HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1927-10-20, Page 1.1 f r - /� — . -"M I - I I - . — - - -= - - . - -- . . I I , Get. Results . . 0 Fair PNWW . .. I I ,:�7;,Q;�-,, Use Oar Want Ads. �� - , . X~n4tr the oquipment of - I . . . I I STARADS. NT THE MA.- t Jeric ar ,� GO-DERICH SrAR ��, � - . � I . -- ---- ­ I I -.! I . - - - -- I -­ - . I.L. I I.... 11.1 I ��­- --- 11 I . - ­­­ � I -.-,,,. " I 1, a- 4 05ob 4 st [ �71'9,,� * .- I I . "I" *Z & yw. in Canada ') . SIXTY-NIGHTH ;Xr." ('4-ODERICHi, ONTAM, CANADA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER' 20th, 1927 WALTCK XAF1YJ,* kia�Hjhi�r, 11 . Sul'scrip"11250 *'Volir , to u. S. points. I I . I � ! ­"�-­ mglem ­....­-, ­­ ... . ­ -- ­­— ­­­­­­­­­­­ ­ - ­ -- I .. I - ­­­ ­­ - . 77- — �­­­ .. --- -­­� -- I " .1 The Star's Advertising Coluums are NO of Good News for- the Economical Oiarchaser-ol,ollooRead aff the Ads. � L--— ­-­----- --=;�:-��--= ik�,' . — I I.. � � ­­ -- - 11 . I - ­ ­ 0 1 . �iqppimi*--wv 4 i I 0. M 10- ­ '. � I r I I � I el I I , M � � 1 I WPON"WAM-1 . Its I 11ra Suh Wu Anurake Go,, of Canada ... I . .1 � I A VA31ILY ESTATE � I 11 ­ �-Sottle�m oil If I I:% tua. long. some dVe -to 6 so on. v I , , . A man lives-1:0049lig Whe outlives his. incoule., Ve- diba, twrtoolft it he leavesidepeadeata, linprovided for. . LI f� ssW�allce provides for both contlugeaeit�g- NO other ,-av- i5g.- , W U92F."; I . I i Life- Assoraum- vuables a man to savvi and then Protects hia sav- I , Ing$. Slioxild.ho-Aie prematurely it Pay-+-Uot touly.-tyll'Am .,to bas sqv-' I I,vd btit what he bad hi:Vpeii to,eave. % . .. . I 1, Start .a savings account todaY.jn tile $11n Life Assurance Co. of Canada. I I 11 I � , " . I , I I . . � I � a 44VAAVI A~ - �---W.­ -W-10ING, - Disbict Agent— .­ I - ''.. . I I ­Mpl. I - . 1. . .. - I I - . - I 11, ­ � � .. - I — -=.1,::;!!,-1; ... ;'j,_1 nexional 'Lluornlan at tile' `Ikt�9004`o t, R SplellUM 4111VIAM lb,ilken?uet 1njNqt,v.,-Frca Price and vrAnl. X"Aqkur,;vLKe rue on,1111wa A� 1� L� 4%. Z,1 �rx " , TUWX Tuffl; tion of Canadian Club#'r VVill addriel4i'� This b4intitlet Was ,I on tho 116di � tile usftevF. Puril* the aigNaw""(4 fleld rtr llottrWro. 8tortistir to3ay anitr . �­�- �­­�­, �­� a imeetivir in tke Masonic Hall this � anniversary of tile fortaing of west" tile register Mr. javii. Mvl)evla�td 6qu� elosing svin&s, iowxt. St�' Gpoygela Big ClirrotS, � , , � C� I *.:*.* Tbux�;day niAt, Oetobiev 200dis, at S�Hurlon Teaeheri' Asiociatten. of 1'04!eomise Me," witb mu!% f�elfng braneh 6 well repriesented still the , . , - Three veky fine large Qarwtv, ari�� 0'elovk. . .,,which Mr. Holman Was for ulanv,�,Und vsfireqsion. After tip �-Oiurvh reclor, whor is attioloiliag the lvonfer,� . � to be .-Qen lit the window of The Star V�vcloae Sale of Fipiilwear . Yeats. one of its laost netive roleal, � kLerenion"', a. reception and wr(MA-VIR etice. will be aw*%� front his' m1pic on bers. having filled all tho olffiZes aud�breal,fawst were held at the houle �) , i Sundi'v. Rev. Canon Hill wl I preach Office. Thosy.were grown by 51r. W. 3tr. W, ]yern Aunt,411ces �,j P I IL. Rurale in his- garden. aitd�,weixhl '6RIC-11Q,for eighteen years was, SeA�i-trea,-.t,tho kride's parents, Angleiva street. in thc, werniorand Veit. ArOideajan - sale of f6otweAr conitneneing F,idavt�qtran,tiely eneugh '.%fr. Itolitrun alcal'Tho brid,31's inothor wow an posomble Jones-ritelusin in thk� twe.,ging . . TOSPectively Z llwn I Oz-ol'- lb�%-- 6� OPA- morning and Le has some ,kyou,,iWa � I I and 1.1 1W. Who, can beat.thl�. - bargUjil�L fQr . itauklit, in Uast-'Iluro% whvr�� lie �,oVbrowa and sand r-ptiff-'and-It LI!,weh, I P .1 ; � . I . he duplic3ted his experience here, os -f -but unit tt 6,room's mother waa in 314ve to. Reorganizit Canadian Chi,). fAmft� Daliet o read all aboutl y-trea,,uru,� cron MMIS WS KNOW I In Goderleb. the .',�Qcial Prizes he Is offering in which 1w hold tbove ter fivo .V' ,, grey pvi w4th blaek. hat. Tito Mr'l. Horton Attended tile A-leplitlir s �31!6-1 nests. included -Mv. and Mrs. V. Vall � 'With a View. to tho r,eOrgariZatJoh addltii)ft to, the remarkably low pri� Mr. Holman spent hiti varo,& -3.3 'It rips� "of 1&.' Ilelens� All'. awl Xro, J. of the Hospital Aid Soieietie3. in Lilt- � of. tile Canadian- Qub� in, Goderia) cf* " which his stook has been teUcher In Ifurou and, in We,-,?, Ifumn Beattie, of St. Alarys* MISS 130161 (Ion this NvW4-.-1,. I Mr. A. IL Lincefield, of flamilion, 1XultRe& ISee his advertl3elocat On taught under the late J. R., 15tillsir Farkow a0 Mrs. Cr. It. Martin, of Mr. Thw. Cov. of Toronto. ia visit, . plige, 7 a this issue and Ion one of the and tile prc"4elit Insp"e.kor, a. f'.. Tow. i Tor,)nt,-. and Mr. and Alto. D. Jolin. Ing at the home a hi�a bro%or, Mr. I WANTBR, *St 23 at his store F'riday'lliorning. 14 East Ituren ho sQrved und,oe the. zon, of Brantford. After, tbe fv�)tivi� A. X Cox, East ijt, V I It Wilt bi, worth while. I late Archibald Dewar and * David' ties the happy couple left on a, tuotor i Me,-, p, A. NQNlilly ha,j rotuvn&i. VANTEO.'-.4 nddtlIe--3gk,�l,Xs-oqo�1 Io , ­-- -, -, ­­.Stw- hil;.111W . "re '-1irffiF mut ill, , '�1fliff-4f"1119--c'- ---ily -tll- -p-r-'e-se-nt--rtn-,s-t)--e-i:T"o---.--,V .... 11r. t V o wen ff. visiting Iev 0i,iji;--mi�*�­-­-1-1-1 -'T T; -T. t-ble" -ieTiar-F- .-O-T @_ - -$Wjiii,­l,if8­f0-i�­---- �Roub Unit o' iTI V V W,10 -Y.- 'Tjo�1-1-16-�jftt-ie---- - ­­­-rjj---- -- � W - fi, 'Week Enoins Oct. 13,1110,407 -odorioli. At tho patia quil this week-end'trtsey will b,,o Scott MoNally, Detroit. %vorm­ ,vaii i ,7.0 orviuj, r J. W. Field, of 0 4� . I . , dre9s;, I V -.,v " 1--90-1 I U � Al I banquet a wedding-cako Ivas; peovid- fit Goderleh a ain-toore leaving for Xf - wy . . I � . 1, — I I 1. - � — � Q� so&A49XVj. �,X4Q&AVa". OW. ajt[D�0,yo . � . 1. .. .. '. , 1 , � a I . I . . . � N � 0 06 ., 'L., SO eel, ed and distrililitell'to,those preavnit,, their future !homQ Itit Detroit. The Is tric, *ue3t of Mr. and Mrs. Noril-k3a . ' , I I - . ,11;7-411, eXpei'lenved s3lQ$IjjjN,-. b3c,00,40; tilick swotitil, -J,L: heavies, Miss . I . ­-. I i"W'su'lk . I Prime soucr,�, I W%.NTI14 Isabollitl Sharmani B.. A., ,t1 brido travelled In & dvess of e(voa . I ------------ I I , W . ,.� I I - - �� ��W'L - - - I . , ­� � . Apply lu:persowto NL. 8041,.N�- Qil, lights and fbedwi, 4. ��"%IcQaw- Goderieh,, the Presidplat-elo& for goorgette and satin, witl , I Nelwodo.r. in Avenue., I I . . .� I . . . �, pill �4xti,�.e,- nebeo cook st , m5:, 4:jTXX*.w­Pub:#'c pleauv tak", :Ootlee Total hogs. 08; selec;r.' b.10on, 24; this ,.%eavo having tit,, 'honor, of, eat. 0 arrivied hovaq tile . I .1 I " i 'TF N ,v 110,0110, Mr* 'O. C- Le oft as ukv.,. A IN troadtolit "at of the sarn6 shudo and . . BtA w -Ply . -,6 ' ithat the, supIiosetl 1,41dog of alt,W.11% .1)�-L.Teri(,aeed,ui4l4lft�egk,ii, thIck. smooth, 57; bq#,Ies, 6; Shop ting ihe savati hat and 044V part of the Week. fl��. was Aiiii . L, . I r4jone 21I.q. Goderich. , . unibrella by 31W,4 Ivose,alielle �fiuff. wa,,�+ i -,, PlIal 116116MOVIL ,APD1Y 41W-, IL hqge, .to. Atiburn-'Total hogs, 106" 61100S to Match, Th',? bride att4dauvo *t,tbe Winnipeg canvea;, � :. � . a 'deeldl,id Jrnf,stalie, M a.-,II)...NoJ"l1-.�,'.t,, aodiNcb. I seleict I -, thick ismooth, 57.; - ftpr000iiitoktive� 1. 40 one,, of Go0rich`§� most paiinlar .. I 'FOR q,A4EP-'At,w,,oaabl0--Vle, I ,(J� . I . 1. it. $I (11011U.1111111 . �acon, 44 Bible Soeliety - . ­eords, -in, excellent doal.11400. I � . IWANTEN:--WoUld, reut hoxfs,*. (W part vies, -4 3; ligh" and feedera, 1. In Goilerich Pulpits u ladies and, the groom alqo is 10 I , jE�r In bi6- oM hoine town and� � Mr. and Mrs. J. It. Di4son, of all y"Total hogs, 1573, It W ' address 0, , � lied Seal oid lurk NOT CE 113, per'Son. I NNW VIM ,Xftouso, beikted and, furalshed. or � n oulit. as a very interoatifis � �j. L der .1 I I I I ,,,IoAlso, some I -fro 4ect bacon, eQ; thick am which Rev. .%. J. 1`111"OOL oi , I . 11 attmetive ftousfA,v auK ly U01; 200' `� '"a' ,t biftt,v In Goderigh wish Vint, M101" %ligited at the, horne of L � 101; g a Overcoat' I'lorl., woolit, A)are, for -**,,later, Atldeesov at $4 , oo,%, . T � eoaLli at title Pan, . , ' ' heavies, 43; extra bt&vises, o; , r0le Lp. them both a, loing life of unalloyoit �MF. and Mrs. A. L� Cole (Turing the -SM I or, PI(M - I I gaannon qW11C it . '(, .- STAR OFF104. . . I "I'll Oclotro ,gave ill happiness. . . :, I I—— I I 64 per Canada Aiblti S past wevk. � . I . , � I FOR� $AL1X--UIJPE, TON.MiTOBSo-LairFe -4,�. ill, -t will a6vold trou `,' . NV.A�N hogs, 51* and ders, J.3%. . ilinrchea of,towit " district 0i Son. . I . . Mrs, BlacXbroug.h. of Toronto. hap- . . I liese A Ae� t,, lisphts . 'fee . � 41 , � .'' . 0-t 111ty,fritit for frrilin;r It to Rox UnT. . , 4,�11 ,Tm.-To buy. ak.tull,v 1110dera � — . � ,� quawl. firArst qw, : at oitee. . �4. 1 vottopo elose to, 'S5AJuvLe,. Aptily Huron Investments, Ltd., Ol*n day last. Iti-the mornboig be preach. , �locen the guest of her sister, Mrs. IV, �- I d : . salwat loss lWan ytiiolesale prices ieph ­,­�, .11 -_1 �. 1� P. �0'. Wk wA � I . New Office Ill Staform. � ell in tli6.Qodla*W ftiltist Church. in ANO " . � . I . any, ,-livalgity., Wing -eentomers, 411ulw - , j I NG "M C"URCHES � 11. Farrow. Toronto St., for th,! P-i%t . I . our 01`40r�. 'Ph011e 1-150, � 0,1410IN" Or - 1 �*!�tikii."A��t6u*t'$OTXN(*tl�;,; , aow� - Bito.; , X11111 1. Roma Investments'Lta" have now the alf ter0on at, Union vbut:S.%hs, Gode. Baptlt* 4urch, October 23rd; T to of 001;$. . . , 1. � y . , , 1 6 * ,, 0 �. 0 , #,,,r, joil N .77W." .Ri7ilsi.'"Y .N � he tooll, w . . a Office$, one 'in C I r I Xglierio'll, ono 614 rich towashilli, *and z)it. the evening at Pastor vill preach. Bvening sulm�oitt, Mr. ,Ind Mrs. H. X'A. Macftil�,n ar. - oall at, secolid Taft`jjorth ,of'Dutllop. . ",auk I - 14*91k, (WoN,wrs q.tid Inopok,Asvi of thre _ I atow on � "Oe �,Qhm ito'ad' 3 '"lie$ ' L. PftOVJNC'U' .01" j(),NVf�%Jtjfi Ifigh Omde Nursery Stock, NVSnt. apv� Wing-halit: and one' lu,Seaforth, the Xn0X 9h4m,j, Goilekich. Dfr. Pinnock "Modeqtl Plan% all tested In tho� Old I , , rived howet last night from tile We3t. . . . I .:. h I ka, ament. Illustrated." Tbq. toy wheie . . . ,norltt,of Oodbrleoilo '.. V, NV$0-sl I - JAWN 00 represe0kotives In every, toetkIlty. Seafsivth officia being opaine,ld. 0 A10 was A s*%, oriary, In Afri itid lie Test they attehiled the great Can . . , . 6 n lv� , . COUNTY OP 311V � I : , I . .- , - !!A— . Liberal 'com-totr'siolio 'Paid , weehl, told intere$thig stories wh to '010 Bible. Hear this. ' ,, 1�--­�,� . r To NVII ;. ,, �'- #AY ]oat In sihirse of 9r.,.Hen. John. r fell sihowell � I servative ponvention in Winuipeg. ,, 6 (*TO URNT , . a;v,,,A0AIress HiftevitV, Mit. ston. The Wingham*�offlce is . V01k $ALE ' . . Writo tod, in the power of the Word, unaided by ,q**46y, Oct, Soth, wlII lo�%. 11t,trvest Mra. Carrie, ; -­ �o ,NOTICE JS -o 1XIMEDY GIVEN * 4;hr, r -- 6 10jr tonVietion H001C, so Sr., is in Toronto this - . r , . � . ­oo- , �� 'Urtitill, 0urch. week attending the Triennial Co , n- . I . . - � ,Z-.5r1r"ohW1Ce ,to T11.1ioll' the, not. 'sittings - tor the EAIAN fZ WENK-LY V�,P­kll­l charge of bit. Lam. Bellinger, 'Both M&TIV to . The Riblo , . . 61 .;� 10,414- . , $00113ty" sod rvices at d -a good sate bitv SUPHUNIF4,COURT OP,ONTARIO the Winglitoot and' Staforth offices missloinar" ,Itt will proactk lit. tho 'VVntIOa r . :. e r I I r clip ,Ing newspapers and* addres- . .ork-lie� re- - -G JOIN 'of thorDol"InIQU W. A. of the, . I . The le 1. for tile, filOUNTY OF HURO.N. !r 'ovonvassing, . Hve,rv' h4v6 A�boglivd room And 4notationS p:rewnted As a team polling together, mornih., -. 11 -a - Pastor, Xn4loan church as a inem5er of tbo , . . I rr Sing enV0 Ofeso ,-N . a I � .,tit and the . . . r � the G(jo � , are it , of the Bible Rev. I I for $I e, 6 " lbe 0 1 1 hell, at A House bil'th � r heat the work . I ,,,, ('10doricito,jr, tile to t of Huron shed. 'SgVare,sir full tinie telephoned several tilluits a day from socroty the work ,of the ullaWonativ T.So p.m. rr, -11 tbo ovouing at Dominion Board. , 6 . ) I . , - x6vel, ,er st to", 3 1, $I 0 . , I 1111119 "'T atup. ,GILLIES Nt UG- the C - I :, ' . 11-arlille'llorrs for at, � x6derich office. in this wa% . : P. 0. r 1 .6 . on TU ,Lit' �F asicIeties would be very difficult, It I . . . . ESM 1, late pit ' ' r F LNCI ,0 %'i(',, Boy . 6 . 8, ,%-dn(� ft. tho;30 ft ores 0 Mri, Chas, Hancock "d sons , ,V . I . . I . q , . r� of I , . , , �N") % " I t I -4 in the ,stock and bonii , r . . 'NovRMBEHo A. Rk Imlo tit ...... Scotia. � . 11, owns have a first, "I'll estimated that them were ave 111, Knox clittrell, the- WtVtcea will he 11arry And Norman oknd dat . I , ,# 1 6 In. ill t . of -- on noted. y t, , _*httv . r � � 1. X IrOSALF, ()a r -To RE'N1,,­ wve THIN .01C.T.O(M In. ill , e 1). , __ M . .- - _ � , ­­ffip . 1#)..;. w Class service 10 -the way of the jate tbollo"ind difterent JaziguilgeS 'n"r the e*41julstior, Subjects Jesilt, of Valinerston" Mr. -and X - -- , 6 . . , ,0 - wMee, It 1 My )] IiAl 0 , . ­ .�Lllchtllltulbs , ,lit R BLADE$ S1 .1 � � r / onlett 111A'1� ljo0e, bit Wolro N 6 . , SAITE RAW I . of 8011010 -. 11 a.m- "Amplified Pot- Frank Dennis, Clattlice De .6 . . . �street. y I d I .. . � world andthe Bible Society likad pro- moia and ,� , KiWly iic'ited, . W o TIIOS,. 'Magistrates, Coroners. Ali r ... 601- I r H11), -0 -Ingle R 0, aladeit 3c: ea It quotatiolls, . I . I Sonality;" I 'A mama and 1)0. �jlfii$, Oi AttiVood'. Xl� 6 6 r ' , I . r � . . r . 11 of t6heso. . . ., oyattle Do sS 111, ... . . -0 Edge, Rtatle,4. U, _ . ' r MY. or V)v a. doz.: DOM, � C1,81ollsO!" , . q0I and Siblo ; SAIN or Peice,OMcerallrNe livrep y jiland- vided tvanslations in zo. - . I � .. - to tGlj,e notice. r ­ � I ades, 350 A per- . Camiibell-Garraw . , � I on, r West Monktoll'. Alls-i Eva - . . , r r V Al�.�N'r�4t,lm 1� rent 4eentw ob, 1 041 i � � . I I I �acjll; 01110-14.111 dOZ. ' 6 . During the past twouty--fivo, vears 6, Cla sea at :3 1 lot 1, . . Ito, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Goodhipil . - . I , , . . cupler -hv the Do,allotion Stores, I . C. Q�,. *.%lI0DLt;T0.N,­ ftvt eilge giiarauteed. ALV TERBLITT A quiet wedding took place at tlis�. neW translation of the Bilblor � had 0 a r D. . I 1:- � ., I , 11 I- -,6 - West.St.. 1.41.11 '41011 gAvell.- Sberift V,ounty, of 1111roll, & SON, West St, Ilarilwaro. Phone 4FA. Chuteb of the Redeemert� Toro t been m a erjo six Next Sundti,v services at"VI. 'r.t an , ,field,' �'. r �, f"IM-KN4 OMeC,.-`l- ­�. -----.- . ­­ ­ ". XON. -Is . --- - -- � , - . - "I d 66 .� Ly" of M est . . Good lousiness, ': " -.-- - - ­ ---- -'W0kj.--r Colic 4 - . "' , .. . - ... --home -,— � - -- ­ . : X. - - 1 I ctors, for thi� -Aiiiiii � ,sii- . N 3 0 1 r " 10 � ooc %k k6 .0 'Is , 5 - . . 0i'lu"0114e PA.01;1N, . � � . . -PARK 1,101A ART GAREHIL rO 1 lock -on 'Weditesd lnorningo St . unit huriiv T411 ... . Rls at top I . y to �,NLF. Oi . pIAE .� . r . 6 . I . I i[Wdeilvb, 00far . . . 6 . Oct. 12th, wilen-Mary, '17 Zito' poll -'Ai-!) Class,- 11 . I n . : SAIJANI)ft-$� r I r � 6 .6 � . I I - —W I r f M �T dl clety will Bhortlylio sent out'and Aft. r. 0 of tot , William St. � I—" � I . i. 4 - 11-1�� October 17th,: 4927. . *I*4411d. Pintiock urged ,rtblitthey 'to in or *040 tak; up :the � .416 ­ --I-- I . .- eat daughter o r. an I Xm . r es . . r I , r at with Past ' 11 -, I . r .0t - ek 'house, 411 00-14- runderl direction or urgea"100 I . Wot Of it. � 7. .t I : ,.N-T.�Orl- � A.ND r F 1- Garrow. was niarried'to Mr, G a liberal- respowie. flail 'and Foreign Bible- Society. 3 6 . r $AIJ3 R8GIST91t . . I . . � . . I ,._, I r � LOST .btTNb, . Ddising serwed OrWaIW, -drdon , . I r " feliceso 10111- ls�tx , r. clul am all(Ladvi I , - " ' "-, .1 . , K . Strcet� Vosllle� _.. . . , a ona adver- Peter Campliall, of r ToVoiktoo, .,. I - TUBS Nov.'-' 1'st.�-Clearing­ 6 6. . -- ---6-1---- --------- ­ o 1.6vgo -Alatl M , $011 Of I . - , ildii�­A; yello%k 0,1111.1 * I pill 0 town' I . . at auction. sale, of farm 'Stock Hull -Imple� I .,.�i. - .Sion 'Xii,mltratr iz � T. NV, 0WA6,11, Zation, .9erving I P.m.,, Sabbath School ,I)JU., Subject, ,D^ 1. , �-:11� — Losz--On +76i � tiq r . I', : , trel , itists Mrs. T. -R, campbolly..�ot­kldga Avolneves 14811tuto xcw$� (awli �is'a obvistlan-V . I . . ­­­ ' - �­ ­ . 0.1 (' 6 1-ent. 111) 1--- 4,1 j� - — - 11 6 ­- ,_Q�t.....Tho�_bMe�_W41,_Uokttend�4�a . , The � r ­ C .. 0 ' h1julftifte .I '' (:Ila.rgj , - I . I I . . 6 . f....r. t r Ill'i It's .4r.- ----. � ­ -�.. I . , r. IT ­ � -_- r . I . anoxwML; one, ,.stove ... -- lwaway-. -rangements- or t a I 71 -Weat- Wawa . . r , ­ ------- . r , - r -h- li-�st atillual -ton- -1414tivar- -161 I -1. I_ .6... ;4 .. pup, . . . . . . . , ft o0ktt ­ Vh-c-�childrekeff- hatyoiit ;'� -jj�-" . ... �4liarttaelats-t'o - UAV41 - - - . - - ", U-nmullivatio- ."Vilb, .- - -I ­ ,me�its ut -north- balf-of-lotlfl- on . + , I , , , . � 11 . -1 . --- UISSETT.- St -David St� JVewS 'd. .4 .. -st .. -IQ4)k,ed- ,eharming � In: her Sol k " 'r ... .. .. . � : 0 ith, commehei I �­ 1.1,ca ll'or Watc � 11 -, -- TIC Hh- r drayr. . He for freo par' contwown- -%vlth--St.­Gi4ir,-g4-s- efluroh �A, . ri:: r I 1,,' Ft ther St, St. r., -1he sqtA - , is of I � I heat and ,t�o S, . - costume Of greys With 14 bouilloot, Of vention, of tho'Woman's Institute o'clock sharp. ,,J. 1). NIVENs, Pro- ' he Or , . TV - was very well ., . . . -B - '312 Iled- � the Counties. of Ormoll.,11oron .und . S. S. S. ,,, " 6 ars. , ., last Sunday afteriloott ,fur ito Oesired., .A.ppl�, for LOST. --on We are, a c F,. r ".. . ,roses, corifflowem antj Illy"'o ,,,, r. the priet" � V ' I ag, To �. . 4 SOT .,. - - . � j "if fill j I f the val. � attended. The' rector .ad4rcs . TIIO$, GUNDRY' 4 N, ." A.,:� �, - -AIL ...... S. I I rone of pearlif.. HONV4 .qv- er BW I , . Jay., Only , the. Immediate 9411111Y Perth to, �tit helu W Walkerton oil A001"eOrs. , , - I ,ing "a oritE STXR orr'lop" � I "� ,injifilin4a, that ghildreo, and much interost, w. . I . . , � � is t 1. - I I Pom­ of 11 I . . I ' ' Fea, SALt.4.­ 6. 001AMS o-1.14nd " . r . . were present. 111.1..,*� I . :.-.�:� ' r .!' . , , . , ------4.;�--' `­ At!C'�XONSAIL'98 Mr. and Mrs, Capip- 00t, I$tb and 10t1i., , ,en.' The children brought Aoral "I :� . �-� bell ,left on a wedding trip by r motol' the program 3i , gailerVe, Sattivd. ��,�', ' ' I'�r , , - 7''WIth. Aro-Od , uIldin sj;�,i 4T�0,'ail -jr ftST.��un. East, Yiptorla or. Ne'+�Qll ,--_, �- now 610plote. Xeon I A ­0gi.- . ay, NOV. 2l)t'tt, - f4j- 'r. '- . . . .4"W , I 1—' � 6.4:4* 1 * -boell shown in Oita c a those were d r I , i , 11 , I 'i -, v, I ail (I . 'v., r betweo,it - Sic,'wl-mus" DaIrAl A -VC ON SALX OF 125 HEAJ - liv --up9n tjlL,ir Interest has a ' , . �. '' , .i -test a - i�cll �i�1100wlhd�mff - . trid aftaor the,servic L: ,� - T1 POP a,iiii'Will I 0 in.'Toronto ljino Ifloole a the Ladles' Aitf Bazillor In North at. 4� � " - � I I - - 'Unittil Choy& r I . , . .r. . exrthabge an a" 1,101186 fft r town or for 6Q . 1etur'n. .1 I I mong tile sick. In the pri . 1 ; 4sobable leMs and G�derklli planing mil -is a to- Is 46 �­ CATTLE. . . . , . ­ . I vontion by all the diotileti interested Uhand In , - , . 6 ''. . aeres, ft -it sold. ,C4ft nalloon'Tire, TbIsifire had'�ech vi'XI . , 6 - . I . -1- .. ' 7 and a splendid fill' Prograin has 'V�Oii the hospitali- , . 6 . 61.. 1 1 ­ ,� ­ . -have, oessesMon at � .once. , Apply 01 � 6 � . A, Crossing AtOd'" i - , � -to . 11 I . . 6 elit. . -�­ . , I ­i� . .. . ,r ., eanIzed. F100 Will be rowardett hyj . arranged, Ther reports of Following the vlidt - town of I'viv. I .1 $9%11 0,40M � �., , .� � t'' . We are instructed by. ,Mr.- R. L. ­ 6 (` Vill . The Artbur'Civele of Xuwt ophorch , 6 ,. .1 :�-- leaving -s* ai the C%,A bad smashup, ' lot lvot!t` So 0. p1mlock, Seem, will held its annual briZaAr In the � . I , . I ­ r ""ill(' at "N"'sinus' ' 1)r'l1rN' Or Reed to selt,by public quetton N, R. _ ' Occurred at the many branches undertolcen Bible Society I .­ , j,iVilb. ill(! .0*her'. it, I RILL A, ho 4 tile r 0 a tali%' last Sunda ... T�­,Excellftt,� Va 6 1 0046I 1 ... C railway ctossfiig on Ht*ron i1natitute, Time will h ,r I I Sunda $011bol -room' On Safttda,yji r ", I . 1, . was a Ve ., orr r 'lie, Bible - ­� . JJTP, N aure und. Gpdarlelt, - -�' . . Ridgtwood Park barns, Xen0set Sta - * ty, the yearly canvass, ,'��, " 1 6 ' '$oh,wantz. farm. . � F� ,� 11 . -is the vul.inuig,ttiiiii fol. funds 101, a work of -. ogtog I .1 Nvell, %�,Atered* . . I � �. -� I - road . tom. discus*ion� qf Problems % tt. 29tb. Tm .will be served .1 I , � r ­ r�� tion, on Friday, Oct. 2rl -6itiltselle , ingr in to, Qod . � ',,Z�- r SoQjot� will 'b0'jnjkdo.r . . "­ �- , " '�0jJ1orjjC' ttlWijsfiloo,�-A,551y, 'UM)E."N' & , 5v�� at," r eritil; as "thfi r64W ,of ilf-i � of to all Ill& Waitchela Aa- Each ch�rcll, from Or - I'' . "of 'Mblip�� 'Rhquire, Ing at I ,00tuVek: Go . wo,uyiar-old I t s I Wk. - jStftr, goo 10 Awo.ye"V,t�ai, itle, . �V -' r - - , which Albo6it -11 �Ii a .... a for collector'l, in afuly and r f an Worl; J�Jll be 7'61_�;�, '., . � ALIA,Z,14� ,pqrristerf Londint,'�, Ira k .66* 'I ,will he, rearopsibi C 3 to � I - D.M Home -mad I I 1, �,­­ ,-.t,, -1 I— . -�, �at A�IeWNALTYtR I AESTAU.wkN;T,,� .9)F4 �,6,cai,'­wjV,*v*0, rosm�a.� " 1 e i6w. Illy Mr- G- A- . -.� ,­, ­ . I , I I " ... r tota, 40- -Zd. . A "X. - 0 ' L# ' L '' �� I to dei't of -N . Wy I 6 .� _0 r 11 on I voinalils. Its vonal; district, &a etle'rv- .. . . , , - Nl - F(Al 4; IT4101 RIVAr -, -`­ .. k, ltephai� of�, oyce4w w';H tit; I , ympsth� 10 -1 � � I Alt .� .,400. ati-CH 030d I 10, ,, I , �.. .. . 0 . ' eor'.74rm ite I 'S one -year-old, - , into On to 604 . . . , � Fr . a - I 6 to, 10' Cal%, 1. drjVj"g'A�d with'hilif iiii-Ibe-ear woy� atil ute - a *violent of Agricul- cdotion of these'"calivAsseirs slid a I . 000...*W." I , . I I jand. ono 4nd A b4-11rj;lfW.14'.V4v01l( '' I I ' vs, 5 spriogers. � . L �,il R J* 1pet, Ailailley atid 130me,of thv tore, oronto; I Iss E. J. ,due generous response.. t,% their- 4 local IVill nny�ne having donations for _,,,,d.r;luI, ,3r � ' r 0 � _ 'tijit ; ittle, w . 11 ,!T 1�� , . (#f por4 �%%(,fft, �XvjljV.6 . ese, � are All selected 'by 1 r� a' at,' M. P � % ' c9an kvp)t ,%y Mr, I r . I � I BX"nsoayL f4mjjX. It would *oeuk...thut Aa. routo - ne � I Pilon .. rr)44 . � -'MOo, and houW Arli rl will be aplot'Leelatodr :the- rummage* sale kind I ,I. r ,,,,, to ,,L,,,)jarij, , 11 .. I 'r Vr rojt% , ' IMTORS � i - r .� J.'Of �ojjo'f%f, JTQ Clil-, Se , Iteed'stud are,,aft e _. eXpeeterdto P , ,, Itelen 14, .'blurchyo . . � 6 . � 11 r r. I xceptlonally - ' !jvs�j Wag the. C tar .1.4� thley;, , -0 r r I s %, . I r tile 4113 .. 1.1, �;W-, I 'rt, It- ,of - -Wolth -0t " * .t1jr."St.- Vhit 1,chur011.. $lervAlces and tboy Will.be �411ed Or. I ., � Vindini E OWW"W r.., ­ , I a 6 ,. 'e '61, 1 , ­ . �4 .I . � " 11 . . I **a even 16t, . , ' ­ - _� lffi"l I 9 -t .Will Sing ,phead of the trAirf: and that by evenson, of 'L,6. X. Sunday,, -Oct. 91t I . , � rpaujam up,li . 0, . . 6 1 ... . 'GoderlCh It rlt,:,NO. ;��.qr-,;041t-��.-aokr rj� . N0�161,, Is , lirl.flhuy GIVS'S tri all TER , even months'. era . not do so, Coo Quej0h; Mrs. G6,6. Edwirds, Xonv Club; a . . 10, a.m., WhIs 1 I " '' nungannIon..' . ­ , 1'1�� 1. 6 . r 1.� 6 ',pmon's 1h'tVJ0,4 ellbolif '4441r' -t- '5a borgiven.en furnishing Approved Joint the time he fotinid�bo, could Ott, "The Value of Being The Lgdks' Aid of tile HaptiA ,­ ­ ­�, ­ I- - I ,o.�-­ estato of Davill NVIlsoni. jj.Je o.t 'IJI(t, inoto dizicoubt, of. 4 r Was, tionablelto stop the ear.` -At all oka; ..and r N. ' . � r. . . ' - - ient, others, The edtivantion be- a, Friends' introduced by ,)kjr. jaipk church will,bold thoir,annual birth- - ? . . I SALE: --Two nillt'a r Goderleb, Ill - 114(i Ownify ot strg Pe r , events the auto . struck the second, gina'4t 1.30 Tuelid y r f rnoon. � At ParVCA. r . 0 ent K; Ot. GOOD VA101i ""' "' jjbtAS lowed 'for -tash. . a AW Mission gand arlid-rClaSa for day' tea on Thursday r V n 0 r 6 , '. V,, 1,1�11 'bit Milt, Waler I end -the s*e. duly vorhl,,d, , I . - - at of the train and 0, p.m- a, boiret.$upper Avill -be sWved .Christian Pellowship. 3 ilom,o, Sun- . . I . soulih of (;fell �"Orov . - ' � 'r Coach fro"m the :m. 27. Supper served In tho bagement: . .1 ", �� : . Hisih-way. Sixty-flvc ai�resj 111 tin,lar . lb� t,0.,sVr4JA1R'.a. .On or 100ftift '110 . � T. OUNDAY & 'SOX . .. . I . the to I of tile church from a to 8 o'clock, at- . ,. - attor . Auctioneers. ,Pact .With VW movl%.* fraln to all visitors 'by the,'WallmrLou day School, 11 a.m. And 7 Pan.. Pub. . : I , ' .1 Ck)1t6,atTo0.*Good builtU9�4,--drilled 31st Alax of October, A. M, U trri, . �­ ­ ­ swung, tlib auto, to - gAllitat Woman's rostitute and Junior JustA. lie Workill conducted by the Pastor, ter which a good progTam''will he- - .11 well and best,of Nvitter.� Wire,6 aertog of ViAllch ale'the Aduilfllstmtor vdIl �tlw ",!--- , Vun4 Slid q I 11 I I ,reed to dtf4trIbute ithe sald eslat, CLEARI.NG AUCTION &N L K OF the tiain, resulting in a badly Injured, tutse. 06opetation bf all braliahell by R6V.' 0, �. Clarke. TO visitors a PrOvid0d, consisting Of muAT, read- - . . .1 . ordiaril'and struall fruk, 6664 land anil .. I ' TIOUSIMPLI) ,FMINITUAM' 'ANO 0 r ­ . attl'.110tive 111611104 persons ebtlae.d.14i(,t,et.-),.Ii.qv�4n.;* ,at. Fortumidely the ,occupants of sending delegates is urUcd. Ali invi- Warm welcome is extended. ings and a dialogue by members of 01130. NY. NtS01110VII-1-90 ;nljolyg 1 66. le t,O . 6 , , * I remril only to tile vjai'01.4 ill, , ,a 1PVF1e1T$1 , . . . . . . I 11 . . - 1" ,r . . R." Ft. 1?, Goilotlich. . , 'I HIPA 441 1 11 I . car got off without sarions injury. tation. is extendeifto any who are in the Aid, The price,of admission will - ­ 0 1 6 I., have had notice of, Anti thowill.ilot I)p - - . -.-- I . I I . I Rev. J. X. It. Millgo rector of .%to be ono cOnt for each year of :r9ur 094. . I ,, 6 , I plift , I ' rr lifthle for, Min precee& 1A 111C 1­.44kt�', Vito NIB. WILLIANT JEWELL will sC11 liv J1111110e Illift4lit0t, In RXetki r � .1 I terested to attend. . . Geiorgols. church, Godrerich, wq,s the .. . .. r , . '. 110 distributed jo, AjjV lit,rson -of wll,"Z Intilille qnctl at 4115 hoine. eortiCe ,(;f I M". it. To PHILtaps, speaker at 4 banquet in connection . I , ,Ofj, r . - Cambria Hatt and Elgin, Avellue. ()it 6 . r v.jjqkij not ljavt� 11 Cil Vj,' , . Last Thursday' -evening Alt. and' .. . . . A 500 and Euchre and Dance will- . . . 6 � . REN To ,, ' - _ 41 . IT . Godorieli. � with Trivitt Memorial church,, EX,L- 'be given by the Catholld Wolften!d . . Claims I Q, . Mrs. Go IV. Holman of town attende4% I Al . . 0 , , . t of 1;,)t 10 , and ,e"'I. r . . 6 , I , SATtMbAY. O&OB-011 226(l 1 - . . . . I Con. of Publicity for tero recently,'at whieli,it wa� (locided Leagu6 in tile Odlifellowe Hall Log. . .6 , , , . It'd r 61 6oilerjeh tl)I,A - Gill (h,,- of c I — - r. I � I To Rent. , Pat , nal . . onlincticing at 1:30"Wtlock, ltharp; . . . '11 In t120144tiand Concession 6 � N,towp, , A� TV., 1021. 1 . An; I hall raek,; t side- - AUCTION SAVES I Hluran 'Co. ,o to tot" a branch"of the A, Y. P, A. Thursday', Oct. 27thr --ft 8 - O!0lock.- . .. 14f. . . Onq parlor om ­ Anderson-Tippit ' . I . . I . 14 Connection with that chutch. The ,Good music, five-plece, Orchestra. r - � badol: I extension table,, I fall-leta (a- "- ­*w�Y4* 1 . - �, r knovin n§ the Sollwant? Varm 4IAyZ-- & it W14 SALP, OF 011101(a,- J10j;,-,- A very pretty wedding took p Exetei, TitneseAdvocato Says, "Mv- Admission 50 cents. r . � I Solicitors The ffirt XitilihilstraLoo-. bi(-,, I Idticheil popbolrdn 19 ithAh'.14 Au(;T'('-' _face � . �. . containillk 218- acres,: 11none- , . . I 11a7hilton It., onilerif,lf, . . 49yalvo: it kiteliCti ehOrs; 14 roeli-161� "ItE.11'. 11MATIPI-N G(AN"4' ANII at the hoino of Mr. and Mrs. C. Tip- 511118 is A very Ple0saht all�*Alcer andt . -""­­`— . .. . . r ?�6 ­­ thairs: I foldIng Toehor; .0 upholsterej I -31S lki.ld HN-VII18 I)AJHY F"W31y. ursday, Oct. An enthuaisatie believer lit the A. -Y. . " " sliate possession. Will lease - . . I , - I 11HIF . I pit,. Newg4to St., on Th The annual 'M�cating of tile Wont- . I . 1301,1oi, ;F(;,Z1-tT7,lWof1S.". , , alairs". I Ldkbea tidoh�; garden tools: INIENT, . P. A. "For Christ and the'Churdli,' . . 7C Vs. � I or j: . 6th,:at twelve o'clock, When their ents Hospital Auxiliary will he hold v, froni tbree to -Ave Is I '. .A� 6 .1 '. - ­ . -1 — . . . . I - 9% ,I � .. ­�.. . : ' -[Mell'laddor,l ill-o,sser and,00tinnotle. . . -r '--I-- - -�-.­­­ Youngost. d4ughter, Rosamond blar- tile m0to of the A. Y. P, A;f, wag his in MacKay Hall Monday, October - , I . .. particulars 'aplily to I Istitlee Isclitirt'lly gh,pa,40 all lierson.; 3 bedsteads: 3 "lattressels" 3 -14Ms - A6111. GIIAs, ). 6OX JU Warriag-- wj.,Ij sublect, and he thus. presented -.q -high 244, at 3. p.m. Everyone littevested, . I . r . I I I)a­,-Ing plaftn,4 agal , list tite rWato (if. springs; 3 inirror.q. bedding, Willi, will' sell 1)1;1�4%1 1,111t(joll, six Illites areti. was united I ide4l to the. young people. The ad- I 11T ho.3pital work in invited to b-, 1. . "r , - 1te,oli 181tit-0,all.- Of' tile, TiNvas-hip (-.to plinfure b.1i Ooderltii, on Concopsion Io. d as wa% Inspiring and will ]Quit he ent. 6 pres- -,� . . ­ . ­ .. . -1 A,19, 1lRA1)P,N,- - 11b;xy, so., lainlios. 4r,F1i!;,, antl souillitast, 1. 1R.r.1.0. Cliff., Afideraon, eldeat son ­ ., . I "' I atties" in tile, coulity of jitirnot asswarp.., I Quebee cbolc.slove, Ullrit- hot 19, to 0etl0t. Town.v,hilit on I . . . . P. O. Sox 510, I St. ­ who gl, . of Mr. itlad.Mrs. Robt. Anderaon, of 110 6 . r. I . ery liten,4114. I town. Rev. J. H. N� TWO% racto inbored.1" ' -.� r � .. London,, Ont. 410-11 on or about 41th day of Sieptoin- , wilidow,'sercens. I good - NN-'H4lNI-,1SIAY, Nf)V� ind. 104", r oI re"10 , 6 . . , .''. ; 6 liipvw�. 19,17. to fnmard MAP ,r)"ll'"IR to grain bin. Isk-ft ladder and ritullill,0414 , 14al� to pr,tionlitill. at I O'Clovk St. George!s church, Performed the Tlie Prosbytery of Huron (P ,,h , 1 $Omo women liko'd , *,o . ., I ­­­ -6 ,.: ,. � '', 1� . . . mu ogs, some Catas 1 2I,f ,n,s fwl�rjt do_ I I RVAL V1 ��'T� AND � the underApned on or before the. J'JAt other, artleles. 6 , I to I but tile average WOW 0. � N RMAN ( , " ,S! CH ('zittlo, t'lleell. P19.4, Poulfto�, 0:1iry ceremony. The bride entered the terlan) mot oil Wednesday, Oc r . ... I . , day of QVMbek.'190. Aftel"111.1t ilaw E'verv,11111a wl;I Ilave Ili 11 ai'l L'slu!pTnellf. H*tv.. . . drawling room .on the arm of her lit tile Prosbytorian church at CIIn;, mastic animal Is man. � . I 1. I _ —a tilt- AdrPloUtrator Nvill proeced -to dis- Air. Je%v(lll I.-; giving tip Ilotj11:;;111(1-`pi.11`i;1 I . � . i , 1'. . .4 . 4 . .Alechthildo jewN. *K(I�A.Mql, 11 yvar.4 father, to tile strain of Lollangriu's,,ton- with representatives )ros6nt from I "I '� .1 m-*ksh . �� I . - 1. I I .. . - I � .. 11 I 'ft; #ty�*qT)Ilyl. il� '.. I limit fttlief.;6-Dr. J. D. . . I .� � telliute JI)e vsla(e, having 1.`�Irar`l .N. T'ri Nt - 'k�'�! ­­ 4-1 '! -.T. Ir _ _ � 'N old, fteshelled , k5�pt. '2211411 WHIM' Wedding March, p till ,churches in the ,Pros yfory. Tito r. , U&I . . I, ­ . . . � to sudi 0131019, w4,110 all"lit Ilwnr r 6"I Sl).. layed, by her sister, 9 I A ,Real-A,,m;�*­ . . I � .1 I r 11 to, . . .illetioneer3. "rn- 'by f- "ah"due, ,N'(t- 31'4", 11 1'4'e:llo� 4 Mrs, A. S ,j r$on, of Toronto. ' She was moderatior, 'Rev. It. C. McDe . Kollogit'i Asthma Rolnei:13? lias Mver . . " . I � W, r ty"Id. "(WHOP. . . ,riuld, of " . .. J., W, C4, A11161E . Datill at 16derile I., t Is IwP ft 1. I ay --, "ll" dll(� t4) tP"11011 31"1,N' I(Ith I NV-kll'eP -Woomingly attired In a dress of Goderich, presided, The afternoon been advertised by extravajant state- . . , . I I 11 I , ,J .. . C1A*.1XI1IN1(j1 AR"ITIO-VAALI-14 011" PAIINI 1101111"'DOW1, No, 10515i. 4 Yotirs Oldl - 111011t$.- 1tG CISIMS 111CO COn90rVAtiVC` - - I . I ; of rlwbep"A. )., I Z . , pq,54A � Twaullne .j,,,,siavjra (),11agily. N(k. peach georgiaLtte, with blonde ShOea �esslon waa devoted to the discussion I . I ';rall , jj.�VQ- . . I ."qyt H.; I,',' A 'IN 1) I'S IP 1, HONT E-Vri; � . i a 40111110t . iollii . . ; lit, , .$ . � . Oil .l�, indeell, when judged by the beriefita. I M � . I yearg old, due to irreshen .1an, and stockings and carried ' of various businosk matters, and ar- Which it r performs. � I ,, - . , (10 leriell. Outarlo. lW,'l:-WI k Expect real re- -, I!, . Net I 00040V for H10 Adnibilstsitthor. - - , I .N10. J ="Itur's jinle-1101bon beliol. Na. %413, ' roses, illy of the va ley rangenjentS, Waro made 1:6 endeavor . I . I ; I . "' lief and perinanent benefits when you, ­ - 5 ,"'utto"Ify Miss End Garson, litlece to raise the full allocation for tile I I ... I . I 4"blio"AwIlion at Nor0l. .1 years old, due'to freshen P(Il, 21111, slid I .1 � -1 11 1. .... ­ 1. ­­., ", ­ , ­­­­ ­ I .1 I ,() , may 'Rylvia Walker, 4NO. 1182489. 11 ,pearo blie buy the retnedy and You will no.t have I 1. . . - . -;­ � , - "' ' I siolf bi. ter, 'on. 2, Wok Wwmw I,' ,lit'* ill firef4ion Feb. Mill; Ni4lip, - cause'for disappointuient. It givwl- "I" iLtios I H* TA ,03ILDITMIS, 11,1'4w so G of the Qdo, was bridesmaid, and budget., In the evening n, pu � . � N ^ - J* I .- � 1. I � . . . . , �1, was dressed, in sand georgette, silver meetior was ad relssed by Rev. Dr -i' . IM11to.m" 1� Zuni IN, 11 HE, SIATTS111 OF 11001" op Ix,r6h S�jl�.J�j; NJ'O. INJO00 3 yfQr.14 (lid#, Shoe$ � rand Stockings ,and � ' r Tll"`� ":"' 'Pill-,' E'S'r ." 1 �' f 1 V . , . Tt-HS) carried A. 8 GrAnfo, of �$Ioroato. - 1)0. (;rSht' .permanent relief in many case3 , . NVALTU'lt JOHN i%rMIN. 10i of the ronim�Wng at t oiel0lc ,iletilp Ophelid' roses, baby's breath and � . AND MNSW11008, '40MY, ' ' ' )AIV. NOV. I'll, INI - title. to fri'shoo Nov. i,wslh: Sylvia Pon- israi Particularly f6t I I wherp other so called remedies haire' ". , '. - ibe Coult4v of . w"ll, .So. 134,%& a years old, who . ceful speak. Utterly fallod , . _ , r I, ' ' I . Life. Ao-ident and Aoio, Instirinile. Town of OWerf0i, tn liar, IV'( firris. Tile tr6ont's brothers, Mr, . - . . softillell and vle- - Ilaron, Gent1t,snau., Deceased. -tell 1-1016 0 �. .- .-.-._. , Houses and 1.0t, to C 1lsVrsr.,4,--I 1horse 13 ymrs old� I eow dult to trii,,heq Doe. Milt I. 11, era dealt with the. whole woric .and � r =­-,� r. . . . I . I r - - ., laity and faralsk fall salf. . ­. I eral purfinsp tpre rising 6 yean; oid, Tt%ake. No, IMU87o $ yeam olij, du;- to Clayton Anderson, aetesi as -rgroows- prospects of th.j Presbyterian 4lurelt. unle, . 11 , Cstllo�-1 vOlIte row rising i. yearg ss it "makes work easier a44 %-- Ile4jr timuld.we6k in fietil kslato. 'NOVOIE If;, IIMMMY 0XIVRS. Purl freo,horl Jaij. Ph; Pan'4i otinigby 4%bhe; man. Aftov the ceremony the jueal:3 Ik described how the churelt, wag lengthens tile hours, of play, tho jo� I . Jost a ftW _of tile jAa)i.V -&Perjje�; suant to 4ection W of fill- TrUcilee.A oil), wilb ellf lit f6ot.; 1 black cow 2 korl., No. NOW. 2, years old 'duj to sat down to a very dointy wedding setting itself to fa0e the nifamon %vork _ _ . ,,# pr 116ted : . . . Aet, It. S. 0. 014, (Ahap. 121, that all Z frMven Alay 28tlt*. Telia Abbet,QvIt dinner. q1io lorldela r . %VOre ilpportioned to . ,. . years old, due A tit to; I row rising ,s jillothe It lisr'the federal'totiv. volition is practieskIly worthloag. . I I . ?ialt brick VOUOV, INAOX '-'it.- $VOO. vrodItors tknrd 6fberA �jljvlft'; eI !T. Who. No. 1160i. 2 venva old. dilis to rosewood georg i6d thato on the . li . r (11111S Of' )-ears old, duk, . ay 1, I tow . -111 , . Otte and ft 0or$aft,i of r"18alon. 110 Mention .1 0 * 6 Sto , 'll'T I fropheo April lHile %adle 41palF.6y Wlo,, UORN I I .14 . , .ea 51hy I I: I �eow go r , udsr . i L N Old 4un oy bouse, $0 moderiv rquip. d"Inj , 41b, i .ft the esLlte of th(l, said , I fern, Tile groonl';; church, thoVO WOW now 620 Ordained I I . , , �, Ally .1 - , a f, 1`1 N 43, 1 ye, , IIII(lar &,!jUjII"W pink roses Sul . _r . I Wa.li(Sorjohn Allia, ,%%Ib" .o.eli"'. , at st r 4 , r - Itol, � � ed. ft% (lie,[ oil or *5 , .4 , 'nah No, IOIQ . atN ,ther woro grey flat crope and a inifth0e.ra. 1,200 eofigregatiQlij 1. ckild q�II?%I1D0%VN.­At Altt%atoilr,'� lipl- . � -� 111,5 gory .1100se, 9408Z 406d , lot, .ibout the 7th day ot Afawh.� A. D., 1027, tN. I., ;rk-a..% Poll' 1 141 . v. 1W. Ith, to . # I a vvin4. old" I t Is""feea, rigi I ;. ,.Iqo, 4oSi.,j.' aro; Old. ftpsllell 1110 . ftwo. I I . I .it tilt, ToNvil 6f (Iollcrim"At'e, rolloillied, Ola. 3 odeers rls I 3 li;o * , 44aw of Vale: a par(11)"d h6fOr Corsage I . M. ,,, � 4 � s 7 10� ytraria; , (to of red roise3 and,forn. Tile over, 163,000 membe ial. liodorleft, on f'rlda . . . O=bria 110'141,' or L ion tirbefore tile Hit day of Nolvenobeto. prs.-rlslax 2 �* S ol I... 9 0 ah .q. ellveil fibolit 9 inontlis old, regisfKallon bridel's going away costatime was a .11po and Mra. I'llulpt, '1-twardavva, a . . . . . Jr I y eresting prigra,in , ilaugh0e. I 2-atory brIvIc ,house, barn, lat,ge - Ickt, A, 0.�AM. to send by Post. proloald orl folerp.-ld , 4 ) oji 4weditig papers will lop onbrind at.sal^', I arralp, grey pusemble wiflx,alloos and lgo.4o of , - . . � � -1 . -. " 'r . ­ - - - - J1. -ye'am Wit. - (full to I 11jill f,(.Jo� , tor -matcL 'he 6ut.of.jbjW,Ar i, moctin'gil 'for the 'SeAsoft hS& boj!ft I I I - . ­ . I �Q -4 -,� I t rl'.j oneSta I .I r.r. . ... 1-1 r ­,"' ' - ­­ L ­ -.r. r I deliver to -Inte Standard Tplj,it� CO.. NVIPA', 1A gCA'd PIN'&- I .1 purphrftit IVAV, I dra I -DIED , I . . . I . I I _ Oxforit rani 2. ,tv,im i 14 " I 7"Juvollred lift; I Crash, helfer. rising 3 year'16 d1ril' Wer�o. 1P f6r St..Georgess A. Y. P. A., Ne,(Antly.� -lit l.soderleh. on Tlillr-.;� I I . I . 'to 'fro'gilf'n , . lift. and MV8, .10, Drujilill, of wn I . . %J.jr(jj %,Rj. .e 14�4`390. 11144,ru 10monton, the executot* sal tilt* lald:'W ,31t I I Wford w ,ja .,o , 1. 4W.'ld(. jjf�lf_olo. ling -instruction, work and On. 001'. eolh IeA-Plla 111101,10,121, W. . � V�6t he* .01ta.q0I usploed. $00. and loig ament of tile �3111 dw-mell. siv L 1. I inr, ' j . 'lead, 'lu� I � : - eq, I - . , R. Vo 11101iVA I 1, ,oA , . ,. � . . Owd hpu.W, barn,,210%, 9004 Vora- tit, I I .PI#jS.--j V)PkOilro, wiv due ,lan. 1; rising 3 yaiw. due to fee.4hon .M.4prill 06,40 M a orej of "'a . vvirl� sit hark %(013l'oh" In 4100 r I I e. � . � orsigned. their Christian naluc,';, I purt,brod Derh4dre slow (re,�#�% doo, 11thi I jarade belfer ilalveft. about fo.,v Durham: tit. and Mro, Chas. SfirflU6 !tertairlhooL, Tito opening no acting 1,3111 yikap I . . � tion, $IZO. and r - -rlW , was bold on Monday. Oct.' 10flu to I , . surnatnes. addr(o.;L%oo arid ,dest - . I I 0 xw�t cottage" 2 1014, *60. HOWL H10, full pal'tioulars. Itt'swriting. Feb. 1: I PUMbrO41 HPTI�Aljre SOW kl`CF.1. ,m(inth,t old. ,. son, of Torojito;r Mr. and Mrs. Arth. inaur,'Urrato tile geaGoftoa tvOrk and tile IN 3118.S1,014,1Xt I r i%tac of these pivpertleg can TIP%' '"S, it Statement ar their witli litter 3 %vophs, old; i purilbred Ovory Individual atTeepol 1% tpaW in ur and Miss Ena sarnon, of Toro, I � . . pilt,* of their 01311 , 11orta-hire 14ow jr0g.), duo at 11010 of every quarter alld 4julet.- � . 'to' fbIIO%1hg OfficorX � wove Inotalled. 4:411.1.1,.'k�ROX­111 lo'.11ra 11111"llil'y ,,of I 'i oil, q ". � tie nature 4or ffito t4�e it r- fhamod on Ve'rX 01sr lermq. 'Aftintilly t 'Ar diar l"10jand alill raflipr. W116411 . -. . r lit" told L bV jJn4jjj',kjo C"frit-Price Mon. prepident.11. X. Ivurtolo; vice . pall ent plan it defi rod, ifwy, It any. )1411%11 ktilo,, I potAlred 'Ximnvorth 44)%V nuff 8 I black driviv, 12 yettirs (014). illilef" 'JO . pretty antUr,in rV 0AIllawl" %01(1 departed th",4 llf�, (let. . C11 '"I va)06 ill Woo je�za ANJI IrARB .NOTIC34, Tlixr,.ifler sitch, Pigs. I pum.bred Tano.V0111h NOW. dill- .1-year,old �Lelee.%Itlr e-wo-4, I Nionna, A vory edding was, President. A. Sturdy; seorot'Aryo BUS3 '41. Ife, * ne wo"dorl I - ". � : . thar, fo�.t of Jai roventen"N. , , last luentionpd, date tho. stold exeentor now; I pur(�hrPd,nerhqIdre hoa 2 �,P4. ,�m)%�. lisle 3,11). .VH1, 13 pf,,�rg;, 10 i�r-ehk Colebrated at jjigJj noon-oll baturday L. Sturdy; treasurer, Mi3a 11-niiale � . I .� Q pieres WHO fluildino, 4 nillei frallit old., 14 purf-brild Berkshire p1gq ,ibollt 01d: 215 Barred Welt lrvekiv"14: lilh'11011 last at North street 'United: chur(ho elliw.. A-111 jimeee'd to illacibute the 4%,4ets (if . I Tarift'sivul plaq aljoilit, 'a -bottle 1111),reek tester. 3 fell WJje v, . !, � �, . Goderioli. Must be 40141 at ontle. 8GO. flier sald deepas,p(k aniong Me pasltle,l On- - IN) tbs. paril, I I - ,U'L3ura Blaine, only daughter of ,�i . I . , as Idin limt. . 4 4ri acros, good bullding,lo, olim, itllode,- jitled jher,�.,ts)., havIlip regiled Only to 150 11)3. ,each. ' =mflk eale'4.1 1� hvi,ntv-gallan nilll; Air. and Mrs. St. George Price, W� 1109031TV4 , *1111 $230, I- t3lo'ela'ads of w1dial it 14hall tilt,)] Ila%'p I limplooleafg—I Alas"eV-1111'rif; 1`01114'. f.41114: VJC,Irbldl�V f0ilkin,*.' 111.14111114o, . . ,� l� g*Ven fioll... I united In marriage with 114told Ilea- b%, , I f* aprea good, buildi"A'.q. about ond that tile said mii,cutot �)fll 10 ft. lovX, I Vassey4lavrls Wil".r. -to %V414"na 11Pv!N1:'11JelJ(Jf(k Prj;uh C.,pp, I � � Any '�Ior. rs4MIT 41P hanil. At'* 111, InApalfity. . ok , Talle.q two 0001'1�01. V.00, ft. eut: i "Massey,11arrk Uay loadpr: I ar, inald Carrie, Detroit, only non o -f Air. 114 t.,A�llf.v. go a, " ii itot bp Ilaw Kv file ,Ziot fjqst�tq (& � . . I M me-ollent brim niMpt,ol P, .111tr -11, -1,15" sillf. jupk; I Nl.v;lsl.�- Itearly Avw: poupt, chin -be No,. i: -lipt,r. and Nrty. P. W. Carrie, of Gosterich. - .. - -- - ­ � I .ift I � � � . ,.jrt �,Qof �to ally "pPr6,;ojj ,)p pff.t4s,114 Almsey it � I . ­ . . of whose � clAw notlee ,1,,,Il ,,o,t hd,ie Ilarriq .rultivator. I Ma4spy-Ilarriq sviA Ing �',oiu lilliller, *�.Xepllvnf s"lapi.: fligii, The Imsior Of the churcli, Rev. C I. F. r I -1 ­ �- - — ­, � . I been rpoehod by it at the tinic, Of Sjt(.jj tirill: I Mag-spr4larris nifewer. 5 ft. Pall. ,ji.irrow: toliver Point ,,ruftloop and heall Clnvk.�, Performed tlle ever"Inolly. I I . I I . , "a, 0 - ,�­ f 1,pt l4v-014. I 'Mo 'foralleh 10 ft. rafw. mrvo,qfer: N H Plenty walliticr Tolow: Tile ChUrchr tVa[t b,-3UflfaJJV dep�wat- I I IIAF%�-11 I 'WAX011' ,U4111W.: I MC4.,orlitl0i OWMT- NO. -Of pral"llov ridirto, plottv. ollo-row s and ferli'l.af Stocks 111' Bonds of Grain ! I I 4 Vw ft. ent, I spt '.%Tf,t*4)l-1"lIVI, drila har- tornip 41pirl: 111may Pall-. 81a';:Z4.y. 11,11 - P,d with slower 6d tj�e 11 � � r It 41zeeillor. .11 WINg- a W -1 -YOU -4' f (31 'X34'-qTMiir,1� viraq �rjq r mu3ic visa playa& by Miao . ) . . , roat nuippp. .1 Oil,,jiltity or ,.11tilra t-mildinj . It'll ,Ia� 4l.,jl'1rf4;%f4. a c"'MNSaco; I 1,.I%v fetali, �411'1 hay. Mifaf viorn and 20D huclir-L4 oro,& . . Mary Clittke. 1he brid-6 loak,�id love- Market, (Itiotations supplied for.any Usted stolek. i � r,mv! I iP1lf1Ilt2A10%: I fannivi mill: I '.%to r0i"IfUl. T'N'Or"Ahlaq 'uwa 11�� ly. in a gown of vVilite sw=ldn vatin I . � -11,11,101. Tudhosju, & Andf�r,:,ion,pnnljr,-, r4pril�lll,v: rold. 04 praPT161167 is p-,ing ,ont, At? olahn, With rhinestoger ulmlalitle '111d a Veit ,I Ordem promj)tly cNeetited. oh"foronto, Montreal and . I . �, � -1 . ­ I � � ­ ­­ 1-1 . . ;1 - � I F,111 plaw; I wal4jfiq Plow: I wl J�Hgjnr-�;g jr�", 14'e0unt'iff fir-kit'll of 11rus6els net taught %Adi 11 I ­ - -1 -11 - .- 4 � I --- - 11� I . . Plow 19,11pnoom I Pkil donalle llopjjp�"4: 4"i "001 I Now York StoCk Exellallges� and Cldieago and Ifinni. .10 J.�10 will bo, ooavluctiP4 ortl3lily-1 4 reartl and silver. Gilver 0,llpqvro� I I I . I I � &*** A ' 61141111 A mA, 10 for -IN W4#111; ollfoll't .Qfl�l I ,,�t, ft, 101.1d. i,pmvleted Por coptniao and be . I . I . I ,%..A/.% FE a *43 /L & S 0 ,,. Litnitre 1,084 hav: aloakit low b3r�l. OIM4: 1'0 %to -v iry %V e,�Ov-rl of e, ? l' -A- N alg'All� vlas of stinwrat. roscoa nud lily peg Grain Exellangeg. I V � � 0s, F. RL M bu,". lfarllw: 100 N14. lt�'atgalllllll ,43,1111p.-41 tie bw vvifll VnIf.iond 4? I.P'o—'t r , � 11.011,;. N � 'i div, Es arlq V Ali, r I � ,I arol Willitil 1.1-"1�4114; lit bo othoprv�;,�,, wiohia a It, 0 Valley. Tho brldenmal4i typro i IN t, tit � ft1**`"*§ft"ft""*0*NftW" . , ,Zboaff ; oil 10Q. 2 flifto ­ J"dq4� 161� nj ", ._ '410 1 �, ' INVESTMENTS and INSURANCF. �q ,�alisl. 13 p��? rc�111. of pliv"Z �b I Estbe? Itanjo alld ?,,Ila Ei_ �! I* it � I . I . *��" 'vft , lj�­- 1,001111 v. i"All ,and .11� f.91441cs %,Jtt je� 1-rfulv%-.4, - rwadfo?d. MhLq Ilamp Wave a dropil � Iml � N'RPie''r PRIVAI-9 WIRE WITH THE LFAIDING EXCIIANIaS , * t1r. , F13 nilh . -xlli.l it4-o �fl,jt -fl.,lij - -.%ID 4rit'Ing fty Plo 'jC,j 4FbV`V Hu'ron Investments' L ted ­ , .JA jr,f vj!asoh Rcorgpttp wiflb rolq­k smthl� A � MASONICTEMPLE BUILDING mol Mat It NO! Ive �-�Alf v03 Ill, �uiv�ia C,6,111- 4�%-nv roc.A nc-.��-Ouoll� 1,-�64 Z-%02014�P�pkfwro l4at aud Mi.�s PradfoW vwln� - . " An it,,, Irldl?, r I 0- nf, ojj-i�%b�5� rur I III-q-,ot'A 1�ilnf mdu­-�­.% tIZ.k;,b �01W�' "P,::� in apple grcon bramadr-al orep", and 11 �q I 61, il f o 7,i I , I I r ? �Apj rm-li��l J'Ant fi0A&.C,., rr,�Jjf t%[,!3 ilj� cl%f,vp (in, jvgrfit'4�0 Royal BAnk 64A 'ding, G04trkh� 011t. r' '. . L rr oae& 43�0445 - . . - I , RIO . . 103 ( . i, t, 11 1--,Alo 1) tl� t V�T 10('�Uf. C41t'-I'�!)t jjjll� tlj� �JU 1,,%, �j eo "': 81 0 WOY( , ti� �0 ,, . i GOOPRICH . 0 , ONTA , '12 " )� ,% bj3ek pictura To"It. 1,14af . Ph , * . I . "' 1! C-sitried 6)13�Mal b3u,1V . I I I M 0 o NN I I I 0,,T,%% (V14'L' I I 1�, 11'1;107V�11 1` I I 'I "" oto I It b�-,—Vs­ A a in., "Rho I k B n a uk, VX) 1 . 11�� � �11I d ill b Jav I-. PU Pettit ifi D rim i � tj I 1 1 1 ['.. I. . �'r. 'on 4. " ,)4nut-4, Vvivwe xv�w coont'--tions vAth all leslaies stfozk sad G,oiift f:,XC?1&1363 ; Tt"ITIPHONE 230 3.11 zI%'WN'­-1, T.nrmtnv&(��I,�;.' aRrii( N'llIt"n., - I&I a'f- r4r:0`0 I I . -1 . . � .. .. ­ N% '�,^#- 1,31, A%Imm. - � (K IL 4 ,It C-9 vs, f "IN flift'j, 43term, The btst ra, , Nv,. 1� 1- - , , , - - &001,00 60 " - - "I -11i... ,."o ". 111. 11 . � 1,�fj,fk*jr V. , '10 % ,� a � ­ .." � , � . " i I � . . e , , 7 11 . , W011�.q M7. Ani%P(M'-n�.'% A%w I C, c I% n'-.. f*r .T,,� ­ , ­ �1 'Thme"s T-40, off D . Q A to ILA MC1C41v1.:, . I . . 4 � . . . . . I . I 4 . . I i ­ � I , � I . I I . I . I I . �1110 I I I I r. . 1 -16 - - I I - I