HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1927-12-22, Page 6VA" SIX Wi miting Dne and All ffv %""n t A Me --Ab; ris mas M,6E WEN.", CROCE)? South Side $�uwa Godorich PHONE 40 --GOD STAR i�* T - __ , piwiRtIonis %hit -it, W" cause ruf b#41 d"Q), lie Wag tvrft in stol;Lea *here Lei, -Iiirka *11 hiol =URMAT, DW_ Usil, IM wl$mng Mr. UfUrt Vnaxa"t Vasiv.1 *WJ4,ijL - I he Loveless Is who, in. �r�,,�pfbrth ho*pitai oil IK4%lay, le' 12, bavigg suffeyd an iltiwi; c,( Ws. 9, sly4lar, niak, OWL. Pneumonia. On mowlay A C.)ld 11614, HY N(JJ?MANP5JVLjVy 41 was boitmzod wi* nVom do though it dw not spocarl W �—O=s for smug "a UW 0113 WW b* attintled th�i X V1. at- tv go llr,�Sently, his ottelittoll centivil tit all our friends Quopli rair ou Tut*day As hr,� Wa3 upon a couple yfi") had Jus", entered %-,ery linlited, but he is still L wouowv intarested In and expert ou faral live 9410tof tilip Jaligti-ey Camile, wl�cu- 040 LUY a friena tol-I ma about and U19 bad t3j,_I�li FleatZ 4on' the 61de e otock. Pneumonia spt in and he VA,�i and Customers. Of tile loungn farthest away Nal. Ile caukht 11 home. 'ne YOUn varbe VQ'r tahon t9 the 'ho.srital C'n W*,tiv 'ran' uxba �dcscer-49 to V 'esdaw i sf8lat of the g I ri, morning. man's face, �;-,d thOUght Ila nIQ Pamela, a -vivacious !Audert UPDOCK -11 caused b" Rd it, but tile niall $at d9wz tviii h&. es IS One of tb� few VV,9Vl,% Vadly llart in V� A Merry bmic to Nalril, tilus frush'ating UrO not over4w�.d Ly tilling at A 'Illy Vs offio� NiVS Q P=Ue, Of EavfAOM, V11.13 an unfortunate V!etija cf V10 wind -storm J)QsSit"Itity Of VU0kroition aU4 ujnj� 14m. RI'Ves. him a good*natuv. t f1f b . A strong frlolld& lfe accqts 84 invit Itlos ,in Ti.ursday, Doc. 8th C111hristinas iNXINlika's vlciw of tj�o Sirl.' . "',A4 -4whigging" for h12 neglec tati­ gust cau�ht a door whie'll, zJ12 waa X31M Msulned his readipy of the ioll L and,b1mr-it wido OI)Qn Pamr.. but an un1dcntiqqd ilp dine with the fcx 4.ngtrey,% but p#llpel' the bome, 0.1 losO A�AtY PrIN)blellis that are apt Instead of dill-Ingw. and thiowing. her on t,))o it'll thpin he is In'- artlunO. to unsettle '*Ale ni'lid"' QU4 1)res%nt1y Vestizating a Tier ankle w= badly t�rraKA by tho E, C lie lowored Qo,sh�ol; and again loof--, Sir EWIOAU63 discovery of ROBE fall. ed aew& at tile cvu#te. Fisk�i by Which! Viske B ITTERS 'A _N Great )leavens t 7,041,01S tor.'PA-010 to reduce human fa, of Stephen isl Diamond- 'Merchant and .The in I sm had moved slikhtI4 -but * tigue proiliglously. and a-9surma great wid 'after I Ista takell, three Wad botttv# Nairn immediaW. national rrosperity. a world of Jeweller v lost lilt interest Sir Frederick, once a fwi I found it had done me TherO diedaflits home a f� ex r; I in blin, for, in 1110ying, he bad reveal. MOURble 90013dalld 114W I don't k110W What At West of Exeter in Abe township of Gode lich. Ontario ed the airls and it was ram 1.340reon, bas a conslder#bly his he%4ftelle is liko. I qextalu�y b%vo grea I ela-Lang. a` V* 11 Stephen on MaildRy afternoon -De- i Irk trev. 00, - I one 1 411, est M AU KPIP.414 12th, George !AW�on, a',tvollknown Ch 4tttac0d by Put up Only by The T. gilt"" 4114-muell reaptcted resid"t_of that Russet Nairn. a fall, good 11 her husband. is vat, but somewhat Wear iftggg. a Young -ndor do -T,96 austere baobel ();iL township. A cOuple of wee a Who dances divinely. uthieved considerable success As 41 (ell 0 AMA Ing in 4 drain oil hift far and get. cittor Wiest And, cavvied, 100 that be: is gut thirty-six Ulsithe 141WOOYS is renewed afteo rXAm 46R quite w4pt contrgete 8, 4i I V Forloer PAOS0,4i Away Intense d0votion. to his busiil�;g has 1011% had told him in ber ellara Awson a In 03,.T. 'T. C. ?4 ts cold which developed into, pilountoma. his circle oLfricilds, being Manner, what She Ihfnkr�,of lit llev- Goorge Ahey., Anglican civrgy W. � I Instruction givell, inK%no. Residence Fall Causes Wath of Wlaghor4 man, die4 After 41pner, a sorle 044ayb Deiz.' org, 0,#, Vic, a- of unexpect. 000theast carrier 41 Dayfleld and isrl- woluan toria. bosilt4l, happeninp Undon, after a i�bortl f0lr -the Ph.114ren, bestleti b' 'Causes Pamela On(J tanilla Road. vfioo -passed aw 41%10s, Abey's death 'is ti _ to, 4 left A on I . _0 All � J lone for, a lime in on fickd From Our. tx0mges evoning, .000, 12th, Charlotte no, V1040t to have boon �Allqe Ziw.-�o , oto Ile e rawingroom. pamel.3 14 d by an P y -s tod LICOAL CARDS- ot I Bings toQtbuk 4 situation which is widaw of the late. Ulhomas 10' accident which �oceurr04 on Toosdayb 'A xiceting of the Lib.-Con0ervAtive MPI -Se*r�rth Golf Club Dance bOme Of Mr. and . Mrs., Thos. Ilainit. Win November 20 when fie sell and brok-a rUptff becoming tntorestjiia� is inter. a lid vicinity was iand[L I sham. She had been in the best women. of Clinton a V never resumed, The duitual dance of tho seitarth too', Brussels, when their stater, J6ia of healtb, and on MouifjV his shoulder tole, Vora in 11awiltou held sit the boole Of xr�. F. 0, S 0 U . bad �tho, 50 years Xg n is'ob- Ute, off and Courtry Club was 31c)(1 at Hamilton. was united -in marriage to ral f rtu a to 0, Followine thio. episo4e, A-4al-r Oarrlster,L Solf(.1tor, NQt'Q* fall down 'tho collar Mr. Abey received his Thompson on Friduy ev�rllllg, I)eg. 'sessed,hy the .bought f I, fte, G. IV. V. A. Club ion Friday ev4co. AV=. T. Shearer of Poole. The, Rm stops, and remained uncouseloug . education fit Lonif6it at Hur011 C(& tith, 6 amela. He Successor to .1. 7.4. Hillorail un. *,lien AN11-s. N, w. T,L*W#Xffiq, Due, m4keS;,efrorj�tO meet her accid P110II4,97 OMce, The -Square, (Aderleft '109, Dec 90 when uPwoVds of a W- A West Officiated and the uedding tit thO tittle of lier 4eath. W was Jege.__Ho._wq& the son. of t I he late of the delegates to the p0million, ton, but," Xuadred, meAers and tilel;b. friqnds Muslo W44 played by Miss loan 87 years of age. Surviving are three 000M William Abey and Catherine yoution hela, othbw tomes of them. Presently ..'spont a -delightful orpollig, 1111140toll. ligm IT, Ross. stirviviow him . in wilialpo'; rocentl ho realizes that ERNFST 9-Ux. gons and three daughters, Wit are two sons, this clbsessfoll is hay. Edward gave a VftV Interesting report of th juir all adverso ejfroct upoo bf3,huaiilese Lucknow; David and Fr4i�:O)4 St, '00C D� and Arthur X Ab(% as *teat g:tth&�Jog, Affiiirs� 'And. �Vax a great moiltal of. Rod Solicitor Seaforth vAll lt� represented in the. - A ;Juloi but - tt ons; Mrs. D; V, Mcp6o4ld and Urs. well, 'As one. daughter, Miss Harrfetb� 'tion for -4 he decides teat East, Tor6litil, pro y weddin -took miss Holmee New Post .. 10 �Upg St 0. H. A. this season with a junior P14100 At the 'XiMnift -ltoadlu It.* J. Thompioh, Winsham, and Mrs. Al*. Rev. Mr. AbeY was a popular to'!Put Pamela comA, lifted. g. McRoberts. St�,.Ilelons. r(I.ItOr Of St, Joints church, Briio$ 0101dY.Out of his mind. Telep4ones Elgin 8416-8417 "teami. and a" grouped wlt'4z Strat. 1114110c Olt $aturdaY Ofteriloon, Dec, or sovcr�41 70ars. The f`l1D*h19 1,&011V frOtif-the Ed' Ata dance at,the A%inlao I C.11Q JAoUJ$e loterVIOW CoUneil,Abooe monton Rolletin, "fers to a former tA w.hloh She i$t ta,�Aobv onni elzatio'll Arst game in Souforth 0 ter of Mr. Robert of tUe $4mily, .1otd, Atitchell and Clinton with the 10th, At:r*ur O'elock when Miss Ara, I 01takch Late Alexxodor,V i olint*lliano A daukh e fri43ndfs DUDLEY X H Pan, 5th, HullUin, 4augliter 69 shed merson Hobiles- "Mi4s 13. 'L. Holmes, who, (a Mr. and Mrs. Went. barrj,4t 'U'd r. and I is, Tholkinis It"kin. Vxe. -for, X64r __—Mr.-Yeary GriffinPassea. Op At their n Frhore rRogod away at bf$ 'late T081. for, the 1)ASt 10y) 1`40101a mqets Ospar Bregic, who Pub lob coaveyall"r. Etc, gular mootlay meeting denec, Jot 25; concession Igj West years has Acted as I After loog montils 'of -luffering 'th, secretary to tb4 10, there partneiing Lady FlskeI, To PHONE 27' - I 3L unit In - 1114TTlaga to Mr. %Old on Monday eyelling"L Dee, 12 1N1%%1tffQN STREET Ortweill.-and L M late W. 4 Stark, nrag;Ldos Mr. Robert Henry Griffin passed'ai $On Tookey son, of 31r, tfr. J. , W. WaW03103b, 000 of her pioneers n the 'WAS allpointed ac,ling,jeo sort r. win rotary of. S USY at his home in Lucknow on Mo - 11 Mrs. RAI intorviewed t , , Person of Aloxail4er Sitterso, la whob. liko 'himself, is * coon A At the the Z4mOntOV fthibhJo,l:,Assocf4tfon Ilier foir ftwo 'doty afternoon, Dee, 12th, U16 n', Vied -lit tepholi' TOW"$hIP At as to the too lic - age of 10. Ire moved with his par, at, a. to eon, , rigil. taWylK ovir the eeting of the oxeOutivo an 0x0ellent 4arl.*r. 44itlon bad been Very ok pla 4 ents, from tU DR, V. J, low for some The death tc co on � the - -4th formor Ntethodist church 'Shed and R 'Conoty tovmship- of Nelson. Wednesday. Misi Holmes will be On meantime'llairnb4sentored, into an R. romzn. �AVQQI,9,and tboend a rot 4t . , alto" -when but a "boy of charge of, theoffic In aMogement with' IFIske, 1#11erebyL the .1expect. concession of Stop)icil tow",3blp, on �naklnr 4S atil a 0 wa t. it A community shed. � Mr. too years 'of * Alonday, Pot. I!til, of S4*utq Ge4rgjo Ortwo n �$ts;tegf that P rol'an- to EYE, EAR,, NOSS, T11110AT 'Age, And-hig,11v0d oll'Ont suMessor to X u 00i6tItI,4 goes to Ca-daila, Weddi"K the 'trustee$ Of the same Oaco.cvor Sifte'-. Ile' l$'4PPOJ"ted4. r� Statk put info Lawson,, bli Ills alst Year. The L de.' the Voit0dchur0h had met and talked 00h. Ims' beon onorotion At a. Lafe'frouse'Sure;oou &vv Vork, tons survived by' I 40rollet vaper 111111 lace at the previous A quiet wedding took v �ed was taken ill about a week IthO matter overand that thealled.was kiS widow, thme sons �Car Almost" Wrecked owned -by Nairn; his - theories for balmlo and Aural HosrAtal, asrpfant at eurlsy which late,%, 904ft out of repair and also, ileed. and two. dAcd�tersj Mrs. JAA Raggit. what uiig�jc'% 14�dilllr UP indw� 7by means Of Worefield's Uye Golden, Ile ave 4 a- rious redticing the fAtigue *f tbe..workinon, ;sRaro Tbroat Ifosliltal. 1ondon L ftg ikhti and Polito supervision son of 10tilosi. and xames, Alfred Wingbam, _qterloo St. S S.trafror4.'Tej;:. of 017th'. Victol" Lon the 4th conces. eident t49 and -V� lace vn - John street Nairn -promises 53 W Ofrove to have Me shed property and Los, at hom , to visit tliq oll tran e, 'AY in the yoar, I - Judges Qf'Good Hre;�d'A sterred tO the town -to be, used sell afte Don' -.11 later �>.boaa 2t, greeon GGeo. Fowler-, 10 At llotel-nedrord, -4o the .4$ A VOmmunitY Shed. The diterent, Robert soft tim sodan, an je 'is1vibg a Pon. �� ON& evening *hen lie is dinilig, at eveni g of LbIrd INIondiV dlrl*i�, on onth Inenibers of the co'lluoil dize Robert Scott Of t'bb sixt-It line, 3for- quickly Lf hat the ear aks so a 9 OVA Better B4th matter. with Mr. , Xones. aT US604 �the West -0714 h0tel, NaiMis "toftished tIN; I e f0lloWlag daY, ed Bread, tJV4 48, died sudd was turned right to' -see' Pamela -it, Brogk% coulpany. pjn. tit Ort�. Only on Wednesday. about,',sti4king the. cut,5 at the to I I wein, and Coutiall1dr Ill Dee. 14th. R ailis moved obert Scott was born fix nor Of John dild,kin IX (4�Ootiilued) that -the council necept tho, offer. of nic Streeup the Their quality is the V11180 of Blakc, in 1800'. . in 189s car e -to a, standstill on pe,� Nairn Rftelves a Surp CHIROPItACtIC uniform, They,;Revei -fail. Try or- Qming�, er. c, late"David with both * th :front I a _44A I E . �P­ BroWfi­--.0r4 read. 'an Council tijijeron a M6, UP;_ brL _in .;'I V4 W he "waS married Lto 31ar WSM".pavis thi*-'811ektbW461e _ d t;'b. 't-'rNoo. � _G Ig .1 44*0,-'-Vr9%t- O'Vie 13.. a'iodinmitteo to nd (;on, YOUnOW (4kw'ht'e­r of U- - - , 0 lid rear Isaft WILToe a and her escort was. to f Ph meet 4- com- and Atts, ]KAIght, eighth concession, *heelti 'broken. D"T 1h FortiiliatOy no one cros$ -Uge or mittee of thiiTo -avid- t e United ch veak:_to tile one 184 ureb trustees. U01711s t0wh0h*-� I(* � leaves to 'was ht*tt Oirl, but he cheokodhimself, DR, X X f4 urranKo th details of the'transfer. in Thi *urof his loss 149, Wife, three daugh- veah-of A�Jr.4,� J. b'Jilerty After, oil. he thought be -c-bli-oproetor and brooloq.4' Thpy*Oist, 4 motion was seconded 1))f Conn. tets. -and one 'Son' L MM H4 . $ migbt be Coderich rvc-y mio" -pair *cre--a -fair ;dist And 39arly ptuistaken. Tile 'fir,�nlp, orglinto O'no cuioheon� of Iworzist Misse.5 Setin. $day 140raing, I)ec, Rtbw tante away, and it wonld be,very wessio: Ilelen of Tbroi�to, ah(J. R6bert the � deatli, occurred of Mri, J� g i1o. pin- -'ViffiL lan, at bor L 4,1$0 Ile. as; 110ii, of Clinton, ji:ftiq�' barr4sslng tr, he made -a inistake. Equipped Vialhernly, Elotro- two grandollIldren, L a. Orolonged Magnetic Dallis, E160tronjer Ejo�trle'. illness. C111ropraotfe. I I I . Mary and Helen, McClItch#QM� JMrs, Doherty was before Jfc would 'Wait for a, chance ot re'� L T—Mtalents and c0g1lition. He dropo�� Oftlee heura,7.2 to a oLn(1'7 to 9 P.m. ther, Ti M., skott, of. Hullett T.he thp eldest ktaugfiter of ;Pur�qosely, hoping to. attrh4 'PaPe'� wd by appointmenti %zcotIt1;r Monday YV Mr- JOSOPI, . ice, but )a`hgs woot, oo.chitting gaily to ind Thursby artorn CoPP- Of Clinton',. and was boi-it and t1ii man I _r not 'i onfl,:7 In 9 p, in. oil $Atunday, Dee I sbellt' practically all her life tly %i' attentio- ' itly. She taught al there' 'a was, tuimed The service s Boaldes Ids fainily; %b L 1�aves one bro� "er marriage Xi8s, IWO, 06"o -being funeral was held. from his ;�41dooca Office hours -12 to ftr$ be- 1:4 -iool for sonic X, a' Fowler' fOrO her Aoa*rjago., She LGOY In Attendance. W."doneo and Offiee-o-CoAor of South mitister,of the 'Presbyt ell, rAn"rIed S4194UY MOVO&V10 allnw a wa eriall, ebur, Sols'- TAtermallt. in lkwsols HL, and 110(annia Mod. af%ur Seventeen Years ago to�.Mr� *T. Ice 0 'Put a dl'jnkL Oil _h" or t"Ienyr WRO Survives, her. vdtb thetable.� LT A got a full view Of his face. and Vommunity 'Christinas thOlt SIX. 1671ildron- Irene, joseph, ved oply to st It ser. lrel� 'at 'Tames, RObOrt* Victor and rongtheo. tho conviction 'AU"J[()14Zt- RING )�]ttter Chitft Agnes. that Ile ;had I ros+_ths rellow _-tomo Badly llurnktd where. Nor did the, full, view lev The- Community. ien"T11c)NI�k' f;V'�NI)Ry- treo,� LittieL' Rubella IlUakin. the I�ell_ the'. uiifaVor$bj�,� 'imv)ressimi he ]had r 7V 1 -blob it befog fostered by ti* Lion�, year-old daughter of Xl,. and Mrs. rell w AINNOWN tex, Bell oil *1 1 %'Ved Do first,soeing. tile Live ant) c.enern selloneer, - nian. Club 'Of Wilighift, 'bag been 0ected John munkin, :Willism siretit, S e, S W in rich OVIL �011 the Bank of C0111111021CO earlier. ter, was Usliffilliv burned, Thursday dress, attache RAes made ovtrywhere 2bd all pfforts X 16 , flahbv, over fald on Street. GOL aAd will be: decorated'; wn; d to a !Olfrarette -to .1 Waal 0010r4ed 'oveniog. 100, 166; She went. td e.x- th6uA it had, zode to glve,.Vou satW,10160. The dAto Set for Santa Claus. ominc the furnace e*; th'o' rarmers-,swe notes. djscftnted. grown on Iii-, fac fIVOL stind fluding It 111an was the Pnti+hesis- of $afrn.. to 011101OVingbam Is, December 2* of tOW Put in it, the ' A tea-dafiEe�. loafer, a ;Iou 0 Iii - Last Year w ihZi coke in burning. just '4s She. did $, ard", Was NairniS' Ver4fifet. as tbe, -first tjoloL f4W.papers to qs$ip�- Ag P,�Loapfrr� Big Chnstlrn'as sale '011 tha',.sort Aottakeu t1w. pro. tilt, Mers ' suddenly ignited, and ere I blem, which bag boorl a.,great, thing fiftllles'eaoie fight in hoe fn�p aturc,'he ims,%phed, who might be Autt(oneer. Vidon St., '06derich is at -ill .01M hur it rattler ibadiv,. Shc. � Will, . buln. hired to play thepart, ofeO.responden_. 'V111 001nft ond aprango,. guy. sale on w1k, � - _ ­, ­' At �s . I" , , , , , "' - not be ill an dryranked The lates 'llipthods to get best tesults. af)le to attend'Sehoot for som� -tinip. U41ztber Rig met with a painful Arid here. wait Paiiiels UOL-tro.v talking to him, The iwtor vievg, which 'he See 111M. Or 4ton 4 ca�d Mid lid Will VO It Jolinediale att6n0on. -Farm h6 AcdidAht ibe s Me J6veoJ%r.; 1JA LWaS cranking U Ford 'ear When the,,, im- now had 104t no doubt wbatever. that it, wall� gbe. ....... . .. bock-jimiLmith—tbe rftatt that his 9'or tell ioinutos, be. sat musing. r. -I XOTA RY OU111,11C,' STC. . arm Was brokon 'at, the wri:st 110.wfll Also U ,-Oft duty for irardin� the pair.406C.9ji0asitV over tile top Of his parcr. Thon.. fe0ingNhe, �IVX DAILIM., Some 41me. Died in Windsor rould enduro*tbo. situation I - ilo longer, he rose. and witho.tit, another" g] '010 remains of James C ,onnor, of Windsor, werq bronAt tol Fixoter tin AV4�dftesd4y. (Co'litilined Do pags a) . General ConvPvinr4uf,,,..)6nP flond Mlllpallif�s thono No. M. Goderleb, ont. -Dee. 14t.h. t0i Lurlal. he blivinst dled in that city on D". 12th. For mally tonday" `v-,-ard the, -late INS. URANCE Mr. Connor j*sided there Vitli his dauschter.:, I 67�"' 10ft there ft itfle� over ttcI0LT.OP - IMUTUAl. - VIRE I.NN1 V 11 XXCE COMPAN.Y.'. vearagofor Wip4sDr, to regide with Ill a S or% 8. 'He, WA a A VLery old gegtle,, 'a fla *AnNt AND TISMATEL toWX PROP?, AL -W �.h akb I 'FULTIV ANSURED I - L % �of 06 v04178, and Vas bright atidaa_ pro erivIM)urefftup to Jack- lal'y. ;141(f. t1a) JV0 until the last. Ito is survivP(I by Mutual Lih " "a"." 48,913.00. 350 THE f)pjqe�, P,4 , JUSC 1b;s ltw* tons and ona d4u r. tilt of tent, Go(lerfeb: Yas. Vvitus, v VDIC WhO4 r0ldo fil Windsoe. ire-Prest. Ilay q.,I 29c L Detth of .10fit, Se GOD er, one of the esteem. of &�i* hrerregolo, sw Vat Aix H ed and pioneer rftjdoot� of fafth" J. G., C'Move. Wilithrop;- Wou Ushome 46tomfol"1006 towumbip P*ssed Ajvuy at his bottle GoorSo 'NfCCArtuty" lot 9. ton. 6, Friday 'mofting"4DW WATZRI.00, OxT. rocke"vift; JAU 'iertls.I Harimk, AVIV At' the *90 of 79 yftvji:, lohn Hentle%vise. 10rolahapa.. 'Njuri;i four 51boaft. artiotneld. - Months And 13 9W. The dettasid �AGSNTS-J. NV. Vo, 000tkh awy A. IL millt It e�� ed, big unual Ilealill $up 'or Alft. A_A�A. rich t Leftelt 01" �., Whi. to 4 Ort t me Wore hill demis port 1116 der, sestrarith. *1101ft he *go taken dovin Ill% 1* a e I link 61 0 fjo PST their &MMS_ our 0"" bubo WME until t1te end Vgme The I C paddhw d od eako THERE`$ NO ftAa UKE ov, r1101411.11 230 11 1 0MVIVIV19 , d BAV ST. *.VT. wwwaal 1 *1 'a It org. 4.6 4, to I V* ok"U"Waft $*"I lfuntft. Vais bilrn In, INborne bit 8 011SMA. Store. (liluton;, b" And hill %hole li&W" Spent in tbftt 1. -a sin Inuch, 2%. lie P, . 0 . "* I o*'75C Fiftemit 012 2*46 4 AWs *"#A M1 , _1*1_9 If 4 "EK VE MAT fows Am ot it a )at" oir it Dust Causes, Abib—is tit spfek t06.small to I. "NOM04 I*bkh no. VVDZ The NVAlls of the I contratt'and it a"M4 life must Pass. FROV Dr. J. V. 64% &1. 1 4*- V, user to I C,~ to thiat *f it. tkft* Is Ito fikkit Velloes the POSA40 to -the 404iftult" of boirnift* real. . broxthing is firmly C4 1 IT 9004 t*%L-tbe VIR mold by tht 'Hundreds of testim, a, F It "" toftfftt 604 betOr roak-i logo which lit turn, "emm health, JIAIP*r 4VAP40fto, more alert "loft. Wltk th"W X mippy *yXVftlfl0*, 14% gut# mhw -4kire i@ go Violt to, ftes i1t6ft", for A*tt#o lit 11(t. Xor*I^--W*t CA Ittat Poiles CAL16 TIM For 60M Cksit CO21 J. L VUST111 O"L OWAn 1! 1103 CLOGGED FROM # 143 nevek �,"- humber ... ------ Was 1*14 An in xWou To I, to the %9"fori �w ruw4iib Ahl U1*6 Vxlr ,ell i lit. It relieft aV RoOras Opft riabt Up, tile air amaw to eleat am you C" ldoseiibe. 'breathe fre4y, , X% More himkili 8 09 tubes Ing, MWOUS di he*Axe , dry. the very W184 --no, atrual, ftr1bmthh a WgW t6nol'tioit Tour rold or tatATTI is Ale. Reined D6.6% SLo I Get a "at; bottle of Ennyv no I 41roftht bok It lit it 0 6 thtisept C er in yout 061P. 14 it Pellftfikif tb=t rifty'air A040 0 0 A Wheeler Ftmeral Ditector and ftbalmer awadilk tvio E fty or roight, 0 Sm It *tUrAtau, by'the- MST WAVAN0 aw"'a tim 11101AW 0 is% 84** '00" 0. 004COM016 Out Win- J. Thampsoil, Auburn, Wes., WYA- WA40, VIC6 Preg.b 44MOS 4Dik,-' Vift. Holu Mroetor; aroetors—Whi. xTillant 8L 'Helena; W.,P. -10ed, it. �Vh� 12- rL*t,-L,%.,bwo* U.— *_ ft --V r1i Wd 016ft ear4dIr at all hosm-%lot or day. W6 gro, the in woorm of Xviatoffir I& ow for sbo conty at Ram, Chil4r0a Orr r -ft 11.1town CASTORIA