The Goderich Star, 1927-12-08, Page 12GODERM WAR WON umn 4ow- M bow ARE NAD9 OF MILE. A MINUTE XON,- One of tLe faily� ......... Tsx invrr swu ORITUARY *(Sit A Ail -kill spa—,- up" pain in he WIst M�Kf% . t- li­elg AND TWN 306* jhjt jliayica t1w Ford noll 11"UtrO rt�idtat* of the wwa WAA ts". k. '' — I N WU Buhr, GadrrW was li'vowaill oo jvljos as no m4,6rlty to; , Wreaked Agavis, f-t p'o T'ov? �Qor rcen, 5 0 away at hir, home oil Trafillgai, Arcrt.", �j attallapt. to xwcrpor- - last we�,k, ill hi4-3 Af yes Fold lkw* and Ner"wNess gill Sisloothly and Easily iyaiucc�_ - �j5fn C -n wtdoe4day ff Goderieb people had ree-son t I year. 61r. ate CWT&t, t, t1lat car drivem bave vs_t_4�t in a good car =41 at particularly liatemsted ift the wiftek C.21&1 Ut callie to �1_ RR Ne. L, n 4xal d -n the r--,aw 0 tinict to L*c,�V the prV? dGwill'ill "14 A#Ows ON a reef on H11"It" 1850. ji-,4t login have, Car& vi God�-111, ft�i � a ,rlj w- roLp 401 a S loll 1A)v fer lie had ail his '-'n of Z5ra, lovel. $72,;, as us ishitiod, not only on account. ot the VIA. C'n Tapi4a�p, 01 4141 "11- ta, l;�rczimarkably !)wen A -A Mqo and' of f!le wm, th aV r b, eveTytbinr 111410d fact tibst, the stowaner hills flie- F, b�lojitig at flo, i il�entral scile P1 -h( rc, 'tand -alter at this purt will -,IV' ilge -:ter Z, h all'i it;$; yt-ni the e lkri.� 'VACA6 A. FQTJ Call? an't 0-143vy bz;t 6,0 Icarwoes, but awe partitularly tw- in �C(A� r'j;), IaFt 'etbe Vourw is the onMv i.jte '07; TUJ too" As of the firemen i -i bill weleb are in lwcp 1;,-, 'JC]jt�� Ind k'� i'� son of Mr. E. C Block, 9 -inirt'sch. 10 %t, Tile and r!l Ncy.:vwm kind, R-oDrpo;.3tc'j kii �,t;wdavl� iv1w-xo 11 11",, , "ix. u3tv"1 icj­ SDI ctcol. ds= opm Very elsillY 'A'. The Toronto Star on Munds, r,u CIO rcw � aia w a catch 4ro published a Ion article U, Put I;", �JL'­ his vijujigee b. ther, Avquq, iicd nvenientlY 10- h 01" West a winiber of awa, from , 1,:h We tjU-A,' if k� W- It n '4 u- ��ccj J;�7 !&3 zaq�nivg a gcj�jnjlj, i- 9 Cj, (if the, Jilo" 11111 A49 -IV jjuar.j jcwh; treduetory paragralihs ita wifo. fovnerl� Mk;s Am*� L'�­J"l Nan; ­04wion C Wro i ; i 'Ind j, fc,z, (l`;­1­1u-',1-aV­n lmv ir 'f, dibpat-h is datt-d froot It "Ni, but P, r- "',_1 4 war. q,jjj, to J%jj� n, JvVr Dec. 12th. Slid Wjj Was Ilere "Q_ "', I C3. We r, ", t ormra of 0" '1P i;� 'C't, _4 . , I -A 2 '11""'R, awl 1,,y o-) VOID vklon, tho front C ix, t there io lojws: CAC,? V;w�� bef'Dwo ttl_, 1i 1�2ial, r43rr4D.7, .10 that I "Fifteen lake Sailors frtik lite tw') Circa daughters, Van. town. 44 af a clmr view. Til(I 1j, -'Ziful 41k, 41 -aajm�rg �.,wa to va'seked Aguvm rvat-hed Olis WA Qf pet-roh, Alissea OWE] out all'i W" nr,� %I, r0fil -Abration "ind of t6will, M',', -'q '�6"Jtor, 11 � "I-, . V fr�e 1 11 9, in which valf7, 8rzin refuse last nigbt. Ast�. 1-1 fto thn )Ili Sarnli, of Windsor. Mr. NIoW%)il0n dcv6q -d V)h% vn v ;,ar(l i-; fre'n, -fully i cv.j1irj in P, 117M- 10 polit!'70 (jj:"j �,q j.1tied bathe they tumbled mrait -41 -it 01, on nati t1le - old Was a Miter. -? ni!1A'y41vP9­n �t i4c, fill, -91 tool! W"Iea 0o rn . it; ard "I'Ad 1111 bQt and tried to catch up v ith the ter InG t.,) t. C�,teewcd ysident. 'r U, a winuto �.­Ll Saido'ca" mihn �ou lacit, with re h)Uf* extopt; a nic�e 11 tire, I pp lost in their 93 4 on Friday aifxrlil fifty tind anIr , ar. Tho jilyAcIry ure to a IAke Huron batti?ring "-w.-Il interniont in Mattlaudcelactery. `1hu Tr comfoTtablo C-14) _tilong. tho pavement won? I got in, a0y 0 as few man halee livod throui It, 1% ia-faet 0r '0�11 woude'r car. �,;(,rvices were conducted by R�v. R. between Goderlc:b Iflurry Of 9"w was their *101, Ome. les an.1jellr.tio motor weather and so V. McDernild, pastor of Nuo-,; churvil, at fifty-fivi, mi I CALIVORNIX$ GOLD I So , thick was the lind tile pall-beitrers verf,� 1%lessrs. worked mor,3 AloiselesslY tba" '-- (lid SMA Gir I -WHRAY a .- _ , ' 'I ' ­Rtitt �jeinmy FonV nod the M030A-!Plent" tb* ift calk&* thst it "is James Bogle. G. IL 6reen. Oliver t U.? rill cs,. the wav, �V�e 00011111F deemed expedient to lot the reaicuinx Clark, Alex. Ccoper, X J. Ilu-Mor WRIAlt Mention that birile rootor in t1le Disle Line 11=0 411 rgOltcd it I y UK Uonerw us he" oil vligW. It vars is Inuell more silent 'eforo the Son.in the orotird UrOV05 tl tmd Sam. Vade. 04, .-And --o 'It - sliall go to his tk* son on to 8"It St,. of ntrnr�l all the son, Tile pralso is going to, tb-� Nvor- Marie th a Morning. practically �dji dayt; in it was less than six days sineit they ia pea�u- Ile -shaill 1) the Men s oto"o, I e -L The now C-ar bill ars, four thy. If there are plou -'ealmly, IleaAce. At wopth Wh*1 Improvealents of jb(i large v bad la6t som Dewur. as they set Out in a good old ap." akes, by�aulic; shook ab- California one never hears Qf tilem., -or 11tilly, _,UrXOUndtd by the kindly min. vftel br, D suppose tbat,do�,m the lake* with t1heir last c 90 se&,rs, ctv., and all the Wzcesstltrics and it is reasonuble tA A ralilloil, oj,whe�at. oft jut* that six day -.4 had so I got sbox slid, wfore it wait bolt iRtrat,:o)is of loving balles, f-ree from go with the car ajs standard 011iiiii- one siloold if thore -.vote. ked ariesm t t -, tskeli I founla tjttat xnynerve* iWO I prolonged pijr and lAlfferilig, MU S nd C A"'WEAR meat, for insitatice in the llew Tuder, PeOP!0 eaell wintop follow tht� steps� been pac axp th#� r4ed g to quiet. down, tilta the pains so did the spirit of Paul S.Wlfter HIM a NECAC the mudel whic-11 was on exhibition of tile' conou!6todor of whom, per. [their seamexiship and tested their beginuirl sind I !-,ving its flight to 1,;16 realms, -beyond. r beard. They iganhood. 7U7 roturissd to Detour "re all gone from x 11be end tarida, A -ch for gold -410 gold of, the In tk* inislitter % of quiet gy irror. b4ps, they have "lave and so to #leif without ifter g seds� Nice hero", there is a %var vision m t�jling 1 0( fact f*1.4biOn Could lie 40W)k eleottle Windshield wimr, front and som of the lake asliars. a tale that may IptioparedoeVii, Lon Tiieodllyi J)Qe�. oth, rear brampers, full injirUment b6iird, be -sob, of the krov0s, Of the 4unset well be covioldered an *pi(! of fine 11 "y fear. 1just goo month prior to JAI% 87tb it lorge range with gasoline goug4, speedometers. Over w"will pacifie waterfs. And there price 50e. a box at I'll "ce"Ill or birtliday. The late, 31r. Smoltyor,wa:3 annoetcr and oil pressure indicator in is A inine tbere for veil; a real minO !white coums. of fortitude. of psi ace, for mailed, dilttt OR teceilit 0 born in the, township� of Goderich, tience and 6f sturdy self-relia fTporrloxetlow. �Thto. full view. Steel Spoke 'Wh"Is are of health im'd a wealth of sport and . In thp T. Xilburn, Co. Limited. I I Xiddlctoo`s�,Cgruors, oil .1anutory HA I VD KER C NIE, M - G C 0 VES), activitiez for you to ex- doling the four days wbon, rear used on the, U43W cars, it bavin- boon rocreation 'Wi 1841, And was: one of P, joewracked. wave-bottored, v rid, 71 in the year ,Grdfor ploit atwi% demonstrated thitt these are 1, t;ro bull of tboir once finit ihip they yield to the whipping of the elelloOnt. Ifamily of ten sons and.daughteva of SCARFSj, PYJAMAS, SWEATERS# than tho. wooden spoRed wheels aind Any ftuadlan P4011le Agent will' ph ajkd Mrs. $nkeltzer, V with death (on ship was pounded merci-'the. late a000 , jon,01y informajion feg.trdintr 'plaved see -vow ax reef Their steel d,ecand L.With I, T _ DRESLSIN ,on the selaill, mt -the all of S1 there Is a SAM wheel ClAW10, lessly, but not a luan autons. whom are now IC ittir mily in caso" of emergency all Ives, Volites, 4aftq opoll TeqUeqt. Pt, Manitoulin Island. no man whimp. 4 OA G ed, no man erhUrod. none wilit, erew* white 'Man or,colOred inan', epii-� the."ception of one brother, Edw r4 "We SuSpoct Chicken lie faltered. There was a dise I lain 01, cooko an jal that is neecsBavy Is to �Qmove five e, Vielded, If they Smoltzer, of Meaford,, L d ono sister,' Abe Ate* bolts and attach tile .$Pure wbfel. feared they feared, sill9I.Y. There Mrs. Nvilsou, of .0rantford. While' ad so the ap. li�e afnort�st these lake me,". 41; 0 WNS" I etc., The great vast) of handling is a fiat- tittles orosses the ro Idot in the bitaring still a young wait tWolity Years of eler/AtiOn And �Pecdy jitoacillag Sheik will. Tkotice her. Inigerao6f, dia4rUft that diii not was AOLD"ic, no ip of' vre, easy, UeQ of tbera that lie was afraid, BROSL be moitil to the townsh br, any L 'THE Prayed, in, their Rinloss, Xvw�e Couht3i, where hv wat3 It They prayed they, silently. married and settled on,a form there, heartt -'hQ FOR� 4ADIE S "I AM not ashamed to zay.." -,al(V $1er6 - remained for ��Ive years, the second mate, John Ir. Armptrouri, coming, t1ion to Ashliel d to-N,"nship, ot',liat. I was scared allid that I of- GL VE.E,0 as�a.a fai�m,-the *lie 0 L %-6011LRFS�,HOSE where lie purch fered up more than one PrAYOr for at presout Owned by Satlqt TIES of- f= SOM g of, NOVEL asse- "d the suffer. den.- -Here W� �amily A nice,showin deliviertuce, (if WyAcIf W four. dau6tirs irew to youn p Isix, of the AlQt_ won, an# I ain, NIOVY' and thinkfulL to'�And n1yeell AttIng on .10 Manhood and,Witimanbood and -.Iettledl heir �Wll.' lie 403 'It edge of a nice Ind in the �Hotel De- in homes of f A tour.n There was th eauj�ga �6f- Me very, progressive farmer, ma�ing a ef, JfNTL� T engineer, Elswood Ash, of s and was second And Of the L firL peelaity, of -stock-raisixim,, West Aurora, J,� Hill ciinAdaied an authority in an 4fies I %W*. 'wedg*oiler, Will 011� BLA"K oil Sock, and the S of agriculture. About; 33 3ratcm ago J�U nen, who s;txyed in the halt swamped, be, vith his'pottiler-in-jife, retired and- wholly is f 'St "Hardw' a 1014ted -after -part from the actli'Me's, o agrIcultural, amongst the Area and the ell 1hes to pursuits, purchasink a 0,"fort;016, 14"ii) K ggiilt �and thedyna- home ift the outsldit5 of Lvokliow. keep the &nip. ., % r Mr where he continued toL 0ofragQ-14imself mo.working for., the terrible hours 'OT, do as t dealer i3trollilliouli; . ties, lost Wednesday zight�' There Was I the fine imuff.,gourage of Capt. % C, in cattle and horses, also, roal estate. Jordan of * Collipgwood, veteturl of On t�ro 4ifferent occasions he enjityetl s nis ast voydp b,.,- a voyAge to - t -Old Country, going 11 or'R otatoes. tile lake king his could look calmly And again Ao - Liver. fore rotiringi *ho 'Once to Bristol �aS SUI indow 'aiid 'say, pool. . After Oispollong of bU 1101116 iu ders-on, ngs, 0 ��l e one of''his cabin V ggesfiops "!Rub, there gots; tht lna$l -1 SC . . . . . . UPORTS ChnWe 0 and , Luelmow some tw, years: ago, he jaines Xcftee�'and' William 0 'the made, his howe� with his in). 9_1 daug�lltor - CRIL field "Hub, there C D�tHD�$ _$.' Xo. 17, Ash AID, SOCIATY Gotlerich, wftore� lie ;alas vislited EpUj) , Tioe following is the standth- of quently by members, of lli$, ftniul!X, RUME10 the, pupils of S. S, NO. 11, Asirfi0d, THIS WAS SEPORE whotact visits. he onjo$id -fory I S SomethinLy Usefut stock" In , , L AUTOS just the_&y..prtot to his death I& lie - 1,0110AVing _Q.0nt4b;dtidn5 ave jbr the m4ni;IJ Of, Nover.aj .: THE DAYS of 1% 0 It, IV.— Snielfter, � of' ecettly. receivid and are grate- Rugh­-MeWhioneY, tyir/.' sono. : Joseph been r L Lonna poan oni.87*,. '.Hation, Johnston, C.00d 18uggIts Weto Matto ill G040-. lie fOl- gask.,' who left.for his home 4 fidly aallowledQ:ea: AAM �Tov 71.. Jr.,1 —Je= 74 Bit _C. C* MW' SKAm ;and., lowing moininst, likid od to' Her.ton f5' 0o4ilich. Wo en!,,; Inst! Slop �$J; 406ston 7$; silly'- Blaeki '08; Max- . IQ"$ L:4 I rich by: 'Mesors. Knox be bla� tare'Well Vfgjt" ne' V.�jC6' t,4t ;,sh. kitt'howlittex, Nvolter $ 01"la Tobes, $6400 RotlivM1 initrried. his Srst wife ptedtoeoAing xatel 94r�',t �jOhiist`oti, 40;, 61ft to $2,73 �2� JohrrElliott, 50. sr. Brown, 09. Cjco Tolsei. $3.00 billt 16 'Lyearso the second Mrs. X.- U.' Rqfi��Vtsolls 0-, Miss- � 9- Wig- utL t*o g 'ing, $1, . BfUsSelS, *�mcjk� jn�jjjUte, JO)JA J�kgWn. MoM 44CO' allrA "ID' Changing times make ohanGel ill I Smieltzer oaqsed, Abo PAJaIRMIX, T-acber. T Stong. people's ho'bits. For installco in . ebblltt�.L years. Ago. One son,,' DOW. OISO $5- Gordon Laige*' A*00 $3.90 �S�r k, L'� 1974, we note from an old COPY of and' lack, - i6f - Oetroit, The funeral OUntoof .42; I)r. J. 'k. 6"; ised by;the pr' V noye Skaw, frowd Oft coviz are cat The Godevieb, Star that this town was was beld 1rom. - the liomo. *of big Chas. Moore, 'Hensall, V* Z cr. -to $2.0 Ome of a e boot$,,. but irio �tino, Poickot Knives, the b arriage factory w5ere 4flolleliter, Mrs. Daliatil MeNevin, shiltil, ft, Women'- . Institito rA-36.; ong - when so 0:1 tight made, with Sci"orsit 400 to $A-00' !kom(- handsometuvitonts wOrP Trafalpar, street, Oodexi�h. ' 'on F 0- ter, 22 quarts canned fruit tioubleo Corn in CoSeSit $4.50 to $7.7S, "Gode- pir -made Sharp, Vo PUCKS or to quott from the item. -day afternoon, intorment;be. 'a pairs, mitts, Mr. W. =1110 -I. reme4y as IIOIIMAY�'s Proud L Of in , (;.L 1,1, Par,$ 19'a"ila.ble rich Us goOd rosison to be Greenhill on TAM* "Irth RAW"$, %U0 cemeter5r, Lut-knol, 'Coats" toys' her extieftolye CLgrritige works. In if.116 S�rvjee was conducted by RAV� J. Ing Messrs. Xnox 010d R0tbtvdI'$Jjp, Fordi Of Goderldi'. IterAottlat", 20C )vho. was a for- ww" I W 00 A earriage fa Ve WerO Compel *WIN* per holf dotua $2..qd to 'Wo I I L_ . Ied,11* saya the writer in The Star of may lot, 1874,, "by, -the appear. Col"plilto $1.75 to $6,36 Tooln L is Rub Rheu M,4ti$M..L or., of the handsome turnouts to stop .034 yo QtS. look at them. Their show SILVERWARE filled with the finost and handsomest pickle Forks'. S"" Shollso lot of top bunles, phaetons" derno- at as Sale 1� MOUTH ORGANS Insegiez, mid Ur yearly iMristih erat carriages, sinea sore, 16c to I'St pony phaeton$ tbO -we WAve eve Melles Sak .00"Ithout to. choose froui Knitted Tiesit 10190 - Knives *#Avo�kai Tog *40s n.,, A(r. 'Knox !referred, tio in 016 Nee was, of course, tile father WA Rem above qperiftl in old CcAo" s4il Todcw fUtt Many of our older L reS jaa ak�ye Fainicy Silk M" 0 in SM Woollior Dessm &no Tow *oft$ [ treasurer and Rub - PAW -tight but with sitllall K CIGM LIGHTERS i0f our Present town trtal "ttlo of old* 25c* soc $Ixo !cIerk. Idents; 14t, Jacobs 010 -eit the no doubt. will relneniber 'wl. Nects special as 1corriage building businesls, W, tit full Sa in own �Vhita, OW, aind faftyol FOOD CHOP As oderIch. but tbis,is one of at. 41*^ $14 -Is ona. Is%= WARE, ISVInIC11i G Rheumatism IF 46otyj Not sitiesses, which have beenkillad the bill $1.0 to $31,60 A tood x"ortt"llit li�v eliAnA5111C 1!ondltiolfts, anti now it one. cast in Ofty rtia"Ifts inursid Mieres aroa4cloth Smoot �Vfty ]"ro allwiment to. day Of auttis.'like Illew ent. Stap,dtug lfijr� nft tooth- Fine Ole is the which the writer had "St luolix'OsPI, A from. *1.26 t6 $2.75 i thr, ifitt pt"Iltatlux eficitimw R"A NA01 IV** Ford, in sterday inorn- juto your sories, sti Aching jointi 91 1 1 .1 ... - of a run ye 5 Wool sox, _ "and-. HOMY SnCXS_ Gronift A11A pleasure muscles, ana relit comes instatift, un&tweorie Py';*M80, tw1h ing. whkh travel a mile o. %ninute. or Silk AnA Cops am gready-r*-, 15c,- 2$c, 35C, We, 154 1111" 0-00 0111*411111- $t. Jacobs Oil` is 9 haft0103 thttl- X11110". 0 mlitigas liaiffitat *'which never ktr"(N Gloves, sw"torli A" poinIS'L , . . Salk. Wro hrAa.­StrQl1gt I *nitclixopt, born the skin- duo# ift,W;00 "*W Ow Cb6*"S (rooi Ant -tol I ; i t Get tod orn Inevi- Lituber it tom al"Ing of boft arki v1prof m itle o old, boo"t stiolls of ji small trial ()yjgN F jably impaired bY the vlalt VENINGS I)URING THIS, SA1Z 'histhina. Who Can live under the "'St. J*941131 Pil" 4t 4 , "y At" te stores TT SON ;tacks anti keep Aftil ift Just a monitht 3,10011 free Irleud of rftiArrin&, al . from rbtamitk _00h, sorctle$4 selif- body ilind mind at their full offivien Ifing. Diitvt cvt Ilopwla Asthma "cgs luld'swt'� Dr. J. D. xf se awaits "St. lactAs Oil" "Are D iver disolpates I rtliemd mi Phone 486 - tm cloud.. by Ire- 1* f 'm ROBIN TVC_ or; cause. It does tiNlieve. I 111othis of 6eumattitnq su, tim in, th"t Imt batfictntutyi and is t I" Us, I restore the itlufferer t6 nor as go6d for Sciatica, neurslosi.1 Inial bodily trim and mental ht'PPI %go, bs*aots spraisis. 01-m-WIM)w mi"Mo nes$ -sm-M-M %- MIN low 'sox smou tores S M as a em S AW Now NEW DOLL CARRIAGES 4 ONLY NEW MAT - 4 ONLY NEW SLIDING 2 SETS NEW DINING, MW CONGOLEUM 2 UPRIGHT PIANO$. $3.75 up TRIMSESs Rog. $22. so lbs. Of flare Coody Rock COMM% 'CW*1*k* CHAIRSO Reg. $28.00. RUGS, 2 OWY, ftk R#d Swgo!fts Cbrm"M *0&4 $1$. & $0AW v" Mattro". $P"* ChriotM&% W., $23.00 JUNDERGARTEN SM' BOOM Pricat OWY, ft10%, $10.50 MO- $2.25 50 DOZEN CM AND CHI EM'S ROCKERS. 23C W 2 WaT t&'w QU SAUCERS 2 3b& 369 mcwu, NRCK)M!� ft. 75e, an LEATHERM= At U IrAjat% rft. $21.00. 42.25p MP 7 ONLY ww MAV' E mma, Clo"t 2 Alts fbr­46C Sol% sk CHAIR% $100 *NA4 $18.50 TRESSM� MC. $6 vae. RON. $3.00 qr-- ceft- S 0 low" 1% lok 1 1 6 T aw NEW Ccwfm wft�� we 460 jbw 4Wk P"! ALUMINUM WARt 2owlywal $16.00.See Rog. $1.00 thew. �413.00, r""M 5ok Prko 79c; 9 ONLY W A L N U T GMAX oxed CASF, $8 C"Vor. A11100"'ill. V STEEL 13EDS MmamX114 aw CW, WEST STREET ... ON THE BROADWA I OF GODERILCH $0.00 -e". florry. $5.00 I" sea awww"Ot. w1wre 6* 00"I A 94ECIA pAany S *&Is not listed are included vff_srw�x 1"ll pw 4140. CA '940 We wN "his Drop in any old time, i hes-m are Your Stores -.USE THEM * - A 496M A* in Our Gash ChristmAs SAC slod Chwev" 7* 70 TOM 4W