HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1927-10-06, Page 5&-hhe" vid-oh 6W ab"p, an.
or" Wd I* Awn*.
"h* TWO 9� Vigilhkty am
wet witkdzn **0 epwo a tew bw aftug Pit: Thoo "kaft"
, TV- are moot as good a vrep this yaw-
DrW ftit of Vlp,day, and 6csuse saw t, ber, U221wa- =3 sar- sea"
I�Sftafolks and big people, in fact every In"ember at 'y 180 --h- swrm%r- had Tins* Coal &Vnings am C-000 the#
A numbbiar trem 11sere atte%&4 the of the aerview is the W"tasw I
*very homhold go to it more frequently than to any missksary c aft ace in v
k-teria at. ckwmh on SWI&Y. as the pso. Noticeable Demand for
oth*r " of 401'e, it is recognized as a Neigm0r. chwek. Goderich, on loi*%dAy even- ter, Rev. W. JL,A* tQ" 1he siniii-,
hftd Fun* Sftflon, where exceptional semee and lne, Oct. 4th. ver"ry services at Belgravo.
Mr. and Mrs. COMM 1) nd Mrs. Pott*r, of 10,AX, *r6d
90ods of qualitY are to be had from Inoferwadonal ex. tioit, and aro. l4ittle Mrs"'T'howait Potter, at $guf�, &e.
pert4L vf Hensall. spent the week -Ovid With Made. visitV41 the Jott*r's brother., Heav ler and Wamer Und
the ladite mothte, Mrs. Wnt. Vottv. 31r. John MvJ)owtll and 11r, RoWirt
"Yew Dmtist is mom am a me"hant."
*ad othte rtl4ti%Leio 1&,t
AMPBEW-S- DRUX STORE I Mr. HolUhawr, of Nialtilya
�'vj'*XtW the st, week with hi-.,,, sij,.er., rq
Modem Pharmist Phone 90 Mts. k"md Potter. f Mr. Mew visited 101ith his qung
q Mrs. YC'UpAlut, Qf (4414erieh, i�peltt lfrs� Arnmro 4 Of town'.111#1 UnHdi un S haaetS COMFY CUT and SHORT SLEEVES'
M, Mrs. A% Jerviv. Mr,�. R. M. Young and 343. liar,&I'i
�Sunday at the home of bee sfsti�j,, 'Te
__ ___ i� relativeii un Iundak.
AURViCR keeper, Miss Wakisce., werio,. vle ()n gatur4ay as Walter vitited with Mr. and ofts. A.
t Mr. W -n. Jervis, young on S
Mr. Georx* Dawson Rua his gon, guests of the former's brother, and Mr. Howard Mulhollawl took- a . unday afternoon.
Nalmer, visited friends in Millbank George 11-awatt, tite foruwr part fof ' 'Mr. aaA Mrs. Paul 31nedel haj, too
bet week. motor trip, to London.
this week. visitors c* Sunday Mr. Unit' XV 4� 30141 r
The. Shuror. anniversary services B100mare WHITE and COLORED
The Rev' Mr. Camoron, at Toroll.: We are s4orry to.stato ""bat MV5. will be held on i0etobor 23rd, morn- and family, of-Rulie-6,
to, had charge of the lireobyteriau RoUrt Medd is, confined to I-110 houft lug and eytnivor, eonductttl, by Rev. Mr. and Mrs. siraughao ;"d
vices last Sunday. . -in aizei e --o Q, of -isited
at present" owing to 11, of Lord"horo. daughter, A liburn, i their
Mr.,c;;�w John, J.. W%,On t1lo '*bich slio bad l4st w w Ne ie ;�J
i1ousiu. Mrs. Oil Sunday,
Robert and
jiliksormer part of, the week Visited Of the b5rni s wa
: on, 4A Detr4k' Spent the- iveek-kaa i Drn.* ANKLE -LENGTH, ALL wOOL
�Irievids in Lucknow. WW%
the Tele- at tile home s(!T-ieez�z 1,
This week employees of their grandpareilts. ry,
oil 18itunday v it n
gler is attending - a phone - UrLo Temc� 'he line froll, Mr. a d r , IV . uIll 11 do,
y1w, Rev. Mr. ze! illik t It us A, U o ;in eburch
TAftVWW 'of thj�L Lutheran churea 14 thc- village to the school to the south Mr. Baskerville, her ion, lud rieb.
KiNk *t&. -and Mrs. R"Idi ell nn(14 Chit_ tress
Quer this week. sido' of the road, to -be away f.,eln (laughter and his'sister, Mrs. Le(,, if SILK d w"'OL h SHORT SLEET iro
Mr,P,- John Arthur and family spent the hydro wires. DoViiester, spent the, -tvit i visited with her parent§. Calif an "V wit
Il dr6
rday the., 4luplayeea� -of. tWrgau",�M*5Qo0_T0 pad Mrs. Iniz-6tor, In -Go&g1ell pi; C
Insr friends in Clinton. t1w Hydr,o completed thc� putting in ii KNEE and ANKIAE LENU111
Mrs. Rebecca Hendersoi, Stmd . ... ...
..?!r. John Howatt and his house. of the POIW from Illyth to the vil. riell, �of Gode.
spent Sunday at the 11011lio 0-p Mr. and , Mrs. 0. WeVhca and
lag`0- They left for NV'044tOck to Mr, and Mrs. 3ohn Tclibutt, virgi "' daughter, 31ve!'. DUrnin. vlsit6l witi,
iotherp who 16 still midev V
complete some work there, bixt will her n 614-- Mr. alld Mro. Allen Wilson on Tue "re
0 - the inow stock at very low price.
fette" ShOrtlyJalld Val)(114te the AV vk doetVs car,,. day.
in no Village.
Tile people of 1101mosville "%Veto Milster Howard Young,, Clayton.
INSUR*NCE Last Friday evelling a fpw u9seni- �Iorry to.hear',ef the heavy 10�, , obertson, Dorothy and Cfirfatfua�
bled In the Foresters' hall for the 'S Silq. R IV V, A cl
tained by Mr. and Mrs. 0 Robertson and Lucy frardr r -pent tho
provide. CASH
kpa was destroyed- by itro on Satili. The Clark Bros. are, buDy filline
for. Tbqro were not many came, I V Alto 0 . oo. iKiid"', 1. AtI.. Will E. HIBBER T T`
uurp6so of having a sociable dance. son when their barn and thig y(var's week-oud at Vaoir mspeetive bomes. PHONE
he The musieal Part was ".VQ la on last, site$ In thi-. neigliborhow
y JIllietly L djs�Q
After, a short-Alme, the Watsoll, Mr. W. Marsh atd Mr. Tofin
Mutoal Life peroed to their . ros�ectivo boirei;6 1101"10ville United alturch anniver.
.4ftrS, services Will bp bold On SUil'i Wilson Were the first to lo ... MR
.(From another correspondent) day, Oct 19th, at 10.20 and 7,030 p.m. I . Mr. Xackolds, who sold lus. farin
Assurance Company -.1 Miss Wheeler, of Hawlltono,.i3 vis- Rev. Mr. Poulter, of llenmiller, will 0 LOLY411 is uJOVITIg to thO IJOUao 'lady. -r -r 'chacl,
tim" until WAlitfall Of tbo following 0 9 Val ant, Arthut, U011
ting ;it Mr., Qi H, L Tun. preach at both services.' on z1o"eliv, latelr_�,ocqupied by Mr. Charloq Wal.
a ters. on the sixth epi). of Colborne. day, as tho� day is observed by the, Betty Vpr, Ada Farraht. valeir, Crad KAI
Of C 11444 Mr.. and Mrs. John' Manning are evening a supper aTide6neert will h�,
ref6raled. Jewish elitiroh. Orthodox dock, Tom Fry, 11azol. MOM* J; tre -
visiting their sou.,Thomus, lu London klVen* the concert Lbeirg put -.on b -,r?' Mr. and Mrs, Chas, McPheo baAte Jewso, howevizri obsoivd two. doya as PV.,-Qraee Beattie. M1661 I uft
I RAD this Week. eFft Ma* QllartQttf%, of,ak.,�heir,guest% 'their daughtor, Mrs. the start of tho, most, sa(rtitt Of, tile. To.,tahor,, Week of Oet. 10 to 15
-fortune 'it The
S6 members . of - ih,- .7. Durnin, of Winnillw,, N60 114, 110t -Tewish holiday seasous, wiliell is tba
Waper had'the mis ' In his oft' irtette toolt tbik
to ge� SOX40 Of. hj8JlngQr8 tOVn. first � nrivo � fbit been home fQr*ti number of yeors. firstot the. tell days of ponanco. 'TwOJ
Ur. M
Do Do MOONEY, t Aoth! thresbill Malhine'laSt W0141C, VA4r at the Perth Countr Musical 'all in OctObOr- Mr., Do Do Mooney mzsd�.
vostivw. , Rev4 Mr. Xilpatrjek, of 11olmes.: Inloor,an, hol,&�Y% f It two MONOAY A" TUMMY
pstosr Mrs.. T. SUM1191IM11 SPellt 3 fO W Ville. will neculoy tho pulpit bore m The first, $*'U'6Wn 48'.tlle ftf Of atone. whon he won the L rUl' '19 'Cull at
Mr. Prod 0. Riford. of Ot.fnwa. Su-aday.. Mott. UIN TIN TIN
dtt�at6ltf. 0 days the firstof last,week Mr. X Poulter will prea�,h inento or Toin Kip
with he'r pur, w)doll comes land Club, having Already won the In 31ale of the . groy ghost of the
B�fiw� To 11 0 1 44tigbterf'Mrs, A.. 2 head of �'the Dominion �Poultry Tfois. anniversary. services at Holmesville October 0, is the. supreme inp In file Garrow cup. There Is nor truth
Itt, 13, 11 y hi
Mrs, Jno. Arthur and- family ap'n bindry, aiid his 44. on Sunday. religious cah-ndar ofthe Jo8v,-., bluegrass. A tense, �*Apping 4rain.11
*11110 the report that, Mr, Mooney Intends.
UQSS' of Itainiltoll. ViSlted�wlf bN Ed*.Ard, of itear Tavisto&, the F300100d Ithown aa tile tottat of starring the Wonder Dog an t,\.
to extend blis mantlepiceo,
Vfg� 8� T. Walter, on Thur- otcupled'the. pWpit hire on Sunday tabernacles: starts Tuesday, October 011011t. ca4.
Va I
P V, 1-y -YO Fridav of tho 6a,�t weok. �tlid all enjoyed the simple, instruct 11, continuing for tine days;, The E�TTE4 R MEJ—)ICI�Nt 111ILLS OF cky"
0- PrIdav -ovenincr o b4nqupt v,pq' lVe '.%torV, L of : Zap NO ]a NVINTU
in Mintonp: at wbliih $rd, _cbotis, w1i L 6 b(t e.1f JA PAT" '""N"TT :0'""Y
Ing day Of atonement its,
Daug ON MGM,- 01081; ko, all Lot ;tatue,- ran before and climb. White falto AO culmination of tho F OR LITTLE ONES., -11VISR GUYS 1`9191"Eft. -
Aloildid NT#AvPq,;. ed into a tree in order to. ge jesu.,4. enite it tlav BRUNE
'RX-v,of Iliq 1�"Ieyjdq froin Hbll;�4s NA"IllitLThoosanda of-Alothers Say
nti. s inaugurated by the
Cish New tear.L One of the
'OT) C1 Impressive features of yoln Kippur
" bl" most of llahyl� Own Tsiblet$L
row_ WP
4- Thke-slift -is the'ollder -of -the nul f6r the baby or if .1)MX)Ay sin'd L T1WR$WAy
bduced op, ney Back devdtion--oontl ed for the- iilltlrq� A, niedicilfto .1
tbi no! vial- that -the moth �JADGRJOZLAMY A%XD:
OrL (*An
-his nephew,, Bgr� service. for the deal. The fet%0 of ---s
in J"&'cbiId--4fte . I
","nied '10�a ity. afel as
-in Walter. 'Afr.'rthd Mrs. Jaek"Swat"nd faln- 'for. in
'Alun . int Re ults Rv vikited Mr. and-Mrs..Geo. Swall, taboYnOCILOS L observe n J, days Well LOS. effiel - e t -is found in Baby'&
'This Simple 'Home a :by *rth6dox11ows but tot only eight pvais-
Treativon Is Cxiii Own Tablets. The Tltblets jr ill the year's ost Vx0iting Moto.,
vrough- lid Qut what balipQn$,
DAYPI 148t'SundaY. days by the Aeformed'ehurelit, 4�' ed by thousands of inothers ti . drama, 1ri
-Alma- Make returned tt,) D�.j od on two'fund4mental ideas, It is it I -Y. thers lata fW1 into
Afr�: and Urt;. RiJ+qrdL FJlla� isit- Miss L L out - the eountx Thew , )no
le �ouace battle- Of #OnLA'EM",raI oil tt vest festival mul Q6 . thatL -bell great Do I
Itub Gently and Upw rd'To"ril tl ngLtb)�Snd �Apply As dir"ted Od friendt, At P01thill, on Tmesday. ttoft on Tuesday after spatidIng tho bar and it co em-oratea have found by actual exreAeu the hands: of a pietty r
.11 -as Wood in Vein, Flows (full st" Pallf fov�r montliq at b6r borne 'he - , the 40 -year Journev,of, the Israelites there is n I Wa 111.�tltvlloll girl.
night'and in0rilng to the swollen, On- Loilaol to' O. -other- Diedit ne. for little I I
trt Af-4, Vhoi. 'King, of L' �1 I , e wilderness aft -o to, uqbal them., Ofic,0 a nather RON
ge ]ast w0k., orii, or Oode., thrOuW tb or the ox one!4
-Rgipto, has used. them- for hor 4hildren, sbe
Margaret 'c4mohel-I tr, floh,. are visitlnrth
You 'Will. floti'oe kisi quend- eir daughter, Mrs.' .,dus, froilt Will use nothing elsirr -:10-otteeraing-
largod' Voin �$Qoft smaller. and LLOYD RAMILTOV
That, Ivir, ed friends ift tlle� *illa s t- Xr. And Mrs. Jesse,
that they"�,Aro growift
V lent should be conthl'44,-un- i k. #w Mat. Shackleton, f0t, a few d
it joll Oj an. relativg or friend is the t�e4tp o months Visitint-Wiends at ays,
Mrs. Charles Rutt, Taticook Is
-worried b0came of varicose veins, or til the -Veins are of normal qiie�,- So Sarilia. Anfiiv�rsary L Services Will be held SCHOOL REPORT them, X.S., WrIteat "ON SUNDAY AtORNI NO"
buiiclii§s, the best advieethat anyone penetrating and . powerful1i - 19merald [in the United ChUro'b on t.h6 30t1l And S. S. _$0. 1, laild bavo ton Chit:
Mrs, Mullen, of forget tlio 110 juppej Mond Goderith :TL#. dreh, the baby boins
troit, bavulgr � donof. a�v The followifig is the s
i�u this *6rld can givo-YOU I.% fQ4 ftok even, -piles ar� �qoieklj, *fit the sumnier be -rep, left 90t lior�zfigbt. Chool Toport old' I have - Used Bgby'a Owfi Tah-
your, druggj4t. for all: originta, Dialloo sills lots of it. honie last week. of S. S... Xo� 1. Godericb, 1, for the lots for.them tor�tbo (tat 20 "Mrs
Mr. and� Mrs. Ben Comfort and so month of -Sentember. Honors 78% s and ean truthfully say t at I L khow of The 800tacular fl. go Spicial
Mr -,q. Geddes, of -Wingham, visitweg, Of -St. Catharines, are visiting Tt' Pass 401/r- Sr. IV.-Doritice lktoore, t
b r sister. James Fer#Ugon, in Mrs. 1, no'botter Ynediothe for little OLnos' I "TARZAX and the'
0 , C1()Ll)14�*4 1, 1
Mr J. 136j: Phil Sissett, 74- tL this
Ilage lalat *eek.',
fhe�. vi J.tho home of Mr. Critics everyWhore
alway.; kaoO, box of the TaMets In Ufi_
171, Orville OW, 67,'Joe Dalton, -C,43;
t o house nd would advise all oth�r
Dr, G410 'and wife, of' Bay City, X;arlou LqmpVey*L 56.L
Sj�4 IH._JR0V,. -heralded t, ptetoro s -.01r,
A number frojhL Around, Ot lors t oso. a 0,40 of
E ps
Mich.:, visited with his brother, Rev. tended � the 4unIversarr tivvices 'in vOV Memichitel. 10 'veratt , lcrad�
130� I's greatest ht
it modibly 1i Tablets *re gold: by aff $creel i�
Mr. Gatd. over the weeki-evil. the " United church unkannoll Aock, 08. 'Tr" III.-Thelina Pry
a Miss Garret left on PrIdaV for'a dealers or wt,11 be maitod ALUMITA VAIUOHANA In
last Sundar., Ted, McMichael '50. Sr, TL--ArtG Upon r 25 cents. )let*. "TWELVE: MILES OUT"
ete' ' of price,
visit At Clinton With friends 'before 110; Jr. $ I.I.-rank �&,Mlohael, box
ur..��an4 'Mrsi Tonr 0suley and �by The Dr. Williams, 3"todi'alle
for bor horne In Washington, da '01. ile-ltuby $at. At, 3.00.p.at. t
leav' n Mj!btor, Razel. of Oodorfv-X, visited 'McMichael. Sr. 0, Ont.
D, C. r lln,, Mvs�' L.. Oiule Sunday
Aji4s Lilly Mattmi,of To6nto, and last.
Mr. W.m. Came'ron, of Detroit, are M y. atiMpbell And �a�gb.
r$.L XeimN
It i. 4 visiting friends -ifi, the village this ter, of D6trolt, Are visiting at Mrs.
Campboll's former bome, ber6 for -a
Rev. Uri Gale, a roiurned mission fdW Wooks.
X preitched . worning
ry Sabbatb In St. An- 1GODEP.1
on e"Ine last
A drpw's United 4
Ca�es burch Mr� Gale Is The U. Y. P. So- Will rileel, in the
f a brother of Rdv. Mr. Gale, Of,, Our Union- church -oft, -Friday -everling,
The rally program,Whieh was pod.
ViII440, And has been in the 'm18510A
OVV'LVork in Korea, and'China for.39
poncd.last Friday, willbo'given.
y 9. e ita e 'all. address in the Mr
I ll'�W of , ISL W - -and Mrs. 11farold Xontgowery..
in. Ork In the b -
Ave the.sympatby of the olninu
M esionary � elds, e left on Mon. pity
L ite ener and oronto for a
dav for In the death of 'their infant. daughter,
fow davW visit be -leaving for. which odourred,14st Friday.
England,, The sympathy, of the community 1A
extendod to Xr..ftiebaM Porter and
family. in their recent sad btreave.
ment by Lthe death of a'kind and lo.v-
Mi. ond Mrs. 3obu Snell were Dev�, itilt wife Andolotbor..
irolt visitors last week. The sacrament Of the Lordler Sup*
t L, Stonobouse aid Miss It, 1. 1l)Qr Was dispensed Of in !Union church
sie were Goderich visitors on Sunday, lost Sabbath. xt'Sandgy the ser -
Mr. and Mrs. Win.. McDowell visit.
vice -will be held as usual In Union
ehurch'at'a.,p"Al'. Sunday Sehool'at
'iid t Mr. and Mtso Ve# Vineeut.ls,� of" 2
Re*rave, on Sundayi
L Mr. And Mrs. - Alberf Walsh And .11F.Wisly )IOL10AYS
--A i eMr. - Taylor *�ve 14ndon visi. *b&%li 111;8h:l" %JeW
.8h, tho Jewish
tors on Thursday last; n Tiieaday'L $Opt,
I YeAr's � 4ay, falls .6
A mirohor., from. this vicinity at
1.27. The holiday, beginninir,-at touno
%the preceding, hing, eofto�
�Orsftry services ai set,on eve
cosy ten&d the anni-
ft Kift 0"a torm—m-
It br*hte" �oUr )JOWe a
vidUghtena your worko It
does five thiri_99 wello It boato, pooks, bakeo, sup&s makpinO&Canadian'
hot water *ad bums any Idnd of fhal.
A Reaterofthe fineat type and a ftly d"Ut Moe
combined t1urs "tcav what e "".v Hom's"
"M;cy Go farotherhk?z Eve efol V
IN ' "ok
Nat" al,, 'Phar
Quobw ilk
%1d in G Ottober 9th to 16ih
od coin-
trich Wr the purchatse of the 119 power
n10,11 0.0mmoditleg of life, of. the C*"X41*n carbuyiees
During, this weele D;rtqrz4*#t* throughout the Canadian dollar has do.
.0 a
n d
0 Ay
;e d
So ce
S1 nal ex_
Phone 9(1
A why cressed in v%luc durin
the. o by the teommits ofroluaw
Canada are telling tit poop purchasing: sad prodktioa,
past decade.
by tho el"t c"rdlaafloa
ts are. More titan M*rchanfs
But, In the P�rchase of an �f rosoukvos and 'fagilitl4ei,
. . . . ....... automohile, the dollar is by Improved'lobot.
Tho -Druggist must possess, Matriculation tim , e-saiving methods of man*
n6* worth one hundrtd to,,
....... standard lWore he can Win to seive h' a
"Perfect Bred'
Wrapped or VnWT*PsWd
that niceo nutty brown ihat
appeals to both tye and Palate,
,pay a Loaf of Porfott Nr*ed
and T*sto tiw diff4w*tw*-
lrr.v out WW* t OrtAd
and Fratt &r** -
E. U. CLEVELAND, Baker ,
PMNV 1.14 wai sntu:r
prenticeship, whieh is three ye4rs. Ile must at -
Wad college for two years, pam a qualifying
e-UnlinatiOn, Whielt giV& hi�i his diplonia. He
must furnish proof of good woral charader. The
State does not require these things of the Merch.
When you 'need Drogs and Dimptore serviee,
Consult U89.
ignan it was #evert to ten A 0 i6by sharlog Ith Cauado tho
rears ago—its worth siv to t0toted by isseressait
Ift fact, than 4vtr bojorcin product;*".
In *mlfty sod in value, t h* CA*tk.
,Whille constantly raising the diso dollar now go" fattloot tW*,
=14ty surAord of its pro4luets evor before in tht I*rthast of a
4 motors of ca*kk i;%` Cknerol Mows car,
e119V*0tZT VONTIA:t
W*LAU4ftL1**U10X LA SALLf.
E N EIR". A,
or CA
tLit OAKLA06
04"Im MM(** loom
_)T_ 01-w- Rb
lls*e 0#.ct *" F*aoeltsi C""WA, 014,TAX10