HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1927-07-14, Page 1'11 , , _W- .� % . , " - � - i'777 ". 'X-14W�,:4' � 7-� - ' I (- � �W,. �-
. '. "MRrm" r.F,g,XMW1RF , vr�� , -.-- - - � 7� -t
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Got PA*Wts , - . I I t J" A-
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.1 Our Want Ads. I r jo .ric , , a1v �,
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' Una ce Go. of Canada
Sun Life Ass ran .
. ; . 0
1 . The Supreme Reason for Assuring I
. "
. One could easilyi�eor to be poor, one could ov�jj tear to take his
wife. and children down ,%vith blin to poverty, so long as I* could be
with then, to he,lp them can;� the loid and carry the h(Aiviest Pvt
himself. But,to'go off, -to his eternal rest and leave them..to g&�Nown
into povoity and figitt tile wolt from the do4i��:�As,it prospect More -
terrible than this to 10OR gorwltril to ,� I -
� . _- �� �-,.&VQI(L,Oug)l"a�,pvq�i)pqt"px-�,�q4�!4�q�ig"���-�R4��y"-;kkq!4�.m,X!��qt�,-
gage needs. - � �. I I
9 . . I
'. . �
I . �
� -
� . . �
-, ; .
phon'e M 1� . H. JR. LONGo District Agent
I - . I ",
I - ____._, . -
. I
Mr., Stavidish Was the Builder � Miss Jeftn�Fleniinjr. Wiud,�or; Mrs. J. � PEOPLE WX 9NOW -1 THE CENTENNIAL unj Vte ve."-d jV0,L), Z.t �V�,jq (7.4;0g, fk-.4�- 11 . ;
Tho new bandstand in the $quarei 11. S11110:1.4sit V�74i'� Toronto; I)r. �- � _ . ! . V`0 `!'k)*Ti16k kR Prote3tantIhma. Tir�
has now been 'emopleted and th,i fin� i C. . 1, Kirkville, Missouri; i ae 11 Of %-IrMtO, �� dtrW4V--l1e3d- 'W�,!,�'I'i!iation, I- ralphasit-cif, ?'act n'.) , . .
,.a It, Mr. Athol Al.
� - ,
tocches so* it off nicely and, Mi3s N, Molladden, Ringstme, t-. C.; is holida.ving in q6lolldtlril��111. � I'Ageaut Training Va rplitzes nnlc,:�, a g4erhPIPLAt ip - ,
ishin " Qualters Office 090ac&= . �t.,C,, fer. � . ,
Gode�licb, call nolw% Miss A..Vlaherty, Highland Varloqll Mr. lir�!Stoll Strang, of %iniput'). i" I . Grard " Ni wA Pr"tug"aau t igfitt3. - " I
, east of au neaf a It, " � . , oh( tionie- � Stand Going Vpl___, I � - jk�,� r � %. . .0411.4 I
stand as ean be found-ill-AYeat,waiNjOU I ollattybig , _` . A coft b,,,,Il rotirnintlent tit t ,arj; . ; �,
- ._Ot Ow .. 1. I—— � - X, �,
st nl k " . -1-olvd.
I OIAUOO� T110 Star iVaS in trVF.r 1A A' iterAO61176 Good SpOtt i Mr. Bert. Cult, 4 exalt, iu !Zlkl' pu"��; - 4 d vz %� h javjto t Myth givis wol .
, A 'we vitli -Umidesbarop. 5 to 4. au,j -
week in giving the, lRoderich Planingi, A nl(itillee was held ot tile aj:r � ill Mr. Murlohy arriveil in Voth U 61 ,
� of Galt, is a gUQ4 at 1'aturda% - I
e , tural grQuads on Saturday 4fkervoan - S y night to Mau the worl. of I 12 to -"- Tlie'1111,611'3 9�140 � .
wait 4�; �__* er. Fred "Seg. last among suille of our korsollion W tile residenve of Mr. ani Mr -3. V. A, training for the Ng liagoant to be Hlyth .13. Lonjoulbara C, I
I - which pro,� ed a real afternaim's vorl. �� Nuirn. presented on Monday. Tue�day aiid *�aai", " 1101ware 0. 111AC R110 gaaal
, 'Ic"I., g in GoderjOt at the 014 1101110. �
Mill,q as ill contrac ,for. Mr. R. ,gtan- I miss 3aftly I I �N
brooke did tile painting uvd 1". Me , 1�t��!�tl t (3, ��
. Wedtwi!dfly llighN,Of COIAMIlial wei* NWIL'i V; by lvillgltual from rsl,�.th, 11 , � .
Arthur the electrical wiring. . Tile vesulis of the races wer3 ui fol. 41116$ smit", of I)etrolt, is vlaitirl`t4 anti jact the volumitteo on Monday to & on . � . . '. � ..
Belt Takes Firt--from Friction . I.Ows., I . . at the resid(nice of Mr,"4ild Mrs. B, moraing at tile MucKay 11all allil ar. . .1
� Class A. . . I . , � I , __1A�__--;4X , - � ._ I , �
The offragai on again, of Hydro — I . � t_zaults. � . I , �
On Weduesday�_` Mllged fee tile WOWS j)WKdeC13, (110DEMICH, HOWLING , , , N
'afternoon w,�js the Sid Ila), A. .Stevenson ....... I Po � I Miss Betty Oib§on, of. Guelpli,,is whieh are now under Avay. D . G.1 I I If
r a - . 0 V UNA � I RN T . .. ..
,Vause-o* -wfire sslarfuv -When- -Hydr& -St-r,teraber,-i)I,Dyiiif-Bob,-F,Iliott,-,2,_.�-i--�.�.i. -'asiting '14t-t-lie-r-esidenct-4,.Ikt��,4�.l�� ioNv,-Aft&.Othem,,who--,visite,d-,"IvKt--4- -_,_,___-_t-:� �_-___- ._,.___ :_i
%vent off Messrs. Baker and A011(_ -'s ly,eggy Ellertons J. Mullen.. .3 011, 0" Hump. ., , . � ,. V � the,other towns. iu-t1w.countyj have 'r.wcllty�ono pinks of 119%VIeF,3 ta3h � - . , .
refrikerating plant, or ratlier-the.-mo- ,,Best time 2:1'". . .� � ".-Musters. Glia and Bud Wortfiv urolsecured bearty �,o-operatloq,,., and pait in-tho rint; tournament 4 tile - , . . ,
I . tor which'operates,it, came to a stopo � - . 1011ass, U. . � 11 holidayingwitl�jtjlvjr grnudPareiits In %vinghoul, has 61 pev,�,ovs anxioutl ta Goderielt r1owling, Club %liell Wall .
I And when the power came oil ogain, . . I . hold�,oa Wednesd4y, beeing timponed I
Angelu� Grattan, J. Mullo,ti.A., A I 1,4104 be, in the pageant,Clinton. GO, Sea- . I
a fow iuoments later, the friction of 140 U.0 Ah V. U. 0 0 a V 1W fqwih " Cninil %ulmluw .1vid IR"mISIAM #.I- front the rrdviouli week on-aveount of . .
� . . - -1 .."..Z����-fo9owfg�iwi�o;�v-��.— - h,� be I 0 W . .-.-. .. .. �_ No. .. 44. 0911 jmal._M%� pow, I I .1
I . � I . '5 � . I the villle& of the motor on " ,It Isa Bar* 1I. Xajttjng� ......... 4 g a week in. Toroft. ralm R-AM.aKajU-j"toifc,re4. .. ��
� ��... 1�_. A . � , LOST � nmd%WN . ' 3'InVeboonspeadiii � so, 'and visit$ to. theso 'roilits arc -$ester. �� 11 `7
� 1. , �~4_4__-w- --- - - _____-"_._8&~_,,_ - . i ,with the foad on, was so great that Jim Grattan, �A,. 4 4 to, and. Windsor. . . � bek�. mg(to to got the.work under dv but notserlousl�r, aa,tho 61tower, % .
. . I- .q A! -A blaek chairge, Purse Avith I V TW TOPICS I , the belt soon started to, awoke.. The Bc.st tinte .3..*30. . � Way. Tito various sootions, balliet. Passed ov�r quickly. Nina of tile . �
. . - . . -141, belt vas badly injured and had to be , Miss 3 .$tort Is 3ponding aborus, and �
. I .11 I.: .1�9� �WQ In bills. Fintier pli,;izie W."I 4 ^ � I I Starter# ltev� H&Vs; tither, Vargaret. �Aj the different g aps of competing rinks w4c, local ones. one
;. . 11 repaired. J. AV- two weeks. with ber aunt, Mr.". 'Need- _roi � 14cutorth, � ;
- .,. I et ISTAR Oppliar., . . I I Xext Week Smith;_ judges,' John Edwards and how, at� Ilderton, , performers ar�k being practiced sell. frOTO Exeter- throe from . �
. . . I
. I . I . . . I . . i 11 Summer School a Mwey bus return. NAY6 Y I Ou Old Q, C- I- CIA$$ Photo$? Dr- Oukk-� ' . I . I AvAtely�, . . . two from Blyth, . two from Tienaull'. . . I
. � . 0 S T.-Joeather �%Uliol coulkilulm; Miss Florenal . . I . Miss, pollin, of Tor ha n rom r;xt� . �
I . . . . . ' L 4dTO tQVM all ready for her duties as: - -111 Cormeation with the presouta- � ". . .
.U�.Atl��,o 031t0d The kr4ndstandat tho, agrieultural tW0 EMU' Wink I , One f & �
. . I . . I i Va cris,�o-�- wtloe to ywher only. V ofR '41 Announcement, of:-Appolnt� with Xi, and Mrs. X . od ldtir* ground% Is under construction. Tito ford and one front Walkeirtan. . .
� I .. Vinaer plea.,o leave at SU%.1A1FI#.-Y, T091$tViii,of the summer school which UOM. of the Hugh, Innis Strang Main- ni�olit ;f' Mr. M14411ttolf as ShtriN of Wg the past wce&� ,, . . -to seat 300, In the Parity Flour tropby routest ,
. I . - � '.., , ,, I - opens on Monday nekt,-continuing for 017141 $oholstrship ,on'Tuesday,-after- Hut . - I control sections A's king Dr. Becebley's rink, (Seaforth . �
I .. � I I ,, CdnC,`stIa)t 03 '3111 04 , , ': . . . . I miss Margaret, Maggay", of Sarniu, p � We I' .. . - �...
. � I ,I *1VM0 a full- wool; and closing with the, -2orjo, noon 'of the Centennial W,eek,- the . ki G. Iteyno! . _14cpd, on A temout -foundation and .. I I �
Lo`qr�t)a W li�eeu � 6-odorica, ,and ids, . of Goderiell, for 4 a at, at"'the -`re�fdoaco of Itev, this will not Ile movable but. the see- s ,t, in the 11,4413 with Mr. � , I
, . �;i ,. )wari "'Cluild, a q g 'eltra Sheriff of nuronCounty, 4ad V. F. Clarke.' . . . . tions.on each,aldia of this ,!an,..b3 and therefora - the' I I !t
. I ,1114,way.' se�ralion service tho-followilig Sun, �ouimlttoe 'would like to have an ox� �
I , in I'll , lytb,
'. I .1 I ( yaket voilk0aing bed- ; . I hibit Of photosof old Gi C. L, school 1: .
-, .1 * . (HUS V .jaqtlly,� 00I)FAIP11 day eve in As .Lea placed on the supergunuated Ars. I fo-* the year sad"th �i
� , la�jer Please, , � l� I *'Vill. Wallace left, on mo"d. The's ft Ivi-
t '. "I � - Mr -and Mrs. taud Is being areetod
I -STAh. - . ,_ . . I . I or - Class: groups, awatle teams,
.1 . . .�, ,,'. - ". ____;_,�;_I..�o Vr Istory of Goderich , _11tor. liji" it is learned, And will bo succood. Friday for a visit, of U �j(F�y� � V,eoks I** of the, ball diamond, and will I rizes ere breAW%t 'dishes,-, __ . .
- ' e�a of _ trl H
�. I � , . �,,. — 4- I . Wanted I y . I - I . . loxftuti#40 _eto. Th se.will ,be that office'by CharlevOi-Aliddle. -With� ralatives in,N I ' Ile t a White s -u - . I ; �
. , . . ALE - RIF— at a ad In ,V X� provide acoommlidation 'for at least V F
. . I . � VW8 I lZiced in �qne'of the roows� -whore.all Ulf po I Toeeiviod a dot. ,
�. , . , &7 "bir �
. -
- �w .-., �, . . . e. �. - - -1 - � ton- of C"'itgn' �SO'ectlon of the lAt- Mr. and -Mrs.. Chas. 64, Goderiolt 1600 ,People. . The. side scctjon�j live on goblete, caeh.* he witatinx rink I I 1, I .
I ... _ . ---VY�4 - 2-: - _1 I Ali exhibit of pictures,, 110*4r: 4c-* can see'them and ronew aefild'allita". ter bas been rumored,for some time, township, b4ve 14n, s ell two, � I I
I � -
. . Folk, 7s, rt��=wal a o 'br, Vel. Ap.; Pertaining to tihe early hl� oly, os the tea *,vith via lel movable And van be placed where, Consisted of R. Witateriv, Dr. Burrows, , . � .
, assmates. If any have ,,they e,A 1) I and
. UV I and although . , n bo of uso for spectators of B. Bright And Dr. geel ley; _. the I
. ply 'MnS JOHN I, , C, rftk�r or. town. is being prepared4or Coutbu* such photos, A official A'Aliouncoment Nveeks iirltli frIends-in, * I
. ' I , ,.e . ud will, loan tiletwfor I or 0, ( .
� � ('Ambril,� Flo�Y, ra. .t�' , nial Week. - has not yet *0 m4da it is uAderstood : -1 . the 'pageant, ,Mr. Stand , ftth Tink of It. R. Watti J, 'T. Dan. - I
, ind . Any Person Naving .apy: that occ4aiim, they. will be cared for . Dr. Dickie, 6 ': I . , Ish, �ia tile
,. -, I uitobio f6i th . . .that the appointment. will be co,mrm. � $ 4nd t . .
. - I I tht.719 s is, - . or . . *0011dir, . - - .� . holm, X 11. Robinsonund U. AV. Tol- , ". ... '��
I _fT__01J.qff_ .1 Foil .41M.,Z�APPlY 'J. - 0*11114% is And,mfturned after the Cout*pnial, 01okie, are 1% air z In. �&r. fori- 'Final , . I .
� __�_,"_Ll_ WAL 1 14, iindl. k 'Asked to communicato with G. e4 at-tho nixt Meetbig7of-the Ontario Thos-, Pritchard has been (I!)- $core 10, to to. I
. - Widrofid, St. * , � N They iflay be- left ,kith Mr..Hu6ie or a � , I
� ,, . . _Pohour4, '... . .. W. Black, who 'has this mattor�'Ilr .. . Cabinet CourrelL Mr. Middleton is a mer cottage at .a a Arki ral'suporvisor te t e d event A. rwvden, of' -. �
. I 1. . . - - � Mr. RobfirtSon' Miss W. Ball.,or miss . gaged as gano I . . I .
I ',To ft-NV-Two-41orev, fralnp� plel�� 114210.� , I V. Wats I % . L, ' _ __ . . native aud'life-loht resident of God- Miss Doreen -Metler, of Detroit, is oelebration and ,A - C-entennial Head. Goderiob, .and J. McMillan; -of 80i , .
: I- I .�. 1. on* . I "� artleu-towrlsbip"Vitere his People were j,' quarters..offke liu�'.bdon opened oil foletli, were the finalist�, an(J.-A In
. I . � , I a I lid . School,qub, '�_ ,kiiji5s noivejl, 'I _. . I . '. ;r,,,dC1,, 1� I
Is I bgrjgl�,I* i v!,81tI%,,m,Itb.
. -tric 11-ght aud'baU1,-w1V'aW, tl)rvo Vittor1w Home eta I �_,r_ -ga :1
I .. . ... I I 0 1
� . - " CYaU_fiP_S'_'NN_,aik off 151hare. St)""A sfll�t - Gxit , 'o , * .j I
I I � , I , It�siriis Among ibe t4rly settlers�' ; An Augll- t North sirect--noxt-the Signal office. prm�er hatiorl 'wat to, S�forttt,_ -,-- - I 1�'
. I fl, 1,�C!Sqessloh at orico, 4. xy. .. 40s.k patt�r. . 1. � � �
. . lgln�,Ave, I . A special � r Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs and Matiter I I
.1 �.t . . I . 11 I peeting of t1116 public can church In.flip townsbip is known Tho telephone number Is UK Air. McUfllan's, rink (Robti Dever., ' �,
.CA j . �
. *Xi I '. . . ;11 I as "Middletvu�i." ,Mr. Middleton has 1(obert, of NVAlkqrvI1le,L, Oro visitillg - All veterans or'nillitla men -'willing ,�_,L . - , " '
. I I � CRAIG - '- - � ; I 1. . A 9'004� surn was i'aalizaii,'4 thO school boovd ivas held -at tile town ill. DUlIcAll, J. 11, Best And J. -
I . . �' . . I—. . � � I ' . .
i . , ,Annual garden party 0 the Viotoi-j4 hall on. Tuesday noon, to deal with a equelitly ail 410 delegate to.the with Urs. Win. Y�uug, Oark,sticot, to take *part-% a military foatnri� on . I all winning seta of break- ' I lj. ,�
. . . I . . �. FOR SALL,-Farm of 10 aer of land H I
I., .�;` �. � with. first-class buildings, also an ome And School Club �n Saturday, letter from: Miss M od. ok Huron And is., Avail, known Mrs. Chas. Mancey, of Votefito, tho,�njght of the tatboo-aria reque9to(al as " - I' ies. and Mr.. 114w,deal's rink - �
. . which 'Was hold, on the school groundi., sighing -.�'ber , and Howell re. ,, -at .
. , ��. - - *elt wilth. wind-inui,- Would I � -pos.1tion.on,Ahe teaching throllfbitut a . orn Ontario. ,He is has be -lit, to. notify Col. Dunlop. MaJor Sturdy . 0XV01, llowurd XcNop, T.
I - , arteslaA an the , guest of Mrs... U ). awdeh# *03ke ,%jateS. L I �
I - � exc4ariga on,4 hou$teee gh ,toNva or for 150 . Those in charge were as f(illows, t kjWft of the; 00.4orich *pubjjc� reoident" of the South � Ruvon Thompson for the Past tNv,o wooks. Cart, Jane 'or Me; -PrIt4nrill I I I lazlor %�ud . I I I ,
. . I I if , �chool$. past p, ' .
I � 11 -aer lile �ej(l, . Cart Candy, Mrs, ]FAInterl. Mrs.- Tichborne; onservAtive Association and Is reeve I The program for' Centennial Uleol; In ti o third ovent-Dr,, 414titer"a ' I � i
, 1. � � . 1. ': I gav%!.� fleasona fancy work, Mks,'Dier, Mrs. Young; "e"voiltradt ,of re-eng4gement I . Mr. John - U6, n And �awily anti as far as completed will �be found In , after boating out. Mr. Ooodwinlb . - I
I . .1 �.�. . i-, ,OjosseRsloa at onee, Apply, at . Miss Howell for the next schoelo'll. or -of Clinton tb18 war. . . - , Miss -Baker, of'Brussqls,..�r*qt tho� . k
I I � 1 ISTIA,ft orplolir, � � , I I I flowersi' Mrs...Tiemblay, homo,;mude .was- comPletea and . our advortisin' columns this Vveev.. r,111,11.1", 0 Ilensall - in the somi-firials '.
. I � . , dated Jime. 22nd, Max Saunders Married ,' -: week -end with. BIT. and MrS. Robe�,- I 9 I .1 .
. ,�. � ` . . ,� T1,0 RENT. -4 on., '4t. baking, 'MA. ' Murray, Mrs. Doak, And, we �'suppos�, the ftai,d 'A- happy evelat too ; .. I 0 . " �_ . lost ovit by' A, fluke Ili ilia. finala'to' . - �
I I - - . . . voomed ho1w Mrs, Shore; fishopond, Mrs,, Harri' V . .: could k.,place at Tor- Huston, . , , ' ' THE I TWELFTH AT SLYTH Mr. Crawford'a Wingham, %tak, iollIr � . ;
.,. . .11 , I 411', 0 e Or g' Is, crvd§p6lit, quil4ble for s9n* baire- kept X 33 Howell to tile eoll- ont�,,,Ou Sunday evening, whea- our 11 .1 . .. I . . I
. ! famliv. %ply IjUA.ifN T1XV-g5T. XTs.J,_Thomsorf--nd Mrs. jermet"had trUt, Howevir, - It' was-, decided - W. Mr. and' Mrs. Beech, Raid. And .. . one down. Tito winningr vlul� con- , -, , I , �,
� " . - . '� charg . , ,
� � �. � .
. I , I � . � . A"'t, tD. .I I _1 e'of tho afternoon toa. I young business-.1tall, Mr. Max Saun' daughter, Sbirloy, spent 'the wo,k- , 'd of, 0. Thompson. It. C. Me. 1 i.
. : !0fal'T .1 � . '. . - . -of. socur Of L'_ tile - Goderich Fite and 11-;rku ... Birlid"."WhItj SiStl -�t
, . . 1. 1. .1 release her and the irlatter -' dors tidics? -ready-to-wear , . . I . .
- - - , ' T' -V .
I I. '. �.. --L, mil at the hom a -0 F - Alason and Mr. � I ..
I I , .71 1)(41.- - __ - ��, � a Of Mr-, nil -11 , - Prize, Ak6 rawford, _ . .
'. , , IT, _n ins, ee-ja Ins, 'someone :to take. her Place was. storii, took *Ife'-In the ;H. . � . Dung4oiion_Lu4Io6' . Uan. I -let . , . I
-v i . #..-, - abeyance for a fow-daysi. pebd- -Derson �of-Mise;-. H.' Rubififtai . -ThA . Lodre - 0
1 , , � . FOR_ REN - I 101 * , AUCTiOX SALES,_,_ '�: -left in to' himself a , Wood, . . � �. 1. � tit ,ir lizes *eve eouipouts. - Dr. .1 � 1
I - _,N-Aeredm,_ 19 - � t�. .... , � :� I I vf* � _ I . I . _0
.� I .. ., , - ro - -5UP. r-4-4,11-ailluxi, "llull 041s-� -4-t - —. - "'... - . ..,. � - _6;,_�.i.� I ,, � ... 1,40W -kALn-;k%C -.AVI" `� ------ 41IM-7-- ---'- . —
. nship. � P51V D I w Toin as. -evert% was "Iebrated 4t the ,ho..4v - : .�. .
- fX HE'- t6,to,r t . I soclotle . �
. . - - mr V S.Nl,, . I Pq9V . "" , ,
� -'--. A ��T . " & � A� rim B, a sto"'. of Barrie, -dlid'. Ur� and Mifij"J. -T%q.,'G . I
I . - .11. . I . " ,_`,� 4 �; .. Z�i'Z,, , � aporr from ins , 6orm on il� It,
� :. .. ,� I.' I - , hIry IN �1;01)1'_ no ers'.that may be�Avalj-; the bridei's parents,, Miv..ana�Mrs. oderich Oralige , p, Phall, B.. P.rldham. and Dr. fluntery I . . .
I .,�. . -1 1. .. I ,I)w "Cc - � 7 . . , . . I Rip for tholt prizo3i . I .
,102boii�f� tai�' Az?l. .� ,."\ - 'PalvE A..Tom, of Tovent, (1yed j
,o LLISTER, 0arristrus, 'Lon on'. ,
"_, . I - I . abzq� . . a, are vi,sitiors At cel�biated the Twelfth at Blyth, and . roe .
i I , I==;_ I 1. . I .1 RIQ L .1 : I � I. I
, I , I � . . . I ... I Rubimteln�, 343 'Parliament street I I
, � ,. , . I - Tom; .
1-1.111.1'.....- . I . . -WARNING, - I -.and Mi -a. 1 E. .
t L � � . I dal. costumo wa fife, and drum b3u4 of L. 0. L.
� . .. � ------------ � -------- I - � .- . I N�V(� ,IV6 fil.,4ructe(l, h� , . Otit -of Town Guests at The Blao Bird Tile bri R.Qf flat crom" , The regular * , I
I . . . .1 . � � - -1 . . .1, . * , 4 .. -Tea. SholO, Blue Water Be With bridal veil 4 d cro go, I Mr. and Mrs. W. _X rtltitzje�y, . Misptz� lha� 182, .Goderlch,�taoh .the prizze for he Ahn, ook Cho, montillm meratw*g Of . I
. . �, .1 .. I MUIR& 'rAIW,4.,'N0 - A4,1SN' * 11 4M;X��oN I . itch . t *A a orang I
. T -T I W A ITXOLT��No Ilunt 1�jr. And - I I I
1, , I I fil F _ Mrs.44 -blossoms, And tba -bouquet. w, -4s of 1.4'w'%on" Mia� Callop and Miss 'Gad';- tile best band. Ouing,annon, , Truo t otor. V0. V. U., Will - ., �
� � to .; rb ,�ubii(� Lziuctiun at th . o prexa� . H. Lloyd, '51iss'es . J -]Deiroiti visited . with xi� .rlzo .fii V Uou- - - P
, ;� " I wed' to tulsliass " lion
. . vAnAession 4, IsW4 ' -011 �,� " " . --- Lloyd, '10keemore, Oilt.;''Mro. collifis, "o"s and Illy of the vall6k. The 1��r ,..of _ and Blues toolc the p --the lartv.est b`o held In 010 Public Librar '111 the , ' .
�. '. , Ott west'halt of Lot 19, , . a Vrank-Wood over tba weak.end, lady lodge in. lin�. * Brussels- bad the d6rt July 1801, at 4 P.M. -2W
� 'West Nvawanosb. By order of G='.. : RI).vvi -� jr Miss�. Katherina and 4ugenie Collinsi. rl a ,was att aded by 'four of her 1. I L� -
. . : � S,�TU .auu) wl L ,
I .
.. I - I 1, I rie'�d�. in pinh " to , sterti juaringet best Uknner. .The crowd attinding .
. $. WILSON, Dungannon. Oat.' contfnetreln,g. at 2 o!Ljocii oun , Mr. D. 1. walkoi,oa members. ploaso be probont. I , . � .
... � � � .'... , ., . Miss Duane, 'Joserh colliris, Miss . georget , 11 � . I
� - , I k 1.;4 a ivienillil property,, IUU;- ei` ]Vogff, -0ollin% 9 sa A. ,),ajorj#ke� ressqq..' '* i:kp t) ��of of � NVestoril C -4nft 'Plonr Atills co, tho A04 celebration I� astinizt6l tm , . "
. I .T is, , .I4X,,))�4quqt. I h , r ....''.
I i) , , .tha I , - ateat
NO A I EN in .. To' S:." Ltd- 6colimpanied by Mrsj . .
. . . � W-Xhk11.XlNk; #T(J; Y14UN Y� 4 - 6,000. . July BrunmvieL Records 4 ,
I ic �Nj , -as �as- �f
,f, Q jW * 'e, of - t\1A --. - f)'� Miss, V". Tain Miss .AnoI4 racy,. Do. 'began at the. fair- lt)- ,.. S
I . ,,o:.- -,-�� �1 0- �,, 00,3iilaw , 4 Cation; � s groorn ..W - wallwr
,,, " : _._:T,1r, . �--.�.�', �%"'�. , g I, CANPUBLUS DRUft STOP.B.
. - . _, . I . '
. .. speeledatanytinje; " . trolt; J. W. Bri-wden, -Z dulonton; 51ra, � iste i � doibn, of his fflends, ,and daughtpr� 6f Toronto, were. T09. I . I .
. . -4 at , I e I ', T Tito uarade .
Vathin, a . till I Ifle do"hie'llouse un.ivorner of SorW ,eedod' t1irough the '. I ,,,
. I . . ,Ahing, stflls Is* 1141 4 � � -- onti, . W. J Ifeamen, Miss. Ka fter the, �aremony, festivities ivere , week" . _� 7-UtA I Z . . I . I
11 N . I istored tit the Hotel Sunset illis orounda' and proL ,
. . , thleen � Hea- . -
Nelson stivets, solid bricic .Now , � VD -Z .ND , 1,
11 I I's � u #'
I I duli .
I I I ,
I I i -
i I 414 -, Nil]
" sl
", "' Sy M
re* 1.14
10, woirta-sgr_ totpn7i, I I
I il " ,
- . . I . icauglit vvill be 110F, . I", ,11 .1 in.r elee1rit. wiping and pfumblllg� t1li1j;jIgil. viell; Grand Band� M1rs_N.,.G. Jones, I 'kept up to �a late hour. The honey- �'-Mvq- 1), A. UeCartan and klaughter, ivincipal atreets, -11onat'd 'by J. U. . � �1
I . -]-,W. ordell 11 out. lot 10040 ft. Nelson str�,,ef rpsi-. Mlss'�, AVargery . Tollinest, *.London- JO.q0Phine,--.-#f,_W,inuIpeg, tu,�e -guests Taman, county director of ldereinhh- The one,bip, attraction ,,.it 41W 001?U. . .1
961P. 11111ANCIL, � on, "' _"' iestra .
'' � I . R . � . .., . Idenee 'lifts ,theee befirooms. t1iree-plece Riclih:r4 , -Revillpi, 'Brantford,, Mr. anj ea�c ' with Mr. and Mrs.' Will Madtwan. ,ies, on'the regulation Nvillto horse. tar resort this- year t� tile orc�
� I . _ I. ��� ..... � ... . � 1. 1, '"o� was spent at L up B� '"
.,.. I . I � I I 111411W14 And elf)tll�s Mrs. C.' P. Lloyd, Mrs. F. J. Lloyd, py young to 0 �3 Ivo in Tfi;a proce60o# was inffid fo!lov�ing at - the Cqsino.'� After 111tenW7., to, . . I . .
.111, 1. . . - FOR SALL. ,' , T y . order.. � on v C , I . . I .
11 lffloHvt,�i on ,sevond floor, -living room, W. J. Dunsmore, Stratford i - 111v, and . -1 d.--cavn 'carrying aged ada and ,U. S., th& innnaConiont dd. '. . , '.
� I � bathroorn, large '� '40 on riesda ev ning find Dr. McCarten and Vbu are expected - Band, Lon� And eduoidi ring many .banft in *Cm-:- '
, . tile
I . Go 0 Ich
11"', I . have taken no their residence in the rseon, Xiltie
_1 MeL� !�.,Godprich in -time for -the Cant,*r
I _._�_, � �, . ,L�_ i if�nlng room, 10tcheiv, and hall on, first Mrs; W, F -vingstoill .Wa an BI ci nial celebvatloji; -, I I � . .
. . 'ALE. I ., rullit and, , ,, LI 'a; . . 01. . , 1 . . dom, d0corgtfid. - I A Bel- 'eided oil- "Don Barxingerld Yanbtori�' .1
I 1. . . I . pon I.- -Sol" e4t,eiwns floor, North - �St. � re4lderree * contalm+ . .. � , � Ikervill . I . mom Oro, � or ic
. . — . . I �
throorl), I . . , . _ _ ' � -_ ' - All ung Inon C. O.,l B.A., of Xalamavoo, Mich. This Orohestra, ' . . � .
. I , ;. .curn fed, WNglijaz up ta 4 j)j,4. 1 throo bedt,66M.;, thrl,e-plee(� ha ,�-: . � . �- . ,_-,_-w ._*_. I _,�_. Carhp 91tobigaml Opened.. Friends of' Misses lce� bram, graVO . .. . 0 . _. .
I . AIRS . � Moillos efoset onti. two Jim pl,WP4 - oll . . . w'ANTIM . I oil wltdzy, �. . Vlola OsbrAddston, Bessie Tobi- d -e all young collcigq 1.
. ROUT. DAVIDSON" Duft%anrlon. In 1, .41, 1 . it 4_ I It I , .",� - . I I . I rl m oderle ife . rum '. w4 ladies of eight piee& ar I . I
I . .�., Mil — v " 10041. T 119
;1 . � 'Pon $ALS., -A quantity of gravel ana ,e,00
1. , T� .11ning r4z,'Kit.'eyon vvith infilt-
. ,; - -too soll'. SIZO for ,Yar,d, anti balt .,Or0board alld, wired far elcirlde
. delivered'. SPeefUl PrMe 40 COfttVdr,tf)VS.1stj,,Ve.�and two ,,Nulunt fire pla�es ob .
I APPIv -W ALBERT STFNENSON. flnebee IfIrst floor. Hot air fufn�cf% fiond ver�
I St., or on t4e premisesi Afattland Poad, al'5411114 fb hatit houses. -
. ..
I -1-1 - _ . ,
� I � . I Dulldln4 lot oluing file allove (Ott
. �� __ - 09fi ' '-: 50, i
. I'll, � I - good - 6hpo.".
....... StATE ...... )) INSURANCE N01�011 st. x'10 -t., 'witli
I lapple, Plain and.,vear trees., NIVill 60,
I -1, E ARMSTRONG REAL RSTATF,�autl s6ld sippiratply. . __
,� f1i INSURANCS A011,10Y. , . TERMS. -Ten, per 4,pnt. of po;ichaso
� _1 4 � ,; ..... ........ �_ _ -tty be aid at tinik, of sale; bal-
t � p0ep � 0, ,
. ,
k � ., Lurfse -number4 ikf Irouses' listed for I 111'" In 30 4.10v,4, * -
1. 1. Salle to Select from In, Q�most any'raq. W. if. JA;rzscfN� .T. ompny ,&-, So:%; (
. . of t RIM desired �)i vzlls re'lp rea, ., Pro-criptor. - _. .. AuNioner;;.Z
I - IncluhIrg. , .1 .. ) I . I ,
. . . I C L lit -ft -I , AV011710N .AALK fir
I I I I A number ,of v0m- flne bpi(-:: ,44d (11 M
.. . ,� :4rame fiotiFes, full niodern , vipillyea, iSFATObb FURNITUItil, ANIii,
. I -4lVo0;r tile btst In to%M,�.. ,. , . PUANISHIN11"W'S. � I . 1. �
. .1
I I , I . . A 'ood trou-, sMah barn,.2 .1argo, , wl) . - , " -
. . Coodg Ii maq. r!,v,% �Nfcu'
I . . Of. 0 - trek�',4. -Wi-11 1ACIM01 ' � '�` " - -
". I g��
. I : We5t , , . ,ee", r "'y will we'll by pub3je latiellml A lier * resi- �
. s,j,� vt. 11 : v
I � �. � !Msy terms 'io� Pr. ,1,0*, I p I deno, C,Oobria Road; Go&.rfiqi� -oil :
. . I I 14 . . . 3
I ,
-. .:, .. � Sqmm6;r ilothtgi� and, lot, Is modmMi. ' ' SAIrVRDAY. XULY 23rd , * ,
. - i I I . equtpp6l. garagpe,all lit Roe condition. . qr"li'mcnellig Q1 1.30 ollArlelit
, .. � . . Neal, LaRe Fibrit and 'Suaset, jilotel. rornhienoing 4 L'10,oliiloeh, all lito I -an- .
.. I . . I . . Price Qilotl., .., . I tont,q 0 156 'house, ,inolirding:
I . I I I . . - 1� fluebe;D 1"'atilt - I Qu('bPO 0001� A"W
. . . A vol- nPat little boaae, and loi n.,-ar , -
. ... _.__.:______.1 - , ��, . .. - W11l0&,ater.ft-olxt: I. Per-foetlan-all- slove
. I � Aqr4.W.-'.*IlW, - � 7. - - . .
I . Hill OvPill 1. Perfeeflaft off heirtor. 1
� . ,("Otfa�rp urarly new Nvjtfl 11glAR, bath. ultIpboar'd. voin elialm. I
. � . . six (]filing i
I . "ItIlor eovf+ ,
. room and furriaep. N"ll located flimr if, (.414Atual 1, 4 roeld114 Ofalps,
�Oi. � �.' harbor.. Vrl,cP 81.',00. Very g"fj torins, 2 %filte Iron ,be4jr -q
4tA rellablp,parly, . . � .;, nialtri.i.;4 will
� itopinas.. I Ithrep'-pilece bedroo-ri sitItc-.
,.,i A line roWfit,um at low prlep..-A trood 1�.,atlrv("3 and f1PAn : I drosser.-and I
. Well svorril 4 � I
__ - . ., 06 story bouse, Di'314iftil, lawn. lr,,si; And gprIugs-;-1
. ,� . and eftiern. Small barn and fOwl 6triceratzr* Pictures. eurtainsi poirtain
house, a4nnt one ae-ro of land. Gooft rr.114, alill. -poles. dh1llPi;, 1,01W..q. sealoei*.,
.1 ,lotation, eement nidet*a1k; to Square, I wh"lb.,jr,phw,. I jelw.qw,0j ga,%. and 2
Many othor pratrties. , , , band saun. 1'uxv ". gardett lto.qe� 2 ljf.T(j3
� Savirral ljousN, a rout, tind 2 Orrivt,lq; I swrw slifivel and % NlAtl
I 11 . A lot of fine farm.e# tor sale. . e-loWl. ktt4len Wble and r,mall tablen
� . oInco *days-Monilays, Wodnoqd,tys, 203 Ultidlen lrhWra: I five-gaHoij ,()If
situnfaviz. an? (lay by special r,�tluer,t.' ean, sover-al largo emnis an(f ".kall
I ofiler ('Pen f -very everting. erveks,. I ,wrtshlng -map.bine anti wplfj�,..
. . 01* 4
1 . t nd Wai0i benelt 1. 2 Paper ran,,:* I
. .1. W. 14STROX0, . - lataleri etlpbomi; I q
. .1 . ( .Ingc-r stw1n:t moi -
I (*I Eiftate. 4411ne. a nuinber of b 010 And -r'(1111,1
. Dox,89. Goderfell. fint, band made freed article * I largo hitylp
I . � -, izf_,�____ C. � � MU. liffhel bov.,I: a . T.
� - , G .1luor fam,pa; I
I -, � I set'a irow". I targe Rolm g.1 11
, large WOGI M.", .,, T094 Anil
I � rn rip
A&"I . I I W. CRAIGIE "", ellat,4: e.f)al r,�a Bitter, gir-ha"ge
� (. : I W -ft. lamt- . � ,
\T,-, . - I flat). I
. I TE .T,-'.-0rzh. +,'Vr,rFtIjjl1q motrit hr.
. QN4ut"sed 61AS .117j. MVU�041 IRJea,�ip!,
� Real FAite w howe (16110001. I I 14
� . I . "I
� . I I � N110. I -INA Mr-I.Voij., Pmpj,jP.tp,,,r,.
4� ......a"- I T. 4W ;N011Y & * SIN, Auetlonpei,,7.
"1- =v=--f-----�-,� ___�__1_%_ "
. . -1 - �___, =Y�-._-71�.�g_=-�I ��
jW ... 1� , .....-.WI*6."�
'*4F/ : .__', I V —
. I I . - 7 UN I: I
. , I
Market quotations stmplied. for :Wy listed stock. .
� ��, � - Orders promptly exo,cuted on Torduto, Montz;c;d1,jffi&
� , ! 1, , I I , rk Stock EXj1�'hW1W9'4ftd Chicago and Wiwi -
I � I
New V'i
IL �11, , B X-ehanges. . I
I � - peg. TLaLin .1
*11, "� _.. 1�011 I I .1
- ._�_ - CM hA j.A .- f_,1."*
I I I 1 4 -hives."'me ts— Lim red ._ .
I ,
I RoAdRank ,81,44-Goderich, Ont. I ..,
I I-, - � � phlooft 4MA41 . I
I , . plivAl wife C~a_40t Witt , X!I lffi&g Nv� 2*4 &&!A Fid"ges I '11,
I I 1.
rARL"%/- & SON, L_ itmted
0. F, N.O" "I
.) 1)
* ' ,
"I'll G pR la I , , . I ONTARIO
. TP-111P14014F, 2.30 1 1,
I ij � - I ______________=__ �___
. � I �. 11- I
___1__.1-_-. .@_'o..Q-__ .;.
14 � I
- I . .__ - - - -1 - V
I �
WANTP.,j).-Expilrienced macid for
; goaev�a 1l(*s(,*,vorlz.' Appiv Mlb�.
CIIAS. bANX .. UaMoPfa Termoo. -'. ,
NVANIIED.-Ifflar -from ,,ownpr' good
fairn ter Sale. Quil 1�rpfee, ljartl�
eurar.�� ,, 1). J-1., OV4
. .M.,N11tiffeapoffs, Allin).
QnS NVANTEM-.0perators, btith
exjv�rlrnced and inexperienced 1)y
VIP" Crp�veift- 'Clothinx 'Manufaetughl!"
00, Apply �0` MR.—' IT, H. MUMMY.
,,odt,rIeli, or write ,,to '.XR. GUM=
PlEALMN. (3loton, � -1., . -
I .- : � .
-D"'s-':-Nl�kl'1N"` � - �, ., - * �
Nll;;�s 1qn9ster, of 1"i 116�v
rva& to Wart dresso T11"(111111., Uri. J.
r.Whan't4 Uurim ito-ar (it VA-141ss
Wdrk at rpatfoijablp polves.. Aveddill;
lmos a spe6falty. '_ _:� -
I 11-.'Nj)%I1-; NVANTFI).� - � .
I 1, t �_,' �� .
I i�!l ' L, �tr(l PriVitlig.� �\.11j
ejjklt.r.�j -for I.-ioge Q .
ly "4'elved bv 1110. undfirmignmi ilp (intil
q ,.tlletoeh, off SAturday evening, Juli,
llrtl_ PrIvilege 1..gf;(;d-,'for- .both-,41U.yi�
raelr,,r Ali,, Ist And 41h, � . . �
1. '. .
W. 1". ("IbAllit. Rup Sew�
. .,
31ANT Ul-,'N NVANTra). .. .
. . ___ . I
'Wam-n -paid part timp, whife learning
parage work, elettriolty, welding, bat-
ter%, ant .! . use, %viring, -bpautv 'Cultilro
i�wrk' te for freoAllustriteA eata-.
logue. ranches And Potvlownpnt V,fT-
viel. Vill e st id toast, HLNIP1111A,
.� 1AR11111 It SbItOOLS, 163 Kin-" St.
11%*V(%t,. on . . . ' "
4 I
. . I MILO WA'14T90
� A11FALU Oft FultAtir,
.Yffra upwavla Ar -f 42s, NV,o(,U4*:
vrmving Inw,bi'mms, for uq, us-
jh�; waste f D.Ve in edlar,.q, birn.q
im oulhollqst;�. Light pleasaill.
,A,.�r% thr either api. rowillelli-v �
. lww. 111115tn'ti'd bylokbit, parti- -
frulam and lic-tliponiahi 6 --nit. aw.-
wholee, for sujj�p. AtIllre.4-si
Ut"NINION INIVA-Inuffif mf.,
Toronto � ..
I I I I , _V. � . 11 i
. '_ ___
� conse 0 it 0 .0
.� Move Association I
. will hold an , .
. . mind I .1
at the Twit Hall, WINGRAM
"on Tueshy, July 196, 1921111
tt 2'6'do. rk p.. m, �
for t1lo clet-1C)a of e."J.'er", for
th" a�puin!ing of ei_.ieg�aten
to nftond Alo great Von�^.,,m:t�
five Convellflov at Ivialpipea
on October 11th, 192,7, aad, for
'1116 Rom .11tigh GrM64", 0110
Conservittive leider, in esVrct-
ed to bt "�r"eat. I I
Etch polliv;r tfih-d,,;,X,��Qnt is
C-Atiti(d to I.erf1l four &,Lcr,�at".
All ftiends of Owe pimity ttro
ifttiffd to bt, pretent,
PET111t W. SCOTT, ptMileat
K. J. A. - MittEWAN.; L3t(r0tft1k1jjYj
I _ I'll *_
. One huMred"4tid twonty-five young 0 a oubwon, extend congratu. wid ..O.. L. 6. 182, primary lodgea ebaps, and considered one of tit') M036. .-: .
"boys, ralagifig in,A&,from 10 to 15" l4flons to t4om on their winning iii- f Dungannon, Belfast, Nile, Orange voraatile, orclicistrao. in 611-chigan. . , N .
.bubbling over, with the s � pirit of I plottlas in b6okeeping, stenography 0 � .
- Hill, Gorrie, , Wroxetelv Wingliam, Each inember fa a soloist and oach .
youth, let" . stratflelrd Mon. a. M,I,Ju. 411a typing, with, first-class hoiftorb. BlueVale, BrussiL, Ethel, Walton, one Is hPard. to advantagis. o . � �
- � V0111 � V
ly 4th*., for the I?Zotary. Camp Xftobi- Mrs. Gen. Odium, of' Vancouver, Belgrave, Auburn, LouileGboro and rilght, - and earecliil3y the Sunday 11 , I
gami - on. the. shore of Lake Hur6n, accompanied by her oon and daugh. Myth. The Dpeaking toolt pl,ica -at ovgninff conocrt, which is being. ., ,- z, ;
�ifk miles south ' of Goderfeb. As ter, spent Wednesday wit1p, hor thicle, the school grounds. A. 'G. S-itith, of largely attended -by t1le clasnical 1. I
early,,as six"otelocic %6nday morn- Jas. Laithwalte, Colborne street, and Wingham, county master, was clinir-linuale lovorn. The-61le great attime. - . !
ing-W'Stratfdrd Y. bl"C". A under will return to Toronto today after man, and Others who bildre-854 tile tion of thii! hand In "pop" dt.d. thay - . ,.". �
the supervision of -whKii the -;'amp it; vfgiting with other ralatives And 96ibering were Rev.. V1 C. Nalue, of continually lweji tbe crowd, all tboir - -. . . ",
held,, was the scene of bustling 4otiv. ,irlloilds. . a Atwood,-. Ilev. Mr, CrIcb,- of Gorrie; feet, danelnr,�. to music that combirtol - -
I t.y. Clothing, � . trunks, cattipintg Mr. ind Mrs. George Moore, Do- Plev. W. A. Walden, of Bliwval,.�, harniomr,'rAhm. ve and, nil hinds of � I
equipment; utenzild, etc., were Piled troit, announce the efignpoluent,,fij county chaplain; Rev. Dr. 'llarift,litin, Don and bla gaud nrdf�iciwinor - I.
., . �
hioi. on the - bidewalks, while the their only. dau.6iter,'J64A, M,, to , . .
. Ttiase Elyth, and Ww. It. IV. Snell, of Strat. m6ra-.Vopular owry nislit,-aud. nie . .
youn-* ladal who durinFthe iniexvrwo 11fricDonald, ton. of Mr. Ind birs. ford, part giand -clinplain of'Ontaflo. living up. to their' name, 11T�m. Jam- ' %
'Weelios qVill'become expert campers,��Wm. J. .MacDonald, of Applegate, West, and ,'Xr. Goo. W. Spottort, of Most Banj in Jazzlitild" ' '. . . .
,, . - .
bustled twound getting everything ill Michigan, the wedding to tahqt plaea Wlng�ham. . Mr. Spotton iltated .that .Grond Uey.d is -faR bo6win6- a . - . .
.readiness, J. 1j. Corgll�tjj, chairman.'':quietly in Detrolt'the latter part of ho had received a letter from an.or. very populnr r000ru � judainr� bv the . . I
� i . 1. ,allipation' called the Black Eq'g-leo, pumbbr of bit .that iiQ being
of tile Ilya' *orft Committoo of the the 'month. 1. g, . Wes
gotitry Clob, supervised ti-nnoporta, . Mrs. 11 Crummy, of 6V qary, which ififorived him he� %7aa -i. niarhe I held - ilally. The run nbone oo bright- - I
tion 'and, by noon the boys had all Mau.,.jeft Tq_noday after viatthiff her man. 52r, Spotton corfinientod that �y on Wedile-n4ay afternoon c;f laut ' . 4
'been, talrell to Camp and iente!vd Into, t I . --U1,3_-_X-ZaD"f fk�tl`. ht1d bt,011 ;bz down weelt th6t Vie r vora of ti�p moTn-, �
usin, . Xro. ---OfiFrF--Wfii:iiiIl "" , , ,hot . . .1 . I
camp, life. , The jfoys, under .capable oot . ' 'I 1) - U r a for Ing were imon forgotten, when ft� . Ki, , . I
her relativeif at Porter's I It slid a dlllgfathOFh�ViVo��"h ,h't I �
<supervision, will spend tile next two Dungannon, to join p.ev, Dr. Crunj. upholdinr_the principles of the Or- mom-b2ta ok Main otrcat elturch. 1I. -p- ''
, -
wdeks In tire groat outdoor,�;,je'arnmgl my at Toronto, vrbdro he -ba.; under. ange Order nnd be- bintself unto pro. ter�._tlro Crediton Lutheran obureh. _. . I .. � �
All there is-ti)713310W about talfiP'lifa gone an operation in the General Parld to t"Itc it's kllanc"tr tile 1331y'a hud I'm- "ung'lleople'Of 15t._r11ar_vr1 � , I I
� . L
alid'enjoYing A bisr pr6gram of aports Hospitol., Mrs. Crummy iva5 forill. cause. - , � all joined in tile intereatin:i prugrrdn
,. I *P � � .1
and other activities. - . Orly Milos Rota Elliott# Of town'. and Orange 11111 was. awardW'tho pAw of vporto and Sames, anil did full . . I .
Public School Tea . chas Re6naaged Inter'Of Winnipc�g. I I I for tho lodge coming tho longer3t Oq- ju,;tIcc to -the well-filled ban%otq Pro— I �
� tance, Belgrave liall the largest vided by the ladics, in the .CaMnll�l �'
for Next School Year . Those from Godorldh attending tho lodge -and also won a prize as tho picnic hit � 11. .
'The -regular monthly meeting of meeting of Huron Prosbytory ill best &ouood. Mhe bost banner =2 At- Grand Ilend Cdslnu Ott. Monday . .
the Public nellool board waa hold on Northaido United chnrch, Ser.forth, adjudged to be that of llruo:�30 lodge ovening, Madeline Moir, of Undon. I
Moudqy eveninir, escv� Tru8W,--i on Monday uera Reir. C. V;Clarko, and the Wingliant brethren clawed as the Donsotional Child d3neor" deligbt- , � I
Miller (in 'tho cliarrr, Wlico, Sal- Rev. 31. C. Parr, Rov. J. EL., Ford, beat marchen. The prize life nnd od a larg6 audience'with her pzbibl- . I
lows -Thomson, Carrie and Naftel, Mrs. Girvill, Mrs. Hetherington, Miss drum band came fiom, Godarich ant] tion dancesvorld wao called baek 307. - I I
Th Bailie. -Mr. Rallie "I ...
,Rre'a�'s'uW reportea paymenis fop M. Mr 'Gould, Dlr-'G. the oldest Orangeman,in tho !)rocea-lorttl-timca to ro At hor numbere. . . ii
Zilloti and �rr. `J�o, L' ,fiftlater. oion was John Vulton, of Walton. Mwb I.,...,.. r.. being takc�.,in th,,,. �
,R�e 4 ,, to date $10,405. Contraota . .
. igned by � -and Mr. Itathe v;org aged 99, Tvo others wore aged 07 Old Tinio Fiddlers* Canto,a to )� Nid
for tlfd tailing school year g I P-ev. Mr. Clarko
all the test4ora wora beforo, the Put On ths 00#10W,Ont committee. ' %nd 02, Bolgrave True Dittos receiv4 at Grand, Retil ,Crisloo. on Monday .
board and jbd thail mair and pe4a. I - Urs. E. .0-mmmith - and tan, il�, od the prizo for tho'boat dromad ItAy evoning, July, 18tb. Tito Contest f:, �
tary Wbre autborftAs to complete the 51lon Harriet, anit Jach and bla-3to'r lodge and Dungannon Trtp lllue,i tho op�t� to all fiddlers, an4 thrw. com. . .
Icontractz on behalf of the board, Billie, area vl8iflng frionds in town. prize for the largest Udy, lodge In rttent judges w1l judgo the playing. & .. �
The principal of Victoria whoul rp� They were accompanied to. town by lino, . . The remainder of the evonInT will b_-�, ti 14: �
. I
i3offed 140 boys and 1,40,giria onthe Mr. anti Aura. ravart lWallal, Ot 12,0v. Mr. Walden, in -Ilia addres!,, 01;021t,in VOUnd 3113A C11=0 d3r,�,��UC..
rolls in June, ,nith an -average rit. Strathrosr, %rho returned to.;Strathror referred to, the begindingo of OravZo- -
tendance of 150 bp_vn and' 101 girls, Alonday inorninj. Mr. Sxmnaith -Vag i5m during the roign of Jamos 1. . DOWN
00 per oont. PenhY. Bank doponits, manager -of Col. Dnnlop'n drup, ntiii-e wi,lon" tile ' Ubloady ao:4izo6" to(il� j-,HAF, - A:14611deWph. 60:1 .1ul'. 'o.,15-ri..
$1116.15; number. of deposits, oa"s; duria.- lilt;. altzoneo overseau ard . 13 Vince. In connection I-Ath Canadian 4i Ur. uttl Xvv. `PP1i;v f;r4f-I Nom - I I
aillount deposited during tho achool dowa enat on a buying trjp for the afrajrE;, lie staNd jilat out of Igg Tta- - . - Djji@,D� I . . .
ypar, $1,1,0,9.90. U6 principal of eompany with %%hich be io 0115aCC14 in wipration agoncici only 11' %*ro ,tiX. lit sinatio.41, ifn snpl.i,�,. .Irslt, .
Central school ro�,'orted 81.1. ba qj and,tho Webt. . c I
Y — rataffed by Protootntita and of 31 7ag'_ 1011. flrurg6�, 1111MR4411 0m. lo Ittj FAIM I
_, . I
1, 00 girls OU tile rolloo with an avvrage enta .citgagod by the Dominion Gov. !Wat'.�',:: '"' '.,,�3 6 6 I "
attondara6 for Juno of Va bayG and 11 AMONG THE G HURCHUS I crtirgiont, ED ---were Pon. an Vatholleo , " i .T.. ,.Ill %Vtv:&m"� on . ,-�Inj vv_
� I I F. % %vy
84 girls. Or OL rLV el�nt- Vgnny4, Tbq IV,' M. S. AunlliaO of Xr.on r1t Mlarioo of'$= to $1,50 psr year. ,1111v 10VI. IiI.Elpi-pt ,%n.lrm.v 1,oinjoil .
Rnh depoolto, $3110% 2tm1Wr,9f do-tcliur-cl, will hold tbaft, roaular hzca- Mr."Spotton rcportod an 1nqraw,.oltoaAj 3,Y 1,lun'4, lo lfp.�&411'1111%lyaltl (0? (AAM .
VO-Iitowo', 1190.- Urn. nedditt nubsti" I im in tile locture ,roora on Ta"day. Of 1."D ni emb")IFS in the order iv'North Midtillon. .
tut,M eno day. The iroperto wore r,,.,afiornoon. Ju IF 15th, at a'!A1, Ifuron duzlrip, tile past gov: n, ontlij. I ui�,'FXY. lit lwtrAt jon. Ta�,,,Ejy. Sub .
. celved and a blotion to -pay 010 jlup. , 11ov. Mr. 00noll ,gave_ na %bla nd- '12M. XI�L�trd t %vauji. v.101�Pw"'!R .1ha .
. 0.V %-�nn vacsed. I � I sie'rvice'l lit .... Elton chmeh I Snbtath ros5 on what tyw order �,Iood lor )MV J0111 KAW- .;
r7 �_ __
ToadeTa for anthracito enal joplr,'Orllillr� and OvOnIVO.' It 9, -, P.M. -7 _ -_1. �
Central SP11031 v"LT'a `r!� .1-ij I . I __ 1. - __ � �.� , L _ �-_ = � � � _ =_ . � 0
,eojV0(j- tit *,. � A. -I'vIclenidano. JD. D. ; 7 p.m., Rev. A. -...' - . I . .
W63 Opeldcd to pb�c tt4ar OrAler vjjt�j ", Ater, arlano, 0. 1). ,Qatbafll.. Seli,2911 �
Mr. t;V. Q L-�o, I& tondor, '4141.40, �� vnd Bible' CIQ�'lze,l at 10 O'Cleel;.- -
I tile 161'e5t. 1120 cd"rotar.,7 w. Tha rounior ir,ont;lll,!%-.r.io,�tit)L-..oi4 " .,
� a Arthur Circle of Kno,z ebuj,cjj� . I
11"?cd having'ordone-d .q car 0j p,Lqji;0 ' S HIN-G L E S' _.
� jack"t. slack cont for ViaGAa cc�aoal'vill to hold %nday, July 18tta, tit W
� '� - �,
13t U -M). A nun'Ahnr of oN'1j)ujjt,j l�. r4l. in *010etavo raorn. Dlkl,-, Edg'a 111� . ;
V00re reforred to tPo fi �, 11 .
I 113peo com", it. ti tact, wall and Urn. rolrt�ol 1112kiloe V)ill I
'tee for vament if fo-will cbnecra. �,Jtavc &arvo of the mccift�?,.. "". ,/ :.,�� . . � X X x X (SX), 1,
�, ". It %- I to agg'a a - ( ,,, � �
, ,as &eidd I�PtWxl �! Nbrth aftut V, nitcli elaureh4, "an-,,
�*r To -d 059 on I%Itnowa tw�,'W frol..11!nda. 11.0v. C. n Claj:r,Qj F'J'It4'r.�' . I . -
j, Vittorla .rt�ent to IV-tterjoa oft -c' -t. icEezvicog, 10011day'. July 17ch. �, 9 nall., ,,, . . XX X " I I I I
. I . .. - ... 1.
1. .. I -1 1"20 (of tbo Wa001 ,, rtm,at i Ciza. r400ting; 10 n.ta.. ; 6a, nday � I lilt
f� We , 03 v t1w Home alwil 'Rheoll".0'ehool; In a.m., ttuanior endo.raunkpn!� X X X X X: (Noo "4,f
ti,Zl " an paOF en 113aturclay tvas 1� co�.VIC.0. Now racrubma .Mll , tza ro, ��
z a I lm-�? ", al,,d� t1in board thrin CV'C.oiVC.d.0t 0113 -b(i0ite.- 'a 13'ro., vuz)L, BEST �GRADC' C V ST MADE
� . I I
0 . ; I
I, jrwolztaiv. - . .. I
I . I
Y 4 filarniur; vjill h-,! *�',-t� .1 .------
'Ito Mao 132!rol I �_ . .
" ��,-"=�,�C,,,,,�, io 01 ..11� Next SUVIA
�op ft�o ,,,,�:Inzz ht, Bic'.) lvatcl% Veoc" I � c6TVcd In ,i'i,torin.,-,)t� Uni�,,�,l erolw�24 � �, L.d
�� 7,tlaleli pnmi afenzincon t,a reTrvcj. A,% no Flowor � ,06;& i*. Tr;a erlitjvda -ay(�,,.� I I
I -
U , ft-Aca to &eup G 0Aerich Plan"ng M& bm"te
, ry 6'0�,rk dmix,r. Ac�-Ozum_,� J13tt'(',E ,lb,"I , 1, I I
t"'Cr tn i "I M r\ - -
1 4 :(. P�*Wltl.'�11. c3rma at 10.',10, ol=p, Tl -.o 1=1 ': "`� �, �
6 � � (SUC"ANAN%
I , -��=�� (% ram t.40 n=31, (,-,.I 1%�- ctbb;_�il i
I Ym� YlRn at -1 c�,tz, fn^-�M tvn Rot7c,lr, a Urd OVA a rziftcv, �,, t I ,,
.# I" -o,4
4-z.n yix� ,X(,-"%" 111, IN,, Yovnt,., 1+7 tveningp tko nqL%jc,-,1e v,Ul bn; '11, �-�,, tlan 1: Phor 7 601DERICH Drawtr 160
�� TORE, Who Ma;*3 6�6 . .1-NORION — __M" ! !
, , & . . � - �
Amu. 6A*b_r4,V!'J bixt, -� r!x?.' 09 11;7�10AL.` , I