The Goderich Star, 1927-12-08, Page 6:IAGE.4�X - THE GOVERICH STAR - - — __ '_____
� .
"*m00%** �� � � -, - I I I __ 1-11- I - - ��__ _� - , - - I III I III I 11 11111 I I 11 oil III -,
�--_ . -- -1-.1-1--, I ,-
I ',I : - I
I - - � .- - I _.. - wbo fjore as ressn"doce whatovorjthift� )w can be qne &t thow. or 6K quite debAchtful. 'The youn-
I I M_=E�;!ttl ,Fs� - ��� �� 1 � 1�3coj - -- I - - -;, aptln
I % to tbe tic Aaaacier of Ar- *omldn'L hui.t Soon you omm than who gn, rcs up IL Wot litae baj& ac�
1-1 - - I gonta, oves. Ube d"�e. *voa ib*69% YOU MAdt CCUM Of 0 S%kW h0l0he Of g�-,WTII- '
", Hp&. - 8 �
or__� p1mrilf It VAS 16KINeste for her enjoynwnt � such 4& sploodid p6ttagr for him," I mem, provi I at -*I or municipal bonds, j
0 of tkc rev4sift that b0fort pamola "WOR, juftistg by i he WAY that haz% a boiching in a f�w y"rs t',�_,r*,� tile
, .
r .
I . -i ne LovejeSS ISle. had d9lle Owfth of this. hor h"to", Woman bpat, -w him juot now. I'm young nuln %�ho hail spent a* hvoarjj� I
� .
Came- ac� mas dw saw Accompanying not *usprised that her husban;l t-(( *.ws not !yjrjjwj*, ju njay Inel-tn .
0 . NO a tall mblhm man - ,with dark hair, � Owuld nvirtoct i -#r. and it Mr. BrWt thp didereme,
-in �� Bv NCORMANPEftElk %�a imu'llculAtWY brusbod. aad oyoo thatiss quite a voluntary pdnmr I lihouk.
_ �, wero inten%ting oven if they wtr#,Akink *h* voill So*# him sUon. Lwk " A DiStOt Probitia .
TIIF, J�OvAxs!�s' IsLu "urgc6n, ZZ413 a Vilre, conold2rably bis not al(offether trustworthy. H01"at 1W. way sholt waning kira now.", (Orangiville SuA)
I There 6 sumethips significaut in
RVrISSEFIL NAIRN. a tall, go -4, Junior, sybo, taving lo�;t intmst in strodo ,b#4Wv dw Minister's vife,� In a corner of -the WN'tt, Wy,!
. pe Dacjj� her husband" SD thuAl-attracteil by vvith that Usk. Wh4srely jn*v~M,,Fisk& s*t, with Brk,jrg leaw, 'tile fact that nearly all the bank rob-
1�.�mng but romfWhat aw,At , � ng Over � be ' � and hold-ups are comnliftca 4V
clor, bas a,bievkd cu'r-AderablO, sue- Oscar Brvgg, 0 yo=, A!C�-do ,%TQII which reveals the berm dancer. ,sl small wille, listening listiodsly To:,
4�4t�j 28 3 C01111Wy - UMWjlew� in spito W110 "daucc's divincly", . "Miss 1,011SUvY." said Her Ficel4what was,, ob%iously a torrvm; =s #rA young men rattjoug In
� ,C�t, the fav� tbat'te h but thitty-six. _Nairn'a tugag-twent to dine wilb leneY, "FOXY I 0troduep Mr. Oiwsrl�utfftt r4proof. of pet"' S& from 17 to 30 ytars� And Close
ilis iraknior &votiba to 11b bwincas the Latigtreya Is rerawod after Pa. Brefw,ho Is a friond of Mine, Lady � '"Oscar, you've ))R,,, -n really and � Y�:uhjr t4ndits don7t hesitate to �lzoat
jigs resuitcd in his filvle of fglefida wela bas told liipi, Ja bor,Lbafacteris. Fiske." il Araly basatly, and I've a good mjnjio kill if it b nec,essary to i1p. so'jnl"
1*ing very limited, Mat lie �s still a Ve manter. ultat zhe thintz of Win. Bregg bl'Ought big hoe]* together. not to toll you the pw4 newA tbat�jorder ,to aecornpliiih their purposo.
Nvel�ome gmext tf the 1"'Angtravy law -1 After dinner,, a verges of unex- bowed, 4114 drswlsil a tonvontionst rve boen saving up for you.?* � It has been found that a 13rg,) per.
ily, whelt�ver Ise v-,Dndo�rcl`143 to tl9lt p2ct,A harperdugs. c.auses Pamela expression of 96sesure, and favored. "Well. Tots." drawixi Broxic, "iWcOntste Of those YOuthIct th,1199 10AVe
their suburban '116me. T%o �Ouvger and Natra. to t,o loft alono for a time the rotreating bftt*ad with ot Slim. all miat unfortunate. Life'a too'010t learn,:', 8 u,seful trade'ana they
� I Laugtrey igirl, PAMELA, a vivacious in the drawing -room, F,3mQla playc mer of a Smile. I short for explatuitiorto, but it I didilresol"', to eflai, W swure Money ,
student of mus'�e# is one of the few and sings to; h1m; but a situation Then ho took Ow thair wWh Mr. ox*aln. you, liki, the fr:-#-nind�d, 'Which they are �Rot equipped U, Parn
rwople Who are Mt pverawcd by 0i N vap!dly bwoming intoreat- Wentley bad temporarily vacated in Understanding rerson that you are,tin an honest ,.va�v'- , Our prisons are
- ""'li 1;einr tilled up bv reeruits froiVi this
� .1 Naim. Calling at 4A� office. S10 luq�is InterAnitud and U�V;m re=m- ,)rder to Join In tb* foxtr4 which had you wouldn't say anovth�r-er-vcv
. Aiws hitu a good-natured "whislux." ed. . I I . just begun. lonwhful word. And knowing that flass and Ws'siop-0v one or two
. I for his negl"it of his frigendi. UP Followir,z thiq �plsodo. Wairx is 11.1 heard) you pbetv. JKP& ,&sn&�. I I simply can"I cr-silve up anythille, dangle at the rauel#14nd. A"ording
I to har4ened cilmlosix, .crime ic
I � at,ftptied on invitation to dino with ollisossed b,,,r tbought* 46f Taiheln. it,$ ,rev." he beiralt '6Akhww* it is, ,s You'41 Und -over t1ils. precious news ,A ,t poor ,am.
the LanstroYs. thit cancels it At tbeintakeii ofti',ts to moot bev, 114cei(jell. littlii unusual to mix,dancinr -with that "a*v* boon boarding," A*"Nster. and, 'the erih)initt Is: sifro of, � 0I
I ,j 7 , , ,hap* I to be eaugbt vooner or 1* .r. T
ast tnoment 1by telcgvaw. Itally", but nothl"N como-5,0_00m. real musie: I thing it is a perfetttv uVe XW_,:�sy, iw per a . tip ae, whicii
Instead of dining with allem, to isi alimp. that this �6bav�-, Vlordid idea whon ye" ean X9,'4 AL Y"Qllr
prCsoutty lie re, t � ix;h I v ** r0rimillst Prosents' it �robleio west-
I Investigating a scientific 4iscovery of 910" is having An adverse effect upon wonderful taltnt *4 Hor fteoliency 31r*xr oboyed, *nd when iber anger, that is most diflicult to solve. Oven
- 't,st and, with a
. Sir Fxidorlck Viske, by wbieb Viske Ili's business affm 00plao alwava let AFA" Ud Won sootW a little by the cit. ?40*OY In SAMe **4 XtIvAlng Horses ty 40
1 . "Have I to t'haak V*u for & tow.. s"ce
I claims to Ile able to veduce lotmanIAT00 MOW 00101%,he decides to P'tit arotto, announced. 0Vr*&rIeVs 4sestorth zvoilitor). ,
11 1�
latigUO ill industry,, increasing ouv- ftmela komplettly out of jib mind, rlim-nt?" $;aid ramela. xrAly� I 1ping sy-,� I � I
,t,4 0 " ?" . .. . And speakin� of bors", how soon'81032,
I- ---r — _ - __'. , . , ,- , �W,ell -Miss--*rL=WtM, it*j us. I
. '---- r'. UWA01V '4111N,
"411V constdo , Do TAM -wont, -aw .j-j,he--jf'a'1j7ji-4r.j� I Instead. -of being ' ra,
— -�--,-.-Pu*,-Ovkdltiowly.--*Uil-4680mi�g--Sr*,gt 0172krMt "t. "d A" ft, 00100"ent " 0 , I will our 1krwe;*jex*n_tb4.
I . 1=16nat pros1writy.
, .
Sir FrWerick, once a 140hionslito PAMIRLAIS NIRW ACQUAINTANCE to lw- added to sing bar*, t%*t it to atar"ve # 90i"S' to luu* 0"r. in. 011tv bevinniviv. We do mot ,#$tn
___ The Al6kniso Legation was not wouldba pierely fatows to add oWs *A&�" I MOO the ro*4 or Car e, W. X'sXI,
the kind of Sorge front *hIell Pa. own oninion. Sort of $"ns the ,"Oausda" repeated Brogg _6W hors
- __ - l - � .4 ,, droj4- thoUgh efther of ibe've *
--1 . - � Mel* "logtroy wa's Accustomed to re� 1111vwbat " ping into ^ seat at her side and sca*e. Imt Ver ft very the le
I I i lbaninu 'if,ho band -had fitlbW the originni ilo*lyv . V marketable animst$ of Z
. � "O " the 'le" of 'his thtied#Ys-but the saddle and -hunter tq1ta$
I ISULYBUR Uua . ceivo invit0ions, but fte 'A
I I 11 . 1-
unistees wift had: board Pamela fbx-trot, and tho 4anews showbW pal it .0"sied �roysem- "I d0"!t C-Ullse.- ". .Mt
4 q WTA4".
- ,
I �
1. I
I 'deal insid - , 1.
is e I W=941t
""L to -
. I . "'
S ... H.. - UDDID
0,--... -
� 71-7-7
",_.Iz� 1.
1!% I
. . - AT
i ''I . , HE
.. W ___
.... . 3��..'_ �h
Vo- . ' _'*-Xft
A,v, u um
. . ., � . arm and hie 4m,&
. s
Packed With energy- bigh lin calowdes
'10 * . ,&#A .ft ft!g
]DO-11clous-anYway anymm
oree'u".jK, deveiopment, - ox
- -
.it --vA.'.�,-��,Inifea on the
stdo has so far ben utilized and
that portion is by no means ful-
velope4. so that, there Is, ample
for theCoxilected future ��Xplll-
_.. � I � ., _ 11 ", -
I I I an 4XM . mint it the hous W�V.qv . CPU& Will It
� . ote the ter or,
,a iot a the Auld. I CA . Sow brute once told The A64djo horse V%# hex*.ber -
_ , ututu,41 idend, sign of leaving fter, I%* a I -the warm
I . "Usk 10 ando be Urselt a mulsidan p$ -no claushad begun anogwir xmAody. Me I shoum emigrate thera. - Zall- iw,�4ft_ -A 9. . the sex
,- � . 11101k lowlty�, with a, rep4tatloa . . Pamela rkoptsed Its jolly air alsd *r*.e* y4jud' you t Me, , emfgr�te I horse - 1. o Ther
. for _ Is here *$Ani. Its demand 1% the j
. 1 froms No-ok -xvid Arm* Easily, givinglierguesta excellent music At gave a few taps with bow faiq. a *ion But It soun4a the rigilt Witte - for ujilinlitea, tite, nillyket value likewise,, galf,
Mails, 0moolts fty's h4tv antertoinments, ,she bad asked to *hich Bregr Was quick to lipterpW. Filiko. Is he emigrattzig?" but the ottpply if, oil, - Somt foAv w
I "
I 41 I be Introduced to Pamela, and, On W. 14D W : - , eat,
4"014116t . o you like this tisi%?" #D10alt 144isk4 - 03ftr, Of farmers neire
. I I'� turning to the 14--giltion, had siotted , "Yes I think- Wit om ,of the M. ourat he isn't BXXWY what,heys have gnlipolfr the larger 0ellfteS the 4
. � f , I tfiese facts, and ar,0. thinj
, - 9 I 14otft quite know, Ih bUying, and, breeling. :�4he 844fle 4
Pamollt's name for all lovit4tiOn. liest� 7 ,so%* for, � ud� 1*411.
� I I ,
. I _r"0. , I Thus it was ,that Pamela found ,189 do 1. Sbalt'we crash ln? 010"r t ... sit* '704 way 1140" *011 110�J' hunter vlAss of h:,rse. � it. �Aya,them, aloal
. .�., 1. . ,Any braking out N ft sicia, even . t it is soractlible to stud they'JuIV4 Aq hesn'tation. Ill 84v,: arp- I
fkty, itoing ecromh van bejuW herself delving one evonfut, in cam� With that they took tho 6w, and. OW1W to. Bu
. . I . y
1. evercome P$ applAng afittle enewo 04ay WIth*a,Mr.'*nd 3(ra. Wentlen,in a few seconds. Pasook roollsedIdO, with res"imh and paver-makinie. jnAr 110. It 'Will vay otber farmers. in touli,
Sulphur, dcoarti a noted skin OpCeist, to 4no 'Of thosq'simple" sttfO04-front. that she ;bad the kind *t p*rtner a ilad he vMt' be. swit-v - for sevoral, dther eentr�,s, Just aq� woff. A thar.
. I _....._16t, �PAUIW of.its germ 4estropag 911, ,houses WVdi lio:14- brold, �quiet gir bo . , choic,
, . .1 4reanis of more frequin"y thIta Months, Ru" Naltn's at the t 611051brVd' sire lza,V ,b� had' for ithe-
" I properties, this sulphur prepliration be. strecti 0080 H I .- I ,Why�
. * yde rArk Corner, sho gets. � .1. tw" of tb% whok businwas,". � �, -%411r: ird, thPl!% 01W wpny Mares liesilt
., Sat once to's"the irritated skin oad The invitation was to dine ,pud, to Since about -fifty per eftt of 14ratIt. I beg you not to mention ri,vu 'ift thj$ dj$tA&'t, W-hi6r, W0014 I ra,
. % .. I tem eruptions such wrish, flimplos and danve, -but Mrs., Wentlekhad explain- Evearg's Wakinfr hours were spent tll*+. rweAtinv. Iiii Me—,"lit', toadit I brPed the type in doluAnif. X,q flor4r X, I
. ring worth. ed, to' Palmeli that Her Excellency tpliding about p6lished floors, it wo*d think thin Is whet- the xf,wes bullkl� ,
I h I horses wem." eyer lbtod - than Huro" Agen
. I 0 It seldom fails to, remove the torment usually bod A little musle 'between have been surprising kW he not w. close* "down for the evening, Vaur�v hai pr4doced, and WO -Would ogeim
. I � 4114031101`01TIC114 And,YOU 4046t 1100. dining and 4oncings and if Pamela -ome an accomplis'44 dane#r. As *ny '. t; lAnd has been. vie �
. I . . 74rrelief from,emburassment. would Way or+ sing, she knew that �or ftmela, rhythm w" in her fov I ,.-A Vtoo.-O � . I � I I likel to �00 OUP jarMerS Itet to on the ""
.. . *ot tukkfy shows,. sufferers srx,cAnd lloor.'boonso lywoked.1fablo- ag
.. , . � I r 1-inproverk thO MinigteOg Vito 'would appreciate Wood, and it was not tone 6*foro the -met,% , not rA.Toltin long aftor I
A I It �. .. . . I I . ce ,with if mov'seent -to nxanv� it. I.J. jp�t, a. ka"ef ''I
- ...., I from Aan U00 10,6110014 obtaia a small . I moro dimriminatior ,daneerx W#re the Interval,' nor did 3h,q d*n or -is r4orp *044V to 1AA'n1"f1
1 _ .1. 11�__ 1. __ --jar �of - Rowks X011thotsuiphur from Pamela did,. both. She ,5a#X_jwo glancIng _ovelc :their itiodWers at fk",V. PC oepm.m, to bo rlacating flob,rr, in- ff�� bmMlu"t-��addlo -11pp -,
. I � . a - obviously'".0 joerfect part- I I 'But -
1. . I ,� I . any good &*Ist 404,usi it fikeicoltv- Ad -Vlj*jiSjj� -lia-118--d—o". -,,d---,_J,,yj&' rj ,�Vbaf, NVA the Tumed- dy, -Vbilm' - .--appar�- I
. 4ream, �, ., � I � 0 difficult but, voollanting little pre I . entiv, he saw Nmela hidiing g,44d "s +'it"; the"A is in tl breodi"_' of
. 0.6'', � I .1 � + ." . lude nership. . vvv-11404 0401 ' �
� 'by, schubeit. obi- UcOleocyls cool. 'Miat frirl in -the lavonder frock nirlik to� her hoxtpxs� fov. he, osme e* 1� oeftt � 0 aiTV,�0vy bor,30S
, I .� . . 11 I , ' . Ora ; " .
. I
.1 I . I . , , I I . Pliments were- P"f1i_%e._#n'?t shO 441- 4ancoo ricelv." remarked a b"Vv. striding after. -"her into Vie reception [4�''M I I I..
. I I �ft ded, '%V vaV of. rcWiiiing your weight Momber of Psi-lisraent W""t. wheie, tiiimwi� 110r, : Thi I I th� Eye for the
� I : q - � 0 1 , . - L an ngkso,tr . �
I I . I flT1 + kindness,'f will And-Voy some of our NvAff- ttudiring mther�Ahan dancing, I �Ipardon :r". MiAx..".)Lamtroy. I .1 I ,'Picturesque ,, . � I :�
. . � . .1 I .8_"_ orns, " � b6t 441mars,.11 1 . I with a woman of striking apptar.. Must say, pnod nigU, it vou're golno, . � � I (QoWnirwo6d. Bulletin) - I �.
. . I I 'rSion ali6s.'. * I I 'nandill. VOSt in its, last issue I �
� . I I � . .--- I Pamela was glad of the dh1c . 'Tone wou h#jd a Rood � time, and Pi
� . . � I entertain.mont o1rorded d4opo . r usually finds the beilt," to. that sort v*f tbMg- PerIvaus 'we'll The )F!i 1 � I
I I � r 51giftex fktk W Druggists. It that this, carried a. column complaint ofa'tour-
. I
. . . . 1. . . . . � I I AloolIeSE0044 Oil Doosje,t Do Since N41ro?a visit. hok normal, 1dr,l) plia' s rnrtmer. � I I . . .. dance- ittain ,some dart althollell j ,,�t,jurrespect tt,, i%e -Bluewafer Jkigrl� -
. I I . I � . 1� - Av�sy With Alt soreness - and �1 suirits had s6ifoved f0m. a strange. `MN', very tru--.,. I no4ce he fre- TArfTV tO. a' Br'rt.46f repDat'order Of way- and tourist publfcity. U0 t-,erms "
. , - . .
. I . . . . I I � . I . Palo in 24 Hours. , daninoulne inftouco ,VhWt. she - c ld �uprt�v (ialx,es wi�h vov.11 , . L Inv '16'saf times'", .. it I 0! � �$0_001W" and goes ,on to, say
I I �. . I neither defive Aar -ys.w.ed,v., . - ., on �,Illtlii h2an V;i- , it I I
. . ..., �, I At,. that Lady 174 iislm lbellmid. And i011v," said Ply`h ;,&,1*1 440he vould -suppose, �AW�' it
. . .
. .- .1 , et a bottle -101' , , merald $he had b0ft.. ToMindod of Xafru thereafter was more tolerant of -his in a rozi�oommftf,4. ,wror.. and I'm skirW4 the shores, *of th�se, wstaft.!'
. . . I.. ,� 11-11d 1: G *0046, 14 - #4orrvtn to sm,-arlv but ve;ltave to. .-..-. � I
I � Oil with the-und'Ast6iding thut Wit that -4:0 ou%e� may. av "
I 7 pyetling as.-Wle -swV68,0411, pairistaklog -and Vafiis8ivfiV�.#94lrts. I S It , is such a . thought, but, I .
. I
I I . ,. . �does not,bult; an eid to.-th; pain anit hergelf in the ujbrror,befor� leaving That,was rnt. b- uliv mlmn*. tho tot tack to Surbiton." '. I the ,T�.asauAla'1toonf1',1 ',koqws illat - �
� 1... . . . sorqqet�s ind do uWay Wfilt th6 corn home, for she was woarin� the.frock oulv ,daprp which. Pamela, and, Ilregg : Then r4mela valoot sight of Mrs. SUch''Ali*eSr are really lAte-aded to" jp_�
�. I : . . I ,. . , .. I . . W$ntlLUy waiting at -the toot Of the -ply !,6 the districts. ind t - ' 11
� itself:.�,o .311oney Nvill be -promptly she had 144-t worn:,when he Paid that haft tog fj , : I
� . . . U17 . . , , 0, 141'r. I U04 tt"'Ogsar_
. . .. I � : Vettiroid. . I NA1011V d011g,)IU%1 visit- to siftbiton. P,eriodicall,v, 66. Ministeets wifo staire"t so ,*Ith a pleasant -'Wood, ily io-meah� gw he .,Would have it, ,that ?,
�, . I I Don't woii-y-abouthow long,you've Aild f -ho re4lintion.of this, -wag as a, wo4ld Wng'iier a -fresh partner, but night'! Ae 4ft the best dancer she the highway sticks close I .
I . I I . . , . I . ,ly W that *
, . �
I w .� � butt It or how Many otber'propara. fly in the 41aber of an evening she whenever P�mela seemed likOy to. �w ever eneountei*d.' .. � 1rom Which the'riame, is',taken. �, Fol- �� -'a
. . . I
- .
i , '
I , lf� . % 1, tions you have,tried. This jmwerful.bad anticipated With great oleasore. mi , as a dance, , Bregg savato"d I Apart from 1kis (14"clug' she f0OU4 lowing hialine,� of, avguluant "one �
. � � . . . , MITI "IfthigUing." HIS, Complication$ . -1 t
. ,.. . . .1 penetritting off Is ,one pr4parution '. Panolk W*s ,thinking of Nairn as across and clabned her. When they 1010t spppose�ll It'114t all. �4102vg' 010
. � . . . - Z -Ail tlte a* .
. � I , tillit'0111 help.- t6''Make YOUr painful sh.�,sst beside her friends on one of did the.t,ink% together, it,was slftwd I with, L4dy Xloke, h4d'interested her# I Ifso clIjjr,W) ' jtjg,�ffinji,j'n. . r - '
. 1 . lie )lit m the stilded -chairs set around the old.+ an exh1ition. danc ; all eyes Wert � And, with a truly feminine delight in would be banda ixr' this tribe of .Ited-
I . � ' 1 ovhIng teot 66 . althy a free fro .1 I . I e . sw?A * *ukodes� she ixor,ft-d devoutly , , 44
. . .��, . ..p � oporn Vind limaloo. troubles- Vlat yo 11 as tioniod hut beautiful., ballroom. of on them., . .1, . . : nien or that .41oni'the proposed Ir
I ., '' � . O'
� : ,be able, to go anywhere ,aud. do ttuy,, tho'� gution., A slift vowig, mili. And he took her. to the b6got, att� that *10 IV'tht.� tucounter .,this tjuoi.,j Trlijlfr�jd Orillia�.eait fo, Lake.
. I I *A,# in -08olute feeb� Comfort '' fory ,attache reminded, ,her of ton I Air'!,01we ax*in., It slie dido fttmio 010f 0WACtimls would $4 ,
� . .
.. � I Ithi . lintiring. 4 diog'to her needs with marked strange `P .
. I . . so msfvelQu8lr7 Powerful. Is Xnirh1q ,a hPudsome Dane, care, until, wbieji's4 rated f 4 - -Thdy Iroquois vjltiges 4 and J%nft with : ,
. .1 1�4 rom hor she *ovCd she wotAd', mak s, ith :
I I . . Mono's Boierald Oil that thousands with the 1bullid, of a' Viklk. had tbp Xor a Moment by aim influx of guebts, V!1110,t even more annovod than she WlRiqlluts, 10* horses and, other ro�-
I . � . havo found -it gives wondod, ul results Mow. nisssiv6 bead. - Indeed, it a townidad -ca � I had' been � 4b,at night., 'Storatir, 'she mioders of the - day when the � Tro.
�I . I . , I Ill the treatment of dangerOUS SWOl- seemed tbat.sho examint4every man . Just behind her, Paqiela henird, * had 0001191111Y tnJokk-d AO thought quois were the torror of the fore8ts
� + . I . . . .... . I . . . ., lon-or varloofte vchis. AV] r br 4- , A,L0+ for some eltarnOnristle volm . . . that A*,- 1*4 angered the woman. and th� . implacahle, eneow ot all I
� . . .1 I Dunlop's Drug Stores'are selling lots. I which � Xalrn .: posseaBodl, and , , she .. 410scar. if you are not too Muell oe. There was somethirip"'diatilictly vr-1, f4teir neighhan. But no SV�11- travio.
. .. �. . . '
, - I I . I .� ,found, totally ing -do you think TIP to ' .
. . of It, . I I I . Pamela, in, the 4efiottion I ,ma tolfristq Vho, fit-
. . . uninteiQ thosp, eppled, YOU 401114;bring fift, on8-Ar6,mi&r ,�
� , . . i 0 I'M ill i 1111 I 1. =�___: --- me 4, little book oup'tind st t0lare that tjjj#Ljl4a*j.V' woniano Wearinse A ifulge in such...0supposinpt" gre due.
I � as . sardwi-100 I � -11, 4 for a rude- iolt whou fhef go a -mot -
I ++. � -"Hat S I . It ;W� Lody risice. Oscar saw, liftv guineas" wrld, A*01% that w6re ottrile. M,�itnvhit �. thW grombler I
, , � �.., I I .... JUST IN" TIME. FOR C lfrmk which had not tost, less tha
. . I I . . � . -1 . I I . . . I . 11 I . .1 I I � , 1+ . I I I �. find. begging. Pamela to excuse 'him. worth several tbou*&"d8* ,coula Aot com , Plains thn't'llier, rool is, uniotor-
. , I I . . . , � I 11 I hold.htr.,own xPinattlit comikition
. , . ', . I " . I . . I execute 1he aide I for � I e0lirot ,""d thst, feiv VqtAodlan, caks
. . I. . I . 410 Went to 2 . I ro wbioll 00 (PIOM60, in'. tt fiv# Poilk" I uao it. ,With both of Aose�
. . . . . . I I . � : . - , . I.:' . such it was. 11 I I
. - . I ' - . frock And a 810010 attins? of, inlitst. 'y'. the
. . I . . I . As"d
� � I I . , fhis Complete .. I .� 1. I 1. . Pamela felt a little erobarr can 116 jitf1e'#,k"1PAth -,
. 1� . . - . � . . 11 I . I at being thus suddenly de,pj,IVC4 of tion 'Oearls, eoulit %ut up. . PAmel* , -4,"I"110" raminst thrnutrb: benutiful.
.1 11 . - I I..." --.1. I , . . . *her escorL, , She looked round to die. won+ Mme flint, nWht 'hamplfr thoto T; i1nnia0es to lVe
, . ,* 06i" -plariv ottracti
.. . _ I .. .. -1 . had bo-vx for soml- do,". . , .
. ___ _.___r � I � ra .
. � . - .1 � --- - L coVer_ixh6-.i.t-_-w4s .whose sutmonxi she rK of -0e riwmys�e. tV,ttA_tb18
. I - I , . ,means - so much to Breii . (To he ftwhtinw-dl - . .
; � . I � . I 1� - ,�. . ro. She noted I jil"'rist evvOc4q to find i,n s4uclW 4%
. I . . I I . - the lady. .!�n*d cyen the interest which . 11 III is diKrwnl+to'u"(lcrataud.
� ___. . I � Radio sAy. gh"y . ... , . "O.I.I. 11 10 4 ,
I I 11 .. . . . 11 1. . f 1. - .her, expengIve frock aroused in P-1- "AT MUMS . �
. 11 .. I ..&"%� �V mela, ,tvas fivorshadowed by the *x- .: Eitw.yboily Sh&re4 . I I CORN, BORERVONTROL
I .
� S , I _.
I . " . . -.1 . ..�� .. . proi�sloh of ill-eoutrollod miao$rance . I if The Agri at a
� . � . (CA -61�
� 11 1. gwitod'Bullotin) -cultural' Itepreaent ive,
� ", , I . . . . . . . . . . � . - ) which had taken ,,possession - Mote n9a -town pros'pers. the has infornied �&. th 't, Several fiar —
� . I it . 1� __ Of & The
I ih the world,
lie the Gulf of
4 X-ey West, up
, $0jaiwilere cast
11 not mean a
never Aqe, tt, '!or
their worst -they are 11
,beat lie Florida,alidl
� _-, . , ,
Abi. Backocne W'1-nV-&.
I � - IrIvIrc
I Rub _Lumbago Awe
1. ..
I- I � __ I— ----..,-. - 1,
Rotj Pahl fr�m bak With am
, . trial boult of 014
: m " 4*006 Awl-,,
I ilt ..-""-*
F _-V; � 4060VIVA In"um,wrur, A" bad avealt .Ise
I .
I . or ' ti I
. . . . . . Ile 11 fl' 14. 2
all travel iuforz�aflow. consult . A sm, I It ail
FLAUXTY, ToNim Passenger , ,,St, *45 Oi
,,or any, canadlin; Pacifto tkL�_.1110W im, 14 ... get o
� - , .
. I 1� � . . , .
*7 =
, In
V ,
re-, -
of, .
-Rr=C5. An * � . .
to. that jypa ever
kim It wwripirt -.. . I
)0"It "fiert Get . ...
of I old, bonest -
W yew 4nWAiet .
lot re�. - .. - -,
. I
-1 - � .1 . - I .
. �
. I 11
__�-�_Jfjr'., _ _._______.. _Vr___. . . ' I .
, __._-.-
I I .
�!�[, P-__ __ I - I ,
I.. ''VIA17 1 IOU . I.
SAWIV , , 1. � 4. -- od....
.11''.. ..�. � . 1.
. I . I -
. I I. . I . �., . �.
2 , 1.�, I I I ''I I . I . FORIM, . I ... . .L �) .11
. �.� . .. I I . � �
I . . I
I I I . �
. I ' : L :^' I I � -
�.`.LOU . 1. -�Loid - W_iotek I I
I I - . .1 �
1. gy .
�._, .1 .�_ .. � I I...
. .
, .
Istl,, By -filling, your Oatbihs- with -the! best Rard
I I and Soft - Coat.and Coke that can be bought. ,
I , It', ourco4l ls� *iigh on. yo '
. �
, � A . . ur own scafe. (the. :
� �
. .market scale) . , .:,:�. I .,.' I � I li
2nd; Hoe,y,ou; � had yo a U lo d' V
� . . . , rheatitigpla t oke ,p, �w,
. - , . �
., . , - mn for that Our.
.1 'if � not," Aa
��, . I—_ "me., Vo''coln -"t� ..
I. ''IROW. " , , � �. ., P , � :1, - I
. .. + I s I . I
, . - . 1
41 1 1 1 1
.1 you require; a� � Limber, Lath, Dbois, a -ad
3rd, if , I I
I . .r )
�, � , Drd "th GTass, ancl,
4 I or A ,anies, Window ShA'wi
, I 1 Window PrameEr, TUrdWood Flooring, Hadia. �
. . tors�. Ytc;, we, 411thave some -Teft �rfikh came,
I I .
I but ilftfie. eee.ani jf�4ie. . .. . -.r,. , . I I I., .�
I � I
4tho. WO 0arpr a heav,r stock ofboth:: SheIr and'..
. '
, . ,y ar4ft . and'stealla, ft�.;� �
May , I , , re,� 1`16�ing- '
I , tino I And' Seet6e,Vililik, -MatiriA. Let uw,�
� . """ 6 , , , , ` Humbingi - Aeating; ane zee�-
Agure on y out
. I tr10,.WirbT. .. Satisfaction --guaralntee& ,;'�
I.. I .. I _ ,j% I
� � I . . I
. I'll I . - . "_"".00��" _ lr�____�_�. �
� .. .
. . .
. � . I
I I , 1 . .. I
� I .
. . I
711, CHASM.,. Ce LEE .. � ,�,
. I
L .
� .
. I .
TW,' . Suftsixte ftre at thv lr�wbor . I . I
� 1
9"lipp 0*j4%"pj0j%Vt. - , r I PLUMPINQ jL"d "jKA'j#*jk'
I I . . . , I .%
Store lftone:= ,, . . I I House, 'Phon* �Pj%
11 � .
. I . . I . �
I", " TxAptluh # . .
�, .
. �. . p visit. 'Out riot wiatttaccive Tape. . have inquired ,of him recenzl:q� whe*
- �
I . :.. MOrt v4luabi" any Job"s "Le'v tQ tber or not they will ,bG% allowed to
� Pamela ,noticed, too, that the'ladv bseomio�,. Business men. tan ray *bet-
. ..� � I
I I I . - . .
. .
. il �, I � .
I.! I
. :06L -
I � ,� . I a Nvediling, rine. .Whom could �er wages irr a prosperous town. continue vovdng corn. This ques.
he 2 suiely not �Wegals_ wife. There are more chaves of prordo- tion no doubt bas'lleen, broluglit about
' - is"O"o , .
, f fi-_
- . �, I -; -
I ;..-!� ";
I 1. I
. I
. I �
i :'' 3'
$3 ()
� I � I I sho 'waa quite Is 'ropl*senting the Corn
- I `P evidently *14fr- tion., It you seduire ptoftrty or
W. r1l , �-:�.
�0. 1'.
pa_4:1 ,
.1 I I 4"i
- "I
I I I tina vilat'was more, no. man wt'�I* hutineso, home town ero*th iftakt's pl�lies now to that Vart
�.. ""' "'"
1 t%
i �', . .1 1. .
south of t4ta C. P. R
I . #* , ded' t*6 suph, an imperious person to ' of'tte' y1j. w
'lie mamt Ir"'re Val"ale-I& It is for
, I I I . - � I
.. I F .
I . � . - .4te, -woula d4re: to. dance so'.uiaz tbt,'I*rxon*l interest of all of us to " ng Goderich eaut. �
� . I I . . ..
� . , timts. lo,her presence, with .a ,com. eo.nperae with every movement for . It is not the intention of thope in;
oarAthrA qtrangor. . authoritv to prohibit the gm,willg of:
� . ;.,
� . .
. ,� I 0 .q.
. ivir progres, , :
� parda4!h , Speculations were cut I Corn. The Corn goter Act haa to
, I
. I 8110vt 1by the urrival 'of ber friends, TOO Many Ways Ao R�Oepd Voltv,.V do � with t1to tontrot of this � post,
, --
I ;
. � �
� . .. I .1
I . I I .
2'. . 11 . . I I
� Mr. and Mrs. NVontley, wlio, took the . . sliwailsyn, , Suggestious as to the beat moiliods
� I 11 (Stratford Seacon, Heiald) Of cotitrouj'Alt the corn J�orej have
- only. two ,%djacent chairs and thus
I . I ... �
. . # I
I madecuiore imor6bable than ever, the Too Many young awn do not been placed in the hands 4 all Corn
� *AVIV return of, Mr. Bregg. far #ww9h ahoodt. the thifts tbkt Growers In the area aff"d, The
- I
. . I ,
. . I
&"Does the � P ,
tall lady over theim in. tak* plince tUs. week and next w0A corn p�arer Inspe6tar is appointed, to,
, . .
I I., . - . . . � I
� te�eit you?" flogan Mrs. - Wentley. appear. very Important to them, Rud' P,,* that the Act il enforced and that
01 act she lifts annexed your parf. Wor do not PRume very often t1b 100k ,eleatu up Measures are, taken lit A,rder
1. .
I It I
, .
ner-11 . around and see flaft tht lnl�u 'Who to corlk.rol the I*xt,
,ii- lw_- �,t�,,. .. .
� . . I
. 1. _
� . "Ohl I don't Itund. that," resparid. have had to say mp A XoQ Many . Farmers at* SdAAed thefirefovo td
eit, Gilels. '11116's rather the sort of times to tump t%st Would have b"'n *r6w as much com As they V , - ro�;
vartnor one prefers to lose between __ �ft_ ey are, prop*red,to e a up
� ,
I - �
dancesik buP. otdr lk-tween dances.
I Mark youl ' But who!s the lady ? I
th r rorn sronQ in * ,to' t at.
.. A a---.* 4f thost
Mett with thit appra
I .
I like hot frook. eveis if it is'Just a wee
. re us' o for the enforcement of
. . . I
I I bit,too, Voung, for her.,� cit , lied Xrii.
. 1. "ThlItla Lidv Visket" t � --SUFFER
1 IV thouk'n
, """' "I'00".1, .4. ,
MOO' *'A " ftr Act'
� Al,
. - .1 I
I . y . site 44 Tiot
itu I in i-
at, *
I The Vnderieh� Star
such ton paw,
. Mov I
I ackn4wWgos
, ,
. , ,
. .
I # i I . eless, the keonear r"oipt of a handsomely *otteu up
. , - in the kin4 of Vto- , jjMWWTW*jp640a p
3 a I't e I .0W book front the 110'bor 06mmission
I �
� TO 11��, , th6 ,majority of the L of Montreal dealing with "The, I
Tak,=-ift -
I . . �
�� ���
� .1
. guests.
!-I NJ - 1 Growth of ,* Gi*at Pat+." There *to
� 141 Wa to !have beard ber natne", V ce many views, some dating -back a3 far
. . I ,A-.
I I I � � I
I I . said poftela. 'Unot In '40 *a 1830 show!"t the wharf and Ahip.
collneo. AYWIS cur, Qsoue- — 411 bovo ,
. tioll ;un rind. It ig ,6 ,%vonder-
I doWt know. And I thinl; I've ,,I 11a, p6eindi
*A Wit 01 P*
. __ -
M=00"M e a L OaL 1.
Modol 4`20 ##
Aten her Victurb in the p tipers. Per.
� hars she has Written a testimonial
boost *0610�C�
-_ - ".. I � "'�
, , I
��t!!t 3�603% Ig
st(Ify, (
)f gro*A
._, which Montreal
m* *"o �� v� xftordm a na now tbo� Ime. is the oft- '
ond TwVst In Ameria, iturpaseed 14 'r
* �
for some patent medicine, or Wauty
�� !I .
1_.___1k- . t!!! wflump- -of huoln#wt hvklv , bV XAWI'
I I=
sk %�WWWRIgin TVVW14 jr wriNg". ,a ,
I I 11 ..
The, taft-Ais ko"�4 `112V k, the stsi*W wMd �y whkb
all AK(ric _" , ate judged. it ho -tom tdw, tatec
PW06-14. It him Pwa-eit itself in tbousarfA of hwo 41
v�*r Caw%- The 104or Syr4*ey ��esksr b" a w*.
*tfolly dear, te-wmaot tom *nd is cm� v* be oft ot
ti*, Ormt Vftkt", on the mrk& I I
if " to te a 119"o mloms" ilk yew M", by an
assm we *n,d bw Als t.".titiful Ropt" ltad� ootfit.
Go E* A` A I VWJJ F I "r zow I
.. X". Wentlep 114110. "I dare.
say AhI6 U"A si -lot of ibmuty emant,
but Itan't imagine $116 would write
a testimonial f6r % patent mejicive,�
it oulk Iseeause, her tusboul is a tat.
wus survoll��-r, at Ita'-'t, ,he lval."
, "Is lie beve?" 1.
, #0b, d"T. ?to! Ito dotgn't kava
for sociftly row. Ites much older
than pht isb ard 0.4y 'Ittirdis, ever go
Wut to"ther. Swa "Oro often
,w;th Oat boy you -krttc- daneiiia
"Reorltv. Is be related to Iter ?"
1*1 dokt know, Wt I hm-dly think
80. rfople pay thin" Vou know, lily
deor. 6ut thtre',,t pr6U'My nothing
in W lr1wr h"4_*Ttd flexw-h b�%
you tan lWardly N&M.6.1toLk it *� pts
,� a dawint rottntr to take her aboat
A�fter all, * ?"ask is iflah"emAtic. W�
01� roftsovorm" syld Probably t1his
fto ilt TOW"Ot piort thlin a"r,ogulor
dantivir fo-llow."
"Prof"Plotwsl, 40 you 61ftk,P
11WA 4iffirolt. Ito sav, I !',"Ritve smi
�Cfkyk ring 1-10 A"V Of *W %K At" AfA4
N*t Oro for on tvfthnir. arA tht.V ..
mt* likf, poriott 2"%*W-&1j, I ,�th ;
. ptk.w in my
.�. _
.. . I . wtil sopieths" I
. 11ra1~102"
. wwkkw. A twooid
.. .. o e0awksItAmod
�� � Cly#ialL Pi"k-
11 160010*8 �
Inspy vewm teft bow
SM4 4tv" so 1600411stit
h" It 41401 - 0 six
bottles *"7 yew am it
to mi* . - DaPALPA
Ayer's COK Qedow.
I athw" to WOW
C�annhw Ito" awtic—l' b64 ir,
tephw *H&JU OW Vftt MUNW-ft
at them the *Wks ewahw
vemift 4 . IV" soieb-
irig oehearam"t - I - I r -0,04"bWAM
2. *101411 be WAh& to __ to
VMrk. 7we"t
the I _ ot 1441 is : Is
J!" to me. dw
)MWM 0
tn*Ahs .
14mu J. "K I ,a
6�14 80041111. C
1926 136-00.00 bu.*ellk of graiii
wero 'handled * the port and storcd
in thf-1our xtftt elevators inairktaln-
ed by the Montroot Harbor Commi,
Mon. Of tms qv*nfify 121AWW"o
ba4t,h4l weve ex"V!ed. It 1.1 nAtable
"hat 97 ner cent. of the re"P!lits Was
Vinitod States wrain. A,n-4 a v*st
M""fitv, 44 wher eawynodilioi WAM
MrAl6d. tw-ludino t"t. At,yieultuml
vredneu� nWp,*M pawr aik4 *"er*l
WrOw"difle. 7%0 rMin elovators.
cold loorsgv. vftrehows�-. 1110%ting
erare"', dtV 4ifits ,%Rd ropitir Volantil,
ftwl%#tp;rrd tar uvile*derq, are� 1*06
6t t1l.- P"st 44611100A of Ato lw�tt�
Tho 11606"g (Ir.ol- Uot a fsp*elf� of
in lmvp -%t * 144f* -It rA41VA_ 610 nne
OWfrOhM ift ^e NW4 -0AWA i� lfft�
isw v To"Alod "r of o"t from ,% rail.
wav froelt AV4 A Inko4ow tho #.."I An *
4r%vw w4mw.� Th"- at.- plov*n s,q
AiRvo-0 eltr *"Vspoolo�r* e#t% expali*
of I,-'--^"- --**% V011WAY eorlt� fAch
.O,Nj..;� . T ~ s"WW4* of *r*j", T�.Ov,
0�..� 1,0- 1--hMe forotdw 0,WfAr4.4
f.r .1.too -Ito& ON #-h 44A Of Ap
, ,
r1roT provi0w, %�*Vpw thirty- two Mil#A
",��- ;1 I
- -_,�,
. 1, Y -, ` :
If , r �:
, f fi-_
- . �, I -; -
I ;..-!� ";
N ,
,,�,. "
'41.��,�j I -4
. r- it � ,.-,
W. r1l , �-:�.
�0. 1'.
pa_4:1 ,
-.4 -
1 4 �q
0 I
— I
1% �.
. -
.r.- t
Z ,�
I 0. .
LN, ,
. 11 i
sssa at
- e__ � -
17—.-r — Ir"
A, �
, ., k I �
, ,,
�^w 0
a - __ __ 0 I�Ijmv 1�
. 114AP A"" DQA10 ,
Mon A AW___
T lmrqRMLY 4.V"&&4,"4ft"- "60* . jid
%.J a ~ Wd-ft Is .__� --- - I k * __A.U..,A__. -
j Who *i MOC101 =A,"#�l -_1 - - 1.
'i 9;27TIW =W% - 0"" ,146*
17 . , raja , 114 V limovi - I - y
041 *w fm of
., A. -11.. 101W z �_
luvftro-*�*OIOF40�v ~_ sm"W"k0a 10010"Iftw
, M""I &Y &
.1 . rhI - A r_.,11.: �
dd6wasi *%0WAT a( aw. "Cokismokwliv, -QbWW- is 111MW Am Iffiahamb"a, — � L_9� I -N -M - . A "
!*"4, *=A*10161 hi lio 00600"_ of Aims o _�z
"40000100W& VVW%it*WAdft 10WAW Of *Sj;&ii- — YON �"
& is A sk %We 04060d too.d '.6 1*, P&*,Nwmw;;;��Stm- I
q#wy 1*04w" *A 'I"ll 0-001ro tolle Cow* indzt L11544
*0011 "d atfi niwag"*#% 001 . 1"dw, i: � � - . 00j%"
!�W44htoopm fta-mv rWIrLd"Wi%Cd%ftUaqAUX& I
W. J. SYMONM e4j"*k (),ttark ,
&.11 .- - -1.1 11 11 -
X� _W___W.fflWN0M"0fib �, __ -
11 �
I ,,�, i�
i 1:� I