HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1927-10-20, Page 6Arena Rata flot
!•ittrtar 4414414. vitt g,t
. ;4' 4 t 4i1jJ 1 41,1,s
VI 14,* thrir
ot tee eiatiee.
ve,oltaree Late a tee*. t.,
:$441$ 1,ottirrt act lie-- tee,.. 31-...; tightened., be ..aireee thew Wel Ise ele.e=
•-, th'''''d'i 1114f• '" u'dri.• I" "11 ill"411"' ty ef it iseyhow, tile beer you eau (eel: .
• .
e. Ate hive to etc'. '''' naethiliii• It snay oe‘masle easier 4 the •,; -. li me,. eilieR, vile:Anse, cormeeen. itee„
it, am tee eilde • afia *ewe! of the fellowiny Dairies: svrit: --" Mewl three e,-eirra ow, I was !
cIlc 110a ill,'''F'ea wiac-•4 '',?''1''' t •••"'' I; ledulks Jill haPPY theilgEliti', a :troubled %rah eczema on my aine, ani ".
t'lI t%V „.i.""- ''' "1, !if' "I''''IP','"'": F`Mg cr kite, iliet'F et a Imein wriile at times; it, ssetild be so terriele 1
pgute writ tit fi,"..G•:.•41 81111(1;":"1••;, qi:J013 -'s y6111 ace dein it. eeala tot deep, ..
patter, ereare, cheese, tete..,e, iee,4-•, 2, As you cook, wash, wipe omit tsi doctored with doctors, Ent die
ent meat titee,r Ltit3 i('' cr •asn i.C-,
1. • I
THURSDAY, ((t :,-,•!nn.
Nide only from hard Western wheats, Purity Moor to
tic in gluten the euer y giving and body building food.
Purity Flour is best for al your baking Ful will supply extra
nourishment to the children, in cal;o, ptes, buns anti bread.
Par awaY 245 ManY as' You earl trk' r.at Fern tri est au relief, •
,peepaie y traerator t•) hie ,-epaa-ati. elect v• e".!Iling% ‘ake's• disbar'. Yeti use to ProParo ?•.`o•--4. ! timeght I is-oeld try a bottle of
elC„ aed eread.:-- all fosete whatn
)4IU O3 v.74o have real° CO t!f "Ail? siwellerr 'Bus leduces the nutoter of diehe • te
sway ee iee eiaadren in opisLinel' mew haaeo•4 of earzilieurele, the 8119141" IPCI 141"' be washed after the meal and illeZe'
ellen that one ant oe liapper and the chyle wiee with the -a• ',lc new "(lain Tuel waehing van he eliinked ••• t'
• .gif .iesr
, a rp a ,_ t... et. . . . ,
or both paeents iii':hiee-but they .tre.Daci deco; 7110:ic.? ..hhiga are' evi.lera• heeP tlq)1),"2'.1 up* bit i2 lw'' C92E.'11111--) . Leave the -last pots and %Inca
• shirceecd isi. are !trillieet to evado their voe ef filly tlicintedration- But rc'''-•!rrc ul tr-c5I' 1‘"19 than w's. e'sev,,c1II:e seajeing in tho sink.
''tre‘ '-'‘'irPticli.°,47.1W'oilthIciliter-re....ebetreilIgtn, efluilbc.1. 'I' -1-.1e1.1vvt..c-rrtl.411-.1t6Itifdidec'..1171feTer:arri(::t13litle'. " 19all'tlita ke.nag.Illef wroklont'llcitaliT 'llI'le());;°!toiliti4"eal biel onileseeseunenten-wealeg°anrin°4' trilnie4lelabticel".
diviieen where hundred; sif actiei taro/linty" tim-fdrunca. ' Natui'il-heing a This will verve as an, ;extra teak, h
the dishes,
172I'llta' it,T,tia mall). ea,eal f,e,„seereers .1„;),Lietee- Hier; emee ino iitkte lenner, thrifty old conserver, r,teret, this ex- doing . .
deelere that tho faluilY l'l a 'ion- vith irk -a cl1ttiejtfi3i,i 1:, •.a.r1,1-...littliikl-7-7-'91° IltmlY 43 t'at';'''''''ra4 we'''. .D.,..-•-•-.',"- tleceralisliera• well •far
minter times. that et tat loiran has ftlIal.11 *e.ruert,l,e, etales .erte. el an tto - You, 11-42.• -plump eistVee, you will
1J unity ,ur reiwolon. .rhoy cisim cveniriu. N,ouno.couo" pone.a,,e,owe, not only be.- out of style, hut ent of
time in the oia Aeye melon; leather iv over the harm het)); to figat'e out if inch ganorallr•
hunt the fire in the eilaridag, whew they ten meet the nstelLrent. Fat ia a elogging thing in Vie 01713.•
ille'll-r filled "tlee ell mie and tee . The fairtilY has al vitelity WIlk•la tio tem. It makes you fee) foggy and
t . nimble iln‘rer-s ria C"11.'11 mare than II2‘4III`din "low' ' web 05' aril la !ober will not he noticed. Seteilt.30G iti Snap for oar ZOO -reap Poi* Plow Cash Nrrh. Sif
Woristiesak Flu*, MW. Co. 1.4atits41 Twos°. Mootoah. 00.444‘ Iwo Aka
,r family cluaterial about itin the ever. dimmer. 4-1 manner of lining el:a dee
were the dayti When the streir. -Tint liew!--foreeT----of fps
ricia Q real and forceful ,but incidents on its eurfacee Under -
titer. ' eneath, the current rune on true to
dull. 'flunk hew much Tnegy
•and larillienete of nehat svoulit
have if yet. Were not stutfei fell of
surplue fat. When there is plenty
it is true that the old-fashitmed '14 primitay.e anstmete.. Faintly life Of muscle in the syatem. we are
home la gone. No longer duel every o nest ee . • wa le, aue •
member of the family Aare in the .zelf end adapt its customs; but it will
actual housework. The wood-hox, • sairvive, tend emerge as Streit; us
tow, waee.tee, bread trough_ ,eyne, evel., after tt.has passed througn ties
bide cis. family interdependenee have !period of adjustment.
' given piece frigidaire. the re'dio,
and the thermostat. The family . CUT THE CALORIES
pee •out for its recreation -each ' "I don't see why 1 am so fat," said
Ammemcm••• •••••••••••••cm•Enrcommosimm...•
strong. nut it ese ilo not exercise
enough to eoreiert atilt energy into
musele, but zt uroand 813 let it pile iifl vas my, use soap flakes,. shackle look to -the schoolhouse.
up as fat, we not onlY lack the num- 'and. a water softening powder if the thi k 1 ird.s
the echoer grotuni. . _
washing and wet up those which
have food dried ort thein.
0. L'inee the dishes With very bot
7. wipe thorn an• rapidly nu von and f1P1' 1 had taken it T found b-
ean handle them. Some peopletithe lief end in a short time' got great
Or from uttnntMinaluditees-or
too particular habit, will waste much Put up only by The T. ?Unlearn Co.,
time wiping dishee, rubbing them Limited, Toronto, Out, •
Much longer titan is neceseary. They ---------- •---- -- - -- --
do not need much rubbing if rinsed feed the souls` of the children.
in very hot water. They took away that dreary, rant -
cle, and. have ta Carry aroma' the water is hard.
The race will Start cora tire Court
House at 10 a.m. slump and baps wilt
come panvided with evercoate.- Oair
eweaters to put on after the race.
Distance -ripproximately dee miles.
Route: Mart House, Harentea
St, Victoria St, end fellow highway
through Sanford, up Fiunlop
take sideroad at Alcillanes' earner for
IN mike, turnLsouth to .11enntiller
Rd., down hill to`"Saltfold aed back
to-Cienit HOW&
Windsor, no doubt, can be listed as
Of Detroit's liquidp
The wild pursuit of armaments in-
evitably leads to war.
No need to suffer with corns,
run the risk of Paring theta. La -
move them surely and painlessly with
Holloway'e Cern Remover.
Red •Rose Tea, now ranked
in the bright, clean Miami..
nuns packaga, is completely
guaranteed. You Can try it
'without- any risk. - Order -a-
package from your grocer.
vUosue anyrcnit or tel °tint iroeftyi apleasedr,di
o f
return it and ncharge will
be made.
fat, but the lea.ut vinnot 'Pun+ the •ll. 'Do not use the di.dt•eloth toll • - .,
blood thtu the Lady so well, because senile .1311• tables and stove after the I -
the heart is weaker and fatter. atid dishes. core washed. Have a severe) .
cloth only for, the dishes. &ea the Orreairkluplide kileetst, trot 40tehtl0fpirlet
the body is lacked too full of fat ate cloth for that and use the dishil T
and- EttP),,4s;41a,d rase inendeisffevratlydailyi, 'In InanY waye. It m a good founila-
and the Moo cannot so easily get
a , through. This slouia elimination dishcloth very clean. "bye a geed tort, fer that matter! may be uttizzed
Dangerous 'Varicose Veins
• practice on that slogan, "No
Guess we'd better SInirli‘ aPthauktwoulti not be too many. Dishooths tion •for a pudding or for a cake or
and everything goee wrong.
rpu chased for a dollar a doz- 1 ff9urt °ain't'
, Keauced or money Back .,,Intfi:;oininaSnailItroatatlyt:nfrovrtitaktlehitye7„e07. iint t;Wany b:
A h and do not neeu iron -
:7001" roasts, and the acid will help
fO•11: itivilor!iv; oittn.1%a.truwpfultraoluffsover
4 wear a long time. Tbey are
n I
, - b . dje:, TnAainmtttntvitteak% aanciad III it4*tireei; ni17(1:°"1:eal,f:aainue"deiavheati flolirsY- ;;14.11:dalevx114.! epace imparts flavor. Heat it. anti
to.malte them tende,r while the pickle
something like this: - ' meal leave them on the tee wagon pour over becks or greens or other
This Simple Home Treatment Is GiVitIO Amazing Results Frela one pint to one nutirt of milk after'you have washed them; eevered vegetebleer "
Rub Gently and VowardToward the
. Heart as Illooal in Veins Flows
That Way.
If you or any relative or friend is
• worried because of varicose veins, or
bunches, the best advice that anyone
in this world can give yeti to ask
yooe drtniglet for an original -Awe -
mince bottle of Noon's Ettore! 01
with a towel, and ready to wheel tot DIRS. SO1;0111014" SAYS
Tser: • • i
wo generous vings of vegee the table when you set it for the
(full strength) and apply us direlted ttiblea other than potatoes. One of next meal. The job you will get depende-aipoo I
night and morning to the swollen, en- there should be a green vegetable if • , what you Lave to sell.
larged vein., Soon you will -notise
teat y gg eN'cn -be -,,,l
N. FD..rnoiamslr• ! tV
intdhave YOU: a weak bodY,
y,ay and
of T
thearerowinsmallr11130Twoservingsoffruittomato,o1" nwetportleeetnaos1:
he treatment should be continuedun- ane gpepislti ad is ihab
sturdy 'health, live ideas, •
env De leen lettere E
one. in neeetile bizarre with zig•zay lines crosswise. backbone and energY?
til the veins 1:3,'of normal size. So A
"" • riOrt Bliirto, the shortest of our. I
Oil that evpi
°penetrating and powerful is- Emerald 'Step on the sea es puce a wee , gowns, aro to be two inches below
en les re tly relieve And see if you. Are 'Weighing about tha o; •-kno-Rernittiaa are --eonneng
edsnrprised- that I:troth/
Sell lots'
r- t Dunlop an e right, If you weigh too little, eat down. • . taltitig violin 10550113.. She hese t
'Of u to ar but if w vel t h
Ate things 0,4/ done.
The Cow Iforteis Quebec
• heats, nooks, bakes.
'supplies hot water and
,burna nay laud of fuel.
Sold n Godelich by
Jas. C. Carriei
will save you -hours ot thil— •
Think of the comfort, of cooking. the large roomy
surfamofthis range, It means lean work and better
results. The uniform temperpture of the oven en.
sures even baking.
fuel economy. It burns any kind of fuel—bard
coal, soft coAtoke or 21 inch lengths ofwood.
See theCosylionleforyeurselfandiudgeitsqualities.
tons of fuel—and do etter work
, ,•,...••••••••• •••• • ...•••••.
flare n harmony with the ripple a ( "Itt, 'she has beautiful elbows.'the new skirt lines. t • • •
Soft crepes are used freely ts bus- !' 4virenta you like to be fres to
'loess and street dresses. but evening, may again'" , • .
gowns are made n- still' awl heavier `1"ciot-Plat./•ree•'-"--
materials: satin, velyet, metal cloth I. -
and taffeth!.. ,R T•EtP,Lt CHASE
decor:Alone. Checke, angles. • end been drain op 0 govern the boys'
enrye.s ef the same geode ne.eleenr- 'steepleehse air country run. on
Geometria figures, abound in drees • The following regulations have
mord are stitched on it for trim- the anorning of Thanksgiving Den
minas. ' ;November 7th. •
The Okk -drape is a popoiar trini- 1 Rare open to all -boys resident in
ming for ,dresses and gives tr UT. .Gaderich, Gieleriek township or Cole, ''-. •'
ness to the tight Shirt. The point ef borne township who shall not be anal
the drapery falle eeveral ine b
ciiee. der Et years of age .or -over 20 years
low the hemline. , of age at date of run.
Tilt season's hats are narrow alai Entries to close Oetober a1st. ' En -
high and make the short woman rook try forms may be obtained in Mr.
taller . . • . „ " . Frank Darroevee office on the Equare.
4 Each entry will be numbered anti a
corresponding bomber on ;cotton will
VISIT THE SCHOOL be given the boy to Lave sewn on hie
"Oh, dear.'•what.tan the matter be, back Before coining to the starting
thopuarehenttsweehinveisgrit g101331,
usne,holov"lee,at "poninde.rariG.empetitere evfli" be handicap -
So sang' we as youngsters, and ped' acconling to age anti physical ;
i oit
least, would notb e; goiltr-but life is Prizes: -rst. sporting goods to the
so busy. value of Sid; 2nd, sporting gods te'
We have heard of a Parent -Teach- value of STr grd, ,stiorting goods to'
ers Club. however, ' which not only velite of f6; reserve at discretion of
visited the school, but did things 0
Club, ,
there. They met in the school howIn./Waitron a challertgoeup will be i
and found that'the seats - were out -of -presented to the runner making the
date'and not comfortable for their route in the shortest time regardless
children Six hours a 'day. They rem- of handicap. this wilt be competed for
edied that. Then they inveatigoted annually. A miniature eup will also
the drinldng water, and the toilets be.presentea for thebey to keep per -
and the floors and walls ani wood- mitnentry.
work, yes, and the stove—for it was Air competitors who ertiel the
a rural club. This time they did not course lir 65 minutes -from the start
come in dress-np regalia. but with of the race evilj be entertained by the
serub brushes and pails. Thy Club At their next luncheon when the
hung shad ee in the windows, brot in 4, pries will be presented. Rotators
a few potted plants and hung three , will be -checked at several' pores. MT
reel 'works of art on the walls, to "the route to innate fair play:
First It + r asi-First It is, and
First It Shall
Model 250
A 5.tae Racersolbiteryliss Receiver, wilk
rovige!ely skie:ded ata10 amplification writ.
Wilsd.4nisk cabinet. $215,00 complete, except
3 Minutes to Install!
Cameo Console
A S -tribe Rucerpflattergem &eater,
combined' talk bailor iyonpktney Rorie
-1s Very comport yet efficient and
plated Re, river.
.*."5.00 complete..
MADE IN is,t4A,r))
Model 220
Potverful Rogertiastleryless Reduce,* sh
control, completely skidded audio! etwifificalio*
emit, illuminatedj4J,patented Rows 41C ?weer
Vtebe, Piety. Anisked walnut • caltivit." prsort
censgere, mot sprither.
c *Week to Operate!
Symphony console 200A
ji6k. . 3.10, Raffia Rewire,. as Model 220, taillt Raters
' ' ..
OL,..7 lir *girt Cogtole WW1. 14?0,00,
Sysgokosy Speaker in beatitifill
NO Batteries
No Chemicals
With fiveyears of research and expetiment behind it, with three
years of trans performance, with the retord of having, alone and
unaided, developed the batteryless principle—the Rogers is the
4104, the sensible choke of every tatiks purchaser who desires *
real batteryless set that has passed every experiment and Mt.
Let Us Prove It in Your Home
The time to test a radio is tehtre it is Ong M he -ut---ii' your
Awe. We will place a Rogers in your home for test and demontraton and if it ,toes not perform to YOUR satisfaction you tnay
return it /FREI.; of all cost, Rogers sets cost you no mote than any
other tirstirtade radio —*215 to $4,Z0.-.1v4Y4bie on WIN tosuit you.
.0%3/. „ ••
4t4/A." •
Extra fine—Extra fast—Extra fare
daily between
*car and California
Travelers glac47 pay the. extra fare to enjoy its .
luxury and speed.
only ivy() business days on 'the *way.
Five famous Santa Fe 'trains leave Chicago
daily for California. "Santa. Fe all the way."
Besides the Chief them are The California
Limited, The Navajo, The Scout and The Mis-
sionary—all offering famous Fred. Harvey meal
service. '
1%1'. TteralDy, Agant, Santa Voillt
The,01c11 TPue saying
e an- Save You D.
We hove quantity of Coal stored on the Oceaa
House property, end it is gob* to coot fifty cents a ton to
move it over to our Coal Yard, and we are going to Sive
you the advantage of this saving. While it lasts we
Chestnut Coal at. . $14.75 per ton, delivered
Stove Cool at. ...$15.i5 per ton, delivered
We are offering the materialant .of the Ocean House
at the following prices:
HEMLOCK --.2 lt 4, 2 x 6,2 x S, 2 x 10, sod 2 z 12,
valid, is as good ao new, for., .$35.00 per 1,000 feet
KIS boolmar DONS and Door Frames, Windows and
Window Fronts for *godly as good values.
For Hardware, Paint and Oik,' Plumbing and Illes,41g,
our pric
The Ilards art at the Wharf
Ekrtric Wiring.
• 112. nom ?Imo* 11/1,