HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1927-07-28, Page 4Greatest Celebration in the history of Goderich takes
place this corning week. and during this great, event
numerous Bargains vvill be offered in
Ladies' and Men's Wear aid Staples at
Centennial Visitors are Invited to Visit our Store
New Sport Dresses of rugi witiOliort and long sleeves, and white Si
and ,Wool Jersey DresSes, are, just the thing for the hot summer days.
see °lir range 9f Table 14110110.1 Table Clodis, Towelling, de., all at Special
xtes for before Centennial selling.
We have a nee line of Bathing Suits for Ladies; Men and Children in
la tiro. wee StsrIesT-AlrWoot or CrOttOrt matetTals-and newest 3zoIois.
se are offered. at attractive prices.
!HON 418
ittminiscences for mr. wm.
93r1 Birth& ulsr 1st
the aret t• liblookl6141ffivilgo."tl.i,W41: dinviltrould .ebehavegivilytiateotned et°111.rimehs railwawykktob 1
1 iiefin kat:to ef iir- 1111 74-43411-00. cross the racier at a tower least atal
ted900.• gicitahlbrawand bertrat'enforr''..43 rwitekadr tiParrLts'imlitow.b4 isiedh"41:41.114. obt Ilitisisbiwat It"'
nek, chariot Go& Rio, a, Golf club would twee tiow wiade rad -
;brother of 1fira G?.we* a schoql- woe yards, The the city ito Guelph
raw of Mr. snippet! s and toter
went into the drug busine43 in the
Huron 1100 block, and he sold out to
Mr. Fraaris Jordan, who came to
Goderich at the time. and Mr. Rich
went to ' Thomas, lira. Gleorge
!Drown, lire. Hugh johnon, stMrs,
. Bernard Haldane. Mrs. Morphy and.
coo 8 -
EO.r end Charles Bich were all
embers of the sae ily.
Thos. Muter Jones was the Can-
adM Carapany aura and lived in the
Park Wow, and his wife wow a
Jlavght(r of Bishop Straughan and
't Mr. John Strang/nut (atikrrwrial3
RJudge Straughan). was married to a
k sister of Mr. Jones.- Another 14.Y0-
built the tioelph Junctiog read, and
seniethisig over twenty yillars ago tbe
Dad was at last extended to tioderict.
Mr. Campbell was one of the cai•
ginal *took holders in the Goderich
Organ Co. The original company
was formed by the late Hon. J. T.
M Gatrow and thera and Mr. Campbell
***cubed 41100 doing ita. he uatok
dM in trying to help along local sen
tures. These week the days when '
there wawa great demand roe organs
ond the Doherty Company and the!
Bell Compitny were at their height as
maker* or organs, The origiaal or- Mere PartielthirlY bee"se
gen company was a, Sl0iO4)0 comptiny, hockey fame but since his baseball
• Toilet Articles of Dis* pendia'
aleasys carry a well stearetted stock ai the Tr*Ilsog
CoUttidiao,, American and French trtakes '
Tut, askui DRUGSTPREi
&Word Block dodaricia."
Goderich Losee, iii,Ateushwarit-Gaino to
ither, Mr.. Alex. Strauglian, lived ut a and they secured stbowl* of $,S.,000 career hos found 1nm with Duffer°, Barlow's Pt.. journeyed to, Auburn
neer w;:ere ML. pere front the town, awing them $lo,000 Totrnto and Baltimore of the Inter- ea Noaday 811t1recelee1 a jolt when
tton's piece now. eapital. Mr. D. R. Menzwit, woo tad national Leant. it 1114%-1.9ad,uitt.cd
if,. Mr. John liongworth, the engineer •heen with the Doherty Compel% Waa that sliabe" lit some fly.kileset., • In
eharge of the btilldg nf the har" secured ea manager. The company fact if Dye 'had given uP hoeltoYLIUI
'bur at Getlerich was at veteran of !Pile PPereterl for ayear and sold out to settled down to a career in liaieboli
Jas. Clark. L MeRay Las. it is thought that be wonid have
mv4Oe'tlriti."ali^noa'dit'ir ink.'‘bfr."4,17awee'i, Ytqlson. conmdtmy i* Godh elides made tiT grade to the 1‘taiers. the,sehedulo is iluished it Iooks :as if,
'whew Jos. Elliott's,proPertV is aehi,eved , it goort.... ie'., ef-
YOUnger tlitll 4lr* and enlargement of the /artery. Mitt ' - - -
4i've /11- a 'of the pigskin, --and now .111s work at rules on, severaLoceesions 'on the; port
51jecels* been an intbstanding star in tits land ' Due to misinterpretation of, thp ,•
shortfor the .0slers is one of the iva- of the umpires the locals" chance of '
sons who the team is having :.D 8810 WiMlink Ori ionday were. ent, Elbert I
now. Tho lied who fat'er on in life he- Changing conditiens .11 ..elo mile
'came known aa General Otternsed to
Otter. '.;11e• wait „, facture of other lines ,henide*, organ's, ,_
the company to take up the .inanu- ,
be linoivn by .the boys as lattle.liiilly,
catopheil, . ,,_ _.• .._. ,,,‘_ , . , suetess. Breen. ,awings,a.ctelcked bat and it is en.theEie_. gronildii:, _ttert,i'ethiet,',' ,
en moue to meet too.requircments
tit': 11, enreeigwhelfoeittit0,11!"linbrelse-earilye*“.11°yust., Ow; the huaineeS. . '.abniel.b,an"Illee1:01UntiGliaedr. 04)ulite.:11°41,1ill' bt(i)ribe. l'inra°yi°s.stee,in18 14b:11`11114blantdg:v4tea'k tNov,•ittlry to ,
Youritec .brevrery 'wow on he bank ' Mr, •CamPliell cOuld furnish. 'Pain*
brewery at Piperrs' Mill, and -lilkatlie- at some 'future date we hope to *ate b.ixoelf. '''
1 ralue recently and practically defeitt- upset the result:Of the *gam it ,rer.
'0PPOsite the .1C. • O. ehttreh/ flUaton's, more reminisconee.s. of the town and od ,,,tilo .poirolo, ,(4en . . .,
, - . era, pre teary% talpty is tough to watch' a 1. 'Inc kcl,
' '• - ,b,y.'• the board „when some r deeisiontv .
times distillery. later known aa.MOnt^, on hia'fund-of stories,about Goderielt . - . . , ' • ' .
gontery"and Reeling'Irdistillery'was again, jit. tile raeaatirrie we will
eiretintatanees leading uP to hiti tom.' Sprin6,"is worhing-right, nottung can ...-- .
The Osier )itehing !tail is, -;,1 strong- ibk,biell illvearnegnniica Otiuleht,eltIhY014;r9,alslelaYiehot,,
on the river bank past -the Ceptetcxy.' close 'with it short referenc.1 to the / on'e. '• When the , old et 20 .4 4i,e?,.. aye, c , . ,,,.
'Phe chief . flour mill woo Piper's
L ' ' ' ' ' +11 tilt • . ., A " '
.Tnimey and Co, pante out on top of'
a 9-seore.: With ;Auburn alt1Se t.0844
thoir heele,for aecand place the .puri.
ties 'lost A good ,chance to get a then
griP an 'the second rung and before.
store.' - •gagtv „slt be• .14 -t--wttts
• • pioneer aotory under t e man -
The -Otter :tainily-lived for. alinte agensent life.-Alexe-Situnders -luta k.01, .ixreen lure- *Or FOsitreir ti ge
' teresting4 battle for this
Mill andfarmers,for odieS ArOtirid Mat -
le' ,,... '
„ f- en to. bring their gtiea,th•ere and rlino et, t.o GOderich. ' -ble..' 0, aniphell'e heat him and it is seldom that.Spring Toney, wile Ing_,..w0-21c.,:‘,7a,e h(,, 1111?- - -
residence is now located, and'his bra-.
lived about where Mr. IledfOrd'a ' eelve back our, bran and aborts, of,- Iathel,•°-ame' fr';'11:1 the. Cc/4411'4r .4).t 'AT"' .2i°: '"-iff :.°°1°F.• . litlY7.:Gr°11rJts Z'Qt.he-r zo-lee;oat galoolyo' tea; thlloGidPinUrgItleksizliv100)71:(1, tr.“;::
ter the miller: had'teicen his tell.r% ' natal). Proland. together writh nis nn- right-hander , and his -wet 1 . 2121at I
toroll by t
having eonsiderahl( •deilinglk with the ao4e1 method lait4thiS•nsed.to be o•itr. bell's: inether. was li,ish"also, but it:stamps. histri as a tI.Videi, of real and 'oulcM lareolting.'OUt had.Plir
/whole aa. hadIl ti
ap) a,,s ,-. t
1. ,lie •he 6101110ra When the uck
s- Was in Canada tinw Wore married. "worthB,
fl, -llyi. who is only a- young - 'gnessing • eintianallY and his "vrl
het; igtc, JOSPet Gooding.. hent_ store, ' Planing with :1)141110as ,s, ors, 4, eio, .1./dt‘ert ,,campbeir, Nil. oalop,... :the - Leafs in ., an.. ell.pitiOn• r.,ame silt bits and fanning ten., ll'itiof141,):tede''': .
• ear Y'ditYs. • en' °'Sed t° "tt tiliStrgatit''' '14°t .leieg''' The father WAS 'ri n Sho4itiker and stetr, iS One of tile. few balI players 'cart inly Was. the ' hin. a0180,
Li- The British Exchange. ittr3 hy.INIr.; able 01 get 4)V(4'_ the'4and at' f'iler.a worked at hio trade in 1,4rtp,WIC(n0W•wbe Wear "epeesbat thy flay he• Atiburnites,
. • . ,
riattenbutz 1160d to .bo locatett where they -wduldibe;there,ingreat,,imantr- 'Ottawa); later at Ganonenue ..anit 'uses them," tei' pick out ..the eorners.L.. Allison and Pritzley divided the
Phell Can Almost Bridge the Span of Goolerich's
tuiy of Uxistence 'and IlaS 4entarkable
T..aelting only tWelve 'years' t)6m- Colophell tan • eentemtie;, the
century's residertee Gode, 'etre* of a vessel containiog
rit-lt nidY "EOM to Wale
to s his Merit of whiskey ler two Goderich
ono .kententiry, ,es alert Mentally AS • conaigneea 'some for 'Kincardine.
in the .enjoyment, et „all 'hie sensear their enuitt 01Ni-shipment-anti a die.
eyee end, but for'his failing eyesight, The Gedelie men grit together .what
outtr_v • 'zee M ute as to the ownership of NOMA of
• Campbell; loves to • in ulge rerom...4 e , orre a on w, it • mer. p
isrences of the early ditys'in Voile., *valeta had .beeolue illegible •reStilted
xith, and no, man: 244 41(5 well intended in .re:bottrt eitio presided' 'bY
. tap, tell the story of Poderielt -Mr. Aekliald;, the first,: jildgt
(10,mphell,• ;No one; now lieini4 Can who watrasaisted by 'John Lorigwdrth
go haek in his own, neeMorY .Gode- , James -Watitoit,. -"isiteuttrates.
rich. to., earlier times than tart Mr. The remoes) Atkierna, to
tnIverh hi:elite' •Chathatp. Lengwortli , Lind
has • tedrits an activa part in' every. Mr. Witima'..te dispel* of the ed:4e
her in theataalyee, forwards occupiei:L b3r4thir.- Stephen
Pedoial politieg; rtitentiva 'ing, of ,the„.firat piers, the, retraints.otoeit known., 401.41,, Nrecarrickm .
memory. added -to his long. and intl.; which tan 111114 111' seeninthe, 321) &'..41$ pollee)._ 404 Robert ,ponoub
mate ..tronnection .with everything ' of ,,nt ',Abe 'lake extending out., to. the .,wera arty. hotel iteporo, In, 004044
a 'Toblie nature itt'.thollistory of -the sonthwest.': -from the .. *Ware; ‘:11'he
Mr. B. lia$8* sr now Iola bla re. 'hes end the fariners'would h r
sidencei , and ne„xt a•.ahoentalcor their WAilOn..,.-and` ',,Piftitforks' :and t a 'Xi.ngetan.' or a til,lle -"Lefty",.•McCay and, Steamer Lucas" `box work,hetroen theta and had ,ta,n
by 'the name of Bannerman plied, his piteitgork till Mit 41tprthe., Wit 012', Ott fre. Toronto. (then ,itnown -olittlel are the-ewe:other beavers who likely tarn well subdaeds at all tinl( r11.
tratlei Mr. Pan adielon; wlioniniany and take 4114dry thent:fet future itie. "MilthlY Yerkr"), then .' at. ' "will be" here with.the. Toronto: tea*
had his. first ace of a at the muck 1)tthei,, in,those-iilys-clittii it ls th re C n bell • h -.• •
.fitiburn crew' only •callecteil six hits
of :the older residents will rementlier„ The, water in- rirei: Vas ,VerSr •Tiendini Arid- then Otirtie. Nsi4s at& both_ botA have turned -in r‘nna, and then% heard 'the thiftl'
lower end of est, street but later new.' • .9- 10, 8 . fiqvCzt 9 ,
I .'111 th b / 1116 t 1' '1 l these Mistoierpie,toir,
s a or - pogo( .41/op! aril) sy pg. p us ,
pivir , e £113 /I • 22 4, 0 ,;% snappy „exhilcatnms,
I tn., s
moved uP to the Dunlo/ door, and at Another method of fishing osed to the simeee militia and ms eamr,mm
kneawt nun I''"'" who romernhar 111441 ,g*d th1'3 1:carmIleMicoKe Gnoltes;i6D1:1889,the' fain- eerape is tho "Nick Altreck", of Tor -1 ' Goderich--:Weir, Arth •e••••,,,
fiein$ back to earlier times Black 114
onto, and his stunts at the cAaching Nairn. lb; Carrick, rff, gli„..21i; • ,
Ilawk kept hotel on.the Cors • 1 "ve the fens d barrel of Lannon, sg• ,SheardOWn, 1". 21113'11'4
Campbell' thinks the Bank .of The Big Balt. Game ,Next wodnesday Watson. Yon cant Aligs :hint Sum- I Auburn -W. arter, lin Snell; ef;
111 aa a 'furniture dela er here that l* sPearirot"in 'the lia:66Y 'sliti:•Mr. had a share Oattering the ferce traction afforded. bY the :(:).iler tenth. won the, old bor
player nowaday4, will be another et -Irides ran their Icouot op nine and,,, •
• The, °(rand ,Trunit' trailway,„ which
boughtoutlite -Bntfalo and Her -
err, read; • at onifitifne gliod
dell!lefqlte bank* about ..toWri,and" tO
the the 'tiff* .„'hift.• Horace
• BASEBALL lines
liev of West and Wellingtelr when''gr, ftin every minute. Watch fan "Hap" 'pi Sanderon, e' Goldthorpe, ifaddert.
R. R. Nita.teeo ,iteed" to live and
treal was at one thee, located abtait nt)-itOtIP*134°.°4. tihj We'
there. , owe the feet that'tfactione the bank'
Another of the 4arly boteiS; of, God at 10a4 iiedurea•,:f0,1t1"4:°"*
' When the lidvertisetr• qald
Mr. Campbell recollects being .at, the Horton and Mr. A. At", nese thlit
nomination meeting there •for an Oleo manager (If the Bunk of
election -in 1$4,4, .when, Dunhill, ni. ereel attended the sale. Rosa
who, WAS,. the sitting .ntember, noUghtthe• bank: epPoSite'thti jairaild
drew in order to provide it 'seat, or presented :to-te,-,toik4n. but teSereed
Mr, Cayley. This hotel building re- 'a Portion timarthr the -hrii1".0.'1Tike
mained for many years" .atid.;Wag--x4' G. T. 14. used to oWit. the Harbor Park
hank at, the fot avonu.and of -some-770 theso.lands in Tadao
ming ail this 'story Ile it just means Teeney, pi Patterson, sal Alton, e;
4411.1 1 nitir. mem 's - tho early Ws Gentles' hoteqns-,
et ie eft ' father of Heir. ./.• A.
And Park .,House . but Alex.. Itirkpat.
rick bought this for $7000' and was
going' to i brii14 ' it, nemdenco . there and book heat for the best that the Statea
even ' had the 13tiolt.. on,the leootitt, can " prodttee: .• The • ' General, Tirea.
whon. Mr. lloss.caga ethers made" tip
ern i ti -ani ' of ' littifalo, the fa:no:W:1/00e
their 'mind tO hiir'it• and bllikl'"a -6-'1' 1 'd " ' 1 13 11 AlliStiir 'and
mer o'hotel..; They ' gavW.i''$10,000' l'or P Dati itioe,, t re ti, , s ,
mrs.0 that ball P11114 4(T1 411t Per 4,114 Craig, 2b;
, [Carter, If.
Prontires to be the high light' of, our
()attire have been .eltrning a Nit Oil -
#erful: • reputation for thetoselves
,aittee they. deserted the amateur
ranks for :soinirprp basehan. this
spring -40d, they haite .shown „the
Yankees -that, an• all.Canadiao base-
ball teaM does. not baire• to tako
tOafa. Make* hint le Mine of hkfornta. work was done by:the .Cansidikae., Rboonait- .sunii;eivt.D.rh tho- PrePertY,'. 4'3,14'''' 'get Mr. rmuit rrtrin3i other. aggregations Ilh'va fai.l-
tjegri on natters att 'peal history. ;pony,. who had big .seere , ge' - priCig-- Sineetli to build -tiro }MU', andiszdat to od to 4,1 ib the-, big. .part. of till ivan
hatA.0 ."'"r* °84 the toWn tor .tt bonus., irb,q4Alivre. sericS that haVe ise'en played, but this
Soria in Berrie on JulY lst. 183.4i inwhicil four‘ or Ove'1°Iti5eit W2r4t tery now stands 811d )118 brother, John,
Mr. Campbell' to Gott vIcli 11, Aid' as the power legal -difileulties" to:. Minoan:1g 1.hoptoily,o 11-•
eavy ,I)ortoo, - kept hotel near-- wilere htzt iiir. CoMpbello.rrho
1$139. at whkh time practiesilv r.11 iron 'weight .of the pile driver ni)* Lloyd's warehouse -
below the hill at the dock or Ott the 'the„niles. Title boot we* known ra3 tett' Donogit, • • el.as''41X 'the created Ito fear in thi- Illation C.:non..
whielt got' over the diillculty and ' in. Au e3r * ... .., i ._
/Myer part of %Vest street. There „the Menesetultg.' •• - F m the .cornr en the lit;e0); ,re4ti eidetttally provided the town with the tneir -00,Vg, "Are TetieY te6 2:910aK F818
were ratite* number of residewee be,l In what is now Harbor Park ("vas t*l.,you torn to go to rieniniiier Park areri 'witlii we niAv Prise so °eier teela °it's' rit'il."1*** 4 4
blibl. This. was that the towd, buy ' 'While it is harder to get 'a line bn •z-n40,1vgt . g A
,, ,
• thei-hotdraism of tile town dote wAkt* tve. reies"d Ift.144"te And there tVtlf,i anatlici4r biltrth'erl°icARteet, eeeneti °t the thee 11(1' 3 SlIgg4ttli()il' d th .have written' stating' ihat
er get Brae
Wrapped or Unwrapped .
that nice, nutty 'brown that
appeals to both eye and rwate.
"Ray a Loaf or Perfect tteead,
and Taste the difference. -
Try Our Whole Wheat ,Brea'd.
and Fruit Bread;
loy/le hill. A foundry W88 local:0d the Wfilder reaiderwe end Mr. (.14, MP: was, Atz.itotti,„e„, tiirern, 4aftderWart(heispiteet f propotyl_ paying:4 4.00d tht nisch* :team 'any reporttkat -has •
nor Oa water. Near. whera the hen remelobers that there was gotta by, Randy biattoty, rt au° , 11 ricei- for. it, which. would „ assist the come, to hand indieates that they. ate
(*lac Hooke used, to stern) it bent orchard belOnfting' JO thia PrePelt3t, tel at, the railwal".,croeldrig 4*Pt.` Otal ttP0,1ae 8/8I still leave the dietel a team that is going to tale' scneri
guilder named Thorhurn earrled 'ori though -lie did 'not tell US
110* MaPYIbY MEP', MVO 140!1:0.'4 14t4tT.' the use of the whole'plitee.. Thiit AV* lalunia'g„
Their past Itistory; eer-
' ii ?trade. Where the Western Coni, apples he, got front 'that' oreIni.ftlria' Adincent' to the old .2rit.fsh i La
Aga' MOM* kfilla,mllee raya. stakis Iva,: a ,areell boYr Tho. lu".4"ke".t ''''''im'' 01°110 ' was vatant „property„ Aith . l';'. t1080 84id $64)00 -,,„,,„ vAilid :Zit'. 641141 tainW pro -Vides entertaining. reading
*Ingot at first everated by n• ratty knewri -He- tether Prior. and wheitiwie the resott of thAtIrierts: of thYse Of. the, propertynatlio,portion.' *blia. -
Finher. which wits afterwarde known Esther Prior ant' tOdr-ltivtorth . tkOW- fal•InS -Ra001:-..V.Alli,,I2liA hate' Mal if 'they UV° up to it Osiers. wont
M rite's was. the ovrner of * venal at that time tondue a blaeltarnith, nig progront. next, week.'• Horse ra- iiro.:,tlestroyetuthe Jtotei,, , ,
whir* alit* Mr IA iletrait, 88d 'in sphOp 08 Wein street about whore pries in the early days were field P VI and -------3e Chierdtb Black' 1/awks
mtd' qualt411"ing Nvat' 4)443' °f Was boat, and waa afterwards sold' to purely bump against .ktiottY pr
Crodait hotel, Next to that to- were married they were given a great the 0441*e pastimes; ***sit- is inter., Edward. xforittobop uncle of the itzt, mem , „
wee‘s the harbor was a frame build- charivari, the party of s,,erenfitle.,,r10.,„eriting ;tete that,,thilirf lit,ettle 111 Ale, „win., Marlton, whom --we all ,rei-• asiei NV6. HMI 'Oahe
int 'know* As Marlton's, and Mr. being led bY...Mr. riotoje V3ta*Int: w"0, ming 000 Pilleo On the 14nterr?", anember.as a boat builder. ''I.(rite'r on Dye,- fornterly of .tbe St, Patrick
Ohne wit &PI before roli*sYs Sestrer's residence ie now .letitte . the river flats and We' do not dou t As alrea0 ,etAted, what i$ now the nockey Clubs, hoMing down the lead-
slaYs, and 4 uggling used to be pretty home now stands. and Mr. Camnhell next week. . _,, .
fie was *trate. There' W1AA 1111‘01 AtOn were early Mott keepers on ;thole days as Will he the big Centeno
There used to be 'a high fence around
wore bail& most of the 'boldness tut- Diggery Gorrison And 'Hugh jolin- i that thoY were as keenly eroloyed Mercer Jones, and the yard need to
Park House was 'the residence or off , 1„(Esheso, ,ftathe is zamipar
dealing - th metroit in the early West streets near where the Wiggins races stt the agrietntutst Kroatids, Pgidikbeidt.7difoh7te theesiediV therg, to even?", sPorting fan !It the eountri,
11 re lel - ,
eommon, tisperiiillv of whiskey Ltd lived quite elose. Mr. W. F. Good, Me. camphe e tho leaving
As never before (nex.t week, our Centennial Week),
htesinit it over the top by deeorikting oar homes
with Flowers; Flags, etc., and rivet,a reputation in
. die minds of our visible* as being the prettiest town -
en the continent. „Ai 4 4 '
ers atte41111
20114. 2211ell rummies or a A L AMA*.DATING AFTERNOON and EIMNING
.4n,• Jemsleod illand isssientr
Sha eetewa to Versed lissorillsaday.
11°111, D%La RNOON. owe 'HOLIDAY '
vs. Milheirse Gra&
•W esibttime Acadeesy va, Melbourne 141061a.
of a raraleade in 1848 or '4l for Cali.4
lOrnia at the time of the gold rush.
„Torn • Dark was at ' the head of the
iparty as they left the old British Ea-
nehange by horse -team and ox-eart for
I'the t,cdiou .it - journey .whielt , took
kmentlut. , ,Thia , was _ before the- ilos
lof railways. Whet traffic to Gale.
rkh there waa *part fromwhet clime
1 by boat Woe by teens from London
andsomi$ buehime Idetea begen lo
opting up- on the enttance to Gude-
rich -from thet direetioni. on R,ingstoa
street. - -. ,:i ' - • . .,.The,tthet.ilaaini
..slnis intik in 1858
anti .114`: deli ,thasfkoll• itearg ogPosite
East and West Streets, which Inter
were closed to make additional 'Mee
room in the Cart Rouse, were omen,
and at the celehratlon in connectien
with the opening of the Buffalo ar,.d
ke Huron railway s large ;low
building 'fee the bangiet was con.
Strocted 'rent Oki Went *greet en.
ftrabee to the .Ceart Rouse rialte-otit
0 thiKOre 0f the maw*, IcW COUTt
noutlithman weed' dar the sl,re htiuse
or *applies for the tangos% ant:. as
Mr. OaropbeV.is fond of recalling.
champs's', flowed freely on that 'oc-
casion. htt, Campbell was at the
banquet, hail,* been gives a tirket
(east $40, by hie employer, Mr. W. E.-
Greet. whe used te Imre his place of
busInese, where' the Maseatie building
yaw stands. This lemalset was at,
tended by quite a number from Sag -
Maw, as the coming of the railway to
Ooderich was expected to *pea up a
large trade to ftijtinsw btT 18)8t illtran
the lake,. And the Governor-General
of the iltsy *rarest I* blualuet.,with
It and* wonderful garden, with
grapes, aprieota, peitches and melons.
ete., and Mr, •Carutibell esin.tell MAIO
interesting stdilmi of the' elfa*ides
of himself and'others In surreptitiMis
visits to the garden. 'Mr. ••George
Parsons and, Mr; Cautpitil- atid Mr:
Duncan 30boding-Were toyelbgether,
in these days. , ' . - . •
The early histery, 'Of ' PoinV • learnt
forms another interesting tale: Mr.
Campbell- mills that "Crazyn• DAVIS.
as he used to be called, washset ,out.by
Itis father, Her.' MdrNanr Dori. '1010
lira near'- 1,Iferpool. ;Finally be
married a IfisS Hawking 4 Port. 41-
bert. and they'nved_in awl_ _
tono. house
on Ease styeef.• vinalle.Jdr." -1,ArW, ! ,
father' forme:heti for-, them.; Then
the father'bought' 100 scree of :land
in Contrite. ' at -Point Firm; settTell
them. therei and.they tutfell7t.os e5m6 tso
Gorierielt4v at. aadvhuy Age 1•t1'pliel,,,at Mr:, .Grarts More. 'Ott one
of thettetrimo the,,kat upsetollotd 'Mr. .
:Avis was. drowned. His fritNer then
doweallie ndmItlialatiler"Pehirr,itiot:4.Wilirfg7t:efwasii..-(1*
tied her and this is.how Mr."Wright
began his connection .. with Point
Farm. . . 1 , •
_ In the 1044r 40 V
's, amerely.. Sirs,
Bruce County began .to be settled *Ad
a good deal et business with Kinear,
dine wits done in Goderich, "anti Mr.
Campbell knew many of the drat ret -
tiers in and around "Kincardine. or
Ponstantore„ as it was tken calltd.
Paddy Walker was the first hotel
keeper. and other 8081015 were 1%311.
Barber, James Harbor, Copt. McLeod.
the Melrtnises and the TairearT# Dr-
Serord fa brother„or !toroth+, Perord
liliPr.et'.atahe' 11 has recolleetions of le,r4ectil""hp.rd And rnileng) 844 thel':"'
early days of Motherlist. Presloyterjan mt. esimphen Avfg ,avoty.,'." cii,.,,, th
and Cliarth of Easthmd in Godertelt. Iiiavempata for me praimss of AO
avierhig erbilloadaerehug itsndtisottlisyltast,Shtm.h:;,"arld tort and In the long negetiations
mr„ (*.moon volikt two. ham with Air, C. -P. --.1t, took a proMinent
taught by Mr. John Flaldefre. the dun Pftt. The r. P. it' wsui alwaY1 4'4"
roar sthool tdP8thOr is Gmerieb, to tome to Goderich. Meetings were
when St. Georges ebureh held at Liatowel sad Guelph and Mr,
*tea hV1 OM Crescent. Mr. Campbell wes iristiWeted to write to
la'ax recaltu, 441stesiort :sib.a don thanerc 42 14' 14' Vert Horne. Thi* oilltiers ex.
of ltnghted hold services in a building r „::::;:shrik,,,..N:.,...shm,%„"*..4,:„..".,"..."....‘4;t-
on lAteet street belonging to Dr, MM.
kotiri itikalrott :11;i:e IttiortottOP.0:01reY rt7 , PT.PrIlt:e:tif":514184"gt;:rt,..itio' )t 5)4.
trill': R:41.21r0111„,04%t;
was IsestilSt , , he Ate agree, men a 1.4
Mr Campbell too rfrall allogst an* 0" tho G. 7 11' "1411/44 "M 14v°4-41 tte
of Clio 0341 T.Sig1014111 fir getdoirtrh led Vete the 47. P, R. would oat extend
eafaid *knout writ. * forolle hiktoxy thoir them in Oretello, The route to- It
of *ay of the yellow.* faMilit4k of fo Codor:eli at Aro, otwolifotibil Ian-
' P
•wEs1 snazr
Better Itakid Breacl,
,„„ ,
You do not nave to guess about what you are
• getting when you buy goods baked at the Beat,
,Strort listke0, You know what tb expect :in
service and quality, ittage,for yourself. • '
Phone utt E. G SMITH'
We delive
• •
Is a es m
Ask: thig question of ici,g 0,0VIS who*iii be yander ing
aromid,the streets 'of godetich $rfticrLy ti4:.DISGtTISE n
' Monday,. CArie Holiday.
• t •
1 • -
,14 ..
••• ,,,,...,....
- ott may, have SOni, Or tiiill.brd'Atidi itilli, 1)1.4 hti'%9210 thore. WI.
on the alert The kst.peyson to Successfully lo'Cate:Ilis Majesty, - •
put the,abOve questiop,to him„ and reply to this question correct- -
' ly...1.-w111'be rewardedwith tprite of
Upon being them mega His Majesty
will promptly ask yea 'What is the
name of Canada's beet Firer?" and you
mast supply the right answer, or no
. This Contest is being offered by
• The Western Canada Flour Milk
• Co., Limited, as a contributor to
the gayety of Old Home Week ht• -
Gederieb. All Weslera Canada, # # •
Flow Mills Company employees
are barred from thift contest.
(Rut the right answer will I* easy •for Any good eitir.rn of ('toderich)