HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1927-12-29, Page 7a" 14 ___ 1_�,� M 9 I I c "­ - - -, .r- 4 � --�__%� 11=1= - __ - I - ,� - , , I � 7, - ---------- __ ___ ______ ___ I , - � I " i= , --------,---- -a 11110641dIP1041'"4114041'" too""#41110,s" a me a" "A�* — , . �_ 11[11� �� ". _'A.1- Oud - Week I "= as kewsr" am � ... I 1"" t�� =t I 1. : 11 tiller MW W"M vwtawy " "" I , - f . I M00A 1,; o, do"".aa lw,*"Iowi"eu "I . 1, I Sun day c4fte �' ,.I I sodid 1 1 SUPW Powtut V`6"e, �� low won MW I * : Kits dftw hIia NILWV aud Supped a bit I ,_ -_ - 9 HAVEM, 40"CA, Od- I : a , Of isdiwir 10to Ikk bau4L assloW fleal bq � Tilt- — - L 0 * �. : : j� "a dww ad wtu liast tibe **old am ; Elecftkal,. Impictretv nums i isseodom*wwowwfinovo*06A*osaavixooelxwwumwAOMOSC : a o vrott to) seud It to bilm, H# jilou.-Vill " 1 .. �- 1, Hirefi �� it sud hawed it liark to Iser. j � * t"" * *0 **M%to "900,94 Wditit k Nor Work 400 ' I "de to ularvcl and vxdaii v. Tho., 89 - 'tic I � A - tven eve the sun was jet, I tirysa " W;aw 4s �, ­Uzeww ler. 34tv, 101A. .lits saic.' I"" of voiall1eift iostemos a IV I ., � 'The sick, 0 Lord. Aris"d thee lay; J'Asmion whith had t0ta P44it"i9Ai a 0 1 d n #"Keiea' "othle4lis *k" riat ' 1� 0 in what di'ier's point th�Y Wt ! I of this four fishermert to such an %x 0 � -but Mr. suort him zettled *1414 MW." . � sivo i-ess AT HOUL , Um A. woltli,, muil Hao., tjo�t,,, 0 with, what joy they wint aASy.' i teat that they left %all and follvwtsd : stivy of as a �i 1110011411 * _. _., ffi*At�i*Al. UK "Me Van jisio $6 #W I I *M (katle. , � , ",011 141. 4"Zors.�. I .. . boon to tirtMly him Would, be intensidid by what - i L fiuj"�4vr w1w 4 WWI' Acvvpt a �� C) VW fat a A of Novelitibilky willit ---'IV for WAVOKoftesat ift . , - %litesi­4*1 kaff heole' Once more '44, tvtntidt un't wet, , - V ,� tip for eutertallitat lit* diuser vW4, 0 ��$JWI; &4oratory 0aw AtQ by �uur Milburn's ]((sit sud ill** draw they saw and heard ixt the jynagosw I son Nows on His LacL I ()Tipredsw V�ith � various They hod now no hesitlitton, on on, 0 ,: � liallwal Poverty bad Itrouglit blia to � 11111 fW4i" *404imf SOC411*611 W40111pidod" Wlf= TODAV'Sotr Neiti. pillii I f*+1 I 0110wil write slid near; I * I tel, _"o )tow giateful I am for ywar Wittit if Thy forin'we caullot see, tering, the hoine of Peter -And An- 0 ­ a birlul; Iiiiiiiielf i %it f4w a "'hill parix4e. C-Aftawoukh 4"ils 0! ft poll opporaw'".. I -ftwelly. - -aud fcel that T.11011 * ew, in pregenting the neta of eat a 0 Wt to bo j*W for the fil4misurt 14 I , 0 em 0 .... ........... 94Vy h(axt lats b" we here. - 0 ) � Witt bad givett blul­thlit %va ,,r- V . .;��___Z___:.��, �__ —, � I - OpItuilid Ave knf-.w .jrt dx 8unoWs wifea motherl ly WLUAM CNAN "I" so . in that home. ill, ul!re _0______11'1"1 .... ,sk for a, was ill aud at once they acquaint Min I *01! so 000*000000000*00: tisau he (wra litar. $04ug Ics liat t , I � r%ilil-l" 4'r ,tvatic, aud 614 a collwqUeltee Thv tom,hhas still its anclent powvv, ' , I C A N A21 111� I :��N SC,�00i _ - —_ with the, fact. 'Naturally -.,hey hoped , , wltvil for the dtwr. ''I'll . 1111111111`____Ar__ ___ 1. b,L 1111111�111"��, � F - ­ XAY zelvgs bek-mute V41y bad. I No word - frOlw T`hQQ e3ll ffultic's'-, his colyposion and power t,iwardm A J; lit wboallelotittv wtre of *1al V" __ ___ ----. i ­��,,�,�` � I _ Ite "a no wk_,14 aci�4,rljvg .MIS* ___ _11 I fall! Aolle of FIS own diScl lies wQUId h 110 � AM& OXtiel% Of 4�7,� , �, I . � . I 4 . -, _p: --!R4 bef. . I _ I It Wait unalkle to do niy voik, �60ld Rear in thi-, soh�ilirx eveoiug hour less than illat wbiet they had i U,4t ��; glullift to 'abbw otgos, of loult West, Do AvIteii Illyltitioll. 111clog Ax geralt i Affiliatti with Moat of RiAginterfat of MilveAtic .1 � I vot fhf-js tit niglit, and Emxacd to lie AnO la'Thy.n. erey beal us mil. withesseit"In. the synagoltue and they�. stepped Into an offlVe oil as upper door MAO, 110 tAt that t(J 4110 ISO iN WtQ 110 Was Dript. As Ired"al NW. TOCOKI% 01111110190, comou , , �� - � I graukli.v gettitu worev. 11011`7 T-Well'.34 ivere not dieuppointed. lh2 eur,, was t of a xkYberaper ou 14(til avenue. New thus Making bis living would be ua i -11-11 I I.. 11 -11 I -1 ­­­­ ­­ I - .. PRATER , ilanwillate . and complete. "He vanle Vo*. and approacked'a Aleell.. veldlel. outrage. LIO had no cholet, but to pro� ­ ­­­­___.,. I - _­­ . !!�N!9,!l '��,, 441 tt!Cj FENCIP.1 TCr4dU1,Q but re. - , - to Thee wtko� .to the and took her'1y the hawl .%A4 lifted wan'tito luau sitting at a rollow"I Q"b for the prestut. ill the trQy witu. W*]-,* is "Icoutimeloix, - -r4`V,e-jR­--- 'a " I - - -- , . ". I "iVet] no I*nejit froni- I:Lvni, tina Tjac, We e6rat r -, .You Ru . I � .. ­ - great physl6an, the- sympat"14ing tier up; and immediately t1w fever oNk. . lititlOn that Witt siiien to him And must unwillingness to be OttViinfeut ou ; �jw bKoWng Y1,17 ma"ll alartilea lk-% l4w aw- our ,-ioulq 'Qttd - --Ikg pardou. airl" said tile ___ _!!!o� - - - a - - 'ft ber, and F10 "lill",Av WAO ,. Air,, � ,Ujil"ad wbop� I Jesus and we ask to Ii It Mao who use it vr staryt 1. b(irt gave Ulm In L condition. 40lie 11tty &. friciml. AtIVLK4 orl6eil froat nit ,nit. Nc theua:l Out of grati�'Vde .�he Eet entered - 411 tile employment lie would aceept, 41call It rlither lxrlde�l Hire and Th6re - . � 34e to try � p 'thin With a smooth 1.0allah umat . .- _r_'- ­,r - ­ I 1. I -11 � ­ _4 - - -.-.- . I 4q1#_rrPmVlPz_1h0_r 1-i!4bl*�4,��'Y�-At.-A��-�wv�l-undento(Kl-.tllltt PA -d"Ift '. well Wly --mv - - -_ 1_-.-,__-_---1- ... .. -­ .. , " , 4�ii.. � I our-haud4_we 'Inil.g.-but-A IA. - . willelt-watlaivir-enough'tal - --'V-oIf­4t­WbAt­sQW4lU1ej ��Jmltwft I I * . I a 1vtIttv, Thy 'Cross-wo cling. Ta6u. aTt a it, inst meal. ,Quit $out U11 -other. '110 Iffid slot Weet In AmerIc#h4sbftjjQoQtCMptjb!e� Bfit " 13ritifill ("Wulubials forest rilkv4sys I d willin- - an ,. ,Instead of being permitted to vest persons for *"lot purp"W* . . 4(jottbtfill about In ,g to kzeal "nid to cle "Irru! I *01ottlaxes bave oceoplon MIS* Do Witt agaill at lany 0*11to them hits been a. elmoge. I iliul 9011111 and peitrolaxell. report 4 wautuaiii ifil theift 0A A tllld ao. This is at the close of such a 3tiviluo4m, dm -'s . I front . #111 unvil'-stefavalle. n g. Mark to all 4t- Plac" lit dawvd or 41lued. for she did to tell yet) who I really am." forest firn costs of practifallz So . hecome 4jscoj;,r, our only plt;i. 'Vor Thilne own nalne's work the peorile crowded ,tvand Ne to r0cam � not know tile Ilersons A,110 attvil the. per reot,, ,compiitred, with 192C q_he_-- � (�11'. I , sake hear our prayer. Aineu, dao.;! bringing with them maiu�r who to-' Do you daucel". �'Tllero` Is Ito recd to t0l tat lhqt� � . *,-T,d tryivtg �64 . .0 Qutertalumelita. Von are * gentIt,wall. for I exica mL,t total loss this ytar ivas aticut 4*14�r- " . . � 11 . III g 19. S. S. LMON FOR JAN. Sth. 192S woe. sick and others who, veto dem. "I 40' a "ratti$ he ree .. 000. . . I lufto thl . -1 . . ou� poosessj!d. Dr. -los I 00t Parker *10ere It uteo need Or dinner sub, � Ut Ciler no . OlVeil & Vol_ .YOU In 140don $0elety.f"' . .. � . . . . ­ I _ . .1 How m.rj Are, per, Los.4ovk Tlfle�--JeEur, and the Sick. says that the natural sun gets bat tile otitutel." �, - . � uable Invitattoll-Ilot a pald olle--to, a I *torexx met M0711 I I � I., t 1'essolt Pa9sugo-Niork 1.1.1-34. '�" . Aix air line* littw,cen ITAlfas wA ISU1104 me to ve I I Moment._ It �Qwt wom Now York city, fox, freigh , I , San of righteousues.il arose ;xpoo all 4111eg pardon Musicale given Or a mr.s. yearsle$. 401?or only a 1 ,0,4 .r .Ople *' I , .t.1,t*vk 7:37. those Ve itla , healing in his': **You are Uot tontlitar'WiCk No*,fork 'Who Mrs. Yearsloy was or ,why ShO 40 that $On have not 0welubtt'lld and mail, 4 being cone! r -w , ,r.�;Idea'Tf ; 4;" 0 bo* and iTo I I 3TV 01arktal X lim to Jrobo. t1le Daptisfs -preuching was wings.. Ill the evening. As'wvll as in owlety, methode,i,t bad Invited Tito ho -did not know. Co- too," I Halifax business Interests# sicew*- , 1, . I Iavr 14kes her Aitylett. t Ute taken silenced by Herod Who, 'having taken ,the morning, Jesus. Christ, -.va6t__Ut �� 01 i4ft Wenti,y 0010 frOM 1,04410ft, tIOSItY led 111114 tQ 11CCOlit, What WIL111 "Why have you not told me 0101 ins to a report madt tot tho UW04 . I ftllr WXM. QRdft1A 6VL INly ilifth'-flIld offence"Ordera bhvk to `b6 ,�nst into work. Alten came to ;Qsus ae..'ording where I have bad tbo eatto ,to, the Tits surprlse,. *fie* gmethig the bgatt"o uneeau,se yoo seemed to prefer to rw States Department of C(inotrge Inv I . * $7 . -tese . I " I , I fetl� 40 I am "V 14TIA better. Prison. I w me 4 lotely . Afterwards to the urgonoyof their oteed, TI smart set." �, Io be lod'alt to hilss Do W10. . main Ineogolto." Consul Eric AV. mogauson. " . . I . � . I . I __ .. Jesus 1*gart Ills .Puvia ministry in veople. crowdiur around tho door of ,. 4' .�� - ��� .'r .I, reet W a tqx ot *11 doolere, or , (;ojilee. I Aplos Simon's house felt that urgetway ill Very goo& We have bero uum. "Too tWO I)AVO Met before, I be- I ,,And -$all know )low' I hove limpo T1* Canadian Pacific- r4pre , .11 . ITO called Ms first'diae b eAT6 Ica 1W t)ionx weat to their physioal nature rather thun in 4coplu; Myself from starvattolt liere'r I � , , , , , staged direct onitedp* (of 1plift-by The ,a)ma tieeovapalil I . _er of familles, who hove Ivectili$ bt�. IleTe 'It sold Mrs. Tearsltky,. "I I ' -ft �, , . , COMO 0111OTMOU31Y VICIL and WIX0,00 de- 1111A �lttx you" catherille'. ate that 1110, 11 4A110% Do Witt Iltorgl1eitta She ,Company has extended its sitriiim , .1& , =1,=0. �01]Wxu 00q Lliarwl f'orevto; 0311t, . into, the new Cold. 11t1d of V . . . . ;�� I . car-ovallum. Und on th6 vor,g fit at Sab. their. souls. lQnsoctuontly !;';,Y AV- *a . . , I . � I I � . tile%,, -fog'Mrs. 11itz intil tolij ber� rmt WItIttern rQUebec, reaChing Vataoi, . � I _U aftor joibers.' iXb;j Must W "otm I Indebted to you for tbI!+4ov1. 06 wished to maize It elsy Or him , t I . I - Ut seffliar there he began to proolied Christ With a reques' that strousof getting Into wlety. W,o call property taken Qskt,e, of," I . r __ I �. . OW . I tew*h Ill the a they.might be healed Of tholir bodily tuem. still ot . . I I 1. I .. . "Agogge. Ill$ manner I ovtv tho reftntly Completed *%%*- , . .11 1. ;- I I . Of t4eachljjj$:, 'a 11 Ailllltntg. There were Others like to glu by Inviting the f*W 0MO011 to thli. tittlon!" Ito fiskied. - - . �� � ,We 0$ W114t he $110. 014141 1114t WAS 11400 OUbIlIr Uffair slon, of, tbo Nifilssing Omlvol *031 1 I . ... , ... I . � Ti SWARTS!, i Ialigltt themb, SlIed his llearer$.. Wjt4 h the man who earlier in. Vito (lay was swim they tan get to their functions, ill *0% 'Indebted to my friend Alto.. i ,Way. 'this ii4ttiouslon. ,provwn % - , I - . � . , , Ile Inforlotid her that lie *as all or 11 . � 11 .. , I a"ve-oldisbalowt. ,Ow .Commentator dispossessed of 4i - evil : spirit.. Q1Il0C�VtkwIth tbeft vbo rawnilt In we *'Xietreiley for 14"ting you, But 7011 phow. -that %his unele 11tid lea him. to liew sind ahortroote, int the r I , I I I q I I . � 0 � � - Q, Afft I . . 1, I i"ll'. twys thXfhio cokselousnom at-divhlo. Those also"ho mNsferVil, to aind $win, graftokily thoet vo It � �00_,�j , � itilng Ilto number deal deter �; YOU 114TO'beell Vtt$ suppo,e developing minlut Q.04. �, I I I that he would ba htfit help -to I . .. . .. .. I.. � .... 4800 au�dxoritv, as Loiwgivert I Upourdor 41towed his surreme, nower over, the Of the former and 41141111111114119 00- 10, tilft to Vle." � I . I . I . . . . . I � I . 4 I his fortune. im well an to ht* title, alto raising Is a. 6winx �w . I . . I Alberta as a. norsuot V9, � . I � K 'T11 k11 . , -t- Afifia , -so beamed. tbrough His , . A haill'bere spoit stittlAirtalien to direct Ills - � I Una Xuage. %viritual, aa well as the oh'.vsi�al' by tir. 'it Is ewntlit that 'the 41140 s1n what vres?" I . . .. 11 I � : . fic I teadiing -tha,h the scriDes' teaching fdrVidtling the devils to Speak.. should Do familiar with the Runtomwof ,oToxx have potid no attention to U1. ew�v action, The, yotmg Mao had m dustr'; IYU 11 11 , ... � caiiia ,not -^but appear ,drioelling. it, . . -W, 09LD 1q$ ,,, swellt)Qra. I ficreelve fmztx� your Ann. 11 boccesses at various foirs voul#..%� � . I � - I . *110"It"litt 01it"oet , . A - .-f- -ht � � . ­ I � NIM10. .request tbeltzou should Call 0owe. I b0led and gollot awa.v., Dtath. 11,14 dicat'e. A recent movo In this vw� " .� I .� I L , I , , xx�b , , It " , , , . As ,plain as the signs t1tht -g4thev- ner that you Will wake ask exteliellt - Pluntiner hesitated in repl�jag, to hrought it kzfeAt change 4ZI141 lit, WA -4 .. 11 it I 1. 1. . .. - I - wrt. a of the AX. I -_ - I 14st 44 tb* Square . ... "A04 � I , their synagogue , , Of ,our - � - I ­ - ­ I- L- ­_. -this, 11410111 911YlOg That It WO - -, . I . I 11_1_� .1 11 I.. I - I is,* - I I," - - - ,­ - ,_ :_: .. � e;0 WaS -in ed Ablitit. the ativent, 1.,,nd, are .Oiler, I I � , rtvtlon U tile formatio I A*-. - I Ll 1 11 . . I . . .� I a" 4w , .. I.. . !A man, with an unolein spirit"--4hat I 1: - . oil, 'lot 40 Rollilt bitot. tq f",C),glijild, a Bronze Turkey Um "� I Per$eftajjt�r Of the =41% Vaf In to aqeept,ful o � AtorrPtin how latllert toclatioll, which is now acti" is I , . L'UMAJ, V",4 is, the . CA,*4 is giving to *18 generation a � "In the, beglumig I clin'pAy - oxii At � . I ­ X"S #I%$ -Mj%W� the signs that gather obout, us that "What are $ouv.terw?0 y 0� prove* -for Ill 111010011 Among '11 ' . Overshadowed by,an evil iipirlt for to Call, a a ladi, Into vilood social. protithient In Husthli society Imi Lady gromoting ind extending tho .to** � , ,oppor- f _05 fori dio. . I I , I . 11 � . ow N00, WIr V" IMIT41111" , � now summons and. a glorious . _ _Or a afka(Ing parity an'ts elrele belblotal no entme, I Trevor, W40 WAS Milt 1,*wIttorNew reedialt Induatry� . ,' I . . . -AW.V=WWWqQXr?r0W the time so- J',441; be was compleloly tunj I ,QU .OXCUSO IS . , I . ty to Witt tbo W . L,"f I - 1� I I . � 46stessill.14"4;*11Tjrfellialksaill, I 'Under demohWol, pol'oer., TV). evil . *14 to ciar Re' IkOttv�x , � � . r , not Ao�epjo." � I . I 1. .. . . g .1 , know the Dl%ina pur. .0 ."Very well -.1 will do wAtlf the -bills- Omeo alone, 'Ifer bumbitt does fit 'fig to Dr. ;J, % Mad3los, � . ­ I . deemet. Wo � yqolk� When Elio Comes to America-sbe I'll -.1 I � .- _.... I'll I spirit ro,cogrized in Jesus a power Why Is the gft1Lt*r,:Vr9rk P00-44 I a 0 Accordi . I I -1 -field. Our hosts 4re le! -', ,. I � . ; . - .. 11 . : 11 . 06*0 ' posepIve see tho , I I . ' � -11 . I �. .. . W rn -and hozrjeIi o 04 Or to Call very 000A. -I . rtilsh. being reminded of thi porto(l . Tiodme 4 . . I . � AL.�__�____ �_..�_.*__ �uperior to hii bu .ut .0 iirieo vo 9*11* Assistant Oblilf Ins -_ ready,;, Ue march Itas bogm,'and it ,oa . I I . I I ,W =----.P ww"." ww�­ 0 1 -l"Art. thop come to destroy use the d4beer-uses his beeliq ,11 shelf exWt Yews � I I tile Ontario 1provingbil Depot"oeitilt . . - 7 u"Alor is for us to. dei . . . . when be was ek #octal IlIrtlIng. s, this oper0lon of Alme . . I . p i�i 0 us:?" � ,�esus would 'have 40 testi- :ertaille what Our -qhaN -and bood xmot.twt.pey h4wit by sayb1ir *1T. mutt, Impose one COA4111010 . .. . I - . . F,hall be in the Am and in the. anything. TileAlner mat talk.)* L Tint to this Sir Italpidiortormislove of Edueotion I I . � Ak�i*44"�Vrc-p. R I , mony'as to who.,hia was'from tueb,as victoty. . . . . . ggle . . .1 "What Is It?" , , ,. � I . Canadian Pacific school vor ba r I I 11 I I �. 110-S0. when he Cried out. -"I know � . . I "I Uft One Most k4TIR 10411i4t to 0"at you.ask for no %tim In America. there are no 09W. Conse. noptheyn,ohQ1.10 has. prove& * -00* - . � .1 I , � , , I , . � "He is sounding ToTth the trumpet , NvIlik-, qutntly Aluerlooklia-tbitt 10, 1110 604111t SUCCeSSfIll YOntol't IhUlk thilt I � . . . " P4*1000: Servift olad, . flife who thou Ott. iN Proly One of , r allstxulou�!� . I , � :. eilmilm. I . . . . I that shaWnover ft'll tottvat. , Wbo be a 414110 CO . . 11.00010r, =41, 1! . ro-0406 very high value upoll, Meat bad ttfr eXTICOtto. . 1% =* . I . . . . I 11 � God." 42,qus� Te'biiked hlbll# Zaving: .- Awot at all.. no mu 410ext '* . IOAY*. . I . --- . -1 � � ,� 11. C*te%l Aftdance I . swift my'saul to. answer Hillu, be. * .- ,- I st 1)6 it"If to talk 'Iftwo top I I ��, , " _� .1 - . ­ �, -.9 � . 01%14� thy, %�teatei- ai �, � . - � 1, 1164, 11W vueNlAbomf _IL_r_Q.u1#. 1RQt.#1.1A(0r._A.m,au9� _tbat tb*,pr9t",ss_0.tAhe.V0V ^P, - 7 -, - _.. _ 'i. - I ,--- - - -- 11 . I L 11 *104*Wci ,;," , *" .I d- -cqxue� out of -11ank- mv fft.t� Well,*Vout �otlxtng. �01ifx YOU do thatr- von do not wish It7l . .. f operation boa-livo.-­ 7 ,� I F . 4411N., . " � * � � . I I Our God is. ina"Idno on Ill , . an Irou ilitt I bavo. , . Buell it a title were vallrehed all o1ren lot the � year Q] 4. . I . . I I _ � ! , - , "' - Ica U. -4 sta. I , . %* askeil tot tio-rcAtion. whl�h some. it would still, Ise ellyoted. Arms. renjarkalilt, I , . . .1 I � I .. I I,- . L 410,0"" 40"VoiikAotv b%il Iii, 10draorldinary " anife I Atev.: Judson srolil;, 1). D. . beem In solely all my life. Only Ile- . . . ... . :-RW,*i 10imi " 0040-ttotto 1 t � tion, ''of VqWer caused the wh4Ae e6un-- . . . . 1. � � w1tat,puftloil, Mr. Plummet. Did shal quarterei Vitt?, prison strip" are still I I � ... F .0 - I I . . I I ­­­­­ - -,. - Ing.out,of funds lodufts me t I � . a 1 P69 ?'.� . . . . I --- - ____ � _-11.1@1 0 Offer. I � The� Witttern Canada ,rain . . I.:, � . � � . I .40 ovole - V" 0 � - 9 I , � *ft6W4W- know Ott be had beta, present at Mra. ,orms, And the, Social olimber . weillit . . . I 1. - . -- .. . , thy serviotsfer'wbat you call t Alter," , , . . � I I I . P, "t. - _", I I . I 1, - - - - _ . . L . - ­ Allerlt Re lhoukbt� iilbt� I prefer 'Any, bar slubter to .no a Contemplates =410S. 1500" , I I . I .. -"111100 . 1; - r", - . . i � , RlWs od a I � I . XW$`. n, - , . . � , ., I I 11 I . - � I �, . � . . I'Vex.v good. Urs.J)irnaby Ititz gives � I during the cam lit ytRr A 011*010- . . - � �'L , , Voter Pot I . , , , , . Whose who bittil such persons were At 4014 It Is quiti likely that it. alk � � _ tsistge Siolkitati. . � a 4latlev: to I I I I I .� � 11 � .11 I . �- I � . iiliht ava'Afteeds setoral, $10114 to facilities in country deft-. '. � 1 . I I . I I 6t their actloil. ,� - , , I u ned to the scene of his OP tora and termill0s. In Wemt*r* C I I I 11 0 0 Irbe another tits beelf not likely to tot Pit ph ret. r . '**� 1, I �, � I . . . I 00 -YOU � 'KNOWE . jamig web, , : . . - .� .,�., I 1. . To. SWARTS ' . I I r... , . . a .. . �. . I., .� � .. I .. 11., . I �. , p 0 wo,40'all With One eXoeptloa. IfixFOL Ile made the call and �011fluaeo h1tt - *ratlonx, as YL Social .Aller' the faet that o4mij according to Gwritt 11. WelvUe , . . . . . . . . #*"to l07 010, atriatt'stfriest 1-'_� " � . . � . I . . 0 - - with )illss De Witt. ,Oil** 'lie Wits capable of .Avg a Alter woult) (;c AT Sales Uallager'of Ow 1*661� 1 . . . I , .1 , r , � I . .� .you even altilqatnt4ace _bo . . , , , , I � I �. . I I . .1-t ling dress*& , nex . I ------- 1% ..d� � 'Wom I I - -1 I., 1.1 .4ay, a letter wAp handed to, hl.m by a jedoulld to lilt,cmilliL , oil a visit to Toronto vecoaft, � - I . . 11 . 1,; - , _.. " a ­ 1- I .. ­ ,- 1. Av!194fto . .19j,evenigg areas 10'all, I. bilve� , It , __ ­ - � 1, .. ­ . "11110", . - , - � � 1. . T� w - , .1, t"010,1,11,1�111,0` !,�11 I � ,-- ­ �: - I . I � I "L . . .. . . . . L , Mow, - . . ., young mail, wbo'said. to him, ­ L I . � , . Fis . . building. ptogtanline intlud"1011 4W - I . . i I I � I . I I . I I - I �- . I . (Copy'rl . 0 rrois�cAior) , � Is lafair C0110 .,O.kiijou Mv. Italtilt Plummer?.0 The � . 154 countty elevator In AUttita, to I "i " , - 11 . -11 ­ .. 11 : � - , . t "I fireflume you. will, 'need it tlttlt� , � 11 � I elloatiness of MOtber Gr4xves' lilt Saskatellow4n wid 4 In 29iefii- . . I . 1. I , It 'I 41W, . 'xterinivator puts it within I . I I :1, . . . ) . I . r V5. NIVItat Is An Air-COolcd A�Te- U9� What Is.the 31agnotic Pole'. sOmethfug for eittriago oxid other irl. t there. are 10 -110 . I . 11 . . - '411 WA ftom-1:114H& &- rlUffis. attor- I J,;aoh of all, and it can be got ut aln�r 4, t , , '6 : I I � , Worn% 14 1 1, en I I I -1 . !, 11 .1plaxte Alotorl . . 2"O- How ,Does a Dynamo' Generate. desi�,,bandlng it* m to, 1* S;42kn#0btW*1t nVA - : 55 , �, . I � I . all tive jovo-dollar wity "Ve. Wit �biuldujr Tom jr,uggist's. ... . 11 I., I ­ I . 6 .11".1,1 . I . , - 11 ;_ .. � ­' _1z....- - ,,, ­ ­ �'­­­­ I I . ,�Trjljs; '- ' "' L -, ­­�J�?�. -, _,�. .. ­ .1 . . �- - �, ,?"W^�� I � �, .- � I—— � lscop`e't ' Bliortewity? I � I, . I q . � 226. Nlewkstt Use of4he Vorl me thn0l . - , �� I . . . "$:.a - A11,042111 11011 r I . . for bo in 1,040filln. � ` ''.1111, I - . . I .1 . . . . , "But, my dear sir, , mo I W!!!!!�, �� _00 1. I .0-.�� � . "It , I 1; 11 ­ . I I I I 1. I . . . I I I. � 1. you don't Ii � w . Plumiaer.tore Ott the envelope A114 : __�t_,Z!z I= 0 "M I 1. . . . . I � lr I _. I I W 2= - What I's the Sun-Comwog? I Close 'on 400 uIlleA * J� . . , , . I I � . , t2314 ,'%y;,*�t is, titer )?,ar',th-jnduetor ate. 'Witat is. to Prevent my pooketl0g.. uttoovered, another. addressed to Sir you 4A*XM#4 . �­ � � of brangh 114o , � , � I I . I ' 'k? , ' a ' . I I., this wooey ana not seeing you agalov .1 I �. 040 . I cor'stmet * I �� .. 1 228. Viat is f.bo Drift Indloato - . - Comp as? ' I ttah)k Irmior. . $6 to $10 04- Ion in Ra'statchewan 464 .� . , , . I I I . 11 *etfse ,me 11 . Alberta have -licen virtually vara- . - .- , - . � . I I . I I � '- - _, � .I. _. I - . . .9 ,- . .or contradicting you, �4118 that you?" "Ask4d tile lawsoes pan 6XV - 'I-, . I Voted up to weentbor 14-4 so .. � ­� �1.11 . I 1, 11 J -.1 , Way to LeaM Ont Wortlit Whg*Tbh* Eveyyday I do -*now yea. What yod say Is. by - - � -- 1" - -- '' . I I Uitra Nut -1 � - okft%4 I i . A New , Clerk, I . . Z_N Anaillan ,ftelfic Rallwayj - � � I I r - . . . . .- , . . rttin'.... J4 -- I � I �­�.. ., L lr-. � 11 -, —, ___.'._. ,i 110'WeAUS COMPliftlClitarYl to MY 08- ply L,11,tkS to ollell - - A TtpOiti from bea#q"vtixm_ . - - � I I I I _'Wi_RP,_­�_ -_ - - 'WTION� - � ftrula , inummees only re -A letter cO italrk, w6tbr bloch . I Int.10 , z . I . NS enL I Unow a gentleipau when anics, BaiLity, woldfur. � I . . . " . . , . � . � .11 11 . . ;c rO LAST WFY,K*S �Q � .. . the second eavolollil, I 1...Ou 282 miles of this tonouvo. - I 11 , . . . , , I see h1to and would know him if he ' vide3olzint and House I I I Garden 0gkill in Qmkor buria. . I I . I I I 3. Why '!Does Oiling Skagnant � u edin it etunkoliced to lilm that4l" ono, Wirltmalkol3dollay:99, . tion grain from. tile curront Y�seo �. . r 'Ll 1, : Wil:1414111 ' I Were in the garb oralluck'ster." � � . I and Vj*40AoX.l1Pftf- . � 1 . 'Ijarvdt is being taken -out, . staA . ' I I ­ � %Mowid i and , 1 2VI A"iter Ptevv4t mitial,141 ... goonds, dulllford,� N. 0., 84 feet . etc In Ung -l'.1114 bad illed.childless and. olture . . � � Wid DVOMY C � I . . . I , � ; bbing . . I . I I . . , : - I wm.V14,�,W*ti�rf iru . g1j, limik �prg*ld, 113 feetl Lgil.-th 17 Thank you. very aluoWl . WD I k he WAS heir to his title. . . 1ATIZ, - , I while wbrk, is elated down at IW . ,I I j Iftto, thZ� �, malarlia, long,.Uollev6d ,dua to *14. 1 1 The Agent, Ury .rulsfror 'Short, to . I date, oil most of - them, there ls�w �, I . � . . .1 1*6�sdltstkm N. _ 11 avgoAwo ta'A ill T"t. , - � 1. I . _. . the who's name And add . ross. the navas riamwor,or,-ftther, Sir Italob Tre- be Pro.peraus. 1. .� . . WIT sarAt on wbleh bridge. and oth.vr . i I L L' I � � ... I jWhil:*Varts; e0e - �squ'ta` 22Z. - Site- and . Rxtent -of the Cali- I � . 'aaad jr1tione now � . is being pr0ved�& . 4 I with tht I air is- roally,ch 1. vori leaving the messenger to takis care anAkIlappy - . � 11 , , . I '(Anophelosl, 1 Th mogiluitwo Arq � � given being Italph Plummer. 0 1 . � , . . , . I . * � roillih Re4wood? I of himself; went Ont called 4L call, And' ollow. tit* a it I 'with, I . . I . � I � IM96tilipt. .11 . . I � � � .. . . ! I . infocted,:ivlth a ,parasite w'.-ieh is the "Ammedrl said Wr.,,Short dryly. d1reeted the 4drer to take 11101 to lifirig free Lkitittuolly,10,0k., V . . I i� , .. . . . . I r ir Is An ivopgreen Of -the typress fa- 'As you like4l, *as tile rosoon;e, ' . � HetnphiU C1 . � . �.. . . . ­ .4' eCt eaus;i_ of malarial home. htarterecl&h -w . 1:1-n- -ms iu to okpiku. � � fovers, aild ' I lfi3XjnCFt.,C0tWt%t . - , Tomato . . . I . ! i rally, and O.-topies a, narrow forest . M Wites 0619 Whether the corn be of old or at , t I . .. . I ,4;d tkir iprahls�, hnilsts, � their -bito trapsillits � the parasjt�� to hcIt 11!AW�Crj. the '%�O$t $101)eg Al * th When 11r, Plummer appeared at . 4 1100V eomo,4 he said to her, #Ito gro%qh. It oluat yield- to,4101lowa$?o - . I ... . � I I . . 0 . I IS .-Co"t twcouot , . I I win. InAslauch tit the, larvas of the Ural, Ititz"s-he ,was directed to t* on . a Corn Remover. , . . � I I � 11 � 11 � � I 1: ^u4 ob*i0sid r4anwn# 0 �' I � coal3t, Ualiges - and tfie agea"'. front hand In thae to, be loQked over -;,-she I -1 . . . . . rfto uturloyi,ot t Evrelco I . . . . I . . . . .1 . '. � � . . . � I � � mosquito T04piib 44"ant, water in V �__A_ I _W.1= I .� : � � �. - I 11 ­ � 0 ve ,to _�-__ - ____:i ... . .. ..__�. - I I I onteroy County north. to the Ore- brOUglitA I I tte io bes n him And I - --l'';C�-------ttit�-.�t,�.,����t4-���---,-�—� �_�_ ,..t41-_--__ — '. _,­_4"_____t��. ' L. I I I � ­ . . - whL­11 to dovelop, and slke�tbey re,4 . 16. ,4 .1 . . I ; � : . 11 a 0. _. tban, . lim it fow.q6stlono an14! . A a 11or . - . I X�Tlo ath ,ozAhing 25 miles frolit the. coast, or beyond "Us w6st li,luebloodeil.guestlor the , . - , I � . - - Tourk * '� - . . . I . i quire o n to bre e, I got line, Tareir elefeuding mine after AskIII&A � Victo a and .V ncou'Ver Mecca ' 1..ts, � - I I., " I I . . . 0119h will: cover the surfrace of the e � �, I I - , . . . . - .1 . .. . '4 , ­, . . . I . I I the Ocean,fagov.1n WhiCh Climate It evening Is Mims, Do Witt. She Is a du . . � _. . . I . . I I I . . L . �. , � -water Where they batch st-ATAciently to especially , thr � lVe , SO - While not so, atendent Of John I)d Witt.' a great � .. I I I . I . � --- --- . . . . . I I I I I I . IM0. L."; 0 . La .. �, ��11 . .. I ', prevent'their gaining,44eeo, to' eilarre as its Win4red.sequoin, the Cali-', iomothing, or other of 11011211d. Idajj!t . . _ '. I ­."� � . . . . I air will eause them to suffoeate, A . . . . 0 . . I wood . ­ , 11 � I . . , fornia. "big* treop" the red is tile � Mind telling you that 1 Secured her , I . I , �', * 1. �, I "I � ... I I film of oil doeg this, and the oilin$� of . 11 I , ,. I I being - .. - , -* .. . �1. . I , ,': - , I I I ponds and ditches is saving' .millions . Ight from 200-3old feet; AiA,. tim Over by An auto. Tait are t to I * . I . , , � ". - .. I Itallest tree native .to America. rang6A betAuSe lay son saved her front 4 1 ; 1, : I � ,� I—," I [M -C , -, .. I of lives, . . log in bei � b nly . ..' - . I I . I ­ I I. I . . . I �. . . 0 . Imeter 12-25 foot� Many .n(lividuol. watl vrho Is. to ditie Itero today who. : -k:7� 1. .� I .. . �. . ,� �� ;, ­ - . 1�;..;;;;;;;;;;. I ' `­­_ . I . � �. 1, I . .��..w i , � I . "�� . - 219. Amau4 of Live Stock Killed' in-. tjoes re Ar old As the.'ChAstlan ora. *111 be up to Tier high stepping gal& 14 0 . I , . ,,.� I I I V� 8,bY Wild 110*08? ; , i4voyis of the orl ' Do W . .1 il I - . � . V . : �f . I . I . I � I INIPP, "I'll, I � .1 . I I I . girAl forests are .hot son ean totentertala her. I'll I .1. IMPIP I I � ,� 1 ! I I - . I 1, . . . I ighwa�s, itall YOU something substantial tontok. . �� I � . ,� .. ? I I ..,. .. � . I Prodatory animalft hove boon do- �being retfted along the iii I � . . ;e, " ,� '. , . . . I 1. � .: 4-A f 10' � strdying 425.000,00 , worth of live 294. Anxtsont of Lumber Redwood . t0w.11 Iq �,� � , 1� I I � ' 1> �",', '.1 . I . . � Produces. 4 � Mr. Plummer was shown lotcr .It roota � , ..., - .... . � stock A"nuilly-average. wolf. gild ." � . . kowk I ' where the guests were ; Assembled. . �"�' L'�', lv_,,� . I % I . � . , 1W 1. 1111,0%, oft, - .. mountain 119p, $1,00.0 wortlo; bobcat. ,Annual. 'dt of reilwood lumber i� They Were got all'unrell"ed""_ � � � 1. . 1�1 . . ' - . . I .1 at, copoter Ifil); stock -killing ' bear, Aout 600 Wt,1111on board feet (12xl2xi And 4AfINS . . ., I . ­ . I ... . 4 . . I � . '. I . . . I . . . I . u a .30 Inillion " I I .i 1, ;111 /? I . . . title was not as Urs, Bits 'had Oeserib- ", .1 .-" I .1 worth in a year; during r: moilths, kll� neret, or bO Wilton feet, ,Van y of .. 1; I I .. 4 ­ � -28 uYater ""' " single wolf, killed "'000 Inch)' ' awo at u out 1 Oe Witt WAS ovi4ently high bred. But . I I I 1 '19 vT , i I vill her, being. litiosgualing And )say* , , 'I. I., . - � . 1. -� . 1. . I ., I led, 20, yearling ritters, 0 ieftives,� 1 ,these trees are train 400 to 1,000' .11 . : . I 11 . I . I .1 I .. I : . . . .. % I ., L 000Fs I'5 400p, A ViIU47* Shoop dog. years old., *Vot'ordinary nine forest like. Though the WAS viot among per. 1�., �* k.�', I i .. I I . . . . , f I.. .1� . Ratft Two wolves killed 12 zbeely Aurinq i 10.00 feet Per acre is A; large yield; 01009 of her Own met. abil did not 1061- . . , . '_�_. I I 11-1 I I , . ,_ I . I Avo weekt,: in Another state two of ,redwooii: fore.sts average ,r)0,000 feet; eat6 by bor tugoner that she, Was out I 1�.,� I � 11..0 I I .. . �.. I �' I . � - . I . L . � , thow. killed , during one. molitit ISO 4 tract or 90,000, aqven averaged .81. ,of place. When her illover. eompanion . 1. I .1 I . ­� - . 1, .- I I . 11':�A�.­ �, , I . . I I I � I . .. . 4 1 . . . , ;ct,� to 1. , -Iutx4d")L�,*,O,,.1!4-,#bq-lLoght4.A�,, _____., . .. I �,� � '. ­­��Z .1 M- 9 I'To ;'-1,611rut , a-tr'F1f-%0rz41-n1�-1g- —atr4---hW6-1P1:jj(I-qjrCid "� � I 1- .,� . I _11T.Or - I " ., I 1� I .,� 1-1 I- *, � � . . . , - A 9 1911 was 24,'Zo vattle, ; I . ... I . . ­ L � I 1: -ka,�'-4-lU "-r'—, 6 "-,T W.1� lita, with nil expression that, he C6010 . I . . I I . QT I . .1beep, Mi'liou feet, A rod -wood tree 5 feet! not well dogne. It w1glit havo been' 'L �. . I � I . . I � 830 horses. , 'During Ills 0areer a sin.. in dia-meter Acids ,enough lumber for I -earjailltr, � � . _._­ I . . I . � L. , , it might hayo b"u surTirlso. . .1 ".. :1 � I -I---- I - I 1, I � 'I', , ; -, . 1gle wolf killed $25l000. orch. a g0r. a cottagol. juAlly6ingto trees produce I, "Ate. Plummer, 414, you say, film - :"". . - -X%T � *W,t sj1'QA(7 - VAt4COOVSM I . TA& , , I I � . .� . . - .1 I � . I aft, 4?cjaw way -to , . . , I.... I 11 I I I sws.r I � �Iy beak $75j0Q0 1worth. .enougli tor a dozen cottagea-a to. gitz?, 11 (140WrIPS 0A-00jW*,tNj,Nr9t;s I . 11 . � f ,-, I I " ­ ;s Ott, to Vvter� toot troo 160,W0 -feet; 0.2 foot tree' i -yea., "is IS. Mr. Plaminer, an cla . . . i ; i 1. - , , _"' 1, , i no. Stells I*ilt%T I:e" . I . 11 � I . T � � 4 ,W . mak to M00010" I . I nlialkie The ?y .1 nearly 200,000 feet, or S Carloads-, friend � - A Christmas rose Plucked in tile ��j . . - I * of ours.,, . � A M6 garden is no noveftk � In tha � . . I The M'S, Blol�gieal 'Survey cul. voola hauses, Tile Alter passedooe of the Pleasant- flower vase of a Victor -lit at Von, . �, " I pay,ft,owand ploys a corps. ,6f_kXjK,rt huntowq, whil 024. Vx(eid- --tif Aloving'o Picture fit-leat eyeal"go. of his -lite, feeling fhom couver automobile, for tho climate . .1 I I , ­ .. I : _�anger- d . . .. I - I * . in u single year killed, 80,00f) "Ary? , tholfirst on r*pport with lilt compso . of !hela titto British Columbia cities . I ... I . I ; i - , ous animal:;, that prey on, domestid seveitty tililtiou people -attended iffan, Urs. lilts; conddetod ber*0 - Is to mild during the vvinter that . Saivo the b1s live 8toCIt and, '%Ig gkme!' lit jil.large, thP "'Ovies,0ach week in 210,00 then- 400 wolf, Considering that her hits- both 0alm etcrual 'summer. Thol � . I WWAIP� ' I . golfer can drb�o, approach the I . � westolra, states�-113 mountain 1141ris tres in the United States and Can. balled had AfArttit his edreer as fi'folft- 'grA,(!n I fj phit oil A real grgms given I . IW-� ' , cosint , tpumv 114 A�ftra, �0,997 holleats Ada. paying the box offieta $1,262l_ drylban, but several at her g0jeots , I :,� , 4 . I I . . . � ftw annuall��. Vatti6 , Industry, sox4e, fitrio" twftts. At i0eh tizies . praot-cally evety day in the Year . - . flifty linx), and Cauadian I�nxoq,. and . and bubdreds Of joiles of splendia � � . . . Wift 11,38reogoto (prairle wolf). , olle intluding Uiedlem, emplo,pi 0out.julas Dil Witt either. wtot oil with roads are in tint class eoWftion tit# " Motto- 200iow people. C1,4,1,01 lmleater" *bett she was flaying, to Mr. 11141ftwer year round for4 lootoring. T116 wlt4 I . I Nift 110m 'in 9 houro.whiell Wore de. XtW YOfk, SCAtilIg' 'r'300, is 1.110 � l . 4 GODERICH ji�'hua0r'ivlth his dog killed 5 or listened jqttefltively� to ,what h# climate 98 largely due to the warna. . , D $j" ie tleatvr. $315, ,*ther Ignoring the I I stfosi"Ir ,000.wqrfb -of llvp tjt4k world's largest movi _�4*14, to ber Aft influenoo of the Japfift�enrrent Ir a I &�snoitajly; another in 20 ilayi killed 8 000-000 iAv0ste4 in filmS, .Iftricll nod i tirwh, riummer was too soltek eo. ail�194 protecting rarigg of mountalim I 401 I . I �wojvoq that 'had ,destroy, groft" with her to ertn know that A Victoril, vapital Of 114tish C"Itun. Wateranduffut � � -q $90,00o 416stunles', total invo-stment in, indus. 1� '. __110 "so air Ill lirwing boa meurred. bla, 1.4"'a city of rare char -o] with, its, . �*Ortlt of eattl�, rigs'and sheop. lit try ftbout 11�1 Alli0`11 41911AM. Or, -It 1�-114tjf"l drjV466 And V,ej 0 Wheel the hove for dniarture ftinti I . idential Aft. 1 �7 ytars 080,000 destit"etivq beasts itent'"k of industry is ", A",�`1011 U" Im Witt am not vilt , ,flows, Its first �eljkss Kole Conn" to .. COMMISION ' tot Me. viMeh auct-ts i4 easily obtalm . I ., [Imilled, S.-N.M0,60 in live stock ,=ed COUIA,V, C911C, WIWI# 611Y 15f,'� of rilf~ 1,0 sliek V#W";" jo tollip" -, 4 .,by I I the plarer. Its invique Clflv 'N - ­ _ ---1 � I � flre�le " 7 - 7 - '. - I ­�_ 1. - 11 , ­ . . I-ali Of' llpar-ly $1 milljoll doll!jre, $fssaft. nat UYS aid# J6 We 86 quarter, ts turbaced IfindusAts � * *;; . � from Agughti!r. giiietures art ruade, -wltha weekly par bAw, It ja ,Well alli'did *4 for be 1, � gy. � 0 W470; r,q7lr ;74j0AtXF,VjC70;,t a! mom 221. 48oar Fmmays 19h*4 and,Oaks Whole cifles, are built ror thi,� pje.,gtig *A" It , coveved Empress Hotel iord its im. I � 10 I ,0f YAWteNAV. S. I , tting rfijlljoo,�q ah-fillfill,V. )I . , jiaws,jor. Me& Vj"*A I ,Who OW polit"K parli Ament buildift & 00tt, dZawpfor. Ccntur�j-old cedars and Vartc-ouvers gn.st cod, 101ju. with Gow, I - � . . I " Xew rkland is fft"I"A for it,_3 0-. . -_ " �, _ I . . the Vgqtoila Golf � Club anT the Col. snatled aakg of gr,vit. age orb con- ada's ,greatest Paufle povt ATZvo A � FORCED To sot IN Istately elntm; fleitlyArd stalv3 fi, e, -_ -_ ' . 00 I � C -,Wcuou8 featuix's of the land!cape, awl devote , . I I south for their magnifiet,tit oakq. For Both Rosso, and Sfatle,-_.'� ebtortsined tlaoa"T05 otgarmts in a and Linizcs of torzet or Ecolch bwoln, virtolIfi S tLe fitto 'of the 633--,. �, I A SAFE AND There is a good deal of gimiliuvify, f; � I shigM Vevar. and 961feril Stopping At livi,6 t1jo jjgjjwa�7e. tat Gardcr4, pre.rtcd'tp�t�Y&D Xft t I . CffAjj._4dV $AD The viant hairAwoods usu0i, ,,,,tf,nil rs"Evy I r ,Y8, s fliking, between hoolial the *.�'mj)1'4eS3 nla,V pyar at both upon 1,%6 V�<,,for;a, Vftr,c�ouyor Pas tv,vsa ago by tha Cai�adoin PacWO ItIAZ , I . 11 in solittify 1p,randeur�--ftot in fall-ow'.r. I a , - I � 'It 'A b6ilder and hal usy and wDl^ ta tawv L-,�,nme 11'se , I '@A'LM CWLDA I � i t e lowcr Aaimftls� "i'th kgfllen� of a mmal gIrtotAl fee. a worwntal ro, ic 9 "") """" '�"' , , '"" -,-,^ , �� ___­,_­ -_ ­� , V ' "C', o"', "'""'r, I Mt "ll"I" & tholip, T'had 1 The 110M Mial" Wether-Mie#d,, Co7m.. j iia $11, * �-% to many kil"Mme F J 1. Ictor2x is voled for ifg wop""ifirokilt 113ralmd, "Nixtils I tit' ari-1. .i of 145hos of eplesulid anto. e,ca'sl Centre Of 61v V�fv. Tbe 43**,-- 1 � � '. , seich stoiii&eh goo, I took Adt"As Ahc IftrKtO 0441t*fft tree, height IZIP � 0 ., i I fro inflawmatiort sind to fill AOVO4 EfRdiV9 thl-O"Ith beAUNfOl 111013itO VQ:td8 Of t1' ,0 f4XM. macadam . dinlis are cqn�vvn,l vvidl a mik"-ift. I W. '111fovt, 1"Pre'Ad of brane -I 117 fitt. .... � C,ut4 . ,omer Il- munounded by f(Aller. cont lCQ-1bot whimming vco% vow. I 014;otlihm I out %ur14 W "o, I't 20=EIR I raer elf 4 and broj!W!!, 1111. Ortntt,w. along the ncraf.,)`-, ehomn �srd Varc I - , ,(�, of its , �1� � 1. of fisje.,�-- Xr%. GIvait 8814r, � sit-th N feet, eistil"Ated lf.� 150.4,451 ') Thomos! Ek"lectric 011 1-4 **I #_--niirely I fnp SWO the galm-tz .e Waf ,4 �fl - � L ., �1)9 wAlnuh-4s and ponlotil JUICIZ? C-Otezt(lby a caoo)py C9 jflot�w I TV0 ,� WORM , " 1 reliable reftiefly for sn�-h ,ilment.i I viacais -N tit tt!e, Votbel-M f;rl (,f clf,ton!," tivio� enow-rappeC 1�eat.% , k,v�6 thi knbault3ntl o? vin1054 004 _", flie, FIRRT apool fat nf Ad-!�ytfvlrs. "Itf)lse 00 " ne3y Martpiv I . , , , W'"fid, * .14, I �j VILSICCV3 90�k i'l t4OX-101 V1 f1i"M � . "I %, T, bran(h ,,"Ove.04 113 to �41�. 410d, Mi!+1kP5 in %th 11"mAn Nnhirm lit . I I � I � I : !. 41 ! j � . W I i 1 4 1 1 7pr " ' I ,, I I I I I i I tol I I =,ere ar I �T_C'l so I qF I I I [. I I I I I I I I I : I , � I., 7 1 � . I � A. .1' I I . t I - I 'I I I i I , I i - I 1� I .!��,,4.,6,,.......ea� . 'I I 11' I I 1� FaWOMMf I 1 IQX�Ilww i - I ,_1"': " ,,, , � ': ... !!�, ,�"_, I � ��,_ � �1 �. If ,., � I- A,_ "_.,�, , �,,� . , . lorntarclievPS imst 0vt "so istog"* , , POW Vm"couver" TOR-nd, 141_1�p_a mfttj� 11"All, Arft (,go Of tl!�n r',�&,),Y lvrxn'�u traulct .. t~ven poltonialtine xrn",*t of rtltl� anA thr, I'Arer mdorLt Of Lftf%omnl,� � flo;;") !,�,��O,L,v,A_ VA,r�oilve�,, ko 0,0, PK,;�� of a nj,lt Cn1(,CP44,*�1f1sP'0 hm,11fivP, Arj 6:e tq"-�,An yac'Hitr&'s (1 t!�f� i!Wxtir- , I - Ow *,$ aklisvo_ 114 foo- , 01A 11*f,W_te1-LV (104�1- 11A.11I , . - ­­­ ­ — �­__-_ � i�-h Nalvv, ,t%,In di"'IV16C4 2, , - I .11, < (Dn -. 'I off:, i? fnr,*-* (�,! vraitto. juatititi, fl, � � - FM I bfl,?, ZD!vrt�l'ung 6%�/. 7 ,� "j, �r,t),T,11 01 .0 tg � . ItArOng 01 4 � ioit RfAve, 14� J_ IN"S !tpr ' d 14-4 (f �.' 1,,,� t!e"!R., 0�.n­r ��#,l" t�p P,�#'44�1' rallj!'4 ft'_ C't"��r�j_,e jj'3'��'­ J'j��fj ZF!P (_._,tfr,�," V�"!'n� ow nhwk�-1 it pis*, . �'M ;I , t,.,��,_.p C.�'j.A r jr, �0. t(:,CF� 1 'I , fft'.jj�f"��_ . - _ _I -1 ,* ?6, , _� , t<, V�L , , 1 . _ I rth 17 foot, "J'Solos" 4110:' "n -M 00-W*1rA",*" oulep.lw^-ft IP 'L*"_Ns fit, *h." 1 t6xe� ,041 0,(tt '"Ths..6 � 1 _, n 'If 5,�,k,( 'er � 1&*#% you #a I � I I at' I ,4",*kf_- Ot&0 t-'*--% o bod 1',�t, � . I I Ar joy To"r toiris". 41% - _. . ,,Iq 0 I 40WA"s "* #00org,vaw ki % piewle b�ftstr. No me"*r whet YOU - "0**W*"--jft*4-WW.0­ Thty tkl;n thtfflsthts inlktfFj, er;l .1 �. - _ I 01a,is tried f- yow vtow4rh am "Qft)!#r buvipl *rtim"', �tsilo"�, %,-,, ,1,. "W O*q'' oomwo,ro".M. , 1'r. -,"'A t'�,e Ti,-,A,N �,I;,tr *15,C71 t,!!�4f-,-"�e v81v,-,:1i-.v,,, P_-_3 nn 1­114-Mm'tp rnf,.�,,q 16�3t �4*o)'­­ V-, 0-o", . . I 1howrlit, Adlotilks *10 sunwino vtvis, : llfi�h �.Pv"_tf 1 !-A ff, *Irtft 10 f^ ", 4inrillp" 0"e 0!!Mhtr� I J� f,,:�";f-1!:'Fe jrj1,",C!f*. � � ", Jrr. . . n 1� - ­ �e, ,"-f "0*1l4"'A*t1,4A1% ; . PFA TV,*j_C,4,r­ it 'I 1 ?1%4 1 - t . " - _ Of fA'n" nn ?�,,,�,v q- fl`- � r- V,' �7c.�a,--1 tu�o t r,&.ze iv�",O�,-!v -q--t, I �, .1 - L . 1� � ­% _=�_ ---- �_. I , � it- Gr � fl�l �­I! '. - ft,,_- 1,_,,,,�­,,n," f.:'1' 3 j;,:'T3 i -, ;u'"', 1,jr�-%- , CAMI09FL1;8 DRUG 11TORE tvvni#41 *to, 4M-,". ytov'-� .. N IR1010! �;u!lr r�1111"�f_'fo,ig-ft, t_`:,:10 �!::,!n U.": 16 , " . .% , , 11 I .1 11 . 11 I C