HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-03-08, Page 1I ­ 1___1'W1_1_1Z — ­ --- 77�'.7�_, ---_:__1"1--1 -1 1. . ­111111IF117--1 --I--- 11___� - I— I ..I'-.- —_ " --­ -- W, cwlwai� ro—ir, I — I � , I , . I . I I .11 ; # OUR CLUBBiNG UST ! . I 1. 4 .&, 'OL'a.- I � TO'C"" i I _uves "a meavy and TrooUg - I i m �Aw =# wts' P. "i # W . . 10006 y0arsalwWriptiom with I �rl', i) cric � ar RLN#.W ivow '� I THE GODERICH STAR I i twfo� got a STAR CALENDAk �. f, I �1� — =L I . 1. 1. 1.11.111�.�� . ...... . _q_._---____.______, _­­­. �"-"--�-.----���,.--�,-.�---�-.�� ­______ - _�_ _­_�_. , , ­_______ __ _.....________, _____ , __ , I �= ­ �__­_ . — _- . - -,.,.,. - - _____ 11 _­­.- ­ � ­­�: , ,�=� I � - - - ___.___._____ _­­ ___­_­__ ____ . - . -.------ - - I _. - �_ ___1____'_- , 7__ . I Subocription. 42 8, Year in C4VW& GOI)HRICH, ONTARIO* CANADAf THURSDAY, MARCHStil, 19 WALTER NAFTEL, PuWkhtr� ,SIXTY_.NJNT11 YEAR $2,50S. yearto U. $., points. , � - - -- " ­­ --�� ��­ ­—­ ---------- ­__­._­___. ___­­__­_._.­__ ,:-:7 _.-.t!=�� I -1 - -11 ��­­=­ ,� � ,:­­ , I- - - ___, _ - - .- -17 - .1 - .1 ­ ... - 1- ­ _­­.. --11.1 ­ ______ __ _­ � . ­ . __­ . ­ -,- - � � �� �_ , ­_ _ - .. I I � � __ � .- � __ — = � � ----,--- - I _­ - , 0 111; —, __ " "' . C, C, Lee, S, A Croft and J. J. Moser in the Fietafor Town Council Vacancy, Election Next Wednesday .1.1 .- __ __­__­­!.�_,7�­ ..._._______ ____ -1- �--l'��:��-,---��.---.,---�-7--."--,.�..��.,..,--,"., _ _ I . _,_­_­__� �.­_==:=;_ - -�,.-:-'-':,':---r-�--.,-----�l,-� �-­ __­�1._­_.-­­_­.­ ­­ ­ - � ­ .­_ _­;�_ :, -,. ­.. - ­ . �.- ­­­ __ 111 I � I . _!V � ---��., -- - --­___­___. �­_. �� ­'. 11 � � : � -_____---_-__-_1 � � � _ . � ... - j� "' - ­­­ ''-'"'-"'11'"',,-,-,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,- L I - � - "Our Calla -h .- . .- - -.0""0!W=_ - � q q __-.01-0-M —m-,'"Wo"W's __ �tho building vr uso ur the storyliSuflitrUnd, Hiqkion. 1� � ,. __ '', , : , . I—. I t hour. At the lneeting iot the library � than Poets." _1 i � _­_ - . ,�i togil� this ofter wa� Re- Isr"entatiou tol&. w1w Blair i4ionx Club Invite Ca-owtitipa OU, W , , �. I I cepted. Tile aid AUa apwwatea , I 'S'elt I Board fft'survey �f F,Y�,i� HY cannot Mr. Lee be fair and gradlous � M 'ears"er �er- "I '4 ir Aitken Ro delegate, to attend the After twelve N intinuous � -ondiden � ia!� � 'S � * Sun Life Assuriance Go' d Canada '"'�`11so � Zxfo. *Ad , Tbroat V 4 J mee vice *& envelup� steward. in V,tekorbi'l *Isoob. q � ,ting, of tile k)rtisrlo 1jibrary Asso- stiect chwrehiMr. Win. Blair bas tv. _� enougih to let some one else have a � . - — �� ! 64"i � , I clation lis Toronto a�i April Vkh and iiened the iiost. Mr. G. X Elliott, r1ho March , �i . 11 � ') rnle $on Life lksaurance 03. wlera many attractiveform" Of v0li- �',Qth, The librarlan's. report for thic of tho tmtblk' t J� show 5* . tooki; ftow treasurer of the con iwll� 41" iz(hool board wvaecs held on mend�y�, . I 11ion Investment t. February *bowed 1178 hm T"isned on act'e"I'n't" I ,,t his in . . . . I I I ,. � i w cies. Among these Ste; AlOutbly', income ,veries, FVA 4 the adult a"tioll - *bit' ;irsl from th* evi') present TrustM Naftel 0.1 4, " , - � , l beAlth. And Mr. Havvy ,8aTjKitaZ)n I ri. wullac��,, t'-'allowo, Catt 0 . "j, %3 a slipoitited to fl* daR lw,�A_ � I �. _. inglo wel.r.- � .;Uvenjle section issued durins tile has & the 04i �� . goids Annuitie.j, Xilfe Avanitles wit'a m4th. wilefit!'. S. ;iont-l'--'a total .3419. R is' ("arrie. - . i Did he not have Im chanc for mun' � - m4tiou-'a vndownlentb, %!wo-yeav F"I'dowillents;. joint P #11 e I- .,(,� . join lAte. Ed , tion, with a nusuWr of a�sistants In - The treasuWIT"s statQulent of r�. I : � . ,,� � Son of Mr. D. ff.,Roso 31orrita' � entering up the offerings week by ;� . 1;1% 1111JUX4001 0Q. � I veipt"i ard expeaditures 6110,wed $4. " � � . . Coh- . I oTt0Vu'4r*r-e2a9dters will be moob interest- week. On Wednes4ay ,evening of wmm disbursed in January 'awl I cipal honors at New Yeats ? . 11 11 . �Ult us **ith TQJ;�Jrj' to 'Inyof tbeSa 1)14UE�l . . 'ast weeks p4ter the regular mi4- $174I.W in Febru-111% total to ,daiz, . � . r - 1 1 1 s, l;WPP"""V0s* ed in the .following Item with, Teter, week service Mr. Blair was preseuteil :p -114.w. I . � I . . .0mm"O", . 1� I � � . ., onee to the marriage, of Mr. ,lag. W. with the following addrm accompall- Alim S.harmans principal of Couttat . . I . S', 1). CROFT - �_ I� Phoni 110 - , H. R. LON(;,, 1)1*stritt Ag[mt Ross, eldest son of Mr. D.11. Ross. k,d by 4 purse of ,money in recogul- school, reported 87 boyis and' i0 � Ir $I I . I t . . I 0 of town. Mr. Ross is a large, velerY tion othis valued services: - .. I ­ I 11 � . � - . .- ____ grower near Canton, Oblo: � To Win. Blair- , -­ , r , . Olt, tho voll, w-Ith A%n Average attend _-1 -_ _­ --- l I -- ­­­ .1. � � - ­ ­ I ow-Worl,er.-As u*mbers Once tit `75'-b#3 and.18 iris. 80 per __'!��­ � ­ ", ... _ - , _ � ... , �­­-__­­� . 11 - -_ . "It �Nylll. be, at least the year IM32* , Dk%ar Fell 9 It t. 5 I I - - ___ � � I I I '�_ . ��_-,�. ��� koad, possibly RIM before.the golden of Victoria street 1,vagrPRAfion, -we c,L,nt,-ftt-Jauuary,,,P4.)iiuYl,- ank . A , -0 . I ­ . - 4��� ­ . . I its, $77.27, deposits 10. It L i ____­­_. ­­-VO.Wftt� -__�__ ___ - -"- 1picV.. .---edd-- _-_­_________­._ ­ ­ -1 -71 * - ­ " vu T 1 .___*� , ll� - rVA w Ing anniversary 'if mr, 4lifa -ha.-vo-Mil t MAI uponvur bearts, ,we oft ­ _________`­ - , - __ M no -otber-sourco thlia the ttQXsdan(:Qt " I , - .1 W . nry,the imTollnlent was $6 bqj and $,kDr.-V tAtrola, 4" good .�.�, ­!­­,A-^� Mr. Ross, who livea In 12th street Sphit of Gods that we should express of ,9 boys and 70 girls, or 01.1 por ,� I fQ_11.F_.u1_'1V,1 �._tNl , s. James W; Hoss Wls aroulld- 1,no'w fro * . - � ' . — XV - Mr. Rd TrIss with all average a � . , 11 I ApPlY t S,TAR OFFIGI-s. �'slxalle, , . NW ext and, is a prominent celery to Non iour appreciation for the 111slily I Vote for CHAS., C* UK. 11 Or. perrie Xominate4l for-bloderator cent, Penny VanU dopiialts, *49.35, I . . - I . ik �__ grower of the Meyers Luke distrlqt, 441ea ilhat you have performed, for numbor of deposits, 140. Mrs. � Red- . , , 11 - .. , - _. ­ .. ­ _ _ � � 1; . . . volt 'qALr.,._yeIlQw �Blosaoit 'Swet-t Rov. Dr. Perric, of Wingliams well took out a license Wednesday. to this cliumb, the major one being timt - . . 41,lover Seed. AD NY t. . A NIX, to � � 111. I I I 4 .44 pg,m. fAN, n it. 4. Go PrWi, Vt. "i4lon'e, known i ! ay"I tov Miss Wil- I ... , ated ,by st NW.. Th were the only couple, eavolopo ,steward, necessitating m4nYl soil and two 44-B for Miss a lerm, � In Go4irleh. has been 110111111- juarry ditt tsu,M three and: a half days for . miss Uafy F. Nee, 3020 ,1 for twelve years you zliavo acted a!� 0 ... tile Toronto Pres;14terYfor I Ott, thm'd for Couneillor for Balance lof I 972 "" %W.;e,olboru� "foulcipal. ____ - o . , 1341lie. I . - 4 ­ the nioderatorship, of the Presbyter- up to noon, toy obtain a Feb. 200 III:- hours of time, 1�esides the UlAny , , , . . I . - - ' '!an General, Assein) ,�. Anniversary of the wedding small duties performed both at the ___-,� I I _V7051_11��8t,E�;ZJM 10111DVi�Z4 *dan In ft, his name 34 stonobouse. reported 182 boya I I s . eor I goo(I colid Us beiti rb and 182 girls on the toll In Ja I nua" , Itidn. For Wlrtle,411. _; the only Me Suggested- � 0 WIR come once. every four yoar& Olurch �niil Parsonage. All thIB you 1 lance 268 b4s 'Ind 14 I I . I . S, M4 N19(lPTA nomination was m ' attew � 9 - - , gly to Gl,,�o, WWWAAL uiiie, by Rev. Dr. L..,ea century years. are not leap ,hive ilone readily and vlse%lully, And ayprage tie Was firsuat tile Nonlinatiou to 611cr lit-, services. , . - do, . . ., I . et. phone 00ce W., resitimet, 101. jos. Wilson, of ura,�ipton. � years"but moat of the ca -k girls," Ws Rer Cott. Venny DauU I I . I . I I leadar mak. as onto tile L01 We -have SYMP& I . . ­.__­� . . pogts, - $1.%6.8. number ,of ,deposits, - TO QUALIPY. THEREFORE DID NO't � I . 1;R�9WF0"RS1*14r5 r, rom. the Sunny South . ars contend that even. thousand years tbIXe4 with iost in vour, anxious time '?fts V. Ilunie HE NVAS FIRST � I 0NOOX UVI . � 347. . oupplied one day I ' , . noy ,out 1"N'll" �Mndy, ('Ott N-1livi" A. tow addition to the barber ar- should ba a* regarded. Thl's %iia mrsid rejoice tbat� Qed lias laid bis for Miss A. Elsloy -and one dw for . CAUSE THIS' HXPI-.'NsL�- OF ABOUT .91 i0.00 F OR AN I ,eget1b]. ,,, , � . L , , hud N , -ill be ha .1twiversary In 2100, but healing y4an4 upon YOW,,belMat,o, I . . . i� - , . T� � . Tived Mar,pls 6th in the forlil'of a *111=10". , . . . I... . I 41 iveo With QlWery 4 r L chalw" it) ation, may allow one, in It is this bond of Christian love Miss L r.obinson. Xon-residbut. fees I; . . � % . I : ""k , %alf cash, . . onder tud- the " cAlcul � I I paid, $0. Mr. $touch � �, Ofst � I 'y ess striet, Lou-, bilby alligator, for Capt. W,'C' r . 1. 1. ,Ouse asked for . t by spmd' A 4 : � Ir . . I I .� which w6 desim to express to. you in ,�In� now wator.puA,i $or molstenilig tic Im put tile towl., on tile n1ap as .1 SUMDACT Resor ,koNh I don i ,� ,I IL I ri�ct J,lafle.. d1o, of Ilie Sti.; O. M. W$$- '' The 2w- a very, tangible way itild .therefore the air in the mins . and for two . Ing yearly over $1500.60 inadvertising.. A I I I - .- . . captain of the Reiss, W. S., Mae- Wiqgh-am Ratepayim .Nss. . I this nurso as an -�usbloin and . . . - _ . - I , . � . . - . I je ­. -wintorlist in Orlando, Flao Indu of that wbi4,.,dxpv*sses our =tpapor.baskots and two ther- � , . . = is , , strial Bylaw 41, . .1 �. � . . � . I 1111=1 WO, Vor February tile enroll- . He hast year pnt our roikh in 010A best,Condition that tile), bave , � , � Mai . ok this matter to, surprise ,his Wingham ratepayers voted - almost Christian love find: best sbes,for -A . . � I I I � I 1. . 0iond with ;� gentle rewhOor of the smovitiously o . I I ment was 183,boys and -181 girls, with 1� been for a naigber of years, and at very little cost. . . . 11 ', ��!, H J TIM "NOVER I , :..� ­,�_ . a Monday to ulkthOrizO futurcof bappluess and, od', . �. . , Il . 1. Sunny South, Captain Ruddle Put- a loan by 4he town Of *15,000 to Vr,V blessing. av s ric'host rago attendance of 101 boys . . I :: , ,tilt - w 1 l -94y ,God bless, -.vou and an ­fkvc . "Ji . I � F , �� . . 7 Pion er, lgtii� a %lovers of 4 - rt one of, the 4 MIWAall, Limited, furniture man. . . , d � e is the. only parson, that''has given the rate -payers a dotailed - I : I , Padded Van 0'. sea to conve al as yourl� And dao$6 His fa�e �� Mil "!l.,- And 16a girls, 80 per cent. Pew Large5t - §Veedr " tta o o4 ship -into an Allig'.%- gracturers, to assist. the. firm in Saukdep, .41, fiumber of 0 . I i . Rp4mulilpawnt, IT,ai cQf Muett'llipils. " or� vols ,and "tivo the* Pence. 11 statement of howand NOTA their money wis spent, .ind if , *0 -ults,61! , osits, *91 ,An0n,'cV6rV 40i . ,,,, iNery -trip. At ^ � t�r .. an in his. leisure'mintites . COUP(. positors, , , it" i - � o5W-b1ish1Tsg'JtooJf in larger qUATter4, Signed im behalf of the - Ra* , 354.. Xiss Dolores Laith- I I ",_rlo . , .. . � . , . I elected will make A shnilar report. . . Insu t litO I a' 1 .4 .� F .,I!d .A_4h ( � ts I thip,boaluess. Waite 'Supplied two and a halt days . .. � . I , .� . I I compare for a e , .. I -tou Ion, - . I � Bevond , . The vote, 0, largo ono,� sideriog t . . . ,care. Be-fore.yoq Tnovt*. wrItt, 114. Ot' castle-, in France - . tile weather Conditions, was 017 for I . Xt. �rll P AORl. mstor� I for Miss L. Robinson, Miss B. Muv- He is keen to get yonr empty. fa�torles, runnl:ll� 'Alg�in, . .. : I . I . Wire. tud: yoverse thC eborges. Iteat.1 . . . the, bylaw and 2 " firm 11 J. 74. MILIXAN ' ' Ph,V one 44Y for miss Blaley zlild Miss � . . . 3 . � . ontarlo,. V110111$11%. . The I�ctsiro on ,,Castle$ in France" �7 against, The - I . I . � ­ officeo flamilton, ' of Fr,v 4 Blackball,, Limited, has been Mr. Blair mad� a ju1t6164�Tcpj.V B. ,Rume-two days forMiss G. Ran%, 11- When voting for 111hi you aro Voting for a PROGRV,MVE - . I 1. I 11ILL Tgg bickmi. by Dr. Dorothy Turville. of the Uni- ( _ Mon. Non-Tesideut. fees, $,*. I . , . ` located In Winghain for seven. years. oxy)ros;ging the �nleasurj�bo 11D,d.. had . . I ��-=: ;­= :. 0 . I I virsity .of Western Ontario in' St. unufat,turin I p operations io, lar in tli,- vnvk and Ms sincere thanks .-Theso repbrta were rpeeived tile 11 - GODERICH, � � . � . . % � I . George's, parish loill on Monday Its U 1. . S%loply teaeliors to be, I "I . I � . . .. . . . . . XOTkO0 TO CIUMITORS , I have,booll carried on, in a portion -of for the Irp'"41-01IR 01ft , . I ,paid, and tile 16=:== "­ I . . . � .. .-11-.114"__%____ 1 _4 . - ­ I � evening last was very,interestIng to I o , , ,. , .. request for supplies. referrid to the . ­ . ­ I . I , . . . . . . . . the 'Quan.son-019, . company's fac. � � ,I .-..* I . I — __­.. -,-,-.--."----,�.�,�-,�"--.,-...,-.�', _t.�'tl.,..._!�-_ - __ _____ I ma ". d�t,ISFT��M. - , the wAien.w. A largo numbe'r of I tory, but vxpaupiovi of the latter cow- NOM,I . , I . , . I . I . . . . . X � , NATIONS FOR - . � . . ­ illustratioti.*ero shown,.iii-fatt the. . 1, .1 I C L Ou�c ILLOR A deputation from the Godevich. �kv. ASHVIRM) TRAGE - . To. s,. op 000r.,. � , I I . , 'Is it p�nyia business ,has xnade, it net;os- I . - TXIE Pmlgcron, . . wMa rNIRMY *GT%*%N4 TUAT� lecture goasistod of a series of vlow�, . 1)y I . . all 'persons linAn 'claIM4 aAalnst Ill(. va 'matter by tho lec. sary for It �to liave 411 of its, space... . .� � . .. I I I . ... Von$ club, consisting �6f Dr. 101pla. _� I I I 111, � I I , -with desellott. . I . �. 1. ''I . � -Brown and If. 11, itc It, 'of 11th Coatessiot, - "Ill - � I ,__. Dell, latij, .'of. flip -0 of tbo'busluess ot Fry'4 I . �chaii:inan), 19. D. 1"re'd RI h . :­�,� . . I . � (18tate Of Mizablitf) turer. Mr,* Dick Wurtelo, pr6sident of Expaniio Seven. Men Xomin4W for Vh(wit Reid, asked the co�aperatioh of the - ,,,cclde wife (10f.- _ 1, . Town or 0o0eriell. qn. 010 COMAY 6f also ,k4s Toude notessavy ' I I . atally Kills His LadloG and, clontlem, , ­., I � . Vbp X T P'. A., -suider the -Auspiees-4 -Mi4d*U Naition'of. Town,,Coun,4.11or board in a tiove for a I I . 11 .. � .Ifuron ,010, died On at' 4bO4,tbP 2301 was give),, presid- larger.quartArs and consequently, the .�, I I _11 I I � � .. survey of. the I . . __­ 7. . 11(tving xleci&d to bo a candidate 11 . I I day;;�. Pobetiary, 49,28, are Ivquir"d 10 Wh' e Jecture fni ,docided to piirchase the 'Union schools as to donaition of eyes, teeth I tow, the, viso4no in tho town council, I - .. - .1 forward thOr Claitl to the 'kill(let-Silmod, 11 i andt the close n vote of thanks f, Dwin�--'to the lamouted. ,death .lot und ,throat, . , , 'The Lions Club 1ave A Shocking. acci,imit,occurrvil in . I 7 . . acry building if a loan could.. be cutt 4n elec,tion Ashfield. township. - I ivsp�etfully'aslz for your support -- '. � I dulyproven, on or be -fare the 110th dai­wai. tendered to the lecturer. , ( '4so 4 . ,on Jilsiday evOnlng. - � . . . � . I I I 1. ("bWned. from the town 0 assist in Mr _� - . town 6 ,for the ),ad addrosscia A -oft vvpi ntativf- at the pollson Wedritsday, text. I .. . . of m4rch, 1 M. - - 1 P6 ItIon-H:f ,*Out ts-61400k. vAlon Mr. Fred . Ano notlee Is -further. aflm- Mara of HI�Xltiv .. uncilldr'becanso ,of the Xotiqnal Instiinte tar the, � .� � 1. given that � I the tniucing, A John of $11i,000 Was, � and -4-'1ioysfo#t1oxl meeting Blind whoodritimatod that. the servicea clile".4--kMI-known young farm have servvil you a number of $Oavo I I . sed necoasar., , I ", _­ ­ -446 wiKil0q-41le Administrator Of the'- ,rise local board of 'health held its ugkod, of,%vilich *10,000 isto be u - Asa In the,muncil,:thr�o,yosrs aa do. I , 1 . 'rooved sta I I iatiim meeting, forAho year qu for the purchase of the 'Union buII4- was. held on .'Wed available ssloii, accidentally shot - . . ,;W "toff -will' .IV , to; d6tribi. . - , - nesday ,evoising, Of. a qualified person wore � � .. I � .�. . I �, I OrRATM when, the $0114wini gentic'Aldn'w and killod 'hi's wife. putst req%V, and for four -1-04ra waa . � , th regatd otty ,to sui! I . . A sorvoy as to eyesight, Mra, Ritchie, e tstate, liuving, V Monday ofteraoon� pi . I - � lairmat�-�,4--ilw,--imbitf,---Wo-u-a��C'01-0----� 7 ­ ­ . . . . ,�'�`tt the XLY- Ing vadthe remainder for Improve- cro free f6r, such - . , alass os, be shall - ,, irAgt* '-:i':;;1:: � I t ilit - -.1N11o­",a#­-Wtwe04 Orr-,�U�wuudd_u c I . ol . a"� had isot!ve, . , , r, �_ka.mu_aud. � -T o,wr;vA"o_bo_g4w_ A -,P, 11 . ­_ . Irpo i4vu"tummuir mittee. and believe my record is suc)l . � . _JUted�-�f,__GdderJ&_-UlbL_"qU a Moss 4, A,iX . -ments-_ -h "- - VC I ..t I V a - " ,, cLean was -4p,' first - mortgage 4$ 1 'Chas. 0. 11:,il� . rk . ,'t � I ---- day -DI —4r%c_ 4­p-fii. 11r. X �el,proposed byGil * Oka; died Jostanti,y - - I ebruary, A. A. J9128. ' �: , t� ', ', V see.-liAty :anti the I . 'ti *6101A can be TOm6died 'bu I as, will tommond 'file for.yo4r sup-, I � .1 : 1 � I pio"God .'olialrmala of til V an I id Michagi Ohio ..IT14 by Rob . "I'DAVIen Go,'w Black tiquirrels had been causing I I I � . � 4 � ulilys-, . .11, . . � o board f6i loan is to. be iepaid in annual iisstall- I t All _ . tho-Ailld does not of serious. doinge, in Mr,.`.JUt,oJiiWs bart, port- - I . . . . ! 11AY41 016111 ont 11 . .%o year -And the regular rdeetinga: of irients of $1*,000 each.,.rl"Aaterest.- .ertiDo.ok,aiidW,.I.Btictianati. � ., I t an4, serious injury to eyo- 1 4 I I w iiufhorizinj this, 1041 wag - 'SttichAt Donolil. Crolk to,PO$Od sight resultt. Similirly, . -with the and orchava, 4"4", Fri X;OQn If 0.100ted X will do all in my. Power . . . , _dwy afte I � C11"'a For Xulols,trator ' � thi� � board, Wore Aietl far tbo' first, The'-byla , I � � . I solkitors .7. �, Wis. , month.' -As� bi D. Sproul oa Z. 0. Miliniugg iind other Aan4*r. � points of -tooth alid he borv6wod a sli4tkiiii *itb - the 1�- to give the, town 0friefout Alid Koa- I' , I— ___ , � , . al adin't'stratio" AS 1 is"O 400R!�.­ � . I . - ___ 1. I - - Monday afterpoan 'in:, ,supoqrtod by the Business Men's reducing tile 11601bOr ,of on"C' 1. .11 !:�,��*�:�:,= IV�_ ­­..­­-----­ I , I MaIc", Meltq anti �Charles T. throat. als6 boardi on the 'Aietion of toutiolk Of . I , , .. . I Air. W�,-H. Bmtt*k4i $Van I lie, so�fatlqn ,and the Chamb�r of Cam- , I I I ,� . 10, ASO, *SURAN10P. I . . , , I., . . . , liqvirreh;� About six o'clock hq In the past, . : I . . RZA4 UST40 I , , 'euse to soll milk subjeot to inspec4meroe. . .1 I . OW�Xsrds.. . 4, 4t, 4"Wwea 0 Aod Thomson expres- fiom 'the born to , came �, � ­ . I ... 4 - --- _4010. . ,0 ­ . I . .. Z, ­ - I ".. I 'Obts.,-, '36W itiib,�r,.` ,. 4impaqm sed the d give to co-oporitto With the the bouse. ilia . -Youro sincerely, V. 1: I Tf1.t_,AWNVLT �Ni _1W-AL.,EAT4k,r4 tion'by. tbo .�O,jkt&, T,1W­%aujtAjy-i . I ., 1. I . � .- I �,o I . , i�tftm I .,;, .0 . odo.kh J.Zatr May Survive I � wife Avall sitting in a rockini chair . :. . I , . foc I 'at . . . " I . . ......... 1. � : I . � , ,� mal I�N .S**m,A,GrNGv., spectoPs,roport was received, do�i IiY Michael Ohler and'John Gravelf. biss ., in the movomonto an reading at a wl"ilaw.'. . J. J. MUM. 1; I 1,11 I . - T,he, -ling t l ..Brown, propo M ferred.the matter to the school man. Sir. Ritchie ..t� , 1 . I , , hot the Goderich fair Douglas, Edwin � I . . , . I . I with, routine Inspection$, �� I . . I . - " I * . . not. .iso allOwed to go un er ' had forgotten that tho ba; er of- , , Li*, Nc6dent aM AULO, N5041)0 �- houla W . 4"nsent committee to "Ofer *I`Tisurqnp� , . 6 4 by 9 vith , , . J. A. Xa6FNv.1n � an& Aroble Alm . . . . . � I I . chfliltop.li story Houi to � . . � was..respo , the eallin 4 0 � .. .. I ub - the gun was baek and ,p5 be turned , SUIEF TOWN TOPICS � I : I . . g a 6 -the Lions ,01, . '' I I nsible. foi of a U. the commlitoo 61 . . I 1. �. .. . Popular . �. ... 11 ..,. I intleting, of tho fair board last .blridaY. an It I Wigloi PrO000ed by 10hn A report from Juspoctor Tpus of to look out the window, -he acciden. The W. 0, T. V..will hold �Its, 110914- . I . ,&.f(,iw,*1 ilia MtknT'J1SWd PC011el"Ll"'S lar meeting on Monday ft . . I I �­ . I .. d hoa. Anders' as waii tally polled,the trigger, ,,71w charge, 3 MOM At I . � . tot We I I. I Tho childrea's stor � r, *1ilch is �Cousldorable time was spont In dig- Cott 0 on. , - I Inspection of tho't6�in. scho( .. . Itousb 64 lot I , _y, boo 1; Johis S. pjiitt� proposed I)yArclile read , Ana filed. . . I Altruck his *If& In the heart and 3 O'clock In MacKay Holl. I � OXIZW%tsfr�Af, ftl'AA J'hold at the Public Library every Sat. du5sion and the only resolution that 1. . .1 I ,, Ai�thtrio urd6y �tiftornoou from 2 to'g' 0'clocU, �vas adopted was one authoriziol;tbe Haddon and Chvig;'IftotheWAY. - ' death .*as Instanta *. A union - proper � meeting will be . I I , Good 11011'.41%, 11110� IN100M � I � A letter front Trustee IsAissoill, � neouo - �... , . .1 I lightod, b,,sbmilot.' furnw�,,,' balovooft o V,se4 by hairm4n, of the school panagement. Dr. A: Ist.- Spencer, C61-oter for old on Friday afternoon of tht, I . '01t�red fbr J$ --x00 with the rtory toWhy the 11bra;ian,. secretary to sdnd aut.-,a tircular let- Xacob c Is I �, toile(�L garw-. good lot ,;, os -i Altkon,.is praying VOW ter to Lail Pt'Zo Winters stating the .W. H. Robortmis, and Bruce. and Aho coroner tot, Huron 1wook In X%'oX*y 11*11, Reir. lMr. Ell, � I I., post of, Material, con 9 I Dave uhiO, consmitteei reported on the matter of . leug, titan rkpit. S : 'rIc some, absoutoo. pupil$ and sirge were both ngtified, but an in . .. , hasL condition, of �tho, fait finances and in. ' After the nomination. Dr. Cla vest�ra-i bott In obat-goi open to,all. - MIS' I Aruotiov. and Attlists " I 'tera�% , cos"Al. popul rioaln4A. tile � I.Attendisheo I ,d'th1lt � . I 1. . , . 'r, w i ims. chosou ehairilian.is d ,f re libn of sllo,�A ,r . I prioa '". 00. .1 I 1. ) ,a between fittk and sixty. ig & contribution -equivalent to ft briv - certain improve Cuts in.thO te4ecov. rcumstanees is undZ - The announcement In , 1A d 2 � � vitir . . in � . oar last 13sue I I I I .. Ouse. eleetrid 11joltoa, 900 lot all' This ling, nec�ssltated. the Use of 41 tifty per cent. of .the prize mne marks wore 'road(), by, Moiksrs. Croft, ating of walls And. re'seating, of: sonke stood Uva, mkti�fied both. that the, ai. of the birth of a daughter to.'51r, And I I ' I I ., � I . . . � I . ,, the 6 y ea� rooms be made at ilie Eastei vaca- fair wus rurely aecidental., . . in. A 181361$1. $750. larger. -room. and the Xnple I -oaf more. ,A large number of replies, tjoe.and Humber 111 tons , I Mra, It. T. Barker Is of speciA I �­ (5�Oj hdWp. Mod(IN, OWIPPO,d, C411- . I I � Mrs. R tbhio, who ,wlss '4 dqvifht�r ter,.,�st; jirgt 600ause this Is a4eap- . I Chapter of the Daugbterg of the F, fiave�ulroad.0 -been -received expres- present. . tion. The letter was laid on the ta- . . . I vp.oten to A%nw, ", . , . -Croft. said he'would be brief nit bid,. Mr. Pdrsons was unable to of '-Mr. ,and Mrs, 4-40109 Smith,, Of year baby, being born on Fob. 200th. I Mro fornish tb% r , sing willingness to fla thii or . � , modorn equipped and 101 I linve offered to 6 r , , toie - Mr. - Ito - . I . , of, fund the w1iole. of their prize I 1i . 0110119111�� i§4uark%� $16M , I i in the bas6mott,bkt, the eAst corsso� win- 'he had no municiPal'TOcavil to, 49fe114 pr6seut, being called to. To6nto. DonCaunot, Is survived by two tot morp 'Particularly as thii3 IfJ the, . . I I I I 1, - __ -1 -­- lugs. . With a "... . . -flowso modokm, e:�ilppM. and l6t, ­ I -S ;- - _______.__._._­1r*v. � *me assistance from .and intended -to make no rush pro%- A veport from the Oerteral Aeei- -young gets, aged Aim four a4d iix limt Virl - In, four goiseratione. The , I .. � 1 0140, - I , . . 11 I %VAN"--.---- Also municipalities Intoostediri. hold- isos., As some quallfica 6us h ,e dent Association -oil external inspec- Year$, besitlea her husband ',and par. fatlier was,one of a tam I � - -D, ,' - __�� , Ily of sovoil . ..... . .. �� ___ _ _ I . N�ht, betek mttage. 4�6nd�`Vollari (-I'll- ­ �� __ Ing the fair it 13 bop6d that 50 per d consid4ir"blinsell ., * t! to tion otboilets at tile Victoria school enta. . boya and his Sather was one of a .. . � I 'TEO,-A� situation as (I'mpoMic shoul , , .1 Arin )WA, good lot, $12M. ,- . N'VA\ tent. of. the ,Prize money can bei paid seek the position lie, Olt d to the Tho two*,Anall sons: Uun*apll, aged fAmIly . (,�kiod house and two 10W, 91 ' ­ P:y g1ri JgL VJ14rt; ot a ,. ��P�fV� 'it : was filed., The report showed the of five, all of thlo malo Mr. ­ . � 5555 � ge I , , three years. and 1(olth, olmost two. , , I . I . "Ind Nw, dowt - c down to..suoi a fact that 010 topi))A e i t 4- i I . . BricR.11osisj� ,.nvd.bam, -1 i ­l acres'ST.M Cipklrx. 7 � ­ �� . bollors condition exte, . . . I 1and_Vf,V)rd,. �10W ' - figure that tile. % a , - .* in 900, I rt"'. were in the room at the time, but CARI)s Op TI(ANK.5 I . . mouir'l. I —FOR SAbi-b ----..— ovs,cancarry % bonor to represent, the 'The -matter Of putollaso of ao thy; riscaped Injury. Mra. Ritoble W416 1 . : . . . . Good houst" smqll, I�am. I 4 TO RUNT . -%vith some hope', with a good Suir this tional Rallwayso paidintop 0 to Car -of coal for Victoria odhool was The lPawiLv ot tha.late Niv�, AimUt . I i 3-4 aereg land, Utropd;' Ple(gl, awl ,asury . a � a I I . usurried to her now bereft hur-band - , . .. . J,piyIng it off. Tile vot,q to treasury $1800 or $14000 t Bell, 1,14P this, op - I . I , _­ - 1. dofv*ed. - upwards of fiv p"Ptunliv of (,Xph,f; . . 11 mity otOrs. , I . [Foll KILP*4 011 TO IIENT.-J21A-a-pt! sod'out thecirolar to priz� win. ovow $600 for water. ., I . :, e Nyearn ago, .and she tong itwir graipful-111al)N4 to nolivilbor,A . . ibp'sh proporli,%;,mn lit, .. . I . A program of'the Trustees' alid ,, , L, . � A nxny�bp+r of � farn.1 homvis as tht� scimant ners was a 0690'on6,+ a nutnl),-,' of Mr, 0. t,-Loe said two, months ago Ratcp%yeral Association meeting Ift. was only''t.we-sity-seve" yeava old. 4ind rr14,nd,.* ifor, fli6_ iwmy )%Iu0n"*- I I I . 'is ToNvaphip (it, 41olhot-tw� . . 'Ii�i'of illeir , 1 I holigut by waUlair m r,vall dnIml va.v�- Parm In 'it ox . to a fil d. � -The %03t profound oympathy Ii ,ex- plim'.." at Vic JK bleent 044 � . fitont, with eas.V tornlq to -W b3l'ane-- Usti I)o if-wwfl 'for three to fivi, �,4,,av' the directort taking the %,law, ApPar- and up to Inst'Friday lie, did not - Toron w, e . pressed by -all in the eonlmpnity� bilreavi'morit. Thoy al"It) att'nowle*e I � .11 andidato for A, arplientiqls Vni" Mr, NVIth "ImN)c4ation the 111ally beautlfw pams-_N fk� of the many bstrnl for or will sell on small do,lim payhwntll ettly, that if the board could 'not Vkr- Peet to 'be again *a, c W. J. , .. saie I - ­ . * I Propi-rly faliv froplInved, 410011 Istilld- Valige to pay the w1iole kike.mone-y issuisicipal,olTice but lie had been urgr- Ituadot1c, earetAor at Contral schotsb i0ere the fortillies of both husband ftorttlivibliti.�. I 1. . I . I )� , Vimmiler rot 100-4cril falfts for W110 lags. .kpply :1. � A. 1;,', MUDIP I 9 * '* `b d light ed by sw Many to come IACIL that be for an increase of salary was and wife, reside, for the regrettable . . ... . . . . QN, P.. 1) It would put the air in a ai roeelv- . I . , . accldp Strp. Alfrf,d, Tobbn4t, ond Mr. Anzt% . , nox 510, Lonflon. 011tarlo. � with exhibitors and militate against hna'decided to stand. There )utd ed, A motion ivaq passed that no homes in tile dintritt into 0, Niel.ond mtyils, to expretow thOr slopoo . � with all n(V41ss.till. buildings and C11311.1 . .. . I . 1.1.1111, nt.wbich hos turned one of the I .. nqcps,3ary ltn�i�K�tiaents, PrIc" aboitt , ., . 1, . . bappieat . � . . . I its, success another yogir so much boen. some criticism of,,the� amount ,tketfon be taken. any acto (it kind I .1 $1440 . I . L . � . . i I � The p�eaent salary house of mourtling,, gratitudil for the To. � I . . � � AUCTION S --- that the fair inUrlit ar, -well gives -up of money the public %yprks eommittfkw is A550. newt 4nd SyMpatill' frets 41PI tboro . I � ieVAral 94 aere farts"'. Prices trom --"- . — . . ,sl3ent last y�sr in the vot eral 'of A mir-be" of acco ' t'a re Boaldes the, grief-Btricken husband. and lrloodq at'Ll " fialim, (of Ults 4 . . . I $tr-w to eao) melt, . . trNIV1r1* AUCTI(vNI 1*u%LR# 1DV PAR\4f slTo0c the gbost now. some -ouch, uctio*4 as tie work 'had rod.to the, lin on Were, Te r- and two z;maII - sona, the deaeaped . 11 utuk-r, I I t . oleath (if thi-Ir belove(I brother, johpl. . - %* nore ffim,�Wd t4 131% 1111(1 V .x:S11 rslmll'*PNTfi� ".1., I . 1. WIRS op,ropooed "va the only.pomible the town but very lit %lice committee to pay "ung woman leaves to mouin her ,�%I,rl,eoji, . I . ., . .194te . I . .. . ­0� I.. W -.%y t. Short of ral.%higover 14100 been done In thil; part of the town- if f,,A,.i oorrpet.' . I ... . I . . 1� t It,. natural drainAWA Nn 1 . I . A-� , . ) .1orm ,plowpil. \*.o I Isinboresi. , ' in some undiscoverod wily to licipil, for yeats and, when It - The board tfica adjodmod. loss, her parents, Mr,' and Mra. 3aD., , It 11 I I . XnS.18A"l AG1XN - - ' ' wwr consider ____ . ard, pond,w.,01,* I with- pa thilt laritAnnia iroAd, Waterloo, I I . . I ulldingo, nrob. will ,,,ell -by pa'fille aactlosi-at Lot 7, dato everything, and. in 'fact, W. Smith, two aisters, Xrs,, David 06RN I . . . , I J, . 1) 104' .. . * will he * , out some-or,aigiabee from save quar- Wellington, Wellesley At& Cobourg . W Nivits, of Weat Wawanosli, and Mina I(V.1*'NFY.- -Af Itulin'%-RIA. Out on . - I � " ., , 1). I colbollix" on I "; PE OPLE WE KNON, Nobel Smith, at home. also two live- ' ,'% - .1 . 01 N I t 110+1111 a - eUN6 term& f4il 00110'. N J _ JJiur&Jiay,..*.r3tV, i jgt, to Mr. onoY . [ro. . ... . . TJUESWAV, MAX - ..;', , tova - AX0 -00 .. .. I. . . I eel. . . . 161 wat ,, I .the Imard vMl be unable to PaY streot�, had ls�60 � UP for $10 a 4)411- a , - - I 1. . tonmoudag at 1441etoek.sl�i�if.t even the ,50 por tent. of -the prize he. eousidered U gOod diit of notos* Air. 0,. *uTtele roturiled. Itiat weelt thors, Oliver and, Uslie, at Godorich. UP040 VPDnQv (11" (Ir ce WOO" , .� I 7 0 rxroq good olay 1,04m, good bIA1111- , econ- frown hit; southern trip. � '' . The foiserAl was hold today from Non, Ulenopth SWO.Rols. I I . . 11 . . Vood lbeation; Ootl'�Poloot. to � Live, Stoilk.-4)no. blaell, ware I) veara I'moncy, provoiO- * . � . oary work had Wen Anne ver3t .= I � ml , I bxy 'Marc Q. Yeats old -, 1, ji-i-V onsleally. As misell had liten Melit Mr. A Mcclay, of Cupar, sash" Zion church, "the serviee at 0. P. in - . . � MAX4180 , I 1, ellurob, rallroad swtion. 4 11 41d, 1, j, """ , . . I -humb ' * Inriur, goltling 112 ,ycars old,* I No& eow' b Miso, Notch In Vitals Is% , On the -r vo4da of the town. 110 .1 . a foAnlobt at the home w4o e6ndtketa bv Itev. A. W� V,riwn$, ,StP6Tf,.--At Unon i 41itim trom town; prico *M(s. . - sed Nto ish In ealt", t ()iathry Contest I oth( I Ot_Jnc"di0V Xts�,N, K. McLeod, Elgin I tas - - , . 1) I., 1, to * I , � 2W easb -, bala*i� Ali good t(trols. .years 014 sum. admitted be had overrun the! e3ti- Ul. torof the, Ashfield United ( fflAtI.Fil.' (;O1b4DfA1fk Strt'Ot, 04 t . on(, r" I . . NI My V 14 . 'O Ill 11(1vl it. C. Ste r . . AiNi aeri. with dweillogr how in lealf., I rod tow 4 ' years old, iv,vrge fleary 116,11, son of t e late $t * f t)w 5 -,,Parg ol(L supfosed it) bO huous de,dls� a of the 1h,4to,4 for tile public works 4gommit� .A.� . Interniont wag made In G 313-0k Wis. by *. bt�i* � .0. . 1. I . 1. I . inva. irood orehard. 30 w.rM .1.1 --it. . sup wfwd 4, Ill valf*. i red; mw Juiiie�,, i3fiva Delight Y4utehj of lioxio- tee slightly but bad lei tuo -lontstund. -Mr. T. All Dalds ;sui! r,on were In comotery, Lo. -know. . . I . . ,goo(l 1wation. Writs ftA now and . . 0_�W*- -_ David lwonalld Wli aild %Irs'. 11011, $01 1 1 , '11 ek�q 1), rich, was deelarea the winner of the Ing -accounts. town this week. Mr. Davis motored � r Irb : Ms%l, 4"Igllt yeam 1,Q4 *, It red eow� . .� .: - _. c as far as Alittboll whore A)IL ., _�_,­_- I �� lit fall, wilince oil tr000 terinq to .� � I .Raron-Latiliton unit of the London � Mr. Humber hkim�ed`-a botbor otpr.. VOUR SHWINO ht-ACIONE' Nfav-al"t Ill'Pon, 11'"Cht"r (1f '%' - 0% 1% fmqh, 7 yvars, W , 1W .-Ik-. ­ .'L� .-1- -.6- &&­ 1. - liq toolt the � . is . � . . - r .IiWW Wall. Prim ­�'Jro. rov parti- . I,A�P(,oe of %ino,krdibe. � . ,mlars sm fpr NSTRe . . IU4; 5 heirom 141(110*11� . -6 14 'It Youlik People's (3onforenee .United __ - ( 4 -TR(glam _E_ ; . � . . . . .. - - P_ - —P u bTi W"*-"-+, at the train-*r-God"Joh, w - - �,___ - _� - . . We Van X it for von. anv make. DIED, I . l toldt I -brood ti " 0MRri E_1*00- oh6 Age nimlinattd as lie .. � A ,g . , ...'s 1 6me---�Eanwtert, only one of the nominees ,.v G� 11. Humber lea�oi Have it fivrd now�' TIM. YOTING. 3104,1111, U 01111"44 . . 2 -ho lu, 4 64 Fli(lay for a trip to the as I . N1411`411, '41111.1. 1"'.19. 31-1111 M.-Lood, atled 0. I X"Al tin 10tormation, Nvate or Vt e .VII�Onn;r bonts; 3 voling vwol. reff, I -which was held In ft Joun's United Mr.,and Mrs. i 'It. Ali PrIfty. J. W. ARAISTA(IN(Ir. . , Callho do- chureh, Stiatford, Monday evening, U44 a eandidato for 'cou"011 In Jan. I - , I Real 1""Alat... 1mV1ltZ1Wp�15L--J ltass(,y Ilarria b1ii- - intekosted Amt. 'Ifo would not be the 6110 to They bitond sroing as far as 511 � yllarq I � ftpApl,'�* U(,,%v. ECIAll OPTICAL OPFFAC . j. X uary, Usiport and will beawaya month. Nlich, fle ,:C-1- , � j,1,,t,., before a large and ,4 , . 'Dox $4, GO&T-Ii,ih. Oat. dor. Co. ft, ,eU4 ! Mutch, reprosputing 4111,1W%%li.� N1 Illfto.t. - __1 , _ _ __ _ — V, ionce. A1153 rAuse an ,pleetion contost, but It fligh grade heAvy weigilt gold-filled ,, .Sfarch 2nil 11,0% PIOPP11CP 'i"M -, , llarrW <1144* thlill, npv , 4 rariner4, - - p1piv, t r j)(th cill. eople, spoue on tM, onough qualifipd to Vaal ,t Mr. and Urg. 0018. Tippit, of New. flu. The te,,ent mining market won- Friend swila -pring it A Huron. Young 'P -to a COMOP T(�et, have ttturned tw%ne after SpAktacleg and Eye GlabMg ivith b.��st �Ajj t,elilwil %174 (or lilsoald It. Wahani. I , I d-riul ler. buying, Your own fear.,; tiv,dort I Fra.4 & W04)(I "lower'. t. to subject, I'Vollomiog Uhrmt, All Ad. his � Ilame might be in the list, UQ 940, at, flat sollerical leiisea, for oulp $4.00. TIy0%fp5(1N1­.%t 1400hV Mountain . . .1 lq(.t btsh voutgre," and Frank A. Xdwardl, of consi;Aered, no ono P g tbo week-ept) with their . m your %, tatie: I 11ain wig"At* � . I �Wi�, boldlog down plVice's. Whi i ft. Ila'. �1 .Ise paid, aftv Moro spendil Andemon, of All other vtVlpiq of frames asia lonseG lt,,11s,. Atla,, on W40%­�Axv, lz(lb. - , — , , � . � � I - � . , " rUR C, a 18 b Pe ­ 15 t I 0.0'sy: it 4:0 a T, 9 � I � 1� I I I ,,—�ie.q!.,�.D 1� :7 ,ilds , . "". , , if, �,,, I � , . I I I L ---- woo-wou"Mm"Now""Now— I I I 11 I ,�,.,',`,c),ril — � - 11 I I I W I I 11081" i SN IT I I I ,ra I S. 11% th I L farm kil ok -a otutl3t 4 I, I I I I I I t- .�nd-itfhasrbeo I, ef too the 4ofee - 4PV,ATI Q I I I pub I , I I11 4"'t I I . I I I I " f1O , and 30 g904 b %,ei Wn" :i�x �_V od b u'kb no, 1*11 I I dh ........ " I II u-14 Av, v* i Milk: Ix Watfordt her opponetto representing taxes thors� lie did so that 0'it I that Asughtcr,, Uro. Cliftom , fl� 11 ett %V& ! % I . . %ith vise% prices vill, rise. Price is ",I'll; I flige Juirro Ilvi . lit WP -P'0"- I Lambtofi. liadas, lih; subject'. '1411c, blasis he had as much qualiocation Sarnia. lat loweqt'VrIgoa. Xyoa examlne4 by igitil, 1. 41wito 'Nfathvi;ou. Isr ov . doUtminod by domaud twd�supply., wt 51.� I tall"111", ,Milk . 0 . I � ,1 I . '20011i lls. vlaffOrm -,Palo. i voot pillpPe. . our woll Ithown aud painntaking ope- ur me. vrol ThomP4011. , V V11ttor; I bim"ay; I ,%f.J1$8Py , !.11 *Both speahers deliver. for, tile ti&idon as anymse. Mies Margarpt WItite, of tile OtAN ciali.qt# Mr.,Hughson, with 0.1 yck.Are 141,910 %11..*�* I 8 Ill visluts hava not ellang. 4 �, x% closso Wbuti _ . t OfA41;)VIA1, 1.11 WM " " , � I Or. qm r , ed uplondlil addrcss0t) wbich %Vfte f Mr. P. X. H1b1*rt1n ntoreo� C�xperff%ncv, IS yearn COW Slaw4l WI I . D04111111isy 41 I'- u6t%WIT of ,the Itarris exv� 'A1x,tr,a1,6r No. 3, I well. ,All th6se tVbo S1]OltJ". includin- lWal; Val. . into to Gode. Ill.-NiuN. �. MIA. 1"sill"A how . ar. on h4vo nothing to fear if )�atop ftylil hslalwloll4 Q da& eap.., I Cut- i liatened to very attentively. The clialrivian expremed thtsir rel�net oled Ilome last, week to wail rJeh. You pro augured of' thp, beat toll, %ithm"Of U14, Utd, John DIW*�M. � fps�, I s4 heav,y brPrAling ilarnoqql, I � judog of the contest wore: Mr& I,. 1110 thf, ,ei%-CUMStaltee.q t!lat S13dfl a 11,roffiel', who ILI Very lit at I_- ILoptical worlt to bo olltainc4l I will 1340 WIC41 fraln fif'r . . you don't buy , margin. call and for I LInd .at Tne fullilt"i Ilay fort rnpo and , pullpyiq '. i Neop M. ftberen, W, J. Makeston nod X p,w election necewar,V rmi Mr. in F1,06howton. ont, I �. into r0,E5)#I(�U0V,.%,r11l f1tre"J. IM vrlda�,. . . ,very modcvato Vent. Thuraday, V*41- %Javi.h '*h. ,at 3 P.m. lo SWIl 24 vr.td . sco. "t. I . v%voll Irotiall: I glool %.mliw -troualf:"O T. XseGregor. Jeltrey ROS!, llct`14 Ir"Whot wid O)at 110 ulattor W110 Mr. and MV6. ?boo, Ander'son, N�-I&V, Mawh 15, 16. ' . � -it t?to. tflfu�.I� I NORMAN LIMS, 4ma"01%, lf'-f -liar: sawL4. 6110VAR. shairo" - tinxekeepor and T. 19. Brandy intra- . . I-14"Iry 1-rxleo i . at 0-30 -:..A oil 6 lag 001114 bo 1plectoil tile tw-v., eouneillor pier ,gt rf,,,C,Jv4c(1 the govi newo Oat, 011finlirkle. Allwe" etrAnv r__T__J' ,,,, ,�;V, I . , - � 4-0r. MMMOR wwr," � ropp,, anti immoictus; finser hvistntlo. - . .0 ,m., bad �380ed .11 , �,Ipvf,ral f; of 114U, �Jt� I duef(f4,tbe 011ttstailts- Miss 110le" would he unable tO fill Mr- 01tt7s J their ron, Ale Is filial . I . . stroete, C,Qerkh. � I'lli'l1l, �,C41(�Id fnr Sutbeililad, presi4eft Of lliel(0011 n1ape for lie vaq the bot counvillor I Phone 476, p;iAtud-�4. ,e=w !nation fcal S21 electric onginter �', -­­ , __ , --1 -me irm an,yiIiing, tin . at the Visivenitv 4 -�1110 stat(� 'Of , ­ — ­, , Ille g, pinith� I "I , � r ­ .. I— I No r" 11 _11.1g. Y. P. &, and wittuer of tile 10 llAid t,een. .. I bold in lqr. 1_', i . _ . — E4 imld. oxf-ord contest, Which was . , ,vo, tile n*llv of-minq& to Ai chigan, Ann A� I sy, and eelovo hinloolf lint-41livoenl1v lit flip . ibor. glmdi. f-wov that ans"110f q ln,0100 aeotgt* Bavehler. of Goderfeb. presi, Nnn W. Jack lical. raf 14iftlioll, who it:1 , """', ,�"'u" "' "' ""', """""" "AV18t,", th" pil"'Vion!, Mon, (I ulootille as ntardtflfc for Vie PW0 cinginq at ft 'N"Orth Street unitc-41 4, J. W'. crtmen ,� <,redft will 60 givoil oil AlMigh'inc; 11�- dent ,Df Huron Young Peoples PC -ell. ""d 14"ns thp firpt -10 to I imavea JoInt 11ple'.4. A d1s,,4)Ufl& (ar "I'f�'* ClitivAt this week, is Ai.verr prorisio- 1)(11 Vlnh qrArlit allroweit top vant; fi,�, bytery. *hp w6te WeIeOMO 03it*T,--1," Mr. ej,oft nl.qo qimliflod '40" wejL�tp ' I wo ts fo agy a few wordi - 44' f reelpot: ing vemng, bam eol,,bt wlia wn; a &,­,,, W r..,- - 'Ir tinalialci. _,yj�,ealled up ­ ; ,'� ,4% � 'tilt � . _ . T ,,,. - OTf,IV - - , . � 4�t and they brielly told of the greateO �;�=%. t,-,VnidrZ ItV. IMOPPV al�;(V fil- incirdlist'at tho Pertil COWAY 11031 � � We "i b"Nin i NIM -4. 1011ftill AL14W. 11ZaPTHr.t:Z% _ i it. it. et, tiodppicla. int"est wbieb is being tftk011 in Y-� ,%,I 111� J4.lr�1,JIe.,)fJr,11 Jy%rnVQ. v,. Amlyit Cal Fe'SmI Itint YeAr. " 1"T I .. .. i ' � 11. S. wt�rk and st!!0 ro"grAtulAted Me �, , ; Undc'Etch jpmple mo muell intel,Qqt- . I 11111 ... . I, . 11 I I _. ., T. GVNh1lY,& SON, Aurtioncerd. . tbc)r-o will b(, a fbrm4o"74111041- irml- -_�- .--- 1 __ - _, �: -f�,!�% ._:_ ­ __ - � - __ _. - -1. �r ­ ­ I ­­.. � il 'mikerL4 on their splen4id addreso*s. t %Vpflaeod.-,k� fol� tl,t, r, -unetintnt 4 the ��ow. -...-.-.. I .I.- - - I - �. .1 slit w"'mc-pled ill Me =130 .--. I tc5st %eu . '011 _­­ ___ -, -, .- FMard"ay. Mal . � ive mal.erlag* On S_ W., ­­... I.. ­­ ­ ... -1 I � -A I'll, I I ill 11 L11111.-,- — �� Nott Moisd*y night in First t -Nit. ita thv`,Con.�,�,__.__� ': Ift, of Th'. IGNIN"at 110atou, r,on of rd,ehurch, Undon. the following 011- I ' �tolnts will 11peak in th#1,1'1r,reS1iytC1r"V (10plaine 'Gille 11, , , Mr. w-01 ?,Tvr,. Eftlem" l(OZAGa, of Tor, - , ttq 1, 'Ide'ej o&j V'Jfj� - � finsls:,, IF-59ex-Xent,* Emmelk', 5111k,'I ace of fivo J, onto, fomnorly of Gclpa,!�b. to 4IM3,1 . 't � 0 it r Ov Fa CoAREY &S N Ltd Wilmi Oxronew' Wig8ville; "Young, r ALP., Th*0117,1VT nvil 2XV1. '11plon "'raortit6a, 0zjr!'Mp� of !kIt-4. ti'� � ��- ­ �jot.r,tj�jllj tAt,�d tile, late, -,Jv,. Thovt%� — .1. T I WMAtts" Ill rANXIMAN 1011K INYMY014TS reopltk Mind the upatrA. 110016,11 (Y'l. � 00 V01qi4VT A NEW SINGFUt toti, of, Whift. ftr bett info""Atift YrLL",1fJ1j'A#k " " ,�z An-middle"X) middlestm; Eilikelle'D _ , JknJ7 M',niflg Dfopft_ty.o. 13V0%J^ t %-,T bf% frttly o0otmilftit-3V upen Nqi%lty. 'i Cite., 1)6rph"terr llbeagut 6f Na. l� �fACIIINV � � ��4l­=�� 1 � PC " 1,44ay. 1510v"11 ,,,�,kd, N , - I�tltatt �U whk all Leading stock And , tipn�.11 IIUVA� ; P, #III (", ­ 4­1.nj� f�o q go � -�', " ­ ",51 lil%1cl 1�11;-L��-'o . Wk* co"o, , Olumn4l'AMIA(m) � Grit" Exehow,�g, Mim VelWht mutch, Godttkh . " I voy,tInt". V4,,,;��,.'.*,01,'�t��,^�D�',:I--tldl�Art(l�UU(�7('V'It�>V,ie0� I , I � "Fof� � , t1a '(,N . ­ v C:fiq J - % ' dwi" 4)? (.311 4 J. 1'. Iviacoleen vu�vgl� '�' Of tho enrv�Tan fxg�,)il in, tto W d. I I M"'O"ir vmplv Naildi"r. GODFRICIL 11ho"e, Mt 1 Mwit* (11itAt, All Ative�ttvck." 1� , , IIA -my IT".15 -..------- _____ -___-­ ­­ ­­ , . ,,,---, -,,- , ��­ ­_,____� I ­ -- -­ ­ � � I ­ .. . 1. .. .. � .- ---.---- __ - .... . � . , . , _ 11 .. —.- I � Stocks ! - Ronds!- Grain *1 i � i ­ I - ­. I ;, � ,A, larket qtiotation,o> zuppliecl for 4nk IsWd k0e-k- . � �, Orders promptly pxe6uted on Toronto, Montr4oal and & New York Stock Bxchanges and Chicago land Winnxi- I l peg, Grair; V, xchanges. I 4 , I I . ..W�-­lft"�� � I � � .1 0 *1 t� ts, Limited 1 �. Huron hivestmen i : . 1�1 , I �. . Royal Bank guildhigi Goderich. Ont. I .� 11 I . flhoot-a 4i9449 I I � �1 it 11rowito witeconneawao wid4tll lceidiosc-m,t- OCIG13in�-'tZha.".cos � I �� - ­ � ­_ . (Vertil-Oxford) UX Par "It 81C."N't tarc, Stow. I . . I -1 0 1 1 1 � . . I I 1