HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1927-12-01, Page 1- __ __ vwqmpw�,"� , - 6, 1 11111�1 . . Wm�— .� I I I& _:.- I I I . ­ I — . 1� 1� I 7 " I 1;"� —_ ­-, 7 I - � , I '�. I . �. � I , : I . 1�1 �. �� I V00V . $ . .... � " , I I'll, .... I I I � s4A 3^01416)1� . I - I . _ . , , ­.. ''I - . - 10511iii1mil... - -.1A 1.10. tcl==w _� . = - __ _­­ __ 'i. � A , . , � � . , 4. Ir IV - . , " 17" 1 � - �� I ;# -1 t �Nl __ fl, . . ; , . , ___W__ I � .. .... P .. I I , 1'�� . . AF 'L�9� ; �­ .. � � I . ­ " I ,*:"� . , . , . , - I I I �1� I - .. ... ., - ��,. . .. . - - ,,, - . i . — - — � - - __ � I. . I . � I I I �4-�,, , . "I . T, ..... V" I �, 't, � I ", .6 " I - ;_""]. 4 -;� `0 'e,!%," - - ­.,... '. 1 � ;e_Mpeot W. We I "V4_ - ­ _,_. y, of New "I � I # I - . �, t��t__`�' 4, 1��V � =*== - - � - ", I... - ­ I— -,- P�� ___*_%06_4r ip - I t�.lj' ___ – —I.— - .. ­ .. of the orwatol"twalme 11 ­ . �'. . . I 4 . ­. ­ I .... : . . 4 1 _. - ­ r-1 I AW960* tile - - I I ,,;.N� � �,4.�V­ i . tb"A i�: Orgasixation 11 worw go 11 I I , � 1! _- 11 ? �, I �, . I _.&.. 7 11 ".- I � -1 - I � � �,;� 0 1 � fater"I ft"If ia Ilbe L"Mowl. M. gum tit .1 ,, 11 � �, . I vou "* 1, I - ___.." � , � .. 01 I I 11 ... . .. 1h 4Z.34= * � 91 . I .. , � ... f. , - ­­ I .1 . r 1; Th , ! � - I . .. .�4, � ­, . !�,,.�-;.!,. � I - � �_ ­ y . -...,— , I , , , � I " �� I . - .., I ... . - . . I I , .1 - owl 'i I . 7 -_ k Fi^rNW1*" - , �. ... :. -..: 11 a 110"OUIL flw� tt . l, I qw" I I � 1. I ( � "a, 1111� I , .1 . . � . . I .5 I" � or r 1"i �Linapiil A. J. I I C. - IN" =of imiol Mr.. - L W_ I "M L 'A' , 4� ,. *� . � I . 11 i W, 0 5, �-" , Of I - _A ­ __� - 10 . aw - I 11 . ft . - - 0". - I.,. I - I oi- I � �,,-:' No er 00-, � � WX " � — -- In **a as " 0 l ­ .- I �� iAMW . --- � , tW 'or vowli � , 1W a hod 10 ot 1106011 I . , .. . . � , ,,*O, ,P,L � 00" from 66 -4- I I , S.- I . 4 I& n 5m; 7:1.111 , . R*�#" ....." soft Hw, IL He . a "Wit. . 4aftwo !, ,'I it be i , 51� i ,W C. 110.91111 , R Inc - � Peoples SWA to MOT46 &M tbl* 000.6" -WO *sky' Via . . am *0 114 - ca. ;,, M iI, it _.__A as *, .� 1. ,�I.ft IMIL . rww Is 030 I " sob -*64 III$ No Isay. tM 4C 1P = % . 110INI I I I , ; i . 11 ? 0 s odjo*. S;M save. 1. � bet *16 iies I . I I � - tiqA :Sim Life Aw A�raoc-_ Co. of -- L of "_ 11 6 ­ g = "MisaivC& !W16T01!%%t te"y M -_ L I .. I -A = �� � .&e.- , - . - ­ ­ I- .- 1-1-11- I . I - 1-op-WIF — ft � . . - --W. - ­ , 1, * I C&� ___ - . - - __ 1 I I Ck%hkieL I of W *O' ai, evaties of - ___ ­ ­ 14 . . , . � ..", ___�__ I - . �� 4rWWr"_A­ I: I al club i4 beiw . I . . I of a 114" to " __ - � . ; . I �". H. IL LONGh DWXid ------ W I . aw, ef Sports"Oft freft wast, ft"= . I , sm . L, . -- "I — ___ ! 0 . , Xr. M# 01 T I ­ 2 .... " or idus � =4 "NOW OW" 44. *0 UNWil � �. -B11,1110 --.1t _-__L_____ - ­ a I I � um t . .� �' e . ­ . __ I L I n" � I ­ ,et the , 4r. L I Ism- 1, , I an a,, uo*d &A%&%- 7bs " b" M""y PIN' .1 .. . W, 1 - .1 . 7. V*" C*"P tory W. tieoso a" 06"t a ~ 11 Iobe" low a"" I � - L -- - -------- ,' INA& soak . A'1_4 , 11 for ww 4v* " *1191!101:2� POW mad J"nsil"A . �. I --------- , I 4ho 'um Mrs. IL.- I a* W . 1. * L&AS-4L 0* �" 'TED A � O'hi Tor, . as Krl V ---7 wbe live up to 1� - : 1% ITM 11 I I _, � CL OAW via" A* M k wip 1 &4004" e Sall 10 WAW *10OW. TU r1WOkV ble , . � . of **"a - L A W - t", L . - � , . cortow ro 'n" Pie" for the '1816 i IV Ml , * XUA be a lowl ­ . Z VT14 ... tift bv 00 � I ."01 Ji. L. CA)Lrw I C"" C". At IL I an bv - OmAllo *A olt4 bF =1 I*d#4. A r Nok" I , . 1110" , I VV" . I . � WAN Twow, of 4waton. very onoollm *Wk w -M io .# tb* of ~ (= UY the oralked Aw * I IU N6vemiwr at home of tlw blow, *0 . tile , booril at 946115600". �'L 8�tL,F,'AmcN n.uv, M,r4k Fm WFF,K- . I . .4 % S"A at the how# tknLe I Ig pdfting on the w Is *or shown. Ibm are mom MW �, . _� L � . ofatent CAM** Ch& was how Svc, V�lw vll� I!@" AMC~ ur. -, R. X 14019. #4 vM tapIreatt" manor. As am and he soloated fts wt*bloa OR viak- � . ".: , I . 4 . ellov . � � I _­ I Twavoiay "INC - law I** V%m 000 I ft" . of the y1oitiat brothers put A h vat rft L *rfaeaii aft o* XJl"WWk,t*% me a poro"d visk to the pop" y . , I I ..*Alto you leftro, c1lownZar" WAred 710" I rm boa mwkb - MA11s. *,. JWft In llayllow a root loft* of i"Atril,04". Ir" the 'r I . � . Hisr fita-voul. Earil" %N at TITO M - 406 bnwwil taeb *no - a Certain Wit" OCZ woel=Thos woft CC I",. � . AwA -11aw. New, &in. Xo4*, Bkoet arA Mr.* Jallklm � .9dewlian4l in V 0 001414 40 * =- of dW W. ,A- 2ta". 4. oat " "e"W &irrow "*rkk 0110 Will be st*rwd I ,. ;-: I __­ of kin H& ft work of, attmesing � prw.ti � - wtions mkimi0ft on November � ' . , - ilivivakry No, on. Clinton andZatorgh omit wrinsi "o* to roftion *ad 1"Itlax ,I #lit arA it will b* ivshod to too. 1 ' vat 4010N. $MW , Me Ito DuwAdsw APAr- hw*k AR"ItIAN Was AS W" " "atIlier Per"I" Is tU L ; I I 1"tm mmiawr x4r - - I "d . Herald Ckiwrl of It ajoreqL . . ,*r. "A exiWifUite a or the thir toft"rts t *11 .%Write. today. ShIelds baks and Smlv. : is "Atodletod frow Montrou Det"IP0, 4 a 44 r 1. t ow. Three thoussail P tow A's rsp�l Avis"fible. Ka. . � r Usshe cob 21"410" � by *O canIsola Steamship Lift, Wh" ss week4mol %ith the ditlonal Godarkh e4lvAdatell Vr"P 0 - . . I 'rite tfA*V. -.4411cu* M.4, forme 10 Xr. no mrs.'A. i. ded. L . . ni- Ott- Mormons W* the sot*bern Portion terialli; wilt. lit %alaW In thip dia. - � ' 'Ick, idiphetftume ,qt..i`�� TU ft*"mmi oke4olk of officers flut" that "WX b"U WHU.'antlaut C%per. t .. . of t1he, Isfoviwo of Albert*. T`hirso, trlct -jis far as in VMIM## and loft, I . I �- 1�' , . . - 1� I" I .� - 'N, by the ooilerielk'Uom Club was held *0 Mh as loft at the takes And AM$ 4 . . 1_ ' I AlIttr theI, deXm work,-Bro. G. V, MormOtil'OrWhally c4ty" *04" th4 labor will be tiliployod sit gotber In 11 � - .1 -.1 . . IV., N11WHYMN ,At tile. Ivadi6on on yridity, joists with keep Open. ?have are already !our Miss Griteo'Stratic ,end Mist Sin- whilefOrt N, G.,'Of HUM Wtas Oat- Nothor ChurOt at Salt TAke City. the � i , .. � .. *#L.f , to t 11 .. I I' ­ " ' -m and faoopt�irs or ,bfet, Douglalt vessels In Ooderkh b*xbor which will clair vtotortd( On . as rwtion v*rk. The osth"to .. � ,:; '' I 1:0 � ry swe)j� %vaut. -ftuoldes vvoultt ( *-*Ad * fti re I ... . L tho: , be litim for tile vloter. all we I (;uOlPh 8nd led -upon the following fis-t brief sit- The.Xorhions teach. that vhik� Man td'eoit of the (4allhoul* is $4stft . , ,, , " L 41ile"Oe dre"In D. D. Grand. Wastor got- 10L God was, and what Ood Ill man T - , Mit".... - .Xonnort, tress- United toot the 'verxAgos .. Ifon- ­tj­_­- ­-_t.­,)�� � L . �, . o1KlN*. - , , 'th; . . I.. u ves Iti _( Arovil. woeretary, T � . ... , , it(w.vlub *IU ­j)* * i .. �. IMJML TW :-�as­�l� � _. . fat,of-Vrficefield' P%stLGr#nd--Robort They-' ' 4406 � bf �h- tiil. and the etinstractiou will be cartlel . �) . boats, _A*;�'_ftll L 13riAlitrai -the Of -Mrs- Stra ,,L Jo'.hitatol %*A �the_ -year _rwwd� r .... .. � ­ ­­ - ­' ­ --- , . % Ion% id we I * , , , , , Frahk C. Bell, the Win. Notting.havil, Mr. (;Siv � alleii: to DO - , '�*__ 1'�io -i -_ L L . I Nddress 11 (:rjft., I of Lac6ow tollwe (nalsf A polytilinly. . . .: , te t y. inlgevillo� iiii. - Saunders, Wl twlslftp S. R. in I , ;'Ang 6 I In 0 ill b � n With this'-Im.-View. I . . . I �_� . r tive It C. Hoys, jr,. 0. C. Law. �, the Charles, Mulkard. They trolt on No I the death resfd6t of 00der16) irk tht� *tKeuo-A I Tir 101100 two Mormon, elturelle! � " � � � 1 � I elxmu I* 'r - *vA - ATIL: aro� wlev ' I - 'G- . I I I "tasor of his tousla, r." Kerr. lie, vill ve- fi�,Ohi tht�, Tooih at the titne,of Dro, thIR Mother. k1lor,N., of Isromlifint, businesi and '.,.I. - � I .L : . .. RF---"-N'Axl,N . . A. .- J. MacKay, J. W. V andr higve tmvoes of $00,000, *353,00" � '. . . -fist , Sion,ji man � �1' _D . I ­­ I in o elli'M I k� . 11 r , .L . on ' turn on Thursfay, , . . . , '-- -0 ,_ Alorni�) L Who �JJI� of Detroit, Cleveland 4A10 . L I - : .4liss -_"Ster.fitTorouto,'is ppepar- . -4. hearty 210,000 afid 264,000, bushels resM - been a . � L. I 1 os.. Mitebell. vote uf ively.4 LtSt" . ,,! . I. Lockhart, the"X V -f Luckulfklv which we blivo neaking, kind it Westtrn Ontario eittei Are .40eady L _ _ '" tendered *At 2 ­ r 4, Amall --brunch .of _ jig _ lubeift 'of 'the Club _ault pi _t __ . I I "it) Saturdiiy, 116 1501; -, � jkjt�j--'Jobn wflon. 11all.,-N LA , e lirst-claRN. 41rP.41411111k ',". 'it thAllIkI V# tho retiving t* , _ � d - to it" . 'tieWan" j_nIc*de&_'07,0Q_:b0b 1'--.L-- f E _"%j1e,y -,*mL . J.ro. ( . 1, . . 1. -11 to - -;-j"ughtor, Lodge; I ip " I , I And - "ither 014ars. a -, s es q � tt, k4toon, Soak. Are vl- #� * It- flie -Nothqr t1luvelt " "I" � 7, _:� I r'' ' '--' _%, of $a$ � . 7 -- PC00001c - Prtces. W-kiding and evell- 16blef, Dr. OrshairA ;it.; ,Clinton, Lodge, and Pro MQIO4 XA G1. hwo-e brokto wif r , . I , , , �, �Ti i -�pivi-At".. Nfttlkllve� A The 1010 - * is s y not and theivaigo, of the -Nrt$LWoUth lug at the hot* *f,M,r. Unit Ajr�4, 'Lt. of $vaforth Lodge. I . . I ard,6,oposo it'S.tflotehingS and oritOfco tons for niembersbiO Are sal L be I a � gowils a � howlAg Iconsider4ble, , "' L �L . I ,3n&_ I US. 9,1111ACAT-IMSs. TOrOato St. ev ,0$ -all �# Interest. Also 0'aa Ualoaded andLthe folto'Win'K - streO. . I Alteovards refreshiliOnts wore AfL,polyganty. WL nine atroeody kausing the, officori i-ome . . I - - - - idence: :, incressla� . uloy* ,. Ife I I � . I -There, Am no eQ1n,eo*'4, and it JS $Rld that a Waiting - I � ­ - I � . I I _., L . , , 'L ­ ;Xsholle W , - . I I __ ,-- '', I - __ 414 . 8Q,QW bligh- , , assom1bly rvq%,bolow lit Itc, . � . . . ­ _ Y. the" AgUWA unloaded . 'bir. . 4 fod 1$. in $Q �Ad* served JA,� the Norinon telarles, lit tho wov . 4 -.-r � � ­ � . . , , ' L - , of I — . �04 TQ­ftt4T L I els �Lt ,the . � , UtIl .8Q and tbb gathering broke' uki itito a ,ninth one ree' list to inevitable within a shoA time, . , ondS form, paid Poo I , . . GOAerich olovAtor,4nd, 04,� Thdiaim. " L 6* 'weeks where 'he U,.fit- eutly completed ln.Ari- - I I . I I iaood Z shouM L , _. I j�'L ­ 'L --­A�­­,V�� ,000 'bathels. at 'the'. Weirtevit Cialtda, Ing ,, Ills friv tile v6itora to it is underotood tbat there; W111, Ile st I , T L , ton . ?a VOAV�*,A , 1$, dtbl L %oua, wat� poetied qWut w mouth agoo membership of between 400, ani, 500. . ,ill 00, 41 , ker vote of thai I , I .1 every lutial.it 'investment holoings. . BW ­4)rJok bollse,'.. , aN'(11"IFWur f4i'lli, It'jifugf jklijo' Unlostilid I -, � � .. I t(Qn . of . . ., ,div, var- I � . � is One 6f,410 fino . XTt I -L I UvAron Lodge and',eliters. for ,$t . � I r;ellees' Xin�Otltll"tto '40�sgc �1011-. J. $0,00 bushels at Owen­�Q*oluijj, YO$_ .aealars . " I I . ioUs'lodges ha(i bein%,glvet. L'It _'Var C I I � � ," I You inay; ar,quire same by aeouving f r_ 8 I ft li�p% WORK. I 'The prq1*%4t,, I * . I . � 'boads fif %iloral Steel, Ware - , t. 118MOTE I . 1. I L miss FanuiL I ,or '. IYOUN, . .01 .. ones of Its kind ovailable and. U wwl I sp�� , '.... I wosso, -assistah't vult - �, . I V .1 . -�.�_4­_­­_ —, tinay the' Mapleopurt aJseharged talL' a fma-gathqving.auil�th'6 spirit of ' L'. �. I . , r L Centi $inking 11L L�1"6. 12%0*L Spi I A 'to I �*V,r,� , Of Hubbaril Meltiorial flo . CONF9MCE t-Aceted by tl 1 , �r L . ird_iiiorayst,�,O pe, . _,_, ,�Voi)afetl, eottagt�,. AJ11 Kvqtor, anA vIsor I good, felldwship was very noticeable. ' . lornl_ so ifitovestod lit tho L . , I L , , JIgh,q1, I . , ' T) the Sarnian �ras, unloaded At "11te milt IiIA*Xe. Mkh-"'AW"4%�4%Af*#O0At Vl'%It-*'r L Nr,xt Monday ,& Vii(JUL Of a I I ASS elitt) for I k - I bushels at'thb AN , : ' � 044 1, r -a' Langford, It. AL,. Of fllf,- . dLUQa4 %J I L . - Out Of Religious, V '1011 Sporlaulen only after a 'oar�, u ex_ I , I fuad,gold bonds,'dat4l4ov-..Ist� 1927, , tlollvofliinlcesf�, .�Ppty 10 D -, , G'. siatorX, .,I . olink L_ , nit -.140iiin of 11OV4 fra"' I � .. 1 duo,1461�. tat, 195F2, pr i 'and ae- I N� 1',\ f ; 1,4. ' , ' . I of - lit tha,� # 'VUl'tilted L 'JOOL"I't .Atl(�,N � . and both, orteoed' last night, T'he "'I Accra Of Hiaiilxt Lodge, No. 6*2 Ivi)l Departill ­ � . I 'L In , `�_ I . �,hjjrCll JJ Canada 0��" aluin' , Jcrw ,,Interest. L U I for 44011 on Z�______ - - ' X�6"kT* B. Wiiiio'tl - - L ' ' " : I -of - tho I atioli of �mafly IlVailoj'l PA" LP r I �� , 4' L , . In - -1 , " " Mardin also, was in port tr0alting " , �.rA take 1)14001_�­,�L,'�,,Io;., �, 11 . 1. - .. te 4, �e - - � I I ";, L '.. XJC'4.clkOu. Xr� ,,; - . tleq on the oeninsula #l1d it, tb,qr .1� I . cg,#.td -tho;`*4 � 1611a of L J J'fi �t' '� ' ­­­ I I .1 � I _. . . � 11 r., I... -- I i!**W` -1 I Iiih of North strett 0% 0 - I " , __," *()lie � L' . , . 0, L , Ity, and lisa W,r� _ � , I IL lied'thurch 94 _Suudi�, 4101,101% lasts: ,A', $14 J$r44;#Ingo� I 0 O` - - �. . 101k�,4, %u.-vkiria of,40D.: acres Of 1�knd, Its, " turn �at Ilho,� elevt'.Ior, SI Ila$ "%'. linot Ur � ... , v I roqtles�t. I 1� , ' ilth Ilmt-class, builIlln s�ialqo all , W I Lu L � �� ' 1� ';' �, NOW NI -1111-:W11% 1 - . O� rg !, 0:01TITIM " ­ �, � VAA . .A N I .10 11' Would � . I .. tied Lthat tiler" Wero I , � , Hamilton an Wrote , I � I .1 I , f7topey Criieh,, *pro . of Union churcit"00 41pVtowiiihipo, , loors OX0141 . .r., 7 ajtfi'SJju'_*'VelIL Wlth� Wind .fl J8100 ofa ca, - . 1 aud Mrs. 1-1 M � ' . I I � _ L '' . _ . � ­ ­ IL ­ hL wilightim'Llong o' , : Again nice 11 .11 guest$'�afi th6liome R Mr, Wife 16k tho,(,1106. In, . - L , . I�Q �iUL toNV4 of, for' W � MOssey, O a Iyu, : � . 1, 11 , eX0 katiMe olft a L " - it 'sold t , Roar *04-ond . I RUTLEOGE,--surviving. ,,,.his ­­ _-, 94*04. Code o asondh* terms . �Cakl I WjilghLaut Advanc . , less. 1hun a-year,;Mr, Had Atitledge 00 $Unday.afternotla'aud of Victoria aev�r*l reAsoas - � L , L _,� �� � -, — ­ 1--- I aa _ ., L et L __7��� ._t__11_1::- ­_:Z 1MV0 eV1,;Sessfon � 4t ollee. 'Awly M e'TimeS'*L Wing- Aull AW, J. A4 Cmap'li,oll. ., I . it iwgy "on WOupidtlyj -Nov. street 11hited church ou $uuday the firzt placo it **as known tbat ,� - I [TED, . . " . � - * I -in posse (VOU1,ng, 44"d on Monday 41ftethdW.j it Presented fine fitetrities for sports,- - I I : . _-_L1_- _ I 11 STAR LiJFFICr� hion Li6ns'Vlubs whlol+i hss,1een Aor Aft. and Xrs,%,�. 0*1� Itussall h - 20TO at big residence on'PaAmerston I Simlilly L f"Ohool JkIld JJJC�n %Vith it'l wouderfulL SU!01 . -­ - -,-,------- . . , I , I I I � I I , 0 . conducted, , a I I I --,---; , , ror ii, few mon+ lly of . � I , 1 1 1 L �vvl),. I—— "_-=--;t=--_ mant .1 tw, reeeiVed 4 g4rA, and Mr. aj.lXrs� Walter Kaa�F ttre�*t, gfthlo At I 0 '""411 , A , SALZ$. � L "Ohiell I$Sf Young People,$ �PAUWto ta VIctorla d fish, -"I ore. were o'bor , -' - F"A ;� I � TE% , . -otter Ott illness of neuritis , v ­.. .."..1. ­­ Mt. inj , , . . � I I ' ' ' , ' uel� impetus thC:IOSt1IM' di':P', PUt- Tof Xinlfossv-spell Sunday with their ing whic1l Arco thureb. I a' frow tonsiderations. hoWevert . I L � . 11 ­& JtT.� To I I L .�4e ' -L. �r�, � � , , , '00. _�Mr$. I' - . ,4�u -wTv;T.., or t1w. ­ __ ,�, � ed ten weeks, Aul ,. ,te rewntafte Aweisibility, I _. J� tp%�,NaFt 41NIER A1Vf,"rWN ISM-oN JOY the I - - utToed -soveroly. -Ur. W, Dunganuonj,� 116in Iler �nd, D�yfleld bUtatLille"ftme time! roluototlo�311 we � . . - , , . , 11 � I IY ,from 4e- *014400A Of SOMO ,of parents, t RUS�qe . iur(NI"eL'of J.ot. "fr; 7, 8, %, 10., it. Anil 1�1 to ­ 41 . . � ��, .. , _A ., s 5, Al ' msblbOra at' lost ,opportaxittles "erich, alsom,tlielr grandson, OR , le, 00100 -le, 1:411: in his, Ashtickh Year, p - � L � �, L I , * - , . 4 �& Partly. It. ,jU � , vrye, More , pint , f,lj(jl,li rUfIN .. � I �', ' L � ,otilee, , � Ile. 60?0Y .�I* . , , L . , - . - ,l,VRV" . toi- jfXVjje. I , TwO . fi se,of tile Ru4. He wete resent in additl6a fq nuiubork� d here the 0'ro ponlIJAIed � . sell and )Wio � Lizzle ,00rtion. . _I . I ­ I I 18, _ I L q%t t)(Or, J* y w _tile, fil . I . . Wr,L jffie� aro ,�­ - ", iowl) � a4, tho ,tpaa .Ilquie;" logether " - . .1 I I uuoxp�eted visit �of �Uow Hill, "qf eld. LWAX A'84)"Of the l4fe Mr. Jamos Rut- from Up, two Godirich ,-oqqgreXat100 L I . 444, ot ,� , . . _ . ,With all ,the bi.434iti) S slinalp I'ller(!4"', i 11 le ,..'� *,". ii,—Ai;J"6, . - .. ., lu'r� Mored,41 ikbxluo� who Py tik- ladge;ill %�A , , . . � . , ' V(#COIV�,d L . I ' ' ' - '_, ,*'ftkog��,JVQJ, . ,W111 hL ' � a y �-.* A % * " L -a',`oUrk0­_1 I , by L.s 4 Mivo soll- cagoi,--travelling'' reproseututive, '�or -wait bprA in: (�b � "Ijw "'t __46c , Of the: 1VAULeitt-hurkli. roads trout the ainythern part 6t the ' I ­ I I I , W`lf sell- I ,*'- " . I , jtr�jl,V, the' �nl' Mr.* Langford U a� spnialiA Ill unwince, to,. Stokes Ray. Froi . the . Ss � fik - ihiblit., "dur", - - I , __ � . _ ,Vp.� 9 I . . Vitoiris for, the FsUti�, tIF0. I... flij.�-f,�, up I T%termt, � , . A u . ilkir'..6 Newsiate stfeet ibVif 410"WI I L 491 "_ " .!A 106 �, :]Atl; mr.-Goorgo Rut ,Young tic o - work- and --the bonelo, bilyi the mombors will,be, talten tot the . . . LL '. I , W�_". Q _� 4tox 4,�" � _ t�, � � ,. .1611 ut�ld-� re`4 . _ , . .Wk. .� , I - , it ,,oi�m,� .; 11 I Aft' .. Ce ,whil L onO ent re I.* 0 AS� le"L olt; � AW . � 11 I. -, Ir 1. 4r. `tiro 11 f. §4 4��t."-K*X,�­�­r- ­ � h 'S :1 V le 0 , to . . Pie's . ta 2 ),(,Its( 1 110"I.,41a w .n,; , �;� lfituyiaoxl�' _-, � ,� If, J,f '101,v&�.A*��,�"Wrvc 'XoI(t1Vh11 : ", , "'. , _�4 Ji.11 � I It .0 . heter. , t;,- Hutledgif tit$, 01. s experieliee in yariotm pha. ,.Qlub Property by boat, a number of . .. ­;'��- _'&J.", , , '940 0-1 in tiou is to, be 0mv, in . I 'aitely and: 010,V SOs -of Suildi* Ochool and 7oung peo- which are being purebused and will be . "of tnAziu"molt, alld io 1)(1f; cent'. � ou, - , - * , . unofxpot-6�,­*iia 11we f1'r1qIpate`(1�AV . . . 44 . t�: tik _ �� . , , " . XR101% " ,, Jrd. - ,, '' � 'any "n.ao 11110114bed, blv,' Hill's *.it- ... I 1 1 e fivilia R. W I 1. , Te.WOl­AVCV1-h(­b�Ii- , ],�:,_�_ '. � *�j4a �, to �,rojuVcuf _tkah phtl L J%OL 4th. eonevs- ,,I,,Ir toolety, work were -of great -,ill- available tothe hiombersttt all-tImes. �t';__, � ,� - - I u -tirivnvill,f at c ii�etw , I 11� , lto:.the L 10641,,6 " - S u on : a"Vilix Asseil t1lis ' "I 6 X eir, othe I �� I . . ' oritli�diy,4,; 111911cilt I , I T,�Arlor $ult('. ".%'5 V. t� O'S , 0 .withl;J e Ili IIqSt Sttind. Sion: 'ef all�h . �to_,Vfish u. . I I ouice-pt'.1,101111 0 - 40n;T(T L I � ­ ' It"t In" ' ' , jec�s)i'� � , . ILP litil Vantage to,thoge, *0 J�er Q or L �' 'i�_ " ; nol noml��,,trlly I%0100tcd, :Tentl6a, indst ellral", I Mtclion lab% 1.,be tea 11111 - xtitlons� 000red �tfter arraoOMI in � " . , 6 c , . I , n- 0 taille v 6 i&b IV 0 , . — .- .J"j'L ouclosed - eilveloi)64 Ina" I I -ong:Q1eutil I k I 4, � I pe): 1 44" aqving .4 !90 -n they uloved in attendance, many (Itlestion.; were * Don't ferg4 the Victoria Ifelperw , , L ,1�efj �ftressetl. 2 r a had- beo"winade by a fo* of; *� 10441 � . I � twelve., yearg�. ago, who .. ... 1� I in jjealoa 'Pt.of,i�PI'V." L ­qn01Vt,r, . I I t � t e a r, .a , I,, L$ .Aild Io- Godetich. Last. JaMial"t 'wr$- asked and in L WrelidOi­for -Park House . I , a ' Lions to nloe An' attenlp;t -�'o function I . 1. , -1 I .1 dL , any probloins discussed. WZaar to be held In Victoria street ,-, , �� ­ - . . Vr_ oo "k. ' _ . S7.0 . � 1), 1 -' r- . V11 41W is Rutledge il*s6ed AWAY 014' 110 _ I Mt,ord6y,, 2ecethbor 3rd, 'P . .- . - �. ricii, vils''two-1118'-first � I fftnetk to 4 D.� 19w,", I 1, � Uaband haii. I I I ot 0-0401 I 39c,sv pri-frort AV :, 11 � 0� once- lifore. -Up -Club held:A AQU I.. , passed oil *o,j11, I L I i ,, -1, -1 'Al .. nit I her. ____" ' (IV .It -no r s Or a I .on esda - di r sthtea, Y, _ &C.'40t)), for the* I .. "' L . : - "I iplarlor rug; I JIOW� 40 � 0 IL.:L' 630 � ediclue in h W h6i Tho graded Sunday tchool, gro4ed 'hit � I . . I , V to) Reserve V,t I I . %11 tviber;i .N� ll� 4', sLt the Quoiiii , occortling to Ages Wa% recommend , od. , Jah . . I I . . *$ AN 4, I .. .11,11, . I . . I 1 I NM '11AV'S - livel - — , , 11 . . I ,� --,:.,­... �'­­­�­ I . .. . -Of a fumft Of six, Obildv011 five Our- Closer grading was possible in largor � L � . 'Jay Of N.- " .. 441111-- � � t , , _ thirty4lVel di , , ( � . I : 1110 tvery.oing, I sotd, As 'N I r. night (Xov�.' 22ody, when it . ­ __ . I .1 . , i I -,t;-., Abell I* leavini Of ! k. - I I . � 0 1 BRIMP . - Mrs. ThorAtou,' of ' 'Toronto, _ of tile Ladiv,* A1,6? - - . � ""I T011PICS Mrs. WhItman, of town*, 'm ,' - *c�hool �14�jqp .�.,�ry *Cittilir .1 ,, ,,w­­� ... . � I Dirristor4" L; vl��, annual bazaar I 10amillon. &t.' L . ' Tk"PPNIS.-��,Al. I quistettii bf,i&af4i)1bL , ohs Schools and the .speaker told or on� I . . e I - 1 14 4 -$tV I 'co r&jt L _nsiderable intViVit a , 'Orcit L a , q , � I � �. I - a ,enth 4 9 , L : w 11 .1 4 1 1. , V., .*AlWrJ 9 QX -I, 1:11=11 - to I be hill lit Knox , , L �. 0 I . I ee'L of__L�� d6i , ' ,_ _." IA"_, _6fLZ , -, Ill -,) - i It )'a , L ,'' � ,- T, IL A13 My & 'Zo* "' " - 'Ith' Stifled In Ally. blie, c Ss %Vag �djAMO Age * , . i . , . , 'N� 11. .. L eginifin&, WedaeWay; Dec' ii - 10 1`04a6s"l? _­­,� joig.yllcko �,. X liwtuO` room. T. -) w! � '' ! , . , aggelil,:641400" Oz, T. GUIN -, thol gii - g,nd� Ure I , : _= = 1. ,,Proprietor, , ­­- Alwilloneer,_ z itheiing; ahol ft III lie 73 tr$,. ,%dAk, � I I . . I 1. 'An enjoyable tOJjtr�b1LJtjoa.in 6 - the ,dental ofoce.t: ,of -Vodoricit will' TVRIAO; 'and Mi1ss kil;ily Autledge, .-Alt I' 11011110-maG. bakInIr, fahey an't , t . I I n the class� fiva: Yetir's ohl, in Wo ,� � . . I . and 8, On. J* & 'It -at L : , I L . I en a 'o It 1 $ ' IQ 11noth 0 r L SIX I .1 SMall(,r n ,4& . I .1. I ., GTION ,$AIX 01' - P -MIM, P.N11M ing 66,auhoullcow t' ' f t L close at I P.m. - bkceJ)t*eek& in .rldeh at home. One -son, Mr. BOnODA It t- eardy tables and at$Q, S4 grod . . I , � V117LAIS, WST. IINOT!Gfoll AV I . 16 11-4tififty. , go, � pre4eceased ,his, parents in SetieoiS, 'of LCOU 4 lives, dressed, dolls Ad; Ii. V,hr .taq I I I , , 11 . . . I "aWK. AIMAX.NtrUNTS. OWALV, tltroujhift , the -land, alluld v t or, ther6 is a pubt , led - wider rango of sto � I . : ', ,P,, � , no, a 1* . I . I "" I I — ' L � . ­, . Iff, AND. 00TATMES. Vice `hl blitIg4 L -.)Ie s r W" !held on ]V'rl?� age WoUlit be pecessmy but ill(- ideal a 11�, . I , , i, - , . Not,�4�F, JS IliftbV kiVell thal.a-Court ,ky . ­ __ L I . eflil$' � `jV'hifu ItL The DecimbOr meeting of the 1916., -The funer4l tree,. Tea sevved front 3,to'l pa, . I I .L -v.. . I . ,_ L , Cil Ad on , 1. I -at to AtI4 0.0v -t V�o thoge"*ho aroL d J - day last, the, servicew being conduct. was to, koep,.as close lo Ono av an . �. �!� � , � . , . , '%111,;bii� 11014� pill'sou - OW ()nlarlo . 'for ldren's 'Aid Satiety w ill be lit . , . I Atli, NVU, JENIN11 "GS I , the bleasingsL Of t.h#. IlueSday, Dee, at"b" $it 4.1'��'L.- 1), nl,, in annual pranictioll, %%,a,. I . � .. I � ­itt Lo'l I'l, L ort(l. poolble. And . � X (4 of hlauy -vt 'd by Roi� Mr. Clarke And Rev. Mr. -The Jolor Auxiliary of St. Geor. - . � . . 1ote!,.4'-:lAsf4:,Ad� by '111i, Ilonor - tile , - o I . - , �, - mill Sell by, p , tictlott . it'. WAS , ' , Osli� deal , Ois 41rlco� qv6r t1le, Yaw, pastors of-North'street (of go"a Aurch will bold thelf unnu , � � L Lublic I W L Into Ided the g1j, , , at ,., . , 'Tudge of. tile Balllftiy coui,t ,.Of the 11 60derfoll 110-wnslallf (threll unaiii poklatondoil hecessarr to keep a achoot gratled, � I �,''L� � ' .. Gotint,,, of 110roitv 4t 111C (�ou"t L, lJoIlSe I Uou, ., , L 1.�: .' �, I , t rilikyS D(!Q. Ord. L . I I 1 ImIus t,'ailth'of Goderl0i Lot% the, Islue, +0 0.9tet nn'trgatizittiA of ille local ROY -41 �bauk. ,, 1. . ;, I -v&1eh the ,deceased was a weluber). bazaar on Sato, . . ' " '' (10derfill, 011 MO'Uth 4AY.Of DeCIP1111 ' * "I , . I till � i6h, Lion 11M vvill ' I , I treat utitted churehes tit time .,of year w,ts roconn- . . . � . -,04---*4_�­ — , - ' '. " )", water 1 -ha. lw� on, , , L I � 6 LbaZ# tea- wh, . �;), wa� Jiold "' " I ut �, , . w 1) t6 '00ca *Lb . T,h 4nd Victoria a mon,37 for promotions i about �, .. T. at 10��M� nVIO %) Ild A. ,few do . � - I% a ill th;�- foropooll, I ,yS � in tojVty, L . ., L 011' and � ' ely, , �Xr, , Chas. Itabeftson 0��t Ist so0mg. to be a inupi, fam Thoryovog people of Nortil itivot . : I . - , * :.1, � . 'I, ,sto.SI)AY, two. 412th, 4047" , e I ­ I . r on Saturday by the Laiilai'. Aid of I*"'Po".tiv. I ad United ellurch %vill give the oirrima- . _1-1 I I I Ao beor Ind, dotermino I �tj L J o"eloL . R - ­­ . . ;bme Ilappy time. , , 4114fli , ". . 11 0 -kins in , v; it, Cli , ' . . North stre�b Uniteft'e . sanr# the - Selection, I'll, Ti, Vill .11,arcit.provcd tj L 'hiell lie a 119 Missionary Ali L d telvil3t,enca pro" tized st�fy of "Pollyannal' in Maeltuy " ... .1 . I . rooz� -ii'aft onylsS I , , .Menclu.z, A6al -millars 01 9 , ,Day,' tile Same piece v . . lljl$t, of 1110, M114104VAIRY ol 'Ile JoNvlt� Till,' VA(01­416 , n $0 act"14 0ii4niziltion in otfortch t' I n(Al hIg , essfu -eed ,. .L . I I very suee, , I aff#ir,, tha Prot :1 al. - mouth foi Sunday Hall Dee, 8 and 0. �,,: I . I I . , �f floder�4410 -flop tile year 14W. �,.vill van over'ttifi), hm a Well bulli I Last Thursday evatilng,lisore �Vas a antounting to about $3 1 at, , ?,Its. Autledgif's �utw. he gralu� once a I 6 1 4 80, �t I � . - tit G , 1tw1je Iloost. I 11-heA ,s. John Gra. stboola -.1ro jecontmon - I - . Dtitcil I 3-fidell0h this I,Mrit (lay ot, , in Ali k-Xfollenl State fir 'The, Joint inataltation of OM 0 1. PA ­ � . L tied, the pro . I , � , * 116� b(i*r, A. li.,'19V . �, *, tup'.111,,', large stow, cepar. AtIpstaki, nkeetihg in the MacKay 11411 oddre,,i. ha John Hall, J. Taylors, '81. Woods, gjam'�ot, to� occupy tile ivllole thue. -The Iladic,al AM of �he Baptist L , : , N VC161 I - I L Int I XN(,)V L I It. 1, covs of Walt I 11, 'L � I . 4,.J,,L'K* . . I � -,windail .Of[ baot;, J)Rryl sod by Mr. A. 11, Lyle, A talid ,And rdorning star Wm. Elliott aiid-.L. CautAon. The of lbo vabool nor to .jellifle. t church will bold a foney -work ard - . I il,101. and � teld suporiu� ,,. lie . � � . " <;lerl. bf ,��..or flootlerich. -44)tgl�t :r4XfA it, 8"'itfl, '%toneL Slablil);r, , ea ro r IQ lodges, Aq F. & A, M.',,Mll ba ]told oil bakl" L We .13starday afternoon, Pev�. . , L Tq - . , ton ent O , eacra. onttt L fatuily were all- here for the fureral te�cblng of tile lesson. Tim* Afls*'on' 3ril . . 1� - 1A., ,' of T., and by Mr. Jobtl 1164111- L k at the,honle of Mrs. q4W.... HUM- . ! I ,I vu�try hous* And other out -buffiling'J. , Tuesday eve 119, � Voo- -27tbl In and in­44dition.4fle, fQI!tWIIlg friint Ary Record supplies'suggefitlotI4 for bar,' Victoria ntreet, Tv�j nerved ortiln. I 4t. -AND, INSURANCIS. ir . ofigg., '.. , . I I � .1 , L UZAL BS!fAM . . � 511reAs a good bcarlijg, olivii,afil 'of ah, onfinion Councillor. �Av.r, 'Lyle At " 1 - 1. out of _towll, were bete to PAY thoir tile mouthly missionary bumla.v pro- " , . I '� : W1-.1 - ' darmt,three atres. .and a, - , '.. L ��­­....04­1� , -, . . I I L . � I I NvGOO 10 Of sh" it a number, of latitern Viewi.,. � last respects: Mrs. Butuesq, of grain and several books usohis thq from,13 o'clock. . 11 , 'O 11FAU, ills, or0a. ., 11liq properiv is Wen . � I iN , L . .. L liy"� �A i'Nisuo VATI, iqevoral,�A AXONGTHE CRURCHER4 ind-daughter, and. fier line 'of temperance �.-dueatlon warta BAZAAR AND ArTISItN00.14 TVA . . I . T .A.Nt) I,N,s,*VMNCf,' A00NNOT . - i'larel, 6,10101i and In a good s(Md or and Itio, Address was a' tel"'P011411,01, . � Chat'llan), a gn . .. . , .. ( L : I . I .. I . . U. L ' I . . 4. Win.- Rutliodpo-o, of mentioned as excellent. by, Catholic Wonten's. League in 04& I .1 ! talk, dwollinX On ille'OVile jgoLn; Mri.and Air, . 1, " I 1. � , , Ifillfilia _ or lotoxi- Iiavtist . char0i, Dec.', 4th - The' , . I I -��i, ' .1 , jforsesL -1; pal� Useful. fripm geldi6xi, rsiliono. Ott. brr� EuOKA"Au, ,who is a Pastor ivill, proti011. Evdatir, zabj"tt Clinton; M slid Mlis, WX V-ttlo. Jf -- - � .L1 . . : .,­tAfo,.Aee.fdP,Af and ,Pto 16sufaii. .1� I I I - � , , In young people's wo.k* aluell Val"' 901own' Holl Saturday, Dee#: 10tb, _ � . . . L . Id. I � . I 1� , I I .ek.11�01e'gtrlc, lialited. - t-4114-4 Mv 3 ytal,I . of Cliftto'n: '31t raction of oaay aluti3q. . ,Q veaw � former' W.Ingliam wan, sp,-retl � , tit%' "IROAV 4tv enforce laiv.90 ",- �m t"I� afternoon and Opnlilir. F,invy vork, I _9 Lucknow; , r. snit Mrs. L. Cautelon, alble discussion d,t probli-mG .:' Plankett. Oi place. The Mt _ I . I I., I Mee. firlek .1r'.'p*1W#_ crinsl 26'. , I e i Oil, 41ne Ime, working ouf4f4ho Goverhotew ('oil. Aervices iiq�t -Sunday Ili Victoritg . S. W'nl. L . orangt tree, Oudy and honte baking. ,, � , fiolivenlopt 41), bdoor. A10611. t I ow 7'z�var,, oldo, dut, Jan, IT; trol, Act 'unspaAngly; Aiiinfing that Ar -burn: Me, W. X. 1Y.bitelv. of Den, met", t1hich roon-rod . ­ . _I L. ('0W fi _.�'("ttrS 61(i. . due �111 Joan; .:., � - w- n') mental (if. We j#Vlte YOU to Come.' .. . L . . I street church as follows. � Folio, f, tb6 iffiltleuCeA tenillilf- , I . . " : . Prloo %42� - - . L .... . . MUOPS frtiihoned one monlit., . the tpal., Government ol thi ,oauntry ,orpilip, 11 ,%m'i Sub' miller; Mr. R., Spotto6ii, of Wingbau), fort,6a Ono P � ­. - ­ '' K"��­@.',�,_­�.O"" , , '. . I , N g0d Coullit'lon, flnp Aolt9.-4)1kkY4t00d SOW With. 13UT'RVO now w4s the browera and that the 1cot, "Tblrstft* for GAII chur011 a a n , to detract froii Tile dramat eed story of POT I I I . 11/5� Mory 'hous , I ship, 10 a.m.; V a;J it a large, attendaiiett at 1! do , flo, . ident rquilWpil .it, IV61LI N OI(I. 1. . . . : #I 'k &ALIAM11C.00 411( " I I Government Was. simply a4ting as � , . . Mquara. ,$2,oWr - 11 . schor-l"A P.TA., W6rallip 7, Witt$ 4114110 daugliter, of A0ura,p.Urs. Charloo young peoplelp mea'Juioa, but 010 antia," by. Xleanor Porter, tviIt I .f their' sellink agints, 'Pie 4odlouK, on L, . I . -L I 'O"d b0ol; ill( " J�oulgr,�.­J. irl'o ilf L gf.(' 'Se: 3 8 "'"'were.� told. about 4rinktilgi parlies Un- J04tV "r,'fmS0rVat11 .1l I Rortliff and Mr, Harry RaVdift, of Sharp -its and tho haling no- %riven In MaeRay Itall, Dee. 8 and .9 , 11 .. P&O. 16(tern citillp ,t), .Oning, d w I :4nait bara, Urge- lot. '(Wod Itwal oli. dut'k`i; 10 l3allred, 11(-�,k oulle's; W .11 I . IP L year-wil. bpio;-, � ,. 11 der the, rt�w legislation, and Oat In X"Ox thurch the Apeviceg %vilt 01" The many bcautifol. flor6l, clal. in'torcourse which group games the youngi people .6f North atreet, I L , 11) - .1 11-arris bill'An'. tnotedw ,W, mofdr Accidenti. 10. superior advantage for reeroational I . 'Wegt side. Ifol', Sale or rent. . " vvorq evidence of thor high Ide those of ibrio Good -b=.' barn" L Ul'o. - lot_�4' on: Orl. 'Plemki �, - t, I Minister. 11 o0teent Ill: wiflell t,ho aeooaSO4 wils and contests. aftorde,il mn . ilb 'if T ��e be c tribitoet fell. &�'l X'Ni ondticted 'b,* the -_____�� I- I . ,- Pas . ,,, . -tamilix Ito'l . �1,40. � - .1good rk,4 lit.w., I -1f3H',40y If"itri"' nf,"110��'T. A. washeld, unt�Aq tho be:A piece of san."fiV4 Ili a SIDI'lea of Bible ty hald. Mr. Rutledgii was a member porlads, in connettion wltb young Dowt forget the Victoria 1101pers" 1. I . .. 4 fie . I . '. . .r4l' Ili (IMS vro .i. good'ai:whv; I bia's-my,flalifis ellaefed, of than 'at Prayerr , 113tom,,; the Ila I -toti.l Atreet . I . I � Good boose;harll, 400110 . Otilti$"ttor, g.00#1 Dc _IV; .i ,teviperance Jekliil4fon ovor . L , . I" Xo� ISO. . I Aels mootings. It waa pointed bazaar to W beld in Vic . , land I I .J Ill Aia%ly, triot at .Prayer;" I Paul, "trateallawiL of 1'. or 1�1,­11.111_4_� Pool A , I ., r2n Ciz- . "lithly pky- atirls rdhe: J Mx&wy Harris, krecim �Sut, not oub WOjAWaS ipid 41JOUt tile 6_*-*� .1 I z very -Impartaw, to ehurch Saturday, Weember Ord.. :. 11i i out tbat It wa L , . y ot-hersy some on sift - vlamtor. 0 ,�irll drinkitur pilifleg that oxi,it:ed. white A!mbffiq th. - school .4414 Irlig ALB�RTA , have 6 yOung : -V woll. Dr �. " . I cmeat plZui. A, ?,.w .116uscs to rent. ' ,. mv, W Ili. c�,, vV l I time CIR54PA at 3,o!lglq�*. 11,2 . . M011MOM Pay 1070 mootih 109MOMBFIR. To 'XIBEII, .(*. 16tti " . I ., 11 , Bla-sey llairpiq w-,tu'drill, I wering the 0. T� A. vas In foree,,A-ai� itf the TERWIX vlatmed so, that t tore obould 'be no I . '. - � I , � - '. I 1. VAIIAIS FOR Kim . 41RINVerve �Wume& ; 1 irulterin t eover. 'A meeting of the Ouran, Probby. I . . � C,LtPfAIC� , . . I I .60atlegging ard op6a ilioreigarl of the � I I delay and Ito undue Pritoligiat of a Xnan cituieli Aoir ara V!Vil't.0 a . ..( I I . S]WIS1, , I Pot bwgn, i IfeavY Noxon I, I bay raek., law. , onto It. T. of T. I& being revit'. tory ,of the Unit0l, Church of Canada *0 oa�, I � L �­ . � 43V acres elly loam, brick howel. gliud, I" wood rx,ok; I Armpt box-. I Jwg ed after periodt of inactivity of ton will lie hold in Londesboro, oil Tues. A Very Interestiox Ledure By Rtl6v. reercitional part. it and the veer - first-class scotell concert to bo are. ': , I � � - '... "b4m, good iv4er: owlyard'. ,Close 0 'prate; I set of sl(71JQIi,.4,v i set ot tpue.us;� or fifteen y0!&r%#.aPParZntJy, to hOlp Jay', Dea,, qtk.400WlheJloJng.Jt 10 a.m. 3. N. IL Milt* bti lRoltaftv tionat .Period ehould W Ifiefirpatod 1� ceded fw a play entitled "Tho Two . A�0061, 11JAVVIly 6tation riall storO. sytainx -, ... , thit program with the cloning oxln- ljontiv " , I . , L4 4,' 415A deinwrat wagion: I Tailliolie riding , castles 0 ;I � , � t1filts froln I Godakb. Vxcellelflt "110 1 plowv I Verity %valklo,,* lgoW., I set &.to, put pr��hibition haek oir the pta- Rev.' 1. YL Ford, of (Wderi0i, * will - temL eiaoit afterwards, in proforenci ,f,4 ­.. " . . _ Look, i re on "A Vale of Two "The,- Eftlith Afoniion �18 of tilb � cloing Ilia devotional patt- of the I CARD, 01-1 XUANIKS ' . * imorlant to � sell this. farm at oller. Planiond harrom,,;�*. I 'faniting n1lit; I ,lute b .4� of the Provineo. I:ut'ad- e6ve an i dd ss - , , Whom Lite VW prle,%_ Mir 30 ,64 of sealea: I IDNVICIA 41-stert -i 6pt ,of mittiog it yon a. Citiest-4 Bible, ' Reading on the and bavinor vLvreatio,i aftor- 1,411,14 P011111relve anot ti L . � I e 82 A. % will, that thin is - . ffe , , MIT I'll'i, 1146.,4 . .1 for r ;L 2 good MoVe"n . U , 'Pi4fla to Philemon," World at Cardstoll; Alberta,' ,;was tle OVOPP401 . i O's farto Lit, lb" to,ain Irarticss: I set, !plo�v h-arness Or ox'e 80 was 6 rt jv.. uvards. Tbo difficultiva of earry1rift oppolqlnllj� frr R UPRIIq I .. Any personobuyinO U . - I this of it most'hitorestin$ lectoro 7, (ballhint! t'.11. .* ' I IW�q 00 the 11-1100V luents ilt a 1��W'Sel.4 fi�_­MORIO ltarftes5; I pulp North . Ubited charth, Servicea on by tp,o Rev. J. X. ,11, �gll% - op . * i Maillitiolt and 11.1e IaA for not'll , in", . de�r.' � - _ I f4iortL _PF;- I lad'. ---""— __ Ist, , ill St,, *on sue4,099611v votine PC loop P?O,� �for 11601t, 1bV ,'tflIl .1414 41,41il-f! 3& � .4i It.. . . 10, .fJ.J"'q �Jghfo G # I I I ". Witter. t 12m Wat- Mi. —8AI41b' ' Sunday- Dre. 4th- _18 gramn in It districts Was (Wcu5- o�e Ib ,, ,,t4r,rl',P�'ll..I,t--,,',,,,,,',t.L . . ,Volt impf(w. er trot Wt 113111 on I . i . I f,5 ap,ros, fine litlildir,,,�S, I 3%11,' Q 1',01111 *UIPIV1114'. A- XNRAJ . *Ai-**.* 'Igtmlftp�000; ,topic, 11110-w may -we ... to , . par moadly 11 . I I 11 t!d, 1 "beaut1fill rutql lionip. 'Sit"ated t A tA n 0-5 b q oil le.4 i s f id ti Agi e k A tf, i y - v 0 a ELL". , .. � I I,,) k erii'll AoVening, Nov. 28tb. Mr. Wills, linv. �,., an ractlial sacgmtiow wi�r� . I I � I '! - , nliles,00llf t;ffilprlell, exc1le"t r4m. *1 ktkawn Itoves" - I coat heatilir., orl,f;, X L Overcome ,the, opirit jef ingratitude?" hig teen on trip through t;fe W4IS A telit i I contereffec-, 31ARRIIED L . 1, i , � , � prke Omit ,vallic of lniprovemeftf* Alovels" chainq, "willille,tv, M, 1"'rallf IwAtit,or 141.1'. il,ddrev% rpplle4 Intizaced . by Mr. Harry SA141d, be eon nee Wan colitinucia, 4, i .11 # STAR 01-TIGH, Godorkli. CIA" MeotjAX;, Mi8sion just at the tinle lbot tbis tomple tya-3 ALLIN-NVASIR- -4 lit sallivil.t. NOV. . I �� . leforla %t. Vldlol* aw-11 Z .aere.m Am., loll . Rwellollt farm. ,ba#xs. and illimorousi 61,111 I completed and furnished had tile op,. round t a 01fuh. lit 1", * go �r C Ban, . t $01) or table. e:'l , , IT_krtlele,4. L Ito Dox 10, , I I r`4)r " 11�fff' %V37d . ,, , . ; - dra Wit. rhif, %2ater 1116y, Grain, Oo.-.% fillantity of I *41)IA % 'll"I"JingLon It.,hl l)r()1)VJ,_ a -in.. pamfe A -olldn'ted by tile P teorted thvo-411 . . I'JL�_P, 'OV Itf-V. .%I. 4, I � 4horoxmilly ills, kay, r _ leti c . � F of Aved � ILI" IM, '174 hanu, IJ61-71 o � - ,� orv, _ , 8t)*13t, prood bulloling' '4�' " .;. elo, tIJ Vt.IL- -,t (111,jutl(.�., Of ,014% a wantit glquily of Wing OL t SALP REGISTER lilt and %Fl -.4, U, .. X . I " sol"I on ''Xit'lev. 'r. 41 ty of) four'(11'roneft.nqI01.1 A411field, 0111118tter; A rimo Sunday Sehoo and th 1-mildiug very ellortly before it , , lol%nshi5i, A , 1. .. - I ngi it Olumll: 0413t, 81� i I IntekwIlcat, ,it fsno� in 110 wmt of D(W,qa noll. A11104V Bi .m., VIA110 Nvorshio tva, WFONESDAY, Dee. l2iT1_-_A6VtiGu Col, � . I I I TOON froill, 416do-'ricb, , 11;wiev �.Y.Wl- 4tiantity of 6traw-,-a tittantity or paia- to T110S. IsTufmV, Goderltell. 1''Plosbil forever to tile public. � . 443rn, 1. I " a 1prMs. I tof's. I , -lidrg# of tho nAdiAor atid elimer ;jpo tomple Was elo,ven poaitj it, alo of faral, form stock, implowents. DIED . .. I I ­­ lit t � ' r -----..-.,-,--�.-.-Ii�-i.-.,...,;�---- ti. graill. hay and Patatow, -at lot I P � I ­­ ­ " ­ ==== , . I I' . I . Id a1 thil pro- STWATED I . of the Ontario stritet United church, Wlhiing, and is situated In a beau 111,3/11NIL In GI -6,44,11. 1.3 Tpif-�Ally, I . railn,:j on ae- - --�,��� ul 'I N40%va.br, I �, . 1-_� 1_1� Clinton. Raw Mt. DIDn" Will preftell. ("I Firk eight acr6rj in extent. Th,,, eon. OR, Goderich Tow-nobip (3 10 r ri'lli. JOT. 1� ch'int J. Ra- . I i . 8111SYlAh-PTOM 1110 FreqW4",4 of 1118 Tile Rhoir Avill veltdor tr'sp"Ial 11to. viewo tilrown On t1le cer-cou B,3vc il South of Goderich) C01110101163IQ a 1,1110.1 In big 761h lwje. . . I m pop I; tlfldq-�, RaW. tot 3, coll, 's, Col. r -%4 %I 4 34111XXIIIN. ra (tildovkh ton-mc2lip. T.--Tt grahl of cno�rfld music. ' clear jdo�a of tile ulaolificefaeo of tl�a rk"Olock sharp. WNt. It R NNIN . it-$ L'6 FAI41 at liorao. tw*j- b atit,callep. PhYder plf�av There Was ti meeting ill ty exteriol, Of tho Otrac,thre I and *x,iv. �Xh. 0!40. M�qv�,v , ; . I 11 Salutary 14 � 11, j.tA ,q pp ,� TrIni t;lc PropVic-tor. T. GUINDIly &I IS),) .. on xroaluiv;. I .th. ,rn1r,fnucIlC.alp L # , t,�q . lh�, ..XONN - ebureli, Blyth, on Wedumday even- beittty of its vmll-Vopt groundo, No Aur-d,,)ncorm. fielinudy 136111n:,tow in Ili,; 91-3t "w"Wr. , � ­ I, I I . . I nM1:lqe pliell it. it, 'No. 5. GO&If!('11. I I ing, No% Wlrd, foz the purpo:;o of ititelfiow views wo,,ce all t , � � — . I— -.1. -1 __ I- _ _ - I I " 61 it On ti ,�'ror 111ree op � I— — 6 tied to bc . I _ . I I , , , 11W� 1."Pal'.4 %tl�'*J if OpItTi" ,at �i :.*V vent. 11 ,��NI�T�1(�� Or NWb&-6,_,__ - orgifii;ehut.a o1dantry local �,oinfell,oj -ak4n bilt a plan of tile sn"'Orior. I ., Pf'P 011111,31). - ­­ the A, T. P. A. RopretenteGivez suado by Mr. Millu for jllustr,aa a, - ' � , E ;-� ­��k_� 6 (09 0 " I'l, lit,111IN t, I ­fy , TEIIU,� 0N �611ATTFL,-'---Ail ,1"hn'�.4 0 X E, V 1, .1 NG _ .1pl" wtva rVegent frahl Geoderich. flinton, this par-,,J,�nlarlV,�, jf�tocmtivg pvvt�on f , � 41 .0 W# oula $10.0 0 and wyler, casil. #"Vpr tivm CIIVSIAL. r .1 ,4 Blyth, Exeter.. 1146niall Ana BayfleM. of bb Mr -turn ZkGW3 tta PaSH131 of Stocks t ' 810�n(ds ! GraW 41 I . I . - . . ttwi-illat, t1v1qv#,N nl�jljflli� j,pip't -,%i;,, ;j-, . * folir,wing ofllrl�rs, "Werc aprwint- the vatious rdowz In tho tomplo ani. . . t__ ,a birwshiN. 4.1)r6tm I Tht .- L �= Alvn t , . 'J5111t "1`Jh,",?,b0UJ,ri12 pr f"fli'l oiiorj),Ali�fl,holi f4lcd. Vhkr6no th", AIX-11bl3ka" or IIUW. tho Uces to VA101040 e ; 31ark-ot -quotations supplied for any listed sfock., . . I Riot U* SW wif� JFZXNINfi� I z, loviptiOry, .fhf, Cubalv 44 Iluv4n N'.111 unl%,I In llw�031, llc,prq--alz� r L .� I L , _rexjdent,��, 0%-e clf�veq The ric-line,sa and grandear of the Order; promptly excented on To ' ' � JL'f,Zy illi'DI ljjj�J;r�bf,V% Gft)f��t,jdjj. at 11 , 6.00CJEJf.k�elr�,r,* L � I . � H, 11, N, -q. ,�! tv�,Ifi*;4, , 9 43f 06 deigtef,y-, qresl6w, Intal' -w fibiAx and fatili6lingi of this ronto, 516ntreal and � - --- i T. lit'N14ty X "40 -sr. ,Aiv,flfwm_�N, iri tho af1,,,F.aEm,a 0.14tv,,41% llao� Qlaq)ic I A F-__ __ - ___ L ... . �, � .i.. A Wurtell% of 6iAttich; i1q; vice. ret-dPrkable building in nlwwt V,ith- � L' - , � _-, T'4 AR ac-;0�1131N�,Oicsiflf�fft, W_ Z4. 'Noyle. Exct(v; out p!wrallelo,ofte Item, the font in trbn � 1� , 0�_ - L . - - - � ­­ ­ I ­ flay 4 11poemb-t.. I - 1, I Exchanges and Chicago and Winni- -, I— - �. . 1. . . .. ____ . - . . . I -I.,------ N4,118Q tide Cru"Ity =3 bo .1 Mn i0f1Q're91r,7, alks Dni-or,tht-a rclko% bapti�,mal roam. will bin, nuffleiont to - , <� I I I � � I I . 1�,iavN of flip t1ppk n".4 ldvp 14,mrt 'Mmil-, , peFgOraln Exchanges. , I ol-tv yv�c�zEfq thp vn,�,�Iuriis i*of cwi�wa, I 00&rkh, and treigatir. 31i'l-I C113 r3lu�w 00 cnsrr�ue) a ' ",�tll�t$, #,- AfflaN tnff)1�2t:j Ot 4� 'qjtjo�j, gta,� 11*4etrAfa, Blyth, 'n.e other nicisitwio expended, in Vw btlilding 6? 0��_-o . I I L Ow Fm ftlEy & 40360N Ltd" 6r,i&inbw'rt of a , Mtmi,7� Trva NV�S�l lef th�, irdone'd will vinli# A eleoc,d terulile,& Tbui!i font i5-na ImmunLe . 9 # 0 .1 �, � " A,�U-,:) (" il C""AX 1 1 L � 6 WTUTNMS 0, �f� (la 15.v� i�,,d:%� tot. 10 I � I 1;l-', te1Ir&?tn1_Af4e3 ft'll'A eseh- imrixNal brats bowl lwgo 04"Ough to frampq-�,, . .. I - rAing a nv rfoxo k�0 I i�,�l rua1z"'. Appl"w'!q1Z�"n f �t' hvmwh of Ot A, V. P. A, fm ptom . Huron Investments., Limite � 0trr - ­ _n" - - roini'mr pr"pel-ty or pre'v't'i; )w 1,,��.,;Ageq:-� V) pf� f�,.ij'r, 4�v do- , 17. twerkty wople ,*t qf� tinlc!, iullk!a ti,� . I I., ltl� li�tll : fitm f-1 66 numbAr of p,x',#I_uAi. f,Aepj� pen m barks, 4 ttl�cl�;o I - W"'11 __ - - , � lit"A to Min tivil,rill"fili'd v,-Wr"14 - I , tted on fl, Royal Bank DWIding, Godedeli, Oat. . . , � ��. .7 -e- ft is !h9l'sca 011*5 d 15raft�h "I;Ill 1'r -I ' '....§14r,"� . " osh 6'g(n VJ'r're!rPJjr4 tl'to ��t';ZJVO ba " all LosAINX St"k &?b4 M eaa 0a b"Vina I-'Atuw35,. ts ��- � "' ' ' " ljo� of qft' I . � I , I'll ,, b" _P, �A� W � L. 1PI­_,rits 43344�) . 01104. - Z, ",41 Jil f, v.,.80nostlitiq and , � : .1;4,IV J�#f� . fA - I"! , J.�", 1.7,, [,Lf � 63tgov 8�6,1,,,89. � I , L" _ �� .-e :, 0:000� , � , , "' , 18 I" t�"*Iidl L dront W i I h,,,,,_�, rTtW M , 'n fel,JK, I_ I , GEO. %V 04CMV., deariely, At ptit�elst. flk _ ��n , , L . me""if I � #;,,��ufAy 4A,vt ��`, _Crx ,tr,ZA . _ ._(�njj,�, , 5,1 Cw;w4.t7 n, ��covatc-,,;it6c��!:S,?ai3v,!kv�illistlotedif�sE,Ioe-,kair-3c�a",inEtz1ha��,%es . CUM111114", "no" 2-31 L ,, I .1 - ­ i 0'.!!i.q in flt�&iklt� 0WA!!, E!�ttfv,,' rolitimi of �ymbe,l-,,,m, ,.?L - ,,- � ,,,, I I ��-_ - Nt __ e;,.,1-,VF'11. %G�.. Z!�,]. ON. ,I , C,W �bacj, vcv.-V�;, ____ . . , .I th, " Vi'3lI'l .0� '' L' - '' ' ' ­ , . I I -9, ifffe"I'CO, G,cffit "40 Nidctrr� 1'1'�Atlyt "ifi!Ev,i ��4_­=_-W�_� I ! "' :r' " : 11 I �r I I . . 1% I I ; i - � I I 1 L 11 � � I . I . W, � . I I - I ", .- - I .. - I r I I _ .- 6.1&� i-- ... I- - .. - I f. I