The Goderich Star, 1928-01-12, Page 5wo;14.4‘.09;1111111.,,,.... •••••••101110101111W THURSDAY. JAN. 12tie 1028 •••••1111MY ,••••1111•016 THE GODERIell STAR PAGE MIS COLDS and LARIPPE 1 We have all the well known and popular Cough Remedies and Cold Tablets, including Grove's Bromo Qttinine, Cascara Bromide of Quinine Tablets, also Cough Remedies—Chase's, Ayers, Penslar, Buckley's and many others. -**7***;*********,—•'"' • CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE MODERN PHARMACIST PHONE 90 THE TOWN COUNCI New Grand Stand, Purchase of Park House and Addition and Improvements ateemetery ow the Mayor'g Programme WirotNiNG Or SAMFORD HILL ROAD NEEDED Four or Five New Polling Subdivisions Needed in Goderich •° 'The inaugural nieeting .of the 1028 tour citizens put..on the most meritor, tieWre ceuricil was held on Monday ioias and sucteseful celebration ever „rimming last. All the members were staged in the County of Huron. Present and, having duly subseribedk No commenda'tion is too great . for ta,the oath of once imeemaallileitron, the splendid cooperation shown. by took their' seats. After the clerk oiir own people, and words complete - read his report of the iilection pro, ,ly fail in expressing our gratitude to ceedings, he dectareertifi beard duly tthe other municipalities of the coun- eanisiftated. His 1PhiPP' Mayor tY, to that wonderful Organization. Maelewan then' addreSsed tinVeouncil the Huron 014 BOYS a Toronfe, and as ealloWer • - .eto all our Old Boys and Giris tivough. ' Godevieh, January 9, 1928. ='out our frir-flung Dominion and else- • Oentlernen of the , • ,where, in 'rising, se eei.diany and C,ouneil of the Town 'of Croderielt. 'superbly, to a woridetful andnever Another 'year hes some and gone to be forgotten oceesioo. • .., and it is again nay high Privilege to It. was :our .goode fertune also.. to preside over the destinies of the town celebrate, Attitely, on Dominion Day fore* further twelve month: ' the Diamond jubilee of Confedera. With the exception ef the Deputy. • tion. . . • Reeve (tithe Was exceptionally foe: .The year 1927. As the One •Han- _. turiete) we 'have all come through the drecitit Atniversary . of the loaneing fires'of an election enninaigri and in of our town and as the sixtieth birth ' beitig tailored by-llie votes of the day of out-Doininien, cannot,' possible pierpleerete'iaie another yegr: feeling, be forgotten or lath from 'mar mem- that we 'have ' the , fait eonntlence" irf iorterr white rife, with eeek of pee re - the die:orate, . e '', mains; ',. • • e ,' • • '.'e ' - • I; therefore,. ;tet,nit to offer 'Yeti all. my sincere ecingraturagoes and 1 do, so with the hope that we Miall'have a. very sueceeefni dud pleasant ever toe, - th . ' • ' • •' eve ehaii vales 46E4., itnee'rely f•___' for us to wonder who shall be *ear- e'il' omem-ing "our old plug hate one hundred ur Midge, two very ,viger•ous r.froin ntee„. • bets of last year's e040011 in the per- son of Ex.Iteeye Lee ad Ex -Council- -* ''' *•'*--- . . loreltundieri • ... • During the pase. Year a. eeleiv Was Both these gentlemen gave willing- 'tweelea eneling at , grant to the A1ex4 lY *arid earnestte of their time and 'er'd'n marina and °enej'al • Ir°.sPitat their talents in the interests di 'the of $8*0•te talm'eare a a inortgasgP EtnIgn during" 01.0 year 1927 gloa their for that Ani°1int Oil this local institu- ridneet will be extrentely hard to .fill.-"tian• ' " ° • liowevere.We 'are 'pleased to wet= .• 8etuls tre-rstbr town,. for; tidy -Punt .noive baeli hi the council `Mr. Mull. ''"l'e'Issuect and '')1(1-* nii.4e. wee fel veteran in municipal Debenteree also,' cowling' the con. eimeeieneeelleving gone 'throuela all etenetinn a sewers built in the' Year the. atheas around. the council hoard. 1921 and following years weee. teed We' ate verv fortunate in having the nnd disposed of, the engineer hasling bonefit of .his, long, familiarity with • 1111411v made his long dolared report • if* town's business. on tide .work. . We ate•o welconie to a seat at our '. rn 1he-ieSSi°118 held hv the eaanty nuinivinal forum a now man in me; council in January and June the mat- Gt.& Geuld and we offer him congra- ter" of the new ceueeT valuation was tulations 40 the steenedd vote whieh token up and although a emnpromise he reeeteee'orehie first essay, into tee was arrived at, the new assessment - loce/ pelitiete ilele.‘e is a most urisatiefactory one for the We feel sure that, with his wide town of Gadevieh and is now entail - experience in tmeinees affairs, he will nig ail additional levy on the citizens bring the eininell excellent judgment of the towri of nearly $3000 per year. and will .give serious consideration to The towns and villages had no re. an matters pertaining to the welfare preeentative on the Board of Value - Of The towa.i - • tors and the result is a most unfair, la lobking around the council table, (burdenseine and vexatious. adjust- . I cannot help 'but feel that we shall meta Of value's!. all be loyal. one to the other. and . 'What remedy, you may endeavor that cue united endetwove will, be to take --if any—for what appears 'concentrated on the most helpful and to be a very serious discrimination: effitient service in the interests of in the matter of assessment, rests our town. • with you as members of the town . 4,, many -Years to come,. as bur-, Mitten,- Daring the past year our public rills' year. . ., • works department devoted its mime The Yea,cil..92::::::tand ,:ik: Itsr Britannia la Road, weterloo, W.ellini4- outerig ' the first week iit August,gies towards the , improvement of !,,.........ameeeemeeser..........resomeesseesromes and Wellesley streets, ,olso $t. Model Theatre''rgt's *' . Crescent. It will be the duty of the new ehairraan of publit works titevee that WEEK OF JAN. the work on these roads is coetinued ' 10 to 21 our wooer fiont, rroperly. After some further ;haus- teur t•eeve tied deputy reeve should »Uft it Wali decided t.41, bold the reete ljuilke A *Point to Awe that stonee fo i•iaateetiege en the first and third ouc credit web the eounty tor high- iereeke reemese th„ mono, wsy purposto is made available for "doriog the ninthe or jone. Juiy ape Uur greet'. Auguet. Ihrtro only et* We abia think that 'Cambria, Road litift per month i$ to be held, en the ieet a connecting link should:be aia.!„thiiii Friday. Various appointment wero lapt In fact we never eould understend nude. 'Motile. (. W. ekhaefer. A, , I wily it was dropped ae a county road ,e). MeLean and D. t:allow were sp. fter being taken on by the county 'leolutetx to the Board of Ilegith for i for a year or two. ,,,:-Ite year: Mr. J. W. Fraser to the G. they •ehould else sit that the vete> init., I, board for he yeare twee, ?go one ening of the hilirotel. leading to Salt,» ,n10; Mr. C. A. Reid to the Piedir Lib- Lford is proceeded with as moon as leetry Dowd for the yeats 192d, '29' ;weather eonditions permit. ' land '30; Mr. C. A. Nairn to the Rout - Our idle factories must engege our i'l; hie. Commiesion for the years 192ii erious and immediate attention. t,and '29: arid Movor trocEwaii to th building Ca. Should be seld and as The appointment of assessor and tile contents a the National Ship.1Alexandre. lioapital Huard for 1o2R. soon as this is done, wehll sabe inee collector for 1928; toid etivieery asses. position to,,kow..jesereeet....,e_Weeeee,''Vertpeeeeer was reetyred tet the do whir the :tltilditng§' themselres. 'finanee esiumittee *to report on at. Any help may be able to render next meeting, an amendment to thie . Mr. Ithelacker sbould be forthcoming effect carrying over the original ino. et once in order to get the Arteraft tion a covincOlors Munninge and Furniture Co. inal:r way ane r4 more. Bailie 'that Ur. IL Edwards be ail - It is -unneceseary to point out what; potato assessor. and collector for a tremendous asset these factories io„,,e,' would be t� all the citizens, if they• .. The making of.financial errange. . were•-emplaying• sayelOtt earetrie- wark. rocuti irt•the -bank' r foi lite year Was mein The first duty a our. tiro outwit- referred to the fimince committee. • A motion to pay . t tee will be the reorgaideation of the est on the O. W. S. the Janleinter. N. lt, 'Wilda guar. lire brigade. anteed by the town nraS passed, 4 hr - While ,tbis task is a Pressing nne, law to -Lie prenared and naseed. ' we do. not see our serious obstacles in the war of aD saetory and' rriving at a very sat. A •Irtter from the Fire Marshall,. ee. 27th1 etated he eras glud ifw;hated adeable' arraagemeitt. Otte fire fighters have reudered ex- to 'know the • disposition ...of the obi catgut .serviee in the past and el- cegalandietiloni11 : ilnegGaolddertinhiasiidretPo"ktnoa: though difficultiee have, at . thrum, that the.ehief ane men who eesigned arisen—now, With tile Preireeed 'kali othe fire marshal's depertwould continue tO act unto .re.orgau. f ment ization was etreeted, As the new ilte atid with a little diplomacy atid good on the coanni#40 woos. ne. , appointed . no todgmeut teee „e have 1M doubt the' the pro; 'Put of thn Pounl'ite.: doubt- at. 'the' Jan. Oth ineetirig, be bieni ean and walla solved at a stated he had arranged for Fire.Pre. earIvry ly date. ' : ' vention Engineer J. R. noble, IVA., Undoubtedly, our citizens • have eSeeiee"th(-leilweerate°40:4e. 02e" it.thiS011*.mV'eetinbero . , 'been„.somewitat disturbed td alarm.- of jan, loth, sad these °meets would 'ed, and it will be AM'ta the ennuill. 'give all the time neeeesarr 10 Ossist Loe to allay Wry Weeleteeon tbele Part by prompt .arid early tattlers.- the. committee in deterinining plans sOer town band which has,reinter- for the future, including the revision ^d sueir.commendable service during .a.,,,r'thhoe•.thoy.wnhalliSrk replied,40 this lee. Ceoteniiial Year muse be 'eneouraged end zmt"ed orino. the year 1928., .. ..ter stating dint he thought it -would ' We help. and 'belleee that their otiadaviek4ea.bfile,t:cm'gtelvlettetbee,tetent7to!biaoievi elorrdng at the.'TorOnto:.Eirtribon: ,thia 'year will eteeed their •highest :overeouditionsand get ..their!'hear. hepea, A good band is certainly orte inZhreofttxxertthothee.eclerk'sbillcUtterseanitithe van .poisibly r. f --the beet 'advertisoment$ a teirn 'Fiie meeshee, vetted le lent eaneened have. ,' - ' ' . go n di n g . eelebratien Of early preparations'fot having aneoute "nsicea io' "the lippointment for the 10th but the arrangement :ef• sorne. : . Thie year e' we should else' - melt POP • .. - r. • - .. '' . ' • . .0orninion, .datas .not dater than the 23rd ingtto avoidedelav and ineonveoience, ., ... Let , it be ,tiaiy, Goderioit Day aed. ' 'Mr, T, .1f. Iditehellearibrehe of the let *.*a Makea of'lluroMe • mal liolida.. " : _ , roe ...tee Vominien' Road Machinery Co, Ltd. ,whole County . Wrote with 'reference • tor the bond of . ,y , Dining the year' a, public levetoel" the eon:Many of $2094.41k with.inter, or rest room slioeld•be provided of .eesate.dialr°m'ar..0.'elirehtaehotte$341071:re04.3e,une suitable quarters can.- he found- and it the ,e0ee be not 0.caossive.. -, to provide' for PaYlnelie in the mean. ...-,.51ore .Street lights' ,ellould bh fur- time' iv"Ing to heavy -financial obli. aiehed in Certain sections of: thertoWn gatioos of the ,comPany at the . preti= also as it is by all oddS, the' Cheap- tot season, and •offeredthe following •otfered. • - . . elosed; ettly.lete $750; Aug. ast, $750; eettlement: Cheque .for, •.seee. ,es., tee. nolice protection whieh cen be seewever.. is , also Sept. - lst. $1000; ore :pOet'. due pay- 'sennhismatter,ewhatdepenilent on tho alnenn ments the eoinnany to hpaye intereet of-.ftnide teetieave f6e etteteee cepa.: .19. formerly.treTeis.efeetitefeeree -, to dituree. • ' ' ' • the &tam% eeininitte4. evith'iServer 'to Our finance committee sligold.Make '6°,t' It was 'stated, 'tli,4t,''' after the eta inneediate .eutveee 'a the . tOviii!Es 2*2'e$ent year, only '.i4r0 ,Yln.°6' Y94ri1. esanbss, • - ea vinente. are outsrending. . 'This work Should he dot**, -forth:. The ta.:,ii collector eepoited the fol. with, and should not be left until. the Twine' taxes paid from The. 15th to end of the year is iodating we' Dere aott,i, 1027: 197 ttor, $5,600.444 Our •overdeeet 'IMISt be. eery .fas,, 1927 oil. $187.42; 1020 •tax, ‘$67,44t terialiy reduced . •1020 •-oie el4.43: 10e5 'tax. $58.01; :. . . Arrangement will also . . a, have to be 1924.oil. $0.01; total.. 25:040.0. 'To mede for the issue nd sale ofthe . tal taxe.s on the roil, $e05.004.25; to. ei:soifs,thate, rtesoli; tieheetnree to take care of the. town's fel taxes ("collected,. 89089.38; ,dis ei. ewe, tese, peeeniene. -eount, $1,381,24: 'peitaltere $77.04; ' ar'• t - - beitig borne by '.reare, $10,P54.87.‘,-eT,hie was referred the ProVincial HighwaysDepart- the fihatice:committeRels:"7 meritbut tannot longer be earried'in : Notice of tee aneital Ooiiii Reads this way.. •' tonvention In Toronto Pelee 22,- 23 . Iway. r oak that all our verub'ers be and 24waeferred to the epecial :prompt in 'thole attendance at an ,eannuittee. Also the inattek° et Mir- meetinge and let- us makeit a point- ehase of 1928 dog tans. to 1* through with all our ' delieera- lie renuest fientt the ,Itolepital .for tions not later than' 10.80 p.m. ,' Sick Children for a- greet Wa•A refer - My best wishes ere with title Comered.to the finanee committee: di for 1928 An appliesatien from elriel. Carney . . etriking :committee, eensisting of ler permit to erect gernge on Col - Reeve Terneri Deputy nem eteeete• borne at . WeS referred to . the' fire end Councillors Cutt, Hale and Me- eonnitittee, and it was decided to ad- eean, was appointed and an adjourn. vertide that . buildirtg permit§ 9inua ment'of fifteenaninutes WAS made fot. be secured ;before- the building starts. the 'committee te &ate un the statid.'In' the .148t Veiy often application the 1108 been ,mado , when the werk Was ing committees of the countil for yea. . • • ethriady under way. or, sometimes, • The report ' of this emannittee wcompletedee' even' Five out of the seven Polling Sub-. edopted and the standing eatinnettees- divisions of the tiewn now have •over for the year are therefore as followet ethemee—D, c mumbles; et. ei, 300 oaten each and, on account. of 01,04 it. W. Craigie, 11. Turner and the stortnY weather on ••144Iew Year's 1V4eellailie. • Day, 1401e oePeeiallY in the morn - number •of • voters could .not Ptiblie Works—It. II. Clatt, Wm. 'ille'. a net*eve matey,. -e. Ne. eraigieo. n... .0411 their votes before the polls 'dos'. C.: Multnings. r • . . .ed' On necount of the riish in thecaf. Water, Light and Harbor -11. .terrioon, The law provides that new. Terrier. W. getout*. D. imptILL; 'moiling atibdiyhdomurmy leir erated varrichrint -dim-- -- iiii6vraiiiii-iii-over flii ,41 epeceeeetvek name it ...c efun sub -division and over 400 is no:, al. „into. et., reenter, 3., iv, ceeigic one lowed. In aecordence .veith the Bee. Deo. Gould. • tion of the act the elerk artre notiee • Fire—w. meLean. 11., . Turner, i) that polling eidelivisions Nos, 1, 2, 3, 4 end 0 had over e,00 voters. • Voutror 'Sproul, U., ,C., Mornings, IL If. Cott. s Cemetery end Parks -4. W, Crate five mere nellinAubiliviniontire g il, sprout. it. Toner, wee ;vale needed culd the speeial eonalnittee is •lie :Ind . Gould. asked to look into the matter and re. Deo Market—Geo, Gould, J. W. Craigie, Pert ..1 0. sprout, w.. efeLean. and le re mon. Mayor littieflivan Said 00110 effort should be niade to getbetter mail ll'ilmeirtet' :of RevisioneeD• Sproul O. erviee in to Oodernit in, the morn. efiould, Wift.• Railie,, R. 11. Cutt inti`V. ing. and UelnitY' Reeve Craigie elle.- MeLeen. • ' . . gested that a more to put on a teuek . ,,e,,oree discussion took pines as tft orviCe between Stratford and Gode. the reguler meeting eights of the rieh might bring the C.- N• le to give council. '-Froto . time immemorial better serviee. Toronto mail arrived these have been on the first antPthird in Stratfoid early end it was the late veitior eeeninte of the month. train service from Siratford to Gods - rich width wade it impassible to get a letter anearered and the answer out by mail the name day the letter wee reetived, Thin le " to be looked into: Councillor McLean Spoke of the condition of the Itighwaya. 'the cut - titer out of the, stow drifts on the pavement -left high banks on caeli side. When the, email amount of We are eoW'einbeilied on thir*.seel• end' hundred' YearS of lour' existenee A-101V,n.but'l am afraid it may be -.ether o wistful and itile'spetolation Entries wanted for Amateur 'Nights !New steps to the harbor were atio MONDAY ana -TUESDAY totea the foot of,,Welli»gton striltt and off Cobourg street down towaids • C01.1.1MX MOORE • •the C. P. R. station. in the madcanping comedy climax of; A new band sthnd was ereeted her 'careerSeo. her Put.th „e Alf- Square whieti was a credit to "rt-OneheFAO-4 nVaShliOt-aenaoir"-ts-stteyo'arvoiairoirk-5am-TcarikrcbrnytjiTtrtce. nlec?Yfl/it Is s!le nangbty?j For the coming year, a great deal zErtun't 'eskt" .• of work confronts this year's council; "NAUGHTY IWT The Goderieh,Trettiog and Pacing MiqtlefAID COMEDY Association have asked ihe cOuneil • '"Stiftlt CURE° 1.to submit a Bylaw for a new grand • • stand at the agriculturel park. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY" This will, therefore, be np for eon. CLARA BOW • ".siderotion at Mr early date. the „,ineteorie It" ,gir1 104 the bell' You will ..rhe aekedi also, 10 go again ae the • belle Ofllroadway.ealleail with the coestruetion of Ode. Other stars may be pretty 811d-446...W0p on nuMber of streets that dilating but Clare --.-he ktiOtrs her bOve beer? petitioned for. "it." e A new ett of new eteps will on. °ROUGH, 00111E ROBI,E" dottlitediy be requ1reri at the' foot of • 'CHRIBTIP, -COMEDY •• Wittetloo street,' • "6000XPLESII" Tire imreltaise of the Pork Itottee ' Property and other properties over. • FRIDAY awl SATURDAY lookzngthe lake and elver will de. •“Titit filevilere se.DDLiee Mend your attention. rten propatf�s will hao to be portrayskleby an fdl etar east, Is ono acquired now or 'the thence' Will he of..the pertatairding outdoor pictures lost for all time. of the pet. It ei a First National Sortie additional Ion4Ia,t, Maitland ), • ....)tiVENILE romEnit cemetery 'will 'have to be parebased 1,11111101-4.? WYV” or else the •front or southern rase sof MI:Abler Bat. at 3,011 p.m; rile cemetery will 'require to be Stir* plote. trees Met out and at- WrelNIIHR ON VIE wisr Otlert"Ycd de rangements MafOr the sale of lots N'ITT, IIFID ON JANITAPY 10' m that settioe. A separate "In and Our reed ehould he go longer delayed, mile: to the danetr eausiel by the ahnomt OCCIEISiVO VAN of automobiles. The fcter in front t)f tho pr,c)/3nttr looted also La completed al emu) •ns ) etteithl he lert 1.1 inipiettilning C;;A:f. to n lII hr 11044 on th3l herbee go ete toe 1111‘11Dav. JAM. 21111t re,1(x fir e t, It WON b. row stied !: ,rote , m nt Motor RugPhyH Martin. Silverware r, J. Stott Pereelator-Mona liavrieen Table Lenin- John A., )(Skill Chef:1400e Set - Mttry Tobin Dread Ti•ay . etre., -Wm.. Tamen Fauce Pam -- ftetf y McKenzie i f, 4 rq, IN -roger - - A MG, !WW1 Al, 1;Trir %ITV; Councillor Itailie arked if it wall nee ecelary ' to hare two: meetings a Month. Towns tilat +teased's , gat ,along • 4-fitli olie..-snid int Idowitorlit-nin_, _meet- ing a ,:eitotith. .elt thie5 first .,.. relliitie • would 4htl' *lifit.efint, '.1leel;1, -11'ItTIMC, , suettested that hy hslehA flte twelve mitber tneetings and colt 1 meetine an the raw night, the extra night • e„.h eneeteee now, be aeoideft mnow left en tile pavement meted e„-veni zooktr'n the 'ion undue; eerie ("emelt ,r (reef ea,Jetted that tkta sleighs could not travel- on the rive. , , "'" inept and the high Lanka of enow on ,ms,./ fe„ Neve, „ .. nr,,,d,.41 that, tin» each tdde prevented turniug out. Ae ,•t, (haulm a result farmer° who would' travel by 'their ways to 0, ^ ihe bmenee,. „it the Highway ,.lo Gadericla could not !,.fmn,,T,.., are eeence latom . Ittt Titre with their bog chi!ealente. Ph or e, al v ., rote poem. poi. t*e. eemeeteee teeeti,,, eetutteuor elle. eserecseel the nein. "* &AI that the teem ventril rtmld uot (tr., , ,.',,I.,„te,"3, hi:‘,.:„....1 "Nr:" tr...1:tili,„*;In r ....b. The reater 'vas a eteeltteet ';'ee' .•" -..'-' ' -"" 4." ".m. " ' ' ril""'"7,.. eoetittere inre,aitc,1 in erne, lecall. ' eft e'",),' ' ''',,,e -f e' e'lr''",,e're t...ite tee feetcenerat ilea aislliint, .,.,,,11,1 ,,,we rie.. Ow, h!'•,'1' .11" fl Y. ty..., 87". "'"4 . 61 elm"bteftteli v 4';''''lf! U-9 IL,' ri10,5;);;' CuaS2E:idCd tka, OM cP SPECIAL VALUES ,‘ in Ladies' and Children's Inter Weight Underwear Ladies' Comfy cut Vests* A all sizes, each, only 7 Ladies' Short Sleeve Vestsigti heavy weight, each onlyvoC Ladies* All Wool Vests, in comfy cut and short teevesseIling at 5 and si 50 Lidies"Alt Wool Bloomers,ia per, pair si si 25 and si A few Child's Sleepers in iare sizes, reg. $140, Clear. ing at per suit Phone 86 .11•1111•11.1111•116, BBE T " R T E CASH STORE ..••••••• keeping of. the Highways open W48 dainty lunch was served by the os largely an experiment, rind, no doubt, tess. in, time the beet solution would be found,LANES Couneillpx. Munnitigi siild that '0.0 ' Miss Mary Ilaeltett spent thoweeke doubt the matter would be discussed end with Mrs. Harry Iteekett, , by the county council. Ho thought Mr. Spent* Irwin rent 'the w•eek. open was rather a detriment than. rt- Miss Lena Hackett, of Wawanesh, benefit to Ooderieh. 'spent the week -end at her home.' !rho Meyer pointed out that there - Miss Cameron, of Whigham, is rie wire as many farmers using Cars as iting Inc sister, Mrs. Wm. Twandern ittiern people ect that.% was -not a tette I Miss Wald is assisting Mrs, D. E. al vs. urban quetitien. . 'Alton with household 'duties at pre*. ',Bylaws ;authorizing the borrowing int. „ of the money to pay the E. 13. We are earrr to report Mrs. Oor. intereet •and :confirming.the appahlt-• don Ritchie not -as AS her many mnts made Una*, Beard of Health, friends would wish, e: • -held tit this ti it • previoesly having them at •"Sete ent date. A cordial Invittitl te4 • tended to ererYbody 'in the etotgritgee.e. tion to attend this meeting. 'COLBORNE the attempe. to keeP tho Higinvar end with frknds neer. Auburn. Presentatione-nrs. 1ron, ,t(rs was taken by surprise ler nesday owning when ber orendebilditen taut great irr an went to her. horn9.. as a zirretritair. party to help eelebrate her :t*idiSgt osencoonode. bthirethoxdoottly,d'etlird.venl:trwriiaoat:Ogv. following addreSete Ded Geandina,.-4t is but onee rear. tince we assembled WORT Cid)egince Institut, Library and ltere.,Sora Sherweod is seenditle 4 eiT;Iiitint.firstellx;tAbteda'yw:4hte.;:a''tgmlit ju Ileusing bods, weft passedeaed the few weelta with her daughter, -Mre.iehihireh audgraedehiniren council adjourned. •• teelie Ritchie, of Zion. , Mr. Jim Sherwocel returnee Verne :t ,Pkw, 'to:. Detroit on 'Saturday lettwlth his after err. Si iletiedAlen4114.tteuit.with.-e'efeentlise"pPa.emilnd-tinightehiee%•Zia tw.c' W"hs' 10.„ Maetieb 214111,,,-.Ce1ilfer4 Itaeliett...is working at Mr. Chas. Itolieletson has gene to Bert Ti...eleaven.e. at P,:eive We hope 'Toronto t,o atterel.sonte,meethigs. • 'Trejeaven , seen bo feeling TrUSIer, Saeltatoon, is visiting, le. and Mrs. Jarvis lrieUride and other relatives. , T. Wilsre ihiFried tiv'eietire' of grandeltildeen 44 come., Again 0 Celebrate with i lorieimii roe titude the eighty-second mini of youv birthday on&-againfir iiirmitaini., Thne 014 brings' so many eluttre* yee Of their respect, honor 124t emeetee. itil again. better and able to de big IA% workon. perent and grairiparteer,, ,• Yon. Ic"eueare the same thee wale bee brtioght Ito • apparent -door 4', ilackett'S thatch, Sunday 1 1 ' lour heerts are full of gratitude talko 8e"°- )0trer Of all good gifts' for .1de stock this--Weele- for 'the Colborne 444` 4,,nd reeeene..hehl: the,it'Prt,,nat i.ile6t.,* kindness irL leaving you with mae ;el in elle. easement, or -the .cuuren lig wig! yoil. win you oaMit if:Atts pormera,. club. , .. last Thursday evening. There woe a, to learn of the death. of Mrs: tae year Vaa Oull pLeteoland rieto Om* , r . - . , q . . 4,.., o 1 ankete, n linen tablecloth, gyro._ oi: eill. ond Wool hose, (Kesel*** kr 2*" '121 .emall blftliday'preseat,,ra)out'igf goOd ettentiance %and Alio -huainees of ' the community Whe deeply grired 1 - — . ---k i r ' Orden oo jan. 5th at ManitAolia'n ' : ' . ... _ _, i---....... ....... .1 . „ I W.02 "rs °Ieeted i°1' th4 ......e°"'ing Y'ar" Dorothy liell-One of the great towel. W. M. S. of Smith's Hilt helGonAmcn TowNstirP I 6116") “nd this Is •5111447j fa *''' their regular monthly meeting^ at the The district charter of the Orangei ' i ' i Mind 'You of our continued lett- mill ' - The ..d Order held the annual meetiug awl aur aillme w sh thttt Y" 1112W 165' although the roade were -bad, there 10. at, Riverston L: O. L. 145, home of Mrs. Chas. Robertson and , election of eine.ere ea • eet . TuesOne Jan. was a large gathering, • A very in -1 teresting paper was given by Mrs. thy will mein the home of *MrsIL The Ooderiela 'Pp. Hospital Auxil. bleared many -years to ate. Signed on behalf of youe chifeeitece granileltildren and greatgranikel:41- ais on stablishing the Indiau t„ ealkele, Colborne St., Coderloh, rem Church." A YerY bountiful tribute Thursday. January 19th, at 2.80 Then was sung "nor Mies a vas paid paid to the memory of Airs. Al- I The Urdort rtrdted church will bo0171ditsGefeol'IN:esdi:ae;alivadnw(tienhrel:ntbpetirah.yefteddifttbilurlenne'thtelTri:: len Green, whoewas formerly an net: the annual meeting and election of hours In the morning. The ire member of the society, by the de- officers for the year in the church on vgis then over by the singing of "INeli dietitianof the hymn, 'W*iI there be Friday evening, ennuary 13. The any stars in rny crown," to her mem- annual meeting and eleetion oil- heo4vritainlinslettthteill! ve tnetlt Robertson. - After the meeting a Young Peep/eel Society will aleo be .tetliernelYyonniegeet'Y°Pilld,lireellOrntoathstt orY, by Mrs. W. Walters and Xrs• 0. tors for the 'Sunday school and • . • **we* tteerepriti.earaireiftestswellittrenegeraserereVieeseraftletelEfe inter Clearing Sale ur Entire Stock ot Ladies'and Misses' Dresses MUST BE SOLD Todo this quickly, we have made Wonderful Price ReductiOns' on our entire stock. • Dressei, Regular $21.00, for $13.95 Dresses,' Regular-$17.sar for 411:95— Dresses, Regular $15.00, for $9,75 - Dresses, Regular $14.00, for $8,85 All Children's Presses at Clearing Prices'. Regular $5.50 value, for $2.21; 4 CO AT S A few of this season's Ladies' and Misses' Winter Coats These will he offered at Greatly Reduced Prices. -9 Coats, regular $27.00, for $1$40 •SALE STARTS FRIDAY AN I .„. and will continue forlwo'weelis.' " .•.•++••.*** Our Motto: "Good Service, Small Profits and lb Turnover Saunders' Ready -To -Wear and Dry Goods Store EAST SIDE OF SQUAW, GODERICIL 44 1; e".