HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1927-09-01, Page 50
- - _. -.----. - __ of the fad that the 3riec4iow W"k WIN �UJAP 8 had to TwVate 0 — - - -_ - __0 _� -
!!fd :Wp. leader of th.. Grand attend the C. N. IL wkich to pdft ,wit 0�0
and Will ~tip" as thr9ack ac�,t " ,
rty h" not yet bees wado� bw vjmlk. ,
NUBLIC SCHOOL TEXT -inydNKS 1(nd P. r"'a" I ' ,
�tvtrj tj give %lie likip"Osioa that tim A shfirnwat of live poolIT-i will I"
I P . Atli' hAd Ali 11040Y 'diff*rf"t t044k-Y allWk firt,111 U1.64W. SOPI. -.Lk. and ,&I" IMA&
I and all Supplies for School I roasiioalitita;,s�s proopoR-tiwv*olactions I from AuboM Sept� Vth. Furilivis NIG vv Dress Matefials EsImcially -
. i fur leadtr. It fit, it, rigkt that tht) wi,hing to di,= - t.h.tir kull htitt 0.
. .�
I i V% ill 410 Wel I to 4, ,wxv ot lb-,� I IM 9.
;C,oisiervativea *fwl�i knijw thelt, OWN tor, W. $NEI: h1pik t..:
j I 'i shipalf Q. L, .141
Opening . ivl`ey. how dofm he kno% nhethtr it, R. .X%4 s, 815-th. 11 3mt
4 -here ic, an izisav lk-tween it vnd hiO Sevc-ral from jwrt, uttenjed Illpi, - --able for khool We- ar
Scribblers, Pencils, Pen4,: Note Books, Covernment or not, The fatth,zoln. Lilwral alettiax held in tile 44atilit. i I �
. *
� �
2, 1! Ing vitetion Wiliuld -W a gooi oprar- ��' rink in (,,ideri�h tin ThurWAv 4if hi*t .
I ',�� �",--�,_, of week and were dtlightei to btar tl!��l 40 -Inch Ah
Art Supplies, Scho6l'Biigs, Slates, Etc. junity for tile Couservativc-, Ilrime Min4ter and wine of hix cabJ 1- Wool French Serge in �
L.Notth Huron to d(,.lnonstrate, thizir. inet givo their addropwo, ,11io th�', Roses, Sands Noy.. white,, Bor.
We Aim to Give the Rost Possible Values �'parby Solidarity. . lcun4jdalt. Mr. flialop. � deaux and Black. Our price....$1.50 per yard
--- �, - I We are sorry Vt learn of the tic�. wo
. I . - I --"-- . � 4) ^__rinl� at the M-Kcr.- ious aecident which halippuel ,.,i; ,
I I-ILE moend of the .
' 1. aig meEting in Goderkh Mrs Toraby Lamb. While 4riving 3 -6 -Inch Velveteens. in Blue Brown, Claret' and Black,and
'&S!�' the or*e she won thrown out OfYfi,�) 1,
AMP'"DELL'S DRUG STORE , "" i!'e - r% " 11
I -*,I � iThursday (wening 'wasi practicaft bum, and I* in the ho pital with U other smd shades for Fall. I
, elliptv. Opbs, about halt the aud. f ther bruisca. , I
I PHONE 90 - 11 ,ksctgred arm, and a
,, 14Qnce- stoed up for I the rather sillrit� e ove she will sololn W arov S4 -Inch French Flannel with the $1 �
�. I . I.. md
I � ;;__ iess and somewhat forced cheer again. - . , ^rd
. - - I— - - - f�11!_1_ 1- _9- � I �... .1 _ __ � __ I.- _-, _ I:- "" � - ' I whicb was given the Premier when .Mi,$. Ar�bur, c1 the Sth con., bad a Kasha weave, in all shades.r
i !Udies and thuladles reeded oza per ard ,
I I�L,1'1:1`he rose ta Speak, and the applauw narrow v�,4capc on Tue.qduy %rqraing, I Speci4il price ,. . A -A ,: :
I SDITORIAL COMMEN.T 'Sentntloa. Surcly he is*, - I when coming up the linsenjent E;jajr& I I ,- . . . . � . _ & . ,�_,, y .
_- _i;� '�lqt Vct!'�'119 wh-lb Dad been riven to Hou. 31r. She lest her balatim and fell buck to . I 1�;�� . I
11 " 4111 * r' e laiiald of the laadies' political . - 3falcolufs statenient of the better� the fleer. ,.\,a bones werp, brilken but ' '
.e, - lr--!.� a a lar- in. ' pGwer '
veti " North Haron. " - I I ,
�flueuee in the fer.,ilcomillj; . el ion in, . . I . . I . - plent, of finarcial conditions in Caa� she was badly, burt and W�Ised. 110re 30 -Inch Silft Broaddoth,,-,in �11 shades, 1;
" I ,us -
in North Huron, the 'I'mallur was CO - _. t ound again.
I mervative U. 14'. O.'s Who heard, : ft _;k %F' qua rd I
. ., I rda ilf late vears and.11on,' Lucien she'xvill soon be ur Heavy Quality— ,: . * 9 " .
I . vareful to toll his audienqu, in Godc. ,Caulerojes'�Joqupjjee noticeably sub- Mr. and ,Urs. John Levy_�aftl faie- I . . . 1. . C P, ar " . . .
. I rich. yes, thanks to a comervative the I -ate ricuiber for North Unroll. I sided during the Prouices well to tbeir upin,v friendd. tn. Col. I '. . I .� I .
. ,Government, which gave thent the'proclalm himself 100 r,er cent. U. V. I rather borne laqt week. Tboy leavp this .
� I I I 0. auil who -heard Ron. Ala��Xenafe lwearlso= .explanation of why be 'Mck for their home in Glendulki, Cal, For Dre�ss Trimming suggest Fancy, ftandings—Rhine7* .
; we .
IS-ranchise in this Provin,-e. had adv1sed the Liberal orgailiza0on. They will spend a few days Ir London I
#_ � . I . Kinr a'. the rink .last ThurAlay Militl stoneit, Afetallic Buckle ani -Slides, andPearl Sltdoi. I I
I .. ... I , of Ntorth Huron_not to a ,� tllv apti Toronto on their wa$, homt?. Wo 11
-1 I -1 1-11 . 1. I 1 � .. - _-1-__1jr-T__11--k_- 1,111 W11 � -r-�--."--.--�,,�-.r"..���.....�,� 1. .-.,. -, .�"-,--..,--.------.-",-,,-:-����,--.-���,-,� _ ., --.1 .. __._._ 1.1-1 -1 11 11
- ( . , ,it nutf, 311".. � I I � ..
'W4 -L' '�dnTi(I-aW,-SUY-'*.h,lt�-bO'K,Itv*�--tb'e _ _ppos. are 9 Lit to ."'afful t I _ r. . _ . � I
'M��'X4,fh Tria iWi4l' -Libulwl - Ttnty ,
. , * former IT. F. 0. member aod why he . - I 11 .1 - . 11. - I I i
I s1hould study up Qn the rault and tit. I 100 mr cent support Oitiuld need no i . rt�vv nnd family bavio mado atiod in � . .1 I � . . 1.
. les of the members of tb:�*,Q,QVf1r11�fuxthe,. proof of tile folly, of vothvp 1,Ad advised the running of a eandl. t6 -fnr WeSZ I Ir"
I . . �' t1ate at the prer,ent time, and we
. ineut he is running as a supoorter 'for a LT. F. O� candidate with thold .14 The,Godalch and Owen Sound buh PHONE F .. 'HE
� 11 M
�- ' " 'O, , CA$H
of. His reference to the 3oheitor idea that they are voting for any ; 0 know it we have got the 41f. took a 10%d of.c:ourslonfias to Nia. � 'o
� I I -ference Wtween then. and xiow very gara Mallo -on Saturday. Frolli herc, . E. HIBBER T I
� 'Voneral as Rev. Mr. Canlion Was, thing but a Lib,=1 supporter. I . . I I . I STORE
... . . I I . . I clear il� our ininds yet. Quite pop, there were Mr. and Mrs. N,d. Fjshe�-j . , I . I I
imnising. . I . - I , ribly* the "Ploinfer -will %tot see 't so Mr. 1,1161VIlle Tindall and dau, 'r. 40 # � . ,
I I glite .
" � .
. 1. . - . Ron. tucien. Cannop" Wisely ve- i clearly eithet after ept. 12t . . . Isobel,, ,Mr. W.. Mellivain aud daug.h- L I �. ,SEE OUR WINDOW " . .1
Yof thoso who went to bear , oil, I frained frow ibly of the fiery �denun., ter, A'Moliit, of Nile; Mi. tnd 31W. . . . I . I . I . . I
I I , � —_ 1� - Warner Walters and Mrs. John Tre. ,,-j�, I - - _____ _ t � .!. .
Macxenvie King Avith the exlpeeta� I tiatory anti-Xeighen uttetanv,os-b(;�l sormia � -_ - � � . . ___ . - . I
tiono that they. might hear somo ,was. &edited with. among his own i . � I ble the rest of the load was ____ -p 11 .1-1 I .0 -1. " _ � . - 1. __ �_ - __ I
, � . '.
. ' . � I . � . . .4t V161i and.flenmiller, 23 -in 411, aud I I . . - __—, ___ __11.._ __�s�__�:�
. 4;' - ' ' - -
I � statesnianlike utterances on . broa�a c0nipatritits of *Quebee, province, ana Goderlich, 12, St. Ifelens 4 all report a good time. - � - . . made from UeGaw, Sept. 7th. and tourney on Friday aftier - .
'Principles, tbq� amdulit of rime lie do- ,contotitcd himSelf-rWith ojjjogle�; ,dr The North Ztrp,et United eburCh I noon IS 3t- regimental piping offercd b�v R., IV. I .
' . . I � . troln Auburn, Sept. �Iitn. Varnier'i ttaoting Inuch, attention. This il Beatty, President of the Canadian
1 '3 _'0i _'i"l`q' '
way , i 0 r`� -
. . Ado from MeGaw, Sept, Vdi. und E!Wmii a 60' no" * i, b . I
. * Voted to petty political muftm,es ill(, Political. lea'dor'he has olecte4 to 'OftbaR tpuyn easily tetticd the mat. I NILE wisbing to dispose of their cull lieus. open to terijus, of seven nion front "
� . was a, distinct disappolutment, follow� The same 'passionate, deve. ter, oA. Friday, evening As to Nvbq; A 4lipment.of live Poultry will bo AVIII do well to take advAut-3913 Of this allf municipality in the country. P 'I - "ll 13V I
co c"t"In 114vo "'011 41"
I . . � Should TOPresent the west Aistrict. in' lit, Q. W. SNL -LL, Shipper) pr;res,of $4,5 to theminners aud-$21 i d Toron- -
� r . . � . . . I I - tion wIllell: he showed Vl$b(Is thn county sarni-finals on Wedne4day� in R. R. No. 3,131yth. I
! from Auburn, Sept. Sth. Farmora to,the second team willbe pald.. on CO "el Alexande, ra or .
he obe . 10
. � ter say's North Huron for his 0,wn race, language and volig. 'Ofterndon. The local ,team 'havine I it, , . .
Sheldon Brie], I di .J,V�, mu
, Yvishing to disp6se of their ru'll bons Word was, received this Niveolt 6f the &eifing of tho first 44y an old to' the 00 lie au;hFovit; 0 1.
, 11 r
'belongs tv the V, V. O.'s,b7 the'eight, , ion na the, traditions of his once$. b"oken Pven with St. Helens, journey,, will do well to sit, In A 0 1 e,� I . -
. take advantago of this the 'death in Toronto of one of the time fiddlera' and dancing collipetition . . . , I . I . �
. d' to Dhngan�noil, itild (in, neutral� �,hlnlkfent.. G. W. SNI3LL,.Shipperj former Iesidelits of this diatr1c, In is to tako place� And for tile. evcjj� corno are rainful *growtils. - littlla. �
. 10 of itibcrltancL�. Tile p�looplc of North i tors be gives to tile pOlitital leader e � . , I
. � I . Huron are the owners of the seat lie folioNfi., ' . . I "Oujid.displslved their 1ittim- ay)II-'v! R. R. No. 1 Blyth. I I I the person of misa Eliza Mel)Zald, Ing of the see(ind day tile splendid wz'Y's Corn. -Remover ,will remove, "- �
. . . tage, , . . I � Shp- had been an Invalid for clome Confederatibil Pagreant by Senfortil them. . i
. . Ond will, make their "will" on . Sept. I. - .1 _� I I . 1. to: great advqu win'lloo, the. . . I .
, . I royno bv ,it .12-4 spore., The Sti ITO., , UDURN I ln� talent will W.Put 011, Friday tifter. �.-. -��. I I � �!- . ;
" �" blankod till tho %Ixtb.' I . law, Mrs. Andiew .McDonald. For "oil a county championsbill b S,ball .
. � -�_, . 12th. Then we will see, w,hat will! MacKenzie :Xing gave-bia Gode. ewq ten I I A . . years at ,the lionle .of her siste, - -
I , �n �'e
. I . I b Ili Our villagfe school *III 7iot open un- a p . I ,- . � L - .
. .. .happen to -this. I'lldroffitary, right" rich audience a bit of Instruction oil lr"inv- , oil tl--- 4AOCttlq Alloweil. P r, til next Tuesdayi � ....... . . __ the greater ,part of bor life she had game, Exeter vs. Goderjoh, will be.
1 Rtu�r. 1 I I I . . � the workings of A. political 14alken of their men to ftoss the plato. 'This . I lived on the, farm now occupied by Played. so there will bek qult,d. it var- 11
I . I . sy I -q evi"lp"h to ,�qstlsfv the North St.. Ur, Walter Wa.shmgton'� .... has , pur- ' She wus one iety of ettractign Rol.,th * Grand Bead Casino , . ,
� l . . . � -1 . � .. . . . �� ,ere dilforences of opinion, among +�,lu.:,wb, in tl,vir Piwlit ,ehas6d a llo* var. .. . I . Mr. George Hamilton, 0 1 njo yinen -- . I I .
� I - id��,of_tlic___bt I , - - I .. li 1. I .
. '%Vhdh--MacX&We- -Xing wous JoAtz�-. . Os tire for it big ____ _��__ = — ! �. . 1''... .
mA I ea Ine are lrdrWd-F-qf-----br"o-n_P,jit in hielvo Cq611tey'� Stoo threshing 1� t'lle,order 5f tho nild'is tile last of a large fanilly. list of entries tn lot" : '
. I—- - chance'% a4 of �the earliest settlers in tillu rilt of all. We pr Ile
. I . I I . . I I "' . � I 1. I the various Classes, I I .
. . I I
: .Ing for Ali exaitple of what an 4�441 'Out SO that th o ed on ,Ait�bpr did t'ho f*irlfilir for, Godori�h Aay In this. locality, I ,The funeral will be held from the ,4ta- On one mail this wtek the secrehiry, . I
.. I I , � I , . I I I
I � .
I . .. . ,thing it would� be if the principle of the floor of thh. House, l- C,e6rg,� � arA walked three men., .. . � Mr. Willium'Craigi -a vepabring thq tion her6 to 9111's cemetery on Wed. Dr. Clark, )lad onquirlu from Xltth,m .
. . .
. .
� I . ,� . . elasi -vp�resentati6, �Wblch Spott � '. . to rerre- I The lira-vo ; . villt�94%4deKVAIA4� this 7week, .. !nes , pathy of efiet, Woodstock and Blueval,-. whicl . I � L AD'U'Jnk . DAY
- A % the an &oes to Pfia-liwilent - I diyj Aug� 81st The Vin r . . . . . .
I .1 I . . . � I a --' I I I . I I � r 1 � . .St. . RelQr-Lavis, ef; , TWd, If;. No:Ics$.tjjau,.9even left here lost all Is extended to tli*, relatives. I Is -only ow-itilicatio , , � .. I .1 � . .
I I ' � . . I . .1 - . . I
�-�..-lias! D�-Slio-ldon--Btt�keLr!s,-.A,"T-- n� u - 9 .. Lyon,%�, ss; McKinnon, .8b; McPherson,- __ - __ �� toreg"hat is - ""&� l�jjr I
, pp I. �.-gr , Ngifiv R.r�on it. *!!!.be, o th 11 of tile, wider in. � A.
. I Tue ' on-thma-excursimtv- -tK- . j, j
I I . � � . - ri1q; val ill 'tile - --- . ------- -- � --
I L .. wore .to be goilerally acceptedi lie, floor of �b� House. that *Ili.,; oi3hllons�_2b; Todd. rf-. MiQuillan, q. McPher.: !��?rthwest. 'L , . , - � . - -ST. AUGUSTM , -,. till% �,car, and.thl� display of field, I I I
., b. I 1 I .. asked how the men wouliI like it, if a will lip expressocl and North Huron:son. r; Woods Ili. ' , - � , � till - U g4rd I Nptemoer th
. I . : I , , 'b ' rs," McIntyre, i6f �Nngannoni on, 4 week) - R u 06 products, manufae. . I ,
. . . oderT -w-Hudden, 3b; Prldh (Hold.over front, Is,, ' .1 rest_ e in One to be of much. In.
� - will -%. r ng, , " am, Tuesday was tM'gueit'-'of tier �Vil. ' " Do. ot,
adies' party w6re formed .Alid can enrpsenied'.b 'a 'tr, G mother" r
... . I . .. I I y . nu4 ! �,;. Archer, u-, Sheardown, Ili,- jfc- Airs, Lawlor, r The earlier PkWeerg of the to I . The Last �
. � � . 44ates made their appe4l . On the vigorous 4ebat4 I r. I I � 1. . . . . . � torest. On Monday next the secre.. . , � I
.. . . 1. � . � 1. � . . : � � 11 .. I ,Manus, 2b; V, Westbrooke, ez X. . . . ship'aro' fast passing away. Last tary, Dr. Clark, will -open an ollice in I I
11 . ground, primarily, that tb(,v were � I - . I I 01hpardown, rf, L. Westbrooke, If- Mr. and Xrs�, T47loi, of tht vil- Saturday another ,4acaucy - occai�lred, `tbo to-%" hall for tllc reepip'. of -en. � A. Season . I . . I .
I : .--------- � - . I I—- I 1.1-11- .... � _____ __ " logo, left here Wednosday 0 , . ___ � __ -, � " ,
. . I . ---Dowt-, ---an7body-be--- le6clve,d-bv.-Grayj-�-, Uirpiress-Walkei, T,uck� - incirill-Am in -the,L-per-s6"-4V4lio4*-�bt-e�A41ist - tile --- ----f " "h - _ .
. I I . . � I jet ,d ef; - . for the Toronto exhibition. * , er� I 8--at)(1, reqaes s t at entr-ies .'be it,
I � � I � � I the'ery that Gddericli harbor ,will he ilow* Turne.- Godarich, � - 1, , He war. boin ln� the vicinity of Mont- made as early as possible In ot-dor to I pa f : Games , . . , . .
I I Irm '" , I . . 1. '1 ev. in. Mahan fal 17years ago 79 yeii . �
I I . , t , North Street Win tho Final f Toronto, r _k,4o .- li I I 1. b_ ..t I .
I � ra Ago. %...._. -_ � - - , - -_ I _ - . ,- - ..
. . . . . I I . � better'tre.iled it North 'Huron' r& , .tilis t re love, a rus a the last minute., - oil I . . Dancing AfternOolt : : - L . , . .-1
I . turns A '-rhero, was a vory large loeowd at Will preach to the Pre�'byoterian wr companted 'his parents to wn. the ,opening, day. of the fair thoi st%elv- ' . I
I �� . Govomilent, supporter ,than Victoria Park -yesterday afterno6h to grogation here nex SaWath, - - ^ship, wlitre'llt b"silice resideil, At . a d Evening with. I . I .
. � ' Mo'del . I Bea ke,4 . - I .4 , : The R t '61"Ove his Office 'to the fair . a- . �
. . . I . . . . . . turY *111 z ' �
� . 1. otherwiseL I The pro&ali; for the 40, : witness the - spini-finals. and liknal,s. in, I - Miss']-� that time,this part was--al-hiost an �
. . I WEEK'OF SEPTEMBER 3 to 10 volopynebt- of the harbor. is )Md out tbr, United 'church Me Stol . tg'has quit teachlnM unbroken wilderness. grounds. Admisiloh to the fair Is. Don'. 80ringer, 010 i '.1 I
. .. . . . �. . c6unty". Ica, -110-- 'for the present, and intends attend. His youth '-vAs only 25 cents, .. . I . .
, �
11 � . I � --- � - * covering a t f And tl,.e in.,; both'in �glils' And bovs! g4lyies. The Ing the jjIftiversity at'Tmnto. .spent ami6t the hardships of that . 11 His Eight Faitstera A — . . I .
' M,bfbits for theindoors .And pou). � I I
' '
,. 140NDAY Aiql) TUES . " " ' occupied ,one. diamond and" ipeviod, The Toeflities for,*Iucatlon� . . I . :
. 1) AY I terests of itbosq , *U ',,,,a%', dod.rich tirls . 'tile . Mr. Frahk Htliiiert' ' 0 artinents mustbe Ili Iliac I � . I
� .
.. .
. I . . . . I . harbor Irk t e'traTishipwe , . I r. In the boys' gainen Spent, last Sunday at the home 61-hia noon on Thursday, Sept.'St " At AXxi0st Sanct im �. I
11 . I I . � .1 � , � boys tho othe , of Goderioli, were lackift-,.a brief period at the t1T d 1)
� . CORIxE ,G"R1YFnji AwD. h tit of kralil Xoftlh� -Ereet beat Xonterld -1 ,to �1 mother4ri-law, Mrs. Hill, -in th ' - old log schobl-wis zkll..Mr.� McAllister given as Wednesday, h. . 11.4xzland'i, . -1.
� I I I
. - , .
� . I I TOM MOORE are tOo.strorig to allow, AnY,Goverrl- And Clinton (WlIIis�WVsIe.y,) hent lage, .. I .. . . I e I'll ,. took his part in clearing up-tho fqost was the 701, in -, � 1: . � � .. I
. _a " I - I . I I the printed prize lista but �ohoullt, "'Rand Cbncort .on Stack, 'I, .
. Theio'is . high note of drP.m,,i,-m doddj� j went to diir�-- to %ibandon tho pro- . C-o-a"d BerA in th6*semi-fin4is and fn� The �R and Preparing the land, for culty0u; , hRV - 0 T , 0 -ad Thuraday , Sep , .
. ) , note. Of liatllos�a barmony of liantor , k.-�- H. T4kner, of Leanl�, I , t. oth. :
. grarn. , To ilialm 4dijAal16r,tha'0ov, the finals North street defeated Clin. tion, tile glorious *orb of day nitat ag . ....... ��� th by .
I �
. , i This. is the second I year I 'on, took charge ,:of the services Sut the hours of labor, 33 -a 81GULAND GATftE'RING AND. , � . - Dash -wood Brass � I .
. in 0
� , .. - --alia., ';yr ,0. ingth Presbyterian church last Sllb HO * the q
a uphony, of action in �rnmeht by - a threat .of suspend d' +on L 1 to 3.
� . � I . . . . North n tho. cup - - kind and idbligjmg �neighbor, taking -nn -SCOTTISII .A�ljjs CA I I .
.: st-et team has Wo .. I I I . I
� I . "SYWC0V,A,TrNeX . suz-,-. I' arbor ' c bath -e . i . . . ... os. . I L Pla.STIVAI�. � . . I I
I . `21 , � . . h worl would be an attempt it 1 11.nd the Nnrfli' strilet towirl w;s� iho . . active intere.Nt Ili The variow; qu During1he first week jn,Scptvmb��.. I I . . I
I HARRY LAN,GDON COUPI-DY - .1 -,viliplesale bribery, , I - I -. ,� nf fkn�n whiell vere in the The former part of'this �veek Mr. tions of the day. In politics lie was I . I . 1.
. Or . . Thompson and family of Goderich Reforni. in yeliqlorl he nev Data, the headquarters of tile (';Ina. , 11 �
. ,,,HORACE. GRZE,LEY lit � , : 9�1, - , . .
� . I �� - . . i 1,4e,rol-fi,04 �ild fl�iilo,lao* year to lip or sworvad .
— � . L
. ; . . . I 11 .1; ,year. I in townshi1p, e0led oil several acouaint- from. the Preall t4rian, b6liot'of bis, than Pacific Rockieg, will - N, 11lihize ---- A r =-"tl �
. I 11 I In �wbat sense call Shp1don Brielm- !';-�+I p7o'R' jrarAeq t i � . y with tartanq wheii the. jjjgl�land , -, _ —, I...
I .
; " .. . WEDNESDAY atid THURSDAY say lid is less -of. a'partv .rMtn tI,,qn'1tb �*`10' _aq`i� CrIlinelhi%t Arfent- Ances, , . . � ., I . _. . . I forefatbers. Forty-nine ypar3 Ago lie Gathering and Scottish %51c, I � - . I
I . 11 . �,�'j 131 Mr. Wiggins, one, of our. former ,m%s United to his n4w bei0ft pattlu'r I . . . . . .
1. , I TAYLOR either of die -ps in tile v0h .)-4 Wreiptpr dd0oated St. . Val Vill bo held under the pat I I +
. L,01S, WILSON, VISTEULB otber candidat. - - . I
y . I in life, -wbo, along wi PUB,tic , . ,
. � .1. V'olq ,;, +'�;�� qpkilf finnIq ntid 0i Via, teachers wai in the village ,the for. th tile following, of the r Prince of , � Wales. I . . I .
. I
�� . 'RICARDO boRTxz , .. present by-ejdctl�n I -Ae is the eqn-1,in-o. Wroxoter defeated Clfis6lhurat Iner parli of the week calling- on old familv Am left to mourn his loss ' .N"T11V0` I . ,.
. .
. . n .it- love melodrama that rurs: its didate . of a party -which pla-ce.s.re-i2ato.6. , ... . I . . - I I . . - ' I �ScOts ,from all parts of' Canada and = I I I 1 I === . I I � � . .
� - - _1 � . . i . + . . . . David# his son, and his two dauqbtaV, ,tile United State,q will gather At the I I . I I ., I . � .
. . thrilling course through Bow�-rly strictions',in the way of right of re� I . � 6W_ -, . Mr� Water Robertson is. wearing his Mrs. Messof; of 331uov0e, anti Jo%,. ,tourl,,t. capital, on Septembee 3� to .1 - _ . � . � .
I . . . p ine, " "b6nle.On--Mond:v,, after� I '
dives, Broadway night clubs, Plith 611, etc.0 about a reloreseiitat;v., . C, 4AL I - � brighteit Smiles, -his,, partner-in-lifo hl 4t I . take, part in,and witness contc.stp, in - I
I . . I Nf.- Ir.bn'-. of Goderleb, visited having p ' number followed: hi. - � I . I I .
� .Avenue niansions, and Greenwich Vil- which n45 'otlicr poiiy hA done; and ii T, , .res6nteit,bini with a to�ag noon a large q re I singing, daneingi I i ping. . . . I
I . fl,,..-dq .., -� 1. . son the latter part of In mains to their Utst resting place Ili yames ant till I . I
I . IIA1 -T PA'day. .. st weJ. t I . . )
4� - I lage� Thrills,,gasps',and -lauglis all -I'the basis of Ills party is ocoupAlVotal . Mr. -and Mrs. Nash, of Wjiighjuji �. M I r. and Mrs. Asqd#h of' �he , vil- Dilmrannon cemetery. his son*. David. A, hundred i S Itti've beell offer -1 MEETINGS ., '
,... ed for supremacy in dancingi Ill
. . and n6t :along the liner, ' son in4hw Archie Messer, brotber !ping, , , . 1. I �
�� "NEW YORX" " i--�neral 'Aslt,d Mr.-4ifd Mrs.. A,. Johnstone on lage, attended'tWe Idneral 'of Miss singing and gaines. ,a( , . .
- . . . � . two, nephews, Will. INT, me. J� -1 . -_ - . . . . �
I MERMAID COMEDY -policy applicable to the . whole' -�otlll� -sunday. . . Rye of the Soo, -whose remaln.� were ' Win. seventeen Highland reglmontn in . r . .. , . . . I
i . . I
. I . Ro'*'t 1 . _. � . " . . I
. 1 .4 'try. Thorbasis of 4our system Of gbv� ' Mrs. - A. McDonald, of Goderieh, brought to Clinton for int6ruielij. Aill,ter' and Ilekt. Androm and orized to !:end I th I � I I . . .
. . I � CLOSE.90AVES" ' ' .1. Grindly, of Guelph, acting ;k� P411 a Rippr -to compete for the troDbr for t �
— '_ 1. . Well and Geo, spent a few 4da I with, her. relatives The political questions'will be die- bearers. , ., . . n. . e attrests of, 11. .
I ,, t . ernment is "reprosentati. . yz I I I . .1 I 6
. -_ -_ - � .
I I . _ FRI I DAY . AND SA,TMD�Ay � � . Spottonj if elected,'will "represeatt,.herii last we6k. , � . � I cossed in the Vorester.91 Hall�hore wi. , —, ,� -1 I . - � ". , . � . . �
. . I I . � . . th� . interests 'of his far1Aor_jcOjl,.tj_.1 ' Little Billy Johnston, of Goderich,. = A yn evening'by Mr. Bricker anti , BRIEF TOWN TOPIC'S " I ' . . I
. - ,
. .
I � ' - ' I .. I 'TO ,,, Li.beral Candidate , I �� �,
� ,. I . RANGER - tuents.ab nd leited'for u.few days with"Dorothy I the, . Interests, of the UY . Tnu, —, . .
I - ly a aggressively, , ' .v .,!-. - candi.dAte, . . . 'O' ' Mr..C. C. Lee-h4s started work on . . I , ., . � .
the s�ppr-dogt ,. ' � ine Roibdrtson. I . . ..,
I . the s0een's greatest : --. . and Christi . 11 his new coal sheds behind his'waic. . . .
I . * . . in. Mellwaln, of Nile, sfortone. At Barr's �ilj . . .1 . . .
. : I ed with puneli, p It port of -Conservatives guest of Mrs. W lit took lire. -Before anything,. could 'the. annual ba"Ar of -Knox chuviii I ' I ., � ' �
. . I - � I
. . . , , . . Mrs Ednionds. ,of Plymouth; was 4 Last week ilie. Owen Sound buci had bouse at'the dock. � � . . '.
"K.0 a dramatic picturization PAck- When M4�X�ztzle King was plead. ' quite a mi SUMMER -VIS TOM Archie, 4416� * I
. � ower and appeal,, , fig. fo� t o sup . . . . over the week,en& ' - . -_ � Ladies'- Aid willl. be held Friday, Dec. . . .. . . , I t I 1'. . �.
INV ' Please come in and get - a 4 I
. ,' - ITEN A. DOG. I L0VZS11 . ' . of ]*.trolt I I .� 't.
� be tried to say that there Was really i be done it Was a I in flames and the 9th. . Please keep this date In mind. .
. 0r. and Mrs. Shaw � bus was I . I .
ALBERTA VAUGHAN in ,no Issue betweati Conservatives 444 spent the ,%�eekend wiifi Mr. and Mrs. ., completely .destroyed. . No . aequainted. rltlbAy, Sept. 2—Lochalsh, . � ..,
1 "W$ A R110y" . Will mcll*ilin, of Nile. . , .lives 'Werd lost. I — The nilm� of Miss F.drie *Tve was I 11
1. . ,
. . I his. Governme4t; at the present time. I One � Inadu %tent1s, omitted &am 60 liet . . . F0104,Y, Sept.� Z-11lungantion - I,. �# I . I
. Matinee Sitturdoy at 30 v -w. I When he- was triltig to, make capi-. D rothy suld Charlie Watson spent � (Parlsh Vall) .
I . A, wo . locality0l the earliest Plonears of th't of A,fir. Anderton�s succeasful pupua I i
- . cep died in Toronto the forluer as liblished in.Tbe Star. I .
11 , Of their vacation with their YOU will be d .
. . e!t�L--!t�����.�---"r���!!t!�!-�---.--,-�.�-11 .. _. I - I I aunt, Miss Mirloo Watson, of Loy .1 Tisirt of this week In'Jile. persow- of .P . elightfully MONDAY, Sept. 5-81akes It II, .
I I . __.- . . � I . ' . Miss Eliza Jrane x0onald. . She A number of friends of Miss Verna' ISed With oUr e,onj- a I ,
� . I ... 1. . .
� .
� . I � . , .
I � . . - � . . t The farmers are getting d'"l91-Mme here with her parents,-wbo Brownlee gathered jkt the bome of Sul' 11 . . Ashfield . . I �`, .
. ididly with their Wr pletpell Stock of Se*t � �
just spier 08hing -purchased the farm mow occupied. by Miss, Ivy Elliott recently and pre- * .
. - � � - .. and the grain turned out exzeptional-`� Af . her. with a xols�c)laneous 1. Groqeiies. . TUESDAY, SOL G., -Auburn I
� . . � � � . r. George Hamilton. ,it and , tW� sented I . I
_ .. � "Perfect Bread" , - , f; woll. I . I , In W01v 4 Y pretty - . (Vorester�* Bull). . .
t I . . . . .- , . . wesent, village was u forest, � Her Shower- She I 0 . I Inim I Everything - Spotlessly I � ! .
i � , � ; Mr. Arthur Clark, our gonlat store� father gave the land for a Prmbyto.r� and useful gifts. . �
I W - W -rapped or Uxjwri&e4 . L . WHONESDAY, Sept, 7-01yth ., I I
I I 11 . . I . keeper. lEr busy helpl,na: the farmers ion church (now United- ellureh). The tug Forest left o,' Tu03d4Y - -
. I o clean . I . a - . I
. .
I q 0.. . . . I "" I I out ,with their -llarvest and threshings S rost In the ,,-Ijurch morning for K!"c4rdine to bring I . . - (14fentori I 11411) . I j ..
. I I . . - . .. 4 I � he took a deep !Tile . . .
... Aat nice, nutty brown''dAt ' thi%se days. . . I : and all its work and was 6no-of the down the other one -of Afr. Forestia . I Meng I I I
. I . I - . t r , � arked S K I . - ___
. . appeah,,- to bbth eye and palate. I Mr. and' Mrs. Errington and Ijar- first Sunday school teacher$ a ,vorl d e . its, departure Wing in PAR S . SllgAhVrF__l1ol1. janit's, * Unkolm,
. � , I 13ca", in which -she was engaged ;imost aq by 19,11, blowing of whistles around .
I . . . . I . I vey. also Mr. and Airs. Davie tile 1010 .
. � the diiek. The two dredges art- now I
.. 10,uy a Loaf of Perftot Bread . . vi-.qitvd with Mr. and Mrs. James L . it- lonir an she was here. About twenty . . . flon. 3� C. Elliott, 1110S. Rtmillaut .
. I '. and 71tiste the difference. . . tle, otAshfield, on Sunday. vo,ars apo she removed to Toronto. at ,work at Goderich harbor, . ocelsy 31. P.'. 51, V, JWIjaro. At. P,,and th.6
1 .
� � . . . . . 1. I Master Roy and rtuby 1P,ri-ifilr1ton vibore she had since reAded. On The Western Canada Flour Milli . . . . Candidates . � I "
. 7"ry Our 'Whole Wheat Bread It -of Salisfaclioll , . . *
I arrived,* horde On TAtesany. having Wedneadav her rerud"s were broup'lit bave been ornallumting their bull(IM 1he Sid . _11,
I 11 .
. . . . I I I spent their. vacation in Peterbor6 hos- Pryd takon'to Ballos remetery for ings by the painting of Mans and the . - I . I
. . . - . thpir la.of reoinq, Illneo anjoyiest thOqQ
I . and Fruit Bread %vitli ,their Sister, Mrs. L. McDonald. . Spectator from the Goderich batilm ,
I .. � --.--. =;±n-�-n I �________ . I I Mi. And Mrs, Harold Braftrow and of 11-r dennr4d relativesp bhe,boing now vees the sign 11,Purjt�e ji.1loul,".-on Hamilton, .St., Gd6ch The movii"a at Atiburn will he ad-
,, -_ , , I .
, I 1, I I I � �, .
.11 I
I. -
I I - . I 11 I
- F.
I ""' I
, 1-1t_V1l1_:` I
11 I It U1111",
T, I I .1
I' "'"4
th I
, V
� I i I
I 1
1 9
-I - "I "
- - ,
, i
" 44 -
Ali -."j'.. I
* ,
. = . .11 . 119 the last of the family. th )er part of th6i4.IeV4tor, qh6w-: "Phone 146 " I dicwwd- by 1101t. 9. C., I)ruryj' forluer., , I . �
I .. ; 10" I 00 - I of Detrolt,'also Mrs. Bragrow, ' _ - itir', "' r - .
I §A'. of Mt. Clemens. Mich, visited (From annth�r cerrpgpolldent) a well-filled flour bag, and the Pree J)CliVery .1k. TO�Wn 1Y 10 lm� iffulater of Ontario.
, witb. Mr. and Mrs. Vabl Maod,,l on calt works is labelled. ',Tile Home. of 11 . . I 11 I " -4t 8 eoleek. I
. , �_
1W r . 'riday. 1. p. I Mr.' Reg. Hamilton left for , tile, . , Alqtectinsisj will begin �
E0 Uo CLEVELAND, ake . . Ideal Salt?" . .��. I , . .
* . West this we(*- I I .- _ I - - . I I ". .
'I I I . I TIP? Owen Sound and God,:!66 b�is - ,�t!�,�*�_ , _�:--,__._ __ _,�.,_ _____!!!�_.ft_ .
� I . �
11 . . .-
. PHONE 114 . -1 � WRO, STREEr � I Ali, J. .7. Washington , purchased a AMONG"ME-CRUItcurl's __ - - — I I
I __ I �. � . I I. . I 11. . � lialq taken Its second load af ,�%cur- new V*szeg coach recently. . 'Sorvicea I in Xnor church on Sun- I -_ ... - .. . I .
±hn!_ I ! !! ! ! __sioniata to Niagam Falls and thiq . . I : . I .1 I
=_________._�___1_______ ___--_.,..-_-_k-___,___1 ,-,--..,-..- - - - J_ - Mr. Will. Craig idereed'ifT a nel,v day will be..4ond ted, by. the min. . . I .
.. __ - -
_-, _ --,-, __ I . I 406 ANO I
"I "I
gartlr,le on U10 rne%* ot ill,; jot. lsi;r, Itev. It. C. AleDermid. �
Quite '4 number from this 1=1411V -in
. . . � - . I W Ar. . IW
� I . I � . . �. I %
I .
The choir practice thia Week
went in to bear )ton. ttexenzie, King. 'morth street United 31urch has been
.... I �11, I
, ,
11 . I
. ..", ivitinnery
- .
, 1. .
speak in Goiltrich. changod to Fridar evening, .
I �
. . .
Miss Annie and Mahler Harry Wil. Victoria street: United,churall, sub
linnig ave visiting their grandmother, jectfj, 11 n.ni., "Deep Calleth Unto
Mrs. ' T ' hoao Straughtul, Deep;" 7 P�ni., �Ivnlorouq chewtiall-
. I �� _ I ____.____._ - - U- -_
. I . . I . N
11 I *�
Autumn sfyk�
I . .
.- . -
The here,
, ,�
nebool will not re:,)Ilvn ity., .Pastor at both servie(ja.
thl.q WOOL- but all putilir, phould he North street United ellumli, Sun.
ready to start .next Taer,dar, �Q-opt, da�, Sept. 4th, fellowship claagoo,
" - . .
. . .
. .
I.. .. .. I
64). . . ' ' m,isgion bond and, blen'n Club* M-10
Mr.q. Jqa. Mateb wont to Toroutil a.m. Topic for Alca'a Club, "What i-14
on to darm by Mr.
W I . I '
. . I 1,�
I �
-Raturday spend somo at Trilp Humility?" introduecd
11 . I
,� �,
the fair and visit her (jaughter, Ajjq,q W. T, rmille� Tile pantor, Rev. C. F.
I I I . �
.1 I
Ali -da Mutell, Clarl:e,,will be baeli -Ili the pulpit af-
. `,: .
�, Showing, the new Ouiitand-
- - I
Mr.'and Mrs. Alp and Dwtald rv�ltor his holidays at both A I %iii. and
-ned frow their holidays Mst week. 7 m. Sunday m1wal., tit 3
tnt p.m. norvk I
. � I 41
" I rng Fall dolor$, in Smart
.( I I
I �
I .
, I .1 .
Mr. Alp took claarge of h3n vioti: P.M. __�_ - . .
I . .
, --- , .
. I � shapes .
- .
again on ,Nunday. (,om,31101 I N 1) t - IST W �i t'
Mrn. T. Adami and family iind Afk�v. I ___-'j
� � .
. . � .
I �
wra. 'Strallghp.n 1110ored to vqtellen� I Attractionq at the Gagerld1h Fair
With Mi. cham� readld.or .,�,'attlr--- Next Week
- . I � I �� �
I .. �
day to vt'sit friends More. � - —, I �
. I
A A 0 , Mi .
I Ali,. It. %vagnor"d ongivi, 'WheAr' A Very i�tclroatinz live tit durne-
IWISS M Vicar "
� then GwBo-
thronoti tht, rond on the vor- How linn bean arlzinmd for
Itnern Di3pre!'ilch to thv� rnflwmi rm Ox, viell fnir nggt, woel. If hav-day, Fviday �i
I a C
. I
bao,- line on Mqday. VaMil unn- ando.Qaturg*. V,'PV, qtb- 0tb Wld 10'zlb-
:ntopppd and It feal: ilzO' Gcf,ti,911 Oud In addition to tho ffour elIX-4 �'
I. �
% Ig
,Vollo V)v mod T,Ium, -,)
thr-c-sheTs' gango about tv,,o ,hourn to 0 no r�0'41A'
R 1.
, -
4 gret tba taacladre out and goh"g. V130non oj� t'g,jda�7 nn(j 2.,'�q nnol '-r &jpj�p
A ,3 ,�,
.. ,
f_'!_-..L12._1__!ft1�.0 ---- oh n,.�
41 01UPEZ0116 Or Ravo 1)6=51z� \�,Ud U0 C40=15 OU ZUM W,Y�Aw UL) V I I ____�_�Mi -- ismo
i ,i � � . . 9 1, . I
� I I \ . I � - . �. ,,�-,, . I I � .
I : 11 I � � N I
j I \ I I
� � �� � ) � 1\ , . � I " � I .
� I .
) 1. I . . L, I
? r,l
_A_111 - . � - - ___ - I - 0