HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-02-23, Page 7etatM11111111111111/11,
TKUltaliDAT. Fell flerd. 111ige
Heart was weak airak aisesearommisesimoraressommes• sibaseesseens,
Nerves were Bad Sunday Afternoon
Ry 1S4BEL 1111011LTON„ coonich, On 1.
Cooldo,t Do per work
1.4! the. rinetrieg •fielde ae see! 'roil thereby Sentare their prayers and
' • • Mighty ellen the harreat be; .their euppeet,
„., Daly
I.Le. .a, Waite. need Henn, thee ! But the reapere still a-11teJ: F.
r: V.V.
61 have 'been ,ee are.atln" tx-nc• 'Great the woek they he to do.
iitca by your Milbten'e Heart ;lea Lord of harvest, tee there be
Nerve Pan 1 fi.,e1 Aoultl write mad joy mat Etngth lo eeara for rre?
tell reit !nee, geatcfut 1 am for or
ttrao Lcatt ;no 1.Tell we for a
comet.) et' -•ezte, as a enneequeneo
tay Le L'Va,S. lir.SliV.) very ;bade •
I.ot the Rations far end near '
Mithere, do'you think it fair to tor ,
See Thy light avid learn Thy fear. I
-J. P. Bahninane. turn noun little ants laa foreiner then
, to take ill -tasting oils when that
Ileaverdy rather erey all we whe yead a taxativn notedtelnaf Don't Isn
"I WaS urable to no my work, could oefess Jerez Christ an one Sonnet? ",:tillit!t, tehercneIlltramderteeator,f4 ttli,eas;
laet filleeli tit night, atol teemed to ee • •-• - " .... "- 4
• ard Teen -tesen to abne IRE- corart,m,e,,i.1 fmu,,o,
giadually getting nesse. to pray. ar.d give and go that otne.., , , , •
trr.y bear ,1.11.z, nvy fyf „eale.xtinu Baby's Own Tablets ;tee the man
trn substitute for these naueetea
41 I trial seveial reetteline but re- through faith hi tbe ennin Leen. Ia
ecived Da Penelit front theta. and vine in, men, n‘.., man Auiou e tbses. They are the Very 111Cdieine the
s.,s: Laig„,...nalan40-,"%ti, coed reteores mid are so pleasant te
take that they tire as ea$y to Omni
Vinson Tonic -Skew; cud Ow Twel. ister as a glass tfrf water. They are
%V. , .
'i 'I was IlitTior Lesson Paeeage-IlIeett a :13-13 ; the eerfeet remecly for rill the minto
ii t :7
ailments of littlo owe, being abso
.41mattint e 13 0 G-13. -•
them ne „I 14_ 2Goldett Veet-Mark, 16.:15,... , .... iltt.els,.. am-tun:end frees from injuta
heeeme niecour-
agen tryitaa; so The introduction to the Mission of- "nnsi-atrin7Zw.,-11-1."' ri-ble-t'3' seeeiu-p-iis-h ;11,
anoint me to get
many th in t.t S.
IThwerer, the per- the 9th enap, of Matthew, "But when
the Twelve le fourol in versee 36-$8 of `pliok mo 70 30 ti
He saw the multitudes, he wes neeven nna-`"na `4" 60 In toot nun' aeoate
t1Lit,t_leasto!...oll, (01;(1 o..tiae,r_bad-tastine
4 box, anti leow with compaesion on them, -
b4e311'4" Child exhausted frent its stror do not eage
thankful e um te they fainted, end were SW tSt.',.td.
t a against takinr, medicine They vo
bave taken her anviee. , 1 hare taken abroen, an sheep having' no shepirei
neve teething pains, banish intligee
four wen:, mia enseen my fifth, mid -limn ealth He unto His diseiPles* t le non uadecoustioation, break ur
I feel that X am veey emelt better." harvest truly is plenteoue, but the and simple fevere mid promote
lanourers are few; pray ye therefore healthful. refreshing sleep, They an
Prtie °0 -Ch a iiit' at art 'leak:In-4ln ithe Lord of tiri harvest, that be trill soid by medicine &aloes oe v.
mailed intent on reempt ef pneeny The *semi forth btbsunenn lone ana tem, .
. .
T. Milbuin Co., Limited,'1"oronto. Oat,
beeeraing very much abreact/Jan riy
condition Oue day a friten1 advieen
me to tee -
Aute and Parse Liverg
Hack Stables, Etc.
Montreal Street
_just Ofrahr-SWIArg'
'Busses aleet Train* and
Pitaiewiter Gents
Passengers exited lartin any
Peet el the town for all
trains at (.1. taneten. R
Prompt Serivice And
Carefot Attendance.
Our t.lyery toad flack Service
!int; *011400 op.to-date
Its every respect.
our Pittronatge Sol le teed
_ .
!inane 107 mat -trail Street
Don't suffer .iteetess
nein. Warne :wane
tub welt int° iint.ofe
.f -
freed parts. YOullaapern,
aux almost instaantratien
For Minerdni antl *pain
Simply can'tgetontagethere-
The Great,P,hitelininsent.i
Cook by Electricity
Wash b;y 1151ectrieitY
Iron by Electricity
Cheaper ikon Coal or:
An Electric Vacuum Mallet
removes the duet ; a broom
just moves the thist.
We guarantee all Itydro Lampe
for 1,500 Ware.
Walk in and see disrlen at
The Hydro Store
a . tom The Dr. Mal
then thernselven Were eltoeen and seq., ENSURE'---"----1""---n-
Yee:: terThieabtlaariseeirnslenannldetaaomtlatadfZIllarei" ilIee, ICLo.E.4., BsnASNTekviTtlen,ipOnt
apart . to 'be these labourers. "Taaa' I . '
Called then" Unto Hint and gave ot.theennvi ,
Trawl Vancouver Express"
power a 0
and authority v Imo 4 Ino "4. ill0 USX'S. touriet -season, -UV
From October first until- the open
euirits, to cast them out. and to heal ninceonnou
all manner of sickness, end etli alma- iilii:ktiriblitovw:e:orn nr-lrengast2tIrlollaatvedietelev:
ner a disease; Toronto and Vaneouvei
i -s
Oninla. We see in. verses T-10 that .UTrntellullcaayaaodfJ9r2e8e,actactheeanetehr„Ie,iuiPte-hr;
Mne; itbe originator of mmmen
e oss,, -life source of tainatoneernew. ener emptier -"Nuntber Three, icues ti e‘
et and the provider of missionary is, moae namillary , known, eArrieat.;
wants. Irt verse 11 we see what then 'a_11planbee" nemrenr eon Isannae Tumid us
,whoerorenateigdy0 ISIAelan deuthteerYiniZ atrebaetraetle int-ev tiaivse eva..acen.eden transcontinental trait -
re fait an enviable repo
eity. "stunting off the dust of yolfr tation with eltlpiktlenced travellers, .r
feet" WINS a signifieant net showing fact o
mann t 1lor patrons u e r
that they deetined all further con- seritiees the year roiled, alway: he
nection with them. The eitiee of etah-evieiuyn:wtoetahkiendo same accommodati n°e".
Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed iwn tiabwfawv ao irti eter ahotel. 1:0T, thee:::
by a- voleanie",eruption on amount of
theirgreat wickednees., They oecu- r..ro,de,irk,rifica,r1; rithreemmt>i•velintnhantlitteYhug:-
pied the .place afterwards covered leY ,wdr.ii: ii-e'ren:bh*vdo this,
the Dead See. Christ told Iiis dis- . and it speak,-
ciples that their punishment ne the! ..The VanIcouveatrner EsPire8i1"na
Cana -
day of judgment would be more ens- °Man Poeifie and ah:areese, a tir ;
ily borne than that of those wlio eve: Canna .Station every tiveanitZ al; mint;
led the gospel. We read in Matthew :4,..cHormeeretiaatniefarao,ntlicNto.itoe ,aredLaAllIttipihyel
1.1*24.24, "and thou, Capernaino,
which are exalted unto heaven, shall •Town Passenger Agent.
bealaanigliteatown to Wit efor-ifethe-re--s..
mighty works whieli have 'been doneISTRICT PAIRS A'SSO
in thee. -had been done in Sodom, it Tet, nen( inceeesT--ie provincial, Aid ti
would have reit-tail-lett unto this day.
But I say unto you, that. it shall b. 41nnt:maill niFeaeittiang of: m't .. t
more -tolerable for the land of Sodom. At the -----
in the day of judnnient, than for Noe 8 of the Ontario Assoetat. lig'
then') ' .Pairs and Pacbibitions, held in
In verse s 12.13 the work of tbee ,41,aot,Lrdadfanniteratteleaarn,j
oo anasn,
fod, ao
diveiples Soedeeeribed. It was to u
morale intellnatual mad phyuieuL it lutitei •° the South Perth Anrieul.
wits moral-ethey preached that Inez ittral Societn, urging an increase in
man was the -first concern of the need
should enent• . Tho nunna nature aC .$1.E60P,a(2setTeitalfleerairailftitall fairs, eves endersed.
grant from aiia.000 to
almaties. It was intellectual, .11tey ,it up at the ail:etlinPgeilett4 fell°a‘vi
east out (terns thus reetoring the , body in Toronto. of'e eentr
reasoning pONVera of man. It waa I Dr. W, P. Clark, of Gonefieb, dise
phyeical. The eriointed neitit oil trict director; 'One in the Oahe. and
manythat were sick and healed 1.7,aesa.,"reAeoamteine entedoepefor arre.xan?riocta,
them.” .
- Dr. Parker in his People's Bane "le rn.
1.0 Noce. '' •
ercaary-treasurer, was .re -appointed
aaya that "beautiful is the pieture al The soeurieetriees: renansented et" the
Observe, this is what Jesus Chriee ie
men sent fovth on such an errand," '3hp-ireyerttitnegL ndoytaaTli„ ctorneddalltei.eb„ Mount 4t77.
deity- iloing-seeking out men who Isaiah. Kas` Middleenx, . Melbourne.
warn and teach. end heal. Move : lsetrotoii,,„ riaytiei
skiLitein.beSit 11'isattry.a-ts.„,
every man who feels thatehe is sent xttu
Of Christ on thie work will go to his if_elrvliie• nudrataelai.
Master for help, and rely eita a.ta-t-ement vresented
ull" 'MI fitty Mr. Donee indicated that the dis.
Master for 8uce,4s. Who sent me? .
What is His name? "'I am that I
am." It is enough! it is °Menai.
The, great problem fating the
Church of. Christ in connection With
the growing work in the foreign field
is t How to provide the necessary
means. .More titan a century inte
passed since Carey asked the Church
to -give ono penny a week. Carey"e
penny would bring in 4 'Midi greatee
revenue today than the Church get?
'to spread the goapel.
' How then are we so to increase and
deeply interested; they feel the need
forth inereasing gift:: and increashig
pretyere? It is not that there is lack
Of interest, bnt that interest is not
Adequitteln distributed. Sonae are'
deerly blended; tiles* feel the need
tof extension. Other; are only mod-
erntely inteeested. Others have no
interest at All: they are not altogether
Walhalla*: theyeaeo wjeolly itidiffer-
,ent and full a objections.
The .remedy will be &media infor-
. median ,and enthusiasm. Our people
linnet be informed and enthused. We
must tenet' their /rands, their Waal.
nations, and their hearts, so an to
waken their sympathy and intereet,
Rub Rheumatic Pain
From Aching Joints
Rub Pala fleet nut with small
ithat biate sof old
Stev""ttesing" RieurXi:M,
It'A pain only; not otte ttase in fifty
reimirea internal traten at. Stub
Soothing, emulating "St, Jacobs ()it"
right en the "tender spot," end by the
time you say Jack Robinoneeont
((mime the rheumatic pain ern /Sews.
"at. Jacobs ie a heroin:v. rtatt.
snst""•""*""'"*Inin'""->"/.......1-witien never diseie-
pointe and doesn't tarn Vic Ain It
C tette pain, soreness artd stiffness from
S To R A t scbiog jenite, muceies and bones;
seeps enatice• lanneige, bac:kat-he and
?N. Tafilt-1 frad Chit4ff/, 1 Unifier net tne a. teen! ttial neale
In illsoiror Ovor30year3;, of °Menem hottest eat, Tarots Oil"
Alan,* %epee treat asiy ;beg ttt", fa a via,
the mein, ennti Lc free item pear x-Teee.
Old rtinnee., Dent eufferIg Feb
Primes* a be tinni313 S947,
triet it; still behind financially to the
extent of $6.75, whicb is a reduetion
front last year when it vvae $9.50.
In his remarks, Dr. Clark stressed
the financial aspect of things, point-
ing out. that this abortage Wee due
largely to the fact that only about
O third of the societiesain the district
belonged to the association. He bad
made an effort. aei said. to try to get
more of them interested, but "had not
mot with much success.
George Kastner introduced Mayor
3. A. Andrew to the meeting and 'Ifs
Worship welcomed the delegates to
the /city. lie said that he bad el -
ways been keinly interested in
ellUttrAl mattere and had, in faet.
epent a great neat of his early life on
a favor. He invited the delegates
book again and said he hoped their
deliberations would be profitable And
would essiet in solving the old pro.
bloat of keeping the young people en
the farin.
Janina Stewart, Of Stratford. raisen
the point° of whether the eocietiee trot
the •815,000 increaae in, grant whieb
men poi " 4r-** '
Tohn Dunbar,. of St. Mary?, said
that most certtunly the soeienee1114 1
not get the raiee. and he WAO there to
Igoe action leading to cecina more
Money finnn the government, lie
urged that the motion presented by
the South Perth Agricultural Seeteta
acking for An inerease in the geant
from S85.000 to $100.000, be endorsed,
aim that a committee be appointed
to go to Toronto to. appear (before the
Reeolutions Coramittee of the Pro-
vinciet Aceoeiation to try to get the
regolution through.
Thil was pasfmd unanimously' and
the following emnitaittee appointed
James Stewart. Stratfovd; john Dun -
bate St. Matys, and Dr. Clark, Gale -
ria. The general feeling was that
this increased trent eould have been
secured in 1926 if ;tome effort had
Peen made to force the fesue at that
The question of grants to rano 4
thine opetated eonjunction with
fall fairs was also left to this coin.
mittee to press, A reeolution canine'
For the came grant easen of that
kind woe paeeed last enan tut the
eint't viein not paid.
A. E. Iturifee. preeident of the
1.1'7 11 Hort' --quern 1- ii t'.419
oreenet, tend e belefly. saeirn
taint lie bail NT', tiety interested in
the dieettenien Pettqc4 faiet
eiene the Felton1 ietlabit had tact co
anocesatuily handled at that Stratfori the metalis: element, too, ilv
Is them. They were hateh, ei e
&aerial miner litaitel* 211',.‘ii • ly waemotsonal, and unison -ran,
Ire in tanuteerieta with prise new 1 The concert entilgi, tlit, men teem- i
mere dieesseeed and tin's* waY. Moo *4 away. Not a speeeh or thank; .
c discusaion about the advisebilne . ( 1"1bey doint do that*t of tbatig." t!
holdioa the annual tweeting- in ;eine toad Flax) not * Iniii4 eV a. trateare i
Wilier base of tho year when tea ..rurd of apatecialSON, $*ve frau me
nnoring would be good with aego -w or tau interittrere.
is increeiirtie Illo. Sittendar'e, II., w; .1.. Pamela was tad when the thin .
neatly tin:idea to owe figitin eeet Valour ta ICAYO the Island, Glad, tee. 4
year in nteatford at the eaure, 'new when the erossaing had been eafely
led the earn., place as this year,
ateomplished and they wero all gatit,
A vote Of thents was incised te 71(7' *111 At the *onion waiting fee the .
. A.,... .
is good tea
'none 10 xesponding to Uri. J; le, looked et her frigd that this parte-. 1
'Hoard of Trade fov the use of the train, Strange. Ale thoughe. a0 eine
nsaugh, Cite. scaretaty. gave the wee. usuany so Ear *nd ir-res,P0m1I:k. dtd ' .. , Red ROISer ,Orense Pekoe
:lathe) a Witliil itivatation to come mit new *how a siugte Bvm.atancalq ••
tor teitreS, 1)07 after a few bran is . supreme
qick aotain, aro earn, that the retains smile,.
„...inoloc.d bc.o ea thew disposal clt .aty Nairn had approached her Vireo or ' •-
worde ante bad manegeil ti it cletnen , eaneeeenaa-e-eine-- -
111310) TO OCCUPY WALKEVS aereelf. Sties felt renelted. afeeid. •
In clean, bright illwninum.
inhere wag nenetineaniebeenet about and a half figme. baying beer; in. The inateatiene weeral. are.
,to Ereit Concrete Sheri Anaeaotoa, aud , MAIM. thourai he ern'a..PL1 °yew" '23.!-06/Witldn •dtulatel 1„nnritznann* nnlra.nn ef the teathi
Its total rat • nti7eille Alg nOS7, t'Nffenic) irpciAtiC".1.10
•Over Sltuf-raft Vette let ntand.Pipe was .but' 4 eieepiun vernier the
reztaat. mcottilii• of the w"";ee__ •wisthed that she coaxial perniedie hon TIffnehttn lnefnnnn 'the- ditione 077(1 07 the Ws- Kra ellee tiret
sOf hat lie didn't but ebviouslo he "182e° Ox filo t'on113115? 01733of oV'N'
busincee. roust know OZ it. She '13141V130N1-t•
• pften. oniansiene. Intent. tneee eon -
'night Commission we's bold on must. S 5
0000 1G Q3a ho get °t 5'3 PaWCI(rj*
ot L
• • . per cent. wlinnt
naz.011.1'bee..br.setIoet8o'eleelh with The trar ein eante in d Inairn fuse brings_ that iMaressiao total now to la': W111 ttaek the rr770771733-0 30371nn
"d About bean nuttina hoe Nen mai -over ,1011,0Q0.001_,„ now.) were rood an dfilini0.IOrt'li Ci
ink t Ksy paoe maw
A timber of apelieationa for elee- violtn.ineo nee eon-, hni: atia raid 1171)A to polleyhollere Und heneileiarlea le in the evacuatione. Tile little taiga-
rie lightiug services were passed, liccA. Finqnv ir,- shoot- heold4 with Itionl;e3 to loath entitno, matureirett. er will be immediately erred and a
alumna endosing a ,4opy of the::::;1::::.,tt.:11.tr'--:1-nm:::: i":40`311:°::".or ;3400'411:000!)0040111.311Y'lleil------
. .,
NOItta on the town water eystena tell inea"
'`Itcht the- notnnIsdeu to uoto elm. von thiot: of Anacaorna. Won't yo;1 t The surplus earncli durhrz tho cANADIA
commindeatitm srou.L.tk, joria .110; and left, but. monde 'ha mryunt. ON MEM e e.. dur the YCCIC te:Ve return or the attaett will nut to Ilan-
eineial Piro niarsballta report and tiv‘ rDuPli Nvillti"r• ottt ranee -tergartization, under and
vent. amounted to over a10.500,00a
',ea read mot on motion of tile May. ereennee ta fled Pomona The Cniepenv ims font:nand ite cone
er, was- referred to the ongineer to 10140(1*hie ometiteenn neeee., seteative pohoar
ey th enueet to the
'nolt into and report. sniemine tenet:aloe tide hive of intlua. outPlun and btaa, made large allot -
merits and appropriationd to prov'do
'nnuniaion to- at ntu.'0 inntfat. th° fleeeeene.41 ift.inot'lene-'1°14 °1•1 ItfttateelIt:e:011ressd ,IPIleacee"ttne bes3enieltAeeteoyetr $111.000.000 litts Seafortit 6.41 a.m. 3.12 p.m
ntid ofinprlev
h c'
A communication, dated Feb. 0th,
after these hbzral ii-oltuttons Clinton Gilt) a.m. '2..62 pm.;
lmployees at the waterworks- plant
mO to the prener 044 of the ilre alarm time to eel: for rial":ant,annatienc9N• mumlus 5litebe"Mi C1"01* 332'
Arr. Stratford '7.30 *a' 4.10 rob.
eystem, was read rend, -on motion of heave wan *eve a ;meet. snuated .$45.000,00o. •
tt. Ile tit
Ielteltetten 8.420 man. 0.20 1) 117
ne onayor, was refernd to the en. itsokwards nod 1 11r174.1 fnewaed. and 1
eineer to arrange, ' thouelt he stnoti tiToro. 'on in 11.411'1 1 The eaee with Acadia). coma anti 011011/11 8,014 In. 0.50 Para••
'nom th^ town couetail a Wel • th ---------------------------Russl.rt fon evetY raesible eontinnenev.Ilut
Daily Inxberet Sunday
f:co. Goderiell 6.`20 a m. Isto p.m
Ohildrort Or
.A. letter noted Va. Oth. 1928, from and waved a hand to Mias (17 41"t' anti warts ean be removed by Hollow:lee
non to test all hynrAnte and see that not one or two of the tehle. pt411•010. ilia
avant .11177another glinmse of
i commendation. Tt seldom. fails.
lte tosvu touncil asking the eon -Inds- Corn Remover is its strongest re,
'hen are in lart-alai,s.werking condi. hars'It . • • - • -••tl
%IOU . WAS vend, and, on motion of Mr.
"'avian it wee passed that the tom- all that 14 bed clone. The wall'''. i Listen! Skinny Folks
edssionees" Meet. an Seturdan to in- seemed toiTetavilia,hienala.tbmo
ml-nsesettutha_lne warte.„of hydrants and die- 00011 luttle,4 ma , , ,
" h ''' ** I Why Not Pa on Fresh
41 asned. the nonemission, to ereot Thera la gacal alwa fav the l'artaa'•
Another letter from the town tetra,. SUN "PE----°ffixf•Ylu)""•!'.*' I Where freah Ts Needed
-tome. On motion of Mr. Taylor, 'see.
light in, Assurance Oompauy of Canada in tho Tens of thousands a ocoed;ritvly
Antiouneement of President Ma:miler
nuttnan valve and to Put a thin men and. women bone put on
auded by the Mayor, it was vassed 4t. the annual meeting on Ft lottery good healthy flesh with Uce.r,4,.'a Ceti
that a propee re-enforeed eoncreth plo4ltihelobtobladtertshew will ibee °itrt e'il ei valsdeedn±t ht; : NIV' ihre<bree 111°X1V.aaeSt 111:044)1 °Nit Se;"14eld11.1 Pil,t it 0
-.11ed 0 ft. by 8 or 10 ft. by 6% fr. for the eighth suceeseive year. The Tltores nothing in IlfteOel.'e limL
, ean hurt you-Thex will not only help
high be, erected over the shut titr interest rate oh dividends left with
-;ittelevtertiotutot standi-apeiepde tahnedrelhale,tara tine Company will yam, to, take on weneht you Dent, but
that, in the meantime, the water- -
, &win the new dividend year. netto Onu V1ROVOOs.
the basis of 5% per cent per annum, win n tine ?•011 strOngerr, More Quer-
ba maintained_ on I
-laity to see that no ice collects. t a
POWs activities seems to have con-
nvfry derartment-----of-the Conn thiMa eCioryeatealakdes a4ulairatniateee.iiszik,-annetio(11,
taking a -slaty cent boxes of aleCoy's,
worlts emploYees *tilt the valve.
tr.bliteu. ke the reinavnable gain .0f
n.t1 tott. Vali. was Ina rewtoel
.ionee protection over the. stead -pipe pitting policyholders of the Sun Life
.On motion of Mr. Taylor, it Was twenty-three pop cent in business..
unssed that the engineer gaiter dato again the mare noteworthy beettuse
es to' the stallation of a proper there has been only aSsliglit blerease
ebow the men at the putt -ming plant on the North Antericart •continent fie with the marked inanrovereent
hetnth--your druggist is authorized
stengelantity.ofawatereeneeeitenestan 4uring 192 Tim total amount - of
rtssurateeS oven' wife thrnniTtiaCife
Company now AP,Dreaelies the billion
CO Liver Extract Tablets: or 2 one
dollar boxes. any thin, underweight
man or women doesn't gain atleast
-1-rpment at the standepipe that will 4^ tife, companies 5 runds anti feel...completely tank;
-dee at an times.
Mr. J. W. Craigle ;addressed the
eolennission aegeaning the usrv of fire
hydrants and asked for information
so as to reply to an enquiry from
his insuranee 'company regarding
eiffaculter With bydrani at thelast
Are. Ort motion it Was passed that
"-he engineer glee Mt Craigie a V' L.
report -on-the--uen Of hydi-ailts a
VIr: Reid's fire.
A list of arrears of water rates
.Read Mrs. Menard's Letter.
Her Experience May Help
was referred to the celleetor to take
the necessary, .11
action to eolteet nd yoeuhhaethwalumlnebtleer'diolurtrelericteatlei
41 number of aceotants 'were ordered has done me.
to be paid. . Be-
fore my- baby
A lease of Mr. Walker's, tore (he came l'felt so
ture store) to the Commission for a weak and run.
premioes at premt used is a furni-
term of fine Years for use as a ify- down that I could
aro store and offieeo at the rate of work. Mytto hetrey
ad0 a month, WAS presented and ached continually
Adopted, Mayor Mactwan voting toallti uraiaagwedteh°dis
unaeo° The lessor reserves the etie- could cry from
led Boor and a right a way along inorningtillnight.
the southerly wall of, tile store of a - i had another
sufficient width to meet the stairway . babyjustone year
leading to the second neer. 'rho dean? *shale, ifthaoldavehtd it wgeauyeanterya Lio;dtiao
lessee is to have the nee of the base- E. Pinkharani Vegetable fennnpetand,
latent, the habit oinee and 20 feet of as I hatrreada0 much about it in
the warehouse at the reale httle Woke. 'found a difference right
away as my head was relieved and
.my tired feeling* none. My Slater
had been doing my washing and sbe
eoritinued doing it, as she said it
might set me hack if I started to do
it again. It sure did help me and I
had taken just two bottles when ma
baby came. lie is a fine big boy,
novr nearly five months old. I am
into ber ONVTi impressions. These I taking your trtedicine again and I am
mem -were not normal.. They - were - able to do mywork allbymyself now.
moved neither by musie nor beeuty. I always recommend the Vegetable
They seemed to be nothing but parts Compourid to women, and especially
Of the isolated, compact machine. no ,expeetent mothers, ari I belie
ealonlere in being made of flesh and eMdhlteselt.hOntnernIneidnolthnehtaliPtnntrioaARD.t 11-16.11ItsilnelteiS' re,
differing only front the presses and
blood, inetead of metal. Indeed, even
., , .
(Continued from page 0).
with little enthusiasm. What tlw
Irishman had told her., 'guessing
though much of it aught be, seemed
to fit like parts of a jig -saw puzzle•
rirti ft 0 G FT
Canadian homes
is paSsed tlia word of
a finer, richer' coffee
coffee -dist -hp -
visited by mellow.
ea fragrance and
more pleasing
flavott r -G 0 LD
Varieties a�lecccd
front the world's
finest coffee plants -
tions blended with
infinite care, ground -
and roasted by, the
most approved of
modern 'methods -
sealed in airtight
tins, make GOLD
tha finest ever offer«
eatilozite Canadian
yottr grocers.
tverzomot, fPottca (-4).
/Chi:Ate:4o Mnibuttra
telPon'll think it opths"'
.• onreteneratheopinnbaseepriceneee-e-
• Ask ann good druggist::
neery 01164 AO rnee me out, the
rotce in. lac fatter the trOoe 022.
tlio Later pm make 'T•moner. The olart
tiat 11119-oottra0ro f;; 71.7 7. 11) feat your
tens a daily dote or
A teavppoorluittOuy added to the feed fa
amamh. It centa cfnt 3151011111 per tam
* (le a tent a day for thirty lirtm. Oral runt
Imo a mmali yea iike profit, it gra3 a te
gra; for Pitt tVe rcai rite maker, Aud
Mkt na
Pratt Pond Co. of Consols. Ltd. Toronto
Tcronto m. 1.30 pan.
Rettn tring-.Lettre Toronto 7 :115 a,
1245 pan. and ti,Q5 p.m.
Parlor Colo car, 004137 tab to `,,n.or.
c no, on morning train, and Toronto
to Goderich 0.05 p. m. train.
:hrough coach Goderieh to Toronto.
wn-1sesarcir ennionacitets--Agentirn
'Phone 8
golds, Coughs,
A neglected cold, an attack of
• broncm tis not properly treat-
ed, may easily lead to serious
chest troubles. As scow as
you feel a cold coming on,
begin immediately to take
This v11 loar.vn remedy not only' soothes, the mucous membrariesot
tigh mess anti 'soreness of the chest '
and eases breathing, but it alSo •
,keeps the stomach end digestive `
organs in a, healthy comittion
promoting appetite ao7. buddiiis.
ea etreligth.
The very finely e mu 1 1 tied min:,
• era' oi I contained In ANGIER'S
EMULSION exerte 17 soothitntlaust-
tive aCtion that keks ihi4bowels;
in a Ammo' healthy contlitioa $ee(
necessary for a prompt .recovery.
rAeNeoGmlEmIten'StilleltI atItlipOrNesethaibes bed. bats,:•,,
phystelaris in °Gt. Britain and:
Canada for -over t 17 i rt -ft v
years. Pkotsattt to take.
A iinlisMDoeter writes: "I bay*
been proaaribing. Angiee&
Oknolainn for many years with
moat Aatia fan tory. mange!,
Or and $420 -at 411 druggist's
Judges of Good Bread Agree on
Smit/es Better Baked Bread
Their quality is uniform. They never fail. Try our
Chop-Suey, Whole Wheat, Brown or Hovis Bread.
Phone 184 E. G. S1111711 We deliver
•Have You Prepared
Long, Cold Winter?
ist, By filling your coal bins with the best Hard
and Soft Coal and Coke that can be bought.
All our coal is 1.veighed on your own scale (the
market scale) ,
2nd, Have you had your heating plant looked over,
if not we have competent men for that intr.
ard, &ryouerequire any Luxuber, Lath, Doors and
Door Frames, Window Sash with GlasS and
Window Frames, Hardwood Flooring, Radia-
tors, Ete., we still have some left ‘vhich
out of the Ocean House.
ilth, We carry a heavy stock of both Shelf and
Heavy Hardware, Plumbing and Steam Fit-
ting and Electric Wiring NIaterial.. Let us
figure on your Plumbing, Heating, and Elec.
tnc Wiring. Satisfaction guaranteed.
The Hardare Store at the nal bor
ISHIP 011441111PLIM
rten- 1! 15" 1L'
Store Thom 2Z.