HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1927-09-08, Page 31111111111111111 I . I 1111111111'i 1111111111111111110li-r-y' ;1 ,:� � 17;4� , . . 9 1 - I - 1,12, �­ 4V `44 -77-9---:,M i. - N'T.,F I 11 I � I . !MT "� , IV .1 — "I'll, �� I I , , .1� llw,� % — 1-7A -Irj"-,- Ir . , � '"", ,� , 11 ­ , , � I ,,�, I .14r, 97rw � ._ -1 � ­ 11 7 � PW4.__47T­A-""1WW . . I I- I � - ��*, 44:,7_-,;, , �� 1. I . . . 1#41 - - , -,�,_ *� I V�.k I'll, � 1# , , " �, I I -, I _. ­ . . .-6, 1'. 7 I , - .,A,J�, ,.I 0-1 I ­_ . . I I � 1� � I � � ., I . 1 4 _, I .,A, W I I - - � _1_ . . , � ,-�­f-,-- -, "., , j. --I 11' �­ � 0 - I - � _ �. I — - - -1 � # 1�,, . � .. �1' .. . . , IF �_, " � 46'.. 1 ­�-_ ­­ � ''I _­ --- I -_ � W11- -_ � -_ 5 -_ 11 I . '41. 4 . " - . am . - ­ � - A 001M� M1 � - - __ - _____ - - - - - _r - - - - - 0 W -Ma - - . - . I .. ­� _�_ � � �41M­�­ .. ". I . � 1. . - . �.- ­,­ .. 1_..'. I ,_qu --A WAR . I . . __ ­ . - ---. __ - - - - - ___ � . .- ____ ­ ­­ - ­ - , ­­ . - .1 - -1 , . -1 1-1 . I = I . . T __ - - W I It, 1- I . �& � , �, � ��' � I . . -*-Lt - IL 1111r,111111�6 I . - haw* , "Celved 84tiamleft - __ — I—= __ - A ��, --f-,� , �771w- _AJ - that a splondid sts"W-Pipe SEW - 1� .. , I If '�, ,,, � �, -A a;: S �.& . �� N" 6 IN 30ML oir OUT how and firle extingewwrg jjav�v bere "' ind"llet I also Wish to advwe that I . * ��,­ I Youth VemAnds . witit respect to dis,cipline and lindlit-, . ,� q 11RIPM ' Ave-ont the report to Dry G", Chm'sa,,, GUL , I satisf*ctory."I �,-* I 11111111111 Nw. t6d . R" Fmm Ou F , amffi Style Mr. John Ntyeas omiled attention . M96 _%F - - . to it Pool of water in fmat of his ­ __ �, ft. - - oineyouth VerT dear tqo vokk it and asked rviief-Refert-od it-# . r � I Waliom (larch Vurchs-,ied b.,L' - � marek was Played by Ildius I I .�, I VO4a, Works -eomwittoo. I r ; I "LA No%" , L a L No. %5S *H urner, sistor of the -jruom. bout to it"ter a rrw %V Iri'l. It I "luost for atirnditnce uf �,an'hjvy Frw*ts and Vegetables � . I N" i I TM twmsev ;,W&4*n Methodist �' A Zurich Wedding may be the gir) or boy who tirst , MsWtor at the ronv,pntiun of som- I I 'O charch Me been punilhased ty L. 0. A PtvttY W041411110% tOOk PlAkt- proudly cro"r% the rkortakI4 t,f tary flt00*tt0r* in Torviltit. &-pt, .— - High School; it may to the now i . -",.W.7 - - OJIMP - L No. 252. The charch celabrated I kluietly at the 1.4theran P*i0oftagil, � 14th. l6th and jldth�. a similitr 1,W100.4t � . . Wis. I its gqjdea jks ilea four year* - 'Zurich, on Airdnesday morning. -Auil. cottes* roan or woman. gir lwl" - I . X. vnrw. Nere " , ,fronithe Ontario Munivipol A4*4wia- , T first ,su rintendent of tht� 't"1111 -p 131, at PISO VCILWL� whan Hips IV* hap* the co lego jimduate reau'ly lion for a delowate ta convelitl.ji, I I ­ 1=48,"XT.`SV?iUsr_-4 ems one M*lildu KnIbIfeisch. dala4fiter it) shaire Ifit buidell 4 the r � 141110 took � seven aeu &ad Itl y whool was the late 4uilborttar.d Mrs., yred Kallifirl. of 31r. I . , SePt, flit *lid gad and pliviatnt vir _' . ., Thomson, grandfather of Rev. A� E. ,k. h. 1willn)t , worbl's work. - on 03 ISSIP6 In any esxe. only cm, gitr I .1 ,; frow us, you get - I . , , �, � �: momber.ship fee. anil onf?, fj,o 11 tilt. � When ordeting your ('.rpovelie. I * i ,.,the bride of Xdward John Vativ-s, Unirm ot Cillia(lign Mu � day aa4­x4*i6. and UA I . , Th will suffiscv. For"ti", . nidpal4tie�sj I I I M. Thquison, of Lundon. - Former Proprietor of Wixglitwo Ad. � ey were attendod by Misa Alana W h--% i wiie� 11 4"k nvw* PaW in Ar alliaef .1 aeold j Da4ar;� and Mr, IVS?IL NalhfleiV Iv approved the stvilig, notice ot ol"ving. weye rjlt�tf. tht', best (III the ill' arRet, its, Nve hahtfle tuld btly &ith- , h. giving or a mv� Jus. Bu0c camplained of the�f urdl'T bar it. vance Tim" Takes Illuaineow 1-jan. T, Rev, If. Rembe� IA.jj.,.;.. t*jV1 . Watelf, both to ekllllllv�alorato i I 0*0 day a friend tau we to "t a pailtur., , vondition at tile town duraipink - 8geniont of Orange Sentinel - I and make. Moro effic-Olit tbvsq� �L Vr4)Ujjjj, where he �ojajjlled. the jju,.1 , hest. Xuh�e this , art. - t Performed the cerealony. - jo� Ing but tilt . store y6ur hea(ItItt, bolue Of 'bv� -INOals IK6"Mr viao Mr. A. G. ftitit, for twelve ,Ni�ar,;; all-im, . � . � , !Zurich-tu, Have Water Supply pQrt4in days. � . I U low �, . Oyrup, so I 11 -of a b*tU* **I aftr X the able proprietor of the WinglianO From n wase* 1� �_ r- I 41.1 . , . 4� .1, i . t. - e f)all 1, ; . � , " s L __:�i:� ,�Aw� * , . � �, couple of dam my eafth Adv*nce-Times has aceepted i ArIftian Wolf - I _.�_, ; *1 I ", , ill , tbc,� � _ _eorrodioji _n thia �4%,*,h - - h" ukon a , , s forvour %vuhts. , . Pf" - Mr. Wra. 1loppe.r, of Seaforth, uha .,tM "nd. hv havaur it% froa poositrj� . 9; � . ., I I "So" to be ;otdpg lo4w, i:wr as sitiort of burdress Manager Pf The �drilled, the, Artesian Well in Zurich erch. Ile tilre'It, i , " . � . .1 . I 11* . second buttle and Otor 1 used Orange Sentinel and will assume his bluked.- calattinst a'st .. 44L that I was eolo$*w lid of 11 my now duties a1bout Clet. lot. I . hits moved his drilling outfit A t, E C. ROBERR. ON ^nod t4king., tbs, "notter VI" . With t1he . . . Z Township of ' 'L� I tmblo.ff . BrIghs"t-wi taialt Chiselhurst where he has a ar Diamond mathant anla L , 'r.ove, I g1k Job. The well he Made In Zurich is 11ment, Tho poettpi. - U'144 yo,� - . . PVU03N. 06 bci,df� b -n* badlY *0 A pretty wedding tQok place at ibout 286 feet deep, with about 40 Jeweller . 1�1' ok.j., put I I - ' ferred to the Publie, Works vtinjolit. .. P �ldy by %*. T. X111lom high noun on Monday, Ausust.29th, f feet of fine Clear water, and the text GodeAch, Ontario , ten I I (IN Unloi� Tor�, Out. I - at the manse, St. Helens, Rev. HAr- Pumping showed that there I i letter front the Highwiivi De. Jo " Jo McE WEN I - . .1 . �. 1. .4 . - . L' Vhitfield etkiating, when Elvie, abundant supply, as W13 An 'Pikowe 13C � � . . - � *tjSj(: � thev could,not . . I . I *. L . I eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. . lower it to any exte I I _____ I I 1� 0itrtnient APPrOving of the bylaw re- I I-.--.-,-- _40*qoN _ ,, , ,L,----- , , . I W-Ioww.%P-W� -1 --- LL . nt. 86- the next : .'"q'rt"X..­'_=e4,ar ''.-traffie ­­` ­ -­ I-,-,--- _4#4W . L11-1 ­­_-, - ­,­ - X- Wifilitroani­ ,of - WilitecbureX, -wab, i�j jjjL , 1- 611-1 ­­ �j _' 'L . - . !!!!! -.-- , -re was filed. L, - 1h , � 'r _ , " � I I A ivj� , - L . oVe -to In$ a An Q% cient nump. -"wpm " Sojj� oft, . t- Lva. veimy" & 1. it *` , , * I _X . . . I . united 'in ms,irriaXe, to Mr. James Jog outfit, ,*s"th*re Is now a lift of urch The" finance tommitt" * son of Mr. John jiejgh�mj 2W feet, which requires A strong reet Vnited vb I Mended p* I 0outileast eorfier fA.Rayficld at Bri- _0 " __ to re -roof the parsonage with ,eedar .yment of a nujober. . Instruction gaven in Plaso. Reoldence from Victirls, at filcord. C4*6 tiolivered to Your house bY tb* bost dehytilry in town L . I S Ithm," I I L ICOUnft *,Ill the , of jie. I L - ­ .1 U1111114. HOW. . Of ullett township. � !pump and touipment to supplY the' thinsles over 011eMoo paper, and , fili"Ir of tile, trass_ V" ... ... ft� - - ' - -00110 RL 4 1. -- . ­ '''"' ' L ­ - _­­­ i _. -1 - I I , TOR, � water, in the big Unk. . ­ .1 .1 .-­ -.0 ,I- 1 ­ , � � - - - , ,--,.I-- 000hty is tough Ivia. � - from W. -G. 0min, .tq leradt.port*hle 'Oror's and tax cAllector's It -Ate I --w. =11. 'A—cuso-'zin-struction . I to sktmd . _, I . mentL. " 7he Publiq Work* vlamraltt*�_, re.-- tailtd.-thae, the7�lkil . L ,PROF. - I garage on Ruron road. The fire tommittee reported hay. port*4 that Knox eburth and rd. 6 lophoni 0. grant taission I eiven In- Voice Culturev. ift4n. : The sum of $18,000 is to 'be 'Spent 4" , "" e . . , violin; oultar. Theoty. etc. A reQue3t front the band committee 1"R rposed all atpl.r.ations for bilild. Rodforil had been, grant - "dio and resldeuce� North dn .1he construction of a �tra,lght , r 4 go oil the ing ferMits refertod to it ,)ilkl r,k. ,I - ha . . Ila i t via . . Btu street.. I � I ow to further payment of $,� . L is ce thitir Irts poleson, � I I 09; � a coulaci to Construct 'Coloent ev 11 . d I I � L � I I M ed por ed pern and - . � I _____ road through Wiarton, the Hifh**VL I I , W*li grAllt was referred to the fin. � tOr"Int'AdOd that tkea robor costs t rblof on I n at ty A B*yfi a � .11 0. HAN1111001.1-ors"Idt NOPth St. Committote of, the .Bruce county oil just a ,and tNYo Pairs of robb r It ob N� pur _____ -_ . I . IT I , : a toris, stv" An, front ot,their Pro I tin 611 'has'& .11 . . . XJL United Chureli. Concert phyer Cloulicil h%jil $1000 camolittte, An _t the in- 0 'k - === I I I . 11 . anill Toseher, � . ng last week let the . , At"the' 1*0frillar Meeting Qf the St&r%t this Matter .Was Up the band chwed as per thel- ,rt-quisition. and - L - . L ­ . _ , � I . L' contract to the Huffman-Coustructj broke out into the land istrains of One 1�b** the Account 4 A ne or . I L - I I Realdence at .Vrs, Colbornes., St. p*t- Cc Of Wimico. ' Berfoj(j ,Str�! an town *0=011.0li Frift'y night. Aug, f Job S 11 f , � -L ­. I - .et Will 19th, all, tf� " - . . I t1ok streot., I L . I .0 r4embera, We're oreseltt. of the pieces thity were practisin; 114 Assistilat at the Ralerlder fire June , I I . � . I L . I I The 'alinUte L I , . 11 � , '' I 'L - -1 .1 �... I - — )* continued straight instosaof'curv,_ a of three viottlija were the room above. Md. bt reftVtad to fir -4 brigade. . I . - "I . � 1 � _ . . .1 , . . , L L I ,ed As *as'at first threatened ,by the appr .'2nd The follovio 'The 1011110tilvY and 044mcamolitter- - . - �, .1 ­ ­­ - L'� . , . - . I - - �_­ . ..'' -.L " , 1. I " . LI . " . he wat- I I ��'* - I,_ . - I consideration of.. "Qn, and jr.ith , , , or *lid light e4 mmission was read, f**"fL.Vjj)In*st I . I .1 1 . I 000neer out 01 I _ ovedi tho, ,.of ,July 15th, 6 repQtts.4 baying ,installed About 30(j L �,* . t . . . I , . . � I I I omyk I .1 . . . � .T, 6 Meeting of the 20thi, a Ve. n � � I I A 1W. K �DARRQW. I I AkV h � ,,, - � To the Mayor and Can all ,qf the the ceatepwy w#t"* � I L . � ; I . . I � . . L I Aunt of ' : reconimonded thrit,,j . . . I. . I.. L�7 , , I � . ... .1. ; , , IfIrrister. 9611dtov, N#tary 1hibllo, Mo., , , Mr. Malcolm MieXty,,of port of the , special, coinmittee,,re. I Town of Goderich, - , � ., ,� , I 11 . . , I I I GO I . " � _ 1. L L Stlecessor:to'.1. F'. Kllfarilo , . . 64011k, . Commendint that R. phe an,� X. � Ren. . Gentlemeno-At 'a. Meeting of the a 0 lised appointing �H. io , . , . - . . I . I I , L , -007 oitlge" Sqltir& * todecloh, . I Xib* rAcharO SOMM, Who pus.seq 1144Y�:;4 Killf J. VieRer 7 R� Antler- 'WAt6rwO2k9'Afi4 Electric Li lit COM Itmor 8% cemetery sexton 4t ;a P.ki. . L . " I Z L I I I - Pit" Tha § I " - " . �,& . L . . -11 I .11 �t;SrAh L 9 0 �, a , , L awar s , a 01% the I sth " 4 -9.11: . N�L_f . . 11 1,t,l� � : 1: - �- -"7_�, on Thurs7day, ,A.ugust BOA 'And W., , Pellow be *Agaireft. .2% inIssift" aff - hot lost ary of . por almam,* llayablo � 11 � I L . I � � *�A-Npirr 3i., , . I . L " ­;'. 25th� 'WAS an Aunt Of U'r� M,01colm extra 'Police. ,durin tilt Cole. resolution was rasseil req ng rAortblv VOI?k Sept. IRt. 1.927"-, and .­­ I . i I . I . . I. I . I . . - . '.. IL L I I . tt, Centeno � uestl the th$lt bk. Lbe inforftd L04t "I '.. �V%U*j L L . . �, . .."', XbRa'y" of ,(;od0*IChj who W ,. Of brati6n 'Avid; that t eyl, together wi tovm voungil t1a , when +ho %k I : , th byJAW fQr the JA$t&jIAtj;oA I I . . I I , i f1jrP1910 and�sollclfor , , -� .as 0110. -oil PAss the n"esslIvy ,Aextorilq dwellino, Is Occupied by hit)% I I .1 . I I . . I I ��­ ., I the, ,Pull b4irors at bler fbourAl. -ticket 8ifllltrs'appointed, Vy the Cen. of two . I . ­ ' I I L � � ,* king Street gast. T�rqnloi' � Saturday, the 21tit-ult., the 'Others tonufol coi4mlt�eo be, *Iwom In as, now 170 h.p. � abt-cylinder &sollne the -kalary Will be increased ta S950- % . .L ,�� . I L I '11"V ' . q . . i I � "' S0,04� L �fr�., CVhStabj j� , 4opted, I engines, and t d vop,orn,vlp-nded that , -- L . I L . � � . . . I I , Telei)bones Risin, A16.84417L ' ' L , being thli doceAsed1B � five 0 Was A. Per AXT1011011 an . . . . L 'L. I ,,, I .. L - . I . I L 11 . : I . , ,ige. L -perlal gallonS.". Pumps of 700 `Jm* the L . . . 4 1 - . �, . L Somers Was efghty-�6naye;&',of , Tho'committee submitted per L Minute eoeh,'for ,SextofeO report be 11106 I I I I - . . . , - " , � a bylaw -J�'t­ L� --1 I I L I I . : � I . . I I . . - She WAS ;bOrA In- CAPe �Wato I t PPOI ti the town P . 'i =4;=:rll.,�. I I �� ;.:'.:..;,1 11 1:111" . . . . i . . 4 I ,.. � �L.'L. ]OP"'Ey E. TTOLNIES-� . _ n n he� a n lig, "olice to RA- 'fire.purposeg; al$Q,One, 10D 1%.P4��motor 9& 0. , 1 , ., . . 11 4 L ", I I . . , I , ..Sarrf 4, year IS46 of SCot#$h_ . I . . . . I . . . 'll , S01101tor, Notsry arents, Mul. foroo the U uor Control Act, - a by- And 01"tric driven punip, of, I I I I '. . � . I I I I �,, L,_� . � I pi� lr6, � convelvandeN It -9- - 'Ann,-Camobe -She ,qw , ie 1INY to *gu 4te- � temporary Perial-tallous,- per n 23 im- I L 1. . 1 4 ­ I . I - I � I :: I - - I I � ­ L . . I.. . I . _ PH01% ,R7 L _ - 'I limillmoN L'sla _L Oil" and, &. ?I - r4freah- , )Ioute oapAcity, I I . I . . . I I 1 . . . ­.­:..=:. �1. ""' to'LBlyti ; 'Tor. domeStjoL P0Vpo3d$ � at the WAtQ%�_` . I I . I . I I . . . .1 _11'L 1, _ �: 11: : . I i mith her pareots,and, family, M04t booths., -Und A. 'bylaw Providing 'L , � .. _ . . . 11 . I , .4 .� �*6i-� __­­7­�­ �7 C L . . I . .. .. �t� tbe� age of SIX years. Settlilig, With for a Opc��Way . OVI . dL I I �. - . : L.. ., . L SIM: . traffic on the Squarti, works'plant, the . debt to be isprosid - ,Iftt 004 tj 5A.0f. - - � .. . 1LUANole4W1dL4% I L I � . � ---__, , � 1AUST , � them ,in Xorris, on the form now all theaj Were passed,-', L . QVej� a perjod'i)f tWenty .V03y$ and ' LL I I (1) ltooml t. I 'If �1.1' - I L. 4_1�1 11 - -,- I bAnh, K(rum 1, .1 itamobdovI&OW" . � . � 1DR. V, 1 It, POASUR. � -' owned W, Xr. Juv;' Riebalood. she , Among the -iieparts dealt wl' -debt to be 11 � WRA ft. UKO%t %V�ijty t4, � L � I 11 WMA100 I . . . . .. . — ! WASL ' .th last the annual POAlent oil I . ot, ) � . . WAY "WIMM the htolk I . marriod in 1861510-Riebard Som� Ftiliq - w4al), one ,from the fire. war�, PAICI Lout of revoutle Iroln'the watdr* I lumm. Olt t I I .. - _____ - 4 1 . � I . equiptitk)ilt L of ­ ­.�, - w,tor,., V - 41M, 1J*WWfWWdaodkA I L ­ ,-.-, - ­ Wilo-pre-deceased--herr five -V I b4L]ld. warkK'pliant. _ L _ . twom. 4NO �O 4,)AQrj 1 1 . - . M1, Zkn, NOSE,- THRUAT -.,- 'ersf L . ears Gen! wltn a �Mst of I I L . . 119t1#1144 � . Ytt t40110d 44VARC01 L , - I - ­ ­_� ,L ­­ L- - _' w : Late House.Sorgeon ow York Clph- -ago. After ber mll�rrj , b4. -Sojjj� 116ferved to, the. fife.vomotitteo.. For your infoinl4tion. jt`L.�ojght'be : 1.� � __ . . hA - I'll , :­ ,� vodlan*rhwswq!"*�� �­ , . fsgo.'V tq X" 11W:r= ., . � I . , Mim,04 on � L . . . 11", 411MOU � I * I . I I thl1hole pd,Aiiral RosrAN111, (tsSistaut At ors lived ih, or near,'Mytil. - Risiding `.Tho ttonsuror's $tgtsm A w4s sent pointed out tha .=*m4 ;l �. I I �,W, lZ � I 'L L I I L I � .., L prao , . j i t . � ­ - . I I . "'i" . L Of _tieall. I , , , . . . . I . I M )rellel %,Hya fjo,qPftaj And Golden for V all,. her Marrtgd-_Ijf-6'L Ilk toLtho finaoce. obmMitt,,e.P I and the and Pumps have. l*en -in Use over . L, I * I . .. I I P ' '' L Ce Lh I I I .1 I I . .1 . I . � . . � , L fl Throat Tir,s Ital. �Qndqn, tog" -the'lio& 04 MOr,rjs,str40t,,,,Wh4r,0 $ho zietery,. �e:<kOje. thirty L ". I ,-- , I I - I - 1. I I , I , qoamL t L. stritro�a, - Telo. di . L , L L L ' ­ IL I 9 4 report, . of inter" 'mars. a4d as fty aro 1 1 1. L � . . . I . . L . led., I ­ I Ment4 and; lots sold was referred ,to now I 1� - � -L . .� - ­ , I ,. � . I I I ,�. - ,,,ingf .r I .. . , . . . . � 7 "040 2.131 �fjj� tl4llated 4*1 get. � I I . .. . 1� I L Gri I : , - . . I L .. I I I I , - Bedford. (4 " .9pr � , the Ceill6ofy'4nd, park$ "oomlitittee tjTyjr_bey0t(j 'X, , ,,, . . � I . L I % . I , IN .,*-,I Ms,qr'N' , ,� . At Hritel, idderill. 0 tile ,� ffift Oat.� , , , , '' I I ., � " �� it is Deal. L . . I � , ..�:� . ,- 6vening,of tbird'Monday n' , ,oach itiontly - ,A pfcttyL . The Mayor reada le#er from 0 $' that tho'v bo,rol . I . L . . I . , I weildifig ,w'as,-.:,qoJt-Tv1v11o,qA Wq,04row, president L'of 'the' * ii� slo"'haj h4,a f1i laced. , you; coolmii. . . I . I . I I �L I � 11H 1he follo%vin;� dar, Tue0d.1y, at -1 on SatUr.46k,k La I I - ' . I - Sl . . ­ I I , I. -1 . . . I I 1, I - 1, I ... I . I . .:_ L L� L P.M, L . I . . , fternoon, it �,27 � -at ' Ciati L .. I unuer eoa$ld� L . ., . 2': f L", "' I I . 4 : I � , I . . I , th' L _WWor � I i4l"Way - Asso 012, ,­=% l0fation, for �k6me� tll%o, L� T*o expert I .1 . . . 1, . , I I ' I 1-1. I . .11 . I � in So the'h6ltie of Mr-alid Mrs. 1 4' proat. nounCillg A djraCtojP'B L ibeeting, - and OPIAXOTIS' L - ,UV'01 � L I . I I � ; I - -_ I � L L I . � .L . . � . Next visit i lr� CaMbrja, Otriet, So, - - . h .,been obtain-, M 11"A , I - 11 . .., 1 1. I L 1. .1. I �� afor W .. eir I . . I . .. 1�1 .. I . . 1. .. , . . I us, L 26th of een obWoed'to . I � - ,� ( . . I . . I 11V YL all: U . IS; h . I I t 1� I *110, ' ' . - . . . = = y ot daug1khter'L J � id , le a, - AdftwkOr at Kineariline Olt the in tall $PFARM04T lima's "ll, , , ,��,n_ - � I � L 1. 1. 1 i : Aj. o4 ft$tL - . I I L . - � I I I 0 whi?h important matters 0ouipme . I . X I .... � ­_ 1;, ­ I . .1 I I � . ". ria, war ilted'in rilA 0 to' " - I . I , to brhhto# ' L '.-,, �� L I . I .L , tit, A � 0 ; ' 11 1jjjjL-_�0j11qjjMjEMPA"� '1� � . 11 � . I I -'-L-- __ __ � ,, ,;,.,— a I I I ,_ = -_ �, I I . . , The commission -would be pl6sed '"W ' � L , , � , ' Were to , Is whole doil , . I L . I . . I .L min 'Griffin. youngest soiv.,oX and th - be disotissed.. The M�yor � I I , . I ., . .1: s . I'll - __ , . I I 0, � L, :­ � : - ­ t .e Ueevewetb appoilit6d tp �t� f 0,slapplV L ". � . .. - ., .. . � . I .1. - � 11 � _ any further . i , , . li, keeps teilth WhIstio ''. 0 1 1 . —,- �,-� � . . _ . - Lf9"-`S- P1t'%CTrr10S"�- eth Orift, Douro Street, totid�,,thjs nioeting, And the suggesti6it desired, but,, ill the,meafitirn,� tr oet, and'L. I _' L � . I earonct, '' L ,� ,4 I ,� , '. . ... . ,DA I :, _ ; I ,�,�." I r$�. - lizab " nformp'tion I L L �� ... L. � I . 11 � r t - . I L A..'- 0�, , -'�TeL_ ust sootheo, &A *t L b� I I I I . 11 I : � L iM A , ' L elIllit 1wits made th4t, the., to*n,s, promj�ed that'the' I)LOCOSS y . ", 4111,1104" , . . � L * ... . I N. ANKINISON . I - .. �! . , I 1. 't � I . I � I . f I I . - ­ I �, I o Iciato � I ary b.14w will be pre. 10 W 11 . I I 14 I . , . . . I I I � I . (;odtrjVlj L ", . , . I I j'jr ' � � paid,: if "�jlii I . . L . ,. I I . L lov& � T /'^'� ' , I I .0 L ,",�. � , _-11�,_,, ,,- ( sg-1hiiapis , I . I .1. . clilroprootor and. arimip st , collt�jbutjojj to the funds shQUjd:bL, tar� at Soon as Possible ' ­ , I . . , .i, - . .� .. . L L . . I . L 'yout*$ L . I �. 1, I � , . . . .. . A4' 1 1 FuifoO.Aii4t ssible,'Wfore- this r I ­ tVUIV. , . I 4% I L. I . . 1. I , r'L , . I . i . � Eleetro� -Opy GQdarjeh wati*r and. Likht Clont . I L L . I I I , , *i'voits Illfvo� � VS, T, ruj� , The Clerk Of Seuf0fth'eoclosod i L. � I I � 14, � , , , (Upole. et6floic *n6, The lionle, of, Mr, alld'LX neeting. KIN Or L. L I � �L. I 1, Al, I.. L. � - I 1� I Aquipped With blitheftAT11 ford. Cli I 11tob" L Was the, scene �� of La, Of i resolutiotl-of thaukd -front Sloi- . I . L, 11G.'Xiloi, S004 �(I W -, - ,� . . . I I I I L, . L I . . 111.1,-� _ , �tttgqetlo, paths, viectron q , Eleetric pretty Wed4jug on Tueoft ­ . I . I . I . . :1 :1 . , . t. - 'LL.4a o1jit'T L L . . . . . . ;,- , I . . evening; lorth towrl councjl� to,tho.",vor,aad I 'Coum Nummr ondl)'A'o. Reeve, .dr. I I L 400 -, L � , 1. ., � . I . . . "" � ­ L . 4. 1. 11. I I I ,�t.e . I I I I , - gh I I , 'Ving I I . The Ku . .1. I - . Treatirdetits alld 'ChIroonuftc. . AUg.!�25% Wjjerl,�'jo$aja X. ftc,Wek" council for '01 the Pe�.Pje of Sea- ver, vinli Cooroillor Me I a I . �r t"W"Sohf" thr P*L . I . .. . �., Office hourii-I to 3 otnd'T to-. T p.m. onW, daughter Of Alt. alid, XrS� Dontel forth the, opPortunity. of taking tilt .to dealing wj It this quo ' . I L . ' L - L 0 le 11 � . � '�_ the, L t Won vlith6ot , . . 'L . ows wj1* blow" I*V* . . . . I . 1. ., . , - I . 4 and b� sliopolntment,. wxoeotfug'��fooday lhieger, of �Go 0')ch'.t4wnqbio.�- lie. Part thak:,Ldid. In Centennial.' takiretintwt6 ollaider1twell, Deo. Afor ` ' Awdwj;�Jqd , _ . , ... . 11 11roday arternonvis find evellim5s; 'Came 11 Arthur R. Fultoril, , Ifis, Worship 0 Yjtlk L he V.VoUld I . 11 1. L . 11*011 11401111L le W find I . I . . . - I - I I , . a" le bour$-2 tof 3 And 7 1,0� V p.'m. U V Re 0 ur . �� -,. L . . theirldmotit"lity , . . � I . tz�'�' : L I We ., said Aie: thought t116 t. % ev. 'T. net sst L 11 I . Iftly, I � . I I of - ather'dileL troll .. r"ry I L - 0*14thep"twy - ; . . I Clinton., The ceromon Pdr. thanks Wire .r a la.od,ak.. not 1 L .. . , , � . . , � ill fa'tr ��' couldaffordtol*Y., , : LL . � I ,Or Of tb0,bYI4VLb. ally 1 . . � I." All K , W � . I . . 4"% & �_' "I'll I . I I I I � formed: bivlq� Rev, L, a _V on,�_ ic], to tho' vaji� , us, - %unic .1 I . . L - � I , I . Laft, in Attendance. mri: Voless'there was i;B*96", � . . I ipalities eVe i "(fte a� I ' 6LM#0_;.CorRej, of I , � - 8-Mr41100 I I . * . . I Residei0e *oit South . J IM) k-wil, , - WhidhhadL CO-OpLaratea irt maldlig tile ,that water rates, Would,,tiot, be ..Wlilll I I'll, __ , := . . ..... www I. - . . � - ... , " I . X L , � ' ' I i maxxtutlsw -I-alseAsuro W—UtA . . .. . . !! ;. :� ., I a. and Urlia""14 146211, � .. , ThoL Martiage Was L Centennial" so tilocessful ancl ,�Poso_ croosed. . : . �, 1 I., . __ . 1. I . I . L - I I I I � : i � . 1 ,9616mlftiZOA � at hition �VaS .4. r � a I �. , , - 2� .1 . I ....... - .. I . I � V01111016 sold "Jedivily,rwith low CW , � I - L . - . . I 'r I I — the, home of Mr. an& Xts� I-lenit ptod, moyed by Reeve I 1hi6l,blvor Pointed out the length ,. , — . I I 11UMP40001b"'Coneot" L - . � I � I 1.11 �� . I I AjOgk _ _ - #11141 , , ,� , : , - I .., 1,_08ah toL U0, .and saeo of tjl�6 th�.Jjj I V , h#"&r0rl""L*t*o%Ud - . . I I . . I : . I , I , AUM014,10101 WnBhip. r66ellflV.,: 0$ Wed: Lb?r '' CQUtlejIlOr after had ,'boon bef4re . . I . �', I IL:,. ", . '­ .: . I 40 , . Mrs. Flo, Bailie'; that AL let - � Ine - Weit StNet . - . . _"0fWAWr"01X*qWft A I rebee ,Tulia Bell, of _0!Inton, ter, 'o appreciation the C16mmission and tlle�amoqllt Of I . . . 441"d, - L I � LLL I I . I I i , ^,A~� . 0.4,;%O_�*..'.., L L . I t hin 0 t 4ts o I sp ". "i Iwo I P . , I I � ydk CA thought _ . I . r oatial ,(Catipw *uill&** = . * , I I I -1 VXNnAT. " �- L ' and thanks be se4t to� the _ . I I ' :fq51sftk#qw I - -_ _J�L " � - , i , ..* 'jo IN I L. I L on, with . . . . .refill L , b e the use OT Aty . "E'lit. . . � . - . � ", ,� ' . eMW arid Xr� Charleys .1ohn Conrad Mo -le' that had beon given , . I . ., - I ' L � � I \11AS 0 1 , , v6ubjX0st son of Mr.'ond Xv5. Ho;;� `MunIciP4l1ti0s in the'coulity* ' . . us the 00tion and .said that tile saving . , 4 �_ I . � - I . . "hij]tt ja Uii�d. jXk. Qj_41 4W*toft ft � .1 Votes of thAll L Sho . -t � L_ .1 ....1. I tz Vow" . � _0� , Electricil . I I-- � , - . L ' joeer ,� MOO. the Aowlf,, C.. Bennie of X-nox * ks to 31r.:CurzDo; for ill ,coal which .Would be ''effected �by , !. �_ �.",..,��p . I � Ufft � . I . . I - I .. L . ;114, iG0,110rol Anoth , 4b his worlt I . n getting in tough With the Change Would alone be qufflcjo�%L . . , . I - K 11 I . . I fth"$#YfliljoiiR�� L - .L ' I , . " . .. . I I I I . Hamilton Stzrto..410.66014 lurch, wit0h6lIj- ofridatilig. - 1 � LWe itarry a I 11 � I I . I re Land all � I I . I . . Admoowmwat�iuot;*yftuadn**boaw,,itUla,vI . I .1. t '.' ' L Salesinada wvrfr�* ie efforta, L _ . : d0seetidents 'of Lord 0.0deriell,god. 8,. to take cute of the annual jayjoenta good stock.�f . N04 without Accesioriepi" C.9*W*AV4e4i"_l .1 . . 1 ­ . I -4 sati9fletloill. 'L L Turner-lorieft ' - ' �-.L � ourjn�-_,the' fine, Pailiting' , ' ' the W . 14W Would call for,'and - LL ,:. I 1, - � 40$ L I � - - I . ,*. . . . I I . I . s� ' gentIgmall, � L I . .910�lhrical AP,olia ... . ... . 10WV000,11117$40' . L L i . � . : , . � � ! - Varme .on tv. .� �A very pretty wedding took, place, - . ne I . nade lo, ilve VO of thia . � . _ I... I rs Safi notea d! .� which was, presented to Ue'Mefttioii�d tho 4aving. ill e. . jPj L 1. . . .. . . . I . �' , � , . ip tile 'Oonbr of t . d be futide also, a point X 'etc , I . I VS.& . I � , 111.1 . . . ' � ai the home of, Xr.,idid,.Xvis, 06bort the to - Wit, alad to, he Pie. ity which Woul ,' � tarox# I * . . F1l*z&"%Wi%C*iW&*a* L � 4 . � . . 'POHERT n0l)EIITSON. 'at which,the 1411y< . I I I I . Ctjch,� Victorlit' strjoet,- Clintoill, tUrei , Were Pa§Sed ''Qn LL fit . L . . - . . . . I � _', L I . I bigh, noon - , OtIon ,of . w'then kxplained. Th,o . I .1 . L 11 � '. I , . , �,%"� . . .. I - . � . ,-, Aug. '0014" Whoit, their c6uhoillori" Cott an4 L Sproul and khe WAtOtWOrks dopartmelit .has had 'a I . ., W-XSTA16-NDS.41G"0r1Chl, Ontario,* 1. . ; I , . I . . L , " . I I . . Audlooter. Eldon St.. Goderloh� ' youngest, slaughter, Pearl ��Jreo`6, bo�' Doptity'R46� L and'. 'Coucillor bji�. flat rate from the'4,ydro Commission , We speciolize rn . � .., �. . I . L I . I . L I . I . . . . . . Will Coyl(loot oUd' rrange any Sal . -­ 1. . � ­ . ­ ­ I—— . - L, �� on Came tho bridle Of Xr��,Iohn l5dward Lean) respectively. .." � . for power but, On Acdount,of the, in- . wirin . I ­ � . , ' L . . . . , :- , Xr, OQ J�J,V I 1� I . the latest Method , to -get best res010, Turnoro yo Councillor V * ' - the present I 9 of All Ki4ds L , . . .. . I , � L . ,_ ­ See 10M. Or dro') ft -card and 110 ullgest son of 6L. Aille . oxpjes6ed the Offlclftt�Ahte�of Plant it I . I g1.1 11::01 g -le I "gimb I . . , I . ti'Ve It ll�lopdllito attelition. zak�m . erswt *1 i f a I ­­_ — . ,will George Turzep,j of Took clings of tbp �O :_ Estimates given q t . rr , . nuall. as, the vallia. Was eatit"Aftil that it W�s �_ . . . i0elAting. h. he ble lrorh MAY6 , r as 01,11r. . . L an — . I .. . � .---- I I I !ill I golm I � ��� . . R e , L, The , taking. I . . . . I . VA"a a SI)eclalf"ff. L , . R1Tyt;A_&,_A0_-%� ,doufj�Y.Ljho front 40 to 50 horse power wave ,of , . �, Applicadon . . N I . I iw� I , � . I I 1, , I �­­�!��!� man of the, Centennial, 60mmittee, ,plectricity thin, the jVat0r%V0Vk4 de� . I swousoft . . r ! 'L -_ . . . d", On his ,10104011', SO,coode& by PaAng for, on I � . L4111011111, . M I 11 ''I L It - I ' L - - ta"teed , . I I. M. . . rate an& UnIeS L I I I . I , I. . .. NOTAft P016tr __ - Ptirtnicht was L tile flat AII'Worlo Cott C= Inform . I I . ­ I L Counvuloi ciitt,; r. waolution of S, 0ifte, means I 1�. I I . � I � I _ . 1 � �',' ­ 11 ------------ " - , r I I ­ 0�� � .;. of tar. r . . . . I R WAs tondarrod,,t C. . . I , h ` I I . . . . I . . L, . I I I I I (if me , , o hinij, In a L tfiffink tile 10ad � were adopted the FraA MeArth . I I . 1. . - Wit &UT'le. , F6001 , tom ree tan, . . I 1. I . . I � . . khOW10ilging the expression All.. Mae. HYdt6 Commission Intended toLingtall, ur X . . I I & *V.61— I I Cj;�j L ;'., Ohfar4a � I . . . I . . '.. I � . I � . ! _on . I., ; I Ewan Com"OeTiVed 'on .the splendid U Motor alad, colleot for thL% Po�ver � I I I .1 . ,. I 'Woikof tile Varlotia'CoMMI I t. I. � - nvellnelog dona � ,' 1, 'ttobg and Used, , , I I , p4one 0. . West -9tzeef I k I . � . 00neral CO 1. . the 01.6dl& spirit ,of oor.�Pej,atjob, ' Councillor C I 1 4_ , -, �. . -_ . . I .. 11 I I . I Good compaulos Reoraiwitte-1 , offero Milli: folawing, I utt s4ld it would 416. 1 ,. � . I � . I . . -­ I .. L- � L L . - ­ . . . I I I I . . . MOU6 No, W. Goderlell. Oliti . , I . 116t a'wotd Of filetion Lin Connection 'CoUraging to the'mon of tile jlj�ommfa- ­ . '. ;;__—._�_ - . . . I L . .. , ddvairifteeff. . I I '__��� .. I I Ezve L � RX with the W4tk 114VIZU.' been heard *311, After the vety,careful c6o§jd0ra' L , I ' I . I . , t f r*mAori _. � from, start to v - 1, tion they had I ' I I TUE - , " I. ,�, . I HOUSES 1, PROPEUMS I , * . , . I this to He hated a ro. , , . . . ­ . . , I., , - . . . . .1 L 1. . - j�j" ,6f POJrt tO the Coubell and to t 0 PUbIL16 25 .. I , 0 . . rv*o staftdar4f - I for siction Aod %'Yell the Matl'or to de. � : fo.&.& . 61 l I 0 did not be] eve there. ' . . . * *ter* Ajr.L Knox, tit . I , . I of the' fiNnceg � of the event u -0j. -Id WAS Anything to be gainOd by delayi W e, 01M tout Salo I . I* .1 1. For so All ParS of Towti. ryveawl ba Teadir bv next council meeting. feint . I � . . I have some' from'$906 up. List ., pirdotiodt 008j" � y4r e claric,,oxylaifted tb4t - Niels last, it" 0 *0 .. I I . . Sale * . . I your- proj*rtlom with less �jlj,i, , . 11is Warihj# therO lVere two ,Ways of ,# I* #fta" , , I I �- I I I . , tOMMented ,on the , ealifig witil GO DE R I -C H., 11 . I I I I I valtkable., *6rk of ChAirmlo I., - ". L NOR -MAN MWIS, � ing I I . I nobert. the I)Ylaw, either submit it to a vote . ftr.Lfi�gl%1011 116ism I L - "on of *110 PublitIty COMMIttOO 4ind of the peOPj,#r­-or ;h6V6 It Passed by, �, . . � I L . .1 . . .1 D0113*1110" I& ..a. . NY 60 r1l"s -0. L I . "I" . , vrl� . . . .. L '11amilwa, and Newgat(l Gregr Shortlian ' R"'L'e 1`ee $TkOkO Of'the great ftwount thO 0011110 a , d valldatedby tile 1,1411. 1111061404 . of jililloost. , , . . d � il n I $Phone 416. 'Streets '1016dorich.; I sliterotar1W - StudAes- � of tiffle Plod thought Dr. Gallow.. t'"d W4 Amu 1 25904, 1 . , I � 01 �w �� ,1.---_.-'- , � — , '40d it 0.1pal Board and.the'. " 6""I"t coin 0 , I . � L "ce'Pi4efice ­ Mr. T. 0. ,e6ima:ft ". - ;Q 4: reilalro assutaoc�� that : —�, � I.. r . 11.1 L 1. LL , 31W 06* I I Aeftilat W�t 6ad given and WAR � ,,, 1, I . - , . . I � I __ I � I '11481311AMit' , � . Anti * record of, SoXeco,01r.. formal, expregslons of appreelatio..l. of there would � be 110 incren'so in rates . I . 1ri,ft" : vuw *%my I t.111 I . . ,� W . Altoner4wiminifills . . .1 --~~ "he '"6'"I Of tfiOiO. goxltleliiqn� ijill ot, tUes Wore they� would Validate .- I—. - - P-r j-- i ­' tat Or-aditates, tobose bt Made. � . C41110faw M .goRMLOP MUTUAL FIftf;_IX.AtM-1 . I such a bylhw. I I I I . . **I* 004 - � iron , L . . . . . . il Al� AFL (:( - I I_ . C . ).%1P.N.Vy. ­.-, I . hish 0andardfor good The, ZollowfIV ', 4PPlIcat'01151 f0r -: Tito 'Witter was " Veferred. tc, the I i IF YOL& RATH.01Z �, . , I ISO tolew, . - . � WOrIt we *Xpgat yoo to buildintt PortoG -worj� roforp,,j to Water. FR6WN _ L . i4, - of i 11.1 I � A W ; 11 - � .- , 'ti, I I 1L 11 I I Light U LAUGH THAN PftVNU V t"s I _ mallow - i. . "Q 191)LATED' ft)NVt44 P1101j. I IngtA L avid Rarilor to"jujit. I . IMAI AN Irleach or oxcoed. . the fire COMMItteet From b L tee, with Motions to report at an . . ,I Ll', . I I I I --- 011" L I I I I *SURED, I . red I � Lor us gap YOUR. :4100.2v . (Lm'"emi) I . � .. . ..t�. I rUtTy IN ,rtv Ingurest up to a';- XTIOXP to ereft frarne garage e * ' da"'o on m6flon Of councillor , valudor pro p I $11 . tall. Ttrin Oimns &pt. 6th With Patent, took fitced, smil?Y14vo 1,1a,,r,1,V,, and I . L . . h uary, 1910, ".919=0.00. . ' es' oil Sproul, but 'befora thi.q . , = 3604W, L' 1 I OV17100fif",--la'alp's ConaDllv. Prest- 1#11 'VoU'tAj*fik ak* af X-'W'4't# A#rrec't" fi'"m 1% X. Anti. '00"80 W08 ac'4000011 tile readintr isf Sumer, Oft" I .- I I L I I *1' . , !nt, LC , J, . 1,61VII, to To-toof dwelling .Dn j).�lyflold 'some Of the standing rule$ q th L � _ 1 .1,2 ties 254. I ;�%.bs. X5 .oderfolh. 18.,p . I � d( 4Vauq._ViCCj_rr6jj' CoMerclial,fCour4l't Write � I ,eoqd voth Cedat, ,shing 0 . � &ot, 'Doebw4rown' T. E. Rays, *t,- I , 109' frAn, Mrs. 04DUlic"I Alld'"A TIlling front tho thair L . I . 0 'L 114"y I *. 00 of Pew . . L I . Treas" searorlil. . B. Ell Wira, &A , Carl, to 1.0'1`06f (]�Voj[1,1140 on eputy geevo Tur. '. ' L ", I . . . I Widtiolisofta SOAP ji,so. I DIftE0T0ftS_% A. ACift, L I "'rlrV UN 6* Ater# 3 tbs. . � V. latenregar, Wa. Wityl CC.dar A11111210,4. Ile _t)16� I!" tt , . . . , _r wanted Lto refer. is or to ,,q "I . . I L forth; X G. Orjeve, 'Whithroo; Aft. I...Mna,pal 01,60d isii - trijol J. 'S. ilikatof to re-rrmf :dw(lll. committeit, of tl)6 whol. -­ .*# A 1� I ak%k L Ate X6.0%. �"* Ilig"A'& . 0- . � s L611i . � k I '..Wrin, Conidanem. Oeorg4 1jecArtney. 6--l' "It' on V.10121 ovenue Witi, cedar ("ounpillor Huffl1mr. who had , at . � 1 ,4 . - ­� 46Vtd to ref�r tile n1atter fo I . . � � . irl"61cersmUll., jobn Ferris. liarloek" !!�tt!��:t!!�,t! �!!!� *wA" � shih0eft! fAm John CoIl1nqon,,t4 to. first Y , -1 " ,;� � jq"r , I - I John, I)qlmv,wige.� Droadhagair; Slurray 0111A~_ ko%0111060" MAWN Toot lialf of vreseht dwollinir'lou 111jr. file lVator and Liglit Conilnitt,ca kvjtjj� .. . . I ofton. Druen,fleld. * - ('" TOO with 'codar rhin0eq: train Out atly instruotiona as to li 1. 44 1 . . AGENT"- . NV. Yeb, Giulerich., Sandy a CaIr V, I � . . � I fkton, WIn, (,Il,eg&5y. q . rAltell, . .,e&_ I , I,,,,- T, PdWard, X0 TO-TOOf i1w,016pir rOPOrt- Ottitilt no sevonder, viotv a�. - . I . .1 ''.. .,I forth I it ' SeArArth, .J. 4. Wheeler,.,, 11 I I'll W 6 1 . .� linchloy" , , '" "'Ithi'llOus'd PtrP011' with 0doi 90nded tho Doputg It"ve's motioli I oldp"rs Ir 4 1 . . . . . . . . . . . - .... . Polio) f311 DAY thel fkAOS-8- all'"168', from Wol- NVA116r, to to. 1404 it WAN -110 Who demandind t1ja an: , W'—%—#7 ----' � — - I , ts at - If. Cuft's. store, -14oderich, FUneral Divietor $MCI Tanf front Part of',AwAlling oil X,ant thority for th'� Mnyortx. rulinlri,that ��__=�7�___ � _ I V I . . rtrept with Tolte , , ,� _._____ ___ I I '. .. & At sh,11 Glowing Stom" (1,111ton; . .. ot Asbostos, ropflow- 'tilt matter sbould go to the provar I . . 'V Ifelkly, to re.roof dWell,t . " 0 J. It md1m. Hayfield. ImbAlMer , , ' fr6M ,Torr I tt­ - - �;., - �; � � - 1, -_ � �t ­ , � ­ e011imitteO (the Water, Light and Any one catt joake a budget. .4 I A�� ­­ 11 - ­ I . ­ . _ - - ' rich, Ohtuio " I"" on Puroft 'PoIld -1101. 4&jj. Harbor Committee). , � . . I I ,� rMt INSURANC11111 , GOde ' ahlnkldq:� froin JtL466rt .19. Atel" A request jr4m the town Any onetan keep within the ltr1lit, of - � I On". Oork 4nd � Tj , ' ItIve it *ttlendtil to oy the , 11 44 to rill"ov-6 W004 sheil at 'IV nf treftgar,er for two, *eeks* bolj&jv,j to, � I ve, that. budgtt�4 he doesn't Illive � OVD0, lalfellor Vftto - $)tart At bylee WAS grgntrd UjId'Mion 011tXpr4ttk*d gXpense% 1"T WAWAN1111111 111111TOU Fift 'OUNANCI oo All t&14 promptly Wondaj t Oh"" And Iva with' _ I i . . . 0 1 124neh bViek _wAll'. 6ttintated C68t, Stoke$ Wag 4 , . . . zAtAblishm im dity or night. 1`00. frool V�M,l v xuthorized, to mirm That"s one advanta fr4dilla I . , V�rot * tn ,m�pr�t fheqn0S (As Clerk and tteASnVer) %tjj , � jWjfh the Heat 1�*Oj So '0 '111tillf 01111CO .- DROX081*1011, 011to tbofift Mort 333'. Hollfle 31, Ill"nill 0jkj'"&04 An Anstlotom .%f.,-&tt; I the Mayor during -M��. Eno, ka. voll enn de. . . t on L, I . .. 11101), X V"lV"11*V tlD ro-chinal- mt. 816helt, .-to,,, a_ a oil it that tile coal you boy; re&; --------,-,----- � . from thOM Will COMO Withij ��oijr 1 Win. Jr. Thomp-mu, Athurn. P Plum r.q, , W* fov,lir,* nvv,l ('*M,�rn--f A teltieAt front- the *11 T,ftIt)j-)jj0ll0 expectations aq to Price, blif will � I WAt. Watson, Vice Prp�q�; join" (,'Jr. Wow ...... dadIN11110 11111 11 11 ­ 611011 ''I 0reAf q.A., All a t ­dm Allnelfts. ifninj Vo, for permixtion to trert it j)jl(i,ojj vin, lion. Director; , Ditortorm- Vio, I— ­­ :1--- _ .'� 'c " . ao away beyond your lclxpedafiona Mquillan,� St. Relent-, W. P. Reed, I ("Ceform 'Tolinotoll. fil bpCt.fiala6 to, WellinOnn stroot,wd.- ript� , .rrej to flio as to burning. and 1104tWr I�EMR- R. It. No. 2. LuAnow; Harry T rary use PaMir Worl(s fl6minittlep , , . 00S. . . . '. � � I - -, !v,n,t,-,, V ere�ljry ke Alpx, Nilthnlstm, � C . ld� 66ftieh; VtN.6vlftehlt,o�=001 ­aek- - fonni jon. A letkip,r fre"t the me , of tllo - d8e,51": Brophou Brosil . # eblogle 1kite-hert , on flospithl Roard t1jaill,,ea the coun�ejl Keep your bfidaet down r3y ljtjy�aa I 116w; Tim Griffirv� R� R, Nm 7, Tmtrk� llmel: Atrel)t ,tvith, C-CLTAP sm"gIns; foil the wttml tawn FrAnt and ('V� your coal from ther Ittat P612"'i.. 1 fin ; - fts. Ifewift, Xincw-dine; Rnbt� 60tw"Ic" . 22� - � I i 16 ft ungaft"'J". . I ' tk WWII . ; . �t���� �_­ (,UlEcd a ff'Ps'- of the rtrort 14 1n%­"P- , --CALL TIN, I jIfte­ 2 , er thousatill. I : ��4iun of Olt 'hospitAl. InOn Juno oth, — I � � I M!, T. q. AtTXX, hftral Dlre6W*, Exotrimallift 6f 2"610 than 1927. fnom Mr. It. 51. ,R6b1j3f%% Dnp� .. I I 'S".t"faix . AM fAlm1wri ' 11 thitty years hawlit VMvim thlilt utv jyj70vi?jl;hql Steretars" s!s f3tow.m. . I . Ordorm jr. � Aluminum is th# �Wjft C0#j, k q nm rje,,,t�r �jot "TrVI I 11 are.fally Attendej fo� ,�j f6 , , tb,r,t qln . � .- I—— _­­­ � 1. - � I ! q____ -­­­_-___­,! Ot P11 hAtirg-Ailtht fAr &Y. We ,tainorfort'11110. R#dltOftT#* 'fe'��'C�"1111*"'!Rtl,t,rS 1110,&� 'It fhA 11int . I I, I ; 0�­­-- --- 11­�_. ��_!!!!!!!Vwn I p a - tht"'"P"t"A Of s"AtOMY in ,'�� to Ittow p* k o ly in At I ____ I . - yor 000M, cle"121 Coal Ohtldrou 'Or Ar' r *d n "to I 7 nii 10 the Counly pf Uttron, "Umli I 11 "O" C1 Childro'n Orr ' . toll FLIETCOM rhooft, $Wte 120; T0.4401)r j1 A"A Pit �', I �, 11 _`21Z , ed � " , xularant"4 to bo in rwfftt 11 ,FOR FLETCHEWS � _.__11___.... - I t - � -11- _._-.--1 __ __ ,� CoWiflon.6 I J0 B, MUSTAPI 0 COMPANY: 1. CASTO R 1A i "IT " - I 11 CASTO R I A , fho-" 99 — 'Goliktitch ' . I I ­ - 0 I . . 11 1, "� . - 1. , 0 . I �, . - - .� ­_-- ­­­ I . . � ��_ ... . - . .,-- __ �,�-,�-, - f� =-L'L,_�I!, " ,'_i=��"*,­_ - ­ 1-11 _,­­ - - -L.- - __ L , . � ' � i i 1� Aw = I ; olko* 11ionsloo, 6" I . I , **400. Ilotdoslaftislow - . I I I . . � NOW""" r,)o,25**`%`#"w" * 140109"114004:40li, / *11�, P"Arall slo�tw.' . tI­­ I , . I FAC*J" . Relay, 10MAlto " ,�, I " " I 1.11 1-1 .6wo SO" . KWCNVlk low Wife ) I I � op�, . I i 00, . , - � ; . 74 L - " loss .10 25 I . I . I 0 IkMV As Vios% a* 0 � I � .. I i j � I vie's . k*$$"*iiv* r" :119 011W ) ��� ­� - .� I ft**#"*V#rft" IWA01 it I t1W1.;!NrV#A+ 4Ww-., CCM" A #* AZASTY � __­ j �, b0*01100 - I . 4 ,'� COOLS* :&Too )BRVA I .. 0 #*& 010W N*i- _ _ , 0146 A-04 161) i - I TOO W 4 1, � , ft Is ,kiij�i—has"o 'It's wrol"d, I I , I ; I 4 114=10"a "�r -1 t �"16"�, - �0_411*__1111"* 6ii it . . I a" "I I . - *61tootbeii'veft , , 0.11111� vost W014104 46 .. I � � 11110111k 01"Ic Q!M k .slat" Ill ft*, C -1-r-11-1--* I � 41*11101101011411i 74V,1 I*w* 4,.+1#-,­,jq* Me# 9 LWA I "'".., �,�­­_,ft"ill ­_��4� 6$X � , ­.111�� r I.-,------ ____ � ) 00141"'04CA00" S*Its,I1r-sjr*t,40**_"_* , , , � I 626sr trV,#,q%;q,#*xq* "� ft t 40=441% . Mor " V ! , It iblrewt 0101a4*49c 1 . lwlwlmw�� I � rX00,1411*0110. Mt.cl N __ __ . I I wlglIFILIFg-, &XIC-0 DIM OW", 1, I . , I � . I — 11 - � I I . ­ ,