HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1927-08-18, Page 5. AWL.
agog aim Oros times hia Moe drop- torsoltypelts. of the mop liar.
Nat quite a bit. j vsmod.. a emsdkaso Mal resat
t The locale are io amid of super- 1 ba a le the vales gi the i
Mace sad a lot of it toe. 'Tbiry mem ; eaid e 7
• to loin track of tietaga at ths Ivrea, I W pows varieties ewe used
i moment and away Sees the ball game I for aay itesaidenthee leagth of UMW
i A few more game* under their hens certain oasissinalda type* included iii
, aud thesis -tight essaers" will just , the mister, mai illet.e.itle eree•ir-
trent like part of a day's work, to, tit's§ to the better types for various
i them. masonsThey fumy, for instance.
Rome and twine *sines with quit- ilium** a little later than Ow Me -
urn have been errameed tO ateitt rap, eliding ItYlio .id the* collie the hoe-
, the final wilts. Tlseae two asitriA . veining sitioratioas to be delayed lin-
, sire irntortant since ott there hieitete til they heroine mulleiemly wet me;
the rig t to play off evith Exeter fer',.tured. By that time the rretter type
the league champienehrie Joeybe dead rips Wet may ellen eie
,' 'Money its no tumor with the Au b• 't'olundorohir in the=ling.
urnitee, meIn sh to the relief a a let of ' the wane of c grown for
- II FjoYers in the Josue. 'This boy As 4 iiritilling purplowii. purity of variety i
„a ra
passed out another of the pioneers of 0?leeer hurier..-e particularly napigutat, * in thiA ye
uniformity of ripening him a direct
' PENNINGTON.--The the section. 'The late Mrs. Awierson f
people of had heen eontinee to Jae bee eieee Hr RtN PRESBYTERY' SOFTBALL bearing upon the commercial gieJe
1•EAtilet .ia .. ,
Gederieit were smile sheered to leen Julie 13th, tbe easult of a fall at the , ,
of e sudden Ints447 Sinfr 4.%at mhom
M. e oer t hbrother, Mr. Dived YrThus where there a differentsof
thet' the past two months the etift•leettri a few tioya in the dere ef matinee`
Thomas Pennington, South tn., Gude. an with whom she had reeided eimeh bail league et the Presbytery .of iltw.'litv of different tepee in the wheet.,
rieh, On May the 24th she left tor a oethe time, &tee terming to Myth a ion ot the lenited ehurch has been in field the later types. may be aufileiente •
visit to ber old home in England eked few years ago. She was a hide pi tprogrese throughout the 'comae, and Ile prominent in the sample to cauie
t eadon
on July est Mr. Pennington rcz.vitTeil kind disposition and Mid been a, eare. I now the Plae-eller in the teet the- V' reductinn of at least one
a cable eaying that his wife was ful and thrifty person an bee lite. tricta are .taking plaeein the ivest int` Practical importanee a Typtity ou:
datigerouely• ill at the hone; ne hig Born irt \%it.othirt, Se timid SI nlietticti there see teeo ftroults. 'Groin) '' ea,er'ete le "melee tell be much mere '
sister in Porterstead. England, one yeara ago, fee line deceased,, wheee tone comPosee teams /rem North st. wwesY ref°Rflartt tom It ewe wage,.
'United chureb; Victoria st. United although there is still plenty cif evi.•,
asking him to go' at mice. Ife sailed maiden namenwas Elleitieth Coven,
on July 8th and' arrived at her bed. value to Canade with her perents, re 'church; Union-ehurch and the tinned denier thst it noes no receive the et -
side on the evetileg of the I5th and:18t7 and first resided near .• Paris. church at Porter's Ilill, tention tbat it ithould, byeet Cons;(17e-;
Elie pissed peacefully allietV at 0.30 i Shortly afterwards they moved ' to A seeightle bed been than nie and able percentage of grain grervereei
am. on Sunday, the eeth. ben. leen- i Princeton, Oxford Co., where they re. most of the games heel been played, 1Absolute purity, of course. is diflienit ,
nington was formerly Beene eohneeniairied until eoming to gest weaves •but it was foutal• that the schedule . to ennintein' on en 1",:ten.5h741 FORI.P.',
of Bideford, Devonshire,. Eng. She noah in 1861. The tpok up the farm could not be completed within the re. but if sn honest effort be made to tl&f.
- wee of * sweet and retwingedisposi. new occupied by Mre, John Cowiut, (Allred time. As a result the inntst- eeP4 Wilieh io known to be rie 'wet)
--tiereehaving eaven the !treatment of a first conceesion. At that time inueit gets of the four teams decided that relatively, ure very considerable
• Wa
gmat Price lit the eight of Gode To Thirty.foor years ago the tete de. 41' means of deriding who would go
tneek and quid spiele' Which i.fit thelelartit was i. itaereiritintate.eeudder( death neitites-wouldebellienene owleeh
e -r eeireoidellie----- ---- -----
Itnow her was to love her. She wait ceased tees married to John Andertnto the finals. The names of the Ilmniniou Cerealist. _
a faithful member and willirig work- ison and after her marriage resided teams were drawri front the het,
Central xperimental Form..
. i
er in St Georges church and will be on wbat Is now known as the Austin 'which Insetted in Perter's Hill be---anOttawa, Ont
eadly missed, esnecially by the neenrifarm lit Hullettt later alloying to the Pitted agairist Victotlie st. The game
wes played on Monday evening at
To tell the Story of the Children
ben of -the Guild. The fundal was Leine hew occeined by Mr. Jas. Cum -
'held from the Porterstead 'English ',lug. Hero she remained until lifter,
church, in vie& She was wod tO Atr,„ the ' death of her husband in 1022
.Pennington s'ix years ago lest May, ',when elle moved to town, and much of
She was laid" to vest in Portersheall' nee time since. had made her home
cemetery.' The sympathy -of the with her brother, Mr. David Cowelli
whole eommunity is extended to her who is the last siurviving 'member ot
sorrowing husband, wbo has already re family of ten. The late Mrs. An-
eeturned to Goderielu, , derson waa a lifeelong reember of St.
•"'Ter, SAVea to think of those. et Andrew's thumb. The funeral took
..... rot, . ....• - 0 place onaelonday afternoon, Awe gth,
Who sleep in 'Omit the Lord; . the serviee at the house being con.
Whose spirit now With Him' ani ducted by Rev, G. Telford, followed
blest , , ,..ent interment in the Union cemetery.
According to His evord." Mr. tolerate of tOodericle was in rit.
e SPAItne-A veil eltddert and eadly!tend4nee• .
lamented death wee that a me,-Ww. virEsTERN Fmws . .
P. Sparr, second son of Mr. end.Mrs.
john Spare whielt took plate at e e - DIAMOND JUBILEE'
Stratford hospital on Thursday morn. i .`
ing last. Slime the filet of the year The growth of this great anneal ex.
Mr- Spare noel held the position- of hibition has"been nit a per with the
•vice president and mace, martager of progress of the Domutiou "self,
the Wolverton Finer Mein Co.. "SW Canada this year celebrates sixty
1.14ryS, and he 'bad made 4 110St of I years of prosperous achievement,
friends in that town during his /eel, i--, The Westera Pair celebratee sixty
elenee there. He was taken to Stint- eon of eucceesful expausioit and
.operation and died at the bespital. • ---
ford on Thuriiday training for ten eteady %crone:in. popular favor.,
The eode was brought to Goderieh for i- lo the ,year of Canetle's-Diamone
burial and the funeral was held on Jubilee, wnen tee sietieth oirthday •ox'
Saturday morniege Requiem Mess the Dominion is being celebrated,
being said at _St. Peter% church by- Western Fair bee cause fonjubilation
Rev. ,Pather ' Campeau._ The pale.' on its own account ' Tins great 0$. -
bearers were MostireO. D. Beningeerehibition, one of the finest of those
Gilbert Plant ara Peter Groff. of. Go4_ held annually anywhere in Cenade,
erieln Gerald 'Dillon, of Elmira; Joe. -mime into betng in the •very ITV et
;3 in. •or eat • years it
lereof 'New York. Among those wletieline- 'grown •in. attractivenese, extent
woe heve front- out of lawn fni. the and, Influence.. 4$ .1..vell as an. public
funeral wero Mr« and ' Mt--;. Tho. Thos. favor until today it stands hie*
totem ark, the town team win- Onturio farmers are puttinir up a
Bing by a 5-3 sore, strenuous against the effeets
On Tuesday evening North area which are being. made to set \mete or
net Union in elle of the fastest soft^ render ineffective the •grading regu.
ball games witnessed hen th1s. sea- lations as applied to the marketing'
son. North St. had the lead ail dur-
ing the game and at the ninth inning
It looked a sure win for them Meal
Union came back tying the ereore.
of hogs. The eituation, briefly, would
appear to be that the DOMtniOn aWine
Coefereno held at Ottawa. irt April
loot, passtd a re elution to the ef-
forcing a tenth ;nen* to be Phined feet tbat Hog gr mg at stockyards,
in derknees. With tWo out, a man on abattoirs, end where necesaary,
iecoed and third, for Union. Len should be compuisoey and that the
Westbrooles straight throw from left laformation regarding the grade
ttehome, getting the ruriner at should be returned to the produeen.
the plate, was the mono of event
the situation ,for North at. In the
tenth inning the loeals Me ruus
while the visitors scored ono, ending'
the game withn eeove of 13-8 for
North St.
The teems :
North Ste-Iladden, 3b; Pridleutio
sa; Amber, p; Sheardowe, lb; Mer
anus, 21e; -Le Westbrooke, -If; E.
Westbrooke, o; Shordown, rf;
Gi•ayr cf. •
Union.-(]. Orr, cr II. Puller, ite
Pocock, lle; B. Orr, 2b; Porter, 31,r;
Yene lf: Fuller, se; Davideon.
Puller, e-
Seore •
*nth gt...2 0 1 h 0 1 0 0 0 5-43
Union ;.„.101(1010041-8
Umeires-PlateeE. L.. Dean; bases
Pe Turner.
Last piglet the winters of t ese
111 an North strect church, came to-
tner eornbat at -Vietoria Peek
'North etreet, team were the win.
not( with a score of 6 to 3. Victim*
Ireton, the Misses te. and ete Dinori, among the valued institutions of the street Made all their runs in tire Itrst-
of Eemiree MIS. Dillon and most 'poPulous and prosperous see- innings and North street, had the toe
Miss Claudie pinsyn,:*of TOM1111); Mr. tion of the province •lowing tally by inningei 0, 1, 2, 1, 1,
peel 'Mee. Vs R. Berne. eeitehener ; The.people oe the Dominion leave 0, 1-6. The teams were as follows:
Mrs. Pisle Mr. Sam Seeer. M. end been urged lo travel In Canaaa. a North et -Haddon, 3b# le Wham, %al
1Ltm Wm, panne, of Linwood: Mr, one way of eultivetingt, an netted -int- Aveher, p; eheardown, lb; Jetelnanue.
Wileon, teenager of the Royal Jeanie ence in this the yearof Diamond Job- eh; a W:estbrooee, o; E. Sheardown,
et.marvirantro. WolveetoteSt Merysi ilee. ' As a SithstitUte:fer a couple of tf; 1.. Westbrooke, lf; grey, ef.
Vic -
Mr. Otto. et, Meree. tied Ave_ mem- thousand mileenif travel, a visit to torte et. -Elliott; gb; J. Stewart ,jr.,bois.of the Rotery Club of that tone.; Western Fair is worth considering. sei a. Sanderson, i1
e oe
Mr. Sneer Was born in Miltheav. Be- inesmuch, aallt displaya the prodects e• de, Sanderson,p;Stewarta,er
telet pareets .1s survived he ol",-the Dotuirdon's best manufactur- &andel), 2b; Worthy, rf; Randall, ef.
Iris brother, leeward. of lawn. and by ing plants and the Donlinjon's best This makes North street the win-
teree Weever Mrs. Hoiteefh, of, Own; farms 'and fields the WesternFair is
,thr 'redefine. Tendon, and Misa a national institution, a. fact which
Getievieve, of Interim. r • hundreds of thoesands are taming to
ANDERSON. -The following erom recognize. A week in London et, the
The Itlytit Standard 'refers to on auntWestern Pair might well be tailed 'a
of trir. Edward Cowan, of Goderich : weekof coneentreted travel. At any
In the remoeal he death of Mrs John rate, it means days and nights of real
entertainutent delightful vecreation,
Anderson' oe Saturday, Aug. n, there
thee__ enne.„..- and a liberal educetion, The color
for aliernitakes, Touring Cars,
also tops tops for Buggies, SedInS
and Coupes.
Side Curt -Alba for all makes of
Touring Cars, includiug the •
kind with reds that transform
the Tourbig into closed car.
Repairs melte to Tops, Side
Curtaine, Cushions and. Lip.
Moderate Price&
tie sure to tneke appointnteat
. before touting ea its to AVO41.
'Phone 120 Wing4ta
Model Theatre
WEEK fie AUG: 22,1,o 27
featuring •
1101terle BLUE and MYRNA:LOY
a.calty, whipping, tvhietling melo-
nlratria , of storm swept sea,. bate.
• swopt hmarta, mot or love held 31/0.1 etatempt Porce Tiernan, wben he
n ti chanCo at nil. I/ tighten
because hard won, up to fan Noeb for the thiid tim et
PATLIE COMEDY Lawoon tame through wi ningle
"SMITH'S BABY" to score Tiernan. Yule followed
with a two -bagger, oaring Hinea and
Goldie was yanked. An tben
WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY plugged the sacks and errorat this time
leek a experience on the part of tlet
('1 til locals begari to show. They failed to
ROW with e result that the
in a different, and original Heiltelsteady downi th
eriv visitore ranwild. Two eatclies, one
Comeder Comelineas, Cantor ard 1,by Carrick, tile other by Weir. ended
Clara combine to makera onention of 1 the egoile but it was all too late, as
'Levan cut loose with his beet and
"KID elO(YeS" ietited the batten m order for the
• MERMAID COMEDY tare two stanzas.
"WILD ANO WOOZY" • Score by innings :
1 2 3 4 e 0 7 8 9
Exeter 0 .2 0 0 (*
FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Goaer0 0 0 ), 0-7iee 101e00100-17,'
VIOLA DANA, VERA GORDON' end ExeterenStrdet ecei Tiernan. es;
Ifind. 2b; Neeb, 3bt linW8611, Jr; Yule,
NAT CARR if; /leavers; Ili; Aluirmon, If; Tay.
i11 the great international comedy ion, e,
45108.8h, Romance ,,garniF,shed with Goderieh-Weir, ef; Atelier, 3b
Noire. db; Carrkk# if; Mallouge. 2b,
humor and eerved with ebackgrenral
pirmett torilog 41..14 mozol. Cep Speeareow_ n, If; Lenart.. es-, Iladderi.
e, eioldthoree, p; kritrley,
mid eoniede of the Midetteve the mar-
velloua variety of the industrial ex-
hibit:,, the beauty of the art displays,
the wealth of the livestock stables,
the splendor and pantie of the judg-
ing ring and the race -track, the hin
arity and the thrills of the grand
stand theatricals; all these offer it
holiday such ae eannot well be (43.
tabled elsewhere without the diseome
fort of long travel and great expert-,
Puritiett Toss "Game Areilfn llie -
• Eighth •
After hityjng scampered ofl. to a
three -rue leed and apparently havin
the gaine :awed up, eitirlow'a Pete
,took a balloon ascension in the eighth
and before they anchored on terra
fame again Exeter had dented the
vubber on five rieettsiOriS, tkUS altn*
ning their total to seven. 'Up to this
peziod the game bad been trilghty
niterestinn and the few fans. On bend
were enjoying the fracas, but that
teerible eighth took the Joy out of
life for the 'home folks and they wane
home quite. dieappoint,ed. Their
tiers of group 1 of the •western sec-
tion . of the Presbyterir. St. Helene,
are the winner8 of group 2 of the
western Section, and the eecond round
eames will ba played, next week.
Then On fhe alat there will bq ri big
day's program, at Victoria Park when
the semi-firials and enals for the
county etramploeship will he nieyed
isPtween tbP winners. of the NOtthl.
INStr SnUth (1 West eectione.
'There will be both girls' and boys"
gams. ,. In the girls' seetion it. Bel.
errs hare already e been eecided us the
winnets of thew <Petrel and go intn.
the semiefiriale on the elst.
outvzikro num. STOP
No more timely effort has come to
the notiee tine department re-
cent years than the advertising cam-
paign about to be launched by the
British American Oil Co.,. Limited.
of Toronto.
This company hat; prepared a Ser.
len of •edvertieemente to be run in
the Cenadian Press' inviting the et.
aloe of drivers of (815 and Ivaco
teems alike to the rapidly amodetting
numlier of so-called motor accidents
on the streets and highways of Can-
ada, blest of which it is -claimed could
be (wetted the mere observance of
common sense. take: .
Conditiono today nee sixth that
mueb of the real pleasure of motor -
leg it, lost. A Men driving is in 'more
or leas. conetant fear of the •other
fellotv and when the car IS entrusted
hopes• hadrbeen raised. so high due, t° ane other member of the family
the need for worry is still greater.
Jug the first seven .frames, sinee tot • Something had to be done to int -
locale were playing a clever brand of provedriving condithins. Apparent -
hall, that 'ellen the crash came the h itnernaineetfor thiserinblie Faerited
tooters felt tbe Jolt all the more endmi t ,
o make the start."
they could hardly believe that Exee organizhei• e,
ter were taking bottle the becon. Tug piiixeartegLImpoitTAxen .
Goldthorpe put himself into the
hole to dart this big innings OF PURITY OP VARIETY
after 'Tiernan had singled, he chose meeetteeeette reem Note)
to throw Hind% roller to second in an gee importance. of aging, .ed
whieli Annie as to vateety is IneaStir-
to a ?colisiderable extent by the
purpose for tvhieii the resulting reap
ie intended. If the crop in ,question
lo to be mad for feeditig purpoees,
esuriciallY on the lime farm, a slight
mixture or even a coneiderable mix -
titre of other kindo or varietieo may
not be a iterious matter so long as
these varietiee or kintle mature with
the main crop and poseesa high pro.
ductivity ond finality?. 'there tiro a
number of vavieties on the matket
which do riot diffee widely in regard
to these mattets. and which will,
therefore. not. be paitieularly objeee
tionable if mixed to eoriut extent with
the Juain erop. Oti the other hand it
is a risky businese to continue tite
74SP Of seed whieli is not, at leas? te-
ll/dive:1Y pure. In the drat place Most
districts ate particularly adaette to•
certain t-arietioie white) verieten. Gni*
Veer With another. are likely to yield
being returee tinter nre othere. To
tiling en nemixtern verietiee which
art cif a lower orif - is to run the tiek
rot eedireing the 'gee,. of the even.
Ett,s3 IsinonCno. iv Print c•t i'reiin
ty 31177 rcrlel:
"ft(011.• YOISR liWN" Esetei, trotted eut a new O'er& eatetete erhete reed
„ nee „„ heeeman whit leeretir flee -eel containe raixtero ef (Alter varntiee
•.geadlig_Haeold 1.10yel th Arse +P.m perforineL N't el) is a nrat fietarlik.olieb pc4 mature in tbe rime
Brother." and eetectoce PnAppy whip. 13i o,fr nl tee en.in (retie,
elatinetit Tifton leturs, Sete at 3 pain etyle• t..st aho fOed tut r.,y feu' t!tere • 1Falde. to 1.;t1 a INA of mi.
The purpose of the resolutzon eves to
ornate as fav pes,eible thot the
prenriunt 08 gellier liege should find
itS wey into the•pockets• of the pro.
dueen It is contended that the pro.
posed new regulatioes,drafted teethe
Dominion Department of Agriculture
do not faithfully intevpret the spirit
of tbe Domierion Swine Conference
resetattort and that 'little or no
provement itt the situetion can be
looked for until the cornmeseey feat.«
tire of the grading regulations isePut
into force and 'lived ere to. -
diet a eateetorandenn to
clubs throughout thaltrovince, Secre
tery J. J. garrison of tee 13., 1'. O.,
tails for -immediate aetion and twges
the club to exert every Influence to-
wards irnpreseing upon the Goyerti-
ment the viewpoint of produeers in
regard to Hog' Grading. He points
tuted • he the Department of Agri
celture some years ago for tho 1)111-
1)050 of imnroving the type of bacon,
ht-. in order that it conmete
ii'it-the British market, and that the
regulations worked well for the time
they weee lived up to. More recent-
ly, 'however, other interests have cite,
cuinvonted the regulations. with the
result that few lemonhave been_
eelling teeir hogs on a eiaded basis
the regulations meenveldie becoming
very meth of a farce. • -
The Farmers' _Sun. editorially, in
Its last iSSUO, diSensOing the situation
"en the attempt being made to set
• aside et render ineffective the
grading regulations as -applied 4.0
. the marketing of hogs, a prin.
' allowed to go unehallenged.
Time and time again has the fare
met allowed other interest;; to
ride rough -shod (weer- him, Who.
thee history will repeat -itself in
the nresent Meta:ice depends ,
largely upon whether the farmer
will awake, in time from the let
thargy which eharacterizes hie in-
explicable indifference to his own
welfare. and dernand that his in-
tereete be safeguarded. There is
every reason to believe that offie
cieIs of the Denartment of Agri-
eulture are not without a large
measure of sympathy for, and
recognize the eustio of, the
farmers.' demands, But Woe
some stronger pressure is
brought to bear upon the Gov..
ernment to convince them that
there is a province.wide demand
upon the part of producer:; that
the compulsory grading feature
of the proposed new tegulatione
lie put into effect forthwith, there
every probability that .once
, again the farmer's silence will be
'assumed to be indifrerence and
4 et i n 1
1410M elOnTritiAn
To Liverpool
2e, sew. 23 ..3fontefsint
Sept. 2 Sept, 110 .1111inefloS4
Sr44.- 11 (kn. 7 ....titintenee
relied. 10 rite. I '
- To iteltOSIA Gia$9 OW
'Alit 1SePt4 .41/ • Atir'idgania
6 Not. dO
To Aatnerp
Sept. ft
.VIA Glint:Ne1:1r
Cherho itro•tiout Wimple*.
aline. 9 ;Jet. 19 ..51ottMalen
SePt. 9 41i1. 5 ...4oliteni
`to ilertiourp.r•outhimplon.
Ifateibottro •
24 'Sept .14 kuip Prance.
*Aug. 31 "Sept. 21 P:rap1.es48 of
' 11'111'• 7 :'p(. :;i 26 .11) ...1.14111,6'es4
ASK AnOtte (Wit erten
Menet% TOCite, N0111
Gtifile 1 IMI. 1(7 tat-
loittorsr SIMMER littirrE,---
--ELBOW 110011
Apply to tenni Ariclit-„,
J. 1,pAntiutt.
ii. 43itMee [Dept.,
tHeIrt.. 'Pochinto:r
Alg‘laide 'NO
Clearing" at 49c yd.
Rayons, Voiles, Foulards, Dimities, selling regularly fro&
59c to $1.25 per yard. Clearing at 49c pari yarV
We still have a few pair of Supersilk Hose, reg. $1.50
per pair. While they last - 98c per pair
About a dozen Ladies' All Wool Bathinga8'uits, selling at
Special Prices
asa result when it is too late,
he will findehhuself, one of the
tag.rag and bob -tale left to oink
or ewirn 0beer be levet
(Settforth Ex)oeitor)
The G‘derich. Centennial celebra•
tion, July 30th to AugustOthr has
come to a elise, end with it li page
containing one hundred years of hie -
tory has been reed and turned over.'
And what an inthresting page it
was, full of tales of adventure, of
pioneev hardships overcome, of hopes,
perhaps, not altogether realized, but
throughit runs- the eourage that
never faltered, and the beautiful town
of Godevich sten& today as the eel-
miliatienof that faxeseeing nurn or
bietory, who fowled it one huedredi
Years 590. • , •
One tundred 'years is beyond the
span cif human life, but there are
seine in Goderich, and many through.
out the county, to wborn the founding
eir Goderieh it; aa recent history :se le
the Great War to some in this Slav
it • generat on.
Gederielt Las bele many celebra-
tioPa in its day, but we ate safe in
retying none have attained to even a
part of the mimosa of the one tuet
closed. It was- a heavy undertaking
Lor the committees who bad -Omen
of the tvork; but it ISMS well done, and
their reward came in the hundreds of
old- boys and ghee who Wine bane
_far_ it anti the thousands of otheee
front Huron County and other coun•
eies who came to see it and praise it.
it e; fitting that other sister tome
.should have taken thew part in the
week's program, and wo are proud
too that none excelled Seafortb night:.
• The Centennial did more than draw
its -crowds of people. each .day. at
brought the people ef Huron, County
In closer touch with its county town. •
It gave them an opportunity, perhaps
EIS never before, of realizing what a
beautiful town this county tow.% am
with its scenic beauties, its 'wide
streets, its beautifuthonwo anti build.
ings, and its open handed hospitality.
Goderich is proud of it Centennial
and its town, rine Huron; County la
proud of its eourity town.
Tbe person who Can 'Withstand Orel If one be troubled with mate
high pressure 'ealeSniall illustratee twill end in liolloweyn Corn Riamr•-:r. •
the power of mind over pattere-Ar.letLoIle-tint wil leetettle
Ilene etaterieg. •
kortS4S Gazette.'- ,•.,
'If she puts out itor kind Lenin the Now have vou decided it is chez
car in front of you, shun on the braketo buy vegetables than to vase ikree
tenerene-re-?-eing, .
Many mothers give their children
solid 'footle at too early an age and
say' proudly that their babies eeat
everything that grown-up people lo."
Such it course is almost certain to
bring on indigeetion and lay the foun.
dation of much ill -health for the lit.
tle one.
Other teethe% adininister harsh,
nauseating purgatives •which in real-
ity irritate and injure the delicate
stomach and and bowelo and at the raw
time cause the children to dread all
Absolutely no meat should be given
to, a ebild until it reecho the age of
18 months,,,and then only if approved
by the tlector. For medicine, all
atrong, deiegreeable oils and powder;;
ehould be abandoned -and Baby'a One
Tablets given indeed.
Baby's Own Tableto are especially
made for little ones. Thee are ple;t.
sant to take and can be aiven.with
abolute orteety to even the tew-bern
babe: 'They quigely banish conetirie-
tlon and indigention, break up colde
ond simple fevers and melte the cut.
ling of teeth eiisy, They 'are sold by
medicine dealers er by mill at 25
cents 'it box from The Dr. Williams
Medicine Co., Broekville, Ont. ,
The $10.06 prize offered by Wes.
torn Cantida Flour Mills Co„ Limited,
to the finder of "Xing Hoyle" on Civic
Ilolidaye•was not claimed. We lupe
terious ettanger reportn that Ire ;Nos
not approached:by anyone who eves!
suspected his identity. Announce..
inert ia now roade Viet the money ap.
propriated for this purptise• has been
donated to Mettandra General Dorm'.
eluecular Rheumatism Subdued. -
When one la n sufferee from museu-
lar rhournatiere he canot dobetter
than to have the region 'rubbed with
Dr. Thomas' Eclectrie OIL lit tho
yating be, brisle and continue until
Mef eecureil. There lo more
tile in a bottle of it than can to Nile
t "11
There's one niC0 thing about air.
plane travel, the. roar off Vac motor
&Mans tite contment from tee tack
You eon enjoy your vaeatiott,rini;t
at home. Just put a tinder In .yoar
eyotand get ,nerae i3ee:15 to bite you.
Children' Orr
ona e ent Mechanics
adwan & Tebbutt
Cor. Kingston and Victoria Sts.on
Provincial and Bluewiter Highways-
•-Millitiory. "So e
½ Price
e •
In this sale we offer selections from our own
high priced lines, which represent the best valueS of'
theseasonin style, materials and.trimmings. You
will surely find just the Rat you want in this collec-
tion of Summer IVIillinery.
iss Mac Vicar
1 he .Godejich Star's. -
The Star and London Frac
' The Star and London Advertiser....... ..... 6.7$
The Star and The Toronto (Awn..
The Star and The Mail and Esupire 6.P5
The Star and The Toronto Star.. .... 6.75
l'he Star and The Farmer's Sun. ........ ....... S3.25
The Star and The Family. Herald and Weekly Star. ,53,03
The Star and Saturday plight
The Star and The Catholk Record.
The Ste and MCI ean% MagazineS3.75
The.,8tar 'and Rod and Gun... 3.9G
Tifertigr and Montreal Witness reiewal
n • -ew. . 3.41
The Star and World . ...renewal 4.zi
Special'elabbing Rates !with other Periodicals
may be had on application
cm at the sur (qfPCu or Ilene 71 for (aLlS iiLlt77,4.134ie"f",