The Goderich Star, 1927-12-08, Page 7?tlittRA aAt. DEC. ,slit, bias; immenaimisommeamonsaaseemuomr DO YOU KNOWP (C'upyright,1027, Frank Collier) A set of seven gtwitiotw will sp- 211. Why There Art Morey .lark l pear herein each week, pertaiaiag ta; Clothe* Than Oilier C'.Mra 212. 'Ike Larsrest Telescope is the World' a 218. ' r Ne e• The I�a herein North Sita t keeper uR the Weider* Hemi- sphere?' 214. The Myriad Coes of Deaaatiared Alcohol 7 „awes, 215.. What Parts{" far Food Cowes' "Faaa,nite Trepies? . The Meaning of the Ilihretlt that time. wbisfleo at the Loeoiaetive7 They Will Embrace tAe reddest**. 217. A Geed Remedy .ser !ivy Pets- 'seep book as d eeor uturet soon p Cenaanoaa. 'This it-ifi.w "!'ley Wehrle, What They Are Illeid@Vft; Sten et The Stara, The Bairtb. Litt Mleetrieitx, Siebe, Misr , w t. raphy, lKtriw+►rp#rea. law, Health. Measters, C aatoan ei Mat Animates Heeds, Mod 14:fe; 1Mlweeilaaaeetrs CORRECT ANSWERS GIVEN' NEXT WEEK See laow many you can etnswer by ening `: once. A New Way to Leal One Worth While Thing Each Day ANSWERS TO LAST WEEK'S QUESTIONS 204, Average Size and Speed of violet toys and 3 -rays. The ultra- Ainerkaii Freight '.sins0 violet rays are very beneCieial to Average-_numher .of ears per train man{ r des:royinif itac'ter#a nand in 1920,- 80,6; in 1922, 08,5 r Mian, Ultra Viols n rays dog not pass` thru 1924,_ hod inere'asi d r to 4....1, xa ith daadaw slaw. Thetis why it is 40 11105P1TAL u The felloreuag ate the Asootwti.;a *seceders for A, M. and General iiox- p#tal fore.�1»hth: $T. DAVID'S 1 MID .. Kr. Chats Atkin, ..............45 00 Mr. Joseph iilaoelder.. 4.4 . , ,.. a 00 !fir. George , ,lieeehler. f . 6 . 4g, 00 1Mr. Lathan Clot$ . 4 .. .. , a, 5 Oil Mr. H. C. b}uplop... e 4 ........ b 00 r. Themes dry...... e 4.4 : 00 Mr. J k'. Hume- Ilene.a•......,6.... ► 00]ides J. Jack- 4,.. ,4.. 0 b i. 0 Mr. Jame]* MaeVicar... • .... 4 . 5' 00 i Mr. W. ,nde ..6ae46. 6.01,00.6 a 00 Mr. It, Patterson*" , .. >.... , , . u 04 Mr. A. s . `'Rttoler`�`son..... , ... ,. 5 00 Mr. Chas. 67peiiee e . 6 ..... • .. , . L. 00 .Mr. H. E. Sanderson.... 5('�001 Mr. E. Cr. S,yath.,,,....... 6.. 0 00 Messrs. Sutcliffe and Warmer i'i 00 Mr. Jervi$ Wilea.............. a 00 Mr. J.11. W#aeeier. .. . ........ :i 00 Mr*. Boothe..., H. Black.. : 0�0 Mr*. oothe«2 � Messrs. Baker and Ainslie2 00 I Mr. Samuel Cox 2 00 Mr. James Carrie...,•.. ft 00 Mr. E. L. DeanDean........,,...,2 00 Mr. C. 11. Humber2 .... 00 Mr! Thos. Jahnatox' 2 00 Mr. '.Thos. Mitchell 2 00 Mr. Frank Martin. ..... 2 00 Mrs. W. T. ]!Turney 2 Oft, !firs. D. McKenaie...2 00 u Mr. J. J. -1titcl aaren...............2 00 Mr.. /W�.in, Price.:....«.4.e..•. 2'00 lir. O. Ranee...,...........' 03 Mr. Clarence Robertsons .. «..:.:2 00' Mrs. Ruston 200 Mr. Jae. Strachan ..... .4 2 00 Mr. Roy 'Stonehouse 2 00 Whit .4 MS,ss L d 'VVhi 1 average movement, lochia anal' sta11' hiaialthful to .get out into the sunlight, of 12 11#108 an hour, Dearing this Period unit cost per train mile fellI208 The Longest Trip a Dog Ever from '148,"! to 1.60. The increasing Made .Alone ? loading effecte'u saving of 20 ail. Rud was aa! collie belonging to Mr. lion trainr a raxx- males ayear,oof pit Elio M. 'Coe Ft Seott, Kans. c X;~n a Bud mutely l ?lateral to 44 milieu dollars. anew was Y at a ver much devote to D and grain trains, running at 12 miles "aiste $in -Taw. In . November, 191,9, , an hour, may weigh (exclusive of Mr.:Coe moved with his family to engine) up to 4,000 tons ---2,000 tons Albuquerque, .New Mexico, nearly are common. Merchandise trains; 1,000+ miles away, and Bud went vary 000 'tons in mountainous along'in the baggage car. Soon saf- regions to 1,801E tone where grades ter Mr. Coe's.•arrival in New Mexico are easy, with speeds of 10 to 00 Bud disa�upeared; in July, .1920, he; Hailes, - limped through -the open door of the office in. Ft, ' Scott where Mr. Coes' sisteii-in-law worked, and sank' down exhausted, at her feet. No one knows how Bud got bae:k, nor what trial€r nand \adventures . he must have had on his perilous trip, with noth- ing to guide him but dog instinct 20e. What Is Stainless Steel 7 Iron rusts when dissolved by wa- ter. An addition of : 13 per `cent. Chromium to 'carbon steel snakes it insoluble in water; that is, rustlers. The small amount of emboli is pur posely retained ,to produce the .rib gulled hardness and resistance to. wear and ability to cut. Its . best- known applieation is ifs the produc- tion of "stainless" cutlery. New aa;rs. Plications of This 'steel to other pur- poses -;where resistance to corrosion is important are being found almost daily, in _ spite of` -its reiativ�ely high cost. Recent improvements' are ex- tending the use of restless steel to all kinds' of eutiery and siaarlf•edeed steady pressure he will sit down, tools. t Now praise hien and give 'him sorne 200• The Increased Cost of Speed- dainty. Repeat a number of timer: ing Up a Ship? frons day+to day until he has grasped tlxe"�sneaning of the words..Finally The .cost goes up to a surprising 'a gesture of the finger to the spot degree as the .number of knots per where you'wish him to lie will be hour is increased. A ship of 1,8,000 sufficient. tons displacement, rooming • a 13 210. How Mach .sugar Do .'i'! e . Eat? knots, consumes •about 90 tons' of About 12 biliian lbs. of sugar are coal a clay. at 17.7ts 190 tons,; at 20 knots (the speed of an Atlantic consumed manually 'by the Amoriean, liner, $'44 trine, and at 2cr :knots people. This means an average /off mounts to 900 tons. The extra cost nearly 2 lbs. a week (100lbs. a Year) per 1,000 miles at 14. instead of. 13 for each matt, woman and child in knots is $340., but difference •between the country, This includes the 21. knots "and 20 means nearly $1,000, quantity.used in candy, see create, and2li'knots would cost $1,500 more soft drinks; cake,. etc. In the :i1. S. than 24 knots. The limit of speed Central aine ,0000 farmersWestern ,,mousy devote in the of • passenger liners, so far es corn- "' inertial gain is concerned; .appears to, about 900,000 acres to the raising of have"boon readied. sugar beets, which produce nearly 9 million, tons of beets,: Which yield 207 Of What' Does Sunlight; Gorr. about 2 billion lbs. of sugar. ,i orris- sist 7 e • iataa, liawaaii and Porto ?tiro produce When the .sun's rays are analyzed about as much more of cane sugar. some are found to protium visible The remaining 8 billion lbs. cremes light, which, the prism divides into mainly from Cuba I the well-known speotruap of +colors, Many people ase. almost cinppled the longest trays being red, then ou- with corns. But it is needless .pled shore, yellow', Beyond each end oe with Holloway's Corn Remedy. the 'visible' spectrum are env#aible , rays -beyond the red rays the slight- Some men owe all they have to ly longer° heat rays, and beyond the their wives, .rind same just owe all• violet end the slightly shorter ultra- they leave. 209. How to Teach a Dog' Tricks? If you haven't patience don't try it. Da: not. persist until the , pup be-; comes fatigued and bewildered. Be, gin ,by: teaching him to lie down at command, Put your hand on his hips and press down.gently, repeat - nig slowly the teammate/ "lie- d'own;' until lie sits down,. then shift from hips to' shoulder: finally under the i . A Christnias, % ..�`Tirneof Music Music its x boon all the year otutd-it is something everybody needs•-evtryibay. But Christmas emphasizes the joy of music, You just cannot imagine Qtristmas without music. Christmas, then, is it time when every iaomie should have a piano.. If yours lacks this essential to make it complete, deckle now to have one. before the New Year llegins-deckle upon* piiatt0?lt *fanny gift. MASON RX CH and HENRY -HERBERT,. 'Pianos 44. fate true and rich in tone andare as durables' they are beautiful in ince and performance, Everywhere in Canada you wilt these nuritanding instruments giving lasting satisfaction. They are evade in man models -one for every home and one for every income,. Send your name atrid'address today and we•�' will mail you illuarated peke list, together with a copy of "Same Music Every Day". Mark "X" opposite type of piano you Are p+erticulaatly interested in, 97 Ontaritr St 1'lg1t4"'''' �,�1s1?.r3LrJJJJ :i1 J14r.r1� PLEASE t1SI THIS COUPON M..r,..fa...r........•641.....lw r-�Cta 010 .G4.. E.YCn.. CA 4..4.4 ft01lW11**0 PaPa..144.. Yew 14ww Athiess ttpngla� Grout- Player-. Mrs. F. Campbeil.•aa•r.•A ..... `: Mr, Linklater.... • • . , • 4 .... • e, S.T. ANDREW'S WARD TH.F. OODERICI! SAGE EA TURNS *� Lustre tet Hale GRAY HAIR DARK �M11�IM0tiiMr'0 1ltealp, t0 WINO Reek Ciller and That ieautiful, even shade of dery flossy Bair eau oely be hail by brew- ing s., it , mit a mixture a6 aage Tei eel .1 plwr, lour hair is raw charm. It manes or mars the face. When it fait. turns dray or streaked, iti;t an application tion or two ales a appearance Sege and Sul - pear ppearance a hue. dred feld. Don't bother to prepare the mixture; you cat get this famous old recipe iaa. proved by the addition of other ingre. dhotis at a small coat, all ready £..r ucc. It it called W th's Sage'and Sulphur Command. Thin can always, be de. M�ided to bring back the natural color and lustre of r'eur hair. Everybody ases "%ryeth's." Sage and Sulphur Ctaapeund now because it *rheas so naturally and evenly that nobody cart tell it has been applied. You 'imply dampen a sponge er ,aft brush with it aid draw this through the hair, taking;aie small strand at a tune; by morning the gray hair has disappeared, and after another apiliee. tion it becomes beautifully dark ane' .pimp flossy and ltartrous.. ...__ .___.._ Mr. Geo. hiseVicar ..... 2 00 Mr. E. R. Wigle ....... 2 00 00 Mrs. A. Warrener.... ,...... 2 01 J. S y era, S. Platt . „ .4 4, 00 00 2 00 : A mien may be' down 'bug, he isn't 2 00 out unless he'd rather talk about his 2 00 i11 forttuie rather than hie prosrects. 2 Of) 2 00. 2 00 09 his business. ,. Rv. Father e. h etc et Caine . u.. a G 00. li Rev, O. F. +✓lecke Mr, J. It Buchanan pp Miss B. V#dean, a e 00 Miss n Evelyn Jones .... , ... G 00 Miss i. E. Sharman.. , ....... 5.0 Mr, R. G. Sowei�liy. pf'. ,00 . 4... . Ma'r, Chu ira.a, : 4 • 0 . M..:.i�l�!i IVir, Chu' Wang••,.• •4••• R''«.•,• i, Mrs. 1. Sallk�,e«ld......... ...... « Mr. 4 . Craigie• • .•..,4.,. Dr. IL ]g4 )te i 1. tao,.x t �!� Wi» iixle..3 .. 6 0� ail lee Vett ..` s hat .ie..i'1 a+: ti .,li ;*l;.,Ey`;. > .. , _ ,. _ . uJ ML i.. hedge:"- u0 Mt'„>it, 114 i autt9 ', iw M. 1;. 1. Saa39' ..,•...,. ., .Nt .t'(3 �iIE;�I3BdC'I:: :.. 'Ni Mt 1; t;ac,� l•iatroe..... . .r SNt :iia I+ 1 .•toles ., ami M. 1 i' casaee�;.•...., iso Mnyet� Ma.. wan , . ., i• ) hT �> U. l' ?calfs("=•,. , .. • . >. ►.0 ifs ill W. t'aII'riC� . J • M . 'Wna• 1tiiL3aiC=.,, ....... , i1 ill,:. cVilt.. ?il4'�iialiana�)..,, ,. . .t 1i1s':a, 1�. 1litiko p : ,101. tl r, 111.* 'Zak. bie'la"ay...... , , .. �. +:lt Ila'. 1tua:'.cv ...:, N t Me. Jnaa. Snare on . Mer. t o. Stewart .. 6i ilii Mrs. W. G. Mw;au.... , , : i:ia' t1CDi 1WW TOWNS1ill' Mr. Howard Sturtly..,.. 41.00" Mr. Charles Whitely"-,... 4 00 Mr. George • Phipps.-- • 5 ilii, Mr. It, Revell. ,.. .s illi! Miss A. McLean .. .......... .. `2 00: Mrs. C. l;assett. • .... 2 00 Mrs. S. Andrews `„ tits; Mi.'s. W. t''dwot da...: 2 fit; Mrs. Joseph Whitely 2 00 Mrs, IL Witmer '200$ Mrs. .II,' Brimieombe 2 110 2 Miss M. E. Salkeld 2 00 e Miss Corwin '.! OJ Mrs. Jas. Johnston . - 2 it: Misses Clement and Shepherdt! 0i 0 iltra.- W. Hick... .......... " no t Mrs. Groves 2 fj;a, Mrs 1! Elliott M 400" Airs. S. Lindsey `' 0Jy ..+..+*� . «,,..... A#ra. R. Revolt. « 001 ~�•} Miss A.Andrews nun SWINE 7 he Goderich Star's CLUBBING LIST 1 ills Star and iq: ondoa Eke. i Y ssb a a P tl P 4 D a a 0 P a. 6.75 `11.4, Slit 2ai.1 l,w aka II�1TM ati``ai 4 a a .. e. a P a • o e tl 6.t 7 i 11t� Star ;i '.M TiN, t ttii. poet, Y(1otte.i. ........... j6.7�5 1 k SW ;III 1 The i\a sad i ottia'.c 4 b a 0 4 O a C D e. }n0.75 Dns tar and The `3' aan :, Sear.. b • . e ... a «PPP 6.75 `1 It; Stir.heal The Farmer's Sun.. 4 a ...... • .....53.25 l Ile Star at! t The 1°iiinil4�pHer,i1d and W ek1y Star.. $3.00 0`l lite Shur ,libel a>tiil-::taryyr�:sllight(.. :slight.. .«t a .. a . a a . « a . a S.O50, lite Stas andStar Alcl, ui's Magazine...." a P a a 6 P qa The Star and Rod Rod and Gun . P 4 4 , « AI** 4 A6,411 P a . 7g.90 The Stu and Montreal 1Vddness-a ...a a P . , .reenewal A345 ' new... 3.So The Star and World Wide. a a P .......reneial 4,25 new". 3.85 Special Clubbing Rates with other Periodicals may be had on application COI at tib' Star Of(f2;y, or 'Phone 2 t for any nforl;ta' on. t1 Q0+ A gentleman is a man who would e. h°t� b e just as 1 does be to s if.l u Jthere were l Mr. Joseph Bi oplay. , .... , a 00 pre C C. Lee,.. . ,4, ••;... C Ma: +C' Johnatou4.. 4.4.. 1"h Mr, C. Wurtele... .,....,..,,. x00 G 00 Miss K. 'Templeton..... 5 00 Mr. Jno. iMsutaaon .,,..;.e.,5 00. Mr. R. G. Reynold/11.04.44f .. ,, 5 00 Mr. R. J. Megawv, , .. a 5 00 Judge Lewis. s•44 . 0,0•• 6 00 Mr. William Lane . , . u 00 Mr. Rabt. •Tohnston . .., a 00 Mr. ''1'.. G. 'Cannon , ;i 00 Miss McNaughton .... ........ 5 00 Mrs. J. id. Field... . 6 00 Mrs A Taylor,.. ... r 00 Mr; J. W.. Taylor:.. , ;' • 0 IAEA Mr, W. F.. T A.\Neftel .. e. 2 00 Mr. S/.. oak. k .... f , . . 2 00 Mrs. Strang-... « , • , 4 2 00 Mr N. E. p'larity .•. 2 00 Mr E. F. Lawrenee, Jr • 2 00 Mr. G. T•ebbutt.. . , ,.. 2 00 Mr. H. 1t, Long . , 2 00 Mr. D. J, Curry 4 2 00 :1 Mrs. L. 13 ' Creole. ., 2 00 'ong''s Cafe, , .. „r., .... 2 on Iter, E. F'ord4e .,f.Y,44,.2 00 Mr Allison , 4 f . • , . 2 00 '1 Mr. A L. Wiatsnn (South St ),. 2 00 Mrs.Geo. MacDonald , 2.00 Mrs. It. C. Rays..., . , . . 4 .2 00 - Mrs. 1).. K. • Ifolmets,. Sr. 2 001 Sheriff Middleton.,.... f, • 2 00 Mrs Gra.ssiek ' • . 2 00. Mr Rundle, Sr... . 2 00 "Mrs. W.Te'l mitt . , . , . 2 00 Mie Y E. Tom ..,. 2 00 Mr. T. C. Crawford... 2 00. Mr.B. H. Taylor... • . 4 . 2 00 ST. GEORGE'S WARD Mrs, Montague Baker:..... ; :. $5 00 Mr. Harold Blackstone 5 00 .? Mr. 'Charles Black,,. •. , . , 6 • 2 00 , Miss Winn#fred Ball. G Mrs. James Clark , 2 Mr.' W. A. Coulthurst . ° fi Mr.A,' Cornfield. , . 5 Dr. A: L,• Cole:. , 2 00 Mr.,E. U. Cleveland.,... 2 00 Mrs. L. 11 Dickson 4 . , . , e 00 Mrs.. Hugh Dunlop 5, 00 Mr. C. W. F.11#s. .. 4 00 Mr. G. M. Elliott.," , • 4 2 00 Mrs. A, G,. Gamble"... .. . 5 ( 0 Mrs. Dudley Hohnes 2' 00 Mrs. W. L. Horton. -4. . 00 Mr W. %tern ,. ,.. 2 00 Mr. E IL Hi#f ., .... .,,,,.i.ii 00; Mr, Hector Hays - 41 00' Mrs. Gs 0 efr. 3. .lig ly • . , .. 6 . ... 2 00 Mr. 3. H. Lauder. , . 2' 00 Mr, E. V. 1Jeas1ie.4 ♦ • , , •. • 5 00 Rev.3. N. H. M#11s . . , 5 00 Dr. L Air Marbee,. .. . 500 Dr. -A. IL Macklin '„ ,. , ... 2 00 Misstr�Mai'r. se -...,, »,, ,.,• .U± 00 r)! M. b'Brlen. ,++«.. ., 5 00 00 Jr Ds; 00 M 'Mr. Andrew Porter..... , 9 00 Mr. Walter I'iidhatit 4, . 4 5 00 Mr. Ernest 1?ridham , c• 00 , Mr.0..A Roles .. • .. 5 00 Mrs.• J. M. Roberts. , . 5 00 Mrs. •C. R. Robinson ... 5 00 Mr. Alex. sunders.., .. , .. 5 00 Mr. A. F. Sturdy. . , ..'.. , .. 5 00 Mr. W. W. faults.. • ....... ri 0f) Mrs.C. E. Saler... , . > ...: 2 (t0 Dr. H. rTayIor,..; . •,.r, 5 4'hl Mr. Wesley Walker.; .•4.4.. 2 00 Mr. F. Woollcombe 5 00 Mr, Geo. 'gl'ihliarnts , , .4 :5 00 Mr. G. L. Parsons...er,..,.•• ° 5 00 Mr. A. J. MacKay. 4 ...... • ....it 00 Mr. Chas. Spence` 5 fhb ST, PATRICK'S 'WARD Mr. 1•T. Il'. Reid t r 00 I)r. 3. A. Graham 5 00 Mr. R. J. Acheson. .. 1; 5 00 Mr. 1) Gray...... ..4 5 00. Mr. Wei. I3aiIie........... a 00 Mr. J. IL Reynaldo.......' 4.4 4 • i; 00 Mr. W. H. Robertson..* , 00. Mr, F. 1.. .. .° .. 5, .•G 00• Mr. P. R. ?farrow. ' .... «4r,. 00' Mr. W. L. Smith .... 2 00 Mr. Geo. Schaefer , 4 , 2 00 Shs Salsa V'sIght 14 With 114 .0 Cod - Liver Extract Tablets You renaeinber of course -not so long ago she was a regular scare. erorr • skinner ie a mild, word for the away she looked. ,hast look at her now -if over ci woman had a perfect Agure sbo has it -she is the envy of half the girls ., in torn. it's nothing to got tutted about tst ell the did was to take ..; weight l filled `tut the hallows in (face, neck and chest -any 'skinny, weak_, rune down woman can dei the sane tend • gain a clean, clear complexion at the same time, McCoy takes all the risk -Read this ironciad guarantee. If after felting 4 .sixty cent boxes of McCoy's Cod I.#ver Extract Txble•ts or 2 ono, ._ dollar Bore* any thin, underweight nano •.r woman doesn't gain at least ` .. permits and feel •tomple:ely find with the marked improvement; lax health -your druggist is autharirL4 et - ta return the ptarrhrse litter, Ask air, t a 1lnnlep, Campbell's .' i+ _ter Drug Mitre, or a'ly good dratggies, ggAi ssz1' 6C " ;' ': �t a _iI' . a ,.y . �'. . 40 .�. •. .�R:.� r+C�F.7. I i'.M'A'In'.`_.. iRii!".'. , Nr fie..,:,..��.�.►µ• M .mo ii 1 A good neighbor is one who laeks i interest in affairs 'that aro, none of aao aaas. Example of man having the last word. I will," said to the ofl#ciat- ing clergyman. Often a sense of humor Is Just an ability to enjoy• the other fellow's flat tire. For Sprains blot Braises.. -There isnothing t Sn better for of s rains and eft n contusion, than Dr. Thome Eelce. til It 4ill reduce tlao aw.,lling that toilowa a sprain, will cool the inflamed flesh and draw the pain. It will take tho,:aehe out of a bruise by eounteraeting the inflammation. .t trial will .convince any who doubt its power. Christmas Day nd every of day, in the Year li EN it comes to selecting a Christmal ` gift for your hornet -something that will please the whole family and be a centre of interest and entertainment for years. Ano gift . can compare with the KOLSTE'R Radio. Kolster *offers the greatest "vaIuenpert'cdo11ar" in radio tonday. It proves this "greatest value" in actual performance. No other set at the same prke or within $100.00 of it price gives such amazingly fine results --such realislm pf tone' such remarkabledistance-asirch clean cut, sirri.li- fieri tuningAwsuch ease of operation. You can' prove. Kolster Radio's superiority ;by listening to it. Your ear -an :-infailiirle guide-- will uide--will give you the answer. MADE IN CANADA BY • CANADIAN BRANDES LIMITED TORONTO --� •CANADA '- HAVE •A KOLSTERAMONSTRATION 0 • uron Motor Sales SOUTH' ST.; e; G O DERI fir++ l ,i mow Asf% • ,Q