HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1927-10-20, Page 3_ - - -
THURSDAY. O('T. 20UN, 11#27
� -
-_ dAl FAINS 11 BACK I
I Neighborhmid News Nuggets It
601LI 1MY WK.' ,,
I., 11,6� ai,hh,j I_av, itruviLeDfidX0, Picked From Our Exchwes
QuiI 'Write -d -. - - -, L ui,�j to havo okick ,
Ila . 01* In jl,� 1464 I III IlAtdl.% 4�, jity �, so I
wojk T! - i�, It %,�% u:,h1IK Vitelk, 1i UJI,: �,11101450111vly bolinkl, twok, to pri:--�eie
� I., � th��s-e �Zi:�"Vbe,s in, IT
I bad to Wlid vilof t1W tub� i� Tile junles .,141- paf.,4qI1ag,." - �'�.I " 1 i" � 11 11
"I triM a arvar wany rmie3iiI but 1 ww� the serelle of a quio., ;w0laig )Tl,�, Hard-Masie I
I '
AWY "'I %I to Cc) Itle ulu'll NWAL ". 1�kttuysjay inoudtW, Ala, ��Oj, a� it"i An ihitri-Ainif Wedding %vai oe,10, �,
'o'clock- svk��n Xisq Ithea .14110ki U;11� , ." ,Q , , U
Ie 44A friond of toico Iml tiAM N ' tfatcd .it t_t. I eter's R." C. ell ri:j, �:
, " It : 14v Ardiur Pay were United ill W,"ri0r,..,,dal,,, ou Tuesday. (let, lWil. Altell,
I Eidwy pill$ bw,t u,ld 1140 IAUW Illurb I I *e by Rev. 1). .AT( TaViAl. .
, , " I
gwai Alley 154,1 OL., -1k, b'r. I UUtY 11�,.d `$lf Re�. Failiev J. V. i�e'ard uri�ed in
i All I -horl, kito UrA fo I Or Whitte Removing Froat Bru,.,,46i"� 11181riage G�rnlaijle, datI oe Alv� ,
I th(li"I a % t Una a gi,eat and Mrs. Nlel,�,ea J. Mas�-t,. Alth voll.
chuu,v i i1r. J. It. White, of HFTISS�,V,, ;1,1", i
� .,�,.X, I 1 ,zI, vesst i v -kI P
boantir'Kilyify Pillq da vot get on -qold hij )ionic hero. to I)r. W.' P. , . . itli . f Ilay, and Mr. lard,
tho, lwqivels au4 if a lmat�v,- is: no,�jcd I jamie$ou, of Cohn, oui,, prior to Ilis , of Windsor. Mr. and No", s,L�rd will
We woui-1 ro-mikid"Ittl the. U"O, of removal to, Port Arthur, wher,- lie rp�lde atYirldsor.
Vilbatit's Lit-ta-Liver Pilti, 21URI. a via) �, %0,11 enter the dr -air bukduess ,witia I& Wingharn Rink Wins Joynt Challeu.qei
I at -all dealers, � ,brothor. W. White hus.practiced. in! ' Trophy ,
. .. J'Irxe 5�)�. a bax,gt I ramssels for tile past 10 years. I On Monday afternoon of lost WQ061
, I
. . " .
.. , Cift toI Clinton Colleglato . :4 ria- of Xvinglaam, bowlers jor,pley-
. , . , -ah dcaln,st, or wil , lea Mr. W. Brydono has deposit(,41 $.'100 ,cil to 1,Ateknow and were.suveessful in
f dimpt oa riII of. 'With t1w Toronto, Vietteral Trasts winning front Lucknow quaviotto. �
� Cojqpally to be beldt.in perpotitity arad LUCk"ilaw bad brought the JOYnt ft0- I
, 1� price Uy Tile IT. mil. ,
� W, the Intcrest used each year as .,t jJtrize phy fropi Owen Sound the week pre.,
. .. bum Co.,' Litilited., for tile best historical sketch Of tile viou.8. having Won easily fro,*1 the!
t., I I ,of that city. I I I
. .... !� Insititate. Ile has also,provided a Telford r1ilk
__ *- I '*_..__ . 11119;0142�A�___ — '_ - -1 " �- -I __ 11 - . ._,_XWbie-_Ngw*lI_. -,. . ._ktio,.,�',
" __ "' - , .
. =_ *, -�r =n�,n_ � � . . I I . T I 1-1 Awcddingwassolelrmiz�-din �
I . � I MIMIC &Ve. &" U -11L College Chapel, -Toront% on Satur-'
LAVRA JACKSON, A. T -C, 0- 4I I 01 day. Octolier 10t, At. 249, olcloe)I
*41im, 1 M �*ret
I . Instruction given Ifi-Piano, Residence , I I 04 * IVIALAI ar DU P . Yount st ( aughter
'* , ��eerlll Ill of
I southeast comer of Daylield and 0.0. I I I I . .L of . r: So lit r ewell, A, the Late
I ! .
tI Road. . . YOU'VFA solved your li&ing ra. �e Ilisto , lit., Ile.
--- , . problem for all time-14doors, I Conic. the r! e o , o Rati
. I is . At, ,sel! DO.
� �41
PROV, W. it. Jami'sON-10structiOu -- slid out -the do you get your bte,-' '. . ., of eafordl, Only s I of
given in Voice Culturit, OrI , Mlonalln Quici�,Lte Lamp and Ali illiah'I" 0 is And the lot rs.
C . I .
Plano. Violin, Guitar, TQo%,N%"ct0- - , Laintern. When you have these Diablo, 'of StrU Out pv. . A,
. Studio and residence. riortit, Street. rmMAM 1v&b*1._Tniklr^Vq& �M* 9=1 1__________ ___ go gl� -, R
. LL
A New Line of
F.nglish beatht--t
in assorted colors.
Those interosted in a
*new Nirse for Fall.
shouli see thiv be.
. _ .
E. C. R 0 # E R T SON
�Watalonj Mercham And
Goderkh,- Ontano
'Phofte 135
. 1. -1- 11 , I—., ,_.-,r--_ -
T 11- I I � I 1_11110411�9
k 11. y III ki.11&411411 jjj.�L.A)
" I
pritiaelt PI `IPPOW181414 :14
Lord Stftthtkooi jioll. lxv:i lip
0111 , I:tqj dePUtF-,%hjki,T,1#f1 ,4 tit, j�l-�
li.h C.Il'ittlitionr, bwi�orjf-itw 'A') U
prts,j rvport Itons LoI llofk�i.c�':
"Uk'A*#dinW ro tht title Vt OA;-��&�
"tirallicorta an Ow dea"i 0, h�--, 'Oth- 1
, "
er, llarolw6p .1�tj-Afh.,k4j-.i6, ilk i"16, 1!�O`
.110-1 �' 1, ___
.0 4.,: Afy J, Y.. 46 . � � f i -
kiA3 Vie ravItarl, . tI,
!ary to the k4 -,I. 1,,riti 4 fi!v Adviti-, ,
; l�
liq, Rt, flell. %V� I% F��-Idgp?,-!Ir� %
Now Air 1*#gue . i
majorAl,eneral Aiwp0a3, ViN� il,Q,z;�,
been, %ery uvtji�o jej,itutly in (o�n,(
tion with thi� new I1it,.rh,'r,`,.t:n A�v fv�i� ii
P,il,', ii 310%"01211111.�' R t011 JAIM;)�,,; ti.',1
vontimliat to cri,Wq#hkter�o3t iii ei Jun. I!
. I
i,:tr Atr f.fugue for Canadi3n V4:��, I'M �!
ttiex teA,R";�, ?11
New 11tare Itiver Hailway I
V�i�ate - intvre,4Li are een!�MorZrtq p
the C'Insiruetivia, Q9 " railwav fr')�� �.
Qn�svcl to tile Port of var��','cr, to "
afforil an outlet fraw, thc% J)eavci 1,1.jv� �,
Qk dislriet. ;Ueneral Sutton , , , A
r .
4icitc I ta Ile at thq lwad of t � un. 1.
� I
, ng, and It* is at 1)
I 1v;1 141 , in I
thm-pvace River. Country a ; I at. I
ipir the situation. . lit
I I . . -
passed imy in 'the pomon of Mv. Jae. . �
Kerr, on lNeduesday, Oct. mli. after .
bein sorlously Ill for a nhiotin of .. I .
mouttas. Air. Korr was boru.,8% yeam I I - . I
ago near Dtuiga�vuon, Ile was In � �
Chicago for a short time bvforo mov. I .
6f; t4m Sestforth. Forty yeara age bo
xviis United in marriage to Margaret
g" *
Dry Goods, Lama, Groceries,
Fruits and Vegpetables
_ -,- I!
IV, hol ortlorllkg, you r C rovildils f voill tu-4 yoll. ggot
the lwst on the'm,-trhk, . as w�, handle .,Intl buy noth.
ing but the best. 31a . he thi,.4 storeyour litiatiquart-
Qr,�; for year Nyfk!!n-:�Z-�, -, I .
. ..,. . . i I ., 1i I . It I
. —
� .
. �_ . I I .
. �
, .
� . I ' " '' ''
� � � J., J. e McE WEN �
...__ ___ � 1__---1___;_-_., -111. - ,----",.,.�.�-"-.--.-,.-.-��------.--,--,, , , -
. PRONS 46-
� I . r �
Goods, delivered to "Ut. house by the lbettidelivery in town
� . . I �
!to the Solonlitu. ILAIanda tolavestigal'o ,
: the killing of two British "Ittilvers and '�
the majorlb� of the wbito erew K ,
tile British steI Auk, as ,%V,111. is �
Art Ing+'W" '11.I 'WAIC, nVA +11dI *0
11r. 0, 114011130"X-Ovgaulst 211,orth St. sure, or Plenty or gQ,m 11got 'ror _. � - _ ., — .%T4kVX40QU' 444erC iWAVANVS 460 ollult -10K, =I, I .. I I . �
J�L United church, concert player Any purpose inytime'. anywhere. Former Seafartb Ittan Gets Imptirtnut this sad. loss, Mrs. Kerr, tsv#j soir,% , .A�l have mot their deaths at tho bantiq ISTOV LIS" - I .
and TAaeber. . I � I . ., Pbst ., - Alex. and William, and one daughteri 1, L ofull'tives at Sinarago, The Solow. .0
Roslileare, at Mrs. Colborn0I SL Pat- 111 40) .0 ell I III I The Toronto Board of Education Miss Kate )Kerr,- also, a brother, Itwv. L '. on Islands ove in the Australian zuv. lwft
, .- L . rielt Street. , . L I 1. 1. I I � . I . C In Isk Or I - I has apipwoved the appointment of Ja& Kerr,, of North Dakota, and a ; "tL L . . Ol- oVO4. I I . . . I ... . I L 0 1 1
.d* .� br Ix d
: _-r 1-1 I 1. 1--, ":' '; . ;r. C 11 JIL Ot James 'Gilleyle. 11,A,Se., B. P-tted., sister. MrS. Alf. Wilkins, of Drayton, , . I '. ; Trouble in South Africa -1 .
; . ;;,� CI . into . X . , rploo 411-00. . . , South African Parliament,
- .
41-1 . . L 0 A I ow � WX IT . 110chimm
r - LZGAL�CARDS . . direcI of engineering N.D., Mr, Xerr was employed irk the The
------ � L_ 1 1 A Tin and su�prjntqndont of plant, at Cen- Bell fouladI for years. He was a
. -L --- � ------- -;;� , on Odtob2r .,14th, 'under I I'll
. V. it. PARROXV.. - . - I : - . The I , 4 To tho I
. Irt tral Technical School, succeeding M. life-long Conservative in Polltlei�;- , oud, foi-the flog controversy 1,
. . . ore
I . I I I � h.I 4t t- Sk light �0 0 00.1r I I ll, nketc, I . 41,11
I Barrister..Sollelt�;r,'--N-otai,Y'Publlc L,j�, ,obores. *ouni ]Mo. all . Barry Watson, who resigned to tak4 , has ch it to I ..
I .1 ,r rgilaw.iek Z-Arawim copeflMak e I It . . Died 11% Toronto I . unged front . argume) - .
. I . Ae . .
I . . up.. consulting work. Mr-. Gillespie i� dent Or 'L blows, The chief Agures it, this TAUTING .
. . Successor 1%)L .T� T'. X1110ran -tame ptifteftila " the P. as, I . r 91�,� .
I , , amsou ,11 Gillespie, - A former Well known rest long-standing dispute are Geper�ll L I .
I � . .of Ur, and Mrs. Xe ^0446 ,
I I . PlloaeoT :0111I 11 t:t( 1,110) 611004'.11i Ch!Mii0y--MTk-Vr00f.*iAd,:i) n .In-
. . __!_1_!!__:_�_____!_ rect.rI Safo-mmultv-011 00 V ni . of seaforth. - . . . Seaforth passed away at her houle Smutzm loader of the, Opposition, and � i2L , Or* �
L . 'VftNr.qT '.% j,,r!,F, L, I Upood over. Two vo Is . I . OA Marnuiduke str�et�. Toronto, on�
. WI -,I U. I .
. 11 I I I : '.L I : With bunt -in All, I III .100, " , v4nugntona-Guyllet General 'Hertzog, Prime Minlaw-r oz ^Sfr
- I
. . � . . '0 SQjIC . L . L , MWI t�h e p-al-Atothim I 04 103. I A quiet marriage ,&Yas sole. * nized .Satu da October 8th, In the porson . . ath Africa. L The Premier could . /Imir , .
. I . . Barrister .and jj'r , ,I $;I Nrohm $0] Cole'"lint*uirtiawillf'silite, I I... , . In of krs�,.Wllfialh MeMay. -aged 07 .... tZ!,ily have diopped ,the subject d L
. ' L 2 'Pl5noI , -visited Trieulq_ - � . , MOVIWAV01
., � . . . Stre t East, jr�r.o ' L � . It"'tirdesk .%:d,NIIr;t0MX)e;.t. GS:1 1, on-SaturdoYy-Oct -8tht-at 010-110mo-Of years, L _year�ago, but -dPelded I
L I . I.. 10 King e nto" I A(a44Ijn(1Qtffadj*P,#_ � . ' Mrs. ),I thO'noW flag"La �L -
cannot *
. I
I Teler'llones F, 191 . 11 811to-8147L - , . . 11 . ., _, . - . 43TV. CoVj'14T , . the brWe's brother., Mw Art;Aur Guy, in Beaforth t1mritak the -summer And to Lao on with lt, and .ao%V . VO4 *0404y I
I . . . I �� . _ L.tPirtv" ma. ner, of London, v -heir. Miss Xildred was e s of healtlu in L 440W�WAIIA#,
� -11,.'...". ,
L . I — __�L � I - � W4, ",,�, mt.. James a tr4co, h L steps. According to 'the .. .
I _ Y r _ ,� Gtiviaer Was United, to, just'ieturned front a visit referendum in January AeXt thQ Ifflag-
". UOL'.
PUD�E 'NIES. � L ' - " 4 w � - .Z"Ia`I� . I 11I So_ Lof She 11M, '.
I . ,, L, I IWII;;�. . , Willis V4nEmond, .1 Alm and with her son In Halifax, N.S., wbort I . I
. Bativistor. Solieltor, Notary L . '. I .. .tow "i.,�* I 13 1
1;11 .IN L I , Krs. James Vp bil the 1, 'It -
I "Ir . � 'tt, � I , question Is I o frattled that v4ite
PHONE Z7 l i TON $T,R1W ' ' 0 ' I I � . I Tile. veremony w4s.perforined L L I L 1: 11 � be fQlr,or against the Goverlimpilt
, , L'' , .. . -,�;� .�, I by Q Monday previdos to her Oath. She - �, ����� . . . , I 11 _ . .
I I 9(,'.. j;; L . 1, I `tschC0 was born. in TpoRdrstalth, -her maiden I � � ., L . . . sign.. It the'Roverrituout is d9fe4 ��. " . -.-_�, ftl- ,,* . . .1 I .
� I . Public Go I eyanctm, E , , .. nEgialond, -of Hallett. seized with a severe stroke 8111
i 1% id
I -� II!! �, lii!i!ji�l, gev. George Dewey, in the v ' -
. .-,=�,_- , �, ; , I it, tcd' — L
I L I I . ijL� t, . I , `F th, .. .
. . SPJRCjI . � � of only the immediq,te rolativ0s' ttrld tame being -Elizabeth I r j, R,pj L ' THE .\ 4W CONSr.4H'V'kVV1'1 the Union JaCk Will Colatirm"a u'% . I
- - .111, .. .1 .111, . . . . . . . . ... i!... A I I - j - -. �., - __ - 'friendsIt" -L . .... .... , _' .. ,. , , - _ __VoqPgt .- I . .. I 'L'. LEADEU ---- tional floft of - S o . I . _' . - . . I
� _ _____-1__1 I "� I 1� I � . .. . . Outh - Afried. N ' ' I
'It. L . I � � L I . --- '6�t--&A]ighter -6f tho lote arilos Irve., . . I I". 4 -half proposal c4n be : con. , .
� ,
� ,
� ,
,r4 � , ...... � '. . . J, 0. I .
. . L . .. � . I . . . Hon. R. B. Beno6tt, �X.P., X. C., who, ba . a" L I . .
I � . . I I For many years after her marriage I . . R
. . . J, Ft. 1�,f,)nS . - � .1 __ . . � I .. I . . Presented With CIAO& - . I , . - .. L I
I - . ,� � I � I I I , . � red" . .1 . .. .
I I L . ID", 1` I . L L.�. I I I I . I - illiaill XeY.A.v �unele of Mr. was electect leader of*tbe (;0nst'1rV,A* mdo I , I I . . L .
Eyr I L .
�. &klj,L . , I . . . . 1. � . I .
. .1 � I NOSE VMOAt- I . Uoi�bqvs of the Blyth, CWval Sue, to Mr- W tjVo,L Par . IRE'THE '
. , ty at 0 - 1.
I . I . . L L I 1 -0 . . , . . . . .
I I . .. . I . I ,1 o I - e ,,�. Adam McXay of $enfortW.06 lived' the Winnipeg ,onven. � , , I . .
t urgeon New Torlc 0Ibh- . . iety g�vejan�lble Xpresslori of tbe . US tion. (mt ,of . GIPTS OF TH.U. YVIAlk . .
I I I Late 11ouse $ - I I I I in Senforth, where her .busband w " Ile received ISO votes, 'to" L 'I t
. . lit, at � , , ... I I L appreciation , of, - tile Work, of MISS t�'ine'er L in tilic, big a total of 1 5 &L - i I : � The ,1,: l . aSZ;(j to 4.2knowledf - .
I thalmle. and Aukal 110SPItal, assisto 11 I .1, - I _ mill. 11) � a 1)1,:,. I
I I 1: It-, , Pearl 'Gidley, 16ider and �jjj'nlat 'of May, . �
hfoarefteldis", "Bye Hospital. atin L ;. I en , . , -10' - - I
. . f Log. . .."-,."��..�'.1.�--...,-���--" V I. � . .
I . 100106n. , , receipt of, a boo), of pooth ' : I I . 1.
L 1 . . : 1900, they -moved. -to Toronto. , S IL)y bfo& .G -UGH, OR I
� .. � '. I .Square Throat"Hespit4l Lfjndoti, . L .. I ,I the organization, -when a deputation , I L _C0L0 -
I . . .. ,L. I ! .t., I :1 I I FronconAmericait Tairiff.-DigitAI .� XMIA.-entitled -'soilta--of 4111� U�rr_ I L I . . .. . ..:. - .�.�.� 11 :..
- 53 Mterloo Sr, 5 �tratford. WIC , � ; , L 111; . .� .�ke4latedher ,%,dtb.,a check fov �A, 1100 : East, Huroli'Toa..-he&I �at BrussvlH - . .
. ,. 6, Yoonth �7, . "Y�, I � I . . f , t L riff , �.,ar rthd Other Poems." Th6I'auth 5 . I - . I
. I . . ' Ili the plant opartment or I , B(
. evening of,third-Monday, ()"Lf',�tpjj _�� .1 . -
. - lield in Brussels in -tho United to end tit d .1 -
. , till I .. . I '' I . I ., 'Uri. Himykins, and Miss Eupbenlial-vas e anger o a a :he .11'., , HANG ON'' "'
. , � . �jehCh.�Xjrlj$tilXLdf_ .. I-. a"
. L I
. 1, , , , . _CL'
. . ---' . , L � . . . . . . . and I QUIXI
, . '" . * __ a -,-art -addretos,-Titaso -, .. -,The- 1, . - (" ` - -
, I . ron found U t,ompromisq
. : , . -_ -_ 1JI.)jel DildfoVd. Qoderlt,iIlt, 011, the: - . 1. I com_ptlsillg� --- ' Vast, " W A— , , -oung',-14 ent atw - IHIAT
__ iv.� I. I -PlIone 57;. . I ., L, 3)loyed ora,p orlt *
At I IF' l'i the delega.tiop were Mrb� 0, 1). Leith, Rit a0le e C01iii, lt)011� Dakahowslfrj- has. . leri�. L'
� I . . . : , Ille fol Qjvkag" (lit �Tjjestjf,ty ' d L
.1 � Y4;r " at."IL . . . I chpreh last'Thurnday and, PrIday afid AL bok, -a -Telephone Co. All Toronto, anif heri, . . : . �' . I
. 'L' . . L P.1116 - - . . I . I "I'll I - I- 11 , Steinhoff, �The L address -tvas aignt? VLlargely attonde1 Reeve A. C.� with tho United States. i a - pieces allow eonsldl�ralile p(intle fire$, " I I _. : �. . � 1. � ... L.
I I . -hd Wit 1 oldjar- L . . . .
L �, I � owski wants to returit to tbs, .
L 11, __ - � =;;:;=� L - - 11 I by S, G,, Leslie, president, a - taritt and The Stal- hn3 -not infrequently chrollie vour,110fid perdNlent eol(13104 . �.
�, I. L — _`�: , " , .,. " 1; L I liana Watson; sacretary,..on Bti�kor officially -weleomied' the - dele- iff tempbrarily, The Lt snIiersed. � f , , ;. -
L � ' . " h 'A� W. Barker, Q.tiletat. ed by�that__gjvihg .00 - ood - - ' _
. I '. L . � . bohilf of When lookinA L f or .1
I .1 - TIC. � �'- . L , bit oLPq't.A3(jrAnj)IL , to wriona tilln lie. Voll PUA stiI npw..�L,
. Cnawto ILAC . "I'll ...... - . ... . - . -t _ -_ L 'gat9sLand.gey. . I , rulan g a a _ , j g _ -_ --'
._� PS '- - � I .11, . . u-"gan4zwft.�-_____" � . ed at -the ofe-nin'T exerciseS. Pre"& preference over Amer, -� _ffor reproduction in outi paper, � __ -
___--I---- , I - I PO.Otr� 'ith,('i littlibioll,tllltlAlljL-'ifi(.,(I(�MOZQfA.tL .
. .L . , ... 11 � I
. I'll,
, .. . I Ve , call. Ile con , ..
� . . �1� IIACTiTIONr�.% L I � : tsborne Family Alo tQ'Vxet0T., dent W,; C. Bisbee7) prvsided. Tl�o siders tbat, France Cart, aff or,Ld to inakil -been led to, select one'by 511,qa L r�,c Ill 4; )] it Int. to ta!�O. VreouluLL-i4a il 0, .
. I I
I '
... I . Dnt�c;�" .6 P� _ 1. . , . " - "' I I L . lVart I '1Vitb11Vo_f0IiIaPti"n* '
. _ owing to their-cliarm, - R ..tell !ssu oi %V
I .�L ' ' � On Wednesday evening, Get,, 510i, morning- session was devoted to busl4 i this - concession witholit losing_ any The, Blue ,Belli t4j�� Bol, C �Iie It i�'TIVV L . I
. . : ; I a 'about fifty L neighbors and friends of ,n I
. . � . I I WIL A. ' 19. NTIONSOX ' It -% -& , -gumonts Ili ne.goti' ating' th$j L o"a � , , tile, bill"thled luetil. I I
, 11 . I ess preliminaries, while in the -, _ P , - Vill. �rs lit 11 � .
. . Chiropractor - '4011 11VIIIIIIIII Tberal)ISt, L :1 ,at ,(jin- i t . - -
. - I . I GoderWit . � � I .1 .� Mr. and Mrs. B. Kestle of the 2qd ternoon the d6egates,mot to discuss inerefal treaty. The aniquut invoI P10"s' -magazine, has a bit of verse I 110I IdIN 11 1`1 4 , I ,
.- ,. concesstoii of Usborne inet at their probI before the convention, by -Miss Bevan and, na a f I
. Ad- ed is only 2% per Celli. of the Airier- tcivple of Of all hnfliva, dMol, erviosole L3 peogliked
... L I Irlbronle, 0II 'and Nervous "III . . ,.. . " , . . , tome tI La social evening prior dres.ses Were read 1�y�Miss M, G. X !cart, ii4ports, 6 FrAnci, . so; the T(.Vc- hot, Work, we publish below Il er4es I)YII�t,41if�alAtithoritio4,oloilt,,of tile great"'t . � .
,� I Olathermy, .iNl(vtrw . . I 1.1 � to t1ittir'nittving to -Exeter to, reside. Irving, Of t1le H4WRoft 'Nornlill alle 16S$Lrould be vaglig -, . Ill art, , * for persistent rotighs, and . .L . r
1_��._�', L 11 , Meetronlo., I . . - :, � eialLoy , L front the October number, .vbic 1*1111", 11 11111141 throls of throat troublw. I .. I
- , L - T.MIINt"...� .1, Ied entitled "Wel6mo.11 , . I .
- I A very sociable .tlm&. was School, on "The Methods of V neour- . Njossacro. in Solomut% ,Stan 8 . . . L
11 tth awl UnIvolWaotle, Ah MSS CO . I
�� I Fil lipp 'I N�j S le� tric. I t I _ I �ible. I
L" � :1 . I i1atgT'erte�P,00xn(B1lltg ' evenilag Mr. and Mrs, , etter Vhglish," d by I . d tains lit addition to, ereI .
. and during'the � I ("I!eljoom:l�UIIL,(n�ontlicleo,r, ,
---'.' ' ' L - time at 111orninp- . ..
. � I . aging P When I come h , . - .. .) . .11 . -
1, ,
. I
� :1 � �,Ii:m., , 0mce :bourq-4 to :T and I to " ". . IMISINK0 M-11111VIA61tv. Restle wero-trinde the recipients c,f L. Parrott on "School. PaIII Titurs. The Austrian Government bas or- f'row molaths in foreign lan6, to
.., . � .1 &-nd bY cippOliftent. 0%4el)'�a4 -monpda'Y' 1: 1: . . day liI a Concert wits held in, t . -un aerood tile garden
. , - I an addiess and a beautiful electric doted, tbq pruiser Adelaid.0 to proceed an
� and Thursday afteraortris Fj n ev'PoIngs* - . ho � --11. , You a .
- 11 . hours -2 to. 3 Awl 7 M 9 P. in. _' I -t floor lamp and Miss Hazel'Xest4o was town' hall, after Which moving -P . . .. . .,—. � .1 . hands.
1� � 1. . ,j t)f�,�c . I I . . � � =- _�.�- 11 7 . I Ito I I . . . � . . � With eager, Outstretched I ill,
I . � 2, . I I I bon dish I - . . , - I I ' ' . . If I come home at noontide ini
I . . . ,� � I - 0 ptoseiited With a handsome 0ver bon tures suppliid � by the department, Of � I . � or(
� Ladv, io; Aftendm3ce.- I I . 12 � . , - education, were shown. , I .� �.., 25 4�, . . , Your greeting walts,me ,itillj_ ti.(
� , � .1 . .1 . . i I . I . . . . I
. , � . IfteqIdence anj Ofl)eer-Corner of Sontl! SULPHOUR CLEARS - Huron &uaty. Orart,gineta.1log A. G. - Ftithor of -Exeter Lady Ditts in . . 11 . � ': 1. A red geranium bloorning' I . .
� . . .. � . . I I W
I � St. .and Iftrilitunia.1toati. ,��_ , - I 4% -Vv I tl � I � . � . I . � ...". .. 11100441 , - . - - �.. .1. 601, � � ..'.
. — I IFOR - A . Upon, the window. 1. -
I I . . I., = . I I G . I . ... I . 4111111 .� Whig] . . I . 0* I . . �� ' '. : SIA6114 I � com'6 home at � t1&1I1Att . ill'
. . I '. . I I. I I � I R. Or. I I � � Whate",or the Weather be,. . I Cal
.1. .1'. . "MY.' .. I ly 5th, which was attended by ,.several I � .4', 1 'find you calmly wAitinp,
rIP110MAS GUN .. .. rsa�, Neck'am . I Soldon, of rsxotot took place Ili Via- E ' � elfi
. AV ,RQU I , RED SK114 haln L. -0. L, Xo� 794 held,tt , The death of Mr.'Walter J. BerjY; � I
. CTIONSZOING . I � special meeting on Vo4nesdayf Oct. of Ingersoll, fathoi'of Mrs.
- . .. . . . .4 Aems East PIN fORES
r . I I . ,� . . . MA& Smoot'lly flaya., : , ilrethren front ,different. parts of the toria, Hospital, Londdhi on, Friday) .'Veople with bronchitis, asthmot " With blue. cups spread for tpa. , %,C�
. Live Stark and Venfral AuPtioneer, . .1 . � I country, to. do honor to the C&uhty Oct, 7th. The deceased Was in hiq iubjes benefit verr . Buf when I come at evenflig . . AAI
0044upt trc , , I
�. . . , 1jamilton st"hl, God"Iell * . I . Specialist Waster, W. Bro. A.,G� Snatth. The 81st year., He was -born in Ingwi-soll 'inisch by living amongst P106, My wonder never dies, or
�� 11iorti , � . . . .
.1 . Sales made overywhere and'all ( � 1 — I local oflicer's-exeraplified, the 4nitiat- - speftt his enti" life. thera until trees. " fort'in o r h I ` Fill
I I and Why]I Because they,
I mad� to give, you: gatlsfufflitrh� - I � I I � � At the corn 5, U � t, irthfire
� . . 70mers, Sale notes dis�oilhtdd. - * ory degree in 'a most � satisfactoky , ot, seven years ago. Ile,was ,�ery breathe the healthy aroma of the The.welcome in your o . yes. , � inp
I ; . — Anyj, breaking out ot thv skin, 6ven mannef, arid� after . general busineps, 13'k cootsilin beneficial 1. . . . . V11
1. .
I . fiW,,,&W 040'. * lkly ,active' in : rourticipal chicles in I)h .Vlnes� Pope . 11111111 , �
I ,e g Zcze b ' , C. R. GopeIand,'W.M,, read an ad. I I - I I
, � 7pool.;RT. AODE,11TSMN. ov 0 ic y plyiag* a little IN "" I , days, having given - I 8 year� , Pine Asencest together with other. - � �, , I I I '111I
I . I . . , 'Can e ?ehilld- dress, w1iiell was accompanied, by the ytpo=eipal life, occup �
- . I ,ying .the :posi- I tnedlcluol ingredients; and for . � I
. I.. I �__.� � -1 I � I Sulphur, declares a noted skiA speciat! presentation of a handsome russet tions of veavo, deputy-ieeve. and also _. you war brin$ Into Internal and
- Aitetionver, Vidon St., Goderle I ist -!Because of its �g6tft.'dostroying . t . your I
� I enji,hiet and ,arrange. any sale an . club bag, . � . Itte Mrdst.- � are,p oM
. W 11 pr ies, this Sul hur preparation be. two years as rpayor of.1-Agersoll. "He . homer a ver table r, til
I 1 I littest, Inethods lo get lie%t gins at . . I ,
! Ve result% , �! 25c
. It till .; Announcement . . waw latterly .the assessor. for the When it Pap Is.placed In the -
I . See him. or ,drop a. card .1ind 6 �o once to soot to irritated skin and I . . 013 E
� .
., � tivo it immediate Attention. Prkrn! beat cruption,$ Such SSL rash 1, Mr. and Mrs. Rose, of �Willdsor, an. municipality..- Mr. Berry, howover. akouth the pine essences are talto, ' . THOMAS' ECE
. ,, pimpl�s Una- . .
*, I . . ,fink wort". r their has'another claim to distinctiola.� Ile � -ed into heall I Vapors, ,These.. 714AT IT IfAa DCE" tOLD FOA NtAF
. . ales a spec"alty. It 601doni failiI to remove the nounce' the engagement of I are brest .d
I I . . 1 ."71_.�7 1 , the dilrect to. tile .1 AND 10 TO -DAY A QnaA'rgA QFkLEF
. � Z.;===== tornielit daughter, Eva, to. Mr. Letinard Ila& was s, member of an Ingersoll bau lungs, throat and brosichial tubes . 11073fir. 13 A MTIMONJAI. THAT GMAlf
� . � .
. . . .� . and,disfigitreatent and, you do not havoi, son. of Windsor, oldest Sort .of Mr. I ball. team Some fiftyLeight years ago, 41OWS to . NUPAERQUO CURATIVIS-GUALl I
--- -
. . . I 1. �� : XPTAUY PUBLIC-, L -TC, , hjwhicb, won. an International chaill- _not swalloWed. the, . 1 1 _�_11 . -.1. L I -1. __. , -_ 0. I . - 11 ..
� . — to wait; for relief from embarrassment. atid Mrs. Isaac Hudson, of Sicafort 1111tomAch which It not aillair.
. . . ,� I rX.Nt, DAILIE. . I I i , , Improvement quicidy sho%ft SUffercra Mr. J, A, Wambold, of London, an-, pilittzhip. - The� �. team had defeated i Pep$ for ourcoldorough,brohl"T . I 1 . . . I . I .. � � I .
r -
. I � . I I .. from skin trouble should dbtaiti a sthall, hounceo f2e engagerhctrt� -of his everything, il1'C0oaf1A and th,,n �21141. tisorasaluitoo, 23o bo:eosp dealers. 1, I
, 1 . - � . jae of 71towles Mentlip-Sulphur froth A, 4 the leaders Ili -the United � NN1919 NN
A � mT.Afty. Vvmyo daughter, Ida Pearl, to Mr. 9.'R. 101, . . I 1. - tim
., � I irwiteral Converanclug, Iona' any good 4ru.odist and use it like told Close, of Soaforth, the marriage to St -go s. Thp game Avwi play.Wq I)e. �� I I I . L . I I �
I .
. I clood Ir.timpailles lifwrevote.l cirgalli. I I _. I take -place quietly the lattev part of tr:,�tc and Ingersoll won, �:by�lhglnpjr I
. � I . . .. .
I . .ollp�,,011, ont ... 11I � , "I !� : - , October..'. . , ,it I I 11 I .
. . Phone.Nol 20$. 0 . I ,�. ? . - - 1hom,2 Pq ii qouvehir, an cliony hat I . I I
I . . I . I , ,—. I __ . * e engagement �ris atiourleed of mounted with hammered gold. . . . I
. . , . I
__ . I � I I'liave for saj,(�, '(61 rikv�nnnwnll 11)" �. . OD Xarj�vevite, dattahter of .*.NLIr. I . 1-1 I . .. I A . � I I .
,'I*? I f l'intallan Vichem, MIL INV V e, t� - ' and Mrs. NVies. Maguiro, Clan(lebop,f ' ' - I . I I ., .
,( Wfttriwl G.� Chumbers; ,of - Vxoter,
� ,� .(I PPAI Pont, ginuing III � ., I— .
W, , I P110"I 11ti.ale(l migust i4� 027. duo �' Mo 0% 0 Madder VAT'vaakw�ss .
I I -a , .The Wast Stro. ,,.
,)�,r�afml 1nb1-1))Ur,t1;,. t-ularriage, to take place the latter . .. I I 0
1,1vul lorunfor Va% � . I .
*4,ft....W."0I . ,�
r , r 11 11 .11
I pai"s .
. . 'A _ - I
00 011 . 161 : I 0 0
. . .
I 0 0
� i�
. 19".7, Prief, XoO .Intl "e, U.r & . - --- I � ",-,— .11, "I 111 ��� , . . . . . . � . I . � . . N111111111111111111101V
I . .10 IwP I EjectriCal S 0 - part of October. . , '- 1. 'I 'Getting- . ights. —=�--:%-� I I � . . . ..
cpnt, It 6,A. N-011fing oypr . 4 P . . ]Death of Mr. John Kerr - N * . �. . r,
I 1 6� . . Canada's La gest It'stall Grocers
- :. --�
I -.%o143lAN Ll,',Wl,;, A resident of Seaforth for 50 years THE . 9
. itainjiton caut NII I Wo -carry a good 'toIck . I Quickly Reliev'ed' . ,; . .
8 of — I .
Vhont,476 _ I *00, 11sodelvit'll, . . .1 . . . � I This Is Pro
. , Stl� � Mectrical Appis"ances . I . . — I duced In Canada Week
__ � _ - - :___ — log. .
__ ,..., I I .
. . . I " I Pleasant Hoine Treatment Workg I
. . - INSU19ANCE �", fixtaie�, e(I � % � ,,ta vioef�' Used ,by Doctor F,qr. - ...... . ... - r In all DeMiftleft Stores I
� - .. � ,,.� I . .. _. ,�, ".... DERICH. . . in Cahad ' Our stores are all'well
I I . I I- . .. I Many Years . � I I -11 � I � . Huy C-oods" omduced i . a.
. I . . - �
. M�XILLOP MUTUAl. � II ISMIt- . � . . —_ I I I I usual low P ces
I . , Wo $PdCj'j4jjZ,- ill , . I � .. � I I i � . . � ittoched with Co'nadian Merchandise at our Usual low P
ANCE -,CaNt PA NY. � I � I . ..... I . I Witat a Wonderful comfo:rtt It is to . ,# -
. — Wiring of AIVW.ftdi�. . . I � P oleep all night and not ,got a A, " Finest canaillan I 1.1490areftj 2 tbs*, �
I - - .... I . . front Bladder Weahttess and' V% _� .
VARItt ANO ISOLAT80 PI 1101) & Idi'ta'! WA06i New, or
. 10. 11 . rdlimateg given.,on *___ tion. . . 1. . . I `�
r � BUTY INSVIIS I , 130 -.
I Priv inanred 11I Jan- appfilcati6n I *-. - . . I The daily annoyance, rI . .
* 'Value ot pro . '11,r _-_1 � Cheese 24!. "Pall"'
.I,tg jr,V L7.1 __
9 � I � - , 4W - — I T"ty Cuts , 3, 0I 20
.4. oary. i9le. $3. 18,975K I , . I cf misery, b ekaelles and net. _____ _'__
� "ERIA p 1. , All Work Guaranteed 000* . . . . r IWITED Us SME * ,
. OVVIC -jinaes Con6bIly. rea ,I-t . � , yous irritability i., ,% of result' front I 0 ,
dent, Goderich: Ja% P,Vans. Vlee-Pl,e'01- I . BladdPr Troublea are wrecking tile I I y WED HAMIC IBM shirrilits stville I Saft 10s. � Clark9s,
dentj neechwno T. I& Itays gee .i-- , . ago 66MM . . . , e I
lives of thouGands who 'inigh, othc " I rattiry �� 330 862"SNO-1
" e, t I ,�! ill � I . I .
. a. - Frank MeArthur 11 irl"the beat of health. I . M ado W,b,t* - .-
. � TSjih0ST0'lrn0Sr_tl1V-, F. ,; . . i!qllo ta .- I _`I;?� , .0-�_ � .. = - _" tbs. lib Pork
Din 110pr4or, S,I T Phone,82 .-West street It �� , , at your bawt� you mAA;-,t-,jIaA,e I I - ,;, .
thriln .T. G. GrIeve. _'WiftWroll.. Whi. I—- �. � irag"lly � III~ iff 62 Tomato
11 ��.
- I
I., ,
A.01, e
ill' � iL
Ttiolierstnitti: J,)Iln iI itartoem.
ifilia RonneWISP.. Uro3dI1_a,9a11;." M1111ray
afton, Brueolleld . .
AAENTS-1 W. itl,o, GadI iS'Alntly
- ,
- """'
' "'t `
no" V�k4l,W.80,
rh R tie 1�` - fb ir rI1"_"�1_`*
- "" "
" �'
06 0
4 .
, At 110111 r-eil .
0 � 11014"' !311 .jrei
'0 ' -
r licl - it. "lit",
14 6
.to � Qlaor, :
ft � I
A. ! , t f1l eld.
MO I 91 ao AISN's 040t. -Al
r 3. 11. Rem S. I av
"�,_ I - __-1 - - - 4 .1 .
- -1 . ...
. . ..
. I Ilav6 it attended to oy the
Established Isla
Nead 0111ce : Dauxamm. Ont
Wra. J. Thommon. Auburn, Pr�os';
Ifti. Ivatsont. Vice, rm,; jhhle� _Crir-
,n(mj; Tim Gtifiln, IL -R, Xq� ?,'
nov-i-Chni. Hewitt, Kincardilae,
Tress, BK,retl(ry. `
__ I - . �:� _ _. -If
:0MIdren Cry
___.__'_.__ �_______ a
1;. —,—.— -------- 14#V0,410"'I
II -
T. A. W, -h-eel-'er, - 1 4
-Paneral Direotor and ,
. Embalmer . �
- Goderieh, Ontario
I I 0.0-I I
All calig prow,ptil, aft-on&I to
day 6r fli�ht. . 4
F i
Pho6en: Stow zi;.I'n House ,051KV , �
- _04-01- . � - � I
� ,i j
BON. BF0,911
� , �j.IL�m
i ..1m
(be LeAdIna
� upi.
1� .50�
foroeral, Dirwom �
',I �r',�
fft&vs f*Wally Attf,nd'e'l t"I
, I
at all bourm- -night or day. We
�, "
skn* the irmpef torl of ItItAtonly in
wtd f6f 0.e, C -I of Irwom
rhonf,lq, R.Irt 1120; Re,4-lence
-_-1._-_._ - -1.
I . - _ --I
; "
peaceful; health -giving 01,10j) and . I . - I � 0
1 .LW .
freodoln'trom daily irritation-Virt.'s 11, _ I , Jot 14va : took's MON4 soup aoft& JL%P �
why Dr. Southworth's URATABS ' i * 1 1 J60'r' - 2 5 0 Nal(Ifts 1potud meakils
... Powder 1*'37420 3 tor ise
//,%'' Ili ,
- ajive such wonderful satiaftetion.. /
Model front 'a special fortmula alA .. ff, 4, i 44tushuSlf 3 04- Vousino 11411941 0I 204
used in O)e Dcatqrls 1,rivate peactice . � S -lb, 25C I
I I , 1�jk, . 4 1, jetties 23c � �*-,-mti_ I VOMILopf 2ite
I for nearly, 50 yearrs-VRAITAUIS, no%-.? . . 1��, * � b . . . . . . . . . . . I'll, 1.1 I . . , I., I I - , � .
obtainable frow ,your dru,,vgiat for IL-4 I .. ir."'r ,
:fHeIMBIVe 1101110 Use, llaVe NIOUP,11A I S etigil One 361bo t * 9 ':
help and: cons fort to, many Aou- 11.0 _� . I 11 011tir " SCO I L I
quic . 11 ill 4will
sarift. . .. i A ,"_ 14nd aInAAlowdomm $It firs-stittiti.tq *altats
I- No matter what our ago lamy Ir " , ., . ,. . I III�. .� - I -_ --- =, � ' * ' a ' I - I ' of ' -
I or flow many medic &,% you bavv no. .1 .1 �� _... - L ' �
r, - . —
, cd 'without sueces% It you waut til 11 . . I or attihive a 16-:9449 mark Last , - I
ftrge'l you have a Madam, Awl cajoy , . Cat" SY9111P 5 E6 330 MA#0414 36ss
. tbo rt'st 4 reaceful. onlir-0I 'w"9P. .- . .� . , . I I , =I�_ L
3todav " � I CAN"I04 WtUlft And V0110tabIts 1
,4ft - 7 VIIATABIS , . -Your dkv%n3� ";�j �- - .
� Will WfIlHd t110 M-1101 120",'.' 0 1.741,1 31`0 WC, nre re3dy. right glow.lfo ��Ond you 1M.M. I V" .
po jrWaS - 11A*& t posts
not vmff �La��,rt,U -1,_ '_'_ __ vmk- ulrttees.auvofy�of e0al. 1%0%w cloorries
P rn 10matoes "att",
I . WORLD INVENIS L AvAt otir dolivety senice Iq aq ,4voody Aylater 2614SM Aylmgr or 2 1,sr AylisAtfrof 100410*0 I .
rn. you '001dIdnh (02'. .. i NASA& 2 fia$ 27C 931YA46 t,II 9 lk*8140 aesc Ila
Continurd froi'a V3,_re 011 I I M . 10syslits P#SrS
. I � All vye Awed Wdn"itivitistion, I "aalva, ISO, 1*001"
Varded tis onc, of the toio3�, vtduahlo Will Vou IgIvito u5 jcday 2 . ; VAN#* tie "011116j"'j, 20"sW t-figat sytoo
- , "15 a - I
pxtra-terkitqlal aroce) �O,Lh h hag � " Shredded ___tE.
tTen beld eiw-L6 IP41. lt,�l abarAna. Vall tw. I !
f —, —Cola witeat I
ment was a dirfet r("'01", (41 anti - 1 8,12 - .... ,_,_..___,___;;�_vkt, "TASTY"
foriollm violma,,, � Mir M*ytlelA *raoll 16;kftlyllsm, ,,, I
# N
Arthivh4t. Win' �i 0 �
,jr (iojtf C_ t. DREAD
- i Ot W113 MI $tic*& _ � __t�L__ NY Far the lkst al
�, Major 'G,, Llinglot, of Ow, lluby �:i � ,
1 Atchivern. (��ttatca. kan vv ,n TIL, CJT,�,',, 1i A M a tI
1.1 "tal. .Age itollod 0-sts . 164" If"
irk"d r�ot,/mrIfl A,�A� ," 41, n 1, " I I IrmoiII 116 . feoy*� teftillesSUCY0
V , " kpl"� 01 Uvwa U (�',W' kJ4,i
t(,_ -,t 4,n 0,nfoottafic'n f_1?4",-,1.(,jH T�" 1�� - reliftsit
I - I
flip U'000clation 321NIric, C-):��IALLCO. 1� flack
�&j' C%'(j Jr,-j^Z!, I 0
Ito, f,,,r-A1FfC1Cd U; .1,1)yn�:, mates
,�f) r 1116 Us MUSTARD I'll 1
, 1tie!j!j(,
,to t)r_ . j,�3�7c-ntl COMPANY I
_ "3 riit,�j V ' '
r,:j.�Itjtjtjt,!j. rfjo_"'�48 — eSederkhr i POO
mmf�w Lnvcot (b a wrfl-k' �)' , R&AMS-1111
1iL16_?_L0 -,