HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1927-08-25, Page 3I �,�� - ­­ ­­ ---"--------- ­­­ ­ . - ______ . I - �� , ,,- � . I . --- - � I.. - I I- - . I I - . - 11 . I . ­ , ­­ I Isui."AT, - �, . no . - _ - I- __ - � � I . - -Ift M-.-- __. I --,-.AA 111111h - - � . !N I - - 1W.__ -_-_...i_ . . __ - - � - im - 0- ___ NO �� I ___ ----. - . - - � - - _ -_ __ - .. - I --- _ I I'- I W ywepwty claift" Iby, Mr. Gibbs.; -_ -_ -_ = - Nei- gets I I AiwArs began so.- as% ixtorvst;14�116- :4 un " &M !AL..L,,.J A- Awdiii(ely. Mr. Gibbs takiag At -tion t ! "17" , ; JNW&�� News S **-% Mr. Moomwom. Thop tury hi*ji) AM 0 * - I.. . M In"b" i , n!_L�l i fimtak Pa -"hl" all to vwcma aW throw it uff: D A - APEAM .. 0 he pro"Ay. whilo pmititial P,IKV , q Go&., uma, Gromalue, A6"wae Watwom s and trolu Sarong *#AV istdo .1 XM 06 "*.I.; Miami . i � by-waitch. I Were- =a W.7 � 9 - ___ I wsilft.­001 *44 t"M YMMICU From Ows E_ lvif� Aft9r A 911VAL = ot troubtis 414V" 1 6 I � "d ftwounm W" � Parker s ,41. kouss"u vot ,',,:% ol-iii,11, 17� i, veady - * Aut orlty hor 41"Ift� gild in stisiking 'Wxitr�, SIG .1 Illsoft 4 866(orth Reswitac(p -U-1 rh,� %t�qv br t h i P that t -A -v 4hop I Frdts aud Vm,&tables . A - SZ, -0*0 mllly� I O" &T a hiend "W no ah"t - uWcri� %he I.Yluur ('Introf Avt will W an, has had to Ilk it o4n4TA �, The large 4rick resi4owe i!l ;�"';A Id I Peas ana Peaca wotehod Alrw# xr�,;`uibbm elijomal#j i 11 forth formerly occupird by t!,. - bkt,e 01VIR ill HLOVe COUnty tafl�' thil I to wure all in,wljvjj�ift 01all-ijit �%lj,,i .1 10 � Mr. J. X. Rest, has beenpumha�;i,d 4- fail--i'"e Ill WiActivil f0i� NOW' 8tw ' . : ,� 11 Our stock is targe und wouisesu Prewtoont hii Z12 k� _ I is Wivall"IC. - � Air, Rc�bert Scarlett. The VroPV1`N aPd One in Wulk"I't's" fOr S. xruik!, ,on hoptolwty #And I roi� hi.� I . Iid unt of the beat l(wotions in '-;,��-, Arnual Sporimi and kloactrt at 'wefl assorted, Alld 'eReh ej�!ti�n Tht, Vour� at rxiii,loltot . fortb, 4 11kace &ach W Uld �ot 'Car;nw the cloli6 of the, i Pencil gua4uitevd. 11111JAIA the jjljkjy�t�'Mk W your ("'rot�VIVI(."g f -()I-It 114� you get a sestarth Paving Streelti I N - --,um, %'. Cibbs a 1`11(� then (enterkil I i Allen ordeving. j . .1 , �or#'� t A '103 i , ets in SeA 'It Inez tvail-," thkl campers at 11twe. ­-� � io the high ckwrt at I �kindori for dum- [- �, I '0 .lure to be paved with Asphalt and The Reach pause for a day in 0pir spli- I A Pen to suit vvery ages against Mr, mouigeau� th,� ca�iei! the best on the juarket, as %%-e hantile antl fit�v notit- '%positor vlaims thav Seaforth will aratL' programs, and enjoy all togeth. to lie tried thi* fall at London. I I * Y � .,� have the bestistieits of any tj)-,Vn in er a ilay devoted tk:� plq�.slc.al cmipetl� 11"Alld, � ­_..".1w_�1- � I ' - Wrote lt�T " lug but Me best.' �, 151ahe this store your headquart� I W nd tile ei,ening to the intell"V. I � Sorts Nt*` - lw�.o are � � . lip 04�. county when these !MVr0VeUWMli tIOR3 a ___ In. -IDN' . icted with�i 161 I 'leted. � I tual art and amusement, "The N-st who Illive beell Qffi i . .1 � are Cowl, e - , sme.� and have dr:v#a thelij ii,�,,a,v with !� . 1* _____­__ . Reid -Hays I # vee, was the ununimou% opinfoll of . P ers, for ��our Nv-ants.' and advised me to give It a trial. Z ill, Qii the result of the 1937 event. E -C ROBERTSON Dr- Thomas' Fcleetrie Oil. Alf s3ini. 1' . ,11 - The Marriage -of Miss Jua(011.w3m yor tile evening concert Dr. 31ch(w. IRVIV troubled Alould*lcq�) 110 tiale in # . , 4ecided tq d6 so, *ad aftor t4kiar . 0 , . . I I ­ . . ,A_V_-_-U�-"---4-"4 it )had an* TA* only daughter of -the late Mr- and roll, -of Toronto, was the chairma . UPPIY419 - OiN splendid Y�medy, as � I . f ______ I a Mrs. john'llpys, $Qafortb, to, Mr. , . Diamond hurchant and to be 111"i. it I � I ____ _�&� �44 I haven't Ud - Mrs I - lvalkertort%z . - .thero is 310thing- like it I . � W41,14 Reginald Reid, youngest F$on of jeweller is cheap, but iex.power Is in ra way I -�,�-I-X�Ii�;rr,�,AIT,.nt"""Izr�:7,7��"-,%,-,�,- . . . ,, I 60 lout sign of a ho%daeho for s, t6oj Nvialkelton., a few months ago, sub� . I I , , � - 1 3ove *hue. It . Iteid and the late J. F. Reid, �t scribed UIX00 to build a new skad GodeTich, Ontario expressied by its low prict'. ,; � ------ ­�, . i fe- . Put up only by,Tbo T. 1111bium, 00, place at the Parsonage. $eaforth. 4 ing rink. The jj�oposed rink will be I . . I . 4 0 ,E W,'�_SOS - - . . 19.30 o'clock on Tuesday, Aug. 16th. I a J-0 . jo , I M � - �%,� - - * Limited, Tortinto, Oat. - ----------- -.-- ---,I ...... I I... 6u- 200 feet lour an'd over 100 It. wide; , *Phone 136 U,h.1- it. . I . . I . , ===-__=- ,���� . I . I � I " music . 0 1 � . . . . . . . . ­~ .2,k, � - L%IVRA 1AVXS0.%- A. T. C. IL IV- , It fuction glven%il Piano, Rwsifimet) � flouteast .corner. of Dayfleld unit Bri-, -.1. _1 ­ .11-11111- tMIA1t(40.._,__.,. I—— � ­.__­._____,�_.__ ­ , �. , ____._�_. . - ________ . . PROV. W. If. JACKSON-Instruetion . I $Iveo In Voice Cultor,�. Organ. . . Piano violin, outtar. Thew.y. etc. . Stuillo and residenee, North btreet. -rows it . _ irlifflau Ilia, . . . . ating _ I ­- . -PHONV 40- ,' � , - -­_=;,.�, n , 0. 14r1M=!,MV%%,"­ . Reduced or Afo ey 8ack . . ;Welell UP ff -0 'n A A v. %%Sl� �­ -..'t __ I 11 cloods delivered to your house by the bett delivery 41% town - � 't � ffimplo Home Treatment That Is ected president and Mrs. Edna Love, I I . _.� 1. - �, Irday --GIVIAN Am*441t., F."Olt- . . ,. ,�. of--Grsud-Bead---,wu"Te�electei--w�,,F' ---- ­"� �. I - 7" gourd treas., and It was - ,decided to ilic i' � - - - ­ 7 -, , �� , � ,-- � on it next year at Oort Huron. I I 1. ­­­ ... The world progresses. Today all. An annex Is' being built tv Itrac- ' " Monts that took, weeks to cure can Coliseum at thet Canadiaa Nii �, the Ro. Gorge TOYOTA Leaving Blyth - now be ended in a few days. If you Xxhibltion rovering �S acres. I ,st of December. A call was received by telegram re- nave y 1cone vents or Puncaq,3 yeu completed this colossot struotuw � I .0ordou-Schwindt Wedding cently by Rvv.:Georgo Telford from can start today to 1wing them back'to I contain 161,� ,acres. . n . I An event of much local interest St. PAul's United church, Fredericton, lZormad size, and if $ou are wise, You tit I . I—. I ,-� ­ ___ � I . I - ­_­ � - ­�___ ObLildren Cry, FOR FUTONEWS ' CASTORIA - 11 il" . a? a �, a t . - TorMQ4-PV--,ne.,V, V. X1, *4Z*Vr.A1Aj AJ.".$ 530 Co. I . � V . 11 _ � � I I I I --I-,---- � � I ond lr�sichar. - ' ' - ' - took' place. In St. Paulla United New Bruuaivi�k. Mr. TelfordIff ac- just 40t an , orig ­­...'. � �_ ' Residence at Urs, Colborne*s. 5 in %be I church, Lue'know. at bligh noon oxt ceptoinie is subiot,only-jo t _ lual Wale , of . I .� . . �- -_ I . I t, pa t � of First Presbyterial! church, ' , , he Pre"" Noonvo Em � � I I mak Street. I - .� wposeno� nf only the Immediate rola. Tuesdav, Aug 16th, when. Miss Ella byterlei� and Coilforkn�es concerned ero,114 Oil at any dispensing . Twt . . I -1 . . I I I I I ;1;;!:__;21 . w _ _­ tives of the family. , . itarle .90fivin4t, second daughtq of and an the tongregs.ition of St. Pates pharmacist. and- apply it aight -and � � - � . I ­ I- ­_ - . I morning as dimeted to the enlarged 111PIr 1. . LWA L CARDS Engagement Announced. . Xr. and Mrs. G. S. Schwindt.. of lVal - are anxious for an, immediate settle.. voinq , . _4� '. It is ver ad pene- 1 *7; It. DARROW. I . . 31r. and Mrs,. Herbert Ovich, of- kerton, was jojnqtl� Ili the holy bonds meAt, have requested Mr. Telf4rd to , 00W muci i 'I u pay... �� . . _y powerful a A 10 * I j trating, and only a little Is required. . " : �ji&f . � Clintou.-aiiiiWinbe-the engagevnelat of of mat0illorly to Mr. Huntly- H� Goir. come for September Ist.. but ns this After f Ireno"don. of Detroit, son of the late I).,-. will be Impossibli, they will Itave . a ew days, treatmient tho . I � I . I . ,_ V-11% . Barrister, soheltor, Notarr Pablic. Vte.j .their- Younizot 4449lit014. P4inTl - veins will begin to grow smaller And 1. . hut I . 11 - . ­ Snecesonr to J, To. Killoran to, John�Ed*ard, Turner, younger BOA P. X Gordon. -of Luckilow, and Mrs. Slyth torly In $0pteraUr. The Q�11 by Ho ,A Y . Aoft . I _ . I 11 . . . * I � reg - ular use will soon reduce to ; . . - of the churc4 leaders.' St. Paulla was . I . � the. mapriage, to t4te pl I er Death of Mrs. WAt. Scoble , People who waint to reduce val'Icose I �­- WAND11-11 . R. LFE. . . , . . � part of August. V I I I a Presbyterian Church-Leforp- -uM'OA* - W 10. I �� 1 4 , " et - - - I ftoneW Ofte, *The SqUare, GoderWl of George N. Turner, of Tucker Ith Gordon, of DetroW, . ,careerby TKOMMentlation of certain. Aornk�l I ace the Tan, ' . U I tt , � . x � : Y I . � I , . Air,;, W�,. Scobiti. mother of Mr. ,� p . � veins, or gat rid of runifting sores and . � MUC to 1-g , b . (3 I . I . I 11 i . 4 flarrislor and Solicitor Crinton ,00tel Chunits H*nds !David Scobie� of Lueknow. a -ad of tho ' Wells-51011tay . � . . I I . 0 1 . � . ulcers should not besit4to to gi�it a � I � � . I I � I Xr. D;i4id- Crawford, who, htiA been Rev.%Tarnes Soobio, of Belgrave, died - A quiet but pretty w - bottle at once. It 18 so powerful that . . . I. I A� �. � I I I . I I . '10 King Street Vast. Toronto, 2 . , edding toot . . .. I � 0, � I . . I �.. the ,proprietor of the,Qrahaio House st 131elvravo on Thursday. Aiijg. 11th. place at the United,chureh parsmagc a small bottle lasts 4 long time. Auy I � I . I . I � TolophioneW Elgin %i0iI7 � . - for� the past three yeato hits sold his -f-Ilov,im , several nAtintlis". illne%s. 14thel, Ontario, on Wednesday, Aug: .,pharmacy can suppi you. H. , ., . - Lower Pricts is- now - - I I �11 . .. H_-.1'..".., ... 11.17--- 4. .1 . hotel and, business to Alr.'Robert La- The funoral wn Q h0d o Stu 1. y )lml Y . :, 19 L . I . XA71TH Now . ' . . % ­ .,DLMLr,y V. 11001E.. , . . n a 1 Tda �, ,a Atoo, 'third daugli. op sells lots of it. � .. T V . 1. . . 4tdi. when Elv I ..�__ I combined the mp 3 t Amazing . I . \ . , � . I . Darristor. Solleftor, Notary Mont. Mr. and Mrs. Crawford,ard Auk� 13th, tb�Wingharo cemetery. - of R . . I - - , . . . � � � ,Pablie. Conveyancer, U, te, family .are moving to, Toronto. Mr. Gordon-15chwindt Wodding . ter. - toderick and X'". MaeXay' � MADE . BSPMIALLY FOR10111 � ,Quality in all'ChavrWet"histo . 1 4 _­ . 'riosiosslon. I 1 a$ United in marriage to Harry - VACATIONIST - I � r.V. . . � . . � .� .11� R :!127 � - HAMILTON ,qTRV;F.T Lamont gets Irnmealate, - .An event 'of ralloll -ioc�i lnter6,,�i Wells, of WIng1i4ni# Ontario. The . . . I � I, -15 ===;:��� � . I Chevrolet has widened 1hecircleof auto. � I . I I * 1, � I. - I Killed in, Motor Atddenf or -y the P XuV,k6ka i;akes ava 1140, _ . . 1:1 .. � � SPXCIALIST. _ took place * in ,St., Paul's United ccre%01l�r was �erf med b gev, a , huge . � I � ­ -1 1. I . . Lucknow, at, _higli noon on P,. IX -_ :� _ _ . mQbIleownership . ...'. provided econo. : � 1� Rev. Father GAffne�, of Clintont Rhurcb� t. � ____ . �� ___ . =et, whose Power to-attraot-tbou- . . � 11 . . ­ __ - .1 . ' . - __ _� _., .. L' �­_.� I � ­ _� lost 4 -nephew by 4eath in au adtomor Tuoday,,' August 16th, -when Miss ' of pleasure', seekers frow all. , mical transportation to untold thousands � . - :::: ''. .. -DR, F- j- 'a- VomTga- . . . Collar Done au'd:Rlbs Broken over, the -continent -grows stronger . . '- I I . , bile. apeldelit in Vilo CountA Wis., PD11a, Alarle Sch-Mudt, 'second daug - Oil �T@0­s_day I I � . - . 1. �._ � , " %r vet:�iitly-�'-Theyoung man, W, mvr- ter of Mr. and Urs. G. S.'Schwiiidt .I- . " � . I � ,; " 10SK" Tflno,kT. h - I . - . placed 8vithin reach of the average . . . I � I I Eyt. I ,evening of last W"­lt a ever year, ., .. . I I � . ... - Oph- ertoe Qaffoey. aged,runot il� *u very unfortunate and distresaing'ac- OU the varied pleasures"Of Mus. . motor-�car'buyer a QUALI'TY and ,a - . �: ;,- � * Late 16use Surgeon Ne* York 00 " -one of Walkerton; *was Joined in the hol, I . � 11 I , y eident occurred to, Dir. Fred Dawson, koka Lahes Ual � . . � thillytile atid Aural Hospital, assIM4nt,at of 4� -paity of eioht yoimg PeOPI of matrimony to Mr. HuotIV-11 , vo been enjoyed, there . � . . v . LUXURY b�yond all expectations. . ,� . , I � . Moorefield's Eye. IlospItill and '()olt:104� the auto, wbich irashed-IiA6 the: .,- =4 --of Detroltv gon of the lat� Dr' Who lives;% few miles east of Honsall, is always aw urge to return to?. this 1. . I .� . , _. ­ Mig . . .. . .. . . . I ; . . -Sduarf, Throlt, Hi,sPlfal, London, . . -1 t - trely at I _.-I..:.. . cavation and. abutment .0 he T�e 0i X. Gordon of LucknoW, and Mrs . and w!ho, It will -be remembored,' 16st pine and'baloam mcented land of sun . I I In judging Chevrolet, look not , , "" . . . I . 53 WAtorloo. St. 9 striitford� Tele- -a 1 I ,fine barn by lightning, only n few I shine that Minot , ollIng , . m . . phanw207- � - - - I . : bridge beh g built over the. crawlin 'Gordort *L Detroit'� . .. I I 14 be dented, L what you pay, but also at what you get. � I I . . . . _­'__=�- AVRnt0'T16dford.'GoderL � 11. On tile Stone, creek. Rev. Father: Gaffw,y . .� . Death of Mrs. IYM. Stable . . weeks agii, It appeats that Mr. Dow. in the sunshine, bathing in the clear ' . . . . .1 . 1. � I . T ea,dj 111 \ � son Was Operating his tract6r, inorte waters, or. cruising a idetr �fio 'hun. . Consi or'the smooth, fleet performance,, .. .1 . i I . 1, . evvenifig of Ibird Monday m Qfith 4terded the Juneral -and sdiig tb�t ' I -Wm. - S m , ' id I ; ­ - . . tIX the following dal- Ttxmday'. at', I Requiem High xaiis. , .1 �� �Mrs. I cobje, mother of.'Mr� of the flelds, and .tile governors not dreds of islands,, danclhg. golfingi, -*�_ I . '. k, � I � ' . . -2 . I I I I , � I . D4,vid Scobie of Lucknow; and of the 940earlox to work. just � as ,nicely a . I . ,11 ,..th-a.graca�and beauty of -the Vishier bodies, . . . I .1 ,� I . Ii4m, , . .. I � , loarr-Rdssoll , .1� , ,a 1)laying tefialsi. are only a few' Pof the . I . I . . . ­ I I � Next visit in Septemb�r. . Ro�. James scale,* of Delgrave, died desired-; Mr. Dawson was loaning, out diversions aNytiltini'tho vacationiat.at , , the case of starting, driving and stopping, � . . . : I . . : The marriage of 'Miss Edith Jcfbie- at Velgravg"oil Thu 9day, Ang, Iltbj, from his seat to ,discover if he could Mu.skok� Lakes. . . . . .. I " I ! . . . - I . I . _. .the refined yet rugged, i .. . I . . . I .1 , I phino 116§01*16f orillia, to mr, Evil- JOIJONY lig seve I quality. evident - - . I I , . . . . ''I . Cail-tOPRA&W : I 11 in tths' lllnot. -The find the reason. and, while in the Thete is plenty' of accommodation � �` I . % . . � I ., � I � � ... I . - e5t Edward Burr, of Wiughain� took funevuPwAs on Saturday, Aug. 13th, act of thus .leaning. out.over. the trae� for ' everybody --accommodation 'to . : , . throughout Chevrolet. construction.- .- . � . I I I i , I . I i. - I . Vednosdayi,, W - ugass-Afth, � at I . e; men uick suit every taste and purse from the - . Igh Cho*rolit quality -with Chevrolet , - . I I ­. I I . � DTIVOLESS PFIACTITIO$1311. . Xince'at Xno:x College ,Chapel, Torafi-' to Wlft6am conetery. - , tor, � by- 56M I .1. � ,. I _ , . nis it -made A q . . . . . I . I I - - ­ � I tot on I 11 . 14tart,-*, quito. unexpeetedik, luxuriously equipped .Royal AWS107(a , . Wil � � .. 1. -_� . I . . I . I i . Old 199,'#�u,iivili� aniv:ery 'Burned Dawi I , and Mr. . * . . ... . ;1 . .... .. I I . 3 o�cloclr, The .Rqv.' Dennis. Milson, , . . . � I � . . . . pnee an iirhy 'Chevrolet, has I .. , . � - ba, A4 N� ATKINSON. I ,� "DV'­b`f'CrrIlIia, officlitted.. -.Xr. anti � Fire frol*b, an unknow . On, was.. thrown. over or rathowv� t quiet little hostelry with 'Only .. � d know , I I I . I I . � , , , d ��rufjle,;.% *therapist n cause do;' got caught `4Y -the large driving a"n gUests. I 1. . . . . . . ) . . q , .. , ,Chlroor4etor on, 11 F �Barr will rkde in Wingham C rt r WLIVY chieved the v6pufarity, . _. ." . . " I , .. , I I � . � I 1 X . . ., . stroyed the &jd ,olbe R ,� ..Ill ,Whoo A most spectacular I � . , , . ' , , I ith the. rosul� of sorde three 06'to Muskoka this year�­Tou - . I . .1 I ... .. � I . . . Goderich . , , . Egxnond*ilje early' Monday moriing , , . of �my car- in thL- w(irld. . . I � I . I I 11 ­ I I . I' - Nervolis "WeRSOA _ : � lilebl"Vad-SmIth . , -of, hil"Abs. being biok n, also his wmet lipmea, dull M.0m0t, it. you koli- - I I � , *AM "'j, , �, i ,.' .� . 011yonle. Orflahlio, on49 - e . I . I .1i of Uot wo1c, 'The .91re was dl�c6r- colIar,J40iii. - - . - .. I I . . I � . * . , . I . . . 110 ,thermy. Ojeotro- - At 411 Saints ebureb, Toronto, an 'ab . . . I I : AqUIPped, vifth DIO , - day in. this,wondertil vacadon land , � I I . * �1. I I , . . magnetic 'Baths, Eleot-ronid Electric August.loth, the marriage ,was 4ol�; erOd oilt'on ' ii o'clock arid's A . Any Aitent of the Canadian Xa, I j New-.,aAd Lowler prices , I 1� . ii I , I - . Treatments and "'PtIc- emfif2ed -of Norah Leo, only daughter alarm nod response from the Sea- . Long -Lived �iorrl$ , Tow"111i , tional Railways -Will gladly giV6*vou. - T ." * " .. 4645 '" . * .11 .. I % .4100 I . . . . . �k il , � . . , .. Chir*Ptl . . Family . � otwoll *, -4 - IM . .. � � . t � I I ollice hour,4­2 to- 3 'anti 7 to 9 P'M' of Mr. Alfrod.1E. SMjtjj'(fQrMorI*0f forth fire brlk4do� and noighb&rs' , - , . , Illustrated literature'and complete in. \' , , XQi6fZr I'- - - '-_-� 645 . . 4 '. P11 * . . . i I � . I .- 1. . epting'Monday Wlngh�m), t6'Afr. Ge6ffrey' G. ltich� saved the 'resideneo of Mr. H. Woj- A Ivinarkable, ease of family lot'- formation, � � . 1. . I . , .s R044�41'r - 1. - I 1w, �Im sp $04n - 4104110 "$ - _,_� Z . e . 1kild b� Appointment, Av, . , . , I , . RadT jorg(lav afterno,ins end eveninw Inolia of Toronto* Rev. 0. � H. H den, who now owns tho'Inoperty, ge'IiltY is reported from Morris Town- � . . POP" at LoAdou S . , , I , - office hours --2 to Ziatill 11. dA 0 P. 41. was built.. ship, not far from 3361grove. Mies' I . __ . 40i.mpq - - '. .i 4 �' 70 . Ttock Omola. - 63s . . � I . - . I I . The original , brewery I Nearly, all'clilldren are. subject -to , I. 40"Wik* - - I -, ; I- . - po - 875 1 1 et DOSVO" - ., 60 - - . . I � . i 401Y. I ( , . SmH cousin of the"bride, officiiitedo about 75 yeals-ago by the, late Oeorge Mary Brptn� died there on August tl� � . .1.. -11 � ­ .16 , i I . I � . )v � . ­ )� I 1� . Lady In Attgnfl4nfe- I �,ussisizd by 4ex�. L. 9. M, Pepperdene- Weiland , �� 11 worms, and many are born witli I hem. ;� . -1. 0WA - - * m . i� 730. A CbaWs w 44$ � I ,; I I and W4s'-Iater purchased by 10th, and was buried ,in Zelgr;ive Spare thorh sufforing -by i1sing-Xoth.; * . I . . . . .1 litesidenoo snA -,01flei-CoOner of South I Xeriague-Ellavott I , . -es as Fai:104, 04(1141, 0411#10--T4=1 EX01% � . . P .. . . U Who vonijucted ,4 eemetory on Friday of - last week, .� ft . , � I � .. ".., S4 *nd artlaunta 110A.41. ' L A quiet nedding'wis solemnizo,d ra and supplied the The death of Miss Ilryans, in bei er' Gvaves' Worm., Z xterminator, an' * ; PIODUCT Of CAN1111RAL RMORS, 01F CANADA, XUW= I �: . . , ., . I I . � . for many - yea . . . . I W 9 �� � . . 11 1. . I 1. at St. Paulli�-churdfi reetory.* �Wing. hotels throughout the count)r and in 101st year, tire' ,excellent. remedy., . . . . _ . 1 . . . � , � . ,. I r.. i . 1, :, . I . . . . � . � . . � � -­ , . I I w Attentio)i to the fact . , .11 . . .� . �, _______ . . . . I . . . I AUCTIONSM.No - haa Thursday; f - �Va$ a itionber .0 - . I . ­r_7___1r= � I . .. I I I . I .1 . . . I . . I � � - 4. _. I '. . . I I . I , at � eleven Welock on . att . . , , . I k . .1 . , �� I I , . but r a larke Part:of Western Ontarloi th# she f a very . . I , ­ . 11 - 1. . .11 I . I .. I : t . . . I � . ., � ­..� .. . 1. I 11 . " �� __ , - � �.,�_­_­ Augiist'111th � when Laura I�Ima, $0- ., .tho business was , dlsr)�ntinued long-livitig familY, A sister, jane, i . � 1* L 1* . '. I � . . I I � - - :. . .1 I . :. F � . WrII611.89 GUNDRY, . - cond daught6r .of .,Mrs. Ellacott and About 20 years ago� . , - . I survives, at the age of *91, Edward . I IRUROX MOTOR SALES . � . . I . I . . . 4 1 11 I . . . . 1. . . I . I . . . I ­ I I -he late William, F,Ilacott. was tii�ft- RUW-19041aclionzlo Nuptiabs . � -The West Street '' - I GOIDERICK . � . . -ONTARIO . ) I . . . - . . . t died in 1918 at .06, William died, In I I . I . . :. I I � tire Stbek &ad Oetieral ApOtiflike6r, ed.hl,marriage to Wilfrid Dtiis- itt :�Ic- ' . 1017 at 82., The - two 'brot . �'. . . . . I . I �. ,,, . - I . I I . . I I . , , . . I I . . , .- . ­ . ­ _ I . __ . 11 ;. . I . _ .,Wl . , . ­ 11 I . � , -, , *1jamilloit. $trtrt, Goderleli . Kague. Bo -A of Xrs, We A quiet wedding ;vas* *cele�rated at two sisters had made theii ho- " - -'-'-. : 1. - . . . . .. � . . , Z , i. . . I . . Nague and the I - . 0 , . .: .. . .:, I V I I I . 'henr � -_ Ift-wica .--I-- - I ; . I 4 , . . I *Sales made eveftyhere'and-.,dl.(� rew Acl(ague ...... Tb;*a-egre. the holup of Mr, -and Mrs. james Mae.. .g - . ubnb- of -1 --havin ­ 14-4- .p-- , - I ------- ­­ I., . -.1 ,� '. -1 - .___..1_..-.. . I . - � I I It . � 104�, -We --At , d ' - I ,ather, * I A * , 0, *. I I . . . . ;&,. . :7, I , . . . I - - ---- --- . 1 . na44 to .give'yoii satisfiettotli � molly was performed-ty ntiv.,.Uiltee- r-b_iikI4;'Mit6eIlf * PA, Sai-turday, A119, riodi Twenty years ago a distant I . I . : I . . . I '-I . . farmersl.sale notes discountpil. . I � I ir 14. E': - M . I N�G I - . .. I .. .. . I . . -i . I � I ter, rector of the church. . . . .. 13th. when-tbeir 'Aaughter, M i $s .relative, Alex. Bryane, came over V46 ,carry a good ato4 of I . , , O$T A. . . I *W. *A" . I I . . . i Mattio It., became the' -bride of Dr. from Ireland to Io6k after them, 'as .� . , I k I 11 , , V�O,PERT 110BLEITiON. Slyth Council Investigating Gasoline 40hr-les C..."Rawagey, of Brussej§. .-Itij- I I . . I . . 11 . I I � I . . . � . JLV I - I .� I . . . POMPing 0quipment I 'thei'fefrtlivey were then. -growing old. . Electriedl ApplianCes . �� I .. 1 NA.'.. � . - I . I . . Avelloareo.; VIdon St" 00derielt 4 . 4 tilodinto relatives only of the con- They were industrious MM4 -savit . . . .1 � . I I . . . . : ,,, � �. ". I . I I , . . . . Reeve Dr. Miltio of:13lyth and some. tracting ,parties weie present at the and had accumulated Fixture-jis CN, . . I I . . 4:1 ,, . I I I . Awn eqnduct anti arrange. iiny slale. on of the councillors are investigating Feremo I ny, . �.. . , I - . 1. a considerable .. . . � ,� . . . . ., . I . . : e . .i , . . o � . -see film-. tit- droo a card and be�wlff Ipment: and re.- I . I amount 10) prope , r. Y. heir farm home .. . I I I I I 1, 1 4 ,. tile latest, methods to get be,;t resulti. gai3ollife puinping equ' DoNve , -,A - � , n at in Morris Town. . . . I � I U . . ' : . . I ­ 1 I . � I . I . It Iminedlate ' attention. Farriii W On Wednesday, Aug, 17th, . at 11 8b P. - . . Ve Specialize- in : - . . . , . - ; . , is one of the fi .. . . I gjvp � I . . ebritly inspected, the Liaow& I DoIg-larow. _.... i - # . I . . - . I IN 4CIMEVROLET I . I leg a speelalt3r. 9 plant, They estimate. that a I 100 h.p. I . . . . I , H I STORY , - 1, , . ­ . I . ngine and -a AUTivisliZimily Hold ite-union I 1. � . . . . I . . . . . lv� .. � , � - .1 j & 4 -cylinder-' gasoline o . . a.m., a very pretty but tuiet iyedding ., . . , .4 .Wiring of,A11 Kinds � I . . .1 I - . � I � I I . I 11 � � . . .. - toOkPlacp -it 'P,9mondville manst, ' Mime atoayffold L � . I I I . - I � � . .. � . . I � : NOTAY P I 9111C pump of 709 gall6noo)er-minute cam ., Estimzktes�-givon on : . A" I I =-=-= - . � � I 111111, 1111 11 ­ - -1 . I �- .1 . I - I .. . ,t P"TC, itiaoity would surplx 1glyth"',need,; a� ""hen Catherine Ct, Doig. dauirMo- of I , A re -union pien,ic of the blt:T�visb I . .a plication � . _. I - . I - M � ! I . . 11 - a vast saving over th Mr. and Xts.-Rolit. C. D6ig,,Tuckek- family was h6ld in 1p 1. . I ___r xI. I I . I � - 0 outlay now Dayflold recently. NFg,19NMEMM I � ,� . " ,Wu. mli'll.". . , - , required for steam, . I - Smith, Was united in -marriage to Mr. The day vm idtal,: und there were A&Work Guaranteed ' I : I . . .1 . I . � I William James Brownr,_--son of �jr. 140 pTesent from Exeter, gainy Riv- � . . .. I .. . I. ­ I - . . W 11 I . . TWTARY vusy,lo - . Two Control,Sho_o�. for Brare. Itand Mrs. Angu6 larown 5th colices- r � L I . I L I . 1. . . . . . � 1;6nerat cor Thesle, ve I . r I 11 Ur� . 11 L I � . . � . wovant,tox Jam � . ,C Y Enterprist- NVO ha , 'it on .Sion, H,!R , S. . " 4, I er, Ldhdon; Detroit, Stratfo d, Dlue� . I . .1 Gaad.(Iornpanies Renre-4ented . , "q ...... ­'. ­. �. I . . . . ,,vale, Mitchell, XlncardWe, ' Ripley. Frank McArth L a# L I I .. I . L. � * . . ,...� =*=' ­ ---I. ff 1110 -union , . �,�Ilnp V. . 29A. 1,11ndarlerl :_1111111 �L_ ;0%�,". I I Pa '. L iThe program was such that from the . � I I L � . I .. '. � . I 1, . .. �, I L . I INSU11 E ,L ­ . . The annual re-unfort of tbq Phiff Youti�Pst to the oldest all could talce I Phone .92 - West Street .1 I I . . I I �,, : . I . L I . . I -eq-111ily waa lield of �,Graihd Rend on Part. Soft ball, rae.ee, and variouq I - __ ;-.-- � . I r L I 1. . . . I , tICILLOP M�'TVAYA r3BG IXSVIII To , A - V heeler. the 14th, inst, this ' was the first games, als of specellps - - -,- I . " � . . I I , 11 I I . . I d shigifig kept L the*crowd in a happy . � . ,:, . . 1� I., ' L I " . 1W A,Nck COMPAXV.' 1 . I � time the rp�union had bein halil in ith . . 1_. ff � .� -- , , ("',%"04.4 Ltird ii� W8.4 wjtj� - , I � . . . . � , LL . . 1. % - I . � I" I � ' Funeral Director and _ great sat- mood. The oldest menlWr present * . THE - S L � . jo I 'D 11 LATELA rON"i PROP- 1060tion to th- Canadian memberalwao. Mr, Walt6r Green, age .e - L I I 1. I -V . VA'AWAN S () jamily , d '74i of . . L CA'AF.FXal, EXAMI ' I I . CRTY INISURP1111 , - Embalmer . '. , Of the that everyone voted it Rainy River, . who was ibe -aftat, - I I I . I . . ,� ..... � L .1 ' . or pro- . The, Items listed below and you,will ko m tie. . . . , I TWA 019,11.,189'-so.m. ,,,I,'- - Godelrkk :Ontario 8orno ore hu"dred snd ninety onald MeTavish, [�oii Of I . marltable slovisigs 4t_ � issy of our, Red Fliont' 4"' ,. of . . . . ,PjGEf%,-_SaW0� G I ' ' . . Ofinbily . . . P L . sebtativea rogNtpred and thpap enin G � . L . . . a . .tot" . . Value of propet-tv Insured up. to J . t110 Most succAll,qful 011e so favi held. ,of bonor. The youngest menib 1� a r . . . '10DERICH . _ ­­ � . I � L . ,dent, finderich; 1188. Evane. vice.1ppesi. L I ....­­ . e Xr. and Mrs. Alex. McTavish of Hur. . . . . _`­­'_­ "" " , ___ - - . � I . � �: , ­-, r;qq,% dent, Beechwooti; T, K. flays, See.- . . , ."-Pf'-� TNhfj.',.4 Pt)l.t 011rdn' find Ave, on, aged 4 montbu, . . . . . � . . I I . . L. . 1 SPOCIA1, SA ir ' " L 1, \ ' 1. . I g I Tmaq., searorth ­­ I All WN, promptin".'attontlati rts Sandooky, Piecon, Wyandotte, S011- T,ondiiin 'lload is ,Naiv Provinel I . . I I . I . jfX1. . I L - . . Int -1- 0,0 -fli,61r ."0iiAf'A in Wellifi'v, 41 - IL I . . DIRE(YrOFIFY-D. V. rtfe('Irregor., Sea. I d or nigb6. ,, , 1* , I L � I lorth; J. 0. Griove Winthrop; NVM, . . . . 4 1 rb600s, Store s.lm 110"Ae 3 . - . S A L N . . L gy wid frov, 'WIDtorlAo. Myth. Milverton. . Highway . I #j I . . _ � I I -WrIn, Constaric ' . deorgif 31f0a tney , ­ )11v Zurich,, .qar"ia,-T,'xetPr,. Ponsall �tnd Last weelt's, Onthrio Gazette � con.. I 14 I K, ty fdf,R S . I . I . I � . . . I , I . 'Tuckeratol.tht .14iiiin Forris. 110irlock: ^^,-��.**-^O*. D.a.qli;ood fa �Ontario. Mrs. (Dr.) fainedu notice 4111111ouncing 'that a . . . I � I ft- \ � . . John Bonnct%tiise.'Br�adhngcin;,.Niurr�j " _,_ rm, w_rlit"� - stretch of road from Lucan to Clin. L 11 . .1 . Xagle-Amr.d Cohat 11 .- lb- T102 volt 290 . . " ' . , L .. I I .0%0%0N0%~1 . . . . I- I I �- .1 - -I- - I .1 I � I C - � I i � ` ., I I I I 1, " "" I- I Gues I a- � I h\pol: I I - 1701 � I '. LIM 1 IMW" . Rosda I I I cionun"d I - J� - 11 Z' 1. I 'I 0 � () 4 !iym I " I I I k�ko Iton ro� IL n I ,Gibson, Brucefleld. 1 1,&^.^w%^ -.....-ft.j6�_ - ,;"il�i,ii�ll,�����l��� I ton will be taken over by the Provin. THE 4 . � I I , . I \1 11� � %L 1b. 'tin, 0 . .1 .9 . L -AGENTS-4. NV. Yeo, Gnderl(414 Sandy , !;� 1111111 AM 11101vays department. During FO r 19fagleawwRect Cohoe, " I , ,V, 4944julows" WOUROM the early phrt I . 29 - I . I telfth, ClIn.ton: WM. Cheso. Sm- � do- 1. I I ., . \ , Of tile year the I I I . . forth: H. Ifinehley,.9pattirth. , � 1partmout Made a survey of the T(0) L \ Polley liolders ean pay thelf, aS.14009- . With a View to.uutting , road Cla'Veirleaf-Sockeye j( 1110. TI,* L390 ' , .. ments at It. H. Cutt's store, riodprich'. I ... down a pavge,..d ' tj I - _ ' - ' ' ' __ ' . I �. '. . I . "' b I'loCalo _ie, Clinton; I . . . ­ � i - I . V - . highWaY. Tile road frow London � w - - . Ill: ,,''I HILL ,� A. J. Morrish'q .( t Sto � a compje& . 1 -1 -I. -Ill �-�-..�M. " , 0 -­­­­A6�7 '"" ­_­­ - L LC Wr . I � NOW THEY 'r Lombard 1.,0VE ' , r1ancy 'O' I E Winfield where it connecta with the - ' CIN 0 DIXIE -- -- r �, j � . IT. 104itrti. fle d. _' I - ' . I L, Sarnia gravel' ia being paved !I& � . . DRA . . . _��� .1 1. � ­­ . .. I . . HAVC 4 . t - marismallaw VAtXV rIAX 111V$VR�LNCX breaffast, - ,J��b Y-2arArd there is a detour on the %vnv . �_ M-41111111111111ib I I I Rartlet P FFS Lobstdr' 9q I ..., ;�, I ; �(L I ; $ L, . '�".­ � 1 4 - . : I - . . 11 6L Have it, 4ttended to oy the '. *16T WAWASO 13 NOTUAL fIRE INSURANCE L Established 1878, iltad Offioi: Duaganuou, ,Ont. now; - . . -A 0 &- �.. � �� � ____ . - -.1'. I . I tile ubstftcll�q coafrontiner tho tj-pai-t. , !ip I 1. 41. XIM , . Mont iti.pavina this - Stretch is the � 9 . i , I LIV . fiteeP Itill at Lucan, Onty sur" ov I a 11-1 ­ . . I" 41 , been made to follow tte, rreqoai,io,11415� * I 7,� R. , t - '110- - /it " . . ­_ - waY and ,a neeond �iurvey haa beeal- �!V,04 ­aj 1i V " � , H%PVI ",.-.-. ----. . 0 made t6 Ups* aerw.q the dVPr(,.-,-C;%01j. ­ ift . , *, . & . I I . I The worl, of paving the road throuall � I .. � Gran6n i-, prove&jinr� ravIdly. .Tho Davind of the Parkhill Alain St. Fla, A bin -full of 110at I"ollfol Coal in 1. � I ei toast - .) Your house hL,rvea notice Oil every 1 hatt e'd . ,iteeft comol6ted nnd tlip road wa,,14 cold wave that the Heat YvIL-, are I I fo?mnlly apened I with a ,�!,,..bl,ntiou . . . I - � . I . �and ntrect ddnee. . I I . on P,Uard. - A healthful start for ,, . . Aud tbat A 1110011s Inatant doat'll to ,my dayl Appeti:*ig �. Trouble at Grand &nnq try �to got fil. I. Ir - I slices oft-oastedHi5VIS,generotisisibutteredt 4 tlll- *4�- 10,M4115 =0 10 Tlb;'9440 Oil A '010110 call tto W. .. I . Diffe nt and delic Mnilda!7 Lr,j )a, . ,3t 'Wool: jnft�6-"fjtjejn in flavor,, ,, # v e 11y. � d,j(,vj , a 'ej WM zi,mar-c yfjur howe ,of t1do, pic. re ions i ,Its ,jol,, fz.on, Gwavtd � &IL"I to Vr,p- t0C,tj0jjL . ' I , * . . digested.... 0 and.80 nourishing! I lut.7 Alillit-tt'r 401 (Vown rtaogl�% The - I I . . .. I Crown Law,, Ppim"I'm(mt 11(,� Invulz", n -CAU Tllt- - ,�� nmvd,y uv--ada of tba LpLael� ,,4ty iGlr,jr�(j .�. .4 . I I . , No odier bread can give you, 6lice for Sheep 11 �b ,ir '. . . R nd mid 1,00L 'r, up Ox, "Ap"il"61 . . die healdiful nourishment that 10VIS.doem ' ds -041_1 fif ,�_1�0,- pit aq til ­�tablioh t1le . I , L I . . t`VVS)AP'11*'9 Piif 61- IlAnCh. T;Dn110 154-94Uit" I I. OR"WrM9 , . ,� �1^ ,,, n enutwOnvoy r=iwp Vt (11ratrod P" -w?" 1Y . "509 tioux Es 4 ""a d vVestem C"_041 VoLl uAh Cm 1;_-__!.-_A ."Itl to tl.?T�il imrnrlq tjj(� 1-,C,aC,% flior" roal I ,reti-hto oto tviw�_;rtt� I 1 113 Vlb",)" (4? P'n-1,WM 1-v VQ- to%: I m',i,sl ,, 8, Mo$ i L (j6VP%:Pr-,t',pt, Arpol1Q,it. ,,'�Ty_;��,,j,rriv;-g , TARp 11A1 ! �[ tor,j�jtjf, tlw. 64)L11 vv"r i COMPUY . ,nt,,E�jr) 11�1 , 6, I% !� 3wiml m7m.n.m.sno -, � � . P.M jL La ; FOM K � �6 If 74 M�(3z(`�')'% fS IFNXV,111. V T04 S51--rol N-1 " ., ___ I ­ - -_1__-____ I _­ � ­ 4 1 _,�n t',�,o 4 � I I 1�1,416k,­�n�K­T.q) on tile L2, cla Pho" 91 - G6&ddh I 1. I 1, . . .1 . I I . "4 1 . PEARS BISC,PITS MUM 9�jj,,,,, I., lb . . TIN No. 2 TIN' � C10Q.1mic � 100"VIrs PA r1Ar4%M&1kiW . � 4n, joq coatcd No. 2 A� T I N I 205,5, o.' 2 T Iyu," WOW . Aboomod PI.."'.0 . IFOR25cl 05C 1, lb. TIIN ,25C I .- I .1 . 19,CV. 9 25c I Thamr,80"Cou:6-01asn.n4ts-'s IrancrQuaturcatifernoa , Raisins % me. . VP f Peaelkes Tots 101p. Tift -,-- "'IASTY " .I.I..'..., . .. . . I BVTTr,R - - - �- � I Domz,.* lj.,*j �6­�. "'Cl" BREAD oraesido 0 sia"d 4int, TEAS i Iml uka 11to. n:mm"imp,141 I Is,$ I . Thb 6 1�0& -'4 ( 4nod4 bof"W0690 Wr0;0jiq%d 9 410111614 0 it, 15teod, I . 9-9,t-solu foryodo lost 11_6_"111�0� DrA0144611b. 5961b. _!!1_C_�_1"_611* i_10�_VkL_ 1PRESFIWING VANNEO PEAS - SCA0WAALE 111rioulAr-WENT's -11-1 . LINXI; . Natullt*s Best Mppendsbarato - Z fo I i 10� Crown Proervieg . oft,tifts 10i :ZSC , �Adaa cor604 Not - - - S.- � sn' all, - - U. 15 d">3. rj� 7 ..- �­.# *-A ?, "�­ crcue4 �0�!i �4?4-04 - 17C Modfus"I $1,1210402 L*reo .. - $LT10 joit. MinfitbAbS Aragsd � Fzo?v I ub Moo - . - ljl,lz ZtnCJta4,P1nU4.Z00d04 `%""823C 1,1va.iAell claddl*. . 21C ftabt6r Jar Woes -1 � 3 �0? - . . - 25C 1 __!I��f!!4%�d Qd8jat,y A91", 00C�-.-JZ!�Zj(bPZL0Cj 4$4 . 1. - _ _ _ I New I 1. I - - - ­� "tarlo- POUtOeS 33-crc"'tk I 99"UMMM n0"""1NNK'1Kj1g 11� Lakm , = ? E