The Goderich Star, 1928-01-12, Page 1•
Salad yeas ~nay sad Mishit—
haws yaw Sishactiptions with
tv Aid) atar
'Sub:caption-. $2 a year in Caws& GODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA, TIIURSDAY, JAN-I:ARV 1Ii 192s
12.60 * year to V. S. points.
A Cal.nd-r for 1928.
To Sorrerrierilior "was
assi gat a STAR CALENDAR
ire Committee Holds Meeting and Asks Engsneers from the Fire Marshall's Office to Come to Weed Next Week
Sun Life Assurance Go. of Canada
• afhe Sun If Aseuranca Co. oT:ne„many attractive forme of poll-
vong these are; Monthly income eerele. Peneien Investment
ehmtuities, Life Annuities with Death ¶3e eft :en* Prem-
ien; Life, Educationel Endowments, Tc.vo-year, Endowmento, Joint
Life Insuranee; etc.
Consult us With r gard to eny ofethese plane.
•Phone 115
H. R LONG, Maria Agent
ea. ,
N0110E-I have opened up the Bing I
Edward 11IJ1DI s(obl*.s.1nHtIn
street as a livery*, sale mai reed earn. Herm bke Bow At How
end white and cedar. The 'bride
W. T. Mat.P.AN -.
wag twenty-eighth annul at home looked charming in a frock et ivory
of the Huron Old -Rive' AssoedatIon Liberty satin, and shoes and hose to
.of .Tarontt...will be held in the Temple match, Mists Nellie Ileyles was her ANTED. ---A quantity of 'Niangoids.
oullomie. *armee, on Thursday even- tridesmeid and was attractively
T t Aoaiy p. te Rex
• ea big, ;an. 26th. or Mem, 531,
, " gowned in cored crepe -de -chine. Mr.
Goderfeb. • '
Walter Johnston was best Men. Af-
PIRMIDN WANTED. Ladies' Bowling' League Forming. ter the wending suPper, the evening
— • A ladiees bawling league is heme was spent in cards and music. , •
no.• torlikceabti.ouisthe jvilitwbse.; ireieweis4'egpTePanies formed with- the prospect of quite a - , ,
;lumber of teams, A nteeting Wats Open meeting m NIKKO Hsu
must 'live within the tire limits. •
.1. Fe MUTe.11, held on Tuesday•evening and organ'. -Under the auspices of the Canadian
Seety Fire Doi, zation of the 'alone teens is going Club , of Godericie Me. Grattan
-4-•'''' on preparatory to drawing up a eche- O'Leary, of Ottawa, will give an ad-
' elute of suttee. arose' in MacKay Hall on Tuesday
g 4
fro liENT.-Six-roomed eottuge, all
•• Fire Comm1V
ittee Act- , •
,a- e n irct eu 1 0 n ee s, Apply to Il. t., - ._,e Iic Mevening, January 117th,, on "The Pub.
O rOlitiehirOi." Mr. O'Leary is
einteetneria. A meeting of the tree committee of well equipped for such ar, address,
--- - - — the town council was held on Tues,-*
FOlt SALE.-Ferm at RV mos of land d . night a ,..... i 4,‘ „ having been a nu !IOU of the Press
with first-class bundinge else an al On r...410n$ PA= .'"r eoe Gallery at Ottawa for a number of
artesian well %VIM wind -mill: Would ,reere effective operation of the fire years and having been in more or lesi
exchange on a house ire town or for 50 at were discussed."-lt was ieldse contact with, public attairs for
acres, Re:loanable terms if eold. Can. ask ` t '
have podecided to the fire maishall
on at Ones. APPIY M
ssessi04 __, ' - ---- ' ° OO' years. In 1.021 -lie attended
STAR °mow. . semi up the gentlemen from las de- the, ThIpertai conference as the can_
Pertinent 'whom he had Premised to adieu Press representative. He is at
FOR SALL odor With the ecenmittee seine day premot editor er. the ottont, journal.
•••••••••••••••0••••.,,,••••••*•+.4•••••Anio••••••••••1‘.0•••••••••••••••,1 4....... .4
Til 0 R S Al.P..-eTen YOrinhire pies, n":' week.'.. ' and also writes •for Maeleatin's Maga-
"L abrAtt 100, )hs. weight. IL 11. The Goderich Fair zine, Toronto Saturday Night: and
LEISHMAN, Tel. 21 r II Dungennon, /. ,..e
e , : .., vie eeterit. Ace. retell...treasurer of rlueei koding English. toul United
,NOTICE TO' CR,EDITORS ,the Geeerke Industrial Fair, etas toe States ' publications. The. Ineetine
________ • , ....... ".....^......‘ ceiVed a cheque from the Government wl °Pen to the pubhq, without
NuTY'T.' ra) ClIEDITOIlg• of $401, for grant on oeeouet of the charge, and it is honed there will be
a ',tree attendance of the People of
MYPIGE kii liEltEllY GIVEN to i wet weathertilat the time of the fair. :
creditors Wine estate of George Ken- The Board, unfortunately, has a note Coder:eh. and vicinity to hear" Mr.
nedy RI:Instep, latof the•Towosliip of of over $000 eatried over from the ()Leary. The `meeting will open at
Goderion, in the County et Thiron. Yeo- 1926 fair, so that, even with the ;$ otelock•ei,m*
Hen. pro:4.,Mr WDermid: pres„
Elsie Wiener; lst vier, Donna Bell:
2nd vice, Naomi McDerniid; aro,
Jean Lednor; treas., Frank Cloak;
pianist. Mew McKay; *soils% plan.
it, Mullet Taylor; en, of social
come Florence McKenzie; on. a re-
ligious cum., 'Clete Mareath; eon.
of miss. emu., Frank Clark; conor
literary (car „ se Winter.
Wingham AdvanceeTitnes: A. prete
ty house. wedding was quietly same,
nized at the home of Mr. and Mrs,
John IV. Smith, Nett; etreet. Fat.-
urday, December 31st, when their on -
1y daughter, Kethken Annie, became
the bride of William Joseph Garrick,
only son of Mr. smd Mrs. W. 4. Gar-
rick. of G.oilmiele The •marriage
ceremony was rzonducted by Rev.
,Sydney Davison, in the parlor, which
was artietically• eleconated, phat
man, who died ott or aaout tee 2tith,
day of- Isionitr4M, A, 4). Ig27, to fez, grante there is a considerable .deficit. Vitoria St. ',Nang, 'People •
ward their deans. duly,peovem. to toe A.ineet,mg of the Board Is Called for Elect Officers
undersigriCd 00 01 before', 31st day of Saturday egestating and ,the annual ,1 The young people's uses ef the
January. 1928, ,atter vehicb date the Se.
moor ca the. aaht estate win proceed Meating of. timotttaftoeieti.on vvilt be. iviitoria ,,,xe , .
to distribute the eatate, having regard, held on rriday, nt Ruth, f its regular weekle eneetlikg and an et United chinch held
411Z Zciatglogattn"s lic ttiP.11 '5111111 Westbeineter GU iii rhet ()facers trtualAlection al officers in the school
aaled tit GOderiell this ive4lh daart The -Westminster Culls' of Xnox loom 'of the ellareh ea Mendel' eve -
of Jettuary, A. 0.1.1102yes,,and ,Itsvs,., ,i, church held hem their semi-annual ek,,etion i ining., The Meeting was opened with
ensaaistars. „Biz,. = of emcees loe the /ear, tog *on-Jem, ii-gozik seiig:,e; led lea 'the ' pastor'
Goderich, • 10th, and the aollowing, were elated% after which was silent. prayer. Rev:
- - r M. C.. Parr gave e delightful talk on
- , -------- -- - ' • . • • -• .:4 ,
"Everyday."' The election of officers
Was next, George l3aechkr acting as
clotiteinin, Mr. Parr being called out
. ---- . 1 Tenders will he,recolved by the Clerk an e xpeetedly. Those 'elected are:
President, George lengthier; - devo.
A number of good lieuees nud tote for al MeGaw (Tower:hip S.oaiefo, eneeeet,
sate in. almost arty N part of tlie•.lown . Or eel,' tender not neeesserilY aecepied, tienal leader, Miss* Delight Mateh i.
required. naves van -ging front $550, to O. J. IISTIlealtINGT0X, iniseionary leader, Mrs. G. Beechler;
sot) 00 $000, ei000, $J200, el300.$1800,$2000 Township 'Clerk. citizenship kader, Arleigh Randall ;
etc. Many With vont"' easy terms ter ------**' it social convenor, Miss Gertrude Heist:
.Payetent, if required, •i • enITC ION SALES secretary-treamiree, Lorne Jewell:
nee's"' t° rW• • ' " 1.-4"--'"*.vs."e"A tTioN $A.):`--1,1:1.* iti4t,- 0 111,1All 011' platis4 - Bfr. . 'Elmer Cranston; as-
PArterS.-A large Oninbee oi fawns -4.e. ... COWS '' AN1t. YOUNG
fisted. for sale,many at remarkcible .c.vyTiAl.
low IpriSeS tioeasy teepee for payment., . . • .
No better plaee to locate a Meat to buy. • •EtesegT Towgemega
eirt LIE • AteeiSTRONG AEA EaTATEI jacett.10 erP
Life, Aecklent and Auto tnsUr'Lfle Uii t.Jan 3Ist1 '1928, for 'Weigh 'Master
sistent, :Miss Mary , lilei(innon. It
wavedecided, in relationship to the
oratorical contests, that the London
sPECIAL--Lerge aparterient,house tor will sett ber nubile .auctiotr at Lot 92, conference envies on, that Min De -
sole or rent, formerly kiattWil as the. Ituron itoad, Goderich 'rp., 214, Mlles1 light Match represent' the Y. P. S.
'duelled on the corner of South street ofrom omierkit, on She won the championship of the
Alexandra General and Marine hospitttl, /meth of lionneteveile ond six miles
and Britannia road, This tine blinding • vitutspAy, JAN, foth, . Huron Presbytery last year. Mr.
has been re-deicer:dell anti divided Info tonortenciog et 1.30 pert. Stevens spoke a few 'words of en
three apaquiteits for 'dwelling hottsee. Pur(bred 144 44 eow, due ten.; couragement to the league anti then
tro lighted, S1101'11(4 "with 'water* teJlet • Jersey and lieletela cow. due In le -lee '
lo)Ose hoatIgna' or rOO1111° ham coVes, • milking dun In Seiti.• Pot. PEOPLE WE ENOS:Y.
P;n04 e•Pnr,41afrit.14 Memo heatell' ele°' Ilohtteitt VOW, tam in Feb.; part the meeting was closed with PraYer.
and roomur .. Suitable for Private Polled Mottle vow, due reh.• 2 bur-
nouse. Any fully equipped apartment tea ,Aletue teow, ;diking, due. .1; 'June; Mr. A. lticQuartie was un eront
with everything eupplied'rented at a 2 eowe due in Aprinai heifers, spring- et;.
(ng; 4 ehoke, Durham and Hereford **"'"'"W ..(1. week-end.reasonable pave, to reliable ,party..
LIFE INSURANCE ealres, 2 weeks old;"1 yearlire; steere Miss Mary Farrow spent the week -
A few retY itnnortent problerns solve- am Ilekter'sa 18 of those Imo• Owed end in St., Marys, the guest Of MiSa
ed for 00 anXiOIA Parent bY eonaPetent Ild:orreer?rd5* Sale Will lw 1:.4114tlete1 "1". ao*".ar,torte Clark
business •men:
tet-ilow to provide for '"1""W' of bo given en furnishing bankable PePer•
.tte )1'1' 111, mortgage. ' a dietount of 'per cent. straielit
2nd-tilow the Mildly can be provided oelowed for eash,
for without *depending on eliarity pittiF,ST TOWNSHEND Propri tor.
' TERMS. --Seven months" credit will. 11,tte and Mrs, Kershaw and son
Jack spent Christmas at Newmarket
and New Year'e at Myth.
Miss Catharine Lower le away on a
'visit to, Jamaica, aoining a party
whiell is taking this trip.
Mrs. E. Hunt and Mires Edna Hunt
have returned lioMe from Ne* York
where they spent the holiday seaeon.
• Dr. Clank errivedehome on Tues.
day front A visit el several weeks in
G. Pridliatri. who has been
visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.
C. Pridlient, left on Tuesday for New
York fora short visit before return.
Ing to Wintlipeg. -
Nye. C. Hamilton and ilaughteee
Evelyn • and Mrs, ' B. Arno1.1 and
daughter, have returned, after spend-
ing the holidays with friends and re-
latives in Windsor, arid Detroit.
Mrs. Geo. K. Rutledge, of Nile, is
making good progress teivatels recov-
ery. after her' recent operation at
Alexandra Hospital. 'Mrs. Rutledge
underwent a similar operation two
years ago.
• The January session of the county
ourfeil will open On Tuesday after-
noon, Jan. 24th.
The first meeting of the public
school board for 1928 will be held on
Wednesday next.
Mr. Jae. MeeVicar has again been
anointed iesner auto licenees and
has -his eupply of 2928 markers,
The Menesetuttg Canoe Club
holding two at homes in January Jarmn RI
on the 12th and etiti on ,the 27th.
Mie IL T. Edwertis hes •beet ate.
eointed• treasurer of the Collegiate
bettitate Board, in euccestien to Mr.
Wm, Lime tesigred,
The I.iens 414), which snepereled
its meeting* for the holidey 14titAen,
ti reenming regular meetings on VE1.
flair evasive' of Ode week,
OtlileMPO' in ease of. die., parents'
total disability or removal from
them by death. .
ard--4fine to make eomplete provision
tor the- atIvaneedt education of a
tehild ler ehildren anrage, whey
needede, under ,any condition.
Lb --now to 'make neceseery provision
foe a,altini tuatialdren for a start
in bueiness or a home. when ree
---quirateotifinitir Ming ttinan0117
eth -ROW to boil abundance to meet
eery need foe self and famity 11
iteapacitated for ework through
eidaiesa or old age." '
oth-ele for any other, firtaneial lionie
For an 'ieformation write or eee •
W. AilttielnlONG, •
OFO• If 1,311,I0TT, Auctioneer, .
-- • -- • •
'The • anunai -meeting or the Cieborno
etitneheriat Telephone System. will, be
held In nb
the towsin hall, cariow, on
eeTelenradattaanuara.ititit, at 1.30 pane
. -?rIOBiltilViefireereir
11 T
`00111reilL. 4
the Connell ot the Corporation of
lot eon will meet eat the Couplet thane
lrer, -Ooderiele at .0. o'clock in the after-
noon et Tuesday, the 24th day of Jaime
ary. .102a. All et -monis ugainat
tinintY In fire hands of the
nieek nel later than Stenday preceding
Real Estate ' •
Box $0. e Cederioli-Oot.
Goerleliedule About& form part of
every Insult inveitnient holdings.
You nosy eiequire 'ARM by de -airing
bade of 'General Steel, Wares,
first ineragage, 0 per cent: sinking
fund gold bombs. dated Nov.let, 1927,
due Nov. 1st; 1062, peke 901-4 and ane
cried iiitereet. informstion an
request. • •
Hamilton and Netvgate
Streets, Godericit.
j.:*. CRANE
Real table lassuce
tin meet me, ot• Connell. .
county Clerk.
tiederich. January 3tli, 1028.
The Annual Meeting
Wench Horticultural Society
RIDAY„ JAH. 13411 8 p.m.
GEO, LA1TI WAITE, President
ft T. EDWAROS, Secretary.
0. F. CARElf 84 SON Ltd.
Oilr beat informants** Ming any mining properly or, evaepeet
be frost, emu upon inquiry.
PrOvato Wire Comseetlasus with all 'AWNS Stork
Grate itiodianster.
Masoree:TarapIe n•nakor, GOORRICR, "Pliteite tit
1,0fficere Elected, for 1928 and Social
GiAthering Held Last Friday
The Marine Seeial flubhas orgliu-
7ized again fer the season a 11)2e',' and
the following preamble from their
- A
ems u en a t 3.y1awe o
eel r
"lVe, tbe seamen of •the town of
Goderich, feenrdy balloting in the ben-
efit of a secial organization, have or.
gemzed again, for the year 1928, a
soviet ,elult, to_ be named Abe Marine
'Soolai Club. It is among our objets
to uee our Mileage individually
emote; the searaen to regulate our
+aonduct and make seamanship one of
the most honored of profeasions.
Order and regularity Wag e'sntial--
necesertry for the preservatien of
harmony, which should at all times
characterize a social ovganizetion,
we have adopted a eonstit\tal't and
bylaws." -
The Marine Social Club kohl ito
first social of the OeSSOIS in the Mae -
onto Hall, Friday, Jan:0th, with pro-
gressive euchre and a -dance. At 80
twenty' -two tables started playing
reeds, and the games leeted untjl
10,30. The winners in. the ladies!
class were: High. Mrs. Halliday ;
consolation, Mrs. Clark: gents' ebeee.
high, Mr. Morris Webber; console-
eion,. Mr. James Leonard, At 11 p.m.
lunch was served by Steward Bonney
tind his waitere to two hundred
guests; and at 11.30 'dancing started;
lasting until 2.30 a.m., music being
fundelted by Tom Elliott, Assisted
by Mr., Martin. Bath gentlemen's
prizes were donated by Craigie Bros.
The Chill virish to thank all who took
nut and especially 'the ladies in Mak-
ing the evening oue el much enjoy.
molt. •
°The installation of Ofieefie of the
Club Wee held in the axioms on the
Square on Sateredaye Jan. ith
President, Wm. Campbell; let, vice
Dees., Capt. Wm. Marwick; and vice
;nag.; J. Murray; sec'y, F. Itte0arthy:
fin, sectee Capt; W. J. McDonald;
treal.„ Capt. Rodetielt Morrison;
marshal', 111. Morrison; steward, Jae.
Bonney; 'guardian. J. Murray,
At the close of the meeting Stew-
ard Bonney invited the etub mentbera
back to the dining roomand all were
eurptised to see a long banquet ta-
ble beautifully Set with all -Southern
Unite_ to 'be had. After all hande
weie seated:. the steward served
steaming 03rSter4is Cake' and eeffee,
and as the 'banquet tette Under way
eteanttelling and Idddirtiniikaaahedalge
ed. in, after attach .tbe :president
thanked Steward Bonney on behalf"
o the Club.
The annual congregationat meeting
of Novae street United church will be
held on Wediteeday evening; San, 25.
The regular meeting of the W.M.S.
Auxiliary of' Knott church will he
held Tuesday; January 17th, inthe
lecture voom ef the church.
Baptiet churth, Jan. 15th: Mon.
Ing, "A Gateway toltlessfieler Even-,
ing; Prophetie Message, 'Tattiness
Ahead, Then Glorious" Dawn:"
Victoria, St:church. Services, next
Sunday as follows: 10etenee
ship; 41 ann., subjeit, "'Whet le
leharisainne* 3 pan., Chorale School;
7 pan., "A Man's Chance. Song set.
vice at 0.45. , •
Servicee in Ktiox church will be
tonducted by the Minister- Stellate
of sermons: • 11 eau., "The Thoughts
of God:" 7 p.m., "The Shadow. of a
Doubt." Sabbath. School and. Bible
Classes at 3 o'clock.
• The • regutav monthly meeting of
the Arthur Cirele of Knox church
will be held Monday evening,
1.66, at 8 pan. in the lecture room,
Mrs. Chas. Reid will have charge of
the meeting. Mrs. Albert Taylor
wilt give , report of the Presbyterial
eld in Clititon. ••
Services in North street United
church Sunday, January 1$th: • 10
• Men'a Sunday Club; topic, Is
buying on the infgAinifiellt pitit Droll.
table or ,otherwiee," intratteed
and Class for Chrietian Fellowship
at this hour. 11 .a.m., public wor-
• 3 pan., Sunday School; '1 p.m.,
Publie Worship. • •
• •
At the annual meeting of $t, Gone.
ge's church Woman's Guild held. on
Tuesday, ;enmity 10th, the following
were elected officers for 1928: Pre-
sident, Miss M. E. Salkeld; let vice
president, •Mrs. O. Sttirdy; 2nd vice
presideht,• Mrs. T. Murphy; treestin-
er, Mrs. E. D. Brown; secretaele Mrs.
W. Hunter; their mothera, Mrs.
Hartwell end Mrs. Palmer.
• Ittnel). Campbell, •isho han been at -
as organist of North street Unit-
ed ehureh for 1301110 time on trial on
• his own suggestion, Was engaged as
organist at the meeting of the official
booed of the thurch on Monday even-
ing, at a ettlery of $8041 a Ytar, and a
tonus of $25 was voted him for his
services sinecorning to, the church
as organist in addition, of eettrOC, to
the weekly remuneration lie heti been
'The annual congregational meeting
f St. George's chareli will be held
n Monday evening next, Jan, 10th,
r the purpose of electing lay Elele.
gates to the Synod and stileeitutes,
and the COA3gregationst meeting will
re a delegate at the Teronto tneet41,
Insetting for the purpose of eeceiving, 4 11 -
GREE,Na-News of the deaeh
Mr:. Julia Green, widow on the tete
Alian Green, which oceurred
toW.4,, WI'S.. en Thure.lay, Jen. Gth,
ber el years in Colborne tp., ueur
ami tete little over tWO $V3r3
logo to mate her home with her'aged
parents in Manitowoc. She had ken
in failina• health for some time. Mr.
Green died following an opeeetion
for append:ea:a in Ferruarsa 1910.
Drain hen resitlencalOrd Mr& Green
made many Mends. She took an
active interest in the work of Smith'e
Hill churchewhere she teught a class
in Sabbath school, and in the tome
i;mmity where she resided, she was
held in high esteem. The sincere
Tio annual meeting ef the liuren
Presbyterial Seelety was held ia
presbyterien Ouch, Ohne% en
Tties40 , dentesty commeueing
at 12ele, the various Aweitiaties
seeresented. The nresiticra
Mrs. F. 11. letrkin, Seafertle tame', ev_eurt NauriLn' 92, Canadian Ordee
pled the chair and conducted tho. de -,aa. seereetore, met on Tuesday even.
volieual exe'veise3. a.bliort but in. Jemmy 3tel. 1928, for the regae -
*trine: 'address, sho spoke on. the
newer of true lige, what • it an do
and what it bee done. The minutee
%vete read by, the Seeeetevn, MiSS 31.
Isobel Grebe" ef Seafortin after
wlt-reporte7 Vein the Secretaries
of the different depaitments were. re-
celeed and adopted, allte treaeneere
Mrs. T. Swan Smith, eeported .it very
Preenerees year, 43;131,70' having
been sent to the General Fund, which
sympathy of many goes mit. to, the la $255.00 more than the objective..
..three parentless, ,citildren, to the oar• The Prelaaterte; temPrisea 8 .8ellier
AUXillarieti, 2 YoUng Women's -Aux-
ents, ,eister and. brothers. The fen-
erai took place in Manitewoe en' Sae. Merles. -4 MitiSiOn Mottle end 1 C. G.,
.nrday afteraeon, Jan. 7th. .L T. Group. A amen bale was sent
• •
Prceentaticit of Past Chief Raneere
jewela to Ikea. W. M. Knight
• and Archie Redden
• 4••••••••••••/••••••••••••
to the Lucy Baker Home tit Prince.
CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY lAlhort, Sask. Consignments of books
and magazines were also sent to lam-
DatReam agogregy nEgong agg • mime and istchtted Sunday
The inonthly meeting of the Huron seheole
A pleaeing feature of the meeting
County Chitdren'a and Humane
W85 the presentatioe of a gold 'W.. M.
Society WOS held in the office of the
Superintendent orrTheTureeswduartagitoeord. GS'ocreirniell17011)1Ite.3'halle nI tIVIII:Dpeklvvsluttliytoori.
noon,, Jan. 10th.
lan to the retiring president. Mrs. E.
attendfince. Some interesting letters
TT. Latitin, as a token of appreciation
were reed and eases discussed end
advice given the Superintendent as to gaiunleipzeviAnnbrIttrveoeint-011dlisas Zerileygalorte, to
the provincial meeting in Myth. A
bow best lo deal with them. Az.
counts amounting to $77.80 wine), pre,
vote of, thaults waa tenderen the elite,
sented and ordered raid. The Suitor-
intentlent, reported live children in ladles bY Mrs, 13 Arnold, of lion"
the Shelter anti none returned during sait
The followimg officers were elected
the month, a very desirenle bithY boy
8 male old for adoption and one
two years old: alio a Catholic home
is wanted ler a girl 14 where she
ehould be a helper end attend school.
'Pim following list of contributions
were retorted and aro gratefully ac-
Cash Donations: ears. Jas, Clark,
a2; Uri. D. H. Evane, 81; Dr. J. C.
Gandier, Clinton. $2: A. Whitesides,
't2; Rev. D. 41Veraviall. Exeter, $1
Mary E. Hole, Exeter. $1; Mrs. 'A. G.
Gamble, $10; Miss Ethel re Pinel,
Wingham. $1; Ur. Jas. C. Carrie, $1;
Mts., E. W. Carrie, $2; Stkuley town-
ship, $10; • Mocha , Temple, London,
t25; Mrs. a E. Sale, $1; W. R. Arena
bald, Seatenth, $1; Mr, E. L. Dean,
a2; the Millers, Detroit, $2,50: Mr.
F. lAtoolcombe, $2; 'Miss Sarah Bent-
ley, $2-; Priende Belgrave, $F;
Westfield Baseball Club, $30; Robert
Scott, Brussels, $1; Wm. Pike, $1 •
SulidaY Scbeol,
L. G. Parsone, $101-Gederich Eleva.
tor & Transit Co.,•$25: A. M. Rob-
ertson, Sint Thome Read Sunday
echool, $10; Creditor Evangelize'
Sunday School, $10; Town of Clinton,
$25; atclaitlep Township, $20; Vil-
lage, of Brussels, $10; Township of
tishorna. $10. '
Donations: •Saults Coal Co., load
of. eliestratt coal; etre. Carrie. Sr..
oranges and 'trainanas: Min. Foster.
notted meate,hirs. B. IL Evane, jar
of fruit; Home and School Chile girl's
dresses, bloomers, underwear, stock-
ings and baby dresses) Maple Leaf
Chapter, I. O. tt. E., two tables, four
chairs and rocking chair, and to one
of our Wards not in the Shelter, a
tearte gloves ond hose; Mrs. J, W.
faylor, 8 jars fruit and basket of ap-
ples; Ahmeek Chapter I. O. D. E,,
toys and candy; E. G, Smith, Christ-
mas take; Mission Band, Presbyter-
ian church, Clinton, four scrap books
and babies' booties; Miss MaeVicar,
two new hats; A Friend, one goose;
Cleveland's Baker, 1 Christmas cake
and .some fruit loaves; Rev. Arm-
strong, Wroxeter United Sunday
School, box toys, dolls, skates, shoes,
mitts, oweater, caps, baby's. bonnet
and ntuff;Laclies' Aid Teylor's Corn.
ers, bag of apples; S. A. Gray Co.,
child's clothing; Sheppard and Clem -
met, pail al honey; Miss Fah., nuts
and candy; Sparr'a Grocery, fruit,
nuts and candy; Meneeetung Canoe
•Club, box of toys; a friend, basket of
tipples; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Price, fruit
and (artily; Mrs. IL C. Cook, take and
eandwithes; C. A. Robertsein, barrel
of applee,
for the ;ensuing year: President,
Mrs. J. (VGetig, Seaforth; Vie -1'r','
indents, Mrs. IL C. hreDermid, Gude.
deb; We. j. Foote, Exeter; Mrs, G.
D. MeTaggart, Clinton; Miss Taylor
Blyth; coat •oording emeretary, Mrs'.
G. McDonald, Goderich; recording
secretary, Miss II, Isabel Graham,
Seaforth; treasurer, Mrs. - T. Swan
Smith, Seaforth: tinanclid seeretere,
Mrs, U. C. Dunlop, Godericht- Home
Helpers, Mrs. J. Eraser, Bayfield
Y. W..A., hire, J. Xacmurchy. Ohm
ton: 'Mission fiend, Mrs. IL J.
son, Seafertin Library and Litetit-
ture, Mies Isabel ItleEweir, Goderich;
'Welcome and Welfare, hirs. IL Arn-
old., Ilensell; Supply, Mrs, W, D.
Fair, Clinton; Glad Tidings, Miss
Exeter; Preset Mrs. F. R.
Itedditte 1,410,141eMbersbip,
Miss McFarlane, 'Clinton.
The following is the annual report
ofe-theellatrori-Preebytexial, W.
for year ending 31st December, 1927,
General Fund --Receipts.
Auburn' W.M.S.. Aux, .$ 93.00
Bayfield W.M.S. Aux 261.85
Myth W.M.S. Aux. , 150.00
Clinton W.M.S. AUX.., . 153.48
Exeter 1,y.u.s, An 227,00
Goderich W.M.S. Aux348,30
Ifensalt W.M.S. Aux.". 190.00
Seaforth Aux.,. 027.55
Young Women's Auxiliaries
=Z. Iritiatc!9dZeite g2:2
$ 915,52
Mission Bands
Busy Bees, 'Exeter. , . $ 20.10
histeGillivrary Mission Band,:
. . ..... 193.75
Su nbeani 'Mission Band,
Hensall . , . 47.00
u tis bine Misaion Band,
• Seliforth. • 11.16
13 278.00
$ 3,134.70
Amount sent to (tonere' 1"d $ 3134.70
J. II. SMITH, Treastmer.
The annual High Tea and Bazaar
under the auspices Of $t. George's
church Women's Guild will be held
Valentine Day. 'February 14th. Pat'.
ticulars later., Keep Ohs data open.
lire larder monthly meeting of
the Ahmeek Chapter, 0. D. E., will
be held in the Public Library, Mon -
10th, at 4 p.m. " Will the
members please be present.
The Alumnae Assotiation of the
Alexandra Marine and Gen011ni Hos-
pital will hold a Five Hundred and
Dance on Thursday everting, Sanitary
20th. Cards at 8 p.m. Music bg the
GoderiSh Dance Ensemble. Adage.
don 50c. ,
Farmers throughout Ontario will
• be given an opportunity of market.
Ing their eettle, sheep and toga on a
ttrietly co-operative basis. The'
shareholders of The United Partnere
Co.operative Company, Limited, at
theiv annual meeting .4 fetv eveeks
ago, gave the directors, authority to
arrange for meetings at 'which to dig°
cuss. the Hog Pool and Live Stock
Contract, and then to organize, if
those • who tell their INe stock ap.
move of this now system ef market.
ing wbich late boon adapted with mach
satisfaction dto 016 fitIIIIQV recent
The directors met Deeember 20th
• to 2,20d, and decided t9 ask each coun-
ty to send a representative to confer
with the Compttny directore in Ter-
mite on January 24th. In the r3hoit
time that remains before the confer.
once it will be impossible to give aai
teletance to all eouteics. •Arraege.
• menta are being made, however, for
meetings in bufferiti, Grey and Sim.
coo at which to discuss tido method
et marketing, and answer queetione.4
Leader's.; of the fatter movement in '
ather cotintie3 are,au,rged to cc:2 that
he followed by the annual Vestry t /cir r°tirtY
the clanah wardens' and treasurexase7 c'rs llarmAtS1
ious orgenieetiens of the tteirch aiel11g8 "a "1"-PITE4 ft/r "ler`alx1611;'i
ritetir13 rind anpointing entircit v.aro'; A heensts is ofte etto atonic: Ilia
&eel gee •ete. (Acc.0,1 comiing,iwitets feceieneder Neatieo Leo too
•' tritettly to buy the ettil.
lar meeting and for the inetallatior
of their einem for 104e. The Cour'
gored in due form etith Worthy
Chief Amager J. W. Bell in the ebair.
The, btriness was gone through ire
excellent style and for the itietallaa -
Con of pincers Chief BanKer Brother
W. Belt handed the chair over V,
Junior Past Chief Danger Brother
Neleon Armstrong, who very ably
pceformed the duty or administering.
the obligation to all the new Ater*.
as follow% for the new year: Junior
• Past Chief Ranger, Bro. J. W,
• Chief Iteegee, Bro, W. F. H. Pike;
Vice Chief Ranger, Bro. Geo. Bowes;
Fin. Seeretary, Bra. A. 3., Wilkins;
Reg. Secretary, Bro. A. E. Barker;
Treasurer, Bro. Percy Barker; Chap,
lain. Bro. W. M. Knight; Senior
Woodward, Bro. A. Henderson; Jun-
ior WoodiVard, Bro. Chris.. johntston;
Sento r Beadle, Bro. Ernie Craig;
junior Beadle, Tiro. W. G. Wilson.
After the obligution bad been ad.
ministered to these °Alegre the instal.
ling oaken. Junior Past Chief Winger
Broiler Nelson Armstrong. then
handed the geyel to the now Chief
Ranger, Brother W. P. Ir. Pricei who
very ably filled that position. All the
new ellizers then gave short addrese
see. They. did not want to make
them very long as there Wee quite a
number of plates of earelwiehes snd
cake and cups el vevy. tempting cote
fee waltiiig in the itesemblet room.
Two of ,he newlyeelected cow:Mors
were present,, with endive from eer
to ear, as the town election WAS held
the day before: and these two, Beall-
ers David Sproule and Williem akii#
11e (of Court Dungannon) happened,
of' course, tie be some of -the lucky
ones in the election. .
Councillor Brother David Sproule
then KIM tut address whieli. related
iteveral happen-10ga in , past ohkril
when he was Chief Ranker and also
told of his nttendance at ilia Court
Meetingli. Councillor Brother Wile '
Ilene Baillie was next to givh. an ad.
d'ress. Re wished the nawly.elected
odieers suetese In all their undertak.
inns and he told he* the business,
ete„ was conducted in the High Court
offices. He also remarked on the sad
death a Riot ebid Amer, IkOhor
J. A. A. Brodeur, who, .while on tta
eivie tour of ins,peetion of New York
City, was suddenly strieken with a
heart attack and collapsed into the
hands of those with witotn he was •
riding, and, when medicel aid was
procured it was found that he had
pulsed away. A pnblic funeral was ,
held in the City of Montreal, ten nto•
tor cars being used to "convey some
160 floral tributee. ,to
thousand •
people, filled the Notre Dame church
to capacity ond the doors of the im-
mense edifice had to be Awed to pre-
vent further admittance, Thousands
of people lined the route where the
kuneral procession Was to pass and •
some four hundred to five hundred
Foreete're, together with several hura •
dred police and firemen and other of-
ficials of the City, were in the fulter.
at procession. The Canadian Order .
ef Foresters haw loat very.worthy
Brother. Councillor Brother William
Bail* in closing his address wished
to rework that Ms Worship the May-
or, Brother II. 3. A. Machlware who
wan also elected the (ley before, wish-
ed to express his deep regret in not
being able to be present et the meet-
• (Continued on page 4)
High grade, heavy weight, gold.filled
apectecles and eye glaeses with beat
Ilat*epherical lenses for only 44.00.
All other stylea of ...frames and lenses,
at lowest priees. Sege examined by
our well 'known and painstaking „ape.
cialist, Mr. Huhgson, with 21 years
experience, IS years coming to Gode-
rich. You are assured of the beet
optleal work to be obtained and at
Thursday and Friday, Jantary 19., 20.
Come early.
SMITH'S ART S'I`Oftla, Goderich.
January Tteeords 'sale.
44 4-
A meeting of the Home ond School
Club of Victovia mehool will be held
at Metals &hoot on Thursday, even-
ing, ;hp. 19th, at o'clock. A spe-
cial program is being artanged and
has installed a machine for lettering, a fall attendance is requested.
co that there is no tecessity to go
oat of town to get tine work done.' 0V/4:DRY% SALE REGISTER
Their granite coma dived, front TITEDAY, SAN. MIL -Clearing
Scotland eo that they can alwaye auction sato of tarn& stock and implee
guarantee the hest anttaittl ann1 ve,nts,. Ames Plaifa, FtMniR
workmanship, A allipment of gran- Cut Lim, Gedetiall Tp. B. LIND4
he from Aberdeen Scotland, will an. Saar, Proprietor. T. OUNDRY
rive about Man IA. SON, Anetioneeve.
report, receiving reetets of the var.;0!: lete ' 1"14`ftl 61E: for lut11 tac°t*C
Stocks! Bonds Grain!
Market quotations supplied for any listed stock.
Orders promptly executed on Toronto, Montreal and
New York Stack Exchanges and Chicago and Winni-
peg Grain Exchanges.
Huron Investments, Limited
Royal Bank fluk1ng Gofflotich, Ont.
['honest 410-445
Private wire canna:let* with all 'atelier Steck end Oaks chsgea