HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1927-12-29, Page 4AR '' - Toults"T. em 011boo MT 1, I ­__ - — 11 PWF77 "_ 44,+W.C11 avid 1W.CrA. UWA Qf Mr. 8460aer'A k*ntr, for Ow I UJA*rs 111841 lWW Ql for iaala�- s:,r*ro,-' 11 IN I �- - I �iv. five wie, the thirli the cowpiw,�, k1AA �� "---' *I Kaod %o& - " - , Daniel Morris 0`134co, rix,rc!1ant, had, wrollid have wrokell tb�oq *w*rt of � (6-- - bUt jlit jkej!I&liT h4d ki,fvt 1.4*, aoinitia* tir lb,� 100MI � � W Propased V,y J. W. vraigie uwl Uob� iltany a Mao, � , � I e Wish-' to Thank..00 Zrt Turner. I b4 trucii-S ranub)x ow ,day aftiWille tij)"'of mayor for 102k Said, U'S cuj" he 'I I Megaw, gcontl "AAD, proposvil firt, and had wooderfal liii;o 4utO fff I,, toilijan for the. IK�oploo, t, it �:tW 0 I - -the PAst �C`tri by CNas. Ilreekovi and A. 11cid4cii, ,1028. Mr, Th", $4114Y 010;rtka ]wt '; i the beit Of Mu tvwlity RIA liail tl_rt�. 1; a . , . , due ' ,- Ar nil � a I t�. ; All Pitt 06011WO fOr 01617 Paf[01129C dutillk I Willian, 11. RobcqvtE�)a, ,�iablisller, of worL i,w the vw� NO a V, W *'futl htmorvent Ot flne cxlwll-. . .1 .. P . �; , ecak alues for the .� � "' "' . . � prorioscil by. It. J. A, ltfw�14wan QRJ Ple"tY of wColk 0481 '410 Filri-st blie flepelt. atid to OxWlld tO all Besi Wisbei f4lf a I "�; . &%k I . ul bad ,�Veot $10,� be "U ' Wtr � . predgirig eel !"A'7 "� " I Gould, gentleman, O" i -a -%x-ages and repair JAIs tbb;�d 4 "... - I J. J. Moser. Went, W�IU would be pre-V.-Acd to � voly Happy Now Year, Closing Dams of I (;eorgo rak1kcr - 1, anti John ytor and bad been Vwj� dretigirig to tile people. For some, years taw -c- i f � . .: : . i , __J roposed by '11. I". 4''Ce4a;a� - - - . � - _.___ & � us ow a depth of ","A fect and widclling The haki been talk� of taking o! I '"' , !I i A I - 11 1. I I "' u R -ing a Joh c,f rcb , Huron Cannuig Coin— stlects a it jai. uila� � l�� p4e� J. Cantv,7011, rctir,A.' proroz- tbannel, Tile . � A#% . I ' . I `tv. pany ,%vps rather a nov,; gompaily but, ing thvin, cud this y�ar h., Irld talxn . He Itoks. DUNLOP I . the Old Year r-4 by Ift Uailie and IT- 3- 8- 51� a - rIGO and, , - 44tO n , . ENvan. . undc,r Mr. Vhccr's Mau[19011102t 124d UP Brit, unia 1`644, N1 I . 0 For School Truitee . ' client a lot of inoucy in brlmllrg tiw iWellington streets in this way. )107,� THE RE)XALL DRUG STORE . ar �tapuja ri)adt a very lowc stmot, �,*d �4 . . . ______________� St D i 11 ward�. Forbq r. Nil- 4211111PI11011t UP " date and U('Xt NT, . �� . U . avilk 8 'c' W 'It canuiu,'?"fa­��'- b,en rebuilt for $590,70, ,4nd Vileni — ach ; r : oviner. proposed by J29. V� - Oul"i 'hOvO a re" Bi�Wrd Black I rlo&e 0 ; SPECIAL VALKS IN EVERY UNE IN ON STORE 11111.44101mS9,01 anit Jas. C. Varrk,. toyy; ,4,11P p, -,l 1: Tlad root Wen cw bi6v �qp cousidemd what suea stwcv'�so,as � : . �, . . St, riltrickl"3 ward-4obn � Cott, 4��. war, bopci2 for thIG yvar "'t AV. ­­ hawd � � I ____ � I ­ -_ -."Now . I of tbn� 'Ca Cambrip, road and vietoria �ftw­,.Z Mul 1. __ � - 11 L - , , osed by 11. C. Nun- count 'Of tile z;kqrtaes.q Son. P .- .- 11 -1 . -- I .1 _'_ "�W,_ . merchant, pro St. the cost of Dritalmia rood would . I ­ _�_ I mr!�!_! --u ., --1-1-- ­ � -1 ­­*�� . 1. . . . . I nings and 11, T & 311rX-,,,Ew1n. 1.40 Knittivir COTAIDany had vowne .0 ­,_­ ___ -_ _____ �_ I _, _, I . . I St. fleorgo's Nvard-walter I1eru,­tarJW diffi�10t.'e% pod. not h,,4-,�tvg g,)ncr b6 found to be very�liiw- Wo V,ev — . not hanurav �:"Jlt,�� - � We thant, you for your generokis patranage slioe lmerebaut, iweposed by I B1. W. luto tl4eo ullk ildulm_&�. r�roa not fortunate in getting Ilo�w and Dra- crusher. Tao BtQrm Ecwtr put VI on ways, but why ---, 1, ­�_ ,­­ - . hav,jr, `11 n - V- - V"as .no alow, -04 'Glig. 1biv, 7wz-_*.� V_ ;� I e I .T as nusell rrecom aq, U iised tioes outfit lid did for %tw' ."hat Hamilton street, he claimed, . . Howell .and Win. Coats , gainst that. was doing aud this s�N­stem v,'ac what . . Alfred Verilon 8"Ur4yo 11101TUUhts to; The God-Ich Plonio. 1411IN vlo� . � `- would Igive cost many �Um,ff th-at good. Ile bad voted i I " -�.*.tban tile � :� tvain, Mr. Mumiings Shows a Record (If 0 1 � i � Ciiir ' the Governillent over the tifiril ; i 1 -,oak � during 1927 and Wish yQU'a ropo8cd by Jos. C'. -10 811d J38- Pan" Toportcd more busin umpunt � it had been done b � had broug'at succo-S In the imit. witil . . I I , � I g up I t., A loulson. I lirmlous YeaT And V0414 ""31)CCts fOr and the J14rOder bad been kept, oi ., Good Work 4 �, he Voting, cor". , . *Watori Ver. New Year 044, J.,jouelTarsois, ele,,rator ujan�i, the, covoing year. X nrotty tnueb oil sear,on In keeiiing ,� Mr. Runnings, auoVaor nomince, I . _ y H , I , gbod mir; its chief Mr-, Craigic. was not prese;it ivilen. ;, _., agqr, vrqvoSC4 by B, C. Allumines rnnv bad awly W4 tiraduet liti. the road -sb.1red up. with loose ma- - �V.- .-*­* , ". �1�- . 111, 11. diffieulty was to, Iret 4t- refmcd to his work Intbe tOWn 2nd Called on. ' Ur. Dailie, as 4.141rirain, � . . . . - , . ..,_____#�� I - and J04. Calvin, Cutt. and loy tole tile Iloople; wbort thia was donn terial lilaced ullere it waull be be. :county connells. In 1022 the council; *1 Wood and J, W. Ctaigle. o tr4file. ' - � 11 of tb4 spovial and relief coraulitteo, � . I -11, GerAld Xowton, ulorcliant, propoaq rprer.t vrilpi,6 rame in fively. As tA Win by the aut proposed tho raving of NktOeM rd- . . . - told 'Of what -was 4ime in co-olvrat- . . 11 .. led by F. IT, Wood and J041 C - ,nile;t, O�f streets bod bien He took thQ position that a road Am- . owft , raigio, the Arterift Furniture C111111D.aw tbot A vmnt nip - I I ,_ . 'A,,, Ill, -NF IELD ' Man- Mayor _a, JIM for a Wt-; eravollftl ouil West street and otbol$ Ing witit tbe cliurolies In the 'hilitter, , OR and by J. W. Craigle and B. C. ., �d 114T bad 140 ilor to the Square. *as what .was l, * , .1 - AfIg whi h bad of relk,f. 7he council allo4 'ed 875.0' . f., � ninga. tor rl>portlo but sineo tbo, failur^ -irmts ,where tUe road. le needed and that street Was built for I I . I I . I , � LAD I St. Andrew's ward-Waltor . � IES' and MEN'S WEAR 11 .. r-raro. jl,je Heroic Bank It -had h4d-,difficul-il,een tro4ted with tarvia. was; found $11,000 instead of. front $43,000 to for rolitf and all but a few' dollirq of - - . . I-— _: I ---.1. _ - - ­­--­.- - _­ - _­­ - _-111 - . I� M , , - . reaklog-3 k..6p , - ­_.­­_­.­_,. ... .... -,.-.-. _­_­jVl40N_F.4 . -r-'-A-1QVIL-1 . ,qpgt, j�s_�he year bad. be I . " 1� � I VIS , Q 0. -]ffif6r.--PrOiiosvd--by -J;: tiviii--�".Ite�arg-�-(,*Fou$rk�- autt-M , . WAW�_JM+_beeU,r'Q%tch- - - -606-,iii,-Ji6­f­ijjrF., -ij- __ ,.� _WA I _­_ ­ I .­ -0%____1_ —'------ I a Ito-ly a I . '5 . I , W �, . baving to aisposo of -their boldiays k 't 43 0 S T oe ff out -of theworst for relief for �Some I * , I.. .� . ST $16E SQUARE - — .00DERICK �� .. .. AV. cralgle and o. 0. uz, ad WWI cold ,ra*-h to,vgstoro 0 -cut input xau.. Ire had helped in prottiop'... - - . � . I 1. . . . . I we . . et auart In the Ar'llraft tg 109Y U10ir tbf4l! and prevent further darnage, N'lue . I I .. 1. . . . I At tile dqse of tbo.bour q - -. 1 1 �, . U1410. I I . I - : I ,-- ___ '! .. tondon:1.1ow. Mr. J.?r,,. donbTo liabilitY in, Oid-001114. Planli the grant frool, tile county ccurtell. I - - _ ,. '' __ � for recelvinst � I ' : cinder walks )lad been laid, but -this town Ur., 8411le Blame$ � viie Conitaittee I , I . ___ I I -1. 1. ­ I - � I las -chosen chairman for. the anti the Kilirour i4t0V0$tS'VVbiCh t($0k � out of tile money Palo In by the . I I .­ ­ . r , . I I �. . I ­ . I Tout v t_o Ana it unta Arranged , liact diffient'les. so that AVAS the 001r, cindlers- us,�d- lu.�Other I � rp se .%lid . and Chairman .1 � �. I .. . I 1. I ... 1. --1 'eth, I ilublic, ill( 's for I ayor vb414 11 love * b "' not devroto stterltiiim ter years roads bad been. bullt,-up, With for roadwo* �fOr` 'big pu 0 "Ts'to thi. fir department lie con- . 1. . � . � tbat tile eaudidat,c � 1, , Istired ofilderS got 41sQ ;i second sturt 'of $5,000 for 0 1 1 - I till .. Ur. ,U1beUp got Into tl�om - .. 1. . ­ _ I i 11aVO 09 long atinile to spe.4t as they. 'Rer as and the frost Caullor * aidered the council was gre-fitly to . . I . - ___ .��., - ;11�, 'I ., I olloo, falitottolli'v- 14� road, The follo,m.lig y1car � I I � ,W —_ - �; - I - 1111- _� ­­ . , � � 14 .116 tircsout Nivor to s year . . ` hipt 11, � 1ave tile, council t1t4t bq bad Ulie matter ?and they , Ore. destroyed; thl tip Day, , Is year lie liad kolnw - .. - � - . . - - � slilod. t . � , v , they uskod for $3,000 to ft blame.; Th . . 10 � 11 I o0VO1%,,Uu1tv of Teplyimr� nud for winde- wav, The"Natio", ShIpbuild. gothing hut gravel,km wqed'ou )!,Oa4se vioring At th6 � I � I I M I acgolultS fieX road. " The road toVarillsslo . I � 1he, * -tile � �qlweitiwg_ IV* ­ -the'Onimit.- I . , I 1. jCEW,aff D ... I I ­.: ­­ the -oft hieli had. ork, ,land, t000nitt6d lyricoung but . - - , CONT. ST I 4*iirls. The council . � . I IV[ . I +he ,or troulfilless tort utinutei cacti Jnie 'ConApally NM, One-, Of Our 11"A' I � - �Mr. Los - -reforred to . flr� ' n did council, to bowe a firA , . . .1 fin I I . . . I I was allowed. . . � � . I [ . thought. It lud hold oyoo from last year w - to . � . . an eve%lit-PrOu0sitiboll In xr� 1,4ar- your was uow from tho bridge througli, to ,tee was no ' ver called gather die . est cole. I)een left to be' naid.durine -this o. , ' I M co,rittonis � the south boundary of the town, the Whole Tear. He would not Uiuk-­Q_f-- ' A IV _I OptobrOlOW the D to $546.69.. Takitur this 4k.- +. .1 , � . ' pollu early in 'the vear bat bad Wen 4 . . . � , lliit" Go"erl"t v -ver "A" `� _.At6rnt,JntW 4xalh(V did, nbt ('�;!! liviolruti,41; : 90t-tfotd. 1411 having beon, ad&d,tQ the I bei I ng, c'huiraiawof a, coniWttee..4ild, . . . I . I .. � . Mqfxg MacEwan was the-'1iVst " iit and the­r0ilitoo On' tarviw eanhootiuglink Oul*Ot1lfnj�fO).,j�bicb not ca4lu; his 1willm � lu � . Ll -- 1, littee togetut. � , GODERICH 11MORA, y 4 . ,11trowrit. 'Mr., %faotwmt �.xiiressod Anion 'i 0 S . . I � - � . r , I . I . mid d4iini, that"was, paid by. �j"tvi,'ba'figur- Tife-re. were . �igqvor*61- pulticolars *Iri, . .. . I . . I '. � � �'S'p.eake,x:lz�--U'Ci--�t4te9wan, .- +14,i horq +11pt Yr. mWilell Of the � . I . . xr� Munnito worked in 0,16, county .. I i . I . .. I I I - ; !! f I 1 14 .11 -ho bad . bild a toyal,,equtlelt. "" , Wrl rro(l h1gehinery 00141pauY . , , i4t on 'expoudItures *�, JoINIC - I '.1117010en� did tot' *b 4 '' ,,� '. . . . . the yiar � 110-1 � ed a cornioll,aud. f6r"whictL lie felt lie "S, Which'thO . . . I - ,e, Craigle Deputy.'sad a COW Ile 1W - Lad the ho,dor of tisfuk �'iiial­ *-41414 �9,,Inrtlli 1,10 liblo to ni%lro ,-o "ro" wor�g properlybeloulzitipt,t x year, I a 4&' �� , 11 , I (Contili4ed on page, 4) - , ... . . stild Torner for V,ftv , . ,o 0L entitled t4,4 'goo of- credit. Up � � Moser . � . I ,f.ry, lutportunt yeat" the, , 4ol for & lion of flils, I'.1111ditirl. � -6tes. I . I '� - I .or Outing a I "^Aifq I i I Ito had - Wot, W Vvithin 'his �cstf, - - . , � , I I � . �, I I . I . . ,L � ,- ro � , y I , I . . I I I .1 uncinor - , Ditlititind joilee of� Cangd. and. .tho T,T,. , felt thut It a. preft. ,,09'4 M,SG Ivere I P . I . too I . I - ,1, own To v, . � t for 0, � . � I '. Afl,.�Vwau old a himh tribute to Atoll ho hail pini*tl a t At *alue I , - . . I I I I I , I . iientermlol of the tov�n of Godevi'di. t'ji J1n5JVC.Q$Z aplt'�V 0� "114 J"o­1*nQ`PXfL � fo� . , L#1440 iiii� the, t4wn colitil gret the "M,7 I ;�, . . � I , I . I .,.*­* . . I 1 , ,I, I I . i44 Acquitted theuiselvea ,,f overy dollar spout. , . - ...z.111 --i . I , � I is Tip I �._ I -1 . � � � . Tto citizens I . I , ,;ov, ,..,,.,all, Itodustrial. w-0411floitg, "noiloy still W". , ,_ vm . 1.1� .. �,� I vil, 1,oul t)V6 Councillor Hu'rober, *110 c . " I - c Ireulatcd _ its cr-dii 'i0th'the, , stre . I I I 1 nobly In the wa , - 4 r � woA con wtie� , � , I I JOVE HILL AND COLSONNE'' lylhe$ elobrated the ­un-� br.,111,,4�tqua lyw,q iil � I . I . . I . LA�s of Xoufcd'evatiou� ,,,,It,, ttf �1,4*i; worle- . - , - � , - Uo did lint, . the lietitioi for the, �1.4yor to ,stand I -, 6 1 ts I . � , . -� I . I - COUNCIL UY ACCLA.. ATIO .01,441ond 4A 4n; teor 192& ha . t116 town. . I . I . I I - . ,4 1 11 I I .. . I � I I I � I I � . I , . I Arid the Cen"leanial e8ebration, wAs hql^J(�Va"o �Af+nr Q41f"r,f 11,,k ­0"q Dian'. dir . 4. hot "Isked him, to ., ., I "' ' . ' � I I , . . I ."I 11­­'l;� �, . . . . nayoo - As 'to our, pmvty, fpwl�orids, bq,Nyas - � I I I . . . . � tbebest,oclebration 0he town b4416V0 . sign, wlitch extilsdoed *14y his , . . � � � 46 ,� ,4 ,,,, td, * cm,lol'� lo�,- ftolvd AnVW110rc. � Fwl� . ... I 'w vztns WASnot oil that ,dectimelit; . -, In f4yqr Of taking our. loss , at, first , ogvae . ,,. I . - . . I I . 11 .;in toolt pee4ali '. - - .1 . . I mthoi, than li 44jig ,QA in the holiq& �)J ' L . _' . . I . . �, I . � � c4husto, hk 60404411, , Ashfield, stud; West NVAWAI(Osh 31r. M10, . - I � ,. I I , I thu veiha,for. 0.16YAl w" fly , , - - ,. 00" Town, Vlhartc"06 t + I . I I . . I _ � I .."', I . I . I r �.' . . , , nk the cith. , �e 04 I f0t A Cen- t Tolitbing 'Ott! tile *'flUTIACell �bf "the warlaft" !6, 'Ott rattokles 'Gooina - cat r ting "'Oulel H .1 1. , I I 1. . . I I I ToOkshlia: - , v � , they VoMouded to,11 ,�� ;hIng"Out vf then%. e � ft , ' ; " , , _ I . . 1. . I . ; ten;ary colobrAtion,' Thelown-1*4 11-:to*n Mr. IiWruwarx OOMPA $rationtil_ Slilpbuibilug Would 5'a L pitapaTWJ I - � � .. . . . �.. . , . ­ I- I .. ­­ - - 1-11- I - I I -1 i - I -, I .. . I- . red last 14$ 0 the I . . -_ � I 400 L " . 4;is �t 'to. RiVo 't"Giir I - 11� . . I. :."- , . - ., � . I '. 4 11 � - . I r. . " . , I . th6 preserit, UO 1124 boll Working owtboi�- . � 1. 'I".- ­_ -_ , I .. ' yearls_� away, it nectiss -th6w Irping t � , '�- ­ - : ., I . I W6udjrQ ,cowiffittee and, t'ho cole- gtatewenf, V -M uou 010't I . -Ayor, Reemcand Council �, T .. th. . I 11 - ivill, to Oet i" . . go , , . I Thcrais ji C04icst for the positit)ns ,,Du,e, -"lpts, is . yo_r ainouat� for ,soule 'unies tilkog t,4.3 matter. Uri, . I I � ..' 11 . � I � � , I , �, than .Wait, for turther lie - � . I -.1 : -1. 'I, 6of hT , , bration ,Was 4k ircutesV e0lebtAtiQu . tatligr I I . pro- ,,,, , . I . ,gx,X.e I "' ' ' ' , ­ - I. ., 11 . . � `ht� to*m I I o4inst' $99,07t.94 witi, tile Indus L . . I ilk Godeeiell, and J -...W (�ratgle iS delpouty-r�oye�aWct of 'the t V t ,e1`ct`)lJ1d� 4Qd - to $9027,23 a$ trial ageties of .tile 0. " 's , own Ili a'Ansalcial. wa � . I I— � I . � t -� dinki.. or m,ale inerV. ' I 'L­� " ,­ � �.: � I I . � - � � . .. ­­, . . . I .1 , . : Ag 'yor "L .. - '. ixild (!. P. U." �4d- wit tb�se ' 'I I . , __ , tor -0 Year 1�. P 04 _4 li� n to .'bull � . ­ 'howink - , 001 ,W,40 ,tioAr . ; . d ''Per tkii niti Lee, as alteady linnotinCed, t � S1,980.4 I 0 - alid laet year, not quite so 900-4 this , Ill M �. I., L _IR� lj�.Oruj, as ,� .,- 1AX� - _ � 11 .. ality, R�Ovc � . . - -'Jastw owltij;to A number Of "thft ' that�, -be,- hid ' in 1iii*cX1 in - ,� yor I the,Ti�l6ttlnjt 4a4 rl*Ntig'Ay4slmdatfonv,-�� I wentlemen !lad pr�lnlsicdA61cedu . umbot I - - - . K� , I , 7t U4 T_ I I I opo . , . ­ . �� - 0 'i . - � _; i . - 'r " . -1- - 0.0se 4� . � - -, __ . ln'.Jy4p� -- , --J.-X--MaCeW.,m- -to - .1 `vas- tumod -over --t-he--firet - - walft V -leaviii-ofe-pa" O' et . _-beon . 1. - i . ,_ _d­r1J,.bG, ,,. , _�& I r, ers thi ,,tor tftr in min till I i - I - . , t I .1 . 11-6,% &4ded to r agal"st tile, lircsent '' 11 'K. � I � � Ivve, , LVA" I& .ould, g� L , E, i - - - _ ,. , ' . . I I ' f 0 b. Via; lia.ving ih6 raili 4, ,the Was -, sb4r . � . �, . , . � un' � .... aftlartloorili progi*vm, had. -9 ,=0,1114 .tl.l ,. after the, 12th:o th . mciiit t0*11 .14 1 '11, . �, . . � I � ort. Turn . Was��' fac�toljej :�rdmpied the � .. I .. � .� - I qw, . . ,.�, . I . er,have both a, -ial)4� to ay.,wal a� i�i '' = - I . I . ­ . � ­ . .. X1,00'rosition of feaye, J. J� � Moser and Rob . � 4�f ub4ut, the itimer so titat ,thorii WOO gents - this y,est war $010, IAF;t *var ,�avouad tr ri4way ,sold, � b --- - . r, - . .1 . , . I Up.& ubdrisoj ­ I � - celkl,'_ , === . I �� I .1 L � I 1 . . I � , 4 . . I A ' ' b6 getting a I . I . '- o surp its all . ` ' "I'll -_ I ,. 0 . bot for d ' r*4 J- W, 'I t,hii w.ekls tclebratl6n s :-vhwi fWat .$768,7 last wouw . Oil, .* usillia * interest At 5) ,net I i L' , yAji $691. .fto��regebred, this ,ytir Lt'harn�' i � '0211fiedi"twoce there ii:4,cdjft�t therO, epljty� I 1. , I �;. � � 1. 6 1 4 - I ..he ['1DO, -, � , . I � � . ,"Ich wiix�itd'�e ii�iirly sioffi0ent w1ken ., �, `-� ". - . 'a I . '� . 1. I id lid' gets the b6nor --fitho of 'Afly $4 d0atl.% 0. We I I L. , . . ,,;. ,_ ., �.11 ,� � ,�� :� " � , . . ; ,, t , jo 4470.0P 0 flr� depart- � , - , ir . I . 4'ns�, .� uiov W . � ­.ntur40 1114turo to -pay the , I � I . . -6�10e ��ai tho, only., 640-46,i Ualify at � . . : ,,, " .0 Ur. UACE 0, , , _148 last, ,ve,ar.,.. In connection 1. , I., q it, Vead th . I . . . I Will , , the doto, .$ , 111. .1 of the, I . . , 41 do 11111MOlk I f1h6 11,04ticil"I ototbuioht of flio 0111- *Viggg *As 'rccob�oa fr�� Ilia, O'Me- inaut ho.,b4d b�!eu..rightint, Abe fire- � , . , . . . . � Too thi� , , , glictori. ,, , I . , "_ . , I . , , - , " 'CIO I , . , '. , I ­ I . I �1 Fqr,-,Ahe-',c0Ufi4I"$�v4n men havo 4vall 'R000t sax4l Tcollet . Needed I . . 'Ovros,tlon, 1 1 - . _ � . , � ; r , - . . Rest I I .. ". . I , " , t , in '199t; 10309 in Iow'. Ord ii.11, year. . A& tialli*4 ,� I _ ,� , Town of orldfi, 1, . , I � ,� . I Jows .. %, . ­' 017 � , I . . I I I V �qienls- eai�so _ . , I r I . I . , , 's , " -11. I 1. ­ 1.-_ � ­_­ -,.I,. � . -1 � -*t ftarbqri_.�' L.. - I . .)�. . � - - �� -it., � _ .. - . . . "I, ,awfile"A -13." C. ,muliflogt, -W, 0rj),4._" W.- "'An't, iiii'fol ional, iii � ­ - I-. - I - I . . ­­­­_­­�, , = . . . I I.." , ey s IOU X.- -f .. - I . � . I � ., . I -�! . :).. _: � -W fi�tntberi� R--JfX6t , W A . �, 1,14 1 . . - .- -I ­ - _110r= -�.;*asol-40011vid­ - �Ou-­.";At -110 ", , V - w� I . I � ,_ - ". , �j. � � - . * ila" h4ve sulo -a - 111a."ks. , � . .. " , 'h . �­ � �, � I . I ast � I I _�i`�6�1- f, �'; , V, - � ­ . . I � louildlu - 0. . ount in, 1027, 1. " I& , ..: . I - I I I . , . 0. . I , vovu , . � -, . " . .$ bv r4iting *fo' lavql' � the way . I ..'� Turn4o, c .airo - O 'Wat.0, �� , �� I ­,- , ,-. , . . I I cie a,ould. six A.rejo be c 909d.'.'J. W. Taylor Was �dv6iied ,�i � 254� 6�� Ohl g C alce I I � *Ltin, and , . ye*r $ the salo of uta- LO, tLeen fig I L I . ight ; I I ,J Ani, U -a I . I ,,' ' . . wagon I ' *f',eoiiaih, , � , 'Oat6- for� t�Livn " . ; - ." ,. I �ud %440 � � �^io e: � I a' � tM14- mhdv . . . Paterr and lfg1it �e,_0jnJnlsSj01Je ",'For school, troitees, . F. R. es at , 4!1110.. ljo4c, wa�- laid oif the .. ,I., '' " ,- �11_. - � , "'. . , , . , . . i 1 1: , . L'i counco,7sa . 'Outicillor. � . I . r., tikg, 1927��,$5i350ji 1920, 4.1 it A 90011 , *0 � , 0 11 � . � . � r 0400 I �: I " , , . , �..:..­.50000 terial. � 1%h , 60.4, to 'r, the 0. It - ld ho; �.ouint I" Am n6t )1lawnir , I ­ . � .1 . . , . blit wiAla Wiliei'N 090ed" twofp" b4i,�, 1for St. � grOunas. a L. ,.,". , I , Ul- 504.19. 7 TPiW.1int -arrd ' adfq,�ertfiiuz -b6ige itice, h4d - any pergong car�_Ug�,,_ ' 'if , llleri� John, aftei are 4.; . 1�� nf "t , . were, so � I , , , but i �,*u ` - � - ' . I . oit,� Vao-� � % lilst,yoar $L(189,2�- -ior vav ,,.was ,to go top - th,) � ,drant" spent $ 1 I AnA thOrC Die 'iie� , - , * ��:, - I I .1. I '. . . I . . . w" . .. .1 . ,.I I k.. r : � moo I wIll per� � ;� � . 1. I gjeitiv�!�Ofcor 1928 . dg� voar-, isc',. I , . ITA,f ele�fL . Z: ;JCt.*s And St.�� And rew Is, wardi'r� * frdw "Geo. Gord � thi$ year 062. $017.50, 10t fir,kt, Th n ,v Vour cheallools I eirst-o . tssary'. e tlitft6s to ,b-- �taft,,Ja , see, ft i6 i I . id'si, $ti V'att � , eonveroo,for.:spacla prizes- � �10 .06 14.j$urginee, t1ii . 0 1 ' ilat t116 W$t Gf': i, � �� ,. , -ii. , . . , . �­ . .1 . $289.� � XAw ' `oosU � tbisr yvar , st *Ori,la rthe Rear futurd,-4mong! -00111i-a rest - * :(OrAf Mr, � 1: - � . I . , ' I , I . . . � . 19, . - r St "George's Ivard, - 0. L. Parsons a fOrmer meniber Front u;ttrIdgp..Arnuseul0ut , , . yesir wilik", lil a great many case i I . 1. , � jes:_ to . . . . , , r, 1 .%9 ialld fo L" I I . . I I ., I . r, I . I , eti! - worlts va out � thq -fire, OU4, the � chemical .roldin- dud Ltoilot ,for. �he, tonvarlieneo. , lily 004�. . ", I . I 1. ..., - . I I I . ; � I I . . It Cot. *.", 0 * ......... A*— � 1500 00 U71i list ,V� � r $134. � roblip'. I . I - �,, � . . -Alex 1110tsio'Wh0114s Teti 4 � . 'Llilms 1421.00 b+ , .. 4 1 � � WAboilrdi It MOW tol suCiceed - S40 I . . $'!J:`Q �AO.25i. 1 hilae .had a,valv,q- �wbigb ,could be shut *.of inothdrsmand,chIldrou tlf-th��bht .,' ` .. . I �.r. - . 1, _ru..WReaat­�­'­`o'- .33"L '10 OiS '.V46ar ". .1 I , 1, I . ^ . ,_, ' - : I . I ,. . .. � � ing W I , -1 - . 236.5 tO , !ilo beach. . . I � ' eo,�P��,­G641d �, T446 Goderkh,lionlim I . rkom�: baseball ........... � � . � i I ., I � �� r ; . . �atjons V�ie bel& bli Mbnd'-W t' W6111 'Itt - I paid sinco Dec. 150i. Ud Year 00 Ofr to, pravent, itaftecessaiv doulave I :.. , . t I , I 1, � f 11 , , .. i� t , , I , , I I , 10,10 I tim, I r.ir- I I I , I 'I , I I � - I - 1, . , I ,. L-1 11 - 1;* C I , , I .11 - (,X0,enses.6f-,4�,,41k_WOrU 'haa-loden, . c6. dr 11 � �4j � ­ _. - 1� , , , . .. .1. I I � , " OrSo races, �..,. I ... ,L � ­ fi was extirigil 1104. The bilr ass th# town " -117 I . ,�,­��­,t­ �, I 1'� -1 � I - VC "'y go I , . 1. . I , "Od I, ittelikt, We 0, e , I 4(;oo. ft'iffir, �hig. yeav $747.01Z, .10 � To. , , , � -r-7'.2",� - ! , 3 I � Ile �0�v, hal . , "J'Ifo,, nomina- Vrc,m'�b . once. KI � � is. 'a �taVgLwoilla. be alt�"...fUll ,� � 11 _,r. � , of Ill init - t� Jlj r w . 4CtqqJJ1 t I . � _ ,r. $11 �1�i,'co on the '440, I � or UW�. ­_ - � 4011 , , , t . I 11 I I .A�lfl esvojrts�­_,,,.-.� 101 % , of Which. bovoyer.. *997.49 Nvai fo vhero �"s tk r. . . , '.. . --'-' ' I � - I � 1.1.1-1 . , . � I . profit � v�hlcra the hose, JeAdink front . a tuon -apilbe tUitight' moliw should be ­ - � , � . .0 W*14 � I I . I . I -tio"s wlero as foltows".- , � I ..� I I . I � I .. ­ 105,70 Oatler�lr- in-, rrovinl�ial asylupig. lcat- t V tick, . I ; i - 1, I . . . Vrolu: danolug,00noossjm� . --- 1-11, .- . I _", - : , I . " ' ' I , 112 *14 1pp� $400.48 as the �atntoonf fOV 10VAT le Jkta- . I I I � .1 � ' r ��' ,0. '1,,� Al- pr6in,suntiry sources ..... . : l I I . '­ �� -� � I . ia b , ',' (� Maiiniogs au'l . li�Ararit could ,be v*iected. tl spent in an. ,o9ort. to toeate f0ther ­ - *-- I I . � - . I . I � � . I . i . I ,� . . I � . L. I . .. 1. ..� -11. , .bill -st �� yfllroa . _6911,00 , WAS 16r,going-tJ . � , la,dustries. At tho county tiounell it, ,�, . I . , . I . . . viir mi�or flllsou� L I r, . . . — r 4ty.. La, klMuliqll tAnk 'i ' . I I . . � . , I lrough the . .� - 1: , . - 1P I 11 - I . I I I Lie, mervbaut, prollo.ged;, . �7� k. �_ Ell. I 1 . I ., . "I .1 $40 -,ir $3,1872119, "Anar �Jcanlinc`it out, Jn the great took about 4 year to get acquainted . I I , ', le,68. 0, � I .. - . . - , , . FO , I � � . Vor CoUrIcillor � $10,.1302 .3,1V Gran � this rve i I . �, IV 011i . �.. , r � . I . I 1$i Alex� 5%lpass and & T. lil � hant4 � . V . O- Due fr . 6m, Troottin I g 4ilalpao- -. la�t v 14,Jf4',J& `Thls� year", ev. M. ,., . ; I I . ".�" I - 1. . I ,.. . . � . � iijorlt�r -f Cases the bydi!ant pros- �aud ho.faltbi -�obld 4o.inore effeetiv . . . I 00, inendituw.% con-park4 W64 !,,91,689.11,4, Avork If ��.elq4ed io,sitat th6 cou o' . ; md'b,v Gilbert Iolaz�'. and r. 0. CrnVV'- flai,old Blackstone, more' - sure ,%vvuTd,be selcilefit� :,Thell, it"It �_ 1. 1J.; . it I , rd. I iled by D., U. O'lh-101; aud It. P. 'A. , ing As.%O�1',Wxi (410r0`0 f, 150 .. oftew.e 1, 4� 4.m,�-��ngr fh,.� I � ti MUNNINCq � ... � r I . 11 - . . I . ­­ I , 'h John Aloxtiri0t, law�rau, S ci*im � , � . . 1. . . . � � , "', � I . . I I . JUSU vouir 1, was found the fire WAS not going ,v*:W council anotuer y�ar. L ;Irus � . , I . � ...... I �� 16 Id s3tand boof b.on, bulk, at a �05;t . . i: I I . I . li*fthaut, proposod bv, Jostipli Rlech. chirlei'. ltevlieit Iluiab�,.V, Jewelfer, ." I � L'. ,,$J298414 11 'hA Viit� Ont by these .moaop. IVA$ tile 41� ws,-secou� addiess, lift, Lv" I , I , . ud . , � I , 5 W I I - I . I of ,:$855.1%* 'On tl'0­1o116tCV`4t 1,111 A,s a inefi0k of. -the 'Touw - , . I 40, kod B. C-. Tdruinings., au3z by J. UP'.% ed -by Ww. S.. Grabain .1 A I , . PAYMUNT-S - - I 11 I s4q,6.9 time for the :iruck to , d4va to the atbe -hid as � . I . I I . I I _ . . I . vaur -Vyoq sylout , J, . last. �vioqr pointed 00t th J _. . � . , , -4 -he pufIlloor. ke'd 'for 411, aunoll. for 1098, who bag, serv� . - Crivai; t'flli'a hydiant!4vir connect t, aerourits to 7 be' gout . in and t1le, swil , , . 1;1lie 4ntJ J.. W. To_$Xor. 1 casil returned to T,owrt.. , .4 250 00. hout, 00, The fire iloti%rtu on - . ed several' -wears.. %th at, the I I � . , _ , I L '7 . ,utt - , 'O . , � gl�h.ort Ilan -C .j.. geutjcouui� pro :t . t� . vorittwt� . I . LiSin a . , wbich'W-baeu p4la-sinee We. 15th q_ � I . . It .... _$ 1'#90 39' V,Otkr bad cogt.$811 Anil g;w-a tile 1501 The � wd's financial Sth�,Oinoot .,%Vag . � T6wu'ond County Council. � 1 7. . 'Sroi�nlao and Jo�ivh Paid for � I , , . 1. 1. I posed UY w1ut. . . Ifter I � I - ' $I 1 Tow,pif Moser, laxplelneut isleolder. . 4,nls okv roll -had been -nagged, ' v goilif 416ipoo. 'rho. w4ter I , ,In . -lirettv ra�rf's�ided all the, oult6taudl . Jlvoh 4 - , . . Insurance (vain). , � . . 488 10 - Ple,fir011 . �, of the 0,uh)le worll� co ng 'ae' ,Vdshiog' Y44'tbe' CoinOmilltl' . � **lnto, proposed 1�y 4olut ChIvin Outt Vul. Railitt, votired, proposed by : � pecor4tlo-,1R ..*� . I , . 1470 09 nwountir--jo *660.1 About S1400 fms. And light cominis4ion hatI made a C66�tr . minittoo.. , ; oj.the-seu�on .. . I .. : _ � . . .. �4* . . , , I . � -a 10harles 1"Ie L- - . I I .4. a-gairoit, $5".ag Inq vonr. TTn- ,about . ,.lrlt. , . Inf-co donation -to the-tOANn, of fig bA41, imstijaile � t;jIi� * ., I � I". 11hos. Sandy Itad C. IT. Ed'Wav � Kpovts ::,*. . I 11073 19 Y011" , d 014 feasibility of- .. M , Y'. �� . I I _00n. .. -neolavain, ()lenient '", , ­"* " , r1lid- It"VO4 tbis. V .$it 00,569-0o .. - 111S-�t %7,60o. ,Tbip lddked,likd d lot, but .borrowing a 0 9new&. � . I I 1le"Jamin � -malent � monwanA, - Maim -_ __ I- ­ ­ e I � - - _Orug,her from f4o coun- - 0 a �W. f I - mrolvokks. " 0 � ­., ..-... i � : 402 rp. , . � . -0 C . . , .� . . , Tror.osed t�r � John ,C,utt And 98 411,11, vs�iir $82450.99' and7d10­&4V4raff At tlipre was a halt yttu"s lifft o"Oul"t ty -but foud of going . . L .". , . �., 1!_ , f � . . .. I , . 1 I lraetor,­ poro,m ant, exponges. i.'_,..� .111010. par. -e ' ';. Ing. it .. 11 �. - ..1-11- -_ I . . $011 anti V%asi'Bro*6w. the banit NvLaq,,% little larp , for , 17 1 Imtor; W. +boll,,. � !. I I std 47 Jus., . . Pace I. 6 C . I W. T. PC' low. � r Baseblill... , .' �.... 128226 , er, this y tot last vear k, Pt i�'bq voild this ,Year, .uld ros,uruj A the Tent.for I - . . I . � Mobort Turner, Am* POL-Orw: PrOo 1)4,�id gprolgo roks prii 03ed 'W .o...... oilli$. -%vria.sc�4uoted for' by ih� tact ardounting to Oirell $_000- " - � use. Would iva�e * f(tr'. botter for' ____ .- - �n _.— _ ­­_ . . %,i � . . ____ by J., W I , . I - I � .Am.."ll"M o.. - - . . --"-, �, 1 �4it . T*Tlor and W.- J. (;00, ,Turnes sod It or phs 1 , i 14 00 , its it 1-1, I.. : , . . 16 11 NeV. . I I I . , I tri I Itorse oxpc I . qO1 . .1 I . . I I 4tur . I I �e Varids for tattoio. . ':: � - - 1145 00 that s6lile�-' cted ))ayloent�;' On To aylgw6r, to Mr- lod�--4 Alt- �tf'11' 'the to*n to buy's.sJuAll crusher, . I . I . , ,Aft %V%)" Oralgioi imurane , . ., . . , to is htid,.�'Inof,,beeil vecalv,od,' The ,V,WAU stated, that: t 1 10�ga, � , ' I I at; 0. Uee, luereatilit, tt And I I . .. L 1. I L at . . . Ile ­ ,MJJ�Jle thrit we i(�iould have It when we7 want-:: Vtft,7� AM ­ ' .., I broker, pw"kiid by John Cui - I ,tall works: expenditurea-h-fid intlW04-611 (,d it,and crusli 'up the, large stone fit , . i I vett. JatAis ull'a acku A Itue"01,001 �" _ I s o the XensiU4 I T00 I. . I . . �V. It. Riolliftom and by 4. $, Xost,r . .. * 16298 00 16ai was ­. I . I , �. ' , I �, 1. . I . + . 4i .. I , lueehler. . , , . . . I _.�P% - � � . i6lnft. due, about Z2.0"t rallo0o - . . I I � � V Wwy Ittleve, .. . , and Joseph I , spkt o1i torvia, without soy fho quarry'.,V.hicii. would bO' nuicb, . I . . .. - I I 1. -�4 � Craigle. . insurAnce .. Ernest 1. Nlodhian, rueri:11410. �ro- Iialance to 60,0....$ 1088 U 4114 there V913.110thing ill thd sinking sua, ovinly,yesir there worb accourd's .or roo,d.boijaing thillt VOUnd � L - I � -1, �'; 11 .. 1, I 401m William 4 better f - I .1, .., ,. . 11� . * ' ' . I lwokor* XOP69td by Alfrlhl VI-bUtt iosed �br 8, C.. Nunninp aud, Jfw.- F. .. � . . . C '. , ,� � __Z_� futid, to. meet It. Ai tbe t4rm.of the carriod Over 1VOill Ono.year to the Rrod. - 11ndii ,tba "Oresent wateril - . , ' ' . � w4% I A. Msttwan, and by Johik Thomson, - 11svii.sinao pr,,seuted to the , I . � two the' tb*n:,bia,e011ftW` everything ,uOXL� Ito, claimed the ntiblte works we wil putting the fnf�rlor liialk' � - - - �� 7�. 4 �� Uwn, it I r4nd a I tm . 110, .,H*, -, �- - I " tva I wa! 'ilg"y4r bilid Own .. . . . . Craigio bu depir out ,tl I lot oil, tho TOIL&-�atlil, leaAni the good 0 1 , , , 11 - I. I I 'Ittlesmso, propos. proj�oied lip'.4. W. , 41nd JAS: 4 twid tot 5A up it 1, ", - CU. T �i X. Trwkins, AtA GeO4 Jamon I James Alexander Gr6h"I, dentist 110k, , t W�' I not cylougutti . Va. � , Imllis"I luiltei'v . Aienores in fial. Whievor. 0.2� , . 'L-uti r rakinir, it 9 � �. I I Gleir esthuAw � by $103 A I - - . - japty ,, re 6X!es tL � " . � � . . *a by wtill, � P. ,QrOam sUd,,A e 0. CAtrie, <1 �,- I.' ., � baseball cOXt1u9...,;4 * ... s, 648 30 'PAY the'd , i,t in, t1he quarry v. I . : . . I l,' * - � I I Tire stonest off ffievoi%d ond drawing - � y . I . . . 01. _)� , tal JACLMA, �nitrell- Vath at credit in 11hAds,of �Y. 0. -ItumbAll b6d, VAT'llit4cd the inatter Of 'Our ,a . I . I � . . I . . I 1 1164doll. ",­­ ! - .1 wohley, Matt . I I .1 r.estetu that ,tb�j awout Would'bo VkAid'sud haml be,ft'takela UP with tile iudi�trlal. it b4�k to iho QuA I ' � I .. . I .. 1. �. or.,*�our', iIfteke 4"41 ., W.. CT1ft1I1$ I . uVer, J. W. FXtser, intwustor 1 . rry. ., I Rebels Turi* t. - Ro. 10; PIN - 4 aakiA the, town to- aleleillt ilm to . $300 cownissionors Of 'the vailwoa live .LTbe Mayov", U14 stated 'I.bit the olift. , �. t�ow ,by Gilbert Plant and U. J. Me� Itobeft Turner. . Canada Flout Millm. . ,� . � . I I . 2""nor 4 'I I , , I .i*. r linot Wcbster. moebrMle. TWO- ,qr. ?A�eftsu mentiO110.3 tbj�� Afte 4 biouflV until � the 1011. alAOU'At WAIF 4r sIX years& AgO. I , I , Matter of our -faetory bulldinm -haia , f4r 'C�J,119!11 , _ This left the toWll rather , 1. L y,eays .$go w0v the in- I , � . I . . For watot NVA 1JXkt cialoolls4tos lwn by 8. ,V� Xiinlil and Xillut w,Ork .and Abe to-oWatiolt of the' , ... . X*6�r, ,. . - , , been, talooli up , , . 7 . 11 � . . . �. I ,­_ ­.­­,__­­ "' - � " ­­ - ter lost aw 1920 , C Ut t. itt"s, of the town coun. 21011;1� 11% the m��Autlble.- - . . , , : . -omm . - , Mr. * 1, J. Moser, '10014101tted ;for dooft,1411 :06invii0siolftor$ �Of rhe voll. [ - - �, votious c I I .. .. I . I '1111 �Obo,.W. Taylor, etigineer, protiot. DA11101 Wfxglusi� e0oper, proposelt ell.- Mr. Cutt as thairman -of the 'Art. said: lie Int6lided to stick. The " _1 .. -­­ I ,!­ - - '' ­..._ . ­­. -1. _11..__._1.1-_,, ie- as, flublie Tow"'Pireivell A Loyal Body. , P.06ve, , i' !! l , ! ! � ! !. . I -4 � 70 , - ­ ­__ .1 I - -,. - I I - __­ - ____ . .. -1 I alwo, Committee. Mr. b Which Ur. U-0 Ilad vaktu , ­. -_ %, ' _­ ­_ 1. � a I 1. I I.J. 1� � � . works minixter. Wt. Turnor allit Oak. stroots i .. - __ - ---. , - ._ I i, in 1P I ReferrIng to,the fir'6 ilivesthrVitiOn about ji$.Ilavirw�I�Lvo�fivd no WS ! 1. `1 ' I I . . .. I I I . -1 - I__ _-, , Imall, of water, light and bill -bot, Mr. $eld the fi"JueuL Jifla year'-%,rould have, betit attended t62 no . yowyote *ud Iniluence Wicked for . , 41 . . ,�% . � RAilie of the tlilmeial and relief C,Orn. MW MaeZWS4 it of nwo ; I't ulattol bad been OiSirman''Of . . - , I I � . I . ,., .1 : . I I . I � I . mit,t", Mr. r,ititie of ,zelAtptery und been a Mighty I0YA1 4( � - �1.1 . I - I .. ., 7�. �, " . . I . : -�hs* - of Just so 1111111161led ,%t the PAVIA House the abit works coniWittee. , � Mg. I . I , . ' , I . , � I . ,Hearti,est - , � . I .. n%vke, Mr. Mel,ean to , wrimi card 1116 tire *I- Ixe tad Ifid nothing tile tOL do all - , . i . � � %008404, tOW V"iff", and Mr. Vnrotil fire thitt go driver b . . I I 11 I .eVlq *Uutos whieli SUmnier for "he lue'l as there Wt;re L' ' , I 11 , 1 V$t cliftirinan of the P()Utt tif r , - �riftlo and tho- 11 %ill 4 A , I _ � 0,tmt J i 11. I I , .. � iled before ,the truck got !U14Y V0111 . aidowalks. bein!�, eon- . .-Jo NIOSER I X ,. Ion. ,- . oo't&ers or I - ' 1. I I -­0AV$ 1�� bad I . . . � . 11 - ' . 31r, Maeftart then gol a short ,vestigatiort. Mr.*.M VE I .. I ! otir lad"trift ft1t4tautial Ao 111111 ww� tht sole boAls for the in- stvWbed. Puling the 1% \_ . I New Year Greetings , , .1 aeEwsn thought Uen distrataft *601 Jano lat oil -for I RFE . I . �11 I 1 � I X;F- I I., � I Igor ,y of the. industrid randkions In uo rked better at A tbrokWh thf flat tho.V v,erd 'AlWays . , .. \ . I I . - I � . ..i.. I . I . .. , ,vc body of mch WO - ��� - 1. I - , . � . I . I '!,�'A , AUW_"_, I -ad � . - 1. rseveyatwars - . I., --1---_'_- -_-_1..__ 11:___,______ I I.... 1-1-'___." -4) -iv* � *Xft- Wow �#11,,*Wefi5.".'�-M�.-'4k�'IIAA- i " ­ -s8,C0U1W1b;- . ____��­._ _­­_ A.hiv�_Iumyu­ Mr.-, ",tr1,%:,)* ,-,VOCJ.-�nie�.11,XRW-.tu.*,�-S" TJWJ " "I'll, � . 11 I I . were sulAtorAlst and compured. r1tv. .. . I )at was tile I I _41 I - � . gserved you = . , , * . . I . I . Wall to e*_.-,b,,*tbpr iud +� good t.Unie *Ith an early 'Mrilliti ' I I $up. ... I . 11 I . . I. . orablv whh'soy town in cfinhdft� , - iont thOul. tind & late tall, Mr, Viomer voterred. 1. 10r.,:anT -- lity-Tteeve, I would ap�ieoiate your to an - w , t thilt, rould lw- said Ab f ; I � Illie, iWetltern Canada Flour Mills kad � or Itlep 1. 1 4 . I . 1, . . I . . worked tweItty-foUr htlllllft� & day Vy- A lot of tpe'links), 4uitst!611- Itsd been ' to tho buying of the Dduglar, proper- port r\, elove for 1928.. 11 . . I . 1 '4 1 1 � +ry aay� ilk, 2"T, which *-as,. very aikeil at fhe investigation Which 1110V ty and hou,40' wlwft he-, *A1 'easirman . . 1. __..'��_ a �. ---,,,,i,,,Illy ... � � . - , '� 4 I ! _14 __ _!'_ftM1 V '' -"-"-- good whert iliml� otho,r milli were Ill could not be exl*ettsd to know, for in. '�rA he had wanted to - got a rib"Wok _�.� ,1111� �. ., , . I I . I - . Jo , !�O�to L!!�� - i ! �0!�!L . sorioui --diNkuLlex. The Godexitit ttance, as to, pressures, etc., but thtT � "!ob!!—__t!��7_-_ "lloolooll"M M!!�ioo"t�! ��' ­ _01 �T I !!!!!A�Lol! ­�--,-7-7­­-- -­,7� "I , - . . " � Am . Elevxtor *lid Transit VoAlpmly bad know Porteefly -well whon they lind __ - - �1! i I . �� - ,,-,I I 11 - 9 i ! . --��,-:W-_ � � ,\- - ,� I . . *P i UALVIN CU I � I I %andled sixteen ft'llitift biltAhOl% Of 117*-�,ure .suMek-ot for thtir wiiilt- ;��_'_­ i I I 'i " . .. 'Tb� � It I �, - ' W,= ; yo�e I Realt , I I Xmiff, or counting *'bat bad gone t 1 tbgt P1 6 , 1, .1 i . 11 . � milrA&UNQ atat", . , to dect � , I ­,�-_.; ,; I I 01rowth the mill r V101tor, umlity of fires coulti be pit wat by I . � " 0, I Aeft 114 , I - cent - t 0 1 1 _­_­ Ail". ard we bull per � I I .1 I f) - � - �"; , � r(., thtin at thlehlieAlA Itod it this *tie- A�! rw�e� ou I I , I �� . �- � .. more 11oftts witittring be) I P had had in Gode. - I I 0-1- ­­. I - I ­­_ rl .WN,11:6". Midland, or any of thtft the %y4tem W1 .1 � 111111111111 - __ - - !""I - "I - - . . - - __­­ th# other ill 6" the, lk,kc. �.lftq ,^ tlelw of lx,.�Irtg,thelliomo on the waston , I wo, S I e 'y'.' 'AlcLeanl � .­.- - I - ____1- _ I - k. tl* way wt. bad*xk %L,orr"t. , 019 I ' .. I � � . - __ ____ �- , - ae'lit in our or trix-I . , Emitter loltul� in "Carx, I _ , I � - I - I =111kin= - I - � ____ . . I w1wer's"t 1.�syot we ever �14, thrmith but the ap"itill bad yek.roluiliendtil - , I I I � . 1, �, �.;� ,111 .. k 1 4 1 � . I . 114 06 1"Itir b"tA so �,Omotimlr'8� theotho way sha this li$0 Ili"m - - i I D.1, ,A ., , .� '10 "low, 1. I - I -, �'' . , . IThe Golok" *S*lt ftemiitafty batl in- r , �1, , , ­ - 16 19281"-.1" - , . PIW with.. - " ,' ftft"11*11d1*144blibeftat. solk' for. . .. I ". , ,., , ;trosoled iltot Iskoor t-sWity thirilf lwr' ariak %* t4t ~16W \ 1, � ". , , � "Terfed keliall i r. Maer,wxa vtomt-d by ellyfox that�, " I , , , �1, ,,- v�iai$L - i 4*WL dwtbw Ole put t*u Y4.011 0. I M a wt tot lagois * *. jot S, _� �) r"M , for afl,z, 11 No ishi I'aild OU I . wilikh ,was a aill . 1"mio,or- it- Jw had heon attked to starA � . - . I Wrapped or Unwrapped tho "*Noy Vat; i" r-toptiWon Willi ,ot*r ycar tot Moyer *M -wh(Ift he I vv�t,;ow R"'.." 1h the Wd I"& A HOPPY **of PiO004ro"" P NOW yliw�ll ' . a ick t reliaL It too., 11 �_ , 00" btivw C Ides, allaw lie -4hich 11 AytoftentcA bit- hold Ito ilfo,% thilt he'lWAS 1� 416 1411111111 1061101% . , . I . I .. 11 1-1 -----I ­­ __ - ---..-- . . way " 1". - - ­­ . .... — that "im. nutty hVown. t6t : W"d W*04* wat"Jol optirely for ftW4 . �t 'Ul,e� Xk ::=r A41fi1i " gt4rdillolx in the 1'e(% t *4 be" y4a so �1 � , - _' .01W with the vakott ft*tox rfft�wliv� Ite thomAt it *A* the xr(Ate,�t 1nito.1,6A on twoots arA 4rive Ik tow., - � � . ­ - appeals to hoth eye ond palate ion sm sre4ioot of Wit of t4ri4r. ".. tttlw for the, fown 1^ eutig". Ill A04,ve 9 4V4 sslrrwe�q tix'kt we. I "i . T.�. 07 I . Gllood"k* om" CA'"Pany 1*TWr1,.J - Nothift bm $10i 4comattra" P"14, 11 -_ j - n-_ - - _:�_ll­ 1. _ ,r - � %! ---...-. , � . �.!�', - I - �7,_. �1, � 1111tv .a Loof of ftrAmt ,growd *00 iWat Y*W A" 0* war with 4"t � evoll vem. nit "if ft"Iwr"� ft"M tho, -­­.-­---- 11111 11011111lio-Am - I . -A L, 1� trilift beat as t04 WW"� a" 10016" � I W� 111111111 ml-l-Ime­­ - -­ � moo r4wo -the 4*ff*r00W*, f,A)"i preavel for 00 e0mink ,,� ppf' 11AWAI-1111A WYO; Aw"llft J-011 A I 'i bw palloatt.1 Kitt doo ioto C"wo. - _. , , , trill & I . lanoll it visit of ff�ftv to, drly� ne tfook a oisft,Wh^)k44 Itoolool- fr1(VW-;0Wt%, I ;ilchilolg t"Utek% mid 1we'J To tk Alt"myers of Ge&rkh TowmAript. I I I 7'r), ow Wwla WOW( orlitoalo I 1. vi0000lia;eat wAad wm+loory CAolvarkv to �." th"t tho. town wit. * frit, dest i = t; mitt Clow,% at olowcO. 11. LADIES A14D GEWLEMEN "C' ., * - I " *a Frei# xr"4 . had draw "me kably ilroo-it Ow- 104t Ow 11W. f%mavoty fwawi), Ito- tllmwht�, 711i owl Y" Aw.r. RtA Perw I I , Itow yoors OTA tow atarAgor. 111r. )40- mr, I A,^ Ao Id rull for 11o; ptoot'-p hi I totioth y" foll, sk tingliew twat, In thm l� Having betn hortartd with the romhon of Rove (0 1114 I P-1 � 9 , � ___ 1100- " . __" 14 Of + I- . ot to lov ow� t"w P - xtrain x"A do what hp orould for t%pi www"t *he two" k WArm" � past two voatq sod feeling that I can beltt ",rve, 1he4ntCfC5'5 , � " . AWO Sir Ill I-OMP"Y Wn 'Of 111"O #nww In 11lip 4-no"tV Pnitl Trvw )or � 4"4 . � lov" Von wt, rhe'Tovvnsh��t the Cntinty Ctitaric4A &lain wlicit y6ut kote ell 1 4 ;V SW " =W91% a 4*ut 1piwwMatilm, , I . , - Quiatillo a" A."Allav wo 'N't I" .'k -, 004f %ad Nom Me". for thrrf.' ilio**the. f"llo kk fW to" molowift � Mondiky next Wttb .it sit the compliments ef tt,e ,trt%�Cn-' I tho enalroallow,lot aw4mtkol tho W."! J�oiro I ittif Tk , ivp,�w ��- E. U. CLEVELAND, Balker apects fnr A* retwip W,Prq, vory "Tsim, hut a I~ torin wo 4 An new ist *( Rowl#t R4 Prioilow , � Y,04)m tincerely. a I , �'. I me T%# .late More- M n1o" lollo�i- I ar"'i 11,lia "a 11111111. at ,am ,; I 8 C. COX " ., I'-ittoloot T%-- 1;^d"T" ma"afacloiri"r � " HER 1. .,^OW 1 14 WES) STREET ­ *W,Swr Yea was 1:!Vr ow qaitb- ' "I , �, �,, ___ — __ rnm�loorr "44 lk,4 a 4Wr;n,V, Ioa* VroA ,%%I �, f -r f"I rPAT,!' Mrr ft*tf'�" �( @-Jbv,W - -_ _1*$"ias$$ *wt 2 - --- - .-Nmme!t!�=1 11 1". X " 11 tho t,,wro ,^vk- fortu"atr i" hilivivole, it ­ I-ol" vrwl Vr. WiCIO f,"' VI" -t *a i4m bloilfft V -saws SW "Rol .1 �- . == � .1 \ . ... V �.11 10, � , ----. 111=250, � I 1, 0 .. L� " ­ , I r. � r I .1�. _� . .1 0 . 0 1, I., Vl I r 1�y I �,� r�_ / , ,, . I . . . I � 4. '**r' , -1 I � / I ,�' 0 . � r I �. , %,, � " J� . , ,-,�,��, � . z, 1� I . � " � ,,,"I �aj — _____ . 14. -,I,-- - -- ­ -- � _ ­-, I ___ -A - . 1J, .� . , . , - . �. , , q, , .,