The Goderich Star, 1928-03-08, Page 6%deft
if it the *election of rich, western *heats --- the Ilne‘t
sticAo ell the prairie - tha Sive$ ettra flavour to btead Ulati
buns, txtra ri.fultS41 to fates and pies, made frem
&id 30C N 0.1,711PS for wir 70.1.recipr Peefify flair C.;;,k JJ *
%awe Caaaaa. rata Mali ta,/, Toreem, Steetraa, tareea, aeataitaa
en 'WSW days ft ail 3'.
Benny Noe Pamela wee
(se *teepee iota the tread, weiee,a5
. react* hall of the :fiat, tban a de
op"nee, and a plump
al,prorvi 0,:o4 glatC1
!-Sfr. Nairn ree a3kine eea
he Loveless isle
CliAPTF.P. SVC. •tiono, "but, just -now, I am a little
' HOME AGAIN ehnip ' wieli gait
niaht. Felt too eeeiteci chola :Willa
elaredatee Boat Tealn, :Pletforra
te'r3 read oat Mr. Laugtrey to Mee, .Lt
getjtegtroy as they stood by tate of the41 it iiv.
taiga iodic :tore ot Waterloo Stilition. culd 60 to eleep in a bodroom *hat
aC wort. he many meat:tea Tem doesn't,- throb or roll or rattle your
gether they allude their .way te •
platform. where some thirty or A-07 dear," add her mother, "we'll
ttjvertori laid styling, themselvea as men tie etUll but late a -line of coldiere akirrae And neves
°-.4elbiolter, artier. The taxi eabe tnt the 41r Y°0, 41453011 J.$ ill+ serlellelY
g rank had been so augment- rin afraid. The doctor hints at
eel teat they stmitt with thew vtileoifi Pnottill°1110'. rather end eme him
teething in a lone double tile that Just before eame here, and he
into the darlaleaa of. tea& us promise that WO would ask
avealtase. , you PI go to itim AS MSS aS 7011 11r•
eteaming slowly but cotiel livee
fl;katity over the taugle of lines out -1 !Wow dreadful! You say he has
ado the station, came the boat. train Peited for me."
rT Vts. giant engine, and, 31 :1 mom- . "Asked for you! fie did little else
all WaS bustle aad hoppy venal. telt ask, for you and talk about you
• aeola pooreal, aowever, wan 400n all the time we were there. I do
,aoiste them:tangling herself from her llePP, Yerell go. Well' come with
leave pasmngete. youe
'A heautifut eroesine and MOSt "Of Course ni 3;0' nailed Pam-
Ifecattenry time," she. paid enthuolasti. ela, tmming ber tired one to the
ilk in responee to 1>aternal
Alivapthav the rringig
NVIIIGTAY package in. 'c4
1.1 'lour pocket.
Sociales Ilerseele
ei4 thirst,•.aids • t.)
sbg` estion.
Your House
The "For Sale" sign is
likely to stay long on
vox house if it is with.
oat hardwood floors. •
Ilat re. floor it with
liordwood, advance your
price accordingly, and
see how quickly you
will,,find a buyer!
Estunsites gladly iurrd.
*hod on request 4
Coseavielt Ptaaning Mills, Ltd.
place svbem her bqvgage lay and
311e1 Oedge stood bidding geottbye
elterges. .
"Ilfeeeetheteino to that nice Me.
eeslied Miee Cedge as FaM.
-1•- hands.
to S'io, 110‘vi" 1.01)110:1
'3. 801314'Whfl'thoufrhtleagly.
a., OWIN't M'es
(tette° with a , significant life of the
Pernele allewerl Tfitqq GefloO lo
goOr9 that,. noitif leitiveet, eitmeto
Mho tees reel, ton tee,aaae in gipitit
to fednfee in 1)entee, she trete inine-
f ;Ant in Ira+, ewes,. tesemae heitome•
thoundi Or. reon tired olettost to tile
Point of collapse.
cirArriz xxv.
xArsist 141 HIS KINGDOM
Fel` man,.en4oying iubstaritial
1 ly simple, 111$ flet was the one lux -
income, Nairne: tastee were relative.,
ury which he permitted himself.
And the luxury ltere was incidental
rather than the result of deliberate
Nairn, declined to have his mind
diverted from his :natty business in-
tereate....by_Alomestic irritutionsr-roul
thus lie soeglit a home where all
• those petty earee with whielt the
householder hae to contend were
boehe by others. The elaborate blork
of flats la which lie resided was plan-
ned for people such us he. ErevY
• neetl was thought, ef, and provided
for. The telephone was like the Ina.
gician's ring: whatever you needed
eame Promptly ae the result of ;Re
U:'0. N'aturally such efficient service
could be provided only for thoee whet
had the means for apartments plan-
ned on a geuerous scale, and Nairn'
dat wee far more conixinadlotta than
130 reeded. tvas famished,- too. In
exeellent taste though it lacked
those feminine touches that impart
eineeni and individuality.
Pentela bad 'never seen this place
tamompanied ner mother,
elle eatle' ushered „in by Nairiee trust-
ed manservant ineetediateIy on her
return from *made. ilefore they
bad left Waterloo. Father Ltengtrey
13111 decided to put Pamela's baggage
MO the cloakroom at the station and
to return to his office nonding a tele.
phone tall from 3Irs. LunglreY.
On the way to V* flat, Mrs. lenge
trey heti related to Pamela the lag -
tory of Nairn'e illness. She told how
ltftd beent to dine With theta on the
oreylous Saturday evening; how lte
had anented then to bo suffering front
a feverish told, and how ehe (Mrs.
Langtrey) had been somewhat Per.
turbed ard had advised hint to take
rare. /iuleed, ber perturbation had
been euelt that site had asked hIr.
leanetrey to telephone to Nairn en
the Moseley nett to inonire enneern_
hitt his health. Ile learned that
Nairn laid been obliged to leave the
office soon after hie avrival end htel
'teemed extremely ill. A eall whtellt
Mr. Laaptrov had niado tie+ Ilof
1)344) reeulted in • the summonine of
Naines floetor. And the preserintiou
of that tare which ought to have been
ELECTED vaiietles
of the highest grade
coffee, fatefully blended
to secure a finer mote
Goialviald coffee4
Its trielipw, fulflavolued
stnoothness is the result
of month* of experiment.
Before being submitted
Lor 'public approval this
finest of coffees VMS pass..
ied on by many judges of
widely vaqing taste. •
Each and every one gave
lib unqualified endorse.
,_C•Ot,,PEGetti Medal- _
laving the fittest and most
fascinating flavour,
Asle your grocer for
Cold Medal Coffee
you will find it the
finest coffee you ever
N2ATIONet, r.eorilts tae.
t re°
Staele ate textile tea
WNW drink it oat"
ready ta 1;24.? 13-C323 fl, MOM. 'n'At
aleael nee. peritare, yezell ateLo 1
bri-P," and the ine.,•; oneeed the: dee
a0. lecale tee:an:Vie forme-are/I bel
reem, ,e;eese hil•thpi wineeeve wee-.
Icakee tee -*elven •
leatit +4-2, n3c1 ea Or, iggr.logtri
Cnitng.i''n3t cap/sea-al. tees. Pao -el
cr-dr'v 4 fq mz33470 c701re 02
e440t4 ff rr47io noct trsvel fry'
• her foee, 4/114 *no 44 1"'443 seniaords
au.,s eetratiotea wire: 1410 311r.:31 nn
ocii;131P041 11)0 Trati^:lt T.T13 react
re“);vta tho eieitoee,
GI weevil Pt to tune/ 3, 1171111 Vitt
•1f4lUt nirse. before 1 ats fetid
'Lyra, le0.33.t3'ete:44Mo: rtnthnna
•i1r314PbtAi, mortise in pre; 'ead 1 wil
;Ivy., in a feet,
The eeene • thot ,aretionted , Italy
traen too doer etainreg vegnni vggFa
Mthq..433 etranee eoetnaet wit)
HAI ?Allis 11 'Ave CricUKI ae ail „a.
elnial:ree week the ele:riceee c
f:W1Cgillt 44rd. aite ..riceteroppeti •ar•
fir see,i ea Spe• Transparent !
will rsqtaeo eeesewhat more thinnetre, '
an the eseare eaeiciteF,
Where it is deseeet rearee
-a' the height of tall teers, eat the Icel...
or ce breeches back exceeratelly, te
latr•eetital lateral if aoseible.
C. Varieties wisisii 1. ?41
• nuatee.eue twiggy, . leteral
grewths, 1,0 .114 14. .V eeeee of theee
eentoved to areeent overcirowdina,
Make closes dean cuts. tettilei
are weaghtly an often deaay, teas
forinina ..1 .• ef iejuvy to tha
parent ..braeila er teurilie
8, Prune moderatels.. Very heavy
primipg is likely to upset th) I.:.1.
1814' leetweOn Wrwa grovel. cad
titaa --genomlly s1leu14 b.!
O.. Prune reettlarly.. .Trt?.es width •
ate given emir, attaptitin each sprite;
are mere eapily kept in good emula-
tion than treou that are pruned •
at 11 1 11 teprunine
throughout the tree. - Thie is para..
eularly impartaet With old - trees'.
New growth will be etimUlated only
in those ports .of the trees where
pruning has been given.,
11. Do not remove a branch un-
lese there is a veryigoott -reason for
doieg so.- It 51301114 not be forgotten
_that the lerwee of a .tine....erti..tha Sae+
'in4ine-feet:3ring organs, and if the
kat urea ia- reduced unnecesserily tho
trees will be injured in growth or
fruitfulness or both. -
la, Pruning nuts. be .done any
time in the late winter or earlY•sPrina'
monthe and should ,preferebly be
completed. before tbe time of the
first spray.
- For more eoroplete information on
Priming, the reader • is. referred to
'Ontario Department of Agricultuve
Bulletin. • Ma, 4.4The Apple .in On-
tario." • . •
An old ladle waked .into the -Cana-
dian Pacific ticket' ofdee at King and
Yonge streets, •Torouto, • and asked
egiont the trains -and routes- to ,New
.York.- . • ,• •• •
'Do you wish. to go by . Buffalo?"
aaid the eleak. • .. - •
.0011, no, she replieti, by train."
• 'Had she -been.. Vanemiver
or • an.yetherte in. tho West he would
not have asked at all, as she'. would
know as -mostly all da.. thatthe;',06,n..
adien Pacific aVaricouver Exoreesal
1111,1: lottil tea. k ealeee-
%-a.tec;,-"t iierd 3.4
eeer.:1 tee leak I valet Lena' do r:
Ig,giFt vaeai
• Z Led ti' head e...e t tae rule
sa X teas' a e;rtert tease, rersalice IRA
tT1 gt-ia't 34.: la hi seecra god.
ee-1. frical of mien, led neel Boan'i.e
efaslay tine esa ee• Log aces
geed tese Val ra•aa. ace I reel
a seers Cato esse fearal aseat,
eiearee.1 e•
Beente Ti:aleey Pliei de net ce:t
" g 1%0 TenWela tiTid if a laXatiVO irg waled
- em venal nee:emend the tee of
v tlifteraaa LosseLicer Cie?. o, vial
at all ecalerif.
Price aec. a box at
7 34rat dealer, or mailed
•direct ea rezeipteof
priee by Tee T. Mil -
41 lima Co Liniitee:
*het in wfiipa Pamela, Ilea lege qoAn.
malt she loved and feared Int
turns. owl elle feted not hot be eon-
eciotte of tIte change. Iyhen theY
Taut Parted, he looked the picture ftf
lipatta---e tall, broezed fiwure of
eemmentimo anuenvatere 031(1-3141 Ot)'
01:0: 4113 *443 PvtP bnrdon ef reenomea
0"33. Tenn 3111(10319 It* e31e4
for tll'l1 ho wag here to eamertral.
Aee rag0 hnen-tATtOnlut to bin'.
'MOSS tti4)al340+4. Mend thennah
ea the looltee at the 'native Ie,„
iree lielnlees fl.1 3o010 Wiaosq votxt
tomonroilvon 1, 11(3 14Ct. eqt,oforlio
3t,rtetpdo4sutirgetzt,llis 0113111003 of eeeoverr
Ills eves, wide), eealre of tile favor
+ant reeked hatealiirated VT/ rianItkrIC','
1411.7 at the stole of l'*11'. FOr r4
eMI 1141 otiereal. bet aim -nurse,' men
seas or: him. oiel e9eigned himself
• PolnolotO illy•oohnifV.
inlettlfte was to utter
31 theerful neer:dine. but when sae,
eaw that l'rel aoee aed helpless
town. she elpented berself.
She ,steopeci briekle over teg VIP
'hodeide. her own fa -tame eoneeetely
foreetten. Ile rOteofi 1101/14 PlqW.
Iv. *pm the heti. end it "lofted abort+
.aer own. She allowed it to remein
there, am1. thein eyes met. Then. in.
Yeanntarilie witlieut 0 word „peoeirie
heeveree theme else liftea Ito eieen-
etiand heatl.• mei naesedeeit :tercel lee
heroine: brow. Strode. ond tenderitt
ehe *melee) lenelt the eenelecl melee of
liair. Tett race, but many thAOS.
IN% e1OSe47 1334 itnte' SnOthed n'nel
le -evert, arid oereee his face flitted the
glimmer of 31 $3311134
UM lone they remained thu.n. not
.0e71 Fameia have trussed
lit elle, bed reteti the eleela and heel
worked out the troblem. Somehow.
qlnilpr thet meetinte time and wards
ueeeted of- 110 ocelot. ,
It was termenited all .too sone be
the orrival of the Immo. Internet-10nel
aea, ausaiessailre, -end Nairn nurnane
ePedrete?, eswetof . -11721 • tt!--
"laush, Rumen, don,tlt talk," site v0 -
Plied, and the vitro, PAVe
glaree as She addressed Nairn.
eTho doctor is 'here again, Mr.
"Whet netibtr ejaeulated. tile 'pa.
tient. allon't an, Prim, pleara.-T
mean come meant whew the tioctov
hos. gone. gay vou will." be plead-
ed. etriving to raise himeelf.
"Yes, Russell, of ourse," replied
Patnelo, retreating.
She found her mother in the din -
ilia tonal, in earneet conveveation
vita not one. but two doctors, and so
ehe returinxi to the rodm into which
the nurse had first ushered her.
Presently there was much 'quiet
oneniog Mid eloeine of doors, and
Mr. Lametrev Joined her.
"I'm afraid its oven move sOrioua
then I stnmosed, Pane The dotter
'hoe brouglit 3. apecialist, ond thee
eeee been peeing, 010 Odd Itueselye
reletivete 1 don't like' that at rote
Poe a moment vamele. said noth.
them fent a theoet that- seemed
otraeeely eon:treated; she Said 11141'e•
337. "VAS."
ri$ the inteoview with Nairn had
eeereed absUrcilv brIef, this, vernal of
waitire woe. .by cant -rata. AS etortt.
ity, Afrs. Iangtrev made an effort
to relieve the tention. but Pamela,
Who had mindere.). over to the win -
doe stood -osteraibly wotelling 1e-
traf3e. but. in eifeA, seeirm nothing
at all hut tho 140011 of those tortured
1` Bream!' Nairn.
TileametelY None 'ogoin the. dull
'mental of openiete teed Ploatitte` 40154.4
ThO verse own:awed ond sulumened
Latterly. Then 1310170 door-
eleseer, tied Pawed* mothee return -
ea, ewe time with a strange air of
grove deferminatien. •
eraehelte, Unseen la flangernti,do
ill. "he dectars ore ,onite definite
o'hoot it and I've seen hint myself.
Ile VAS lExtged me to let you stop,
nod so After * wort with the num
Pio, decided. if, You mimeo. that we
will 'both ,stity here for thnight. I
telnliene to Father; and he will
bring up anything aim want. The
1 n d41331113.rather hoarse volee,
Pamela said ' l'Yes." nurse seYs there is plenty of MOM
foe us.
"Very well, dear. well Stay. and
iTd'aVhar314 CI3 ft31 liiiit, rin
it will be very tiririre for you. after
sa emelt fravellintbut we nuult do
our brAt tor the poor hey. Ire iioee.
et seem to &we a single relat:ve in
the world."
(To be eontinucell
Responsibility of the Novae
(Kincardine Review -Reporter)
.Parents today have a tremendous'.
responsibility. Our boys and girls
know to little of the -word of Gfal.
In the olden days the family worship
was a, fixture in the vast majoritv of
homes Itere the youth
preette4 go:Mellor dettlintrA.e-Oadato
tlin rig) IU and onrighteous. That
impression in youth grew with years
and the respeet or livitie law grew
else. If we 4W0 b have any ine-
rwavement it roust begin in thr
borne. No government ctin legielate
Ittortle into tho path3 of tight no',
bete the eeed of righteenteicse bee
lhepn swear in the Itemes etthe sera
Irene vatic ine
Toronto, Olit.
ree--- -es -eaeee......e. .-ae-ateeeate---seasee
tle to lessen tlie erusbing burden of
taxation upon thrift. Elderly people
who have sought to maize provision
for. the years svhen.thea can no long.
er work are still hard bit by the num-
erous forme ef taxation, which ap-
pear to be based upon the happy
thought of the Turkish Grand Vizier
who, when the groaning taxpayers
could no longer stand a levy of ten
dollars, per head, lightened the load
by substituting for it a tax of one
dollar per finger.
Huge Suins field Out of Productive
' Enterprise
(Mail and Empire)
In an address delivered SOW days
ago before the Empire Club of Tor-
o)lto, Sir Joseph novelle commented
unon the fact that Canadians own
$2,000,000,000 of federal, provinciel
and -.municipal securities, 'that theta
Savings deposits mount to S1,500,-
()NA00, that they hold $1,000,000,-
000 of foreign seeuritiee, and that
there had bon in recent yeara an
enormous (increase in life insuranee
in this country. W;hy is all this
Canadion money kept ;ill liquhl eSv
curities? Why is not a large pro-
eortion of it engaged in active en-
terprises that gee producing outlet
on a laree scale and disposing IVO,
TPA tO thousauds of Canadian foin
glieq? The enswer to that ouestio
is tbat the Xing Government's tarl
',alley has arrested nrogrese alon
many lines. of 'Canadian onterer14?
ard elyiven capital therefrom to pia
ces of refuge. a
Abolish the Commission
(London Free Press)
With a gnat flat* truntpets th
Kirier Government appointed a tate
advisory board. This so -celled ad
vieory board has a large and expo
sive staff of tariff experts. It ha
been aolding continual eessiona fo
the rast steer, ond innumerable de
-enteationsesof--eilt-kteets- have, been
Journeving to Ottatve at much eos
to explain -their 'tariff need3,. t
tisk -for irieVeasee and reduction,
There lawn bon repreeentatione v
every possible'bjeet from fruit
steel. The board must have med
moult reports mut recommendation
to the Government, vet tae teriff
changes ate protieally cotsfited
to the textile industry. Tim moun
tale lute lobored tied breueht fortl
a mouse. Apearently for ell the lige
tlw lioaed is. it may as lea" bo obol
ishod. The tountey weied einst
well,' or bettor. off if the cotraniesion
closed its offices for a year.
• Amusements at Fairs
(aimanoquo Reporter)
Many a eannty pad toryttebip fair
has given up, *Um ghost within the
etait few years. Others will the
sante way if the allurement and ad -
Venture to be foetid ori the midway
are :appressed. These are tutionea
the things that draw people away
Vern the smallefeirs to tho blasters*
eachilatione. Is it wise to tut:thee
circuit -seethe the small fair end thus
drive still more people away?
Proteition to Build Industrial
Communities Inevitable
(Financial Post)
Apparently it is the viewneint of
the, government that Canada has not
yet reached the.- point where it can
afford, through a policy of protee.
tion, to build up, :ill over the coun.
try. industrial ,eommunities with
highly divereified factories. Such a
noliey is inevitable in time, and most
blaSineSS Men aro disappointed that
the present governnient has delayed
its approach. Nevertheless, the tow,
erotnent 'bee a definite tariff nolier,
tied there has, been lbss instabllitv in
the count*. since lenunese realized
that the policy 'WAS based upon a tic -
fined objective, even if that objective
WAS unweleonie, than tariff
policy eeetned uncertain. We may
expect. so long as the Mesta. le0V-
ertintont is in pov:er, to have further
teriff reductione along eimilar linen.
Certainly tariff inereaees of any
considerable, impoteence are not to
be expected.
Asthma Cannot Leet when the
greatest of all agthnis spezilles is
tited.--Dr:-..1. IL Kellogg's -Asthma
Remedy ossuredly deserveft this e.e.
alted title. It has to its credit thou-
genda o)f C-1015 whielt other nremara.
tiring had failed to benefit. It brings
Ma to even the most -SeVer0 elitta
and ',tinge the patient to a eondition
of blessed relief. Surely auffcring
from asthma is needlees when a rem-
tdy like...this Is so easily secured.
-I widen. leaves TerenTit Union, Station
- at 0.fifi n.m. daily is Teen, the ideal
31 Agn3y. This train of higher,t geode
ft all -steel equiornent .provides the tit-
te most' in travel eontfort; the exeellent
, cuisine rind the out:tam-nog eottrtesse
- ,accoreed all passeteers have earned
foe' i't an eevieble tonatetiote
Wheft goireeto the W -est trevel
"Vaaeonver Exorese." vearest can,
rdian Polite Areal+ well gledy ar-
` range every detail oPemer trip.
- 'Ready:made Illedieine.---You need
..- no physician for °Winery ills when
' von have at hand a bottle of Dr,
Thomas' releetrie 011. For coughs:,
older sereethvoate- bronchinletrotiblea,
, it is inValualele; for scalds, burns.
„. bruises. sprains it is tiosurpassed 1
" while for ctite, sores. aed the like it
a is an unquestionable heeler. It needs
"a, no testimoeial oteor then the use,
:,' and tbat will satisfy tieyone as to its
a effeetiveness.
0. W. W. S. E. R. NIUNt.
Decide to Redeem Right -of -Way, to
- Negotiate Witn County for Its
Purchase and to Ask t.rovince to
Take Over time o'veter flighway.
Teeued by Huron County ,Agrieul..
tura! Offiee) •
13, Pruning i,: s oroetiee that modillbs
tho folin .of the tree, regulates the
-kidet_ jpittiktd,etext, to Aiovaylog„iS
A of the meet importent operations
ff• eeting the quality of fruit. in
MON' erchards in thie tounty goad
twiny rnethotts are follnwed but in
here thete ie epee for more atten,
at ta Wei eat:table eractice. Tht'
Hewing 'hint, deel with the netted
reetem 64 lir/ming Pod ehould
Pee belpftil- to titter with limited
1. rut cut 'broker, ifetel or the;
,te4 beenthee..
te 'Where trei brenahee • el eelv
raliel oe everhiwg eech ethee„ ise_
we. Igheg Rs's}, .dr,sitable. t ditleat •into
aent leieateel al arel vet/jolt erea,
fi' Penne oe ttie, eerieentoti eleme,
et is to 50017, PliAre thet7 littersai 701
k eeein tanechee flint A i rmir ht- o.
a• ,a, remelt- ee, rime remove the::
ft eere flow n "1' erne' 11 r ve- e a i
at reennt obese* liw* 11014.. 110;
I•7717, .," 41,0 47, g.h.0014 11.• *ORO* lyrt
.4. All vinktiei ehould he thinortl
. The Pith .Ahont Thrift •te
. .fMail and Empire/
4i,..: Robb Flgthl that se-erk erg
•thi-ift nee the (31317 (71334'! levels to 'env -
epee, There ere . ninny esnattittled
C.-Art*143434i 'who troold glean; veteie
to this et_ettitra it thr policy of the
Governeteet wart etali .tte a• esoelete
I tliten ieitb weak. „after teat. ta,,
Ihtift weld(' tske care el itd.ter,
'I he Tee Upon 'thrift
tiiirmilt.D tOoliel •
Tee flatfeet ib..ategcs Nue 4.t..Pr.
et. joint meeting' '43i representatives
of tile mumelpiudies interestedin
the Ontario West atiore ilailivay was
held ot the town half, etoderich, on
Monday, the eavegion of the meeting
bole- the notice ..trom the treasmer
et the teunty that unles$ the taxes
Ofl the right of way were paid hy
March Pech, the property would be
sold fortaxee.
There were present Reeve flaokett
and leeptity Reeve 43.1!dersen of Ash-
field, and Councillors Sullivan, Sher-
wood and MacKenzie. also Mr. Thos.
1)ougherty and lar. Cain; from Hur-
on 'I'manship Reeve McKay mid Mee-
sm. Reid rind Irwin; from Khmer -
dine, Mayor Morrison; from Genie-
eich, Mayor ItlacEivate Reeve Turn -
ea, Deputy Reeve Craigie, and Coun-
cillors Gould, Sproul, Munnings and
Bailie; Magistrate 1164 Trustee Ste.
there and Mr. 1.. L. Knox. Mr. Reid
was appointed chairman and Mt
Knox eeererawy.
The 811103133 of taxes plus intevest
at'.10.50, arid the pro rata shares of
the interest:ad munielpalitiee
Goderieh, $10:L84; OVA
Huron tp., $62.42; and Kincardine
$04.91. The county has made an of-
fer for the property of $500 plus all
'There was some difference of opin-
ion as to the value of the property
and SOMe thought that several times
the amount offered by the county
would be more like what the proper -
Two Mite Casa of fill11141111 11.
ow Rana ly Wik E. Pia.
inot's Vegetable C000pouoi
Plarrington, N. had terrible
feelings, heithiebes, beck and side
sehes and pains all over my body. I
would haw' to go to bed every month
and nothing would (ki rne
husband and my fatherd'
for ma es I have two children and
we have quite a his place. I read in
their-CoMpound; and %MN got I,'
= about Lydia Pinkham's
litt hook about It through theme%
and my hushoul sent to Eaton's and
got mo a bottle, and theft we got
more from the store. I am feeling
fine now and do *1! my work and am
able to go out around more. I tell my
friend** is Lydia A. Pinitham'a Veg.
etabletamppund that makee.ase
11011114." - aertaVtterregRwatatiniloN.
Barrinaton, Nova Scotia.
Dull Pains ia Hack
su% Thomas. tint "1 took four
bottlee of Lydia fe Vinkham's Vow -
table t emmoued area found great re-
lief from the. dull, heavy pains in the,
emelt of my hark and the weeding,*
Coen which I suffered for five years
*flee my boy woe horn, After taking
the Vegetable Companyd taut event
1,0i* E, Pinkhanea Etenative Weak a
ere feelmr better then I have teeth«
Peet revert year*. foal militia my
ftemtle te take it. etre E Jonmenta
431 Neve Savo, St. Theessa. oat c
411 --
Tit asitAv, itARcit See, Ifees
SatistieS the heartiest morning
appetite, yet pleases the most
• delicate digestion -
ty should be 'worth.
It was decided, however, to redeen
the property in themeantime 44114 t
leave the emotion of the sate to tit
county to a vommittee eonsistingti
the headaatif' the muidefpalities con
caned. • ,
The question of the foture of t',1Blue Water Highway became 11:170117ed the discussion. Some of th
gentIeMen present expressed the CVvietion that the road will be take
over, as a Provincial Highway in
few years end in that vase the pro
Vince might want- to buy the extte
width the O. W. S. E. It. right of 3173would urlye if the county did not
uire it in the meantime. Mr, M4111ulnas expressed hi/itself as favoring
accepting the amunty's offer, while
()there thought the laud should bring
$60 an 740110 Or at least its equalizod
1433085431 value, U., the summation
f 4 n :provincial park of the
Brave peninsela over meterialized it
nue ,felt that 11 Provinoial Hieliway
lending to it would VA provided, as a
-attar of ('(P01790. and. an 347V event,
MI'. areeeteeete
.entect out that the
netracinalitiee whech had suffered so
')'"ohfit:orb:11v ein pirort to nra.
• tleem-^1---es with eoolnitthhtatiOn
along the Lake Shore, eould reike out
n good cash rear te osk +he Prelate*
to take over the Bine Water Iterh.
way to provide the imaroved trans.
Portation eought ."'i1'4?. *'47'() I""4wieetang of elie endorsed soodeeseeee I
aloettna eeantatel seralina a -depute-
+.4m to Tevonto te Naga eer thee me
rengements 194' te .14,0n
tlei Iola council of the Town
• tandeviele
The following Are the resolutions.
e doted :
ainseet Alex. ale.nott, aeereseal
hy W. Maeleey thet the trieitee be
instmiCted to redeem at -once 'the On-
tario West Shore Pn"leove Oahe; or
V3137 mid all ether 0. W. El. Ti nreeere,
ties„ by revine ateene. end oun
-dire. aria fhet ne'l 10111tielpaiitv ,pav
to the ems its two rite 3418170 of
extienties in eedeenting
-Carried. ,
Moved by W. J. MacKay. seconded
by Wm, Morrieon: that the trustee
be. autherized 111(37 ertee on pro -
peaty belonging to the West Shore
road through Colborne tewnship,-
Carried. This has reference to taxes
subsequent to the amount eeferred to
in the notice from the cotmty treas-
Moved by C. Runnings, second-
ed by Alex. Hackett, that a depute -
tion, consisting of the Mayors and
Reeves in the County 'of Huron and
the County of Bruce. see the Mails.
ter of Highways to reque=t the Pro-
vince to take over the tine Water
Highway- and make it e Provineiel.
•Highway and that a deentation go to
Tomtit() shortly, also that 23 onirnit-
tee be named to arrange for 31 dote -
intim, the aximmittee to consist of
Mayor Meet:wart and the 0080011 of
the Town of Goderich.---Carried.
Moved hy .1% W. Craigle. seconded
by W. .7. lifaelfay that the mayor end
veeve of each municipality be a coin-
rnittee to meet once a year, euch
,No (me need endure e agony 0
00174131 with Holloway% Coen Lemover
at hand to remove them.
• ....0...e.,
e •
e "For 20 years I took ,odo, tor in&
gestion and stomacit gas. One bottle
lolfefA.,..4,elle.riira, uharordup:ht me complete.: re.
Adlerika relieves etoinach gas and
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v on BOTH upper and lower bowel, tt
a removes old wasto matter you never
thought wa$ in your system. Let
Adlerika give your stromaell and
bowels a REAL eleansingand see
herw'intseouuovhat., better you feel. It will
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meetiriggo bo at the rail of the offi-
•eial 'trustee of the O. W. S.
• Moved by 1, W. Craigle, seconded
by Thee: J. Anderson that the 'may
.right of way, svith power to sell.-
'priee on the Ontario West Shore
caarraote: reevee ocommittee
the atunieleal,ities
he appointed a mmittee to set a
•• After a vote of thanksto the
ehairnum, the meeting adjourrted.
• ,•
• Ready-made Meflichte.-You 'need
no physician for ordinary ills when
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bruises, •*rattle it is unsurnitstted •
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is an 'unqueetionable healer. It
needs no testimonial other than the
use, and that will satisfy anyone as
lo its.affeetiveness.
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