HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1927-12-22, Page 8• THE CHRISTMAS PARTY"You door ...Where are the rest of the finger bowls?.......I should think you might have thing•.'; moxa on your ntind•-or don't you know that there should be mors than two ....Really, , mother, you were awfully careless..., th (Continued from Illeo '?) '"Oh no.: I don't.mean that," be has never told ins, that she IS on gag. it " ,„out ed.” e 6�$'" t you4 he demanded. '"mike a scan!- sale rniaerably*. llut it mot. mo t "" of .business to hear Camilla tall; to' hl'y demooMy.dear!" said Chris, roan scold?" and took her. hand in "Ilwt"t--o1rr no, no!" Mrs, Itoao ,you. alk: that toni�:tt» Sha—°nvlty,' ovoid bi'^rsttltlerWly. '"1 �lnould,a't have she was like somebody else. Soma- sled to say bow badly ,she had r"r she'll oh?" "Yon notation think ilio mush konfidpneer but be aeeiiied hardly to about that," h told hi Sit, hear He !morel held her h d beam daylight n odd Mire. Roo, pd Could say ao assets. "Bot. uh., ass meter, I 4. love you!": commit wird. ' $.e if I &het be, colio I')segaged'.0 COrto-rias! i ouldn`t Mss 1. toll Too. 1 Drew it would hart y.na to think of my ieay. int You. Ned in the night I nought for the iliac tisae that not selling you Wright hurt masse --if you Iwo. But that was why—taWy that woo slay! You know I love sato don't $."t1?" "Vela," iwid Mrs, hese; "sl know.", She drew her hiss the room, where When your bask is sore and lame or 1 co sciatica or rheumatism has ycxt s weed up. don't suffer! Get a small trial bottle of old, bones! "St. Jacob. Oil" at any drug store,epuur s► little is your hand and rub it right on your aching back, and by the time you count fifty, the oorecess and lam. nes is gage. poa't stay crialpkdl Thais soothing, penetrating oil needs to 1* utoe only once. It take. the pain right oat and ends the misery. It ismagical, yet absolutely harmkss and doesn't guru the skin. Nothing else stops lumbago, sciatica, backethe or rheumatism so promptly. It ;sever disappoiotsi Ouch! My Back! Rub Lumbago Pain Away oh •aekasks away with moll trios, bottts of old "S!. Jacobs Oil? \Iw is had stcoacl and had .hem:J. And Ptah', being a eapabis person, took them bath to hili arms at oinee, and retreated to the davenport. Gua was u the door, shorans! "Wi�hert"4 my t'hristmaol Eight - thirty. !tial I haven't .got a gift. No,. lady IoVea me." The four went out on the covet together. The sun shone on the rows of boosts, elicit on its Aug of snow. Within were gifts and dove and till the lanae reiatiunsittps. To- da•v. at lesatt,''na sharp voices! Like a hidden company of beauty, Chriat- mus was upon the town for one !treat lesson oto quicken love.. One, took.r rd tit the houses, at the Winualows, at I r the Taeople; in a new way;_ - Chiu held open the gaits of their home. and Camilla sold, as they fol. lowed hot. iiao r"?Whaat are you smiling at, ,moth-` "I wins thinking," Mrs. Rosa un- owered, "that wore all haapi r Got no`bo'dy has ren enibered to says Merry Christmas." "Merry t=hriaatmas! " said: Gus. "T heat you to it." , r Tune lied , um s Toted It,....)lr. 7liornas Eelectrie Oil has been on 'the naar• ket upwards of : fifty years, . and in at time it ha='s proved a .stewing to thausands. It is in • high favor throughout Canada mind its ei eell- epee loot 'carried its.fame beyond thu seas. If it were chaste the price it both his own ov Sh t" n body strap e!" dors hese hart in wii Win Carn! la's would be a cheap liniment • fo e stillmoretoagry,o ; . ", a a" the m, was y r and no s•: e. at a`. v till' s to•. Oh,; o. r a e gs e t. . IN s e• t as d. s tit. er ><x Mrs. e y he said grimly, and let her pass. Standing beside hoer mother in the living roans, Camilla *aid good mount to her gouts. She was as fresh air when the evening had began. She was laughing, and laving --this is the only word for' her peculiarly region - sive and intimate look and word to everybody. That gay manner, those ta.,Jer oyes, :thytt soft and sympa- t:hetic voice were Camilla as her guests; know her. Chris lingerord.aa moment often the rest. Gus was preparing to take the "Living Teach" to, her aunt's tome. This young girl carne prettily,to say a another good night ,to Mrs.. Rosie, who looed at her and thought: "Pzobatly your voice can Sound like Camilla's, sometimes." • She ehtded herself, replied 'web. *Madly to the girl and to Gus,. and *Rood a sway to the kitchen, "Where's Mts. Able?" she inqu"e. *4 of the two women, who wero maks ing reads to Ieave. "Ifni. Ask said to tell you she couldn't wait." a'I ntrant to go' with her and spend the iddlit," Mrs. Rose said quietly. 01 will go on After her now. 11ti11 you wait and tell Camilla—Miss Ca. mills, that 1 have gone? I won't disturb her now." ' mss tc.ie tier wrlapa trent Out side otrythe strree+eet Mi.ut out WOK snot nr skasee ing Camilla main that night, She and Gua would be nal right. She *herself must get away .get dear ar• o., house . was stili. blaring with light --ower and upper windows throwinar gay banners *cross the snow.. What s happy, I:eaee-filled home it looked to be! !Ria wont up the street, set with. its eoawfortsble houses, every one on its white snow rug. Most of the Wawa war.' wiseping, every one with its **notation of Christmaab. In one lay gifts --treasures of things selected with love, In morns plans had been made, realisad, or frustrated for .tomorrows. Item sad there, bohind a>< abodea light iilowo.d, r.I►trre two might be 'ill, Ing tete Christmas stockitt s, trim. iniag tont Tlttistntas tree. The dill. dren-•-oh. them one's thought might rest. Attar they grew up, the w.'rid araiwa difl'iriitt. 131aa lookod at tha mousses in a new wety: In malty of these lived children. tartly grown, still at horns!. 'Were Meier conMl.iues kept back t Ilnd Hasse mother; foiled as ale had fail. od? in those houses were the yr"tura 'ao sharp--.' The tears welled un and darkness *ltd whiteness ;!swan► together. '11u' cold, story night took no account of her. +.Naristmlaa stars those warp now. Already it was w'tll mast arid. slight. Christmas morning ! At the trood^of foot on the' !mow bahlad iisr,, she *weroed to let ;some lot* sus go by. She heard . an eex- viarataatiat, a hand was thrusat through her atm, and thine was (wrist. "Mota,er Rose!" he said. "But it ea*'t be your!" al slum spoke aaaaatt t dually: "You did&t *toy long with WARM." • *No.' h8 answered shortly, ""Ili itnatoit'?"' But yrott�•ts aamtathino Got oolog Ohm toM hist Where, she was using. "I thiak fast !tatty tired, Chris,"' woo a i that ahs saki. But he knew., "lisohor." he Rohl. "house I'm mist to tail rot that, no mutter what hsaaaatr—w" "What iht revs meant" ,the "liked tal"ar.tv., etilwit mar ha Aso" tired—excited. She didn't mean to be cross." -"Nobody," said Chris, ""means to be uross, One is or ono isn't. But it isn't that. You know how I've al- woys seen Camilla --gay and s 'War p a t hetic-y-nnd--and tender. .die's like that to eople. 1 though'b she was like that." "She is like that," Mrs. Rosso pro. tested. "'Yeo. ' `but • she's somethin else, too. • Can't you asve..what it'would mean to. a man to hear the girl he loves going after. her•inother�--as she did to -night?". Mrs. Rose was silent. .Shot could sec. She thought back over the' preparation far the pasrty. The countless instnnees of faultfinding, of ironic comment, of impatien'c, of irritation. She knew bow these would have sounded to Chris, how they bad sounded to her. But could anybody abut her know that thew!' dict not represent Ctlfnilln--that they were not Cantina? She turned'an him fiercely: "But I know that these things don't weigh a straw against all the fine things that Cauitilla. is, . And you lotlfbt to know that." ""1 don't know that," he said stub- bornly. "I used to ,go to tho home of one of my instructora at college, and he hod a wife who talked like that. She'd burst out at hien before people, She'd •oar: 'Well, I should think you might think of me:a little' bit," or 'Why en 'earth are you' so �. arelesa? You never think of anything.' And 1 said to Myself then thtat, if 1• ever married, 1'd haave.,a wife who would- n't do that --if she didn't have an idea in her bead. You see, it hop - pens to I don'taknow that it ir sn't with most men. Why, I've said .to ray« self a dozen times that, Camilla, with her lovely, voice anti her gentleness could never map at anybody. And to bear her doing oxaetly that thing. to you tonight -1 tell you, WO bow ed me over." "She hardly ever"" Mrs. Rose began, and then stopped, confronted by the sdanpie truth that Camilla did ..almost every day,of her life. Chris went on absorbedly: "tf olio 'would *peak' like that to hen` mother. What would she aayf to hor hushed! •when she got used to hiring . I tell vote, Mother Roar 'I'nn not going to have my children brought up in an home whore there tan he outbreaks like that." "Chris," the old feebly, "you've no right to judge her•.°" ""I didn't have to Miro hair," he said. ""I heard her."" They were walking in anew when they canto to,Mrs. Ahlo's'gate. Shw out out her band. ""You mean you're going to Moak the engagement?" she. asked. "1 don't know. what ton do," he raid brokenly. "I love her. And I know Saha loves one. You know that, too. don't you?" "loot .supl>ne aro;" maid Mrs. loose, staartled. 'unmet you know 1" he cried sharpy 15•. r'llatsn't she *old you a'o?" "Anybody can *ee that. Citric.'► she :mid hurriedly. ""Goo.l night, now. But hg woo not to lieu out off. "Mother Roast."" he demanded didn't f.'amitlac tell you tattoo lamed ria' when the told you we are +engaged 7" It had to .roma* now. She said it in a low voice of Awe, ""Cliri*, I'm not inueh of :i inather. to -sI haven't her ronalldenec. Sera The Gift That Keeps on A Stewart- Warner Radio is Go Oft dot Mins � is whole fa�� elitO: .IOHNSTC , Megan Strret Dss...rewetiatt Potted it and abruptly he stoma sat kiesgd her. 'Then he went.away, Neither of them had thought t says Merry Christmas. II was the first night -beton Christmas of her !married life th Mrs. Rose had "spent outside he 'home. She lay' long awake, revol ing the justice and mondinass ,of !that a ;!rise had said. "And yet," ah thought,, ""and yet. " .'rsignren: of t;atmilla's words' camp • driftinge hot?, almost as' in • delirium, u" mother! A girl doesn't hove are ception." An ""Darling; not t. agnth aintz,Caniilla had been.. bent on pick ing out :heraielf. She heard: "0 don't you know there ought to he more finger.bowls?" ••• Toward daylight site drifted lilt sleepand. woke with d :;:art --nth hiidren's stockings were not filled 'flies, alto -remembered: The thin were in ,her bureau drawer, beeaus 'Ch, mother, dealt -nobody doea any thing now but bring the things int the living -room after brenkfns Don't bo so 'old-fashioned," i'h all thought of Christmas was gone and she was lying in her bed, wit Cainilla's fuzzy head on her arm and over the 'top of that ,head sli `had dust turned to look tor` the firs time into the eyes of her husband a father. To that thought she ale in some rennenthered content, and she fell asleep again. When the woke, the Clarit".ma sun Was surging through her win slows. It wars late., -later than had: ever wakened before nn Chris mss morning. By the time she w belowat stairs, the present giving he receivingwere finished in her sister' household and breakfast was; ambo to begin. She laid intended to home for breakfast, but, the sank down- listiesaly in her plaeo •alt h sister's table a,n.I t'hok • he coffe they brought her. Her .sister sal nothing. beim$ one of those rte_per sons who, at Unusual behavior in on other, do not fix t}iatih ono with ai eye of sympathy and demand "Aren't you well?" The young people, showed Mr Rose their gifts and sho smiled oh sently. At home she had .a blue ail sweater for Camilla, Suddenly sh could hear Camilla toying easuall tomo. day. -long after si'`hristraas ''Mother, darling. I can't help' wish Ing you had bought me An orange sweater." She was still at the table .-not moth niter eight o'cic'..k when the door -bell rang. ,She braced herself eyebrows surmisedoamill :rep"Mother, dearest, why on earth -swell, didn't vont have any consideration for us leio've leen worried to death aiid 1 should think you might." Ilut it wawa iiot C'aniillat. It wa-, Chris. e iornheoth'to him be din Ommidst Christmas litter, lookingSerene and almost happy. "Mother." hot asaidnd he had never maid it like that "1 was wrong last !night," She looked at him motels. • '"You Ware more generous to ('am. ;11ao than I was ;=ami yet who should he more generous than 1-46 the girl ran siting to marr,y?" "Chris, dear " "I love her," said Chris. simply. thing oboeot . If i ht to e`as against hin thin ye�r n herself to ovcretame-Mand she has+. Ism not blind to that!= then it's ray btisinesas, if 1 love her, to help her to overcome it. And 1 ado love her, It atoms ata the that that* never known how much I loved her until least night wh n 1 faced le*ving heli." "IC* is bis way to look eat it, "It'ae the only way to look at it. Leaving her waukln'.t i'ettla anytlaino. Per prnHe** would 1* tbnre prat he wam*.Baskkxs, 1 can't run, 1 leave "I love her, too." said Mrs, Ileac. More came a step an.'! a Wing and 4 Woke. "'Staayr litre." -raid tiro. latae t. Chris, She atapnard into ere holt, and Otero was t'amills. But I smillaa wwaa.t n. **king wide woo than ntatttra - '.r r nt.anto:iot lir. Pro/040.0 blotto/id, with hor chink ing Iter whothile., asitia tiro* say- : ''eh, moth.r. 1 kisnw e;tyr yea meet. away, *oil I don't Mao. yen-- I'd kine eerie), ton 1 wwse, har,iblw abut the !lagb w er-.lio anal :sheet the' whst. forty. t'v. : been hn..id.' *bent everything, 1art nip ht xh.ta' t knew ,pat wor.tet there you . weren't th.m noetk.e. ?MI sues' •'!soot—1 theist* *inat It r►n.li: tis V fie awes -sad hors ri be �jtne ���s. et iii. idler, er sews.. Mage t tf afi the lite., � newly IN dip CHRISTMAS GREETING CARDS Seldom hats the Star ,h*ndled se sooty priers for Christmas Goofing Carats as thio year. '!here is still time to hove your i persowal greetiog earda selected f sad printed hitt do not delay, lir Chrlstrtas is only one week, from Sunday. Or if yea pre, Ter to buy your cards and write your town: name and address, we have a. fine selection . of' autograph Cbrhatrium greeting tarda and very reasonable ori, ces. Cards at A cents, 8 •rents and 10 tents, including enxe.. lopeg, The Best Gift FOR CHRISTAfAS One of the mew "Royal Seraia» DeForestrosIey Radios The Smoothest Circuit Ever Known " Lei olive you a demonstration• Wean,. fully equipped for Radio Service F. R. ' MILLER Cor. Victoria St, and Elgin! AWL l.'ti0Nt W.10 Gongi2nCxt 4 '"1r " 00"x- ` 1 `r' GET IT! i Uri !For Burns and Scalilo,.,.,1 r. Thong. as' Ecleetric Oil wilt take the lire out for Sora throats,: 13ranuliial Asthma, of a burn or scald,. It should be at Quinsy, Bronchitis, Cough, Head: handy in every ;kitchen so that it armyy Colds, Catarrh, and Tonsil Diseases, 1 e dila lc aw y t,e. Th re ,,t Gaol results or money hack.- It's no preparation required. dual ..ap- Mrs. Syhilla Spahr's •ionsilitie. ly the oil to the burn ori scald Red r e pain ^twill abate and in at short ADVERTISE IN THE s'1'•la.Tt `- time cease: altogether. ott bad , a New Eaphiess or your Home this Christmas taw= unto is tote Waal C'hrilt*t* Gift for the saood.rst bsamw roister is faithfully t as stir Ido ° tot*. pneansty Ito its "tunitt itis" and "COWS* Ott" of *tattoos ...tempts too pOrate+..retaeaarks sab1iaita obi*tyr to getsdhitasatrtttiatte ...eradiate $rashest "Vahweslwat`*dollar" botemos of its ream** !solea wise. A demon anitrtttlast will convince you. Arntotio:forItto-44 `. Kolster Radio ARRANGE FOR A OEMONSTRuATION WITH Huron Motor Sales SOUTH ST., GODERICH Jr.