The Goderich Star, 1927-07-14, Page 6a IN= lu isPOnP k 1 ft depends largely on the dour you use, We believe 9i weleonie this suggestiiin'�-.try Purity, the rich, vigorous 11 ' yy •s f `jkwr tri*def froth t tr. finest Western wheat, Thousands a0 its say Purity Flour it best for eedies, vie3, barns an bread. PURITY FCC! Seta 34: sumps for our 700-raila Proilly Flair Cob Beet :ea learroto C:111144111404 sun Cee, Mew. Umiak, lifolonisi. WIWI/ SISMA1101* ruipkin.. 1"uµ will nrVli 4 bit (libber 1 Balt or terse beg Tui' plaq, a fully ,' arable 4,�.,'itrg jun t. toeOA, :•urs k ! ii,,wn iau,1 c nik air uta i+ultl) 'OAP' ehe eaitb• After Every I 'fee thipir 1• ii Me &.V set 4tlutt iogetti-'- V THcn Opt•, ��r- ����r.'t; "s family lc•t:>tc.;ilij+, 'Mrs. 8..R, DlAttrar, 2 , ivoieie -- a k'ar, .quite scat► time'I hire n after tr' � u! 2 !A A FASXfliiN6, FADS, r" i>!l1LY�S ' walledrp ��P r , , DYSPEPSIA t..40, 0!' nearezlee, i i $ *molted ne • '•U w n'nt'. 1t`+. w� ltli (iiiXrt inrC 'til r -�'a^hiono. rY rivent SC::i:F haw, kw'h lout Rarr n,vat nrist ialiii', Acting ,` t 'r'n h rd lrri. Agile, nature. dame, re- On ;be luiggeatt(.`1 U'R arrC'li(� de* ailed to tip !jabot?, (5urpli -43 fronts, aril li-inal-nal , - Also thee* add dignity and wizen rin :: uhiele'cast a. royoterloug shad -3 over 4 .--- fulness these days. There are shir- red yokes, f3hirrpd sleeves, shirred ' Wii veetees. shirred collar olio'. cuffs, and 4411141 reCOratiOnD a all kirids. ., 4 ' HOUSES -.hewn. Typhoid might lurk in it. Sport clothes are the chkf apparel Ned telt ire, people of Orplialese 1 • Avoid the tenni in ea leW placo, of' the lnisiness woman, . by day, Ii4s..„ ,luoro you 1 h e.., e where inosquitoee• will eat you alive. though she know "as; little about the ,,,..e.„,e'lfave fore Peeec,, the. quiet ergellhat SeeP thee “WeY froze 14e bAy. s ulornill2'. iti?lf...tee. ani _the_ oittration leo-eau your *miner ' 7 -711111147 Ddirt-gdliiliV7iiiiiiirit'lii Aii Prak -tea. They aro simple, free gm . you eemembreetee.„. the tatin., hour and a half after eatine. from furbelows, were meant eor use awning archee that span, the einamits ' Do Yon }Mow the poison ivy vine, and action one suit her to a "T.' Hive you beauty', that tea& -toe, oak, a small !shrub with broad leaves COOL DRINKS *ea from things fashionea of wood • -* d a' o 011018e Whieh To show hospitality for the chance 004 stone to the holy niountain ? , igroivs in •esvaermy placeel Leorn to auto guest who paeses „Your "house trecognize and avoid them. If you ey the- side of the roach' keep ahnple Or iirom yea only eomfoet, the luet , get the poison ivy rash, followed bY cookies or ealme withiu easy teeth ifer tendert. ,. which nuirdere the wo,,,-;:ifou uf tbe"soul, end then wairie itehinge. swelling and small blistergr'and have -the "maidngs" of a cooling &diming in tee funeral 3 ,, wash with salt wafer, or warm, boric drink in your refrigerator. Such __Icahn( GIhran, ,orha praph000, ocid water—a teaspoon of boric acid desirable Ingredients are; Bottled powder to a quart of water—ioul 4.11.- PlY the day posvder after washing. visgAirioN Varotion is not what it says, a What to avoid, get out into the often eelkultie. but rather a change of oco eor summer relaxation, There. is oar*** end interests, _ differerit nothing which will so. loosen the armee and a filling up with aoiriething stringe eire as meal nr day in 0111111. To lie abed Ott nat. tft not the oubloore. sit Yotir lenge trait riteeo, ginger ale, . lemonso and twirer syrup mode 1)y boiling to- gethee' equal quantities of allgir and f°11owst Mix equal' quantities of peppifying as te do for Va* With air, your hotly with .vigor; and, greue euige. Yoe each eup of eruit *aeon eust the opposite to Yeur day- your mind with. the bandit.: apiriti Ouice 'add one and a half dups water... lards" work. But don't he so One can pick up a 'jolly crowd in Sweeten with suger syrup. A lene‘ a,Krd ' the adjr;;it't' Mx t.►+ , ,i;.t: �it.'� . tls.hi,1 aC bICcd w Citi i • 'i.itaa i i,s ‘i! 'eat ,a & d a.'cry r it .Y; `Yom, r4 L. Cu'di 1, .q!'ito rt' '• r ;�1. fiyj-. ' i eierge' t ti!ce• l'rcri•unre sal { ., -+1 n.,' I7tr "of," ll as io to aC2COl� !able P � rl Y en � 6 QEi l i s Often 1 vd p I1ioni Mable; eft, Abst=a; i ,ia ?5. ;'rr-an3f.t.eir:e. Alger ft«�G13, Augil (ta portend), Academy; :00a0 the e. and soon elotieed was improving, **a feel so much relieved can uow enjoy the food that is put before me." Your druggiat or dealer handle* it; .Lbnited, Toronto, Ont. AVACADO The avace.4o. or alligator pear,. is a tropical contribution to our salad frolte. ItS mild, delicate ,flavor is at ita best vrheu *combined with oranges, or served -with lemon Juice or French dreesing. Where it is well known). the anomie has many uses. It May 'float in soupt be frozen in iiveeream, or be served in any course, /rem soup to nuts. To serve the avaeatle, our moy simply cut it in two, remove the sm. tie large seed, and lay the habree on lettuce. Or, Mar be Fewlede reels11- ed. and spread on Wait; or used as 4 filling for sandwiches. The avileado, peeled and cut in Mabee. wile" 10 *Tye NADA REACHEit reedi; or it may be served iS Coele- FAUST ODDS AND ,ENDV Synonyms • uneful„ euphonious., 'meet, censume. Struggle. strain. otress, lake*, toil, Frieeile, freezing, void, icy, veetry, Era'ee, deface: efface, obliterate, .en. punge, cancel. blot, Word Study • "tree a word three times and it is yours:" Let us inci ease our voeabu- lary by maetering one word each day. Verde for this lesson:- • nee' ridicidoils; foolish. "His 4 of correct reasoning. "Hie method does not sound logical to lee." IN CONCEIVABLE; incapable of being conceived or imagined; Mere& u S t riG W I LSON .S FLY PADS. thD _.LCie'e'� • 'r t There is n y e -y to kill °��tF�iea the evitlileilding of' aijuroval, "The see:lents expressed their clieapproir. it-tisimmlax; the act of thruating* one's self in without invitation or welcome. / "My intension was unine INDISCREET; lacking discretion; irriprudent. "Your behaviteir was very indiecreet." ' This is iit—DarPon tho room as ranch us posqblo, closet the eight inches, 'loge r.s z-2,7ny Wil,76.71's Fig, Palo a$,Posable ore widow ktir,e where the lieu is stroirr. loore rho room closed - lor Iwo or three emirs, -tecii evoep up r!,zo'flioz oucf burn thea. Put the plates avfas, out of t.he rrach of children until rtr, eri oes anion—On Vriday afternoon, July useeeseto-(Colecoi leg* to -0-* 4 ‘' TWL01.11$101114,- tlierea7:0:ivilli4h4eatbir.or:=10t or oin1:4;1:1144d wIge ItItlelcit_;:i;ttil!Iii3141:4-!2'. peoir home in this township,' neer: Exeter-oSept. 20 and 21 :, ' si3rse,,,Sept. 27 and 28 A vimaiudist Tiochure on. Canada's, extensive prograuf will be carried Lietewer*"*$ePt 26 4" 27 B fi id—Sept. 27 mad 22 Vastly Changing Borderline eut, and in the 'evening thee° wit, be atterraOls$ at it that yea will•-cenrie the twinkling of an eye. Tsike along On brings oat the flavor of other If you thid in your cupboard one iind Dual eritage a ball ,in the Eiren boil ewhich beo eY e ny coo ing ;en • • • • . • Those wine have :Studied botany t e dtifu program. All whe bave Dungannon—Oct. 6 and 1 " strawberries- and one. slice of mere *woe itil tired oat fa heeled, of severalevavietiee oe mand- fruits and is a delicious addititol to mem e one ban na au de I' I woe 'when, ;wino from home. 'cold &link, take or cookies, tmciefruit Look oat for the drin *kik, that whose' purity is uri- and paper pleteo, tops, spoons ad uu have noticed. eertain plants de. Doig blood in their veins; tootle Braesels—Oete .0.40.riete meta. , apple, do not set them on the table', Y 'Just as much time-savers 05 ,:ittlgettn,veert wtrietamii , , ,as ocenedensise or *Tana. with their Wives, himbeinas and sweete ing gibaVii14't et det150" *Ilia are- 210 found in Con- hearta are expected -to*: there when - Wanted. and make thorn into a; gookee fact that when botaeical terrevolegy. o'elock in the afternoon, by a hakeine row,. one for each Member of the eted45 441 the tetrItell eat.°111;th4 AIRE' fatally, and sliee each blind of tuft, iv 40.01 al Or little in each 044_0 you hove a -for Roth- hefOrt 41141,--auloe Ariontederabron , . las shnntered two hours, surround le them \uoy - 044 Piece tocireeeee—leree -one-Piece' Tretetid-that-Vati A-ast ,;01,/ Ida at all. This is explained bY the the p4eeedinge are opened at two tail. piece your sherbet, .cupl. iye it was fixed, Caned* Included praetie aelection„ "The Cock of the oroetve meals. They are cOoked all, in one dish, a steamer or an aluminum pot and save dishwashing as well as ens. Dredge your AWNS stook in flour, brown it well on both sides, --add two cur* -of hot water to thr it," 'When n marshmallows imuseo Abet eavotetencl 'hoaltderiee. ef 'Canxida iwith vegetablea, sueb am potatoes, blend', the whole in the iee gen. and there tar Mere :react/10011T • . mangolds and carrots, and let it sim. box, next the ice if passible, When phowe .01014tx0a of Canada Is Whet Theusands Of Mothere Say noir two, more. Side the dioli When reedy to ,seree, ,eou. frmat,u eideny into the, present araet BOy's,Otra Tahlets wittin half ari hour of b.eing done. whippecoreankooeee . each obeibet 'self-governing TholVnion than the • the fruit and .sot away to have: lexlwribriced remarkable -ehan. NO .DETTER MEDICINE e toa A healthful start for any day! Appetizing slices of toasted kloVIS,genetously buttered! Different and delicious iwftavor easily digested atut so nourishing! No other bread can give you,. slice for slice, garnish with the vegetablee. Moko a thick gravy On pour over the PACItAOUS Canners ,ancl packers ore now put- ting up small paekageu of food for small families, This removes- one great rause of -waste and -will induce manv housewives to purchase the small amounta who wero afraid to lay in the larger supply in the fore For persons who are incline to Overeat of meat er bean/ or other proteins, buttermilk is n good 'Pro- tective food. The. laetie acid' in' but- termilk or clabber aids, in • cleaning out the badmen 'which accumulate fn the intestinee. Buttermilk does not contain the Precious vitarnine *Welt hes gone into tlie ereait or butter. Thetefore cream or buttet /*bona be used tn complete the diet. food, with a value all its own. Too often it is fed to tbe piga Ana cheek - • a delicacy in., Witlidu *Kohn ix enclosed the ternitore ing 'Child -00e th*t; the niatner can, stead of a 'left nre.r.. iellveritiote of the .artadian people, feel assured is absolutely ,safe oe Won . Science has so conquered disease • that aceidente now make 'up OS 'lead- theromods of mothers throughout the , ling cause of sneering and cleatin, hy email *spot -fame that thtte is no 1 The accidents. of industry end by ether medicine fot littio ones to *Igoe. I for her children she ,will Use nothing 1 0r Neve ten children.. the holy btdiiy.., ) dealtieg with elk; *vest of gourd:fop history *which fras' been issued by the Bank elf Montreal should lee, UAW timely and weleome to sttidente, ea. veincies Are Vent, bit .the boom es ult. andl fordo, sad tO the genevot The tiecidents in the home thu B;tilt e$ itself directly eesociated, about from slippery flooee, poorly for ibuntod 'when chum* lighted titepe, leo porches, eoripe Seal& and burns aro also responsible people !rave not learned that if is 8010he in bed'. for mother to ligbt the kitchen fire gasoline, for fawrence eevefem and -rivers provided the coronyee first organizmil -System of finance,: and Rs firet domes- baby to plav with raatche ,s- or for tie' *11-"x":7('` — ,., anybody to leave poison, about. or to take a dose +If medieirie Without read. Oda" ere the title of. the booklet. 'the when,. after' Spain bed cliiimed,"narta of North. and Sauth, America, the their share in" the vast new world which till then Nadi been bidden from toionioations and contliets or *Lox*, two- ocat bottom ast affecting the eliberes. of influence of both on this Where the repreeetitatures of enereir reamed at largo ill the '1`03rSterious unknown of a, meant*. whose that& imitator knew, until the intense 'of each 'Sta's centred in a aOrtioli Which became evystailized under tho' Immo of' ("Anode.' The latter, fie lime beell mentioned,- reached westward oi the centre of the contirient awl south. the tevo great natione ;intimately beel • ,,P1.i.CE POWDERS Netter nee * cheap lace powder. It may contain. Mercury, tin or his. ers, but is- rarely used in the best powders. Zinc Oxide, used to give weight to face powder is not harm. er are Moro likely- to contain colora wbich are poisonous than are the nal shades. Pace powders which do not immediately appear to injure the skin, may do so after long use. The only way• te be safe is- to nee only the linhost. grorle brawls. The. cheap produet is likely to ha expert.. sive in the long van. • 'DON'T RINSE 011T THE CAN Ibto, X445 A Dow Shoe for Young Ivtos, *Ind made itt Oxblood, Bleck or ar041.111. Scotch Qnsia. FirelitOttit Tires Ate th13:44:,sr'settsbnineWteAst:en:111:teotsile,ItiouOrrsstothile:doodfosvor:yet:: ' viuudiss._, _ _aucingthottrolipmirthowithwaick...itternakEereryjestriistheTtobisord:trictiblit:untopreparaotas7availic:404ort:::. that /*now of no better medicine tor 410•101111140141 DY swear. Hata once: r-atarayo keep a box of . Viiiikhdgmig iii -111*, 001.091111111. " tubber *bid* make* motoring II, .. comfoitto7bsti' mrseritandartil:ermithettrated. li°41440t / more ocimoinical with added etsaillioe, Octal* „, Imedidne derileee or will bo mailed uptin receipts et ntice, 25 cents ,per tor, bee Tete Williams' '1Vletileine Coe Brockville, Ott, erl liot days and dog- doe into Pet-delt ASV. -1,Vhon- 470/1-t-..omoty-- tomato smog, .entue-Icteked ZIT dead y doofilete Melo corn, or any product out of the' tin the dating. ictiteitire% and hero'e , can, do not petit, in water and ripee /Ammo% . of both, the new ' neither the ego out to et the last morser. whieh now claims as its honieland it To do this Sricr ases the danger that, peeetically the whole of the ziorthern Better wateaea few grew; of food tege. This.fact is recognized in the Bookiet by two eh* tore licadei re. France" and-4'0fle 'Heritage from Britain." liove, from the' vast territoty ore, thirdly darned, Cenadri shrank to a sznall.-colony in the Ste Lavrrenco Val. than pay a big doctor not to mention the leen of time and seer; ing of being eick and the thanes of a fatality. , for young men and for older men with young feet. we sell Invietus Shoes The snap of their style harnionizes with young ideas—yet they offer a gentle ease one usually associates with luxutious age. Finer. shoemaking is always guar d by the name Invictus. Mad. SOLOMON* RAYS: . Some houses reflect, and tome x. tnehrm,.' the_teste a those Who live In ley, and then expanded east isibi west and north late II unit bower than the original, is a story that is told gra, SX11.1 phically and succinctly in the hook. For Sale.Lerre dog: will eat sow. let, and each stage in the process of thing; very fond or ebildren. . What Cenada's changing borderline ie 11., heve you? luetreted by maps that form an in - "Don't keen asking if I'm nearly terestitt, and valuable aeries. Few realize how vast heve been ready. 1 told you an holir ago that . the ehanges in this borderline within l'd he reedy in a minute. the memory , of people still living. "Whilt Imam pla thInk 'vet' "ye For instarice, sixty years ago the four tee kidney trouble?' orkinal provinces „of the Canadian 4 one does not experience the least equere miles of lend and inland wat- Pain or discomfort -1)A thsvi ire trs, whereas now the land and water my symptoms exactly." area. of 'Cenada is estimated at a grand total of 8,697,1= square ... /ABCS. Even within the preeene par Our Weekly * in English, Don't sly "I have subocribed to the remember !lay °for the TflOgAZitte;" MAI lilt Wag sold at the bent. the borderline or Caned* has under - Privy CounciPs judgment on the Lae brador Boundary. The history of tacit theme is given. Summing uri the territorial acre- tage Cansidiens, the booklet lays "Rich in every 'form of meteri wealth, in fertile eon, in minerals. in forest, Ash and fur, in waterrower and cool, in reilwoye, roedwriem, end wateewrivs. it is rich above all in the lie West Street Electrical: ShOrli . tarry a good stock of Eketrietti Appliances fixtures, etc. We Specialize in Wiring of All Kinds Estimates given on - application NI Work Guaranteed Frank McArthur Phone 82 West Street ed Price 0 enrol% doliere" Fay 'low :quality of its human popelation. price or "redoced price:" . idrewn 'chiefly from the entered ' Don't soy °there were loss then Meeks At Britiii and of France, It roe,ty seal** in tile bor." re` "few- is a land peculiarly fitted by its tret- e?' "Sem referring to number, "less" ing northern elimsite to breed /int of 'elven referrieg to eile„ the strongese racee in the human Nal soy "T lit the candle:. fowl& elrearittothe eiterire nr its suntrner;" Soy "nre emu the*" War* (*am Itieprooetioter4 *moo; proems** hist syliihle is shun not ikon. Thlrootre Pronounce the e sit ie lifted remote to third Tigre AMOnt 'With the greet home* rehirerre, towntsk WWI 'MO now eonedertly be enoerteil. the 'remotion rs..ople took "No," not as s. of flee. *tete year.' Aril. Ilse partiripte is prOnourte. ed Mt one ernehle 400. "he Ms JO* rourcroit. Ittgi WAX restos* otweloni Jatiee /tottery Service, idacEwan &. Tetibutt, Wilson Bros. (Nile). TratistSalfiryi A PENNY SAVED IS A PENNY MADE e Can Save You Dollars w.....quantity of Cord stored on the Ocean Homo properly, and it is going to cost fifty cents a too tO move it over to our Coal Yard, and we are going to give; you the advantage of this *vies. While it lasto 4111°.* ()mahout Cord at. 414.15 per ton,, delivered bow* Cord at. ...$15.25 per ton. &livered ARE YOU DOING ANY BUILDING? We ate amity/ the material mat of the Ocerur Moon at de hAlowimg prows: which it as good atoew, for. ....MOO per 1,000 or flerdware, Paint and Oils, Plembing and Hek Mir CHAS. C. LEE The Hardware At the Wharf riertrit Wiring. Owe Tawas It. 1111.11.4 11114ttf t/