HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1927-12-15, Page 7ToLove Is To LatAgh
Will'if"q'if ft 0
4ors. Aroask the dritt- vi V. and Mrs, BrowfiP
jag well of wilikefteft 1110 Avik a I U" Ow V444figal "ji'll Ifte
hw, Sbo -Wwbd" brWU&rQ4 wt le -I" to vaore" I lk*t C-110 i Uuthtwl
dirwc ivale". till he nwo flz;i of tniatworthy. - he 4,
1:16146 her 1"t A" &U04 b6f"t 1)""t 06,1 "t* lisill"t Of 44?) -C
her at *" 9*jo--*o, lung*% &boo 'Ihdd 0v*Fllv%W*' SWY "i 014110W
Ai Ord irk ow pialtift. %6Pwanowated
i�t drtw her dow* b6tilolw himi intoc.
softo %hit* *wt. 71W aom- WAA
1118at 4 woolly *ww hwdw 164kcla Ilw-lkiuffe
ilud 1,14utinar. His " SuAt abotAl i� tabloi 4* "ill"
ner. She *rew drowsy. Sna% fell mulkwauiit, Iiionoull-.,p FWst f,) ttl zj,'
with a tiu�-Iinx nlu*k- sejkretly v;ith11;,.,,, Axcszcd, cm w in
" of."
a tune, for it had XO Air in its IPIUX-ip,
ing that wa.-" It bur� 1, naultht",
ied her beneath glistening ftakem& QC1 *1P4*t*- LM owl.
Af.+tv #* 4'atf." not AS "ji.6
jauthter��she and BOU ffjMtidoui� Pronounce b,�V% ille*l
There was Ila 'Coldne" now, n0tving
'Us UO llft "toot wcent &A vyUct1p.1
but Comfort.
It was 4ithy :,!I ;lot 4W ion 14high'"
The story leared forw*14. W- h proll Uncti tile �(h I..,
silaunter when she wilk#W. With
wardid Often Mis.spelled
the absew"e of sulaw. W �ouie olls
unjerstandinw. Agaia Bob bud be-', Familiarize; z,. Singilo pin,-ainl�i
folkle the L;Jlepherd. She -aawhed Note the ei� Arpeah two INti. Rare
tto .
llial train the window. Ito wa!4 *;a Juakedi. b-ar 'a ' rry).
busy guarding his fl(wk on the, hill. two r1s. Campaign.
'do, that he bull no thought, -of her.
st symm-nis
I'lle never looked her WRY; he 11130t F.neluy. foe, onronent. uutorpinitt,
never haim Unown her. adveraarv,, rIval, couloetitpl,
But, ut last. gs-in the uku-,k,,box riattei. lualse, puff, buntor,
Acture. he relented. Glancing trout soolip. mrsuade.
tier cottage. f0le saw 11141 At the JZ�Ate- Fallil)le, ouestionaWe. rpvrw�ouq,
She, tried jo ran to �ir* and couldn't. 1�"Jeh;t s)ljle. di%putable, unrOU'Un. -
Without, her help,�_Ole waa sule III* �� Willinsr. d6posed. inelinQd. favor.
gate would refuse to open, sho �;as able roadv
held fast -like a st*t4xe. To I aVirpviatioi.
m-1 was the only WRY in Nv abriftnient. redwtio%. curtailment,
e could. bel" bhu-sli", laug"lea. It
%he badWt, lie would have turned, re Real. si-tusil,�trwi, paz1tIve,,4%bso-
tMay forelmr, never gueRsing 'how
desperately he was needtil. Word Rtudy
, when hissruis had gone about
1JI-111wbat halvened T Tinkle. tin- 117)ee a, word tbreo thnes and It Is
t-0 .4"w hillinir. The Christinalt VOUV.4. ' Let, 111,0111elvaW Our vocr�4u-
ww - VA K E N " S D ISO R D E Rs
voilain riil"ffor all
disi,nlen; (4 wo.ftlell,
It ;,4 appl",e*t 1�wally
and is 1100,
tile suffer�'vl *�Sue%
Tile dead %va"Ae roat-
Un, 41 tho vvil-O'Strd
ivin V inlille(T4 0 Ulen-
t;ki anti physi�.,al re -
list.. the lolood veswls And UeVve3 W tionekI -1114 str"011"le'll
lmd the eirvulation 6 rend(TCA to 11olvill"I as tlki; tV`lt1Uelkt 's
boseJ im variMv soienthlo 11011$400- 4114 0ts oil tbe. aetual
Jaration of tile diseage, it- ettlillot belp, bitt k1a good ill,.M foriwi
of feluale trallbles I "Weladillp delaykl and Painful ;�Ieivtruai-
tion, leueorrboea, falling Of 016 w0ulb, growths, and ovariali.
troubles, ete. ltriee sil.00 per box, whikilk N stlFiekilt, fOr Otte
alantli's treatment. A free Trial TretAvjolit, viustigh for 10
41ays Worth 75Q, will be Sent VREM, to any t,,�;fferlug 'weniall
Inlii her address. HavloFe three statup.4 and ga.
drLN, . 'Urs. Lydia W. Ladd, Polit. Lv Winttt,or, -Ontario.
Sold By Leading Drugailsts- Everywhere
wit ir warra backz (lavi. a t is essom. becorne a habit. It way be that t le
t e grentle b AV- I ess: luibilation. smile N infeetious and you vaugat it
beating of "IS e accerte the, Invitation with rout the porter When he '01lowed OLD RECIPE
lb I'll nU%
their hearts. 0 heaf� b2,Oktilig. 70 t "I vivaci a your V�rtb, tut one thin,-, certain
e ti W.- 11 10 0; abrupt Ill inan-4 elled OR tile "Van.
Jov hat w a R is ijist having trav
Wgilt ner. 41 e $lie , I andg brusquely ralkl TO DARKEN HAIR
ict ro elf, 'Couver FatlilvW, nothing has hoppen
again, a i I Ir I . 'CW do walkoil stwov. elf tot"e rile
0 e ing never 131PULMVE, avCsIT 1", 8inileaway. Theser-t.
tails were added vice, tile cuisine" tile equipment, tile
Varied; $now and 11a -u ter. 0 was tary Impulse. "He thrbw llinlkAf itu- road-liNI, tile gentIO-1111114,111W Of tbla Salle T*a and Sulphur Turtim
holdl 'the Ulu lo..Ox safe gainst pulsivolv into a tilialr." t arayo Faded Halt, Dark
million -dollar train have all colltrij-
RURFUT.- fteelin-T, or to Your Ila, e Ia in
let. npin sa-tl t If
hnr bre. 'it O"INwhave A the bat'it ')f trvv.
"Her eYea were opening. Wimrll 1,;ovrow. "Ile rlloft!ly TQAC.:1:4 and Mossy
ornina he bid done." acquirc
W04 she? (,711iiiStalas' m ruicifi., Tor -
ping COXSPIC M11- Ovir1%, canad!awl The
Wt S. - h, 'r
ail the childiAlness bell6ath her' NVO anl�ood- SleePily ';110 sent 'ter fee� !qro "T' Onto oull vanvouvt
te As $4 gazed for parcels -Vile rustling Of paper prominent and dt . stinet, lv�' vl"-Qtver nxpvess," tile contInQiW,,t emn- Almolt eycryano NIMVP that $390
a to' shop A
yo e hal d. None iinctinIM. n eotwr.'suovs� _Pt)8itRr1 Idarl of railway f fflelerw-y" Icaveg Iiiii- Tkp6 and sulphur. proPerlY CO
ed. in her beart.slie bec.atne little. would betrfw their prwpnoe. . - "I Cm
Bea� in her iho. roWli.11 ed, livill P bm-h. tb:i natur, OT01r,
welled vp.# ...Cynicism fad on the bcd-010V 111tt9t be "Iflion Station Ut 9.03 11,111. tolft"It all -A air NvIiel f. Od ,
�Qnald. every night of. tile Wool. i Ill . dreakell
She peciled above, the SORDID: vile, Vor rat,,,w. I lugre to the Ii, A
.0 looly way to
Wr , 11,,ind was a strwral- ml!% 1 -art) ,%nd rord'fla 1. IVNI it
V.-atched him front. behind to.y. s No' 40 --kinks- vepArvations, tiekEts. �,Utt.\ or gray. Years , -aq la Inake it at
pressing' �gainst t1w ggte,� 'his armsfulust li=_- , window. EvPn 'in her 'S."he turned the but Ateet's. uniqic-box. Her only, Arcumutts'nem,." To� gct tIU3 Ini'Atire V.
'�Ier cottage �C;Ile bogail- to Waa�4 3till likelgripped the 1, A RITY, Vu tz�ePQNT
g4ed,, wqa, 4 cherubic 'shep- �gouy, 110111e, which b wId troublesomo.
litstret, rr"critl, $he, had had to -any Canadiall Pacific tlePot d -
e fA. despair of his coming, F,110 )lad tire i�.Jltibly. ShO 1iru willf.p. Yov rr% t '_ ' 'A' e ;A MY futO
aring his bah- aiio tit $nails, s-caroely per, I NVW N ,ad, "n "N
hcrd�' we Her sl-.Irt was searlot ii self. ulp4n:
wd for him. thouglit_was it fancy-,�_that bfj,'. Ind glve. It, to her. S
shiou, of Q a, balloon, She had Thv6ukh. suillit - stillnc?s�,, .,bureli- $to or I'VI 4' 'k: 't'
-little Lord 15'auntleroy. , The "N'vilrouvrr Expre-,g" 1% i 1`4 �wl .:PI c , b
,.%d best% AlAde and bulged lik heara their plaintive i0ke -on clini-, CompotVIM."
amonse offon 11! the music - she "TO IOV(' is 'to a at Ill'.11div arce 0%
An It 6 to her blow- -i
to - portray lllotlovl� I'Mdently they' f tan.ing. Birds launched tholullelv0s Dell- were valling Wt Mlllcr'o arm powdel
i. little "White cup plune .1 roved ItY
to of Oil's 01 r, .%Ie Ilu
was- of bl, smiling When its 1). ters hand '-S't%UY
bed; Ill drifted ollil.Y. �SIIU latlab�ll 1 and without injury to the child, Und itwr icnto, at
ab baS
ored. and abolit to ITT-tPW sy looks-- Her Precious littlf, to Tauggh. tho
dQrer was her "AAge down bccan -1 1 thI3
were Onam Inate toughs al 'Jut! bA,- �e the smll-� there can lb��'no doubt. of the!-., d ... %tIlY vcry little r
,rIgle pq Her a �er to M4
. rtlag. volve, t ind fool ke t1leni Rit ii,j ome, can
their vows, after *,I I 111it wbat had for quaintness, attired lit. skYA)lue, vanto-4, to laugh. Par- effect upon woriuq. Tboy have 1144va ratit-ft
There was nothing to J n`a't,U'T_. A."verything 'bad'. i-plung And �yet
she I
occasioned tbeir rurture. Woolly knee -breeches, a, qatiary-cfftr04 jack- + ers, J;Ast of, all. .1likinp, of reftivil1g, Pile In sueceer-ful use for a Iong 0wi and
o lift. --the IoV hapa, by th kt, the N posiillly it'll tIpt a
-arting t vtong end. If -e reeognized, as it leading
i ot, - and Tyrolose hat.i smil. Was st ar
-lie were to 01i k` f givi 9- ation. for tile purpose. Thev liv", I' Nit ural,
hil; shoop, as the el ;, and,
hillside� * If, they W -OM ... ... 16_ Thev had lost --their attlem
_4heop dotted 0, ijg hu both -t1hilyk wuIr bui;as it 40C., it
lipp� In You da"
'Dolt serwilloo to, ill . were throbbing, breath- s
04. splendid, j should worcy", posio - Ile IoVer I in, rumburlt,,� ar hair,
dicate, the soparation colild n -.t 41tv ilig parsonsi T s� wora on the . But she'd bought no present pv,,.ved 'thpir power Nvjt� it and diaw A �'.l Vol
.19 she had, on �j:-ie be- d Uw given relief taking t,
beQn. for loilig". But thi�y il"'d A-elirotl, .pn_tropbiv�ed them, Ig, She -couldn't make 4 QPS;4; illn . Otte Small stn�.-d 'it I hill
Utca thOm to' -Ic' I no'nt of Illoot'r Everything ill tho - pie- She turned the handIO Of the it%, Ac' -eu,'who, but for till- good tdflt'Q� - air and
as forever. She alml)st exP it turn, [It all. �,>x. .1lopitig that might �holp her., - A eltildl v gray hi
it Wt n o-w1odge her graciousiless-t1le' ompound, would, have cva-1 w6riting tL
T -Ile: eyes of tile- girli-doll were -o. jumped back to exactly where niagie had vailished., of tbio. c I after u6tller aft0italiowrr Mot your
Y�,Irl-dcll -.bN* ArQpping .:A' curts,,y, iho ful urted. c1lild"s toy! It ected cold,aU, �attack.of, tinued weak and onfeebled. hair becomes beautif"ItY Oark, d6*011
S6 woro the ihlbeCllc� 46y-pappe-t by doffing hi's hat. ' 'Be- Wa e n before sibe hud gh she -wer r an tin-
o� ,-np vbrr igid-a crude , Ai; thou o late fo A nce M." 0 and pu In . Olt �Qara. youngot
was willing, to d�,(. ape becamO I. �agomeilt, she rose'hurriedly il�hd �qet 'ADVORTISSIN TIM STAR t
id,no, heed, sbe, felt' '.t. lironehitis 11ot propertV treat
forgive hatis slip bad caw� they Pa� serf-Imental slaub. N�iv And - tben she
jyhile ed, itiay easily leaU t(;Serioils
anytWng. Per All day he. trifle offended, They,sooned as -rtgi abau-.4 dressing
h6liLM.-he to bt�r aa paiiTte 111,11 rest and try again," d. at the mirror. :fte had g 4z"r
d things had lmen in tile glance
��r O=tz I,c restpA. �sllegttempted to Iiiini �roubG. A
lis land of strangers? Chest
Iiiing oil -M
childhood, They were ictiU 'her rquIleedila Wxs� pf see. stQW them in it
E A -yesterday. Thor�, waz
so. SAO'- -,I,(, wos'the 0iallow. If tbev would pir, but changed since 01 f"A a cold C
rei- ughter.-
EOZI )p,ogllng and Lro f*rward. nothing *to acc?unli for tha ;ft1#Ug itttely to take
'Ile o*Jit t NGIER11 10
ltlij�t I , 1111led
01117 st( I cg� 1, 11 ON
woting, -for tjit� 41111 could onlv tum it., -_tIlat_ in� hdr- beart.
-iiim(� of ',To Love they would lea ' Having qmtberred hor strcngtb,� r t WAN I. V.
�Vjtlj the first tinklei tllp I known rot,
pelliaps they ) ght." h6ve the-alue effect"'
0T_ SLE Is To Lat.
T) Ito., Thiq A�el nedy, not 0111Y
Thi B
0,, i-pto cat, or,,,; r commonced turning again- with' Having n %do mucous membranes Of
00;iX'WAII, 0 And I then- '9,1111P result: the Ito -Peep girl and djusted her hat, she v.4 soothes the
years �qgo I Now wll,,It,? for. ttto,-- dooi-4bUt halted, ebasel6us n, rvficvcq�the CH&IS TAIAS
o rite%I(About flive I tile _kesph. F9
d were on the p(bit, . tr.
tiouble(l. Avitit vezenla on, 110Y140111 "I'll Darpd she. start t7he tau shoDher tightliessand: sorcne,,
qic Why t she. bad forgotten - 40mol,1111-9- chest
1x(yuld be ko X. k &edill" 'Wlaon, sho was ��ompelled tha I 1ctbox! W looked io lonely- a Ofttle
at tilties 1t P, if 6bo saw thev Nvc'" P; ii!; cover The � Alus but it -also
11 " eiii sh,,- triod to r,e breathing" -
could, 116� 1.kep. from her. she e ga.%fQ e had forrotten it. Anti tbere� on the dressing table.. Snatdi- 11losti, , ,e he of the new -16
111ft �Rlf;-tiirn, She, 93,?W 'he tune, Fe 1`1 wt
,;Could � 61t,., % 0
!41 d I - " .. I nor-it'-sho-to(
t a gc- t wa -liko was ano Pr cur u0s I)Pennig,
, 't any s � - th The hotel ans irk a healthy
octored witll doe, tho handle con
C reWf,"Izo 0he diiy bolder. 'T 10i; all thp World music. vos�- unusuallY f3ilent org, etite, and building
-mtIzing. I � . . *.r;i11p-PP,.,fl there was nol of tile prmnutlfM aPP es
Ive vears: old s' "R
Of he ghof 6ther, everybody., was late Gya 1, & ri
ught I would try* bot
8be 01'essed the up strCn,!,Ul,
Actu-ii surroundinp 'faded. Can- 11-c"I AIPW ovorty
thd IIOQX�
she was W119el bell for the elevator. No respons 'IVL4
rov Zto (!Xit;tfor, her. She was tin +)It e jululsified m1n.
;_ litti- zii:l, wiWfrilly -9kitta, and tworitii.- 'I'lic. verf, fine'
IMF xa antt-
tidn' '.96' mucil r,.\lU1,sJoN exerts -.I s e es ro
tried the vxpefl Very oarIy!th4t Wa- i,110 cral ol confained in 4NGIEWS
+�Lys-sittinw Ofin, ard absorh-. Of tbp,t1mes she the 'bettet� No 'tlne
pluirb would notice. her." But she must Us- D For X&
"I on +1��j nIll'-pry 06or. She could 'in Is,,
-id' surely
]IN""Ale on for the right �before tive action that kcePg' tile owe §
She Only guessed u no roe she would ltliss�lt AM , Vlll� 0
I . I 1 11, � :,�� I I
she had 1,
Q11ritni li' his periist6rlt -FI g of this cbrtainty that in.'a no lll,.tl lItAilly tontlitioll. F
"a -It X! what.would any One
o-vezqed, bpeaw 6 'her bf-vt f Ausb�%J T a appoititillerit. necessary for a pr�mpt recovery. A,
a T Radios
wlra� opened the door and
-to 1141ifivirig. che 11:qA att6lition-for conjeetare She :was iii th
1. 1 �e, Ruo 'd'Antr 911% EMULSION 1346 bect,
the rictirre. sm� he "Ot A� VQ_ :Ind Prescribed by V
nothing -Save r4 +unnel of. golden quiel� +.N recommended v
will-, It's locked," ' allutter- and I . I
tinkle, every- "No one icto nieving. , Shop-wittlows. '#- ' , The StnpothestCircutt
At the' Ill* merry but qpit(, DOWT ' ed. Round a leorner came a bhuf- IU fit. IsrIvaill 111 - .
s. From the 10.1y,16,140a for over titirty-five
1-9tairs; In the hotel, fe-il;Mv�
tore In lvogres 'feet- mxcss- Evor Known
was ill" NVOWL t V Of little feet, She q aw
Mv. Lumpil that lur�(N yeirs., pleasant to takei
thing. began �to stir
site caught �,.the jilk9le., re, little; before , Ae j
I the �vorting ol -cars. 'hord. ;Thev grakiled into. sight, A BritishDoctor Writes- "rhave Let us gWe 00,
dd Tito huge'gh,?ep Ufted TIT) tb p ed theY we'
p " glanced boelt aelos% -tbqir, shotil- of"llarliess att y a demonoratioll C,
avil fiftlit, r Ima, ttl:en it, r found re- : 11 -v par sowd time all orchestrit had been' tbe, -solemn-faced Wites on theic way _be0n� promoribisl4l
lrs-a�_but so pohdoiously� liko.sll( YnArt
E0 Anil in r.',601 -t timo rt great, . �Inelxlpj A bv0%0 11y. i&6ij for
-es I -and tng lat:6.- Approaching un 4rd. Posic, recognized, ynost satioloctor equ
Put up only by Tile *k. uilbu�n co�., farmed hir cheeks, swaving trc vice
thfiniping.; The 6*4r.musi be �row- We are fa
to eburelt, tile auns� like shepheldes- M2161811014 10i y years wt
dn'91ttl ses behind III U149.0
iriass; the waking landscape. soorned probably. SuPP angfed the It was front the ilt- 1 Radi go)'
ose she vh con- the, procession. or
Annoy by
nutoa, To'06,046. olii� !_M tactics of Ur necror flattened herelf
eperimont ln,th6 'datic�y phanage. She
Auctiilg her
r -,lights, she took itgainst tile wall,
4 Switching oa the -a Olild w Ose'eyes
I rAlf . At its head Nvfts ANGUR S R, MILLER,,
r-41-41NIN F0.
ANNAINA141ra"r. frWarmo. 01 the iiiusi�-box �vith tier to bed, rogted on ber-his big 1 'Iyes.
Tinkle, tinkle! That. was, b3tter t, they were resting not 90 Victoria St, qndE1gin Av�.
Arld Ye ON
7 In the gloom. wallts P11- -much, an hovas'-611 -the -thing,she was' MULS1 Go ni'a
thip 9� expanded.
it 6-oped and'knclt,'pressillr,� tho 6f; s#sf$1.20-41
the 'attio, demolished it. usurped t all druaiser
She s
The picture fill�d PlIoN 2YJ
But still,. when ber hand. grew ti ed, nlusic.Uk into his. hands, WMk 0VWWVVX WF
I . .
aetually -asserted itself. She had loved, 10V rose In a bub-
olosinx liting laugli. Th
She a little foot 1,ass.u,
her eyer and ly.
ing flat against the pillow. To, her 'on
dello'ht that was better. She could Wopyright, 1927, by 0e etrol)olitan
hold the pie'ture now at the point of 'A
unis. LNvwspaper Service, New XOM l, Ity)
Ito latest dovelolim8ht till she
tered energy to go on. witil 'Elie
discovery, she becaute.lazy. . She had
solved the mystery and-oould explore
0 Wtokly
-it leiaure, The entire night Jay bo -
fore her. She could unreo-I the lov�
ers' Story I)y instalmonts.. . ., Lessorts in English V
Of 5o) they weie lovers. The
-irl I pur.
t lad lived al000 Inthe eottltgo as By W. L.GORDON
long na', slid "tould remember. 0t.
-qusp of having bad no one. to love,
-,h" )Ind never lauehed. Over thA NVords Often. Misused
hill, driving bill flock IlPfore hill', IlAd
Nvin- Do and a gent-1011alk
ninnie file sbopheyd. From hot n't say "a lad Joy for the housevNe
dow she -)lad watched him., In her were approaching the time." 6ay
worin btid at night, she had been un- oa an.W
able to oleep for thinking of hina out woinan!, and a "m were who receives one or
Don% sity. "a couple of Ine
-1r. Theall
thtwe in the told and 'dai )standing -on the. porch,"- SaY "two
?I(t see 111111 ro these useful.
oll,01 morning she COL Inoli.1f ; ;6 . . I I . A
more of
or. - returning 0
And now in �trauv,`&am-hi�o fa- I powt say 11the, jury gifts
4 " I we"
v.hion. Poqk,� and the girl beearsip one I to the room. Say
Minging tier cloak acrom )ter nhoul- Don't say "Mr. Blow', an�
They are A comfort and Conven-
fatice ior everyone in the home*, CIPE
Ii the
h, V. h
auk and tY
Uffo a I
fad r"Ttl RKEN 41OR
ulli IJU� TAr el
t al
ThoSr save time, labor and money
On -and Perform, their APPOinte
Gift'. 1 hat Keeps
tasks in a Wonderful;X gMiit
ose his di 0 .� j 1. L I ... �^ .".OL.
cho' A,
U"I'ov, wlonsig time.
r and finish
thd tailoriUL
Ue f OaMnt*00
are of tho best.
We are now featuring aL
j3plendid Showing of vor-�/
-,ytit Shirtg and Pajatua§
in Ganaine E,11'91ish
I M adcloth, ron4yon; and
Vorlisca silhes and Other
inake very acC60abIc'
chrisonlas, gifts for 111cit.
ratterils are no-tv aftd
active, -whilln
titnally ��lknl r
WWI a Ck 1110HAM & SM
','tile Store with! the 840Ck"'
AStewartow rne . r Radio
is i1to gift 1%at brinqs i0y
to tho wh9lo family
GIV,U®R. JOHNST011'J., Klongrst6n'Street
Also Vlektrk Range ' (,4- U'lectric
Wsahers, ete.
11uy Hydro (11ruaranteed Lamps
H E fi y D DR IV, S, I I'M R E