HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1927-08-25, Page 5-
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1� I � =--.A--& Nw"�� RM ftgds owww Peas
11, . I ik*_L� vAIMPMA&
1WRL a '414OV.1 F. Watwma's &ad
Writ"i—I 'W" I r ` From Our ,
$6 vory W= __ ai% *
�� �olrrqra L-_ -I liiaillslilwoo=" Wool
�. i .1 I Parker S
00"V 41MY Iii *AWL I "forth 9ftWouto SoU ,he �'k ty tk*r Authority that two 74400 i
. 000 day a frised odd as About �l Tbe larg,e brick residon_* m �,�,a- Wider the Liquor C,fttrot Act will bo �
,Lfort4 14)�PWrlY *rVikVied bY Z",' lAt � ll 01"t'41 '11 S"4:t eolintV le&lrl�_ thi*1 Peas and- Pea&
f Mr. J. M. Wtt� bus bren_parcha�,�J 4 fall -one in Wiarton top Sorth Orwol Our stoek is large and
_ ,
I 1 Mr. Hr,twrt �k-&Vlett. The f,r0Wl-.Y and "'"e ill Wlllkirt�ll% 10F S. Wai e. :
- is oat- of the best It-vatiurto ri 4�-,:4- ,%ruulkl sportai and I.,vat,ort Olt 1, well assorted, .and each
forth. i fleace &*th
g a
8"forth, Paving Streeli I N.ear.fljr the closc of the;r ".4unt, I Pendl guaranteed.
a J t
Sevetalai,f tho Ftivets in &3�,Ovt;i ynez trailF; " " the ' camlwvs at girwe, I
. are to be paved with asPhalt anli Tile WaC,h plittill fQr 4A day in thq'ir 4;ep� A Pen to Suit every
* Expositor claims that 1�ieafordi will aratf., progrAnts and enjw%, all togeth� 0 hand. %
I, have the, best street% of Any bl-wit in er a ilay devoted to _oml)eti_1 .
a , ad Uw lhiphivsival (
the county when these improvenw,nt'i ti�-11, a even V o the intelloc-, I __',
,; 9 are completed. . . I tual art anil umusiement. "The tutst
� I - I 11111111111- I I ---------- ",", 1. 1. I - i- . Reid -mays ewle, was the unanimous opinion of
I 9_ event.
L skad Rdyis4d Is* to givo it a trial. Z all, on tile result (.f the 19.1 E Co ROBERUON
-devided to do so, wd after ftkisig The marriage of Miss Janetliap, For the evening concert Dr. mcher.
I I thr" botolls I f0mad # only daughter of the late Mr- and Y911. of Toronto, w44 *,e cbainu:gn, tXAMOVid MetChStAt
, 4 World 4('L gQQ�I, &a& V t1tet kwt_ Mrl�. John 'Hpys, Sgratortb, to Mr. I .. . VaMerto."!8 New Rink , iiid _ I
- he Iftot 0144 a a bes, - "sxr- M, youngest son (if Mrs. jeweller , � . � �'L �. I
4"he for a Regitial Walkerton, a low months Ago, sub- . I .
love WhIle. 0 P �, .11 Refd and the late J. F. Reid, took scribed $11,6W to build a new skat. I '
, Put up onlyby no T. .301buin 0;l't. place At the Parsonage, Seaforth. at ing rink. The proposed rink will We Go&rich, Ontario
)[Awlto, Toronto, out. D.30 ololoek on Tu7esday. Aug. 16ch. 200 feet long and mver 100 -ft. Wide, : ; 'Phoa* 136 L
. q� The cerentony was conducted by the . 1
=-�,==----= =�'- 44=�� Rev. W. P 'Lane of the Northald'i With ice space of 80480. Five row -i L I I., L --..]I,
I I music � . 'ted chu;ch. in the preRn-m of * of seats on tach side iwovideseating __ , , - -
��__o^t~ - ------ uni I . capiteity for 1,100. on calling for ��_.__. _____
,.A � LAkUR% JUV40N, A. T.,iE._ii ------ few ilillnedl4te relative$- tender$,- tile lowest Wert bAwet'll I Pfaff, of Bad Axe�
V!'%' ' br,ruOlon given'in Piano. lipsWenee $i1vtrthornc�.VrterA%A . Nllioh., was re -el.
,� - $15,000 And $16 -OW, And these Old ected president and Mvs. Edna Love,
lion "a"t corat'r or Baylleld autt url- A. -quiet but pretty Wedd-Ing.WAs not include foundation, which ta y f r� e d
ImiA 11001, - � ." � I I A ,u G ad H A was re-electei sec..
, I LL I � `-41.1 1_.111-1_'-_1_____ -1 --&t.-Lthe._home.,,ot,.Mr.'and'L take slnother4l.000. 'The. -Rink Board, treg&,_and_..it .. .... wss� .... decided. tQ_ :,get
I I I isolonitift*d ,U
. pit(IF.- . W. if. J,k(;1Ks0N_JuS -"--'- At William A. Freeman, Janle9 15t., plan to put a $5,0ft inlortgago-Lon. it .
. truetion rs. next year at Port Huron.
191' ch,en. In Voice culkt)r4�. Organ, Soafortb, on Tuesday,'Aug- l6tli. at to cover balance of cost suil coatrac. .
� ly daughter, Leaving Bl�ftlk,
� Plank V10116. Guitar. Thett.y. etc. high noon, when their on tors are to have it eDripleted by the, Rev. Otgrge Tolfori
. - SWillo and residence. North Street.. F,rma HIiz,ubetIx,.w4is United .'n mar- I . st of December. -
. I . . ___ 'ortj, $t, r . 141ce to Mr. Thomas H. Silverthorno. - , Gordon-schwinilt weddl . it A call was received by telegram're
17. 0. H.01I,LT0.%t-0r$auIst '.',; 9 ' cently by Rev. George Telford from
� .� xj� Vaitell church., Cogeort of Toronto, The ceremony was per- i An, event' of ,much local inferqat St. Paul's 'United,church, Fredericton,
, -
.,L I and TO-achar. _ ,� player formed bv Rev. V. It. Larkin, D.D., took place In St. Paul's lUnited New SruWw1qk_.Xr. Telford's ate.
11 I ReBldeam at Mrs, 4�olbQrue% St.'.Pat- of First Prisbvterlalt church,* .u. tltej churl�.h, Lucknow. at hi,th noon 03 eeptsnee Is 2UVfCtLonIy't6 the ftes.
11 . 0 StrVet. L L . . tivecionpo Lnf only the Immediate rala.
1� . ... q 1� __ - I tives, of the family, Tuesday, Aug. loth, when Miss Ella byterles nnd Conferences concerned
- P, - -- ___ � I I 1. == I It'r—A Q 161.4—Af. . ,I ,I U4. 0 -vka !&a +11. own& 0,%+JA,h, Af Rt V.-IlIlla
� propero claisood ky Adr. Giblic
!!��6!%. tax interesting 4M. ,I
0 takias artion to
Q)wt Mr. Now"o". Th*� tore hwl�
nbacklume all to Vioces. and throw it off,
the property. whils provitwial
ft-ASk 36rilun wore 016 by ztl: oh I
talk After a sivat I= *I 11-lublo.
M, moas"0660 go( . � $is All*,hkae tv,e
and in *vrki" order �
=dh#4:J=. to keep at k-wit'antly4l
Watched since, Mt. 43ibbit ondoat,�oww�
to wore on 111�11nvlitln ffilid4tol, Ux,�
Mousseau vrov*ntlng bult o"?1*1111'e,
on th- propwzy aw ailhills 1'4)�, hw�-
V*60w th; (Vuv� at 1'41i.kilw�
11VA'uld "t AVU!"t the ilijt;tl'�0oll loi
Nr� Gibbs and he thitn ont,oreil g t,uj I
in the high %�ouq at London for d4wj �
OV'S UgAi"llt Q#41% MOUWW&U, OVA CA,0 i
to W 101041 this fall at 1;�)fidow , 1
4 - - 1_1� j.
, S 0 Fim
� sort Wrork, 1t._ThC,.-.�, are 11
11MM' Who 112,vil been aflik-tvil -%vith i;
"E'les slid have d4van t1lem 4"I av u ith ��
'O" 0
A 161'
Du Goodsl Lma, Gr tnes,
",ft a I
Fruits and Vel;et bles .
� I ii
When ordering,your (I'Vocerkstr6ill Ils .Vott'get
the best on the inarhet, as we handle -and buy notil-
. � I 4 a
ing bat the liest. ,Natie this otore your heachitiart-
� �
. I I
ers for vour Nmants. I
Dr. 7nomas vcleptiie 4)il. ^11 siolf. 1; . 11 .. ,�
lavlv troublKi, sliould lf,�,l ati tiate M . 1. . . . . . 1: .
I .
QPPlYil)g this Splendid remedy, as , -- --_�_ — — . 1_,_,:L1f11' . T., -.I.- — . t_ I
I . ., - , .�� 1. 1
l- - ,��,4, .— I ,
-111111, � , � , -1 7,
. WV, - -_
I � �111M." , _. . . I
X � �_t -, �,_) � � I t 0 . I . .
- I , .. -
,-DIU , 1,0%-A�14 in La -way i . .. - . " ` .. � -_ . _7 �,X _
11!�tQ-,2wSM`1, I . . . _-
expre"Ased by it.sb.low 16ce, . . . � . " � , ,
0 . I
Vadomh "' I. 'V, J,.McEWEN. . _74-1' r I
. . 4 . I " . � C .b
wouse Veins, . b --PHONE., 46— - " . 0 A
R*duced or Alone�v Vdilf, - .
Q - __ . COO& dolivorold to'YourboUse bY tho bost dolivotry in town 1, .
Simple Hime Trtatatent That rs I _. I �
. Giving Afta%inx ptiftults I I ill I
_�� "_!*=____'__1_�101W0�
,..-.-- . _, _ , _,� �, , ._ _,��,!!_ - =_ 1. - --1 -, .'_-,-1_
_ , .. , . " , 1A- . J,_,W__,_I1UJ1t_t_ _t* I
i k)_., �t(�_ _
The world 'p`ro'gre's'-ses'.' TiD'd&yuSI.' n, onnex * allic -- child-i6ii 'a r0r,"." " " `-'-_ -
Wants that took weeks to euto can Coliseum at the lealladiall, NatloaaO I
now be ended In a few dsys.. If you F,thibition covering S acres. U hen I FOR FLETNEWS
have varicose veing or,bunehe,, you completed this colossal strueturo Will
can start today to bring�'thent baoU to contain 1194 acres. N CASTORIA - �.
normal size, and� it ,vou are Vim you . 1: �1 I 1111:1 � . .1, .
will ,do so, : 11; 1;1::11 __ 14111 I I ; I ill 11111:1:1.= ! �
I --i-1-�;1�_
b .
Just get an otiglual bottle of I I . . . . I . .
x0ou'a Euler*ld Oil at 40 dispensing, " � .� _.�.. I I .. . I � I I 0.
pharmacist and apply it night and- fto � TL&t ll� . .
. I . .
. .
. . . . . I P . .%415 r, V . morning as directed to the enlar ad .
� . LWAL CARDS' I Ragasth"At Announced.. , Mr. and Mrs. -0. S. Schwludt, of Wal - are anxiousIor an immediate ,settle,.. 9 I I . I
I . � � - - - .I.I.......0.1-0. veins. It is very powerful and pone. . . . I C - you ""IV . .
I � y'ii.- ]Dk—ftRONV� I . . Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Crich, of kerton, was joined in the holy bonds ment. hav* requested Mr. Telford to trAting, and only a little Is required. . ,,now I mu h �V.V_ . .
�Al' � ... . � Clinton, anaoundii�tho. engii$eMent of of matrimony to Mr. Huntly H. Gor. c6me, for September Ist, but as this � � . I . .
, I .
JW, , aurlster.,8011�dtqrj�xofttrr Publto, r,to., their youngest daughter, Pearl, Irene, ' dou,� of Detroit, son of the late Dr. will be impos% t, they will Itavo Aftor U tow "Val treatment, tho � . �. " . I ". . . %.
, veins will begin 0 grow smaller and - . I
_ . Suceessor to .T. Ft.- Killoran . to John Vdwar4, Wmer, YOUT190'r Son, P. M, Gordon, of Lucknow, and ;,Mrs. SlYth ,eorlyln ... Septe bar. The call by ,,, I
Phoas% Ofllee.�The,,,qquare., tievertoli of George W.'Turner, of Tuckeralritli, Go regular use will soon reduce to I - ' '
� . _____ ,rdon, of Detroit� . came by recommendation of. vartalti normal. , . . . . I . , . � . �� r
. -, -- the inarriage to take place the latter Death of 1.� of the church leaders.' St. PaullaWas People who Want to-Teduce varicose . I 1, 11
, ,
r4 B N e$al ,% F. L F, E. :,. - _ , . , part of August, I Al I I , blrsw- WM. $coble 4 Presbyterian Chuiih before union. . . � I I W! You Get I
. . . _ �_ , . I . � 51r-. WM. S66ble. mother of Mr. � veins, or got rid of running, gores and . - ____._t _ . I
I ... ; . � .
,if` '_7
. � I . I jlarrus(er 41146. s4wltor - � Clinton ,Hotel Changes IR3nds- David Scobie.� of Lacknow. and of thp . . . Wells-MoRay , . ulcers should not hesitate to 16t a . . I ..A I . . . .. � '\ . ,
. 14 ItIng Street Va4. Toioafop 2 , Xr� David crawfod. who 'A been Rev.1omes Scobie, of Uelgravo, died A quiet but pretty weddinj toole- bottle at 0000- It is 60 Powerful that . I . I ,. I � . . I . . 11 I I
I . Telephones, Elgin 416-8417 1 the, proprietor of the G *1100se nt,0alirravean Thursday. Aug. 11th, Place at the 'United church parsonage, A small hottle lasts 4 long time. Anv I . I �
... . 11.1--l-, - f�r the past thred yeara.has sold It!-,, f.,11olvirg several ,'months, I WITH Now Lower Pri . 1%
. illnessi. - Ethel, Ontarlo,-On Wednesday, Aug.lpharmacy eun supply You, It. 0" I cc$ is now "I
. �
'DUDLtY V. HOTANIF.S. , , .� . hotel -and bualuess to Mr. .Robi�= La- ,Xfie fuii6ral wa,4 hold. on Sa4urday, 3td, , �wheu'Etvtt Ma% third daugh� .Dunlop sells lots of It.- .. I I . combined the Most Amazing �.L .. ' L \
� � � . . Uarrlstpr.. $011aftor, x0tary mont, Mr. and Mrs, Crawford -it'd Aug, 13th, to Wingham cenietery.- ter of Rodorlelt ana M - I -1411..Or.....'�,_� � I
1. - 1. Public.. Conveyancer, We. family are moving to Toronto. DIr.. . Gordoo-Seltwig4t, Wedding rs. Mae Y* , - I 'NADS MMIALLY FOR 1119 . Quality in all Chevrolet'listory. . . . . .�
� I 104i United in', marriage- to. Harry , . �, . I I 11
I � I PHONK 27 I HANOT04N STUVET, Lamont gets, immealate .Possossiou..' An event of inuch local intare3t LV6U$, of Wlugh�ml Oniarlo, . Thol, , : VACATIONIST .1 . dened the circle of ailto� . I . . I
I ... ..... . ;, �: -_:It � I I .
=_=� i 4 � Killed in Notor M4404t, "I took . place,* In St., Paulls. Unitod ,Ceremony was performed byAhe Vev. miisl�-6ka 14kes are; -like ,a Imao I � 11
I,i,- =,�==== I
I � I I I
I hcTALIST , , , ,. I � - I - - � I .� mobile ownership . . . provided j . 1.
� . . 11 - lto,0. rather 0,'affne� of - Cllniou� eburch, Lucknow, at high noon on D.' M. Guest., � . I L �-L magnet, whose power to attract then. . � 4 I ", � . " 0
. 1. � .. DR -F, 1 ft.- rOBSTM . lost a Zephew .by, iu� an. Automo�, Tul�sday�',. August-.- idilt, -when Miss -1 I . sands, of pleasure seekers from all .., mical transportation �to, untold t1fousands � .
- . � -
I . . I . . . . - � -Collar Bone. sAd Wbt;-B-rpko.0 -- I ovoi:., ,the - t- t - - -- . - t- - I . * - %'A n- - � - I. I _ , 1.1
. . I '1� I I bile,neialdelit in.'Vilas County, V,'ls., Ella Morle Schwindt,, -second claimll. - , con men grows, Munro): , L
. ,,. ma. -v TmoAV. ' I '. ,k - " � , .' placed withi reach of the average
- V I � ,
Eyr ,osv, reeentl$k. The. young rang; �Tr. Lmyro ;to of Mr; and Airs. 0. S_Sch*M, On Tuesday evening of last wve a every yedr.,' w .of � Mug motor -car b ' a'QUALITY I
n a 6ne of Walkerton,was jolp6d In the holy , and ot - -
Late Ifouk sagion Net#.Vork Oph* euee,06ffney. aged,ni oteen, Nva., very unfdrtunate and -distress-Ing ac- I Once the varied pleasures - I uyer I I
� I thalmic a6&-AiVaVHo§pItaI, as,.ifstanvat s People in b.onds.of matrimorty-6 Yr. Hilutly 11 lideUt-occurre(l to Ur. Fred Dawson, koka Lakes have been enjoyed, there ., i- . P." I I .
1, I of a party of eight younE I . LUXURY beyond -all expectation&' - , I ,,
Nfooretleld'4 Eye HospItal and Golden t, I . . . I
I he auto, which ,crashed Into the b�x. Gordon. of � Detroit gon. of the. lati Dr: who. lives a few miles east of,gentiall, is. always an urge to return to. -this I - '
, . - I it will. be vem�mbeted, -lost pine and'balsaw scented land of sun. i� � ,
� Squarp Throat Hospital. London, . flig. cavition, an4'ibutment' of the' new 0,. X. Gordon of'Luoknovir and Ifr4� qnd *ho, In judging Chevrolet look not, merely at - I . . . I
. 53 Whierlop St., S Stratfor&, Veto- . I I line barn by. lightning only ' I I I ..
� I .. 1. bridge being', built, over the Crawling ord,on of,Detrbit. 4 a tow shifte that cannot be denied, Lolling . '�,
�".. , 1. phone 267. ,� ': - . I �1.1. - , ..� 1q, . ". I .1 what you p -at who.you get, , I .
I Stone 'creek�Rft.r,�,7404 Gaffn * weeks Ago* , It tippeava that Mr. Daw. In the� .sunshine, bfithifig in, the cloai- -1 � ay, -but also - , .
. 1. I At Hl,)tel Dedfard, GoderOh-va the. '61 - ' ]Death of 3irs. 'Wui, $Cobjo '. 2 son was, operating � -his tractor itione waters, or cruising amidst the 'hun. � "_ shio0th I ; . 1. I I
i evenIng of ihim Monday. olt raeli mantil atter'ded -the 1-ftneral, and -sdog, the COnSiftr the fleet peit6rmanc " .
A� 1#1 I
, . UK tb� follovvin it I Requl6w Higli Mass. 1. ' I - , . Mrs., Wm. $cqbie, mother of, Mr. of' the fields, and the governora not drods ,of dalands, - dancing,' gelling, . '. - - .. . . 11 1 . . I 1
M day2.Tuc*Iny, I I I � . bodies, . . .
:. *� "', . , , � , I , "I � I .1 . I David SCOV10 Of Luckhowt and. of the appe , Olqyln tonniss are only a few bf the , � I .thegrace And beauty of the Fisher - I I
1P 01111 I I . liair-Ruilsoll' I . milvir to work just as nicely as
t . I I , . . I ' ' Rew. Jantes Scollie, of - Holgrave, died desired, Mr. Dawson ,was leaning out diveraro theease 0 �iarting, driving and stopping, ' . . . I -.4
. .�. I . . Next -visit. In ooptet"4�. , * " The -- on Th I ns awaiting, the vacationist at . .I , . 0 � I I � I
. I marriage of Mis's Edith Jose� at Belgravo I . I
I . I � . I , - hine. R I th, .seat to discovei- if 110, could MOA44 LakO. . . - . I the refined Yet 'rugged * q441t,V' evident . , ".
. �. —__-7 — I I I P 'roln hi� I
-;-il.i 1�.. _.�,. CqFltopiAcm ; . fissell,: of. Orillia, to Mr., Erp- following �evorsll rA liths, illuos.-. Th� find fte reatQn. and *)tile. in the Theta is plenty of .ace6mmodatl6n , 1. . .
.. est, Edward -Barr, 'of Wjtigham, tooR i ,�ttnoval was on saturdar, Aug., i3th, 4ct of thug left t .. ra�o - throughout -Chevrolet c'Onstructioti. 7 1 . - . �.
. . I . _�_� .0 ege . . Ainglout over thea'll, - for .' av6,r,y,1iody-:-aecomn4odat1on to, 1, . , . I I
a .k
. , . .
. il - .. _� 0�4p 13 C . I
,a. � , ,place at Knox C It Ch oT. Tor6u- to Wlgg�ani.cenleteery. , . i , - - , tor, by some means it Ynade. . � uic Ault every taste and g on% the I I , I I
. I
I � . Ss PRAOTITI n - -A "' _ - _ . I ., � Weigh Chevrolet, *
. . I . DRVOLEE � I . � I,., j0tb,. , t ntart, Quito uucxpectedlv�: 'M 15%ir. lu.�uriougly ectul - . .1 I quality .with'Chevrole �
I . . . � I . , , � , � , '-Qij Bgmondvillo �Brelve0 Vorned I , : pped, oyal Dtuik6ka
11 - - rv, : � I V
I � I . - , 0, 01 t. The P. V.,Dqj R! Magog � t or Taih . ]'to tile quiet little hostelry with only , - Price and know. Why Chevrolet hai 1. ' � I
. DR. A. �: �ilcwo..'% , , - 'Clocl � Dawson ,was throwa over 11
. � I - . D.D., of Orillia, o iclated. Mr. and Vivo from. 4n.'unknown cause do- #0 � M or , 4. dozen guests. . � . , � I I ..
, . . I 'brisolpQ4 Tbern i ' W, I Colbert Bramor _ caught -by the lotgo, drivin . � I
. . . -0hiNprael4e and . . "I" , wheat 9 . . I I achieved the most spectacular p6vul;trity.. - . - ,
. . . . . � ' _. I, Mrs. Barr will r�slde in Wingbam. . . .. I I :,
I , , stroyed the old
I , e '' the world.� ' - 7. 1 .
. , . . . Xgi�on4vllle early Monday worning. . W! 1, being Drokon, , also his Go to Vusk6ka this year.. You . � " .
� - . I Goderleb . - -_ - . . . . . 7, in the� result of somie thre .
I � 1. of his r�
. I ,� �roule.firqantcsno wervolls. "I I Rightn6ad-smiti of last W,,bk ,bs of !My car in I . � l.
9 'Re"14*4 � 1: � I won't have a dull moment, it, you kbli-. I . � I I . 4.401110,, : , �__
. . 10141,Pped WIth' DIathermy � Mectro� At All'Saints 'Ahureb,'Torontoi. on I The fire was, discov. collar bone. . - � . . � . . ..� day in this wonderful v46tlon lah& I . . . I . . .. � . . I �
. � ..
I ., . Magnetic . Baths, Xler*onli� - Flectric August 10th, the marriage was ioll ered about'one o'clock and a orompt� " i ktv Agent of the Canadian Xa- . � New'and Lowor,Prkes 11 .. �
�: - . . Tra4tmenti; and �GblroftA4010. '. a alArM,�,alld ,response from the:sea., A,Lon,x-Lived Morris Township . . � I . � .
I I I . I I nuilzed of Norith Lee, only daughtev fol,th *6:: bri . � . . . Family tioniii Railways will �kladly.gNp you I � . Touting . �. . . .$645 Sedon - . 0 . * : 418* .I. � . I . 4 ,
0V e, hours- 42, Ito 3 ,anfl. 1, to 0 pp. 4 ,jild nolghbors . illustrated literatur .- _
. tit" .., JW,,L.r0Sj.Ra 0 , I Mind, OTAPletel "'Roodkor - -- * - - 645 Lo . �
� "veptitt, ,%tondal� of Mr. Alfred E. Smith (formotly.of Sayed J . 00,00 bf Xt,4,11. Wor� N reidarkobit . e. _ , n- otku-Stdink - 011 . �
1� . . A I tmei � ., Wlng4m),.16 Xfr� 0e0rW G. Otcb- case ;of latnily"Ion� formation, " . . ,� I spoft'xoaaitli� - " . I . . F
46 Tylig"1111013111afteMoling rrid i2vellino, den, who now owns tbo"property. gAtit is reported from Morris Tow�. .. - 720 1 '01 Lalwait Sod" -"s . . I
, 0 flee liours--r-1.) - I � I 1 . .., .. Coup* * . . * Oft Truck 0904 - 63S r14 . �
) ih mond, .of Toronto ,Rev, C. H. E The original- bte"wery was. built shiPpnot.fir from. Belgiave. Alyliss ; 70 �- I.T.Oft . ,I
to Z� 1'a!l 7 t4 V' I - ' Sr in I : , � G . .
iiall, , .. .1 : . rlith, cousin of' & bride, offie led, obout 75 years Nearly 41 children are subject to . lz"0144 .'* ; 4 Itclawtit Deavow - ..' 60 1 .
. assIstod *_*Uar, L. X. Ill, Poppordene, ' ago:by the IaW.George Mary SriUus died there oh August .. . , . . �,
Lady In Attendance. � I . � wormp, and many are born vnitli t1hent. C"Ch . . . * 0 . �" Coinowdst ChaWo - 40 . ;�
I . I ' I Walland.ara was' later. Purchased by 10th, and was hurled in Dftro;ve I . . !:
I Itesideneo ond Offict--Cornor'OUSO(lth : I agne-Ellacott, . Mr.'Henrk i�olbert who'c ritletee, i� cemetery on Friday of last ,woeL Spare. them sufferineby using Moth-� � ; : rfleel at Padory., 0skaiva, 08tario-!-roses AX(ra.. . 11 �
of-, - � - �St, and, Rritaloolil Oland. : Z I . x0i - . . , 3 # DU or Graves` Wornt Exterminatov, ah- _: � -, - .- "Obucr 4W QW44. moroo Of CMADA. 111irtm � �. . -s . , . ., i ,
I . I I A quiet - wedding-, was solemnized for InAnY years and supplie(l.th4i The death. of Miss Bryans ith her . . . I 11
.. 1- . . �dl_ 'St. Paul's thurch rector Wing., $Qtels fl;rongbout'the eourity an4, in 101st year, 4 t I � . . . . * I . I ,
. . . I Mt. . raw attention to, P _ f,actj fileaY., , _� .. � I
; . I at -,� . ,ho excellent ie . � " 1. . . I . �, � � . ,
. ,
I . '. _., 11111� I 11 I I . . . I . . � . I . . . I I I I
. , . . ham, at eleven. o'clock ou.Thursday, . � . I .1 .. .. . I I I - . G i 11
I . � I . �', AUCTIOm 011mv. fa d ,,, arke -Dart of Western Ontario. tbUtt $be Wao . 4 member d a very 11 , ___ � I � - I � . I 111. I . .., .1 0� .
. . I- . I . I . - . . . . I . I . , ,,, .
- 4,� . I - August.,11th when tattra Elma, �qe- ,butw` business was'. discontinued lOng-livint family. A , sister, - Jane 11 I- .. L . .- �. . .1 I . . . . .. , .
.11 I . . , � I � 0 " , 0 YRO, - . : - .
" � ' �4VHOWA GUNDRY. � . . cond dau�htcr of Mrs, BlIncott and about 9Q years ago. " , I I survives, at'the age of 91, - Edw. 11 . " ' Ru ,LN M - ollftv 8A"s I I " . I
I . . . . $ 1 �.: ; I L .. . . , I , . L .� . died in 1918 . ,.. ard : . T, ha We S teet . I., ' � ' ,�
. � . i .. r , . the 111tw Willian, Bllaeott.- was nrit ftm4ge-MaCK"Ad Nuptials at 96, "Williagi died in : A t , � . I - I . - GODERICH, �' ONTARIO . I .,
_ � Live Stopic avid exert"AtAti(ifloiteer, ' e& in marriage to Wilix,id Dowift xc� I . . I 1017, tit- 8Z Tile � two . brotheri; ,and . . �q . I . . ., I 'IL. � . ;
I " I .
I . . lRamlitod stretto. Goderleb I& quiet wedding .'V�as colelliated at 0 1 Sho I ', � . . I . . . I - .
. I Xagu6. sofi of Mrs. NeXtigue. and the . two sisterSL had made their Itome to.- . , . , . * 1, . ... * , .. � I L .� ' I , . , I '. " - I . I �� 'I
, . , I 0 . made OVM�1. the hom- of Mr. and Mrs. James Mae. tether, u6na of them ;:having - 'mar- ical . - . . I � . . L .. 4M, ., � ... .
, I . I 'Slloq NY Ora 9nd AJI 4�ftOrts late Audrew McKague� Th.a.- cerp- X6r;1i6, Mitchell, m Saturday. L I I glectr . I . . ,"
Inacre to give You Satisr-10.101%. I mony was porformea,by P.6,y.�.Scllsfef- 19. tied, TwentV 0� 0� P L . . i . I . . 10, I . I I
. . . . . I . .
, . I . Years ago a,distant I I � I � . I L L � �
. I
� . I . . . I
.1 FarMerA' $at$ notes dfocotmtPd. � . -1246, when .-their 4au t r, t, Dryalls, m . .. - ' L
I _. - I ".. L � . I . .__ ter, rbetor of the church. !�, in relative, -Alex. I IrH � .MOST I A N G � .
.i_-.-_' .1, _!. - . - 't-AN1.1� . `1 , I .
. I
T,S()�%, , L �. ' - - L I
I . , . Blitli co�i0r,trivestijaiiiig _1 G 1 4 . a � olint . . C,br,,,,,s C -p I from - -Ireland . to._'_Io�k ifier;Ahein bs -g�' - ; I I .. � I . il
: I _ -.1 Marere 1L'beCaMe_,_thP__, =11e_ -*/_Dr,* - I We �itry a cid stock Of *** A4.
-, PORER21 11013101, . I I ,. ,sm;a - 1;�
1. ge, ofiBrussels.. /Im. tbei felt they wore then growing'old.' , - I
:1 , I : . I
' . I L. I - L' ftcerg . . I L .!, L 1 . .1 .
. . - * � I medInte relative$ only of,, tho con-imit. WA�A ;.A.t,4-t -3 - - li-efric I -Ay ___ .. _ .. 'd�t , .. " _-, '..
XV - — Flumping V 11 E L a ). plia -f
.fluipment . .- � I % _ _ . . 'Jr .
r � t a . . _ - - L " � .... - _ L I
I . ?
;,� , Allvlloni*er� U00 01.i siourr V I Reeve Dr. , 411na Of Blyth -
I and some tracting parties wore pregefit at the IL V.0 sav ug
,1 ". ' -%vill eQnduet, and arVange anN,,, shl o of t and had hecumulated a considerable- Irixtares', etc,
�. the 0 , n . he � councillors are investigating. ceremony, I I . , I . ,. , o L.
// L latpst methods to get,liest results' quipmo,nt and -re. L I L amount of PtoPprtY. Their farm home . � . I I . � I . .
� L Win. nr droll, ft card --and Ue,%,yl,,I gasoline, pumping a L boigourOWn , � L. L,
. contly. inipeeted tho Ltst6wal nower o. ' . is one of the finest In, 51orris. Town. . We Specialize in'
. *,*& .ft Immoftto ' attention. rarril I n Wcilnesday'4" 'Aug. 17tb,, at: 11 ship. . . I I � .
"kales a, spep4alty. � . 11 I I plant, They estimate that a 100 h.p. P-' L L - . . I . .
I . LL .
.. -1 1. .., 1. _�' 4teklinder gasoline eng�ne , and a - t"A., a Very Pretty but 'Quiet *odding L A6Tav1A,FgmIly. Hold lte.tlnlon Wiring of All Kinds' ' ,
L I I .1 t )k Plftoe at Egmondville ' � 'into lit 0aiffeld . I
. 1qO,p,4WR_f pty�",'It,, L,re� , � P -MP of 700 gallbns.loer4iuinutf� ca. 0( MA1180 - ' PJ . Estsitnales given on , �
. � I *, vabity would fjurplY Myth need,.% at whdn Catherine qt Dolv..daughte- 'of . - .
. - - I .' L dr. aInd 'Mrs, Robt. I A T�-�nIOA n1a of tile McTavish a .
. . . I . I L . � , It vast saving bva,t the outlay now � , , 0. Doij, -Tucker, tagiily.was he CIO Bayflold recently. I Ppli'Cati#* I
. - .11 , DAILIE. . , "quired for Stftr4, � � . " �sznith, waq United in marriagp to Wr� in ' AI[Work Guaranteed
. W 0. . . William - Jame The day *as ideal �; itfid � there, were . I
r . . I s i3town, son of '-ett"- 140 probont from Exeter, Itainy Ri-�.
. . 140T.01Y 1PI'VITO I . Two Control She-ps 'for Bruce-. land Wvei"ngus l3rown, 5th,.co1,1coZ1 ___�
I ,. ,Ge6eral Convw.va ' 'n'! .. I - . I eri -Lehdon, Do ', - ,
"P;t"0'4Z1c.,t L . , - � _ � ,
I IC`besky U'liteipriso,', wohave iton Mon 1,11.2.9 , L trolt Stratford, Blue.
. I ;, 0ond Vnmpanic-,; "lle' IL - , � , r. I . 4. * I .-Frank WArthur
.� I I 1i) 1,r , 1, , . VvAllkl` Xitchell, ginearidine, ipley. '-
.0$1 Iq
't'h. n1tt. I 4. 1 -W
. . .h nyii� 'V(i. L 21)Ft. � L .� , , . , &. 1. __ L I - -..-. -I.-.-,- i4rf Itte-union , . . . .i The pr6grain was such that fr in the "ph , , L �2 �� . .
I . . . . 40, . �l one . est Street
__ . I I The annual re -union of tb! Wag Youngest to the oldest all C,OU14 �
I I ,. ... 114SURAINCS . .. . I . . - take ,� 4.. ..._ . . 0 .
' �,kmilv w4q )told ,w- Grand *Rcipd on part, Soft ball, . races, ana vitrious 0 ,
. I I -1 � 'also a 0 _ o_ __ _ , ,
. . I . 0 the'14th inst. This was 'the lirst games, program f speocb.j - �__ ,
,N .J . I . ' : .1
- . f--WILLOP NICTVAL VIRI� 4 T 'i -, "Wheeler , , () e L .
- xr, WMJVA,nk�, , . I I � . 'r Ng Ice ttlic-crowdi a. P Y I .
11 I - A*, . I . , . . � t, oe the To -union had been held in and singi p It Ila 1) .
I � L ' I _ Vtdieral Director �and " r,,1P!A,A s"d i� wa,4 wit% �reat sat- mood. The, '.oldest membor . L . . . .
. . � Prasent . .1 THE I .
. VAVINVAND 180LAT80 XONV4N. PIMP' ' I . isfartl0n, to thn Canadian mombeml4was Mr.'Waltel- Greo�i.atred 14, of . . L I . .
. . I
. ,# D. . I . I . '.fthal.ter - I- *. - of the family that,evaryQ votod it Raink:-Riveri Who was the gue8t L
. I
^^^^~ I I
Value of prap&tY In9bVed UP- to 3 , I 11 , ' I I the most slocconsfill o"o- so far hold. of. honor.' The youngest inamber pre -1
. ry. 1010. ",
I "edit .�3jj%,0'45.00. L. � . I I oodm X :,0j1jgLr10 - SO,W hite h7alidred and ninety ropm- sent waq- Donald - MeTavishi �wn *of. -DE
.. I I 0VI?110Hh1.1&ftlP� 'Con'llbily, Peas . . q111 L nontatives regl"4tered and th-811 came Mr. And Mrs, Alox. McTavish of Hur., GO .RlCfl
,40fit, a6derif 9. vice -Pre* .,�. . 11 I Pllrom l3ad I Axe, ,on, aged 4 monthp, . L L I . .
� I ,b* )DR. H Y8, Sec.- � All 1. . L . "'-po- '0�tr,+ .Port . .
. Aent, upechwooct; Iva! . . . .
� IR Z a . .
. valls, Proml)61Y Att9mbd to Sandusky, Pigeon, ,Wyandotte, Sobc- Londiin'Ttoad isoNow Provl�ci .
. Tre&s,, Seaforth b., V. McGregor.' Sea- ` I day or nighf. I � qr�, svnd ,6+hol. 110i"fq. in wf,cllir�oan, . H ghway 41 L $A #ft Vdf I I .
. DIREarons-1 Ile P*14 frov, Wrterloo. Blyth. milverton. I . . L V
forth; J. Or. Orli've. WfAthrON' WM - Ph6ods.. stbremr,; ifolme s -,-,w 'Zurich, Sai-nia, rNetor, Ifensall and es Ontario Gazette ,C()n_ , L " Vot
Georgq I . Last weel , 1.
Wrin, Constance %I64trtney. . . I I
1, -I.. I— __ -1 . 'L I . . I . .. .
Tuoueramith: JAn Vk%rtfs. Hat'loolt; L Dagll*Ood in !Ontario. Mrs. (Dr.) tained, -a notice 'tinnotmel"g. ,_that t.1 - L
. John Dentrewise, BroadhagatIVNIurray t"__ - �A*M� L . I , stretch of road from 1. I I
I , � --- - _ . - _ ___ , Lucan to -Clin. . .
I 0lbson, Brumfield, I L ". ---.-,__L,-,. I—— ..".1 � - . I 1. . - 11.11" I ton ,tAll be taken over by Vie Proviu. Th 4, , .
kcr=%A-4. W. Yeo, Gndertch., SOndy . - vial Highwayn depathrent., During . . , '' . I "
tAteti, clittl6ar %Q. rihesn�.�V cf;ft. I � � I � . . . . . . . . -I i ,, ,
. . L the early part':Df the year tile do. I I ... ,
I , forth*. R. Ifirrehler, Seafoall. . � L, , / L pax1ment made a surver of-clia ro TO LE. . !,
Policy 1101der$,can pay their acisesa- e't . ad ... I . .
I luttla otorp, rinderfeb; . ') 0e, " . .� I I � NVIth a view to, nutting dov,rn, a paved . US IN ..,.�, I 'k -I.- I I.. L.
AA: ViCats at it. H. (, -Store, Glioton. , a �COM) L I I . .. .1 . higb,,�ay. The 'road front I,ondon to � .
A. J. Nforrish's.Clot:iIng L I I EIZ,infield where it connocta with ttie ; - -
. , , qr_kj�_ MT9t_A!_'VIfd4-_ . _ - ., � - . I I L . , is being — NOWTHRY'LL'
_ . ' , I �' , ' - - L'' ' _ " . ,14arnia gravel. , paved this - . ' '
. . ItIltr, INSVRANCF, . . breakfast , I I I Y�_,arnnd there is, a dRour on the %vny. I HAVC A0 11
� . � . . (:� . V � ,to Lolidon. It 19 quite poosibIr- Witt EmPTY
. . 'Have it attended to 1)�l the . I I I , ni, , - J .
, - ' � .----IMC ., VN, I tile thirtf-mile atrach froal Elgin. .. fil r4 1
_;� ?40311 MUYVAL ORE INS09009 tO J L , " .*Woso L I L . field to dinton will be paved'ilext --.-- I
,�V - �WEST WAWA k &
. .6 ) . J." I A -M-01 - - ,,, , -
L L5 - ar collnec.
19stablished 1878 1 � ,� 'ting-tvith the Ift"hway at to :, L
� . . - L .
* � y
. , - -t--pi -
- , ninton W111,01 Will 'Pive a naved roal ��
- " I
lgesd 011iCe.' �Dtl.111961111,00, 00. "I . - -1. - . V
I .
, Wai. :. Thompoon, Auburn, Prag.; L t . I I I I � fropi LOnd611'' to Godt,rich'. Ono o� I �r�
� ., � thp obataeles confronting fho (1 -part. . I ; %*i*;7
. WM. W-atton, Vieb Pres.; Jamoz Gir- . . I
I I vin. flon. Director; Directors-Wot. � 1, I I ment in pavimr, this nqroteh id the Jjj INI"I"i", I . �, , I . I
I 10 n�l '" 0001) hill at LUeall, 0910 SUMOV llao 11��l U , ,,is
MeQuillan, St. llplen3,- IV. P. Reed, .. -11 . � _1=4�.. 1. - � , 4 . I ler
- I . . " - -,.
. I
� - � __ - ._. � ., _ L , WaY and a " hli�iv, �,�."
bten made to follow do pregPlit road. , -� � r;111t. L
I I = �0, I &
it. It. No. % Lucknow; Harry L. Sal- . '111 ;��Ili' .
L . . , , .. ��`_- second F,urvoy han bpc�,n , ;,e� , 041
� " "
_.. . _ I I
I . ktId, Goderich; Alev. Nieltoloon, Luek-i "* H6V ,, 'k. _.- .. - . . Intide to tresole acrann the dppmr.0ion, -- -
n0w; Tim �GAIVL% 1L.U. N& 7,,Xuq1,w ,,_- , - -, , r� .�_, ,,, - -, '. " " J, d,pj 11� � . - I'l, ., , .I- I . - .f. . " Tho worl'. of pavitla the l'ond filrourrh , I .. . I L I I I
� : ellaS. IreWitt, Mnear_4jn0,-LP.obt. ' .
111&1� 71010 htift . ,
Bavidson, Da"ganvan. . raving of tho Parkhill Main St. I= � A blil-full of. Ifeat Vollcal Cout in
AT . Grantoll'if; proreedinV 'rapidly. 11wk '
I �,r , . lhtte�Vhofll per thownud. 0 erect t -0 d s t � been Vollioleted ard tho road wag ""ur houm Corven nfnice oil oVory
'=Mf . STOTIMUS, T. G., Attv',.V, � � formally -prenod. with a �,0(,,bratiojj cold wavo t1lat the Heat Voll y kre
I TOmr. - - I '00crt4r.y. - , . . L � .' . L I � on guard.
. . L L.. .11 .1. , I � . ,m -d ntreot daIDON . 1%
� ... I �__... — � . A Itealdiffil staxt for 4* dayl Awaiting - . I , 'Vr�ablo, at Grantl Dc'n And tbat it sim-anq instantldf.,atu tit
I .................... I 'L . 1. . I I . � 11' ,; 11 tr,V to got in. L . . 1.
IL �. . Slices of toasted 116VIS,generously buttered! . I It. 19. Alinovilm Vvalp iv T6?o;,,1k) on A ,pj�og6 en1l to, �8. ,
I., .
L . 'I; 'g1tr'_'d"(�in(' a 1 Will nooUw- S�our lionio of ,, i ,
Different and delidous in flavor . . . C,Iisily . Mnfida!� C'f ldf"t t'VOL th ri 1)l ti�
11 . , - dolor -7 'valid WbA to Vrv� tcc, I
R ation ifroril G I
I I . � %ted -id so nourishingl - TN tion.
I lrop go Eva, digc , .. at I Ut!7 Vil*tfltl� 61 CS,V0 Tan I-,. -
.. 000FRIG34 . I 1. I , 1
"� I I . � frown Latul Don'w"ll,100 I'm Tmvvll,��. 11 —CALL T111,— ,,
/ �Iht LOMIRC ;� , No odier bread can &6 you, dice for'sheep nM-vPY 17--astn - 4 tric, tme;, nt Craml . �� .
I . t,
", .. ., 11"gral ollatom , 11 I ,, " 110nd aud 16�tiuc -up *,�V -,ilp,44-orij . I 11
I r"th'.1 t the licaldiffil n0urislitnelit that HOOVIS does. &-c4b tif iznlo ra aL'N AC�4nbPQTA 01- . &MA e 31 .
alit; 111r'T ^ , . . 0 .
orfll�r,4 carefully Aacmde'l to . ot,�nr-v-'S� r.f �Iln 1-ach. Trv�ro lei emitc. 5 V"4 % I
at all hnufg�lllght'!�r day. 1 , n Vr,1W1,i,1--,'JV ra(:�Pfo, a� (;J,.,Jr1d J'1Lnq,,J "
We " It,'�vxgtk.atuar"t�--tofwe.--tt4tco-*-*Urt"y--Vt-qc�-,�tLW,L#61 , .,�-, �n V.1�;4 4-1r.,0Z ti"o, lw'14c", 1
Am, tbn int-pertoti of siftommy in I . Tcroemo wzj wami I - _ �, ('�gjr% Fer 060J,Clean uciad ,
A"A for the ra"InIt, nip lturf�;� I �JXM � 11-3 Gibg)j�. f-,? V-�-NIW. tit, lt%�� 0� ".(n,��
Phxqnt!�. .,4f(_*_e YIN-9-4-04e,"et ; ,, 11 - .- � �- I . V0V�-Vl1",T,,?t. arivolmrif 41)h,��:,I' -) I COAL
, ' '
: - I fprtir'!"�.P,!?� � ,`iq,�, L 0. MOSTARP, ompANy
217� A 1i tl4zr,�,," r,V1,.p0t,j7Jj0 szi XA) 4 C
.1. - � — 1 "W1 a I I I * I "T 'R I ILI, n, il a 12, Non M in I ip V4vq,�n;)"?. 0 17(namqU. v T�') 0- C-4 N"I I
MWAV.-_ -----,---, - A - ---- I - � I 1. - I .. I
___ - - , niel:vy�n)N-uL) F,n tW t2aob url Mo *11".-" 65 — G3acri'd-1
q 4 .. -
I 1�'::2 . & I ,1 . .
I , 1. I
A - I , _______&_ ,k------
1 -440PI7 -f�, . —_
I I I . -ql� . ' lqw
�Tho items Mood bet4w and you wili Wake' some ,roo
witrkable OVIVINgs at lany of OUV Aed Front Stailive
. . I
I L. I . I I -ON I '.
U,.ft . Is
Ita.-41c.-JIMIC-4 Cohoo, . ' X I"in L2
Cloverleaf—Sockeye 1 I),. Tin or& A&C
11ILLCRESIr . --,� ,,— — . *V
BRAND nixtr. Lmbard LOVE Fancy
Hirtlett - m4osmallov VANCY . P U F 14, LS . Lobster!
.P ",its niscum PLUMS tyah4ciou& 1, 1�. TIN
No. 2 TIN , 1, ChO401ma - Is Most Syrup r44r4mallow , .
� , Awwa Fl..."
I ge, -* coof.lj , D;,. a TIN CANDY 35C
,No. 21/t Tirl . I . I i M. TM
__95=_C 25cit" 2 Foil 25c i i9e, p,1.1 I 25C
,rh*mv$ooca22t6�.c�af,t,r,D,.x3S 1fr4n01,Qf3015ay0.%111dV";& ,
RaiSA'"JIS 2 43t, ,' , �%C I PC �Jehe$ 'r1l1l
4 Tift :17C
______ :
'07ASTY" - nUTTER N*.A;_.i �w,s Vo4o�.,.,�h,� ft
I " BREAD grae0da I TEAs,-
lua ugur t1v wiclv ix"p"19 111'and, 42"w Damign I
U's C TLA n44.1 vo 4 044JA . 116901b I
WrAl 0 � Ble"11 I . I
for 0"l, 9 Navileld cr P.&IL. Salk goo 1b
OM ttlo toii# *r*114 401b, 36 lite ;.,
4�� E _,__
_,_ ��
XrOVIONENT14 ; . __
I I ilmrs
Crown Ip'telorvirs NA031WS NOS ' t . N.Ppoodstildo -
jar* Ll "', tifts 250 . �ifloa;(Ora#dc;nt ... zg,2
n-nala - - �;.Iro,%m, �tj,7 2 1—.. �'V.04 0.4 111;4" ('ron"arg�Vald'a's - tic
Mcdwo Vacp,dool 1
"to* - -$I.Vadog� 'MIn"thAlss 19rand Patty (tab flao - - . ,�
. I —
Zinc Jar n&-.1jZ# - 204 &S, 2 *105 23C IA? Mato . 93addis, - ne
Itubbeft Jar 410ad . . , 'Sta , . . 'i
3for...- 2".-.____k*d4fV44ds11ty I 141n, w D-meloso (�i--Ua C
- 1
Ontario , PotatOieS 33"..c., 1
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