HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1927-09-22, Page 2r.41GE TWO no OOOMCH 9r" 'fifults))AY. SF�p 22nj. 1927
it" .4ta"s proved Ntile Vh#v the of Cookers CA&"* has P*V*d w4c. Town _-4 10 nt 136
Mwilisli'ArmysinFindia UOM Yiv* hundftd poUrde iA 3=h Town __b H �Fj 1;A.4
beaten In two fiuqt4xive Sam$ bY XOYAI MAN Was taken from the "- Gadlerich Town _Aj 12 L)34
Accept No Odier if* Anwricat tfaul. . preas of Awitrolis at Fatiltr Point Goderith Town ....7 7 V7 $4
Thc world's (hanlPion clkeai plaYers, MW carri" bY ARrial tronspoltati6a Advxme I a
J. H, C*pablmlics, lost the fir*t game to MontmaL 30 alil" swiy. This 11, - U CHAS. 'BLACK
Of th�_ new championship stricA to effected a saving in time of IS Ilcurm. Total 71 cl�;i '9' 1
his onent, Alex. Akxhiw,, of Hus- The postal suthoritiva Ud thirk mail Grey wi). 37 #.Q a*
6is,1"s!9Qh#V challenged him, sorted and delivered in Mc-atmal, Grey Wp . ........ 2 42 87 ifter
The T 11or and Men' Outfi
ORANGE QUOW. �ftt*wa and Tovonto, by the Grey wo. 36 1jj
P F. time the Usual niail train ariiveil in Grey wp. 4 C3 f,2 2'31
Grey wp. ........ 5 50 fit. 94
Income Tay 'Revenue Alainfaiue4l Grey ........ (; 20, 4.13 4!
* e�r Q 0
Pespite rtdualons in taxation th(� (a Wp . ........ 7 68
national revenue from this souree, is o PHONk.
well fiiabitained, according to a re. CHA x
Total . ....... To� 15,2 S BLACK
Howick Twp. 71, squaxvt
port issued, by Ilon. J. A. Robb, Min. 'AT S7
-4, � I owle Twp. rh� fig
ister of Finance. The amount Col. 1 131
lected'this vcar, ra far. total,3 ;F47- owick Twp . ..... 0 -(;a 8g 16:1
'ek Twp. 181 42 1- not a
Blyth .............. 20 106 1941 Iomp, it has been L,11(,Wll to
ow. rly the life
I?GfL799. k--� compar:�a with $ 02,827swi. ick Tw titition is
Vine too f%t Its best- OnIT 43C'Pos' -Ya lb- for the corwsliGnd:ng five, niojitl�ts Est p- Fi 70 UPUS of business but
Selo, 30 242 - 167 � ng
year. wick Twp . ..... 0 6,,; add an active spirit to loveniaU
Colborna jlo 231 184
172 9"1
go* Total 0a r 6 jr .4 �Dl&#Y Must b.ave been iuventi4
6i'd V, )5, _Z9. .310
+PIWO (10 Morris Twp. **:"1 04 re wore
OR lived *here the
Mus klowlek ........... 610 q29 556 by a* man 10o
Rivera, Is facing a severe crisis t - Mortis Twp.r*,._... 2 33 5.* 03 -e Rita pites to scrgtj�.
ed by the &P-130170 Of Sanchez Vxuer- Morris Twp . ..... Morris ............ 27?. 33 JH no,, mosq
.3 .85 Q 62
ra, tile yetermi Spansir,ptatesman. 1 52 1 rnberry
Momis Twp, e ..... 4 41. W TU ........ 285 212 290
whwhas been exiled to Friince fol- Morris Tw . ...... 5 48 37 80 H, Wa-wanosh ...... $04 154 240 When a girl says Some de�repit old
p 'ally old", she means lie
Towing a manifesto against King Al. Morris Tw W.'Wawanoeh... 280 207 285 Sport "isn't V Cf it
Canada and tile West Indies, th�, fouse. 'The old, stern�vlsaged politi. p- 71 70 25 Winghom 67 360 682 has a lot Of money and She want,
Conada Elected to I.Oagft eton bas clearly raised the flaL, of op. - Total .... 93 72 spent on her.
Rent has , F7_2 8-3-7 359 W xater .......... 12
Canada bas been elected a merober DOWilli011 Govornr placed position against the Spanish Mongrel, Turnberry Twp: .: -.S. . Iro
latIOUS for 3 thrc0- an order with the Cammell-Laird 47 73 134 Grand, Totals...T67_3 14-07 4595
Of thC U09UQ of N Com ool, England, for becawm of what lie calls, lack of ela- Turnberry Twp. 74 80 61 4
-jjIje4,, _pauX, of Live�p
and Cuba -,and V itiland got the other The, "a"g,g"regaw-, i64 -MrItV, $1114 Turaber*yTw#-----
tble �"fs* j000. These three now Tw 4 cas
will be V3 849 ing to his reople that Rivera forced Tulatberry . ' *' uul.stuily, of masculin�
two. Canada had 4 very narrow, mu* -or th, dummy 42 Reduced or Mon Back
vessels Will provide a passenger, him to sign the decree f U - faces Indicates that nature knew her �y
jority ovcr Greece, 'Wilich Towived aSsembIv due to meet next month. 285 212 g96 business wheir she provided whiskers'
the votes of 23 nations to CalladWs mail, freight and stOamship service W.j. JACKSON Total
in accordance with the Ccluada-West Who for a number of years has been this manifesto Vvus OnlY X W*wanosh VW P*. 1 44 -40 21 imple ome Treatment That Is,
'20. canadws election does not mean 1925. �,a director of the Albeitit Wheat Pool, Alite"U'lateli privately and was barred R. wgworlosh Twp. a 84 29 79 Qiving Amazing Results
that it ivill be necessary for tbo Data- Indies trade agreement of July from Public discussion, it has already E. Wawanosh Twp. 3 72 -4
inioxi0to have a pormatient minister- British Trade Outlook Gloolay boo been Appointed South Aroorican caused a furpre in iocial circles a0d V. WawAnosh Twp,*4. 58 23OR 'We are Alzents for
The world progresses. Today ail.
ial )representative on the othe eppresentative of the. Canadian is -bound to bring about an animated 14. Wawou9sh T ments that took weeks to eqo c
r side. I)csplte the optimistic statemont* Weat pool, � He sails tr ui New wp. 5 46. 27 49 tin
In the past,the League Council bas by Windsor, Churchill, Aritislk Chan 0 controversy which has bem under now be ended in *a few days. lfyou
Wn weethig four, times a years but 611or of the liNchequer, Governmon Ones Ayres.
York this nionth for Bu cover for Some time. Total 80,4 164 02401 A "E
have ariose veins' or bunches 7�tu
it is probable that the now council 0#101010, and 016 Board of Ti4de re- Immigration to lilt, at Ontario% Now Judges' W. Wawanosh,.. wp. 1 23: O'� art today to bring thaxii. back to
Vill meotonly three times -oration to , an 52 101 normal size, and if You are NOW you
a year in turns, showing increased exports. for i44 foi. tho T6 Leader of the Progressive W. WavvAnosh. `wp. 2. 132 - 4P, -74 PERFFE1,?%'.0'A*J10N
future, and VieXapadian High'Conii- _Augupt.�,of_this vear as compared r1mi - h 56 will do so.
Wouth of July to Hed 12 8. plado Party' in the Ontario Logialaturc, 'W- Wa*subs N
ast year, there is still a gloomy up af,.5�032 from the dtish Isles, Hon. W. V. Roney, has been appoint. W, WaW#uoah *p. 4 $8, 15 17' an 'original battle of,
missionbro at, Parts. or 'Loadon will with 1 v.* 3 22, 21 'Tast get
'Ind IT itod at4a and 5,. ed Justice of the Su Uoon's Emerald
be requisitioniod for tho council lueet outlook in the Iran- steel Coal 2101 fromtho 'United t prome 'Court of W- WAW4110811 TWp. 5 170 42 21 OILSTOVE oil at any dispcnaln�;
ings Of lesser Importance, trades* Irani, other 'coun ics. Vor th� Orttarl;i. This will necessitate lit$ W. wawanosh Tvvv� 45., 29 10 D I top In and - sea th4m- N�w pbarm4cist ;Lnd afTly it night and
ILlargest Puporter of' Wheat �Compsrlson figures between the first four.montlis of the current fis- resigninC- froni the Legislature %crote morning as directe to the tul4rvd
A. report'jissued by �tho, 4aunillanlyetir'19% and 19V showed that .-cal year -April, I to July 30,1,' 1927� he takies the, oativof his now office, Total,_.'.... '280 207' 285 veins, it is very powerful and peft-
Stoyos. Turri in. the old
0,overjujRout Bureau, of Statistics expoirts tlitts, far had been 10;600 toils -the total was, $9,722, -an illeveage, of and will 10,ave, the Progressivin, Party WinARm- 10� 46r �144 trating, and only -a little is. required.
shows th" plonth less thAn before the war, _W-Uniham Stove for'a new on
24,101, or 39 per cent. over the car- without a leadox.* 206 88 133 Aftor �a few days? treatment. the
in 1926 0allada , *as the . I - �___
and iron and steel- imports had. been," J., X , WZvo veins will begin to grow smaller and
largest Wheat. exporting 'country In a 9 per 04 lot., year. of London, Winghaw i10 .$8' 142
0 TIlis, is your Store4 Use it. by
the worl4. Wheat exports of �tho ,.3,000 tona,moro r. fiionth thoa,in ona *an Markswcn Triumph Is* the. othet well known Winglialil ....... o4 15, 105 173 , regular use- will soon teduce to,
allod 822,000, loW . I I lawyor'wbo: Winghm . ..*: �5 43 90 normal.
Domfulou last year toft Ontario bas been A
tanadian army marksmen defeat- Out
00.0,busbels� This. -was neRrly double Telephones In 1�auada od'a picked team of Unite -a pointed of People who want to -'reda0e'viricoso
d State OV veins, or get rid.of runuft . es and
the figures of wheat �x Orts grant tho A'Tecont compilation. b� t1le1end-parmy, 001COVS at Rochester.' In. com- iarlo, TOM NO 682 $or
-s, Vie � whtat-ex Ing Canadian tolophone company
United. State The petition -with seven-mon toaros frow 12.. 03: .172 MOL ulcers should not licsitate to �et a
DIT IV V911 bottle at once. It Is so powerful. that
FO 4RSOF I!, :� -
porUng countries in the world, - in shows, that there are 12.2 telephones the two ountriesi the Canadians. 'R'MOTRF I FURNITURE E
Grand Tito 2673.41407 4595 ja small bottle lasts along time. Any
1926 -,veto,. 'Canada, A02.000,000 bu- per 100 -of population in Canada, C;r won bg, eight, points. ACHANG
YOUNG CHILDREN Ion Oil the Broadwa ric tpharmady cafi supply you. It. C,
shels; United States,
186,000,000 bu- Second only fa the United States, y of
The WArld!s Shyest-lilig ...... $68 71�6 Dunlop., polls lots of it.
'hot Nihich lead6 tbb world Inboth Ltbe to.
Xing 'Boris, of Bulgwipq'who,has Mothers are quick to prals.
India, ll.Qo0.00fyL bushel Aulitr#liav t4l'numberof tolophon S. and, in -the been spending a holiday, -in England. t1iing which brings - he,,41th and. coi;.
ratio of 14.8,to 100,of ttlepoliulation.
an It HV2 jueognito, as count ltilsk4 has v4rn-�' fort to their little'anes-any'vaedi-
cin'� tbat-will makethe-baby well and
Now ShIps for CA' 4 Denmark and Nevv Zedlavd\
with a view:to inaugur thig the teletilioups per 100 of poipN1jIa4 %%7 �ed:the title of'the "Shyest Monarch"
a in. the world'. lie arrived 4t th'd Tirl, keep him well will always receive
)much discussed service led 'Wota' tish Capital unnoticed, boiled a taxi- r . ocommendatiolls �-from tho'.
between wore tj , for third plac& 4nd.
followed bv Sweden with 7.21 Norway ",'art is wl�y Baby's Own VINWt. r. afi'Models n
0 " and Austral! cab, and booked a -roqm at a hotel in otheyr. That
a, without anyone hoing. any the wi�ir. Tablets are Sa popular. Thousands
.,Suffersd 1reirriblY Sport In Gotteral, otbers, throughout the - counti
'Incomliarable tennis chalilplon,of tile meliti And jftt a; oinklo rail ay oift�, 'Oha but are.always dolighte& to -be
ivend them to other e
116 deported the eamw way, tr4vellinj� Of in yi
use them fovr thoi�� own little
The star -of 41Wg Dill"Tildog, that in an,ordinary Arst-closi, vmpartl not, only I
*!From 04-U00- 'A able to recom Miss s: Coat
gu have tufforea frorn. eouatiptl,- TTtlitpd States, is on the decline, In 'CiAl Was awaro'of r his identity. L dies', An
or I I : , m0therh. , Vhoudonds' of motbera have
-on 90 coo, to the linal for th" United Statej SIR- Irish 06yerninelit
ene., Lacoste
All, Oui a klest chanipiblipllip, R proved Baby's Own- Tablets to'bo
wouldult you C* ing Fra!ftelps boat, trimmed "BlIT Bill," I "IeSUlts Of the Irish rroc` StatO�-' without 'An equal in relieving their'
11 ole0tions 40 POUVIng in and with. ro� -We invite yo, u, to co in. and line of
V Ix or roe see our new
Irgut 48 constituencies -no(- yet ailmeAte, which I arlse out of a de -
to be Able'to keep.t 0 4 strA ghti sets. This, was the qecond sulti little' one�, of 'my, 0 the mail A in
SOW heal , -ooxdit t n -tjv7iQ�-NV,0o-" knowii t'liq Government haa a total Ladlee,and Misses Coats. 'They are. Aillfully dev' oved
% el
our PrPoch ice triumplied over Tildwi, 1 of 159 seats against -61 for tho - oppo. els. Hfts4 Oivo Tallets. ire tlie' needlepoin,
tt t ratWernelat of the stomach and. bow,
aud� c9rillig close kinon tile VtOnell.sition parties, It isi bel ed t t gorgeous broadtall fabricsi pinpoints,
al laxative-easv-to talo, but that-
OUP- the victOVY I all menibovs: of -the Cobln6t 'Y'll: be Qu9b in notion. They banish consti, broadeloftj.'uiedines -and duvetyne§.' Soft, Silky
of tile Davis
homo tlitv V revich claim to. indi. I re�elected; an f ur,� in
4 as possibly a dozen lidilon and indikosilon; break %up 71�:
Vidual a$ Well, us team Allpromacy Itidopendents. and eight Farrisors will, Qjs tnido s�mplofeverglr expel worms wany, b6agtiful. blenda, add richly' to these lovely gar -
over the whole fohfilR - world, - Tilden 4ilgport Afir-Cosgi4vo, as 41of -,exe-- ahii'make, the,
iismd sust f It te-ething
o 4 period easy� mentio. The �colors are as- varied s� the M " Ue
i'�igii`d unch't1l"Ped until the eu ve* diere will be Ao change It' Ill Th T blots are sold.-.. by modichi a any w styles,
giving so 010h va: rietyto'themost eka�ting taste.
ur Fretolnuen wz4t to"the St4toa a year 0 went, of tho country. or by; inall at 25 iionts a box
Ulf- lior OAt. �roia The,br; �Willlams! Me'dicire Co.,
ftlts� -id ITirold Welland Cxual.,Progresses
ClUr Ilticker,' of 0. -a
The chief engineer in, charge of
h tb Brockvill4t ftt,
*V* NV'6ster, of Hainilton, have"won their
hoo tvoublodwiih mr liverp out- h c listiuction of' -the Welland &n,41 SeWt how it JoW68t
PhActlq in the Canadian 0 "lliple toAnj 0 -� I I . I . I s 1.. 1. 1 V
fared terribly from toostipoti states �aat it will- be flulsheil in. logo.
for .1020. , Bricke'r -nnd, Webster tin- VOTTON'S PLURALITY
X h�ra *bout 3filburit's TA v" ishod first and srcand.r�speotivoly In At present thor4 are.. 3,126� indii Vin.,
WS' I 1 .11
j?� *'Ad X hitv,6 bet) '_,Sroatly 188
jth%� 0-0�nlile lbarathoti trial, rtnd this -played,. but during the- winter
yea 4400 X stseed, ti wia f�atstouoled With their,good veeajds nqmbor will bo.
Pio reduced to about 1�', The New Dresolu
Ana %qot momnift(I them too. 11 h, -On - Monday Returning. Officer . C.
cngurod for theni a'pjace in the r�o , : - - 1,
A Nairn mado Ill$ � of
itiio -who x4 troubW with licial statement
ttar_4.vbIch goeR tqj -:�Air MAI et a
�ui I S vloo suiee sial Ing up the vote s fol� ave eceived a new shipriient, o! Ladies' And'Alisses'
ojlv� I I of the vote In the North Auran b
Id UIXt ye,41'. We h
e Capa� election,. summl
at ull I The �second atterApt,by tb
Itisil polo
eei of It tho.'efforta ok the 'Orl dian- 0overnuid4t to establish ail air Ev
0"ed diteot 0 Zflcher, 2678; Hislop, 4407, New1all Dresses. eryone of :these Charming frocks re -
the c0vet6d in- indit -service between, incoming and 'bPQtt0ur,, Thi I
On uslasts to regila 4595. a: gives -Spotton
produce the style features of hi6priced, Parig models. The
t,�, tioral-pol"rophy fro -A the Un- out,,�ojng 11ilers, and the chict cities 188 votes dver Hislopand 1922 eve
. .... -are of a,
BrIcker.' , 4'1 ' dresses ;tyloj richness and quality that we believe
Tile 46flicial, figures ilro,?q.4 follovvot
C_,f_uiad1*9M nun .9 Piospects Exc'elleiit ari,'unequalled, at our, low marking',
CH1WRENis 4ALL DUSSES-We ll�v lin
M e. .1 netvv e
ildren s Fall Flannel Dresses, pri
of Chi Ced froln- $3.95 to $5.95.'
Ashfiqld Twp. _,.1 /23 .62'' 80
Ashfield Twp . ..... 2 �41 34 84
Ashfidid T -w- 64 42 56 Our Motto is: "Good Sex -vie Small Profits Mid Iffig Turnover"
T p
Ashfield Tvli� i -, 171 34 69
Ashfield wp. -.5, 49 773 1
Ashfield Tw ).
T I ...a ' '52 53 12 East side
jvp�', 51' 60 to
Ashfield .7
Saxinder 3 Read 00 A ar of
A Total 316 35s 320 square
114.8 and, Dr' Goo' 8 Store .
Brussels ...... 104 .44,
'Colborne, 1 401 � rj C
Me TwP. 5 41 45
Colboruci.Twp, ....4 521 7.14
Colboylie TWP. - ....4 22 05 17
Total ....... lio 23t, 184
Godorleh Town. I to '176 170
Goderiell, Town ....,o 10 181 140
06derich Town _3 7 151 141,1
As t
Specials for Fridstv
and ourby
& us
Me ' and 110y�
IB"- dXntroil.4ich 41prii.
1. (1004" s"'UstOr (tam ft distrki of korqjk, *ft" rala
Men's $9.50 V o r k i n 9
AceoQ'i"S toSmApmen who have hulkW in
All rA1ttA of thi WOrIl thtf# Are no lift" 0*01 Sweaters, in all wool.
Wpm ra , hn* %1"Areftorai .1inviteal to
COYA41A Irmse *1101 *tr hunfiug fta%(Ons Art At &148 AnYwhift than th , b Awy
ItarA And front reoortx mthimt tl* tout%t 4- LAW* and White Jjv*r a"d the McMillan R i- 4krk grey, brown and *1
ivtr A a � L
VOKWAMt Of 010 C8111+111 P&Cifie RAHWAY COMpAlly tfktm Of the Yukon Orritory. In addition to, tha. heathem at.. . 31.69 Ana Immi
shav 10 et*iy I"divation that out of tl* Nest huntiss remarkab% iud"rontk offored the hunter tbo"
"some 0 Vill he **periotimd. districts have art iftV01i"t Attraction for the touti*t, Metes $5.00 Fine Knitt-
Now lkt#o mntls do*n word ftom h1% campt put A�ailciafpwme��
man tr woman, Who delixitts, in #,Aplorin t1w
at 111044COVA61, OrAariq, that it tho hunt"m &Wt get &rX S"d boaut*g of Naturt In w1k *3 priva"HAZ!
4"Ir &*r and anoost tvis oesson thoy will havo coohtry.
In plain fawn, Oxford
"Othieff to Me"* but tbor'por ilhootibe. H# says Th* bit *Aft* inhabita"ts, amrAir heithem or fancy
4hA SwAft Are voty plentifal *ad OXW4 It to 10 a "Molibw hit* phq�v, som"tain toot, 001oftA r1kri.
VMt r*r In OVOTY WAY. FCOM SChW1110ts 0ftt4T*, WWI, wariap god thm varwisq of bii;�44%WtIY. bftwtk cheeks, at 43.96
volm jehn Han#A, ioutfItler, IWAX %"K GP*m**. *r4 btark. %m* augRitioant troph 1 0 all tlaaft
4ho 10"Kil Are just at rW1jriftg4 Hoodot 18*yis spot liaor# boen obftlaod in ow past. Boym� all -wool Sw"terx 16,
that tb* goew hot Inertwood In tho 'Sa"rlor Gone
Yukon 8*0* "Mintry k to vast In Its *Xtfftt
=14190: s"th of H* C, P, It. III# &"o 0 voty tka 0 groat "umbtr 4f hubti1w. r6iths can bo ...mc a1w SIZ
fta am hall em"d to in t "t
am ww* of the track* offorinc sow Ituntim. no 4"Ot ever 1mvig som & hy 0* Do your shoppint this
1) , week as Xtor4tk Wi be
*%ye s"t tolibou #V* fftrai0w t%* W60& in imfoo"d 0" xlvalty* TAIN MrA W%Ito Ili 0 diotrict is
uaw6fts� Am� the C P. 9, lit* is the north b"4- ~ WIP Ail* WIA" i
p*qfk "I. i� i!
elosed on Monk?. Tklei�-
ae h
airy ef tho loomo vroftn*. hunt#rs doWt btv# to way thro"k tho worm r"WwW sc#*fty Of tho C.A%&#A I
so V"y for #r tl*1V quarm CA* Reeki" t* VAO"a"W" tMemo I#r ft"An ft- d a y a n d Wedn"day,
"W AWWA frowk 1%IW)1%V1*4w (41"ti "t 1,011dk Pow' tirlC 14""tAW *460j* f4 op , at
ow- y %&Alt j! Septemf*r 26th, 27th
0" r4moie t6 Ow 0"r tho"a" Mike so %ftwar, 4%40.
Door holro sm ropodmi I* ho V"!� V41%tift), in %*& ohd JmIt"y "stio"" b* srsift land 28th, on acmunt of
porw tis i" 16)r %#j4" of 0xilvio Drom, Cam wkito. r"m -jW�6* Am
010 j# to W _1% � 0 Jewish 1401iday.s.
�Rj,. jkft to t%# effect I'lipfo" of jj# 1%%W ftati"g V"*% oqu.
0,14901"1 last oft"o, pimw 04 *040 rrvsow w1ofto Hom F_ V. IXA,,%Lw
1X"0 "aw abo mom
Tho avk"�
word U0441ty )*;nor 10446 by jl"I'Awtow
At X)141% wilf-4. in tuo K#4 jmfoik* (45 Taftal the first dav- *,&a- *L.
of ow vsirmk a, "tke"
_d rAr
Ivor Imn in soot en"k f" miwe) - ar4 %*wk tims-ch�V-4
44y fa lKleah"o 1AW
, ia� 04 MRI40) - *bm as *fta M, KU5111b
hanting towasenew - I:
-s"04MAW 4
IL ,,