The Goderich Star, 1927-12-08, Page 11P� *give sweiso st
WAI.Tvp NArml,
$2.5�* year to, V. S- Pjint" .. ....
-MA F— " .
lit a
ich', Sta r*
Is sue
The- Is' of Goder
o e,rs
En".erprising: Merchants �rho have
tion -from,�, out
and our colu0n, ns are full of C hristmas Gift. Sugges
prepared foe -the fi6lidaybosiness. with large ks of the choicest goods of the season. Thewindows
t Christ*
d fo"he -fast ap roachin,
r1or5-of the-- stoe6s of G h are �b
and,the inte b- trig a t
a vish to,the ious stores i.s -sure o and t
stiv' A J 't set
od th f young
0 ou ses 0
mas fe at, -an
Small w t is C6rist
it in the air. and out, Merchants contribute in no
faster, The Christmas spirt is
on t,failto. visit them
eof THE.:.STAR and d
this issu
fee ing;, eaLd their, announcements., in
tty. d6seful, articles, they ha 'stocked.,qp with t aid Santa,'Claus n 0
sy th an i his w'rk
and, see... e P
Chemmas oversion' --- ----
I -can see her,16-thO '91tchOM, - ------ . ..... The L
Xu e og
Apron. on and.sleaves idlle,d'
-asurin, -spices 1� rqjero Ts sometiling. of tho- -pri
us, and tiltive Are
-intf raisini:16 a CU
Ch 1A,10VOrY One of
o not find. keen en.,
NOW,, �sbels, throwing P1 few people who a
A.P e, quattets t
Ymon and
in wlitohlbi� the
"'In that W
Odell b6WI Of bdlSo
Leg nds* fantastic -pbiLpf SPUlts And fiSm"
'Long in an
ivitli'lem6n peal- and orange, open firie. . At this seal,;Oft Of
Ah"she stirS, an' e.mention pf the
stirs an! stirs'. the year the mer
The'trAdition,that ti*106s 'nnd Aomf- suggo6ts.warmth, comictit'.
The she takes her kni ings, but
ife and chops it,
ers blossomed'en -Christmas 11, As n good -will and happy gather
I)Ian geogra-. virn tlxnt�
first quoted from an Ara C. h6ps so fast her h4ild just ffies';. it may not be ge
T thl$ y0le.
-001ftl - In the
h , of the tenth MA 'S UP1104— *ustom 0 ,
France, euu- NOVI I know What 1� tbiv
is an ra
flow�ring i. ricemeat for the pli!3- g :pld pagan p effee 0111C.11
es seen
we'!"" 'on
Cis LO
dl Mak 101
.39ugland of Ar'440 used to bw Celebrated On the day 09.
n U,
OP the Itoulon fea6tL Of blith of
-s6med at- last011ibUTY 'Ind, srj�ell.CIIHAMU in out. kitche
xod blos it �j
N�%.6u .Sept. became Ark' heart gets big an' 9101d;
A 1759i two th6tizaild per- on We 96th of De
it the 9=ipto AW -1 somoh1mv-fall-toXisbin, This Christmas, ceremony qpread
I d
led to N
Iristmas. ew
80us bloy That I wa n't quite so bad.
any, Countries aud latiop'4iL all
to im
Style; 4s, if it did not, they rehxwd U
was directly trallZIT140d, to US by
the New Style festivaL.
keep 'gout, this time of year it 4-akes, me;
no pracuce of using greenerk in Pa- -Phe doesn't understand, alwavi the feast of JuVIL'At'the, winter sol.
brations WaSLLforbidden. Co
Christmas ,,d Indio "huge bonfir i ill
1>)r Archbis op Martin -of -Braga, but Says You sly y4oinig dger, -stice, used to ki
'have t band." ho-4or of their God Uar. Jn feudal.
it seenji to
�ontimiod with lit� You,kno%v Mtistrnas-is-!,
C le Eng bring.:
tle interruption to the present VAIR.- time% fit 514eir 'IftildL the
na ' first Aefinite mention of -4 But it 1sn?t that, it's 3.0metiling - 'pand0rott;
Istmas; trb6 was at Strasbourg. in Ing in'lind p
Chr cariot �Xpla:ln it Ver� W&R-Ift— th
It war log on tho boarth Iva$ e most JOY
Introduced into Eng.;
land as late as 1.840 by the Prince Takes, iiie when Ma fills the,ki.Wleli.. ous Of,. ceremonies. The 'venerabli,,
bout the istmas sniall.
Ond into Pranco a to',eraehle. a welt(juia it)
juicy Chri lop estined
With the. d
flameil:ne by the Vnneess Helena of
all comers, -was dr4-,vn in triumph
1.'she-chops the spied and thisitIs
whei t. . F. ch
frwix the, heatt � Pf : the forep
T"lit, although* its advent into Chris- W6 tlie,pe�els and Northdro -Spies', wayfarer ra sed bis h4t as lie pall-
ij so comparatively rect
tondom Of the_ un_ sed, 'knowing that it was full of flood
Sleeves rotted -up.
there are many traditions above her e bows hame would
tiquity of the"tree,ill. 4olmoction with promises atid � iliat its,
ecroillonials. A Scandln�a-. MaklW'mlftCemeat fOr the Vi0s.. burn out old wTonns; and cause tb�
writius, tf I L.. I . .
IfiallL � myth tells of a "sel%jieo L tree An�,l tell myself I'll never If or to bubble in the wassail b6W
from the. blood-dreiielletl soil �.',Cheftt,at marbles.any More,
Sod to the t1rolvUllig of
that waq qua
where two 16vors bad been killed by
Violence. L At certain nights in the Not make faces at my teacher, ancient feuds.
*khts whic-It, no
-soon II Nor 11109 round the corner store, n, after having served it, pur-
Cliristmas iL The
wind oould extinguish were seen MOV-'. Clare-
ingla its brahches. u my:ertands, pose on Ohristmas Eve, it Was , rist-
Stead of goln" o fully prosortied �ntil the next C%
�3 U"u, Luther is said W 'have
lains were.
Never touch the'cookle pol, iy�as, vviien Its charred Top
brought In a sno" fir tr6e, allia put used to light the new Yule-Log!�,
lights on its -brarktilles in bla eftlis Nor play hookey ait'-gp skati
. n ROV�r'S.ta'
to explain the beauty of a snoW for- While'much of the pomp and paff.
Nor tie cans 0
est under -A brilliant starry sky to eAntry of*.thla ceremony lias,-been
his wife and ObildroTi. Never -let Ma think it's spellings - - ,Loi does call to, -mind
loot, the Yule
Ture was also an ancient.Egyp? When it's only "Robin Hood, the tenderest of ties. It suggeU5 to
ji . 0 . .
idfi't housm at With the gladness CO every one.. 1111onie" and W10 0ain firio-
tiat practice of dt� ines the %vishin,
the tfule of the winter SolatiettL witll To be, oht just awful good! I . . c
aide," where as, a 11 -1lild lie used
brsinches, of the date �Vllnlftlle I .
symbol Of life tiriumphaut'over. death, , I I to hang Ills ntochfuga'for Santa ClauE4
JEAN nu -TT,
perennial life in the
411d therefore of to
IlleVral * of each bounteong YcAV"'
Other season oftho year
Ue date PaIM WAS 1140013t the 111. And,at no
blitm of Inulaolfality but of tho atar- do t4b Iome fires burn - so b0alitly,
I -firuisinent. This May. therefore .1 t Ide Love attend�
it For at ChristmaDti
bav;o suggested the, we 'Of greens. at
Ch Sh Ed
ay h
tilein avialtifig tile T�turn f till
AMIT10tulas time. lotil members of the farally from far
nd near,
� q = A,