HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-02-23, Page 5THURSDAY, FRB. need. 110211. Ovaltine Tonle Food Beverage An excellent restorative and body builder. As a night cap, Ovaltine promotes health" and restful sleep. On sale at 60c, 90c, and $1.50, CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE MODERN PHARMACIS ,' PHONE 90 foot coupled ceinelete f. t► b Gear 'reforest, to the .edea death .1„ ,acre. goareinteed for silt ysan tied to Councillor Crit, !s d !the fellow stead a of IS lbs. We rs ohatk►o wee pr-e.,.to met trade hove received prices end designs ea )farad by eigvf Aerator. see dot d .i a at* Auto( driven ladder Welton by Counti or Batalir. iln;i, teirolteJ with n:htsiniesl tank etiwipetent bot that Ate sympathy of the cowwit of reeosuatend that the stetter be laic the Town of Coderirit ire exten,leel over until your committee visit ter I,[rs. Cott and her tinnily in thein Woodstock and random. We have bereavement timed by the Beath of received pries. on a 33e6. heavy daty the late Robert Hall ("utt, whose v; i:e tcu.k tire rand inter tube, to be uses' counsel, sound judgment and genal as a sleeve ter the liter truck, end we matinee will be abased from east coin - recommend that this tire and tube 1* ell board, purebased front the Dunlop Tire *tad The Reeve, Couueillor Bailie and Rubber Co. at a price of 140.70, 1tother numbers of the council gate have received prieee on a 9 -ft. dir numbersnumberse. expression to the feelings of rill in meted'. folding in ttuerters, Ii'ruir: „ the loot of Councillor Cottder lite net as follows: Amerlean The mayor brought, up the matter La France Fire aline tro., ¢x•10.; Jof the Fall Fair and thought some iticlle lire Engine Co, $160.'►tie move might yet be roade to keep it find that the suction hose on the Are; alive. Councillor Eadie suggested truck is defeetwe and we reeorinue ad appointing a committee to interview that the Uiekle Fire Engine Co, be a !committee from the fair board, sand enestee to . replace 1t THE •. WN COUNCIL f These r8pot`ts *trete all ado tedon motion the matter t1As referred to P the finance committee. In covneetlon with the fire tenni*, tee report Chairman McLean moved, The Reeve spatiaof the 'ratter of and Meme Turner seconded: that the tri' estimates for Gode le... harhar report be amended by providing. that 'tette; lite did flirt rousidel.' vele tide• a ilre net be •1 ut'chaeed front tate Hie quare, and th© ltiritaor supplententctl Go to Ottawa to Urge Larger Appropriation for Ade Company., Several members of ;this by paying that he uuderatoal on- ` the council . e tressed themselves ase ly about half Qf the $75.000 estimates not opposed to the puttlaase of a fare. liras n nice trate, the balance being a _ net�"hut thought that as the eounnit- trevete. The reeve ada dele. vocated ' - tee were trraposinc� jou vi tie ttvu oe, g tfon to -Ottawa to interview -the 0 -RECONSIDER- AID TO GODERICH ` '° three flauniciMalities to see Aust wtaat o'ternnaent and to expte;:. becerre for rd f d f time until stat a t'1 t A eed opportunei ti es by not bBing row - New Fire Bylaw to Be Drafted—Purchase of Auto Hook and Ladder Truck and Eire Net Deferredred T101 V fit to Delegation t Goderich Harbor , - London and Wooditocrh, The regular ee tng of 'tae to n even t 4fan extra extension bell and coureil was held on .Friday evening circuit being desired to be added to lust, with all tI•e members present above and located in the fire hall ad. with the exception' of Councillor ,joining, add 20e to Above rate emote. Gould. 'Tlte meeting vas called. for tion. A non-recurring service eon-. 'i o'eloclr and the business was put nevtion charge, perstandard tariff`, through with 'unusual snap, as . some of $4.26 ' would obtain on all of the members of the council wished to get above, to establish at start. In event 4 b,e, to the Masonic At. Home. ._ of, further .extension. wall telephone, The fire company reported the fol nein' desired to be added later, as ..me-»« for 192gi G. Beacom, per intimation, within immediate vier Chief; fa Stapieten, assistant cited; tufty of above stations, '80e addition - G. •Meleay, est captain: Wm. al' per month would cover, plus initial Bloelefnrd. 2nd •enntaine D. McLeod, cervico connection• charge . of $1. 1st. lieutenant; a Bisset, 2nd 'Iieuten- Suggested that circuit No. 100 n1*e ant; .T. V. Mutch, se,'xdttarv-treasue. at;signed es standard fire alarm call or: W. Proctor, chief truck driver; T. number. ' Hoegarth. 2nd tivak driver: W. The special committee reported au Ring. 3rdtruck driver; A. Johnston, follows: In the matter of selling Oh troch driver: J. Muteh. 5th grail: the 0.' W. S. R. right of .way in.Cel- driver; 'Rite ;e:,llnwin,r Foods• were e . bot ne...end Ashfield townships to the ordered: "tv, ]Dake. 1 eoat. medium county, we have discussed' the propo- eit.e and 1 hat; G. Govier, 1 hate 14 sitioe with the trustee,, Mr. Tiros. belts and hose wrenches. Stothers, and again with the county A request frons E. Drennan for etrgineer, Mr. T. 'It. Patterson. The p permission to erect small ..electric. right of way through these two sign • in front of teas pool roolle ' and townships has • been sold fortaxes, bowling -alley was referred • to the amounting'to $243.10 and the town' meek worlts committee. has Well served with a a. notice,' dated. ` Mr. Bronl$s, dietrict menage : of Feb. lOth; that unIess the amount .of the Bell. Teleehone Company, was in 824+3,10 is paid, a talc deed will be is- eonfeeenee+ with the fare committee sued, and we recommend that the derine the; afternoon and the follow- matter be left to :thechairman with ing letter • containing perticnlnts., of power to act in redeeming the pro- r the arrangement cone to between perty. We recommend that a license, lnanseif .arid `.thecommittee, were plae- to operate a bowling niter in cornice- s ed, before the eouncil, and, on motion 'titan with his noel room ere the square of Committer.; leene ince t•F i Berme. be . granted ` to Mr. , E, Drennan 'for was accepted, the instaliatinn to be three months to April 30th. 192g. i aclo, the 'matter being left in the We reeoauutend that the mutter of, ,- ends. of ere eenYrittee. e.. ta"din public' est iom--beelaii '_ As , onnrniatary to "d;tassion With over for the present. enueeal re proposed telephone service The finance committee:rennrted as tied apparatus :to. he utilized; 4e a follows: We have examined the t, .. aneens of dire alai+n, emmeiunieation treasurer's statement of receipts -andf t reser' the local teleplaena efayirr:t expenditures for the month of Jatt» belay is summarization of line and nary. The statement has been audit. j entlipment layout -and inonthle. vatee ed and found .correct. and eve recoil,: 1 therefor. On•, line i'rn", 0'. ntral ivlthmend that: it be filed. , We hive ex: I mete wall teleideitte, $275: one ex- :►mined the tax +collector's detailed peetasion wall telephone, iteeteoee ear- etate, w it. of all arrears of taxes. t t'r.ion wall etelenhone. Sue: Circuit- We find that- a considerable amount i eleeleir devicerrlav fletnated on siq- lsas been. =red in since the. first of 4 nal f,ea1t ep itral which would throw the year. and we recommend that. the i -vita li t++ 841R4 'demi"; an'I ot).eee Iiet be hondad backtee the collceto'. veeeral •fire Omen belt or elven, 1"*_ with . instructions to collect the bai- ter sunulied and meil'teined •bv edea, *nee., .Your committee bus examined eeever its lie e"i.ent. fila total. $4 3f`;• the list of arrears of taxe% es reuist- ,Tee.tl,rr'`' telephone stsatioes As abn)te ered airatinst the lands and we recom- i"rti'e tett to he hetet td .sat fowl emend that: the solicitor he renuesteYd ; c'lrblc z ogle*. fire chiefs reeisitfeh to Melee procedure to be taker to • .„4 S nit�l,'^...fi t Sto"... All !dinlervur:-nti 1a' +d for taxes as re ioter'ii,: and 3 prep isos situate on Vast St. In the that the treasurer nt•neeeri .iceortiins; -• ' _ % ; to the ,solicitor's: sidviee. We• went-• 1 "ttei that Mien E. ,Stolen: 1,'. rairt "'t Modelthe ii'ste of *12' per week from Fvb. lath far service€ in, the clerk's nt ate . T i+ a r 7`he commute? also reennlnlendeed the ;, • pr.w,ePnt :of sr number of accounts. t. EER or PER. 21 to MARCH .t " The public works Committee re- Torted on follows: "We recommend e MdNDA'Y attd "Y t_ trcnkv that ow Deli Pnlatlhene Company be , r:erinitteri to place their wires and: LOLL EX MOORS three poles on Keays street. as per : reaps a bumper erop of laughter and eheir . rec,+tcst of Feb. 2nd. the »nevi• i .tsars in, Iter gxeatesthit Comedy a la lege to lie at ,the pleasure of thea I Icing eerved by the prima donna. of . council, the work `to be done under" hep, •... _._ W.�... ._....- ...titer; eireetyieine of the rllainnfin `nf...` "HER WILD OAT" the' public works committee.. To the ARAMAIC! • » 04%. Y ' : neater'• ,+M. th,' letter of 'la"crb; 2nd f,.nm ;, the, '.'ell T'alephone Co.-egai'dinsx.,' "GIDDY GOBBLERS" 'their t,r,+ rrceivine' pntiee in•writinr ' �' ' ttril,Fltee'es granted to (sleet eon.; WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY in seam' :raan~t. w And that in tt,�;;' ADOLPH A(FNJOU and tetast's. which have been only recently. ?GHHTA Alissre, *wit their ?muerte= did not no through • the • usual procedure. bat, to tieome. in the stony of a gentletisurt who did. v-rt,+t'. f ,.. eAmntalty. the t 0)11")itt"r. o n't know whichhe preferred* until ]re etlr'•u.s,rl they ro'nna»v to teemed with ' married then both. Al; new angle on +hen. enneeenetion before -having the i ' the eternal triangle. to.•••440•• »nnf $mr,t. crgpinnaent they had theli, nlnttcr aright sed the view that the town often nes. visit eves ttle, Only the mover anti rented on delectation or at convene the seconder of the aaatendaneaat voted (tions. 'Vito fallowinb Atotia)n was for it. In connection with the chime Massed unanimously .recommending the purchase of a letoved by. Reeve Turner,, seeonde i snare tire for the fire truck it was by tCouneillor Craigie, that a Bele ;:i. leftwithclerk 1nd he chairman tion be s nt to Ottawa, to interviewv of the committee to see 'that the the Government on 'harbor improve- spare tire matched' up with the four xnents, to consist. of His Worship thus regular ones if it could be got for Mayors Mr, Parsons, Mt.. Fraser and! the same price as rccommouded in 'M'r. let. H. Robertson, and that the 'report. Guelph and other cities be asked to Mayor Ma Bevan made a feeling send representatives. PACE TM, 1 OUR THIRD ANNUAL FEBRUARY SALE COMMENCES A 7 -DAY BARGAIN FEAST For the Economic Buyers We trust you have received one of' our large Sale Bills, if not, you may : Y �'get..oneat.our store. . Special Values for Ever. Day of the Sale ... ..., � THE CA5Et Phone 86 F s •+ �l STORE • 'SU.N. 14FE..- ASSURANCE COMPANY , , `•L,P CANA: WE -- 41 "111,ONDE 'Olt. fRUNEE`1E" TemTem Pee committee rnrorted as f•,1- • GleRIST I COMEDY .,QUEENS Wif.Ylt„ connection with .,the I'rovinciAl Fire FRIDAY alt a SATtlttpA t leteeebotl'r. Bern<etnnieat►on rewarding •SIR►iv .: .. bit in a .bait We have received rt in^A blue streak of notion depicting byIwst „„ieea t10 . t frgm the matron r,ytlairtie e venture of the d iritlg '0111":"a d-_ ptibher f o., the Dominionwest, A drama of thrilling dt~eds, ttiihlioi rmm�anv. tlt'e Glitti Pol;c)ta "CHAIN LIGHTNING" ,m) premier Ci%asuanv, and the Good- . FOX COMEDY " I reeler Robber C.s tnany. and awe re- .erWINTT LEOS V' DE1t THE ` i +'^%ni),"nd flet '100 feet of 214 inch guy. tar„1...t.fn,ts rod Plait lire lode lee lilt. - - _.. •�rhaaed foam the funlon 'faire and Matinee ligate. *t 3,i10., Pen -Robber (o. at a price of ".$1.20 per t+" •"^M \'Vee ane•ominexid that Alm ehaitmlan -of thio committee and twee relark entieult. the. town aoliritor itt 'tor - SER VI• CE and— Try Try SPARR'S GROCERY THE, .STORE OF SATISFACTION IIAMILTON STREET CGODER1i:U Telephone HO. We Drkeer in Town. • 2 7 ASSURANCES IN FORCE (net) 1;487,990,000 An Increase of.$23:1; 500,000 aim.azd tai'` 328,4p, An Increase Of $62,518,000 «+ :� Total Income- � 102,774,060 An Increase of $23,801,000 Payments to P is l al y1�o c1ers° 'aric1 Beneficiaries : = 42,22403 Total Payments Since" Organi- zation0n0, 4, " ; Reselrve'for Unforeseen 'cc Surplus over all Liabilities and AY f+ta/r y Lontingency' Reserve' An Increase of $1.1,269,000 ASSETS at Decer er ' 31, 1927 - ►• An increase of $56,054,000 Dirw.ieeads.fa .Polieyltd lllbr • increased o eighth successive year r.1 r` • o#, t. c et .10040- EXTRACTS ew• EXTRACT a FROM DIRECTORS' REPORT :`tigi)satstvtti;,9 ete ainteesi leeve lbee i ,itmdtt in t.'.1. tlep srtnatattn (lot ting t iae•yf of . . . 'Rite total aitd sncetrae for twh* eener t.xr.e.cleat Otte lruftilrct1ltai 3iatt eitolL'i; The uireni;tiz tilt! tcsiatarc:d of tit.` Lige: ,lest;' haye been further c;atb:tit,eel . . The high earning' power cif tile Company".4 tale:-4111t:tit8 Jia.: JiltIl lap Litt dlt;iticit:-t1'attcl. "I he net rate ttf interest, corned (,n the -metal Pard tilctl ;t:•:e"t after fully providing for i11. vest ttld ntA.1lh(; a. t as *.7 per rent. "rlai4 fr-.n 4113.1'c,..t.It 1.:.:a bdten atu,t1 Ipo.:-ible by 4:14.1.:n 1 tlti (.r.'@' . lattiiii ei a.;1at tiock r-ri's - - 1:" 4 :at'(t•ut)ity o;: t'..aa:ay ti ticc Company's la:altiini;:. -- T;10'ttJ::d4)1ilh4 f the ltaveetlatent ;policy which ii.a4 been ctnt,b•t4'tt 1yr followed in I1.I .t yseartz, in, f,tvoarin g long t. rat bs)tuls anti the t -i t•k.4 of r. . . out � .latilt)1'Z:gp1 ..1.,1 !r°erq earthily e4l.Ti'ltidl core _tie etitetteS, rt1 re l.'e:tt, ttpd 1. 1t�o1:o • titteiletelenele .s rite a1ppealt :ail of o u ' U Utit sen !limo t haat tete teeeers of itlarket value.; over t't)+t iatd`t't.:tt-tet during the year by S19,23,1,389.99, In ;iekli. that, as net plait d t fiy,(?28,0.43.2(};teemed (tont tit .1 i'vfl„r11,r)'ip,1 t,:• i art' t>f 6 .x t•rhies v hich had 1,. tea to 1 ." ')'I)t•ear.lue... rite quality t f the inees(an-n: , ligteti in the ae,ttt: h4 teetiticri t. ythe fart that on1)1st111mnd-; ..ted ieei eerie eeil ke not ince (1611rir, (Uev +�ti tler i iattereet t)r dividend, is in arrear for even nee c1.1y. t,Itile lite iaat^cilt;iict strcl`uit g to toin- i:te)rr :tc,eke etre streettiy iti ence:;s of the-ilii•is. dendi payable ea 1111V Failp:. tt)e1 •-1 at titre tittle ref pur('111I•.•e. The €:ttrpina earned during t he year amounted to 5313,511.029.47-frettl which the following a a1)proprtaation:a have been mole: - $5,000.(100 bas leen dedtutr<l from tltu market value of _our securities an a further prove dote against po-<<ible futw'e fillet ua- titi)t:>,`'it:crew:dug the amount z o. set a:•itJe tlr 610,ft0,0Ot1, - 5I.5O0,00K) bat) been addend to the art•rututi' to., provide for yyon ore'velt t,eerting evil e. Obeli 'id arid': lit . 112.5O(),01)t). $1,000.000 lean been written off ilte.('ctut. 1)umy s. Ilcnd Office building anti other prt)p ,tie:3. 5Of,(tHHO Iota kelt tet tiedude to provide for the; };re.atcr longevity of autnttitantrt, bring ing the total 1)rovi.iun under this heeding to.. ' 0,OilDD`l ,q been ret :aside to provide for thaiiit-.ii t•cbllct_'t; 4if total alh:.ttility w; yet unreported, P111,090,0 ,56.6 leaq been pearl or atihntec1 tee profit:. to polio holder:. dining the wear. )K,l aulclition, 6(0.05,57:t.(10a. Jiae . been .cope, tiugently allot tccn' t) deferred dividend poli. giro ieetted Drier to 1911, and to five year f atributiort 1l;,liria 10 provide for 1)rt:Det-. :accrued but not yct payable. After making' t11(, C, deduct ion9 and saucers. tid►u�, HI1420„3.40.$1) Reece heat .Odldlt'41 to the undivided 1-41r1)lir heitngifp; litre in1li1 over ail Itstbilitnee, ct)tatiiltl('hi t,'..ctrt_alntat :ttlal ('.apatl.l ,. , ) �r i r)� .t. v ,., ,1 der, $ $. it'nnr"tl!1ri't'tni4,rife' p,t:atllied.toannounce. (e r, the eighth ;wee. eive. year, of "i It tsittti al 1) . c•re.t t f1 the a.'ltle Of l)td)fiI1) to lie distributes$ to. participating 1)tslit elauldei cheering the (In.mint, year. SUN LIFE ASSURANCE PANY 01? CANADA. s, 0