HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1927-06-16, Page 44,414. Jr% sovi~tst aft ii 11-111 Wif4OPtiiele at BI Reductions =Ayes wq sr , *a*/ — 1"-41",' DRESSES in Willow Suiting°. checked and Piaimi, $4 so .1•:),ii; 8th.-. t. Gum* to willowy+. atii.30 No riostponensentt unless *greed to • by the s concerned. Ci to teamsepnlv chief umpire. ard FUGI SILK DRESSES, in all shades, toilisreci r $445team fancy trimmed, reduced from $7 and $8.95 to A iiimeateut:41Qtlinaeitiel Ruuminniz.goOvengtino all eases. " 17th—Desagesuee* at AshAAA tlhe4-9t. Selena at Aals " 240i—Denssaa1on Se. lielesto " 2Stke-Asislead at Deatersitette Girls' Grasp June et Hale's at Deutganison " llitive-Ashfield at Nile 1—Ab.W St. Helens " 14th—Nile at Dungennon " 17th--Insterameen at Ashfield " Ineth—Nie at $t. Helen* " 22ed—St. Helena at Ashfield 24th—Dungannoa at St. Helens " 27th—Nile at .A.shfield " einas—Aelifield t ounotamwn A New hipment of Dresses In flowered. checked or spotted georgette, over plain and figur. ed slips, trimmed with pleating or batiks. z====rm, The° balance of our Ladies', Misses' and Children's Spring AUBURN Mr. Gormley Thoinpeon attended a Masonic meetlet in Lucknow twit Thursday evening. Mr. Alfred Rollinson had his son, Murray. to Toronto • last week for inedicak treatment. Last Friday evening several of the Coats must be cleared out in order to make roma &sr our new' n'ittletr Zcigi.age attended a Summer Goods, and we are offering all these Coats at remark. Mr. Thomas .Tohnston. accompanied ably low prices. This is &zeal chance to accuse aipaiod 1. friend. took trip to St., Marys the former part of the week. date Coat at a very low price. Last. Tuesday 14r, ud Mrs. thierr Winmill. o Goderigh, called on old All Summer Hats ;acquaintances in the village. • Mr. George Rotatt took charge of om mail on R. R. No. 3 last Tuesday, $2.49 Mr. Dawson'haVing to go to erieli. I Lest Monday evening -Exeter play- ,. — ed the Auburn Baseball Club here, re- • suiting in favor of Exeter 7-4. - I Mr. and Sire. Farrow, of Mitchell. visited the narents of the latter in the village the'latter part of last week. Rev. Dr. Jame s Wilson. of Bramp- ton. aecompetiledlev his faniily, called on friends in this locality last week. IThe former part of the weak Mr. pnil Mr. Edgar 'Lawson were in Sea-, forth visiting the lattee's mother in Sea forth. Mr. W. T. Riddell was busy the latter ,part of 'Net week and the for- mer rea.rt of tthis moving" his house across• thCatreet. bire. Jaekson, of the West. is 'ye:he ing friends here at nresent. . She came to attend the funeral of her brother, the late Tcihn Arthur. 'Wednesday afternoon of this -we& the Orangemen of this locality had a picnic on the Oats of the river. Speee ehes and amusements for young and old. A very pleasant afternoon was spent. Several from the Village attended the dedicatory and opening services 'f the new Presbyterian church in Bluevale test Eunday. Dr. James Wilson, of Brampton, was the prin- cipal speaker. Messrs. George and F. ,Cowell and their wives were here last week at- tending the funeral of the late Sohn Arthur. 'brotherof the ladies. • They returned to their home in the- Soo the farmer5part, of this week. (From another correspondent) A carload of flour and feed is being unleaded at the station fax the Estrin - era' Club. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Pfeffer, of Kiteh: ener, renewed old'aequaintances here for a few days last week. Mrs. W, D. Wilson, an, old, resident of this locality. visited her daughter, Mrs. Geo, Hamilton, recently. Miss Alberta Osbaldeston, of Gode- rich, was the guest of her cousin, Miss Vernice Balt, last Sunday. Mr. Kneehtel. of Kitchener, and other friends, visited his daughter, Mr. Russel Shaw, over the week -end. A number from this vicinity attend, NI the supper and lecture given in the Westfield church last Thursday even- ing. • . Mrs. R. De Munro and children spent the week- et fiebringville with her sister, Mrs. Wm. &mussel.. Mr. Munro motoreddown on Seliday for them. . • Mi. Elwin Raithby, of thei. A..C.. was in Auburn during the week and came up again for Sunday, as his mother, Mrs -Geo. Itaithby, is very ill at present. The play, ,"The Old Oaken-Buek" prepared by the Women's Institute of this lattice, will be given at Zion, near Lucknow, on Tuetchty evening nnd tt Jamestown an Thursday evening.. - The W. M. S. of the church will serve tea in the basement. ,This or - "%Mutton is comprised of all the Sunday schools of the district and all interested in Sunday school work are invited to attend both seseione. On Monday, June 20th, the annual Sunday school convention of this dis- trict will be held..in Knox United thumb. Rev. Frank Langford will he the chief speaker eThere will be an afternoon and evening session, Next Sunday wilt be observed as Sunday School Day in Knox United thumb. Rev. Frank Langford, of Toronto, will speak, especially to th:,. children at the morning eessien. In the evening there will also be service, at which Mr. Langford will speak. Mr. Langford it an outstanding lig- ure in young peoplee work and has been field secretary of that work for a number of years, come and hear him and help the Sunday school along. The ball game between Exeter and Auburn played at Auburn on Monday. evening, resulted in a victory for Exeter 7 to 4. This, however, doe* not give a true picture of the game, Reduced horn $4.00 to $5.00 to --- montrommoemiiimmomonon NEW TIES for 'FATHERS' DAY BUY DAD A TIE MEN'S STRAW HATS We have a fine saged Men's Straw Hats in the season's !newest tihapes PHONE 418 A. CORNFIELD •P1.1°NE 418 • LADIES' and MEN'S WEAR " SHOP WHERE .YOU ARE INVITED TO SHOP." WEST SIDE OF SQUARE - GODERICH, ONT. as a ball tweak us Use first inning Save Exeter a five rya load, god float this eia it was a. roil ha geom. Anb- lore has gathered together a bums snappy *slyer* and by the end of the ' season, with a reasonable share of players' luk, they will write the ..isaree of Auburn on the beeieball map of Huron County. A partteularlY ne- J-iceable and pleasing feature of the „game was the sportsmanlike attitude of the players of both teams towards 'the umpire's decisions, and the epirit of god will and fair play shown lay the crowd. We enjoyed your viait, • Exeter, and look forward to your .not :type:trance. BASPALL th, Cauiek,rf; Weiir,-et; 'Xieardewri, 'Carter, J. Cowan, Alton, noble. If; lunnan, ab; Elehie, Ill; Sender- Giderieh Archer, Weir, Lannan, Carrick., Shear Nairn, - The Purities Lose at Exeter son, c; Eritzlese et- downAllieon, Hart, Duquette, Had - With most of the team playing, Allison relieved Eritzley in the den, GoldthoFpe. -way from home for the first bane eighth, Redden batted fax Shear - Score b innin s— is not to be wondered at that the Fur- down. Goldthorpe batted for Allison.. Y g 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 ities did not play upto form at Exe- Score by innings— Exeterc Auburn 0 4 I 2 0 0 0 2 0— 41 .........0 3 t 1 0 0 0 3 x— ter on Tuesday of last week, where' Gd h 0 * 2 1 2 0 3 1 x-13 they were beaten 7-1. A eteange Goderich :0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0-1 o Goderich S playing field, a strange crowd and a Goderich Beats „Auburn in a Liveleeaforth Unexpectedly Win from strange, Inpee in batting ability, all Battle Goderich—Seaforth 1, Goderich 4 helped to put Barlow's Pets on the In a gameLady Luck deserted the Purities crammed full with every- completely on Monday last when she rhea end tvi the count, but having ae. thing in baerball, both bad and good, kept one car load of players away cuetomed themselves to the lirt Nei Barlow's, pets emerged victors over fr?ni Seaforth till 6.45 and forced the strange couditions may be expected the Auburnites by a 13 to 9 count. It lotals to start with Nairn catching, that the other cause of the defeat is to be hoped that this game is the • no y za pttear also and that vitiory last a its kind, for it was terrible to Sanderson patrolling in the Centregarden while Weir watched first. will' he registered on the netari xvisit to watch d when not terrible it was The late start was all against the Beeter. • • comical. locals as they did not begin to ham - The .better team won on the night's Both teams had 211 off -day and it Alierhardt'e Offerings until the play, • Exeter's ability to hit when wee. Suet it matter of whieh team was eighth and then with -two runs in the hits were needed wax the one big lac- farthest gone. For a time it looked tying run 'perched on first and nobody tor in their getting seven runs. as if the local aggregation were going gone the game was called on account Fiiteley had them • gulelued 'during to hand thegame to Auburn but they of darkness. It was a tough game most of the game but they tore loose checked their generous streak anti fin- for the Parities to lose. but sudi is in the second and eighth to clout the ally livened up enough to win. life ---and they hope to make up for ball for three runs in each of these Wretched fielding end poor base -run- the reverse on their next trip away from home. Goldthorpe hurled for Barlow's pets and turned in a neat job but both he and Aberhardt a tough time cons vineing the umpire' that they were throwing strikes. The Purities hit better than they have done hereto- fore and perhaps this indicates a chance from their betting which has been all too evident co far. lest tnan fourteen of them were fan- blocked. Auburn were also weakened., The locals have two gemee next vied by Lawson and two of these Yen- as their star twirler,Tunnel of Blyth. twee *winging at the fatal No. with was an absentee and from the result week. They travel to litubura on Monday when the expect 'to have a the bases loaded.. Yes. girl The of the game the home crew should be eels plugged the tacks in two different thankful that he was not twirling. tough battle aa tlammt boys *ill be At full strength. 'Then on Wed - innings and the Exeter hoes °etre i The Purities opened the scoring riesday Exeter visite here for its firet worried but Laweon proved mentor early after having killed a first • in- league game, with the, locals Gode- on both i.ecasionis. This Lawson boy tint rally of' the visitors who loaded loch, and although so far the Exeter had speed to burn and in the dosing the seeks only to have Allison tighten excw have had the "Indian sign" on irtninr: used it freely and effectively en and fan -Carter for, the third out. Goderieh. it is exnerted that they will es in tlie.sitadows of the surrounding Elliott, lead-off man fax the locals, levee it was alniost irnpoesible to see fanned and Archer was safe oh Car- ,be surprised on Wednesday next, a fast ene coming toward,: the plate. ter's error. Nairn strolled and came ; League Standing The locale were unite delithted with home following Archer, when Weir the tivetntent received at Exeter and doubled to left. Doable now took over W . L Exeter. /“.eltve.o• ..... ...•4 4 0 ileelare Hint outside of loeitte the the hurling duties and was wild mls. thev !Ave no coritilaivo,1 to re - sing Duquette, Carrick and Sheer- Ge_etrieell , • .4 2 2 "'ler. Exeter is a peony bum and down, thus sending Weir home. Al- c'ealc'rt" Auburn 3 1 2 tee A fonowli— f•N'eit lnd lisan went out on a roller, Hert and 3 0. 3 le +toe We ere pot eeviess het nor- Elliott went out via the mime routo,1H u R pidesnynity youNG hang the last word of the nrevious catcher to first, Duquette scoring on sentence explains why the bell team Hart's out to make the fourth run. PEROAPolar3B scaSOPIDButit thinks Exeter is o.k. I Thi a half inning is *good 'simple of Exeter (7)—Medd, et; Anderson,'what went on during the battle end NORTH GROUP, NORTH DISTRICT es; Hinds, 2b: lAwson, p; L. True- 'goes to show how loopely the game 1, - Boys' Group man. 3b; Beavers, 3b; M. Trueman, was played. if; Yule, rf; Tttylor, e. I Auburn (9)e-Pateerson. W. Carter, June Sth—St. Helens at Dungannon irsaderielt (1)--Elllott, is; Arther, •Craig, F. Cook, R. Carter. Rus. " 13th—Ashfield at St. Helene frames. Aimee seemed to he nine; were the two weak points of blessed with more than their share of cub nine and there certainly was lots toed luelc, one, finding a con,?onient of lapserin both phases of the gatue. biding place in the long tress of a "Mike" 'Sanderson having Mopped very short right field, while another one of Fritzley's shoots at Exeter /dinned through a,email hole in left with his little linger, was unable to fence. These drives nrohablY play on Friday and Fritzley also de- -woold have been out on the local corated the bench, at he twisted his fiehl. However the Goderieh nine ankle trying to upset the Exeter were unable to connect at ail. No eatcher when the latter had the plate DnitNEF 1kt koorir or ('Tui( eine to sistoilsitt of wpm* a.4*Woo. jo.t os litre It *root 'Ng* i4111.11Mli 11= ale mom tesesee koolo-134* tow We,valortio• Mot.olo. toot ern!' detiCol.--jelookratti troOito def ot y Ow nrairt WS, sow, Mihr sod too, of loot sod .4.s1 onenikto of thoolt 1.444 kont. oomfoo too woo ItIltirroki hot Soto herd For k000lly,, POlotted fo• perfermaore. pl0000ll ot000lo.- 111..o.o4et he lino $(11.T Aal FOR F‘PI -It Pit 't . ski tkt pool ll000tgol,_Sot wit Notrlot (54Fht owl Ronal tarraikt Huron Motor Sales, Goderich Dasiers f atevroist, Ofskpoirills, illistasgisirt and G.M.C. Treat, ('larr•olet l7bI.i 1. otIFFoi ono. lot POWs. 1kt Soorct For lokkk lireroigt boo nor lotto •olot Canadot. • likooktoit • • MIS Tootios • SIMOIR 1'141 Coops . • Pia Gook • • 11'0411 Seem • *MIS tokotolog • 50511 tj�ditiI.4i. eon hourie461 Ulm • • • *TS Iltoodeott DAftvey . . . "IV Coopowook.1 hS,I• • • • moo 1.T.a Trask amok • • , 5445 Prig ei et 704 toy, hiirrt Comsat* loot Lam,. ClieVraet tstvokt History IANES I Moe Chl3re Reid is visiting her bro- ther,, Mr. Walter Alton. Mr. Jamee Lane visited friends in ed friends in Ripley one evening last ifrs.Wm. Baldwin is under the doe- ' , c( Myverrsr..David Hackett Elesherton for a few weeks. week. tor's care. We hope for a speedy re- • and Misey visit-,I e I A. large number from here wereAn Gederich to have a ride on the Grey. hound. Quite a number from here attend. ed the Webster pienic which was held I sn Lucknow o*Saturday. We are ;sorry to report the death of Miss Margaret Shackleton, which oc- curred in Winghani hospital last Wed- nesday night. Dr, R. L. and Mrs. Treleaven. of •Lucknow, and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Treleaven and tonally, of New YOrk, visited in the burg Sunday. Dr, Frank Thoirimeen and Mr. David Thompson, of Winnipeg, and Mrs, David Thompson: of Lucknow, visited at Mrs. DaVid Hackett's one day last week. Mr. Will Alton went over to De- troit via. Greyhound on Friday morn- winogr. .kHe go to. 'Chicago from to there in a few days continue his Dr. W. A. and lifrs. Hackett, of De- troit, Mich., motored over on Friday to attend' the funeral of their aunt. Mrs. Adam 'Thompsonewhich was held •"‘ Toilet Articles of Distinction We always carry a well assorted stock of dm Leading Coriatliari, American and French makes* FACE POWDERS cRFAms PERFUMES, COMPACTS TOILET wATE.as RATH SAI TS mirmi.a..........momp.ma........7amoommeo.—...u.momomiamarommam H. C. ' DUNLOP . THE REXALL DRUG STORE • BoolfordBlock . GOCIarich portant ••••••A.0••••AA•skel• THIS yew, oar 'Centennial Year, do not fail to keep your homes looking their hest by trimming up your Downs and walks, filling your flower beds with suitable plants by purchasing a few plants and sewing some seed. Next inn - portant step, a few Hanging o Baskets n the verandah, Win. dew Baskets and Verandah Boxes nicely filled, will make a vast difference in the' appear- itece elf your home. Make it so attractive that when - the Old Boys and Girls return this Aug- ust , they will feel sorry that -they ever - left Old Goderich All these extras added to your home can be furnished by - Geo. Stewart FLORIST I will be only too pleased to advise anyone what is hest to do. whether they purchase front me or not. from her son's, Mr. ROL Thompson's, Lucknow, on Friday afternoon. On their return to Detroit on Friday they were accompanied by Messrs. Caswell and Wilfred and 'bliss Millicent Hack- ett, who returned home on Monday on the Greyhound._ WESTFIELD Mr. Wm. McDowell is treating his house to a newcoat of paint. Mrs. J. Thompson, of Auburn, spent Sunday with her brother, Mr, Wm. Walden. Mrs. J. Killough and daughter, Ma- bel, visited or r Sunday ovith Mrs. Killough's dauher ma,Wm. 1elly, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Walsh visited at the hone of the fornier's sister, Mrs, Bert Carter, of Sunshine, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McDowell and Mr. Norman McDowell visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs; Brigham, of Lerideshoro, on Sunday. ° Mr. and Mrs. -W. F. CampbellfIliSe Winnifred and Mrs. J. N. 'Campbell, visited the latter's sister: Mrs. J. Tamblyn, of Londesboro, on Sunday. Wise and experienced ,motheri know when their children are troubled with worms and lose no tine in ap- plying Miller's Worm Powders, a. most effective vermifuge. It is abso- lute in clearing the system of worms and restoring those healthy conditions without which there can be no cotn, fort for the child, or hope of robust growth. It is a most trustworthy worm exterminatoh A hand-----6—.7.ta-inouth existence is best shown by a girl with a new engage- ment ring. It's Almost Over ONLY A FEW MORE DAYS AN11.THE E. C. ROBERTSON Jewelry Sale will be all over It's Your Last-Chalice Regardies't .6f Cost or Worth, All Lines'.haliVi;13.ien, Grouped into Lots. It's a Whirlwind finish to Goderich's First Large Jewelry Sale. You will find Bargains at every turn. We are giving EXTRA BARGAINS inDIAMONDS, WATCHES, CLOCKS;--- SILVERWARE, C UT - GLASS. DON'T MISS THIS WONDERFUL SALE E. C. ROBERTSON JEWELER GODE'RICH NEW 'LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR and DRYGOODS S 1 ( )RE • NEW adies' 4To-Wear —AND—kr DRYGOODS STORE WILL 13E OPENED IN GODERICH TURDAiN JUNE 18th, MR. M. SAUNDERS, of Toronto, wishes to arnouice to the people of Goderich and district that he will open a new 'Ladies' Ready -To -Wear and Dry Goods Store, in the McLEAN BLOCK, East Side of the Square, Goderich, on SATURDAY MORNING, JUNE 18th AT 9:00 O'CLOCK • 9 A new up-to-the.minute line of Ladies' and Misses' Coats and Dresses, Hosiery, Underwear, etc., as well as a general line of Dry- goociswillbecoarriedibefre n Alt the godswill stock. red at attractive urices during the opening days, ancl the people of Goderich and District are cordially invited to visit this new store. Many of the new goods will be shown in Goderich for' the first time. Come folks and save money. Our motto is good service, small. profits and big turnovers. Come in and convince yourselves, Th every person who makes a purchase during the open. ing days ws will give away free a handsome Souvenir. M. SAUNDERS WA NEW LAD( PROPRIETOR READY-TOMEAR *td DRYGOODS S FORE: Islffc10 RR TEM rri c) 0 rr; • s 1 • 1 41P