,treninfir4farch fah'. wOaktixad-la 8 4. sarliet vement, The fuiii their' a neral was
the.building committee of Grow' Un- of hUyerS."Pricek • for eoWS.,, and
uopuerwit ng atteeded by a very large crewd ,eitt 011 Monday tlt two Itmi. Aftet ,vitsans' eelAratn,;eytieoarirs toferaegievithh6.
eailtii.es the elkureb; will whelk 125 pour° held at the holm of Mrs. IVilliank ng,almost.,the $200 mark. Air. lehfeh is tear' at hand; and tile' „Sev- day. This old .gentlernan the
Euchre and Dance
under the auspices of the ,
at the Chicifellows' Hall
'7Se Couple -- Ladies 280
FRIDAY, MARCH 23rd, 1928
M4I,WicKinnon Orchestra
MVO ase his d'arne Men such
n's these know fon well tlie.hartishios
end privAtions that were endured hY ST litiCE NEIV
the Pioneer% of our land. His fem. .
ily tonsists or. One daughter. YkSt1
steis, 'William BornIW). of Wheat -
Meredith. • -of Bdiasontoet evil two I
lauds. North Dokoto. ard Mr. Arno; i
Hamby, of Astifield,zo,vith whom he
residee. He hue been associated
with the. Methodist church all his
life, havrAtnhgeo. i;•gee of the. maio
stays of zioh Met itddistbehureli (now
Gaited), in the Agiold tfittitt, He k
assisted in the erection of the first
church which was built here„,and, tWO
yenrS MO, When itS diamond jubilee •
was celetoated, his picture picture oceupied
-Prolilinento,place.-m-tbe --booklet
. •
.;ited eiturch gave a, banquet to The regular Monthly meeting of b
re$ tonna, ankle .tho former a short servite at the home walked distanee of four miles to t •
sat down to a tauln Igulen Iv tit 44.oberta0n 'Thursday' arternoim at Culbert to mewing immediately to his viee wee continued there the pros- Ogri.ind old mann of Ashfield, not on..i
I those who bellied iri • tiny t'. .15 11.1 the Presbyterian W. N. S„ will be for, biter $100, and the hones mains were conVeye4 to Zion' ellUrch. church1710 , An(1. back agaie, every &And
pod tbing's. After the suiwr ronate „ new hOnai,' on the farm vacated 1,1W elletrof a very 'awe assemblage eo y yea, 4180 is tharaeter.,
ware Prorioset4 One to our icing and Misses Anna Dottie, Laura Plailigis her. Curter, havifig rented his West 14Vmpathizing' friends and relatives. als, piety anbuL d integrity, his medestY
Country, responded to by tr., L. nad Gladys TaYlOr, of the -Collegiate wewatiotiereal.m els fnthee, the Pastor of the Ashfield United and retiring dispesition, are won j
Salkeld and Mr.' 11. Co, one to AV-Otelericlo spent the latter pert of Thos. cateot.... . thumb cirouit, ttev. iv, Brom% of -
e new ichureb, fespoinied to by Rev. the week at their respective Immo le The mew t. th tieiating, litany very beautiful floral
M. Gide and Mr. Fred Elliott; one the villani e re° offerlo s among • them: being a
the ladies, responded to by 1%111. Last Friday eveninir the entertain- ors of the West Wawanosia MUtual • ...
le and hir. John 111.Olurei, tine to went irt the Foresters' Hail in aid of VaesdaY in the tallicer-ofthe setretery Zi" 1.1.11ited 'church, beePoke tirS
Fire Thsttrotee ommtmv, was bela 0.11 wreara Lrorar toe eongregation
to the Young' People ie Society.' re.
spended.to bY bliss Rookie, and one
to our Sunday School reeponded le
' by Mr. thas.' Cox. Several rousleal
numbers were interspereed with the
.totiets. 'After the +grogram the an -
011311 election of ofileers for the new
' chtteeli NVas held. A very enjoyable
. evening ,Wa8 Spent by those present.
Babbetki 6ift Shoppe
See our New Line
of Cift Pieces
Mrs. E. Evans
Try Our Women's. ARMEEZE SHOE
is a wonderful fitting Shoe, made withl
Special Steel Arch, on combination
last, Made in Patent and
Kid Leather. Price $6.50
Wag Millinery Opening
March 15th,16th: and 17, and
• following Days
You will find mach to interest you in our show -
hag Omit) Spring Model*. The flats of Me
season show a feminine touch that has been
missisti far many seasons.
The Spring Mode shows Flowers. Cire
Ribbon, Cap Fitting, Crowns, Now Straws,
gad in the shades of Wood, Violet, beige,
Black. Navy. Groin and Red.,
row are cordially Invited to Inspect Ott Stock
You Get
been afasocieted, and, oh Sunder next. .11 Pres
known Y those with whom he has . VROOMANPS
83 he.telettrates his 106th hirthdoY it Expert weaning and
is the vareest wish of an who' know jog of Ladies, or ,mronto
the public library, notwithstanding 1 T G All ' h ull bim that; Ids remaining years onay
esteem an Winch tbe deceased young. tontinue to surround hitn with the Went*
the sternly 'weather, wag very well ' •
In (Mitt t tin it I
vt al atteltd. WOMAn. was field. and tile coro Iv- best thikt life can brie 4 tit
attended. , Over $40 waS regliZeil
got for her untimely death. inter- ReaVet'S dOore, may swing wide to
Tina Aim of the dances this winter itlesers. Griffin
, nese. three less elaii4ognottleter.epaudivuldsstoent "ea wan made Gre,,ohnt eelsoe. I admit, him .tbe, ',many ,roaniona,.
hos been tieeournlished, the procuring direetors, were appointed as dole.. tery. Lucknow, where the remains awaiting him when his life on earth
were tenderly laid to vest .1.1olorr shall cease., ,
Iv an at
of funds to have oUr streets lighted. gates to attend the annual conventiol Imo meesra. Gorden, virilueet
by the Hydro, rrhe men are here 4A the Mutual Vire Underwriters 4 bs Iv
thio week Making rat t
ate eglev 41U:hie, Seteuel Gibson.
fir ng nen 8. A.seoelation, which is to be held in
'The sticrament of the Lod's, "sup. the lfinip, T, Alfeed Andrew and John Gdnrtlditorontoarer.
On next, Marco 11.-th, Ash-
per;was observed in the Presbyterian' TOMO" tad WednesdAY0 )4nr-eh lieuf's -"grand old Man," John Bart -
rhumb last Sabbath_ Although store elsb and 2nd, With the ben. by, tekareise ittoze hit,thay.
Burn -
my. the was A good attendance. and meTuesday evening* March 21et. his home on the east half of lot 111
There Was an addition of seven 'mean- at Hotel- Carl -Rite.
bers three by certificate and fx.n. on In ccomeetion with the death fro concession 12, township of Ashileld
prolleesion of faith.
(Prom arhother correspondent)
...., „.. where he him been a continuous re5i-1
sheeting of the late Mrs. r wu. e•rt"'' dent for almost three-quarters., of a ,
chi% Cerehel" Di*. A. O. nontev Pod' *century. Mr. lierriby, for all his
Thos. Gundry, of MrsGoderich,,, viaited . Wm. Marsh opent severs the scene of tke occident on &durdu3oe about Vie house every day, al
greet age,. is still active, and able to
"(11M the_lteet-Week with her shoo; and at ill oyetock noon on ...mondo-Y though he spends a great deal of his
r .
Mr.% ff. MOgritige. • empanelled a jury just .pruir to the
recently' to see hie brother -404m
Mr. Geo, Raithby was in Gotieriela nitteticteeraltee'tifitbmeenntlidanyteantiewreart gteift for, bbnself in the way .of divisirig,
• e n his c air. lie ,IS able to Care
M. O. Clark, who is ill at present.
School seetlon No. 16 in East Wa.
Wanosit was closed A. few days last
-week owing . to the illness of the
teacher, Miss R. Hamilton,
Mr. 0. E. Erratt Was in Toronto
last week attending thiy.-Provinelal
Egg, and Grain Pool meeting and al.
No the Temperance Coneentiort.
At the meeting of the ratepayer;
n the hall last Thursday it ^wee de.
lded to install the street lightS a$
soon as the weather would permit. he fell upon the stove, suetaining sings' as he often does, 'his voice
, an , even now, when, he
„ terrible ,hilriiii Opolt his arms mut * holds' much:" of its former eesonance '
We unnet stand that Mr. Chits* !hue hands. Jost how tho accident lisp.' and beauty. Ile enjoya singing the
lam has purchased the farm of the pened is not known exactly, Os he I old hymne and online which, for
late- 'Wel. Roble, of Ebenezer, and WAS *10ne in the kitchen when it hap- stores_of Years, he ha; been neente;
•will take possession of it in the near pened,l'ut he is believed to have been tomed_to sing, and Which he Riven so
future. 3 refining MO his arms upon the !their well. Re was born on Mareh litilt
Mrs. Roy Farrow and ehildrefe at the back of the tinge, when he 1822, at Reefer& Yorkshire, England,
who have been visiting at the home tool: a sveak spell, falling; forward about eighteen ogles from the city
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jerue.i upon the itove. lie was still on the , of Ifull. and was thus a lad a fifteen
Mitchell on Monday..
Johnetort, returned to their home in stfive whiv found, and his hands when the late Queer' 'Victoria came
eepecially were badly turned. For./ to the throne of England. 'lle has
The play, "The Poor Married tultatehe ifietlece_eteencd With verg-lived in the feigns -rif-five-Reitisli I
are" evhith WaV-Yeiteatett -to - slid of little- injuo, and; vilth the medical' eovereigns. At the age of twentee
the publie librery was enjoyed by au treatment received from the /opal . two. in the Year Iii14, he emigrated
resent. The receipts were $40, lillYskism be 18 now reported to he ,to 'Cruntdri. in at sailing vcosel• helm:
which wilt be quite * help to our lib. vete:twin! is 430InferiRblY as elm be ex"' tieeompanfed by a brother three yeara i
rary hoard.
'his junior. At that time there were i
The most loolted.imiwoi4.to nodal 'rhe final arrangements Wive hecn mile eighteen mile* of railway et, I
event of the ecason, the Women'e In. /IIP e ed or 'the WA, weehe short tending
*Mutt, animal "at' home" was held from Montreal and it wile
course in food values and cooking to oniv a short time previous that the
on Wedneedity,evening of lest week, 'he held in eminection with the Thins first etromship to enter the port tit
when Want Torty members with Neuron breath of the Woments Insti. Ouebee had arrived. Ito remained in
their families, gathered in the vo,,, tutt. Mime FlOrenee T. Eadies, of Montreel for a +line. eoming later to
**(ere /fall. After a swim fate/war, Scotland, Ont, will direet the elas. the vicinity of Hamilton and Wood.
progressives gamee of eroekinele. te,... moo. which will be held in tho up.
gamed by Mra. Mogridge and Mrs. etairs of Mrs. N. F. Whyard'a hent'.
Sfrauehan, and euchre, captained by above the telenholle Mice. ternmene-
Mrs. Show and Mre. Robinson., a -ere ink on MonneY. Blew* lgth, at 3
in order, and greatly enjoyed, and P.m. A elites of 30 Young wornen
atter Nome two hOurs $!reeloua pew, *lid ladies have 'deigned their inten.
there elterited ns tha 1 ' A-„ A V.
son for erokinole tied d. Lawson at fl°11 4 riceivint instruttion and the
thetees ehoukt prnvo of much value.
euchre. After * lunch, coffee, eane.y A fee of e5 cents is eharged for he
wider. cake and doughnuts had g istitute rormhere and 50 cents for
been thoroughly enjoyed, the f;entle.tnoretnembere, This COVerS the Olt -
men of the petty were invited to ',I nn se for the entire course foe the
$tidee a dieplay of *prone. whieh, two weeke. -
W4'14' arraeed along the wall.. Atel Seldom, if ever. has this tommun..
ter Poch gentleman had indicated Mel itv been plunged into much fienih of
preferenee. whether for the allowerigloern as it was when emelt clime of
tifyie *bleb completely protected the , the reureloble accident which tomtit,
weartr, the tiny thing of ribbon ond ' in the death of mrs. Fred Ritchie
lace vih• h a y eheuld elatik se et bee home on Ole 13th Isone"tion
kwelry, the ono of linen and ent. of A!thfield On Fridsy evening leet
hrnidery at home at an afterneon tea, when "(hot from keun 1014tich arcid4e.
the colorful one which would. I" h
when the coroner'$ ineilleot will be , is neighbors who see him
freeAntly, say that they can see but
held at plingabnell' zlee°rdinit t°.irlf little differenee or change in him in
laws governing euch caeos. ..;The 3a4" the past live years: 'Age has dealt
is convoked of the followiag men : with him. Ilia mind funetioue
I.Messes. "P, G. Allen. 'formes; jno. well and bis memory is good. Years
Sevage,,Itobt.;Davitison, R. A. Au* have dimmed his eyes. however, and
demon, J. X. Reed, boar Crenate% his hearing ids° is failing, although
'Otte. McDonagh, Fred . Anderson by using ear -phones, lie tan still Its. j
and Wm..Garalizer, , . tett in on, and ontoy theradio, Hof
Mr, Dived Johnston., ot the thitd, is vety fond of inueic, and in his
eoncession,' of Aslitleid, met with at younger days he had a rich and pow-
dietreseing accident lest week, when. rt
A 1%. discharged in tho hen& of her
tee wearer like a (fan*, or one ons!o husband. aad, penetratki h"v„,/#4,11.
., of the It tty.e.eveti other verities 1 roong widen*, *path., Nr. melee
Ahem etpremental, hv Misting hi.,1sp.t foo n eeoubeet *ith bleck epolde---
•• toole chimer. in the it,e‘ket theetof,1 eel .orniee, infested hi. "imps" ;mil
. the potrl.t. tiolottattrii, and .. kiik‘Ato4 al:, hoktfrl, 4.iyar toraifitrablf, fiRl”11(e`,,
tr9?,t. !nor:so and eniesaVe et etir.:','• lele .i fe*.dioef preview., b.ts had boy,
Dainty Prizes Or -
Royal Pistorool China Cope
Ina Sancors.
!Flower Vases. .50c
Rao ;nil Sac
C.andleeticks with canille,50c
Dutch Saver AAA Trays 50c
Framed Memos, from 25cop
Aho araaroseis odmor
Smith's Art Store
Ego Story," Phew tin
la assisiees. ever 40 years.
Celeridi Froth Dry Elm* Wodll
trolopt soot ll000rt Service
J. .13: VROONAtit
Phone AU Werit,8
PM;.:14, • •
W*Intits; *haled, per Ih... ,
ItIcLaren't hrsiecible Jelly Pciwcers 4 Art „
CiltsuP0 large bottle... . , ..1
Kitchener Pure. Pork Sausage • " " 23c.
Snap Mad Clearterf 2 tins.
Toilet Paper. (imperial), 7 rolls... ...
Gold Dust* largo package ;
syrup, (5.1b. tin):. .......
Ewan* Shortening,. 2 lbs... .
Special ovenAin PiktiOY 131;301Rs•
CALVIN 4* curt
Phone 116
ow Buildhig for Goderic
6;17 Hardwareiiepar-"bli
To snake way for our New Building
etints, Oils, Carden Tools, Shelf hard.
ware, etc., etc.
Early to get Best Selection
s Mast be Sold by March 10th
Service Station
Car. Ellen aria Vittoria !Streets *