HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1927-06-16, Page 10•
ar • .1 VP,"
11 ee6lirtaiale be a great latmvematat te fame *4, t.chain ea the their foot atdjelaisig Nile. It tvledsst as Tataultay- WU* Mss$i
." /**"4 IV( ribrrty of ifteertraei IsEd 11,11111111
the whole *misery and *venereal*
nisens io.operatal with the police in
the man emit. A vorolatikn of tiw Bait*
of Ferrell he: eQmv forward in San
eteresseicaleemes seaseetate....is 44*
mete of the slayer, who utile himself
Eerie Nelson. }le is also known its
Virgil Wilson. The police inveetiga-
Con heic noi yet made ',dear how Mrs.
le.rrell obtained her meson*: name
whee still claiming to be the wife of
Nelson. The murder escaped from
the Napa, ((.alifornia) State Hospital
Ifor the !name after he was sent there
n le2:1 for attacking a woman.
• 1Pure, uncolored, delicious. Ask for it.
Russia** Reign of Terror
The Soviet Government is not sat-
isfied with the sentence lin osed by
Poland on the tn,ing assassin of Pet-
er Voifieff, Soviet Minister at War-
saw. Elie sentence, which is ene of
life imprisonment, with a recommen-
, dation that it be commutce sat fifteen
years, wan deslared byethe ltleseete
press tis proof- of the insincerity of
Poland's assurances of good -wet to
the Soviet Union, end. . evidence of
England's guiding liand in the conduct
of 'Polish political affairs. Meanwhile,
rumors are in eneulation in the bre
tish capital of .a now terror in llUt4-
$14, with summary- ceeeutions. week-
eale arrests, and drastic military pre-
parations. A dispatch from Riga
tells of the ebooting of 28 former of -
titers of the Czarti army, and states
that more than 100epersons.have been
shotin reprisal for the assassination
of Voikoff. One correspondent. adds
that file number of suicides in Masco*
has increased. from ten to fifteen dais
ly, and that hundreds of. person' .tir-
rested witbin the past few days have
been sent to Siberia' owing to lack of
accommodation in the Moscow and
1 Leningrad prisons.
1 None of these reports can lie con-
firmed as there is a strict eensorship
1 Search for Frenchmen Coatinues
Tbe search for the two iniszeng
Freneh aviators. Chitties Nungestior
and Certain cob, has not as yet un-
earthed any clue whkh would prove
that they actually flew across the At-
lantic and landed somewhere Mk the
North Ameriean mainland. Major
Cotton, a ttanadian airman, is at pr.. STILL BUILDING (i."01.LEGES IN
en conducting a rgd search for the
nothing of the missing nutchine or R v. WaltAp Small, ofSt. Jahn, N.B..,
Freachinen, but so far he has seen rale civil disturhanses roll by,
eve stock are doing w , .
Toes* to Avert Aswan Wee f
Statesmen attending the IR33143 of*
National' council at Gevcra, ao:. tee
pursed iacreaetregly cainviaome that
the time hits arrived .14 take titeeette
live *ceps T. area an''outbreak of vea
in Europe.
Veer of each an ever; uelity is
mainly inspired by the reportod atti-
tude -elf Sciviet Russia following the
brealing of diplomatic relations by
Great Britten, and the assassinetion
of the Soviet Minister to Poland. In
Southern* Europe arather situation
presents itself through the break of
relations between Jug' Slavic rnd Al-
Germany. it is underat,00d, has been
virtually 'brought over to the eamp
of those rawer' who favor warning.
Russia against continuance of her al-
leged propaganda abreact, and terra
atrial at home.
If this warning is delivered jointly
by the powers, which is a possibilitY,
it will not be worded as a menace to
the Soviet system, but -will bs drafted
from the viewpoint that Europe can-
not risk another war and that the
powers are united in a sense that any
aggressor is the enemy of all.
Along Long Distance Flight Fails
The second British attempt to este
ablish a new long distancti ficitestoe
night was unsuccessful when tht ma-
chine was forced down an hour after
hopping off. Although the plane,
with its 7,000 gallons of gasoline,
weighed about Sayan tons, Lieutenant
Carr was successful in landing* in
Suffolk, about eighty miles from the
starting point. A defective feed pipe,
which sprayed oil over the machine,
was the ause of des:fent.' Lieu-
tenant 'Carl recently attempted a
flight to Karachi, India, a-distrince of
.4,100 miles, but was forced clown in
the Persian Gulf after hying 3,425
nines. He will make another' attempt
h swimmera Great Effort
The French swimmer, Georges Mi-
ehel, the "Paris Baker," wbo StAraM
the English Channel in •record time
last September, and -relic) intends to
come to this country to take part 18
the Canadian National Exhibition
•$50,000 swim this veazs failed in an
attempt to swim Lake Leman' from
Lausanne to Geeeva, a distance of
about thirty-two miles, on ' Sunday.
,Ile abandoned the attempt- atter
!swimming about eighteen eniles in
awelve hours..
being kept on all telegratte front Rus- -
New Nationta Park
slit, but there is little doubt that Russ-
sia is entering another reign of terror. One thousand three hundred and
. seventy-seven square mitee. vompris-
"Lindy" May Fly to Ottawa
° Mg a portion of the primitive forest
If arrangements an be made by and lake country of Northern Saikket-
Hon. Vincent Massey, Canadian Pam. cherean, has been set aside as a great
scenic playground under the name Of
Prince Albert National Parte The
creation of this new park is in contire
tuition ofthe policy of the Canadian
Government to preserve areas of out -
to Viscount Willingdon. No fin.' standinge natural beauty as national
er ambassador of peace could be recreational reserves and wild life
chosen, by the United States to °olive% eanctusuier.
greetings to 'Canada on her sixtieth •
tl'he land set aside is largely cover -
anniversary of confederation. P d• with green timber and' contains
II SI C t ed
ipotentiary to the United Stetes, Col,
Charles Lindbergh, trans-Atlantie fly-
er, will fly front Washington, to Oa
tawa Dominion Day with a nies-
sage of goodwill from President Coo -
The "gorilla strangler," sought by
the United States police for two years'
for the slaying of eighteen women
and ebildren, has been captured near
Killarney,ltianitoba: and is now safe -
1Y, lodged in the jail at Winnipeee
There is alma indisautable prom
that he is the slayer of efolltuen-
ycar-old schoolgirl and a young mar-
Om *Mikity(' ow% 1 litt,
4t1-15 smelt cords. Tirmo
c•gon esiureiod
(n rubber by pr. nos .1
dipplosr cods
in rubber sob.
Help You Save Money'
The Firestone process of saturating the cords in rubber
solution, insulates every fibre of ev,...ry cord with rubber,
minimizing internal friction aucl wear.
ft gives stamina to the cords and makes possible the
strong, flexible sideWails of Firestone Full -Size Balboa, '
that give you full cushioning on rough roods—abeorhing
the bumps and bridging the ruts. The scientifically
designed Firestone Balloon tread grips the road—resisting .
*kid and giving traction in slippery places. ,
Firestone Balloon Gum -Dipped Tires on your car will
deliver greater safety and comfort and materially lower
Your tire costs. The nearest Firestone dealer equ$PPed • 1
to serve you better with :these better tires. See hun now.
mammas THUS te RUBBER Ca/MANY -or CANADA Ltailted
4•, Itidettrate• Waal*
war mica PER DMA*
many beautiful lakes with sandy beit-
ehes. Prince Albert Park is situated
atheist directly north of the city of
Prince Albert and may he reit ?lied b
road from that point, the distance to
the southern boundary of the park
being approximately thirty miles
There are eighteen national ,parks in
the Dominion of Canada baying a to-
tal area of ten thousand square miles.
St. Lawrence Route Verged ,
A unanbnous report favoring the
construction by the United States and
Canada of a shipway from the Great
Lakes to the Atlantic via the. St.
Lawrence River, has been made .pub -
lie at Washington by a joint commit-
tee representing the business and
public interests of all six of the New
England States.
• "The eommittee places itself defin-
itely on record as favoring the early
entrance of this Government into ne-
gotiations with the proper officiate of
the Canadian Government looking to-
ward the prompt consummation of a
treaty," the report said.
,Construction of the St. Lawrence
waterway would cost between $350,s
100,000 and $385,500,000, depending
upon the exact plan adopted, but riot
of this money would be returned from
power development since the water
fall front Lake Ontario to Montreal is
4 feet.
All routes proposed on the Ameri-
can side exclusively, the committee
said. were ailed -out of consideration
by the extreme cost of construction,
greater distance over which traffie
would be routed, and the amount of
obstruction encountered.
The suggestion . that 'ell military
• grounds the United , States should
build ensthe United States side a cans
al between Lake Ontario and Lake
• Erie, which woulcieduplicate the Can-
adian Welland Canal, was stamped as
an "unrvarranted and gratuitous in-
sult to a friendly neighbor and valu-
able commercial ally with whom we
are now so closely related economi-
cally that such an eventuality is in-
conceivable." .
The Cimadian 'Government's heavy
expenditures on the Welland Canal, it
was added, should be treated as hav-
ing been made in furtherance of the
St. Lawrence project, and the com-
mittee urged_Ahet_aan a subsequent
division a cost between the two coun-
tries, Canada should be given credit
for this expenditure," as an integral
part of the enterprise."
Rust Nearly Conquered
A story ofthe battle against wheat
rust was told to the Canadian. Society
of Technical Agriculture, in Hesston
at Vancouver, by Dr. D. L. Bailey,
senior plant pathologist of the Dont-
inion Rust Resekrch Laboratory,
Winnipeg. 3i1evelopment of the type
of wheat having the high quatitiee for
whish the Canadian product ia fam-
ous, but with power of rust resist:
lake, was declared to be practically
an ascomplished fact.
missionary Wader at Chengtue
completing a Medical College wing,
a gift of the United Church of Can-
ada to West China University.
The Moderator and Dr. Gandier, the
British Consuls, and his own wife,
have telegraphed him at various time
to come out to . thee coast, 2,500 miles
away, for safety, but he hopes to fin-
ish the jobln time for classes next
bad way and that to its sustenance
more protection is a vital necessity,
Canadeat woollen manufacturers are
appealing to the Advisory Tariff
Board for greater protection.
During 1925, the (Canadian woollen
men claimed, the consumption of Can-
adian cloth at factory selling value
amounted to $11,653,477." and the con-
sumption of imported cloth at entry
invoice value amounted. to $24,360,-
8/0; that is, out of a market $ad,-
. 014,267 for cloth in eanada, in 1925,
Canadian its obtained 32 per cent.
and imported cloth 68 per cent.
Representatives of tfie British wool-
len manufacturers attended the hear-
ing to resist the application insofar
as it may involve any impediment
unon British trade in woollens to Can-
Pool to Build Elevator s: .
Construction will be started short-
ly, it is announced,. on the 2,400.000
bushel elevator to be erected by the
'Alberta Wheat Pool at Vancantele.
'and it is expected that the big plant
will be, ready to candle grain from
the 1927 crop.
Immigration to Canada
Inimigration to Canada during 'the.
month of April amounted to a total g
of 35,441eaccording to a statement is- i
seed by the Department of Imrnigia-
Lion and I
o1oiization. This is an in -1
crease of 103 per cent. over 'Apri1,1
eitterenster on Perjury .Charges
Rocco end Bessie Perri of Hamil-
ton, said to have been "master minds"
of the illicit frank in liquor between
Toronto and the Niagara border, have
surrendered themselves to the Toren -
to police en charges of perjury.. They
were remanded' till July 28 on bail of
,.$10,013 each. The thug's of per-
jury against Roc ai Perri *vest can't
swath evidence *before the Customs
Probe Comminsion that he had not
. been engaged In any occupa-ton Metre
PIRZBTONE sum* THE ONLY' GUM -DIPPED TIRES 1920. and that he was living on an in- I
Affin. Symonds, Barker Bros., IL Janes Battery Service,
hiacEwan & Tehbutt, Wilson Bros., (Pink).
coirte. He also is alleged to have
stated ender oath that be was net'en-
gaged in bootlegging for a long time
t prior to 1924; that he never buys
tliquor, and that his wife bad not put
• through telephone orders for ship -
40.00.0000000. P011115.
Theliquor under the name of J•.
The charges against Mr. and Mrs.
*Perri are of a similar eharacter.
• Woollen Meradattarers Seek Relief
1 a"reing that their industry is in 0
You couldn't make it u
tough and. strong as Brantford
Arm -Locks. Braritford Mro-
',eels are locked on. Severest
winds, storm and frost cannot
budge them
Brantford Arro-Locks are
fffe-retardent, rcrinanent, coon.
Airantferel Ce.Lireiba
Sraatfetil, Oat. M
et ea
Sloe& osearetVoltritritient Fs utitta *movies
lit Masan, Godarich
CAI Wars Sat Sad
0 Mrs. E. Et. Oreeswity., itsylasrs,
11 Rest, etriteln---"T weld te tell
t teat t titiak Dr. Wood's lieetray
lee Setup is cute of Ike vet/ but
1 remedies for cold.
I had seek a very bad Wel I toted
lewdly speak or breathe. so west to
I Ger tiro/sweet wad asked itiat witat ka
tinnoglit bag ler a cold. Ne advised
is take
Dr. Weed's
$114; omit amtreelltit'.greirtai to him
for, kooker' very *mat le
' take it relieve* *y mid Welker thee
says/Wog *kw ever triet 1 &let
*kink tier ing Amid be withal* r,
kettle elf 11 1* 4b. Uwe."
•41:tr. Weed's" le pet op b ye**
'mown three pies taws teal.
Vt pdito NI& a kette, kap resift
, pat lop .sly by The T.
latabfamt OE, Lim** aim Oiet
A Renittly for Berache.—Ta•have
the earache is to endure torture. The
I ear is a delicate 'Organ and few care
to deal with it, considering it work
for doctor. Dr. Thomas' Eclectrle
Oil offers a simple remedy. A few
drops upon a piece of lint or medicats
ed cotton and placed in the ear will
do much in relieving pain. .
1926. •
Immigration in April consisted of
11 803 British, 2,518 from the 'United
spnoot. FAIR Dias% 1927
Hensall—Sept. 8
States, and z2112�from other coun- Furic — opt. 9
tries. •During April 4,209 Canadians Wroxeter—Sept. 13
who had gone te the United States in- ' EthelSept. 14
tending to remain ther rma e —W It pt 15
intention of now remaining in this
arna—Sept, 19
Cron Outlook EncOuraging aetheene Tweesept. 21
returned to ,Canada, declaring theirs lielgrave—Sept, 16 c
• I
country. Goderich• Tp. --Seat. 20
Reports from all parts of Western Ashnele Tp.—Salst. 22
Canada oti the crop situation are de- St. Helens—Sept. 23
cidedly encouraging. In Alberta, ac-. Winchelsea—Sept. 26
cording to the official crop report, it Blyth—Sept. 28
is now eXpeeted that .the wheat acre -1 Crediton—Sept. 29
age will be about normal. The pews Grand Bend—Sept. SO
front Saskatchewan is also good,Dashwood—Oct. 3
There will be a marked increase in ' Clinton Town—Oct. 4
the acreage in coarse grain crops. Clinton Rtirtaa-Oet. 5
, .....4tolh.„... 0•••••••••1.10.••••••••t=••••••.:WOrl.O., . 40.1.,•....moomot....00mmim,
1 North Side ef CHIAS. BLACK lir
F.quare , .
"."a".". •
vi:VilkiKVIF Stk...
44" zv,.,
, s- /9.0.66.viVatitatl, 4...e
,,,, - 4*-,,.,. — „,,,- ,..„,„„,qtreoc. , •,,,c . .
• •-• •::,54(k.w.km..t.
,. • 4 • . . ......' .4(41,V., ., •• ‘ :440%.04,44 A 4,
... • < 44141k44001re0044‘44(
Tailored at CHAS. BLACK'S
The Leading Tailor and Men'sOutfitter
Our Range of Sarnples for Special Orders Contains
• Anything Your -Heart Desires
Our Stock of Ments,Srnart Wear is Larg and Snappy
Report of Hog Shipments for
Week Ending June 16, 1927
• alcGaw-aTotal Imes, 49; select ba-
con, 15; thick smooth, 11; shop hogs,
14; lights and feeders, 0. • Auburn -
Total hogs, 43; select beep, 17; thick
smooth, 22; raeavies, 1; sloop hogs, a
Huron County—Total hogs, 1583; ses
loot bacon, 479; thick smooth, 830;
heavies, 76; extra heavies, 8; &top
hogs, 86; 'lights and feeders, 57.
A -normal life, either sex, 13 one
that gets fed up on love stoelea at
• ----...
about twenty-six.
Sweet and palatable, Mother
Graves' Worm Exterminator is ac-
ceptable to children, and it does ite
work 'surely and promptly.
I understand there is -g, ban on the
new Oxford bags?"' '
Johnny's Ma—"Johnriy, there were
three pieces of cake in the pantry,
end now there is only one. How ai4
that happen?"
Johnny—"Well, it was so dark in
there Ialidn't see the other piece."
Easi or osi
Aresffel night on Take Erie will *44' enjoyment to your ttlIt.
Three Palatial C&B steamers
The Great Sb.k• "SEEArrouri-uarr or raw
Unlimited facilities. including large 'hideout finetootn4
:hat ensure long night's refreshing sleep. Excellent
dining room service.
• Each Way Every Night Retwerz
Buffalo and Cleveland
• Leaving at 9:00 p. Ira arriving at 7:3criv. In.
•Eastern Standard Tune
•via C St. 71 Steamer "CITY OF ERIE". Leaves Cleveland
and Buffalo on alternate Mahn. July 3td_to Sint, 6th.
Read Dosna R -a",40
p. sn. Leave .. Buffalo, n, lz Aru6:00 a. m.
1030 p.m. Arrive „.„. Ede. Par Leave 1100
1100 nun. Leave ., , Arrive 1040 p.
6:00 a. in. Arrive • . Cleveland, Leave 430p, Za.
Coluirethes fir Lek assorts, Detroit awl Pants Frgit
Ask your ticket agent or tourist agency for ticket* via
CLine. Your tail ticker is good on our Steamer:1
New Automobile Rate $5.00 and up
T114,9EtintArcoAg&r" Fare $5 50'
tl• Ir. • '
WE are 'moving the Bankrupt .stock of the Royal Ladies' Reidy -to -Wear and.
Capital Ladies' Ready -to -Wear to HAMILTON STREET STORE (next
to Hunt's Hardware Store). Store wilt, be opened on SATURDAY, JUNE 25th,
at 9 a.m., with the Biggest Bargains in the history -of Goderich.
We have just purchased the Bankrupt' stock of the PARAMOUNT HAT CO.,
the largest ladies' hat manufacturing company in Ontario, and will be sold
inlGoilerich for the first time.
Ladies,' Misses' and Matrons' Hats, all the newest shapes
and colors, at
95c, $1.45 and $1.95
These Hats were made to sell at $4, $5 and .$6,,
in Black, Brown, Zinc, Champagne, Cannon, Aleson
Windsor Tan. Regular price, $1.00 and $1.25. •
Opening Sale'
31c Pair or 3 Pairs for $1
No more than 3 pairs to each customer. Al) sizes.
6 Doz. Children's PLAY SUITS
Sizes 3 to 5 years.
Opening Sak 59c
Fancy Handles. Reg. $1.50 and $1.75.
Opening Sale 95c
Ladies' and Misses' SILK DRESSES
to cleat
at $7.95 and $9.45
Come to the New Store on Hamilton Street. -No t gar-
ments ^lip. Hundreds of garments to choose from.
Tell you
friends we are moving to Hamilton Street (next to Hunt's Hardware Store
Goderich Economical Store
• Or)
- '
e area!'