The Goderich Star, 1927-12-08, Page 5reit.I.SDAY, DEC. etin 1P27 sIMMIIIIII•rmsmallos. *ow. We invLe you to insped our 'bery large stock of USEFUL 4ikt GIFTS Witeiher you Buy or not, Gifts in Toflet articles and sets, Perfumes.and Novelties, Pearltone Sets, Pearl and Amber Sets, etc., Ladies' Purses, Flashlights, Musical Instru- ments, Phonographs and Records, Papetries, Gift BoxeS" of t hocolates.......'.. 25c to $4,75 Parker's and Waterman's Pen and Pencil Sets. Individual Pens and Pencils. 13eatitifufse1eetion of Christmas Cards and Booklets. ` Campbell's Drug Store PRONE 90 '01111111111.111111111111111111.1.11.110NIIMW. TO N COUN I VARNA 3/AN TO START SMALL 1FOX RANdli IN GODERICH IN SPRING 7 The regular meeting •of the town five lieres of ground owned by the, council Wits 'held on 'Friday evening', town, intending at some time to morci Dec. 2nd,- :011 the niembers • present -to Goderich and have '"a small fox With the exception of Coancillors ,rancli on this piece of ground. We : }lumber and 3IcLean. The Meeting wow expect likely to 'do so in spring), was a 'brief one as the rnembetecwere hut, before doing so, thought it anxious to get over to the investige. would be better for us to apply to tion e g condue ed a the court you for your approval of keeping hguse by the Ore inaraholl. oXea there. The enclosure in whieh The ttrx. colic -10r i-eported the ftel- will keep them will be with a lowing taxes paid in November: tight. board fence about 7 feet 'high ' 7927 talceS, $9,750.25; 1926 times, and 200x100 ft. oh the sides and, $769.54 1925 taxes, 105.80; 1920 eil, -ends." $47.94; 1927 'oil, '5828.84; total, $1U,- A eommunication from Messri. 862.50.-4Referred to the finante AfeCartb and hf .0 - • , THE 4X)DERICH STAR y i - feoent ot Mr. J. J. Wiser be paid *ad 'wilily there a espieforeae. woe •the sitsoolit deducted trout the Pub- :'•ifiraling *nett inatters pertainieg di. •!tbr Librery *rant -Carried.. The !wetly Ip Canada. balance of the Wevunts v. tr*- refer- At South Saki Mr, H. S, ,rittioe red to the fineteeeummitute- Viet-Ptieedeist, and Mr. V. S. James : Bylaw Nu. 34 of lett sippointinCt'hiet Reeeereit Cntetneei, expleined '•• Messrs, A. M, Holier:eon and H, Re ge the •telteineedity• morning euntei- .' Ieing auditors fur the yetir 1Veli wee •ence ihe onpruventente *hi:et hail read three tilllt3 and passed, ' been made. front an elogineerete Belem Ni.. 35 of 1027, to iiippointi siontipoinr in the various S..odela- polling places mid appoirit deputy t'ker and irskine *441.4. rturnuig officers and poll clerks for The visit to the proving. ground , holding the election of the munieinet, wee one of the outstitadina evente of eouneln etc., was passect iand the !the trip. To 1114At et the Canadi:ai : -....... sOssmoomossits wt no. ••••••• 0111.141.0 (dealers it as their Arid. visi.: o a i council then adjourned, ; votng iground and to see the car; , MUNICIPAL COUNCILS !out tbrough the severest kind of 1 Godericli Township • road tests Wit* juat enother renete Council met on Mentlay, pee. kith; iag PreOf of Studltakci e's &terrain. aIl present. A letter 'from the Fore rt:ireugeshaitlitee thbueO1; P*y4puIbfric,t, b'f“A' ' eetry Bralleh drawing attention ta The trip through ow ones ee. 'lands for forestry purpesee being, (wired almost a full day, and evert it. .cxunPt frl)rn taittl"- BYInw 119• that only the important operation 'S. 1927, Providing for Pominatiaz nu in the manufacture of a motcr car i Frida', Dee. 23rd, at 12;30 to 1.80 • could be explained. The. trip through iltelne,k., in, Mikihnnant(l's loaf Hot: the body plant was .of miecial iiitec ,iii_ea_Yinet also the Polling Plows ono est becinas this plant is one of the innklain *3 f(41•°ws: DlOsion Ni,. 1.11);,7 featurelk in the making of-moior 4?tntige. Hall. Chris. Johnston, Ile- cars subject to only one profit. !linty; Robt„liteilwain. clerk. Division .494- dinner Wlis held Wednesday Na. 2. house of II. T. SturdY; flow- ord SturdY,. deputy; H. JHcCithat was attended by a ntinther of the evening at the Oliver Rohl. This clerk. .Diviston No. a, house of J. executit.-es. Speakers were: Mr. A. Johnston; J. Emerson,ilertityi 4- . Johnston. clerk. Division No. 4, R. Erskine, President of the Cornor. house of W. II.' Lobb; W. H. Loblii P.Rtriglid:egr;21kPlitt.u..III.G:811111ff'trilellIttl' MAW!? '-:: deputy7nLenAtidenrienn-eTenknl DM -Midi ger a Export Sakti, and Mr. p• It No. 6. house of IL McCartney; H. O. Grossman. Canadian Sales Manager. Murphy, deputy ; Ir. MeCartnev, and Mr. D. R. Osborne of the' Sales clerk. Division No. 0. house of R. Department. .Aaldresses were also Rowden: R014. Richardson, deputY ; gifen ,by a number of Canadian di -- R. Rowden, -clerk. The clerk wat. in" tributors. structed to order cable, tct protect The key -note of all addresses Nvaa some narrow places on the roads. Studebaker quality. Mr. Erskine at - t)1'. J. R. Whitely. Medical Health eared those present that the Stud°. Officer, presented Ids annual report baker ond Erakine carof today were showing a fairly clean bill; with the the very best ear a wbieh it is pos. s exception ofone case of smolt pox Bible to build. Money, heroine, and of a very mild type and raeliSlea energy, were put into evcry ear, and in two houses, also one complaint Of just as on as any improve:nods Scabies, all of whieh were not allow- were approved by the engineering IP kt° sPreadt being dealt with neetird. •department they would be adopted, ing to regulations. The following Mr. Paul G. Hoffman, Vice-PreSi- oceounts were ordered, pahli Ben dent, stated that "just as the cars of 1900 would not sell In 1927, neither would dealer .metlunla of 1000 no in 1927." Mr. Hoffman told the dealers Wasmail, rewaxing tools, ' 35e; ILI; of the many helps they could obtain McKenzie Est., "lumber, $9•80; Muni- from the company. in merchandising, cipal World, supplieS, 13647; S. j. bookkeeping, and m establishing sme Andrews, cement tile, $74.98* S W vice departments. Mr. IL S. Welch Miller, min grease, 25e; Rieh Porter, analyted the sielen Da3tOlnlitleti in posts, gravel, Ole., $38.55; Mrs. La. Canada. showing' the dealers ina very cos, dog tax, $t P. Y. Elliott, gra- practical "ta.Y 3ust., how *AIM, ‘:0014 vel. S15,84; Robt. Cole, ems* in dog greatly increase their sarea an 1928. tax. .12; Bea Ttathwell, gravel, 83;0; 1_,hIr. It. Ili. GI -eaennazi, Canadian_ -ASV LindsaY, sheep claim. $10; T. R. Pat. tersallt Plana for. bridge, $25; R. Tones, repairing tools,. 11.25: J. P. X-Reitl-Torrance, EACti:31-.+".nir derv% Sales Manager. stated that while this 822.20;.. ,Roard of 'Health, $68.80; wee the first vien; of narty of Cen- friends at Chieego, za.,, and nlehaa, PAGE tryg ARM WOOLENS FOR WINTER WEAR in Ladies' Misses' and infant's Wear "WOODS" WOOLEN VESTS and BLOOMER:4 LENNARD'S All -Wool Underwear $1.00 to .$2.50 per Garnient Infant's AII.Wool Vests Ladies' and Mises' Alf.Wool, and SR and Wool liwe 're have a good asiairtment In- fant's wear in Bonnets, Scarfs, ,, Mittens, Gloves, Toques, Capes, Sweaters, Bootees, anti Knitted .Suits, etc. We would advise you to shop early 'and yokwill Jaye a larger assortment to choose from. PHONE 80 F. E.:H1BBERT jAHsvi STORE 47hrE otEr S 110 P" ,11.• .1.40aParawaroar.... them to see her sister -let -1w, Who tril rue LETTER' FROM THE VIRE Poise is the quality that enable.; a, in the Kinearditie luosental, UNDERWRITERS Mr. • and Mrs. john. Iluffillarf an- Tlie f011oWing is the letter fro% iwoman to act as though 'you robin% see anything you shotildp't see, nounce the engagement of their daughter,..Annie Le, to %%Maui (). Botta, son of Mrs: Bottlt and the late 'Capt. Ilarry Boult. of Coiling - wood, the marriage te take' place this month. Mrs. C. L. Moors': /eft on Tuesday for Cleo Springs, Okla., to visit her sister, Mrs. S. NY. MeGuiw, and other vieit •relatives and reeve, elerk and assessor, selecting' adian dealers to South Bend, it would oleo sivings site will Xaristis en route. After her vielt heroes. Ihntnerson, supt. sal- not be the last".and that he boned NI wa proCeed west- ary, a0.50; SmithiegeageLe.$6.12. regulerly bringem dealere and in thin rd to Los Angeles, Calif., and the secretary of the Vire thuicrwrit- ?re Association Whieh 'Was reeeived by- the eown outwit with referene. the fire at the Park House. A re- nnrt hen reached 'me in connection Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S OAST° FUI A w4, le recent tiro in a frame hear,is Mg' hoUse in the vicinity ef West and Wellingten streets. 'Met the' work of ".".""' the_ fire brigade AVIS-- --very-ansatis.. ' factory.. It is said that to begin with ' there sees a seriouti delay in rosponse by the brigade, also that tl,n fire I. It Trewartha. .grava $32,58; d. way invoi:ess them with the feet that Mail; gravel, 82.881 Thos. Sowerbv. Studebaker and El-sEne ears are msts for Toad 2, t412.50. Council built, not jost to sel1! but riither 't hen elliourned to Teat on TimrsdaY., retidp* r.tbe maximum of molair while there will be the guest of her Mrs. A. C. Richards mid family, On daughter.in-law and giunichildren, .41,141encilewm„aes.afoouuntaofilictitittuanisits,41.t:nnA IV might have, been extinguished within a shin t time by chemicolit, but no at. trinelli.:rislyr it L.° Ntivtlelt 'e t:gst eit°,,I her return trip she will be the guest , a kr broth'ers,.Messrst Gem'?" unl drarit had to be used there was not a Dee. 1ittb, at 10 °clock ani. service. Henry Craig and their famines a sufficient quantitv,. of hose on the . .. ..:Asitne,idpsciv,.(,,e,...k., ...ithuMsio.8tItY000d returni home Ire,1,y,.121, mount Pleagiint. Iftett. Mrs.innlomoltiell's. tete.uaseak*,71,0d iinetucio.nlisteoqutehnecemi,te Ilvaais.4 to:: council met on Nov. 14th, members reeent tests these cars 'have el en .. of Studebaker and Erskine- eara,.. In iinalganKet9°adeprelrerh.litIrransdasntjlter chi in- additional hose witielt had flint ti be over the, siides pOssmartios 11 present. Minutes of former meet- amide proof of their .,stanxina.--11'0,-,:meceit'uesrntndi:itIoineuclrillennilioLablil ettla tripiitaEtati4dedi\.::iae)!Ie: taken frem the tower. It tlioSe sfoto.. nit \ovefrr,oe 1.;!niked11149nrsd S411111111reavneden°3 An 13 21:1.1. ir).1:irtf°a%litiantheeeP'hsabva"%s°tuahtsght tera States. Mrsej. V. Thomas Po brigade, Which should receive front '1 011 On 'notion of Cameron 'and rccords 'Mitch have never be 1 -S,, rilolult iftecets"irnrelti'e tohiei!traTIdZsm:f 8t( '1 : 't'' , . MSS' C. AL Cnnleill apeolutfalliell 31f$' the nrimicipality the .eonsi'deratios 1eKhillin for Sig and sheep vajner rnarder ;Ind Dictator. and the enzie e sheep •claim of John led; The Studebaker Presideritv,Criooitiii; moore to Clinton. they reqUire. Among the eritleigais liehard Johnston two examitations,izehine 4.00. were passed.' Bylaw Nth 6 Was ' 1 " ., . a. • Pure risers to models 'tipply a range which • is said that no praetiees foe the fire - in the report that has reateuel nie it ben dedy Pessed. ort motion of ItIc7 get 'a ear wttoonfretuved nutlet. the men helve been held, this yeite. and Cenzie and Sullivan the following ac- dieeetion of Studeitalter erigineere. ........----. , that the thief simply acts as a fire ation to Goth 11011 $17.60; T., A' '1 -:: • et -et -es,- e, •e 1. 111r, o t I, 1 o t 114_ ...tioiatinSwallti fibi.;insg. .tithri!leiellathre tolentileeduitf. 1' 1:1::::sCi 11r:tel.:rat:II It (1;1°.::hddie, 4::--iitri r mints were ordered paid: 4, J. Hon- :Ind toted. as le perfermance. on tile man. handling the applianeee instetal ersom tile. $62.711; expenSes of dele- ka.pp,:t P1 )4 ,Ground at Sonth.Pend. of directing 31THI supervising opera - on. •turpeetme dor leaint .-oir hi 01 •-ln eere.,eee :,_:tr.„,. , 3.20; 'Ina. Kilpatrick, Salary 150.99, -. Zilliffir.17.4.4c ;JAEN min:re* productiOn 19 Britialt COlita • tontion of ti municipal offleisis, :Ind veius records, Although priees wi 1 to know what measures are. to IN.. if the rerort is correct I shall Irt glad tbiL:;iliritiletli. olfitG"‘V7.°°thiaee° i'lYt4*.kf'11214.'.. taken by the munieipalny to remove eeracl. the defects in the onerations of the yfoilium ori holdup 11(4)4 11144 S -tri ii;:i.0(:il.r 136.6:,:ort.tglItntbAt Hst•<ylei(cl.:.sisit,i; . .01).efreigt aidne..601:iteriisch fCte,rili. afliiisti.,:ii?,),iecaceress470. to say that tbo very favorable rates in‘surance whiCh have been.in et. vilfeed Verrish. gravel. $30,11, : the past two 44t4 1,, is recovering un- „ i,„ t,IIR,1„7retfzent ,.(r()n bus i'm'en Miss Purroevs, who 'tea been ill for. f:ftt:Ic't,41)1,as11.;:4Y.Yit:rintettntlI.?"19.1241 l'Ivvliti Vased pertlsr on the manretunice itty the nuirdeipality of it re-limo:dile ivPil resiev Twaridey, gravel. SI.A.5a; ,,,d,.er the thoughtful eare a Nurcig • '"*".1 - "'":1'31.e.,' 411" "la s'. orieanized end equionetl fire brigade. . „ l'. Reid.. gravoL $4 ntit 'AY: 5. 'nedarli' - Not F310 1111 has the N'tren and a well supervised wine). worns Riot ereveL n20.62: in% Irvin, gra- . The pupils and teaehor of Shep- rteotia rung:1g industry eitjilYed so SYStero.". " 01, $17.12; ..101111 SaVager genvei, rarcyoo schoel are holding their iero,,piit.proi u seam. ouring ti„,,, 645; R. riinIciater, gravel'. S4.75. Christmas concert. aridetree in the rine' year enditig SePtenther ill). ie. N. Johnetore-gteveL $2; Norm. thumb. on'rrueaday, nao: 20, .Thoy purr:it:lately 0,50,000 toes of. coal wifetk'sedidlvveanyessi.; tkiatbik.atinsepvcepi:thilleat n Shackleton. -gravel, $11.814 Gordon Are preparing diAlogues, drills and were produced in the • province until he it (town.. a/If-gravel, $16.75: Thos, Du:igloos.' pleys, Eyeryboder come and enjoy age:note aporoxiniatelY ri.000,000 tor ravel. 828.70; a. F. Hogan. gravel ves. ' 14. G. 1.. Page. gravel, $0.75t Albeet &vivre; gravel, 12.50; Geo. Richard, . n, glvel, g2 (jet), Write, gra,' -eAR14,011tr o.. 4 gra- Congratulations are extended to el, 150.29; D. SprouLgravel, $10,19; Mr. and. MrE.Gordon McPhee on the T; Sturdy, gravel. S35.81; Dutiean birth ot a li.ttle son on Saturday, Dec. ameron, gravel. 113.25; dno. McRae, 2nd. 'avel, S7.57; Wm, Jolinkan, gravel/ Mrs. Will Mellwain is on a visit to 1.70; Alex. ItleiDonald, ; Ieanc Andre*, gravel, $56,87; W.. gravol. $10,' her relatives in Wulkerville, Ply-. wanton, gravel. $10.31; mrs. Lltn., entutith and Detroit, for a week or r, gravel, $3.76n jno. S. Kilpatrick, 7-' ' Miss Nellie Clinic visited her old .. trattee, .9S Was also the treasurer's witli referenee to,. Dominion Oxygen „ ' statement 'for the month of.Novem- Co.'s .elaiin regarding gas cylinders I. I bet - ' at MO National 'Plant Was read end /..i The eemetexy sexton's report,. was' referred to • the rtommittee in d . showing twenty-three lote eelected cherge orthe NatiOnal'plants,, . during November, 'was referred to° . ,the cemetery and parks tommittee. ; The folloWing .letter , from Mr. George Edward diihriston. Varna 'referred to tlie publ:c works lrforrow in Hritartaitt 'road, Was ear- I ..Ootainittee: . . ried. • -"About a year ago we 'boright a - A communicetion from the Cana- /Wawa on 'Gibbons street, also a piece diati Qaportunities Magazine with " . of •lanil. about Ilk. acres 3the 'south reference ' to advertising- in their ?; end ef this street, directlY 'below the magazines, wee read, 4nd, on rreetion ; ----..-0-e----------•------e-e. of Cotmeillor Cutee, sceonderl by the , Deputy Reeve, was referred to the ,'• apciiial conirnitthe to report or. •E' "The council adjourned for ton ?pin- r utes to. permit the epecial committee to meet. . " The finance committee reeommelid- 8 ed tient. tile reattest of the Social Ilee- w gione Asseeiation for a, grant be left n A motion by Councillor Graigio, seconded by Councillor Cutt. that the public works committee Iook. into e 1.927 road -oil charges of hir W J FORGET lin 4r1.i31,;EF.A.221. Auto tfeehatiet.E1erta, (1174 Itaittort. I err or wetetne icietiorte. noose 1173ring. liri and rla%terirR. laarlierint and Ladles'.40trur. among. Eon $5 tn. $10 Per Day eau: weeks required to team. Expert Instruct/7gs. Pr:wriest Training. nte.neentad: Quo Now for eiteter pay, tout a terabit future. WritA °refill -for special oiler andePree moots, Hemphill Trade Schools unglue street west. Toronto tint'. working $16,30; Mfiton Tsai- M,. Geo. Burrows, of Lanfine, AI- atrick, galling. $7,60; J. S. Miler- berth, le visiting relatives here. fele. gravel for bridge, $12; John Kil- Borte-On. Dee. 5th, to -Mr. and a;tritkj AolarY of Olen filling at Mrs. kLarry Ledaart a. daughter. ridge. $22.55; J. W. Petrie, oiling ide or read. $10.64; .Albert 0 Mr. II W. Green has returned froin 1/1eGe- I) trait, where be attended the fun - ire and repair to bridge. scraping F. ... . 111 „ . - nd teatime weede. $30.90; T. oketeee etai ot me ecemn, e. 43/4., Aerie 1 over to next year's business; in the ..1,) matter of the request of the baud .i, comniittee for •Payment of 350 hal. awe of grant. that the committee be 11. asked to meet a committee a ate n.. levhole council on Thursday, Dee. Z 16th, at 8 ran.; that the sum of S20 ; charged for ekettez of liand stated be l struck off the account of the Gode- P,„, lrich Planing Mills Co., Ltd., and that nu" they be pain the sum of $500 on etc- n ....e.-eeessi.e....e„, ........--e-,........-...... eteent: and that a number of accounte e.• be Ma. - - n7 Model Theatre ,....T.,„ ., ,.... ,Qx., building „permits as refer- IT red to us at the last meeting. With ,,,,, WEEK OP DEC. 12 to 17 ' refeeenee to the letter of Nov. 17th, t• from the Canadian Vire Underwrit- el ........... ineelleiD-Onstna TriEsikki. . , erS' Assodiation regarding plaint. that the work of the fire -KEN IVLAYNARD • gade at the Peek Hauge fire wits very rel presents all that the west tan give in unsatisfactory. we learn that an in- le Aroma and thrill. A great 'ejaseite vestigationtis being lield by the Pie- g7 of outdoor adventure. ifineidi .Firo Marshall in the. Court 8,e .4Voligwilo /V sna House on December 2nd and we -will jimm;r-41:1A-ms-.:,,..---- ronort later, , W IN The speeial committee recomMend.: „so. -main rag FroliKs- 4.'4 filet ample. 'and nriees be obtain- ,>,...i ed on two police uniform .overroats; on 'and, $16,75, able the following for the greatest comic on the tro,10 to. Pu"' - dal', PartraYs a• rubber-heelea gum The enmetery anti parks committee , a . t t, $34.90, Nelson (tali (n, ot the annual meeting. All elle lG o Villot r • ' On, $157; Herb,Curran, 1499.05' VI nerb Morris • one day last week. rvices as patrolmen: John Little friend. n ittevin, $260,90; en j. 114n% Mr,. Will Richardson, -with iiis 20; John C. Dalton, $317,75: .e.t.aa at Mr. Ed. Lawson's, Mrs. MeQuar- e0.2e; lienrsr Hawkins, ,, 8,10345; mother and Mrs. Mt -Millen, of Pert illis $00; Albert McGee, 1220: Wit - o. Poster, $202.50; Jno. A. Abu. Albert, 'visited with Ur. and Mrs. rie is a sister of Mr. Lawson's. Mrs. MeQuarrie, on 111ondity i4th. It I PO. 'WYNN' , month of • Decentber, one.sixteentli1J. W.. Alt00, $111.05; AT6110 Courtney, The VV. U. S. will meet in the town ,r57.75.1 Theist. Pittgiartild, $2:12.37; hall next %S 4.414 Dec. reported that thee' were looking into 119; Itinon 61Inettleton, 1200,25; Jacob ,shoe while Chec.ter Conklin is the members are asked to atteed as there ineeteeeeene of crooeeone An nen, +he motter of commeneing a fund for/ linter, S470.95; Geo, Fielder neSe e beatable team of gloom cluteere in ' 'RUBBER HEELS" • 1,1.0YD HAMILTON, in "iltEEZING ALONG" wjetwEsEtsy and and that we advertise in the Calla,- s„t A-'61"1.*74141""L, titan Opportunities- Magazine for the ('I are, 1107.50; Roy Myers, $180,25; Mrs. is the latter's mother. FRIDAY *sad SATURDAY ' FRED THOMPSON in another great western picture with the gripping action and romantic op. peal that is always in a ..fighorapsort entertainment. . "LONE HAND SAVNDERS" ALBERTA 'VAUGHAN and 'her gang le some important •business to trans, i le Tetrratual lin:imeli' of flowers ortilt; lIoward Ilai'ffer, 1191.85; Richard' act. A cOrdiat invitation is extended, plofq in ttoitland cemetery. ,,Tolinston. .1117.75; Rucisell Ilissitt, to all the ladies. -.cinmended that 'Mr. John Thomnson ..T. Elliott. 1227.17: T. J. Letitinee The nubile woidts emonfittee re-I'S325, Thos. Perguson, $132.25; WiliLl ' A' Christmas coneert and entertain- ment will be held at S. S. No. 2, Col.. he given a relate Or 54. feet off mar $126.95; john nfeNanwea, $242.501 ...borne, on Thursday evening, Dee. rood oil ,liccourit for 192/. :Saml. Swan, $150; Pred Johnston, .nolid. at 8 o'clock. Pt 04 of These rePorts were all adopted. S120.'il5; George,- Barger, $210.25; underwrit..'1370.55. Moved by a.' oinking, recitations, 0)414, 14 mono- . loilnie and Highland dancing. Chin A toMmunication dated Dee. 1st' P. Afurphy. $109,0i/e Chab. - Ritchie.. feont the Canadiam Vire era` firssociation relent/lug and"taffied t int metre and 1 ta report on ., McKenzie 'ialnaran ana dren free. A cordial invitation to treneurer invest the surplus Of the reply a Dee, 21i4. were read and, on •le,on aPwaY Park Rouse fire and the town elerli'a! Interest in bonds. Council Mr. George Bean, of Carlow,' was :noti iinailled on Monday. I/ee. litie to illise on of the Reeve, econ eded by ,tudjourned to meet at ten o'clOci: mity, "Westlake. daughter of Mrs. W, Ili" fire committee. • Coureillor Craittle, eyere referred to .renazineentintilibdn.rAlti34111,,molttl fin't.'*-pn (ki!ly,egaice, of the Bayfield road, Code. nlel/ONAGII, aerie nerformed iblv Rev. Mr. MeDeinthl at • -rteh. tottamhip. The ceremone Wilf3 A number of acconnts, Including . istip AND, WDDING•. aecount ef. Mr. J. J. Moser for curb." I the Knox church manse, . Goderkli. •Ing on Montreal street nt front -of ," A VISIT TO SOUTH BENI) They will . reside in the groom's hew Matinee Sat. at 3 Pall- the Public Library were presented. Mr. V. II. Wood, local Studebake Saltf"d' wieh Mr' and Coming -Richard Dix itt We nantle." "Quick- Moved Councillor Cott, tieconded 'end Erskine dealer, who hot heoll Mrs. Benn every success and happi- ly Councillor Craigie, that the tie-:otteraiing, the dealere conference tie ness in their wedded life. the head oftlee at South Ilend, return.. "Perfect Bread" Wrapped Or Unwrapped " that nice, nutty brown that appeals to both eye and palate. Bay a Loaf of Perfect Bread and Taste the difference. Try Our Whole!theat Dread and Fruit ead. ed to Goderielt last Veiday. ' l The conference washeld at I south ' PEOPLE WE KN'OW •• Bend on account of the Studebaker Mr. Itobt. Mulr returned home last • Corporation centralizing their engin. Saturday for the winter. .eering and xcecareh, departments in ,Mte nnd Mrs. Allan Robertson, of 'that rite.. , The automobile industry ia reeele tXbieineral;Idlionteher,t°374.11iRrh. Ractutes71.1Pilinotinede nized to day am 6110 of the werIdni from Kincardine gonday evening4 11leading intluatrive. It has attained ?wee; Evelyn nose, and Ant.; Latira ,3';',01irrist '°4 pbC0C3111;tbeee.t at 1)tregter John eton, of the St i Afford Normal ,t111:ntileyadi(nrie3pri:tveatoilleitle:111:13.4::7?tru„t:,:‘(:„:„; lion? si the latterte Parente, Mr, and ellgineel'in " -'---2-- "-- es--* Mtn JoSin Johnston. Newgate St. n,y, r.elioal, were week•end visitors at the E. U. CLEVELAND, Baker PHONE 114 11,1 CHOW We have the Stove4 New Queb;o Cooks • and Heaters and the Prices ar Right. Sec Us First HAROLD BLACKSTONE'S FURNITURE. EXCHANGE On the Broadway of Goderleh the fiwue p000d of. lost year. Perfection in 'courtesy '8 reached I ....-... "%Olen a drugtstore clerk BI'llo a nost- Ilve biggest shipment of live age stamp and offers to wrap it tip foxes to leave North America for -.s ,' ..-.•m•••••••..*.•-....a............k..,-........._...,,___..__._____,._ the myropealt-mqvitiat since the. in . . - -'-. ' --• dustry Juts been developed • rrt. AUCTION S Charlottetown in a tonsignment of 1,000, bound for NorWay, via Hall - entire ehipmeut le Vained. tit ap- tax„, Theee animals, are valued at frene $500 to $1,590 a pair, and the ontonts . of the . . proelinately half a million dollars. . INSURANC ;the Mutual Life AssuranceCompany of Canada • rittatiFthea Wit • 1141411. 1 Weeeinem, Owr. Dr; O. MOONEY, Agent . mom: 0,) 'MST ST, Chilli:M(1ft ONT. ALE of the Her Grace the Duchess of Atholi. • promineut British peeress arid liannentariati, -wet the central recently nt the launching on the Clyde, Scotland, ,of . the . first ot the four new •Canadian Paeliie e'llitenee0 .'hip. -the 20,000 -ton • Passenger litter "Dodoes of Athol)." nese veesels will go into theeCithin li Pacific Atlantic passengtr eerviten The elaborate figurehead of the "Entprese of Japan," the filet trans -Pacific litter on the Canadian Pacifie, has been mounted in Stan - (.7 Park, Vancouver. The nefnipreee - Union Hotel We are instructed by Mr. John Lannon to sell by Public Angtion. at THE HOTEL HAMILTON STREET, GODERICII. on Saturday, December 17th, 1927 commencing at 1 o'clock sharp, all the contents of the hotel, including : parlorrReading Room, Dining Room, Bedroom (17 bed - 91 Japan was a dipper tYPe Wang' zooms) and Office Furniture,- Cutlerlt Glassware and er and the largest and fastest vein • • • • , n.31 eavigating the Pacific. The Itedding, Carpets, Linoleums and all other furnishing,. fitverehead was tires -dated to the • Vancouver Parks Board us a inn. Everything must be disposed of as the property is too, 1„ene. of that great port. 11 - d b * • so (r. an possession is mug gwen as soon as sale is over. ' A eppial train of eh:et:are entry - 'nig pum bred twine and' sheep for TERMS CASH • te hibition and instruction purpoeu . le now traveling; throtnth -Southern Sael:atelseevan lever the Canadian • t JOHN LANNON T. GUNDRY & SON; Pacifie Itaihvny. The etoelc is sup- • Proprietor plied by the Provincial Department ef Agriculture, the Dominion Lice. ..ei k Dranett, Stockyard Companies, Peekers and Breedere high- chiee stoek. l,ectures dealing with the breeding., feeding and manage- ment of sheep and swine are given ty experts. Throng/4 Ike atienices. of the Can 1.1.1 Colonisation Asseciatiom 509' Ninnies, consiating of 2,799 pereone, keen) eettled in Canada on 130,928 acre of land (ram •january Ist to '..etober Mat. The settlement of I !heme fainillee was PeraoliallY nun- • .evieed by offieials 01 (110 Aesoeia- I lie4r4"ted the lade mid eloped crane, . vibe: completed the contracts, at:lie:sift. It eepeeted. Met 100 nit- dnieeal farailive 44111 bo tattled he- , • nee) the end of the wee. Sinceita! the etudebaketeene,potation haft Mote Mr- Grenville Clark, of St. Maser.j eteet. the. Caieida .Colonization A44.. 414814 nem eaee eeehnle, feenenen forriteely of. .Goderich, UndrrWeltt a ' eie eget: fa nub:di:nary of the De. • telley thee lune- ••• ;ever of delserious oneration in the litieffiire t.aicezent of Colonizatiol and De- eere ettelygne ear nu:ellen- (know] 81Y4p1181 a• v•'eok I '11(4'1"1-'14° t'.37441" P40111e naP• iern: ahe a vr000d of 'U! (433' Ma many frieral.i in teede. c:ri7,1„ hal aetticd 2,2.17 faraillee on. • eight hundred effo, and no a vosrat ri("inP l'ee°ver'Y' eerce •and there aro stin l• t lie INN lettunterer atel Prelente ree., Mr. and Mre.g T;4)4344 03, e'7141411.7404,,of.33,„",,33i,4„105 04„,) 9O COJ ,y1 1)rirfcA leardine, returned front their 44 (17' I 70? 401(37 IlcalilaK'n• -ado tcr'' "-.7;le to 1-rethe 1 ao%)e car. tsip to-t.Londoit and svnt eoutqc ,,r , teniedien 4 14aneot 4415_, , tby.1 in Goilerich with tlicir craett.' U!87 24)114, ata.1' 133 a-;31/ WiltickiiP,P. no Cava- 1.rra1.e7ita„ 51r. and Mrs. Itt.moil. oPt ArAir°a ';,j.t0 10 , io 44811'17.u.0,11 rettaticrl to Iiirt..m'nzo 4./4 it. • Auctioneers CALVIN CUTTS SPECIALS Seedless Raisins, low, 2 lbs. for • ° .290 Valencia Raisins, new, per pound.. . .. .19c Currants, new, per lb... Me Lemon and Orange Peel per lb.. .... ....25c Glace Cherries, per lb. . 49e Fresh Walnuts, broken, per pound.. . .49c Shelled Almonds, per Ih.65e 6 Jellies, v;ithr cup and Saw. er.... ...... 47e Beets, Peck .25e Carrots, Peck. . . ..... 25e Piumnips, Peek . 25e Turnips, pk., 15e7,.bu.. 50e Genuine Dry Salt Cafgsh, skin on, per lb... . .I8e We issue and accept Cash Discount, Bonds CALVIN CUTT'S Phone life e