HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1927-12-15, Page 9!, "s - C, � � -.1 - 4 4%* ."" ;.-W . - ,. - ­ -------- V� TKF GODERICH STAX. -1. ­-- PAGE ELr6vr-4 .'.."-w, —1.�!l -W- - m � �- � . whtak* �� � va"W"T. =a mm. Im I- - - = ! !1 -- =r�-- � ­ - - - - 11 ­A.� *K0V**rA%VVA&VVA19$* , ­ � - 1 11 i -;:.I,. .4POWN0010! — be Wth ip 1, � * biv, I � Sol WS41 4#9w.`W� , - m000" Ided4jak 116001111d ,1,!� in rmn 11 4P W-1 A . I A suilielsousered0l 0,t igif a piitdCe� VbAt al"W � � somemon I &W )� . . I - , - sh"M braw Af-wa of it to - C,i' fzticp- 1. 17'ell , A t, ynicnq, �� I I nor, to tile 4111 i � ;�, I I WoA4tt*d. but Mverilk- �1 MLI UNRY WW ! 1 o4fternoon 1;%w&w�ww. I I I I Sun day �j quirled hifiy fut,tht'r about Co Sai'-�' M��4, llidla�'t Vt�, k-k.ki­106,11V �, ��;R - - A 11 - I Z 111, . ­ 0 * -11 - Od. 0 ioul'� til �� Pressedio. , -- -ditatedufuli t��,, %Iitf�m:�-111 U*4 have, VW -k � if I HA AUL TON, CO&HA, � Mary tilt qUiet, but HI �. Q ' &(L I Otiiild iVADdN dJ il'Y , - RD a Is ,* en�j 7 11 : .- . g.3 'Whef�� S�Je ilai 1. UI ��,,r�).?14ivw ba . , 10 ivalliago4lissross'a Irit futlilv Impo , , Ouc��k %V"3 i�ly,Aa,?&"g 01-,u, 1� �� M - -- . I * 1,rt the vJndhat1i­t of ,.,Os li I L i! 11 llt� - - 0440k - --W 1�'-J who'sf" fsle�z­P"943 I ,� , I � ,�q OdWROMMOMMMOWAW9MMWW44SM*U6D6M4" her v4tu'�. �")� Ti� 0 ;!-11 thv prol-IlIKY (',Wc-�'A -'O-,�!) I tile 41r,- '21 w bC0 ovew Via lub� -1 -f , ,�, ,&me upm the midnight klem-, esii�Ait wcoi borii, q . � I'll ttJt,J ,,j g-,(Iji yJ ,4 ,i,1 -,Mt iftori-ve -�sg of old, I IkAptle it Z-,�0-1),V 14�JI1047�, lli7�t 4i is %� . 4 J,�,fy,t &moos banding vigar 11 - �.111 fe W" WrAl at gla inu itl -Jit. ,;ti,- 1,;),� shepli(Ird:, 1:0,uracd ta 0161,� 0c -y '341,11t C'�%,:n to L� r."C' r,r;,:h i��-;ca, `% " , -eivi'jj, Vh-ei:­Cz I -'a b;At th')ir ,�r,DT*.!1!,.` 1, "*A I ,�A I Tk,,CO1wl& tbeir harps I gwd; e tollae�tcd tlwl � "WIV ovcupati, n 11 - aitill 41, - � glorW, �V'1.� co �r- -� '44 u��Zk,a Nalf"A I P � 4 6 1 pai-ent'; wcre Iw I � r'. " - 4 -- - - .b.- --L. ­AM111 41, .v'401 400%i -,�-ep'�'� tulleil to �iy,iir,.3 aud . " A f4 "A of ,tr) L A /I ,�., ',§!� , ln(�.v VX. -I Dtui to"I ro E.�,,-Iv., E-lu'll , , I ��11 , a ,X, J, ­ w�i it,;w,7,*" . or and 1- ' -;-" - .- . , , T%l I If V "' Flashlights . ,% H '�� �� LT1 d:inm, h,cr. I cx�ly t­z�kl ri 4,1, fillAlbl %Ile in" U1 -'Z"11V "'Y O' 'J")21�4 liv,i1now'r ct,�� V��'In 10 t) �, "WCU Ei� I , -j � 6t's, '6ought ,,�h(,ltvv v4th 01c, ca,UV '"', C"rivge2ath, 1 " �1 , ? bliew'd tht- ta%-�;;A C'Zo-4 ­ " 16 shielil-I --Ail. y , il� .11,e�, , t 'I C& t'.T,.,.1v, ti 11 Ilk i-�o -3 i, '11,14 illov 'w"veared to i�rin,�., 4 n,.0 E%nd fc,lmd a Lj��at �,- , ,)�, 'a t ��-111�;�­(l (I"p-it that tb�,y 'had V,cot-1 thQ: t K". �i Well' E o hea ttle. '.111gel" �;it;�,. 1� ,'I ,�;­ � &aug"Nll`� i� #� - WPIl,tk,)-d0 C:15,0 roe.. Z)mil l' -we J,�­­--'- JZQ V'111 it) thO IWAM- I' �01 Table Lamps ' . (j, , ,­1jZ% t�aCqjgjj .', -, Ftill ti.r-�vg's lh�� (1�0,1,-�?q Aaloll ,"N y' I 01M, 11'at, bl'11�rv� V L Nlo "'.o�­,e of a bal-,,,-, To Clom lhat:, Vcnnl�2 Lioh'ov IT!, *7-) 2(1 wt t'a 4 ,�,i�. . ! i T, -(--t1 f"rOF43 iov .. - - , " -- a -S t. A - Z . ft - "7 , - � . I . they Iveri? 311�ixve, o" ob, d� I ew-', -21Y-, P6'5t=blir�g. l;f,(-,,1 v"St ill'i V413-;',t1l6 lm�:Cls atA if a hr ativo is 1"r,(,�:a � "I 41101IX d t � -, , itit wak-eful - , , ,�' ell ') �r -.-t , i , 'I, , - wt", eejoele�xtl-'11 � - 19, I - I I 6,1`i.-"-h,M., Iti�h�e-l",".�'ll�gf,l."�lfi,li W, ilgil unNOCA; - -qn ,in,j pwwer of C . n:Z-.,d tha c ) 411 , . . D i , * coull, - . � �0'. .04. -, 0 jiwc Tio'M li:�.Or,ltl, -, . tiu-ir lle�,wvlflz, 112U -I? ilo:4:31 , - �, mnmrn ,a TA'ul-yavvy 1101q, .I' - a V�Jl ressed Bourdoir Lamps I And -till . � 'Whell ,r�-,�, 8'.Iv� hi,�-,l �;'.,,,­mo-1, in fcolldcrs,fld from NlatOoz� Itaw � � . C Wer all ille w0urY %W"Id- !�V,;adji",rg ('10thef-, ,-,nd llid -N,, �1 ranr-- "All glory Ito to Gai ou 1140,'b, 1 at "it kilcalCTE. �. I I . -� I . V.7c, �, &. " hvx ot I �" " 11 . Vi4 Above its unit BrA 1(4w'y 01'1.111�' fT r we v'.%r.1 t��V.114�d tO FIW, "S14�' Ard OR tbe ea,Wl &,N V02&4, P4* 4 . They 'L -i -ad I'm hoverl'irt, van"V, i� ilia Fell IS t;-; V . � . I . �1� (14w,d . , I all amlc�r.-, or waileil * -I -able , able for ' Lamps io ly ulis canlict b will h�,Imrorfia friln,� hoaven ,,,, - 1. And Ver itA fmlielroud-4 . But 1-��o hio� hirfh 'att(niflEd a-,, � X� . to llacln- )$ '� . . i Vrooman"d Customers firel Vases suit q . � 'rile I'les-ul Allgeis fln". � "e -j, al�,-,Olo, , I , I .. - . (11-14), vAill a 010Q, (Of Begin, a�,d ll,evcr CC35Q. �IIV4,et en r(T(liff.101 I .- .4, ­ I 0 ,I - ' d ' v" H. inarl, Wxl - A sa,y. "Airely it' ean I w ORLB MISSIONS . � I I . piive by The � always well dressel "" I . ,�.,e 41a � IV T. Md- � A . - � X - . . - . PRAYER ao other than tlr� 10-M-1 Of 00d, 041- V i.oql a busy "ih1e'atTl1rlFAl-k1a;,3J. 1: 109ders Irons , -Grills - - . -A it was said, wbi�a lic, V "-� ' , .i , burit Co., Liwited�- , rok1kh FrO& D" ckuk . K . 1�� I 1. Ir!y , , onr Vatla�pr, 44r vernink wilt'll A, hol! Ays f � I I -11--%� i�— iq , � ;,.. - into thO WOV141; '14�t 1,11 ;d'At two day, 41k . . 't`* � ­ - I � . - 1�� (11.,�Ji. P.nd ten ,, t worif 4f f 0v wb6se blr'�lt WO ':-'I(?- wa,i brought , . Z�� I"i-t Y Ix I.1 ,days fqr the glrt4. 1440y (lid I � the gi t 0 )d wormlilp hiluo , T1017611b), 04 10rompt end IsPott Sefyic* brate today- for Jesu,4 tile 'hing Of -1lW 411901,4 Of GO, vxtra work in the ficidg. 140Y had! — ­­ J. it. VROOMAN . * Warming Pads ame th" Son of mail 11 4). � a4­­!!t�"� Heatets � I who beK n,Wed,. ,,, stroo f;� I , in fieldr.,adp)Ining their enteARIT01Wnt 0 pliko" its V�tra st"" . I . 910, e , t; and on Thursday night. and I . - lbaiyh might redeem z% unto Thee. . I WESTFMLD . . 1111.1111..�.!.." E ­ " . L 'k 3% all the (bildrpn in this and BetilWhem; Wer* eagaged watching Ili I Ne .;ten tile day their sheep to�LSee that no (96 attiick� vrlhay alteration, the bovl. had & C flallva a . i . . . 11­1­­.­-0ther lards today. 118! . -on- *avtb ed -thera.-aur1yp;,.the.,pJ -wonder- Chris . Units tree for tile SundPY JECII001- Mr. 3 �­BELFAST Curling Tongs tc. ­ � 4 ;Yvihew -,Peace, .. _jhtj­a. I -.41 remived- *--*ift, fiveoviling- V*d-Q-.,�-"-.,-"��-1--,,.���.-,�l",",,-.I�,",.'Ll-,,�,,,-,,,,,. -­.­ "�-,--�--,."-.,."--,---�-7�.-. t . - ... ­ I 1-1-- --- I—— ....... --1..1---.,-.-- ... ... 1!!!!!tL-"-�,111--l.-I�-,-...--,--.--.--,- I—- ---1 -111 - ,when ever , XW "s we � . . will to men, shall be a bless;a, ful thing took plate: '"LO, #,110 �%"Xe , , . and Un. J. , IlKe I,ane spent as I Help us all to open wide the ot the lAord shone round about 010111"; to attendince. In nill%lul. I#. Me* Mr,& G" . Xpod , out tile Born -To XT .1 I I . K...��. ivolity. . ArAl the books we were surprised at the llell­ Dowell, Ott Tuesday, Dee. l3th, R 0tl wee,( in Toronto attending the Viv.% I I I .. . . doors -of our hearts that the Mrist and they were more afraid 't; for. feet attendance. There was a class (F,t.jl1horu)W Convention. . 11 . In angel said unto them,, Fear no I I Ri )I* , � 7nay enter and relSa supreme. I of %IY�011e women, nearly, as large r. and Alva McDo'Well m4r. Walter Roulstion, near Ripley. . Hill name we Prey. Ame". � f Messrs. Will spent it day I - with his "'latt#r. I I&C. 2111th, ID27 orrest jaY, which shall be to all PeO- 4, rls and iwo. or tbree Jail- - attended the F4 Mrs. Cyril 4CAmpbell. -% JL .1 a I S, S. LUBSON FOR D beW14, I 'bring YOU good 41di"Us of 'I 1, at Quelph a couple gist weel* F. MC'AD,LO*rHUR Les"a 11tie.-Christissa Les"on. Ple. For unto you is born this d&Y, ior classes of girls. The interme- of day;i last week. 0 . . n kvid, a SAVIour, WIlich diatc school Of Wys U44 a 'urge 'Per- . ­ --Shil) Mr- Wil"I"n' Of the West' st"t � les I � , the city of Do is $bull ba feet attendance, for witich I 9,06 a The road$ through the t"il EWrkal Costraclet � LeVena 11allA090�­14111kC 2-1-20- is Christ the Lor lt.opy of � , . in tad condition OwillIg to tilt, a week with big rarents, Mr. and Ficelfical SUPPI, . . Te $ball 604 the , goapel,%. hymn book or an are � . 1 Golan Test -Matt, 11,21. . . A sign unto you; Marker in sudden tbgw and vaill, , - � Mrs. Ralph Nixon. WEST STREET .".-W I NEXT POSTOFFICS , t was now eowe,' tah6 wrapped in, swaddling -Jotlics.;Old TedAMeAt Vfth a , . at and � " -Illeeve Alex. Hackett 0011t left � ' , � , I -- , , I 1 4 f I I L I The fatness of tim Mr. and . Mr% Hert vlaca� ", . , , 'I *,�%" , . 1 6 , 147 ��i� A, * I And suddenly each. For two, Sunday$ ab"att a , t t1ke ton tho court- VOL1411" -Ailea GA sent forth his Sox die I foutily'" of Bel rave, VIA444 week irk Goderich attend . "M * I ,I ,naiide -of lying in a ittanger. 1"ag with, a nee -book Was the 91(4 a 91A4-'0'k';*X0 1 1% .1 I i A- ' �, , A , , , I 19 I � .IX' . t a woman, and made u A law; - Nere was With the AnPI a maltitudl h9me of Mro. Vincent,,$ ii4-A- q council. "W"7A "W "WIVI-IM-710.10AN . , ur�'Vwk ,M�-�,==,­­-- ��*,�V` I , rider, thi -1 k God, for three Sundays absimt, a lead pen I , .1. , , Alton and Zp�,­­Z�i�­�--v­ --- . - � endjt was foretold that he shouldbe of gia, heaveift, host, praisiw Will. Walden, on $utadwy. f n�� Messrs. Roy and Beln ld saying, "Glory'to God 'in the vii with r0bber; the next group Pen- "X � with tier unclo and * at tile home' of Ills dWZl%t9l', T'llis- - - . - , � I I fferl,- W.40 We 41 i der Mr. Cyr d . � � - XU bovA st Bethlehem carthilicaie, good will cils without robber, and,694117,111[tic- Mrs. W, F. CAUIA-ell, wb`0' a - _11 Campbell are busy haull sys in Ripley $Jtcount of -tht tiftie, ygnev and bighest,and on Wlirve I M ano and 2 Donald McNevin. * of Godol-101,, OR I an I . tion two weekAk flax to Lucknow for Mr. , - aunt . r. *ad Mrs. Will L manner of it. He was Wrn. at the toward me%!* � Iture, card. OUr ,Classes sanic. oll. ft* -'-wont. a., serlous opera In . .1 Tuesday, Dee. Gth. , The funeral \%4V" � ,' - .- ; a he Alexandra, Marina and dersollt Mv. nd Mr$. Alex, Treleaven. time when tile fourth ,monarchy �Was it was zo dreanybut ,so. --roat a elted and did very weI14 vio wee ago i t 1, 00derich, Is, we OT43 r1k of Alnulet'llield ott Friday afternoon to, Orem-' � � 'i . outc--theY alNrays aeo. " twlaoiw Hospitsil Mr. lVes. Alton Is havinT 201 &uc' Mr. losellb 811101tZO . in fts,�hejgllt; just whelf it was be- reatitv tilat, the 6hopherds la once'tats,%Yoro go vapid stock and Ila- s;ask�, wsis called back on Ills ivay , ., I .. woro than any of three be. set off to so* ;*e agw-bora babe and � I I I Floreme B. Rawlines-, &A.A0 repo#* makillir a very tion sate of his farm .4 ath of his hill Cemetery. Much ByAlothy 14 ev- . Dondi, Ar4lca. , roe . . I p1t%yoonts on Wednesday, Dee. I - home on account of the de . . � .�, I foUteo -1 , 1, - I fort it, a universal. infollaft-m-hy. , He they found him, just as the angel had . . over$,. 11 1.,.. � ... 0-­*­��­­ I . -� I . � I.— . I I . . Mr. an .51r. Paul Smeltzer, who died tended to tile. bereaved, I i't - d A in r—ldline Ciptht's d �6­ James 0ool, 0ont fathert . - - I 11141 ­ -- � I � was irn, In. e days or AuguA­ Za i -X PF, I FINANVILAL STATEN111miNr OF I k14JbK1Nb V AUJUZi Sunday in Luc rIOW and 3.t%en4QR Tile ­ — �-' ­ " . --1 - . . . ire ex� and lying in a xuafugM , I I . . � IV . Ir I- I ­ � ' I � : i , . , anivers'ary of the U , -% 6 'i I C&es4r, when the,'ROman ,crop C11AUTAUQUA VOR 1927 lated ebuir0l. , . , urther - than ever b0fore or The shepherds \qoro full of. *what � I 1 Wiss S. Acheson Toturned home, on a . . � I . I , tended - heard fr0iiiCheaven: A at ount of course , . I Hackett a e I P d I '1�1 f tickets Mrs, Harry ImLt-1kise Gentle- .' , so Oat It -war. called '�Tlie Bm. they had seen 811d � u!y . � I . sim.e* -ad looked upon with their (,--vn guararitc(A ."..'... '00 Taesd�y from the Clinton hospital � 0 m 0 e - - - I . I ,,, where. she was h-AVInK special tKat- The B __,L�,diee an Now this and. It .....glp - -1 � ­ � . I I � � . pire of the Whole ttirtb." ... 0 7 Of t116 : I I � , � ­.. fok her injuted hand. . 10 � ­­­ . . I I i6as the tinte when tilt A.Tos�iivh was eyes in'proof ofAbe, tastint n , � ' . I I . n ,rs n 0 front sala of tick1ttS I . Mutt. J* .,. I I I . � a-eord�lng to Danialls. pro- argiDl, TheY did'04 kaeO UIB eN' A IOU V . spent a riocial ' A � 'M , ulatot for Health �­ --- . � to be born. . Lthe dayZ of to t,homselves. They ,%v � ere. convinced ,(34,3 adults. -76 abildievi) ,qrza 'CO6, The Mission 401rele , ZIN4 'O — : oh"IMn. 11,44t. "In t, and ,at Once set t work +.a tell the' 26 peri�nt.of 'tingle. adels- , . 0,�oiaillc together in t4e, chur4h on, ITCHINC, RUT n 8 I � , I . I 'I - I . 0 . . , I ... 'tile . DRIED R1611T U . . I � I * . ; q , these klugst-t-hi- -king,% of the f�= d Oat.t7he, Uggsigh-ivas in - �14ori so4e .-*�, ., .;-. - . - - ­ ­� 160 10 Vriday,ovening. The ,ofterl Of ­ I- � ­­­­ ­­., � ­ . I ­­­ . ­ . I ­­­. - - * --- - , .. -- - - -- -­ -- I.. . I . MOAArelly* A.hail, the God'of heV06 900 news " I I . . - I -­�-� past year were re.olectod."for 102&, . and Recreation I . . . � a Itinty<1j)m whiell, ,qh,:�11 Ilever their midst. All who 'heard wovdi%r- � I - . � I I 'Pet UTY I .% � I ad, Aoxcep�jac. the MotheT6 �Sh�, list- I � . . I The liolmoBville United Sunday Sy THIS SULNUR , I I I I . . . . . . I I 1w d,istroyE',a.". I I � � I - I 71, 2 salool .are pri , . I . I . . r I . . . I � . � -. 1 0,ie ' . 21,- mentia a ChIlistMaIR " . - � . , . Ile was born'whe*' luda�-a *.=,4 -%f,- ened to the sliq'ierd1h tale 494 Put it. '8410 gliarAtoecr� 107 00 -the chutc 04 Thursday , .46"b".4-0-4.1"OAHf,� 1 1 � I . � . . . . . � , I. th 14, n . I I . . . . i4 ,�a Roi.jaa Din. alorig witl e otberthings silo Unew Deficit - . cantata Ili I . . � come a .province of t I I . eeiiiing her bobe� '113ut 'Loc.4' I aventri , Oe", 220d. IV"* pullucl ove I g out of.lhe AK tverl . --- . .. 1, I . )r thp, Jews werp taxed wisoMr to W truevou , J'O expenses:, 9 I 'Any brCakillf I - . . rth Mary kept all those ,thing(; an, ; ITT. Raiting; :for 4rayInj­'.$ 25 0 invited, . I . I I - pkitly . . I ,� rive f( �gt.whcn an order went fo I a- 'Ow.'., 9 fiery, itching eczema, can be . . ­ . I . . I . . the, re 14 tha-+ al! thf, dercil them' ill,li,er beart.11 � . '%%, and L. coinmisil 00 ' rnoou last the I )me by applying a little Uentho-1 iB`,0 W L.1 N.G . . . . L onesday al'o . ; k I I froln Oltesor Augustu. shepherds tivre: -plaint lionest The ft'gal �P.vintlllg 00­� . Oil I 0 � Loodnies�Nld ot * -Hollvie%villo United , I'vere, noted skiri 00ciAlist � I . :.. . . I �, - vorM� should be taxa& Thul; did The � , , '. - Sulphur, says a � I . .. . ­14FU � -� Of � - Star..; I.. 22r'90 ablurcli. Imet, for thc dosing filaethig Because of its gerto d0strOW01 . . . . . I . I � . � I I . ; . providence orapr it w%en 'Us "men Whom no one WOUIA suspeet Thie Go4erich . , . . � � . : ,4­�, .-. , . I I .1 . A . . -to bo .f . I 1) 113 -up story, such as A '7',V-4-- of tile year, and the following Officars ties, thij.,,sulphur preealtumi 30=140'y ,. 4 I . . . . . . . . � . . . � . ,� - atout I, " 4 ralide . U6 " , , - ­ I . . .1 . I roses werr � I I miust,Tlbtal deficit to b2 made � tatimt Soothes . . ­�:�-� .To".rr'-t and Mary tit accordane ...' t*ey tofd� up -in t1le peojoe. It , Avere. cipeted V year * brings case from skin Irril . . . I . I ,. d * I- I I . � by guaran: J,e S tile Oczema, right I ... . . I ' . ' I -ror W ) be +ruet vot. it It, -*ere trat" fliev torg..........$ 0.76 40�, presl4entj Urs. 1% A, Too; vice Pras-) I And I al 3P Atka � . . I I I ` *'hfk do -iep. At il,le'F , . . . � Dpj� � I 0, Mrs. kj. J A; see,, Mrs. J. t1k. � * feelingg-rouchy or a bit off -,-.-. �. . I I i . ,inir Am 1. could not but. I wonder at ,1110't ttO Audited =4 found corroA, � � Tvowarth leaves I IF yo � .�, � I .. , -Opir r4m 11 it -, . . . ­ tbc _skin L Clear UK limoo "I''.. - u are, � ,.. -1 � 11 ­ � ­ - I— - . ­ . I-, . ­ �- ..'' . . - -hely, +,, enrot, - Am , , , I . . 111. .- - - ­ ­­ 1. ­ ''-- ­., - ''. � WtV . " -- .. �­ � I. Miss AOlesort� . 've the torment '. I . I I . . .. I . - � " � � �­: . I I 1. I � "pav the tax, And there In Agree-- I 7-- � , ­------z�.­.­.,.J­ I' . 1927. � MalliallarldIt trea,sq , � . Itist1dom4its to irOie . I v -of the, - BoYi or "' I . � . . . �. . , � .. . . - 1. . � . ".." V.,HUX01 III'. orgunlit, Mrs -.1. W� 101p0rick; buy. and disfigurement; STAerers from skin 1, 1. ,C -'phone - a fen. 11 I ; . . I . . ­ .� . � . . :, I I %il. =n. , I - . 11 A* � le U i I J to . olor, . I , 'f l � I 11 Z . �, I , . I R. LONG, - ljtitr�4 itag.00lfintfitteet, Miss - .-.ftOCtOr, Mrs- troub 6110 Idgetalitte a fRowles 1. .. . I 11 L i I I . . .... � . . . sits Vr L I ... I I L . � 1i I � B . . 'it a oNv,,ng . " : . . . . ... I ; . � from A�j, go0a -drug# B Night' I . I , ': � . . I � � 1 F4 , � . 0 1 "O I I .1 I it might'Ztl be amiss to inake -in Sweeti Mrs,.Firdai,-Mrs. W.*S. Too', Mentho,Sulphur CO , : , Girls and inake - ­ , I . I I . . .1 1. I I I I .SODA 20 G % . . I., I I .1 . . I JOOK . I e X p, I anatory� ,statement 1*9- -ding -flo,lker"40,1U., Mrs, U. Trewartba. gist, and use it aO 4 14 VTOATS�,' � . � .� . I I . I . � . . . . , derich , - . , - - . - � ­ - . . I.- . � I . I. . 4�' � . . . . � . . 11 . . � . .. I I ­ �� .,. ; . . I . I . I . . . . . . . cliaut ,V.51-48. . ­ ­1.*11- ... .1 � " ­',­� , I 1- ,. -1 ­­ -.., , f -F- 11 . I L I �Uqua� It is �Mly` a' SYStebl Of I The N a.Holmosville 'United ... ­ � ­ --1.11 . ­ -77 ­ =� ­­­­ -­ %AT ,--I. . :::: � -fro "tis , � I ­ -- ,-- - , , I ­-�. -oil g an I . I � ou will get p.. . - ­-, ­­ ��­- ­ W. - -----.Ijm ­ --4-,-1--1 - � -- ked j- ­­ at -d-, --iially, ' entertitinivient-S, - church Alet on . . y . . ... . . I . fllm-k r-A&VOWN"01M I Wi4nisda`y Ihst at the ' nty 0 Pp � I � '.. : 11 . ,that Itttikes it 'to have 11 1111litr ,o vinu .... ­ ­ ­ - . . I . . � 1. I ? ... I I I . ----- . -ruit I I . ... ... ... -, � - . 1� , - . . I I 1. 11 . I I . . , � . I � I . . i - - cog for - . I . I � pog4lbk ,Church, � + I Up' 'the fluala CANADIAN, NATIONALA � I I I I I 1 %7 . " , , . I .. !� . I . I . r I . I I Ohatge. .Zveh. there the yiar, Reports were givelit and I � ' h Ith, ation.. .. .1 . I I ­ .. �Tor 20 years 1 took SOd-3 for indl- � � . . . . inal adillissiot . clea, ,, I %, � � . I 1� , .. 11 . I . it could not be done without ill-- hear- thal.,61lowing ofters were. el tea f . .. .� I . . . ... .'I .. . . � . I I - : ! . � . I Sestion- and stomach gas. One bottl . . . 11 � I 1. . 11 ty tooperation . of its stlpllortOvs and . , AV. it. N SERME to TORONTO � I ; .. . . I I . I - Prm, Dim, � 11� I � � 1, - - - of Adlerikit brought, we colylv�ete tea � . .1 I . the. Corning year, ac or TRAI sulsOmy " . $ Gold PH r , e � . I I . , ..i , . I � . tomo gugTant art- The Lobb-, vice pros.. Mrs..'14trief Jervis; 25.00 in szes & ' 8 0 * I .1 I " . I 11 . -& S. 114T&N 1. � I � I � y. I Ott their p, . 13tafti NX00"t I . � I �, � � , W.- ad I I �, .� ldpl­. I - I . a " , aUtaoq" lr�quire.� is -see,', Nis., 0; J4 Trewartlia; treas.-, F,�e. C;joderi�h 6.20 a.m. - 910 0.w, - - . . . . I . ' ' ' � : : - � . I , `. -. - . � I . 11 . � , �. t 5 . ,ult -course tickets . be 9014, Mrs,'John, Potter; oar. see., Mrs. " Cli ton 6 % &.tn� 2.5� 0 -in. I I I Team i0i ke4gule. � : , - I � , � - I . . . � ­ � I . souxaoss in TV A"ting di �,'Of �. * . I n � I . . , I. � . . I �: �Adl . erika. relieves IstOnIftch gas a I - q mimitis. . All MID I 1. sxd lower bowelt' it I . t -�c I re Is COUA 08-OVW adolt.: Win. Glen; literature superiatenderit, " , I I I 6 . 1. I . I . � I .1 . �,on XIOTH Upper I ot,$ : ' . e als 'return ftfi�y percent of thel'AIrs., F� Patter;� strangers' 6�e, Mrs. 84a fol -01 L 6.41 ,%,m. 3.12 P,M. ' 1Z ,hest single I I . kemoves old waste matter you UMV Fruits W N � sale of rse tickats O,�er 500,4r4in W. Atolhollarld; sewing vord.,' _AlXs. 14 Mitchell 7,01 a.m. &N P,ln .$S.00 Gold Fir ` e for t he h!" g 6 � . . � . I At - I d . I . . - I � .; thouglit was in 'Xrwur� SY.Stela. I . I I I . addition tw6rity,-five',per ocut of the Sweet And Mrs. NV. Malliollarift OJr- Arr. Stratfora 7.30 A.M. 4-10 P,01- .gcoje amon the Ladieo, commencing , � I . ­ . I ,, Adlerika give you I PL * I I I 9 . . � � r stoma2h. 44( I fe' va. nsft�as � . -of single Aq-! ijanist, ,,Mrs. Ed. Trewartlha; .11-0 " 009, ­ . I I . bovels a REAL cleansing aria ,see � r , . I . Proceeds from the Sale �. "I Kitchmer 8.. -U1 - - 6-20 P -lb- ' ' � I . 1 - . ' � '� � . � � I tow much -better 7vu. feel. it' will � � I ­ ­ yaiwoa tiocas, , .. . ocim., Mrs. Alf. JorVis;'Xrm, George "' Guelph 9.46. a w-'- 1450 P -ft . .. . . Dec'* Ist to Dee. 20th. . I I I . . i , . . - , , � Our sale of course tialtelm - on- Proctor. . , . . I . I . . . � . . . I Ue'70,131. .- . 1. . Ora.1ges: fiom 49c t�as � I i r 4b 0 � . I : ; . 1. - I . .. 1 4, , C 'B'ELt"S I�xv,,G. sTour.. - 11 " Tdrobto 10.2;1 a.w. .7.80 I).= . r .. . . . ,Imrpz ly ". uiavlant to 391. adult ticUetsi but On' Wedne8day evenfrig last the r I .., . I , �� ,A?4:p -1 r . I � - . 4 d6i.' to $1 a -,d0 -Z- our, share of the sittirle ,,tdi�i6lion','Holr�estille,t�jnited Sun&y a A'001 of. Retni ning—TA&va Toronto 7,55 tt,.111., .1 . � � � �� - :��- - ' r . . I . I . I I * I I rr .. .. .. . - . . I - - � 11 - �- ,.;file$ Was $10Q.60'r This Itift us �107 i ficers and r teachari mc.�, --w ... . r � . I . .. 11 . oy'stors $1 a. qui2rrt I for the an- - 12.05 p.m.mia om g - n t% � . . . I . . � . . .1 .1 . 11 11 � . short in our guaranty. To thiii - had I nuai ele,,-tiiiia of officors. Mr. Lorne Parlor cxf# ettv, Goderlob to Tov, . . I I - I . ,I.y , .. r I . . " . ��sh Ddi` �,loml-nenr,6 . ­ � . r - I . r _ '.. . T. -SWARTV 11 . . to be added crut �, 8; t'hiis�j6r%qll -WA� electe4L' superlatolldentl c:lto,: on-Itioriling train, and Toronto jmvYA, L. 0. WRING . : �. . . :. 1: . � .. � . - � griving a total deflcitof,��976,40. N'Vejw Istant. L.) Goderich 6.015 V. %6- trsith . r � . . .1 I . . . ith assi The, . . . I t I . I x . Mr. Fred, Pottev, . r I , � - . . � . . - - — ­ - — . had twentl*fIve guarantors, of whoin teachom And officery of la-,.L'year were Ttirough twb Goderich toToronto � , . I . I - -11- .--. ­ .�� .� 0M Livell ==.I 1- r . I twenty-four contributed to the -inah-tre-appointed-and the following assis- F. V. LAA WEST STREET — OPPOSITE POST or, FICE . I I I �f NO, and 4 � . , . . . FRUNCR a SON41 L I . � I- ­% .. � I is shortage. � . f1hat teachaV$ r also a pjuwo"ev r _ I . __ . , .. I , r . I . � ingul) of thi r were appointed : TOW - a*J lnokots Artatt r I r . --­ . -, I . I . . .. rr 11 , I I i , i I 1 4 1 , - I , " , , - ; - j I , , . I .1 , F.��:.,i , - I I - � , I - I I I - , I I I ! I � � It 00 .lid I i ad 0 � COU I , A , � �u �- I Apbonoo . - , I I ; . 0! ­L� - . � --- - :Agis#� Altalind McCurtney,,assistsvit, . -;;�— - �. 1.0 r � � I .. bek SM1819 Etc , Z I .r . � I !��� ­ . . - # , � ' ' - . I I i�l�f r BaCk HU , . Walter;, .... E.r . ----m I NIM. , -�o Mrs. S. T. .k. Yeo, ­­Ao-ro, " "".- I - I 't . 4 W. - . � 4$ 1.04-1- M -Iwo .1414 i , M * : . I M . 4a I . ic .- I . r I I . . 1,1�1111111 . I M .4� , k � . . , 'A - -0 4 , ff. Ow I I , . . . 1016"t"161 st"Ot � -, .V1 * I * Mrs. Thos� Sttaugban, of Auburn, assistant 131ble Clasi ter,* Miss '�'*j RW,- 'W:�'-*$'��*,%C-�-Z-..O,%g.i[.A'9-VOXPq - . � . . 4 . � teaer . . . . - 1".. i , dn6vs mms I . A.19% .4 , I ,� ­. -g --- -.-- ­:­ 1� �----:­ ­ I . I? . 0M . ­, � -,-----. -�---�--.�.,..,.-,-.�----��..�,� .. , � - r C--ft-leads-14- thi$- --section .V.Iva,Pr�octor,-�issistatit-to-,�lir,i.-Lorne- I ­ � - - -­ � ­ ­ .. - ­­­­ ­ ­.- ­ ­ ­­ ­­ -­ -- . . . I I � . . r ­­ 1- - 1u&14;1ftb0-Squqm,-­­- - -­ . .. ju�- h . Ki . I .. . r ­.. � �­ " ­­ I- 11-1- I war,- visitia . - . . I .. - .1 . � r-.. . 1, ..!kwo. . I . . I r I I I , recently. .. I .. . Jervis; 'Mrs. IV. 1, Too, assistant to I . . I � � � 4 . I' , . . . I . . . . . I . I . A ­ . � I : r. ' -VAA0,W06 READY . . r I . I � Mr.' Isaac Currey has 'inswiled A Miss $Irances� Potter; Mrs. Fred Pot- , , . I A% . : . ; r � SIV69AL flKST 4ZT Vilit 01*11190E - ter# assistant to Mrs. H. J. Trewar- y1i ,,%,r * . # A r , ' , � , & , r ', - - " , r -011 W11119(1410 WANi �0 air railit 1� s tant Q * Zf4 - t4 I i I I � Vol sawKe U Drink PlentY Ofr Wli"' and Titke new radio, having parchood'it iron, . . ,� . miji of Sake, aefore fireak- -� Culbert and Mel1w,ain, iq 1JUTI&lyk. tlj�qo Miss Coto' Trewartha, an is . - . 4jf 1 .40. .. , . � ., prtmary* Mvii, W. 0. - . I . o . Ar% . ­�ua_dV A -04. , . I � I Jervis, mission r 46' 1 .. ... oft"" "tallaralbs*11141 fatit od�aslonally 11vto. � . . . . . r I . . � Remeniller the Nile Christmas tree I I ary seal� and Mr. ff. 1. Trowartlia, I ,r . I '. pas"01tors CX1144 for it villy - . . ., -­---� 0 1 and entertainment Ott Friday night, williforanceseey. � I . . . 'r . r Part of tit* town tot all � . When 46ur kidneyA hurt and your. Dec, 28r&.­.A- good progx.�am I<Vatt'g. H-repared. . GODERICIR TOWNSH . .. trellis at d'. T� R. or 1C.1h It back feel; sorc, don't get, scAred and - � I I �r" ... oevots. I , . ceed, to. load your stomavlt 'with A We ai� sorry, to report th4t, XV. fo'to kidneys Taylor had 6f-lds th slabsi The Union Youlik. PeOplo's S,)Ciety Priday, in tile ... s �ervk* AM of drugs that txeit6 the Ross one 'hoi I ivrill meret ois eyoning � - 111chafleb* � ' �� t 4111ole", U111t Atte n da ace. rand irritate the entire urinary- tract. partly tut off. by a' �cuttia�r T�- 1(eep your kidneySr Clean. like you keep cantly. . ,� . r The. IV, �J. S, of .the Union citurch �� 1 -qw.6440�-� .. . Livery -slid "mok bsivi" - your, bo%yeU %leaOt bY flushing them Owing 'to theAfghting, P1Vivlt,r,J tho, ivith a mild, harmIcAs 8110 Xyllich helOO 4uhurcit'litiving Wen frozen up by the � held iff, atilgWat wooze at the home . Ga.. 51,11., in on WedaO- of. Mrs. . ami W1111,1141 found 111101040to 44 $very r"10*44 to remove the body's� litritioug wkgto Storm of J*Ist week tile S&V* and stimulate tilem. to thdir nOrmill leo of . I last $Under alebb was held 'in tll�. 3ay aftilr000n of this week. � The union churell will hold its an- - , � , I 1 41100 -ft. 1. . your Petrone Activity. I., I base nept of th� Ovmh. . I The function of the k;dncV8Ag to . filter tile blood. la 24 hOurra lhf-y strain I . r4r. rultott'. MraA Lundy's father. t nugl Christmas tree and cori�vrt on I De C., 22nd, to the Thil"d � - rd , . ,,,r,,,,,,t,, Ir To SWARTS I grphla of acid and waste, has 0me here to reside with Ur. and 'roll' it '"' t tit tile parsoniige for the 00,we C411 readily under8tand the vital 1, Mrs. tundy� ellurch� � . r9od oiram Is Wing or I Arrange . eryone come and havO � . ,r .. '. pitosie I ex Mostrool Str" - .. im rtatie.ld4if�keepingtil.okWOCYgAdl*J6-,�viitter. WO.- Ivelcoule biat to our Milk �Iotq of good svater�, IOU &20% midot. I '.---,, Irow 1 -at gonit time s r collection I will five be taken. - I I . I rr � !!!!!!!! i! ! - -!!!!,,#m !��­ ­ ­ ­ - ­- . - -- I . , - , dtjtl� tot) aluch, also got tiny We are sorry to 11ave to verort pfi, ill"Ces ,of Jail I , .if M,11(liqt alloitt loW K ,that a nuir&e.r 'of chickeos and dnelce 'rake ' . I SIM, K)ARDTON , - 11 � ' --- wo r --- r -1 ­ �! !!e--- i i i 0!! M! M! ,r I IL � �Wt�, a tableVootlful, fit 2 rW& I have been ottileh from several Pla - of water before bteakfast, eliett VOM- i ces , . t near this section ftcehtlY, It is a I Mr'. James -Glailo, Of 13�rvip, sp&nt U -1t; U -A Mrs 1,�iank 1..Ig for a fc-tv day6 and :F4ur Klun#Vx 4 pity that .some people will be so I ounua-y 'y . . . I rilaq tilen ,net iine, 'flliq famous SAL4 , mean and wieked as to do sach deeds. i Itowkins.. . ' 'acid of grapta aad� I Indley returned Sat -1 I - -- iq irade frAill tile forgetting that tile oyes of th,3 Lord Xr6. Johu' Bri At 1 11 -� * . lealo'll ittice, tombitied Vvith litbia" and I ire upon them anik that be ,tvilt. sure- M,jday aft& spending a few days J .�� .-*- bvs, been lued for vears to help clean . � . "I . * . � - ly, bring therd to Judgment for cmch 'gpd . I � � � . and -ginvubto Clo I 11fdaels, ** to, I acts. , . . I Mr. Sam Nedbitt, of Nne hiver" is I I . r�cw,raliz,e tht� aviM tit the W40-111' CO .. .�­�;.­­ � visiting with J,Jr. find Mrs. W. Aklrk- ,, i., I . I - � 414y are 110 loliter a �Oqrcq Of Arl'al- T1. �1,por Vrost flitos .alto 'ChilblailL44—,; otrong. 11 . I , N, , . 11 - alt- o 1 been vis. , titia. gla,l *)ftcu. rjjevlo,i�, bladder %w , Chilblains come from undue Ontlos-fi Mra. Buchanan, who haq 1 " "' � ... � �� , seen . '. We W alush and cold and froq,�-Ivitc �, iting in tile West for the past %N L,ck%, � I L .I ��d 231tq in' inexresltiw ,; Can, slot fit. . - j11,10 returned to her home herN F116 1 , 116 icy whido of willtvi. Tit � . ��, - a da kv i �Ilrel, 111111TV "titild efycrve�eeflt frolu t - el'k no foreMnerof 44& r va-water drialt -,01,011 everYd"e 811nuld I 01P Uvatilient of 61tber an creelle. qs. 11ccotapatled by her'sigtert Mrs, qq, � ,. fleir prenvan . I ;ake �01X and tbelt to h 17 keep. itioll ia Dr. 1h6inas? N't-lectrie , , kjdl� r ,ad act;ve. yv tlllq q it cotultcraet3 fhe- inflatoma- ,, Itemelplier the Slieppardtort Christ. .eys c.leall - � Upshall. , mild sTiPPO- , , I . ; alga , Oil 0. kei vater drilikink. and ,110 tion ond relieves the pain. Ths ne- Inav eoncett� and tree ncizt Tueii4ay, I that and trihou Min- ,t '"' "" I ,votider what betmat of tier% of ,the oil is jV61apt aftl io :19 - O'clock. It will doult vAll VA . )ev. gotb, at eifrht old's mid MU It on the 'rolif Writs trouble and backathe. pIi,%!tNI,, Is extrouiply.. 61111PIN *11 liurch and everyolle I " � � be hold in the c 4 ­Z­­�--- 11-�� � - - - -- . a good time. You t*let tk"t aim ch"L � I . I �Alltwlvavvg . . , I , , K.0 -. It aftord, to, miss it. .1 - �* -r-, A - . A-Alc -. ,� ­--*----� A I .M -f4 4 I CACU 'A'90A. %.(-.% . I �. - f4 . i� I 'Aw-A'CA'a r I i,) � .i , 11W 811"t w,,,� � A I � STAR ADS. (;ET RINVLTH " .1 4 s C, .A. i�11, , .X -.�� . �, I . -­�at, ­ . . � - -1 �� � . , r!���-,:� I � .1 . iX , � . , I � put Ott It, to , 0 9 I Don't " I I 1, . . - '. . f 11!4 � � I IN, morrow"' what'you . � ... I .. Jip i .. I Z- .11, - i �, irv.day 11 I I � I I can do 1� I � . 0 t is a fully diarged batterY Y'Otl UC -ed fil 'I. - �' IN if i X , � ,. 0 : ­- , 0 . I ladio I ­ r7 �- - ;1 A-, � �Your r get for Christwa.g give,us � ,,,, -- -- I - ­ .Q� " - I � 11 !... , � I � I I , � . , X your ordel� at 01*0. T I , "' I . . V ,�, . . ­ - J171.1T PHONE 417%, .." -,,� - � . I . �� Idyli, - , , 1`11A � - � �- CASTORIAA,� .- 0 " -M - 11, � . �. I , .-- I I% A ' `4 11�1, I � I r , , . .,�, I � I �,. 0 . N , N I - 4:f &I / ,6' � - , I � , *1' - S40 ' ' �� I , I " 9, It �, , �, , , � ,� - - , - �, - � FW taints and ch1wreft I " , �, , .R �, ae , � � � ,, 11 , I . Invairwovei."w"s *if Barker. Bro " -P,,-.1 ,�-il I), ,)10P . I 11; �m,, 0b, t� Al 1, t . 1P. ­-, I 1, � . I STIVIION / . -­ I A ... P, I&TTERY SLAWL / ­. 11..-- -T1-1 --, - ., , "'A"Mi"m g!:::; r,,,,oe ,'!��- tot, '. - I*w - 01"Z111 -11W *I, ., . . , , ,*,of I . . . , , - 'NZ - "M ed .Sw or,*, - 40-1!�, I :!� 11;�', . - , V ,*-, �, N :0'*' ;1�01­, ,W��,#,O� . % � I 11.1�-.V,--*-'A -- 41 r� .1 I . I �, I � $ .. �A ,­ . �. ,. V I I 19 - . I . I . � . � . I . I . I . I � . J, . '­tl ., j ., 11 , s " I . or 'BRIDGE'L'AMP �FRE-E. 11 '111- 9 Aw JUNIOR � , . � �.­ � ;:, I � 1.� . I I . I .. 0. 1, q "" " � � I � I I. " . . .0 . � ' . Chrishnas Nv,e will give you, a! --�` I I ­­ , With each Chistedield sold beforie . '. . 1,'�, � , , ,,, I , �' '' . - I . . .1 *1 . I ��. L I I . 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