HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1927-06-16, Page 5THURSDAY, JUNE 10th, 1831
Frei: Wimples
of Nalco Tooth Paste, Nalco Month Waaih, Persian
Balm and Kkaroidsa with a purchase of any
Nal.a Household Package Drugs
3 Cass 23c
Not :'sora than 1QO to
22. east aasd west Wawwaeh. swamp frees Clime* is Seedertb •ea receea-
emeolovessene dad eiretiaage *611; mead that this be tarrn as eelserwiae
Read Ne. $S Gederich township, from the week toeaeid be ha as ta,s'rapltete
Tuck's bridge wester! 1-2 stile. $000; state, and tacit the theuteieog et the
culvert sxtmuiun on Lek. Share ro ad waste's acre of the *eat be donedonefrom Port Blake northerly and par the over a period of tea years.
Heamall-Zurich road, $4.000; annual a. menta that more tare be taken
greats to Heosrtll and Winsrivam, *6.- inspp} yttas Mkt snivel. your coin.
MIL This nukes a brand total of ar aids has exemiaed the rosin un
$110,121, to be spent on road t i rove. wkkk this gravel is weed and no rad-
menta. son for complaint , has been observed
$132.1131 lietlseated to Be Repeaic'd and see &dolts cases have btc.ctt
ea Comity heed. Sy*teaa krgwgbt to our attention, but if there
The estimated expenditures for are mu eases where lake gram t un-
msint*ince, etc.. are as follow:: tainin large stelae' its i .n armee,
Resurfacing. $66,000; ailing and tar- instructions will be Ono to have the
ring. $10,000: snow roads, $2,000; stones removed, if attention has not
dragging. *15,000: bridges. $4,500; already beim rived to the Natter.
culverts, $2,000; weeds. $2,000; drains. ' Ire motion, requestieg that the leo.
$1.000: grading, $3,200; is total of visions of sub -section seven of s.c•tiun
$105,700; machinery, new, $4,000; re- 39 of the Highways I» anroventent Act
pairs. $2.000: suprrintend.nee. 26900. of 1916 be not applied to Winglmin
Estimated receipts -•••1926 surplus. and H*nsall, we recommend that ate
$30,000; 2 mill levy, $91,793; special tion in this matter be deferred until
levy (per agreement), $1',11*: sundry December, as it will involve the ed-
reeeipts. $500; government's grant, justment of the agreements bets:etn
$116,410; total of $248,818. the municipalities and the county:.
Summary of estimated expenditures Re notion that the special levy on
--Construction, $116,121; m•dinten- Henan be not collected this year. ice
since,. $105.700; machinery. *6 OW 4`t- recommend that attune be deferred
The Count Council widening at Dunlop bridge, $500; road 82L ' Ke petition of ratepayers aIien-
Y 'No, 25, in the township of Colborne, Estimated surplus, $10.997.76. We Rall and vicinity that a road easterly
(Continued front page ..) 3% miles of reconstruction westerly recommenda county road levy of 2 from Hentall be re -incorporated in
tion and also the merits of the var- froze Young's creek, $9,500; Road No. mills to cover this proposed program, the county road system, we recnm-
ious townships to receive an addition- 25, Hullett and East Wawanosh The following committee reports mend that this road be included in
at mileage, and since these are roads townships, i% miles reconstruction were adopted: _ the bylaw to be forwarded to the
which have been struck raft the system easterly from Auburn, $3,000; Road County Property Committee hiwhways department for approver;!.
by the Highways Department, we re- No, 12, McKillop, 2 miles of recon-' We have impeded the jail and We again recommend that the up -
commend that a bylaw be passed re struction, Seaforth north, $7,500; found everything in splendid order, proval of this council be given to roux
assuring them, and submitted to the Road No, 1, Hullett, i4 mile comple- We visited the ('tildren'ae shelter commission to purchaee a power gra-
Department for approval and that the tion of 1920 work. $700; Road No. •22,aiYtl found four rhitdren being taken der if it is seen fit to do sc1,
final decision in the natter be left to East and West Wawanosh, nicking. vara of at present„ Re claim of Nicholas Hedley far
the Department. bottoms bridge. $850; Road No. '30, We recommend that a new roof b' damages to self and car ir>, an�ncei-
$2,500 to Be Spent on Retreatin,, Vic- Howiek, road construction at the Blind Alread oe shod• dent west of I.ucknova<. by agreement
torus St, and Part of Bayfield Road Lake, $2,000; Road No, 30, Howiek-t We visited the t(rres#rt' ARiee and with Bruce county. Horan is relieved
With Tarvia; $200 for Construction
Fordwich South, 33Se miles of recon- found rverythina nest and clean. of any reononsibilzty in this matter.
e z r
c on the. B u
e accident 'occurred asth a d t
Work on Gloucester T'erraea o .struction, $8,000; Road No. 21, Grey Wr inspert..,i the Court House and
and Wallace, east from west botan- founci evet•ythine ie first .ales older. section of the road, •
We recommend that the following dart' of Wallace, 1 mile $2.000; Road , t'4 a recommend tiset new chairs and Re motion that the petition of the
items of cangt;uctiou work er under- No 21, Turnberry and Morris, hat- desks ire r*heed in the Crown Attor- ratepayers of Fordwit h for R+»o t gin`•
taken: Road No, Gbdexicb, an provement of German's hill, ' 2200; ne••', rfftrr, ew� „' prpvements he given consideration,
Gloucester Terrace. ' grading, $200; Road. No, 21, Kjnlosa and West Wawa -1 \Ve t•na.A a (fns^d to nay i?ai• thy+ fit- we recommend that this be done,
Road No. 2, township of Colborne, Hash reconstruction Ii/z miles $0 500• abinr+a in the Surroeote Court Re motion that a guard fence be
onaerintendenee, $5,000. Total, 1232,• until December.
Madel -Theatre
V4 EEK • OF JUNE. 20 TO 25
in her,latest and utmost. There's a
note of sadness and a lot-otigladness
in this greet story of the' little Pari-
sign waif who came from nowhere.
"KIKI" ,
Wt strive to supply.oar many customers with exclusive
lines of
uality Merchandise
at Moderate . Prices
The following Merchandise you will i" id fully guarantee4. a
without equal at the price asked
Super'sil Hose at $1.50 per pair
Orient Hose, Full Felshioned $L95 pr. -
"Lavendeit' Line" Silk ° Lingerie
C. J. Grenier Corselettes and Girdles
.... , .95c to $8.441 ea'eh
"Lovers .Form" Corsets $4.95 to $21
l lhinty'ne's Knitted Suits
"Leonard's" .All Wool Underwear
95c to $3.50
Merwin Stohn's Imported Window
, .,:1, . A1'apes
Every woman admires beautiful Linen, We have lust re-
ceived a shipment of Irish Maderia and European hand
worked and "lain Limn.
uo ■
Road No, 21, Kinloss ,and West. Wawa- note until the work is completed oat- erected in the turn south of Fordwir'r qtr ^ ,
nosh, Dickie'' Hill improvement 51- isfactnrily to the county prone. h, we recommend that this he carried
500• Road•
No, 2. Ashfield cplveit committee, ° nut in connection with the const
south.. of Kintail, 3700; Road No. 2,1 We recommend that -tenders b ask-
Colborne culvert 1 mile north of Dun. cd for supplying coal for county; pier•. , Executive Committee
.lop, $850: Road No. 1. Blyth comple- 'poses. Re motion that a errant of 5150 ha ed paid, baster, • .t •p Mie end '1 ,a
tion of`Blvth bridge, $2,500; Road No iPlowmen'se ed Air Beattie, `seconded by I S n school i5 lto"�l•iin ,•
't t? < .la i%ennethac-
e g', mile Education Committee to the North Huron Moved by heppatdt ni b
i14, Association. we recommend that as a Mr. Backer, that the p p Y picnic at Slteppardton beach on ,at
'1 and little brother t 1
clerk's office be referred to the !trope?'- �lr, and stirs: Gt>o, t'ollinsan and
ty canuuittee, as it was under their! Mr:., 1"lturlov: lags re•turncd front fancily aif Kitttztil, spent Sunda of
oat.. r: • , A en r i ' P ' y
supervision that•the work was d Winnipeg and is lar am an (�t <i tate lattet's lareather's .Mr. Will Me -
of accounts were order %visit with her daughter, .Alts Will ,
Sow^rby'tt fevv days lnst.wee1;
this week.
uca ran o •pries So art coni- rumpatuec they fnrm(rs znothor
p, willo and Logan, - y'
swamp tvid(nina northerly from con Re motion that the county council g qj 00 b been.d they be tt be authorized to purchase the ~ } " 25 Everybody come and tae i e ro er, motored ut> from
Detroit and omen. Sunday unmet
'cession J2 $1000 Road Na 2K G e- take up the matter of settlement re ,„'ant o as made n t ee Pier, r ort ay Jung
,� t tomb sty at i.Z pt's- h d
r nether Red) Dun op oin property w , have ,t 'too time ,. •
Re mutton that n grant of cal
hand McKillop: completion of 142E coni- continuation school grants as provided
fi+"^n a' 00 be vided they can make suitable arrdngr- k ,, paternal Sao.,
struetion, 32,Oi10: Road No• 19. Grey for in Section 21, Chapter 78, se 0., - he Huth g Air. Will Foster, of Abernethy, n ter -
J ne meeting of the roan-. eigen t S •Huron Pltnvnten's menta for the upkeep of the same.—
ame. - :S:ask., left last tt•oek'°)n' Mutatrr?al 4uft tot,: rat easy to rradicute•.
#ownship. construction of two culverts a 1 }20, at the u >; r,Gnniatiar, rte rccnmmrnd that as but Hollcw;tv'.<: Corn R(zzu z wilt
north of McNnua ht', Statiotl,° l'r1,100, cit We recommend that this matter. �, ^
Road No. 35. Goddin oh taenia ", one ba deferred until the 'xleeember meet- v have poen granted $100, no fur- 2 ll frtentls an the. tutnity, draw them out Painlessly,
mile reconstruction c wester! from $neo when reports of continuation til"" r b made
4.$2ggi Rha IN " 'ci�oIs are in when of reports agree mot t
d' ` that oma more generous con- 1 homy of Alias Burrows on Sunday.
eph $9.000 Road No 33 Step d t be art
•Carried. atter spending a few " dayo with
Bylaws snaking a . t-nti'll levy fAr g , yi
general purposes and a ani levy
e, Me. W. Burrows of Stratford, and
under the Corn Borers' Act' a ATr, and Mrs, Pennabaker and. Miss
inspector n •Pennabaker. of Clinton, visited at the•
T•�gran. e
• ir+, '-at a errant iaf 6200 be for highway
purposes appotntan., cn
The Panama Canal was impossible►
'.Stanley and Haywnshi s 5t miles as per statements of Dr: Milne, we made to the Rod Cross Society, we until mosquitoes were killed, Enough
S p , �•-rn„•nt^a'�l that �G our d(ta"aatUro and making changes to the Highway
reronetr,aetaon northerly from bt, .Toe• ja vase s )nt,t •large,na rant re System were passed and the conned mosquitoes to infest a .whole neiztin
already boyhood can breed in an ordinary tin
e, sa gra ie gi adjourned, can. Mosquitoes spread disezise.'
They must be killed, Health author-
ities advocate fly -Tor. Fly-Tox is
the scientific insecticide developed at,
Mellon Institute of Industrial -Ile.
s'areh by Rex Fellowship. ins}s on,
Fly -Tex. It is safe, stainless, > ra;;-
rant;' sure. .Simple izi.etruetiona on . .
each bottle (blue label) for killing -
A LI. household insects. Easy to use.'
• 1 v < is a read y .n g !Mrs, Pennt,bal.er is staying a v •1
northerly from Greenway. '2% anile' I Re application for maintenance of 111°4e. t tl of Turkdr !art , her slater,
, r ,
construction, $8.000; Road. No. :). Iucknow continuation School {81,40.`nT A �egzwen ofpuaf i d} rat na
BLUE WATER GOLF' OPENING Last Friday evening the people of
' .E 'VIDOR with Hay', 1-2 mile reeonstructime at west 45). We recommend that this he paid ith r gate! a c n f `thea community gathered at the budge,
FLORENCE +,nn�, renurstinn the, sunt of , 52r,r' About fifty-five. players . particinat- ee Mr, and Mrs. Frank Hawkins to
C;LIVE BROOK . end and completion. of Hay ewaanp at the same time as other continuation tt, ,+ +a,^v },nv,a h�,t to env. we. reront-
widening, $5,000; Road No. $, 17:- school. grants, if verified and found ti h�. ,'o ,r tiro, br token. °d in the various contests at the Blue. express in a tangible way their good
in a riotous. comedy concerning a borne -Exeter Past, 2 ntil(s of reran- correct by*; the clerk. *wed t Water Golf and ;'nuntrt. Club opening
Re rronPat. of Mho,'` Carter. turn- wishes for the bride and Tlrnont by
beautiful girl wits had to conceal her struction. 5000x Read No. 7,HayGood Raacls:Cnninussian o �,1,,v v yesterday, and the winners of the presenting them 'with two leather
comeliness to save the man she loved. $ ' knr*. ^ recd secede tt con
ess was
and Bt(nh(n, widen}ne read onnostte 1 A s"coed �r rad third report of the m(nd that a !rims' of 2100 ho si,,>on. contests were is fctl}nt ; wixARd Chairs, and the );roam with a brass,
Good`Rnads Commission were as foie Re mete) that n arrant of 5$'000 be 'foursomes. Mrs, R. Lloyd and
Dote, ash tray. The following
"ii1.1MDI31iG It
.forth paving of ..the balance of• this
read on the north ,and south ends,_
Tap totviret$eafn'rti 7 to`eateriuto*nn.
: no-reemont and to have' the 50 per
r^nt.•rc•hstn arenmi'lato to annly, on
NORMAN KERRY and , t1,14 -•T rk. *4.000; Road No. 22, East
NO . mut R AN+ Wawannsb ,. , miles of re -
ANNE CORN\VAI.L 1 c--g-trn.-ttee southerly from conies
a smashing action drama laid in cion road' 10-11. ¢1,000;. Reid
the west; witri•`tt`rtzatTtttttic heart-throb Tasb'oa•,•�P. ^�-, l t;n", „f 1n20
' constrir+-
A n T+ nen. ..1
The climax is staged with ,;. .•; w ren. 1 **-
mit r-• n.,.. S t 1Z^.,, ?.
twist Th 1' t d thet`e" ei rl 7
lows: 'r•'+,en +•, n-,.ta,nf the follmvinm°hnspi- Knight, prize. G golf halls; wl es read by ladies Oral Finnegan:'
Re motion or detour roads, we re C(a arta anal putt .nn contest. i♦!`iss Olive Alien ; ,WP, your friends and neighboc•s true,
_K._..__- __.. _. t t<,. GndPrarh Clinton. , f
• ,. _. , ._. , . c onc(aled holo Afasr, Josan y aunrit rs: ' _ .
eommena'"that no, firrt7a a, grant L , ._,.,.,., w., ,•rrnn�^*Pmi f}a:,t a t,� r,nt - Hate. gathered. here .tauight,.-. _ _
made. as the County of Huron mono'. of 500 be given. In t n,nm;tt^ thl. entlomenrs driving cnntoc{. A, J, To .wish for you great,happineas
be expected to pay' for 4 a part of ,.,;, q o' 'nerod t,' read that 'c750 was MorKa• . nentlam•>n's Tutt ne can To make your future bright:
grants trade by the County of Bruce +- 'to, given each, •test, \\, -I3. I{ninht, rCiaA day tvkG
:ted the tntvnshin'af Kinloss. ' ' 1;n •o ant'on rierardinn . Solootio" fin( nr•i ''^rlr,,, h"r:' ' thns+ tar,. These chairs are ask vu s accept;
tl_ t 'n flt , contests wore present They are filled with wishes best.
Re motion that the department of , t' ' eeont no a g•a;nnt d 210'► ane r>* t e C If you will use them. every dit)
rm • r
highways be asked to eive greater <t- 1 a lr aclo-beet at7Ade mga yea alncnietyd and all hada good time.
n , —a—
• ? . Lour future will be. blest.--
tention to etreets leading to railway
no furtfi}r grant be mode. t• itrien
recommend that thio he l �I�FPp
stations, we j
great Pendleton.Roundnp as a back- done, xis theso streets are •of ininart- Re 'account of Ars: Emmerson and Ma•, need tics, TteJo' lei '4 and Ata,
We know the groom is fond of smokes
Finance Committee. . So, when you sit at ease,
God., Pt, .•.rten,nott of tar c,ttf,rct once in marketing ntoduce, and of •,rad M'.• ,T"c. lla�d(n anntmul to Will you use ibis bras; ash tray
around, „ tr^nr.+.,t,. a; ;1� T) ,41* rna(l meta', Taylor with ref(rPnce to attendance To' save the carpet, if you picas.",
^^ papaya! interest to the com Brussels on Wednesday.
"UNDER WESTERN SKIES" ped ',,,.,•„at,,,,,t of Victoria. street, though in some instances not leading on taatient in hosrital; we reconi}nrnd r So hetes congratulations--
BREEZY COMEDY' $9 Fr"1. Poon hTn.:1. 't'm•nherrv, "eeth reeds. that this be referred to. the warden Mrs. John . Nave ns, of Tt cher, dao, t neer happiness untold;
M o _ a few (lays with g
"DARE DEYII. DAISY" ","" ",• P ^1' dews en. ar�ui•, .
0 m t Si snit R d 'v' t4 (' t v,t d' t' b f 1 en hor•ne' rotmcil to be adiested, ter. Mrs, John Eoster. day
Matinee Sat, at &0 p,
Signed on behalf of yogi• neigbbrirs
•gad fri' nds, W. D. Ar•nc:,trcn ;;, 'L.
• f \t' , 1 •t f + . ,c• Red t" cane( we neeom "'rd clerk, to he taken 'on with the. Col spending May health and wealth tittetid l•our
tom. 1 Aa : n. - Gr -,n
n, -,;mon no' aC ten e a f
htn soath(rIv from Ethel ti,, mans i• RP motion that the department bp' Tha+ acentitoos sent in with 'refer- Mrs, Thor, Dougherty visited at ' As coming' years unfold.
ht 'Vacs Fd
Cont 1 .- "Nell Gwyn:' of reconstruction, 33.500; Road Vo.: petitioned to comrtete the pavement epee to expenditures on the couni•y the home of hes daughter, .
_ ..
. evening whirls vt t> omit in
,loyeci by all present.
c ard,t"and dancing was tern pestish en -
NEW BEkTTY WilifillOOL or
Mr. (t;, Glen io attendingthe, jury
JUNE 17th to
Washer, er, Bench and
any three, Premiums
You Choose
Bench Worth $ 7.50
3 Premiums $14.50
Total - - $22.00 THIS IS SHE NEW
Delivers the World Famous
Washer to your home -
52 weeks to pay
No Interest Added
ti.r, TTY
ger.' r) -r U D
FRE ! $22.00 Worth of Washer Equip -
meat Free with Every Washer.
�'-. - 1PAT7Y aii0S L,F717[;G)F'ep g,, , C_/a•:AC'A.
See our 'Washers on Demonstration at the old Dominion Store Stand on
West Street, or have one sent to your Own Hone for a FREE TRIAL
CHAS. C. LEE, Hardware
in Godo rich -t his week, . •
Mr. Goorrre Snell has been busy •isc•
last week ditching for Mr. Reg. Glen.
Dr. and Mrs, Graham, of Godrricia,
visited with the 5Iaedels on Sunday.
Diss. A. Y. Ilenderaon is en a shot
visit With her relatives here at pres-
ent. •
• -A number from here attended the
funeral of the late John Arthus on
Saturday. .
Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong and
daughter, visited the lady's father,
Mr. Mew, on • Sunday. •
Mr. Will Clark is busy these dia\•-
!`lowing with hit tractor for Mr.
Tornby•L•t;aib• at Dunlop, -
Mr. and Mn'i; Jos, Hayden, of Pmt •
Albert visited with Mr, and Mrs ',hit -
via McBride on Sunday. •
•Mr. John Treble to preparing. to -en-
large.. his ham by Several ft •t t'ith
cement f*.nndat on typal m;'nth.
Mr, Vert Young, of Goderich t..wn-
shill, visited with his uncle and (tont,
Mr, and Mrs. John Youn;',
Miss AIyrNAs1 ; hie,• sp •at th,. •
work -end tv.tla 'her fri nci. 'do Anraie-
►iilic•r, of t i 111 rir,,r l Telrplw,:g•.
Mr. and Mrs. Ellington and daut;u-
ter, Ruby, and grandson, Ross, visited
with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Beattie, near
Winclthrope on Sunday.
D1r. god, 'McGregor and mother,
Mrs. McGregor, Sr., also Mrs. Mur-•
dock McGregor and son, Gordon, visa-,
ited here on Sunday.
The court of revision mot on Tues.
flay in the township hall, also the
-regular tcawnship council. tvi1h the
reeve presiding and all metal1Pr5
Mr. 1). Crawford Was up frooz l)t
ova c' the week -end to see Mt rt.
Crawford and fancily, who aro et her
narezats' home, Mr, and Mrs. Allan
tr,' • ;tins McKenzie and • i'trrs,
Mary, sof Port Albert, and Miss Greet,,
of the Toronto General hospital staff.
visited with Mr. and Mr;.. C. A.
c'rtson on Sunday.
Mrs. J. Gallagher cc's suffering from
a very severely sprained ankle, hay•
int slipped en the cement floor lest
Wednesday. We hope tog tree Mrs.
Gallaglaer around soon.
Many mothers have toason to bless
Mot}u-r Graves' Worm }';r.tet :tin 'tor.
because it has relieved the little ones
of suffering and made them healthy.'
or Service and
1 .. e u tz St., Gederich
The S.u.e of LE,.f4idicn
''Phre 14;
1"r e C.. livery in Tow t
Air. ant Mrs. %17i11 Stc9d.•e we 1 '
Hewed! visitors on Sunday.
'tlr. N. l'c'iraon shipped hogs ft,ant
Maida t:atigan on Wednesday.
'lir;,, J,altn I.ratag spent Tuesday hi
Gnil01ieh with her daughter, Atli., G.
Mr. • Emcee Mitchell is intlar•,t inir,
his widen, e by a t c at of haeme past
We have a New .
to serve you with
It's in perfect condition
always. Try it.
Phone 116
illinery -
that is newest and
smartest in the Sum-
mer Hat in Shapes,
' 1VCaterial. and New
Miss MacVicar