HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1927-09-22, Page 4I .-, 1.� - -- I � . .. — . — - --- . � � - � - --
�, �, " - --� - - — - -- . 7
t7 -T.-', ". -11-1 I -P4"_1 � , i --,W"Wn0t!!!t-*4""0"*%� 44 -
1. 1. I.- � - fflb� - 0010*Aes�- IrT. 9*" no ,
— - -or In" -1 - -- --'I,------ . � THURS:my. SL I
- I - 4"M — - .. -- - ---�
, . . - - - 4
- - . own -- - — . . . I �.
�-= on I . . r(rimmr, Wridwa. � issli ---- I
�= I
1 que, Grace - Irene WOWS, 1� - 1%0 Is 0
W "Mu 'Al. -A uAllaw— 1A A-41110, =. =1 Harr LA*uion. - Lm-
- --
� .�------------------ . � ,V40111* MCC-aW- Now" I . lda'kwl 01 'M �� ���
xmma� = 10 i Adslaioik H4"~6 D.- mv- I
� .., I I - - I . . I 'HA Y PlAU111161111- 31~0 wilt4n, Cook sag. Wnwa. ack Yoo. Tar- e$ SM ----V- I !
- ,. - Fislisr. Writing, 'Ole rise- %iP*--AA@. Tarrant, Richard Porter, � � . � �
0. . 1Sr,,Nklde-rU Wil". Mynl* Ja& Sinyder. Soota-Marima Cal- L L"I"s
rby, El. Wo alwSys MW a I
ies an M' isses ..- �r ,,,F,srq,,n,m,*r,, Mar,* xsede,, Prook wet- vrefl. umfol Minor, icon sowe Awarigm ill0iFf"911ch VWk#* I
., Lad It , d , 9 Winte oor T�adsll, Almg, $allow#. ak 0"Itleaton,,T11101111118, J01111118011. CAM114011114 � Well aw" stock of the L004606 :
, I I *f -- )FACE VO"ERS MAILS ,
� " wrifilw, *1C k - ,49"- ZV9 rJv* ZWOtt- t"8vrOt*--fh#TlQitt 1
11) I �, .. ildr*W* S COWACTS
0 rd* ; p*jrloon, Iwbgi Roberlsout 1wbal, SuKk, Margiiret Stock, Phil bilijivir, PMUMES Ulm SALTS
JL - �3,IcWhinney. pearl lAwtor, Mildred Irene Williams, Norms Potter, Films I
I -,g!%, i;sjillowii, Peru Thom. Crayou dr&W- Mullen. Parsaips-Alwa. Tripvarths,� TOILET- WATOS, -- '' -- I !
Coats that ar 1Z.- Ditrerent , 1! ing of cusmo5----V.eIviu,, Good, Ada* Mary Stirling. Onion"tan john� --- '' ' . -. , . I
i�)gfde Ilijughton,Veime Jewell, Frals. ittoo, Xiinlseth Treworths, Vlod
port ys I
- er. L,_Y- . �
EVER before have we -ange to show you, The 1�cvs -later, Pfri Earl Fuller. Marion � _ ; I - 11 !
L I,ink Evelyn minei, I �� : I I , �: UuNL , -r � I �
hadsucha beautiful i ,M)t % 1, C*,;D op" .
gyl*s are up.to.%hg-minutp, the colors most beautifuL the quality the �;! Fthel Hill. Plate of votatoe", if, war Thompson. , : 4 . I ". 4
11- - N 9. The j�tc-r volors,--Gordon TA Roeflue. Alma ---- FLOWRas I Hfi, � , , , I I f � I . . i
� best, assuring you satidactiowif You purchase one froin u 1, Sailf.,,ws, 31yrtle Wrilmnej,. Eloitnor Asterit--Margant Stovk. -- Harold t' � - jj�g REXAM DRUG STORE �
nL,xv Coats coine in a wonderful selection of all the new cloths, in vellablook, �,Tsmdall, IVInia AM% Frank Wal- You, Ada, Farrant, Evelyn Wise. 1. -1--pl " � I
L �
�,�, 'tpi-s, Toster in wafer volors-Myrtle Swoet Peas-Alins, Utwartha, 111blox '. P 1101(cleil 1310* - - �- � Goall" . i; � - -0 :
- .. ' .
I needlepoint, broadclothp and are all magMeently trimmed with f0X,,.LoPO,- i
, Qc6d, lFcbel,Tx0all, Mildr,ld $0- -Charlotte Trawartba. Isabel Oke, I I � r
. ' 'usscl Pfrhn- Evelyn C --- I -iw-- W- L
4 I .0-11111 , wandir-Oid thilil0tine. All the new f4tures are shownt also- the newest tlor.-F, Raby Errington, 1, *y, Jean Miller. Zinnia 1ww wwww" — , ,
- =r-------"-==�!V� _
. �mcr. IsoWl McWhinneY. C1011eQtimill Mobel Churchill, Helen MaNxtit, Don- ��;�-Vt _7 --,!,-z==":'1:'!=!!!=- � I . I I.
, I 1�
- Harris. African, . . I . -grd. Ada Furrsnt- 110��#, - I
� ake .your selection now. They are iiiost attrae I Mari -Righurd FbrteTX -ad under- - *0001, El -
W sbades. We invite You -to In 1 . - of pfettireq of live Atock-Ethel 11111, aid Q. ' Qdds- Paper cutting- 0 . Orma Pick .
I . " I - # I . Ethel Fieher.,-Willa Bolton, NIVIUA Jack Stirling, Irene WilliamS. C - gil Orr, Willie 'rter, i ea a , ROW LL .
� 41 I tively priced. I . . 4 .� L . U14 Harris, rxev ,ilf, F,iigj�ne Cole. Girls un-
!� . .,. , `11.� , . 11 llill,.N�Ison Moulden, Laurvtt* Flick, endule- Alvin (�`Ox. lFrench M$kvi� V 11 401]11"Wi ferX
I — ... -1-111 . I """I* X . .. . I C NS L '' Jean $oworby, Olive � Moir. Rutb Potter, Noreezi �
�4 1 - 011loo I . . . �, Voldit-Jack Snyder, Billie willlituls, a "I r years- �
I - 11 I - . . I I girou 6av-Sarvey - McMichael, . Blips Trewartha, Margaret .
I . X1 Publie Spcakipx-o--Rcta !Fisber, S. Marion Colwell. Cosmos --Thos. Nut- �Ao rvula . . Ai � oxf �
� -.�-!," "'- UR * Gilbert; Harold I . . toc , Glad, iark, 1IT-one, wiggin's.
.�� - --,�l a�'. . - I , - VS C
�� . , , 1t1VV%-.,--z-=�,4:1- - ..-V . . 1% M."'12%. Isab Philo Xssetk0ljss.� , t2 years -Win. XoorOt ,
I % W,( , i . . ' I L HW r4l�, I)REssEs . - I I. d RoUrOon,� S.- $. We;� �*Ft' Jos. Murphy, Borden .Qavk� . � '14 ' i , I o 0, 10 to I I -
, . . L 3; Ph,-IIIS'LHOIJ .1. par. iri ' L I - k ,ic` , rtha, Albert Peitson, .
. . y , Qii� S. S. No. f Q. 4()ke. I)ah A . � I
MAW X lias -4is- M � . �e f. � il -
)ND10 . N . f4ellardea-Margaret Biggins. 'S441, W a , "
0 . Sturdy,. Har- , , a
ode-$. 8. No. ,2, $. S. NO. 3. *S. S. J)i9l0s's-Orv'lIo` r . '. or an Trewa 1,lifford . * I
No. 1, U. S. S No. ,,. a. t1, V ,4, Rlw�m Merrill, Evelyn Cox. Table Marion It I � I Gordon , I
_ 0. I I.. � 1 12 years- , I",
; ' . . See our new line of Mi$se,$,! and N 1. - I . A. . -
11 , NVe h,,ive a nice Selection of f*ur , 1.4 S- Vo.. Ue�& 8. No. 7. Rat -on cup bouquets from hom6 gariltri-;-Elwill Allister. old � Lobb. -, Girls, ,10 t10 Cudinore, . �
� , . ! Merrill. Charlotte Tmmtba, Char- 'NATUItE, COIxE0T1OX,qs Margaret, `B199111, Rota
t Coats for you to Choose frO111 in Men- ladies! Fall DreSseS of 'flat, ,eMes, W & cilamplolt, - pupil, � winniiiV the I .Norma Pomr, Rutla, I , I
1. I I ir lotte Stock, -Ruth Thoi�pson, Norma I Xey4uug,Weeds_JiicL, Gilbert, Mar. Margery Prouse ') t . �
I doza Beaver, French- Seal and Por� - I * and Wool Jer- highest nuilibei -of pointa at the to , Tvewgrtbao Xentioth TrewavtII4, . ion Colwell, James UsIr, Jean �ijjller, Thoiiipsull. 330�s over 140 yoors� . I 0 i
1� .. -s -Lamb. SPI'lle are trinnued with, satin crepes, georgette * X4�180ti Moulde"' Of S* % No. ift' A , ' ' 'L PotyL'Tny ' ' L Franees Pearson', Margaret Biggin- win. Moore; Hugh Gl�rt, Will. Ruegpr. "
I L i . SPORTS. ; -M era-yvelym -- Eldmi-yor, ,c-on*-mm.i�&4,��ws-,Jg�ck-.,-.�m1bortI "XiAr- TAXJg-leitirs�.4ean Miller., Al. � - - , i
--- - L ai .-- "i , -5--i ---'AT.---
- ----4 -11. - ------ 11-1 - 1-1&- h.1-.-ii-.6X11 ,1114teri I 111- the -=---r-
. lan al&1They`CoJ1Je`,L - "& '.-: ;�-J- � �L -'.-"E-- -- -' -- "k -- J .
. sty , . ,; _ - Who. I I'
5% rrel and sable- - ot ers I ave, e . . = uIrls',, years and under-- Va j;j. Ott. 'Boys, 3 eggt rago . I �
, P L I _ ion Calwell. Pullet I Marion Colwell; - James Moir, Harold, �ra Bill . I d, No it Trewarthu, . .
. -P I . L .1 season's'newost, shades and styles . jt&qlte, Catherine* Million, Eva $trau. Jack Gilbert, MW -wise, Mation, Yee, Albert Pearson, 'Evelyn Wls'& bert Peayst)n On ,rule '
collars. . I I 6 I I - I. = -ghan, Grace Huater, iviiiieeg Ruston, -046n Yee, Evelyn ItijUtibils foseets-Jack GlIbem Joan Wm. oreir and Clifford $turdy;,Gor- .'. -
I Calwolli ,lack Gilber4' Pion of three, r,,ldou Yee; Win. R-ir. I
I � I ,,, . � - � . . AM Helen Sho*� '86�p,- 9 years and un. s. 1@1� don *C001 and yj%-_ r I I I .
I . . . . L I . . . _ 'k Miller. Marion 041well, PbYIII , vjuhhgton� -Joa
I In .- GIRTS COATS - I ':.' . - ke Hardy, -,,-0don Teo, Phil sissett, JUA Oil. 1. . . ter and, Grah4n . , ,
. I - , . I N der-Viliv'sV4 FISUitt Willi -ed Rocks -Helen Moen liott, MargareC13*914.. ,Q�:. .
L ,
. r, .- Good qiAa I 11ty. Volourso, tweeds, ' ,�* . . ME Is and YOUNG MEN,$ * I4eooavd..PIs'her,,RqTiort Varrisli, Wal. bert.' Bari .. phy and Jack Sturdy, Girls, thr'a .'' I- . . .
I ' � Math, Will dilgii, Norma Potter, Bel.- ING legged race--zWotma Potter and R',ta, . .
. I
I . . . I W& ter 0hJ8h91ilw'1a�k ,Nrthur. ,Girls, 1))kAWING, ART AND, W(UT
' ,.''
IN � . , ,:. nice' Grigg. Charlottc- Trewartha, , LL,Xap of HUr , ichard Cudr aore. nild .T(,,,An
4 I wool in . .OVERCOATS , . , = lo. years and,'4ndevX9rm& 11111, Howard. X00 on-Blifori Yee, It nore. Thelma Cudii -flo-N L . I .
I W warvellas and duVetYlie�, *411 1 : � Unuilit'j. ''WhIte 14C -Mill Miller, , colb rrow 1 orol"An
I . . . 111MIN . Vorlo 40hn�lI$04, BerAfee Hogarth, horris-40onald Porter, Willie Porter, WgluAld Wh a . I
I I allice ran�. e of Ors;llned thrqukh-'. - . . - 'Veda Shiplu4nt -W . Pitblado, Ilarrig, X4iy Oakes,, for, R., Thompson, Muth Potter. Mar Trewartba. and, Fraulc Teo. ,1011fi6rd
, � We have just recel I , Beth. McPhee, � Wiahifted ClifforA' Sturdy, Norman Trawartba, .
I ;&,"bjeon Jryndall. "Veya. 16L Voarg' , ,GrIgk, Robert Gra. - � , I
- 01 , RO "
I . ,, Sizes 3 to 14 years. I . . . eUs--,ZlsW tof Worth; 'America-Virel" ' Wise, Sturdy and Wmo Wal.Lporter, JC,r. , �.
out, , . 4ek 00hext" White,
I . Young Xenl� Overcoats W 4aZ - Wider-Harolil Allin... Me!!'" Osbaldeston. Albe . Ion.' . I
I . Tt Pearson, Mae � Harold Yee, Albert' Pearson. Will """' Johnston and
! . NY -.9f Men% and, don Xecool and, Mdon Yee, Gordon
,, . ill" Good, Willner- Uutlj-dje. Weltit'li ca- Grigg, Harold L�bb, Jaolt Gilbert,
I ,
. L , 41. - . I 4W FALL "TS L I - SOWS, latest L, Inatelial$ of Itilin, 11;rmiv -Fisb6r, Bill .V4rrlsh, C41well, , Ruth: Thompson, It6ylri t MAO of .. - world-FAna, Huila Jean Pearso.A ;and Albert McMiclla'.1-1. . . 11%,01
. !A. the'sea I Thompson. Jean Miller. , I . , art 4 —1 11 I . 1
� 11 , Bar.,J.y L �e * - L , , $-.Vearson, M, eb ,or, ", A
I � . .head- X Girls, , 12 Years, - and under�,Nettle ,L% - , -'LIVE STOCK � , 'A nor, Frame - Itub It In. for Backe -,A br-sic ,
,, � . I The now Fall Hats are Oblo ellinchilla, Ino ,cloths a n d PltbTgdo� Bernice Cassidilly. Loretta I ,� 4 -ion Oke,'91sle osbaldo�t6n. WrW Lame I -
. . � .. I . F I Be'd calf -I ugh'-Olonn.' Agricul-i � Ifyiou*%-jel�n Sower� tubbing with'l)r. Thomas' �elej,trio L .
.1 I L I hugging models, Ci!lt designs in feltS , 11,04..-�,B�,Vfj. 12.yeara aod.�L luldor- (i g "Morning. � I
. . I 11 -1ta: ing� LWX 0 lame back. ' Ito .Adn,
. L . :.; ;S,.Of velVet" on of � f4ricy tweeds, . Thetare seliti-lined W -- furalL Colt cold- Lobb, Jack Stur4 , ittoL_"Indian Oil will rolieve
I., -....--.1 . LL re e , . 4 Carmen' X� Herb HarriikIri, Roy - Mary StIrl ,
I L L. .. I .1 I .11 .. I . -�$Wving. lns�ert I a L, "latest L sty .grt dy 'Sorifiryll Lamb-�Ilhrold Lobb, Al., , er'l-Willie � will Immediately absorb the Dil alld - -
I 11, . ..: I With Satin , nd , Plushy Evriol�,toft, .1 .ormen, Brindley'. - ,. I mW . Phrtor; Eldon Yee; it will perletrAte the tissues and brhni : .
. .
� 1. � I .. I , the liewest and most interesting , , .. I L . leSr W � All empletingiii,the sports,retei-,;. Via Lobb,� Miolyn,Wlse- Dairv,calf; Richard Porter. U(iginaldll" Miller., Try it and bp con.
I � � .., I ocolate, bar L JAS. I � . � I ri Ing 0 . .
,i I characteristies. - in and SeO 1 and SWOS. Copa�'In and see these W''a ch well ag 'the Xelmeth TIcowarth"t, L-$therL�MeMatll' W-t- *'IT jlayll--Irone� Woods. Har, speed.v, , iellef. � I
- 1. CO1114 . ' . I A , - ' It e XcXatli. I . r � sinks. in, MO, ' . I. .
. . I I *inrlers being �%tdod the rlwtio. Grl e . I 'Volyn Wis6, 'Will Grigg,. vbiced,, As the litilmon'l
, I wet; � 'OL
� 1. . , . I arming Hats.' You Nvill be while th . . I old Yee. re a)' aulple .
I L ,- . e I -all isiat its Vest., � � , kuisUiog ribbons provided by the de-, . � - I)OMBSTIC SCI -Ulbort� .41bort Pea*�-Son, Wrjt� p4ifi comes out ind,the it"LIS. AU,QX
. . . I . . these ot I . ,, ge I .1 , , . if I � I I I , I I ;adkr , 'irgarpt greul AtL I I � . I I I
. . . 4, ' . L � L . . . . . I I , I � I ids for saying t1l' .
I illeul, I . I I �,Jujfinsnm-Ruth ,Potter� Betty Neiv-ling tlTo the � 'cle , I .1
; I , deligh'ted withL . - partifient. , L' . I , Da'ddellon"-M .
. I IL � : .�. �L ,, . I . ., . . . 11 I I L 0 , ,�� lh� -!.! U&N.'' I 11": 4 I - I a I ke, .10A Mil. cendlit arti . �. I . . . L . . . .
� . : � L I Ill 1 , I V 10' wo" 41 * -- . 0 10: 4014 � I t ,%, Muriel Millet., R. 'Thompson, - Fry, � Mary Grigg, X 0 1
1 . - . ,
. , . I --- 1 ..... L -- -- 1. � -1 4 . � � MR - GODOWH � TP. SCHOOL FAIR 1why. McMichael, Charlotte Trqwar�w lot, Frances P#'aTson,8VelYn Sower- jon PUI - (4TAR or, Ficr, ,
� � � . , ,i . . XTING AT I
*. (;eftX11 of � I.. " �m I .
� . , , is s � VUESDAY and, WEDNES- I I L; " . , tba. Tes. blseuits,-Orville Dke, )00;, bv..- Writircr "MinTr I -Vi et I I . � .1 . . ... . .. L .
1; I . L NoTE.—Thi , -tore 8011 be closed on XONDAYs, A Good %ShOW lit spite ; ------- . . : � � - . I ..
. � gothI 27th and 2$th# on accouilt, of the - gebtew of Cold 'Will, Sowe'rb,-i'L -Ruth Thoriipson,. r,sther Cole, Mipriel Miller, Eureno Colo.,A] �
t i I . . . I . .. I . . . .. L . .1 . .1, �, NV - �oth, Mary 0.ko I - , _ - Vsttivs� onald' Tlarrk. Willp � . . I -I' . i� I �
� DAY* SEPTEMBER NE L y iind ' - MeM ,,. Norma Potter. vin 1) -
. 'HolidayS. L � I I 11 .1. I I I , eather-Good orator . � F� of Met arld . . I -:- I I .
. 7� -� . 1. � - .- � I I . . I . I �: 1� I, j0xhibitf " , . Dark: - cake�,-Vdliii, � aller. L.Ruth Pickor4- � � Ora.von Awtch . TO THE, : �, I I
, . . I I I � , , ,t. eor-qt.�,�ichard . Porter. RpOndd' . I I
I . . . I I . 11 L
, . 1 �4 1. I '' 1 . I . ,.
, i: �
; . . . I - 4 !L '" Ine all . wa i4 . .
11 WWM* IL" . I 1"Iff . I" . T I'm I I . 11, , . .. L 1, Bisset,* Jean Fuller, MOW 'Ru h.Potte'.., Groco * 'L OVER V1,81TO
� . . ,�, i go; :10.��, .�;'==:!t�� -- .. I �" " , . � I I Thompsoft,,Olivo, Fuller, orvjll,,�� Otte
I , i % ,. ':*ZWI� ;,, ' " - . I
I . .� . . , . . . I , . ,,,�, �, I I - Norma I - Cottor;, Millor. Eldon Yee' t I
I . W-� N I I Aftor.having very I d rin B19W, , Osbaldeaton. R8 '' �
� I 11.W*i0-""1" - � I - ..., t NveoU App 04 �ie Phi I I . ath, Gr.Aham Johnston. � Plate of L 8 . 1, r L
. , I
.4 drop -An., - telo0eirat'06 cam,�a , this 0 IL I -y e ,. IF ii'ller. Helon L Monath. I e conle' in 'and � pef, '� ' 1. '
L ' -
. � , Is, , �-- . - .
-i. - . , � � I—- . ... .. L" L . 1. - ,,,, -. X wee�,. , Varria� had .4, rood 4 � day On ' L - --vT-ek,Gilbeit, - W. 1ll�.GvWj-; Ttim- Mur j - � . �,g --- �-. --" - ' .
- I -- , i ----" '), ____ ''W. I . , - f I ,L -11W a�Wotcr joboston� ... ElSie" 0$-� I I
* '� " d" ^ � - I'.' ,PHONE 418 ,V ""athe*,"T"tho scboof�""'Vslas FIbrence, towerby, Marion � Calwell, rotq,toes in , wator- , rrylors-Albort i
- . . ' '
4. . I � V 41-8 - k,-. �, Pears6", 14,�rol(l YPA� EvOlvo �V'Pk-- Pleas
. N raox � L'� -
�, . .,_ R-NrILLD I
I I I . , I . . . L .. . , .-.:- ,1_11~ � Mpod- -.,, but L Tueaftrt - , .. I I equaintedo'
�, . , . L woop q! 101 I ,;y,L. hoNveYor , ,%rvvIr 4; . .
; . I . I - I - too. X ---Forrf$-$t"VnW.-T1av� of'linple,.. . .,�� �. I
. , ,
.1 - . 1, � L' * . . . .. MEWS, WEAR . .. I nythinj� ;hut iWomble lmlde� ,,uk4 Stitrdv. I -ter, J'- 111'�,. [ , - . — 11 L, � 1. .
� - � - : � LAME S! and I f I . Weather wos, a dv. XPLck - Gilbort� Bevnim , Alooro, P,-;rr,q0A-, M-mrion Vdi (� 11T,
. , . 'I L � . L , � , I LL wnship, school 'L Mati *e 0.�b W be del .
. . �'. " . "Silop W1111 -at You Alm. voll ED T4,500", . 9 for, the Goderldh To .. .0 . ,t S�hqol, 14-Ael-f--olive, Mair,'01,raod Me- Xas. Mair on Oko, Lr�JSJ
L . .T . . - qm,s -Ahii, y0ar -I . qf- I . You wx ightfully � . .
.1. , I . I . , . . � I f;%iV,.L which .,held, . - - I L I I i . � Our Coln_ . L ,
I � L * - .11 I I On' A � 011hopt.-Mary Oke. Roth � deston. " ' L I ' . . , , I .
�, ' . , .. . tario if . lath jack , I ,su�-prised -With
. : quare . .. I . . . � . I 11 I '� er, X. MeAllist-r, W1 1: � COMPUTITION . . . . ' � .. '
., f , X W 0 1 ' ' . IN ening'rain kol for tile Putt .
. � -1 I . st Side of S ' I L I . L . 60derichi olmogviI16. r0tailately'die threat- oiking, I .
I � ; . I I � I I . : 1. . '. I I . It. ofr'fiod., but , " M�M .1 1, I ' �t . .
* : " , " 40V 35&4, "ANSIrlik coubjesis, of the, atm6sphom, the wta-i Man's luneb�-Lffelp pth' 1fL',r1o11 L foronee , Soir, I plete stock, d , SeW, , ��.11 .
- I , P JI'DiSser" I . I �., ,
. � -. - �Qw eh uq#leas6fit. I . . I ,�'k ,
. I , . : . � i ,, I , . . I ( INSWma's'NoW, "e, , MeAlliater h I . Pnblic speakjng�FL I
I I . I As *X*VX 11 I.- MR would not have be Calwell.,Rarl bVJ 'Marion .C441woll. xornv4n T,?�', . - GkoceAe,,4. - , � , M
I I . � - � L ........... , who'%vould Normarotter.. 11 ,� L . 11 - ,,'I,;;,- (),&,- , I I I -1 -,
; , ; � . I . .1 . I I., . A -s It *,AS.,)iOL doubt maoy� I , . . Wartha. Edwtird McUlehg& 1` I spot: eSS y L
I I . . , I I I I I . . , - , . I . . .. SEW. IXG- I I 'b�]Ae$;t . I . Ev�rYthblg. e .
1, I I . . . L liruVidod by"' rVIOulddij, Beth M�Pflce jnded�lfj,hq a 11 11 . bo 'On. -LJudglrig �ouliry-.�-Afari6n,
, I
I '' �, I . -- ----- � , L Were There Patch ,on ging �m , X.. , miller, (1,A1dwPJl. FrancPs Pqiivgo-", rlorwr,�- � .
. , I *C0L'gOgXS: %HOOL FAIR - Tyr . I * . .
I .. . I 11 I 'has boon I K�wietll wjl�-Uve, Att(I ay. bad -been � , L I I ' "
� .1, ., A, uew shield '0411" PVOnJI$jt(gL kept at home. . . � clean * 1.
. .. ,� I Rams. ,Any Fet-Kathleco: 1, Ane, lot,�L of ,L#Xb do S' S' L W ' ' "I'. S. 'q. .
. � : I . file A�sociadon for 4110 - school h4v- ibitS. L Notablo OliVe Mair, Mat.V oke; Ruth. Potter., Snwiirby, Pn,,a � . I L 1. I .
. I . I It',.",* - I . . . I 1,4itS OfWor1r., n 'the ftlopjo "of 'five f4ocy stltdhes40lIVe . 9, S.'S, Nn. 4. �St, I .
�. � I I lIg'.tbo highest, number of. poln ,&k'h� . I NO . O;pq Ole— I I I I
rin.,� L lodaute J) ts per Alv* Stewart, �Froiuk Allilft,: I§abd VAR A ' 'afl,o ' I - ' � I
I .
'. . ), . . � $ft; Beo`�j[)o Fulford. j,Rj(�'JIUV,�f amoog th16 I , 6� .q,L S' $. J\T6. ,6 & S - � .1
I . Fair a At to . depattll%Otits,'Vel!0�-Alle, IllallY Mair eile, Williams, �e�fts,-S. q. v I .
. . nd sk Ilig Atte Wpn Alid thig went this Ym .& $- Roliortsc � I 11 I . , .
A I I - '' L .,L ' - indoor . L I . lRuill �'Potter, It i I , . S P�A R R" S I I .
� .1 ., . I .-I-- I A A3 MoWhinuOY-, I .uest to,M * 6, 9.' S. 9. No, 4. , - I . - I . I
. . . . Q. ;at with an a,�erago of aloiOit 1. I I L L , � farm, gate models., the Tisio�� goner -h- Jean *,Sowerby. Q �JXvplyr W I , I .
. . I I L L , .
. . . � I V-01001 fair 1 .,
I I The Colborne TOWAsUl points ver�-Pupil�S.I,S. NO. 2 w= I I �, Ill" STOCX - flon wI)f,%*4ly 1�oow ,JJOwL .
I 1. . _ to make :Miller, , A troially, dorati,il bv -the T, P,nfoll
- - -
I . I no . ,sudecrss, . I . 1, r I . . Sowpfby�.Xarion Porter." Jeam t- L I I
� . --dileediy second �Hth an ave* $P409%,polt, agdoultural-WilulOr farm ratM, �1�:, I I Xatfon 1041well, Clata stirmer, 0 -d 0 ry � , , � ,
*iiil 14-11i ' I live ,(,,n.. Ltd., �t'T?ijant4. was Av�ord
I . : On W� I go� of 'a points. I
. . 6 iind 11 lot ot ) 'One of th4 i g;Od L odueai!6091`10-�- Maiv., Clinefictect lac,e--�Marlon 041. ?4ir� Mtlrjon Calowalh who hnd tho
- eame� . %rdy,, , I
I I . �'Wjth L a large attelidane vain The shioldhaIl to be woutbrea timoq� Rutledge" Merril Xorr, Kelth reavalk .
i � . � . .. exhibits, UnfOrtuNittely I bd6vo it beconilos tile, proparty bf h Cavinell: Schultz, ' Murray- I il,,� ULITV linjubgr -of points .it tile
L . � . 1. . � ur,Q,%,.Of thosij$a.jo Is, the tplks wbiqh','�vilIli, �,Ount�'uatch-ollvp M,q - fl;,rh�ot . I ! fi .
the f1portS progj'ailt Wag school, - colt—Motril 'it, N - Marion ,' L-',I"Oal' Sellool 'fair, " .
I I I � on before _ I � ivepi his oko. Shooping ar, I L , ., I lit �410 tf ,�ati fat Ito ,
, . Halter � broken Ketri. the agrjqult�rql remp-spht. I . . I ,I. I � I
. assistants . I �,, ,t.� .� 1 4 , , I �L� " ;, ,ij, - � 0-3 *A
. 111alw0l"', I " I Haim li Gdefich
. . . - . voinpleted and somle Of MO A,Vpntg 1he T. Vat'on'tiolillY for tile P4011 parm,eIq St-hulti, , Wiliniop'. Rutled'e'ei on. ifie, judging of HvO well. - Mabel Clivirchift. Darfilig-
L . . Hardyj Xqith.Foagan. "Mar, ,�Vjvp , ,., ,SPORTS 0 Iton .,
,I.. , . hold to bo cancelled. X04141:00A Avioning the. hioc,ot number of pointl� � they gh,6 for M,,jtjojv Bo,ys - under- 10, , pears--cliff(irld .Wpl%k"
I � . at thib fair *pAt t4 LNelgon 3IOU'td6o �vq, . , . L I
, sibek, � , , t e roasqns I I
-ell . eVeAS, Phyllis placinj ofie eo,lt J&aaOffinoth6r, �6oaL ..
I , , ' - ' Ott . � 'Sturdy, .
*an 4%L , in the SPOOK CoMpbtitiolls, Zlet ayyob--,C.%rmoh - St . I . MANUAL TRAINING Will Grigg, $oo Xitvphy� Got- 11 . 'Phono 146 '
I I I .
I . XAtOnL (!O ' b J _ - I 4n, 1�9, L
L I _ Stevens, sheoo�xthelid -of,'hVother dD'nimeb to ev"14 yea 9 at r e
I � 11111, nlni'tte6 The Hortoo, *,qnk Horton, &10- Quaid, dairy valf-4644, df, ot rLor 0
.� , *IdCh 4 *or* artgalked by, it vo inpan,y , ave onattil . one , r
. of Hugh ' 14rin. gate -441j.'..., Moir,', dowMeCobI,--2ert McAllister, M, I _r,6L �
. consisting Vk�. ; L. one of these silver tr0liles to 0401, Wilmer luutlodgoi Havolit , model of Tto. Girbi und I Detivery L in Tow '
I L Young find L Wjlft�" 'J'hoift, and' J$Ovoral of the 5f,,o or so of school faiv,l ill Bacon. Ifog-o-ramor Fish . tfi,L' . I Jack Gilberts.1teginald Miller, PhILIPkOUSe� JVL 0 , Woodsi,t . lea oil. Cox , .. � _ I 1.
. L I I or, Leonard iilbitor'.4 i0lat 7 I I.." �61 � I . .... ............................. _ L'
; . . I , I L.. . Reea had to W run in sectioll'a I L . I 11111)"Ss on, P, young tX1 Bisset 111don, Y,00, � Albert Piarkou. e 0 - . .. ..... ..................... .......... , - 'k-1-1
I of the ri Ontario and! t1loy become tha 01'00k- ivjjh 11 L I � . nimals !0 -;:!�� . . , � ,
I . ! or. ., are -thd polptp to look f6t in a . .. I - ., I � ,- �,--. . 1. I -1 I
I on accolvilt of the largo nulnb�r 0�1 �i. And the Assoicla- - I �;�-- , -- , - —. L� . I . , , I 1. . � .
I . I tv 6f,thil wimal FAVIT I foi, various nut;P030. I . Z�� -- � . � I I . ��,-kp, I . �.." - ; I I ., ,
L I .1 . � I . 4 6 ivd ., '. L I -4. _�" .. L , I
. competitors. Ilave. the , ' . . 0""'! I
! . 1 ready to p, fair thas Us- . . . - . ---�-.1- -,---.-.-1--"--- . .
I . . tion usually,ls Apples-Chriatine Robertson, Tiles. 'The Godericli towlythi . . I . I I .
i . I -lug In t oft 0 at -potterl�g, "' d '*' , . . L. � I I I I .� I 11 I . I
. The 0,60019' 104tidpat llc-%�Ilmer'K nanie ovgmved . the, UO- 'I, Feagi%, Fraudes ii,alj�t been bel L Hill an . �L � I . I - � 1� -111 I
1, i . fall, ,.V�re S.' S'L, 'Jo. I I I . I "'.. '' . , I
- . L ''(11 -, Orr, .-I-1 I awlov" �,`Benson' X #, ': , * , '. � . - I - - - � L . I
p � . �, Tynion $� S L, - I Houston, tflle Jewel, Xilfottl * DursL the chvtilge wda M446 ,this ,yearlh . , I .� � I I � . , -=-- -,. , I L . I I
. tea7vhev), ... No� I Nile' f I ,�� �. I
� �. I , Ive. .flno400Wag 89); - 4i lat it 11S . . �' . . - ��- . .
601". L L . . �
' - . t * ' �d L airs. . "'. 1. .Q.1.
. I P%ovcr were I Col!octlon of veg AW04-Will 0 Harm HolmesAlle With th# idea tl .-,-1.- -.�
. r. -,.Z.� ,�
� WJ)4 1* ,o I I , t . :. � , tte 7, .. *F* . � . � _ . .".
� teachpl.). S. S. No. a . I I . _O A F , -11 I I'll
. Miss N1110ods, i culturat Colt%. 0oftlyietlag., ana, a. Uum, L thing for-dift0ent scb . . � : I . I - I .1 . . . . . . �
, . � I .. , dy � n'.Robd.: . 1. L I �� L . I'll, � "'r L
i 1: .. . ,b� . . . lit$ Polan, atill, Xii,i , Campbell - bet. of market lombs, 4n:tlle indoor$ . , . I 'L ..- . . . I ; . It - .. -,�.o, ". 'i'" .
-, 'S � L ' 'h'- - _ -.'equal18 . I :. 1. . � I M, . 0 - - — � .
i fair *here thov are yl � . I . n
11 I. 4 0 � --11.1 ,i,� � .....
. � I I i DOMESTIC SCIPNC . 1, Ave -1 ree aellools compot- . . �' I . I . I ..... 1. I .
. IV. , � I L
. I I - ,V .4. ..V. . � 1. ; .
I . � 11
I S. L ! r. uOrt - I , ney I . . . I
. tt,achorsh S. S. ,No. 3), Migs Hoggs Idei)DI'ttnient there ;jas$,�IaJ'.g6, tjftl'� In. pi6-MargUret Xitellelf, , I , -�� - - .
, r4iai central, Only t1l
f 4, ,nunt of %tuff, j)artieularly in the bak - - ., ", I i �. ,&"'!�, ,.P�xvql�.Rsja
L J I 2. I I , ( is Wmo of. were ple . ,1. . I yo�x . SAW, betore. -" 111111�
, . "I'll, . 1, Wil. od. in tho school Var�de, $. S, No. , . , ior I . �� � 14.1— -- � - . .
I . . I , I . .-. , )P,�
.� .q� - "' 1111kILM, ,
.111T, ,14i,rN!971rFr,Vf I H.Ur i U11191111
. , ".4 i'� , ,
I . ,W 0 (UNS " , ' th *0 round it Was 3 . . I I * 1. Ml 1C., -,
t"t nty - Alary'nouston� R0,y,rur6rigtor . . I I . .11.11defo ,. .."..."11111"I".. . �,A, .
' tea Itor 4 . 'a -ad S.,"S. . I I :
. . . . -Of lie Ilardy, EVaL Pettin , I 1TOlmp5vJllc%,,.8,!& No. ,4t �. s., . I L . I I I I L � . I , - ..". I 0 L
� . I , 4,� 4: �".%r " 'T,
. � I - , �, L It I'll " .... 81 a," ", I rgavot NO.* 9. Tippet ;L I . , ��..,, ',-,'�.'il*til,.!,'i-711,i."�7--�1-11,�, . i ,'ti, ..
I L ell . � Hazel, Law. 11
OWS* ,ton M Won, W1113 Bel- w . � , � � . 1. i i " ";v pzrq. . . I �
�, - 401 -A -y' - - I ft Oj - OK& 5. No. 0, took I I ,. I . ,4 " L' t 6 , �
. I , �, , ': .,*t 'r, -�
a I �, �%'
t(W , V) , 11 ,10 01" voke- It 4 I et 4ryo and tbefe three, I I ,.j.,- .r .
1% . 0. � is $1 0 a I ith fb� AgUlt Iveti- � I . I I ; # Ft,A n4 t �.. " -, �` .�, ..— e
I I note oilaid, Wer 4' fl�ll klicheil" - �tyc - t,jp.�," -
- � JA- , " I . . I . - I ,� , I
. 'i '. .4 W _ �4 ' . ,0 .
� veEle. ircliozae 1,01,1,r;,!, �, ". , -d 4'N6 LO I I iR � � . "L It
. I a hepoa drill go '! �
. I . . teacb6r) � , i � 1 � .�L I . mab; ,,mo CORN, I ton, Mildred �Saflovvs, Mary muston, 'nad A# 'fie . �1 , ivas . .1 . � ", tlfl " ","", :� �4
1 t . Norma Hill�' Holuenlade, cand�- tloo.'..� It, t ParD e Ir, I 1""I vi �f",IiW , " I .., t
. L . tW'Url.aa U" L,-IAt plaeo, No. wspeot&ATIA . . �'... . - 1, , . I I : I 11
� I ... It wag � mentioned In w1wat-NelAoft, Xoul- Marj()rie Strgoghan, Helen * Bisset, avv0d44 0 ,� � , Lt -1,11 11 .
. I that roAtunieg, Werc 00t to 1�0� taken Quart -spring No , . JL ( .. ; "I 'It . . .
) I 4 the pAT. den, Who& IA 0 $heaf spring Margaret Mitelielli Dorothy Watson, , . 4 thim, and III the strat.110OPIX V,To, :, I " L I 1. .
, into con. 'In came first. .'�O, 6 I I , I . .1 I.
'ra, .
. . I . ,: .I*,, in judgir - wi r. Mont. Ruth Durlst Kathleou Willian's. Tda erelie,g NOL., 3,p&a 11 , I . rr , . 'I I �, �',., I � 1
1 - ade. but this did, .not prevent SOU10 wheat-Narmspi Durst, Nelson . -Alma $allow$,, gcl�u� njsgbt� pa)Ac Aecond, No. 0 third 4-nd No.- 4 . I . . I ... L , " 1"q
! � very fine t9edtA.L olbbg this llu6. .4. den, Thoo.4A*,lor. qatirt oata-Al biscuits. I I . I L L # 11.1 I ., � I - 1. � � ��.- . I .
tiarley-orvX1 Baby EvIrlingto", zvtlynr 1104, Pearl fourth. , , . ." , IL � I " - 1� . 4 1. . .., N'1- I . I .
S. No. I skit hod�x large flgurc� I at I*vt vanotont, Quart . Men 07, , P . . �
I McPhee,,, (Ileo. McBride, ,: Franklin Liiwlors Bernice, Rogarth, - Muffins-; Th.�',silver qu vi ted ' lilr. N. I � 11"Al'i --- le, , ( rf , - : L 11 � . 1 %4 . .
I ,the�frent of their headbiindsi olveay. W. Tri*akha t best school in .
. VWL'V Horton. Sheaf borley-�-Orval Me- Sadlo Munnings, NOY B!SsOti Ifeloll or Tne I 1. I 1. I . . , , " I I'll. f
. � � lit the tbxuvo I d ', , I . J1 -0 . , —
, . ed dogs displaylir , It 14 - the Avg e was awarded 'Lot The -year I 0 . . I . L . , .
ift Whitt, grid a huge :figure "I with philie.. Geo. Megride. Frgnklin� 111ov- MePbet, Eudic0l IYOU"t, Met c I , , L L I , -
t,Weet turn %ville, and the teaeb .1
__ Phee, The%. UW)LO 6, afr Holme I I . I . � lr.�
. . I -Xildrod to 4 * , I , . :1 . �
. . r. Tarts , hb, , , . .... � ' L 1.
I .& S. No. I U1101% 16 was ton, Herbert Harrison. -(I it WA alim . L , . . L . . I 11
I the wordivg� .. . L X, reoeivo . � . . . I . � I I z I I .
11 I. In front of th F, -Walter. ba 0. '� ". I . * . L V I Ill 11 � . I . ." I I . . .
. . '8111y ,ley. 4largant. Hardy, deft, - Eth in, Erma, Lte. Bunice propria e ,It TA9 ,
I ktrish, Fronk � q, Weho SollowN, Ernie quaid" Nelson 1%%oul. or"'Miss'Gifive
. . ca?144 e 0111ts, while t b ivica front the Ilds � , I .
.the ttacher beat time ott ViAtulk, for at Mewlin 8 44ho made,the PV , - .� X I � I I I . I . I . .
. 'Young. , atmeat Oodkies-MaritArtt, O' r- Vitta0(in , -, . 11,1- ,� , . . I � " - . . . . � .
i the MArthinM U. $- S. NO- L KOO- B"S 'C'"tWell, Erie Quaid. �hell,L , ortson, Thos, �%eyj%(16ii � on, behalf Of -Mr. I , 9. � I . I ,
� .-I.L Trowar. I I I . . . . .
. . . . . " - -,;� � . . . . ,
. .."
� : - L had it 14talid0rd Ift PUIPP10- and #(lid ROOTS -AND VEGSTABLE$ Mitch . J.L hrUtInt Rob tha. NOL� 'a school,' with, their rod ,� . -- - AI , 4 1. L . I , I . I
I I , and thtir headbands wevo of�)Rlflllle, Irish �,(Iobbler tatoeq�walter !,AWIOVV . itzel- rAw1or. Ellith Flick,, 1jands, . neckties. � �. : . . . 44, L 00 jboUt � and, We .
L , hoW �
. .
I � � � .1ring.4 ",Nile." NO. 2. I)Aer, EtnCkfAOft dward. Grecti olors looked . 11 - � . 11
1 'CA Nelson ouldem, &ho0 binelk- WItiti, *Oil lAue head . , 1. .
. 1, � ,with "Id, 1#'tfo dL ard with a � - 30' Christine Robertiloti.: Matgamt, 'Slit. and,bablitir in the samo c � � , I I . /I
�, . - . Amon, tripmrA "I
, . &nrallltr. had a stan Mountain potatoet-LoIs k F rr School were �
;� ,W10urt, of the schoot UPdn it- und a Frank Allin, Chas. Mitchdi, WillIO thelL xut� Durat'. Willa Houlfoll, ,V,J ...�-!i -I, 61 . . " . I � I people . I
� rettinall, z4ormon Hill. . ,� AiWinjuisfied by ye low headb�fld% . I I . . . . I I I
L � � ,"Bit Den" incoroorated on it., They Haicilly. IAritto� Xort. Doolee pota. . I SEWING . witli -a mitiffower in front, MCI' IVA , i, ;� . L I . I%.* . .. . . - . . I
t . ,earriod fiagot. which thev UAtil 0tv to" -Mildred ,gallows, Willie Hardy. - . earrying a Sunflower and th iiiiier :1 *� -1 "'N. e�.Illn � .. , !aanage, their affma . .
- - thtip �Jvnl. 1, . mt, � Me _:. � *4 k �L . L .
. $. 1.4 r, Fred Crochetid hee-tftft Hill. Vtfifl fin L Wai* I . N'. . ,4"".- , -�*-- - . 10
rr#tti)V in . No. 3 MUVr*yAH*rdy, Uoyd MeTAX1.1 . ,pid ycillow)# bear! I . 10 .
* -
i � be bf-#*t 0for - 't, Ntllie Willey. Mang01418-- Lawlor. ftjhplo Of fIV46 fAAc$ Iitit- , 4vft 4SViflowe. if Ti rary." , , . ': L . . .. L . - .
i invite i t In the wiiy of Vi k% I A " I I
11 i tostuntes. The SIrlK vad the teacher cutal. Million, Vit a Bolton, Wilma 'ehes On totton-Deviba . c4ut�vcll, �8.'01,,Xo. 4,hAd for a bAnnera vilon . . . .. I I L � I
1. all wore drepsed in rolortil rroft,,pa- Rutl Urnips41010ford Durst, Myrtit. �riitktwe gavel; I Itotily, Jack dworsittil with 1154010 le*11�8 Rod I I � �, � � � ,�- . L . I . . I I I I I .11 . * . L I .
I I . - , � SO to . 60; - . I . �
Wr dresseq with the titnibIA11110:1 lot Sertorwobe, Fivd Bisset, Ftgueel Willst It � LItte 'wilil't cllft'�, -the number, of the mehool; rod, ,%�hlte - 'Use the good roads'to $1W CMWunitits Outel& Your,OWU in=ediate
� L . . . . � .L
. )I I wil"O.'l, 11"d ravleA'st** bw tkoir 11GUAton. Roy Xugford.Jiftie-4 Fav'- -Pearl tiawl6r, Ntloon. Mc,�ldor. Uva And blae,holild bonds-� 1. 11 �6. -It, L . �
. for �vr tillsel bo -SA isma. r1ab, B"to.-Amle Edward4% Ruth Pettinsit..'Adolaid# Houghton, Myrtle .10 peaking contest � neighborhood. 11�
I i ods &"A v! fairicJ3, I . the % public a � � �, -1�1 I , . � I
.1 � --Aiiitg��Th" reprtsented ,g[dw@bn. LI(IV,d Mirclarty, Alfred Good .1 Uwlor., Gosat 1,01�el ,0eve were five entries. &lid all the .
, -
�,Rnd the - bovit w^re rnAturat til A% HoVy Iftne Hill'; Nottif Pitblado. reari Haz# IsLabirl Robertson, MIT. TAke ill r9al raift you never saw before. .Inspeet the beat that ' ' - "
. LAWIur ,voung -b?*t4yn acquitted theingelVeg .
1""I It. 1. trove. C gallows! Irene Stall, Mamaret - .
- Rub5 -rinit vc . I �'
� . �w. . . 4. No. 4, ?Aaplo( C Arrotg.��Neth McPhit, r Er - dred , . til. Some needed mov� promptinn different Iocstlidmprodttc�.' Or.atte.nd$LdistiietploUghini(iii�tch. . L
bFirl 81% attractive banhor in, 11reen ton, iffle",ni.xpet. Pearl 1,Awlor. f*T,vr- Mitchell. Isobel Tyndall. Natelled than other,% (the 11irst oritq winner , C-r,eStjtlg r.V4ent$(�every' aUtUMn. ': . .
* I me(,, Ontario has �f�� *f ilat , , � � I
and -0d. *44m. 7 woro in ooftinsks tl#t Coatw#11, Adelaide, Haultht0n. te 4) 1 a nel tte- knew htr ep,�tel% rightoff). EO
I , va, h n I n # -Marttiret Alit !�- . . I
; I vosinly of blow (blue arepilfs tor, t,hfl ParPnJVx-,--Mav,y Holibiton, Allink $Al- chon. - Hao.ol tAwlor, Islobt) 1401,11-t* played moreltiction and gest�ln than '. Improved highwtty$ take YOU al�noft everywhere you want fo. go. � , - . . .
*Irls and overalls for tht� bovAl, and lows'. Xiithl".n Millfon.� Ninon- stm.Xva P#tman. Myrtle, (04.1. Fait otherg, some gav� thqir essazl morr-, I
. I hod a ntottv, boinier. No. P. UnI1101). Mvrtle Pfrinimer, Elmor Svhnitz. 0IIIIJ& Hilint-in ad# - apron -Nobel as A speeph lold sottim move an a Ted- 11 I . You are contributing tOWAMS, the C()St And UPkeeP. 'Llse them— � I
W I k) argi L . . . I
� wero dr*vwd to rolotege"t. raliftdo ji�tw n Walterit. Sadit MUnnill9:1, Robert -ton. Margaret Mftc?wlL.Vvktl0 tation. The judit" deeide� t , d .. but use theM in a common sense mann&. The Department ask,q � �
I t' � .
I I ond tho provl#*#0. C#I'AdA %ith I% IfstAd $tfven*, Luly Jew 4L . I Vond. Frie Quaid. Mildrod 2`44h,wss the mtftndinirijlii,�� fellowm: First, Flor- �., Vtha co-opersition of every''knotor car driver in ktoping the highways .
Soverby, S. $. NO- 0, On "ThO . I L .
I 11olva of niaple loaves antAlle T*nion � FLOWSRA , Myrtl# cilintwell. pnet%w t I
;r*ek - drotwd abnut her. im- �4�% ot I A%terx- 4*40 Jackman, ,,'% Y xtl,L, MANVAL TRAININO, Corn Rover-." 2nd. Marion Calilwelto- !' Wew . L '. ,� �. - , .
. tho prAvine" rPpv*iwr I I , ul. S. $. No. 6, ( Y.", 3rd, . I . L Lk, I . �
I 1ttd hv I *1�hnl Ranil, Edyih� mccAbo. V.ileeo Vopk- In "Opportubit L .
. llifoil#1 of farm &st#r--N*lson Ma ' .
. i"If0tw A011- "t "No. . . Avoid txttssiva speed. Even *hen, withitl the present V, ,
or with 0 vhi#)d heari gor, Froaris Unlilater, Ikit Vaikid. d,n. Lloyd Melarty. Willio Hai,dy, Novinan Tqlwarffirk. S. 8- �vtillz . Peed limit, ,
. . .
the Pro,vifto *'Nd the roVe 01 Ott- .%;w#t,t regil�11*ft# Hill. Iihlo"' ' JMT4, , tv "I I
I �. firtlob. Bird houqe�,Willi(i "Tho Pritimb Eakoiref' 4th- I slow down at,curves and iatetsection!i with railways or,othor high.
� bestilb-olmd. !, m#14pit Iftittowt. Marmy Hardy- � ZiA Hutiv, Lliwyd 116,1arty. Emmer,on McMielmfll. on "The Hardest WoY4 in
� .1� -Ofitll - * . . ��
Roth of Ow orhol)lk wmt tot '41r.14- Durat. Alfred Boy. Patch an rmfil lof ,�, wilylil, Ilesir w-hools a4d � at AM Peints Of Possible danger. . - . .
j3`1189—Ulth Fellitall- M&rJUW thr., Fnjtli�lfi Iian#11690:" ,Rh, El$ '.., .
. evorel!%or sr4 drill* w14 NO v �-nnl`�;xhoo. Milford liurst.. A( Owti. - Nelsion Mouldrit. R4!rlwtt Har. Osbaldesten on "The Iiuildin� or �-ft -1 .
11 OrA 0 vAl., goat -it thom 41011, ktorelrws-vlvi�san Xerr. fodendulA to - . � I �. Watch'your brakes. Your,life or the fivts Of OtherS tnaY depend I �
- I . n, Ann;& Fodwat4t Har6M Allin, Nation." * e* ; ihe ,efficigney of your brakes. �,
� t - rssewed witl�, great pred4tvi., �mmilp 6, Phyllix liotton. .4.1� X tionied knels-Norman llurat, The tollewhir iik the' list of priz ,
.1 k 1, othl"" williaml Upon I .
� rov4se"Mriv -�, I Nelson Ne"Won. vr"Ch 110riz(bloItt Orval MePh". Willie Wordy., James Winuffs - - .
- T�* wWir ii1walit"i.r ronto-of v,-1.4 Rev%"" sgon. Norma 1'1'1�"- Forriph, Billie FarrivII. Ntlowt Moul. ,.", ' ' Stt that your, headlights do not 616fe. Glaring headlights are illegal. 11 .
� r - 4, 11 GRAINN.AND 0)RN � L ' .
. "Atrl"11014V vqwt Tlifro W" "I' V#rbeea-Vary L 1111viet. Alma Sal. at". - I Whlflat, one (1ngI7t-JACl1-. OillwAll They are a p6sitive Menace. HaVe your headlights tested or ftnd, I ..
1� twu *Airl" A%4 *40t *%a 0"r? O" jow% Noy HmotwN. CemilifflOO-V11- . , I .
f n4r wpokfars P%0,M4-*VeX* 1 1 N&TV82 COUX'TiONA 1 Xvith stitUng. ftl,vi;;�Ift'l Cox. I for shriple ingtMetiOnt WhiCh the DCP0rtMftt Supplies fr,m- . ,. 1
V4,41lib rw I mer Rododge. V# of Jowell Pearl . � , 4 I � I
I I . � -.,--�: --- okmiltv. R01% Viokh#r. ja,jw. D,V,t)iy Neralit. ilw%%- licnearist 'lnwcu�-Mynl* rf�j%- Wheat, t4beaf-Utit ,1Mll*rt, Xtith ,� I I I - I I
. . I , IL No. It, 46*0ter of Wr. A 0%wr fftne" M&hi&, Winaijrod watsion. woer. lithaid i1rWid". XvA Pftt. Aitirlifig. 00101 eWyW Jq0ArtAIvin � Bit COURTEOUS to others on the road. Though you may be '
' I
e L I . . tft* tow libor vuh1wt, O'no Jean "*estop, X Dolorlse realmili" toia", "W"o LA fteeqj* abrt MCC -Id-, Rettlt*. williq� Porte'r. (Mtq. ls%oat- ". within your Iftal sights. 40 liot insist if (Ahtra are inemvenienced or . . I .
I I I of nwa� tap*.rWr,,- 0-4 had mytom 1111111101". Gaillarmw-189th A04, Xdwart 0smowtho wot4l�e Jack $t1rhog. Alvin lottleo, R-bin��r I J .
0 . . , somw 4OU dailver" ?". Got -4, -oft ftivisk Kdo 41p6K *Nox- T h o vwp *a". aiirloy,, Rporf -Rob L 0- Im"n9cred. ��, -.1 I L .1
I I,. r ft� _j% lil� lqc�. 11%, Jbk".% ' &Wl. all 04)0 4, 9 is ,litutano * 4, Rlphard. Flv� t I - " ,. I I I .
40herisell. TWAO Ill A"t frura home tow W*64011111sad z rawler, NO ,V I
. . V - n 3torlifts. 11:4A. Groof C1
.111C. . J wom -11,100 maw. stifie ableet.13111"Ide " g%o.,(;prtk�"11,lfcCA0. ft'riely-, thf-Of , Be sure you Always hove your Motor Vehi e Openatc)r'x Licmw with
I n. fiij%rk" kispotb.- fAttt- . r I I
�, , RitharA Fw%ll:;, Wh I I
, I 1. I &'V=- rA".0 ..J war*0 , 'Oq Jewell, Mj"TW Pfriov%� --ReW Comv#*. i I . 11 I 1,
0 X Iiiie" Roth (ald"11. 41%0.,T fie X rr. L yw� I
� I
. ll� at Mild mor, �41E wmagiiialk. Cot, 11111, .411"ir. m14 corn
, , . to epim - tl6r, Jj - I
I I S= ;= 84116111". I (, . Mawkf 9AI*IIfr,;" well Within the law, �Our outVinn ttipii .
.. at & Isk, Mw P. �aww PMTI.YRT . X,vrt . am Johnsts", ;. It'you, drive modirately, *ad I .
I opt & mr, nmr*-^ untift". MA it% 'Ceekortl i ,-Uouldp". 1A,,,,41J1)RAWlNG. AXT ANO WRITIN4. ftyllip rilloott, fi#M rnrb. .% *ietk,t,4 thr&40i Ontado will be never-folmotten,enjoYments. ?I - I
.., I %or #%of". tlw ouhlorC '(1W 1rotyr Ilk to 9"r� Fmak !"4*tos. 61141(ord mop of H4m*- -Melvik C.orvl. AA*; I_ lifsvir� mellwai"! "arollf lohn- �� I , - 1, � .
I . *%o bawAb~ ,,f f1w W^-14 " TVO I aid# Houghton. Mari# fA xarqwj #too, Pbyllist, ftllle,tt. Sw"t �,*TO. 4 �; . I
I . %do" &0404 fmt. P -4 -0 I *"el 1h" Derst. Poth MeF6w. POW* --1,41r '11 ,,$"__l*W" r ?44Wrill. foalwf (Mve'll I , I
- I
I M1 I
� I I I B,j
I I I �. i
I I � I A
Mal I
I I' Su I
"Ikk �1
M -
1, I
I. ,
. , . 1,11
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I 'I _
I I I �- I I ,-%-�I� ""
I 1T0,—*9,.
.1� � "I "b" J*%M bp awar6W it* Ow jka"w evia Xvrr, Nell"o X41,1". Irr4volt I **&#fl^ Hoy. 1411th Me(***, flarvev � tllror" sterling, �J 0 �
1� , MAP of ohtariw 711hro"ro), .,
. I MdW as t1w tweterw onnito 'hat sit Hertes. Milford 00"t, Both l4ep%0'r., POUVAR" j;�X AND VIX-IMA"I "s I Oftwio Depaftment of H
*Vreptle"lily RMW SnA it woe 1 Nel"o, Moulillem Jen" I Mc(lwo. riftPor Ty'Woll All"^ q0t; ii
1. . WIP" - PSA of thr#* .- 4- 4 Iris+ c4obblor P61tAtnV4k---,F.dr1k ve-4 I
. -#*et. imosotee, 1111 -as Hardy. rmerton I lows. C06rilo" )A It"OF. 67WAIRill.j �� �nw, H001" (MO. & "F-NRY mi"'O"
a ellow stunts by IN, vso_;�Dwst. &4h WpVA&. Wh1tv l,#4r.,Mxp ^f WoorM-11*4w,ol WkWillin"y lctoof. xsr"�rt fftrivwlr� Alvin V r,4 ,, - .. . -
� lbo Ar4le *ad ..bj,,- � home--Fromlo Unkloter, Volwooll IROMOT rfrimmw. KYATP C.I*d. poerfirlow~0 powsorbly. col"of -V~194y�,
U111111111 ork"Aa am !W0 IMNIfe -1 I
1, . ., . * 40 W-- )WW oft Ow 4 IN* I .f, 111186141aft. Norman Dwvt, Verno Jow. lavlov. Rota Fishor. Ray Itirrhiatem. I P ^ t 0 t, - - 400 - liiwvhy� PON-1-ni, O,f I 1#
` r,g! 011� &rr" ROW116--fA"tt�' Kv?-r- 1, wtiti.r. F.Witwilig, arviek"-16abol i xf*vo, John Rormvr� Joan Miller I V I - - - ----------------�- - ---- -- - - — ----- -�—�
I WO. ,%P*. WIT..1%. WIW� fAl"0111" 11111nvr rtawr. dep"ic, t,& ftar,'U - , , �---�-�-.::0-1
I - -1 - - , WAUIL Int -2. V.." 41..b.&A VA —'14 AentU r1hot I. *4#y ontat"o-fdary 004 It I,- -' lei I �