HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1927-12-01, Page 7FAG w, `0�� M A -Y-.D E, C-1 0-4. 1 W 7 ON, 4 cbrw WW Alter. elichliAo. t*n%,cr, lnvdif�lj Wrt ft Week Rev. fkas" bolter tons of a series nolovilote, traftsol"#� qof ft"Ungs in the Hoefut ofittrii, Nx"ast. emoe"ituro. C%iu. olwW. A So$" Sunday c4fternoon weliere, them wine "thusi"tic, TOW- ifts. **At oft tonvent";1 he (*ftilurt. convi-4. evateace. Iwo Wem bw . group4L 'Aaw alarckift in riow ",_ Injustitit. wivrig, aof`Airutoo�, Ty ISABEL HAAULTON, G*Aoich, OR& iors towns And villselle *ilk ban* -,k-- imlrY. gritvamt. ot tho "ledel ftomm" of ow C 6, a Li" ebmwoAMMM6411 flying. 4ruaw avid cya*&U alAkint Massacre. tar"ate. Ltolgh,ve. deligiRrot music. and he tol000le I.lood-Ilvd, butchery. tow "a ddat b good *a out Nor 540=1&= 4Lead us. heavenly Fax.,wr, trod uak izmided li"rer ithall b* -Inlftaln� shooting "Yisu M460% Ki Joli;, Jvie- w0a giody O'er tile wvrid's tempistuva, sea; 1 4194 with us." Ali" toulol diorive tory to'Jv4irAo Christ. Then ill tllxt "Ust a W" throitsomwo "'1 4 it as Vl, Oil,. wirm" of ?Joe. W. (Iwwa st"& fluslool us, guide us. keep u,3, feed us, comfort, froull'410 silift fOr who, Vveoing we MA & talletifte fkw Lxluea- our*:' Loot us inervalm okkrloo�lkhu- Ur1L js.. walls, Boma )trod, Out, � For we have no help but The�,* pshould Judah fear when GA w" I ted non-CbristianN. addro"*4 by Ili,, lary by oilasterin =Thi4 I with his people ? _g arw word ewh day. $106" writes:- I I bow been so greafl$ bene. yet possessing every blessing . W ion#* for an hour and a bAlf, Th,!Oe War& for this lit"on - "I lited by �rour Jdilblora�o HeAtt, IW41 , If cur God our Father be. ' J After the" colatoorting Word. ileaders from Among AW Nobviroolv- INAPPUCADLE-, 'ut Nw Alow MA141% *Sim "i up weive killo; I f**A I should Write luid James H4akVstkql. I beta spoken by the prophet thcr � lot- avid Ifindus liotQ404 wkh itt"' beinif applied. -Your iursiotionp tell �rou. )low stateful I *at for )-out 'llowed terrible threatoninga oa Ahar,14"ll tit*& to a Sr"t mesoiar,: coll- (Nat *m 32 iaie Tourist 0uWO w" A%** MOP* PRAYRR .,und his house. Tlibugh the loving'*aravot are inap licable to this icauritow"l'! fm an P44406r. opkildid rkiledy'. -%Vv, pray Thee, our Fall, coining Jaus. At tbe 0oft at tlw W11, �er, that kindness lot God shall not be utteriv Address, the people broke out its fArAin- , HILA IOUS; boistorodsly lit"i-N, 44my bear 'Ves my be opened. th3t all David Hilarious Sound* indkAtel thA'. lh��' vbs avve"No a" *am" 1"Oeft 40w4mov t Iles Iwit weak for Sit 4"U'r e W':� 616Y titken. away for the sake � tairleous Apalause; they stem -id to U - Couple of y"ro. and As P. colasequeuce have a clearer vision 'J 61.2 o1ceper and the covenant made wits Win, Yet Ay moveit, Really. ill *11 Were enjoyinst the fun." )BY Rerves bilexale very boa. novalling- of the truth foun-4 in th� j A. great caWiniV shall befall him and trome"dow MIGUATIC; mlitkotil by �oovl;tl% words, of the prophet,- of old, As we his house. The country would be. %y vears, in India I love iviver seen 0,01, so *Agti to hear al';ou; out, And authoritative assertion, iiq w" allolile to jo aly work, could 4ully may ue learn ho to bo laork, his speech was dogntatle" it Was kolk� V w over-iuri by the Assyrians and gen- UNC" vineirit'" not Fileell at, ilight, slid ceemed to� be ewr lexible and faithful to Thee and erally depopulated ally gettitic worse. to the revds of gur Jellaw-)iten. lVe C�apter- 31. In this tile Prophet basty; sul*rUriol. Rok in the nal -00 of J41sus. Christ Pul, too-thilso who, apply ."After making a few Qursoia U- 4il irlea seveial rciuedieF,.but ic- Lord. Amen. 'or Our Weekly, marks he left the wom." Ito Egyp br help agahut the elienry fAvea so benefit from them, and Was S. S. LF,$$ON FOR DF.C. I Ith. 1427 instead of looking to God. 1be help CONTINGENCY; ro3aibility of b".0ming Very Much Warmed by Illy lke.�soro Title-Issiall Cauaseiq 11 tat- of man is vain iiat the lourl of hoxts, 1,,eawirio in English hapyloning. llww_,must pri�pako� now Condition, One v3sy a friend. allioilq�14A er's. can defend. deliver and preserve J,,%r- - for such a eontingem�y." 'we to tq t1salem. The prophet calls Jle Peo- 18y W. L. GORDON MAUR' .4*AL*., motherly. "Ile: ma- ple to repentance and ref-lormation (6 ternAl nature drew her to t1le thil(VI wom Tatt" 31,36, 37'. f6r they will then be it% a fit 4 -doubtful about VAI Often -.11symed "t Olt Ur the AtIllet*k-411 Wrliaps in the reign of W-8%, a liver by putting the Maly to VoUtt Don't pa,.g "I wouldn't want. $0 Iniv owns, when the p1p ��Aat nuay their AtZouldn,t-, in t, becoline, discour- .1c. firat person. Thomas' Felectrie Oil *4 excellent ...... %A*0 king, the prophet had not his it e li.erviol:�- 13 Wait Wi:;Q lJJ0tIJQ" , wha )J1 1dilla.. "Thernsall the Asqvian fall Article. It venders tile musele'l RAd aged U71AC so "wouldwel tit the se�-Ondl Ono third Ur&=nee next Weelt by ftes jut 3tofiler NVAM-A Truilly opportunities of preaching at sineym pliaMe, talpes the vweriess M1440 to V. 4 g *` court.,, and therefore he wrote' Ole by *,e award, persons, �cetora Out Of them and strenithellil tlltlift r. . J x .4, the W011inston sti, terminator always have it at hA.!J. r$ the per' lilove� for a testimony agaitwt tilem. Obsotevs. $6.37. In these chaPter$ Don!t Say $'tbe "board of 4113 for strains that may 'be out uvon tionantster. Ouse it provea its value. me, to get have adjourned.", Say 41h.094" sluidea recorded history which proved. a box, And UW In. the second or:thlrd year of tile art - ey by tile pro. Don't liW "I have very near finist.h. Ithern. It, atanda pvc�ewlrlelrr Jov reign of -Abaz Art alliance was formed the traill. of the prollhe . I this purpose. and athletes who for It'a all riot to whip your A111411 5411 thollUtil I am to I !gd the, work.,, Use ",nearly" to tx., for fighting if you 'Want him to he token -between -the king of IsraA and the phlet a good king Who was press 44%ithin A little.D vears have been using it can testifY ka" token. her lidvlee. I have t Abuz. Till$ Hesekish was whiplwd oil through life b�ear,4#_, lWs king ot Syria agains to its value as a lubricau. ftr box", and slid Test constcrn.�4�jolx in. the, working reforms among his peovle. u" "Wever", to express arml;f to tight. -4 1 caused A 'Dowt lat 0 it , _ ir.x of 44obliging," ot "good-ristared." Its I feel that .1 isla, veq ni:hy blelft"eIr'. court and arnong He h*4 made peace with the, ki REUTM M at the, 1pople, .,so A REMARKABLE RECORD Assyrisi by a, rich preseat; sod yet true meaning is "dexterous;, capable, old days a, lot of fel- rilue'll. so that AUiz's heart W48 Wov- elxiiert." from The Lnd% Uer. Even ill tile , rlo�L peloo Me. is. box At *11 dealers, or that king - suiltlenlY Invaded Jud -0", The following s, kissed the brl&, but 'aircvt vir recollot ef price by The od. and 'the hear� of his lie9plO. as the nnd laid. it Waste. Then. S'4.'Onferenco- referring to the remarkable fees of the w0fid aire woVed w4h -.110 Don't say "I Was the last of 411.11 cury. I mo�kry before the cerelao'"Y. a or the two �kings took cof a T, Xillourn Oo. Vltofw� 16rolito. Onto 'betweell agent IV# is tautological. railway velawd of Mr. Win. Lavnvroo�e, COLD$ 11 C wind, They had made God their Ru- place. in which the repir6entative Of � Don't say"'Jahin's a IS _of_ 11pectal local L -Interest as Xk. elow and knew not how to wake him wd,.Toni's eao.' It. -Wril. 0V Ightell Say d*Jilbil ind aice 1% the futh*r of �� ond, and tberefou- their fears 't.tha King of Asoyria, tried to Irl Laure ., r Fril rda Often Utapronou. Lawruce and Mr. Horiwe Law 111.- L;ile your light. achbif chest. ami the ageota of the king. of -Judiih� out IVO, 1,04 reluce, CANADIAN NATIONAL tyrannized over them. 'The Prophet Atary street, tile vain. Break tip i ic cokqt*Aiot6 T. SWA !irf their trust in God. They arivoyer- , 'natlec., Pronounce i as Ill "it," o&rieil was direcied to'seek tho'4nul"'Ut a F, Leeds railwar guard who has I -tel a b%4 coo loosell till in Ast Particular place and,to.eneouiagie his and areept. both norm and Ve TRAIN SERVICE to,"TORONT10 (I not a %vpvd but returne4 to their Uavt. '6i'lTake 'heed and b4 quipt; king w' syllable. $it short titile, ith an account of 411 tbev had .1 retired, Mr. William Lawrence, amilly fteept 01"Ildsty Red Poper Rub, Is tll� cold re"Ito Ustonod to -frout the routh 'Of the WIles Uttr�s. lyronounce bel. 0 .)mount View, Bratuley, reckoned -It csr�o foati riot, neitter be faint-hearted Lve. Gokrich 0.20 a 1% 9.20 P-41. edy that brings nitkest relief, 'clilemy 'nst.,ad of letv, both 0�8.ai in "let," aomut see- up his averap mileage in a chat , I'Vag the message for the king becnQt, - Xing Ilezeklabi ?s '42 not IlUrt YOU an L it certainly., tetms to UA stablest BOW 'thoSf going to WarL Vdth 4herft Ightened away from Goil. ond syllable, - With a IlUercury" reporter testor- �Vould . being ir Clinton, - 6 25 O.M. 2 end the tightness tow drive tile vockgtitr- r firreaterlifirg V4nishing na'WASJOglitened to him. God sent , padroile. , pt-onounce pa-dro-na, (lay, and it was found that after Sedorth, 0.41 A.m. 3.18 P W sareness r1glit oUt. find thei tiori and bira'an answer bY the proollet 'Prom- first as in. "art," o as in "no," lost thirty lears, Continuous ti`aVelljn(�o 110 A _*Qke" to the Assiut- �Jjtellojl 7..04 a.nj, 3,jJ2 pall NoIlling lias �ojoh corteentrated. Ile add, gives ill I rc. Just off tho Square that t t, his, - Oah*s ShOU14 9, lis accent Aftor tile, o, bad covered 2,700.000 4krr. 'Stratforil -7.80 1_111. 4.10 1).111. 1 S'PorSt and Whea Agee. -he attempt should via'. t. - !'I. tratillo heat as red lic lk" t Axo"rrOvIlitualkethaa happy turn fOr 'hill, ltoof� wotiourice the Qa. as in , "it - sliall not., stand. neither I not 0% in ,b6dk.", without, a Zinkle accido.'rot. x1tollener 8.20 -tml. 6,00 1).M licat velletrates right 0%vu into col" The king of Agsivria, q bogart oil the Old Midland in com %1VER,%t "%5T,0LA55 AUT09 REA11Y sbalj come to pass," Further than and lils People, ft the City Ntithout 4oboot," "I start- Guelph $.43 a al. 040 P'an cong6tion, aching Imiscles and - rk -my le aid I All. Lawron rdit SERVICE-6ET You, ww"sm, thaf 1,�he'pr`opllet. fretellq the kintr Df and his , At lgel Of'L Nel4e., Pronburoco.=Ay�lay,. acc(irit 1873.11 a, - 4 stiff joints relief conlens at 00m., ANOV'REN YOU, -WANTT,0 OXT'THFIE, Jtr�ttcl., instead of- beln� :,lbla taw seize t,bc91i1T1lnw the Attack f0r'�tbe ail ed A four- islilllings a week At "( ro.ver Toronto 10.215 ql-tli. 7,30 11411, many thilusan& in on last syllable. The moment �qu ipply- Red Pe= itlipr 11ennle"A Itiridg. r"hall -,aot be able I the Lord sroote, Elixer. Pronoulx-m first n or, in firtew when I Nvas going to, flulAl, and Retui ning-Leave T�ronio UO, aml.,. Rub you; feet tile tingling licat. Ill I to hold his ovm. "Within tinroto score I thoir sleep. Thus were the rower.and 'hot 11 i as in "it, " last e a$L il,, olteVI,P prot nothing,for extra Onto, of courso� 12.55 P.m.. ana C1.05 pall. rnlnutq the coneested svot 10vartaf4 and, five sbilll 'Pailivalm bo Ilrlde of wjpUed nien, punished And after the - x. '41 have bpen Art turn parM4nlfid, 0 ov tllrjouglt and tbrolialu When you Otto 1�rl " Parlor Cate car, Goderich t ;)r 0 kinirdiin, U . And suftrull; from a cold, rhe"al Pailmerigerv, called tor In any, t _ s Of the vlarth inade s irlai- atoo -an morning* train Toronto V*rt at, the town tor L Ail Ue�". tba 1j, Ile not a peohle!*. All th th-le. "thou sit the Lord even IN"Orils, Often 31isspelled nuniber taker, parcel'porter, o � God, bv tile pror-liet,juakes. u, to knol%v not orer.. Mal), Por-ter�gouard, foreman eleanv% iWickichirt stig neck or acre intiv -hav, tin. trains at O�T,�R-vr G.V, R "boll forOulatilvasher and guard. 14 Godorich 0.05 P.'q. tv fjolln nfrel' t.;� .,AhoZj to n)"yVe Pere ch to Toronto Vat PQ.t,a Jor of ROWU t'hp�' VX- "In eror, - nod, 0� RCAT*� otoots. . L ridensed fr;ow UatthiaW Hour. A ss I - - two. es, eive,; el. or six st�tlqriniiistershere 4,hrough goach 1 ade from epliers, at a Iiie bad foroteld. -'-A,'-, orj;u�men;' served AS ' nill 111 truth of wbat die-, io, , Palatable At Leeds, Wellingtoro.'" 17, F. LAW , NCZ & SONS _PrQkVPt SerVi v sivm nf 0-h tird 4- v Qod." store, You will.] an osi , , �h e -rition in recognition of Tdvm PJAseuget, lind �Tit "Ceoj" 41,fl,-is -*d I . - I Dr. Stanley tte [ernie, s tit 'Phone R. I C* +1 d ­ WOW110 MISSION$ Synonyms kets irents lamtho 4014tt Carefilit. A"eiida x I to :;hoow�� hN 74m, as Sones Is still beingling a4 0 a A pre, $.flj 1. rlyy.­ (7i(loou- gl­tnt fla fl�eee (Judsres w OW* for jL SlUlt ejt�,qr' hino, ask Joi Ltyory end Hsck Servico +be or oarth, or water, for Will be tott"li VP_tL date FkL $a 0* "Go4l§ p6wer is th r�:� ill cac.h. Irk ovory rooed�t-4 A�Inz I-Alpei �Ius. �frvlrlqus o. iln�egplt;e )iitivinp pind;4 h-4MgMe witli the 'A m�,Ujkj V. M V 14 root i'l mootreol st T., S WARTS vaur, ipstranage solielted s-mrians for 11PI1 de' * le 'i;ldon to-flie God of tsi*ool. for I;p jL Phono 107 b�eilae, We Wmflfl N 0, - t,��,t-rnpt GorV Alfholl-*h IS I 4.q ill ii;^Ilwioug 111an Ito w-foindpd to �e i­ry M 7o , Tho jiM14 'of P ir --at 4�: COMMA of God A sivn I 4,Plioreforp�'�O­ T, 93L.CW Tbhyt ig' f6rvtold J, 0,­ceynj"�- 4)f +I,- �Vpaolioll 'Is In P't. rFL A 5 ("M wmild uVorly Ali llmlt Tt E D' 0 .�DO, -Pr­vole^ flie. hn1Jq.5 A� ))�.lvid, The V 7 Cj X tuemy of It enst�-, t�e pal t x, J"t_� Xtew Wo R the jolfi ! Q: trito the m kti­ r StE Df J"LtZb, it itt MFU T1 t o_.r- SERWORIA1 TIPM FAI OF SPSARM L M, im a tons And zest 0 Wshtesi yaw halt &VII =�a. It Iteill,ir tootIL "hit*# ol"tho the thmts, . Im us HYDRO-�, -ELE-C I RIC_, tl -THE PEOPLE' raft, nini tires Vvor mote to.r Alto make Doi Ion I ires, and other,veo.0d, th6' public 6 the matt, who buys t age give the mile Ile pays forf ires -e ys W*. ereat�i .,faith in 1H..1- Wdne ra�xnake 'it possib r.car owners to drive Ita g WiDrin'king es. 41 the. soundness of eir tie More Water, wei as ghtly as possible on the nake,the care- of tires ii 'rake Sal'Is to f luith Kidneyll and To i tatIng Acids system of. s&viicle to car owners has been 'Xiditity and blaiider-irritatlon5, often 10 result from acidity, sayg a noted an- organized, known as Dominion Tire Depots# C"k by I Meeltelplity, iq. The kidam 1101P, fifter this t,,odr Goal tile blood Uld paw it to to jVggh by Efee t t1w,, bladder. %Vllere it - ftlay rcalaill to their distinctive triCity nd irritate alld blflatI16, clusing a,buthing, At these Depotsp which are teadily rec....g Iron by Fletweity Isk�,lwing scnZlolli�or F t ail Ift re colors, orange and blue, the motorist may expect to find, welto tatiort at the neek of the blad erooblig- 10ONVENRIENT9 ing �on N. relief two br t1ireb i ed arid, completely organized. ti service he night. The sufferer along �he most t1leL _'.�ate eat ire ME^ QUICK � ii""Ielt" ('(61111111gnt tflread* r ww" A tI, somethiles With a Giding cemation and Chea then Coal or ry, 1, cGrn lines. per ,ifu,, , is diffi- mo ,e; again, tAert Wood, vulty at %oiding it. lWadder saost folks'. call it Ain Vicetrie Va0uvini Cleziuoz i trillation, I 'Aaree entirely with this idea of organized, service and now berawe they calft Control I ,relllov4Ls the flust.. a bi�,tonl i: U entrone1v antloybig and j"4 moves the sjust. painfill. t145 is often Tire Depot. announce that I am operating a Dominion Ive gualantee all Irvill'o, 44 t110 li6l"'i ciasp!e aVintntsto ever;. for 1,W, h6ttrLi, fmay. 11covin dtifUw h5l) Of t0ft WAtCf. %Valk En tind see ilisplay at "11-0 fj 1 D�,vqt of 1*4 Salts Drop Iin and have, your tires checked for pressure. It s a step front 1"iwir alld take a table- pci-.,Savul i4a a lkla,5 of water, before Cointim to greater mileage. And iit',vvill guive me this for twq W a chance to explain Ike Hydm Store -tvill It 1P �Z-vnalorxer the Dominion Depot idea to Y,,Lu# f,f ittit-atibn to Jlie VA440-11 fjr&f,1ll% %hkh Air" R!:t 1!00� ih fua4e skip a0 ,�4 - frill-, frw (.,I pcilit-, and Vtnolw 56re. 1 4tv" 10 CASTORIA *'­01.SWrf1 %;,h Ybi_l. and i) st-rel bq, Ar, isholw^ for Tsifsais aso# chiureft VIta IT& rl'.Mr,-t f6 A _1�11 tq "(0 L� - -,J 1nU"1F4W0V*r30Y40r,5 0'(,Is onto Alws" lovolm the C4 I