HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1927-06-30, Page 2- VAt"!: 1,01,11TErN 11 �10. THURMAY, AM sftk an . . ut r-�jtde kretsch aii�rvls lut -4---- 4 � I - . I'-- - � - -- - jj_- -- I 40 V 11 . �� . h- -v itilontry asawd, Arob goutti4vis) " . . egy &Aar end quar mill IVh:4ttVl-%'d . PAfPAhA6 I - �v abow to .V6- 4. ,*- - I I I ToLwicS raiding par-iti. alik-% J L, I 4 41111111111FRIIR� - 0 . �, *Wo t-ioid c-qr "Abhu u1s. Khreir" � Amal hvrt I boomitd- ' W, . 11 I I 'No. imi.evd! Allah J,;r�)-J!­ &,W; ; � . - , . I ,V.,0d byVI%j JU 4 -Ur Into "too and , I sira"lod fit lf,p ideu. I � s -I. I I It is tho selection of 11ch, weatent whonts - - tb* Anftt lwald tl&il ­11-41,-ihi b. .,adon-4" Wu In I � . I **Th-,.V0U caft talk, ("m Y�U!" 311k,- 1 . grown on the prairies - - that Sives extra flavour tQ beead otrul I lieuiel wath avtit ri,Xt�t. at the- laa, . td Togstoo. who had, been eyidv, .I.,- ,, - . - 4 811Z i on OuC tL - Ww"n rt-utv, pres'Ald , �'ttpld flixt some, ,-,( u,s wirp jitir'-.). If I .- ... . I 1. . . � -wayrd -F*­�nwi-f�r-hfw- - - - -L � , 0 , I I .1 I butis- At CXUA tkiwirto to Cnia � 6i­jn� 900d hCal' 811 i big 1 huPkIll. did . I �� . I vt-,i wdl A"Ir " montli. arld t'hvn It]( , ,"',itall, aleikunt wa ft,".3pn4) AV ' � lklkv- ­ ,� I I ' "I � h." I intoned Pi"wdy. "Our M,-, I '% ­ . =:�--:��,, " -, - AiAWA inttk TiW hisr-d� i,t tht� 3A� I la I - I . . t0ir in V,e north--Rahmat uls3hi Al- � .., � '. Cully attj Irt-whi,z"u., TrSania, sul I �Iahiyki--(and he may W ;n Morrj,;?o, . . -1, � ,� , � " I , . ilin t f Ajeudeii, wi!cji %w vivr� A.0) , 4 , � P. URITY FLOUR , ?our hunilti,,d ovIc.i fr, tit Me �t�tnt.­�-rtl I Anil he May be in Algivi-s. an'fl ho 11. I ! �, njiky be near here with a miglity ar. � %. &td 3& x.rtwnpf for sAor 700-pwi,* PArrit �', cook 04. - 2" 1 :, lily of 0- F-ifthful)-is not one of � i .y Am Ali Sigi-jilt an4l."filty. � I Ouv % Lit to Agadest was a v (n., All- 1, . I � � 1, . I wtacrit caswk Flow Mono GO. limaRiAl. I "onto. lij"W$04 o"" Ali, S" SAN. forkilt affair fron) tbut to th,- jai-�� 1,WlIc.ie affairi ;& mo.ssenxcrs Vahble, I I ' I f I 11 , vgrall- rity on the I T(Fr is lie one whz)s;a -111es.11�211tIFA Grk, a 11 ? I . I - . . ­ - I - - ­ -- 11 11 DI hiji. In the� 1; delit...M." . . , . I ! k .lattur 14 .-,,p wc fi-jr no real feA - Lnd ( 1 6'And what is hi,i mkp,;�,,avc,��,' ajl;-j'., � % � . . . I.. litil- uoxi,�ty. In Agativ., we wdktd; I I I - But of a# Fly Kfflerx-10c am i: Tf kama. i0th. I th�--ught, I � �,S:3 .--.V(T -� I. . � . I ­ 414 1 � .. ,I %Piy alils" carr,hear1% in t,ur lip,161s, 25c poi*Peeketat all Druni" �.Illl bis vol�-o. I I �, p "I I I -ad i'mr b4ils It, jw upila ciur neo ks. C,jrMerf$ and I , $ 4 I CvMW41 St#3rf-- i, "Tinit ;­nries r -A hcw� Net," ri-pli"'41, � I ": , � I P, I To the ix'd .sheikh uo had been cliji'i ts,� �. bigby. "The w.)r'l vo':'11�,, � 6 tho �, , , , 11 . I 1311FEAU GESTE g-1,,-vinder ard Interest, To the Sul- P 1-1 a- i ,I t .1 Val Texamis we wete tobjocto tit ibe r, let UR VO; an,I all- t1h it Ft -Irty nlof)j- 1 great 31:J irocd "Silk -An tit A,,-ades fi-� t. .1, ;. �, I . I . 14, 1 11-�(* spisit-11. I C it t W e m ight ;;, t h - " � I �." on L, vI V --,,� � i mt , e ", whell t ho t �. Ili o is ripe 6 . , . " ar, I . f I . . The Greate,st My$tery Stlory Ever Written .. $ 'jon . � . . � There tras nis*tling of th,.. R�j ' �,lllucli lii,�ro of Vuff anil hiv-,*i0--,ion . ,pie, *A, Avl1lRn!d 49vide v,,,�� were imp-,, W111 - - , ' .. � ,� 4. PERCIVAL CHRISTOPHER WR&N - ijut-of.tb�wo- '), IV ) " -, , that ,gAufF.,I-ntIy impm,ssed To "ania to I I . By . !O (twdler-apart, u� "Wil isa,411witik i11110#3 I! 4, tit m an, , 1% . . , , , t I lead Idin M W�it Rild see.. . . kilo l-,�iv.vl�-huch-14.",�,,r6llitlllw,tlf th*,-- 4 i"y , ,be s'lavi-,-�ned stul-alf cl �1 yoom`rlv�,,j 4.1 , . I - I , . - . . �, ... I . . , at I Ilt, wo"frd but h,j (lid ni-,t ---�P. for r I I! . r W� La'! 1), '. . .4 4 tit(' 11kiiii, w,r 0."'U." the ar�,rjl-ru�- " �eh i.,tj,LVut d,,.. -.-v-, ;�Z ar � . I I -Vu� s ,� I im, vqcap,�fl=-thl-1 tinie"I mlr�,,, o+llit, . , 1 .1. . vs .. I � ,� frin Tom'lnrt, th(A 4s, �.ouih-wc­­- of * � I . . THE SOLUTION . kf-,No vu- Y .r lead.,r C,X, 1,1 en, the 13a,viczan . � I . . It' -w`�Kl"' tal"ll',"' t"k Nt�.,r Nv, tbo Frenf,h for trexzln­�'L') 1141,11"It.3i'U4, P,* a lInk.i of D,g�iwa's - -',il(.r- � 4 . k th,inks to Puddv's irrelvvzzlla ^ I I . , til''M W"re &JUM10 til4l at("- woilld �,, " - lb -It � V,;Ak­oV;fI(,ZItly be*!" . .. � . I . Ci, A:Prp� flie (`,f.JR;j;r, pm�-; 1 -4 �^,­ -, I rk,aL7(.f1 lh�,.t I ths� j'j):,e of PL)w . �I-.,j-.:,- r. I,'?- aae, Q. -t in t4s�,tt.,.NvS!.,t � r , � P . , - M7 ini2d-l; 4 f al! 11;,iA3, otl"wr vili(I"I.t �Wtll ejili,4�'arlui 1)ave K�011 (-f ".1v a �j i , I- �;AINIIP,tn th6`3 .. " .1 ,,lid , 11 What I- cou!d have achlovoil ball . .­ . A . bnr0 ,1 ib: 3-.1t4knit,.,,.,l, V,(, 4"1�1�i,.. �,.& 1,01,101. LIjil.l. tor a -A ,f.,!; - � . . .. I I A - Mpd, - but dumb a�5 . - 'i I I ,,jv pf,�4'o:i J.:-.�;id(­; AL �! 11-1gue I . . . I .. . , 1�4 . �'-­­� m'.'n, h. , , Ile hod tl­ fr�-v 114e (,f hii, t; . . .. . , -i - I � . 1' . ( ev"", �q ale Jhtiu ,,,,.-A4�w, V " ., 0 L;�11! Xv,��;.��,I, 'It'j ,t thc,o elrpums,�,�.P­;1. Ill thr�� 1,%,�lj jj, w oc,, w,% rcdo ,svitqj aL4 jp 11L,;.�Gjj( . , , . �'j' �� . Iq ., ov ,414i;tm, :iIJ, j3u,ldy, . ., . j-- ny. In- thh't case, oltilaugh : . , " , and (it! 1. - - ,rlh, -I a .. . .11 , -it wa 1 iiw; ,I, a* .1, d tt w; Ito vir'ss upi n .f t�annot S, ­ ­ .. 1-1 � I . - . . ., i�y A; t. . h .­�,,41 . :I 1�utl `­ n1V tilvre V", -!It � tit 911,?"'Ah e the IL in ersai'll "Cl, . . . , t a innggifl:, lovonvas 11,�t (Inlir I I yar&:". .. , I I Th"! Mij 'l1v*%Vj,t!r�'r'A tll�­�El t;'e!�" nwn, tv0b, of tho .'Rult, n Temalin ,,A,*4. hk, Q,A sr�v41-.en of .,ue Lz,.1, typ;� J,-. tor,11,11cil Alp J�-.i­ljl 9f fl ­:,40s, well it el,ntrived to hhugh -)t lock. A Illstilletive concort voill laxly Nvill, rw .121 hitorestlue, -, I -attruetion oc tile , lilt,,, this" =11'row fl�-,,lu , V 9 ;�'?AMI�(,E, rj�, , r . , ., . , �'ailp. In tll,.� idiom ,,,f Mal- Olvv,- I t X1 ab. I Dominion Chantaliqua 1wre thl.i sew,ion. TMA nowlile orgunization. the (,,,t..,-fA)r4 x , , - ' � " , ',�' ,,, 11 ailv rltf� ihc,�, tv,4(1, n", ji't-A �.l �: 1-0o.n. * -lini 11)'��,%N? .hc . �.iniibs. ard vve otho threc� lk,�-lofitvd ` I . . lVil U -� in Aa,�lo fflr�l n-,,.,, ,tq' , , -*T?'-, . . T . WOTO lit) Iffies rpon tljj,q6 W�-..tfo I � -d told t1le Sam- V.110 , . Concert Company, presents it progrant (if rare Offirm flad g"imine lausicat I � - . W- owed our livp,,; to flie fam, iliat at V�'115,il`toltl to thk RCI q . . tin 11140 011111"q I'c��')('!'�l on fjl,� (11k,4 �11. , old . .0 � nd I . , .6111" .F A, y thq I,nr,,,Iqc.r. � I . �1. wit, wav �­vxr-pll ri"fimntk- (�,I�,tu'. M!,lint"l. au', '111L� (.!�la;(;,.4 %rd ViI wp, go', -wav ,m�d oft good Camels excellence. � �� - . I . Xink, Me llp%vn1-q;-A­�!:;,g., 1,4 i,o,II.rj,,,,,,,,,,,-,,,,,., $U' t110 jitiv.V. . ­ . We eEx-aped b;,fore the wor4y Tp­j- 11:�n,,* anolMr, hv4,U!,,ft!,;(, w3;;rai,f­. . . . ' but wo. 11.111 not .1 rioc, alliong ,�., a ­r violin, pialla (Intl' harli forni. tlip InKtruniebtation. . ielf . P!1'411 '� I Ill I . i1c,"t, n�"rVEIN1,18, rccl P­Itll "� r . '�%,.Tkl us, aild ,W-11, killi" . 1. 1-1 er bdf-, ,�tjo A, fd . 1. � .11, nn vlvrq,al lh,!', v,�i:, 41"t � Itla litid glilito'l I "ut hPAI-d 40MAIcAl. L'O 14 of tile, � 'npany. Many ' I . o 4 . I �i, .." . - - I what- be,,lutiful selections tire given with varled vondii I iat Ion-, oA theit, Instruments, . fk�, t V. *&,. . . Itill'y wort, Oqr(" LU,� out P, I ­ ­ -- .m 'M' th(i Pr;vate tl,w of t � UItA:I , ,;jain Owt we, verp not wilpt V.f 'Z ,;,�, S ,a- ': wiv (�Vicr 7..,c3poa id any sor, I .. �, n t -�a d�-.�i,yt J�Pt6ndtvd to b.­-.-,cditiouo, n&cl*,1 -.;-011 113 w(k lvarrt thit -it. * , 1, QvoT. I .Sud"onlyrIour pitil.;.-I'l i"" I— a tbo--y vverp ut tjiv plev4-y pf ,ji . 3S v) S',' -Instruinpiltal solos form all laillortant part of the Ilrograin iind are r1ilt-adidly t4. ­� ., vW 3`114M. I!liakeri� front tile north, LQnt IMAM �niw,rlunt and wo;I "�% I am 1--inted to tQII. ill full. tho . . � . r0jjl1j&;�.j<1r 'sill ,;� , 'I , I , ., .. � . I I . llwp Invigiv, rantf, " i4py., %tirds ,0JJ,d.,.,(1i,-^ .11 ,�t� i,,(?r't.;;.I?I Cv�kll- ! I . 4.nfornnd a . ­%�,ojj Wry of flv.�, (�vwlen, for it --s .. re . ildered. 4 . :1 ,; I Qr6 1'. Ar. a p.(L�1, mael: a ­ � ,% th'� 41'.�.,% .11�. ,(,Iv(,S. ,idt 9,r desert tribe.j f the volitrL %M: M, l-,`4-3 to h.q talzen. - " 1, .Isford, tile plaulst (If tho co qmlly, is IVell-lillown V0, Maulaufluft I 't 1; , 1�­,� ,,t� -% �1. -, I c . . ,u, azainst the I - In"St rol"IfInt .11 the I I . , meii - n V7h'-1r"!,hlr tn4f-tl * -� -P 10 blislues:4. with � -'I.,v A I �� 1, �V, .. L'i,t,�;:� 111',*,41 �;.­" �Vatc,r tlkr." bad I., & in " ber at -ni ft, %i . audlenee,;, having ,speat l4ilveral ycars 11T -euni and Oinutan4fta 'giving I -, r . .� . plent;7, 'tq UlAy. pan4slailile jehad. I , - - %loceqsarD­ of flotion Ind rool-Ir.11lia. " - .., I th*,�, � ­ I i'd .1 llilm,;�, I t ilf,h` 1 f Illoullt-1h, CoAtained aa apv.�A­wl,'. !n. - Tpelded Ithat Flaiij; and Upddy n1jr,t (If 41 V-+ tb� story of t1r.1 Imir-, .. . I Nave sa, - coniplote progranw alone. S,he Is (Ili(% of ill(, Iw,.,t retioloks .Intl litipersonators lit . aild i, P,r ' K fin b,., v - I . I I tl.,�, 11 � il� y"lla, and Pv %, *,:Iv�­ . ll",M'It- PX)�-,jjj".jtibIE4 wel 4 �qlltt that Te-anizilicid the pl-ightes-t eourr(! rowain, dur-I ' d t t -, . - � ilrill"'I" .111.1 " *�) o y so I'lais -1,�.,',�,. tile entire chalitailqua iltild. anti the grmp of readlog�i, niany ot nom I' I . � I z . � ed -l' far Must Pat no it torrifle bluff. of Tylv S. skey slone *%�oilld fill a larjo v, I Ill- . , . �"" I lil`7r"� ;1 hI1d­Pr,3t-f1Q8h and .t KWo g.,ain, vo , ,Ind it. -ti-old bo sniall- exn-,�­ ,tip.r �morous, wideli. she will preselit here. Is a'pfrilihig feavire of the linigi-11111. .+ . tirf� � f il.111114t-v� 411A :�� , ('bjection to b�illg. � 1, i or". It w6uld 1)3 NVOI­,� tji"In 'Tinpo. . lna?,,,­.,. 11u, ­�,f,, t,.­f"� t,,- ( jjp,J'% - 'tablv,l, and dkite,;, I)fj,� Nv�,r(, cor �,'e - frilin it, Nothing would have suited , " . .1 41 � le . I ­ - ,,papej . f to sav 01,141 ft 0 en luito' ,In,- kpllukt, it C` - " 'lls!"i" fll;o�i L 4 T: ,,-, e -,!,141 hint better, fGi theie -,vall nutlillitc; h:.- TIIP,� to pretnin Anjillote ne I Whilfred CaNford, a s3ster, 14 it v I I � t1n,f)'I'" to 111n, I t.,) b3-'Stkn)ltss1 ,bu, - I . ,�%, ,ior.rano of tinitsival ,inprit. , , I ko,tip.w4n insinth"', 4,111".wvl 1, , ' The third weniber of the ennil . . i �4niltl�, ,%,MI;IIiiAr;vr� harpw. . Aw I I bi, It :11'-wi'll iE wq­.�­t� t. m.,l t4- 141;11. . to Tan;:ut. -.,,,I, '"` 'enjoyed incre; and if to rapine'afid Rufrai, ill a pla - - .w,inqm IV. A-dos.would flill -1---r .;" like .4 'S, v;.,- ". , I I -�* tiv� f.a,ain th'it fcr, f g,111, .(�j, . . '11. 't I * 1-1 woav- in which � I 1.,�,,l I � ,,�,-*f�,,.V- , I . �, � ". . obablo the74.*V'�1V 1�pv. 1 1,11411 1 ­ - Wili's t4olo numb vnv%*r, . � flk�f('r.";'�'jl N',it'.l t. vn,40., if nAiv fiv �,,taljp of Olt od, t. *�� 01110118 of the .,�441,10 thm-1 v,,- ­'. I" I I 111- I . I t'av greate, 1,( t 11, it), slaughter, fire ,and sword. robbviT, - ,Val quito or Miss $I eys (in tLtql"st,.iti�ly','�ii.struitit,xit lutvt�"al . � , ., 'I f * . acw-, he­muld add-Ov-, lwa- 11011uiao artwl�: .ind - . . ('1101"11 V.1ere fop4isi �r, liummition. v:,It, .Ind eo.fjl;iljg., 11.11 "q ,,+,n1nv,1+-r I . . . ntri,� .. . IKT';� 'to fer a -, V;1 !I - and nlass of the in, M" . I I gotten lol'Ohless, : ". . . . .1 . � - ,d ,r�-,,jidly Ile I - . � . . a6vi-pt to bridge 11,111., [11�.v:­ v. I ven-graining; nwrit cif the Aestrno�ior wb�ro Out, stnrips w.oiu. this o.", � . .. I . bilo tlt" vp��svb­­Ftkr wllich,� Vo . *,ted and f ',d vrantiu- i , . WaNs and Al, -,ids vn�re �Iioso. (if ;'+1i'-"1`1-.'. . I , 4144,rdoro ilropp­d l),-uI,1:,r; froal tor-'(-n0Iang,,.(j tIlpi lillilod'"c'.3 ."."y of the - Unbplievpi and the, oveythrmV our . I . - 1� .1 r �,Alilvbl "t,; W01 -F, of his onipire. In Africa, tile cui of And so we tool, tile hip sand years ,lao. t . ­ � . rillf, In igl,ts. Ar. , �' . God e*--,'r'i*cn Chautauiqua . 4-� .. . d firol Vh�,'�� rKv� :,t jjr(.�,pod A�,mli"- dr -S. ':Wld garnicnt,- P'. , I,'b 114awl -n,fl, . . - . . . . poirt-hhViih ral-mo tl-or, V10illid th � �,..�,-jjjtjfjllI%- %,�-�,..-pj his happiness would bi gull'- . . I Pown,4. F- f,trr a�q vVP Al,jrpd,� told H'... I have read that rflie first Eur�.­,­�pt^- - . 11. I , : .1 I I a'ad ('111broidered to oot foot In Agades were tbfi I.K11,1- .. I W 'If' faef"I U'�' IW th[44' j;'ojjI4U'�j,?`f0Ih. '. . . . I . �rsljz,, for I t I , I ­ " rltn ,f�Otlllle 4 th I Put we' -puzzled hint un6ubtodly. t1l"t We bad no doilnite, in . . . 4� '" . bers- of the French IMIlitary 'N'11:31.1-i'n-1, - '. July � .1 It'll o 5th , 91 4 '. llt�;;,.��I. .1 Our" accent, manners, ImLlits, - Mirk rot, but that ell AlAr r,turn jfqir. � � - .. � -1 . . . -1 . " I WhIl thek,v 1,14od folk w� fq , I ignor , . � ,. 'Ilr A,-jNDI!qt�d thO IDV141%,-, Ve rvd, 4 11,�Nld fOr 411v(�, e.�*Q$i Complexions, faws, aad ley ll,e�. wo .11at ,vf - I . I jl,�%-j C*Pr.tblngq t ,nle (which came w�th Cie great ainwil . . I . . . , , . . .;L)njt� &.1y.,k.'a IIIA,aq . I sslt,earnvan froui,thq south in ' Llo-l), wheet tmvirda me, utgii:3 hL, ezmirl I'lie had stapi-nd at a lbe.-II notel. .. :, �tnt,,.estfUl Alaf;,�'. I, . . bout us puzzled hini. - � M!"i"Nq him, nrd isn f�rtb. . �. � . . � tiry jjl�qQrt of o,ur 11-ves, reet'! A -4r,; Prow , 1; but 1 Could tell of a fair-ba-ArAlud.111fin tvritg torilirst s:pced. , I Tl -,-2, daily exclivilons t) Cad,.tr'Paiat it umxild tit V414A? tbis 'nam.r., "IR tll,� wv, , - .1 f? I 0 . r everythin" in fliv wountain opont'd out into. -11)��g v- Certainly .,.Ve .spoke Arabic flrt-ntjv d to 116 .1 �rv,r,., "itc, . . �, . - gennino Airall llesljitafit,� . 1, -' n( - ONY Illell nud eltlesrt we i�zellwd "1817 -built, vflnd�burind; v, -.,Ii , led '10M I I z- , ,,,, gjlt7 wba, st, . le TOVI,-f M D�rA, d .;�qj�trp jjljt� 41 Ja.j,ljjj..A�Vn lll,'S C, I I I'll town .1 arl,fl it us with blazing grey As I loolwd; a cr&4" of riler.i I .-lid Put-ln-llmy,. via C %1- R - Une I P'willia it with ,,-I , � Wrl' -I, ,�yvs, a mail Arium, tar,%�-,­.- !'.ad nee;i. swarmed -over till shyline,-and two,Sf=,n,(-r 11Gc,,dfhr,-," thq flirc.�t tla�- . . V a ,i',,Ii-.--ir.�,11:�,.�i,�y.e.,tia iviiii,% vivii,o.-I - ,� - '�'"11 -snMll ,Klff�; u," 'o lie badjis .ill rio-lit; we inveig,lied "611t, Irio", rnn w-knhip rilosInq nifl- ­ wi:,re at Ilion. %,a w to tll,.�Jil thtlo tr, N-,Itll 0o4 ndnj,v . hitturnesq againqt el,urr F4 Ire. !Ind aL 3r, � 1, I 'Could not vo. , r - . I tower lilcii .� cut; (,ut� wilos'e cars and fingenA bad or-Wiae (.,f then-i1ji-il0i ' thair'e3ni-ti ontin- atcarwr oil - th6 Great Lakes - 1. . . . tui. a ,'o.to'scollt for. an , "I I '114yed 14, I I . . . I . . . llwi,hiti natur-d Fv�ll wo disin-mititol.,..tj t k �wdijj'� jj,.�. "hough so utterIv, I'll " be off, and who ,�;�.4.i�iil,., -els, oponc Af-gTe oft ug. * re proving.more ponular this Feason �,jjt w1cli. lftelr v, ' ; we werk"-upstl Oat in the' ve"It, - voite - c - t 'ght r' �, ., 0,4 , V, I . " P �' t -ft v 1n, livn,A's� vzontindirp. otir t. all tbfu about ;ort rl tit nothlag lrhat- Ileart of tbot ,,Q�ahar-%. � a$ a-1=st of buMen. , - hill ever bof6r�.' Moonli Ides . .1 o.L. t ,,j,t liting-tilen ,%VI Will . �,- t , 7 �, Do&:� ,it full qp�.ad tow.itril . I . ,;p �cj, , 01101 I - 11 I I . . , , ;,­', a not0111oll"I'v dall- * Furop-'an atutit Gul, clotldj�'fr 'V , by I l L ith he nut,-�;(14 I,eoulAl also tell of a Thin- fliat Ine ald Harik, Dig � war, <= from' evvry lilgition-Steunner "Goodtill7ti I . . I (�hr IN I'll Piot.- I I I I � . , �.,,��,,,-rl . I � .." t . ,world bv f�,mlqn of r,A* - alwayn In' th-� Sok, moch�.r!L-ady view by a tor of mcks, , , . 1-1�1,) Avmr* --I i-meni,iised iritroni,g.'�. . . . . . . P wmi. indot'll. �%I, lnljl�.-grlab!� - , I gvre'u'o tiat t Pf vountil, ,,'A th- onviv. ",.rd accoltreinelits; We ,.vvrc� . to- ; h0lig ell 01", Yj!jZrlm.j.4ut(% to Vp.oa . st I 'r " y�,!L - I . . Wa­',�­I�lwd I AN w,� ��a� , .,.ow ttlo:b�­� I , I'vc. nin',t bnve I pun", , 1,4 th,v �,4!111A,�� illiall .3 party to be � d%nfrin-ougi anCi ind.on tha grCat car,jV,,jn­r0uW', 11la! r,waying its, bcdv, to and fro a-4 ,ill "M ,!#?lint and fo,vn scum , -d Many ',.Pvri7.atk,r, and eluLA llilvt� I . . ; "o.fl - , , r t, , ... . I , , , " ior �m e�reriint- -is I troo�xi in the A"ol-14 vo,t4i t .A .J."A fi-.1wiM 41N.I., ;mlo,, , thert- was no* eirtlily: raw,.my *It k va, --rnsgos Aftl(-tl. . . I Al.- Ito lips, eydlfds� i�­,;, 11:�111* ! eb-art-,"Al, fli,� bmf- . d enp urt R'. "I...'.1. 11 .". "r .11,; , � , . eriionc . i, Ailing Up. . I ­ . . � 1. I :1 IvIT-11, U,�" ", . . ., I i0l, - . I - ',; -now what lie Inc -ir,. . , 01*9 proves a It I . I pri- 14,s,- ,I�; Own! r,.�,r,n'alftl n "Atoa�. v.klo ob I �,p,.es (for the Z�jn-,- f, � . � . . .Vlout4ly of .,-jj-l(,r;, oliculd lit, Proud ,, thoi .:tTlIId:nw, t Ii.mids ard fet,t hwd een cut Al - , I L -, Ov 11 . . I � . . I ­ . The, oniv oi . I hat W,I,Q - . el uKsiv to entertaTu I , I . "a 1. We livot-fit our -ameL,, to thor on ounininr (,ven!uvs. I . ­ t!�, 1144 �"t: n�,-1 , obs I q ("t r I ,ms the $ito ivai blind, nod it cronned inlj;!r"', ­ , . I . 1. . I . . herlytod djcrci. I, in v,zy one ,if I ­ "�!,Vvd tlj�j E,anw, ht,urii sarle ,rance canie I-vrfectly open. not 11153"4il!fC--Int .", an'.,i p'll- �` I � - I . ­ - . - --..-. ­.. � f , IF lvt,*F,' fr, Ant t1vV fe,'�- ly in thp shape -of ox"I"'lliely v. AqI *103 a big ,�wi)-storied building o,,, 'no Ordi,�stm , I I . . � . U-1�1§NP,16 ..... Mn, ­� 0,,I,,, ej,pil.p.,jilgleil t%h 0 ,Pralvvv� n,l thoi ;(' " 1� I I could tdI VT 5u-11 reenel a-, tl,at kpks, n, a Al �- a o r e t o n v V o Z - ..#,--q ti it, t i, f, t The .excellent CA B 1A , I . . . . . 14 . - . . I �, "I .. pfe-,!l .t�,. wip"41 f,r,I n-' ­,i pli'L! I nvv,1w2,,, jr-r at dclva. 1A-,t:vI tvj.a at Ilitzlif. uv ow4ped militig'-­ q n,Ait4oiisj. pur. '"Iv?d daY, S111"'('tifieled 1xv. .,I lil,�-It of the last, hqurs of a v,ery bta;-P lnaX4. rifies from und-l- the snddfes�, crowli- �.o�d- to t1lo. ,nnpul,trity- of .Steamer - 4 11 I I . I , wlo was.b?,m�d 'ft�ce­d6,.vnwar4-. on',A I'M LE01ffi# the valnKs, itn(T lev-211.4 Aur lidordtirn-." Frf�e dan�iuj is, a� part . . . , - t , .. I , V 10 v *hr,rt�. all . . . , .. - 46virW - . . 7 . " . %V411 X . vl;­11�' '-'-l- ­ js�, Iy III not vra,, hI e-ollp"lliv with t'; ., Suing tlle,woll- ay, of. all ` '111' tile' gatev.-ty t,hroul-1, , � stkg, 'v- tbolmric tr1CV w�-re gun�',. ofthL d-jily, se-hedule on lipth the clay- - 'PIt r , '1W. 'h* . 1i , , , . F , , , , . " . � . 4,; M4 .,.,. 'Ind rroldilloil .(I . " whieh wns rincticall.v A r 1, .611e tmltl ,v,Z.,,,.,,-�!2 %.-NI.W4 Ii ful Pe 11��(�� 44 'Itty *' a, --ust ov.-r tl­. ". 're , . la("�-,. onl � it. f j , SoUry I ,11(nt % � . . ,I I : , - illotr4tor-, anti were .I tunit(I illarik that un : th, ", s . ­ I ­ . I , '1��'d) , ,� 'I . . al. foar wid biW-r hatred 'to tho Sul f an eporilv,u4v Ope-) 0.v inr acro,q t1le 11 Icks of the atifniafs,, a-ld. time and ovf?n jig tv , of the "Good- . . , lff*wnit.�- . I 1. I F, 1 11r.. V- -I.'J'�.;T,�,,j .fil,'i, I Threuph this fzinn�l. .,ro � ii"Ist V�ry " of vm. I , � .. . . .� i , tp. .1 -. . � I . And -,,I Ow In) 'nf.mn, va., ,I Wall, -,ll il'L�I�t, M-MIld %V` o"OV oW, wowd ()it r�� j t4n)-but, ve hit(! no cr�Ldential�.. w" .-t' ter illitt-low1v V-­�Cd, efille"r br 1 -P. -o avrait-ed* death. I . tiniQ." .I I � . . ., I , . � ,. ­ .1 , " , .,. mug gap� made of pr-li'll."li;i1�F ,.On of a cr,l,lt oi- its in "Tbis. ;s wfir -we giti what'�, eavll!4': L . I � l I , L- tjjt�jlf jj^'-j��'I;L. Of ill,�,�.ILld (,U,4 ,��tlbi.-vb.*,. Wo. r,nj no linji-e. [i.,11, - -lailed s")RAil." ".g. L' . . ,(* . I I , . � � .1 1. . - L . ("'t . n P, � 3" i , '�;" lign - ve absohitely no information wbaV tolkether upon ere. orosity. Wi. .,I ! . 11 � . . I." L%, I ' ' , � , �) " � �, � Ille'.. 1'. ,.�* I " _ ,�, . I ". � ,Iyl , Se . Vie strength, ldi,vo,Otion L IC4P.4 .­%Vily k1l �,UQI' if $4 ' -4, I .1 - . ­r',,�'I. * ,%(,,i� , ,�, � , L . ­ XT ('f­,!!1Py z-i:4�-q­ A - dipnitl-,j u.m1pil' - ,1'%Tr aboat "Ic"'; ivi�re li�d int:6,a dirty .­.quari 'Ile wate-f- I'n:(l lv,�l �,J-ht ;f, f, � to us." rald Pjuddv. , . . - '�' I A I - -it thn IV tj_ il,,,. � - nincd olonts mav -not c,all COUNTY JAVE STOCK JUIDUING ­ - ­ -­ I . ;1 dtll.,��11'1t�,� I,-liki 13,,'On6s, two �,Idr �W�(nit th, d .. . . I . . I (4. C- '�;,ojl !Ill( 1,�i s-1141, yt.r*l,,,,y,- tind , kt­r'. or "N 04-ij .� ilah." -i'i(w.M ard r',fivoments of the Fronch'Pirces! . s _,s 01. In , Tbo (I �, , ' COMPETITION AT BLY11ki, * , " , .� -, I ,. . . � � vI­.-:C, � - i ,i '!)� - in flli,4 it . "If'Tc,­ ,wbich verp for. -red by mud huts tlie� 'Ird stolle A,:wl I&!.q ,�Ii��,I that of .0 , 'PLul. Muff, ,4v,wled Haill.. , ! .. . .. . . !01h -f-.FmOki .,4 1c, -46 Mt, � 1Pvt Tvith VIA', ­­&­ ­nI We lind no (iit.,nxJ-(li4o,dLpIa.V fm�-.-Ir' U .. - . I �., . . . L . ..VO . . I . ' ' " �on-fhll,­awl the dtimbv(,-.g!4-oj tT"OL'of '-""I'C'd .aQ,airst thO jlj-�'J% C'jC!'ioSjjjg, LL . " I .1 1�,V '4,4.." r!w'ILI, (", 'd"' 1 - A ,., e, t d al o a : . I . ep. r1w4 bavp tian, he aii(I the�jvl,iml; would �vr,) luzi TIv- li-vo(L flor-ogar er Tehu ro'krl�r�-, frr I e f tten'Oon. has. been: . . . " ft, 01'.�n old V­r� rllioiloxv, -Ind* li, lt:o1­tal L ' 11 , - ... .. - � I . . ,4rlt Im front lh.' the, 1601I Of t . PI'Vert j-',i1­r,4k('t�)l'.� -N ,<'Oftt, 'IL-, %1,L, 1.)� ' (if it, j7,.,j �t �!4UMv.p.' A-; jjjl)'�,tL.jjjjQ1kj rlj4f�"!�, .1 I L . 0% � i�.� . . t, -- . " 1p avd. , . , , - ' ing i,nd , . n tho V; ' (lid not ,, long doy'n hIto't1l,, d dept, �Pin.%bDre 44,wi uwm . - -1 % .1� . . .,,rld�. . .111 I its iZ!,mut to nittil. t1lomi 'out .v Mall. 11?;jjL- �f the ",I;- . �'Oars, to� . Srvur%. . �jfj�%-rljj�je ,�'t�njj,4:j t%�f, j..fj(Lj­- un�e�t One _,; ;4lich lip. weititi rl-,�var return. ,, I . with ".1,014- 4f "M-11WIF-0-1111all Alc- Inter-Countit Llv`e Stock Jud,- . . .� -"��, -L I . I . 't jljE�j,,,l, ;1 "A 0 . - . asr- . . 11 11 - . I tvrn onl4r,-,arics of 14-a4ition Z - - . 5 ar;� was A-4-11- . I . .1 . . aj�fl reb'I ljoll! '4 , � .. �': t ­ :­ , . . Tbei6­1r, lay s aring down i:Ito cv,, � Var, " we. mul prnfit +!mt­ Hous.,,hold Sci(nw- Ju4-fti& Corapn6- .- � , ', .. ­ ­ I irin y ,.P . __ W.'..�, It VIT'It find jr�, I ` . '.'�, . .1 . I 1. . 'd ­ � . . . �6jill)16*�",)--,-""-,Ll",_-_,*"', __ V,. ' ­ - - . I ­ � ' ' L: , '�%-­ � 1�," I . . t, '7�j _ Cjfj,,kj��jr I . 11 bit, *a�il,. 1"In'07, . , - I 1-i'villbill) Jl,�,,� 1� ' -1a, .by, Zxe� palace aad anotherm'...%jr; - Al ___.,_ t,fl ­tilL Wlien,-Tegainfl, Volecd ta('.'L;j1L- '' ' 'J­urp -"qr- -' --.U--- .-41,0 _T, ilr,ed I .. , . I , I .. 011silt. " p .f,,ico, w -.16 -oun ,-..T,.r su � le � , --'of -u "!"'rin a.-ad"tt0Hg;­­'WC . q�'. _-W­Ilmrn--f11yfrr- - . �. ill,fT, 1.� i��,104tjj t Ili .ljVdLfro!jj llt$j, Ing tilC,�r �qo-!�QV,1- UnIelst' goaty, ebickom, an(,, , , , 4 . . . I 311".11,41I.- ('01"'In, I ..IV, , �,'J*t bl.0 ),­rra, _ f L ' ' ' I fo � I L . - , av, - parn (hx. rif it ', , . . � . � , I , I]- cions. MO)v� with'fine courag - - lie rrofil of t,xklfiT our-carn-Is-- lilr,'111- G. M' PatQpwn, Agricultural Rkilre. ' . ­� l"f;1`Z 1,:, ny � lirty nwil ornaillpitted tiais , ecL .itizetls (If 10:S11m. who told hi-ra to;'t , I ancr. . - L . � IQRq, thl'CO t-Wv� ,',� -Iw� threllin , ­ I . ­ ­ . L- . . � it-hine S"V01-4,1, 1, m " .. I . � . L A" � '11141 III- joterill- , e� iook pal. ' - -at , '. a tflTc T � , I . 1)11*,� as thero.%w,wo (lwvlIvr;' P I Di,-hv xNas Pre -0 liba hjgb'l;�nd and, .1% tao,,filli.,.-� --)urtyard or b",0C'--wlrd, . !iurry Nvhh b's. 1,�,sf prayors. for Me , �head" , .Is qvntative, 0at fluron C.junty is -at � . . I . ,. ��. . . Me-, "M 0 � - - . . . - o"rill."A.-I fr,lo,v,i,%,tllla";,tTi,ll;.Il,l.lGll"llcliti, '? I To Pal- , , L . ,�Ronallly' Flost all": ,­oll�o of t" . 1r,'6­sibI�.,h1llted that there. nji-ilit be We. *erci ii,,N'rked to e-,jte oth""', t thek last to bave its firvt event of tla�i kind.' 1. L I . . � , 11 rl� *�j water .Wp.% twarly g -one, wbill, ­ I WO 11071P, . 'Corletuf 'rimifloi�, -,,,,,I !,411 f� onstantiviontil. nnd i till gs. � lit tile illinds, of the G-evat sina � h, M I ,A . Arranpitionts are b-ing made: to liol'(f . ,�lhlf� ur "Itiro." r . Il - C 'L and throul."'I�nnothl:n.. 11 tuh � bade him to li,�,A ,J? imi not, -fQr a in,� . , :(To be concrudetil , . L I , ­;.' Tint- . . . I . . I . I �%' drijur mid anx;oti�, 11, ,t' u,�d 1`07z"', 11041 IN0,1. hold, lit lel Am e frit'l ours. Ioil�� L . - i3 lurior rinriner,41 Vve,Stoei, ju(i�,- . .. ... .,q he"aro. r �, Ones,- our lnw,ters, that were ,not tc '.I tit wir.'owlpos Mill . cr to ,A aft. . ,. , I . s . L _l - -�vtlry petty 4c. y IS . L . �L L. . ... I � . illtore- , I . . cla, I should 1111W to tell of Tegranna's NEW.' STRA51UR SIERVICK VrA ing Conipetition wid Girls, Ilouss­ .. - I 'W,�gdj-rrl,rl at fllj�q ft"'ji" I , , 10 Ih6u"d and left then) - little i�nle y 1,�ajj% 013 oes­w, L .1 od cl�y Set q VI 1, 1. . . , . 4 1 1 executiopers, for., negyr .o w�re ' & .. aing Competition at . . I.. I - 'jilinly ,olling, and clay ,fl ,r ' THR 11C. ,. jj� cienc& Jud, . ry)-in a bill " and mul n 11ill , for*qu4stions. . . .. c� rt clADMin.. and that 6'-je - hold A . L , L. . oft - I ERIIR: PA'., 0 N I I I L ' . I . . � .. I ,. t, n� , ,tv,j rri I T,Tnpl I i- -I, - .L� we were Ivipt Waltir - - . - * BIvtb on or about July 21st. . I . (; . , _ .1 .Q -d3v -we about thcir winds w. s the certaints el -Z Wit LIND" STARTS JULY oth FOL M I I have ,14.1,0(1. t1w,re . (I B1 11 on, the most nalrail cmatures I ever saw ,. rl� vtluallv g,-, -1t aj)(f .�tood 1- r! in human -forin, and - not one of wh:; Art . r the benefit ef the uninitiated, I L I Of a powerful ,tnd Al-in,aeroua retieni. '$N'M h �Icc �Ijt.. , The Moveland- and Buff%!ok Travail; jj�e StopkL . %vowtviful wbM- rn.COL h�,r,- for w.; to Ili wbat tlipv. did �ot .qav--I�d tb " .1 I . . . . to "'I'D" ment against anybody who 'hinde-red 'until Conducted avrol.-,s; Ai. small ' was loss, 1111,1 gQven fee% in b,ai!, Judging Competitions von - I . MM-Oril ta touell. with irodern �,'Ivili- Ito)' in Whiel tho.v did not rav it. . ifuler 1. I L I . . isven. �ourtyar The. specialty -6f their lwdo'r wa. %tbe Compary announce ,- - now ser,Ace in sist of the placing of'da§s&l;, of hor- . , ration. N,or was therk;. any wor-It"... %,rflj�Lj(,SA� It ,.Vp.% L lilt � . 1,01 bL,je L i i�v' , w('11 r . N tho free nuiveltients �f thbir to-chambe Of � I JZ . le, . . its tl'� or addition-to'their .apecial expr'e-,4 ,:�r- ses, becf � �race. eitl pr, Tho inhfil 't� ill, NIT MaIj i-ers, or bebaved �,�,,,-(, .the Sultan ofApsdes, - ... I I c1pan, neat alielking-off ef -I he, , cattle,, dairy vatt. sheep .*. -)l jj� thoueb. thev .1 . L I ,0 tIll, itoriarture tit th6 eM.MV011 tjj.� friends (,f the Very *f1jild,-I� ,fron, Th,s was another wxndqy�fes,� clay. illy mquircd lhr;), ft -fan a fin-ir to -x Vice eai�ll night. between Cl.eveland and swine as well as the givilig, of I . . oppor, �jjjjjtV f4n, P',linir, . I ' '%lid it V,�_. L 'ants of this st rrmqc, cift %% i)m ju,z4t,j',r- orr 'A' 5 Z ! . _ I -Ikorh these Great Ores were -eudear. , loclin with irreat areInd ceiling beaml, .. 0 . anj w(.11 thnLf v leg, with unc, strokq'of a -rea ,,j�-,*)j.-d; and Butalb, I I . � 0nary Aical,,4,1 b,Aievr% thoug'I ".1 '� ,)Ale*hi,�StS "tvel,e *.Vj"jtL +'it. -V � . ind a door, ton feet tron, tile �-ound. tior of the ma-dirtunit nuinh-c or steawer, flit, O'Citv . TOdsons -,Vb.v the placin,qs ,were�nlude. I I . ­ ,rin . . . . . I . . 1. ., 'no ctl.111`10gist, ,'Vd. "i ovon then the ic,,-. , t tI, - q folree 1,,dam , to.,which ran a clar stsfrc7l,e. D while that of znpacr was ti;j' illflic- I Beginning July 5th. their liaTathal Household Science '6111r,60tionz com- - A' fqr A'; tll?%,' %vere, apd a . of Erie," wjIT rc,-tve prise classe.q- Qf- scho 4 . . 1;1 Lncw, tli(%V bAd ` I%", yz" Uvvd t1wrv. I L I il �,3 Aud the �entlk, Vsgama, Baited Ion,- , .01 junclics nd Y . -il jwsq 11 L Op" G��I�, auslug t4 SaYs, family Men"s" Mrm livim, room urd I . 1�0r.v th�,n., I . .1. I . Nevertheless, I felt 'i-ITeeth. ver -1 11 . Letween two ovinlon-,:w1wthir to `ir. 71 ni-Aldle of t:v^,Nva �') _ the wourds and injurieg 'With011t L . Cleveland* it 4.30' P.m. alteow . .. 'We .d,� ,vhfeh vve7 , ­ . � c. pa'. , I n plans, dress paraA and'entin, , . . . "'ellAIM frAill this ertvnonl. pil,� us out of hand.- orwhether to Ont 'InOr by the�,death of the viedin stourmg ,it Erl vi� 16".9,4 'Y'li. kitche . L I tairt that no .,I cootur of .tile, "' They vvre .0d1led *labarcl,8 ' ...'d"im - "rw ,. . . it ht -i ljndjpar,.�� ' Fn6r�. , was n , J lonyii,T nt 12 rkidiiii4it. rerwin . tri girl's wardrebo. Suitable prizes I . . . I � placed tiloo".1 inerciliblo nic,nolithq !,I anti anparentiv . abs;olute1v im- off till, tomorrow what lie would like 1,hrovo, also of clay -4a .b,jg� materidt L . I . I ." �Imo,6 Pr',�ilist6ilc chv, avAl -.44 off to tit) today, in caze we wc-re wlira wc for so - exalted a sidbill, lint at lemod .1heir work -sv�a� C,elz -hobby . . . : 'Buffalo at GWO I.Im. , R1�4urrtrq, the aro beino arrmnqcd, -ind ."ill (if the , ...., . . � . jMs'ftixxw,. nor rn-.11k- for thoz-,unc-lveg i-with"thAl (;'%�,Ivant IT.Ocd and !,I 11,J. Paid wo werc.. . . X could tel�,­cS. some v � -st'.-,tr"er IQ'lv'-K - . denrways ftel�e and lifteen foot in 't wes of honest.day, T , " stopping ri, Erie --f 1010' P.m; and (26) years of age and under,. who are . I . I . ' .. ery rentark- Buffalo -it 60T p.m.. young men and wonlen ttvmty-.9jx L .. " . ter v1s,n than wo had liven in fo- -Yvili�4 �Tts` occu�, able adventt]tres'. risks,. dangnr.q and . I li-lit. leading, i,ntt).Viian,.�.i�Nl�s ten fr,�,t 11, It �yt as. an unplou,sant tFine, ,Ind pltnt w13 riot. . lVaTiller At4 I'POO Midtligllt, lirri'vrn * N TOMdents of H . I t)nt1l, I . I . . I 11r, I ,4. L I I I . though wo ,vrere not Ill-treated nor Ckoft-Tegoed - ' oft flds'� tped-i3cc -, Ili Agades, and of swne yety I uron County, arf� elig- MAC . I ' cap" Il I Cleveland - at 4:00 a.m, Eastern llgtan� ible a . I ' I doings lit that1i(wrlh!2 **.p3i- a well as: all melrbP.r,4*`or notive . . . i IVC woro tgoing in tho right ,Ilr". impi ieonvd. our rifl6c; arid camels Weiv �:Irrone., in dirty r�jkrte TCD,js sat To -A;-, s�ra . I I � dard Tlmw. . L I I ... L .,, 1. I T�wrc- pi,opl.o, wc�ro undtitiliteln.y tho tiont wo vvro appro,"hing�- Air, ,%�e "Mindod" for us, and we never found 11114, *Who CalTiod' Oil hip" 'f,je% L t.jjr.,� ,aeo'pwaith its. Plots and lntrigu�,e-�, jeal- 11 ' Sunior Fartner,,.' and Junior-Ihstitute � I . * , This gitres "C & ID" Lihv, ttas.sen- Clubs of the enuntv, Team% to v(,rVr;e- . . .. I Iorg-p'�tablished d%voiltv.; In ­ thN dty.'fll Q llf�nr ,I ear -roht� ouradves aloiie�particurhrly irl-oi'� st-IM'D of his i"ill! ' ausies and hntreds, faMo'na a4d: par- i ' . ' . - - ngr ip!tsgions, g�rw,ul - ,in oppreIrWrity to,vn.,ov dayligl,�f sent Ifuroii it%. . . ne nce permitted. - ; g P rs , wy divelwi,�4 Ain wbieb werv,wolls* * . wolwalked abro4di...11though it v,,as ,,ruelts'. rust. savam-rv,�-jtn(r t tiA18, if sp, Infer-Caurity comped- . .1 but -none tile lii,kz wvr(� ti . I ould Own b . avan - V : . 14. ri&5 out of �Cjevel,tud an,r ,ut�of I . in Someone Q1,10's vi,.�,. "Ad nt'nTI. lem. frGllI (�u.t f0low-nion, Arall and obviou% that no one coultT ekape fyonj , ,�rr. Arailliff hint sto 9rd wilen our.,time rind opportunif-, tiots will be cliken froin amoW,r the . , ,io(I if eLue iiall ­ � Aid n� SinaTIL grotly f-- - 11 , ill Nor ) . 4t I I . . I I I" I 'In I 11 I 11 I I I I's I I I I , I t ,Buffalo adifinir to.the .Ken1kr beatity winners. I . L . e'(and -we -,,i6kc led ono dwl: nigsit, of the � . I . C.jlllp";n�" in it "�t th'-4t, Ovell, If f)r 11 j�r',n,h gado.'I oil fcot. � of wa"frq, sheikli i,lRe trjp. . .1, . . few thounand Z.Var,;. , , I I , wm likc,lv to inpron­�, A%.,,,. A .. I I . s. soldiers, mid can] - - and � I . - - the n, I d"IP to,whore.fol.w.camels, with watm r , 1, of . � . ��$Qr ft"Jin Lt'n 'bit 'it This L, % real elftIrt on .tr . '0. f3 n -r. , We felt that #'-wiv liloment T,qa� what r ultb(ilaf0r, Mir took. to b, Thi!� new steamer q�rvibe � . r more te . . - food for - two. at- three. d-tys aV.L"�j,.(qI . . . . . . However. theY *'MT V017 1Ab0ro-,!- onortiv, 616, 41ol'o-t, would de,,rwi�ov. itia hilirlit ducidelthai; we were r,=- eXPOUtioners. ' L - � . will "(14 the active junior Club% and'the De. 'L � , another d'elightful take route for ,tl:,, partnient of Agriculture to proinote 1 I ing people. lixilig siniply and us) we would not 1. . I . all �4 Prt'� � With luck, ,%0 otight -paraliel 4 lie nine delegates and emTOI,aries from Tho .15171tan iv-iaftd at us and .r felt awe talim,n richrant- � enjo nient of th., mility vacatlonivt,., � . I I'lorto y . greater activity' and itktorest zan,)n)r I ly rpidei the benign sway of tli(,i' ho UPS. of illy tbf%-,. 1. age of,the ebapea, being weap,utjj�c.js,, who reach Cloveland flior froln trair the, young liten .Ind yo I . � r I'A- varavan-outo wid niakd dashv4 for those .who Were then so hu.sily stirrl.nto. wrut to t . -1 - triarebal sheikh. and (Inhe hospit3bl'O Water when 011110slie the oasm,t on t1w the fermenting brow Of pan-Islairia lcneii,by riovir all tile W,us that ellf.b had we not felt that we rait a groater � ung womcn of - , . I I amij friondly. They kitew but . littl�' . ri'llt" n Afriqa-,ai irpritlanion bave nf puttin , L I -1, and who,wlsit to spentl the county. They should, receivo the , . - truqti�lr that We slinuld li,� illilp discontent Ili N her danger by remaining. ,or auto traw . , ort III I h I . .­­1-�.-'-',' �f�, -11"'-.* ,�-.,;.��l�,-N",.�t,4�,��,--.---."�--������,,--i�i� thelo of whour-they do not a ' Texama, was growing more stispi-ft rl'ght� on board a ' pallatiltl stemmer, hearty, suVoort of all and thpre,shnuhl , - L . I . . . . � ­ -= and I lit -A �A A ­* L npravo, Claus and ni�re -truculent alli I rather travel'enc while they rest. . be nn -difficulty in ilietwi,i tile �v,.t of . . . I ., . L I � I ; �, I 11 . I . . L� I :1 .1 L . . � . . � � I . . . . . . I , I-. ­ . .. 1, I . . .1 I .. I - . I , . . . - I I I . L , I . I . . I . II . : . . . . L ; I . . . � I . . . . I . . I . . I � . . L "P . . I 11 . I I � . I I . . I . . � . . . . " . 0 0 ­­­ . �, ", - j� 11 I I I I � � 41 I I ve, �; I connetc.tions to ser V W ;j . I . . .1 11 hejp&j� -all Canadian, ,I ;�� . I . - �, I 1! hilpixko's I � . . . I ". ­ . 1, ­., I --A-... , MN 00f,'', ''M'�'�,'O''N'r�,1,"",:P,,�,,-",M, '"" Zitablished 181? M"I'AAstil in "Cal or A "O.6,00.060 I - - ; .1 � - I 1 44, 1 t1 . I '�. ..0- . I I I 1*1�1 -.1 - - I . . . ,�­�%. I "I .... 11 I . - --- , . . - - .1 + I 0 t � . . --- - .---T-= I I I I . � I - � . I " I . I . � - . . �� '­ I I � 1. . � .), ,� , 4 , ­ � I & -,- � I 1. �. 'I . . . � Ria. ek-A �A! El . . I. ent al . Am. � � - For 0 cOnvellience of' t1iosq n1lo.the PrO`VjnC+0L that Ifuron Btande first . nalft-­11 favOrItO one, I BMW, per- ihink that; the ,dutilb, Hank and Buddy , trave? tl�, train, rail'. tickets bicti., (q -n In young peop hans. the least . . . . . had been over1leard in Raw* converw,. ,a le 'ns well' as. ih,,other, ProbxbIX.'we gave ourselvile aw . evelen , . 6 ,Ind l3uffala are %rood on tile I . n . ay ,'oo C & 11 Line Steain�rm. And as for agricultural ,w"Ith. . � . Dirby took the bulllsy the hnrn, I (whenever we ate, dran4,i, prayed, sat, � . . - . ,- . crileated Tegamik� politely, hoped be the motorist. be can &fvp his csr ol� ) The. cheapness, of X -other �GravesP - , wav wellt, profs.4xv4 plessilit -it jee- aneezed, or did, anythirig else I I Ing him. and sill =ftvtr), is the vwirdest kj,0d ,Of I board the steamer - M the � . I , � id he -bad n stjol I &%al � �Yrludn a' �'" � f,. Worm Exterrinhatar putg it within I weird, Mussulroans whe refreshe(r om A, ohib . to say to hink -later ci�' ,14when he had I ever . - reach of all, slid it Call- be got at any. ' ' "Dismillah. arshman *Mhmjm.L . .It I "nornin some two hufidrect nilifn druggist,$. . .1 rest I L made 3011116 AfraVitizilints further - It was jiMe.to go I t*rt61r%n%aIohg on lits journey than rT L . I tioutli and had tAksis the volitiegI ,ead we We I at , -­ . . . .11 I ,. I . I ed by a young Pet, -M of magnificent -----. ----- ­­­ --- W -W - temperature of ore.,or two places in , L' ,�Z�­--,�­­ ­ - - . Dainqschou and Da ' I physique,. max"6111kent courage, aw, I L MMIE�-fto , ., . ,14bv' took it fou'Uta that �"" weirrold "Ancextty-prolAbly jIlieL . I I ,� 1. - 1. . ­ I - . EMMM . I � . . were ho"orod'SuAtits. and that Moth- datwhter of vQat nerro slave-wousart Iftill, . . ing so Milly as ,the idea of molestint from Uke T�Wid. . . . The 01dTrU6 8 Ong us Would olver wm , ir to *n Wise and . Unfortun*Aft it was utterly ivkpile- . L M.W.WWW".0" Cady I I otent a ruler as the good[Ttgama. of sible for lww to get us weapon% . . 'SAVEDL' ,. - Altades. . I We esic"A froni Tegamat Iiiist not : 'from tbC'0*34qUeoCe$L Of Our tfWoUn, . A Jar ENNY . The good Teirsims of Air -ides con* ter with ?him He did riot dqwtroy us, . tinued to eye us -coldly. "And whit might L YOU be, but it Wsks to him that wt iswed our talk of El Senussi?" be tnquw'th Your dqtrioekilln. . I � ' IS APENNYMADE. temptuously. I ired ron- , , rdd�tpjt as hard as we "V14, we fol- . loweil'tSe tactics of Our escape from i .� "That is for ,vour oar -41one," re- Zj8&rooUf, feeling itilro that if Tie_ . plied Digby. "I have told the sheikh game pursued and recaptured us, our .. . . 911191 31. ,whom we-er-metj in the Baseman fate would be sealed and our deaths We Call Sam You Doualls : lossis, such things as arO fitting to be lingering and unpleasant. . . ' .I told to unilerlinp. I come from those we therefore avoided the cnir4van. 6 I I., *host business is not shouted in tv. rolli; that runs from Assides, and we havo it queluft Of C04 stottd on - .- -, ­ ­�-!I*L,: , -,�­ ­ - -- ­- - -.- =­ ­ the Otean I- I . L -­.--=� -7- struck out into the desert, hoping 1100" proporty, " it is going to cod fifty carits, sklon to - was Nearly Crazy that, mks hitherto, wt.should, itloner lino" it O"ff to Our Cod Ywd, ikad we M* going to give L . . + or later, discover someone. or some- thing that would. lead us to vat�r. YOU " WIVAntage of this 8xvint. While it lasts we 'Ir . . "'k, Ne&fioket ,Aftor three,d*y,g of painful vander- I qwte M in- ,we rhane-d Unn" +)%& Uf"�#­U'A'L 0 chat'424 fq-t .& '1A I #ncampment of some aboriginal Heri - Mrs. M Noovs, Consort, Alta,,,Beri busbmen. black, almost itaked-,1 Writes -"I W" twobled With Vetyj!and armed only with bows and ar-i severe liftambes, *24 souNtimes W" !rows. Thw nprilirently liv-d fly I aftrir erav'Whk thevs. ;tvappinx wrichei by means ('if toth. � One day a friend told me aboilit ered for,t-trarril (eneealed beneath the � � Nihex and triv-t. thorn% and acaJas.j I ! a (,It Which the hirils feed. I � � �, , a r-�!Illli � I Ile -Re primitive M.. ible Wth"o . , - , , � " . � vilicah -t , - - " 0 brAide nn.jovx- 4 , ",-)I tff,�%V,,�-� , ­ I tcr rtnicrsc v.los�al bouldris as big: j.,,,4 11 a risthedr.0.1t. � ,�, 't 11 . I � � Here Ito vt,Med wjT,,fITt-­- .val orr-. I I oan*14 for A 4dav or Nei. t%ni thm I � i Prim -t r.4-, w4h 4Lkvr lo.,0-- I, watk­- I" 11 ." - - . - ; � is " -1 I ." i I -4 ,,,.,r ��,*,,14 , -,.-� -,�fv I is 3e­�Z � , , I M� A � Oki;, , ('r � \, � I"T V. ,� - ­� " . ,!� '. MW if , �' le il , ing In a Iorg I mr. ju.-t wit), r .001 "f � 1 siA advissil no ft girt it a trial. I � roch o1hr-% and -o'uIrng ff.- !1"jrn,% "t, IdAitided - t? do so, lied after taking � huy"An fr�iftjrlt or water. � tkm bottka I fewol it liod dosis as I V"k was ,on the ritht of the lint.. � a worM cf gW. and I Uvon't W , f y4, ­,i th him and half a r"ile awAv. 00% lft4t 14811 tof a hft4arlo he a hr�rlsir Rv44v ,n my left.'*-ith oixl�- lort Wbile.11 I . . , at Ow for irnd. , i11,tt up *y by Tk#! T. XMam Co, ' Lookinor in my right. I ,-*w Hank-, U11111104, TWlj*t% 0014 I torphig a little* UrAulation" suddenlyl I ..4p .10per tons dwiverw &Q�V* Cog at .... M-25 Pft tons derwaW - - ARE YOU DOING ANY BUILDING? We aft offtrilig dit Mterial cut of the Ocitia. Home at the, fonow1og prim: . 14EMUX#K-2 X 4# 2 X Or 2 X 8, 2 x 10, "d 2 x 12., whIell"s as good mks news for. ....$35.00 pw 1p,00Q feet 1146t* AL4 ol Ile il I- , �'­ ." ­.''. ". .. , , " , " � W­i�ij' .... .... .. .. .... tkiilA '' PU-*, LUM6; Door$ ond Door Fnwws, Windows and � I Window Fran*& for eqway as S004 volues. I Pcw Mudware, unt am Oils, Phanbing 4iind H"ting, - - giet otor Wkes -10 I --- - I . . o "�� ..--.1-*-1!t ' ' A116 CHkbv­'0w LEUEW Tht HardwArO at th,e Wharf SHIP CHAND).11n PLUMMINQ and HKAIrING ' ' Eketrie Wirint. � . Ikort ,Mww " .2. Mkon $I$~ 119, 116.