HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1927-06-30, Page 1-199- ___ __ --- I ^ _,& 1.1m RerAh - Us* Oxr Went Ads. ' STARIAM WT TM MA . I - ­ - -_ - -_ I I . - W , I I �1 � � 11 1, - � " IV I : I% 9 I I I � . 113j , � � � , " . I � � I ! ! i) , t � � 1 .14, F41,11 ,JIM I - I.i �, �­ I , I il - � � 1�� ldd� N I- � � ill� � . � - .. 1, r � 0 *I - _______..___ Ita""a" t4o "*;P~*t of I THE.-GODERICH STAR " .1 , - I . I � - . . . - ­...."....=.. I � I - - - . ___ - . Subscripuir $2 a year is caiwAk - SaTY-EIGHTR YEAU 66 a year to U. & pol-is GODERICH, -ONTAR40, CANADA, THURSDAYo JIVNE $ft, 1927 WALTER NAFTE14 Pubh4ber. . � _____ - _­_ - - . .1 I . I . . 01 . . . � I .1-1 ___ I , namt. , P . . I WIN111111mise Day: Gbildmn s Ganu at 10 a.m.; Grand godedention Parads at 1.30 'p. a, FelloW by speck"' and singlag; hakil 3.30 P.M.; hod Conad 8 i* a. ,. . ­_ I­ . -1 . ______ I I - I ­ - . "WON,ft __ ­­ - -1 0101�0 _. . � __ _____ � ___ . I 11:41 �. , I church mause ea Saturday, ,June *Rk, t*rt*I&*o* o" at tile most ktu�ctoa­ 7 onto, with W. SymorAs aniki A. Alavv- �! PEOPLE WE KNOW I'v0somu"Wh w0lbo dulmsod; 7 P -m-, "I " - ! I " Anna B, But-hanan, 44u&tr of ful of tbo seasook. ,� dost won first. And Albert Ueldth.)rpst, Disimorod Jubilee 1:4rvice. A4droisas I ft Mr. and Mrs. Jo" Swhawj4 of ". NoWW AusAlwy **law XI#& Strong arriv#d home from r. J. U. Field and 11r. W. F. Cal. W 10sm PA bw" towaslap, to rAwin H. meet- 1, with C' Mcph" *lid F' Tow""""' KiiattYOW lost week. 110V Sabbath School avid Bible Clas� i oun Life Assumoug, Cued Canak, At Q,lar WARtMY Va ' wood, '. � gomery. son of Xm Rarry *W tile W=i ,H"*AA Awtillia'*Lotf � For000r lky&*W LaAy Hx& Writtow Harold , McLean was lion%* train *** at 10 o'cieck. � Y, of Goderick townsid MrAlslloxi =� . posh Go&rIch RaPtIA church, July 3W. 60AW Mcivisy, JVW 21tli. Itt'S"atiftl Makal com loa fthpairstow for the wo*k. Mrs. MontsawAry will tZ t � to, gf%* 4M to thot Rom. � The Swe Is ploo"d to be abl# to Mrs. J. H. Leath and son. Rtrt of S*rvloos by the, pastor. Morning. ., ! ' - Thg SupremoReason for Assurinc ' how tA Bounitt. � p1tal to 14 forth*! PUWI*k tu followin fronk a Detroit. are visiting hire. H. C. El- patVotic iviiii1so servico; commisision * , - ; , , b & I == . _X. ell riv $I r. nor let Ey"int, Rev. V1, 11(44, 1 OsocoWd ossilyboar to bt poor, em eould won boor to take his �. N a I 16 t w Ot 41*'� Detroit; popor, with. rof Ke to a 80 I - U* o"A be � A" wwatlY . tower Uaypvld lady. -who WfOra b*r,, Mr. Alex, Forbes, of Windsor, Ill for Von_q*&t,"-14Tho bveaklog I ,so 3711= r. . �..a . Nlwa forvvt * . rV. I I wa.. and okftw *M�n with W= to =, I � . S. t? � W#4 41111% NVIIIAW4661 *own visiting at Ow how* of 16. a7w Mrs. Of the $#&Is." Prayer Mwing M , CAN! Thu %?#,- 4 ! Q 'Ok.w, A t1AQQrt*"cb*,r;,ott*= .Mir , . to Ims 4= 0 v; , ;; 9400: 44:=" .Zkko , P. J. Alocirwak nv"Y night during July M4 Avg. I rM%:V*t 01"L000d lztr . t. , , SO% I Were the , I t*1 �`a= I 1. 5� .:l*01 . . :�� 4, J111W I on. 5&% .. F, ,� - �, &*A I'love them , 1, �� i�, - ,I Brown. I * UAL . 0, - the wolf Irm the 040*.I.Wb�t pmopod %%oro *4" th f, Say - - No Rol" H$wr* A. N., Of tk. , ­ . trkrA* I"ttom *0 b"It or t sAGO Mrs. Hatil ant ot. vwkt*r xkk her P4rtnto, Mr. North it. United Church. at Cu*. . ! te= tk" thin to look forward'to ? y.fotw M. on the a Aw I 13`uas kitti. Jem %"%4% % LIL.- .J � . three ion of Juno. " - , awok. , SuAday, Jsly &A -Rev, C. IF. . I � I'll your IAsur. didiat" *wrote at Godo , about the Tb4 4161 iff I , , % - - *, - I that, 'to- kavo written okutiful wh - � , 4LvoiA sock a preopect by consulting as to"Y about 6W, J41 alim KA't, minister, It ska., chimh 14 Allet ni"& 1 V&U4 av*ft " M. tit $4 *. J. *At*" Ortlym Iosvrs to. Seh�41; the Mission l"ad ArA iiko , 4 a r, though half a dmu retkor w - I from Ill* The Irit of St. Lou%" ,0 t cce I . - t t , 11 p 1. lower tust ast yoor; = M. W, %t %be xwkl Jr will be tu at the copit ,ttK.for f*W a'y`*or`*,*xper- Men'*Clob will be withdrawn " . V= work, - I . 00 u40d in in- T%fttro in the near future by Husix In hot 09 h July and Au vuwk . a** my* om R4v* Norrew Notive , . gust. it a.m Ph*"* 11$ , ". Pl. LoNG, Dwet A"* 044* 1444* ot the hos. M who Is now Maki the t Hothoriwon IV" "turned Worship. This U a ;;;K-101 Wit- - � I 1W I .. - ­ ­ - - - � - 044yo Or. XUU* and D%% J. C. Ross st*Uiw ask =*"Ion, an a or fr!V1111 will I w -1-1-1 11 .11 -- 11 - I I I —"~ had a AAr"W oseape froa Serious in. vital in tbo *or htwo ell at A will be pid b; ,,,,,t,,, tr`si!*h* "WrOo U014 at 00 vice mvki.,t th. Diamond Juhtloo of I.. — I I . Jury Toosday attorkloosk, wkile mot, Coup KkWANPI OPW Jolly 4th * Will Finzolla bond wA us o4cially, tonip at London. confederation. I pa".. eyming for. . _ 11 " . — — . Str*tfow V440* floradl 'The*of. on the Lindborgh prop , Mr. H. C. Xilmlair, of CoWstank WAS - t, "Gool Touched XW' I I , - �, - � . Noilcit orj%um TOPICS - Orint along tit* Ift 0000"810A of - . �ox when Do. a it during tho, woolc at tht� home Vice; .Ikubjec � k1- . I AV "all Hunett township., 1* W&WAg a tum In ch#rt* uthe Aotary Boys, trolt ,.col*Wato# Colonel Undborth's 04411 toyal- Canadian should *%t*rA I ' of Mr. and Mi*. Walter Naftel. ", I * " . JqEW BmWER HERE- .� ....-~­ ... � , � -114* at a oldoro4d tb* cu. whk�h woo 4riv. Camp * C*MP 4ppd, qA Ij%ke return to'lMrsit. MrsI Ahrens has 4 i on conworation Sunday. I, i elk bY Dr. ROON, Was ditellOd %ad. turn. HUZOO, OTO SANdO101k to yho the vq141%. written several other beautiful mil. Mrs. H. Wilt#*, of Clinton,, was a V I 71"tole, 4 and tourist* assursO of a 11 r - octotoosrhas to ftrwooklei ' 1 0 is b4%g timited to '41"m Lonesome for YW' "A Site of of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Nattet. . 4 1 04 � I I , . . . aWrierkeed 4a men's and ladlest hair * , 4"Dear Old Girl,, cu 0 � _ , e - tot over the week -*ad at the home � rdial W tult at 4he 101 D AU- I "M tir octagenation (those 80 eoIv:Tgriqs to his log and Dr. Roas 46 - Tbo , .*� '', tely over. Reeve *flu* V6. trmtlou 016s,*04 up in MXt qW odlox as follows. #loom. � . I Ty IMUok,west sutgel?o . 4 , ­ years; old and over), of Goderich, aro hoa bis arm quite severely e . The Godorichtathing house I =;��_�,­__ ­­ _� 1. .­ � , ut ,iu%d, 1:9 boys. 1= a" 76 wow register- I iso.,, "when rin with You,,, "I so Aboll, of W"bington, 0 . � re4uested to moet at the TowrL Hall braised, . � . g6 Ink tbip World ,*I You," "You I . I ed on wodno= On account OM � I .- WANT20 * 4 � � 64 wisich Ift" Zom I " "' Ing a houder with her I I . I ,on irrmy, July lst� at X p.3m, to par- A Rite Sbvg Disting mort. ,Any Ikers IntoAncolo ft* or," k.11, another called "Missoirl I ats. ' r, d Mrs. Wil Ism Abell wbarf belftc r moostructIon the . , I . � WANVED-Soarders wanted, pittle-iticipate in the Ciontederation.exer- CAPteaskial Wook 1. �. . I olwuw rwotor at Ofte, .4 th*r Want *** at$ Sweeter," also a comedy 11 in � *yen . I best way to reach It Is to follow t* - -­ � . . aloes to -be hel4 in the �Vare. , to b4m surp,of T*Iag .Wudod; In the song,eatitled, "The Hertz art La. i road to tho,beoth mind along the biach. , � T me%t preferre.d. Apply 'at STAR I . G. -W, RL.kVIC. "I no Goderich AlSo.'Club 'propose , 10, Mrs. 1 A. Morris and daughter$. I 40, . ' I . . 0"ICE. , � I .. � I . Putting on a ride shoot W*drwday, &Vkota. The "m xtati* 0111 Jaily 4. Now," and "Yoxert Sweeter Win Charlotte.and Lillian, bavo returned By an extra, copy of The Star�a Dia : OLS .. EDI rol;om . both Montrojoiety-Svichanialk. . , * ; AUgust 3rd, Centonnial W"k, and In. 0 Port"114"t 400alow's'* billing Sweet Clover," Urs. Ahrens has I!-.-- from. Detioit, where4hey were visit., it" , . alit this' T', eil'ill'our nelghborlioad lot 10 years Ins relatives, motid Jubilee avid Contenpial, nAmbei. . I I The marriage took place 'it XVOx* *jrt n Unto. being, ,,,= *rA a supply o . I i � =�==N_­ ` _ =z-. - --- -_." ., - __= Good prizes will I* given . dl*h*# and is very vmll known *ndlix ip *at . Vito all riftemork to toke � I 10 cents straight. 3 for W* cents. . . � I ex. one I ,ceil �bv __,_ , In the way of permartI . 4he C ot CIO I �-� factitrid; _—_ to the wiu� - . . .. , .. Lo -#T - _ favorite with all who know,her.., We Mrs. A.4. p4tridge and son, Silly, . " , ?lots. as well As a silver top to the have r left this week .on 0 "Lucky Lindy" Brunswick Record. , I 'A I to I it, R. MU1111MV, - � -.- _.. - I . - AND FOUND - ont. equipmeat. Already 16 leaders. . " � I ri I ; I! .... e .to -IM . QEORGr1 I ..1-1 -Won xlptd, up -for the ca , wish her much success. , I month'i visit to - 0 11--spa-re -tire, Ownor can. best aggregate score. ' . trip her sister, Mr#. (Dk.) Alexander, Pon. CAMPRELV8 DRUG STORE, . . . I �... . - . -0 Mence At 9 *.in. Sbdot to COm' There 'will be- two physicians ifi tit. McNolly-Traynor -­-­-#— � . I -_ LEN, Clinton. ,"� �5_1 , FOUN --v , 'At . tiao, Michigan. I I _. ­liav,� s4ne fmxn CECIL RY.I�N, . , , tendanee, besides several Y. M. C. A. The following account of the mar. . SAFETY iZ'6OR BLADES 1. - I � I WANIIED.-Hear from Owner. �;6'oil David -St. , . . H. J. FISHER -k. 1, . - Rev. and Mrs. E. Hayes were Ill I I I - . I Chairman, Oj' ' ,it+ offleials -and *lkool toothers, so that "I ,!,� . I . Comv�l too. th I *9e Of Mr- bcott MeNally, son of Goderich on Tuesday, having motor. � I . . e boys will be well looked after. SHARPUNSO . I � farm for sale, (X411,ptice, purti- T, --A pair of. dark .rlaulked LwlasseN Archbishop Williamw May .- Durham to be pre,wnt at ,MT18FACTION GUARANTEED I I . . . I -rukr.s. 1). .V. BUSH, Minneapolis, Mimi. LOS Mrs. McNally, oX, town, is trout The ed from . . in ,a dark ease, last Friday In Became ftlakate, . � . Open Air Tjkiiikko I Ing ser�ice on Flipt (Mich.) Journal of June 20th, bliss Foster'al graduation. . � I. - I .�NNTAKIN(19. , I . vieltilty of Lighthouse, and WOlIng,tort I. lt`is rumored that I at , the 'Obt. are SUZZY Amour the larger weddings of the . Single Edgij Blades 33e ea., or ".5c 4..z. . . .. . . . Wee . . . . -- Wreetg. Tinder kindly return to L. 1". Situ Next Xr. and Mrs, Walter Kanke and Double E'dite Blades, .4e each. I . . . oral Synod of the Anglican church�,`!o thla, AcC"Me YAU'the request of last week was that at the houto ot . . I ' , . � . ,., -, tigater, Of Toronto, N 'uovy Rl%'HIF, Lightliouse $L Reward. _ . Committee tor.� the fit-: Mr. and-J,MrA. Frank 7 or, daughter, of Black Horse, spent Sun- Gillette Blaoes, 360 doz. . ''� , Miss Sit ra n o I -Nini. a- F�)UNNM­4,w roatl b Flushing, I"Wednesday,, . % heir day with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. ALF; TERBUIV & SOX ' to skart .dressmaking at . be held at Kingston in Soptor on t I r6ad$ .Aber, e N*tiO-n*l ,w . . etweetv Kintall and tine celebration of the 60th; 4nailver- %, I ­ . . . 1'4tr4cIxau*,sI -Huron Rad. Fl"Nt-olays Albert, .,a t1re. I .Atebbi3hop S. Po Matheson, of Rup. f Confederation, that there became the R- Rusg0l, wells St-, 0040riell. I . West Street Hardware. - . . .� I - work at *re,ja6nable plilces 'S,Veddilm Port I lwllpr C-1111 ort's Land. will resigri as primate, of daiaghteri . Miss Opal,' I * 11av( L bride of Scott McNaliv, bf Detroit, Mrs. A.% B, Corboll. Kcays St.. cele. . . . . . ..Phone 48.6. . I . . . AET. All Canada because of advancing br . . . - gpectal ! ,,-amv by apOhlng to RUSS alki%lio I I I ,,,�,-, or!;party dresseti a , i�11%17 �: - I , ` FRhF, R. R,3. Goderleb, anti payla:,,, e-,- sh d be a suv,ke'on Sunday, Jtily The -high . ated her .80th birthday'on Friday, I I . ­. .1-1 44� - — . . , ­auc 3rd, at 2,.30 o'clo�k In the afternoon ,,peremony was pertormod id . I I I I . . * years. If his grace retires his - 1106 ' ' LUCKNOW INVITES YOU . . . . , REAL ESTATE AN ,` . — by Rev. Frank Tield, pastor of June 24th, her daughter, Mrs. Carl .. ,J) INSURANICU Pv�` � fiom the toasts`of the Atlalltk. to . � .. 1. .� � —.— I cessor would be chosen from imong ' Oak Park M. E. chur(h, of 1, lint, who Worsell, giving U Party In her hOl nor, ITO C00brAte July Dt" at the SePOY I . I THE ARMSTRONG RtAL XISTATI-1 411a -POR SALE - is—XT ltbe three remaining archbish, ,, . . .1 -oft io ops Dr the coasts of tbe-Pacific, for thanks. used the impressive ring service. I To,wn. Sports. all day aill night. . � . I - ­. . LV'-URAN . HENT,T%vu-s I — Williams, of Huron, Dr. Worrell, 6i Wgiviltig, the form,of.serVice drawn up Mr. And Mrs.'Allan ftobortrwn anti . celebrated jazz bantl -on the I � torc`1 fr4m`, elfk` Nova, Scotia, and Dr. D. Pencler, of bu . - �)el,tlt lly Stsinloy, from Kincardine, - I . :, ; .." CE AOICNCY. . , To � . i . commencing The wedding party took their places to day with their parents, Mr. on"111,111 day and will assist in the. , be carried out in the Court House Rigs . . _- I* light and b,&tli, wit4hi U11-ce Nevi, Square, Goderich, at in a bower of ferns and roses in the al move I I . . liouse I . . I -e. S sid, that� hour. Rev. R. Q McDermid, nd I I& 11. ruosell, welig lit., 00&- music fo . , . 1mrge nuimb'pr of �s llstml for -III Westminster. ,the *edding mar,ch .1 N I . 4,%,Ie to Seleet frvin in t Inutes Avalk MY Squat -o ill ' .Ing room while .:.i f the street dance on the . ,�,alguo v 'Parl ' - one ,1. �W. Auto Collides With Buggy - . .�,, , 1 "e" - rXg .,it), Mon .1kye, .Po�,gossjun at . ant Loliengrin vias plaV�d on the rich. , , � I ­ avement in the evening. Young : r7quir d' . I Rev. Canon Hill. Rev. J. E. Pord, Rev. P, . '_� 1. -Ineluding: . 4- 1 1, - clulott,.,� * . I On Monday evening a collisilon cc- j. N. H. Mills, Rev. p. C. Elliott, Rev. by Mrs, A.. J,� Madritition, The Atr. .,,nd Rrs. 0 a ' opit�, ditri't forg9t the str&A dance, . I . . . . . I . I . I , . .. , . I . — curred on Gloucester Terrace between C. ke '. M. C. Pirt *11 I e Was. given in marriage by hor I gle Rus Oil anti soil, 317you wanta goodtime. ' I P. 1. . I I A number of very tine. bric:i and I ws Eldon, of.-Kingarf, and Mrs. George, � . 1. i , -____4 4 - ' , -4. - .. . r FOFi $ALE. -Brick residence on corn(w Will Bisset's car and.Mr, Jas. No.' all In 4" ice t er. The bride's sister,'Alisv Fall- Moodham. Pinkerton, called on their, il;I'E('I,AL'4,DIITICAI..-()FF.8)t- ..... . ()'A ' I . . . ,franie: lio�scs, full mode, n vqp1tq*,t,1:. lot, Southwest corner ef 'Nelson art - serva a, and cop- . . Manuil buggk. The bugg %tk 6 lri� 0 parents, 'Mr. And 31r& R. Russell, this 11jill g. � I I . am,ong the best In tovivo. . , . I � St.' and Cambria Road. at reasonable V was tes ofotie rd rho:'f service will be �majraynor, was maid of honor, and i . �, .. 0 ., . ia.,.%rgP, price.. Partleulats front F. 11, DARROW. wrecked and young Billie Bisset ,.;us- placed in tile--hailds-of those'attord. Orville" Morgan acted - as br�lt mark. week. I . . . .Akle, Ile t gold-filled . t4ined­some nasty cuts about the Gg, so that all can join, The bride was charmingly attirett in a � I spectacles. and a , , ` S Nvith best . . . � A go X Uoutie, sniall barn, . I . . . I lots ' Fruit treos� NN, "Il lo,at"l � I� ___ "I w , _ 11 I . �411 d sitie town. Price sl,QW. up ve HOUSE 1'O LET.-Brick,'centrally Io- head from the glass of the windshield rtlooney-nicharason � , , . I honey -dew g - Misq - Annie Freeman, daughter of �flat spherical leye 9"s"0111V $1.00.. � i I V31 . rN* ' gown o: - eorgette and car ensea for I I . . �crftsy terals, I � rated. - Mod I ern, couv�qklenee,Z. It. -of the car. Mr. MeMa'"us' who �Tas il, Ot- Dr. 'And Mrs. Freeman, has recent1v All other style . ana lenses . I - .. , ACHESON. . � The Church of the Agcensl,� ried' a shower bouq4et of pink roses, of franies . . . I I - SOmAier-vottoge and lot., is modiTh 4T- I I . , ."—"--�-T'dftv'm'r-,I,n,--tht--bu$Wir.-suffe,r,-d slight white sweet peas and valley lilies. xroduated from Adrian Business Cof. at rensonable p i. . . I I pquipjw I - I and other occupants of the logo, Adrian, Micb., and. has -talcen a town and painstaking I . . . I . �: W. �mrage,.all in line omd1tion. injuries taws Eas't, was the scenis of a .pretty The bridesmaid word orchid c rices. Eyeq examined � . ,. '� FOIt SAL& -Farm of'100 acres of laod, Bisset car received a shaking 'up. wedding on Saturday, June 25, ni, 4 repo and by our well ki l. 9 I Near Lillol. Front and Suns,,t�,:fiotel. , -01 M e carried an. arm bouquet of yellow position.in. that elty. . �J specialist. Mr. Ifughson. with over , - . _ , . I . With Arst , as buildin %. also 01 - atelock, When Florence ay, ' Ide3t ­., � ....- _. _. -.1 .-.-. 'Pr4c, S I 4W. artesian N,011 with., Wind-mFit. AVOuld'Little Billie Bisset was t ken to t, . I I � I . I SL Ile 'e Mrs. Alary Salida, of N%ncouv'eri Is twenty-six'' years' experience. You � I ,., 010�­ ,"C �., , � . ' -'- 1IRF6 house'and tot I ,�r- W ,hospital ,!o have his Injuries attend threen-course luncheon was served to valifier witli* her sis. are .assured of the best optical ii1ork 1 : I . � I I A very ��al . -.Oxoha,nge�-orra-house-ixw--taw.u-,ot, [. daughter of Mr. and Mrs.- "Howard roses. Following the .oremorty a s n in t e 's . ftliie. *01100. I - I 21,61tardson, of Hazoldeim, and Donald . , . ,--.. _ .. 11. � 4%j t, I vs. .4 am and Mrs. . ... . . ' . . laores. ReaSonlible left$ If sold, -Cah - 6-4--toi­­.. : � - _-­--_­:_­ ... �­ ... I-- � D,0U_'g'TA,s_,; -youngest ad bil the -late, Mri .1yests, and Mrs. Al4cltin . tallied and at. very moderate .. . . I Cottage nearly new,with llktl6,�bi have, posseasipa, -4t once. A tones" Was Enjoyed . � nnn gave 0. I, � to be obi . .. . . . I �_� "Smiles I S4ey4jjjJ �66al and'IhAtr1krdentd1­s6lee- ` e4c , , it Other relative, al'41 c9pt., jhu0ilay and Friday, July,.'14, . i � ., room -and furr�ace. NVell locatod io,r STAR OFFIC& . . .in Sesforth . I; aud Mrs. Henry Renwick Mooney, of rUl, - V -.eh I .111. ir . .1 .. t .. - I . .. . . . . in. tit vi� I �. , Mae r Y. 8XIT ' . ,�. �� . harbor. Prk.e, $15M. -Veq, gooti. hyrnis 1. . , � , aiv Inverness, Quebec, and Goderich; Ont., tions during the luncheon. Rev. trio d , . Is lilltY an4lti B " ­ . it's WAT , I - ' .� �, . 0 rellable'paity, ­ � . I ... , roomed liouse -on SO -Seaf6rth Expositor; The*PierxOtic *ere united in marriage by the roe, Field spoke, felicitating4ir. and Mrs. tQn. . I . . .. STORE. — .. I . � I . � I. I � ".. I I TO l`E`N­T`-:-7 � McNally. After ' . .1 . A flne rewdente, at lq%v prive--,%, gnpq . George's Greacenf, Suitable -for Revue, "Smilestones," staged ,bY tor, -Rew F. R. Wimberley,v The .a two week.i' tour , 'Selby Jefferson hioves this , . ' .. . , . Rev, I � I ' - ,V� NXE S ;, . .� SIT., - Nally week to Ilia now charge tit Brownes. .. . ANNOUNCEMENT$ , 1. . I � OW!, fatuflv. Apply ALIAC)N LSYZ * Goderich. taignt in Cisicdap'* Opera of the east, Mr. and Mrs. Me, 1% `g`ar`�7 4*e - e"' fku *Wn- " . NT TD. ' -bride. who'wa4' v 4a,mari:44go by .. . , �. .. Hall oil Priday evening i6i'last week her father," lo6ked nchariniag, in her will be at hom at 4805 Clemeffk st., ville *qnd Rev. III. - C. Parr, 'of West. , Dr. Atkinson ii�ishe$ to 'Intiquace ,IV,,!�VE,, 4JI ,',T ang Tom -1 *-*a .. .. ,I', .� .. I . I , �, . 100W; ­__ I under � the - auspices Of Detroit. The bride is welt known minster, cornes tO� Oecul)k tile V A that he will be out of t6wri on Mork- , 11. - x0ellent. j�asture land, ; ictori ,-r �. . Vvell,-'watered; SchAN,anir. farm, h To, having been a ittL,pso in - tile uh street parsonage. These ministe I I Folt 1`F ­N -r ­E '-Lions' CluW`was a show of real meet beige goorgette, with..toltibes of ein. e ra day and Tuesday, July Oth and 7tb. .O., ".e., !�i4,,,,;j, SaWl the Seafortg irnp6rted ,gown, ensemble ellect, of to Squire, 4 . Many ollier properties . - and thoroughly delighted the large lic s600ls since her grad Ora will occupy their new pulpits on Sun, . .1 . ' wi. * - ,,- ­ � Colborne lowne(hip. . AD%y BRADEV & - nimon, ;anci a smart felt hat,', uation fr, - .. . d it- 'The' 66-- diately after tho.coreynony, will meet tit the hoine of Xrg. Iforry, I - . Several bouses to re I McALLISTER, Ilarri6ters, Londol%.�'l , -audience .thot' greete ImT1 -. day next, - , , . The SaItford, Hospital Auxiliary - _ I .; ____ . . _'... I , 7, , .1 :. I . � A lot of, It'no. fams-ifor sale., � . . I t4mes were verm attractiv I , Mr� oikid 4urley hospital, training school.., . t, I e'and - I 47r. and Mrs. Walter Naftel attend. Jenkins on Thursday, .July 7th, at � , 'i the mus, jo , Prot _�,____�., � 11 11 , ROVSF ANIi - LOT -FOR SALE.�-Onp � and Mrs.' Mooney depatt6d. for 'Montreal Harold Carey Training fin, Boat Derby � .. -� --N ys, -tvs, , -pe:rfeot, an I tht- Sagueniz the bride travel. Tfie,*, following front The . Long ed the eightit annual convention. 2. 0 . . . O�ks, da"s Monda )Yerillesd ., stiigint d. pin( � . and a lla)f stary frame housi. 7 the whole Pombin6d to make the e of' 3 P.m � - 11 . Satlirda�.S; an day, by ,speoial r,?quesl. moms and 0arittl ,Saod.cellar untler I -_ I �. � � ' .y k -_ F . , R* lingin a Poirot twill toat, with nutria Beaili, (CALY SunI refers to a son of the 'Canadian Weekly, Newspapers' Gaiden Party, Saturday �afternoon, . I �, I ,Offl&. ,open *every evening, , I k1br-hpit,'stont, v. 1, good wood 4.11ea , ,. - - . trimming, Owing to a. recent. 'her- Mr, 0,*F, Carey, of town-, Halvold D, Association held at Bigwin Inn, Rig- , I : * .� . 'WARNING - -7 July Oth-The flome-and School Club I I � � J. W. ARMSTRONG,'. . , and ecal. bin. wood libuse linea.with ------- � -_ _ � _ - eavement in the �r6okuls familj,'thn Carey, ono -of the two rowboat roara- win Island, Lake of BAys District, of,­Y-jetoria School will hold tile. un - I .. . . .. I , Real Estkto, . paver between lumber and, e4idar %hing- -Ul NITF,RS TAI(F..NOTICE �mOAY was.of a quiet nature. �On thon contestants sponsored by The last Thursday, Fridayosind Satorday. I . � 1. I , �-V, hunt- Cori - I . nual xorden party .on.. the school , . .. � ; good ,b ers,or dogs allowed to tre.spasi their return, Mr. anct, Mrs. Mooney . . . B leg outside, arn. i�ioln ror INTO ' Mr. and Mrs. Southeott, of Exeter. grounds Satuvday afti�riioim, July � I . - "-.8P_''G_Oder'r1h,'O0t- I borses And two head of chale, driving i _ Sun, went through a strenuous work- - .. '. I ____ - - I �. __ on nlest half of Lot IV; Concession 4, will reside in Goderich,. . I . out Filday, following the arrival here and Mr. Hall, of Clinton, were the 9th, There will be the usual sale -of I - ! � ,� - � I . __ - timse tiultable for hoise, rigs oi- ear; NVe4t r order Of 080- Presentation to . .. ­ ­ . wilwanosh. BI I I . - . . I . ilen house. PoOTA ifor 110,heni;"ana all in S. q*V LSON, aqag4trapa� Ont. - � � . I from Newport Beath of the .boat others from this county, In aftenj-. homemade baking, ,candy, fancy work. . . . . . good ropair; more than. % acke of 1,11*1 I- .. . _ — Mr. find Mrs. Hoban Johnston I which lie has prouted for the r4ce, ance. . . . etc. Rdrohnle . q � . mts will tq ftryO . , . . I I* W.7W 0 CRAIGIE - -Vith voung 6roharo of apples, iwars, NOTICE. - . .. � I - ­ �$ 1, Mr, -Robert Johnston, surrogate ,Caro rowed a -distanee of 10 milea, Capt. Alfred Laing, and farrily, 01 — ' . . . : ,rru and, other gini'vif fruit.' � . . .... � I . 40.1itt"tlerk, � Iffid -Mrs, Johnston and going out from the beach near his Fhoeox, Arizona, airived'in Godcrl�h iro.rd A to I li.m. Nemberi of th47 � If , Overgreen land', otbf*r:� Miade Club are asked to remember the ape- � . ' � ­­ � "'n's.,chle trees aild 1, ;,rm"els 6f live �slook 0iould taki, It . e for a summer sojourn at " �, . . � . bal E* sbrubg. 'On Huron �noao. &n(­qu,iirwr tioe thafit 14,06ntr4ry O` fifnilY, have now moved to Goderleb home At the Seabreeze apartments this w ek cial theeting on July 4tb at 0. p.m. at . - . , , le .W ILIMM 19 a BVIaw Of and Aie. occupying Cliff Cottage. Last arid circling around two fishing barges "Cherry Gate," the, attractive home - I , I .. . 11 . . . A � I . I milo from -0. IN, R. orosging.. Ai)pl,4.- to th-P Coliatv'nt Nuron. to ali._�,14 t1wir the school. I .1 .1 I I ?__ I I I . . � 4C.*1 SPENCE, on Promises,or Goderich animais ia'bp at I -Friday the good've6ple, of Lucknow, larichored off this city. Ile made two of his parents, Col.' a�d Mrs. T. 11, I . . � 0 , , 6" , P., � I I . �' I I 1-1 - _. - . - I Ir , . at" ,;e Upon the equal . ­ I .? ! 1. ," - --- I POA. Offia& : � . .. . . . y Ing Is ell , " I I . . _� I - - I I - ,�..16 1, I I ..� i H)Iaw WasV44sed Of which Mr. and, Mrs,. Jqhnston have succeisful trips, seaward through the Laing. Mrs. Alfred IAI 007 r I ROBIN I . r __ 'I cads. This prbuar- I r- ­ - � . I - — rily, for the PrOtedtl0n, of the tra,velling tsf,lerf life-lofm mo=brrs, gathered - in breakers, but, to his admitted dur- route to visit her parents in L SPAIIX,�­ in lwtroit, Ntic�t .t . , . I - . " Pulyllo, and there is a,probabilify that the council chambet to, do honor to Prise, he was upset twice in 11(t0tapt. don, England, returning to Goderich ,lity, 3unt- 27th, I'm,. to -,I,, ,,`i,1"'N6'4."N0*. � .., I N ­ . . � r I - . . the'ONVIICT 'Of any Su4ch )IV -ches Were made by � � - �'r � : . ' . I 0 sW%,k nial- them and spee Ing to return to- ther shore. After his befoie the end of the iturtmer. The ll.' �2.iarhs in,,o .%,t,w,i Nt,-i),m,a-J,,,. . r . . be, -held liable for to" of life. or pro- Reeve McLesn JoMm, Dr. Geoge 10 -mile IrOw, CATey's hands, muscular Laings motored up front, Witids4r. datl�.kt( .". . . . . I ., IM49 DS t'.C1 RAIN I Perty, caused by suv,k atil ewton and Mr. 'T., S. Reid. Mr. and "hard" though they had been,. accompanied by Mrs. Ni&PI Bruce, a .NfrIX%1;.u­At Alei-wndr,4 �`#Iarulkl 'lost r . . . � STOC I . . � mals, , N . . . . I . . r . 4. . . ­ ' 00 vre extensively blistered, but be guest'al; I'Chtj�ry ate.of t;enerul Ilo,4pllal ')It Tur-'Mai , Jull'. 1261, � I � . - � H"ON - �ROA1)9 CONOWSSION, Johnston was resontei, With a hand- ,W . . f ====== G I Market quotations'supplied 'for any listed Awk. fog FA—th - " -- � 10me grandfAtRei's clock with - West. says he felt perfectly all right Oth r . 11,02M to NIP. anti NIP.". NN'4riq't -r. Ste '. I I 'An, twill bsty,.4;­ r . � r I . -1,r1,,1,1,,1,11 .... ! .. .. ..... 11 ..... I ..... '', 11, 'I ^ AMONG THE CH"CRES 1�0� . . � ' : r - Orden PIVTPAY eXftUted On Toronto 31ontreal and -�_ whister 'thimes and Mrs. Johnston wise And "fresh AN s .daisy." Mr. . r . . 0 pet SAIX.-Ociik 111,1111111,board and Nilyja with a'cut glass fruit service. The Carey had much .difficulty in procur- The W, 1,1. 8 f ,victo YtA'.N(l Ill 416(t('0ell, Oa N8'NIn1'JAd,A�. ' . New Wrk .0 r'A St. United JUI)4! 2!.;11, fu.Nfr.�anfl W4. it. �'. vouns, . r I I StOck ExchiLliges and Chicago and Winni_ . cabln-�t combine , Phone III. clock vras .the gift of the citizens Of Ing a boat, but considers his eventual 't - ill. . . . . . d r I .. , . .. . I I . . - LUCknow and the cut; glass was from discovery at Newport Deitch a 'Part!. churoh will present a special program I � ­ ­'_ ' - , , &I Noto ct=ft! IN ;Z*�$a 14 .;a: r" " At M rA 0%.f r10 114, I air, I ; I I I I ftrad Th VC Do I __10" I Ito I rl X", I ed pact ' De 1 1 tb fW Mkou bm I I I I I I. liv fr harp br d fa It 9 M . I I an I a -1 I I I I I I 1, I I I I 11 I I I " 4" 1 ""'�_ 11 I I I . � I peg Grain Exchanges. . ]FOR SAtF---Sr0Mn3 crilev'A."'Will—k tit commemoration of the Jubilee of DIED I . , ind thi'fire ,company, of w1doll Mr. John, clilarly fortunate find, -This ra Canadian Federation. at their regul.,tr lJF,N � r . ce ell. . I.Nfrjl� %.�­In jjQJ�rtfl,11, %)it , r r I . , ex I $Atur, . ,%W. gonST!ed. wpli�pllyg UP to 3 )b I . . I 0 91 stork was a faithfpt member. Prior to trant is one of the few survivira of meetint Monday ovening, July 4th, ai; da)�, Juno 1.,W), Janp FratwpA Xonnedy. � . - I., . r r I � I � ' r . IS I N. Dungannon. Mr. Johnston's resia*atlon . of the the famous "Princess Pats" of-� the 7.30 , re *11 bt,lovil - - I I Huron InvesitmentoLi I t the close -freshment's wl d wife. of Mt. Cle,). lb,ninsof, . . 0 mited rR SALE. -4% quatitity of gravel AM r"Vexhip to accept Iiis present posi. Canadian army. He� bus lived .In. be ;� . :1 . ., . balf L lo, or � . RO-Yal 40019 B14190 Godorich, � 101A sall. $t.50 for yard And ion, he Was reeve oL Lucknow, for Long Beach nine' ye;%ro, is .married . rved. . . . 'Used. 30 vear.14, . I � . onto delivered. Spoclal imtee.to contraotor..;. e a A* had been War. and has it son in Gtorge Waahington Services in Xtkox,church will be con, Friday, June 24h, 027, Samuol S. War . '4�, . r . � 11 - - AIPPIY Ito ALBERT, SnVEhw,4, M -bed den i STURDY. -4n tiodprk-h �a%vtplhf I " .r � Flidmft 430-40 ­ , . � - , Junior High, Carey ha& encountered dilated by the Minister. It &-1111-�# dy . , I It,'"`* ", "­Um�wm A "t NO& &A &aim u*W*6 MT.'. Ot, on pie promil P st the Countf of . Br1we. Mr. t' old asiotiate, Charles ltob;erts, I ' ' I I I 111.111.11 . . � . ., In Mo Mill year., , � , . . I . . ges, ?�Iaitl"d A09" Job on t1tkaked the people of Luck. all - =:=�_ � . . . ...... �__ . �.- r I 1� - . . I . r ___ . . _­ . ... - __ . -.1gim - zam�� ��i; !!!�!_ --- - ----. I L S.AJ4,.­0V %, I , a spleg, . nV r1aido tottflor ear, Ilov Zur ZneIr giltS, ­ ging, who a residinir here and U. helping I . . F'", osicil. . I . 10141, in good running Or&r_ Five . Carey prepare for the race. The pair . ,. ;,I ­= . .1 . � - __1i_.__ - � ­­ ­ L r � enrd tire$. spore nover,oehll used. L1111"tunedy 'Were old friends Lin Godericit, on Lake Wr I . 114ur6n. ' L �, r. . . h%W Imm'. .. . L . I I 1. ..* palaW lagt, yerat; pt6S�ut AO I xn4 wore shipmates together let butjrotty wtdding trok for a lobj time. . . 4kid emoushift rull ,less than 7, .A qu , Wedne . r . 11 . I . I L I 0 . , r * , . L $110000.*00 uHleg. Reason ior soiling, owner I,ear � place -an I. rkst6n . � .1. �` ­'. 1.1� � sy, June 2fth, tit the Allin-jok- Ingtown. Apply Ho% 4% STAR OFF1 North $t,:AWrJ;O"ro, When MIJI3L Afi.: ' `Flqf'_' . . I 0 1 I . . I The home of Mrs. -_ _. .. - — Edward C. .1obti. --- ale M. Xonnedy, it, N., daughter of r . � . . L roka I I fk , . . , r .. Md National � mail 81111kinshlo L! 8 no . AITcTION SALES � _� --- Mr. and Mrs. John Xerinedy, of near ston, East street, Goderich,�6i% gitur�v I �11,, Lucknow, was united in holdy bonds day afternoon, June 26th, wa% the VGTJoN SALE ­L s edding, when her A 'Purl, . I I I L 1. � 12 Of,ellurril shed of matrimony to Mk. Arnold Toynbee eldest daughter, Lelia Mite, 0-%60 ft. and 12 . L , ... I .' 8% E=UNAL SIMKO FUND - r . r ., . %vs% un-. ft. . P%I,,;. at Lamb, lion of Mr.,and Mrs. GW,n. ited in marriage to Norman Walter . Crewe. on MSDAY, Lamb, Colborne township, the p.gv. Wk,hN, .- . r , 11. . - # Da6ed , r GOLD BONDS I . I MAY 1$4 1927 , DIM JULY lith Allen, son of M . Mr. Clarke officiating. The wintoino r. and Mrs. J. Allen, I Tintb44PIrr kfJolir'Condition -bride was gowned in a Colbornei the ceremony being per -i TE10fS.-Threp montliq 4;n apprkived poudm blue 'o I _ '. L I may Ist, 1952 Interest and Princ!PAI . formed by Rev. Selby Jeffe The joint n0te- Or' 6 lier cent. d1wount lji(�r georcette frock a or printed silk with bride entered the room,on trhment-rin of annum, parchment hose . . I PaYable at.Par at anv 111mch ol . the Royal Bank. � - I � . I � shoesvand to matell. o. 0. piram-4, She carried a shower bouquet of I her brother, Edward.johnston, to.thol 11 . . , r . I I I The Company 00e ' . rates mail, ktraing of the Bridal Chords, froml - Sowtary v&1stet, Ix,)arj. Ophelia roses and blue larkspur A"" Loliengrin, played by Miss Verna passenger and freight ser. I AlCes in Ile Mediterrainean, Atlantic, Irldlah and PaCific Oceans, ' . Wore the grOom's gift, a beautiful � Drowntee, and took her place beneath jl*(-�174 IN $ALE W VALUABLE ludgreen gold wrist watch, The y "4 SHO.N10p, "'J"RTY IN' GOI-IR' i I , 0 I connecting FrancO with a number of its Colonies. , . 1. :. alcaf. . ,.oung an arch banked with orange blo,,;- ,couple left on a hone moon t I t soms. She was becomingly gowned '%VP Toronto, London and 01 Magaralpeftll,;3,iin , . L �. The Comparly t)wns a fledt'Of 3() liners, witIl total to,,. are Instructed by � r . gr white crepe de chino, with bridal� *r* - sill. W. it. therbride donnin a navy blud pol -t!,veil 1twill I I I nage-of 542,468 tons. Ail additional liner is no1v Under con. struction and eight further VeSSeIS are L L J,k(; of tulle caught UP wit.1 orang- cost with black and whjt2 hst, ,& , ,Io.sOl 4 oub]lle auctitin'ClAtit-NUs, lwots- Oil their return they wilfre.31dc gom'J. and varried r. bouquA (it I I 1. , 0,,l, 5 � I Ir" 14, 01 11 llihe . I .. I planned. � The proceeds Of this issue will be used to provide Funds sATURI-m*V, jf%y 14th the groom's form on the LaL-e .qhor, I)rincess roiesi. was attmdQd hy; voicraineni!,flu at'r 1� (;Vl�)eh Road, IThe bride is a graduate (;f 1:110 , her sister. Alice. who was g-)wlind in j r I required in connection with the above Uientiolied Constrilctioll .r f This 14 ;;, splo�njliql pprpp.rl�,. ,�,,,..j ,�-. Aleiandrs Marine and Gone )path pilette and carried a. W L*(]V,1� g , wl Ifo,,� I UIL I ., of. Butterfly. roseq. Little Nor I Ai- - program, lilry ull%anlage ill Itg,ation, � . of the graduat1n; r van �,­ bl.� p1talyr and vlas. one Eperled at anv tinle. , elags, of Tuesday evening, ten, nlece of the groom, aM'l a.,; I V . I . Payment of principal, h1terest and 'sitiking fail d is guaran. . 1 '111W d(Puble'llouqe on varn,,r oe ,1�i*jrtll BOW11"K NofeSr � flower girt and. looked winsonic in a � * I teed by the Frencli Governaijetit, 1. and Nelsull, strvot. J. qoIld brkeh-. Nmw frock of pink crepe.de ebine, Nvith sat- �, flis,,etric wit,inc ,,jr,1I plivilitil�g tIlps)II,�.l.11 Fred Hunt ai10 Gerald ,Newtwa %vor in Itiblion trimininics, and varry-mr, a � I . I'lils issue lis"1,41119 Ofttetl S11111tiltaneotisly ill Callada. all d abroad "out, lilt 1@1%7#0 ft, -A)f sliloot r , event at tho. WaMertun; qk�t of Zmeet peas :Xf d' niaiden hAir �' N�,!� -t'i-v , ba- dene+, 134'4 J".14". 1�'J:­'.'J�. 11'I"I'l-iti'le 'e I 'd'oul)l'er,.'i'�"o"urnainc�nt on Thursday of fern. .The bridegronvil tva.q ptll;Ported� . and a strolig demand has been experiencei, If interest- ed, therefore, we supest t1l,1t you comIlluillelte ,witit I . .tl I JUtJJr';�'n;, 1�4r,jj' 11'jj,��"J�L %ifl,', 4.1.1mo',4 last week, I ; by lils cought, Mr. Gporg,e furriAl I 4 � , , I "io,,,,t, 1.11 ��I`fhll I'l)-w: li�i'l..e v+#R1. T�e (;oderich nut,�Iiegv Club'O rh*' Stratford. Thr. I A , ,is , t your earliest COnvenleme. In tile meanfinio, tile bonds are diflih4l r-01,111 grrjonl'a gift to thfIli I jjt�ilvrl aisd h,fj 0.1i fir-tt tournAtroza'. will W, field r.e%t Wed- bride was a purFv, to the bri;k�vnai-li It'" 'r. Xforth S!. x#,�J4P114,-- . offered strietty subject tO prior sale alld Change in price. #,;6I­Ni'-;1q"day,,J0y Gth. Thc� ptizpg tile On',and pianist buttPril pino,; tij Cie` tit, 114L,11"o%�11,_J, I y thweapimi, icit lep, s51-11. 1 display in the w! dom uf !Nle"A'0; 0.'fiowt,r 4 1kitph" -1 4.111SO t%�If )Parl I Ing. wid he b�";,t � t I PRICE $91-50 to yieW 6.70%0 ariAl N4, 14441044 #fit f F.' Carey & I-Son'fluffice. and tLa 11 r girl a si-opoll fl,�,jr: re"i-plitm rotha. imlip man t pair ol giold cuff 1"Xks. Aft4i, i - 1,,r,,,J,,. ,JJ,,j,,,, II;J,11. 1%�ttlar.�t "11h. Imilt I ity Flour trophy will be up for u'unr2-", 1 dainty ­a�,` 0. FO f`1 A %.*/AREA)r7 & SON, Li i 5a v1I,.^,q,0,11,J .A144 v.4,414 �,.,' #4-,001.q)etMn% r I ,the ceremony a t2wm?r r ��t 'w. AIM tv.�t %,.Xu�., . krvoll ia the &Wn!�* ri)-v-,,. v4*1 1v ul , f:",. p,4"44 ,�,., 60&,PF_�Il %".a.; rer Ft '.. , 'ha mited r . ,,,.&,,,. '1!e�_utC.q ,pratily dezoratcd lint, nrl v,;hipo 11PAII5,41. 11.4 air fili-Imef). f1kkJ,;J %L� r. I day at Foriforth it"d t.6rnia- bovvlh�­ � INNTFSTMENTS and INSURANNOG, , I streamerj3 0111 16,00rf�. T'w� anotilt to, l"4111 hinj_,*�,i , he'd" llsl;&lim, 14 ad�Ioiidw V lnw�­ i4i t0uffsfllc%ftt��at Seaforth by Ifui ' , 0, %;, was the 2, OT, . L if", 'V r, �`Aud white' V ), v lt� � , �,. yntl V [ t MA SONIC TEMPLE BUILDING �2;(,1f,r-).­'-v , .. _4desl "Newton ard Tt wl(!, qw,�'. "01* L11V 0 -'Ub"J" I,,P�: ,N?'?'Jf '4� I`I#--"'" b't - �"�i!'d 'T""'I vl1­,` ", Tal�l,r PcO A. T3Y19W. ZiVd Sharm,61 by fivitor fov Lt&khor'.I;t. CCIM,01,., Q, ,,iw. 11,4hl �Afi I �,If,dr t'.,(.i.Z�. %61 ,;��' . . r ODERICH . " ONTARIO , I '400111 1,1'r1J#."1hdJ-1�'. olexv,ell. vnd at $arni,l b�' a liflk i, and Niagar ,v� 15widc t,,,.,� t I Thli*4.- viq) 1,u,,p ,pi-ilt, *,,I lotl,,#.It.a,,,�a,cm,ornilprisefI of J. SWIM, I in a , ,,t, Fall% C - QN, L T. '-;,N-: ling I pinfi f_h_,�r_)" tilL(""T. .� , . TiLLEPHOM, M 11-010 .1 . 'tt) 141f-tl tot 1-10 VA4 �5t tifiLf - IT Nab.. lml- I wards, W. Powell ond A t. "ILI"t L jll " 11� I' , I. '. '. - " .I ,It Clnll F,_..,),_f to ra%fq 1, -vid ION. 1i ,., i . an'- Iv 'NI fl.tt'.. . Aronday'o reeal tcitlrr�w. Irt %*.,;.,I it I ­ -_ . "I .... I L",� il,l I � I r __ In (,�,alt wl'ph v0i�(,, fir? 1 i,kan:i,,,�­. %%. It SUJ��,,-41,%. T. ful,VtRy A ,,*it\"0Jriih Treblo_z, fotty_tw,,L7 playL,r�j bpi ' , . � 'wido , p I I . � - nx�!On theiv rotevn t;ly!, "M I( peol;"i, .1401" . . 'r I r r ­_ , Aue�li.y;�.�,141., Oil the rrecln, It. r.pyalond, 5f T(;r-itbe gmofft"i En-im. 1, ,,­�� Ue.u_i'1.MkAr._, A. Softi : . - ­ 1. S . . I 1,01. , ­ .I .- , I I I .. �­ � � � I io ne. ., .:i__ .. . 1. M1 1"Utb , 8'. , ''. "'.­.­ ... . � . I � . . I I . . ..Revue - - . I - � to be Prossafed inVictork Opera'House, Goderich on WEDNESDAY,, JULY 6th, at 835 pm. by the Maple Leaf Chapfer, I.O.D.E. . . ADDED -�MVACTIOJVS- ,: � All, Reserved Seats, Soo *:* Rush Seats, 35c Reserved Seat Plan opens at Durlop'* Droo Store Saturday, July 2nd ., , _�- ­"..a-­�,�:�;--­�, �_y�­_ I A .. . - ­_ --- � i -�.­ �,t­ . L' I . � � ­ ­. - _. ­_ ­�_ ­.- I I _ - . I I _ . - � -_1 &V . ft 5.HINGLES ­ ... A�­­­__­_ ­ I I I . . X X X,.x X (SX) .11 X X x Q3X) 1 1. 11 . 'XJtL,,X;,,X� . I . X t,(No.­:z)­ � I. "I 11 ` � I - �' , I 13EST GRADE BEST MADE 11 BEST PRICES . . : . Goderich Planing Mills, Limited . (SUCHANANIS) I Phone 47 GODERICH Drawer 160 I- I . - A16— __ — _ __ ___ � _ � _.____ ____ — . ------- 1_.1...-_..1..1_1 . ......... ­ " ., . �, , ill