The Goderich Star, 1928-01-12, Page 6PA 'X Si . • THE CODERICH STAR Ifillt$I41. JAN. f2...h, :tea The Orange Pekoe is extra good In dean, bright Aluminum . 'Memo] The Loveless Isle cr:76e5lity 13v NORMAN PENZE ..Kal • THE LOVELESS ISLE ItalleWing thirt-enisolle, Mira RUSSELL NAIRN, a tall, good. chseneed by the thought of Pamela. HO ma e --e' armee o meet bet acct. _ _ dentolly, but nothing comes of them. Presently, he realizes that thie oh. session- is having ,an adverse effect upon tds business affairs, and, with greatAnental effort, he decides to put Pamela Completely out of, his mind. At a dame at the Albanlim, Lega- tion to Which 00 is taken by some friends of the family (a Mr. and Mrs. litentley) Paznele -meets Osear Eregg t people who are not orcoawca bY who is there Partnering Lady Fiske. t 'Prtiren. Calling at ids office, sile To Lady. Visite's 'chagrin, Tiregg gives de- hftn a geeti.fuitured "whigging" serts her for remota, who, like hini- fi;r 114 ne*„etflt41„etn 1$ trieni,(14. eat is an excellent dancer, ta-p ece.s an awte.„,,, e...eon to dine nom meantime, Kau% has .enterea jou), It* LaiNtrOs, but eancels it at the an arrangement with risiat whereby 'bet motnent by• telegram., the scientist goes to Gamuts to put Int3tend ot mom to 10 tato operation at a derelict paper mill ilds'estiptinft. OA Selentiq diseoveyY Owned by Nairn, ilia theories for sr.$c Sir Fretierkk Fioke, by *Web speeding np,_•bninstry by means of Van elaims.te lie able to reduce lotreducing thefatigueef the work - inn 'fatigue in industry, inerea3hig men. Nairn protnime$ to visit tbe ‘output prodigiously, and assuring mill inter in the year. netional prOsperttea 7, Otte evening when 11(1 113 dining at a ` Sir Frederick, °nee a „fa,. sillopai_bL,West,,F,nd Rotel. Nairn is astonished tivIrpoli, has a wife, consmeramy u‘Asiti, see paineia in Bregivis *employ. • or, who having lost intereet in, Nairn is sure Pamela Paela recognises leer Mohan", le mutt:, attracted by Oe. aim, but the makes no alga, and tare Iliegg, a Young teetttiotwell 1,8110' Nairn leaves, puzzled mid IMMeNVIlat tatatte (1i1i; hurt. ' Nutmeg engagement to dine with Together with very promising 10- t 1e langtrent Is renewed :After Par* porta rearteo'rning the mill, Nairn, re. 14in has torn hitn, her.tharaeteris. oleos ,ereat Fiske a .confidential let - fie nuctiner, what slte thinks of him. ter in wbrelt he outlines the eituation After dallier, a seriee01 1M4xPeet: with regard to his wife and Dregge luiPPenitIO quuses Pamela Om and Asks Nairn to senul Jjregg nut of 'noire to be left, alone for a time in the cotintry on sone .1)ittneible. 'On -drawing 'room. Pamela plays rand, at bis (Make's) expense., iujI eings to him, but. a SittatiOa Nairn' MalieS 'Drew an offer, • and In rapidly -beaming interesting ,Eregg, • desiring to end his intrigee ii interrupted and never testtmed. 'with Lady Fiske, fa order to Put, • " himself in a better position with•Pa- EITSSADERKRAUT NOW1111010, welcomes the mission as mak- I .1 ing jest the break he desires. Ludy FEELS YEARS YOUNGER ,r/Skcio hOWeVerl. is eXCeeallight ,1)04iv" ih Alt011t if and tries to dissuade fertfr., bas ttchieved, considerable sac. as a eompany float:clew, in spite the at that be is but thirty.abi. intense devotion to .hlo Waimea remitted in his circle of Wert& ery limited, lett be is Still a welconie guest of the Lengtrey fain. . ily, whenever he eotaleseend$ to visit their etiburban bonieL The: younger ; Lingtry girl, Pamela, a vivaelque stitdent Of musie, Is .one Of the fete - °Now eat even sauerkraut and hien '' • emetage and feel fine. Adlerika end- Pamela's mother, 'learning of her cff,atantaelt as and 1 feel 10 years daughteee acquaintance, with Eregg, younger," -Mrs. * " but knowing nothiog of his htipentl- Just -ONE spoonful Adlerika re. iug departure for Buenos Aires, is ,11sivo5 gas -and tbrd bloated feeliog so touch dtsquited that yott eau oat anti sloop wolL Acts AlitinfatelY 14*W, disregarding , len BOTH upper and lower hovel and Lady Pielte'st passionate alMettle, cle- very. eves old waste matter you never see with Nairn's stter and poopare.s thought was there. No matter what to sail, ' Bea have tried for -.your etomeett and ;WAIVER XIV ' , ' towels, Adlerika twill suopoiso you, ' ' &I,MOSDLL'S DRUG STORE. AN ttNixptOrr.-0 mESTINo liussell Nairn did not see (hour Iltegg utcala hefote &egg's depart...1 ure for Baeflos Aires; Ito left pet. ors, his secretary, to make suelt ar- ngeMent AM wereeneeessavy, and Peters iovested with -an air of great briportance the simple and mimeos] slay° errand upon B which regg was sent. , Peters booked the passage, despite Brea's protest that lie was well able to do that himself. The eeeretary WAth A shrewd judge of -men eta had fears of what might happen if he. trusted Eregg witlt the leash with which to purehaselds ticket. ' Further, it pleased Iffte Winneeke Petera to dabble, in much matters. Ile ihad never been further afield than Marie, but he clues fondly- to the "hope that, mte day, Nairn would en- , trust him with a mission overseas, or take him on one of his lourneye. siNgURiNC The Mutual. Life Assurance Company of Canada, titidom•imo Ottttter. t WATtliat100, OtIT. D D 1400NEY, AgenL pools% Easte Ste : Ot)titinealt 0:0*, !' 114.aninne tne twit; Us'. ,k %E.a.iii 1,1:',6 t.::,:, l..4:.1;; t';ckc,..i3 1.,•i7 C.Alerc:,, 1 lite rec.,:Fyity, cf bcsi-a:-...g 4 rarK:ag,:t tc, South kiteraa Ca; Urci.f,g, rt.Inn,..I, iLtdNinen fir...."; it v.o.aid to, w-lso to v ) oerve a berth foe his 0Wra projected frig to Canada. AccordinglyA Vetere wee entrusted witl the duty of firet, ing the most i:_ 3; mat Virile - 0.111102$ ,111CAU.3 14' W/i1C1.1 his chicf ilinigh.4 crozs thO Atlantie, at, the time he taished to travel, 113 found that 34 rilArre-is imer, a ishe lexurieue ship, would be leavmg abaft Gm time Naitte wished to g away. The reste-vation wee made, but, lust a eveekobefore im was due to /cave, Nairn received a letter Steno Sir Rey -mond Verry cuggeating that they nught, met att town on the pre- ise day On WW1 the Empress litter aW5 tine to call. . This Wei the first communication of :any kind that Neirnebad received from the. head of the mighty Great ;entre' Dank since the unfortanete occasion when $ir Daymond had vis. ited Naira's offico in person and had fotitel Nairn rtbsent. Ste Itateuond waa one -of the lew_baakett. villP bud ebeWri confidence in:plaint during the earliest dolts, said Nairn never for- got it. Whatoyee inconvenience .might be involved, Nairn determined to aeeept the ttppointmetit exactly as ouggested by the banker, and to ehange his sailing.orrnngeMente• Peters made the mest exheustive inquiries with 0 view to findiuga ship as comfortable and aa expeditious as the Emprese liner but he Could find none that ,would land Nairn in •Can. Ada about the date when it 'Ono tea. secretive that he, should be there. The only altereatitte was to reserve- a passehe in a moderete.sized tam- eless: vessel, taking ten days to make the trip from SouthaMpton to Mon. treat. Though be begrudged the lofts °Utile extra three days width the journey would occupy. Nairn was fend of the. -.,sea, and looked forward with real pleasure to the trip. e : It Was at audit times as tles that ,the financier felt, the lack of a part- ner. But be had a very efficient thief an astute, conscientious . young mom a framed neeountant who had been a sulialtern: under Nairn in the war, and who still looked upon Nairn with the , tostne admiration as lie did in those exacting days. He had not the "tencli'''..0 the "Confidence of Nairn, and conic/ not be expected to initiate transactions Of any magnitude. But, as Nairn had said. he could "hold tint tort in gondstyle," , and hie.' Wet kw that though the earning tapee aity of the. -business would be dentin - ;She UV Ile abeenee, at all events Ile could divest hiraself Of any .- anxiety' concerning the proper handling *Ibis' affairs hi London. Time and again,' pressure of bust. ness threatened to :cause a postpone- ment of the J0111%014 but there came a day when, at eight o'clock in the. morning. Nairn stepped into e• ear heavily laden with. baggage, and two hours tater the Damlier was thread- ing tite •way throngh the narrow streets of Winchester, en route for Sonthainnton. ,The boat ;train 'would hove made the jouvney mare speedily but Nairn had arranged for a friend in the Isle of Wight to take charge of his ear AU(1, chauffeur during his ab- sence, and it was thus 'cOnvenient to i_ use the ear for the trip. • Nolen bad , Crossed the Atlantic many times *previously, but he atilt felt a thrill as his car drove through the dock gate$ and the funnels- of great liners tame irttoview: Tired and a little nerve -sore- After days of work at high pressure, the eights and *tiadVotthe great .port Were A tante to hint. * He found' the berth of S. S. Mount. ever, arta though the ship was barely A third of the size of the giant liners, she toatle an impreestve picture -with her 20,000 toes, as she tetaned high above the - qttayeide. . . Evidently the boat, train had, ar. rivett,,some time previously, for the, decks of the ship were thronged„with neopIe, and in thst shed through which, he must pass to the foot of the gang- way, the etNeer$ were dealing *4th- -odd people, who. like himself, bad come down by other meansthan the boat train. For a few minutes Nairn lingered • ot 0,e shrd wt.:k tn., .e.ar.;iii. it.ird THE WOMAN READER - ; d vvfer hi* tiunks to if;0 haggleire ` -,, (1 '.irif crNed frOot page tli: :viol, bat ic viaa thitim.ele*lic t It.. 1, . -.-01 Nolin that 41 ..e few flii:11:te$, At iiuk; otes a little more harmfal ttan curiide rftice Ffeee other fclaret, It 13 A pity that, the ,:r:1,1eing a 31- 30 to his (laid tie a cigarettes hrterling Loge! which 1,43-., bau,it,,t ti the dud. prevalent atil-Aig women. Not only roue te pool ne the Tnen,wstit 4.;1., the:" 4nlihe them 6Wa health bY btik..f farewell to Ifs man, he turn- 11413 habit, but tileY sct bacl examPle gmigway a the -seep, awl thi, era of the raze. they rcb the uti;)arri towardi the opening kadiag ff,r children r,otd yi)atb, and, moth- rfhardrrur eke e eau Item, (-4 a lager vetch should ha thew her. lt-a? solute* set becaino ait,. who hail ltage. Inen.a cotToeal ender tem xn more utJltst teaelvx and an eeeeeeeees Gaii/e3 with leaders in the eenrounitF would do, genuiiik„pleasuta, It V.. 14 teach to- discourogo evorY watt the which alwaye pleased him. ate of eigarettee- among Ow youag. pflespOrt shown here, end steam- One of tile btst way would bo to chip ticket there, a lest with the themselvee refrain front the use of ship's sletter, stead looking for there. those whose appearance hetraytet in. / 011SE FOR OLD PILLOW SLIPS feetious and Nnirn's fcetr' were I W31en. riliew` dips have become tie on the gangway. Iwbrn and thin to protect the Pillows, Alt about him, an the &twat& and do not tear theta up. for rags, but op the decks above, were little groaDs ttse them to prateettine dresses hung of men ond wornen bitiding good-bye in the closet. Min a bole in the cies. to patsentera. Vemte wereopenitt ,ed. end through which ;tote may, etta tearful, others ratalu Valiant at- 'the book of A clothes huger and Blip tempt to eover tears With BMOCS, aud the pillow' case over the top. of your onae_ wvru. just. jovial _friends • fni.!gued dross -a- im the 'wbem the journey meant only Shoe thanger in the closet. iThis will keep separation. . • (the dust from settling on rarely,used For Nairn there was none of this gowns. When folding pied blankets leave-taking. Neither here 'nor in and quilts away on the closet shelf, London was -there anyone who felt 'slip an old pillow- case over oath one. Ids departure. Peters certainly This will proteet them from •dust rani seenied a little. gloontY as bi$ ehief will make them loole.- neat on the left, for he worshipped this auper. Shelf. man of business, and ehauffeur THE cREEi,EIG DADy 831(1 1. Germ from the street.are brought him as good servants tad be to a in on the shoes of Inenabere of the gaad Vaster. Nevertheless, the kind 'fatuity. They are scattered Over The of affection that Wings itears igoor of. your bow,. ,rhe creeping IfeartY farewells to the -quayside, ears. boy' gets them on ble bands, then "mailing Nal" 1144 never knewn' puts his hands to his mouth. In this though bad be "ever 11,ttraed it, no way be is likely to get some terrible there i5 4°14 14:t "1" 114" 're* disease, snob us diphtheria Or spinal turned it in ftd1 meesuve. meneugitis.' Ettep the. baby off the tristenorhetei'llitsuatottoend tioefr,assth)tisis- utteiliZ17 taahr.pan and imeo the baby in that, a ee floor. Have canvas floor to the Ihtreoullvtastecyd, i?tfv:111,y6 and do tot let any other ntember a the family step his 'foot beide the quickly, and held out his papers to n steward who prepared to show him "bYlion• viroatt ...,babes hands fre- quently. to his stateroom. , "This way) sir," said the steward L'OnR-",,te4," tukawt-LKNAL4NTS advoneing into the contra' hall of A teaeupful MAY be a very differ - the eut tom in the hands various Thd man went a few pito% and houge° wives and the difference may then, :Wising' that "the pas$OUPter" sUilitient to ruin the most eare. was not following,' till:fled and called, fully planned recipe. Thi$ 1$ because "This stray, sir." all teacups are not the same size. But it was of no avail. Itteirn was The only way to he sure that the talking to a middle:0mi eouPle, _and gelled„for 1)31 Yet= recipe from the xelantations. ettrprise the torre'ct amount is to use one of that _were :_betWeen. Um,- it those etandardegraded. tataft'upe. to it ebviousty useless for the' stete. Purchasea for nteasurieirups. ora to exPect to g?„t Nairn's attention A teamip of ,ellepped nuts is not The eouple whom Unseen Nairn the seine thing AS a teacup- Of nuts had met were ,51r. and Mrs. Lang- car:golds. uttontdthae :ate6epas ear te-taeacutepeeodi troy, Pamela's parents, ('To- is: evitinued) nict:Luls witorsdwh.'ioAh hteaaacutpeoof sutioteudr are ansurPittsCd. A bottle bt it °3t8 ling for sandwich -re -that i$, atalt- Sore throat, trouP, whooping tough, kindred ailments it has qualities that a' intent anzthing wall nerve as, the fa_ little and there ls 110 loss 000de-.The erowning property of Dr. and levet oft" the top with the dull Thomas' EcIectrie Oil is that it tan eida , Do not shako the be used internallY for manv coal' flour first to rnalce•,it settle,oe peek plainte as well as orMertaliy. For into the eup. , Pains t14 eh"t` °°11e• at'a 1")°47 Xt° is bard ter us to recognize that internally and Elaternaly 1,t, is tome, 'Elp it lightly into the tett4110 thing Wbieh tastes good when eatou VEGETABLE SANDWICII • having it at hand. • with bread and butter. The ba'ked-, • otift WINTER WEATHER bean sandwich Is an example« Tal epreading baked. beans between slies A Wring Time for People With Weak of buttered bread. Then there is the Watery BI"c1 evItteptlerattemsta,":ohts,. Meeilxeryt,bggertebeertr Cattadiaa winter weather is A try, PON", otte small enton and euenra- ing Vino for debilitated,... run -clown b°s• Voloten fhb?, -with boiled salad dressing and use aa a sandtvich 01. people. The close aie of almt.up houses, jack of aut„.0t..40%, ofereise. ling. It has that mysterious, juicy taste. so delightful in a sandwich. To the restricted diet of the season) all litet tbneirorrilecathvoanyswienakseuneehdcasyseaa- .6)11aakudewich with iceeeoid imitternok. a lunch- de luxe. terve this SMILES the danger of severe colds, attacks of influenza. or the obit store dreaded Suffeter, to druggist: "Wilt you pneumonia. There is to other time give nit -something for my head?" of year, When a bountiful stand* Druggist: Wouldn't take It as rich, red blood is so necessary; and a glean the one way to keep the blood nth and pure and thus weld winter trou- "Have any of yonr Childhood am- ble is through the use of Pr- bftions been realized?? Items' 'Pink Pills. If, unforturiatelY, tefes, when my mother cut my you have foll'en A victim to influenza, hair, used to wish was baldheed. or other winter troubles, this same ed." medicine will restore your health aed strength. Amoug thoge who breve moved the value of Dr. -Williams' Itmk Ptils him Margaret Pearson, MR. No. 3. Chatham. Miss Pearson had passed through a severe attaek of influerza and &win 'It left me so vitak and rurcelown, thet I could scarcely walk. Anaemia set in and it almost seemed as if I would not pull through the winter, as I.. grew so weak that the least exertion would bring on ,fainting sltells. r was nut der medical treatment, hut it did not help ate. Then one day la our local panel 1 read an advertisement of Dr. Williame" Pink' PilIiireitil-treekled-fe . Nearly all children ire subjeet to worms, and manY are born with them, Spare them suffOing by using Moth- er Gravest' Wolin . Exterminator; an excelleet remedy. • , Report of Rog Shipments for Week Ending deanery 5, 1928 • McGew-Totet hags, 81; seleet 'be - con, 20; threk smooth, 51; heaviet, 0; shop ;hogs 1. Auburn -Total hogt 46; seleet.tacon, 14; thiek smooth, ad; shop hogs, 2, Huron county - Tota hogs, 134'i; eelect baton, 306; thick ion -tooth, 100; heavies, '39; shop stettitlightstand•-feettlerca try them. By the time Thad need If one woman, coat steal anothefa three boxes 1 felt much better, Mit husband, she doesn't gain much a continuing the use of the pills it raw the other doesn't lose much. not long before 1 felt better than 1 bad bete before the influenza attack. There's eomething shout glrl's le ed roe. My rapid, reeovery infrPrieftl theme dayiteabut it isn't clothes. my friends, and *then asked "What did you, ria,"1 would ProndlY ant% "Not my doing, but Dr. Williams' Pink Pills." PE* crne. at least, the pills have been worth, their weight in gold." - As a Precaution rigairist winter 011 take Dr. Williams" Pink Pale now. Sold by all rrtedicine dealers or sent by mall at 60c a bee by The Dr. WA* lialttfe Medklrie Broekville, Ont. • It's hard to be eand-natured and dioltonest at the some time. Thai the latereet areasert im the Nee Cherrelet hes kilo volt merfeed isdiestad thona a ads wok ametim t• hog Nir Mit The =OK spirt rahliolek with its follow loot 4. Ils 411* at aiiird=Almitre e heoChsoee erZetWe 44 the holly et Ishii 4. 13,. bog** lloogret am IOW 1.11,empaive sew rallefier and heavy NI aeons hadere; tietkt. dammirtembir et ern we K.. oath heoliart oases% and allinfiatil friffsfere. lowiff alt MOO a/ flif loshee. The Itior Clirirsliso. white we *0 13. Mussed is rho. -oro AI *Oa irit dateror whe mailer them preview amide. Gas ia die Stanch Is May Dupree: flea. Path. Zenatios anda tootthe or reAwoom *for eaftor aro Moon foetal* orleow. of meows 11r4rathkeic is stemike•I. in•r• 404 f31f4fatoo the *lima* r oftleacehthesitilartr effooftly earastr• terstg="ebo a=atifilateit se- a gaff Woofs fba Heart. ielateriere•b• Mr to MO..* sr* • or eo treat artflidal goottof ales tairpot aothralloo iSa • awe. A wow war to 4thiselsert moo fprolee awraltes lobo tue alrotstarri resoloaa•prorms=1:40•Tiose FEW FOLKS HAYE - GRAY HAIR NOW Wpm* says Loodisa Ari 'Wag flacloos $afi Ids Sad Salphor Bair tint leaseito obit Sad dr whoa it fad*, Iwo ray, ski WAN*, it mond by so Ude of saiolow is the hair. Or gramobanalow wok ow a atiwore of &ow T.s Nod Siphon I* twit kr Woo dark and beastifat wed tionowido at *moo awl sow *ha valet that ere* coat that leamotifte do* gook of hair *Nth it se at. treetive. tear this oki-tiete recipe. fromedmrowearst *it ftwasas fant. lure iovrevei het the addition et other hareditats hy Latin :IA srmitirritere for het* of "Wrides sad Se& Composed,- whisk Lthe Sar me mosersili. sis troalr. that *so holy too perally all13 hee hose ap. mlito4. Yew lest iimeaptio spree or soft brook wiiti it sad arror this ilsoseets year heir. twills OM anal hat &weer, &whet wood sit tiono she ens• bees w Iressies ('-d=me ammeemed Sat. 4. derheati• the heir ober • hes Mhos. 13 .4.. Mao Ash dr gime mai hare emit Asian it am alsoleamme al dsmit. A SURE itELIEF FOR WOMEN'S DISORDERS TEN-DAY TREATMENT FREE Orange Lily is a certain relief for all fillsorders of women. It is appliea loeally and lg absorbed into the suffering tiseuee. The dead waste mot - region , is • owned, ter in the congested giving immediate men. tfa and physical re. lief ; the blood vesseis and nerves are toned and etrengthened, and the circulation is rendered to normal as this treatraent is based on etrietly-seientifie prineiples, and aets on the actual location Of disease, t cannot help but do good in all forms of female troubles, ittell.taing delayed and painful -menstrua- tion, leucorrhoea, falling of the wonall,,growths, and, overian, trouble*, etc. Priee $2.00 per box, winch is stiffieient for one meint14,treatment. A free Trial Treatment, enough for 10 days, worth 'Me, will he sent PREE,to any stifferIng, woman who will send lac her address. Anolose three stamps and ad- dress: Mrs. Lydia W. Ladd, Dept. 10 •Whid$04 Ontario: Sold By Leading 'Druggists Everywhere Here and There TR, Edmonton. --Northern Alberta's biggest farm land deal this year was completed the other day when the well-known Trent Farm was sold to a colony of Mennonites for more than $120,0.00- The stew raners, Light famibes,rwill take posseeolon on hle* 'fear's Day. The farm, which is in the Tofitid district, hes 2.641 acres. , Passengers on the "Empress ,of Australia" now touring the world had- a memorable experience, when they witnessed brilliant military manoeuvres near the Grand Pyra- mid initiated by King Fuad of Egypt in hopor of the visit of Bing Antanulter, of Afghanistan. Seine of the passengers were subscenently received at Mug Fuad' s court, Cant. Talk to Wife Too Cross and Nervous "Even my husband couldn't talk to me, i was so cross and nervous. Vinol has made Me A different and happy woman, --Mrs. N. ideGallt. Vinal Is a compound of iron, phoe, , vPoll‘tte sFIRST t I i voet1 emakes ryou peptone; e e* ranee; better and hare a BM appetite, Ner.. volts, easily tired people are sOrpris, ed how ga,xcx the iron, phosphates,, etc„ give new life and pep. 'Viol I ' CAD/MItastes :VS DRUG STORE. 1 if it than doesn't golf or fish and hasn't a ear bow dote he lceep up his lying practice? "Toronto; ---An nptimistla note with regard to the market for Canadian bacon waS, struck by A. d- Mills, representative of the British Min-, istrY. of Food in conference with packers here. He expresied the con- viction that Canadian farmers would be very poorly advised to sleeken in .• hog production at the present I time, stating *tit an improve:neat in the British market was ot sight, with many of the countries which had been flooding Brits% with baron during • the past year beingetete. tmally eat of the bastness- If ii'man is hard pressed Tiis elothel aren't. ‘ 1. creedy 1/40 Relief flauVEN To 44:k4140. COLOR 4t0.111110*, WHIN tiOrAitip WITS litAt vioteDignyuk.ut ditOriVITAt fouthelialf Ramses - ROBE R T ' s OF THE flaw Of COOLIVER sY_RUP 14, • Godertch Star's BBING LIST The Star and London F,ree Press,. .86.5o The Star and The London Advertiser. - 6.50 The Star and The Toronto Globe....... - . 6.50 The Star and The Mail and Empire...-. 6.50 The Star ,and The Toronto. &SO The Star and The Partner's 3.25 The Star and The family Herald and Weekly Star 3.00 Tub Star and Saturday'Night... 5.5o , The Star and Saturday Evening FDA' , 3.90 The Star and The New Outlook.. .." 3.90 The Star and Canadian Homes 'and. Gardens.... .4.65 The -Star and May Fair.. „ . 4.65 The Star and •The Youths' doll:anion.. .; 3,73 The Star and The, Catholle Record... 3.75 The Star and MtLeatt's Magazine . ........ 3,75 The Star and Rod and . 3.85 l'he Star and Montreal Witne5s..... ...renewal 3.85 new... 3.50 The Star and World • Wide... -renewal 4.25 u new... 3,85 Special Clubbine Rates with other Periodical* may be had onappIcation CU at 0.14:„. Stu offia or 'Phone 71 for any inionnalion, Long, Cold Whiter 3_ ist, By filling your coal bins with the best Hard and Soft Coat and Coke that can be bought. All our coal is weighed on your own scale (the market scale) 2nd, Have you had your heating plant looked' over, if not we have competent men for that pur- Pose. 3rd, If you require any Lumber, Lith, Doors and Door Frames, Window Sash with Glass and Window Frames, Hardwood Flooring, Radia- tors, Etc., we still have some left which came out of the Ocean House. 4th, We carry a heavy stock of both Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Plumbing and Steam Fit- ting and Electric Wiring Material,. Let us figure on your. Plumbing, Heating, and Elec.. tric Wiring. Satisfaction guaranteed.