HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-02-09, Page 541....apar
TelVet8DAV. VEIL It Ion
••• - •••• •••• —00•0•• ••••••••••••••
imatted a seggeotoel draft of fire ilty- sellle you itupisowN ?
taws for the town. Thai nee eater,
red to the are tommittee.
The following remount** repoH. rte A Tiwit ie ftee4kd Ja, Teen: te i
. „ .,...--
,wein adopted; ! Valid Up the lighied
'' The PwitHe warkil "1111rii4e° IT' 'There are many peorle whit iteve
the writ stlatnat the town !isr- tevu::$c atenpt theat condition ea AA life host ported as Whew*: In the matter .of been otentainvelitia so loot that tiny
.L Malich**1, Yuuv Pmbhe wm" den, They have ellEhErteki nervety- 1
chairmen him, corioultett the town *al, ntst, 44,11 steep gint a generally
tater and il""litttti hull tt) tikke 63/ run-dowit feeling so long tiod they
ineemsary steps to defend the tAlt,:n. have, given up ',ape oe Again nejoyilig 0
,JehttlY with the ttaguee e4Yhtmlit.wt.! good health, In mot of these tants t
we have agreed -to 'construct a baselltd '* well chosen diet. teeth air and it
Iconstruetion to be under the tileetn tonic no other medicine Call compare roont for the firemen of. thnAih' tonic to build' up the bleed would de
side Of the town hall eudttone,ten, the *mum And 40, g titoeituihheos
vision tor the finance comnutteenwith Dr. %Imams. rink ems.
Ion e nmittrent 0 .,,et.e. yea win net /to some forbr,,,,,,
„two:wad that 47 istiQkke tn There at sceteely a attet in esinad
I thomueettioa
lumbing a 1
and Drain TrulPteteed 4.8". Ty ailing pelaon who ha found hew o
.soelation. We reeolumend that the
health through the
.11fayor and ebairmart.a. the ptiblie eine, no experienee of Mre. Timm,
use of this meda ti,
-- rerks committee attend tbe Good as Ahearn, St, Maio, Que., bears out
fRoatle eopvention in •Torouto. tea 9z retevsge,voliotelinteietitsrea, tot, . ,.
The three° committee repot.
folletts: 'We Itave received 'the " fif
fa. ar what -ler. uk Pale
lowing tenders for the petitioning off havesione for me. 4 was in a very
weak arid run -clown eondition. Fret.
fa bard room and a room for,tbe
To.wn•Council Approves of Many Recommendations Made firemen in the town hall auditorium; quentiv would faint mul law legs
• By Fire Conumittee . .
To Ask Prices on Motor -Driven Kook and Ladderk
VIM-, bon. We recommend that the cora-
(odorich Pinning Mills. Ltd., $131.50; weaild'swell badly. It 'WM 111IPtkAt
irtipOSItibVt to, do lute° housework. . It
seemed us if my blood had tuned to•
water. In this weak and despondent
condition beget), taking Dr. Wilt
'name Pink Pills. A few bone t31.317.
ed that they were ;mining me. hut I
continued teking the rills until I had
usea a dozen boxee. by wbich time
found myself a completely reatorea
woman, able to do my work without:
fatigue, a better appetite and a sense
of cheerfulness, where before I bat1
been deRpotalent. Por al this, theeka
to t.be healthegiving qualities of Dr.
-willow Pink Pills.
If vou are fettling vim -down, give
Dr. Welionas' Pink Pille a fair trial
rod new health will be yours. You
'on get the pills from urns mne
dealer. or by mail ro mots a bee
from The Dr. Medieine Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
4M. Bawler. $148; Tufford, $139.,e;
$100f and tee reeenunend
that the tender a R. Standish be nee
eepted. We recommetul Dite
et no a
tion taker,. on the tommunication
from the Ontario Municipal Asseein-
Life Net, Installation of Tap Bells In Firemen's runuication from the Canadia• n Soeial
Hygiene commit be laid on tbe• table.
Homes, Etc., Smoke Masks, Eleettic Laid- 'We reeommend that 4 grant of 825
erns, etc,, to Be Purchased at Once be made to the Salvation. Army Rest
CU e und Children's Homet at Loudon,
the matter of the cone,
Elevator was present and penned out municatiou .on the elerk of tho
tht, counting mills, elevetors, boats.' violative Assembly that there will be
erain In elevators and to vessel bolds,
there WEAR an aggregate ef $200000n
600 ot property at the (leek to pro -
tet from fire, and he asken, "What
about the hydrants about the dock?"
Were they known to be in proper
condition as to belan wotkableih
ease of five Ile asked this question
in view of the feet that there hrel
rire matters .bulked large at 'the
„regular AieRE1011 Pt the town couneil
last Friday night. •
The fire committee reportea :et fel-
lows: We have received a roort.
at Feb. 2nol, from the actingtfire
, 'thief that Con, Stapleton, Wm.
Blackford and N'obie Young be 'rein.
stated es experienced firemen, and
that John Hogarth, ladilliam King
end Archie Solmston bo also appoitne
ea us member% of the brigane, and
wereemninend, that these 'appoint--
enents ba made. We also reeommend
that Wm. at ne paid 810 for ser-
vicer as fire chief *pendieg neer apt-
Imintment, 4ed that W. I'. dohneton
be paid the ,sum. of $3 for Sel'ArieU as
acting fireman to date. We recent-
htend„that two Type A electric sirens
be ',purchased from the Northern
Electric Goemany and be attached to
oar preeent system, and that Orices
be aeked on the insta11:41°e of tap
bells in the resideuee of each fireman
in the fire limits. We recommend
that the Bell Telephone CO, be milted
to operate a fire alarm swith trent
their central. the apparatus to be in-
' etal1e4 by the town. We recommend,
that-pricesbe obtalued on (I) a woo-,
tor-drivett combination heat and hirit
•der -We -on with chemical tank attach-
ed. (2) 300 feet of „new fire 'hose.
(3) tarnaulins. (4) EA 0 -ft. folding
life net. (r) parking diens for hy-
drants. We recornmend ft.t the fol-
lowing -goo -Ade be purclumed at ante:
lecopeter hose jacket at 1!38.50, 1 iron
hose jacket at $5, I etandard veducine
nozzleat $25,-4 ladder straps a.t n
eaelie I snare tire andtineer tube for
fire truck, ,4 stnoke :maks at $20
eiebe I first aid kit complete $20. 1
Delta electric lantern na, I Greeter
elettrie lantertella. I 10-11]. sledge
tharge of $8 for eopms of tells as
presented to the House, we Income
mond that a protest be mole against
elutree. the matter of the
verbal, reauest frem the Agrieulturel
Society for assistancei we reeomintma
ftwA-11• rea,...+ 19gEl •••••••tEtla. +0,4•4,.
local Agrieuitural Connell en eondit
don tee+ tee &wee-. 44, 'N.
been' difficulty in, a:pining o. hydromt Present debit to et least noo, the
at. theemeent.fire,atVr. Reid's. The p•rant from tbe envoi te be nlied on
Minter. as a .manabee of the Wat-r the defieit of $500 atta the Bemal to
and Lietht OttnAlilssiOn, said that mi. Parry the remitting 'szro lesa:
gineer. Kelly had 'eported that every The, committee tenommended pay..
hynrant had been put into uroper meet of e number ote aeequntn.
shape Mst fall. He assured Mr. Par- ibr"t"t rtnerfnd est"n't
ROTAS that it would be escertained a week previous tint. Robinson had
rfect eordition and be also ai
sd the town freight abed note tiee of,tee
again that these hydrants Were inIARked for the use of the east end of
that It would be seen to that the itoad etenrehoat companies and he had let
"them in.
Cotineillor 0,duirninge asked if the
Naeional Shipbuilding Company for
the year had been named, and the
Mayor, the Remote the DeriatV Reeve
and Councillors and Muttneige
were named as the cdintoittee.
-1(14Wtt the hill wee in a condition ee
Dint the fire truck could get down
wItheut difficulty nt apy three
Councillor alunnings seid the town
should know 'absolutely Oa every
}walnut wns all right, even if it
meant eliec'king up every secona 'lay.
It was pot necessary to open them Reeve Timm* complained of some
far 'enough to allow water to flow streets in one section of the town not
out. making it .possible filet in very being plowed before nine. o'cloek cm a
cold Yreetner the hydrant inieht 'reoent enoreing :after a heavy snow•
freeze up before the water all soaked fall. The deformation eeme out that
away. All thee was • necessary was the snowplow ihaver on this beat had
titre. previous night ,nrith a sick. man wideli
to make, sure that the hyth•Ont would been•obligad to be out very late the
Atte,* commente front Reeve Tern preentited lnen being on tba johnciiitte
.or to the"eneet that hydrants might as early as, be otherwise would have
be all liebt last fall and still at, out beer( next morning. Street Inepectoe
of commission now anot that hydrants Postlelloyalte, who was present, ex -
Amulet bP 'tested at .leasta once a pleiried the way the town is divided
"'eolith. or mice asweek as Couneillor for getting. over -it quiekly, with nve
M ii n n in gs ioteriectei. the Mayor ,plows, Om hich it seems that • ae
toad the neither, multi 112 left in he catty a etart as made in the morning
hoorle ef the very ,efficietit chairman as is possible as it is still dark at 6
• .
••••••ala•a **** ••••*••••*•••,••••••••*10••••••••ex*
centage available to be spent on. God-
erich streets. •
Mr. Patterson -pointed Out that
there was aow ne connecting link in
the town of Goderieln the comity
highway had been designated straight
through the town. Ile said that the
00. per cent. provision had never been
incorporated in a bylaw of the come
ty, but that three years ago it was
passed hy the Legislature that 50
P01 vent, of the amount raised or
county highway purpesee in a town
must be speat within that municipal-
ity. The county could spend more
if it was so decided by the council.
Before this enactment it was left to
the county what Amount would be
spent. -
In answer to ,a (piety from Coun-
cilloe' Bailie, Mr, Patterson said the
money ,speet on Victoria etreet itwts
not spent nut of any fund earaied
being to the credit of the tOIAM of
todertch. but was garrotted simply es
,..be7mi n, Lair arneuntetIespencl in (of ttericlt at that titan:
Couneillter Balile united if any part
olo money vilfish the ;county would
upend within the town could be spent
on a steeet tributary to theconnect-
ing roar, or the, bighweea and Mr. 'Pat-
tterames tritewee wrote enYee. ir the
nonneeting link is gettliig all its re -
retirements." e, .. •
annual. P as er lee • ea er hi • ee ock which was the hour Reeve ,noureenor muittate etaveleted out
ltelte for emeriti:es, 4 extra Oro -wine, fantettennng on the -fire at Mr.
lkox ('utfits, airitsc eflats and bootoi). letnao a couple of evenings ere -
1. rase of town showing water mains ,tious, the Mayor said he had ehereced
and bytitatits, new fastenings for -on carefinly ;is to the time the tele -
&tors' of fl hall. We recommerd ehotie call for the brignde Wag re -
that the' Water and Light Cemmis. ceived at the telenhoue office and thie
sion be reeueeted ,to erect some peat-- wag between 6:20 and 6:25. When
teetion over,sthe stand nine shut off th-, ^Olt w.oe reeetved one operator
valve with e. light in the same. eine called the town halt one another the
tecommetti that a notice he Pahlished weterworhe and the bell rang with -
suggested, 214 on the Whole a tern 'that in money,aspent den tha Battetti
eatisfaettny 'sektriee is glecelot, uptier Hill vas to b iuMeinouey
the circumstances. spent within the ertystr, 'fhe -.Toiett
'C/mil:or ',Bailie voiced' protest would net get arne.h :Ei nt "wit any -
against the treatment of • the. Chinn.. thing else if the tutting two' of this
tenet Aid Society and Mr. Elliott. the hill were gone an Withentle suggest-
tounty agent. by the county council, .cd that the tOW11 might prefer in tbat
teach Metwith a tiyamatitetk weep, ease not to ash for any wank to be
non by thc council. However, in the lone on the bill whel be Soirgeatect
belief :tthut the connty, conned Willthat it InIght be wortb while for the
-n heth loetd Tlapers osking citizens ont deette As to the use of the steipleinene the grant'and-that evereet Pounty to eonsider putting -the' pext
-penaing in a fire Alarm to report to chemioals the tenef. stated that the thing will work but all eight, no oe- 'bridge arl.oss from alne point .at the
tee tiro hall at once. Tha .the enennerd,tank was immediately turn; Don was taken by the couriciL .eere itee ead adin down the
newea leire Marothen's r*feitt ed .oe arrival. at the lire and that \intent tile Ontario Weet' Shore rtail-mui--------------nesefurther tutti
. Al
thillttlEr te, Wator mains ne Ineereee to by the tine, this teas exhausted water way right of way was secured the away of the hill Would be unneees.
OP Water,,,Ord;•141ailt, (anpoessioti wes avertable. presenttgreat •USO of sautomobiles :tad
Thientetiorted wet's. artenteat uneei- gr. CollnollY.' wha 'WOO Preterit. auto tructas was not anticipated. The Th e followine stittentgetnhad been
,,„,unty. m4 m,,t1t;iii rif ,ClAtliortnt inc. was asked if be 'wished to present any railway, pf courser got no further liondeil le by Mr, flatterson: .
Tem,. pia,k,qpil 1vr,r.0.1)PItfir Sereol, matter to the coUncil, and statel he than the laying of the raga, ,eld Expenditteres made btr' the Count
• en ee.efondemait of tlipAil:it .eotraiiit. had 'eOtite simpli to see 'what the tbese were toext alp and sold during of Rurop ea reads Within the. 'Town
'We.. •'•7 ' '.' . ' ' • ' , *. tounejl -was going, to do with the Oral. the war. This leaves the. ,rigat of a Gmeda, , . .
el:luring -,discussioo of lire 111 erich-Pair. It Waa stated 4 00011111k Way* and. nOW the noway. Highways (u)Gloneenter Termite and vla Vic -
fee Atevoe' euncentite fbe poesibilifY tee renort would sieni with the moot Department rotas ;that it is very de.
ef naving e tame" in Vie Beacon -es ter, whether the invert .would net sat- arable to retain ehe extra, width of
terra street and Sayfield roadto
wnlyiboo*,, 14,,, i.. ltr.f IOseedi mkt one isfaetory to the fair noard or notroad, secured in the, first ease tor Die south town limit; , t
Dragging It . f * • • 1 Of • • • $ '. 15
. IS the town hail nil with DM
ta relate The elerk pointed out that if the prize eie railway, ear the purpose itt init I,facing,• 28
e ur• . ,
-'her. +1.00 aro coll. Se that soinenne nonce were 'cut down and onlYem
net preying turns at soe corners sind s
;thee et the. town ball tot at either paid the Government grant would be widening, the reedMr
. . Patteroon......
, . etc.,....•.,.,. g .. .017 15
gide 61 it ‘'i•ettld 11.% -&u-'tit be. en heed. neduced also as this watt based -on the County Good Aoads Etsiner, rreigilt and Application ;
am that informatieo oo to tho Oen-- the money paid itt ntriees. - waited on the eouneir of the Town of
eine en n fire 'week!' he innnediatelY -, All the members of the coat'ell Uoderich at -the regular Meeting en 'far • e.;.... 1267 80
..tieme -foe the' brignite. . , t , tvere iwesent at the meeting last Fri- IfridaY night last and pointed out the 5Snow roadtt• 11..64 1:1“ *II 85,
Mananer ParsOTIA of the. GOil-riell deyt evening. The treasureine sttttc- aesixaminy of zhe county's securing ' $1,107 55
-,,.,..-""""" ment of receipts and expendithros for the right of way. The right of way
0 I - tre reP"t laeitartr WAS referred to the fiuttnee
fl • ea
committee, ant the eemetery sexton,3 itioarstbaexeerts boughbut no deed has been issuea'fridge to anford Midge,
t in by the townships „(b) On Saltford Hill from Cs N. IL.
to the teinetery and Park'; WAAL Mr, Patterson hes taken toe non-'
e S
. .tigtallitoir. ,e,od.we?d eittting j11 12
.or up with Mr.. Stothers, the trustee
. 1 . A report from Doe tax colloctoe for the magieloalities. who hos
Dragging ••••/..11.4•110•11•Or . 62 it
BRRY 13 to'lb ,showine let 111 of eil entpaid tenet.. agreed to accept (prom
vided the uns, Iteste4eltit • " ° ?" 80 1
:MI0021010; to $21454. was "fere" ematities confirm the: beide) $400 g 109 00
' ,MONDAY Akita TbiSDAYpayme
' b c . rnmittep aroiie nt of back taxes for
6 * A letter from a filen of accrannttotd t
o the property. By this arrangement • Total,
ItEW cotiv and AIlablEtal PH11401,17.. in,Torento.offering to andit the to the numicipalities 'Would recetve $400 Mayor MacEwan said the loan
A. partaligeof laughter. 'A devil- entounte for tile sum of $400 nets re- which otherwise they...v.1AV not get, Woad like to seeure a otatement front
nod the .counte'e, offer is. put large Mr. Pattereon ae to money spoilt in
enough so that no exception should Goderich Item 1018 on and Mr. Pot.
be taken to it. 13ut unless the tereon said lie would be glad to dig.
., agreement was cortipleted shortly the thie information Alp.
REGAL COMEDY road. Ibl5 \yds "felled t." the /1,1,,idt .:ounty treasurer would be Obliged, to I -t-',— -
viunk stein or_ stis,„,„_ ' He AvorkEt effltitRittee VA report. . Lorer 441 the manietpalities tt tax deed CANADA FOREno FIRST SHALL
inn- -----rontranY-also-ftek'd--that71""Ittt'" or t e property.. 'asit wotifiriZtaitt ---litg—r'—
....,..% V........• notioe of nimroval of erection of &tilt to arrange for a joint meeting, - - -nen-
decided of the muniespalities
. WEIDNESIMY saw THURDAy poles ite viven where suchis guartnitteing ,Tho following Mese., :of popery,
1 .DCIROTTIY GISII AND on. The habit has beIri to refer sueb the Went Shore bond', ..alr. Inetteraen which, appeared in 'The Toronto Globe
• requests to committee with power to was goinl to the Munieipalitiee inda Jan. 14th le frm th
oe pen of MW
r. .
. WILL noattes stet, arid .11.1 1711 have 34 11 yidually and came to the Town of IL Jackson, a former 0i, 11 of
in a einernatized -Broadway mnaical bm
een ade verbally without written Goderich first, asking the cotineal to North etreet United church. Its line
tit. The inromparable team in a tip approval.approve of the agremnent. 't tpatriotic sentinteint and well balarieed
e op comedy of irllikeenfs abroad A letter from 111t.„ 'Joseph Baechle's fhe 'Mayor asked as to that portim. meter stamp it de a piece of !verse of
"T1P ' TORS% •
, • • claimed that lands oavned bY ithn on of the right of way passing to the considerable riferit.
suelrawmo .col‘igDY•
• Huron read should be eseutpted from east of the vtllagA of Port Alliente ,
.ttt tt ellian ,flusxy urgir, sewAr tax, also a letter from Mr. T. aud afr. Patterson-- said he 'had ' tri •
Our thotights may often wander to
Weetten.alona, the same line. mind the straightening of the road the homelands. far away. --
FRIDAY atulikruRDAy These were referred to the '..ourt en 1 i t ,f
so at t Is rot on 0 t e g et o. . men
1 he I ; it Old Erne lAihere the dabity ultam-
.00KLANCY'S KOSHER WEDDING" i A letter fro- 'kir. E. Drennan re•
id rtvision. zee? would be used for through trait The banke and braes and heather, o
4ust es the title implies is an uproar- laewed alMileat" :or license to in- -.te matter was roferred ,to , the. the heatt of Sent so dear*
pus burlesque tangl between plat.. Edell three howP.. • -ley& This had 11
0 i I ini 'fire island home of Englandt; fra
.tatey Mai Yiddista ". Potttaynd° by !AU barliViVen him 1-1::•:. year aud now tw. .....Pete cola_ ttee, on. /notion oz
* grant rose.
all star cast of.favorites... . lavas ready to IIF' 11 them. This v.,31 uo Riots 3Iutuungs and McLean. ;nut deeter far
'i DITIMY COMMA': :',, , ile e
, f•lend to the epeeial committee to While the county engineer Wan
preeent aeveral members of the eoen. Pair Callada, of mighty wealth un-
laud in which we. dwell -
to us othould be the
a °HE ""8 "IS SESIts' irelriltAler from OA police -,...+agistratc Al interrogated him am to the stand-
Ifatliteis at at 3.06 p.m.' enclosed account fl " *10 for fees en ing of the town in conneetien witli Where honest toil btitige rich reward
.caeae Sarre no fines had been loya.A• coutify funds available to be event on
RIZE WINNERS OP THE LAST to Wyk feitlifttl heart,
tINh&biliviotown police lay an intend. streets in Goderieh. The town paYs Aud happiness, is' tii,!atured more
. 14 . miss Laura it jation Pod no fines are inirwel, er in to the Good Roads account nad
where the 'natty found aunty wee, to Councillor %die pointld out that „We Rove the deal, old Shautrork, the
than gold. ' '
:17:he litte--)C. Con‘e , ' lo, 1 4 i'tkAtrie the munleilntlitY l'• liable for adopted in 1918„ he got a tesoltelon The Ufiion Jack OUP eyes nelight to
' • 't .•dan',inefead of paying a li ie. it an. when tlie Good Road% system wart
e ,, Thietle and the Rest; •
t,Mate Reheeere an, ', 'Et .r th0.10CR, which go to the twev'inec. paseel in the county cotmeil that 09 eet; •
ait and Pritiber--Mios A. Nairn tiles WLA9 Eent to the special torrimit. er cent, el the amount contribeted We're loyal to the Empire, and &tato
I tee. .4 town theuld be spent within the
Flashfigel-.4. J. Rouse
°I0111 Tral.-Caa. Hissett A riqUeSt. froa Mr. p. A. netert- tewn, anti that retolution was meted TY love our Kill,
Olakeited Kaitt.-Mrs. C. Slasett • ton fox• a lob on the streets ..- *cl r k-• i M 11 Ili lint Canada. forever first Omit Lib,
. 'Smoked Hata-Max ltelt;art If 11441 to the public workl '4 •4' long that arrangement held good and
41 I. V° - 6-st vaihte/i tc* k" ?I&W A migh.ty host from oilier lande at -
Smoked Hata.....Mrs. Fred Moss A letter front Men.sts. Phsten IV., ,, whether the atto.unt- spent by the test Olir tative wane
Pocket Haire -Mrs. G. 11krara altered to buy Are clay ete, at the county eon, Vietontt etreet teas teken And thou:rends mott. ere once et
the event, ,i s
'Pocket I' (,& rt. barn., „National ShinholitliturMont. Thi, out tf 1
the 96 /31!"" ern!.
Salt and Pepaer.-,101ila Made novae refereed to ties epeelod Natlettel eritsetilioe Mte natott prantoti out ' T() '1$5;33211(a-3 iRle-wcin,-‘08,-e!illlet:.3 rAti:c41'
ikrre fief- J. MeGran 'Shipbellriine ee,r13 1' ''4, thet on duly elle Vent. EA nill woe eat1 taid basten au the t;irrat ata idea-
Boto Ilan Dieheetere.. 4, Volhortte I .34 biter Aeon Mr. Iliteltie, the foe thrototh plifthas the l-leleferel Hill on
ion." day
Orem a mil Statar--Miss Resabelk lwotTfttint% ,entrinerp elm reefer,/ the tetunty Highway Sssl.cm„-Itenq, Whce tenant% C311 d3i4it to be Die f
t kW made a list of reeonatnendafierr.4 fer he tiMmed the, 1113nr-,A,' ere nt by tfir,
intmeal`e stoty,. full'Of gay entertain. "ferred to The finance committee.
luent: Yellen :learn about laughing The Bell Telephone Company ask.
'from ed for permission to civet three poke;
"ADAM -AND Eva:, • on Reeve street south of 13ritaneia
The Windows of the House
are the Eyes of the Horne
Your Window Drapes are the only part of your Hoax Furnish-
ings which must not only correspond to the [furniture and in.
terior Decorations, but must 'convey a good impression to the
many people who are passing your home daily.
Should you wish to purchase new Drape,,.., we invite you to all
and let us show you the many New Window Materials we
have received for the approaching ,season.
Phone 86
with Right, not alight, to 'one,
Ana all combine tts glories. to
tortitten. •
The (rue Canadian bonte is noted for
ite chastity-
toveiattlInye,r and eleetion there we
While toner hearts bespeolt for all,
ett, in trouble or tlistreaa •
The 'needed eolith/et, help and e.vnie
• ,
Our land We're ready to defend, as
„elid our sires of yore,
But God forbid the call may ever
'Well aim to do to others EAR we'd have
them do to us, •
And trust in Right to safely gamut
, each home.
tiitnit love t -he atarineld Shamrock, the
Thistle and the Rose'
• Th e 'Union Jock thatprottdly
. waves on high;
We're loyal to the Empire, and dear-
ly love our King.
But for near Cmuida we'll stand
• --- or-aie.- We-inethteksonet-
He argue; well who holds, his
tongue. *
ret-aeree a-. to. -
"Night.. T sat tip tn,a., elutiro
such stomeett gas. I took Adiettim
and notliaI eat hurts ree now.
sleep fine." -Mrs. Glenn Butler.
Even the. PIItST epeonful of
relieves nes on the stomach Mid
removes astonishing 411101.111t4 of eld
waste* 'matter front Die syetem.
Makes emit enjoy . your meals anti
sleep better. No matter what you
have tiled for your etenuteh. and
bowels, .Adlerilta will sureriee you.
fairot brit caillt--
Iti0,a a, %rotation iimprereietett et the f(ittn°r4. tire fieht.intounin t tt ing 41f -A% a this hin A level lettere- tere nr.d reneettlein
Ste"hotla---irtifth relatilohl tvttorr, AVP 1.70.13,1v•f! ,;E•t ,±1110104 tAEI!, epont atraint the Ter„t4 -(v(('Watt's tor the west t; ;caw. of 7'1. if ;..,4 tc. PfY•'• Whtill al/ filltV 30:/•=1
GIVE CONFIDENCE 'fiowero. hlvinn xvoucFadiranera ,
TO YOUNG MOTHERS I'S41ti.(vIgnar4no(if t\rvtlileuilthFoIltro. Linddev wee
rm tile Te
W. '
a nteetber, eante a beautiful sprey of
1/Y'' 'Always .Keeping 1131)Y'S °" flowers. Uotioote of flowera and ,
eanenery were sent by the Laditea
Aid Society of the Methodiet chord*,
and by the churl:11. Dorothy Lind-
iftty'a chute at the Grant echool tient a. •
tiotal offering, and there were ntanY
individual itprays, mute evidence oc
love nut1 esteem for the family. Love!
trig sympathy floes out for the four
little fatherless children; anti their
end mother. With Mrs. C. ltn, Halo!
at Die piano, tVA'0 retitieRted bylaw
were seine' eery Rweetly ii fre.
Grace Cattle and Mrs. Robt, Menets.
The selectio»e were 4'0 Love Thee
\Vill Nt 1.td, n ." I d.
Madly Lirchtt Amid the Itneireling
Glooni." Rev. Itteltee reatl poetrome
of tile Ohl and NOW Tetatienento, and
offei:ed ventforting prayer. Af-
ter a short sermon,vand the henediee
flop of the elturch, .funeral cori.
tote led to elie. cemetery; wbere late
mieister *tett the (1rder of Eagles "'AIX--
the em)unitat service. ',bleep tun
Mid take thy ret." hIn Itropaune '
der WAR .111 charge of tint tuneral..??-
a...tee •
ea ets n t 00 Mae
A simple sue1 safe remedy foe the.
common lilt of babylwed end 0014.
hood should be kept in every Immo
where there is either a babe or a
young child. Often it is neceeettry to
give the little ofle ionic -thing to
orenk up a cold, allay fever, cereect
sour stomach and banish the irrita-
bility that accompaniesthe tutting
of teeth. *
Experienced:11100m always keep
Baby's Own Tablets in the hOltle AIR
safeguard against the troubles .tlatt
seize their 11 tle ones so euddentir and
the young mother can feel teasore
ably Safe with a box of these Tableta
at hand and vends, for emergendee.
Baby.a Own Tablets are it mild* but
thorough laxative that act twithout
gripping and they are absolutely
guaranteediree -front 'opiates -Or -other
harmful drugs. Then- are sold by
medicine den ere or by mail at 25
emits a box frorri 'The Dr. 'Williams'
Itledielne Co, Brockville. Ont.
The following from to California
ttewtpaper, dotted Colton, Innuare
2401, refers to the late Walter Lied-
, .
may, son of Mrs, David, Lindsay, of
this township, wboie death took
place recently; Walter L. Lindsay
was laid to rot in fferniosa rentetery
today, followingfuneral services at
the Innepsnyder chapel. at, 2 &elect;
that afternoon. Dr. Robert f.
Me -
Keo, pastor of the Methodist ehtlrelt,
officiated. Pviends and neigitbors
gathered at the chapel in large lum-
bers to poly alaat trilbute. All about
the sleeper ..were placed beautiful
A Plower Valentine r will hit
most annraPriate to send your,
• Sweetheart, Wife. mother ore
Daughter,. Cut Flowers aed,
Blooming Plants will be oak
epeeist$ feature mettle tittia • e
?hone MS Bruce Strut
Sti.01f41 R Ot4ik
I •
"1 Advertise Regularly,
Every Issue of the Paper
Carries My Story to Its Readers*"
THE srAR Goes Into the Creed Moiority of the
Homes in Coderich'and Vicinity,
MML Housvs.'"
Tha-'Gedeiich Sar