The Goderich Star, 1928-01-12, Page 2•1• r?4, !to Ak te t I THE GODERICH STAR alult - You may not be a,ble to get "SALADA" Orsimpa Pekoe Blond hi ,y store, but most soled groom mil It A groaltmany people do not mate that seeds a tea Is en the market "SALADA'" is much ties bead Orange Pekoe Blend you can hwy. 11(1 11 II 01IAPIGE PEICOE 64, STIP A .903sit JuNr stialsrzuw •solovianois S:atea Imessing, for action, the committee thought that the Canadian Government should express its read- , favor or improvpurntof thq ratter- iness to enter into negotuttwas for WA' , it ICAO stated folloWinc :a two- joint development,' end ;void wel- days- dicettssion of the engineers' re- come some intimation from Washing-. port at Ottawa. It was also learned ton as to wbat proportion of the ;i lb members of the conunitteo that •any cchcrne undertaken Would ba in •eo-operation with tbe United States, rather than a purely Canadian devel- opment. The committee • la 'under- stood to be diaposed to recommend the construction of a eeaway -whose cost will not prove too burdensome s�Ur Tnstead zinals CO ft. depth, the' comMittee is co/udder- ing 27 -foot channel, white an initial electtical• installation capable of vo. • diming 1,400;000 horsepower •would - wet all requirements in that respect ra some years to come so far as On. l'arie and Quebec voneerned, hi. view of the fact that the United' Nicaragtpus were lulled. This lit. merit loohing to the conunencement tle war+ le being severely, criticized of actual' •conartation. Provision, kr members of both Houses Wnsb- • might be made in. the estimates for 'ington the charge being made that ?Milt preliminary work, but the ne. it is being waged on helutlf of the • settiation of a teetitY cannot be ae. "big interests,' although the paeifi- atempliehed in a doY, and "tin3 turn- cation program of the United State iltle ',fan first sods' may not be wit- is being owlet' on with the consent nati*1-beforei 1,920. of the majority of both political foe- ' U. S. Has a Little War thins in the war -tort little Latin - 1 Lindbergh'e '""good Amerietin republic. • •- aoimit Canal revered Tile National Advieory Committee on the St. I,awrence ie definitely in Till RSDAV, JAS. tab, 19211. telaya fee whet eee Saskotcheviiiirt, Atheruo, lottheeet the rioronti, Movie 1,r..trA li control. Saca,a N,ova Ft Mattitobe and British 'fteie )(tittle to one, ' tieeed. tee revolutirea on the groaraliot;olumaia„ the (-rdtr mimed, , Ottawa awl Morateal %tee ii111".3 thit wol the ccnstittaional peeel- !Abetters Hine With Prisice 5usesFful at the gainee again',t dent es...a thee, the cengreeeleaa1 dee- tien WW1 %.17'3 Megal. When the Liberal etwolutioniste Six rorm ego, r weal, :',+,e,ve lora Anierleans end I. 'lei wi tied at least tee yeata for his 'Bruh2F rasaaetivela. and Ina/ tie lei ) Oveel cbtra'incd conlyol of tke ca,--. coar,i„ ,PiAro''''reaz. tile prkiac.": of waatto' ai 3 din, Seng nk-s, 110,1p..4-02, haw filo ii.;,ti.,. r , /illacilekle, to "protect Arneri2ara Siti:C3 ; f .., . . ) t 4 i An Eeglish rugby fifteeu lief t atmere (ate ti. wee mat le jeans , 113:nit4 StQt•Q:3 icIlleed iilath'c3 a' ner the Prince gave last vieek to SiAl goal average. llotel pi:ore:ay.' !tile New Seutb. Weles viaeiea at ea ri ' The Pree"at erratiorte ef tTee lifaxe3' I, __r,.. (.,,.. ,,,, ee __ . , -, The eateeoe with the longest, sev.. Al4ekettbaro, F,ngTand, QVCV Eile U a d eeatro elaeinee are egainet • . vice la Janice, Adkiue, whe at ton wcelaend by eighteen points to elev. was a faro* boy egmins,- feur pence a day. At 'a hi) walho tWO Mlles a • day /so wort. ' Afelean farmer, famoas as a long - eta elepie eeee, hee ,i -e„ „al a_ the league with 20 peints eaata Teo - Augootivie Senaina, a Trebel leader. lie, with about 1,000 followers in the it) prcpering b Wee stub. ',era rerietancea . • Woke Eleven Girls 11'13o controversy as to whetizer„ or not evoteee will attect human beiries ayqui ecepeued ne the reeidt of a deepateh frora Budepeet to the effect that eleven girle.were Lined and eat. en by 'hirager-triadclened wolves driv- en front the Carpathian Mountaina by heavy snow nod extreme cold. Rune (keels. of the animals are reported have taken refuge in the valleye ricer the tOWPS. In Camillo. every winter there are reverts from various places Of lonelY trappero being kil- led, or 'hi Emile eases Merely pursued en. The genie was played before 50,000 fans on a perfect ground, Attliur Newton. oneetime South Governor Not Impressed distance ruinier, staged offe of the Geverner Sraith a New Torii was most extraordinary endUranee feat9 not greatly impressed with the pleas ever .hehl in Great Britain last Sat'. of psychiatriets that Mrs. Lath Say - der wee "in a twilight zone of limit* 41evactorraesuaseite4111111;yt"s5atnilo juthadat otritaers,c; "absolute lespriasilality" when they killed the wolitatO hUaraild with a sank weight last Sprinta Tho Pair. idirtleath in the electric chair next Thursday nigr. at Sing Sing unlese aotee unforeseen move 00,01e eert of their lawyers larings 'a *stay of pro, ceediegs. Mrs. Snyder, it was point- urday, when he ran 100 nuleea from twenty-tevd minutes and ten seeont19. Booldt.it 'to liondont in fourteen- hours, of fourteen hours eartd7forty-theee Ile beat the 100 -mile amateur record minutes, Newton is torty4ive :years , e Johnny Curley, British feather- weight, defeated Tommy Barber, Australian 'featherweight champion. in a fifteen -round fight at Sydney, New Saitth" Wales; last Saturday; Lee "aeton, retained the position a out, had euffered a severe sun-, by welvee, 'but Suet os •frequentlY ed the United Statee ia prepared to pale cow demote. from leen who have stroke 4E, a girl, and in that way had leader of the, first division of the pen len ves el, e te- tb 411 f Wet her sense of responsibility. Flugiish Soccer Lague on Saturday It was pd that Canada, t • ' quented by wolves, that any such Governor Smith thought, it strange bY defeating Middlesboro. cases 'have ever (worm& that- no claim of insanity had been ' made at the trial. Tehacto 'Exports Increase ebould twist upon retaining aheolute control 0 the upper and lewer e00 - tions of the seaway, which Pre in Canadian territory, -while Agreeing to joint control of the international see - tion Great Ploode In 014 Londott In a report leaned 'by the Canadian . Deportment of „praao and comma= The flood situation in the south of England during the past weelt wits It is doubtful if inn& will he aerie it is ehown that the export of Cana- one of the worst in history, and, mem- at the epproaching session of Parlia- dian grown tolmeco in ehe fiseal year I flight' into Morava. appears to 1927 was thirty times greater than IV as it did slinrtlY after heavy ,have been poorly timed 'coinciding as in 1921. Six years ago the total ex- snmtorms and ie Y cad winds. Celle', „ed Mueh suffering and ninny deaths It. did with an armed 'clash 'between port a Canadian tobaeco was 200,14a the poor peoi?le, The River United States matinee and ni'oree of Vounde while In /927 it wan n,840.972 inineng Nicaraguan vehele ia which Jive Am- pound valued at 82,009,20q, Nine- Thames attained a "height of *ix feet above the riormal high spring tide erica= and an Unknown number of tea:tine per cent. of the tobacco ex- oortea front conado went to the Brie level, the highest rise ever known, tish•Isles. mal spread lgolatiore from London to • the sea, It was Only the shift of dere' i ble dates from B. C. Sheep Brea . W hangs the windthat SAVO thousands of Two farmers' a Buntingdon, b1- Londoners front -death. As it watt, tisk Columbia, A. C. Stewart. and L the river burst through the stone de - e, 'unison, recently won over 100 , fences, of its enibankmente in the Drizei with bO head, of sheenentered heart of •tbe capital and caused a Agrieultural shows held in the„.deatia-toll of fifteen. More than r,- States of Washington and Oregon, 900,009 worth of valuable vvorks of to additi,on to the high scoring mede.art, inohnling the collection of Tarn - by MeaSrti. Stewart iutd Iletrison, 28 or's slcetches, the greatest, known col - 112%117 wta:h:rattbe _mom. es head of sheep entered a the Agri. ,lection of any ereent artist wer d vivo edthartmt tater /8 years ot oc. Fultarus I Show held ,at Salen1,00regOn; Stkoyed viten tlie flooded ;Tater: hie: UMW" TO0, 0-elLeVai Chamorro, the de- PrattrItz—f.eaes:Itnetreelui7nffeeSatalliNris, 111; :WW1 — Vaded +the ground floor of the famous 1111111LY mow 904,tiop. with the marines out, or . fo e amnions ups Tate Gallery• • feated presidential candidate, over- ' -" od d • • - e areas in Sineey and Rent , . Ake. Weimer Ley.' Dreeltenridgc, Ithrew by force the Solorano-Sacassa Canadian Hogs to• New Zealand .:extended over a distance of many Uritesteeatt toed to lame emit 'etoe•erntnerit. The United, Statee,.in A shipment of sac began type, pure agitate utiles, while in Berkshire the OW in IV bach T 041 beadle do My onformity with the Central Anitele bred swine /rem -Canadian. ferule haft Watt Wan-niter,filte feet deep in parts elm treaty, refusedto recogniee recently been made to -New Zealandowl the Xing'3 Bighwalt 'VMS imPae- Chamorro, 0010sta-welled, and Vice- ',.rhree of tho hogs were Canatilan ,sahle. The grounds of the King's GOES TO THE ARCTIC work. The Woot Was my noshing when I had to bend over the tub. 141 tried a, pent ionny t(outilles, but Ske„i`tlitiol seem, to do am much good, 414.1t friend of mine bad used D00017*. *gray Plum and told vie hoar melt goo they bnd ilorse lune 1 only -need thew thole time Ana found * *teat botia'sttduer Pille da not *et en • tha.hoitels and it a laxetive i othded we. would *remelted, the use •of Mbuirt's taxa-Liver2tie. IL vial ttt all denier& • t Pflee1470e. a box at OAN all theatre or mailed Illiert on receipt of prieo by 'rho T. Mil: barn. Liedtetl, Termite• Ont. CHAS. BLACK The Leading Men's Outfitter Phone 219 - , - —• gilt cash regiatera and steam heat. e have .etirmIcinted the wood of.the rural population of thtiatien, stove, the ma -ended nail aw, the cracker bar- * Outdocir Rinks for Kiddies I the wanliditttihe°reedriLL°.°dIfilltY'lpharlicleYstvi;°111 Vie heli(eAvirtf°111a.dt'llthiler"trot)vn corancil of the euildeep gods .2if OOmmerce to. ,.. destroy this institution, it will be to _.--..„. ,..........„—=-7----- The great loss and with great regret ;fa 1440....00. ... le . „.......... .. •:it .- • . heal 1 0,70.0.°44co... ill,04."'"011ois aeliettif Pliii; Wedding sirr -re top' That oidd STOP it before it gets Ott to your chest. Peps, the breathealile medicine in handy tablet form, will save you from 'flu . and bronchitis and quiddy dispd any cough or Old. Peps search out every enemy gerrn.. t eugtle ht Windsor were eon letel 4kint IAN for*. President Sarea$30.0 With the ouPPor type Ilerkshires, witreh ;were owned P Y of the Liberal witty, elainied to be by ituff Buen, atidgefown Onto' imifulated and Vontown became an the head the Republic,' A Conger.. and were prize .evinners' at the 1927,1,08nd. • —a, , votive groats baeked Gen. Diez. Royal Winter' at Toronto. The The Rause of this elisaster fir Attri- At a. peace, emeevenee aboard the fef h buted to three faetorg 'w'orking to- 1.1S.S. Dena r eto e , ), s an a ar, pu ase cin- e 0 r 1920 tl e v a bo tail It. 0 gother: flood Watere front the melt - American observer was. reported ae taro soul Quebec nveeeteee., frhte le ling stow and ce o the reeent , saltnerting Dian as a eomptom4a0 the first yeitreiri which bogs have tard sweeping dOwnstrearn; a strong ltrniattetitro.bericvett tGbezn dal/gel' eN'il candidate. The ,,Sseasa Lab- heen imported into New Zealand from gala blowing uPstream, Which hent t Di Th N A i lel the water from. flowing freely to the W. E. B. Boare of the Northwest Territories and Yukon Branch of the BePartment et Interior, will leave for the frozen north..to survey the existing conditions among the. e ale 'Wiese to neeeP ork, orth met ca s ne 010. isea, mid an unusually high tide whieh onto month Chnniorre wom Our Big Potato Crop 1 'After a 'brief interim a sPecianY The total potete ertro of Canada a t4) VithdrMit% ixatsed the level of the flood. eonvened rongress ,eleetea Dia& and 11021 is.,nst,traated at 79,880,000 bush- t Sport In General it)( Vatted States inuitediatele eeefrom t72,281 aeree. Quebec was l he Flylog rtettelatell continue td. hand, 4ecognized Suwon. - 'Canada in 1927 with 23,625,900 bush. league table with thirty-two cognired him. Model), Ott the other the largest Producer of potatoes in coary all before them, and th,y, head .1 Ilia% has since welcomed American els, Ontario next with 1,7,020,000 bu,' Points against the Ottawa Senators' 00111 and appealed fop .4 ge0.000 with 7,368,000 bushels; • theft New 20. On Saturday.' the pattadiert$ i)e(:ia• at wen s o artuar Groceiies ma cites 3 boxes for. .,• ..2 P & G Soap -4 bars fers.....2 10 barsofor... .40c 'Ma'am's Own Soap -25 bus for Baking Pow/der..,McHwen!s__ "No altun"* 1 lb. tins. .2' Fry's,Bakees or Cowan's Com coo, large tin, each.... :•25c Corn Flakes ; --Sugar crisp,, 3 for.... ********* Seedless Raisins—Best qua- - .1ity, 2 lbs for. ......25e Fresh Shelled Walnuts, not •broken, per Canned Corn, good quality, 2 can for ......25c Catnips, *art's, reg. 254 fer48*44444......20c Catalpa. pints, reg. 154 2 pinta fr.. . Alto, Our Best, reg. 12%c lb. for, ... • • •••••• •••100 Ailmor &los, can.. 84884810r .1Compbell Tomato Soups, 2 for.— . • ....... ee,.25,c Itaspber),7 or Strawberry - .1am, Jar.... ....Mk Fresh Mixeti Cakes, to chit. at, per lb... ........ .200 O'Cedar (*large 50c size, for...... 4Io41. *854804* IA &Cedar Oil, 25c Bottles,' for, • ... • " .3. Tea Black Tea, Bulk, reg. •70c„ for... .... ...... . ...45c Black Tea, Bulk „our 59c Special, for.. .... otempotoiNweemeeteetlitiemsemomememotkeemiteiheiiieeithoesuom:r Tobacco Donald's Briar, 2 plugs, for cDanald's Chewhtg, 2 plop for— ....40 ....... McDonald's, Briar, reg. 20c„ • 2 pings for ........350 MeDenald's Clkesvhtig, reg. 2.e. 2 Pings for ..........35c Other Brands, reg. 154 2' for........23c Square China Dinner Sets, reg. $25.00, for„ 004 0-844 Dinner Sets, reg. $35.00, for *084 44**********0•4044$30400 Fancy Pieces of China 0 off reg. prices. Men's Heavy Wool Under- wear, reg. $1.50, for....$1.25 Men's Fleece Lined Under- • wears, reg. $1.00, for......75c Pure Wool Factory Yarn, , per lb., Special Men's Overalls, reg. 400, for Bath Towels, -reg. 50e, 'for .c) 4888 *000*4 ........ .. . ... 82e Linen TOWtiliAlf, reg. 20c and 254 per yard, ter...15e Flannelette. reg. Sic and )Sc per yard. far. ..20c Pure Vita& likuticeta, resr.110 and $10.00. Spodal. PAO A large assortmeat et Givrea and lilitta„ at Seselel PrIees. si. J. McEWEN Gode rich, Ontario VV11.A.T OTHEItS SAY l'itose Who DO Kato' The men Who do a towiniore harm than good are tliase•who oppose ime provereent; run it down to strangers; dislitetst public spirited men; show no hospitality to afiaone; hate to gee •others make money; oppose every inoVelnernt that does not originate with themselyes; get on long fates when a person gpeaks of locating itt their town; oppose everypublic ea- terpriso which does not, appeal, to personally laefit themselves. There are•some men horn with the idea that it is their job to grease the axle of the world and keep it in running or. der but SOntehOWI when they shullie off, there is not the slightest quiver nor eetbeek in theprogress of ,the town. . Passing of the Country Store • Midland Trilime) The eountry store is passing. It is going to join the covered wegora the town pump and the ox team. Thou- sands of them stilt keep their old es- tate, but in other tlionsande glitter- ing fixtures, plate glass showcapes, Pidgt tt4 geodadi ky a Otto laelert Safer and 00r0 , A44 drotmliism *wow; 'NOV, 25e. SOX 35 If you want to Soo - ON NEW or USED FURNITURE PEAL. AT: HAROLD BLACKSTONE'S: FURNITURE EXCHANGE On the Breadwai ar Goderich Bunches, Floral Work, etc, on short notice. GEO, STEWART, Florist Phone 105 Bruce Street The'WeA Street Electric:1 Shp Ne,a1g.°sto Eiec,rwAipidt Fixtures, etc. i c. • We spc.aliii Wiring of All Kinds ,. Estimates -given on •aptaation — AU Work Guaranted Prank McArthur Phone 82 • West Street 411K OMINI116. ammokaa.n. •46•1.04.0•••••1011•01111104~1.1 StaRritgTte:NBeuu;Yatea ROBINS and save 0 to '30 per. cent Rectuctiona bn all lines during JANYARY NI ROBINS ..1.11101.0.11011.....116.11111.I • • • emeo.moromo*.orra*mmwr oroorimial.f ommirmabomb • 'judges of Good Bread Agree on Smith's Better Baked Bread Their quality is uniform. • They never fail. Try our Chbp-Suey, WholeWheat, Brown or Rovis Bread. Phone 184 E. G. SMITH wet"--77—ive; Suclaca earterkenciesa orient call - Gt. ready casRsicyou have it you do not neea to worry. Prepare For such occasions hy 'matting up an interest-bearing Savings account in the Bie4KOP MONTIWL,witiat protects the ..„ saving* or many &Oneonta* or Canto:tiara/ From one end thist Dominion to the otter BANK OF MONTREAL 11•44 Moots In ones* ii$3.1440%1/414‘ Efttabliihsti