HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1927-06-16, Page 14VITIRSDA'i, ;fL"I\l� Ord, 1917' THE CODERICH STAR t PAGESIX� ',: � a F ` - minding as had :�aen jed him sand Beauty. a fs e • •+ tragedy had deveto as foilotve -H him to put up a fight for AzxiYis with heavy swords of t:ruaod_r pat -I � ioian, minding tern, And lances and ktnrer of .r tape : * a band "! T""aa►ag, al�prostching Cthiw Itis own idem to thank; Allah uncitans;ed since the days of .1bta ! Ke,---aui1 i roan called them "•I'he Veiled One , ttbat things were no worwz. and to lie Fham, the Touaregs carried iplandid the Forgetten sof Cal"'), and had £col- Mow until the Touaregs chose to de- magazine -rifles of the latest patter i C�lkeaa %kora with Parley Flout keep er # ,0C ishly. or bravely, ;get up on a rock ,'part, praying meanwhile that they Both these and their ammuniti•,n a s, Purity i9 ri i tFlo , nrrd Bei°eamed the news to a south, fiwould d,,)m s eu peace, without trou- !'were of Italian make, and I wondered feat dy ^ y "dry" fli►ur that abasurber who wait working nearer the village. bling to hunt out this villagers, burn fiwrhether thiy>. had been captured in r and holds More wetter or Wilk. Tasty cakes, rich Ivies, and They, had 'both then started runniuX, i! the houses, slaughter the goats, And Tripoli, or smugttled 'by the ehanibaa b' lar(le, light bans and bread are always yours when }cru use but t' -e Touaregs had caught the nom• :have a little torture -party bef.,re.,rifle-runners of Algeria. •As two men p U. The youth had roused the village;idoink ,o. shad Turkish rifle* and 'cartridges of and the men had rushed out with their Wilen I asked if he telt no part 4:u- i .4- tO calibre, I thought it likely that rifles to Feme rocks nearby, ready to i lar resentment about the mu"Itated ;the former was the source. The use- .s fire rn the Touaregs, and hoping towoman and the slaughtered came- i ful bugle was. of course, corceale"l. PURITYFEGUR er 'give the impraion of a ir large and �tiarda, to say nothing of the lass of � Before we departed, the village put- � well -armed force,i fully prepared to ,the entire stack of camels, he led itself together, and, evidently try.. WH,UT Sante 30C tr at rx# fer,rirr7t?o'•rr #0 P#ri$y Flexr �Clvk H04- give them ai warm reception. The � that it wagdoubtless the will of Al. � inti to show u* "what Todgera could � 'Ir OOKO �C:OA& YAOW villa Co. t<Itnea#. Twaafi. womf al. Ottawa, fai ;" women and children had *cuttl, cd to rlah. and who should dispute that . do in the way of a diffa, or feast, re - the big ravine behind the village, When I painted out that it was ob- �galed its upon fatty, 4 mets of car. � .' i down which they would make their viously the will of Allah that 'ice %rots, bread anti eggs, and a quite �� wav to their usual &aiding-plaeo. � should arrive in the- nick of time, ;inti cent couscoi;Q Of goat, � "fl lou A couple of lads had been sent.. oil � that the Touaregs should camp arid � . For wassail, the headman brought • to yarn the men who had taken the rust instead of riding off, he said he ai from tbt� ",cellar" (under his heel) TE camels out to grate.' would .go and talk with his brethren. a mAgnnuu (leather) of laghbi. i jai) tra ��, The sneaker had been one of these This he did, and returned with a R old vintage palm -.juice, which lend Dn p SOMC'�,O �i ubre meen, And bile t n n theor two camelsxt h deputation of very dirty, suspicious.. lain mellowing; and maturing in brit=� � so � � " The %1rCatitest Mystery ,Story Ever N�'rl�tten a evil -looking Arabs. who evidently (lid tie far quite a week. scout had come upon them and .shpt � and had come to sees had told !horn. � I found that my names for tliingt r , for themselves. of this sort were not Always the mane driving thew to the ravine, a Tatr�ti1 not believe what By PERCIVAL CHRISTOPHER WREN him. The rest of the Touaregs had � i Gee;ll oLsej•ved; Buddy. "WAtta , as the names -I had learned in Alger- ' _._ .. ack of the human wolves of, the de- ea�ne straight to the slit, circled ugly bunch, a' low -lifer hoboes. i is, but by any other nafite they sine&, Luckily for us, there were ria gen- p OLLITIrUY cantly abandrrriedo we made our u'ay round, fired a volley, and closed in on "Some sti#}s;' agreed Hunk. led as rnmarksble- ulna Senuasf '.bout: and the„infinite cert, end when we were fairly cap. Tile s with due precaution. the camels. However, I harangued th* stiffs, I asked Hank what he thou; ht of tured by a harks of Touaregs, suspi• what .a - In one of the huts, on a rough snit. He himself had been left for dead, offering them a chance of recovering' the "liquor.” , „ variety of sects, with their different efous of our bona fides. . Gradually Nye approached x It p r a wounded span. As we r n- When he came to his senses he was their camels and teaching the Tauar. Pierce, ain't it?" replied tre,,••and kinds of dervishes, and the even � As I have said, an account of our Reared to be a completely deserted a eb, lay A ound greater �rtett' of people who spoke at the edge of a`tered. he drew a curved dagger from alone with the corpses, of .the otbor,eRs n lesson. I funibled for the Ara- left me to apply Warne own evaluation widely differin dialects a# Acarbia ;katabasis would fill a volume, but the 'pillage i?y' an oasis g the I should think there had his belt and feebly struck at us. camel-rdar,xds, and . hti lied slowly bic for catching Tartar"as I +tied ta"Gu word, made our tasko comparatively easy..' description of a few typical incidents deep ravine.*1 our• Wo aro friends, said 'l in Arabic. crawled to his but to die« to get these, fatalists to pee they &rad. Guess we .could' atop here to be ('^ontinued on P+°'e i) been a village on this .spot for t t", " s as happened, �`e The Touaregs bird camped an,1 were as 'muc}r "right to life, libsrty, and the Big Noise of the tribe," remarked Probably our rifles;• •our, poverty, ands of years, thoufth tete presr6nt i Tell is what h }, h ppene 1 enjoying a well-earned rest, the pursuit of hanpiness" as Torar Buddy, endeavoring to feed himself and opt obvious truculence did buildings were wretehed mud huts want to help. calmly g , more in that direction, Asthma Overcome.—The triumph in he •basinuents of ancient ` • Digby -also Hired his Arabic, and the .Apparently the village men were,still` e¢s, and' tbpt the latter had no Gad- gracefully with his fingers not All We suffered from. fever, terrific again g •, t r watchinir events front their place given privilege ,_ to torture, .murder. easy thing to do when a spoon is the over asthma has assuredly come. lir. stone hooses of great strength, . It man was convinced. t rocks, the women alA.chil- and rob, As for the ,"Will of Allah." indicated instrument. heck, Poisonous water, bad and fn3 bat J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy has l' vvas a:+ though a tribe of giplies, on- Ile appeared to understand all we among the ," dent food, rind the hardships o£ what ` n Ancient dren. we're in hiding down'the rai�me, let them Tallowy us and Shaw a little .Yep. Shakers and emus, agreed w ane.lOng campaign of active war- proved the most positive blessing: the ramped permanently on a Ani t said, and I understood him about as and the camels were captured. pluck, and they'd soon see what was Hank, with .hazy memories of shelklis victim of asthmatic attacks has ever .: British but -circle site on. Dartmoor, well as an English-spestiking . reneh- e ' it would have been the will of .Allah in.the, matter. and emirs perhaps: re o live. known. Letters received from tbous•. I gathered that u p .; batt used the prehistoric stones lit the man would understand a. Devonshire a tau had the camels been . In support Digby said, "Anyho>v, "And a harem -acetum; " added At tinter we were very near. the a ands who have tried it feral *testi- i construction of their rude dwellings. dela cal mr s h P ,hen our eamels died,' when a yokel, is hiding down the ravine, and the we're going to attack thein, whether Buddy. end, s inahial which leaves. no room for Into this village, evidently very re- I gathered that the usual. village women and children captured. , you do or not. Those who help: usr Why don the gals line the hcsh- long journey ended at a dried-up dainbt that here., 's a real remedy. We explained the situation to 7fartk will share the loot" , party?" be enquired, looking round to well, when we were surrounded by n het it today from sour dealer, , r and Buddy., ' As the Loot would include -excellent where tJae•tvomr2n, in their Iona barxa- T�..:_,..,__._,_•,..,,,"..._,..�,.,.._. �,F..__.�..-.._,.._��..,.:.._.-_ .._ .. _..._„ .._ .....�.�„_ s'. cans, sat, afar• orf and admired the t nesspwith pleasures" view, gave thedpoorowr Incomparable Camels, ,prandial performances of their loads. . w�• iii fir► • „. g P , ■ he Old ■ rut Saying but, we must izive the Touaregs the think about, . In the end, they agreed Shut tip• Take no notice of tI shock of thein lives, i that if we would really fight for them, women -folk." said Digby. "Sound : t : We held A council of war, and' it and with theins .and .give them all the 'plan among &class#ulmans of any kind. . was decided that . the wounded ratan loot, except a couple, of camels, as w e ""No doubt yore right, pard," agreed I A . SAVED ED • should set in touch with the villagers had promised, they would fight 0e.i Buddy, but tberg 'short is a real lit- •e ......_.... . sand tell them that we were Eriendro£ hardest. tie peach over there jest give +ne the 'e3 e r !theirs. Mox©; we were deadly ene- We began bd reconnoitring .the glad eye like's ,Christian seal as know - theirs. IS A PENNY MADE mies of the Touaregs, and (most) Touareg camp. ed' hill *'bean$ from a heap a ban- wed get the camels back and give. Absplutely certain of their .Complete anal, Cute an' cunnfn' , Still, we Doll them 'those of the Touaregs too If security, the robbers had merely dont want no rough stuff frnnti: the arsthey'd play the man and do. as we lighted fires and laid down to reit, Injuns... My, trot it was a cinch.'! bads them« leaving. one of their number to guard . and .he sighed heavily: ^ YOU having told; lits tale and, grasped their -'own camels and rive to guard CHAI?Tk1li VII - ti n from the villagers. " t that we really wished to befriend him, those stole lSl3blAEI1iT>aS ��;..6 :r i'�!i 1 ' • �� c� Presumably these guards were Hints ,� C . the wounded man seemed to be forth- Greater. love troth no man,thalr this, s t We have ai quantity off Coaaal atoned too the Ocean or horn death than h ' had thought. herdsmen than sentries, as the T- ouar- e s it'd nothing to fear. That a man down his life for his House property, find i# ria going #q coat I"ift cents a ton to He was shot through 'the chest, but I B , Villagers do friends." not attack victorious Hoggar robbers. ' ..:. prove it atter to our Coati Yard, »tttsd rve aria going to give , did not think that his lungs had su£- . I could fill a forge volume with .the'. i the want of this. sat►` fered, as there was no hemorrhage It simply Is.,.not done, Al :that Vas- account of our aclventnres, as Ulm - YOU . ' h sfi ' wit" from the mouth. ngeessavy was to prevent the camilx giflOte While 1rF egs of the Sah$ra, on this ride that ' • � � , from stra�+inq, and to have a rest be» loot Coal asr 14.7 r After A drink of waater and a pilbegan at the, in the Frenwh Sau Chests #, ton delivered fore proceeding on the tau -gathering of M'. jBritish t .....: ,_ ' 'Stove Coal at � .. isasa perton, &uv`eral ance that it .would dowonders � x him porney : vrlth g Without starting. little gano, in ended p in ou Nest � Pe . ►sport in the village Wore starting:_ A YOU. DOING ANY ' BUILDING? (though I doubted whether they were our. plan was .simple for our job Africa.' wonders suitable to the situation, he was easy. It. was perhaps the longest abed' moat l ._.` • ! i gqt oPF the angareb and staggered to arduous ride ever achieved y Kar- 1 Vlie a re fferhw the xnaterW out of the Ocalm House , Half a dozen selected heroes of Az- o eans in the Sahara—few of wham � _ , _ y% • ' ... the doorway of the hut. From &faro p _ z1gig: ise7re_to. deal. vgith, thesomnolent 1R# thea folio rices.. _ .. _.,_. _ . .. for -A whit .. have ever crossed the desert transt— 'wtoS p -.. he peered beneath his- halal e loafing camel-g►tards=silently;:if.. pos= : and then tottered out and did some north to south :without an or d. 4..� " .1�Ifr1VH.00i�-�-2 x, �, 2 x, 6, 2 �t. $, ",t � ;10� >�d 2 �t 12� caravan • `'-.—,•,,,- .•- ' . &tble. Every rifle that Azzigg could :.�--^� •. signalling• boast was then to lie discharged into ,,:. ,......�. w We rode south-west when --vo cotTtt{, which m sial food as mlW, for. , , , , $35,60. per 1,QOb feet fiery pluckily rte stuck to- it'untrl the Touareg carols, from as close aw en,we must . I.** xtb, lite, , , ... ..... '.. r , .... , . 30c an answering movement among the . _ per bunch t? g ransre as it was iiossifile to wriggle to. 'rad we rode northeast h rocks, unseen b us, satisfied him, as when. north of Air, we were cap- d5lane: f abttr Doors~ and Dow Ft ainerl, V4►t>tdorwtr alnnttl y When the Touaregs bolted to. the - g and he returned to the taut, ravine, as they certainly would do: to turgid w Touaregs ori their way to, mow Frotmetl for aw vim: i u f f bas and Dr .their -own country .ori the borders of _ Cake bakitig: needs steady heat, evenly Y Shortly afterrwards, a ba l bre ght take eover from th & l t psi Morocco, d Hakes Fine Pt,es: circulated. In the Perfection oven yore• get For i att+tlwatre, P+daat >� Plumbing and Mating, him. to the door, again,. and this. time. nixe their de` once -they would >Ind During ane terrible year we .maw H re barn i" our es - he walked oft' fairly steadily', and dis•their • way bloekdd by the entire .an almost complete circle, being at r f !" a "five hest," which browns the 4rttsts dell• Prices appeared rata the ravine. French army, in uniform, with a brig• orpnryP.nfettto,,,t,rch - . with. a" big, dirt ler blowing calls to bring up thous- One time at El milli, within two bun» i, crr.,,v fdfixg' or ciousty..and bakes the •iattciior GYenly ell : ,lie returnedg, Y dyed miles of Timbuktu, and, at art•• true,,, for wig„ ti,r through. Only Perfection' ovens employ ;lstluint-eyed Arab, who, be, Bald, was 'ands r"iore! atber'r at Agadenr, within the same be.t re„ br reakiarcl ., • „ i CHA, a CA L�E the headman of the village, which, I must sag that the villagers be- distance of lake Tcbad- and then. the- live heat principle. Completely K , was ealled Azzigig for sounds to that, haved very .well, They . were, of later finding ourselves. at 'Bilms, live . w easily .ae doer not . fx' Ifl • Pf Y esrle {bet„ to o iaEaetar on oil, gas,: and other types' qE ;: 3 The 1sTt� 1ti aB1 �' the lilt efYect).: course. born. desert fighters, sand we hundred miles to the uorth. i,rloky." d stoves. Ten model 1 Arid i~ burirers. Priced SHIP CHANOLOR 0LU M1111"a and HKA'k 06 The Bradman was in the mental had put heart into them. Sometimes thirst and hunor drove 1►irs,F. J,t . a After a tremendous valCey, at about from i43.5pta 12.r 0, DistribiitediniGanAda � t condition of one who sees men as trees' forty yard's' range, tfi ► cheirgt±d like Its to jails salt=caravans; and some- walking, when he aand'istiisrlf in times clave -caravans (and, we learnt s3tore Phone a. , if*"* )E►1 o" x13« fiends, and:when we four areae -rain - the pteseaee o£ four armed a)}d ani- • that al+rvery is *till p very active iter - ,formed Ranmis, two tri whom 'alioka behind xoekx and the Touaregs r�eeoil- suit and A, flourishing buainQas, in rtrr S>Eirnr Mt'f!tT. Pitotisucrs Co.°i u r u' ( 'Arabic to him, and all cc whom wish- ed in astounded terror. they surround- ,Central Africa). Generally these 1 ed them like a psck_of wolves. MODt't•REA •riswxT6 wig vii r:a earaV'att8 were' going in the 'Opposite pasiae In a briq,f; rnAd, .ysappy minute of to P biLoterpN vs vca":vicei CntcAteY hacking, subbing, and shooting, they ttdirection rd or perish in the V terless join spa worked off A good deal of the persanrtl _ Bert: c •• _ bunted by r , . and ancestral tl�lae of cerituriea• As they outnumbered the Toiiavers by Sometimes we were 171 O�K41 5. / P E RJv: CTH% N five or six to one, :had them at a cpm- saani•s larger than our own; sorire= plate diradvantalCe, rail knew we were times we were met at villas es with i! A. behind them, tit@y: rmde a aAort job D# volleys Df. rifle -fire (being taken; .pat- Oil , as 0 lfr'S QJIM H :E L, . N 0 lt" P'� por U NI,7 tiraIIy,,far wh1Rt we ed an of to onlY . it and clean one. sometimes we reached an oasis gnly. From, another point of vicar it tv'a a to find it Decanted. by a Patrol of not a clean one, French Senegalese troopa far more ve goods handled by Al . TF,BBUT & SC N, West Street a,i,i�kCok„tltrt«Fnn.UCKY At rate, we prevented' torture. Aho • w� - . o dangerous to ugthaw the nomadic rob. . Hairdwarra. Phone �I86 . �""'""'t�• even if we could not save life. For u,r,«�„r, w. bet* fox.I h I .we were match when JAS. CARIiI)v, The e, Gi+DdgriCiaa %A"( .,t. s It once it was the under -dog's, turn, and n r, , .:. k he used his teeth. o eraoutnumbered._ i o h pe y f e' Send me Digby', not unreasonably, Claim" ! Whether o did what rap Eat knons � _ � _ ° that tbo bugle really won the F,al'tle.: I have a certainly -were. I da *rot l:t►aw, 4 The upshot• of the business was that i but we certainty went tit. slier s where the left Azzigiir, each ridtnit a' splen t Erropeans had never been before, and ���� I�iri�l� ""discovered" desert cities which were , did mehari camel, and each clad ins pxobrblrr prehistoric ruins before :r the complete, outfit of for L US by raid.', . SEA._ - . stone of'counte oil wit! laid. er-•- necyly` washed fax us bye theAt- grateful � !• • . .. 1UItMrhtalri>tilrrcatas sKurrNtrlr f>k We encountend o Miens of At- - grateful dames of the village. Not &astir and found no white rs�es .o£ Pau of British could the lad&-of_the�village do enough Greek origin. ruled by ladies of tem- SM,ofrall rittiott5. meet in 'kitedo,- i lel MAarr<.ilAMi.Y itifilXf�'fiRlf IV - �1!' `y` t Lam,,-.,. for us. • "#i+''hat they could, and did, � stuous petticoat, to whom• it ,turned t M tit,. CAitttrib3ii, where the harbcnls err. ail r. - - was to -Provide us with *.guide and A . ♦ ,ox« Gres 0`u't�ir boat$ the rOtlUCts 0� out we were fiiat$nCly rel��ed...., 4 ��. W 8 ' P spare eatitel l wdan with food jird' wit- Alas, no. , We found Only exl'retne- +�i.tnR„t a $raititli fAlttn1b17� sYftxests, naitata, farms'atgT fisherits ter. to help ti* on our way, to the next ly soar. Primitive, and dirty penple, .-a.. , r : : ,rr«�«. ria.,►,a.�+ "dver the seven a ns to japan, China, Newts Zexiatrdr village na oasis in the direction, of with whom we sojourned precisely as, �- . ,n«fait ourgoal. +,�"zir*"N o- <„ ..< . Australia, Indra, Africa,, South A=hca, Great Britain . long as untoward circumstance cam- ^ - iM,M t(.IIItIM,tlit A,IAu,.t/41:,R - �,..r iia ww,-,,y �L• ...y..�-y. A desl*rate Und of ruffian,,4 we ^ �. t • ! ,. �«....-..�. sore,, +•Mf.. Still the P" o Empe. looked,. Touareg to the last det%il of ped a have y,�, f "Course, • we could never ha , 1,'Xw.!•,« ,:w trw+wit den «� t. t'.a:, .cit an �nn.r rq:w, - - Iiritislt Cerlettnbfa, with its ' t natural reststirc 1, dress, weapons. and accoutrement. Our'. for. a single month of those Ltan and ,leathery hawk -fated Hank years, but for the desert -skill,, the 4t" is capable of sustain' a hap�A prosperous 1�la' tend. Buddy mado splendid Arabs, anti •�''" tion of twttnty millttxi lt. Ity 19 6 its fti:r s' Beet, ed to enjoy "playing Injun" like :courage, rrsaurcefulueaa:� rad. caper- nu,.Npp a Pair of` bays. tepee of Hank And Buddv. pmriuced lumber . to Cite volar of �$2,0OO,ODC)•. pulp On the other ban;, the ready wits r im paper v'almd at $18,4(10,000; agticultwa:l products, They soon learned the uses :wil'sr_ of Digby. and our knowledire of Asa• � 4 i _y` rrngings of the sere and jubba vests, ic, saved the situation, t m .after i70,D(li(lo�; manttfactattt ei ]1Cws�C1.%,, the kait>Irtx inner cost, the hrxaant }&erne, when we were fit contact with y yet there are, but 3611,000 people in this Prov sash, the jelabia overall the sirwal a t �� trip, , tt set the and heti tit. it3 , t Our fellow -man. ng prddperity' P brggy trousers, the' ma-rrakA . skull; on these occasions we became �y bookiny� early f� tt(� •^ t• :.. .. •cls xt tet. Truly a land of bppctrtuntt for lncn exp wlth the kafiya herd -dress bound " frightfully holy. Hank and Tiuddy (. and wometl initiatit'c,.rnrrgy - rad ambitim! dound with tke sgala, ropes of eamtl- i were marabouts Under A vary of ail- ��jk during the 11ufly lk tl7a� 1 r. is halt. a and we were Senussi on a mya• 1 OK1 15CCllt'C the Vkk ant The blitsx voila which the ''oual ep 3 � ttrious errand, travelling tram I%ufxa ��` plait a. trip too&itish Columbia. See its reap* � AI:�C�aAtu711 etidwclxd tinotmtaitis.its, btutiful maurtttaitta lakes acrd wear, were the chit€ trouble;.. but in E in the Libyan dessert to Timbuktu, � by.-' • s time I do rap w aecrrhe M04 to her theseeverIs •rad visiting it sorts, of Italy Piares an,! CASIN turbulent atictns; its great rices it1 to ISD feet in. 'i ,the wray. cir0UMfdtnot; and, t� Mighty PWAQ in its WAny . are a rooturlrs•old relic of the days Wtocla. when etre Touarea& were i► white race,-- - -- and took. tare of their complexions, 5 * on s 3 on AM Caw � means ONE C ,h v a t More titin ow utilliotn tourists carne in 106 and whether they were a sudden bilkht Isysou"toenjoy. EverycomaI tarid�e t �• •t idea: for kee ing the sand from the At � '>I`liitilril j 'quaint: away pt'riClaitxtiiing "'Canada's eve 1siaY gg +awry ritt+at3an rad retrirx sane Xoimr tdr' taaarirMdi # a •; ' ° '" as the acinic 4uotxlerixnd Of th*L ld« lung* in windy weather; whether they It's. F. 0. Co#Ilas, t"dwr, Nt., ltbarbprs Bea by the weir invetrttd for urpo*es of wyx- ...,.,tt Idriww xiags from n to cme this sul o�r--•-tt is a will never It oft I int rwrftrii a few liters t to >Cntvrpa Moderate evo ratw Nij. to from trryt and playinla' fY with their , isc ptaiar of IlrNoek lord �itrttr iWatcad aloud lr+r N . aaa •' N forytet. Mail couptxs for detailed infvritaatk n. enemies arid victim; car whether they l wldrit rellri`rd awe of boils riot I rrwr e� i1"�' s simply styo#rr^d as useful "tt-wear � bad +v trwbl" witlw i �Mrtl6+rr dir�br a,Wj0^ a ; any aa.0,i j* " 1G ,,.. for trrople *I Ways net the marc, � I kad Swe� oft dry �irrek writ t1krtr y ISR�i'ISiI tgliii.Ul,tttlA PUI3xI(:tTV *rata*t cutting ur tttetadf#lied winds and � wr yRyr *arm pat ria awt+er afore, ark � d ftwtAit>fttl�t . . * ihttrai xlrrr that stienitaa to tl, .«.. reg meld *rt ret tray w I iris ret ateeii . t ... ,., •..: as 'Kell as downward. Anyway. Kays, tt sit , �.y; I aarr 7� � Gwi• Atat. tkran Tr'af fi t, y COM1iTi"i>ri euriotar that only the'Touar"s evoly- C.P.R. " . • •F "_ !3i M*i1Y" ST11ti�i'i<'C W&S'T std #train, , Taertata VANCa0�1t, E. C. On our cataria ire t arried xemilmta. � �r7Y awry �' I'>4c1ltr > ++a C.er p..ty's YAK -full of water, and jaafar. or 'leaf- t �'' - �+r+a5�►*la+ar+. ..«., ..... thtr Barka. which our hosts fllied with •, -�""- hubs, or native broad. atwl aaM#a, hot - Able m*aaea of dough emoted with oil 'and olio as, flrrortwd with W -Al. a sort .. of red pepper. 1 ' i ,- _,,;: r bra the sle*rt correct were ituftia k . or mAdle-boo. Al1W with al- 4 1 afosaltirr for tl+Mr carnets, as irr#i S HRE as idrbas fall of watrr. , c ' We, dW*rded wit• two railitaryr Pail- I irra3sl r wed a dura *ted rrNiaeril thorn with Arai► ►tient I an weid`rto ray thrt *Aft i . sad. tw feet, "M*at a 400 boldo I got ei e& of all 0 y ' do" ttratslr► tit I1 dw t*reia tar too b~ a" r y • • AM i4 *aaatat i* >l1sr �. AL "W A90 .16:_,..-W1.