HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1927-12-15, Page 8JPAGK TEN . .....
ed to make turth" "CowAssodatiRm cloWng wed fu*1 00 hAll'
COUN before the close of 60 as"Use. lot mc-, I"
Re 40 Men "hanAtod to At ut aul VeNtOry - - - - � ..........
Itwelirod from p4YA11jr id-�
to rouarn, Asia! be ....... 7 he Gode"M
,vi" ti of RA(age he".
Do YOU KNOWP nice in rtgulst mer6invi mild
11nirt 110W* to Ww*, il� It tbo autb6oritios, or his -frif-04
wittivs'! - Wed fzr 044)�
lim Contracts Slid return Men W Hutto that I* be ad- Amount 1RXPeW
port rof iam*U5 ......... !Ih8 22, q-71 JBBING
pausti Inittmi to UW Conn CLU
VVIO; co.D�e) Wirry :�.d I lu inspoctor of %084M �ty Home Avorage, expellse per in-
ing StaXleasit quarterly ace -into were AW,.V41 A1W tirportod the following fue t4� ):var 11114te Per &Y ..........
I'Vily, TDOes 011 Average we4ly VNreaffi-
Set of nt 1101303 orders issued as f0l!"A'. MAT411, ending Nov. 39tb. 11147: 2.2;�
t, V Prove SM744; junt, $267s.#4; _S�ptenibvr- Total ouluiber of ifingates, wlaii, ture pev iftivatc ....... Free Press . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mrs
c3vh VTC -00 The tApendi
,Zar J"ercivl lure of howip arti farM T4C StCl N
'caliamoa Thinv-110W They uvo.5teiii t0led In $Mb.46; Docaa&wr, $20614,31; XIAINIj u -d since o1waiM of JIou-AeJ;J Account is as follows: f t iwr .............. 6.75
-Abey Ate Milde, Ofe' Am t'j-0 410.346 -VA. .14umller of inmates on let IfeV-, 'K. Tul Star q1113 Lvjklj()l
V e", bv Vild D�x' - glare a" June savetift three %orry JM, f4lo CApitfil *CcoQut anil I—
jce Ito 101V .. ........ &75
he stats"j-he
to V-.%teg- mu,!j needed im -1h130"t-i or 140- Number admitted 540.17 tar and —1 to TOM id
WttiCitY, RA"� H 20 Stopa Rcipr; implements..... 15;031."W� I at
1 .0 4 an Tl"e Star and The-ANVII
(ieogralvhy. 1, rairo were dot-ide - It Ate hjukldC time. during 10 Stock &W
A%T. that *e wiring for oiwIttio; PsrV0604 NumWr rvwadaitW after abdrence 6
Health. CU�.tO-M'3; 1 11 ;L rol� Tile ;Star and The Torollto fttr .......... ...
A - t,,, rqms and O -Ahs had am3oft Very much but of data-, Nuambier born in lJou-ie during the I t * T�4o Star and TbQ Farfflee,' , SU11 ................
�Njafl, A16iftali, 84414. Pili;t "t wall ....... chaplain ...............
and. am insWuon by exports,
C.1 vnotern V. S-1 found to be Positively 4411SCrOu'l and XwWber of deaths during year... 14 PhYxitiliwa salary 41ad- 4p- Ile FjM1tV Her,,iij and Weekly StAr. .13.0t)
14. 5v,,4,� St,,tr �jad, T
...... for- LAM A diSAGUOUS firg Might VerUr at Number Absconded during year.. I Pliflaceli 41, It Ip ......... 9L
4'a" 4 ..........
�4 tent ot the any tiese throWk the imPtl(Ott Ind Number distivarged during yj�ar 'o Rtpairs. 0 uIlding and Tjje ,4,ar and SaturdaY Nigbt�
eLl Redriced? exposed wiring. It was 91*0 dftid0d Nulabor of inmatms in HOUA-� on loquipment .........
NIT1.1,ST NVEVU I I ' Till a � 0 .:: Tile $htv ,tnd ThC Catholic Record ............ 3.75
cr4V;QV 4 * nave the builldiM all mIJA4 U $I J#t Mcenviier, 1927 ........ lii�i psovisio, nd I t1I1Zj'
how wak, you can Anjf;unt of I lla,4y 't"""cod omens of protaction IT*= lightning Nun&gr of ........ 511 Fuel And light ... I ...... 1,50786 Star and McLe,UIS..h11,tlX32iI1e ............ $3.75
that tiwe� And &I@* to have the 00AWO wood- Number of Books, Postage, stationery. 4:80 St.
Ivrodacel? 4 1... 30 nset for U'rm. V,013 �Ar alld,Rod ind. C;un .................. 3.90
They Will Embr#ca Ake F"idaulen- in. Art" of the home and 6utliniMil,1141 Admitted during the year from �Suadry expe The
*66 -'1 N%oatre,,tj WitneSS ........ renewal 3-85
4% 4f a 14beral Uuratlon—(, Owing to the mvasej Of V#ral Iinuftic F illd
$crop beole. and liccp for future Irofor- 0�2 S, rimtoat of Movin'! ropaint'"L so lities As follows; The Star
tU we~ It WAS fQVQ0J the- th4l ToW=kIp*--=rk+, 1; Usborne, new... 3.50
whedws were, in very b#4 ithape and 1; Stephen. 1; Asbtlold, 2, By reading the report of tile wan-
V#y to 1441!l, One Nvortil While Tiling 13aell D-01 tended geputtybig, and all t4v expics- I Towns arA ViVAXV&--Exet(X, 1; 4 �nd -World--W!01� ............ renewal 4.25
ger you will 'notief -thatwAraw Tbe, Star a
ed -woodwork Ami;;i A year on the new. 3.8S
gwz �,�Q �Wo been a very aw(tessfX
bftvy easu of ilittly Nimber of days! board, in form. All crops were good. M elle I
After -paying $116-00
ANSWERS -TO L.ItST WNFAWS QUE3TIONS t*04M WWO Asked for by snat . ................... 4mo acre of onions.
Ing And the se"ral contracts We" Nuumbsr of days" board of for wood the net profit was $444.40.
jal Clabbina Rat** with ot1wr Periodicals
DISC cigarettes; for the it talows. All t1w work being ex- 1095 We 'had two. st2res in truceat Which Spec I I ,
211. Why There Are More It ition, totacco and ly I ko*por,s forally and belp Wax and- Vw- I - 01tapplicatio � - � I - .. .1 11 1 . 11
neg0sities, CT9et�"*Aeaallr vA done, ** sov*ml M%- results n
AV*9"* nuftblir Of J%Mtcx--'— -- - X--tiew-venture,
gum drol j during the year ......... ten.
f(mostly Assorte P31o'�ei" tiAtters arparwritly tak%pains to 91 denote a profitable cropt for the tot-,
As blaek is A ORVIO 1010V V1114 "al" nd (yes) Ak As we;wilt realize Up 'It ille Star <,)(fiCo or sphoile 71 for Any inforioatl
e or less in vOSu,,, geods jumes, cliewing gpk a give good saudaction. V-41riting Average munibor vithl(00- ureo r.ofit of cull.
Ways MOT nrwk� f5tockings, whigli they Poll UP WAS Ist to D. A. McKay, of Clinton. I oes family And hop ..... 04 least $260 an acre on it this iear.
put into this. color are always their for trousero. who was the lowoot.torawrer, but the Total #Xp"ture of house TM keener of the county, Hollnek
*table. , There. are two main$ Taa;�,na -hint by I and Urm '...$10.0".38
i% ............ reporw the following crops grown,
tiore 2,14. The .11yriad Vt3es of Denatured comwiftes decided to troploy deaths, the average
for dyeinj cloth—t,o, intake, 41 the bow the comAy to furnish the Add value of Provisions 8041 land work -done on. tbo,,� induatrial ps, 300 were fourft"
ornaments, and: less obviously aoiled. I Alcohol 7 ..1he. usurial need grAipt year* bushou; Ilays 30 tois; turn! nity-two, live from ^p-
$tr4iVberr16,,63 boxes, table age belialf gey'
d in. palit Awt on tand Doe. 1, 1926 4,01 tam for the bushels, oplexy, three, frotri caucerp two front
no latter motive e*alnq largely I Water Is, the only solvellt.1150 than equipr000L T�a ethor two contriKta —1 mancolds, 200 ba'shels., tomatoes, beatis, 3 'bushels'; gpples, 5.b4rr6Is. �Uznouja, one from spinal disease
why black is the colitinioneist 010r 00* dustrially in greater quantity of were also let to the lowest tenderer Total Expenditure ....$14,M.94 60 basketst cabbage, 700 headt VVI", me connection. PU4
plied to woolen goods. There's= alcohol. About 75 million gallons eavh easo. to 1P. W. Burcholl. Prils- Deduct. three from rbewmatic heart.
in -lb cuellim4era. 10 211i dical oftOr in One
other S0041 fealsonst when things 90 denatured or Par* denatured - O'rriti, 268 With. the, goju.e reported that the and
gels, for ** redding, And to Messrs. Cepital. acelt ArA permanent boolgets; live. hoxis, 0014, #0200.45; . . of the inmates bad Case of fracture of the hip would
ti ba- oral health as soon be &We to Walk again. The
wrong with other s'lijklies, in the dye,hol are used annually in the IL 8, Palmerston, 1. Improv*lments .......... ll $40.11 potatoes. 626 bushels,. bee 26
Vays salvage tit y requires gome 35 7buoll and Murcar, of ley, death TatO - w
house, they -can *IN (In' The motor industr )1' the, WIr;Ag. VW the total crat In. Produce sold during 1927 !Atls; � tobacco, 2,8 be k good., Thd' Ath last heating, food and cleltnline�is were
!slightly higher -but If taken
ezing h b'DI"On
tuTiiing, them Into black; also ev- million gallons to prevent fre . rMAI%6 excellent.
bY each Case vias as follows, tk.:h con-) nod other solarcits ....... 1.7ii' 1!-.31 *444.46.- -gsrderl c-arro, 6. 25, usli,200 year was A good average. There
hion - "Olovs Of Perfumes, t*110 pre- oat 00
trs, season %us its fag 1; 610 left- V,4ratjons, lotions, barbers' supplies, tracts bobw subjoct to Government provisions, produce, iiew .4, Taixed; grainA ::11Z
j*iticular to the, scasoi cel- inspection Wkkh guaranteed good
tover$ Can be turned into the StAlile etc., require another 10 million; work.- V. A. Kay, palatirw worX on -
'black and gradually worked off� Inl9se industry reiluires 6 iijillion; . W , 0101
ly, $453.00, paint and material, Sut.
wpe� In the fibaving, creams, elgars and 09ar,
212,_The Largest Telesi ter and Perdise. $222.90; F. W. Bar -
World? ettes, and the jollying Of fruit juices chell, rodding. $V93.20; Thuell and
tile 100-i-ach reAttor of the consume .4 million; some 114 million Murcar, wiring, $1078.
It I's Rallons, of specially denatured alco- The Hydro I Jor at Stratit-rd
Zt Willson Observatory In Callf0r- I the raw material of 1,000 inspected the b=ulin and pr,�plircd
njo. The second largmt, 4 '721� inch " 101 'a and other industries.
)ominiou Ar- 't'I'len"eal tile plans, specifications and blue
retlecton is that of tile I torla" 13, 21U. What Part of Our Food Comes - t for the sum c
tivIphysical Obspivatory, 'Vic 1,rin s kf $30, 'no naint-
�Chvada. The 100-106a eplj-,afe) From the 700*0 ine of tha buildirw%. hftrn and slie(I
I Many tropical products of daily was done by one of the bunstes of
ii-Arrorat tlie bottom of OW 01-0n`
throWs the rays of IlVht back towards conswiptioo have become 40 staple tho Ron- and the wnric was &"v,1mt-
ith us, Ave rarcl� think of trion, As isfaetorily),perfarmod, the paint being
VIC upper part Of VIC tW, WhOrC W
they are diverted %pil tail on,. tne 1111110rts Mucl! that -.vq Rat , and -Supplied -by Mossm Sutter unit Per.
ioce hinis usOil Otlilerwise, c0nI0 dutt, ajnV Pt`h-r inecessary renuir%
11 rrvaphiti PlAtoor 6.11 niii Qyep mani 11
tbT*ufr1A.-*vhi44I. Caa 4�aetveri; Io0r,- from the tvoliles, As time gOC3 on were ma(le, including a new ff(otlt
The Mt. w1loon tele�,topq gathers, ever jfiCrM9bItZ quantities NN'lil CO'ne door'for th bo
g4AOD times jas much 110it n.-4 the frotit there, wlwrel nature is gen,�r- A Radio for the County Noyme
here -it uall�
liaked eye. TA are 6,000 stara ouq in production, We . n . %, Con -
to tile lh�Uvd eye ; thio im- sume immonse quantities of., suvrftr, The report of the Government In-
Specor In the hands of the locaVin-
se Instrument bet 'Mon coffee, �Coeoa and Chocolate, tea, han-
mi � eapples, suices . spector AV -IS Presented at, our Sop�
zinag, pin (cinnaninn,
into view, , i 4nilla'. etc.), rubber tember mpetinir And was vay favor -
1213. The Pe )Q Cloves, V ably and r
Vartherest North Store- higlily cmdItAile Awl colu-
111 ers, Opt I Woods and Coe -y to the Tnan*~L At-
kt.epef"on the Western Ifeall. njimentat.
r Ila (Coco+110t, butter, 4T�tedl e have in no way slighted
gats though w
To reaell Charles D, Browerr,5 otove c amit, copra, s9apr. door,
esp, falls,. etc') the jilterests of the OM P00146 vOm-
mitted to the count'Y'S'enre, but. on
requires a, journey of weeks, oven
ever . 00ftVa jhe Different. the �eontrarvj they have 0waY.4 re-
n. onths,' rd; --past the 210* The �Jeauhtg. of_ F
Alolltiatt Wait& t,�mt ArAtca like 03 , WliNtles ot tho'19comotive., ceived the best of tare, foodandat-
MU I It addS� interest to r 01W 00 to
Vlophailt's trunL � from - the AUIS11 the journey, tention, Yet, thr it 0 no icA1
n- S vilien one understands the "language management, the coat per Inmeti, in
Ilininjand,, .0cross: ley Ber). k�
to tile rip' t1do that, roars of thii iraii liorsc;" (t- xplarintigm . 4D Huron is much less "A In like iisti-
Rering Strait,'on into a to and signifies. 4, shoft tootj�_& long one) o tutions iv the ftoylrke. Taking
up to the coast of, TV V"I'tho means stopp�rut on brakes;— --, got, seven of the houses in Woot*m On -
. . . . . . . . . . .
V_ ready - to--Startv g turiloa-the-average, nutabor Of - iu"t"
)ut to pr ain; — is M -per year, Wit
continent, His princial t toulor.5 Ot"t rear of ty Ile Vj* of Huron it
bWs their furs'and polls a little Aagman r0- est is 3o. It has been SAW that the
ate about 000 scatter sk, OS; he ilaglitan return frox West' 01' 87, which ij file highest. And the w-
d0i 6111011114- turn from Cast or north; Huron House of Reffte houafs a
- (when running) 'tritin broken in tWO; number of inmates V*O, 21110911-1 he Ir -Ch, list. M, S '--Day
6, 0 (all ri9t
ti An answet to, other sent to other ettices 'providwI, tot
MR Rim sigulb, v lo 6- J,%ilhen standing.), back such, but we take pride #n the fact
%V rtever
lap; — o o, calls attention of other that Huron tax -payers
trains to signaW o or aeklhowledge-� weary Ili supi3orting in 'tomfirt those
Aw., V
ineut by other trains; 0 Of ap, unfortunates committed to our care. t. r
a n e .e ry
proat-bing grade Crossing; ", aP'7 Besides furnishing the Inmates WIh
pvoaching station;- 0 0 0 0 0, 0 0 0 Or food. clothing and care, it has boon
NATI iis,on trmk- decided to recommend 111160 that they
e stock or Paso
217. A 00"'Itemedy f
or.1vy suppl!
semeow,"wee , the long - wi the
omok T - evenings. and r
poison Jv3�i a s. with the auprov-
ea with o-ome, amusement In
Itta liqliq Ruh takes tho "putV akanil aumack s,.,erete Committee suggest n trh y
o. It Can. o skin. al lof Vie council, that a redlo be In -
front "rej stiff, -aching Join an *0 wV6 is poisonous to tit ps have been taken to
t yott, and it certainly stOPS that )it; that 1$, VfIll not dry j,stalled and ste
-00t hurl it is a-fted 4
< )ld theumatiskIt torture At once -L secure A radio c- Q,
, - up, -but keeps On burning and blis , quiptuent.-
Wittri 3,0u, are, suffering 96 YOU can teritig. The skin becomes red, swol- I The produce of the farm thia year
%glaly get around. just try Red P�Poer lert, riainful and itching; bltsters lilim was all first clu3s.'Tihe samples of
Rub and you will lfalk'i the qutcktst Slid scratching breoLks them open and barley ard oats would be hard to
relief known, Nothing has'suoll too- Remetly is beal. while all the other crOPS, In.
tentrattil, pthetnitinglicat as red ed anything to di,41golve and remove the 9 potatoes and onions. were
�Rilb no Will feel the tillgling
fuA as � soon as you oil withoa Injuring the skin, Thor- ILKIOUCIP. A trial of growing tobacco
ough wa�hinr 'ihit-h 'Boar, especially was Ala& %his year,with good re -
116f. in three titinutes it warms the good; lWaping tablo. sults. The Cron has been disposed of
green Boapo is
_M500 Pe6lli 2 h0ftli-
$pOt,throoei Atid'11trougli. Poin spoonful bgking powder in Pint cold -tit 20 C640
water will relliV6 itching- Curk' is I The manater,aud matron spoke to
of a number of ,your comwittee at thp Oellobar Ael*-
ol ond su.,Mr insr a raise in salarr, allido
Itiolln"sil"I'leN111 the success that has at-
tended the efforts of both in� conduct -
Ing the courV home, and 't1le fact
tvat as inut'll as $1700 a vear has
beenraid for the same sorviecs, your
committee is of the opinion thot the
vouncil should make a liberal ice."M0130i
in their $11111VICS, Whiel Mir
for Will. Shaw,
Wt reconimerd that Dr.
1101,10 nhygiciall. be allowed to Charge
up to the countV all medicines and
mediettl necessar-loa-usfId at th%, Home
the matron he permitted to
employ Assistance in tit
stop and that aking�, I'dend-
irg, d%rainir and other York if this nappmm
nature for the Inmates.
New chlit
Trilate to Thw in Charge of County
Home Home Ws
Aw ru'r
f0t We cannot clote akis report of the
work during the Vear lii�w closing goLftw M10 is 46 Gift:
I :.Owtoh cw**"
T" T.U& without acknowledging the, deep Um hi
am 1,41MM sense of loss we aye experiencing in Its twa
shop ;tht retiroment from office'of olir in- 8.;0. to' t*...
npeet4r, Mr. :ohn Torrance. Owing I&I I
M* A to 164"Cing Year, and declining
_V _0 health, Mr. Torrance, after a service A
of tweaty-three years Well and fklit)t-
fully Tendered as our County Home
YOUR ingpettor, 11insUkrided in his resigna.
flon to take effect at the end of this
Inc, proud p"ition occueted ey our
istmas Cake Houlge of Itefuge among the olu. peo-
1,0101 homes of the Province -'s due
n no doubt to the extellent 19MG46 Ten-
I&rtd by all thoge *110, have k0la
me to !tile
very njuch JLW
and Puddir zed to the �trlefidid
-&P,1n'd in'ai "Atrol from time tO tinter
of this treffit is due
tare And Oversight of Mr.'14rvaca
22:== sit Inspettor, who'hos alwkyi t5hen Cvrftte4Va1ue-t*r-D0W
tV& XreattAt lottrept in the - well -
Now RAISINS86�, W104 of the unfortunatt-_ Rill old: X -
p"plo rommilittil to the keepiag of
801tow and Vokocia tlw institution, and has alwaya &uo
*11 in big power to up%6ld the gaaa
Now CUMANM FIGS and DATF-4 "Arne of our (�ftnty Home. we M�h
L"0* jok
,40 ORANGE and in t% , way te, *V-ress mi, qppreNa�-
CIMN PREL tion of Mr. TorrsyKe's _*ervicp aul WffH
h�* r",Ay friemis in th6 140ro ARRANGE FOR A. DEMONSTRATION
that Of,
gD CIMIMM PINEAPPLE and 1* r4sy bot oparea many
51� CANK quiet and Vlftsift trtj6yment ef lift-, ,
GLACE FRUM And "r Vie *IWXNX enjoy the T�CX.
ALMOND ICING, 'EXTRACTS8 IWtion that %ilk Ito
i1kowtor ot Ituron Couht!y Itom".
iver"11V appral,�;, all,
&M SPIC V4 have bown avi, I , at I on
for MANNys. DREAD s""Woom ),Y tte peopmA t*�e A ,r ale
AgW4O cmoty a"d tho, Huroft 4_,ctal- V I IL
tit. nod %Mt it i* Wit% ititront
we So"r our "Itilwfio"it *ith lini
owisily i" tho ro"tr work.
a-- We Inspected All tbo TH ST., GODERICH
Grmry enareetwe Wft% t1w, C4*intv at SOU I
ow volspr vftootivw *red fot,�nd
9 ivk STWod orilow
ff"Iryr-, Ow stattor of Vt. WAINIFAVAOMMOMM now
We ltav%w
e: her comkierw4eig orA will 110 prtrAy"