HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-02-23, Page 1I , I , - , I . . . % I . . . , . - --Siii� � � —,�� I # - I - I " I 11 ,, ­ �- I A Calendar for 1928 . %--1 '1111�­ --11.-' I ,iL . To Evory SmUcriblitrPayin, in Adoon" Irrr 14 , . I �0 CrIC (Z� (f,; I 1 15 6 , RENEW NOW . � � . .. � 4 ,q* tutiir I and got a$ rAR CALENDAR , --- --11 . ­­�­­= �, I Z- = — I - ­­ :­—­­ ­ ��: -- — --- =:=— .; � � ----­­­--;- - ... . ., � 1-1 . -- ---- I ­"-­­ ­­­­ ­­­—. .. — -- - -� ­====& I -- . ­­ - - - - - ­ Z -- I'll - ­­ �=��- I . --- .1 : ­­�al.. �� I SIXTY-NIN'T11, YEAR Subueription.- $2 a year in CaluitliA 'ODERIC11, ONTARTO, CANADA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY' 21,3rd, 1,92V . . -= --�:---�-==-- � X : � $2.60 ayear tq, LT. S. points. I I ­­ - - , -----S-— - .. �. . WALTXR NAFT44 Pubuaw. I I �='�-=-=; �-- ­ . � ---­!-­ - .- . - --=:!-- -- ---�- , - ­­---!-- —-:t �. --... .7� . 1!!V�11­ r � .... ;.. -- � � -- , . =­ - I ' -- V Munia"pal Deli,egation to Go to Ottawa to Interview Government in Effort to, Secure Larger Appropriation for Goderich Harbor Im '.. - f -,=Z ' --106-- ­ so *,�- I I . ". . �, ­­­ vement . I . . �­-- I.. I I I . -- � -- - -1 � ......", -1 � pro , . -. I , I 1. �. I -1 . , I 11 .MON.- --- - teith and Mr. Jas. Steele are the � OU19F TOWN TOPICS �' *SA1L()Xb' ,UA.*A4URWAl,PJ r K =���;;�- ­ ... , k , other mcinkra. ­- , BOWUNG wc,rLi5 out all right, ali,li Ui'.h me � "8 � The. saitford nospit" �- , � �, ttuxiiia frow tite annualt masi&?v. � � , vNe I 'huniii, Jiftminget3 raav�. i .'e's of his t . 011�,,11 for , , �Wlll uleet in the home of Uiss Jes, aboilly before vwidnigbt. 1 . . * : Sun tife Assurance Go. of Canada - = W1, a Ott, ir: ma ip3smis, $28 ­ ­4ui,-day 4 41 Ze 1114400:1111:14011 ot toD UQuerAch Marmt. 1ADIMT LEACH% I I . . . .1 wdericn-1,utat hogs, i2t. - M" 1,30. ., . clu:5 On Tuesdoy lost in tile ladice bawl. Mr. vgd storgy had the beav,v .'. I . , select ,. The Ruron ennty, R=a' Asall. ; ­ , . Port of Jimmie Shannon t,,) pi I � ­ . baton, 29; thiek smovoi, 89; 64 , �1 � � . law league the Lucky Strikes, whit also, had alueb . 4117 "d . . I (4) S - -wd t unadv�qable Ille Goderich Alatine Soolil C-IU4 up to thiLt time had failed to win a ,)I the Wh ity . fae Sun Life, Assurance Co. offors many attractive forms of poli,o " '6; shop hogs, Ot lights and-feeder"t to hold the allnilot $$tie of purebred , , 10 projuetion, *Ad ita suc�. ; . held its AlMuki masquerade ball and game* broke into the winning; column cpss is, to'" large extent, due to him, I � * . . ties, Among these are. , Monthly income $Orlc'�.. Pension Investment 1. McGaw -Total hogs. 695; select 44ttle *blob has take'a pliica Iq WInj;- puehl-e ,)Arty on I and Put It over the Lv,euder QjV1,j T� , thl. ham during the past y ,; o . t, bacon, 184. ek amo6th, 413; bexv. - cars. N 'evowng, raste of charac-tera included flf� Lo Bonds Where were 6werity-th!X11.1011y t3bleta of twO 94mea to one. For the L'V�"%y tKu Arld the work of all w.,is vevy . . i, Annuities, Life Annuities vilth Death Vollefits, siligle prem- ies, 44; shop hogs, 83'. lights and It is ex ettd that miss Dilight varti-players Audm ten games were, Strikes Mrs. J04 Craigio ha . 1 ium lifo, Educational Endowniouta, Twa+var Endowments, Joint fecdeTs, I3. Aliburn-Total )logo, Mutell. theViuller of the Huron ' a higli* 900d indeed And, *ith tho amonot of . .1 . . " 67r; select bacon, 182; thick smooth, presbytery Public speaking vorlte3t, Played. The lidies' fir5t,prize Weil lest aggrm.fte for th'3 UITOO RaWLIS, firstnr�Vte talc.nt that Wat, 1ife,lusurance, eto.. ,", , te all"t" and the, Indien 534, and highest Single game sh"M, the 336; heavies, 181* shol! hogs, 34- Will come un against the Winner ol to '$Du h 11ell scOW', A. YL P. A. jill eUIVIV be able . 'Con"It us withregard to ally of these Plans, I Huron County -Total ho booby Prize to "Bob4y %Imtch,�r.,, 224. For the '"vendor Girls Miss , to go _gs� 0413#1 Larbtou Pre6bytery on Monday Gent3l first WAS won � by 1110sh 0011 Dorothy Westbrooko, had highest ur 01, with greater confillf.,ac,, to ftWe .. ' ­­­ A-- , .. ­ - I . select 'bocoh, 2728,1 tbiek qmootb, night next. � . - '. arlimatle Sll"esfies, The t�,aste was, - . A ­­­­ , - . ... .... I -- ----11- - I— - .­ --- . TTOI�� - -6488; heavies, 408; extra heavies, 14' At, the,amual-me tlemon" and th,3 booby V%1 --a by gregate, 496. and Miss D., MarahjIll as follows. 1, I . . p I -b---' 's, Ar1G04da%4�_N*,. , . . I 's h-- -- 66 , 4114. -1604r.,�,. t4ii , etink, ofAlle-1 .a- qcouatm I 11--`----Z--- � _Nod_-__ . , Qrfttr."" -"-- -,--- ­­. r, 11.1 bisrheA --single., 108W---------. � . ­­­ . OP Ogs, 4106).''119 Wind Insursace Co. held In tho sajo,", 40WSP-once. Mr. Harry �Vrpiltli- I 'phone 115 - . H. R. LONOt Distlict Agent 94. ,At 10:14 the Sailors cleared tb 14% to k ton,. p . .. , �:. . V`1 floor for the jud . .. I . . . . � city of Woodstock James' Connell, .0 The Same 44Y -the Vh10110 0 JR0 h Dullbw Mr. Lionel D"Im. . . � , _ ging of tile masquer. three straight games from the Night - . � I . I Seaforth Woulan Bank Teller 'of God --rich. was blected vice-presi. adees. The Juftes were C.4 , N1111,, Hawks 4011', Henry Garrison. Mr. Dick War. t - - I . - � � I . . . Pt b Mrs. X. Naftol had highmt. t.ole; George, Mr. , , . . ; 1 -7— ,,,—.--- -- - - ­ - - ­!­­--­­ Accused of IMeft I dent. 'This, Is tile stronk(est mutliul Fvcd Robinson and .0has. Stowe, and * r tb,i Valogeins, 490 ajF1rt*,.. Tohn Xn, 3h � � --!==-!!-!-!--!-­ft"Mr!� Miss ,Catherine Xerr� Of Scarorth, """;any scores lo �e kw; " I . I ­ 'nsCftailda, having A "VAus they bad a long, tedious Jo as thow gate and 0206 for sinqle gaillo. IlillY McOkins;-M.r. 'Bud Sturdv; JIM. , . ; � was Placed under arrest 7 of 450,579,88 ac"Ording to, thelast were. thirty4bur � For pille Shannon" �� . I - audit, . ges tobba distri. Ovarrison. MISS Dorothv McIntosh; �. I Fri% J _ P , "Poetry 0 the Bell.," 'newlay Prl the Night Hawks Mrs. L16yd had 4o!s Mr. Fred Stur3y; Xro I AWN TO ICS - This is the title of .4 lectuie to be TA"lling of Ust week by Provincial I I 9� . ,� buted. The,winners were as follows. attgregate and 101 for single game, . �. , -�-­­, Uonstaoso A. Whiteside Ladies' F11MY-lat.- Early Victor- thOsO being the hlsth4st. I Anne Wiudear, Miss Islary, peirvorill, . " I , Goderlich on Thursday, Mar.. ed ,beforc po i and APPQ8r- ROYAL TOMPLARR OF TEMPER- , . .. � . . Ian; ftil, A Girl of 1830. The starlding of the tealls III till. , . Honor to Xr; Spotton 5wil, i- "ce Magistrate C- A, V I I%-, ll,� Tr;n,or, Miss Rosslo Xurnhi � . ,!�', . . ­ I It y Prof.'Prutt. of Toronto Uid- Reld At "eriell. the same afternoon ANC.,R I APR' AMV18 AGAIIN' Ladles" Comic-i,9t, Sally Clutip'. ladies" 1mgue to dt%tq I$ a ' I'C'eorailan"n 6,11,480n, Miss La'"M 11 . . 1-­-�- . s follows : �lly TrON, , I I . Ur. ceo, Spotton, North Ilint.w�'VoUl yt Under the ap§pices of the on a charge of, the theft of . � v I . - Sturdy,. .14 a I . . - Canadian Club. I 4 ns. . Member of Parliamentihas been bon.? � I $11,000 C01411411, NO. l0a�k 4Werieh, *.ad, Sis Hopki Won , Lost;volkort Ve Or$ Stiss Dorothe, i -4 by )li6t loader, Mr, Bennett, in � I minion, Bank. The case Is, the result - ggy Wood, Miss Glodyn I . from the Seaforth branch of the D4- Rure" Ladies' National-Ist, Sir H'Irry V41011cluls ........... It 4 Ginn; Florelleo Jones. -Mrs. M D. . , o� At Home; Houlim Drot!hq R..&Ilei, D"Infoij LAuder.- and, Miss Canada. Ladies . * RatzenJammer Xjds..lo , - . , . theing appointed -illairmin of the I11191011 I Orgaaiz,ir. of Haidiltou.. 2 Brown,, RAttv, I � I I . test Friday evening tlip Goderich It a recent investigation by DOTUIA- Old Time,---ist, LAur4 Secord; a, Night Hawks - � ...... 8 Willoukhby. Mrs, V. A �, Parw caucus. branch Of the Canadian Legion hold. ion Ba"k ihsPootor�-, Miss Kerr The DoYal Templars of Tkioper. Old Wona�tl. I . I kd, Blue Stroak*..., .,.,. 7 7 04kloy. Nuglo between acta. by ,Wt$. i L I I I . 'held - ' I I � �.. . � . .14, � Last 4ink in Go&rJoh to Toronto a very successful at home In the Odd- ,abO P08$,161,011 a teller Of th� bank for anee, No. 10 -Goderloh , met on most Origins -lat. A Pride of By. Ltwendov Girls ....... 17 .2 OakleY and Mr. Wilkinson, violin oud , . I . out oven I . . . Thqrado'y ovenluj,, Feb. 1601, for gone Yeirs; and* Q14afashiplied Milk. Cacklebeiries ,....�.. I . a . I Rkliway,to, Ik Paved I I follows' Hall. Euchre and dancing. kforemen� 8 riallo, was much appreciatta. � Announcement has been, made th,,t.,wore the order of the evening. , rdrs. tioned amount 3*8 alleged to be made' their, regular meeting, The' council Maid: . 'N . 0 . .1 _ . . I ac ize and Mr. up Of various amoui�ts taken. at dif. opened in due form with their sele , ot Gent . DumbAls ............. a �. " A FOQ to . outract for eight miles ,of collore I .1 ­te'0*1ler- won the ladleslpr 3' FaACY-lat, Irish. Landlord; Lucky� Strikegi,4.....­ a 3 half. . Astllnw�-Glvo Asthma . . - forent times during the -past- few councillor,, Mr. ehas� y �C� Ill; ­ . . Movement betwoen Soattirth and Clin- IT, Wills the gontlemen15, And for the : , �� t0d and, Lord Bingligo6to chance and it gains ground . � L: ton has 'beert awar4ed`10 Mr, W . W� the MeX`nnon orohe.9tra. r eir ocatall Comic -Is , ffol6o- ,.01,1 Games pip . ­ . . . I - 'ut give It roPeatod tft*t- ' . � � * ,dancing Years. Miss Kerr was released - .on chair. They went Ar(,O , r0ldlY, B � . W , and I � ., yea ...... 61 . rot . I � I " I supplied the music, 1. . bail of $11jollo to appell - business III Mellent StYl Ith the Tramp. I I I . *ellogg'a Asthma I ,/Xing, , This link will complete the . r before, Pol on - . MEN'S LVAOUE, .1 mentq of Dr. J. 1). h - L I. J!.-6 Magistrate Reid at Scaforth ,on assia.timce of Oro. � ff. All . At the, 'Cron ollal lat, Me kan Romody and. -it, will full back even . . Permanent rosilway all the way be . t$, Nati - x I - -!,Suggested Line -Up for Nixt Wfult.er Feb. 21. J� Mo Best, sojloltor� of initiation there were ,eight now MIT* Puncher; 2ndi Indian. C", In tile 1. . , -tweeli Goderich and ifoj�rtto.. I . I men'� league, lal't Tllursd4y faster. There to no, halt wa 1;1 _jX— . . Doing mm Interestod,hookey fan I Sonforth, ia counsel for the accused, didates. initiate& After 'this coro- Gents' OrigInal-lat,'Farmar; 4nd; the Railways defeated 0 F C. & I Y Mc4R- ,. ' ' ' . ­ ., , ave picked out what I think would Last Tuesday morning her counsel � � `ArcF I . � . I . . I FOR iA h. loony tlieyvawe to -410 Installation -of South African. Mountell. police. Son, 2 to I., 3, - UcConn;ll lba� � igh ure ltbOut this "InOdy, It goes right , . . make a good junior hockey teArn for secured all adjou 5filcors, when, � ent ,aggregate, ' to work 4bd dr1v(-% asthma out. It 1. . . � . , mment of ,one week. , Mr, Chas, Younghand- acints' Old Time -19t, Gentleman 644, for the - RailwAyd, .. R I � . 58 SAM=VI'4�i�. rIa,-,.n ,good ,Aaapo. the O'. X. &� next winter:. Goal, TQ , I ed the 4hair over to. Mr. Chas, Burk- of Lelsutp­ and, Tramp, I and, mg0lu*ey highe*st slugle.g, �'.., . . . I fo-i-.�-K-T:--L .%Dlt.k roaches the Inmost breathing PAS" C. A. S. Nlec,,Ag . mge$ and l6res nak plac , , s I Apply at STAR OPrION. Illhaet; rd, M. Mcxay; '14, Sturdy; � or. 'The Officers for the toming, year Boys' Flmcyw-41at, Safety First, score, 286, For 0. F. Carey & Son 0 Tot Ow : ".., . � I At the Pebruary meeting. of the . I � I ,Are as follows�. I .1 . centre, Lannon; r. wing.. Bob Stod, ChIldreiro . . Select , councillor, and, Clown.- - � A. C, T1arrIr..bdd high aggregate, trollble, to lurk. Have it I , . . - D, AIO ilatows r.has, B I , by you tor . . , N I . .,NOTICE OF MUSTING dart,, 1. wing, MoR,4y; subs,, El- resign - bocloty, Xr. L _ "I �-ounolllor. ,Chas. , Girls' Fanoy��lst, Sailor.. . I 1 600, and high fdogto Jotmat 121,40. ready use. I , . I " � I.. . 'TWO. : for jmproy�lnollts, On 'the Above team , 4tion is superintendent was ,young; . .. I ,,,�-,'.* ............... - , �. . . .. NOTIC4 OF AMP Woods. . Any suggestions: I ?010111=11or, Ai 1. Wilk. The same night 'the w. C, V. I - . , - hott'. F. VI I , I . ordoll. Misq' Edith WigirIns; � iqirls� Coml CO To 006tuln .. -. d feated tbe'Cqnoe Club (8), 2 to 1, Kindly reserve the ovoiling of ftl. - - - vonskiered. Tdr. kwaott's-neanh has iAs; w, BoYs', Coink-Ist, Trump. N , I . . � - -­�. Ing - I not Won good and his doctor has or- c-- TA 0 0 i . leof 'woold be, grOatly 1 Boys, 314tional-I C. Griffith -Vms high for live IV. (*�. day. March 10th, for the Five, jlun,� , � - Thk(� notice fhatlhe annual rl . Appreciated ,`hap)-qin. Miss 3-oh'Astou;,�1vcordmg st, Little, InAva I . ' - . . �of tit(, sbareliolders. of tile Blue AVater � .. � i ;A SPOCTATOR, DO . X 130. dered him to',tak6 a Complete rest. tzoe. Ernpst� Batkert Ananchil uperow Ohio, � . .. F. 31, Vith aggregate of , (157 anti drect -,Ind Dunce to 'be given by th �-,­' . . . r. Elliott's services and, 1 In- ` , ,T. X Tomi her0d, .Albert & ginal-Sootch Luddle. single f-Inle Moto of 230. For the mombera of the WonTen's Hospital ' 1� . . . The Society, � however, were unwifillig . I . Oplf .Anti Golvatry Glqb, Ltd., will he Centennial, of � Opening. of Hu � * ;` ' I . . � . hold In Me offliops .rou I .Rar�r� enard. Urt. Matt. .9arker -. Rofty,". t0hra' judging the Aoor moila. canoe club (3) It. Young was hrgl� Auxiliary from S - Waid. I ' . North'street. on Wedoes- I . � I I—- .1 . � ment,.4, Ltd of the "Urod lavl`st� Road. Plinned . . steud of accepting his resignation sentine), Percy, Daflmr.' The emillail ger got all 'Who oared- to have a ple- W14h aggregmte� of 503 slid best sin. Avo . , . � L Patrick!jo I � . . ..'daY. Feb,, &ti, 19,28, At 8 WclrieR pam, Last, Your was the centennial of granted him loave of Absence to re- -q tbon elosod in the teg-lilar form, t ro t n formed cirole and 91" game see- of 214. . .1, . . o�. '.. . . - U . . ULI) you Dik PROSPEROUS* nuill,re))ort. anti flir tile electiou ot dir, and the present year is the centennial 0 1 . -al i I I . the founding of.-Goderich and Guelph - Reid ox- followed hV a lun�h glv�% by the led 1b grata maieh, into. the lodge , b" y -�: . . f.Qr the vorpose of receivInEt the tilt- cuperate. Magistrate, M A Ake into a * The Log1w; vo. ShIttord govie, sa Of courso w- o all ,.vlsh to b,, t, 4 . I fOred Ws services for carrying on the rnf�"ar n IThe . , . � 06tors and oMeers And for Atv,, olhvr . _a of tbo (,6u Olt, Ir raotto, ,rooih. . 6n the loth, r' -stilted In a 2 ta I win being pennywise, and poliodfoolish . ­. I . business , N%Illell - may prop -A-11'... .I'#, of .the Opiming of the Huron' road. work durtng Mr. Elliott's Absence and *,.q "What we havv- wslbold." Anvolle 'At 11:30 Stpward Bonney and bw for the Legfon. LJ. Woods had high- -�O!y many (to n 1 - , . I . 'brmight b0fore the lueeting, L It is expected, tb4t this year will sde� his.. generous offer -was. gratefully ac� "Vnsr to : loin thig e I - Ot cIIIII,li tile bUls of I ': . ' . I -x. IT. IJILL, . compl Pted. Miss Fra , nssoclatior walters,* all white uni- Ht. s�,.,ores for the. Loglon" aggregate prosperity. , , . u � , , R. V. 1V1kPT111 etion -of the pavement of eel 19ers matron Of tile bq+Wn is mm -h ne4do.a) aoplv to C. 759, and' ,single I . President. , jpy. t e road a forms, served the 175 illasquoraders, game,, 295. -For, In my daily business life I . . . . � I ety has already A,pp effect,Xigrch lat, mombers, I . , � I - sopret. I I � Ulid the Stratford . istoric,I.Children's Shelt�r also tendered her Barkor. S, C., ,or any of the above and at 12 olelock mWnight'a step t -had htghon�l�"91, . � I ropignation,,to, jllKe � SaltfOrd- W- BISRO , have . . �f - 0, IQ 0 15'011 TQ ... - Dinted a toni- This was, acceptod_aull it Wa L . . I . � dancing contest took -'place. Tlv� grepte, 061',, and' C. Me3lanu I _* fl�amd thAt tho most prosperous poo- . � . .......... ��",����'ll����,,��,,��,�1.1111.11,11,�"14�,,�,,I IWNT. I, a to arrange for a celebration In ' , s deoldod' I 1. I � � " . . . I � I I I I �. ... 11 . ^11­.�bl r "egti�,fj *lth the �poujlng Of thq to. advertise III the, county papersfor . I Prize in the -Ants' class was wolt by eat singlo score 291. . I - ple wetia thos.e.,,who, bought,good3 of . . I W'S' IT * _ . -t -AMOING 'I'M CHURCHES Mr. Joe Jeffrey ancT tit ladies' - tbr* quality, tile cheapoit, in the end, . I �T ARSIRABLIS APARTMEN .2 At- - - - . .A,d, matro 'he the Oil Monday' r , . - _t .. -Ln. , ... ... ­ . ..... - ­­ -T ;000 e ,�4!tfqa toor, � - - I I . - -Y exm*� . I WNT--NfAKJT � .. --""Gawman-ol � - - fittaigift-r.itnies-;I.-Au&44:-�.,"Iifje=-Mu, - ­,�­ .. ---- -fstvl V1 minittee and, Ron I -V" �ef U 1 - . ial !elR#a-17--M11W-E"lW-1 - Dmww. U`-�N � - uX-VQQ1f0r0-�"M--"ly=4(6-- i � . � . ��� �4 the� � P1 a t3A c 11c . -- - VeclitiZ.Of Miss. Fra- Ji, —F,Ob2d�-.- Even. - I I ,f.iS,,.811,U1-!1A11 36deriv r. aa- . '': . Net, - ,In Z I , 11 Pray a. C.. McManus was bliell "or work demands � I 11 TQ .4 � al -� von Mon . . �, . �. � ,. . 14 Dancing then stsrtl�d and, was kept eat. for above, all #004 404 , ; Ing . . :, .= .'!' . or% JOhristlan character, her con- into on � 6 isit., -il '.. ­ .Z, Z�� - ­- ­-, ­ - s o ., I , -f . I ;­ I - ­-,:1,"':,��".=11- selen -, . �. . I .705 t ass sih. welf fitting footwear woil kept In . . 11 1 � 'Cp7--­­ . — � t . 00118 performance of her duties or: 9 e e - - . .. up till 4 a.m. Where was .A special SaItford, lgitrovate, suit . ,vt . f, i � . On To I . 4VCbd§ - " . - I .. FOR SA P, . I I prize for dgnolag� I . tile srame, t Pritchard wa I RWNIT.-218-aere - - ­ A 4 PW , s high ;pall,. Your foot a , - , �� - —, ' . . and her kindly tare - ot: the ebild,.,en rvi , ''.' in nox. church -Sunday, Color a to $,our ,, bc4t . �', , hirm, taiown ,.Is the sillwanv A T I wN Q, ­-, wo for Canoe 010b (2)$.11647 �,a I . * i .. - * ?,,9 A�,`O under her charge, Captain SueR. Febru . 2 t , conducted'. by the and it was delightful and dazzling to and 22 some. I . I . . .ALE� PT�, 111111iS I . s dominant with the ludior, I 993*94te frionds; treat them right 404 they " I I . . � . � . Minister. S . ool.iind Bible . to see The "I . I will do' your biddlin I . . � "ML. . -land, of the Provincial office, in Tor. Ista-0:1411 - ih t'he league Is, as , . q, , X. ,�i� I F41'm in the -TOWARMP' Of Colbotoo. (­ Z 2� � CAP be )eased roi "Oree to five irfill-vis; ." . 7—., ­ the oye the dolors 'Interwoven, I g . k 1� r will sell on U . �,snto, was. prcst�it 4 the meet,34-ond Cla # 9 61t ., d . , all down payinent. , . 1% AN111 Al HVVIFI .1, . took Phrt in, the I I . Xses, , . � as the mas eraders passed to anq follow';: . I - . I - . I :Whon In AciA, �f t?06twoar for, . , j !t�� .v�� I � I operty .fIAIV in discussion, giv! 'go$ ill victuria..'streot -Un . ., . 1, - �, . . � "' , -71 - ,V , b , I ; ­­ ng So M. ... I fro, to Won Lost yourself and family give toe 4 choW , .11 1� I I . I (wood bitild- me instre;,ted,the oildersignpd: lQ,4-41­-,,ftdvlee, art*- encouragement 1 ,4'.. - ' � I - Ores -of the circles and ' - . . I . ft T.R. ,A I)Rxi. -p� - 1) � by. pfiblio tiu6tlti , . .", I . danoekv .. 4r I � I . 0�*Ioy I 41%. Wat Lot ".14. C6neesslon . . ewir4"o*v,Swid*Y'*� fidlelv&�.4 1 The,door ivhs' J -91t-Vini�-s Logion .. �'.. ­...'.. ...'IT, 4 to ollovr ti. that 1, can give you r"I I I , . *1.0� X 5 L J�jll � . YO . . I I .,01''.." - . . I ­ I Ooderfoli T'o,*v1IaWp7, ollejulIq sl)utll Mr. W4iKer,hA.Se;.i off- , , lowship, 10 axd,; vrotshiprand-..ri(ep* crowded,,to, its fullest -capacity. * Snitford ..... ......... 17 1, bargains all tho Year tolmd, by W., 1 ,� * i � - 4 1 . �. R9AL ESTATS ANO MUgA�(ir,$ '. 1,7 Cut'140., ,611 � - I ---,[His Pdruiture stock: - 1:, - . ., I . . tion service, at 11 4=4 church sob Dolf Good 'fellowship I charaiterized the Ilrominion rro*&......�,'115) , . 4 ling you a good attIcle at an, honett 1 . .., �! . 5 8 -P.m,, Worship 7 p4m -with song i mr, goolat W, C. F. X'.�'.#..4 .... Is . . . �, I ­ -- ------ I ­.- � 311)NDAY,'FEBIWARY �71h, �s �, Severaftinle . , * , , ,a durin tb.e'p and the . ,,� � � . , I . ­6�� -l'onlIfteadogat I 610,10elk sharp-. , I Ple. of years Mr., Wee ey ,ast cou� prito all tho year aro i , � . . I ! 11.0 A".4011001NO - RZAT; POSTAIIS NiAtc1led bdy �'(Vura� 'NVpIgI1fng. f( * vice at 6.45 Pim, , . . � upO.­ , I , - I . .11 " I I . Walrce,r hA- I- . crowd laughed and onjoyod 'every Huron Investments, .... It � � 10 In Rubber FoohVear I 114640 tboi: - I I : . I ANI) V,%mum,ujgvj � ab'011t � had' teliPting -offers. madia'tb him in ; - A beautiful, wine'cruet., and water moment, �, It was - the jolliest Ana Bankers ............... 1t - 10 , . � � 11 I , . 11 � . .. ­-­ I'and 8 yliars., %je*y 1)"�v" the insuramm business � ah.d r I cruet fdr the communion sevvice, and -bestabebayed, crowd that was ever 'Mons Club..:.. ,,..,..*Il 1() coteUratett Canadian: Goodtjoh UPT). , . ­ . . klluroalioma�, agedl; 40 W -Ad ehohw� "outly I � ,I Lifo, Aceld,ilt 'AndAnto Insuvaotin 4rdth' I)ur1l;rqi 4ad .11preford vatti.., ho has accepUd An appointm a burso,,aod.voil, have been.presented soon in any hall in Coderick,and the M. Q C. (1) ..... I...... V� , 1.,x bors, Which ate Without tloubt.tko. - 1 . ent .05 . o . ; . A A -w -ot tile rzl,wy 11,8104 pvqp�,Ies a'getf J.'and'I, Welkhtng filom, 600 to �W district representative with the Doili- # . � � � . I ,for sAlp ; . to St. Oeorge's church by Mrs. James discipline. could not have -been beaten 0- IF. CatO & 8-011 ­ - - - it , 12 t09110st and 14hest rubber on' the' .� . I � I ' . Clark.' The cruet . � . X C. 0. (2)-...-..-4 , , I., MArRet today. I ( . . lloutio and, lot oh I P011116-4; 10 cholee young springpr hilon Life Insu'ratice Company, cover- ,i were used. tot ther on -any orderly ship. . I .. I - . ., . Plat stl'cPt, -'4(2(A)- omvis and bolfers: 16 -ft. ba' -V raph. . . ,00od house, 11no' location. i-16'etric Ing part of Western, Ontario. A4 first, time at tl)4� COM unioll; services The, president .and the Club Wish to Wt. 0. G..(S).. �.. I '. . � 17 A tridl* will provd' it to - y, . br,mul now. it.;ft ,�vaglm bo-, aija stfjcj� will be a � , , . , .on. jr; � , .1 . . I 1. . . . .; . . ; ,. �. 4 - lighted. basemedt, N'rattoe, 'balllio(ml. r,lt;k. no%v - I eon by the roportof'the Wu ow'Soday last. I I I : I . thailk most -heartily, ull who tolik Railwaya ..ft..%%..*t::::: .41 i7 illy repair shop I call ave you mo�*Y- I . I I I - . I . I ol , et, garage, good lot; dfre $12 1 ' sums ,of ton, I 'Ot Commission he b *h I 1312 8 A your 11 toll ,ped for (O Tl�'112%1--%�'-All' te� il lr , 42td especlaRy the ladies aild - — less thall recent 'Cos difilars and Id as% S�Vvio6s hr X6rt act laulted Parts , as well as discomfort; bring I � . I t -,of material, con- And under.. lsapfl., ovtir that'amnlini, g )eased .his store, the one at present church SuallaY, Vft Oft. 10, a.m., the donors of the Prizes, for making * , Games Pla 414.�.132 1 alloes, anti r0bors before it .Is wol, . I : i Yle - . , � . struellon and 111tin);9 , . tenn,�i �aill, M-OW111V rrt16!t %%,III be given. on� tllr� 4Xcupied by himself as a, f Iture Men's Sunday thii evening therbebt, And $01liCSt over. I SEV91V CHA R8 ' 'Hartc, , . . price $2100. * . . I .1 I nisbing ai)p fr arill , Club, to � i1c , 411,ess�6as A funny'llicident Occurred. when . ' I .and double, their usofubw�4.� I in , d Irbip pa;p,or, or el' ntrodue� Your 0. H)ustl. vlt,Orio lfghted,' good lot. an roved: ()bit 110104 Or bank- 'EtOrO tO1 tM Commission 44 A Period ri I . 'Issors .to get re . . I . iseoulit O 4 pprcellt of live yohrs, ronewable, for a �uith. ed by Mr. J,. - P. - Hume. .)MUsTon one- Of the sailors was lighting his . . . It . _I . .. I I (le I I . I -.9toh .. �$750, 1 per annum will be nllowood for eash on ire, an(t St, 10corges A. Y. P, A. SuccewifOly sharpent . % - 1, -roodern equippod, � Oerlod Of five, years, and ho, Ila$ Band. and Fellowship Class I I"i6tiog. 'pipe, Ilia whiA .d. � : . . Ovoll house I. cQ11, credit amoullts. - .. Jei� � ,era caught. I . stage & Tbree-Act Comedy The Vast 9troet - F ootwear alld no. I f Are, 'Now. .1�, ., I lals� bad -a, new lease executed ,with pq le' worsbip�, 3 p1m., Sab- � � . . . , ; venfent to Squ, I I I. -and A. 11VI)It,�.. 0.11. went up, with il.puft, but no dahla I . Sho . . . )ions(,. modern ufpi)0d.,' And a , 11��T�1�141)T - - -I Mr,. CornfielA foi- u, ten-year t�erm. ool; 7 ,m., evenin hip-, , - . . . '. . . l (,t,'� " A-th was done, Just burned the halt 8 In Parish I otose td.qquare, $162 .. -1 Proprietorq. . ,.r.. Th� upst bath on . . . ,-- Hall . . . . P . c, .. .. ., -,��� airl over the furniture store subject, ,11 o tit of the nrcad�r.­ eye,$ and T)rmv. The'sbip's Ate drill . . . W9. A1114, Proprietor# 11 � . q . I 1 $1 R1%l I -� 11"I hill- In thking the Photo- A very�. successful performance Opposite Knox Churob. I . 11 1100 ' . , ' . I . House modern eq�lppM, and lot, kl%TION' IRALf.' OF v.t , .SlIoCK bc, is reserving but. has not decided . Sund�y laGat wuA 11 d im. Mon was the comeako "$#veil Chances," : I . � I lt*"' '4 ' 1111ILKNIMINIM, ANI) IloV�,,.FItf#l,,Il. definitely what use he will make of S . Irkap I ­ -1 . .. . .: ­ ; * - I atidy Ill 'St. George's church, the the black caes whiskliri, but first aid given 'by 't; Goor%e.,(;,A Y, P. A. In � " a - . Neil brIelg'ootb4e..1rqod ceii(i I �, p � FV11N,ITV1JX. I u ,h the p6wilor blaot. set fire to . 1� 11 , . - I � f-Ple light, good lot. $1200. .1 I . , I , � t 0 Palls all on a ORN * , � I ., ,it. A sharalo-ontrant:4 to the up- intention of'"cli a day being to vn- saved her. Bob Warrener says ff y and Tueq- 1,(,N �, . � Intaira will be provided' from the deavor to oreaW' a living Interest ;(.It0N%'. -l'o Mr. And .31 . I . Onnel hooia ind two Ints"WA - V11. .1kA.NlLr-W*.'�"'.'%I. CV11.118111 I*Square. The chango will necessitate among the men in the wo ay evenin a. first at. m. Or' 1. � Brick house And barn, .1 1-14 aeres , thov "would all wear their buir short This:was the , �al TI: Goveormo kslae Vaniplo-11). It- 1 4, V.11 sOil by pulylle aurtf r3hip, and . I land, .0.00ord; $1000 on af Lot 12. to Would ho no ace,- te t of the n% 1111 I ' , � � as he doen the . I. I I peo0lae of "St., Mill). N'. 't., Im Ainday, Febro �, . the clearing out of Ilia, stock of fur. work of the church,. At $ A.m. copo I . 0 J Goad house, P -mill- born.' arebara 1',Wl-' 4. At4filleld, (halt m0e soutil Of niturc, and , annowitenlent of a big� porate tot I% of all -the moil in dents. vor Is, e u It 0 tie pL.j. 10l, INA. a dau,flter. 1141.1tivy Nfac. , i .1 - I- I I � , , ram mnn,,� � " I Sal e donatkd by the fot- Tor anee, an , the success of tfic, "� Flidav'. .1, , 11th.. 1 3-11 Itows land, Saltford� $1"O, Anti fhu<*x�imon,. on, - . , a will be made in the courie ,if the the t qmunjo - 11 - otbors. I . FRII;i-Y. 'MAR01 2nd. gn.11,4 , -hurcfi ,was 'held and -at tilt- ti I , The nrTzea wer wewu'AN, 41 "b, , uan. and I p.m. services, the Mrs'. itog, A, 5161111w)"Oode ., , � A nr,wbor (4 those propPrtI#-; call be "P(,li'menoing 4f 1 01,eluok shar") . *1hold 'week or two, Mr. Walk -r, has redor's owillir.; Mrs. Halliday, Mvi Will. event will surely ,mean Plow of this to Mr. find . I bouglit bV waillig a small down pay! . lbeen in the retail business in, this s Blae'k.'Urs. John Sturdy, Mrs. John sort of enterpriso in the future A r0i Tfiwnship. a von. . , . I I - Objects were 11-77id Maif au4 the A Molllonttllt, Mr. John A. McDonaht, considerable sum, $175 or'$200,,WRq . . � mont, wilb Pasy terme for hallancti. ,fto0S9Sv-1 IM1141114,41 leam of gruJS,,'&unt7 for some thirtY Years and the Church" and "The Church and, ther jWr. Harry Watson# M DIED t I'l-Ang 8 yeah old, -svpIgbing 31,06 lbs.: 0 r. Jao. Bomw spent in .'the prepnpation, of scenery . I ,� I I pornls:-A fev� of,the lvnv listol for I bio�6od inam, (Ill(, to f(ml in .Ala,�; I 110OP10 of Goderkh will be glad to Man I respectively. . [,(,. At GotPrIeb,'. oil ThurmMy,; � . sale * , , ' . . * " p '. 'ferp farms Air �.,klo heav,y draft mare, rising 1i yt,.1t--4 Old,,know that the change does nbt mean 0wo PrIzeg), �Irs. John McDoual'd for the play, and this made m very rl�llrd, 00, F31731014 JaA*"Qo, Will . . . . I . A nwitbvr ot 1*1 . A meeting of the Y, P. L.of"North (Elgfn ave.), Mr. Maurice Wobor. tty and Appropriate setting got uw ur 014, laid Ilavid:00t fil. hor. 1w, , . with all, n(oilwAry bullelinga prid twitito not Nvith fohl'. I Inalv-, rising it year.'4 the removal eltber of himself or his street United church Was 4eld, Alan- Mrs, We Pro , ylurl'. nftilsSary hi-proiewesit-,*,; 1price ah(), -It ()Ill, not with f6al. I driver. family from Gotlerloh. � . ,bey., Mr, toll Uaskoll, !Mr. tile performaike. The scenery will I I iATTLB'--7 steers, pl.qng- a yrg. old; I . . I day nIght,ToU. 20. Mhe elidl6ii for Will. 1440VOUI. Mh 191110tt Drennan, be a valuable addition to tile equi 113le funpral will lahe plaef. fro"14101's � . . I $500 % .; I ­­ � I , Sligome At Home I the exmutive for 1928; was, 1*1d, Thi . . !n� Spv(Tal Fft aere - farms. prleoq fro I FlAtIrZkorn ewsv. rildn"; 4 years old, Mrs, AICIIVV4111. Mra. 1). AT.44od, Mr. mont of thl pariah hill. . Ali. Map" tate ref4denve. 11ritannia ivowt, on i;un- I x- ,,, a,v. 1,tq). 2C otll , . , I tit %30, ovloek to Milt., ! . jr-,,-. $00 to ,q0w 4%1�th. - m IIOP to fall 0 April Jst;, I AnAms oww, I The annual At Homli� of Miltiand following were those appointed: 141111 Sfuritv. Mr. Frank Woods, Mra. well, of the Model Theatre. kindly Ian I , 14orvics" at the houlo al ,. +- -was f4wo, . ZO ), Cant, donated.hii old drop ,mrtains, Which 2 Welt..wk. - " , .. , 200.&N,e farm sald:to tie flife firt)JIlt doe in May; i Allgus,64N% title 11mi, of.Lodge, No. 33, A., P. & A. M., President, Jack Purvis; 4ei�Otl0u`61 Xmintth S 'I F v(1004 ry, . . i3le; I 41 cow, 41"o time of Sall-, ce6ssfully last lorl-afty Vito president, Use Andrew; misslatt- . I Ive anit: natural dr;i1nage. ,,%n w4t,iji. - xeuruwy held very on - John M"tr4y 11M b have been redono, and wake another (�k1,,S,N�,,L,4.,. in C,odo,viti ri [ . , �� I burflam. c(g%�% - 'Milla, M1 , tho olu , �.' I " I A � I i I �, 11 I I �'l - " � 1, ::� I . . . - - ..Www� � I I I ; .1 I .1 I I i I. '� " fro , lv�-Oud. . PI M, c -25-pi bJ f a 4 .1 I -i I I � , I I � I I I � �� iand:­to a6ees, vlowed.; well timbat,ea: 114#lstl,ill ,r4)w, d (In(' t0116 (of sale,, I.,night in tile Masonic Temple build. itry vice �resldellt, Dorothy - West- , 1, on V . � : 14-. owbaril, gowl - gave trel�vp other.prizos.. VAluaW addition to tile t3tagl), ft,to February 17th. 192R, Ji !=Ml' I . I , gqy,d building. .N�,jj�r It tie '10 314y;`t 11"Ist0in Ing. I !like program was rendered brook; eitizenslilp and literAry vice vangements tit thi parish. b4li for 31anning, widgiv of, the late 0�talej 04 . . I I ( -if,;:p�;'ro­ , . . 11 . ,.�. loratod..prifts �6000, AiWo WIll be eov� flue Antr.dst; I aged eo%v, milkill., I in tbd lodge room, with W.. M. 4. , it. pros., Thelma Cheer; social and re- 08rWA Y, such 40vents 143 that of Monday and ll,oll, III. IWV1 "45 11 �rear. . I- R 1 7 11 � a(WIPled ft" Pa,,%,niputgood te ftw Ast, I Ayp,t,, - "soppOS01, TO , Vrooman prosiding.. Platelet I Watiolial Vice pV03,, Stanley Clhrk,i Tuetiday, night. Mr. Will Edwsrds, IMMLOO&�--At Sojptfte. Woh on . �*� ­: be %vit,11". C,alf; ly, flor"11%,_1 oAv Ir 2 gtPA I ! . ,balance. ,a ro, e . Doput 45 Acres gond Play, loam. gof)#1 1,,111,1. helter ralvei4. I crand .. J. � Olores Laithwaite- tre- Z, CArm.Y.-Thl& 4ath of Mr. ChhS, . . I . I � . Milex A. Mftrttavy; D . I � . � #004 16,u 'I F.-IN"I'lIX-4 RoOdAwrord mves numbeir of pg liviaters I rer# James Sutherland; pls�`Iqt, I fA.' Paroy occurrOd so4denly.at the. tarn. 'u I I . I Masior A � ay and , . had much to do with the making of WedlIqU V Fobrqrt�v 154h, Annam baye � tn a. '41101t; -onfiven'leal. to et occupied u Ill, dauAter ot the - Lite Jobts- TWI 196101 ulnk-- -about 1. le, UY residence, Kingshiram street in. the ntmv sceoety and Mr. Juck with 'rk: ,� 11. r fl 1, sphiltv-4.. rallroall statitift*1 4, 1.1i 1110,8-7 ef '10 'Ibg; .6 seats with the IV. M. At the end Of. Ida TIOWOU assistant, pianist,-. Lott: tile painting. ; I " .,Ind. Julio .toil Ppyro de Perry, and be- I A -miles ' tmvu: price ,ftW* terms ('1111"'.9. libout 1r) lb%: 8 Munt'4, About, the room, After a few . 0 Solomon. An . �ersoll, on satowy. ,110 wo-5 a his to I lowil.wifts. fit thn late David NollwW I . � I - t executive moetlag Is 8 Tho play, "Sevolt cllanC04 IZ Lklftfld 1110thel$ Of NIZ4. qtirie$.Xv --11--.-------- 11 $1200 elaps(111T 1)s-', 1 f460d­4)r0(yd 'MAVo duo k1boul; words by the IV. M.,, tp�1.11%' sevOlItY-fitst Y#hr 011d,was born il . ­ .. 1. .1 ,b i091.- --7 .­ -;b, P I .. ... A.MLAA 11� �­s 4- T ------1i ,#. T comed-V in throo. ftem. hV 3tot Mm'. -o' '1­1.;�I,,%. --.- 4(k) 11,�tl� 'h-t- Ist Juno. . , qilP,,,",,' i to be held at t1iB om of Mr. A. M. � ,,.,.,., ,,�44, lgin�a'e;6, I(), " � - .k VRII. �, , #00a 100ation. ,rerms ",ou uy%v. and fnnupr, ist'90011 S11,110e, 7 -ft, cut; I 11#er. 16JOL" mu"unlu %tuarcer.m.tMessrs. lu. A. &­-s­t--- ­ ­­ I . . � - - I ��, , � "�'. In, f#31. btlafte,bn lrood termq to I Ing aloAver. el -ft, out; J trlger:flay iraR,) Stunders, It. It. Iteld, A. F. sturdy yo0erdiy was Ash Wednesday, the 'ell'" reliable In4n. PrIo0`-f,J5Cqj For parli. fWft.' i 3.91'etloji Set ar�jrtjj�rro%VJ4. i'and As. Thor4son1l'. solos toy'. Ifta. first dy'of Lont, The- seltvites of 'to 'had b .. -­ �; .,,� oulars s6e or wvlW .. - , Ficur viding AV: I Verity Woo. of Auburn.; recitat fhe day 0 St.'Gtorge'x chorch were to the till y plow, lit' long by, Mr�. WflikiniT l4row, No. JG: 1, l)t,eq1IX tulti- D. JD'V M . 'nr , Por all 10ormation wrife 4 see valor And ,spedolt �Vomjqned, _# Or; violin g 8 67 mr& ast follqws: a tau., Holy lewnwohion., houticeltle i Xk �Pf4ln-* Qakleyf�piahp flol6t bp'Miss cent 10'.30 A-lia., C-61AVAInstilin allft Litany,, shock to . I 1* IV, - *1t8TII0,NG4 , , . i Nkc, irfdov 116 i I . . Beat E411f.!, . .ill tooth, ormick 11-1,11, loadcv* I VvAg- '06-nuon; vocal 2solos by Vist Margar. 8 P.M., , Nvoilsons and � String% I Ott and box: I set ligit plefghs %vitil William : Box $9. doderLli, Out. bux: i set hpavy vid et Wilson; a eomit skit, in: costume Every, day durip)k the forts? day4� of I — I g6s,, 1 telo bugg... ni;ii-risi�ninj-arkjt -,voh- 1 611'a bllggy: I h,1Y rack. 16tock rawk. terg, Mrs, - �-T �- by Mmrs. G. Jefifter, H, ftrdy and Lent ther� Vill W morning prayer at anit 64cif I . he prt,- I cedar gravol box; I pig,gehill.1 slid G� L. :Phrsons; a rogitation by Mr. IV. 10.30 in tile eb*W,- except T . huraday, -� I d6rful for buyinK. Your own feav3 erallo: I (11TInton tanning mill call sel. � Weik; Ana toinniulnity stnxing, led by motnillip, when the rerviee will, be 4,44 Mrs. are holding dovm Price& When your vis); I sist gealf's f2jeo lbs.) . ( V, faith viges prices.will rise. Prim is Xr. 0. r- Shunders. "Miss coullon, tb-' Oly Communion. Evening raltr". 0 to ,� - POULTRY .%*40 PEF,U-Pio rallo,d Put -51r. Wilkinson *,ad M4 lifillor acted praypr -will be mid vaeb ovehing at Ingors It determined by demnd sm4 supply. let% minore-as and leghorns.- 20 lons Of as sectwpanist#. The astembly Timm 4:130 in tho (1spel, except. Wedac�&y afternoo". � Intrinsic rdiw vAlters bave'not ehatig- 11.1"V: " bIIA. of oals and barlev, m J�V(0,1: I , , , , olo , , , , ` � " I l " , 'IL;, ed, Don't play Info- tho Claws of the 11M bug. -,of buel.wilp,,1g. 20 bag� of spjq, was very prottily deeprated with No. Ovetinis, when ,ovensong will be CONNF, , lo I'MINP14; I Im Laval Ps�pat,,Ator, No. 12* toftie colors atid erabloins ,Ind litro said in ilho thurch, with an addt%nm which ,con '. � bear' you hZve "othing to ff'ar If I Chatham ,1noubatop. 115 vgK.P,,tpuI1ty.,' refroshnituts were servtd at the long On Thursday evening, Nwh 29th. p1q'i fivia li you dO01 buy on margin.- Call and It ,3e � .1.4 of -drivifig Ilarnegs; 1�gct or 111;u- tables. Malty Moo, were served in at 8 P.M., the CantAta, "Olivet to Md AWA6 � - , ceo me. blo� Nvork Mrno4q: Pilo of ee �, ,da ' ' I the l6d9d Will, Afteir luneb, dan,�. CAIMA" by Maunder, will ,1* gim MI, I r 100 014; . chrio NORMAN LIWIS, a ournber of it,oft, -Posts,, all, 101110614 Ing in the assembly room and (!!Ar,,1 in the church by�:-the thoir. 'During She was �'� I Cor. Hamilton &YA Newsat'A , furflishinp: * ,g 11 ?. ladde'rg. AV , ellaint. playing in the 1 -6 roons were eu� holy week Holy -Communion will b 14 Manul . st"08, Goorich. forkg and Oiovels and nullleroqs�othvr _^* I e phon,t 47g., lartfele4,4. 16y#& 11,46 xWor'"Iwizve prwjed . 0 ewlty And �. � . �Norylhlnr A ",IV -,,If �: * ­­­­ .--- .­­ : ., inus& be tijqp64ed of As t1fe Inutle for tht daneing, *hick ift. Ity In at 10,30 u.m., W45111t,"'? C " I.- � �- � I- 11 1. , -, - � . f"T") Iq ,.�Old.' Chl&d Wh TOUnd %nd SquAre dances, and 1 g6lig will a -Aid the asmo being tilt i , � --,�� ., TERNK-Alls" grain anot all qufalq of and Ififig Connon relitved by 01%vills 1tvoll "J98 in the churell at 8 0006,A., Alift pome � ' � i. c3sh. Eight mouthrio a W*11% vtr,v mwh t() the 0 �1 �l anfv , ellitht with add mmo� A Thuraday in holy In3rded t � . � CrOlft 6n all oredit awount'; by for- Of all. Th6 rathf�ijng ilj�,lu&j A yftk Collitnunion will be cotebrated ShO Was � 10 Jo W. CRAIGIE " """ ' 1*4'111c; b'lnkal�le llof`�D- -;� tli""nt (Of Uumbor frcm Movaing Star T,odx,�� At 8 a.m. And At 10:30 A.m., luw-tbe ard will b � I wr'eml. ,straight, allowea for V,ts:l I f4" Mail, Amrillfifs. ---*4W­-AK.#-AW1--.Wk*6 . followhig daY (Goaa Riday) thu,o vived by I Reg We W hwalft ,'Z,%'��J. ',%f. (-,t�IJlJL1y, 11. (IV,%,f)JJV ,& �,4)- .q. ,*ill e. a u t y P't r lor will 4 a thveezhour ner-tice in tbo derilon, 0 1* . 414rif-far , . bP C16med froon lebruavy 2,,til tburtlt front In 9poil to 0 p.m.. and domon, of � I P I ­­­ .. ,� li� it. It. Nt). 6. (imcmeRl tuctivms�v *ntil March Bill, Aurllpir *10ch fisno trthgb"P, Anil Addrt83 In tho thurch G*0�). sand . .� . I � 'asto I �� - -- ­-­ ­; ­1-1:-1.=11I!t 4r. Sinter anilt Mrs. Painter will k At 8 P.m. Olt t ,r Ounday, Apeul 6W broth . I I 11 I , ,, I - -� in Toronto whtrt they will ftt�,Ofid 8th. tht'ro �01 bo colebration"I ff Enfold, 8 ) -- I tile, Itairdrem-sing cqnvonflon� rp%" 1161y Comnlutl5on tit 6 1. 9 cmd 11 Fi�,Ilipy' Of I Meir retown thiv will bring N011 *.!;I,. flao rovvko at tho 1aqw1a3)CJk1 clintc I I I Os F8 CARE ' N011 116w id -A5 d tht modt-th ,%,iS,i(,,4 hmir beibif ,chttral em,wntinion with PlIt%mardt "I V & SON, Ltd's C -f bair'drool"I!irr. , ,v,rmofl. At ,9 P.al. 4 OW, lial Eaot#w I RUCkCIPM . Oauum IN CANANAN 1011"Ar, murmn -­­��� 1)ay mTvico for the cbur,�b- d-W2il11AfthfPl i ! our �"t f"forpoiltion rexardill* 6"y "ining property ()P Th!� reg"I"itr 'Meffi"X of the Gfqlr� mill be, . - piri)2141ect ; 11V13 in the chur"A. wXl ad. United Ch I Will! bo, ft"ly monma"kated ti"n ,nqult Tich WOnIt"I'l 1119titutt vill 6N 101, drer,,i, at 4ppi, holy bapflo.m, anA at vires oil �V� I - , ; I PHIM4 Wk* Cii� W11% IN 146MM SW]k *Ad 'in Xo-(-Xov U411 T hurA4y. Mar, ki 7 v'.�il. C-14UM bw-t-�,,ue ind refr4al"O'.1. doc-ted by I I amm 2"howac 19t, At 3 �Itlork, The tnqit: 'f'hrr,ft Vf4r.0 , ­.Jal S3 -if -1.1 O? rft-1'403 fGVft0r. 1�V 111"'Ovit TV604 16AM'"It )144 its at hor4.�� Ar memb lFfdrd­ - - t;�l 't--uns"'. 10"Ir J -­ vv,�­*qX3 Kiftt 'of - (Mitw"Ir. ,ft"W, 241 I. Z�I�Jr, T �, I LA=:=1111 -- -- - ---I---,--- - fl�#�'ir P�"1141'0'fq 04 TLOTA,Ay� I ­i�and �V,C&,­,, " �",.d dut; I D&T -111f nt - - , - W, 140, :. are 'ALMnsuliciedi iebttiv. .1 I - � - t . I .1. 014FAMAU MAU1114014 Will) lias Doela At. of Trinity Unified church, Ic MALM)COU.-In Torouto, oil, Marl- * . & fortune 'of ft000,00 by Ills dly, Fi,lvu�W 2Rij. I" eon in 'his usual health lap � � . at ber real * e lie vas stricken, and an. grandbathor, ow c4allitibit that h# denc,o, 281; tMad,IR Crooront. Mrs. Isdol lit of his death value m a marries before his 3001 blithil'ist. Uallougll lomprlv Lot hunga"no%, Out many frieftl16'. ,Vdtwz�; the JhUluie'is a woman hater and hat "OF 'It. '. ,4 OV �I,. SORIN0. .011, --At Ood-,vich. ov fs'suvviv(4 W three somi, I.V one 4W After learning of hb %%"41041810y, F#1. 22ad, 11129. ,VirtW � ' , W144110, bPI`0�41,d %tl�(P Of ill!. John * ., ond ChArlell, of Goligrich, gran . dfatherh; acath, to comply Witb S�ninloap,(Oul. . 1. � I � I I ab UW, **I tw the terms of the will, an4 save, the 'rho'lanoral will take Ohio, frora 1her 0 daugh. V�elve luilli'O" dollars, which othe Thomao curk of Goderich w1po would go to var r., late� reoldenets. vrnorfa gtro-f; on bat Will. Scott, 6f Niagara -ions eolleke!3 uvob�M. Pftuapy 251h. at -I.V p.nv. toi and' hospitals. The next , eve"Ings. 111111pra"Ro" cxmelpry for � IllterwenL torblent was rdaio- in tile -h3tt bon arranged as ladies, nigfIt -A-mise at trip liou,;o dt I 6,11elock, , rural � ven*terr on Afonchy tit Jimmie"s Club. mov;l to jimm[61 1.4 MZVORIASt - . disgust, but tho happy tilought sun. VVM.%1,.,i1.­-I0 lovino- Inakill,wy Of'oup I LL. -After a long illnom, 8'ests WON to take advantage Of tho- I av &,m. Oeorge G-gitop, onh, 6114 vT o$ to propost fted hor to her Cod for tbq visit Of AL% Zeal v. Tile sti,, I INIP. and mr-A. It. 401. walhor. %hil F*.901 IlOntha XiM. 1). Connell paq. arsoWn- ehaneo'gll Woro the seven JA4. altay q:z 1,411. 2ATI, INN, Ila 1114 ORM111", 4 at thfy home of her con, 105 to V11001 lie. propoted. After I 4,(';4T-Va%-4l 1,;ln 1a;'Imp, 3 1%aq Ills 101. . Sandermou,,, on , Friday last. many rebuffe to his basty lo�e-mak. l. daughter of Mr. and Mra, Ing, Most Of the kirls think botter � yPt In (iur he"103 ho livpth blill. . nX, avid wao5 born Ill tl;o of Vic iiii tter and Orimmie b,13 hig I Ifiq Tfl""10* Is O" ll�'4` 10tll�'- i . I A4 rat tilt) iiqui, lio vaq,�,,,,d av%ay. o f colborne in 1,951 m 10 aeven elialleon, with icoqlplleatjon� Failh, snls,q�d by I , marriM, ho,,r lirst husband aplenty, but, of conr��e, evorythina latt Mr. Goo. suder 0 # -­-----­----.­- --1--------1 v%xilm 'Aml 'miff,11811. . "I , . . . . . . ­ 1. � —�A:%94���­� � . - time, attei his deAth , 0! I , 1Z ;;; ---.-- � —�& , he Ute Mr. Nolol Connell. ; of a very 1616ing, dispo.,litloal . I , , mw& rnisst4l. .,11,ho 1,3 bur. I . Stocks ,f Bonds! Grain J I/ I thret sonif, Mr. Chile. Ran. , � i( f Gcderkh.* Mr. Jake Opp. & I t Malik quotatiolls Supplied for any IWO Si0ek. 0 Xahluettr, Mieb.; wDd Mr. I ereon, Of W010 javv, Mich..; Orders projuptly exectited oil Toronto, Moutr6al And er, Mr. Jm!,, Manning. of A-qk.,, and four ajstt,t?,q, 31vii.1 New Y6rk SO& B"Nelianges and Chicagoand Wiwi- 14AMingf-m. Mro. L�oa�ora. peg Gvaln VNekanges. I ift; mr-e. Rcfbel,t nosle, o? G110 A"'A mr&)� tl"'=% of . aw""-ftb! % No . ; Th- deteased wwl fj� . - I 1 6 ') � ttell, at -14 the fanoral t0r- " Investmentsp Limitid , , llcfiZ,k� f,f vi(�,nwla f"'IrcoP Huron 0mly xftorp.�-)n wcn-o ec,bn� � I Rtkv. M, (,,. rate, no ;aq i Roval Bank Building, Godetich. Ont. � , . fanerell t",k l7r.ifo from.1 'thle I , r$otta 430445� �, . hcr Ron" Mr. C , 21=00t Vewme u4i" 11 t C&6MV60fts With All lestlitg 'St.,tic ard Gki��rs C��A..--- wan uiqi,,�, ;v t"�"n"Zze � "g -ell 1� 'W- ­- ----,--,