The Goderich Star, 1927-12-29, Page 3Ao 1"it, "C-
8.108.4" b4bilbou.41
bd sh" Traw board.
ftabriv rrowiftes, MaNdavalartm
4" So Bad AhboNO Matanabs. dashoUbowaft
Not 3"di &W Allbarts am ve*nmWy-*UPp*@1W
Pkked From Our EzAa � FOW
9* be twiesiviely As to darival.
UN. A. Juhai, AJ410 IAX*, Alk&, ft". it Is intorvative to ria -to from A
irr"--rur two ywm I W" so A Farewtlt catberio f0t4th 10cithtlY 10090 WVMkd*W by
T in Aw lwrwu ot Me. 10amioel I tbo C&n&disn CQV#rA"1sj1t "ulv*a
tt"#d,with my kid",y# I could *A On Wqdntodoy vvening. Dw, litk. Hunter *XW U yioitrs, 4 an"O%& a" QkAdAtitI that tho Prairit VIV*V-
40 3V lkilooew6eir -4 1SM90 Xft'J1#r Of tht fd,?nj46 ANd 13, dlkyd. I all ow Mends
dOt b"It "have jilt sunual pro,
neiJvUoris of Mr. and Mo. Veorge A. well for the past zwo )teArs. 'And fQV ,
611 roula Aw 01" at PiAllf, "d say Cooper gathered at their Wow in about two laqviths had been c�,nfined Idw-tion Cf niort than
bwk gtn to W L *mU a" to" I �00MJ.W and Cwtomers
Gadoricu twp. tO 0011d a ai�Kiisl bour to the house With heart �rolitile� Mr. IlioOrt in t4wral
*$A fti#n,1 gswe to viAt Mo f#ue day or two ptior to thtir removat tu) Chn- Hunter w*�i aitvkr tu*vxi,4d and hail The klyir4r, yrt1hhmen ve, �1_
"A I t014 Ute 'at at�v troublo, ilua sho toll. Ne" living 'with his sister. ha W %
Auutituaid 14d in theCka4dignbiv. A Happy
aaviW4 lite to talto U"I'l XiJM.T Fdiratement A4100MACed Mrs. Robert RoWnson and Aftit.
James am Mrs. Hvxgarlh. of wil, U,01 Broc'k, of Usborn#, am Si# r*, o4of the Nation*) Rwkey Lem4le
'14Afor "&C *line boxes I g4t cout, sall. *vv*waw* the engageuwp� of and Mr. Richard Hunter, 9 E � ter, On Saturday Wt they derlealcd &
I I * . &Con Bruin5 to, tho m#rly ku�ne of New Year
1110A reliet frilik tay 00410. their daughter, Va 3* a brother. ?The fww
Balrboo1r, ry 'Tit""to 'St4'w' SwMay *fWaoon, cond ev, five X"Is to one. t)tt*w# Sengtora
of St. Hyajilthe,
041 Advise overyone Vito is ia two Mr. Smith, otZlitavill te Q it) also trianiphed QV*J, the Mo.'Itrejal
Asia* lvsitinu am I wax to use QUAW. son of J. It. & and wr,4� Bar-
bour, Toronto, the r4arrIA * ftttor cemetery. Maroons hy out lone goal.
Se to take
place, quietly the, end of ]W.,,mi1*r.1 1910WON of pr
.t Church A record ihnilw was mado in ilrst.
All Jeslerst, Ora" Rowed lute "t Sunday, Bee. loth, wa3 a r class C.ricket wb*u W. iR. 1,oniforip U c RIMERMN
�"J r in
#J�Ntter Australian baumant madk* 1,17 Tails
OA l6th, day for the Prombyterian 2oagrtgat. when PlWoc for Victoria altaintit, 040*04 me"Mche t aud
divot ox, W*pt of beth A. Dvace. wife of. .1antes, Evans. 'Openin
. C
prke bl The T. Wt. of Brussels. died at tier home aiter an tion at Ethel, When, the re ndan, He VAA 4'. the Wicket
services were
0 I:x
1�bdt#A 11intst that b0il'40ended, ala-ze the MeX co"ducW by U'v. 1)", for six hours *rid twenty minutt.j.
%M1 �; Airr0l, Of Toronto. an outstanding 1h g�,Qtti%h- jlAteraition.
Toroatal 04t. summer, tbougli 4itlyco"Alled to her JuIvilster in th� e
bed the last 1hroe weeks, IX
"qhe w4l", today. Por wAlly months church texw defoated the Ntw &uth Wales
in Iler 77thvesii. pros" work has
saing, When the Ad Church teomi touring 4110 '014 countryi b�
UVOIC Of $44 Voll'Aft "s
raised, avid a ba4ewevit p4t be. ton Poinfit to 4lobt, The canto WAS
LTZR'� AUM.N1 IL T. C a. Ur. John Uorav, *,famai.Ar figure, Death it and the vburj�h j)rij�ked *rid olayed sit Vainim
Ustruelioa-alven in plituo. nevidence to resident$ of Se*forth for lasnyltht 1111046 refinisbed wxil new win. . I ro PJWU 04*1it and overy lugn4 ol thk,
A Happy, and Pr_a"W,"�er,
New Year to All
Foutheast corner of DiVilelit slid art.
14M.131,% Road� - -
a 49 111,101A widely Unown, and
r respected in towli� and
dows replaced the old ones.
beatit ot birs..(Dr.) Agnew.
Ordom rA WAtfl. Ulsbergo, f6rhier Ueutoftant-
st an lColurAl4ider of the V, .q, Navy, re�
Ftmeral Ditector 4114
U* I""*
For rates, reservations. iieketa,
WAIllstier" 40.1; %nowal Aunt., 41 -So you've Itarutd ik a
Powell* Q-1. I"taft sowerb&' atarr "Wo,
C AW0y*t-h1%--holA4_ 0 1
Oat 17th* followlat AA 171
The-A"th of Mrs. -Agnqs�_,Axnow
4_of- J)r�,
V Robi�Tk. A
ITARAX and the vravint# 'of vzova i
Wo vbi isult W. 8, FLAnury, rfo.4�n
P&SIefter Atellt, or 41ty, raugiliati
Pietti Niect.* it Uh1t
AU; Stan Ut'llw4ill, 03-6; Gerald 00W p1we" ille Piano; US Wn tiia.
58.7; flue Forter, 50,4-. Rich. 1
111081% of some Onths.
Tke Late robn Ikig
-.Wife gnew, occurred
recently after a 'brior-illai ,it their
btfilding of the %or(I - Ndsomll I
TM 116* h614 Irg
All e.414 promptiV w5iljjr 1%ir(y--tbrt* wain. boat,ii %ere,
, fj
ObildreA Orr fty or M'AK Able� to gie-hr9t their eiirgge� 111wo-fett
Pon'tr, 04; 1
L-JAVerne Powell, R.'evilev, t
Ister, HOW, Notitr P011c.i, U
y '%� It,
Mr., Brigham, one -3f phe old -i
est ono
y4ftouver, B -C Mrs. At-
new was a4aughter of the lato Alex-
A A ftwlop 0 0,11
Powell, Ift
Maitland Vullor, trio Mej%lllatev. Jr.11AUE At MF3S "F
Sit coossOr to Jo 74, Killoran
1,110.1te nee, The'� sqaaro,� (Andertok
mwt respected, V-3iftts of
the'township of Hullett, pamed r-eace.
4134tr MoUllfthif, And $filter of Xr.
James MeMurzMa and Mrs. W. Sty.
8- % 140- 4, 006ritit Towasitip...
The following is tile report g.
ft-31ildred Powell, Vr
AT-aold Fulter.
jg�M`0 31, LF,1K.
IV awgy on Sabbotli morning, D".
Oth, ift'his. . rd Vfttj Ut -thO honto of
4one, of Cliaton. She reatoved *Ith
Ur 1111"V4 Ji-ont CHUtOIA to Ned!
No. 4 for �Chrlstvaaa exxm'.3. Thoso
Marked with an 48ttriA wep *baent
6,A roll 25. It it
--puglit CHEAP reuWies, Ke
N114 Sll4r* T,
vsi6 Mo. g�
Ttakwr. for
norrister 004' 84101(or
Mrs, WmL Nationj
w ore 0 J444 gone Ao Spend a few
clue 11sk Aout fifteen veors ago and
for the P*# ten years iiad vesidedat
front oneor more o-AnAluations. Sr.
IV --"Marlon Porter. 75.8; Florence
CoU0. lbolwItitis, Crou% INU
Wait �Colds, Catarrh, sorci I
X0 man or worlian g1hould bov-10
to Ning street East. Toronto,,*
1 00
voncouver. -.She. leaves Wide her
SowOrby, 60,0- �Uvjan oke. 6al.
and Tonsil ills, Sukveas or linofty
paipf"lly about bevalAse of cornslbek.
Telephones Elgin UO -8417
sottorth Ilop- C)MIstmg, Trce
h"band, oae&uoter, Allam Marjorie
F.Valyn sowe*v. 60.1; *Xarl MeAK
�Fhen SO certain a relieffit at band
ral ldi* Inewo, Of vancouvoro (I A&
VI�OTAFW D. serve, alore th-0 a word of passing. anil U-6; 014ra 11armoll. 68A.- 'IRO$41
ftlwnrt� *Who are still "10 school. So.werby., 4,34,
�tlmloe 1or thi� liucceso; a the 01�14t. Celebroqt ?r. IM-40hil Har.
Bstrister, I soilator, ?;a ary T WWI"- Avinivorsuies
P0110-convoya er. 0A tree celebration,, bold on Xwwce Nellwath" 41.13
I & pleasing and Interosting event
paoso 27 3141411 N , Offida' 14" on' Tuesday Aftergoila,
e0oinbor 2fth. . It was, a' hal)py tool- Platte in XAVI* Roll on Mon.
ing, Dec. 26th, whaa about
'joli$ CIVU andA ACA. ay even
s4ut and'ArOfitabloone all round, OTJ - $VOL lattvo$ L and Irliends THE
DTJ� p. J. lt. FORSTtfl. R. Glfpit tele 4 wl thim the twentleth.
Olt% In 'Wil"peg lwod . n an roatyof Mr. And Mrs,
An, N Wata wos roeolVed 'in - J3rUaBQTS ' JUO � Rod e 44.M- AnuivgrAg
xyz' I,, 4"T1111 . ry of ICLH
M Sot
1,040- Rouse Surgeon R�lv T�rk 00 ., 4 day tiorTang, Dee., 17�bx that T. o a .1agg of Ur's. Juck's parents, GODER
* X*- Milt, A, forwor well-knOAM regi- r. an It 0ooke, Sul)-' TU
thilmlo and Aural l(9spftaU"1J.tA1A 0, dent be to ra. Rennot To XLE,CTUICAL
Wooreffelda x�fe� Ilospital-4g.,601deft 'had passed oway pe
f 't Wa#�� , t -was, served at I P.M. after '0�hfill PIONEER
al th4t M-0mig 'higk,home !n Winal. the - ov
�6411ara Throat Hospital . X_#_
an; � CO. K" '00R. - ening ivas ploasangy -upon,. in
(it if
a Waterloo St. 8 Stratford. having A- lit U'llog, Iiialthr mu�lo unit dqncing�. The bridis of 2 Political and hkdus�trial IQ44eri of
Orint and 43 Years ago were tile roeipien Conado gathered togot'hor'la$t twoolk
the. past, �ummer.
At llat;l Uedfbrd� Ootlerf.!h, on the -Otani $ouch Of-luany-'Prett,
Zve ;C _Per. V, 900 And the-- , to- honor, Thouma Ahearn, thitirman.
Wugbot,thtrd A1004 of each toont4, -Or, the! �' friends ko�witkthopllof i - lie: peder -t commission Now A -LITTLE,
Ila Ibb following 4alt Tuosd4y""At 04 W�4aesday� Doe 14th es
at rjgl) at Dlstrlc
4 very Wet�Y we"rig wAs 01, Ula OM YPAV� Of 1100Y M41% and que--of 0.1tawali Ulost -Prolitinent 11UR P
Quig0f) 801cluniZ04 at the- honle of �1 C. PA.?
Minor" lir
UM'WAI. 4 Sot IAN! - tioth anniversary. with the electrical N
4nd w*h, Morm Thwilas W_ I' eitizeilss� on tile 0404sion Of life for- VANOM
when Aboir. you"
lest daughter, Iler h "6f,!!T-ha Industry. Sir F�rodorick willitims.
+lit V1410v Was --Un ted in marriag an 4J e a
1)�WLV5$ PIUCTmWiggli., �e to Shantymail," org of I She ty, T YIP r
Fralleig J. Stalappr,oaTy-aan of Xjro. Mon's Cbrisillat -Association, wa�q the
. I I of biraselg.
A, N. 0XINW& Sta:,ntuor; of TurAwry. following referonee to Xr. 1WOUlas
Din 'Collapso, ot 0xeter Skating. R10. W, �Bttftdj vdioo early home wag a,
ZO&F 1ho , 14T 0040 ` iketin rink few' aliilo� 1"st, of Lucknow, a)w lir!);*
Fire. Dug Measkets Qutbe
X"i'011s 14-vanei Which-11AS enthopride.of. a short thdo ago, in N
mtoole., or##Wo" mime" re EX ,�6rtjlera The -to art CathoRe institutions of,
MqU400i'd, *Ith UlAtUerary, F 'camo; -,to- giief Ontftlos wher6 he y�ils engaged in qudbec Cit� A" being closely,guiird-
,kctro; Tuesday -nitl
Magnotte Batilsi "Wootroalo: '000tria 90th, wben it collapsed' b, 6 M18111 - i - )n thi -4-againityphi.,t aWbelf�.ved_to'.b ,
riveAblevits � and, CO)OPMOV. heavy We14#bUsA0w,up6AA it is, lumbermon:
of-& luaiiise, who is
less inass of I all "Whext --th6w.miWon F-avirt -WAS unw thOughfto hu" been responfAlIlle for
stwpe fit is d the activj
Or1-4., -W. -
-ointment. AVIekirts, to gly is a t6mplote wr r1s, of 4ertAkeit i6me Xr� 9
en Years 'ftp� wird tile t,agtAy to wbfc4t ihe liv�.q
and Thumday aftoraoiqs sad' ve 14 Are st0litillitir an fro *th TOW
Offt,iiaurs-e to, 5 -And., t4k 0Az*.'au4 of THEWHOWAO&A
T t under cqeunistan_ children, L ?,
, , k. I that any ces'!"Ot tile easteit'lle, ouccee4ed with were whan the OF - HEAT. FOW COA
frdntorlo could bit, situfred,out
lie front is the farilir Wad carried oil' an lin'brokon Ifoepice y0i I
Udv In Attendance. daniage had, Jbfta do St. Charles -was bui-ndd, art
Ittsideft6m And 010n-Vorner tier no"i seats uwil b�r vn4 faitUrol festigkony to� christ. 'last Wodzzosd*W� alk�t. i C"T AFF090 : 0
�uth SUPP6 irit. has MIT
;r S thO spectators w
ft 4"41 "Mix"lat, 9" hile'apdrtion of tile The +O& -,6f Our -bliatfiek Bi were burled in' colil
Vear end remains intatt, een open ho"s moll "To. TAIC �"T
Ut, e for our grave on Sualay and Ir. a
* "Thos. , Code Or Yesm And his last w4rds, witen in
AU othors are
MIONZOAlIfO , - h - - - , , , believed to be In the ruing, I�Xost or us Are too .611's"ys to A Ink.
ere passed a Af The t , hunt'vift
'way he6ry that an Incendiary was tor teftWto Wratu
a thtit I* bq�;d, we woul& consider the dit,.: . .. 1:
1119, 8011411-14W, Win. C. Wdfaw.. or Florida, or the Riviera.
-owship, vesideat ained at our
at-workbeeante a'fixed belief *bell
iroadoill'of his home real
a respected
tivi, �4toeu Slid 'Genifti. Auctioneer, In �f V I , have to Ulteour -outiloor welaboy
the person of Thos. Code; In. tlb;riosol. The kmillv. f4co a our On Friday night a soeond: fire" do. e
06401ch R4th yeat., Th6ugli in failing be4ltll as the weather Man seeg fit
his brother -brouelli �r, Uender.,on to CrAman Just
Strayed the St.. John 'B
for,the past ye4r"hia' rillneis was 6f mintl* to'- anybody who kilow. them school from. which, fortunately, 200 to s
Wes Toade (�f'rywh0o and. 411 efrorts Odd M
'Made to Oftl3r, a -Week's duration. beiat� confinlboth. Ald4 One, fiRt that rin1v it. toart boyi *fkaped without losq of lifo,
ta' 'I*d-' OUIY' PDO 4ar. IfThe )at sweetened by the lov*. of thriat slid though the finaliqqal loss 61 over $I,- silt' 1440ors -t'
notes 006111itml, lieWa imother matter.
71ios. Code,' the last, of a In I Of M Of 14ug walkiv* wftli I-Ite Lord 60000 is believed to mak� this. thi 'With Heat FOlkiidal we ca . a h . ave,
_PtOr F*'IT toff 1,611drei, wait 6ora.11oar Airletoil. dou , Urctiuce it,' All' tile -love "Ind' most costly figurt. from. a monetary warmth and happiness and relax.
place, Unark Ocinaty, Oi 1-1 bar- Brolfouthy *4 llav� roes Out to Mrs, standpoint in the'b1#6 . of tho rAvi. 00h And -all the bealth4wingi
Auctioneer. I I Ir., oderloh 10ntllkeo On, 0f:,GCo, and 3 it RAIVI and thoso W'h M he leaves be. ci.
-%411 cohdUct all 0.
the latest -meth t ge,pnv sale on ris):Codo. 0 WAV -1 ont citadel city. a fiouth*fvt
'got besit . tf�
1,00 hini. OV & d -lop -will Annool, t,��agj wer4 Wit
a .4 be 14 Many pitiful tal Of the out the expense,
"tin Ice traiedy, one of the most sor. Let's have summer time in Our 1. home$
g (of .
Ove It, hum to 16000o.'. FArm -,Church VENTS
v4los'a, 4edalt Womb 116wfut being that &ban . t ou4 thj)i tot, this *J
The* Annual. oongveggtiov�al I Ater,
meatlig (Continued 1rom, rag )
of the Ulyih Preftbatian church �Was less than fivo, rears 2 old, who �in con.
hold on $tida rid
y nig,bt, Dec� loi;4, r Z ' Ontario,. fusion a torror WIod to hide away CAILL Tog
110eve 'Dodds acted as'c4t -avid- -and a a eup*aril, but,was oVertaken 'by
Airman, few -"her In -
VISA loule nerrington aq �-40rotutV! (each un4er.100,000), Outside whiell the diiiis
oftile I a - make -and OUTIVated,
Tho.illipokfant busl 'bleet. - .1 'Two paintitigs; the work of Rev. Sig-
X(MAIlly PUBLIa A 1 there is nothing but, tho
.111k WAS the'auditars' report WIM1011 Sol,
OP'Irt.11 c4nvoy-luting dona oil which for thowatilas of liallas in succession, ter Si. Au'biv, declared by 6o" who
OZ Voinpaill,* 1100re4ented owed th# gliurgh in 4 very Ji6a]%V. 0
r Be
Phone. ho"W4. condition *ith a eash bul- txOePt isolated towns and fam' . 'had an them to be masterpieces, r-Of.00O.d CleAlt '�Oat
"'PA, 7of over $900 for.the �aar, which, Who Vsea All the Still wore desb�oyed in the St, Charles Are
with tile bilaivcm from form*r yoaysil The Sister had worked I all, thes�- J0 MUSTARD com NY
month 6' , October PA111tiAP'lov two Ye4rg,nnd Ud just
leaves'a tot balance in'the bunk of Dur'ng the I I ,
r - 994.000 pounds of
A troth tho V, .11. - S, and Canada imPorted
00MIefed' thein two da before the
40 *y othool'bAd sutp* antiff, aecording t government Ag- nr� ye.
&Not WINIPANY. qusea ovov
to Meet,.All
a Imst year. men( This Winter 11'Lord)NelsotO� i
0 t4t#, S*muel Ituater The Ralian Government has'pr�%
�ERTV lxwnrn -. " o.
valu� of progortr hi',"ted up.lo 4an- Thette #a '!r�hO usual 800$001 cOntrA00011 in ticAlly banned emigration from Italy
A , seed aWAy in' tls�OraO On Industrial employment ]n C&
wy, info, 9SISM, FWAV. 1*0. 16th aliti of 4-1k. M.4 a a .V-Aq to Caftada�- Without any Ix"Isnatiftift
opplarM14-1amen , Connally, presi- evident tit the beglinaing, of movant. whptever,, I 'th decade before tile
ftl,� Goderfoh;.Jos., Evans, Vice -Prost- ber but file loss
to 419 YOU were war obout, 650.0oo left Italy r.nnual'
*At, Re"11*004't Ph smaller thaiviti-11924 avid a6tively IZ
01 Treag.. 11*aforlh and only 15 );000 "tukhed, leaving
go tined at u Tiigfiii-16,09 flidii; _U44
DIRRaropok-W. Atcfztfjo�, fk',S- -i - n4t'lOss to that nation of 4bout
forth; J. IG� - Griovo. wifilbro", Win. SACE,TEA the corrds6onding date In the last 1,500,000. Duriug the wi�. th& vxo..
Wit, Constanep: Georgrot MoMartney. eight'Years,, $4,Ya A report -juat iosued dus1w4scheoked but silt.v then it has
TuoUramith:- John Penis; flar"lloelk-
INTO 'GRAY HAIR' Dominton Bureau of"Statigtics, steadily inerensed until In 192A )yiore
John Befiftevvioe, Brazolligart; Murray. . . . . :
Wilson, Brumfield, liecord Gold Production than 312,o38 Italians hail loft for
'TS�--J. W. T6. Godepi 6 close AVer.;
AGFA oh., S*Udy Dhtario is just drawing. tii'tl) other countries. TH3 Varly
Ultell Winton* Wfti. alesj7j, 1*44 60koft SeautlMly and hestormi Of Oat' of the gToat*st gold-produiijog Ago of 111111119Tatitt'; to 014. country.
WWII, Ilinchim -Xitorth.
Policy Holders pan per theIr ag"As. ltlk 00"Al Color Otid YOM in its history. ThO YM 1927 from Italy over -A Period of eight
shanta at It. It. i.*Uttfor atortl r Lvstr* At Onto will 800 9014 Production i0ereaged years, is 2,5W.
A. J. Morridt's ClotUing Store.,allaton, over Idst �Mftr by two taillions ot.dol.
tir 4. a. adidsk MOW& late. 9 Waft-lK You TR01R16
Tlta "Vancouver, Express"
Itk addktlon the4otaloutput Of. D1111- Means a joke" bit
W6 a is by no
UA-, *ith satli ur and you cannot help
heavy I
me -two 16"al weilfri 18-aVe-CINd to bi
Vva! I&A -oft sov-� A4009 wholl r
Go lie
Wed hat'; Gut, ow k oad lex "-v
IRAve %tttaw to by the
Otis tiol" 1920. bdzomo. it lifibit., a Iflay ba At . .....
tiant. Mi*ittttIm.3* MAM,241,
41 over sixmilli '1_1
ea'and Sul- ......
AW 2`044,at b6n* a and jp6u,eaugh g 3 '61,
, ftt*b, is trouKm This Year crude gold bulli6n h a smile is infectious A - 6 '041uph I it
Z#01loW *oint, Ai-asw *sy� is fo. get tpi.- teen produced to, the taluc of over from the porter when he allowed YOU
imPrWd DY lhitt�r millions. . to yout berth, but one thing certain lvppfr�vw* ft*A*# J* the r0lid Gikr*
a"# aseo��.* vasigamaos, Oat. thg of :other i"grotlieft So i e SI410, is that having travelled on the "Van. 40% *me* 1ho N* IoUt",
Win- J. Thoni Wkir h After collision 11W 1W 101,
.psw -Aabura,, Pigi., Urge book. atliffioeooat drug storej, toUver ExprossIO nothing haa happen. N-14114-110will oodst
W30, Wood, V*t rres.; James 'airs., ioli*x U 111rYA's ssr -by 00putod.
"d sulphur .' A tragedyid,the -ed to take the Mile away. The ser..
via, Roft. Director,, Woetors.;-Wiit. 0"P046#001 ibus ayorft 4 tot bi the United states' XAVY4 Peliartibelit vice. the cuisine, the equilifile
we"11411, St# Hohms" W. P. Xw#, l6fts. 1 8* aft I ht, tthe 88 been created
rry L. 8d, Vaile gtsy,, Jaded W is a L ot gatta, o, hi, Wide Interest it
X P_ X& 9, xafto*; road b0d, tile geitle liandlinpr 5 by the tA!eent announcement
Its rillion-tollar train havo all eontri- that 11411fax U to,
P t 0# Nt 4 on Sunday- t, ovi4ed, with
UK ood"kh; AlM N10116160h, t0kk- We 00 "M 10 tdA!U OW YOUthfill A rea %oat fill et to YoUr bitpo t 16 It one 61 the thm %Ote $ in thct � DO,,
noW" Tifn orift, It. X. Ifo. 'J"' L*k. 0"fV$te d i
it of tritvel, Itifftion. 111-M pro*
WAH You have aeguired the babi
By dart'
"WO'CfAIN IT*Wt#, lh*ariliri; Robt "W it With *14 and sunk by, A g-0414 ling 01nadifin f Mot With 10#
CoflsOoWd, wo am tu till, te- 40stroyer, "Paulding.,' Remvt� ships r4eifig between stant approval and financial Wk.
&ft it ft fttUvJ%*0 LS* ftinty, onto and Vantouvot. Ing tho3d materially 'Jattresteil
the sqene The "Vancouver Xxilretall the L -on- Igh
rd 40 tit# vity's n6ed for sneh Un
0. ALUX, YOO 1tw d."t4ft", A ~- Or 36( of the disaster and dlv4s went, down tinent's standa f r4ilway 010- 1115titut an In view of Nova sc-AW'.0
*A it And draw Otis tht"O" to find out it were sio�a of any eftftv# ItitVes Unioil Ststian at 0.00 1113torle, stenle ana, reereatiolial tia.
fAe'SmAltoft L at* ing at
'of th# for,ty trapped tueft
St"; 1W t"raii-fts all stay luilt. be ive.
That tho ntw 11rovi(J. Nelsan
A hip z It was discovered t'hat it lesist s1J.-!
Aft& inithirals TWO)," As' It will li� known, Is
y*w We bftotws biAutifut m*14 %vere Alive and a -031vtroation Solidly $up ortLA oil a sifloos
taft X"d loudiat was tvur*4 on by roehn;cf haolmor bitsis, is 'WO as an groazda, of eivie
Bru Brosti knocks. on. the ;xublnarrjd�yr. hull. Its sthown'by tlio J'ct thit the
Will VverY t1fort is beinsr matle to tanadlan Pacific � Railway has se.,
04 OR SO VAI#er Ithd ftl n t0mersiUc in, te� cur#4 ever a halt interest in tile
- - - - - - �-,ord time tre is no ho" of rc,.
scul"t thtl UAWd*erew alive, 1M.
Is no Wheeler
Walect, which Compxnylls hotels ar,6
n6t4ble among the kading chaini.
Ordom rA WAtfl. Ulsbergo, f6rhier Ueutoftant-
st an lColurAl4ider of the V, .q, Navy, re�
Ftmeral Ditector 4114
U* I""*
Company will diwerta a largo 1
extont thi Management of tk6 hotel, 4
Accor4ing to, 'F,� W. pt*atty�, Chalro I
Sim of my is �,Bttded 49 6iellY resPO�Ablo fdr the
2�_IL traiging of believes it 4%vill, take
Man ilia president of tM tanaffian i
PAcifie, the present in
F49" 1"; lAbotit4wo weeks to br;ng the S-4 to
ITARAX and the vravint# 'of vzova i
00defich, ftWo t1le surfwe�
Reotis, in et -try xt�Ay justify the I
Z- Grain Doot tte4boand
btfilding of the %or(I - Ndsomll I
TM 116* h614 Irg
All e.414 promptiV w5iljjr 1%ir(y--tbrt* wain. boat,ii %ere,
, fj
ObildreA Orr fty or M'AK Able� to gie-hr9t their eiirgge� 111wo-fett
WH Wiff It" V3 v
with 0e, histoticst ChAtin of Novi I
Scotia, the har" Itself t#01UPIr Im I
MR vrinter irweyt,"Irc them *pit' llt,*y 10141
r"OPW goo" V"; Itomw x W tw"Aill 10, 1,1614, U1441am Un tit tjoe
OAS ------
#NC Lif Rs;tish, hi2itqry. The bulM. i
ings from an Architectural Atand. s
A A ftwlop 0 0,11
1*�Snts will t* cattio'd out in (;Oor4 I
0* typo of Aradoeture 2
timot. MCI
A a "VI Pa I
ftf),� COVer Many Mires at
If#4 in the hela of tho C
CATatr or Titlix C"at4en
fmh rat Wvee,. A
Nsiise of 116*#rs. m -11A
't Wf*t A_tr*,!#Zth tho cele
- tv
101 Club, 1raint rleal*'At
11-1 8#01M. bArbpir a-34 bast�
trlo.t of tile vity,
'rovince of Reva
in a
td t
k rimy*.
tit; ot
01, *
:11 1111ek
sit, "A