HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1927-12-15, Page 3C14 WrAlK
=1VWA'r. lDZC- Ikh. li
claim* to have d-,6CO"k*d 4 cure fag
Cancer 4" dw ke W tho seem for
rubber. 'It 4, ","'1
CUB gaussia. #Ad via far thi
have "= every %cot. they *111 1W
Sol" the awit, 4senswilonal of 0W III f*w
C h n st- a ywki
. - - Ir""i f" 4'iilkt"
Dim je" 3 3 ftoisi Oaft . - ;e i I s
Mr. Otto. oigoii * Tori 113111111111.u�
f &I fawturer, waa lin YoDAY PRICES
,,l ij*i Gth, looking over tae W%kj clad 4- EvER
is into - rx"tion with I '-view C"r
shlias 'bit ir4ustry %hirri IN Nke fr"h stock of thI bewwn!s NeW FrUits
ft U estio
key,*, PiW acti4tw, 1719yer 0I lac' to Choose front for your Christmas.-hei
tions, eti Bud have is lari Plant on froni 14
Bathurst strei Toroatil. wilffe tbeY
hundred, warker-iiii. t Seedless Ralsins .. ........ 2 11.). for 21C
A&vA,4TEj) STOCK Of employ about five McDonald's 'Fines
Synop Thq have been offered & 1001 New 8"ded Raishi,� ....... ....... Per Pkl(- 15C
Toronto Propicii 2"t I they headquarters
"Urly IRA winter I NUINA-04 frout New Bleached Saltalla Rais-111S ...... Per 1b. 20c
DiSMOV& W, WbA* *Ad grem som fency sottiogs, frorn are con id , movine their Plant to
a severe, bro"Mal told thftt left me All information
4.-$10 -ft UP it. All"Alleg, P for Good Clean Currants .... *per lb* 150C
wltk a pro"t-ug. ilry, ki cough, ........ .......
"te asked was given Bud M I r- Iligel ex- high-claas Dried Apricot%. .... ............ .... per lb. 30c
"After bolse bothorea, both #fgbt 'Wattimo in NU " now mallUbs in both t^&e VA Pressed himself *% well Plea',40 %vith i
"a day, Witk it.. for locato finte, I the OpPeAriSUCt Of the tiiii�)*'"' If the conf#Ctionary Dried Peaelies ...... ...... ...... per IN Xk
-WA & prOtOW044 SAM M0111111elid ...... ...................... Wsoi up card t any ilecklos to go thM thi New stock of Date% Figs and Prunes
tm above toi 0,frep *Itick I tried of gouree wou 4 not only 'build a. large ffs-ctory amf V.
is jowqls� go"Wateeld but would build several hOUI fur 1co Cream
with ij i4ZI4, Ili now it. is. WW sipos in their talplayees.. Candied Ulluon and Oroanize Peel...Ver li 25e
Alie, only Mai .1 ever uis for calao..", Rings in so low faincy AMP64 Death of Mr. Jobs, r lb. 4k
Wftissist - 4%414 W4***.
rivol Citron Peel....
NIZO y 1W mmy Dow A44I sestortIll, 1. 11 1 .
Ott. iii bilittles, I*ii T*kw Pont sad Pol - Following an jitaps, af a little over Peel) Lextion, Orange and Citron
put# 116*1*. .4ol. ..*o�
up onlr by The T, Mili 4W.) W46*11111aft Mill we4v 14r. iplult. Thompson 1*5&cd ...Per lho 25C
�VOOW41 Toronto, Oat, lvw*y, in WWA* r4wd "a Roo* cQUAI away refujIly *t tho home .4 his
Flavoring Extracts) UnIon, or VaaaiI, 2 oz,
c4woft C"eillit Cuo Lwws Tie ph"s, niece. vs. P. 804fortilt, CARLOW
la"bria"t, CA"", on Monday worni1ne, at me agoof " bottle for 10c or 4 for ............ .25C
shipped two imlooli
CIO&$ C4, Owl silven"", _p4m h�o spent the Xr. Treble
past three av
OVY "Ar WI ow stoelk is computo. Following a matittkta visit to his bro. Mrs. Brown, of Goderieli *a spend- MeEwei B +
Inatiuction given In Piano. UeAdence, 1.4 1 aking Powder ..per tin 21kand t5e +
st corner, of, Ija�!ftld pail ort- -ra.
theIr in Sanijac, Mith., Mr. Thompson jug 4% few days, with Mr, and V
'"OU returned to Seliforth to spend 14 few Alex. Young this week. . it has'been a winner.
zrw�_ � II, � , . . Try our 59e Tea,
days Wore going to CObOurg, "tre Mr. Fred Youngiblut and "nioces
LZOAL 0AIMS, he had inteni "ainding tU,winter. visited with Mr. and Mrs. p
I A now supply of Oranges, Lemons; Grope Fruit
The 901lowing day 'be contracted del, of Hullett, on"IffednesI
it. o.witow. fri wNell, he $nd Rananas
he %*mvins MiI Pirimmers of Bentoiller, V Itfilil New seisoWs eropli'of"Nuts of kinds, inixed,
Cis RODERn"ON plevi Mr. Robert Dick, of Henvall. xtlso
S.014citor, Notary Plall,116, Me Eo, died tett days later. T Is
successor to ii Rilloran . I were taken to Torofito, where, inter a
p4olleol OMc#, The, square, wilderlob JEWELER Mont was made in Mount pjea"git rece tly with Uri. and Mrs . iii, Paul Mat
DIAMOND. MERCHANT and, temeteri belli(le his -wife, who pri dti-
GO&Ach �Wontyi years Mrs. Ferguson, of Godi virit- Lwk Into our Drygoods Department. Our
ST N pho" age.
I. LE 136 1 sopp e4 Nylth her brother, Mr. and Mrs.
is sufilvi by bi Maxwell, vrices sell, the goods.
Torclutoi and one brothe Jrosi John Young and family, for two,
Barrister and Solteltur
of *tei recently,
sallillat, Mich. -Promptly to all Parts. of the
10 XWj Street Fast, Toroll];G.1 ropow "'W" Mrs, James Young, IAOi spent Goods delivered
Phoacs Elgin $4164147 "I'm 'WhipAnt You, 'lot last week eisiting herAlly" d0i
town Without gharge.
b�ciiwef i want- to, but because I ters at Stratford and vicinity 811
vaut to intake a go64 iman of YOU. I" onjoyed.-hor Yisit very much.
0 -used to, $0 whii lit- , Mg_Tom_ W%on, sili'liped wimr.
aSTU tuat 31 . 10I load of buckwheat front. Moneaet 00
N "M -tie boy-,,
when I
rhood New's,%igteb &w "Woll. then,, Dad) Tuesday and two- front Miti Sta-
it's no, ps%ll tiou on Thursday, also'hors an Mon -
V0 -'day from Mer
A THREE 0,V aw. J. XMC'Ewen
Ato I Mrs. Straughan, of Auburn, vitdt�
Pick IF'= our dive
ed, r . 1 1. p
cd with her cousilli Mr* and Mrs.
Alov..'Young and Mr.. and Mrs, JobA
DIJI Sillige011 iie-w-Tork Oph, -gins, ., Miss Annie -Kirkoomicl v.%s Clark and otlier friends lit the local- +
late If, the grooll'i. Vas
aedley, of- lizeknow, rted by Mr. ji Dam
11 the bridesinlaid. aud� COUGH IS, --y UP. ity.for a. -few days lost week.
thaillato and Aural flospilt Afts. Alex. L appro - 0001= X__ . 0
Moorefield!$ k'�e -110SPItal. 011 uOluen oni announi the vpgagement of The council met- Tuesday in the
To YOI 0oupli the good wiahes of hip hull with Reeve 11111 PII
,Squai Throat Ilesplial. London, Eng.
Celia Bujlbetill to Al- a 06t of friands, for many years Of towns
Waterloo St. 4: Str4ti ft- bindai ft.r, siding and -all intmbera present.
pb6ue 2GT. berta. saward, Overholt, son of Mr. hawiTtess nin4,:prospority. Much business was transticted. Tho Bread .4 ree on
Mrs. II. F,. Overbol Brantford. judges of Good 9
�At 10tol Ucilft)tdi. qodert.ili, till tho' and An olli Clinto - Diew
t n Resident iditoll. question is settled for all tinio.
ypi ig of Ithl d-�N10filiday f Cqa�p.al'luDhth Vho wcd4jp.g will take'o ace the, The funeral of
I , it is, to be hoped. Another iii
alo I Smfthls' Better Baked -Bread
,itin the fol O'�� 7
Ue t ter p of December. Mary SIGNAL
art F Clintores, oldest citizen, Who died on 1will, I held oti Thurodsr of Itibis Wi
smallpoi usborneiia-axoter As . ree alred 98 1 to fjnjsj�', up the business lot, the year.
— , -1, saturday morlidlig, Deci. 3rd, � lead io fail. - Try olft
A eouple,of -cases of'smallpox are yoos, was hold Monday afternoons and to I
-now wIlity. is uniforin. They nevei
serious troublo,%4:14 cau them Tj
ropo 4 in U6borne tp, but fotttli Dec. Ult. The sorkiciles, - which were &
gite laints
ed,, were condu most Of- chop-Suey
cited by with ctomuldon, anew W crosote 0" of the commonest e0i Whole Wheat, Br
own or Hovis Bic -ad.
aiily there ave -no ai in �Exotoliii largely attend
ITIWNEIR. &C illat to t07KIe. Cmftuj8j6n is 4, of infants is wornI and ti
The homes lit' IN ori a of tbe Presbyi OU X h
Rev. A. X4cfaivlillii i fective application for th 1 is Qt
U=zh iscover er
_ywit'hitwo4oldai -SMI TH We delio
'no' and every Precaution is ti it soothes and OM OnO184 G*
6TRIN quari k -ebujI She *as the last b he,% the 111111311311 WOO- or Graires' W
being talken ogajnp�:t viving Qii oi hinetbilidi
lho sprcad.,�?f.tbo
fi-oolo-m--Tileri I I .- I � :w _11 th. w II
ic. k0practor, and I of bralles and inhibitmilgeral gmW ADVERTISS'IN -THE STAR,
disease. ani Xii L. Kennedy, -zed
x IN&�oius U-nd ,v".'born in
4*11ird"Te.-Vroan e ant; Itile , rtuy, Mectro- 4y high modied *4101i" as one, of the
-,ii Pill A happ; event took place t_tbo Shorbrooke, X, ties for porsistent
paths. piecitronio EIII Ryi winoiln Canadia"iti Officers ii �Iowl
R.'Tt. Bari I , . cougilgAutt,,Mcwa=herlorinsotf.hmt " ... � SPS
Cie. Ing 0 F day enlrqt j dition
weafti an(f dilropri December $vd,,%vbeni -a , ri roui CreavaWeloncontain0ringid IL
OM60 hsjjrsw�-2 to, 4 allill I tQ 9 P -m, :Oil, g4st Nvillwa- thos'e interest to, v ther healing cl w
johnst tp 0
Sionday, DI� 2XX, of od, Ill the
Tj;i;a Canadian Club, in e A eal the infected in brallim
bv �Iippolntmefkl, Robert -and the hite formation Of
rAday.afternfi r -till evotl1n;5. noi ion- Of '141
In. V, p &s- jo Wo -is Eather Witigh4ms the iI o cers werer to
anq 7
rtreed, daughter of. X Dr, Redmond; oo. o"
DIir1ji Sbo elected-, President, on to the stomach,
of Morrt s.. Goo, Hapi ; 2nd the blood, attacImthoseat
taifv� In AltOMIXT)CO1. and Mrs,'Jobn Sbortreed Ist vice'pri Mr.
'Ofr . 10
Resildence'and. 1eiCOr0ev;Or 90?"1 �,,,e made man, and wife,,, vice L, Po;qliff; see.,
-$t, tuld tion Ivi Doris - -germoi
tk OzI AW y ts
Lfout.-Col. A.Z. Mon
4 Councillors, UM *kay"
tei who, bai Fell$,
Migs, J. McKee, in the treatment of 00MSteitt c0i nod
-------- U-cil - elected ali of Paris, -by aciii,
kW astimial, bronci lind
Present Canadian Government to,
olaroation, for a fourth terms was Will Re F 0 tory diseases, and is
110 - R, R. Coats, Dominion statistician, Ot
formerly a barrister in RyjjSS�15 ing up tild tem. after
d it holl Of Ottawa, will represent the Canadian- -exce lit,for
is an did Stratford boy an
aY laity... Government at. the 17th Congren pf told or flu. ter= if an,
Stoelk-aad oehtral Aveliouceii .1lat
et, Godell or.Mobielth of t )StAtIstical Iii to or cold Is not riliovied alter takiiii Igoe
$11v 'Late,, Hugh McHunmey the International
,r I)ere Land all eirorts ' , . at - Ask your druggist,
Sales, made .0vill �W] tui I
fiction. With the PaI of Hugh XcHur- WIluch will Open at Cairo, E* 0144 Lialited, Toronto, Out. P9 III
taude to give YOU SI)i ceniber 28ti Mr.,Coats, is
114rm saoillinted, ney, on Friday, Dee. 20di Zast -W&- "t, Ott Do
;1 sale
--------- an old Clintollibi a sop opf the late
�%lj4gj.Ii one of bor pioneer rosi,� Navel
I County 94 R. Co4i an&-ba's bad a I)i Alillwaso, forbla
born i'
dents. % as
t6m_ work. 'He is a
Do WI juli 190, 1843
th age �of seven brotbeiI Registrar W. CO;I or AN E
Auctioneer. Mdo itkg to Canada, at P, IN -SUR C,
iiIII coujillet jj�ntj arrange - lov. sale 4m
the latest methods Itt) get jle,4t, resililts years.
a toord and lie will 'Twjisi-nowsoll $oaforth Tprf Association -WG
or a ORA
attention, Farm
ve. It linjil"32 Quioi at.th�' Weali unitedpall The annual meeting, of the sea�
9 held in The
spitai London, by thi Rev. J. E� J. f ottli, Tart Association, wa 61
,LAillyati on Dee. 1, 1927, Miss Mabel the Cari libraj,`j 'on Thursday C9,59 940 d%F004
-NbTARy ETC, Ho-oson, dauglttir of the late - Rev- evening, Dee- lot, ;Whep. talie following 390949 0: aud
il if
w. a-. ai Mrs. Hovson, formerly Of officers MI A Muto' I
1928. Pro. 11 11 F 311
McCirritney; vice
mr, R. C. Twig Ident, �Georsm, R. [119049 "VIM tt
Wingbam" to secretary, AM ce''Com'pany 13RAESIOZ 139AND
Glencoe. pri Russioll , H. sproat, Iran. lFinest Quality TASTY
we:of Vaborne Meets With A. 1). Sutherland, treOurPri
Genpe'A conveyancing dow, x4viest directors, John M. Call of 0%aada M 0 AIM00d
1flood i0core.-leatell Wpi Cudmore, Sounuel Clidmore. J, ino
dericb, Ont.' Itoevo, 44mes 13911ant7i 'Of tl'% meat Islutte'! .44 Our Ow
liholp No, 298. Jameg ]�Iick. Chas. IDti r
the table
bori met with till unfortunate Acci- V. Daly Mili'l-onatitit, Pail. shatili Jjp*i) OPPIOU WAT&M.00, ONT. Bulk 2 4b,-35,0 Tho F1--st suite tor The Make-
dellit while in the act of climbili into A. A. Icing
en he IvitiditoiI Itobt, -I. Boatty.and R. 13. Libb
For Cake I
t1le loft -of hia largo barn wir 34c MA311014 Drallid 4iO lb- 1. 1.1bo okoo 296
Ai � and fell. VzOvenl0k- I D. 1400NEY11 Agent Royal ar
piled from the ladder.
to the barni_11cor be- Diamond $UhI of First rresbYteri
about, ten iget -ritoi 250
low.' Botb of illis �iin Chureb, $oxforth Woo" CANDY
ANI= COMPANY- feet wore inJaii Sull Dei 4tb, First . Pres- jj�Sig ST. GODMICII, ON
rt off I one -of the S ou"I
TAT111 AM) TAOUNTED III X"'a the lo-wef'"' I e MaRe
hones lit Wig right leg was fractured., byterian church.'Senforth, celebmited. NUT
1%1SURF -
ID, the sixtioth-anintiversary of ita ovgan Swei6thear
-Nii �" Young SOA Passes Suddc�nlyseia_ liution. , Tito IIIII whop a vill A Real 17100
viluc,vif Pro orliv Ingureill, UP 10 congregation, w Pull
UI 019. $3.918,07'1 41. -Mr, and Mrs. Wilson Allen, 4h was ildisag 1 11
OPPIC)IM-4-Jamos coiltiolly. 'Pre forth, received the -sad news Ott gai in 1861 -qout T, HE Mixture 25"1 2 111 leaCh in all L .75c
.;d I Ila, rwiwli vice-ppe* ` toi on the site of the pre
tilt, Goderieli liesday, Dee. 7th, Of the 4tatli of cil edifice. Di the 60 Vats of oartherkwaro bowl Assowtoil Chocolates
"your congregation lisis boon
Z E. lila%�tI4 their five, -old ion, Lloyd John laritc Almonds
Treat... staforth. its' history the or Filbort*250. Christmoks Cake 34b. Box 990
g Allen, 1I -had jday, Nov. mialatieka, to by but three VastOrso
Mt,01re oi .4il � gone with his aunt 1b 104 694, 14b., SoxiiI 39C
lfort;U; 4. -G, GrIev IWInthi . Nvi Mrs. Roy, M4000011, on FX 1 Itity. diviAmal 46cers
I, -visit his grandfather, GoldaMI Who qs, 0 OIL" R 1, C ,,H,
Geor" 319CIM116I a0er 261th, tt 'or a cr years; Rov, A. D. Me- NeW'8iaZi18,;9ribiI '" Almond IcsA osi Large Assortment,
wrl", constanef, , k, Uple raitor for ten
iftioltemmM; jolin - Verft Alai Mr. Talmilli Cochrane Donald, D. M, who oc�upied the 4�w- Djr Cand
Sohn- M*00eWille. Broadhaeran;.SlurrO of Wi I front 1870 t 0C
Gib uts
loon, 1jr"II y0o, americh; $3ndy tr o 1809, and Rov. F. H. Walin 1/93 ib 23C and 25"P.
AAENT,+,1- W.' D Larkin. D. D., 'Who '-h*x been 0-1, los' I
ec. 3rd, at high for the past, 27 paI
Cheiso sy, Sek. n satut a d teemed pastor z
11160 Astill Vatilli POI
Po C 1101ft ielf pas. William x1vtormell Christmo.0 diddea, d
V 's 0 , 'ri flog r ot the The following from *2 -Stratford 1AS- PRO, *A
il"it inbOlY MAttlip0n) A VERY MEMY-c"StO VITS
It, 'If toni by Rev. W. B. saw. neacon-86aU referi VIC, f4thor Sloodald
girl ' 8 e 0 f3WM TH HEAT FOLKS 018
or let. Of Mrs. L;1G..Vi Bgmotw, of Sea -
forth, whose many friends regretted Is
to learn of her bereavement. It WWI 141d"216.27c rad ers Vittory, 19rana
IrIlKIL INSVOAN010 TRILSI END witli deep: regret. that Ill* people of apo anA Toi
OPEN NO TA Ith C Largo soids,
ItAvoll, it *tten&d to .0y -the A COLD OR CATARRH this city. learned of the Va-,e;hl%r0f ItA 61 -C us or I -lb
pi6ncier since tl son olgir
ii III I"BRANACK 90 oldest Citizeill Xv- Alln V31113 25c and 490 sweet Witiled
I le year 1841, 41,lnu -39c
on Illd 40 sweet.f4ustard
rAtomfolkod 187S How To Gtt Relid Whom Read, Who was beloved by all, Mr. Van. 50C
an eirly hour - 1I Stole ings
no" Owe, sad, Noft a" .9teed Up. Rone died at SOU041'soa � -
VanF60I 0 mor -hill -�qjj J1111II of OnlY 0 so 4ne
, -had Citron 490 th. can
WM. j. Thopipsotl, Auburn week. beon in tho ill'at of 10 A 25c eath chow
II James Giri -as up, Ana Avon 'xed
Win. Watson, Vice pr, COunt tiftyt -Vour tom in U" or nd. prior 300 th.
Direttorm—wrd. health And U Cut Us. Aylinc-r
*in,- Hon. Directi catarrilt. diss:ftwi Yddf 0109114'1101 to, that. tii If Mr. VAnstitille had Cake.
111411, St. 11clellaos-W.Y. need, Ise
X st Will will open, the dir tPAIII of Ymt livo Austrill Sultana lIgIng, 0
-d U11til NOW YPAI R*V lie I'VoUld
1100jil, Is - load. Avill ellear and YM C1114 b"*=& bgi celebrated his Wild birthday. Ralsino fdj-lbl CftndleS ecoration Pk9. Cpleryl Relish
X No. 2. Lucknoi
loold, Cio&r1eb; AltI Nitholson, Luck- frtelyii, X6 move silwAim1g, Uw1i Foro
now-, Tim Griffln,,R. a. No'. 1, Luck- tnjjtJ6U!5 Awhast, 41yalls or holidathe; Taeke.,
Xincilw4ii nobti " jr"01I j" break at si A quict bOt pietty wt!ddjn� was villiest Australian 41% C Wines 29c bol. H.P.. Sauce2ge
Cot a, �ffl-njj toi of YAf�'Vregm soleulnized at -the r03byi
sallid. pftlft tkow yeur Arai and ArPlY A Mnme, lienjall, on Saar&
1, Wit mif Antiseptic crea", 2nd, at 2 P -3111a whieft AT11,11111t 161 "Oldon m milk Table Ta mayloillialse. DW
ty, Dee. cugr "s 016- poi drape Ginger She
in �Out S61I It limi t1amwit Christmas; to tvetyWy Dateslkmwi 2,bt.23c
01y. mecond daughter Of Mr. snd Mrs, Mort,
61 air ploonge Of the head, Soothing wdon %vad, bezaii the We wish you a Wdrsh hou Figs ..25'ib. a -oz. j.ar 25c
:Peter -Moir, U
anallealing tilt 4W61len or inildnied )i bride of Ogfilir Dw -i Mitt
instmint To. A cheery firi
0113 21mmi[iii of Mr. and Nyi Chas. Tweltely, of
Ill cok'j�l sud ctijaiii viela Iik� r4ellroy oirtelat. A dolitiong
NA itay Ati 1%h eir-2 es
k Fxetor, Rev. Jameo dinner, colili
-up $I Tnietr- ing. All the pteconfii that ftld 83.1tia clans
ross � Ole. Relief it, surc hag jAiii'llk; ba -go,
w Ch^tesju ave
Broom B liai 86111 M.Wricid Prusi 's Peall ant
berti, a Zura(h bov atd And a NeW JeOr 67, 9MAJOI n3pill-
4301DERICH '04%kovI 1111-abo" 'Sei r,-niber lot tho. lNeter Loaf aoZ41jar 25c
the t Co
& becluey team, p(jW a r-tpUjar pla&4aV y0i sistefely. Vat
I'I Wheeler V THE REAT FOLKS. swias Or,uyloro, irreffth cia
with the Montreal mavooiiii 'M Redwood 96t 1�6rtj6hs
so tw~f matriud rm Saturday aftelI to sultabl .10 �
Ori i%rifully attfnaM fo /CAU fiiiir 25C
at sit hours.—Pitht or daY. WO Funeral DireotoT Xnd i nornica millia"Ict'n, of x1tobon- TUE 95C age i
t4)rg Of &nftI ft er. The warriago,tools place in Tor- Gift
&rA for the C41MY 151 Aluron' by R-V. A. J. Vieging. of C01308?i 'Ot-
WM tht in9pti tmbalmer 0i the cerill"Ifii being %rfovalcd
At idei
ftoroes.- , -06 120; Res Godetichl, Onts& Wptist Ibureb, Parcels wkile, a 1practlesli g"fit of i�
JIM - ___ #� Varateftl1w mahi StAsational Vot GSod Clean C'oal Xrocerito thia
-i� InfAIV mflandici to =M!k! ii!!! wt lavo preptrei
Tolki(I. 'itis.
� NY
rholI 40401
" OTT dol'y or nig!IC "MAI TfMaknCill (41bf-III Of 1i
ChildteU 5 (111 ffivmevl� of fftavim
r0it FLETMWS Storil� 30; 8#1 WI 1�pldo-j at
A 8 T OR �1 A
Ilk It